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"Le Deep Learning de A Z" |
"Le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle est en pleine croissance. Entre les voitures autonomes qui ont dj roul des millions de kilomtres, IBM Watson qui produit de meilleurs diagnostics que des armes de mdecins, ou le robot Alpha Go de l'quipe Deepmind de Google qui bat le champion du monde de Go, il n'y a plus de doute sur l'explosion de ce nouveau domaine.Mais plus le domaine de l'IA progresse, plus les problmes qu'on cherche rsoudre sont compliqus. Seul le Deep Learning peut rsoudre des problmes aussi complexes, ce qui explique pourquoi on le retrouve au cur des recherches en intelligence artificielle.--- Pourquoi Deep Learning de A Z ? ---Il y a cinq raisons qui font que le cours DeepLearning de A Z est diffrent et sort du lot en comparaison des autres cours qu'on peut trouver ici et l :1. STRUCTURE ROBUSTELa chose la plus importante sur laquelle nous nous sommes concentrs est de donner au cours une structure robuste. Le Deep Learning est un domaine trs large et complexe, ce qui le rend difficile approcher.C'est pourquoi nous avons regroups les leons en deux grosses parties, reprsentant les deux branches fondamentales du Deep Learning : Le Deep Learning supervis et le Deep Learning non supervis. Ensuite, chaque partie est divise en trois algorithmes distincts. Nous avons dterminqu'il s'agissait de la meilleure structure pour apprendre le Deep Learning.2. LEONS INTUITIVESLa plupart des cours et livres commencent directement par la thorie, puis des maths, puis du code... Sauf qu'ils oublient d'expliquer ce qui est peut-tre le plus important :pourquoi vous faites ce que vous faites. Pas dans Deep Learning de A Z. On se focalise d'abord sur l'intuition des concepts derrires les algorithmes.Grce ces leons intuitives, vous arriverez beaucoup plus facilement comprendre les techniques. Par la suite, lorsque vous passerez aux leons plus orientespratique avec du code, vous visualiserez aisment chaque tape des algorithmes et surtout pourquoi vous devez excuter chaque tape.3. PROJETS PASSIONNANTSN'en avez-vous pas marre de retrouver tout le temps les mmes jeux de donnes constamment dans tous les cours ?a en devient lassant.C'est pourquoi dans ce cours nous avons choisi d'utiliser des jeux de donnes rels et de rsoudre de vrais problmes rels. (Pas comme les donnes de fleurs d'iris ou le super classique exemple de classification de chiffre comme on voit partout). Dans ce cours, on va rsoudre six problmes :Comment prdire le dpart d'un client grce aux Rseaux de Neurones Artificiels.Comment reconnatre des images grce aux Rseaux de Neurones Convolution.Comment prdire le prix d'une action grce aux Rseaux de Neurones Rcurrents.Comment raliser une enqute de fraude grce aux Cartes Auto Adaptives.Comment crer unsystme de recommandationgrce aux Machines de Boltzmann.Comment gagner leprix Netflix de 1 million de $ grce aux auto encodeurs empils*.*Les auto-encodeurs sont une technique de Deep Learning trs rcente qui n'existait pas il y a quelques annes encore. Cette mthode n'est jamais explique suffisamment en dtail.4. EXERCICES DE CODEDans Deep Learning de A Z, on code avec vous. Chaque leon pratique dmarre avec une page blanche, et ensemble on progresse ligne par ligne afin que vous puissiez suivre et comprendre chaque tape du code.De plus, le code est structurde telle manire que vous pouvez facilement le tlcharger et l'appliquer directement sur vos propres projets. Nous vous expliquons comment vous pouvez changer le code pour l'adapter VOS donnes, ou comment optimiser les algorithmes pour vos besoins afin que vous obteniez les rsultats que vous recherchez.Ce cours a donc une application directe pour votre carrire professionnelle.5. SOUTIEN DIRECTAvez-vous dj suivi un cours ou lu un livre o vous avez des tonnes de questions... qui restent sans rponse ?Eh bien ce n'est pas le cas de cours. Nous nous engageons faire de ce cours le meilleur cours de Deep Learning sur la plante. Avec cet engagement vient la responsabilit d'tre l constamment pour vous quand vous avez besoin d'aide.Comme nous avons aussi une vie et des clients, une quipe de Data Scientists professionels est l pour vous aider. Posez une question, et vous obtiendrez une rponse dans les 48 heures maximum, peu importe la complexit de votre problme.Nous sommes l pour assurer votre succs et votre russite.--- Les outils ---Tensorflow et PyTorch sont les outils open-source les plus utiliss en Deep Learning. Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez utiliser les deux !Tensorflow a t dvelopp par Google et est utilis par exemple dans leur systme de reconnaissance vocale, dans Google Photos, Gmail, Google Search, et dans pas mal d'autres applications. De nombreuses entreprises utilisent Tensorflow, comme AirBnB, Airbus, eBay, Intel, Uber, et des centaines d'autres.PyTorch est tout aussi puissant et a t dvelopp par des chercheurs chezNvidia et dans les universits de Stanford, Oxford, et ParisTech. Des entreprises comme Twitter, Saleforce ou Facebook utilisent PyTorch.Alors, lequel est meilleur et pourquoi ?Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez justement utiliser les deux et donc dans quelles situations Tensorflow ou PyTorch est plus adapt. Au fur et mesure des leons, nous allons comparer les deux et vous donnez des astuces et ides pour retenir quand les utiliser.Ces outils sont encore trs rcents et ont t cr il y a tout juste deux ans. C'est de a dont on parle quand on vous dit que ce cours utilise les outils de Deep Learning les plus la pointe de la technologie !--- Encore plus d'outils ---Theano est un autre outil open-source pour le Deep Learning. Il est similar Tensorflow dans son usage, mais nous en parlerons tout de mme.Keras est une librairie qui permet d'implmenter les modles de Deep Learning. Elle regroupe la fois Theano et Tensorflow et permet en juste quelques lignes de code de crer des modles puissants et complexes de Deep Learning. C'est ce qui vous permettra d'avoir une vision globale de ce que vous crez. Le code que vous produirez sera clair et structur grce cette librairie, ce qui vous permettra d'avoir une bonne intuition et une excellente comprhension de ce que vous faites.--- Plus plus plus d'outils ! ---Scikit-learn est la librairie de Machine Learning par excellence. On l'utilisera :pour valuer la performence de nos modles avec la meilleure technique : la validation croise k couches (k-fold cross validation).pour amliorer nos modles en optisimant les paramtres.pour prparer nos donnes afin que nos modles puissent apprendre dans les meilleures conditions.videmment, n'oublions pas de nommer Python, qui est l'outil sur lequel ce cours est bas. Chaque section vous donnera des heures et des heures de pratique dans ce langage.De plus, ce cours utilise Numpy pour raliser les calculs mathmatiques et manipuler des tableaux multidimensionnels, ainsi que Matplotlib pour tracer des graphes et visualiser nos rsultats, puis Pandas pour importer et manipuler les jeux de donnes de manire efficace.--- qui s'adresse ce cours ? ---Comme vous avez pu le remarquer, il y a de nombreux outils dans le monde du Deep Learning. Dans ce cours, nous avons tenu vous montrer les plus importants de manire progressive de telle manire ce que vos connaissances en Deep Learning soient la pointe la fin du cours.Si vous tes compltement dbutant en Deep Learning, alors vous trouverez ce cours particulirement utile. Deep Learning de A Z est stuctur de telle manire que vous ne vous retrouverez pas coinc par du code non ncessaire ou des complexits mathmatiques absurdes. L'ide est de commencer appliquer les techniques de Deep Learning au plus vite dans le cours et d'apprendre rapidement partir de zro. Chaque leon vous rendra peu peu plus confiant dans vos capacits.Si vous avez dj une exprience en Deep Learning, alors vous trouverez dans ce cours des rappels inspirants et trs orients pratique. Grce Deep Learning de A Z,vous matriserez les algorithmes de pointe (dont certains n'existaient mme pas encore il y a deux ans) et acqurerez une exprience pratique sur des challenges issus du monde rel. Les applications vous donneront de l'inspiration pour explorer plus avant vos comptences en Deep Learning.--- tudes de cas du monde rel ---Matriser les techniques de Deep Learning ne consiste pas juste en connatre l'intuition et les outils. Il s'agit aussi d'tre capable d'appliquer ce que vous apprenez sur des situations rels afin d'en sortir des rsultats mesurables et utiles. C'est pourquoi ce cours vous guidera au travers de six challenges passionnants :#1 Prdiction du dpart d'un clientDans cette partie, nous vous prsenterons des donnes provenant de la base de donnes d'une banque souhaitant prdire si un client lui restera fidle dans les six prochains mois ou non. Les donnes consistent en un identifiant, le score de crdit, le sexe, l'ge, si le client a une carte de crdit, etc. Pendant six mois, la banque a accumul des donnes sur ces clients. prsent, votre objectif est de crer un rseau de neurones artificiel qui peut prdire, grce aux donnes dmographiques, gographiques et transactionnelles fournies, si un client quittera la banque ou non. Dans ce problme, votre employeur vous a aussi demand d'tablir un classement entre les clients pour savoir lesquels ont la plus grande probabilit de partir. Pour rpondre ce problme, vous utiliserez unmodle de Deep Learning qui est bas sur une approche probabilistique.Si vous arrivez au bout de ce projet, vous permettrez la banque d'adapterdirectement ses offres pour les clients qui risquent de partir. Grce votre modle de Deep Learning, la banque pourra donc rduire ses dparts de clients.#2 Reconnaissance d'imageDans cette partie, vous crerez un rseau de neurones convolution qui est capable de dtecter des objets dans une image. Nous utiliserons un modle de Deep Learning capable de reconnatre un chat d'un chien. Au-del de cette problmatique, ce modle sera capable de se gnraliser et de dtecter n'importe quel objet (nous vous montrerons comment) simplement en changeant les images qu'on lui donne en entre.Par exemple, vous pourrez r-utiliser le modle sur un ensemble d'images de cerveau pour dtecter si l'image contient une tumeur ou non. Mais si vous prfrez rester sur les petits chats et les petits chiens, alors vous pourrez vous amuser prendre une photo de votre petit animal prfr et votre modle arrivera prdire s'il s'agit d'un chien ou d'un chat. Nous l'avons nous-mmes test !#3 Prdiction du prix d'une actionDans cette partie, vous crerez l'un des modles de Deep Learning les plus puissants. En fait, il s'agit du modle le plus proche de l'intelligence artificielle. Pourquoi ? Parce que ce modle a une mmoire long terme, exactement comme nous les tres humains.Cette branche du Deep Learning comprend les rseaux de neurones rcurrents. Les RNNs classiques ont une mmoire court terme et n'ont jamais t trs populaires cause de a. Mais rcemment des amliorations dans les rseaux de neurones rcurrents ont donn naissance aux LSTMs (RNNs large mmoire court-terme) qui ont compltement chang la donne.Ainsi, vous apprendrez implmenter ce modle trs puissant au travers d'un challenge consistant prdire le prix rel de l'action Google. Des chercheurs de l'universit de Stanford ont travaill sur ce challenge aussi et nous essaierons de faire aussi bien qu'eux.#4 Dtection de fraudeUne tude rcente de Markets & Markets a estimque le march de dtection et prvention de la fraudeatteindrai 33,19 milliards de $ en 2021. C'est une industrie norme et la demande en comptences avances de Deep Learning ne peut que continuer crotre. Le challenge sera de dtecter les cas de fraudes dans les demandes de cartes de crdit. Vous crerez un modle de Deep Learning pour une banque partir d'un jeu de donnes contenant des informations sur les clients demandant une carte de crdit spciale.Ces donnens client vous permettront de dtecter une fraude potentielle dans les demandes. la fin du challenge, vous serez capable de sortir une liste explicite de clients qui ont potentiellement trich en remplissant leurs formulaires de demande.#5 & 6 Systmes de recommandationEntre les suggestions de produits Amazon et les recommandations de films de Netflix, on voit de plus en plus de systmes de recommandation fleurir un peu partout. Les spcialistes qui les crent font partie des Data Scientists les mieux pays de la plante.Nous travaillerons sur un jeu de donnes qui a exactement les mmes caractristiques que les donnes Netflix : une tonne de films, des milliers d'utilisateurs, et les notes qu'ils donnent sur les films qu'ils ont regards. Les notes vont de 1 5, exactement comme dans la comptition Netflix, ce qui rend le systme de recommandation plus complexe que de simplement dire si l'utilisateur a ""aim"" ou ""pas aim"" le film.Votre systme de recommandation sera capable de prdire les notes des films que les utilisateurs n'ont pas encore regard. En classant les prdictions de 5 1, votre modle de Deep Learning pourra ensuite recommender les films que chaque utilisateur sera le plus susceptible d'aimer. Crer un tel systme de recommandation est un norme challenge alors on le fera en deux essais, c'est--dire qu'on testera deux types de modles de Deep Learning.Le premier modle consiste en une machine de Boltzmann profonde et sera abord dans le chapitre 5. En second modle, on utilisera les auto-encodeurs. Les deux sont simples comprendre, ce qui ne dduit rien de leur capacit.Ensuite vous pourrez directement appliquer votre systme sur vous-mme ou vos amis. La liste de films sera suffisamment complte pour que vous notiez les films que vous avez regards, et il ne restera qu' faire tourner le modle pour savoir quel film regarder ! Votresystme de recommandation sera la solution aux soires o n'arrive pas se dcider quoi regarder, et il continuera d'apprendre si vous lui dites si la recommandation lui a plu.--- En rsum ---Ce cours est rempli de leons intuitives et d'exercices pratiques pour s'exercer en situation relle.Nous avons voulu rendre ce cours le meilleur possible et nous sommes particulirement enthousiastes l'ide de le partager avec vous et vous voir progresser dans ce merveilleux monde du Deep Learning.Kirill, Hadelin & Charles"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Blockchain A-Z: Learn How To Build Your First Blockchain" |
"***ASSEENONKICKSTARTER***Learn key Blockchainconcepts,intuition and practicaltraining to get you quickly up to speed with all things Crypto and Blockchain related. Covering:Module 1:How tobuild a Blockchain- we'll start at the very beginningModule 2:How tocreate a Cryptocurrency- the next step of your journeyModule 3:How tocreate a Smart Contract- Let's cross the finish lineHere is what you will get with this course:1. From novice to Blockchain expert:The #1 criteria for success in anything is to be fascinated. If you combine your interest in Blockchain with this training, youve got everything you need to become an expert in the field - even if youre unsure where to begin.2. A focus on doing, not just listening:The best way to reinforce a skillis to practice it yourself, and blockchain is no different.Not only well each and every single line of code, but we will also take regular steps back to see the logical flow of our creations.3. The guide to intuitive understanding:In this course you will not only develop the required skills and deep knowledge about Blockchain, but you will also get the right tech instincts. Through this intuition you will feel where and how to apply Blockchain in the real world.4. Real-world applications:The projects youll develop provide the perfect starting point to rapidly gain expertise. Everything you build and practice will be an exciting journey with real-world impact. When finished, youll be 100% ready to apply your skills to anything Blockchain-related.5. In-course support Were fully committed to making this the most accessible and results-driven Blockchaincourse on the planet. This requires us to be there when you need our help. Thats why weve put together a team of professional Data Scientists to support you in your journey, meaning youll get a response from us within 48 hours maximum."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's guide to presentation skills & public speaking" |
"At some point in our career or when running our own business, we have to stand up and present to an audience. It could be in a meeting, in a formal pitch or standing up at a lectern in front of a large audience. Whatever the situation, we need to be able to not only present with confidence but also know our audience and develop engaging content.If you would like to:Learn how to manage your nerves and build self confidenceImproveengagement & build empathy with your audienceCreate compelling & engaging presentationsBe prepared and readyThen this course is a must for you. A no-nonsense, practical guide and set of tools and tips that will prepare you to deliver engaging talks with clarity and confidence.This course is based on my 30 + years of having to give presentations in allscenarios and is based on a best selling training course I have delivered face to faceacross the world."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Writing Your Fantasy Novel" |
"As a fantasy writer, you want to build a fascinating world for your story, create unforgettable characters, and weave together a captivating plot. Overall you want to tell a story that enchants your readers, a story your readers will want to come back to again and again.My aim is to help you create that story. By the end of this course, you will have done all the foundational work you need for writing and finishing your fantasy novel. Im Jason Link, the author of theLegenderseries, an epic adventure that Publishers Weekly calls agrand fairytale.For the last20 yearsIve been practicing the art of storytelling and fantasy writing, and in this course, I share with you the insights Ive gained on that journey. Ive designed this course to follow a logical flow. We will cover:Situating you into the writer's life so you can get your writing doneBuilding a world for your storyDeveloping memorable charactersStructuring your story and writing your story's outlineForming a healthy relationship between your storytelling and world buildingBy the end of this course, you will have done all the foundational work you need for writing and finishing your fantasy novel.Praise for Jason's course ""Writing Great Fantasy: World Building Workshop"":""I really enjoy the course. I order many story writing courses and this is the best! Really comprehensive!"" ""I highly recommend the course to all those who wish to learn the craft of world building for writing great fantasy....The course helped me immensely to achieve that in addition to benefiting me as a learner. The course offers amazing content and is structured excellently.""""Even early on in the course, it's clear that my expectations will be met and then surpassed. Extremely helpful and engaging!""""Love it! This course is helping me test the levels of my creativity, challenging me to try new things and to really think about my world's lore and history."" ""The way Jason guides you to build your world makes it seem so simple as the entire process is broken down into small and manageable tasks. I have taken a lot of notes and will keep re-visiting this course, again and again, to ensure I am not missing out on any point. Thanks a lot Jason for a wonderfully well-crafted course.""Praise for Jason Link's work:""This book is an incredible epic fantasy. Well written, interesting, and with believable characters, it sucks you in from the first page."" ""Fantasy as its best.""""Perhaps the best part of reading was that feeling you get when you are immersed into a different world, which is exactly what Link has built. There are cultures, geographies, languages, and creatures that come together to make a fun yet deeply sophisticated world. In this way, The Legender reminded me of the greats like Tolkien.""""A new world on par with Tolkien.""""Jason Link has a gift for not only creating a captivating new world, filled with creatures and cultural practices a reader has never thought of, but also maintaining a consistent and believable voice throughout the twists and turns of the story.""Do you wish readers to have a similar reaction to your story?If so, join me in this course so I can show youhow to write a novel that will enchant your readers--a story your readers will want to get lost in again and again.Check out the free previews to get a sample of what you'll learnand thenenroll to get started on your fantasy novel today!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"English Grammar Taught by a Native English Speaker" |
"Welcome to English Grammar Basics, where you will grow your command of the English language by building up your understanding of grammar and usage. My name is Jason Link, and Im a published writer and a former English instructor. I have taught students from all over the world and have had the opportunity to teach in the US and outside the US. For over five years, I lived in Nicaragua and during that time, I taught English and writing to students from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, many of whom did not have English as their first language. Im privileged to share all of this teaching experience with you in this course.English Grammar Basics is a course for writers, speakers, and students who want to:strengthen their communication in the English languageimprove their grammar and usage in their speaking and writingcatch and correct those pesky grammar mistakes that are all too common.Throughout this course, I will share with you straightforward explanations on how English grammar works. But its not enough to simply hear about these key concepts; you need to put them into practice. This is why each lesson is followed by a quiz so that you can see that you have retained what you learned.This course moves in a very logical sequence. We start with basic concepts and build up from there to more complex concepts.In this course we will go over:parts of speechparts of the sentencephrasesclauses and sentence structureverb tensesusing pronouns correctlyBy the end of this course, you will have a strong command of English grammar and usage. You will develop a new confidence in your speaking and writing.Are you a writer who wants a better command of English grammar and usage? This course is for you.Are you an ESL or ELL student who wants a better understanding of how English grammar works? This course is for you.Are you a student studying for an English test or writing a very important paper for a class? This course is for you.Are you a lifelong learner who simply wants to brush up on your grammar? This course is for you.Thank you for your interest in English Grammar Basics. If youre ready to learn more and sign up for the course, click the enroll button and dive into the lessons. You can also check out the lessons that are free to preview.See you on the inside!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"WordPress: come creare temi per WP da zero" |
"******** . Il tema sviluppato perfettamente compatibile con Wordpress 5 e pu essere utilizzato anche con il nuovo editor a blocchi Gutenberg! Il tema compatibile anche con i pi comuni page builder come Elementor **************Senza ombra di dubbio, e statistiche alla mano, WordPress risulta la soluzione pi utilizzata da web designer free lance e parimenti da web agency per la realizzazione di siti web, dal semplice blog personale, all ecommerce, al multisito plurilingue aziendale. La flessibilit, la semplicit di approccio e la capacit di adattamento di questo CMS, consente anche al neofita dello sviluppo web di realizzare in poco tempo un sito e di personalizzarlo per quanto possibile. A fronte di questa sua quasi capillare diffusione, si esprime sempre di pi lesigenza professionale di andare oltre la semplice installazione del CMS, il montaggio di un tema predefinito e limplementazione di qualche plugin. Ecco perch nasce questo corso dedicato al mondo dello sviluppo con WordPress in cui verr affrontata in maniera pratica, la tecnica di sviluppo di un tema per WP partendo da zero o partendo da un progetto statico e pensato secondo le esigenze costruttive del CMS. Il Corso seguir passo passo lapplicazione delle funzioni php che WP utilizza nella costruzione dei suoi temi. Si partir dallo sviluppo di un tema semplicissimo, ma del tutto funzionante, che servir per cominciare a prendere dimestichezza con le tecniche fondamentali che sono alla base dellarchitettura di un tema, secondo la gerarchia propria delle pagine di WP. Si proseguir poi con lo sviluppo di un tema completo partendo questa volta, da un progetto statico responsivo realizzato con BS 4 che un passo alla volta e in dettaglio, verr motorizzato per WP. Il tema sar dotato di tutte le funzionalit che normalmente troviamo nei temi free e premium, imparando a localizzare e creare quanti menu, quante aree widget si vuole, applicando le proprie personalizzazioni stilistiche e funzionali, integrando librerie terze e manipolando a piacimento ogni elemento del tema. Si imparer sviluppare campi personalizzati, contenuti aggiuntivi alla dashboard amministrativa, pagine a template specifico e tanto, tanto altro.Il Corso sar anche unottima occasione per imparare a lavorare professionalmente su temi predefiniti e premium agendo sulla struttura per una personalizzazione sempre pi profonda. Il Corso insegner a rendersi autonomi nello studio e approfondimento del Codex di WordPress, la guida irrinunciabile di ogni sviluppatore, dove trovare ogni cosa sia possibile fare con il nostro CMS. Questo sar un corso tipicamente in divenire, la prima pubblicazione prevede un percorso gi completo: dallo sviluppo del tema statico alla sua motorizzazione completa. Altre sezioni serviranno di approfondimento e conoscenza di aspetti via via pi avanzati.Il corso prettamente pratico. Si operativi sul codice a partire dalle primissime lezioni, iniziando lo sviluppo del primo tema di esempio.Leggi con molta attenzione i requisiti richiesti:Conoscenza di HTML e CSS, non guasta un pizzico di JavaScriptConoscenza almeno a livello base di WordPress installato in localeConoscenza almeno a livello base di BootstrapInvece:Non necessario che tu conosca PHP, che come sai il linguaggio di WP. Ho predisposto unapposita sezione, facoltativa per chi gi conosce questo linguaggio, con le nozioni di PHP che ti potranno essere utili per comprendere le classi e le funzioni PHP utilizzate da WP. Nel corso vedrai la spiegazione dettagliata del codice per comprenderne il significato e lutilizzo per una perfetta e agevole integrazione di PHP allinterno di una struttura HTML. Tutto il codice sar a tua disposizione per l'esercizio personale.Quindi, il corso per te anche se non sei un programmatore ma lavori con WordPress.Fatti salvi tutti i requisiti di accesso necessari, il corso pensato per il neofita assoluto dello sviluppo di temi con WP, per chi deve cominciare a muovere i primi passi e realizzare temi completi, guidato nel dettaglio e senza fretta. Coloro i quali, essendo gi pratici, vogliono in ogni caso iscriversi, si attengano al target del corso che il principiante di cui va rispettata lesigenza di spiegazione semplice, diretta, chiara, a tratti elementare, in cui nulla pu darsi per scontato. E questa unoccasione per prendere in mano la tua carriera di sviluppatore WP e portarla ad un punto di svolta, prendere pieno possesso del tuo CMS preferito e farne ci che vuoi rispondendo con competenza ancora maggiore alle richieste dei tuoi clienti, oppure realizzando il sito personale dei tuoi sogni. Perci ti aspetto per fare insieme questo cammino che ti entusiasmer dai primi minuti. Ti aspetto!******** . Il tema sviluppato perfettamente compatibile con Wordpress 5 e pu essere utilizzato anche con il nuovo editor a blocchi Gutenberg! **************"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Stress: Basics and Beyond-The Body and Stress" |
"Learn how to recognize and interpret accurately your stress-related physical sensations and how to deal with them quickly and easily. Finally learn to understand the mystery of your bodys messages and tame them before they get out of control. Learn the anatomy and physiology of your breath and muscles Explore the two critical factors affecting your brain when stressed Making the body work for you not against you Practice sessions to improve your confidence Powerful Tools to Combat the Stress Reaction Learning what the signs and symptoms associated with a stress reaction are can give you the edge against the feeling of being out of control. Here in the second course of Stress: The Basics and Beyond, you will master the body sensations that play a critical role in causing the unwanted experiences that keep you from feeling confident and in charge. Whether you want to calm the stress you feel when dealing with daily challenges, reduce angry outbursts, stop emotional eating or just feel healthier, this course can make a real difference in helping you understand and manage the stress reaction in the body. Content and Overview This course, suitable for the beginner, walks you through a simple review of the first course and builds upon its foundation of information. This easy 1-hour course is broken into 7 sections covering the key aspects of a stress reaction as well as how to use the body to reduce or eliminate it. In addition, information is provided on how to prevent stress from building up in the first place. Each key area is supported by a practice session. You are also provided a breakdown of how the body work fits into the Zone Method, a helpful way to understand stress and the strategies that work to eliminate it. At the end, a Q & A section is provided to offer commonly asked questions concerning the body and stress. By the end of the course, you will have the essential elements of how the body plays a role in causing a stress reaction and what to do about it, whether you are having a little stress or a lot."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"PMP Exam Prep: Four Mock Exams on PMBOK V6" |
"This course is the final step before going to the PMP exam by PMI.Train yourself to PASS the PMP exam at the FIRST trial by solving these 4 practice tests..Each test consists of 100 real PMP exam questions to be solved in 2 hours ( asimulation for the real exam environment)Tests are timed to train you to solve the exam on the specified time and to test your speed in clearing exam questions.A detailedexplanation for whychoosing the correct answerin particularand the reference page from the PMBOK V6 guideis provided for every question at the end of each exam.Tests help you to define your performance for each knowledge area.Questions' scenarios are similar to those in the PMP exam provided by PMI.The fourtests cover the following topics:The five Process Groups ( Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitoring & Controlling and Closing) , in addition to theknowledge areas (Integration, Scope, Schedule, Cost, Quality, Risk, Communications, Resources, Stakeholders and Procurement)All Math and calculations( Network diagrams, Critical path, float, backward path,duration and cost estimates using different estimation methods,EVM andEMV)Situational and ITTOs' questions.Questions combining more than a knowledge area.Kick-off meeting, Lessons Learned, Project Archiving.Questions about different contract types.Project manager roles asper the Project Management Professional (PMP) Examination Content Outline, Published by PMI 2015.Your ability to apply project management concepts and tools in real life scenarios.The pass score for each test is 75%, to obtain the maximum benefit from the tests, I advise you to retake themuntil you get 75% or above,so as to be able to pinpoint the gaps in your knowledge and increase your probability to pass the real exam.As a part of continuous improvement strategy, exams may befrequently updated (some questions may beremoved or new ones added).You constructive feedback for the exams contentis highly appreciated. I do care about each feedback.If you have any questions or want any further explanation,kindly submit your questionon the Q&A section.IMPORTANTNOTE: All questions are property of Marianne, it is not allowed to modify, reproduce orpublish them by any manner without her permission."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Mathematik-Basics-Potenzen-Wurzeln-Brche-Gleichungen |
"In diesem Kurs hast du Gelegenheit, grundlegende Techniken der Mathematik anhand von kommentierten Musteraufgaben zu trainieren. Als erfahrener Mathe-Lehrer erklre ich Hintergrnde und Zusammenhnge. Das Verstehen steht im Mittelpunkt. Bevor etwas in der Mathematik gebt wird, muss es verstanden sein! Formeln sind zwar ntzliche Merkhilfen, aber sie knnen erst dann gewinnbringend und nachhaltig angewendet werden, wenn sie verstanden worden sind. Die ersten Lektionen eines Moduls behandeln grundlegende Anforderungen. Die weiteren Lektionen dringen weiter in die Tiefe des Stoffes vor. Darum eignet sich der Kurs sowohl fr Anfnger als auch fr Fortgeschrittene, die ihr Wissen und ihre Kompetenzen in Arithmetik und Algebra festigen und erweitern wollen.In allen fnf Modulen stehen bungsaufgaben mit Lsungen bereit."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java Collections and Generics for Beginners" |
"This course is for anyone who wants to understand the concept of Generics in Java and how to use them along with Java Collections Framework. Java Collections and Generics is one of the most important topics in Java programming language. In industry projects, there is a heavy use of Collections and Generics. It is really essential to get hands-on experience on different Java collections. This course will teach you how generics are used, the benefits of using them, how generics provide us type-safety etc. It will also make you familiar with some of the most commonly used collections. This course ishighly practical-base and main focus is on practicals rather than the theory.Some of the highlights of this course:- A total hands-on development course. All basic fundamentals of Collections and Generics will be covered. All concepts explained with practical examples and very few power-point presentations. Very simple language used while explaining so that its easily understood. As its a short course, it wont be boring at all. You need toinvest only around 2-3 hours of your time. I believe you will enjoy this course and learn a lot. Happy Coding :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"New Manager Training: Collaborating With Your Team" |
"This is a fast-paced course where you will learn the basics of leading your team through a business collaboration. The steps for preparing for a collaboration, leading the actual event, and follow-up are all covered. There are also entire lectures dedicated to the best way to deal with virtual meeting software, and how to capitalize on the personalities of your different team members.All of this- in less thanan hour!So you can be ready to use your new skills fast!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"(Ken Cen)Machine Learning - Linear Regression" |
"PythonPythonPythonMachine LearningNumpyPandasMatplotlibMachine Learning Linear Regression Multiple Linear RegressionPyhonNumpy Pandas"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to create a Slack bot to automate tasks for you" |
"There are so many aspects of businesses that can be automated using Slack.What does it mean to automate a task?Imagine being able to take a process in your business, and be able to get a bot to not onlydo it for you, but also do itperfectly every time. Not to mention your bot can be working 24/7, often perform tasks much faster than a human, and check on updates to systems every few seconds instead of hours or days. aka. the perfect employee.What sort of tasks can be automated in Slack?Almost anything you can think of. You're only limited by your creativity.Say a client wants to know their balance on their account. They could email you, and thenyou reply. Or you could give them a slashcommand to retrieve their balancewhenever they want.Maybe a developer needs to log time they've worked. They could go into an accountancy system and manually enter that time, and then send a message to a project manager to let them they've finished their task. Or... you could give that developer a single custom slashcommand that will perform all those tasks for them.So what are we going to learn in this course?Let's say you have a company where employees can submit purchase requests for things they might want. They would normally fill out some form, give it to a secretary, who would then take it to the CEOto make a decision on. That secretary then needs to give that feedback to theemployee who requested the purchase.The secretary will also monitor all the purchase requests, so that if the CEOhas forgotten to make a decision on one of them, that secretarywill remind the CEO.In this course we're essentially going to code up this entire flow, primarily by turning the human secretary into a Slack bot. So that the only human beings who will use the system is the CEO and the employee making the purchase request.Pretty amazing right?"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Forex: Come Tracciare una TrendLine Correttamente" |
"Impara con pi precisionedove possono Rimbalzare i Prezziin un trend,evitare False Rotture,utilizzareStrategie Trend-Followingcon maggior successo eindividuare meglio Figure di Analisi Tecnica.Posizionare Correttamente la Trendline pu aiutarti a:Anticipare dove possonoRimbalzare i Prezziper entrare a favore di TrendSviluppare vere e proprieStrategie a Favore di TrendCapire quando unTrend sta Terminandoe possono formarsiFigure di Analisi Tecnicadi Inversione e ContinuazioneAumentare le Performance delle tueStrategie di TradingTi insegneri principi fondamentali che io stesso utilizzo per individuare veri rimbalzi sulla trendline e false rotture. Faremo poi esercizi ed analisi insieme per imparare qual' la forma migliore di posizionare la trendline. E imparerai come riconoscere false rotture di supporti, resistenze e trendline grazie ai Pattern sulle CandlestickGiapponesi.Vivo di Trading sui miei conti da 4 anni e grazie a questo da 2 anni di rendita alle Isole Canarie. Qualsiasi strategia utilizzo o analisi tecnica con figure di inversione e continuazione ha un supporto fondamentale da trendline ben tracciate, ecco perch voglio mantenere questo corso gratuito.NB.Per seguire il corso importanteavere una piattaforma di trading installata e averenozioni basiche su trend ecandele giapponesi.Non verr insegnata una strategia di trading, il corso di formazione basica generale."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Forex Trading: Strategia Correlazione EUR/GBP vs GBP/USD" |
"Vuoi Imparare unaTecnica sulleScorrelazioni nei Grafici Forex?Semplicee con il76% di Operazioni in Profittosui Miei Conti Personali negli Ultimi 2 Anni?Ecco Cosa Otterrai da Questo Corso:1) Imparerai unaStrategiaconPi di 4 Anni di Storico su MieiConti Reali Personali2)+20% Annualesu Grafici Daily e+8% Mensilesu Grafici Intraday3) Testata su15 Anni di Storico in Backtest Professionali,Creata da Me, Non Puoi Trovarla inNessun'altra Parte di Internet3) Potrai Utilizzarla inRelax su Timeframe Giornalieri eSettimanali, Oppure in FormaPiAggressiva in Grafici Intraday4) Ti Insegner3 Tipologie di Setup Possibili, Come Proteggere il Tuo Capitale e Gestire il RischioE' da quasi 5 anni che vivo di rendita grazie anche al trading sul forex, hocreato pi di 20 strategie attualmente in attivo, ho passato due anni della mia vita a selezionare e testare strategie. Le scorrelazioni tra due cross sono tra le tecniche pi efficaci, semplici,ma allo stesso tempo pericolose che esistano.E' importante basarsi su studi ponderati e solidi.Questa una strategia con 15 anni di backtest con storici professionali, 4 anni di utilizzo su miei conti personali e da 2 anni con una percentuale di successo vicina all'80%."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Forex: Il Testa e Spalle, Figure di Inversione e Pattern" |
"E' da 4 anni che vivo di rendita grazie alle mie entrate passive e al trading sui miei conti personali.Le mie performance mi hanno portato ad essere richiesto dadecine dibrokers, fondi e banchein tutto il mondo. E uno deipilastrisul quale baso il mio trading l'Analisi Tecnica.In questi corso ti spiegoesattamentecomeiolavoro ilTesta e Spalle, laFigura di Analisi Tecnicapifrequentee piimportante.Imparerai:- Come Riconoscere unTesta e Spalle Corretto-I 3 Tipidi Testa e Spalle Pi Frequenti-EsattamenteCome Lavorare la Figura Pi Importante dell'Analisi Tecnica-QuandoEntrare,DoveEntrare, Dove PosizionareStopLosseTargetEntra nel 2% Che Guadagna!Impara ad Anticipare il Mercato, Invece di Entrare Sempre Tardi e Perdere Come il 98% Delle Persone.NB.Nel video promozionale si parla di 4000 iscritti e testimonianze, riguarda corsi pubblicati un anno fa, poi rimossi per motivi di esclusiva percollaborazioni con terzi. Da Maggio 2018 stiamo ripubblicando i videoquindi le testimonianze ripartono da zero."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"GUION:Mtodo PRACTICO y EFECTIVO para CREAR historias cortas" |
"QUIERES MEJORAR O APRENDER A HACER GUIONES QUE FUNCIONEN?QUIERES HACER UN CORTOMETRAJE O UNA SERIE Y NO SABES COMO ESCRIBIR UN GUION?En este cursoAPRENDERScomo escribir guiones usandoelMTODO sencilloque yo he utilizado para escribir mis 7 cortometrajes, y mis2 series streaming entre la cual estnlos 36episodios de la serie ganadora como mejor serie web de comedia en el Baja web fest 2015 ""LA VIDA SIN GUION""conmas de 30 millones de vistas en Youtube.Aplica los 6puntos que aprendersen este curso y quedebes desarrollar en laestructura de tusguiones para que tu corto, serie o vdeo sea cautivanteyque mantengael inters de tu audienciaTENDINDOLOS SIEMPREal filo de su asiento preguntndose Que va a sucederdespus?30 das de GARANTA DE DEVOLUCINsi crees que este curso no te ha servido.*** APROVECHA ESTEPRECIODE INTRODUCCIN porque poco a pocosubir el costo.En1hora+ conocelaESTRUCTURA EFECTIVAque debes aplicar para que tus guionesSEAN MUCHO MEJOR...esto es lo que me ha funcionado a mi.Si realmentequieres conocer comohacer un guion que cautive, si realmente quieres hacer buenas historias, debes ponerle atencina laESTRUCTURAde tus GUIONESy aquaprenderslos pasos que debes seguir para conseguirlo.Estas pensando en producir un cortometraje? o Simplemente quieres hacer un videoblog o un video informativo?, este mtodoque te enseo aqute servirpara realizarloscon mayor xito!, lo mas importante en cualquier video , corto o pelculaes ""ElGuion"", y algo imprescindiblepara un buen guion es tener una buena estructura, y eso es lo que aprendersen este curso!.Que esperas?, toma este curso y comienza a crearmejores guiones!"
Price: 720.00 ![]() |
"JavaScript Projects for JavaScript Beginners" |
"Hi, I am a Front End Engineer and a Udemy Instructor with over 15,000 students and 5000+ 5 Star Reviews!If you are looking to build interactive web pages with JavaScript then I have released a course just for you :)Learn DOM methods and properties to use JavaScript to make your web page interactive.On top of that this course will have two projects to get started with and many more on the way!This isn't the only course you should ever take on learning to create interactive web pages with JavaScript but it should be your first!JavaScript has become an essential web technology along with HTML and CSS, as most browsers implement JavaScript. Thus, You must learn JavaScript if you want to get into web development, and you must learn it well if you're planning on being a front-end developer or on using JavaScript for backend development.What makes JavaScript important?Here are five reasons:Its everywhere.Its seen adoption from large companies (think: LinkedIn, Google, Netflix) that not only decided to use JavaScript, but to rewrite their entire applications using it. This isnt a tiny investment. It displays a great deal of trust and faith in a language to choose the risk of rewriting an application over using an existing one. These risks are being taken by industry giants, and for good reason.Its flexible.Its not just a front-end language. As a back-end language, JavaScript provides great scalability and performance because of its event-driven architecture, more so than many of its competitors from various languages. It also allows for a seamless transition for developers from the back end to make edits on the front end. JavaScripts adaptability is something that draws more and more people each year. It can provide you with great interactions on the front end, asynchronous operations, and is not bound to any browser or operating system. Its possibilities are endless due to this dynamic and adaptable nature.Its easy to learn.With the only requirements being a text editor and a browser, anyone can start learning JavaScript. And while learning JavaScript, youll interact with HTML and CSS, which are the building blocks of any website.Its community.Because of its popularity, the JavaScript community is heavily populated with experts, novices and resources. New ideas and libraries spring up daily to fix new problems, improve fixes of existing problems or introduce new methods. The community is constantly innovating, and through this JavaScript evolves.Its in demand.If you want to be a programmer, you need to learn JavaScript. Because its so widely used, you will be hard-pressed to find a job listing for a developer that does not require it. Its the de facto language of the web, other than HTML/CSS of course."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Lettering e Caligrafia com Brush e Flat Pen" |
"Neste curso, Carlos Siqueira mostra suas tcnicas que esto conquistando diversos alunos pelo pas. Tudo de forma prtica e objetiva.Ele ensina como criar letras feitas mo com a caneta Brush Pen (ponta pincel), de forma mais artstica, livre e espontnea, mas sem perder a essncia das construes tcnicas do alfabeto caligrfico. Como bnus, exerccio e tcnicas com caneta Flat Pen.Aprenda a utilizar diversos tipos de canetas Brush Pen, ferramentas, diferentes tipos de espessuras e traos surpreendentes para criar trabalhos incrveis de brush lettering.Confira dicas de livros, materiais, diversos trabalhos criados especialmente para o curso para voc descobrir as diversas possibilidades, passo a passo.Este curso um dos mais completos em portugus e rene aulas em alta definio Full HD e cmeras que captam diversos detalhes.E o melhor: voc pode aplicar as tcnicas em diversos trabalhos como: criao de logotipos, convites de casamento, estampas, trabalhos artsticos, entre outros.Sobre o Professor do curso:Carlos Siqueira designer na marca ONeill e paralelamente faz trabalhos de Caligrafia e Lettering. Sempre gostou de letras em geral, mas nos ltimos anos vem se focando nos estilos e tcnicas desse universo que possibilita uma nova viso na construo de letras. Est sempre estudando, praticando e buscando novas referncias. Fez trabalhos para grandes marcas como, ONeill, Nike, Urban Arts, Lar Center, C&A, Risqu, V&R Editoras, El Cabriton, entre outras e est sempre estudando e buscando novas referncias que agreguem valor ao seu trabalho."
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Game Writing: Storytelling through Video Game Design" |
"The course will help you to design and write your own games - learn how to generate and develop your ideas, how to structure a story-rich game, and how creating a narrative and storyworld will enhance all games, even those that are not story based! Learn to create a compelling storyworld for your video game by developing ideas, characters and a memorable narrative. Youll be given knowledge and tasks to cement and practice what youve learned.Create Immersive StoryworldsUnderstand how writing for games differs from writing for other media.Learn which aspects of a game contribute to a memorable narrative.Discover how story is conveyed through games.Practice developing an idea from start to end.Storytelling: Arguably the Most Important Aspect of Game Design. Games that are story-rich have a deep story to uncover as you play the game, and have an extra dimension compared to other forms of media in that the player themselves is a part of that story. The storyworld makes up so much of a game and it is communicated in many different ways. Its everything from the artwork and the audio design to the dialogue between characters and the player themselves. As a game designer or a game writer, you are responsible for shaping this world and conveying it to the player.Content OverviewThis course aims to help you develop your skills as a designer of games. Well talk about what makes games a unique form of media, how to tell good stories, how to generate ideas, and how story can be conveyed through games (spoiler: there are LOTS of different ways!). These are the core sections of the course, and well be adding bonus sections soon.Story structure will be the first bonus (coming soon!) and each new section will provide new ways to improve your game design techniques.Each of the course videos is made using the Unity game engine, and we communicate information within this game setting.As well as video lectures, this course contains Reflection moments where we ask you to pause and think about what your answers to specific questions would be, Missions where we ask you to do some writing (and then show you our own example), and worksheets to guide your ideas.We also encourage you to share your ideas and give feedback to others.Once you complete this course, youll be able to design story-rich games using various different methods to convey your ideas."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"The Solar PV System Design Comprehensive Course //P2" |
"This course is the second part of the series "" The Solar PV System Design Comprehensive Course"". In the first part, you have got a strong hold of : 1. The different problems about the panel datasheet and other relevant calculations.2. Solar system surroundings and their effect on the PV system power generation and performance.3. Free online tools to fetch important information specially for shadow, peak sun hours, azimuth and zenith and many other fundamental data.4. Different solar PV system related terms which have been explained and worked upon previously.In this course, you will move forward to conduct more calculations. The course is 100% Practical. No waste of time, no long speech. It is all do and only doing that matters. The step Two is giving you more freedom to follow everything I am doing EXACTLY. The same Excel sheet I prepared for every lesson will be attached for you to download and work together with me. The lessons are result oriented. It is a real workshop here!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Fashion Design: Stitches and Zippers in Marvelous Designer" |
"This course will teach you to create a Hoodie Sweater with a Zipper and Stitching. By learning to create these details you will be able to create many type of detailed elements for you futuredesigns.This course is about being able to turn a flat drawing or sketch into real looking clothing using 3D software. You will get lectures that cover tool and concepts along with Marvelous designer files of the final output and textures used.By taking this course will be learning about a tool that covers more than just fashion but it opens up other industries like game and movies. You will be learning a skill where you can either save money for your fashion company or provide 3D clothing for your game characters."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Patrocinio Irresistible" |
"Prcticas superiores para conseguir patrocinadores.Es el producto de una extensa investigacin sobre lo que estn haciendo la UEFA Europa League, Hollywood, Las ligas ms importantes de U.S.A, y los conciertos y eventos ms grandes del planeta.Este curso comprende temas como:La verdad sobre el patrocinioCmo conseguir patrocinio de forma magnticamente atrayenteLos 4pasos para que los patrocinadores nos acosenEncontrar al patrocinador idealPreparar una propuesta irresistibleDeterminar el valor de la propuestaContactar y negociar"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Relocate Abroad (Updated for COVID-19)" |
"Imagine you could pick a country and then relocate there and live there like a local. Imagine you could then decide, 6 months later, to pick another country to move to and do the same all over again. Imagine your professional life could continue as before. Imagine bringing your spouse along for this foreign adventure. This is the life I have been leading for the past 6 years. My wife and I have been living in 7 different cities on 3 different continents. And guess what, I am an entrepreneur, but my wife has worked exclusively in the corporate world (read: employee). We have still been able to make all this relocation and moving abroad work. And in this course I show you how. ******See what other students have had to say:I watched the three first Videos and I loved the introduction so much , because it gives you the hope and the will to travel abroad , I hope that I will find my pursuit in this course thank you :)) ! - Bouchaib ChariouiI especially appreciate the sections for company employees, since they tend to be neglected in most of these ""work for yourself"" online type of courses. Thanks! -MarkGreat information! - May ThidaLots of useful tips I am incorporating into my plan. - Francis Zari******This is for Anyone, Entrepreneur or Employee, who wishes to relocate and live in a foreign country.This course will not tell you how to earn a living online and then tell you ""Now Travel!"". This concentrates on everything having to do with relocation, so it will walk you through the concrete steps you need to relocate to a new country, from deciding upon the country to move to, to figuring out what to do with your possessions, home, car, friends, and your life in general, to establishing a new life in the new country, with a new home, car, friends, etc. in your new city/country abroad. This relocation course will also walk you through the logistics (storage, visas, payment issues, etc.) that you are bound to encounter when relocating, whether to a foreign location or to another city. So if you would like to relocate, to move abroad, to live in a foreign city, or to just travel more, then this is for you. "
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Travel to Italy (Including lessons) - Updated for COVID-19" |
"Italy is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. It has the Alps, it has desert, it has volcanos, it has beautiful coastlines and more ancient monuments than you can count. Home of the Roman Empire, Start of the Renaissance, it even contains two other sovereign countries within its borders! Italy is known for its shopping, its food, its wine, its coffee, its art, its fashion, its cars and its beautiful beautiful countryside. From the hustle and bustle of Milan, to the rolling hills of Tuscany, to the Sicilian coast and everywhere in between. In fact, Italy has more UNESCO World Heritage Sites than any other country in the world! But there can also be many problems with traveling to Italy. From being cheated at restaurants, to being literally taken for a ride by Taxi drivers, to strikes and delays and closures, to pickpocketing and petty crime, counterfeit products and plenty of reckless driving. This course was created so that you could enjoy the most beautiful country on earth and get the most out of your trip there. This course includes all the information you need for your trip: what to prepare before your travelthe best times of year to visitvisas and budgetinghousingtransportationsafety moneyshoppingeatinginternetand tips and tricksAnd then with an Italian vocab section at the end, to use in different situations, and a native speaker pronouncing all the words for you as well. This means you get an Italian audio guide, complete with meaning and correct pronunciation, as well as downloadable PDFs with the same Italian words and expressions, so you can improve your Italian language skills before your visit. In short, This course will provide everything you need when traveling to Italy and when conversing with new Italian friends. It also is filled with interesting information about Italy in general. See what other students have had to say:""I learned some helpful tips in preparing for our trip to Italy. I enjoyed hearing the Italian words and phrases in two different voices."" - Mary K Bradley""Great information"" - Albert Yemenian""Good course!"" - Kate Phillips""Very informative. I love the vocab section!"" - Lilly Raggio"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Bootstrap 4 Crash Course: Introduction to Building Websites" |
"Hi there, I'm Filip, a top-rated and best-selling Udemy instructorand I want to thank you for showing interest in my Bootstrap 4 CrashCourse.Below isa complete breakdown of what you're going to learn throughout this course. Lets start the journey.- GENERAL OVERVIEW:This 3-hour, intensive and extensivecrash course will have you completely set up and ready to buildresponsive websites, landing pages and templates with the very new Bootstrap 4 Beta framework. I will demonstrate the power of the Bootstrap library, we'll set up the environment together (Installation of Bootstrap + Code Editor),we'll take a look inside the core principles of Bootstrap 4(rows &columns)and even then, once you're familiar with the basics,we'll start building the website from scratch.- COMPONENT-BASED COURSE!This coursecombines a total of 10 creative components -each built from scratch while I'm showcasing the complete process behind building even the smallest details. Here's a list of all of the components that we'll be building throughout this crash course.- COMPONENTS AND PROJECTSTAUGHT:Let me introduce you to the 10 components that we'll be building throughout the course:Navigation Bars:A complete navigation bar built from scratch that's responsive for all screen sizes and looking slick and modern.Dropdown Menus: Working Dropdown menus to showcase more options whenever we click on the parent list-item/link.Jumbotrons:Hero Sections to display important information are called Jumbotrons in Bootstrap 4. We'll be using one in our course.Cards and Badges:Many different styles for Bootstrap 4 cards to display information in clean manner, alongside Badges to display important information about a particular span.Sliders / Carousels:Responsive, Modern and Clean Sliders are a must nowadays. Learn how to build one in no time thanks to Bootstrap 4 awesomeness.Progress Bars:Progress Bars are a cool way of displaying metrics in a visually appealing way. Using divs and custom data attributes, creating colorful and fun progress bars has never been easier.Modals and Buttons: Modals are modern way of showing additional content without interfering with the initial design. Learn how to build these in this crash course!Forms: Forms are always the most important part of the website as it allows people to contact you. Don't miss thedesigning of the Bootstrap 4 awesome responsiveforms!- FROM 10 COMPONENTS TO AFULLY FUNCTIONAL WEBSITE:We will combinethese 10 components into a fully functional, responsive, modern website that can be used as a landing page for an app, firm, companyor product showcase website. We're alsowriting custom CSS media queries (very few, Bootstrap is taking care of thisfor us!)to make the website responsive. Also,we're following design trends in order to make our website look modern,clean and minimalistic.- FINALASSIGNMENT:You'll be given a final assignment that will put your skills to the test. You'll create a website by yourself with the skills gained in this course. Feel free to use Google or any of the resources I've taught you during the course. Bootstrap 4 documentation is also available at your fingertips. Create something beautiful and share it, firstly with me, then with your fellow students and the whole world!---------------------------5 MORE BONUSES WITH ENROLLING INTO THE COURSE:GET MY E-BOOK FOR FREE:""75+ Must Use Resources for Web Developers & Designers""is a book I've written especially for my students. Its supposed to be your ultimate guide when it comes to finding web resources like stock photos and videos, mockups, PSD templates, icon packs, fonts, typography, design inspiration and much more!ACCESS TO A FACEBOOK GROUP:My students are granted access to a completely private Facebook groupwhere we discuss web design and development topics, share knowledge andhelp eachother with bugs and issues. You can also contact me personally there, as well.MY PERSONAL FEEDBACK ON YOUR FINISHED WEBSITE:Once you've completed the course and the website you developed is ready, I will be very glad to take a look at it and give you some feedback and thoughts. Feel free to message me in the student chatroom and we'll discuss your website in detail!COMPLETE SUPPORT WITH BUGS/ISSUES:I will be available 24/7 for your questions and queriesregarding this course. If you're stuck, facing a problem orhave a bug somewhere in your code, I'll be glad to personally inspect your code and fix the error in a timely manner. Just post a discussion in the Q&A section and I'll be there!What are you waiting for? Click the""ENROLL NOW""button and I can't wait to see you inside!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Affinity Designer Complete Course: Beginner to Advanced" |
"Hi there, thank you so much for showing interest in my Affinity Designer complete course.Below isa complete breakdown of what you're going to learn throughout this course. Lets start the journey.- GENERAL OVERVIEW:Have you ever wanted to start a career in the design world but weren't feeling comfortable or you just thought that design is not for you? Or maybe you've tried to learn web design but you weren't sure where to start?Well, this complete Affinity Designer masterclass will take you from a total beginner to an advanced designer who's feeling comfortable designing logos, apps, graphics and even websites.You absolutely don't have to have any experience in the design world or Affinity Designer, we'll go through everything step-by-step in the course. We'll go through the interface of the software, explain all of the panels, toolbars and settings and then we'll get to work within the 3 personas in Affinity Designer.- PROJECT-BASED COURSE!The masterclass contains many projects that we will be designing through the course, polishing and putting our learned skills to the test. You'll use the skills learned to create amazing creations, apps, logos, graphics and more!SO, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DESIGN?Let me introduce you to the design projects:Design an App Icon: With just few tools learned [rectangles and gradients], you'll be able to quickly design a very minimalistic, modern and sophisticated icon for an app.Convert a Pixel Graphic to a Vector Logo: Follow this very cool time-saving trick in order to turn any kind of pixel graphic to an amazing looking vector shape, logo or form.Enhance Photographs: Affinity Designer also allows us to edit pictures on the go with its huge set of photo manipulation options. Join me as we thoroughly go through the options. Design a Logo:With the techniques, tools and tricks learned you'll be able to design an eye-pleasing modern logo for a company. I'll go through the whole process and you'll design a brand new logo from scratch.Design a 2D Flat Character: You'll even design a 2D cartoon character from scratch using just plain tools as rectangles, spheres and curves! It will be really fun.Shading and Texturing: You'll learn the very important processes of shading and texturing and we'll be applying these techniques to the current graphics that we've already designed. DESIGN AN APP: If the above wasn't enough, I'll even walk you through the complete process of sketching/wireframing and designing a real-world app for a social media/dating app. We'll design 3 screens from scratch to complete finish.DESIGN A WEBSITE:As a final task, you'll be given an assignment with instructions to design a website with all of the things that you've learned during the course. Don't miss this!- ASSIGNMENTS: After you complete a section, in order to brush up the learned techniques, you'll have to put your skills to the test and design what's required from you. This is how you will master your craft and this is how you'll practice design principles until you get the hang of it. Make sure to never miss an assignment as this is a vital part of the learning process.- DESIGN AWEBSITE WITH SKILLS LEARNED: With all of the things learned in the last 7-8 hours, as a final assignment and a test, you'll be granted a task that will require you to design a landing page from scratch. If you were able to follow along designing the app, you should have absolutely no problem designing a website from scratch and you'll actually be very surprised how skillful you've become. I'll be taking a detailed look in every one of your submissions regarding this final finished website design. Get to work!---------------------------5 MORE BONUSES WITH ENROLLING INTO THE COURSE:GET MY E-BOOK FOR FREE: ""75+ Must Use Resources for Web Developers & Designers"" is a book I've written especially for my students. Its supposed to be your ultimate guide when it comes to finding web resources like stock photos and videos, mockups, PSD templates, icon packs, fonts, typography, design inspiration and much more!ACCESS TO A FACEBOOK GROUP:My students are granted access to a completely private Facebook group where we discuss web design and development topics, share knowledge andhelp each other with bugs and issues. You can also contact me personally there, as well.MY PERSONAL FEEDBACK ON YOUR FINISHED DESIGNED WEBSITE:Once you've completed the course and the website you designed is ready, I will be very glad to take a look at it and give you some feedback and thoughts. Feel free to message me in the student chatroom and we'll discuss your website in detail!COMPLETE SUPPORT WITH QUESTIONS:I will be available 24/7 for your questions and queries regarding this course. If you're stuck, facing a problem orhave a question regarding anything in Affinity Designer, I'll be glad to personally inspect your query and explain your the solution in a timely manner. Just post a discussion in the Q&A section and I'll be there!30-DAY FULLMONEY BACK GUARANTEE:In case the course didn't meet your expectations, I'm offering full 30-day money back guarantee, no questions asked. I would, however, appreciate if you give mefeedbackon what would you like to be improved, so I can improve myself for myupcoming courses!What are you waiting for? Click the ""BUY NOW"" button and I can't wait to see you inside!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Impara a realizzare un portale web per la gestione di utenti" |
"Durante il corso verr spiegato dettagliatamentecome realizzare un portale web per la gestione di utenti. In particolare il sito strutturato su diverse pagine navigabili in base al livello dell'utente. Gli utenti non registrati possono visualizzare l'home page, fare una ricerca tra gli utenti registrati o visualizzarli su una mappa google maps.Ogni visitatore pu registrarsi inserendo tutti i suoi dati relativi ai contatti, una immagine del profilo e un indirizzo che apparir nella mappa globale automaticamente.Attraverso una utenza da amministratore possibile visualizzare la lista degli utenti e modificarli/eliminarli.Attraverso la comprensione del corso il partecipante imparer a personalizzare il codice e adattare il sito come meglio crede.La base software realizzata nel corso potrebbe essere usata per diversi scenari: portale web con gestione utenti per la ricerca ad esempio di professionisti nella zona, un sito per una associazione, una semplice rubrica di clienti con visualizzazione su mappa, etc...La tecnologia usata inoltre consente la completa fruizione del sito in modalit responsive quindi perfettamente funzionante anche su smartphone e tablet.Il sito pu essere installato sia in locale (ad es. utilizzando Xampp) oppure su di un qualsiasi spazio web."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Impara a utilizzare Mobirise per creare siti web" |
"Durante il corso vedremo passo passo come installare Mobirise, configurare l'ambiente e iniziare a creare un sito web.In poco pi di un'ora imparerete a inserire i vari blocchi, configurarli a piacere in base al vostro obiettivo e ad esportare il tutto suun vero spazio web per andare online!I siti realizzati con Mobirise sono subito responsive e quindi completamente compatibili con smartphone e tablet.Anche riguardo l'indicizzazione (SEO), Mobirise perfetto in quanto il risultato prodotto facilmente ""leggibile"" dai vari motori di ricerca."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Moodle Quizzes" |
"By the end of this course, learners will be able to create, configure and edit all the quiz question types in Moodle, as well as understanding the question bank and gradebook.The course is split into 3 main sections Quiz Configuration, Simple Quizzes and advanced quizzes.I willbegin the course by guiding learners through creating a new quiz and the host of configuration options that go with it. We will also take a look at the Question Bank and the Moodle gradebook, so that learners can add, import and export quiz questions and grades.The course will then progress to looking the simplest types of moodle quiz questions questions like MCQ, True or false, essay and matching will be fully investigated in this section.The course will finish by looking at more advanced quizzes such as Drag and Drop onto text, image and markers, numerical questions and select missing words question types.Throughout the course, there will be special example lessons that demonstrate the skills and techniques learnt in the course, and I will include real life practical examples, so that learners understand when and where to use different quiz question typesSo, if you are an Administrator, Manager, Teacher, Classroom assistant, Course Creator, or just aProfessional interested in enhancing your Moodle courses with interactive, engaging moodle quizzes,why not sign up today?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Self-Publishing from the Very, Very Beginning" |
"This course has video demonstrations, templates, and instructions for the beginner to create eBook and paperback manuscripts, learn some ways to get additional online links to the book sales page, prepare a cover as a print-ready PDF, learn how not to compress images in Word, and learn about ISBN's and copyrights. Adobe Pro is used in a few lessons but alternative methods are described. Step-by-step printable direction PDFs for working with book templates are included.Easy templates include the following:Chapter Paperback Word Doc Template Chapter eBook Word TemplateChildren's Picture Book PowerPoint Template for a Paperback and an eBook (8.25"" X 6"" paperback with bleed)Children's Picture Book 8.5"" X 8.5"" Paperback Word TemplateVideos include the following and more:Free Accounts for Self-PublishingThere are several free online accounts that will allow you to publish eBooks and paperbacks. This video discusses Kindle Direct Publishing, the sales page, Amazon Author Central, Goodreads as a reader, and Goodreads as an author. Quick Overview of Social Media for a BookSocial media can be carefully used to provide links online to your book sales page. Quick overview. CopyrightsWhen the manuscript is finished (or finished and published) it should be copyrighted within 90 days. Begin with an End PlanBegin with the end in mind so that decisions made later will not require revisions and extra work. Start out with a plan to be most efficient and reach your goals. Be Consistent with MetadataBe careful to use the exact same title, subtitle, and author name on all documents to be published such as eBook manuscripts, paperback manuscripts, and covers.Copyright Page Word Doc and PDF provided to edit for your own book. Set-up Word so Images will not be CompressedIf your book has photos or art, before typing the manuscript, Word should be set up to not compress images.Set-up Acrobat Pro If using Acrobat Pro to create PDFs, set up Word so that images will not be compressed when saved as a PDF.Prepare the Kindle ManuscriptThis video has a demonstration of preparing a Kindle eBook Word document from scratch. A generic Word Doc is provided which meets the new requirements. Table of Contents for Kindle Learn to insert a table of contents that will have links for eBooks, learn to update it, and see how to see/check your work by downloading the Kindle previewer for PC or Mac. Two supporting documents are included in this lesson. Online Cover CreatorsKindle Create to Embellish ManuscriptsConvert Paperback Manuscript to eBook FormatFonts in eBooksPaperback Manuscript How to and Free Template Create your own paperback manuscript using the directions and lesson resource template.Table of Contents for the PaperbackThe Table of Contents (TOC) for a paperback is different from the eBook format.Create a Full-bleed Children's Paperback with PowerPointThis video shows how to use a PowerPoint file sized to publish an 8.5"" X 6"" children's paperback. Template provided.Create a No-bleed Children's Paperback with WordThis lecture has a video about creating a children's paperback using Word (no other software is required) to make an 8.5"" X 8.5"" book. A sample Word doc is provided. Use Word and Adobe Pro to Create a Full-bleed Children's PaperbackThis lecture has a video, a step-by-step guide, and a Word document that may be used to create both a paperback and an ebook from the same file. For this paperback, Word, Adobe Acrobat DC Pro, a story, and illustrations are required.There are 41 videos in all. Other topics include figuring out which is the left-hand and right-hand page in documents, finding the financial information reports in KDP, uploading to KDP, and some troubleshooting. Also, students may ask questions and a video may be created which could be added to the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |