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"Aspectos sobre Preparacin de los Planos de Varada de Buques" |
"El curso relacionado con los Principales aspectos en la Preparacin de los Planos de Varadas de Buques, comprende tpicos que van desde la descripcin de los principales medios de varada, continua con las principales definiciones relacionadas con el rea de varada, la tecnologa de la cama tpica, los procedimientos para la elaboracin del plano correspondiente, cerrando con las verificaciones de cada actividad tcnica, la descripcin para los casos especiales de varada y por ltimo, las recomendaciones respectivas para que se logre el proceso con lo mximo de desempeo y certeza."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso Maya 2018: Formao Completa do Bsico ao Avanado." |
"Ol, seja muito bem vindo ao Curso Maya 2018: Formao Completa do Bsico ao Avanado.Somos um estdio com mais de 10 anos dedicado a criao de cursos na rea de programao, 3d, animao e criao de games, tanto para cursos online, quanto para escolas presenciais.Nesse curso voc vai aprender a utilizar os recursos do Autodesk Maya 2018, ds do zero at a produo e finalizao completa de um projeto.O curso contm 115 aulas e mais de 14 horas em videos prticos e direto ao assunto, divididos em 9 Mdulos.No primeiro mdulo vou mostrar tudo o que voc precisa para iniciar as produes no Maya a partir do zero.Vou mostrar os recursos da interface, como criar projetos, como utilizar atalhos, como personalizar e restaurar a vista do programa e outros recursos fundamentais para o sucesso de suas produes.O segundo mdulo o de Modelagem poligonal.Nele vou mostrar como criar objetos poligonais, tcnicas de modelagem, aplicao e personalizao de ferramentas poligonais para voc fazer seus prprios modelos no Maya 2018.O terceiro mdulo o de modelagem NURBS.Nele vou mostrar como criar e poersonalizar objetos NURBS, criao de curvs, e aplicao de tcnicas de modelagem NURBS com suas ferramentas, tanto para curvas quanto para objetos.O quarto mdulo o de Textura, nele vou mostrar como criar e personalizar texturas para seus projetos dando um aspecto realstico para as cenas seja ela para game, produo ou impresso.Noquinto mdulo, vou falar sobre mapeamento UV, essa uma et muito importante da produo onde definimos as coordenadas da aplicao das texturas nos modelos. Durante esse mdulo vamos mapear alguns elementos para ficar claro a aplicao desses recursos em produes.No sexto mdulo vou falar sobre iluminao e render, vou mostrar os recursos que voc precisa saber para iluminar corretamente suas cenas e como configurar o render corretamente para exportar imagens ou vdeos em alta resoluo.No Stimo mdulo vou falar sobre o Arnold Render, esse o render atual do Maya, vou mostrar como utilizar seus recursos de texturas, iluminao e as opes de configurao para um render final.No oitavo mdulo vou falar sobre animao, vou mostrar como funciona o processo de animao no Maya, marcao de keyframes, edio da animao e recursos de gerenciamento e reviso das animaes.No nono mdulo vamos unir todo o conhecimento adquirido durante o curso para criar uma pea do zero, passando pela modelagem, iluminao, mapeamento, textura, render e ps-produo. Todo o processo ser passado passo a passo para que voc entenda como funciona uma produo do inicio at o fim.Para fazer esse curso voc vai precisar de um computador, conhecimento prvio no Maya, que voc pode encontrar em nosso curso bsico de Maya ou em nosso site.Esse curso indicado a ilustradores, animadores, designers, ou qualquer artista que queira aprimorar suas tcnicas em criao de maquetes com Maya e vray.Te convido a fazer esse curso, e dominar do zero ao avanado oAutodesk Maya 2018."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Learn Maya 2018: Modeling a Motorcycle Cartoon." |
"Hello, and your are very Welcome to our course Maya 2018: Modelling a Motorcycle Cartoon,We are a creation studio, with more than 10 years of existence, dedicated to courses in the IT, animation and game design areas,We offer both online and in-class courses.In this course, the student will follow and learn about the production stages of a cartoon style motorcycle, from the modeling till the rendering and the exporting the final image, using both Maya 2018 and Arnold Render resources.First I'm going to show how to properly create and customize a project in Maya 2018,Next, we will learn how to import a reference image to the program, which will serve as a starting point for our modeling work,Once the image is loaded, we start the modeling of the motorcycle's exhaust pipe and during that stage, we will make use of several tools and polygon modeling techniques.Next, we start modeling the seat and the tank of the motorcycle, and for those items, I am going to use deformers and also create NURBS curves, which will help in the modeling process,After that, we start modeling the elements that will compose the motorcycle's engine, and we are going to learn about the Isolate and the Smooth Mesh features as well as other modeling techniques, in addition to the view customization settings.Next, I'm going to start the modeling of the motorcycle's tyre. Using some techniques and tools we are going to create an element that will give a more realistic appearance to our model,To wrap up the modeling stage we are going to create the headlights, the handle bars and a background to the scene.After the modeling stage is done, we will move to the lighting stage,The student will learn how to create a camera for the final render, as well as to create and configure all the lighting of the project, using the Arnold Render resources.After everything is ready, the student will learn to configure the parameters for the final render and also save the image in high-resolution.To follow this course, the students will need a computer, previous knowledge of Maya, which can be obtained in our Maya Basic Course, available here at Udemy, or in our website,Also, a lot of energy and some cups of coffee to help keep you going, right?This course is best suited for illustrators, animators, designers, or any other artist or professional that intends to sharpen their design and rendering skills in Maya 2018.I strongly recommend you to take this course, which will help you improve the quality of your productions in Autodesk Maya 2018."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Maya 2018: Modeling a Cartoon Ship." |
"Hello, welcome. And welcome to the Maya Course 2018: Modeling a Cartoon Ship. We are a studio with more than 10 years dedicated to the creation of courses in the area of programming, 3d, animation and creation of games, both for online courses and for school classrooms.In this course I will show you the entire production process of a cartoon style ship, from modelingto rendering and exporting a final image, using the Maya 2018 and Arnold Render features.First we will start modeling the ship's cabin through simple objects.I'll model the glass part of the cabin, and set a turbine on the back of the ship.Next you will learn how to add details into models by creating details in the central region of the ship's cabin.With the cabin models created and smoothed, I'm going to start modeling a second turbine for the ship.From this point, we will work with curves and the application of the NURBS tool and conversion of NURBS mesh to polygon.With the base structure of the turbine created I will add details in the mesh of it and create newelements to complement the model. With the template ready, I'll move on to the part of creating and setting up the scene lighting.Let's create a background for the scene and a camera for the final render.Next we'll create and configure all the project lighting using Arnold Render features.With everything ready, let's set up the final render parameters, render and save a high resolution image of our project.To do this course you will need a computer, previous knowledge in Maya, which you can find in our basicMaya course here at Udemy, or on our website.This course is intended for illustrators, animators, designers, or any artist who wants to enhance their techniques in creating and rendering models in Maya 2018.I invite you to take this course, and improve the quality of your productions in Autodesk Maya 2018."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Maya 2018: Modelando uma Nave Cartoon." |
"Ol, seja muito bem vindo, seja muito bem vinda ao Curso Maya 2018: Modelando uma Nave Cartoon.Somos um estdio com mais de 10 anos dedicado a criao de cursos na rea de programao, 3d, animao e criao de games, tanto para cursos online, quanto para escolas presenciais.Nesse curso vou mostrar todo o processo de produo de uma nave estilo cartoon, desde a modelagem at a renderizao e exportao de uma imagem final, utilizando os recursos do Maya 2018 e do Arnold Render.Primeiro vamos iniciar a modelagem da cabine da nave atravs de uma primitiva.Vou modelar a parte do vidro da cabine, e definir uma turbina na parte traseira da nave.Em seguida voc vai aprender como adicionar detalhes em modelos criando detalhes na regio central da cabine da nave.Com os modelos da cabine criados e suavizados, vou iniciar a modelagem de uma segunda turbina para a nave.A partir desse ponto, vamos trabalhar com curvas e aplicao de ferramenta NURBS e converso de malha NURBS em poligonal.Com a estrutura base da turbina criada vou adicionar detalhes na amalha dela e criar novos elementos para complementar o modelo.Com o modelo pronto, vou passar para a parte da criao e configurao da iluminao da cena.Vamos criar uma background para a cena e uma cmera para o render final.Em seguida vamos criar e configurar toda a iluminao do projeto, utilizando os recursos do Arnold Render.Com tudo pronto, vamos configurar os parmetros do render final e renderizar e salvar uma imagem em alta resoluo do nosso projeto.Para fazer esse curso voc vai precisar de um computador, conhecimento prvio no Maya, que voc pode encontrar em nosso curso bsico de Maya aqui na Udemy, ou em nosso site.Esse curso indicado a ilustradores, animadores, designers, ou qualquer artista que queira aprimorar suas tcnicas em criao e renderizao de modelos no Maya 2018.Te convido a fazer esse curso, e aprimorar a qualidade de suas produes no Autodesk Maya 2018."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Maya 2018: Modelando una Nave de Dibujos Animados." |
"Holay bienvenido. Bienvenidos al Curso Maya 2018: Modelando una nave decaricatura. Somos un estudio con ms de 10 aos dedicados a lacreacin de cursos en el rea de programacin, animacin en 3D, yen la creacin de juegos, tanto para cursos en lnea como paraaulas escolares.Eneste curso, te mostrar todo el proceso de produccin de una navede estilo de caricatura, desde la modelacin, hasta el renderizado yla exportacin de una imagen final, utilizando las caractersticasde Maya 2018 y herramientas de Arnold Render.Primerocomenzaremos a modelar la cabina de la nave con el uso de objetossimples. Modelar la parte de vidrio de la cabina y pondr unaturbina en la parte trasera de la nave. Ahora aprenderemos comoagregar detalles en los modelos, al crear detalles en la regincentral de la cabina de la nave.Yacon los modelos de la cabina creados y suavizados, voy a comenzar amodelar una segunda turbina para la nave. De aqu en adelante,trabajaremos con curvas y la aplicacin de la herramienta NURBS y laconversin de una malla NURBS a polgono.Conla estructura base de la turbina creada, voy a agregar detalles en lamalla y crear nuevos elementos para complementar el modelo. Con laplantilla lista, pasaremos a la parte de creacin y configuracinde la iluminacin de esta escena.Vamosa crear un fondo para la escena y una cmara para el renderizadofinal. A continuacin crearemos y configuraremos toda la iluminacindel proyecto utilizando las funciones de Arnold Render. Con todolisto, configuremos los parmetros finales de renderizado,rendericemos y guardemos una imagen de alta resolucin de nuestroproyecto.Pararealizar este curso necesitars una computadora, conocimiento previoen Maya, que puedes encontrar en nuestro curso bsico Maya que seubica aqu en Udemy, o en nuestro sitio web. Este curso estdirigido a ilustradores, animadores, diseadores o cualquier artistaque desee mejorar sus tcnicas para crear y renderizar modelos enMaya 2018.Losinvito a tomar este curso y mejorar la calidad de sus producciones enAutodesk Maya 2018.Quienesson la audiencia objetiva?Elcurso est dirigido a Diseadores de juegos, Generalistas 3D,Modeladores 3D, Diseadores, Elaboradores de juegos, Animadores,Usuarios de CAD, Diseadores de productos, Diseadores de Joyeray personas en general con un gran inters en el 3D y el Arte de unJuego."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Course Maya: Rigging with HumanIK." |
"Welcome to our course Maya: Rigging with HumanIK, We are a studio with more than 10 years dedicated to the making of courses in the areas of computer science, 3D, animation and game creation.In this course, you are going to learn how to use the resources of HumanIK to create a complete rigging structure and also skeleton manipulators for a biped character.First, you are going to import and set a character for the creation and rigging customization with HumanIK. You are going to create a skeleton and learn how to set both the position and the quantity of joints for the character.After creating and customization of the skeleton, you are going to learn how to attach that joint structure to the mesh of a character. With the skeleton attached to the character mesh, you are going to learn how to import animation clips to be used in your projects.In the end, those animations would be suitable to be exported or imported to game engines such as Unreal, Unity and others.To take up this course you will need a personal computer and some previous knowledge of Maya, which you will be able to get from our basic course of Maya, available at Udemy or in our website.This course is aimed at illustrators, animators, designers or any other individual or professional who wishes to improve their techniques in rigging creation in Maya. We highly recommend you to take this course, as it will surely contribute to improve the quality of your productions in Autodesk Maya."
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Course Maya and Vray: Complete Electronic Model." |
"Course Maya and Vray - Electronic Scale Model.In this course, the student will get familar with the complete flow involved in theproduction of real world scale models using Autodesk Maya.First, the student will start the production modeling a scene using a plan as areference. Next, were going to adjust the scale of the scene using the measurementresources of Maya.After the details of the scene are all set, we start modeling the pieces of furniture,such as sofa, table, picture frames, and others. By the end of this production stage, wewill obtain the image that is shown in the presentation of this course, and we will then beready to move to the illumination, materials creation and final render stages.The Course Maya and Vray - Electronic Scale Model (Vila Nova) is suitable for Game Designers,3D Generalists, Designers, Animators, CAD professionals, those involved in Jewelry Design andeveryone with a keen interest on 3D and Game Art."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Unreal e Maya: Criao de maquete do zero a publicao" |
"Ol, seja muito bem vindo ao Curso Unreal e Maya: Criao de maquete do zero a publicao.Somos um estdio com mais de 10 anos dedicado a criao de cursos na rea de programao, 3d, animao e criao de games, tanto para cursos online, quanto para escolas presenciais.Nesse curso voc vai aprender a criar modelos e maquetes para games ds do zero at a publicao utilizando o Maya e a Unreal Engine 4. O curso contm 51 aulas e mais de 6 horas em videos prticos e direto ao assunto, divididos em 10 Mdulos.No primeiro mdulo vou mostrar como criar e preparar os arquivos da forma correta para evitar perdas e erros durante a produo, tambm vou fazer algumas consideraes para que voc prossiga no curso de forma tranquila.No segundo mdulo vamos modelar o ambiente da maquete, vou mostrar como criar um projeto em escala real, falarei sobre unidades de medidas no maya, e como modelar o ambiente da forma correta para ser importado na Unreal Engine.No terceiro mdulo vamos modelar os mveis da maquete, vou mostrar tcnicas de modelagem e como preparar os modelos corretamente para que no ocorra erros ao importa-los na Unreal Engine.No quarto mdulo vou mostrar como voc pode utilizar modelos prontos mesmo sendo modelos do 3ds Max, vou mostrar como editar e ajustar possveis erros nesses modelos para serem utilizados em seus projetos.No quinto mdulo vou mapear e texturizar os objetos da maquete, essa uma etapa muito importante da produo, pois sem um mapeamento correto possvel ocorrer erros durante a compilao do level na Unreal Engine.No sexto mdulo vamos exportar, importar e montar a maquete modelada no Maya na Unreal, vou mostrar os possveis erros que ocorremdurante a importao e como corrigi-los.No stimo mdulo vamos criar e configurar a iluminao da maquete para deixar o ambiente com um aspecto mais realstico.No oitavo mdulo vamos criar as colises do ambiente e dos mveis da maquete criando os limites para o personagem.No nono mdulo vamos personalizar os materiais,refinar a iluminao e os recursos de ps-produo para finalizar e exportar a maquete.No decimo mdulo farei os ajustes finais na maquete e em seguida vou exportar o game para ser executado, assim o cliente poder testar a navegao na maquete em tempo real.Para fazer esse curso voc vai precisar somente de um computadorEsse curso indicado a ilustradores, animadores, gamedesigners, ou qualquer artista que queira criar games e maquetes interativas utilizando o Maya e a Unreal engine 4.Te convido a fazer esse curso e criar uma maquete do zero a publicao com Maya e Unreal Engine4."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Curso Unreal, Maya e Substance: Criando Assets para games." |
"Ol seja bem vindo ao curso Unreal, Maya e Substance Painter: Criando Assets para games.Nesse curso vou mostrar um fluxo de trabalho completo de integrao entre os programas para criar modelos low Poly com um aspecto realstico para games ou animaes.O curso indicado para artistas de todos os nveis de conhecimento ds de usurios iniciantes at artistas mais experientes.Ainda assim no se trata de um curso bsico, indicado um curso de Maya e Unreal Fundamental, isso vai ajudar nas suas produes.No primeiro mdulo vou falar do essencial sobre o Maya, os recursos de interface, manipulao de objetos, o essencial para finalizar o projeto proposto no curso.No segundo mdulo tambm vou fazer um breve resumo das principais ferramentas de modelagens do Maya, lembrando que no site temos cursos mais avanados de modelagem.No terceiro modulo vamos modelar o asset proposto para o curso utilizando tcnicas de modelagem poligonais, tudo ser explicado passo a passo.No quarto mdulo vamos falar o essencial de mapeamento UV para criar o mapeamento do modelo, sem o mapeamento a aplicao da textura no ficar correta.No quinto mdulo vou mostrar os recursos essenciais do Substance Painter, tambm no se trata de um curso fundamental completo de Substance Painter, vou mostrar os recursos necessrios para finalizarmos o projeto em criao. No sexto mdulo vamos criar o material para o modelo low poly dando um aspecto realstico ao asset, tudo ser bem explicado e passo a passo, assim voc poder criar outros modelos utilizando o mesmo fluxo de trabalho.No stimo mdulo vou mostrar como exportar os canais do material que criamos para serem montados na Unreal engine 4, ao final vamos testar o modelo em um level para verificar o resultado da produo."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"How to Learn Portuguese" |
"It is a course to learn how to speak and communicate in Portuguese, such as the vocabulary, how to ask questions, how to pronounce the words, and with the objective if you ever travel to Portugal, Angola, Brazil, or any other country where portuguese is the main language, you are able to ask directions or to communicate and understand what they say, if they do not speak your language."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Use Paypal" |
"This is a course about PayPal and PayPal Me, where you can understand how to create your account, how to use a PayPal account, how to add credit/debit card, how to create buttons and links to receive money from your business or individual stuff.You will have step-by-step videos, teaching you how to use the platform of PayPal and their website, until the very end, of using it. It teaches how to change details, to put more security, to change between credit and debit card, to create your first button to use in any website with HTML 5, how to create PayPal Me, and some useful tips.Please pay attention to each document given and to each video given, if necessary review them, and do it step by step, if for some reason you find some step missing something or their main website changed, please beware if it is the real thing, because it might be a fake website, and a website trying to scam you, so double check always if it is trustworthy and the real thing.I hope it helps you, to master PayPal!If you have any doubt or questions or even suggestions, feel free to make it, via DM.Have fun learning!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ser Um Bom Lder" |
"Este curso destinado a qualquer tipo de pessoa, tanto com bases a nvel de gesto e liderana, como queira aprender de raiz, com o intuito de se tornar um bom Gestor de Pessoas e ainda mais um Lder, seja de equipas, seja de Empresas e Organizaes, sabendo obter melhores resultados dos seus trabalhadores e funcionrios, aproveitando o capital humano e sendo um motivador dentro do clima de trabalho."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Write Faster: Writing 4,000 Words Per Hour or More" |
"In this course, you will learn how to become a faster writing by focusing on sprints, cutting out distractions, my top writing software tools and hacks, and how to make sure that you product top quality content at faster speeds.I use my background as a full-time freelance writer, PhD candidate, and blogger to help you implement my favorite tips for becoming a faster writer without sacrificing quality. You'll learn how I create 90,000+ words of content every single week for a variety of different purposes and audiences.Whether you're a student, a blogger, a freelance writer, an academic, or someone looking to write their first book, you probably are worried about having enough time to accomplish your writing.By focusing in on your writing time, you get the most out of it every single time.In this course, you'll get more than six years of my personal experience writing faster to help you knock out thousands of words with ease!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Complete Productivity Hacks: Master Time Management" |
"HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO GAIN MORE TIME IN YOUR DAY, EVERY DAY?Are you constantly wishing for more hours in your day? Does your life feel like an ongoing and sometimes imbalanced juggle of work, life, and family? Do you find that despite being this busy, you're still missing the mark on your big picture goals?So many people struggle with to do lists a mile long and conflicting demands on their time. As a serial entrepreneur running fourbusinesses, freelance writer, online course creator and Ph.D. candidate, I am no stranger to the stresses of mental and physical exhaustion and feelings of overwhelm.Designed for students, entrepreneurs, academics, and even parents who want to better utilize their time, this course is a culmination of everything I have learned in the last sevenyears.Optimizing your time and productivity requires blocking out distractions, being aware of the tools and applications that actually help you work more productively and setting up a workspace and structure that helps you reach your goals effectively on a regular basis.I have worked with dozens of one on one studentsall who have gotten back more time.. I know I can help you do this!With over 5,000 students and 10 courses across both Udemy and my other websites, my students love that I great right to the point and give helpful, practical tips you can implement right away.Gene said of my Write 4,000 Words Per Hour Course: ""Short and sweet course that teaches you how to write faster, giving you more time to work on more projects and earn more money.""This course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. Apply these tips and strategies in the way that I have taught it, and I guarantee that you will:Crush deadlines that you set for yourselfGet more done in less timeGrow your income earning potentialOvercome the stress and emotions that come with being run off your feetRegain hours in your day to take on new challenges and to do what you loveSo enroll today!You're going to learn the inside secrets of productivity from someone who has mastered the concept of time management to juggle multiple competing priorities at once. You will discover what tools, applications, and structures can help you achieve more in less time, giving you more opportunities to generate money, more time off to spend with your family and do the things you love. This course will focus on strategies that achieve the two pillars of productivity to enhance your efficiency while meeting deadlines when necessary.Ive personally tested these strategies in the running of my six-figure writing business and everyday life. If youre ready to crush those goals,enroll today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Agile Project Management Bootcamp: Agile Project Management" |
"[REQUIRED] Taking the Agile Crash Course before going through this Bootcamp. This Bootcamp has been designed to reinforce and strengthen your Agile skills via a set of practice tests that will test and strengthen your Agile knowledgeThis Agile Project Management Bootcamp course consists of a series of Sprints (practice tests) that will help you develop the Agile mindset. You'll go through exercises that will strengthen your Agile Project Management skills; this will allow you to hit the ground running on your Agile projects.This course if for:[REQUIRED] People who already took the Agile Crash CoursePeople who want to practice their Agile skillsAgilelists looking for an Agile refresherPeople who want to strengthen their Agile knowledgePeople who want to develop the mindset of an AgilelistPeople who want to apply what they learned in the Agile Crash CoursePeople who want to practice their Scrum skillsYou will learn to:Think like an AgilelistIdentify Agile concepts and principlesRecognize Agile mythsStrengthen your Agile vocabulary and mindsetWhat are the advantages of Agile Project Management?In Agile Project Management you deliver projects faster.Agile Project Management fosters an environment of constant collaboration, teamwork and focus on execution.In Agile Project Management you have direct input from your customer throughout the whole project.In Agile Project Management udemy you constantly reflect for improvement with sessions called Retrospectives.Agile Project Management shifts from traditional long documentation processes and long meetings to agile, lean processes, practices and rituals such as the daily standup. In Agile Project Management roles blur, meaning everyone can participate on different tasks regardless of whether it's their ""official"" role or not. For example, not only testers test, but others too (if the teams decides that).Agile Project Management udemy, allows you to focus on value and the minimum required working solution known as the MVP (Minimum Viable Product). So you apply a basic/yet really important concept all the time: keep it simple!!! Don't build a Ferrari if all you need is a skateboard!Visual boards (Kanbans) and reports (burn down charts), are a key part of Agile Project Management udemy. It allows everyone to stay on the same page and be able to understand speed of execution, areas of improvement and more.And there are many more advantages, but you'll learn more about that as you go through the course :)Does this course include an Agile Project Management Certification?Yes, you will receive an Agile Project Management Bootcamp Certification upon completion of this course (a Certificate of Completion which you can download as a pdf).Can I add this Agile Project Management Bootcamp Certification to my CV?Yes, of course! You can add this Agile Project Management Bootcamp Certification to your CV or Resume. I recommend you add it under a heading called ""Professional Development,"" then, just add the course title and year of completionPledge to All Students (both current & future students)Students First. I will never compromise your experience to make money. Never, ever. Yes, this is also a business but to me teaching goes way beyond making money. I already have a full time job and fortunately don't rely on teaching to survive. You are always at the forefront of my courses and I want to ensure you have a unique, valuable and memorable experience. I promise. 24x7x365 Support. You can contact me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round, even on holidays, Christmas and New Years Eve; I will get back to you quickly (in a few hours tops) and deliver outstanding quality of service in my support. I promise. Humbleness, kindness and social responsibility. I believe in giving back to you and the world. So think of me as your own real-life human ""Siri."" If you need advice or support just ask. And if I can do something to help you in your journey, I will. I promise.Australian Made. Recognized in the Industry as a symbol of quality and excellence. All my courses are Made in Australia with high tech and professionally edited. They also include my secret sauce: a lot of passion & love! I also apply in my courses everything I've learnt from years of experience working with technology, projects, entrepreneurs and people all over the world. I promise. Quality over Quantity. I will strive to make courses concise, to the point and relevant. Time is one of our most valuable assets and we need to invest it carefully. So I won't make a course long for the purpose of displaying it has more hours; only when strictly necessary. To me it's about quality and if I can deliver that in 5 minutes and save you time, I will. I promise."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Business Analysis Fundamentals Course + CERT" |
"[EXCLUSIVE] Double Degree, Badges & Community. Upon completing this course you will receive 2 Certificates of Completion and 5 Digital Badges including a BA Certified Digital Badge you can add to your CV, LinkedIn Profile or any other online profile & access to the most dynamic BA Community in the world. This Complete Business Analysis Fundamentals Course + CERTIFICATION includes everything you need to know to kick-start your career as a Business Analyst, from the key concepts to the most widely used tools and applications. Plus, even lectures on Job Opportunities and SalariesBusiness Analysis is an amazing field with tons of job opportunities across different sectors and industries. In this Business Analysis Certification course I will teach you the fundamentals of Business Analysis and how to apply them; plus how to develop into a Business Analyst, and finally how to maximize your chances of getting a job as a BA.__________ [PERKS] Course enrollment includes activities, handouts, quizzes, 1-on-1 expert support, LIFETIME access, free course updates and a lot more!What will you learn?Everything you need to know about Business AnalysisThe fundamentals and key concepts of Business AnalysisTools and techniques used by Business AnalystsHow to identify, group, prioritize and validate Business RequirementsWhere to find job opportunities for Business Analysts and how much a BA makesHow to kick-start your career as a BAThe characteristics & traits of a BA__________ Here is what you will receive with your enrollment:High-quality video lectures that explain the different terms and concepts with real world examples and applications. Downloadable handouts which you can use as a reference, study guide, cheat sheet and the go to resource on the job.Quizzes and activities that help you validate what you learnt and put it into practice to increase your information retention.1-on-1 expert Instructor support to answer your questions or clear up any confusion you might have.Lifetime access with no expiration so you can complete the course at your own pace, anywhere, on any device and come back for a refresher at any time.Free course updates so you can continue to benefit from enhancements made to this course.__________ Why take this course?You will become a Certified Business Analyst (you'll get a Certificate of Completion upon completing this course). You can add it to your CVIt was created by a Business Analysis expert with experience across different industries, countries and projectsIt's been designed from the ground up with a focus on Quality, not quantityThe course includes Free templates, Free tools and other FreebiesYou have nothing to lose. You're back by a 30 day money-back guarantee, no questions asked!It can lead to a fullfilling career with a great salaryJob opportunities for Business Analysts aboundBusiness Analysis is a really interesting field. No two days are alike, it's always exciting :)If you already made up your mind about taking this course just click on the ""Buy Now"" button at the top, right hand side. If not, keep reading about this Business Analysis Certification course udemy.__________ Why take this course and not another one?It's The Most Complete and Comprehensive Course on Business Analysis. Unique value propositionYou will get a ton of awesome Freebies, templates, real world examples and other resources to further your education, knowledge and experience.It was created by an expert in Business Analysis, who has worked on projects as a BA and has also managed and coached Business AnalystsIt was developed by the founder of The Business Analysis Knowledge Base (theBAKB)It was created by the author of The Mini Book of Agile, available on AmazonMy value proposition is unique (see below ""Pledge to All Students"")It includes free tools, free downloadable templates, real world examples, tips and freebiesYou will learn from a Business Analysis expert who applies this on a daily basis to his personal and professional projects.This course gets updated on a regular basis and you get all updates free for life! __________ What are people saying about this course?""Mauricio was a tremendous Udemy instructor. His course was excellent. Keep doing what you're doing- you're helping 100s of people this way. -Syed Taqvi""""Excellent! I will definitely benefit from these lessons -Patrice L. Shea""""I liked this course because it was very informative and to the point. I am new to BA and this course helped to understand the purpose and provided links for me to further educate myself to advance my career. -Cornelia Daniel""""Was already able to use many of the tips and suggestions in my daily workload. That's one of the things I love about the Udemy courses - I can almost always apply what I am learning in real time while I am working. -Donald Probst""""The course has been amazing. Mauricio has taken pains to explain in detail everything he has covered. Extremely impressed and learning a lot. -Obiajulu Amanchukwu""__________ How will this course help you?You will learn everything you need to know about Business AnalysisYou can add this Business Analysis Certification to your CVYou can start applying for job opportunities as a BA right after this courseI will train you, guide you and share all my insights about what you need to become an awesome Business AnalystYou will be able to kick-start your career in Business Analysis which can even lead to a position in ManagementYou will be able to confidently speak about Business AnalysisYou will be able to work on projects as a Business Analyst__________ Who is behind this course?An Engineer & Serial Entrepreneur with 2 MBAs who has played the role of Business Analyst in many projects and has vast experience in Business Analysis. He's had BAs report to him directly, has trained them, coached them and even lead recruitment process for the next Business Analysis star. He's approachable, knowledgeable and an expert in the field. When he's not leading projects or running one of his startups, he's either on family time or answering Business Analysis questions for people on Quora. He's also the founder of The Business Analysis Knowledge Base (theBAKB) & author of The Mini Book of Agile, available on Amazon.__________ This course is specifically for:Aspiring Business AnalystsThose looking to start a career in Business AnalysisThose looking for a career changePeople looking for a Business Analysis CertificationPeople looking for a Crash Course in Business AnalysisBusiness Analysts who are new to the positionThose interested in learning about the role of a BA and how they can become oneThis course is not suitable for:Experienced or Intermediate BAs. This course is for BeginnersPeople that prefer quantity over qualityPeople that like lengthy and theoretical explanationsPeople who aren't prepared to go through the entire course and take notesPeople who expect things to work out without any effort or preparationPeople who already have a lot of experience with Business Analysis and are more intermediate to advancedIf you think this course is for you, then go ahead and click Buy Now"" and we'll be in touch soon.__________ The FactsYou will learn Business Analysis! If you don't ask for a refund within 30 days.Business Analyts generally make between $70-$100k per year. Sometimes even more!Business Analysis is a career with thousands and thousands of job opportunities all over the world across all industries. __________ What are the advantages of Business Analysis?It's core to any BusinessIt allows you to identify improvement opportunities or issues and deliver innovative/value-driven solutionsIt can lead to career growthIt touches pretty much on every industry you can think of in any country in the worldIt's an interesting and engaging fieldYou get the opportunity to interact with people and business leaders on a daily basis__________ Does this course include a Business Analysis Certification?Yes, you will receive a Business Analysis Certification upon completion of this course (a Udemy Certificate of Completion which you can download as a pdf).Can I add this Business Analysis Certification to my CV?Yes, of course! You can add this Business Analysis Certification to your CV or Resume. I recommend you add it under a heading called ""Professional Development,"" then, just add the course title, year of completion and Udemy at the end.Does a Udemy Business Analysis Certification have any value in the real world?Of course it does! Even though Udemy is not a University and does not provide ""accredited"" certifications (like the one you would get from a University), Udemy is the most important online education platform in the modern world with over 40 Million users worldwide. So it definitely carries weight and is increasingly becoming recognized worldwide. So rest assured adding this Business Analysis Certification to your CV increases your probability of getting that dream job in Business Analysis.__________ What's New (Latest Course Updates)General improvements and enhancementsAdded new toolsAdded new templates__________ Pledge to All Students (both current & future students)Students First. I will never compromise your experience to make money. Never, ever. Yes, this is also a business but to me teaching goes way beyond making money. I already have a full time job and fortunately don't rely on teaching to survive. You are always at the forefront of my courses and I want to ensure you have a unique, valuable and memorable experience. I promise. 24x7x365 Support. You can contact me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round, even on holidays, Christmas and New Years Eve; I will get back to you quickly (in a few hours tops) and deliver outstanding quality of service in my support. I promise. Humbleness, kindness and social responsibility. I believe in giving back to you and the world. So think of me as your own real-life human ""Siri."" If you need advice or support just ask. And if I can do something to help you in your journey, I will. I promise.Australian Made. Recognized in the Industry as a symbol of quality and excellence. All my courses are Made in Australia with high tech and professionally edited. They also include my secret sauce: a lot of passion & love! I also apply in my courses everything I've learnt from years of experience working with technology, projects, entrepreneurs and people all over the world. I promise. Quality over Quantity. I will strive to make courses concise, to the point and relevant. Time is one of our most valuable assets and we need to invest it carefully. So I won't make a course long for the purpose of displaying it has more hours; only when strictly necessary. To me it's about quality and if I can deliver that in 5 minutes and save you time, I will. I promise."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"gil: Curso Express de gil Gestin de Proyectos gil" |
"Nota: Este curso tiene subttulos en espaol, audio y recursos en ingls.Piense en este curso como gil para Bobos o gil para cualquiera y gil para todos. Este curso de Udemy gil le permitir el dominar los conceptos ms importantes y herramientas de Desarrollo gil, Entrega de Proyecto gil y Gestin de Proyectos gil.Este Curso Express gil ha sido diseado para facilitarle el convertirse en gil de la forma gil, en menos de una hora! Usted se certificar en gil cuando usted termine este curso (usted obtendr un certificado al finalizar) y aprender de un Experto gil y Gerente de Proyecto experto.Qu aprender? Los conceptos claves y herramientas de Desarrollo gil, Entrega de Proyecto gil y Gestin de Negocios gil. El significado de historias de usuarios, sesiones diarias de pie, retrospectivas y tableros Kanban. Cmo aplicar gil en su trabajo y proyectos. La diferencia entre gil y la entrega de proyectos tradicional. Los beneficios y ventajas de gil. Porqu gil es la metodologa preferida en el mundo moderno. Acerca de la historia de gil. Porqu gil no es solo para Desarrolladores. Porqu gil no es solo para proyectos de TI.Cmo usar gil para entregar rpidamente y a menudo.Por qu tomar este curso? Se certificar en gil (recibir un certificado al finalizar) Usted obtendr increbles artculos gratuitos, incluyendo acceso a 2 Cursos gil Gratuitos de dos universidades lderes en el mundo, una en Zrich, Suiza y la otra en Virginia, Estados Unidos. Compartir con usted la Mejor Herramienta Gratuita para Administrar sus Proyectos gil. Usted estar preparado para aplicar gil a sus proyectos. Usted ser capaz de hablar sobre gil con confianza. Usted entender la diferenca entre gil y otras metodologas. Usted aprender de un Maestro gil y experto gil quienes aplican gil diariamente. Usted aprender por qu gil no es solamente para proyectos de TI o Tcnicos, sino de hecho aplicado a travs de muchas industrias alrededor del mundo. Es corto, efectivo y prctico. Piense en este curso como gil resumido. Ha sido desarrollado desde abajo hacia arriba con un enfoque en calidad. Ustedes obtendrn herramientas y tips que les encantarn. Es valor por dinero. Usted gastar una pequea cantidad, pero ganar mucho conocimiento. No tiene nada que perder, usted est protegido por una garanta o la devolucin de su dinero en 30 das! Usted obtendr noticias anticipadas sobre todos mis cursos futuros.Usted obtendr una Certificacin en Gestin de Proyectos gil cuando termine el curso.Si usted ya se ha decidido sobre tomar este curso, solo haga clic en el botn de Comprar Ahora que est en la parte de arriba a la derechaDe lo contrario, siga leyendo sobre este curso gil de Udemy.Por qu tomar este curso y no otro? Es un Curso Express.As que nada de basura, nada para inflarlo, solo lo mejor :) Es un curso DE LOS MEJOR VENDIDOS, as que compre con confianza. No es coincidencia que muchas personas lo compren. Fue creado por el fundador de Base de Conocimientos gil(AgileKB punto com). Mi proposicin de valor es nica(ver abajo mi ""Compromiso con Todos los Estudiantes""). Viene con Subttulos(subttulos enEspaol). Incluye herramientas gratuitas,plantillas gratuitas descargables, ejemplos del mundo real, tips y artculos gratuitos. Usted aprender de un experto gilquien aplica esto de manera diaria a sus proyectos personales y profesionales. Tiene una comunidad activa de Preguntas y Respuestas con preguntas de la vida real de otros estudiantes. Siempre respondidas por nuestro instructor experto. Este curso es actualizado diariamentey usted recibir todas las actualizaciones gratis de por vida!Cmo le ayudar esto? Usted ser capaz de entregar proyectos, productos y aplicaciones de manera rpida y a menudo, de la forma gil! Usted ir completamente preparado para un trabajo que requiera conocimiento en gil. Usted se sentir ms confiado sobre gil y cmo aplicarlo. Usted ser capaz de agregar ste a su CV (solo colquelo bajo Curso Express de Desarrollo Profesional gil, Udemy y el Ao de Finalizacin). Esto le ayudar a conseguir ms trabajos! Lo que usted aprender lo har ms efectivo y exitoso :) Despus de finalizado este curso usted recibir una Certificacin de Gestin de Proyectos gil.Quin est detrs de este curso?Un Experto gily empresario en serie, informtico, hacker de vida, Gerente de Proyectos experto y Maestro en Administracin de Negocios (x2).Este curso es especficamente para: Personas que quieren aprender sobre gil. Principiantes, personas sin experiencia gil o conocimientos. Personas que han escuchado las palabras historias de usuarios, cartera de pedidos, retrospectivas, carreras cortas maestro de scrum, dueo de producto, PMV, carriles de nado, tablero de Kanban, etc. y se preguntaban lo que significaba. Desarrolladores, Gerentes de Proyectos, Analistas de Negocios, Arquitectos de Soluciones, Arquitectos Empresariales, Administradores de Bases de Datos y bsicamente cualquier persona interesada en aprender gil. Personas quienes quieran aprender sobre una metodologa emocionante, Personas con una mente abierta y disposicin para aprender. Personas capaces de tomar notas y aplicar los conceptos y herramientas proporcionados en este curso. Personas que piensan que una entrega de Proyecto tradicional toma mucho tiempo y quieren explorar otras opciones. Personas que quieren aprender sobre la Metodologa ms importante y popular de gil: SCRUM. Instructores Udemy quienes quieren lanzar cursos ms rpidamente, de la forma gil! Personas que quieran obtener una Certificacin de Gestin de Proyectos gil.Este curso no es adecuado para:Personas que prefieran cantidad sobre calidad. Personas que les gustan las explicaciones largas y tericas. Personas quienes no estn preparadas para recorrer todo el curso y tomar notas. Personas que esperan que las cosas se resuelvan sin esfuerzo alguno o preparacin. Personas quienes ya tengan mucha experiencia con gil y que sean ms intermedias a avanzadas. Personas quienes quieran aprender sobre metodologas menos populares de gil tales como Programacin Extrema (XP).Si usted piensa que este curso es el adecuado para usted, entonces adelante y haga clic enComprar Ahora""y estaremos en contacto pronto.Los Hechos Usted aprender gil! Si usted no pide un reembolso dentro de los 30 das. gil es actualmente la opcin de entrega preferida en proyectos de tecnologa y entornos alrededor del mundo. Sin embargo, gil no es solo para TI! gil le permitir entregar proyectos, productos y aplicaciones rpida y frecuentemente. gil es la palabra clave y una tendencia mundial. Ms y ms personas quieren aprender gil cada da en el mundo. gil no es perfecta y no resolver todos sus problemas. Pero le dar un panorama y enfoques distintos para administrarlos. gil no es adecuado para todos los proyectos, pero s lo es para muchos. Conocer sobre gil le permitir el lograr ms trabajos y este curso gil de Udemy le ayudar a prepararse. Usted disfrutar este curso gil de Udemy, aqu hay algunos ejemplos de lo que la gente dice sobre l:""Este curso tiene un estilo conversacional interesante e incluye ejemplos tiles, imgenes y explicaciones. He tomado otros cursos gil, y hasta ahora considero que este me ha sido de mayor valor, realmente ayudndome a ver cmo puedo aplicar el enfoque gil en el mundo real (y no slo para proyectos de TI). Con gusto recomiendo este curso a otros. -Paul Tousignant""""El curso fue simple y muy informativo, as como asequible! Yo lo recomendara a aquellos interesados en el tema. -Rod Cano""""Tuve una gran entrevista desde el principio. Tambin reduce explicaciones a lenguaje claro y preciso con buenos ejemplos, p.e. me encanta el ejemplo de patineta a auto. -Elizabeth Van Rij""""Me encantan los ejemplos prcticos los cuales quedaron impresos en mi cabeza y ahora quiero hablar con mis colegas sobre esto Me encanta! -Madhuchhanda Pradhan""Cules son las ventajas de la Gestin de Proyectos gil?En Gestin de Proyectos gil, usted entrega los proyectos ms rpido. La Gestin de Proyectos gil fomenta un entorno de colaboracin constante, trabajo en equipo y enfoque a la ejecucin. En Gestin de Proyectos gil usted tiene retroalimentacin de su cliente durante todo el proyecto. En Gestin de Proyectos gil Udemy usted constantemente reflexiona para mejorar con sesiones llamadas Retrospectivas. La Gestin de Proyectos gil va de procesos de documentacin tradicionales a procesos largos de documentacin y de largas reuniones hacia giles, simplificados procesos, prcticas y rituales tales como la puesta de pie diaria. En la Gestin de Proyectos gil los roles se ven difusos, lo que significa que todos pueden participar en otras tareas sin importar si es su rol oficial o no. Por ejemplo, no solo los evaluadores pueden probar, sino otros tambin (si el equipo decide eso). La Gestin de Proyectos gil Udemy, le permite enfocarse en el valor y la solucin de funcionamiento mnima requerida conocida como PMV (Producto Mnimo Viable). As que ustedes aplican un concepto bsico/aunque muy importante todo el tiempo: mantnganlo simple!!! No construya un Ferrari si todo lo que necesita es una patineta! Tableros visuales (Kanban) y reportes (grficas para quemarse), son una clave de la Gestin de Proyectos gil Udemy. Le permite a todos el permanecer en la misma pgina y ser capaces en entender la velocidad de la ejecucin, reas de mejora y ms. Y hay muchas ms ventajas, pero ustedes aprendern ms sobre eso conforme vayan avanzando en el curso :)Incluye este curso una Certificacin de Proyecto gil? S, usted recibir una Certificacin de Gestin de Proyecto gil al finalizar este curso (un Certificado de Finalizacin que pueden descargar como PDF).Puedo agregar esta Certificacin de Gestin de Proyectos gil a mi hoja de vida? S, por supuesto! Ustedes pueden agregar esta Certificacin de Gestin de Proyectos gil a su hoja de vida o currculum. Le recomiendo que lo agregue bajo el encabezado llamado, Desarrollo Profesional, despus solo agregue el ttulo del curso, ao de trmino y Udemy al final.Tiene una Certificacin en Gestin de Proyectos gil Udemy algn valor en el mundo real? Por supuesto! Aun cuando Udemy no sea una Universidad y no proporcione certificaciones acreditadas (como la que usted recibira de una Universidad), Udemy es la plataforma de educacin en lnea ms importante en el mundo moderno con ms de 15 millones de usuarios alrededor del mundo. As que definitivamente tiene peso y est siendo cada vez ms reconocido en el mundo entero. As que pueden estar tranquilos que el agregar esta Certificacin de Gestin de Proyectos gil a su hoja de vida aumenta su probabilidad de obtener ese trabajo soado en la Gestin de Proyectos o entorno gil.Entre en mi saln de clases y comience a aprender sobre gil ahora. Usted aprender sobre poderosas herramientas y conceptos que le permitirn ser ms exitoso en sus proyectos.Iremos ms all de la definicin de gil, desde rituales y herramientas, conceptos, ejemplos y reflejos. As que tome el curso ahora para aprender lo que todo esto significa con ms detalle y como lo puede aplicar para convertirse en un Agilista.As que, si ustedes an no lo hacen, hagan clic en Comprar Ahora en este momento! OQu es lo que estn esperando? Notas de ProduccinEste curso fue desarrollado en la forma gil, en menos de 50 horas! El proceso de creacin involucr un nivel alto de atencin a detalles y un enfoque en calidad. La primera iteracin de este curso fue un ejemplo viviente de un Concepto gil: el PMV o Producto Mnimo Viable.Nota: Este curso tiene subttulos en espaol, audio y recursos en ingls.El Compromiso con Todos Nuestros Estudiantes(tanto actuales como futuros estudiantes) Los Estudiantes Primero. Yo nunca pondr en riesgo su experiencia para hacer dinero. Nunca. S, esto tambin es un negocio, pero para m el ensear va ms all de hacer dinero. Yo ya tengo un trabajo de tiempo completo y afortunadamente no dependo en la enseanza para sobrevivir. Ustedes estn siempre a la cabeza de mis cursos y yo quiero asegurar que ustedes tengan una experiencia nica, valiosa y memorable. Se los prometo. Soporte 24x7x365.Ustedes me pueden contactar 24 horas al da, 7 das a la semana, durante todo el ao, aun en vacaciones, Navidad y Ao Nuevo; les regresar la llamada rpidamente (como mximo dentro de unas cuantas horas) y entregar una calidad extraordinaria de servicio de mi soporte. Se los prometo. Humildad, amabilidad y responsabilidad social.Creo en regresar algo al mundo y a ustedes. As que considrenme su propio Siri humano. Si usted necesita consejo o soporte solamente pdalo. Y si yo puedo hacer algo para ayudarle en su viaje, lo har. Se los prometo. Hecho en Australia.Reconocido en la industria como un smbolo de calidad y excelencia. Todos mis cursos estn hechos en Australia con alta tecnologa y editados profesionalmente. Tambin incluyen mi salsa secreta: mucha pasin y amor! Tambin aplico en mis cursos todo lo que he aprendido de aos de experiencia trabajando con tecnologa, proyectos, empresarios y personas de todo el mundo. Se los prometo. Calidad sobre Cantidad. Me esforzar en hacer cursos que sean concisos, al grano y relevantes. El tiempo es uno de nuestros activos ms valiosos y necesitamos invertirlo cuidadosamente. As que, no crear un curso largo con el objetivo de anunciarlo como de ms horas; solamente cuando sea estrictamente necesario. Para m, se trata de calidad y si puedo entregar eso en 5 minutos y ahorrarle tiempo, lo har. Se los prometo. Es usted una Sin Fines de Lucro o Institucin de Caridad ayudando al mundo? Fantstico! El mundo necesita ms personas como usted. Sigan con su buen trabajo y djenme saber cmo es que les puedo ayudar. Para comenzar, pnganse en contacto conmigo para desbloquear el acceso gratuito a todos mis cursos. Slo envenme un mensaje privado y se los solucionar a usted y a su equipo."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Agile Grundlagen: Agile Projektmanagement; Agile Lieferung" |
"Hinweis: Dieser Kurs enthlt deutsche Untertitel, Audio, Vorlagen, Anhnge und andere Ressourcen in englischer Sprache.Verstehen Sie diesen Kurs als Agile fr Dummies (oder: Agile fr Alle und Jeden). Dieser Agile Kurs zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie mit den wichtigsten Konzepten und Tools in Agile Development, Agile Project Delivery & Agile Project Management umgehen.Dieser Agile Crash-Kurs wurde gemacht, um Sie in weniger al seiner Stunde Agile zu machen auf die Agile Art. Sie warden Agile ausgezeichnet wenn Sie den Kurs abschliessen (Sie erhalten bei Abschluss ein Zertifikat) und Sie lernen von einem Agile Master und Projektmanagementexperten.Was werden Sie lernen?Die Schlsselkonzepte und Tools von Agile Development, Agile Project Delivery and Agile Project Management. Die Bedeutung von user stories, daily stand-ups, retrospectives und kanban boards. Wie Sie Agile in Ihrem Job und Ihen Projekten anwenden. Den Unterschied zwischen Agile und herkmmlicher Projektabgabe. Die Vorteile von Agile. Warum Agile die bevorzugte Entwickungsmethodik der modernen Welt ist. Etwas ber die Geschichte von Agile. Warum Agile nicht nur fr Entwickler geeignet ist. Warum Agile nicht nur fr IT Projekte geeignet ist. Wie Sie Agile verwenden um schnell und oft abliefern zu knnen. Wie Sie Agile verwenden um aus Ihren Fehlern zu lernen.Wieso Sie diesen Kurs absolvieren sollten? Sie warden Agile ausgezeichnet (Sie erhalten ein Zertifikat nach Abschluss) Sie erhalten eine Menge groartiger Werbegeschenke, Vorlagen, Beispiele aus der Praxis und andere Ressourcen, um Ihre Ausbildung, Ihr Wissen und Ihre Erfahrung zu frdern. Ich teile mit Ihnen das beste Free-Tool um Ihre Agile Projekte zu managen. Sie werden darauf vorbereitet Agile in Ihren Projekten anzuwenden. Sie werden in der Lage sein selbstbewusst ber Agile zu sprechen. Sie werden den Unterschied zwischen Agile und anderen Methodiken verstehen. Sie werden von einem Agile Master und Agile Experten lernen, wie Sie Agile auf einer tglichen Ebene verwenden. Sie werden lernen, warum Agile nicht nur fr IT oder Tech Projekte geeignet ist, und dass es sogar in vielen Branchen auf der ganzen Welt verwendet wird. Er ist kurz, effektiv und praktisch. Dieser Kurs ist Agile in aller Krze. Er wurde von Grund auf mit einem Fokus auf Qualitt entwickelt. Sie werden Tools und Tipps erhalten, die Sie lieben werden. Er ist Nutzen gegen Geld. Sie bezahlen einen kleinen Betrag aber erhalten eine Menge Wissen. Sie haben nichts zu verlieren. Sie haben die Sicherheit einer 30 Tage Geld-Zurck-Garantie. Sie erhalten den Insider-Blick auf alle meine zuknftigen Kurse. Sie erhalten ein Agile Project Management Zertifikat, wenn sie den Kurs abschliessen.Wenn Sie sich schon dazu entschieden haben, den Kurs zu belegen, dann klicken Sie jetzt auf den Jetzt Kaufen-Button rechts oben. Wenn nicht, dann lesen Sie noch weiter ber die Vorteile von diesem Agile Kurs.Warum Sie diesen Kurs nehmen sollten und keinen anderen?Es ist ein Crashkurs. Keine unntigen Ausschweifungen. Nur das Beste. Der Kurs ist ein BESTSELLER. Kaufen auch Sie den Kurs. Es ist kein Zufall, dass schon so viele Leute teilgenommen haben. Der Kurs wurde vom Grnder der Agile Knowledge Base (AgileKb dot com) erstellt. Mein Nutzenversprechen ist einzigartig (siehe unten bei Versprechen an alle Studierenden) Es gibt Untertitel. Er beinhalten kostenlose Tools, Templates zum freien Download, echte Beispiele, Tipps und Freebies Sie werden dabei von einem Agile Experten lernen, der Agile jeden Tag in seinem persnlichen und beruflichen Projekten einsetzt. Der Kurs hat eine active Q&A Community mit Fragen von anderen Studierenden. Immer von Ihrem Experten-Dozenten beantwortet. Dieser Kurs wird regelmssig geupdated und Sie erhalten alle Updates kostenlos, auf Lebenszeit.Wie wird Ihnen das weiterhelfen?Sie werden Projekte, Produkte und Apps oft und schnell abliefern knnen auf die Agile Art. Sie werden vollstndig auf Jobs vorbereitet, die Agile Kenntnisse vorraussetzen. Sie werden selbstbewusst mit Agile und seiner Anwendung umgehen knnen. Sie werden den Kurs in ihren Lebenslauf einfgen (einfach unter Professional Development: Agile Crash-Kurs, Udemy und Abschlussjahr angeben). Das wird Ihnen dabei helfen mehr Jobs zu landen. Was Sie lernen werden wird Sie effektiv und erfolgreich machen :) Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses erhalten Sie ein Agile Project Management Zertifikat.Wer steckt hinter diesem Kurs? Ein Agile-Experte und mehrfacher Entrepreneur, Techie, Life Hacker, Projektmanagementexperte und MBA (x2) Dieser Kurs richtet sich speziell an:Menschen, die etwas ber Agile lernen wollen. Anfnger, Menschen ohne Agile Kenntnisse oder Erfahrung. Menschen, die die Wrter ""user stories,"" ""backlog,"" ""retrospectives,"" ""sprints,"" ""scrum master,"" ""product owner,"" ""MVP,"" ""swim lanes,"" ""kanban board,"" etc. gehrt haben und sich fragen, was diese bedeuten. Entwickler, Projektmanager, Wirtschaftsanalytiker, Solution Architects, Enterprise Architects, Datenbankenverwalter und Jeder, der an Agile interessiert ist. Menschen, die mehr ber eine aufregende Methodik wissen wollen. Menschen mit offenem Verstand und der Bereitschaft neues zu Lernen. Menschen, die in der Lage sind Notizen zu machen und die Konzepte und Tools, die in diesem Kurs bereitgestellt werden anzuwenden. Menschen, denen herkmmliche Projektabgabe zu lange dauert und die andere Optionen kennenlernen wollen. Menschen, die die wichtigste und beliebteste Agile Methodik kennenlernen wollen: SCRUM. Udemy Dozenten die Ihre Kurse schneller rausbringen mchten auf die Agile Art! Menschen, die ein Agile Project Management Zertifikat haben wollen.Dieser Kurs ist nicht geeignet fr:Menschen, fr die Quantitt wichtiger ist als Qualitt. Menschen die langezogene theoretische Erklrungen mgen. Menschen, die nicht bereit sind durch den ganzen Kurs zu gehen und dabei Notizen zu machen. Menschen die glauben, dass Dinge ohne jegliche Anstrengung oder Vorbereitung funktionieren. Menschen die schon viel Agile-Erfahrung besitzen. Menschen, die etwas zu den weniger bekannten Agile Methodiken, wie etwa Extreme Programming (XP) erfahren mchten. Wenn Sie sich entschieden haben am Kurs teilzunehmen, fahren Sie fort und klicken Sie auf Jetzt KaufenDie FaktenSie werden lernen wie Agile geht! Wenn nicht, lassen Sie sich innerhalb von 30 Tagen Ihr Geld zurckerstatten.Agile ist aktuell die bevorzugte Abgabeoption in Technologieprojekten in der ganzen Welt. Agile ist aber nicht nur fr IT!Agile wird es Ihnen ermglichen Projekte, Produkte und Apps schnell und oft abzugeben.Agile ist das Stichwort und ein globaler Trend. Tglich wollen mehr Leute Agile lernen.Agile ist nicht perfekt und wird nicht alle Ihre Probleme lsen. Aber es ermglicht Ihnen einen anderen Blickwinkel, von dem aus Sie Ihre Probleme anpacken knnen.Agile eignet sich fr viele Projekte, wenn auch nicht fr alle.Wenn Sie Agile kennen, werden Sie mehr Jobs landen knnen und dieser Kurs wird Sie darauf vorbereiten.Sie werden den Agile Udemy Kurs geniessen. Hier sind ein paar Aussagen dazu:Dieser Kurs ist in einer ansprechenden dialogorientierten Form gestaltet und beinhaltet viele ntzliche Beispiele, Bilder und Erklrungen. Ich habe ein paar andere Agile Kurse gemacht und bis jetzt finde ich, dass mir dieser den grssten Nutzen gebracht hat. Er hat mir wirklich geholfen den Agile Ansatz auf meine Projekte anzuwenden (und nicht nur in IT Projekten). Ich empfehle diesen Kurs gerne an Andere weiter. Paul TousignantDieser Kurs war simpel und sehr informativ, ausserdem gnstig! Ich empfehle den Kurs allen, die an diesem Thema interessiert sind. Rod CanoHatte gleich zu Beginn ein tolles Gesprch. Der Kurs bricht Erklrungen in klare und przise Formulierungen mit guten Beispielen. Ich liebe das Skateboard-zum-Auto Beispiel. Elizabeth Van RijIch bin begeistert von den praktischen Beispielen, die sich mir sofort eingeprgt haben. Ich will mit allen meinen Kollegen darber sprechen. Ich liebe es! Madhuchhanda PradhanWas sind die Vorteile von Agile Project Management?In Agile Project Management geben Sie Projekte schneller ab. Dieser Kurs frdert ein Umfeld von dauerhafter Zusammenarbeit, Teamwork und dem Fokus auf Durchfhrung. Im Agile Project Management haben Sie whrend des gesamten Projekts direkten Input vom Kunden. In Agile Project Management Udemy sind Sie durch die so genannten Retrospectives-Sitzungen durchgehend zu Verbesserungen angehalten. Agile Project Management wandelt herkmmliche lange Dokumentationsprozesse und lange Meetings in agile, knappe Prozesse, Verfahren und Rituale, wie Dailt Stand-Ups In Agile Project Management werden bestehend Rollen gelockert, was bedeutet, dass jeder an unterschiedlichen Aufgaben arbeiten kann, unabhngig davon ob es seine offizielle Rolle ist. Beispiel: Nicht nur Prfer prfen, sondern andere auch (Wenn sich das Team dazu entscheidet) Agile Project Management Udemy ermglicht ihnen ihren Fokus auf den Nutzen und auf die erforderliche Mindestlsung, auch MVP(Minimum Viable Product) zu legen. Das bedeutet sie wenden immer ein einfaches, dennoch sehr wichtiges Prinzip an: Keep it simple!!! Bauen sie keinen Ferrari, wenn sie eigentlich nur ein Skateboard bentigen. Visuelle Boards (Kanbans) und Berichte (Burn Down Charts) sind ein Schlsselpart von Agile Project Management. Damit bleiben alle auf dem gleichen Stand und knnen die Ausfhrungsgeschwindigkeit, Verbesserungsbereiche usw. verstehen. Und es gibt viele weitere Vorteile, aber darber erfahren Sie mehr whrend des Kurses :)Beinhaltet dieser Kurs ein Agile Project Management Zertifikat?Ja, Sie erhalten ein Agile Project Management Certification nach Abschluss des Kurses( ein Udemy Certificate of Completion, dass sie als PDF downloaden knnen.)Kann ich dieses Agile Project Management Zertifikat in meinen Lebenslauf einfgen?Ja natrlich! Sie knnen das Agile Project Management Zertifikat in ihren Lebenslauf einfgen. Ich empfehle es Ihnen unter der berschrift Professional Development aufzulisten. Einfach Kursname und Abschlussjahr angeben und Udemy dazuschreiben.Ist das Udemy Agile Project Management Zertifikat in der realen Welt berhaupt etwas wert?Selbstverstndlich! Auch wenn Udemy keine Universitt ist, und Ihnen dehalb keine annerkanten Zertifkate (wie die einer Universitt) bieten kann. Udemy ist die wichtigste Online Bildungsplattform mit mehr als 15 Millionen Nutzern weltweit. Es ist definitiv etwas wert und wird zunehmend in der ganzen Welt anerkannt. Sie knnen also mit Sicherheit davon ausgehen, dass Sie mit einem Agile Project Management Zertifikat in Ihrem Lebenslauf bessere Chancen auf Ihrem Traumjob im Agile Umfeld oder Project Management haben.Treten Sie ein in meinen Hrsaal und lernen Sie jetzt mehr ber Agile. Sie werden starke Tools und Konzepte vermittelt bekommen, die sie dazu befhigen erfolgreicher in Ihren Projekten zu werden. Wir gehen weiter als die Definition von Agile, von Ritualen und Tools, zu Aktivitten, Konzepten, Beispielen und Reflexionen. Also nehmen Sie jetzt diesen Kurs um herauszufinden, was das alles im Detail bedeutet und wie Sie es anwenden um ein Agilist zu werden.Wenn sie also noch nicht auf Jetzt Kaufen geklickt haben, dann tun sie es jetzt! Oder... worauf warten Sie?Anmerkungen zur ProduktionDieser Kurs wurder auf die Agile Art entwickelt, in unter 50 Stunden! Der Schaffensprozess beinhaltete ein hohes Level an Detailbewusstsein und Fokus auf Qualitt. Der erste Durchlauf dieses Kurses war ein lebendiges Beispiel fr ein Agile Konzept: das MVP oder Minimum Viable ProductVersprechen an alle Studierenden (jetzige & zuknftige Studierende)Students First. Ich werde niemals Ihre Erfahrung meinen Absichten Geld zu verdienen unterstellen. Niemals. Natrlich ist das hier auch ein Geschft, aber dass ich lehre bedeutet viel mehr als Geld zu verdienen. Ich habe schon einen Vollzeitjob und bin glcklichweise nicht vom Lehren abhngig um Leben zu knnen. Sie werden im Mittelpunkt meiner Kurse stehen und ich versichere Ihnen ein einzigartiges, wertvolles und einprgendes Erlebnis. Das verspreche ich.24x7x365 Support. Sie knnen mich 24 Stunden am Tag, 7 Stunden in der Woche, das ganze Jahr ber kontaktieren, sogar in den Ferien, an Weihnachten und Silvester. Ich werde mich Ihrer annehmen und einen auergewhnlich qualitativen Supportservice bieten. Das verspreche ich.Bescheidenheit, Freundlichkeit und soziale Verantwortung. Ich glaube daran den Menschen und der Welt etwas zurckzugeben. Stellen Sie sich einfach vor, ich bin Ihre ganz persnliche menschliche Siri. Wenn sie Hilfe oder einen Ratschlag brauchen, fragen Sie einfach. Und wenn ich etwas tun kann, um ihnen auf ihrem Weg zu helfen, werde ich es tun versprochen.Made in Australia: In der Industrie als Qualittsgarantie anerkannt. Alle meine Kurse sind Made in Australia Auerdem beinhalten sie meine Spezialzutat: Viel Leidenschaft und Liebe. Zustzlich gebe ich meinen Kursen alles was ich in Jahren eigener Arbeitserfahrung im Bereich Technologien, Projekten, Entrepreneuren und Menschen auf der ganzen Welt gelernt habe hinzu. Versprochen.Qualitt geht vor Quantitt. Ich bin bestrebt meine Kurse przise auf den Punkt zu bringen und sie mit Relevanz zu versehen. Zeit ist eine unserer wertvollsten Gter und wir mssen sie gewissenhaft investieren. Ich werde deshalb keinen Kurs machen, der lnger dauert, als notwendig. Mir geht es um die Qualitt und wenn ich diese in 5 Minuten liefern kann um Ihre Zeit zu sparen, dann werde ich das tun. Versprochen.Hinweis: Dieser Kurs enthlt deutsche Untertitel, Audio, Vorlagen, Anhnge und andere Ressourcen in englischer Sprache."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Japanese Conversation for English Speakers 4" |
"Thiscourse (section 4)is aimed at English speakers who would like to learn intermediate levelJapanese conversation. If students have completed ""Japanese conversation for English speakers(section 3)"" or they haveany priorrelevantknowledge of Japanese, it would be perfect to improve their knowledge.Students will be able to continuouslylearn a variety of expressions (e.g. 4 conditionalforms, plain form of verbs and adjectives, relative clauses, etc.)They can alsolearn severalexpressions withthe differentformality (from casual to formal level)to use them properly. Additionally Iputadvanced topics in some lessons so thatlearners can challengeadvanced-learner's level grammar as well.Each lesson is related to the former lesson, which enables learners to review and learn more. I frequently compare Japanese grammar to English grammar to avoid confusion. At the end of the course, students will be able to hold intermediate levelconversations in Japanese."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Japanese Conversation for English Speakers 5" |
"Thiscourse (section 5)is aimed at English speakers who would like to learn advancedlevelJapanese conversation. If students have completed ""Japanese conversation for English speakers(section 4)"" or they haveany priorrelevantknowledge of Japanese, it would be perfect to improve their knowledge.Students will be able to continuouslylearn a variety of expressions(e.g. judgment expressions, double negative expressions, partial negative expressions,etc.)They can alsolearn severalexpressions withthe differentformality and super polite level expressions(withhonorific and humble forms)to use them properly. Additionally Iputadvanced topics as extra lessonsso thatlearners can make their expressions more dynamic and lively.Each lesson is related to the former lesson, which enables learners to review and learn more. I frequently compare Japanese grammar to English grammar to avoid confusion. At the end of the course, students will be able to hold advancedlevelconversations in Japanese."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mazoezi ya Kiswahili ( Swahili Exercises )" |
"This course includes practical grammar tests ( mazoezi ya nyumbani ) with clear screen-cast recording and video recording of Mwalimu Hamdy . Students will benefit a lot in mastering Swahili grammar, understanding hidden grammar theories and enriching their vocabulary ( Msamiati ) , pronunciation and sharpening their listening skills.This course will give you a better understand of how Swahili is written, you will see and hear clear grammar explanations using the elimination technique. Questions have choices and Mwalimu Hamdy will explain to you why that is the correct answer. Included are crystal clear video recordings of Mwalimu Hamdy with one of his best student in conversations with written words and translations. Do not miss this Golden opportunity to master Swahili grammar and pick-up plenty of phrases to use. Please watch the free videos to get an idea how this course will benefit you. Karibuni!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Swahili Conversational Practice" |
"Listen to conversations in different scenarios and pick up most commonly used phrases, vocabulary and expressions. Practice with a native, professional Swahili teacher. Included scenarios are at: a restaurant, a hotel, the Airport, talking over the phone,taking the bus / matatu, shopping, travelling, even dating and many more!Learn the most common Swahili phrases used in everyday life in the a fun and exciting way using animations! Learn how to ask for your bill after eating in a restaurant, learn how to look for a flight in a busy Airport, learn how to ask for a Discount when you shop in East Africa and save money! Speak like a local and practice what you have learned so far in Swahili. Karibuni katika Swahili conversational practice! Enroll now!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Swahili Advance Course" |
"Students will expand their vocabulary, better understanding of the prepositions, adjectives, subject-object prefixes, conjunctions, colors and many more. Practical approach in teaching to ensure students are involved in the learning process and get to participate in the exercises. A native professional teacher with a decade of experiencein teaching students Swahiliwill takeyou through the bridgeto become an expert in Swahili."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Swahili Novice Mid Course" |
"Be able to do the following check-marks in Swahiliand more:greet and leave people in a polite way.say hello and goodbye to someone yourage or younger.say hello and goodbye to yourteacher, professoror supervisor.say hello and goodbye to an adult.hello and goodbye to a person youdo not know.introduce yourselfand provide basic personal informationintroduce someone else.respond to an introductionanswer a variety of simple questionsanswer questions about what youlike and dislike.answer questions about what you aredoing and what youdid.answer questions about where you aregoing or where youwent."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Swahili Survival Phrases" |
"Learn and listen to common Swahili survival phrases that will help you when you travel or on a business trip to East Africa. Students will listen to the proper pronunciation of these phrases and practice them with a Professional Swahili teacher. Learn how to ask for directions to / from a placeLearn to invite someone to a meeting / celebrationHow to order a meal in a restaurant and ask for your changeHow to say your nationality and how to ask someone's nationality"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Draw Wild Animals using Pastel Pencils Volume 1" |
"In my 30+ Years of Teaching Experience I have found that Pastel Pencils is the by far the easiest art medium to pick up and learn.This Wild Animals Volume 1includes 3Subjectsthat you will learn to draw using Pastel Pencil Techniques andis designed for all levels. The 3Subjectsincluded are:LionElephantKingfisherWe provide you with anoutline drawing foreach subjectso that you do not have to draw free hand. Trace this through to your paper or print it straight out using your printer.Colin walks you through step by step with Video instruction how to draw each stage. You'll learn how to build colours and create a piece of art you can be proud of.Each subject contains a series of Video Lessons breaking down the subject into bitesize chunks that you can follow and return to with ease.If you've love drawing and want to discover easy techniques to create stunning art that you can transfer to your own pictures then this course is for you"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Draw Wild Animals using Pastel Pencils Volume 2" |
"In my 30+ Years of Teaching Experience I have found that Pastel Pencils is the by far the easiest art medium to pick up and learn.This Wild Animals Volume 2includes 3 brand newSubjectsthat you will learn to draw using Pastel Pencil Techniques andis designed for all levels. The 3 subjectsincluded are:TigerLionessFoxWe provide you with anoutline drawing foreach subjectso that you do not have to draw free hand. Trace this through to your paper or print it straight out using your printer.You can complete all of these subjects using just 18 Pencils! The Pencils are listed in the Introduction and with each subject.Colin walks you throughstep by step with video instruction how to draw each stage. You'll learn how to build colours and create a piece of art you can be proud of.Each subject contains a series of Video Lessons breaking down the subject into bitesize chunks that you can follow and return to with ease.If you've love drawing and want to discover easy techniques to create stunning art that you can transfer to your own pictures then this course is for you"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Free-Hand Draw Cartoons with Colin Bradley" |
"As long as I can remember I have always loved cartoons.I really could not put my comics down following the adventures of the characters in the Beano, The Dandy, The Eagle and the countless American comics I used to buy then swap with my friends. So it was inevitable that as I was quite good at drawing I would copy many of the subjects and even invent my own.I am convinced that my early drawing skills were learnt drawing these wonderful funcharacters, ithas led me on to where I am today and they will work for you too.Although there areset plans to follow drawing the cartoons shown in these lessons, there arefreehand skills to learn. By learning these basic techniques it will greatly improve your overall freehand experience when drawing the more exacting subjects like the animals, landscapesandportraits.With each cartoon you'll get a reference sheet where you can copy the dimensions and replicate what you see with the help of the videos.There's 16 Cartoons that you'll be taught how to draw:George the DogMitsie the CatHarry the HareMarty MouseMax the CatSilly BulliePatch the DogPatch, Max & MartyChipper the BirdBenny the BearAtlanta the MermaidGuard DogDouglas the Turtle(colouring lesson included)Fifi Vinegar Jones (colouring lesson included)Nell the Elephant(colouring lesson included)Mick the Monkey(colouring lesson included)4 of the Cartoonsalso have colouring lessons to introduce you to using coloured pencils and Colin's techniques.You can then apply these to the other cartoons and your own ones in future!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Draw Landscapes Vol 1 - English Country Scenes" |
"In my 30+ Years of Teaching Experience I have found that Pastel Pencils is the by far the easiest art medium to pick up and learn.This Landscape Starter Course includes 5 Subjectsthat you will learn to draw using Pastel Pencil Techniques andis designed for all levels. The 5 Subjectsincluded are:Rustic WellHambleden MillBoat SunsetChilham Snow SceneDedham MillWe provide you with anoutline drawing foreach subjectso that you do not have to draw free hand. Trace this through to your paper or print it straight out using your printer.Colin walks you through step by step with Video instruction how to draw each stage. You'll learn how to draw skies, clouds, water, buildings foliage plus lots moreand create a piece of art you can be proud of.Each subject contains a series of Video Lessons breaking down the subject into bitesize chunks that you can follow and return to with ease.If you've love drawing and want to discover easy techniques to create stunning art that you can transfer to your own pictures then this course is for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Deep Learning and NLP A-Z: How to create a ChatBot" |
"We'vetalked about, speculated and often seendifferent applications for Artificial Intelligence -But what about one piece of technologythat will not onlygather relevant information, better customer service and could even differentiate your business from the crowd?ChatBots are here, and they came change and shape-shift how we've been conducting online business. Fortunately technologyhas advanced enoughto make this avaluable tool something accessiblethat almost anybody can learn how to implement.If you want to learn one of the most attractive, customizable and cutting edgepieces of technology available,then this course is justfor you!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |