Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Windows Server 2012 R2 Pratik Uygulamalar" |
"Dnya apnda en yaygn olarak kullanlan iletim sisteminin hi phesizMicrosoft Windows srmleri bilinen bir gerektir. Bu kadar byk pazar payna sahip bir iletim sisteminin hem client tarafnn hemde server tarafnn zelliklerini detayl ve uygulamal olarak renmek iin hazrsanz bu eitim tam da size gre...Eitim boyunca Windows 8.1 Enterprise ile Windows Server 2012 R2 iletim sistemlerinin yetilerinden ve zelliklerinden bahsedilecektir. Windows Server 2012 R2 tarafnda yer alan roller ncelikle slayt zerinden sonrasnda ise uygulamal olarak Hyper-V sanallatrma platformunda anlatlacaktr.Bu eitim bilgi ilem merkezlerinde sistem departmanlarnda alan ya da kendisini sistemci olarak yetitirmeyi isteyen bireylere hitap etmektedir.Kursun sonunda Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2'nin hi bilmediiniz zellikleri ile tanacak ancak bu zelliklerin kullanmnn ne kadar kolay ama bir o kadar da sper zellikler olduunu gryor olacaksnz. Ayrca Wndows 8.1 Enterprise tarafnda ise can alc zelliklere deinilmitir.Eitimin tm rencilere i hayatnda bir art olarak dneceini syleyerek kursa biran evvel balamanz tavsiye ediyorum.Herkese iyi almalar."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Be a Web Design Freelancer with No Coding Experience" |
"Build your own Freelance Web Design Website andportfolio in this course to get clients contacting you about your web design service!Get access toa proven method to start a freelance business from scratch and get 4 paying clients a month using only the free marketing techniques I will show you. Using the paid marketing techniques shown in this course I was able to double that number and get 8 clients in a month.I charge $500 per web design so 8 clients a month equals $4,000 a month that I made being a freelance web designer as a side job, while also continuing my full time position.Build your websites on a free website builder, Wordpress, where this course shows you how to make professional sites with no coding.This course will teach you how to incorporate impressive features on your websites for your clients.Additionally, this course will show you where you can market your business for free and also how you can pay for targeted marketing.Included is: videos showing you all you need to know to create professional websites, how to email and interact with clients, where to market your business to get clients and much more similar content.This course can be completed over three days as it will take some time to set up your freelance business site, build your portfolio, and set up marketing for your business. These tasks will all be covered in this course as I show you how to build themin the video content of this course.The BESTpart is...ANYONECANDOIT!This course makes it very simple to get started with your freelance web design career and turn anyone into a web designer with no coding experienceIf you read down this far, I believe you are ready to take on the challenge of starting your own fun and exciting web design business!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Emprende Con Lean Canvas: Crea tu Plan de Negocio" |
"Lean Canvasha causado sensacin en el mundo de la estrategia y ha transformado el emprendimiento con un sistema fcil y confiable de validacin para pasar de una idea de negocio a un emprendimiento exitoso. Una interesante herramienta que nos ayuda a disear e innovar de forma visual.En este curso aprenders a desarrollar, planificar y validar tus ideas utilizando una metodologa gil y rpida que aumentara significativamente tus posibilidades de crear un producto relevante y alcanzar el xito.Inscribete ahora para comenzar a crear modelo de negocio que ser ledo para ms gente, ser ms fcilmente actualizado y le permiten centrarse en la construccin de su negocio. Que aprenders: Como construir su idea en un modelo de negocio de una pagina Como comprobar si su modelo de negocio vale la pena Como identificar los riegos en su modelo de negocio Como definir, construir y lanzar un producto mnimo viable (MVP)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Facebook Ads & Marketing Course" |
"Join 34,000+Students, and learnthe most effective ways to grow your business in 2017with Facebook Ads and Facebook's most effective Marketing tools!This is the most popular, up-to-date, and comprehensiveFacebook Marketing Course on Udemy, with 11.5 hours and 122 lectures that will enableyou to gofrom being a Beginnerto an AdvancedFacebook Marketer.Whether you have never done Facebook Marketingor are an agency thathasspent millions in advertising, Iguarantee you will learn a lot from this course.You get to learn theexact methodsandstrategiesthatwill work for youbased on my experience of buildingFacebook brandto205,000+fansandgaining Sales of myUdemy coursesusingFacebook Ads.Take this course today and start creating effectiveFacebook Marketing campaigns to your target audience.Within just 2 lectures, you will learn how to getFacebook Likesfor$0.003(or potentially lower) and later you will learn to getFacebook Video Viewsfor0.0003!Facebook Ads andMarketing isthe ultimate solution to your advertising needs.Learn exactly how to target audiences in a smart and simple way andlearn how to gain sales and create brand awareness from adverts at a cost of1c per customer view.Ihave also used YouTube Ads in the past where the lowest possible cost is 1c per video view.Which means for 1000 views, you will pay $10.In this course, Ishow you how you can getVideo Views on Facebook for 0.0003 cents on Facebook, which means1000 views is only 30cents!!You are virtuallypaying NOTHING!And that is the magic Iteach youin this course!If, like me, you are looking to build your business, then this course may provide youthe perfect way! When Ifirst started this page, I spent $30 on just 300 likes. I did not know the ways in which you could get low cost likes!Iwas foolish and naive, but after a lot of pain and frustration Ifinally figured how to get the best possible costs for Likes.I share with you theprecise formulayou need to follow, along with meimplementing it livefor you to follow.Ialso show you a live example of a video which cost me just$20 to achieve 60,000 views, at 0.0003c per view.On YouTube this would have cost me $600!!=========================TESTIMONIALS=========================""Fantastic course, excellent presentation and explanation from a very passionate teacher. Keep up the good work Suppoman!"" - Sarah""This course has beenabsolutely amazing. I managed to do apage like campaign for $0.002 per like.The instructor is very thorough and shows youstep by stephow to setup your ads!Providing value all the time"" - Jamie""All I can say is WOW ! After looking over the course material, this has to be the most current and comprehensive FB marketing course I have EVER seen. Thank you for making this available""- Chris""Suppoman is extremely detailed in terms of how he teaches his courses. This course has a metric TON of data and information about everything from Facebook in general, Facebook Ads and Facebook Live/live streaming"" - Stacey""One of the awesome and detailed courses that I have ever gone through. This course leads you from scratch to the guru techniques. Awesome Course."" - Ibtehaj""Nice Course...Best Ever About Facebook Marketing"" - Sumandas""I was really afraid of facebook ads, now I can't wait to try it!"" - Jordan""Tutor is really engaging and energenetic. I am a novice looking to grow my wedding business and this is a great course to help me, also I think this will help anyone even if you have used Ads!"" - Gemma""Charismatic and definitely into what he is doing.I am sure this course will aid me well in my journey to be a success online."" - Luc===============================================================You will see how to create a Page that can be self-growing with these techniques. There are plenty of Viral Video sharing pages on Facebook that are growing organically thanks to techniques from this video!The organic growth will be achieved once you've scaled up your Facebook page likes and your Facebook Video Views!And if you justwant to just build your Facebook page to build social proof for theprofessional brand you've created, this course is just what you need. You will see how Imanaged to get 0.0008c per view on a local video to a small niche audience. The Three Zero Club awaits you in this course!This is not just a load of slides with theory,Ishow you REALPROOF!See the free previews...To start learning, just click'Take this course'button andenroll!You risk no money enrolling because of the 30 day no questions asked refund policy. 99% of students do not request a refund which then just leaves your time.For every minute that you delay, you could be saving a huge amount of money...Thank you very much for reading this and Ihope to see you in the first lecture of this powerhouse course!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"The Complete YouTube & YouTube Ads Course with No Filming" |
"If youwant togrow your business using YouTube, with the help ofYouTube Ads,you will love thisUdemy course! You get to learn theexact methodsandstrategiesthatwill work for youbased on my experience building a YouTube channelto over 110,000+subscribers, 11.5 million viewsandmaking $10,000 a monthby creating popular videos. Take this course today and start creating effectiveYouTube videos that will be well received by your target audience.Today, you can start to make good money, easily, with YouTube, with no outlay whatsoever - and with ZERO prior experience!YouTube has announced that, ""thousands of YouTube users make over $100,000 every year""(that's $2,000 dollars every week!).You will not need anycameras or any equipment- I show you how to instantly access tens ofmillions (literally!) of videos which you can use for free. I will show you infull detail how to edit these videos to make a totally new video and add musicso that you can post thesevideos for immediate success.You will be taken through 6 hours of livewalkthroughs to see exactly how to post your videos to get the maximum benefit.Whether you already have a YouTube channelor not, you can be quickly earning money, and the best part is that you don't need to film any original content.I stress that you need no prior experience and there's nothing to buy or pay for. Nothing!You'll learnThe bestway to use titlesThe effectiveway to use descriptionsHow to use tags to vastly increase your views and incomeThe true secret to have a highly popular channelHow to get instant free access to millions of top quality videos which you can freely useHow to get free music for your videos - no restrictions on usageHow to really understand the analytics on YouTube - for ever greater successThe secrets to using effective thumbnails, playlists and analytics... and much, much more!You can have your own niche running this week, right after going through this course - and startearning immediately!Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now.Every hour you delay is costing you money..."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"The Complete YouTube Course 2020: Go from Beginner to Expert" |
"If you want to be successful on YouTube, you willlove this Udemycourse! When you take this course now, you'll have lifetime access to thestrategies responsible for bringing me more than 11million YouTube views and133,000+ subscribers. You will also learn exactlyhow the big YouTubers have managed to become internet celebrities and how they needed the 'Big Bang' to propel them into YouTube stardom!If youapply what you learn in this course, youwillbecomea successful YouTuber! There are certain ways you can become well-known and earn asubstantial amount from YouTubefor what you know and how you present it!This YouTube course contains everything Iknow and have applied to my own channel. I spent the last 2 years testing, testing, tweaking, improving and eventually getting to a high level onYouTube. You have full lifetime access, including all the updates, for free. But the most important thing is that you will be given anunderstanding what unlocks the 'Big Bang' for YouTubers. And with the help of YouTube Ads, you can accelerate the process in a way that was not available when the famous YouTubers started on here. There are YouTubers that have been able to achieve 700,000+subscribers in just 7 months, and you will see the proof that fast success is achievable on this course if you put the effort in.I have designed this YouTube course to help you learn the best of what Ihave learnt followed by step-by-step live tutorials to help you implement them.There are 8+ hours of HD video to help you succeed with YouTube right now.See inside my YouTube accountSee everything that I've done toget 117,000+ subscribers and 9million viewsSee the basic and simple set up Ihave to make videosGo from basic to expert in editing and YouTube SEOGet my assistance whenever you have a question or queryGet access to everyupdatethat I will make to this courseTo become a student, click the take this course buttonto enrol. You risk nothing with Udemy's unconditional, 30 day money-back guarantee, so all that leaves is your time.Don't delay, every minute could be costing you subscribersand revenue."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Advertising Playbook - Build Great Ads & Audiences!" |
"If you want to get started withFacebook Ads, you will love thisUdemycourse! It has beendesigned to tailor tobusy entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to use Facebook Ads but dont have the time to learn thefinerdetailsof online advertising and cant afford to lose money on advertising that doesnt work.In this course, I am going to take you fromknowing little to nothing about Facebook Ads to being online with your first successfulad in under one hour!You will learn:How to build an audience ofpeople who specificallyWANTwhat you are selling!How to gethighly-targeted Likesand with the knowledge of how to get them for lessthan your competitors are spending for the same Fans!Which posts to pick andhow to boost poststomake them viral!A step-by-step guide to creatingsuccessful Facebook Adsin less than 10 minutes.How to navigate through the Facebook Ads Managerand how tointerpret ad results!.And so much more!This Facebook AdsBeginnersCourse will tell youwhat you need to do to get startedwithrunning a successful Facebook Ad."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Live: Attract 100,000+ Page fans with Viral Streams" |
"If you are looking for a way to grow a viral Facebook Page, this Udemy course is perfectfor you!In this course you will learn exactly how certain Facebook pages are going viral by filming a picture in real time that gets viewers to use the Facebook Reaction buttons. These get people interacting with your post and keeps your video at the top of people's timeline.In this course Iwill show you:Case studies of Facebook pages that have created Viral Facebook Live postsHow to design a post that will go viral in 1 minuteHow to go live with this design and attract thousands of viewersHow to get your stream shared to enormous groups of viewers"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a realizar topografa con drones (3/5)" |
"Este es el tercer curso de la serie Topografa con drones. En estas publicaciones ofreceremos todos nuestros conocimientos de sobre UAVs y procesado de datos que yaofrecemos en nuestros cursos presenciales, de manera que cualquiera pueda acceder a esta informacin, en cualquier lugar del mundo y desde la comodidad de su casa u oficina.La informacin que te proporcionaremos la hemos adquirido con muchsmas horas de estudio, pruebas, y trabajo de campo. Est resumida y explicada de forma fcil, pero es informacin muy valiosa y difcil de obtener.Si quieres comenzar en la topografa con drones, participar en este curso te va a ahorrar semanas de trabajo investigando por tu cuenta lo que nosotros ya hemos investigado, haciendo las pruebas que hemos hecho, y cometiendo los errores que ya hemos cometido.En esta tercera parte, nos centramos en como preparar y procesar las imgenes para obtener modelos 3Dmuy precisos. Aprenders a georeferenciar correctamente las imgenes, a marcar puntos de control, a analizar los informes de calidad, etc.Hemos detallado cada tarea paso por paso y hemos explicado los motivos detrs de cada decisin y consejo que damos. Te proporcionamos tambin unas fotografas georeferenciadas, con sus puntos de control, para que puedas seguir de forma prctica los proyectos de Pix4Dy Agisoft Photoscan.Una vez acabado el curso, te recomendamos tambinhacer ejercicios prcticos con tu dronpara afianzar los conocimientos."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Personal Training Masterclass: Your Complete Training Plan" |
"You're here because you want to lose weight or maybe burn fat or build lean muscle, right?Maybe you're brand new to fitness, or maybe you have some experience but need help planning your workouts.Personal Training Masterclass: Your Complete Training Plan is acomprehensive andaction-packedfitnesscourse designed with you in mind.It's the one place with everything you need to start working onthe physique you have been striving for.Created for the novice to advanced level, this course covers how to eat clean, burn fat, and build lean muscle through a fitness-training program and includes a meal plan,healthy food choices and recipes.I don't just tell you what to do, I show you how to do it!Think of me as your personal trainer!I KNOW YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT and GET RID OF FAT!I will be with you every step of the way with every workout. Feel free to contact me anytime with questions/feedback.This course will cover everything you need to know to earn a lean physique including:A complete4MONTHstrength training programA complete4MONTHcardio fitness programA provided meal planSupplementationStrength training demonstrationsAssessing fitness progressand much, much more!Earn the physique you have always wanted today!Learning how to eat clean while creating the right strength program and cardio program for fat loss and muscle growth to achieve success can be confusing. There may be a lot of trial and error and available information to review. This course puts it all together for you in one complete fitness program, from eating healthy, to strength exercises, to cardio and supplementation.Whether you want to compete, get in shape for a big event, get healthy, lose weight, or gain muscle mass, by understanding how all the pieces fit together, you can go to the gym with confidence, cook with enthusiasm and walk your own path to success. This course shows you exactly how to do it.Contents and OverviewRegardless of your experience, this course is designed to provide you everything you need to achieve fitness results. You will learn how to change your lifestyle through diet and exercise to become healthier and feel better about yourself.You will start with an overview of everything covered in this course. I will then show you my real results and what I was able to achieve after completing this program.You will learn about how your attitude and mindset will open the door for success in this program.You will then learn how to become prepared before beginning this program, for example, the equipment you might need as well as the proper food and nutrients.You will then continue on and learn about the benefits of strength training, terminology and the pros and cons of free weights and machines.You will also learn about the benefits of cardiovascular training and the different types of cardio that are part of this fitness program.After learning the background and details of this program, you will have an opportunity to view demonstrations of some and learn which muscles are the primary focus of the strength exercise.Lastly, you will learn about different supplements and what I recommend as part of this fitness program.By the end of this course, you will have the knowledge and tools at your fingertips to earn the physique you have always desired. You will know how to eat clean, burn fat, and build lean muscle. You will be more knowledgeable in the gym and understand fitness terms. And will know why cardio and weights are both important in a fitness program."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CSS3 Shadow Effects for Web Design" |
"Want to learn how to create a CSS3 Shadow effects?Then you are on right place, this course will show you how to do that. By the end of this course you will be able to create some beautiful text shadow effects as well as box shadow effects. This is only 40 minutes course means you don't need to wait long hours to get-started.This course covering topics like Short introduction about shadow effects.What is text-shadow effects.How to create CSS3 text shadow effects.What is blur radius, shadow color and Multiple shadowsBox shadow effect introductionHow to create CSS3 box shadowbox shadow color, inset and spread radius in box-shadow effectIf you don't like this course then there is a 100% Money Back Guarantee! Sounds great? Then start learning today by clicking the Take This Course"" button right now."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Essential Training for Building Websites" |
"WordPress Essential Training is the course which is fit for all from beginners to intermediate level learners. This course not requires any prior knowledge of any coding language, anyone who have a basic knowledge of computers and have access to internet can take this course. This four hour course have everything which requires for a beginners.After Taking This Course You will get enough information about how to select domain names for your business as well as hosting account as per your requirements.You can install your own WordPress site on local computer.You can install your own WordPress site on Live Server means on Shared Hosting.You can easily create and manage post and pages.You will understand how to create menus and categories in WordPress.You will understand how to add content like pictures, audio, video or files in WordPress.You can manage media easily.You will understand how to use keyboard shortcuts while using editor.You will understand difference between post and page.You will understand how to mange comments in Dashboard.You can easily change you site look and functionality by adding new themes and plugins. You will understand how to manage users how to define their roles in WordPress.How to use tools and settings.You will also able to take some security precautions to avoid any attacks on your WordPress Site."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Online teaching - Success blueprint" |
"Hi, I'm Thomas, I'm an online instructor of many 5 Star Courses.Are you looking for more ways to increase you income? Well, look no further. As someone who has dabbled in many areas for side income and passive income, I can safely say that Course Selling is easily one of the most profitable side incomes that I have.More importantly its almost entirely about front loading. As long as you have the discipline to sit down one weekend and produce a course, it is most likely going to benefit you in the long run.Now making a course to sell isn't easy, and so I'm going to share with you the exact blueprint that I have used in order to sell many of my courses so well. And how I am able to make 8 different courses so far, even though I have another full time job whilst also having other side incomes that I manage.Now many instructors have been struggling to make consistent profits and whilst I am certainly no celebrity instructor, I have however been successful enough to help you make consistent profits from your courses.My sales have increase tremendously since I started and Ihave felt that maybe its time I tried to help others achieve the same results that I have.Once you start making your own courses and making revenue from it, its a highly rewarding experience that is very likely to keep you hooked. So hesitate no more, Enroll and I'll see you inside the course.theinitial free price will increase shortly, and i'll slowly be increasing the priceyou haveunlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, everall future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freethere's an unconditional, never any questions askedfull 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteemy help is always available to youif you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in Udemy"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"20 Schmerzfaktoren, die Sie kennen sollten" |
"Anja Jahns behandelt seit 10 Jahren in ihrer Heilpraxis in Mnchen vorwiegend Schmerzpatienten. Von der schmerzenden Schulterverspannung ber Unfall- oder Operationsfolgen bis hin zu komplexen Schmerzsyndromen. Oftmals Patienten, bei denendie Behandlungen imRahmen der alltglichen Arztbehandlungen nicht oder nicht mehr helfen oder ergnzt werden mssen.Fr diesen Kurs hat sie 20 Faktoren zusammengestellt, die ihrer Erfahrung nach in Schmerzsyndrome hineinspielen.Sie benennt diese Faktoren, beschreibt sie und erklrt,wodurch sie wirksam werden knnen. Und dann gibt sie Hinweise auf mgliche Verflechtungen mit anderen Faktoren und die Wirksamkeiten, die daraus entstehen knnen."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cognotcnicas: Herramientas para pensar ms y mejor" |
"Este cursotiene como objetivo que mejores la manera en que representas informacin y conocimientoen tu mente, ya sea para aprender nuevas cosas, o para explicrselas a losdems.Lo primeroque hace el curso es explicarte la importancia de utilizar herramientas parapensar mejor: simple y sencillamente, no puedes conformarte con hacerlo sin tcnica,porque estars desaprovechando mucho de tu potencialPosteriormente,aplicas un test para conocer cul es tu estilo de aprendizaje y tu forma depensamiento (analtico, sinttico, sistmico y evaluativo). A partir deah, te explico diferentes herramientas que te permitirn representar en tumente informacin y conocimiento, con lo cual podrs percibir el mundo de unamanera ms eficiente.Si eres unapersona de pensamiento analtico, te explicar con lujo de detalle cmorealizar mapas mentales, cuadros sinpticos, nubes de palabras, lneas detiempo, tablas informativas, glosarios y mapas de significados.Si eres unapersona de pensamiento sinttico, te explicar cmo hacer un documento de ideasprincipales, diagramas esquemticos, resmenes y memorias.Si eres unapersona de pensamiento sistmico, te ensear a generar referencias cruzadas,mapas conceptuales, diagramas de Venn y cuadros comparativos.Si eres unapersona de pensamiento evaluativo, te ensear a generar cuestionarios,exmenes, ensayos y estudios de caso."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Mind-Body Medicine - Law of Attraction" |
"This course has been created to help students overcome negative, limiting beliefs they have about money and finances and create new empowering beliefs that will supercharge their life for abundance and success. For so many of us, we grew up in an environment where we were told that 'there's not enough money' or 'money doesn't grow on trees'. Unfortunately this constant negative talk about money has created within us numerous limiting beliefs that are actually blocking our path to success. The course will help you identify and eliminate those negative beliefs so you can harness the power of the law of attraction and become someone who easily and effortlessly attracts money and financial opportunities into your life. Maybe you've been using positive affirmations for a while but you're still not getting the results you're looking for? Could it be that a negative subconscious belief about money and finances are sabotaging your efforts? The technique I'll teach you in this course coupled with some positive affirmations will help you erase any negative beliefs you have about money and break through any blocks to abundance that you may have been experiencing up to this point. You can use the technique with the affirmations daily to help you finally take control of your finances and your life. If you follow the guidelines and are willing to put the effort in towards reprogramming your mind, you will attract more money than you can ever imagine is possible. Once youve cleared a negative belief and replaced it with a new one, you can use the technique to clear other negative beliefs that may also be hindering your progress. Money, success and financial freedom can and will be yours... What are you waiting for? Why not sign up to my course today and see how quickly the law of attraction can begin to create miracles in your life?"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Accelerated Weight Loss in Just 1 Week!" |
"This course as titled is an 'Accelerated Weight Loss Plan' that should be followed for 'JUST 1 WEEK'. This plan is not a long-term solution to weight loss and should not be used as such. It is, as stated, a way of kick-starting you towards your weight loss goals. Unlike other diets, the suppressed appetite and quick initial weight loss you get with this plan will provide huge motivation and encouragement to continue on your weight loss journey. This diet should be followed exactly as outlined for the full 7 days in order to get a good psychological boost to make you realise that you can actually lose weight!! The plan is effective on its own and does not require any physical exercise to aid with weight loss. This makes it ideal for anyone who has difficulty exercising due to physical immobility or for those struggling to make time in the day for an exercise routine. From a psychological point of view, a lot of people who are overweight or obese experience difficulty motivating themselves to diet since they feel they have so much weight to lose. The quick initial weight loss youll experience with this plan will provide a huge mental boost and encourage continued effort to lose weight. This diet has taken months of research and testing by the author who having tried numerous variations of food sources and quantities, has now managed to develop a SECRET WEIGHT LOSS FORMULA that allowed her to LOSE A TOTAL OF 14.3LBS of STUBBORN FAT in JUST 1 WEEK! This diet has been SPECIALLY FORMULATED using UNIQUE NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS SOFTWARE to ensure the student is including the OPTIMUM PERCENTAGE OF MACRONUTRIENTS needed to PROMOTE GOOD HEALTH and PROVIDE EXCELLENT WEIGHTLOSS RESULTS!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Video Content Accelerator: improve your video skills" |
"Hello! My name is Yarin Goren, and I am excited to introduce my Advanced Video Course. If you are just on the beginning of your journey, I would recommend enrolling for my Basic video course, however, if you have already completed the basic course, or you are an intermediate level filmmaker who wants to take your knowledge to the next level, you have come to the right place.In this course I will talk about cinematography, animation, special effects, and just as importantly, how to make a real business out of your video production company.Today, its possible to capture high quality images with your own cell phone in minutes. Owning a camera and having the basic ability to cut and manipulate footage is not enough today. In order to stand out, you need to have the best creative ideas, a wild imagination, basic design and animation abilities, a useful knowledge of after effects, and the skills to use high end gear.This course will cover all of the above, as well as additional topics.So, if you are ready to take a step into the professional world of filmmakers, there is no better time to sign up for this course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Java by solving 100 Coding Challenges" |
"Java is a powerful and versatile programming language. Most mobile applications are built using Java. It is also an platform independent language, which mean you could run Java on any computer and OSwhich could handle itsbasic requirements.Java is also very secure,it uses theencodedbyte-code in compiling your source code. Java is fast, ""Complies Once Run Forever"" is the line which the language is famous for. This combination of superb features alone make Java a great language for any programmerand entrepreneur, in building their applications.""Learn Java by solving 100 coding challenges"" offers you a complete package in acquiring the necessary skills in Java programming. This course is different from the others, in thateach lecturewill only provide you with hintsto solve the problem at hand. You will not receive hand-holding instructions.You will need to work to form your own understandingsand solutions.This is done deliberately, because I believe anygoodskill need to beearned. Your brain will be much more engaged if it is asked to fill in the blanks. Instead of just listening and memorizing huge amount of information. A more engaged brain during learning would definitely lead to a long lasting skill. Apart from the introduction section, this course have 2 main parts. The first part will provide a recap to key concepts of the Java programming language. The second part composes of 100 popular coding challenges, often used by companies in testing junior programmers. Each challengewill have their solutions in PDF files attached to the lectures. No matter where you are on your learning journey. You should have a look at the first part before embarking on the second. You could discover many useful tool for the challenges to come. Try to solve the problem on your own first before peek at the provided solution though."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn the basics of C++ fast! Learn how to Develop Software" |
"Will be adding morecontent as time moves on!This course covers the basics of C++. We begin with the complete basics, such as:- Printing text to the console- Taking input from the user- VariablesWe move on to the if statement, creating loops and working with files.Then we work with files, create functions, classes and structures.In the end of this course, we willlearn about header files and pointers.C++ is one of the most amazing programming languages to learn, and C++is widely used, ranging from creating games to developing anti-viruses.If you are anabsolute beginner at C++, this course is definitelyfor you!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"The HTML Web developer Bootcamp" |
"HTML is one of those fancy terms that sounds harder than it is. If you're looking at learning about it from scratch, you've certainly come to the right place. This crash course is the starting point in web development that will help you to understand all of your stepping stones to further your own understanding in both HTML and web development.While having someone do all of the technical bits for you is good in theory, knowing how it all works and being able to do it from scratch yourself is also important for helping you to fix any problems that arise or simply just understanding how HTML works. Web development is becoming more and more popular as time goes on. You can make your experience better by seeing what goes on behind the curtain. Give yourself a leg up by understanding how the two work separately as well as together.What you'll learn: You'll know what HTML is, how it works and how it is used to design websites You'll be able to design simple websites from scratch using HTMLI hope you enjoy learning HTML as much as I enjoyed making this course, Thank you :)"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Fiction for Young Writers (Writing Mastery)" |
"Udemy's ""Breakout Instructor of 2016"" and International bestselling author, Jessica Brody (author of more than 15 novels for kids and teens) and Joanne Rendell, acclaimed author and writing teacher, share their secrets of writing great fiction in this special, one-of-a-kind creative writing course for young writers.Writing Mastery: Fiction for Young Writers is a fun and interactive, self-paced workshop designed for ages 10 and up (or advanced students ages 8 and 9) that will teach young writers the essential ingredients of great fiction, so they can improve their writing, tell better stories, write more vivid scenes, and build confidence in their writing abilities. ""Very solid material, presented in an efficient delightful way! - DAVE H.""Super Fun and wise! I love it!"" - JUAN S.""inspiring and engaging!"" - LESLIE K.""Wonderfully enjoyable course with lots of meat in it! - DORIS D. Jessica Brody is published by several major publishers like Simon & Schuster, Random House, and Macmillan. Her books have been translated and published in more than 23 countries and two are currently in development as major motion pictures. Shes recently been hired by Disney Press to write a book series based on the hit Disney Channel Original Movie, Descendants. Jessica is excited to share her proven storytelling methods with young writers. In this course, Jessica teams up with Joanne Rendell, author of three novels published by Penguin Books. Joanne also holds a PhD in English Literature and teaches regular writing classes for kids and teens in New York City. Together, Jessica and Joanne have created a dynamic course to help young writers (beginner to advanced) build a storytelling foundation and nurture their love of writing. In this course, you will learn how to: Unlock your creativity and spark your imagination with tons of fun writing prompts!Create awesome characters who will jump right off the page and take your stories to the next levelWrite dazzling dialogue that will transform lifeless scenes into vibrant storiesBuild memorable settings that shape the world of your story and bring that world to lifeNarrate stories from an engaging and interesting point of view to hook your readers and draw them into your fictional worldsDevelop exciting plots that will keep your stories on track and have your readers on the edge of their seats to find out what happens next!Expand a single idea into a compelling finished story""I've been watching this with my 14 year old daughter and now she's so inspired to write!"" - MICHAEL R. ""My niece Elise,10, is an avid reader and a budding writer -- and she LOVES this course."" - JUDY P. ""[My 9-year-old son] is now full of ideas for his current story."" - ZEB M.This course is jam packed full of: Examples from popular books and movies that will help you fully understand the elements of great storytellingLoads of fun writing prompts designed to spark your imagination and get your creative juices flowingTons of practical writing tips and advice to take you on an unforgettable creative journey toward becoming an amazing writerJessicas ten years of professional experience writing commercial fiction for kids and teens combined with Joannes in-depth knowledge of classic literature and the writing craft makes for an engaging, humorous, and enlightening class that is guaranteed to remind young writers why they love to write. ""A lot of great info in this course. I love the writing prompts!"" - ERIKA B.""Loved this course! It has been extremely helpful with my writing!"" - FELICITY S. ""This course is very organized and structured so learning is easy."" - LEE S. Praise for Other Courses in the Writing Mastery Series:""Jessica Brody breaks down these concepts with clarity and amazing insight."" - MIKE, UDEMY STUDENT""Very informative and well worth the time and cost. Jessica has shown me some new ways to approach my storytelling and how to make sure I am telling the best tale I can."" - NOEL, UDEMY STUDENT""Clear, concise, & well-narrated with an abundance of enthusiasm."" - CHRISTOPHER, UDEMY STUDENT""This course is worth far more than the price of admission!"" - TALMAGE, UDEMY STUDENT""Jessica Brody nails all the elements in this course. The exercises are brilliant and very helpful. Thank you for such a great course!"" - KIMBERLEY, UDEMY STUDENT""Jessica Brody has a gift for distilling lots of hard-earned information into concise and tasty bites. - KATHERINE, UDEMY STUDENT""If you write (or plan to write), get this course"" - SCOTT, UDEMY STUDENT""Superb."" - KIMBERLELY, UDEMY STUDENT""I have learned so much information that has helped me in the writing process."" - CHRISTY, UDEMY STUDENT""Good pacing, great tools, wonderful ideas... loving this course!"" - REGINA, UDEMY STUDENT""Love the videos. Very easy to understand and lots of great tips!"" - LISA, UDEMY STUDENT"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Investing In Stocks For Big Gains, Growth Investing Method" |
"Investing In Stocks For Big Gains,Beat Pros In Their Own GameSince you are planning to invest in a Techno-Fundamental Growth Investing course the very first thing that you should know is what is Fundamental Investing.Fundamental Analysis is way of measuring financial health of business so that it can match theory of successful running business. And since there can be different ways we can rate a business successful, method of analysis may differ with respect to analyst.Investing is not art of analyzing every business, Investing is art of analyzing business to match theoretical model of successful business and then successfully investing in that business by taking minimum risk.What Fundamental Analysis Is Not ?Just random analysis of financial numbers, baseless theories about low and high debts is not fundamental analysis. Investing like that does not work because it is not investing, it is looking for cheap tricks.For analysis you need base concept of what a strong business is and what are usually financial traits of that business. While investing numbers and ratios are looked to gain idea about financial traits.Are You A Retail Investor Or Rich Investor ?Traditional methods of Fundamental Investing are too much based on intrinsic value of business. Though they are good fundamental models of investing, they favor a lot to rich investors, not retail investor.As retail investor you need investing system that does not focus analysis based on intrinsic value but based on treating business for what it actually is, MARKETABLE FINANCIAL SECURITY.And since this course is for retail investors, you'll learn the same in this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Beginning of AI" |
"We ourliving in an interesting timewith expanding technology andare growing abilities to change the world. Withartificialintelligence we are reaching the point where we can create programs that can solve any problems if we have the creativity to develop intelligence. We have the tools almostin the palm of our hands we just needto understand howuse them.Learn and Master how AI works and how it is changing our lives in this Comprehensive Course. Understand what is AI and its effects on societyCompare and contrast the different branches of AILearn the Five Categories of Machine learningGet real life examples of AI systems and future systemsWith this course you will be able to understandwhyAI is a drivingforce to change humanity. Understanding how AI works and the different kinds of AIs puts you in the front seat for what the world will live by in the future. With AI it can launchus to be able to learn so much more about the world.AI will be in every part of our world and help us solve problems we haven't even thought of yet. I designed this AIcourse to be easy to understand for beginners. We start the course off by talking about what AI is today and how it is changing. Secondly talk more about how it is connected to our life today and how it will be in the future. Then I break down the differences in the AI branches and how they affect each other.Once we go over the different AIs then I move it to talking about the five different Machine learning methods we have to do. Along with talking about what makes them unique from each other. To help you understand applications with using AI I will have a few different examples to explain how they work.When we are finished with all the material. Iwill do a quick overview of the mostimportant parts and what you should take out of the course. Then to wrap it all up I will do the most common questions that other students have had after taking this course."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD from zero to hero" |
"Autodesk AutoCAD one of the most popular programs in the world, And every engineer & designer should deal with this great program, because it can give us a fantastic effectiveness and efficiency in our works.In this course, As a beginner,you will learn Autocad from A - how to open files and draw lines - to Z -how to draw complex 3D shapes & drawings .After this course, you will be able to deal with all tools on AutoCAD, draw 2D & 3D drawings and shapes and how to do anything with the fastest and easiest way on this great program.I hope you will enjoy with this course, And If you want to be Engineer you should take this wishes ^^"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Selenium With Java - Best framework for test automation" |
"What you are going to get from this courseBasics of Selenium WebDriver for web-application automation.A brief knowledge of GIT from scratchComplete understanding of directory used in GIT, Branches, Stash,Github and bitbucket as remote repositoryReal time example based GIT learning which is going touseSelenium WebDriver and Selenium 3Basics of Selenium 3 and would be able to create automation scripts using Selenium 3Basic setup of Selenium Automation project setupAt the end of this tutorial you could call yourself automation engineer with knowledge of Selenium and GIT.In today's world, every single project is going to have multiple team member working all together and to sync up with their work they use GIT. But along with this learning Selenium WebDriver/Selenium 3 would be added benefit and it would be like learning two things in single effort.Wish you great learning and collaboration."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Step-By-Step Guide to Amazing Essay Writing" |
"In this course, you will discoverhow to:Create moreeffective thesis statements for your essays,Plan and write compare/contrast, cause/effect, and argument essays,Craft well developed sentences,Write well-developed body paragraphs.This course will especially help prepare you for work in college and universityclasses.However anyone who wants to improve his or her writing skills, essay and email writingcan benefit from this course.You willneed to know about spelling,sentence structure, grammar and punctuation before starting this course.You should be willing to practise, practise and practise to assist you learn how to achieve what this program will teach you.Learning how to write an effective essay can assist us with our school grades and impact the rest of our lives. Learning to write compelling documents can assist us engage with others in a more effective manner. This often createsmore effective outcomes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crashkurs Lehrveranstaltungsplanung - Hochschuldidaktik" |
"Stehen Sie vor der Herausforderung eine Lehrveranstaltung planen zu mssen? Haben Sie die Erfahrung gemacht, dass es manchmal gar nicht so leicht ist, zwischen den vielen Mglichkeiten, wie man Lehrveranstaltungen gestalten kann, auszuwhlen? Mchten Sie knftig schneller und zielsicherer Lehrveranstaltungen planen, die lernfrderlich sind und von den Studierenden auch positiv evaluiert werden? Dann sind Sie in diesem Crashkurs genau richtig. Er bietet Ihnen das Handwerkszeug, das Sie bentigen, um Lehrveranstaltungen knftig systematisch, zeitlich effizient, lernfrderlich und zur Zufriedenheit Ihrer Studierenden zu planen. Dafr lernen Sie eine systematische Strategie fr das Planen kennen, erfahren, welchen Anforderungen heute an Lehrveranstaltungen gestellt werden und wie Lernen funktioniert. Auerdem lernen Sie konkrete Instrumente, die Ihnen das Planen erleichtern, sowie eine lernfrderliche Lehrstrategie und verschiedene Lehrmethoden kennen. Auf diese Weise wird Ihnen der Kurs Ihren Lehralltag erleichtern, denn Sie werden knftig weniger Zeit zum Planen bentigen und gleichzeitig auch noch lernfrderlichere Lehrveranstaltungen durchfhren, was Ihnen Ihre Studierenden danken werden."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wie Sie mndliche Prfungen fair gestalten" |
"Mssen Sie mndliche Prfungen an einer Hochschule oder Universitt abnehmen und mchten Sie dies fair tun? Mchten Sie das Knnen Ihrer Prfungskandidat/inn/en prfen und nicht deren Schwchen? Mchten Sie faire Noten vergeben und vergleichbare Bedingungen fr alle Kandidat/inn/en schaffen? Und mchten Sie die Vorbereitung der mndlichen Prfung effizient gestalten?Dann sind Sie in diesem Online-Kurs richtig.Sie lernen hier systematisch und in kurzer Zeit, wie Sie mndliche Prfungen fair vorbereiten und durchfhren knnen. Ausgehend von definierten oder zu definierenden Kompetenzen/Lernzielen lernen Sie, wie Sie mndliche Prfungen systematisch Schritt-fr Schritt so vorbereiten und gestalten, dass Sie wirklich prfen, ob bzw. inwieweit Ihre Kandidat/inn/en diese Kompetenzen/Lernziele erreicht haben. Sie lernen Prfungsfragen und impulse zu formulieren und Sie lernen Prfungsmethoden und strategien sowie Bewertungssysteme kennen, mit denen mndliche Prfungsleistungen nachvollziehbar bewertet werden knnen. Des Weiteren lernen Sie, wie eine grundstzlich frderliche Atmosphre in mndlichen Prfungssituationen aufgebaut werden kann, und wie Sie mit mglicherweise auftretenden Schwierigkeiten, wie z.B. einem Blackout oder einem Zusammenbruch der Prfungskandidat/inn/en umgehen knnen bzw. versuchen knnen, es mglichst gar nicht so weit kommen zu lassen. Auf diese Weise versetzt Sie dieser Kurs in die Lage, mndliche Prfungen knftig so durchzufhren, dass Sie und Ihre Kandidat/inn/en nach der Prfung das Gefhl haben, dass es eine faire und angenehme Prfung war, auch wenn nicht nur positive Ergebnisse erzielt wurden. Sie lernen auch, was beim Durchfhren von mndlichen Prfungen in der reinen Online-Lehre/Fernunterricht zu bercksichtigen ist."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Scratch Mathematics" |
"Scratch mathematics is afun way to better understand algebra and co-ordinate geometry not only by visualising it but by creating sketching and problem solving algorithms.Coding ties in with Algebra through the use of variables to store and transform information. These variables willbe used to create and solve equations and also to investigate factorisation and prime numbers.Coding ties in withco-ordinate geometrythrough user interfaces (the very screen you are looking at right now) this screen is a Cartesian two dimensional plane where every single pixel is a unique co-ordinate. These pixels are essentially the same as squares on a plotting paper and so we can use them to plot various functions, intersections points and axis intercepts.What you can do with thisknowledge?If you are a high school student you can gain a novel insight into your most important maths skills and come to realise their value in applying them to computer programsIf you are a teacher you have just acquired a capacity to create some amazing interactive activities for algebra and co-ordinate geometry. Beyond this you can create automated quizzes which your students can use to test their skills.If you are budding game designer you can better understand theequations that govern the movement of objects and so begin creating basic physics enginesHow long will the course take?This course can be completed in approximately 4 hours by someone proficient in Scratch, a Scratch novice would need about 6 hoursWhat else is included?All the solution files are attached in a zip file inside the very first introductory lecture"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Storytelling to Influence" |
"Storytelling to influence is a hot topic today! Sadly, though,howto tell stories to influence is one of those easier said than done things in life, isnt it? I certainly felt that way years back when I started on my own path at becoming better at storytelling to influence, especially in my professional life where data and rational thought were the only influence tools used.Oh, Im sure youve noticed I keep sayingstorytelling to influence, and not juststorytelling. After all, any of us can tell a story for fun, but a story to influence is a little different, with a different intention and outcome, which is to influence. And in my five years plus of studying and practicing storytelling to influence, I found most storytelling tools dont really work in an influence situation, which frustrated me!I fully intend to prevent you from having that same frustration and that's why this course was born. And all it takes is to watchthree main lessons spread over23 shortvideos!Ive made this course as simple to learn as possible, and with fun characters and stories to help you remember the tools to influence with a story. In this course, youll learn how to find stories, attach a few meanings to every story, how to safely practice storytelling to influence privately until you're ready to do it publicly, and when its time, to slip influence stories naturally and comfortably into your conversation. Youll also find exercises and quizzes at selected parts of the course to really make the lessons stick.And, by the way, my learning company is calledSticky Stepsbecause our tips and toolsstick with you - forever!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |