Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Orientao a Objetos com Java" |
"O curso visa mostrar aos alunos como trabalhar com Orientao a Objetos utilizando o Java, omesmoest dividido em 3mdulos que mostrarodetalhadamentecada uma das etapas enfrentadas por quem est iniciando no desenvolvimento Orientado a Objetos. No primeiro mdulo ser mostrada a histria do Java bem como os conceitos iniciais da Programao Orientada a Objetos, no segundo mdulo vamos instalar o Java e a IDE Eclipse nos trs sistemas operacionais (Windows, Linux e Mac), e por fim, no terceiro mdulo,falaremos sobre alguns assuntos que permeiam o Java e a Orientao a Objetos como pacotes, arrays, associaes e herana."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Entendendo e documentando REST / RESTful APIs" |
"O curso visa mostrar aos alunos os conceitos sobre RESTful APIs, bem como document-lo no intuito de facilitar a criao de APIs RESTful em qualquer linguagem de programao. O mesmo est dividido em 2 mdulos, onde o primeiros falaremos sobre todos os conceitos que permeiam as RESTful APIs e o segundo faremos o uso do framework Swagger para documentar uma API."
Price: 234.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Codeigniter 3 Course" |
"The Ultimate Codeigniter 3 tutorialCodeigniter3 is one of the top PHP Framework now a days.I'llteach how to use Codeigniter in easiest way. If you want to becompetitivein thisboomingindustry, then you should learn Codeigniter.Havingknowledge inthe Frameworklike Codeigniter allows you to find jobs with high salary.My Personal LifeWhenIhired asa web developerin the company.Iused basic PHP code but whenIsearch in the internet about advance PHP.Framework come out.AfterthatIlearn all aboutthe frameworkandIused Codeigniter. WhenI'musing Codeigniter is make my coding easy and fast deployment."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"The Extreme Web Development Course - For Beginners" |
"Course updated as of January 27, 2018 with 1,445 students.What will you gain about this course?Learn fast with 99% hands on coding.Learn latest trends coding.The only complete web development coursethat can be use in programming industry.With awesome codesWelcome to The Extreme Web Development CourseThis course will give you exactly what you need to be a master web developer. I will teach you straight to the point topic to fasten your programming skill. They say that being a developer is hard, but for me its not because its fun for me to solve problems. I guarantee, when you'll learn this course you are ready to be professional web developer.Badass developer in just 4 weeksWith this course you can be beginner to professional in just 4 weeks.What will you get in this course?HTML5CSS3Bootstrap 4JavascriptJavascript AppsJqueryAjaxPHPMYSQLJSONLibrariesGoogle MapGIT (Version Control System)What you can do after you get the course?You can create your startup company just like facebook.You can create Web Store just like ebay.You can create course website just like udemy.You can be a freelancer Web developer.You can get a job to be full-time Web developer.Get this course today and be life changing careers.The quicker you get this course the quickergain Web development course.Thank You :D"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"SEO Black Hat" |
"Curso de SEO Black Hat, focado em Tiered Link Building (TLB), uma das estratgias mais utilizadas por profissionais de SEO.Aprenda SEO na prtica comcontedo em vdeo, voc ser capaz de entender todo o conceito de TLBe logo em seguida criar um projeto do zero utilizando a ferramenta RankerX eSEO Content Machine.Indicado para:Profissionais de SEOPessoas com conhecimento bsico em SEO On-Page e Off-PageAfiliadosde Marketing DigitalE qualquer um que tenha interesse em conhecer a aprender sobre TLBPara saber mais sobre SEO e outros assuntos relacionados a Marketing Digital, acesse nosso site Colina Digital."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"THE Forex Robot: Incredible ROI (Robot Included)" |
"Start making money, immediatelywith no coding or forex experiencewhatsoever.No need to purchase anyplatform- It will be providedto you for FREE in this course.I am literally giving awayTHE Forex RobotI built,tested and optimized for 2 years!You will see with your own eyes how it generates1000% profit in 1 year. NoB.S.!!!Step by step guide to buildTHE Forex Robot.You will be able to rebuild, edit, customize it by yourself.This course will save you time, money, and effort. I will give you a step-by-step guide togetting the Maximum returns on your investments.First and last stop to your Forex Trading Success!Click the ""Take this course""buttonnow ...every secondyou delayis costing you money..."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PYTHON - A to Z Full Course for Beginners" |
"From this Basic course you are aware of very basic concepts about python programming language. We have 7+ years in python programming. Starts With very basic level. If you even don't have any programming knowledge that will be fine. You are able to learn every concept by an example.Today python has a grate demand in industry. So if you learn this language it will help you to get your dream job also! Python is a very easy to learn and powerful language. The size of the code is too small. If you want to build a simple Java or C program of Hello World it will take 6/7 line But in python it is just print ""hello world!""Python setupPython IDEVariablesPython OperatorsArithemetic OperatorComparison OperatorAssignment OperatorBitwise OperatorMembership OperatorIdentity OperatorIf StatementIf Else StatementBreak & Continue StatementFor LoopWhile LoopHome AssignmentStringNumberListDictionaryFunctionModuleExceptionHome Assignment File OperationFile ReadingFile WritingAppending File"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Edicin de Vdeo en 360 VR en 17 sencillos vdeos" |
"En este curso se aprender cmo editar un vdeo en 360 VR desde un nivel bsico. Est destinado tanto a profesionales como aficionados que se quieran introducir en el mundo de la edicin del vdeo360. Al finalizar el mismo los estudiantes sern capaces de editar por s mismos cualquier vdeo en360.El curso se impartir mediante vdeo y material soporte, como texto, exmenes tipo test, y ejemplos finales. Asimismo se colgarn vdeos soporte para que el estudiante pueda poner en prctica los conocimientos adquiridos.El curso se compone de 17lecciones, y la duracin depender del tiempo dedicado por el alumno. No obstante, cada leccin con su correspondiente prctica puede terminarse en unas 4 horas.El curso se estructura en 7secciones, ordenadas en la manera de editar paso a paso un vdeo en360.Es un curso til para todas aquellos aficionados o profesionales que quieran estar inmersos en esta nueva tendencia de vdeo, que junto con la realidad virtual se convertir en una realidad cotidiana en los prximos aos."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How To Write & Publish Your Best Seller" |
"This course is run by an expert award winningauthor and publisher of the year, designed to teach you not only how to write a book but how to get it published. We will coverhow to generate book ideas, create book titles and strap-lines, how to create your content,Book cover design,Outsourcing different elements of the publishing process,ISBNs,The Amazon Sales Process,The Waterstones System, printing and kindle conversions,Book marketing and PR to name a few.How To Write and Publish Your Best Seller is ideal for anyone who has either written a book and wants to understand how to increase their sales or complete beginners who want to know how to write a book and how to get a book published.The course has over 3hours of video content broken down into 34bitesize modules for you to watch and learn on the go. So if you always wanted to write a book but never knew where to start or perhaps you've already written a book and want to know how you can go about getting it published, then thiscourse is for you!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Project Muscle Gain - Build Yourself" |
"If you are tired of being skinny and you want to pack some serious muscle mass, then you have come to the right place. Project Muscle Gainis designed with the only goal of helping you pack the maximum amount of muscle for the shortest period of time.All the information in this course isis laid down in a clear and easy to understand way, showing you exactly how to build an aesthetic body and achieve better muscle definition. Project Muscle Gain provides you with:Detailed nutrition program, examiningthe quality, quantity and timing of each nutrientExact meal plans that provide you with the right types of food in the right quantitiesComprehensiveworkouts withstep-by-step videoinstructions to every exercisePrintable workout sheets to stay organized and track progressSupplement examination, going through products that can help you build muscleEmail support for any issues you encounter throughout the wayIn other words what you will get in this course is not only the best formula for muscle growth, but also a thorough understanding of how your body works and how to manipulate it to get optimal results.The advantage of Project Muscle Gain is its simplicity and effectiveness, because it is easy enough to follow, while delivering information based on scientific and well-established principles. What you are looking at is a program with simple approach and scientific nature. If you want an effective and easy to follow program, Project Muscle Gain is for you.So lets get started!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Das ultimative Excel Kurs Komplettpaket: Jetzt durchstarten!" |
"Effizient und zeitsparend mit Excel arbeiten!Du mchtest Dir einen berblick verschaffen und herausfinden was man so alles mit Excel anstellen kann?Du mchtest Zeit bei der Arbeit mit Excel einsparen?Du stehst vor neuen Herausforderungen und mchtest schnell souvern mit Excel umgehen?Du mchtest auch die fortgeschrittenen Excel Tools (Power Query, Power Pivot, Power Map/View) mal in Aktion sehen? dann musst Du nicht mehr weitersuchen! Der Kurs besteht aus 8 Teilen:1) Excel Crashkurs: Von 0 auf Excelhero in nur 12 Stunden 2) Excel Formeln & Funktionen Masterclass3) Excel Pivot-Tabellen in weniger als 3 Stunden meistern!4) Excel Datenvisualisierung - Excel Diagramme & Karten5) Excel Makros: Automatisiere Deine Excel Arbeit6) Excel Power Query - Excel Daten abrufen und transformieren!7) Excel VBA Programmierung: Jetzt richtig durchstarten! (Ausschnitt des Bestsellerkurses)8) Excel Power-Pivot: Dein Einstieg ins Business Intelligence Teil 1) Excel Crashkurs: Von 0 auf Excelhero in nur 12 Stunden Hier lernst Du ganz schnell und ohne Umwege, wie Du die verschiedenen Bereiche von Excel geschickt einsetzt, um Daten aufzubereiten, auszuwerten, zu visualisieren und einen Output zu verwandeln. In diesem Kurs bauen die Inhalte aufeinander auf damit Du die Beziehungen und Vor- und Nachteile der verschiedenen Bereiche von Excel verstehst.Excel Grundlagen (Zellen, Formatierungen usw.)Listen vs. TabellenDie wichtigsten DiagrammeDie wichtigsten Formeln & FunktionenEinstieg in Pivot-Tabellen und ChartsEinfhrung in Power-Query und Power-PivotVorstellung von Power-View, Power-Map und Power-BIAm Ende dieses Kurses kannst Du bereits mehr als 90% aller Excel Nutzer! Teil 2) Excel Formeln & Funktionen MasterclassHier lernst Du alle wichtigen Formeln & Funktionen. Wie diese isoliert und in Kombination eingesetzt werden. Einige Inhalte wiederholen sich hier, damit Du den Kurs auch gut als Nachschlagewerk verwenden kannst.Arbeiten mit Funktionen und FormelnAlle wichtigen Funktionen im Detail und in KombinationKategorien: Logik, Statistik, Verweis, Text, Datum, Uhrzeit, Array, Mathematik, Finanzmathematik, SonstigeErstellung von Prognosen (Was-wre-wenn, Szenarios usw.)80-20 ProduktivittstippsAm Ende dieses Kurses hast Du auch alle wichtigen Funktionen und Formeln gemeistert! Teil 3) Excel Pivot-Tabellen in weniger als 3 Stunden meistern!Hier lernst Du alle Facetten von Excel Pivot-Tabellen, damit Du selbststndig groe Datenmengen auszuwerten und in aussagekrftige Berichte und ansprechende Dashboards zu verwandeln kannst. Datenimport aus verschiedenen QuellenPivot Tabellen erstellen, anordnen und bearbeitenSortieren, filtern, gruppierenDaten berechnen und auswertenFormatierungsarten fr unterschiedliche DarstellungenVisualisierung mit Pivot ChartsBest PracticesAm Ende dieses Kurses hast Du Pivot-Tabellen groe Datenberge bezwingen! Teil 4) Excel Datenvisualisierung - Excel Diagramme & KartenHier lernst Du, wie Du mit Hilfe von Diagrammen und Karten deine Daten zum Leben erweckst und ansprechende und aussagekrftige Visualisierungen fr z.B. Report und Berichte erstellst.Alle Diagrammtypen (30+) im Detail erklrtDie Anwendungsbeispiele kannst Du direkt als Vorlage nutzenNeue Diagrammtypen von Excel 2016/2019 bzw. Office 365Dynamische Diagramme mit Steuerelementen2D und 3D Karten, Bing Maps, dynamische Weltkarten mit ShapesBedingten Formatierungen zur DatenvisualisierungAm Ende dieses Kurses kannst Du Diagramme und Dashboards bauen, die begeistern! Teil 5) Excel Makros: Automatisiere Deine Excel ArbeitHier lernst Du, wie Du Dir mit Hilfe von einfachen Makros, die mit dem Makrorecorder aufgenommen werden knnen, jede Menge Zeit bei der Arbeit mit Excel einsparen kannst.Wie Du Makros aufnimmst um lstige Routinearbeiten automatisierenWie Du mit VBA-Basiswissen aufgenommene Makros ohne groe Programmierkenntnisse auf deine Bedrfnisse anpasst!Der ideale Einstieg in Makros und VBAAm Ende dieses Kurses kannst Du dir Makros aufnehmen und lstige Arbeit wegautomatisieren!Teil 6) Excel Power Query - Excel Daten abrufen und transformieren!Hier lernst Du, wie Du Dir mit Hilfe Power-Query, bei der Abfrage und Aufbereitung von Daten aus unterschiedlichsten Quellen, jede Menge Zeit einsparen kannst.Abfragen einmal aufsetzen und spter per Knopfdruck aktualisierenDaten von Webseiten auslesen und automatisch in Excel einlesenGanz einfach Datenbanken abrufen ohne Sichten erstellen zu mssenDaten ohne Verknpfungen aus Arbeitsmappen abrufenDaten aus aus ganzen Ordner mit einer Abfrage auslesenAm Ende dieses Kursen kannst Du Dir jede Menge Zeit bei der Aufbereitung von Daten einsparen.Teil 7) Ausschnitt des Bestsellerkurses: Excel VBA Programmierung: Jetzt richtig durchstarten!Hier lernst Du, die Grundlagen der VBA Programmierung.Visual Basic EditorExcel ObjektmodelleVariablen, Datentypen, OperatorenEntscheidungen & SchleifenProzedurenDebuggingEventsAm Ende dieses Kursen kannst Du mit VBA selbststndig deine ersten Programme schreiben.Teil 8) Power-Pivot: Dein Einstieg ins Business Intelligence Hier lernst Du, die Grundlagen von Power-Pivot und DAX. Power Pivot im KontextDatenmodellierungPower Pivot und DAX GrundlagenHufige DAX FunktionenAm Ende dieses Kursen kannst Du mit Datenmodelle erstellen und dieses Wissen auch fr die Arbeit mit Power-BI nutzen.BONUSZustzlich zum Kurs gibt es weiteres BONUS Material wie z.B. 200+ Excel Shortcuts und 180+ Excel Funktionen bersichtlich aufgelistet, um bei der Arbeit mit Excel mglichst viel Zeit einzusparen.Du erhltst lebenslangen Zugriff auf die Videos und hast die Mglichkeit mir direkt im Forum Fragen zu stellen.Dank der 30-Tage Geld-Zurck-Garantie kannst Du dich risikolos einschreiben. Du kannst also ganz beruhigt in Deine professionelle Weiterentwicklung investieren. Umso frher Du mit dem Kurs loslegst, desto eher wirst Du zum Excel Experten und siehst Resultate! Also zgere nicht und klicke auf Jetzt kaufenIch freue mich schon darauf Dich im Kurs begren zu drfen!Viele GreDaniel Kogan"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Perfect VoIP: Sell, Install, and Maintain with Confidence!" |
"Come with me on a journey to VoIP fast-track success!Do you want to become invaluable when it comes to installing and maintaining VoIP systems?If your answer is yes, this course is for you!VoIP is taking the world by storm, and if you are in the tech field you need to know what makes it tick. It's definitely not a "black box" - even if you're an experienced and seasoned tech this course will hold some extremely awesome tips and tricks you can use when installing and maintaining VoIP.If your company is an MSP or Interconnect this invaluable information could lead to a big increase in your bottom line as you will be able to sell and install VoIP CONFIDENTLY!You'll learn what makes VoIP work and what makes it NOT work, how to test specifically to make sure when you do install that your VoIP service works as your customers expect it to, and how to view call and network quality information in process remotely (even alerting you by phone or email if there's some trouble automatically) using tools that already exist and do not cost much.You'll also learn a ton of tips and tricks when it comes to setting up certain systems.This course is BRAND NEW, and I decided to release it early and continue to add on to it. Because of that, the price is drastically reduced right now.Here's what will be added:Building a Customer Profile Completely Understanding your Customer's Telephony Needs When It Comes to VoIP Service Examining Current Network Setup Building a Network Profile Analysis of Collected Information Your Relationship with Network Admins The Customer's ISP Testing Guides for Testing with MacOS Guide for Getting IP's to Test How Does ICMP Ping Work MaintenanceComplete Setup Guide: Setting up Filters and Alerts What Can Go Wrong After Setup Bad Hardware / How to Tell What's Gone Wrong QuicklyBad PhonesBad ATA / IADBad Switches Bad ISP Premise HardwareTypical SituationsHow to Asses Sudden WAN ProblemsTransport Issues Networking Introduction to Networking Controlling the Network BorderWhat Is The Network Border?How Can We Control It?Talking to I.T.Border Controller IntroductionBorder Controller SetupBorder Controller SecurityBorder Controller Packet Capture SIP Trunking Best PracticesDirect to PBXUsing an ATA or IADHardware Tips and Tricks Hosted PBX and IP PhonesPhone TypesShared Line Appearance Setting up ATA'sGuide to Cisco ATA'sGuide to Mediatrix ATA's Misc.What is SIP Viscous?Finding a Good VoIP Carrier to Partner With So, you've read this far! Thank you.I have this course up for sale now at a steep discount because it contains the basics. I will be constantly adding new and extremely important material, and as I do the price of this course will go up. Don't wait until it does, if you click the "take this course now" button you will have all of the upcoming content for the lower price. You're not just buying what's here now, which is already extremely important information, you're buying what I'l be adding continuously!Click the "take this course" button, top right, now - don't wait until the course goes up dramatically in price. Believe me it's WORTH IT for what you'll learn already, and what I'll be adding.You'll be far more knowledgeable even after only watching the first few videos, and it gets better from there.Companies are moving to VoIP, so you better understand what makes it work correctly before you get left in the dust!Nick"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dog Training - Leash Training - Simple Dog Training Methods" |
"** Over 2000 students have already enrolled in this 'Dog Training - Leash Training Your Dog' course and have left numerous full 5 Star ecstatic reviews.**Jo Hunter gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""It's magic, within a short time and i mean minutes our bolshy (but totally lovable) cheeky 7 month old staffy bitch was walking to heel like a professional, honestly you would think she had been doing it for years. she walked, turned and even sat when we stopped and looked up as if to say ' ready when you are boss'. Looking forward to the next course.""David Dingman gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""The lease training was an incredibly simple solution and I was doing it all wrong. Ignorance is NOT bliss, and does not help the puppy or dog to understand what I what them to do. Now that I am doing it correctly, the issues I created are gone and we are communicating much more effectively and have better walks. Thank you.""Eddison Paguia gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""Just finished the course, and applied just a few during our afternoon walk and it worked marvelously. Maybe old dogs can learn new tricks after all :)""This course is taught by Sharon Bolt who has been featured in over 50 different local and national newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations. She was featured in the BBC Documentary Britains Most Embarrassing Pets. and has a monthly slot on BBC Radio, which she's had since 2008, where she answers the listeners doggie dilemmas. Sharon answers student questions in all her Udemy courses daily.Learning the right dog training methods is vital when you want to get your dog to walk calmly by your side and for getting them to come back when called off leash. The good news is that dog training is not difficult to do when you understand your dog's language and tick their boxes in a kind and gentle way. During this dog training course you'll learn exactly how to do this. You'll also learn how to be your dog's pack leader in this area plus get the knowledge, tools and easy methods you need in order to have a happy, well behaved and well balanced dog.Learn the Simple, Clear, Concise Communication And Dog Training Methods Which Dogs Love that Stops:Pulling on the leashMouthing the leashZig zagging on the leashDogs coming back when they want they come back when you call them instead.You Can Teach Old Dogs New tricks And Young Ones Too With These Dog Training Techniques.Dogs live in the present moment which means when given the right dog training information their behaviour changes fast, even if they've been behaving a certain way for a long time. Once you've learned what dogs are looking for and what dog training methods work you'll know what to do for life. Dogs speak the same language regardless of age or breed. The dog training methods you'll learn will work with your dog, your friend's and family's dogs and any other future dogs you may get.Dogs are not like computers they do not require constant updates or need to have new dog training programs developed, once you know what to do, you've got it! What You'll Get From This Dog Training Course.This dog training course is designed for any dog owner, regardless of their experience, who would like to have a more enjoyable walk, have their dog walk nicely by their side and for their dog to come back when called when off leash. The course focuses on empowering you, the dog owner. You're given the tools, knowledge and dog training methods in order to have a pleasurable walk. You're shown exactly how to do these processes through step-by-step video demonstrations using the pack leader theory combined with positive reinforcement techniques.During this dog training course you'll learn what to do before going out which will make such a difference to the walk, simple methods of what to do when your dog pulls on the leash and even a 'miracle technique' which is rarely spoke about that works like magic in getting your dog to walk calmly by your side.You'll also learn dog training techniques that stop dogs from mouthing the leash, how to prevent dogs from zig-zagging in front of you and how to get your dog to come back when called off leash. By the end of this dog training course you'll have the dog training knowledge and confidence you need to make a positive difference to your walk. You'll also know how you can become your dogs Pack Leader without shouting, hitting or using force in this area. As well as confirmation of where you are already doing things right and suggestions where some 'fine tuning' may be beneficial.Imagine going on a walk where your dog walks happily by your side, responds favourably to your commands, comes back when called and wants to do as you say, that's what you can look forward to after completing this dog training course. Is this really possible? Absolutely! Click on the green button at the top of the page to enroll in this easy, fun and informative dog training course that comes with a 30 day money back guarantee - your dog will be pleased that you did!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Dog Training - Stop Dog Barking - Easy Dog Training Methods" |
"** Over 2700 students have already enrolled in this 'Dog Training - Stop Dog Barking - easy dog training methods' course and have left numerous full 5 Star ecstatic reviews.**Marie Morin gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""This course is so great! I am in the middle of viewing it and have done exactly what Sharon suggests. Results are fast and simply stunning! My 8 year old dog has finally stopped barking at people walking by on the street. Just goes to say its never too late. I strongly recommend this course. Thank you.""Alden Morrison gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""I used the training in this course and my dog a Chihuahua is now well behaved which I thought would never happen. Wonderful training course.""Tiffany Mason gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""I am currently a dog trainer and this course helped me so much!!! I went to a dog training academy for my education and they didn't address the issue of barking in such a clear way. I really appreciate how clear your explanations were and the videos showing how to exactly execute the plan just made it crystal clear. Thank you so much Sharon!!!""This course is taught by Sharon Bolt who has been featured in over 40 different local and national newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations. She was featured in the BBC Documentary Britains Most Embarrassing Pets. and has a monthly slot on BBC Radio, which she's had since 2008, where she answers the listeners doggie dilemmas. Sharon answers student questions in all her Udemy courses daily.During this dog training course you'll discover how to communicate to your dog in a language they understand and learn the calm and confident words and dog training methods that quickly stop incessant barking at the front door, back yard and even at the postman/mailman.In this dog training course you'll also learn how to integrate dogs that bark at cats by using an amazing and easy to do 'De-sensitizing Technique.' This simple dog training method changes unwanted excitable reactions to balanced behaviours when there is a 'trigger' such as cats, birds, noises etc.Learn the Simple, Clear, Concise Communication And Dog Training Methods Which Dogs Love that Stops:Barking at the front doorBarking in the back garden/yardDogs going ballistic when the doorbell ringsBarking and aggressive behaviour when the postman delivers the mailBarking at cats or any other 'triggers.'You Can Teach Old Dogs New tricks, And Young Ones Too With These Dog Training Methods.Dogs live in the present moment which means when given the right information and dog training techniques their behaviour changes fast, even if they've been behaving a certain way for a long time. Once you've learned what dogs are looking for and know what dog training methods work you'll know what to do for life. Dogs speak the same language regardless of age or breed. The dog training methods you'll learn will work with your dog, your friend's and family's dogs and any other future dogs you may get.Dogs are not like computers they do not require constant updates or need to have new programs or new dog training methods developed, once you know what to do you've got it! What You'll Get From This Dog Training Course.This dog training course is designed for any dog owner, regardless of their experience, who would like their dog to bark and alert them when someone comes to the front door, or if there's a disturbance in the back yard, but to immediately stop barking on command. This dog training course focuses on empowering you, the dog owner. You're given the tools, knowledge and dog training methods in order to get your dog to listen to you and respond favourably to what you say. You're shown exactly how to do the dog training methods through step-by-step video demonstrations using the pack leader theory combined with positive reinforcement techniques. During this dog training course you'll learn precisely how to stop your dog from barking incessantly when someone comes to the front door and how to cease barking in the back yard on your command.You'll also learn dog training techniques that convince your dog, in a kind and confident way, that you are in charge and that their job is to alert you, as the pack leader, that there is potential danger rather than demonstrating uncontrollable territorial behaviour.During this dog training course you'll also discover why the postman/mailman makes dog barking 10 times worse plus the crucial part you play - your reaction and what you say can either calm the situation or encourage more frenzied behaviour from your dog. This dog training course will teach you how to give the right message to your dog which causes them to relax and trust in your decisions. By the end of this course you'll have the dog training knowledge and confidence you need to make a positive difference to your dogs incessant barking when someone comes to the front door and in the back garden/yard. You'll also know how you can become your dogs pack leader without shouting, hitting or using force, in this area. As well as confirmation of where you are already doing things right and suggestions where some 'fine tuning' may be beneficial.Imagine someone coming to your front door or a disturbance in your back garden/yard, your dog barks to let you know that someone's there and stops barking straight away when you say, that's what you can look forward to after completing this dog training course. Can it really be that easy? Absolutely! Click on the green button at the top of the page to enroll in this easy, fun and informative dog training course that comes with a 30 day money back guarantee - both you and your dog will be pleased that you did!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Dog Training - Stop Dog Attacks - Easy Dog Training Methods" |
"** Over 1900 students have already enrolled in this ' Dog Training - Stop Dog Attacks' course and have left numerous full 5 Star ecstatic reviews.**James Budd gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""This course has helped me so much not only with my dog but with other dog owners too. I love Sharon Bolt's courses they are professional, informative and easy to understand. Highly recommended.""Alden Morrison gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""This is the fourth course I have taken and I am very satisfied with the results I have got from my own dog, but also my neighbors. Having taken four of her courses speaks for itself in recommending the course to others.""Maggie Styles gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""I love the step-by-step video demonstrations in this course. I didn't realize the different aspects that causes dogs to be aggressive but Sharon explains this very clearly and how to rectify it. I signed up for this course as part of Sharon's Dog Trainer course as I am just starting my own dog training business, I now feel much more confident dealing with dog aggression after watching this. Another brilliant course Sharon - thank you.""This course is taught by Sharon Bolt who has been featured in over 40 different local and national newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations. She was featured in the BBC Documentary Britains Most Embarrassing Pets. and has a monthly slot on BBC Radio, which she's had since 2008, where she answers the listeners doggie dilemmas. Sharon answers student questions in all her Udemy courses daily.In this dog training - stop dog attacks course you'll learn simple dog training methods that integrate dogs who are aggressive with other dogs, be able to recognize dominant and submissive signals and prevent attacks from happening.Learn the Simple, Clear, Concise Communication And Dog Training Methods Which Dogs Love that Stops:Dog aggression with other dogs.Dominant and challenging behaviour.Lunging, growling and barking.Dog attacks.You CAN Teach Old Dogs New tricks, And Young Ones Too With These Dog Training Methods.Dogs live in the present moment which means when given the right dog training information their behaviour changes fast, even if they've been behaving a certain way for a long time. Once you've learned what dogs are looking for and know what dog training methods work you'll know what to do for life. Dogs speak the same language regardless of age or breed. The dog training methods you'll learn will work with your dog, your friend's and family's dogs and any other future dogs you may get.Dogs are not like computers they do not require constant updates or need to have new dog training programs developed, once you know what to do you've got it! What You'll Get From This Dog Training Course.This dog training course is designed for any dog owner, regardless of their experience, who would like help with their dog's aggressive behaviour towards other dogs. This could be 'dominant aggression' where dogs charge at other dogs with intent to harm, 'fearful aggression' where dogs lunge, bark and show teeth but then go backwards and try to avoid conflict, or dogs who simply snap as if to say 'get out of my personal space.' This dog training course focuses on empowering you, the dog owner. You're given the tools, knowledge and dog training methods in order to get your dog to listen to you and respond favourably to what you say. You're shown exactly how to do this through step-by-step video demonstrations using the pack leader theory combined with positive reinforcement techniques. You'll learn how to recognize dominant and submissive signals so that you can avoid a potential dog attack from happening, dog training techniques that integrate aggressive dogs with other dogs as well as the crucial part you play in your dog's aggressive behaviour - when you are nervous and fearful of what might happen you are transferring that anxiety to your dog and setting yourself up for what you don't want to happen! I show you how to create good expectations instead. You'll also find out why getting your dog to walk by your side first is vital to your success and step-by-step video demonstrations of how to do this.You'll also learn dog training methods that will convince your dog, in a kind and confident way, that you are in charge, the one that is making all the decisions and that it is not their job to protect you. During this course you'll discover why dogs attack some dogs and are fine with others, why some dogs are 'picked on' and why some dogs don't like black dogs. As well as why some dogs don't like certain breeds, why some dogs don't like dogs that have not been neutered and why some dogs are aggressive on the leash and are good natured when off the leash. By the end of this dog training course you'll have the knowledge and confidence you need to make a positive difference to your dog's aggressive behaviour. You'll also know how you can become your dog's Pack Leader without shouting, hitting or using force in this area. As well as confirmation of where you are already doing things right and suggestions where some dog training 'fine tuning' may be beneficial.Imagine going on a walk feeling calm and confident with your dog responding favourably to you, following your lead and being focused on you rather than another dog. That's what you can look forward to after completing this dog training course.Can it really be that easy? Absolutely! Click on the green button at the top of the page to enroll in this easy, fun and informative dog training course that comes with a 30 day money back guarantee - both you and your dog will be pleased that you did!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Dog Training - Become A Dog Trainer - Dog Training Career" |
"** Over 4000 students have already enrolled in this 'Dog Training - Become A Dog Trainer - Dog Training Career' course and have left numerous full 5 Star ecstatic reviews.**Joe Hunter gave the course 5 stars and wrote..."" I totally enjoyed this course and plan on doing some more. The very way the course is delivered by Sharon makes it easy to follow, by this I mean the explanations are clear, concise combined with Sharon's calm voice puts you at ease. I have done a bit of theoretical study in the past, but this feels like i have a personal tutor. I feel more confident now, not only with my own two dogs but also to continue study and make my dream of becoming a full time dog trainer come true. thanks a million Sharon.""Arin Davis gave the course 5 stars and wrote...""So much wonderful information packed into these courses! Sharon breaks down the information and backs it up with videos in every scenario. I have a beautiful career in front of me working with dogs -Thank you, Sharon!""Chase Night gave the course 5 stars and wrote...""I loved this course and learned so much, not just in techniques, but in new ways of thinking about dog behavior. Can't wait to watch the bonus lessons! Highly recommend!!!""This course is taught by Sharon Bolt who has been featured in over 40 different local and national newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations. She was featured in the BBC Documentary Britains Most Embarrassing Pets. and has a monthly slot on BBC Radio, which she's had since 2008, where she answers the listeners doggie dilemmas. Sharon answers student questions in all her Udemy courses daily.Get the knowledge, confidence and dog training methods needed in order to become a professional dog trainer and help your dog/s, rescue centres/dog pounds and other dog owners with their doggy dilemmas with easy dog training techniques.Realize your dreams, learn simple and highly effective dog training methods, become a professional dog trainer and make a difference in the world with this course.Step-by-step video demonstrations that show you the dog training methods that overcome all the major unwanted dog behaviours we see today.The answers to 10 most commonly asked dog training questions.The answers to 10 most frequently asked puppy training questions.Dog language - learn what dogs are REALLY saying!What to include during a dog training consultation with a client and how to run a professional dog training business with templates for you to use.============================================================IMPORTANT: Students of this course are able to get discount vouchers that can be used for full, instant lifetime access to 4 of my other courses that go hand in hand with this course. Dog Training - Leash Training Your Dog - Simple dog training methodsDog Training - Stop Dog Barking - Easy dog training methods. Dog Training - Stop Dog Attacks - Easy dog training methods.Dog Training - Puppies - An A-Z Guide To Puppy & Dog Training.The discounted price for EACH of the above courses is 9.99. These 4 courses have over 7,700 very happy students, numerous 5 star reviews and are normally sold for $625.==============================================================Dog Training is NOT rocket science.Understanding dogs and learning how to give them the right communication is NOT rocket science. Dogs don't want anything fancy or complicated they just want simple, clear, concise communication which is what you'll learn how to do throughout this dog training course. Dogs live in the present moment which means when given the right information their behaviour changes fast, even if they've been behaving a certain way for a long time. Once you've learned what dogs are looking for you'll know what to do for life. Dogs speak the same language regardless of age or breed and yes you can teach old dogs new tricks when you know the right dog training methods.What You Will Get From This Dog Training CourseDo you believe that helping dogs is what you are meant to do, that it feels like your calling and you are motivated to make a difference in the world? Would you like a job that doesn't feel like work, something that is enjoyable, rewarding and fulfilling PLUS you get to help dogs and pay the bills at the same time? Or would you simply like to have dog training knowledge and methods in order to train your dog? If so, then read on because you're in the right place!This course is designed for the following people:People that are already employed or self employed (whether it be in a dog related business or other ) who would like to start building a dog training business in their spare time.People who already have a dog related business such as dog walkers, dog groomers, pet sitters etc. who would like to add 'professional dog trainer' to their services and receive business advice.People who dream about becoming a successful dog trainer, would love to work with dogs and be able to pay the bills at the same time.People who are already dog trainers who would like additional dog training knowledge and methods as well as business advice.People who would like more in depth dog training knowledge so that they can best support their own dogs and be able to help friends and family with their dogs too.People who would like to help at a local rescue centre or dog pound and have the dog training knowledge and confidence to do so.The course focuses on empowering you with the knowledge, confidence and dog training methods that you need in order to change a stressed out dog (and owner!) to a happy and well behaved pooch, using simple, easy and gentle methods that get results fast!Additionally you'll find out the answers to 10 of the most common puppy and dog training questions so that you know what to say when your client is having difficulty with 1 or more of them. Plus, you'll learn how to professionally run a dog training business, what to include during a dog training consultation with a client plus what to include when writing confirmation and agreements letters with templates for you to tweak specifically to your business. By the end of this course you'll have the dog training knowledge, confidence and dog training methods you need in order to start your dog training business. Please note: There is also a separate business and marketing course, specifically for people who work in the dog industry, that goes hand in hand with this course. For more information see my 'Dog Training - Running A Dog Training Business' course here on Udemy.Imagine going to bed looking forward to the next day, that every day is like a weekend and what you are doing is just too enjoyable to be called work that's what you can look forward to after completing this course. Is this really possible? Absolutely! Click on the green button at the top of the page to enroll in this easy, fun and informative dog training course that comes with a 30 day money back guarantee - make a positive change in your life today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Dog Training - Puppies - A-Z Guide To Puppy & Dog Training" |
"** Over 1900 students have already enrolled in this 'Dog Training - Puppies - An A-Z Guide To Puppy Training' course and have left numerous full 5 Star ecstatic reviews.**Joe Hunter gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""As expected, this course was full of useful information and delivered in such a way that the dogs themselves could understand it without you. Both my adult dog and my young puppy have came on in leaps and bounds after completing your courses Sharon and I hope you would make more. Thanks again for everything and here,s to the future. All the best to you and your dogs.""JP Allen gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""I just got a new Rhodisian Ridgeback puppy and this course was a huge help with my crazy puppy. The sleep recommendations and potty training really worked.""Alden Morrison gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""Thank you Ms Bolt for this wonderful course on puppy training. I now have a well behaved puppy thanks to your course. I recommend this course to everyone who owns a puppy.""This course is taught by Sharon Bolt who has been featured in over 40 different local and national newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations. She was featured in the BBC Documentary Britains Most Embarrassing Pets. and has a monthly slot on BBC Radio, which she's had since 2008, where she answers the listeners doggie dilemmas. Sharon answers student questions in all her Udemy courses daily.During this puppy and dog training course you'll discover how to choose the right puppy for you, how to avoid buying a 'puppy farm' puppy and how to select a good breeder instead. Plus the best way to train, teach and socialize your puppy so they grow into a joyful, well balanced and well behaved dog.Learn how to quickly overcome the 3 top puppy training nightmares... 1) Toileting 2) Chewing 3) BitingPuppies soil the best carpets, chew the finest furniture and bite with laser sharp teeth. These 3 factors alone are some of the main reasons that puppies are taken to rescue centres or even turned out into the streets. You'll learn how to quickly overcome these and many other unwanted puppy behaviours fast!Get it right from the start with these puppy training methods and reap the rewards later on.Puppy Training when done the right way will prevent a whole host of unwanted behaviours from developing. Getting a puppy can be similar to having a mischievous toddler who needs supervision a lot of the time. Knowing what puppy training methods work and how to do them will save you a lot of time, money and frustration plus give you a dog who listens to what you say and is a joy to be with. The time you dedicate now will be rewarded ten-fold as your puppy grows.What You'll Get From This Puppy & Dog Training Course.Firstly to say that this does NOT cover basic training commands such as sit, stay, down etc. but focuses on potential behavioural issues instead.This puppy & dog training course is designed for any dog owner, regardless of their experience, who is looking to get a puppy or has recently got a puppy.The course will teach you what to look for when selecting your puppy, how to avoid getting a 'puppy farm' puppy and what to look for when choosing a good breeder instead. You'll also discover what to do and what to get before bringing your puppy home, how to introduce your puppy to an existing dog (if you have one!) and how to resolve 'first night' crying and howling.During this puppy and dog training course you'll also learn the quickest way to toilet train your puppy, the best way to stop your puppy biting and how to stop your puppy chewing your best items.Also during this puppy & dog training course you'll find out why it's so important to socialize your puppy as soon as possible, and the best way to do it, so they develop into a happy and well balanced dog. Plus you'll discover how to prevent separation anxiety from developing, how to have a happy puppy when travelling in the car and simple solutions when crate training. In this puppy and dog training course you'll also learn how to introduce leash and recall training early on for fast results and how to stop puppies from chasing joggers and cyclists. By the end of this puppy and dog training course you'll have the knowledge, methods and confidence you need to train your puppy the easy way so that your puppy grows into a dog that is a pleasure to be with.Imagine having a puppy who toilets where you want them too, is playful and knows the right things to chew and bite. One that is a joy to take out and is content to be left at home alone, that's what you can look forward to after completing this puppy and dog training course. Every second counts when it comes to training a puppy so don't delay click on the green button at the top of the page to enroll in this easy, fun and informative puppy and dog training course that comes with a 30 day money back guarantee - both you and your puppy will be pleased that you did! "
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Dog Training - Running A Dog Training Business" |
"** Over 1600 students have already enrolled in this 'Dog Training - Running A Dog Training Business' course and have left numerous full 5 Star ecstatic reviews.**James Budd gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""This is a brilliant course yet again by Sharon Bolt. It has helped me no end with my dog training career and has taught me so much about running a successful business. Sharon is an amazing teacher and makes her courses fun and interesting to watch.""Maggie Styles gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""This course has really helped me with my dog training business, I've now got clear goals and am working with my ideal clients. Great course Sharon - thank you :)""Jeffrey Causby gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""This is the 5th package I've purchased from Sharon Bolt and she has met and surpassed my expectations beyond all measures. She is in her own league!!! Extraordinary curriculum.""This course is taught by Sharon Bolt who has been featured in over 40 different local and national newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations. She was featured in the BBC Documentary Britains Most Embarrassing Pets. and has a monthly slot on BBC Radio, which she's had since 2008, where she answers the listeners doggie dilemmas. Sharon answers student questions in all her Udemy courses daily.This is a business and marketing course especially for people who have (or would like to have) their own dog training business or for people who already have a dog related business, such as dog walkers, dog groomers, pet sitters etc.Please note: If you would like to become a successful dog trainer please also see Sharon's 'Dog Training - Become A Dog Trainer - Dog Training Career' course here on Udemy as these 2 courses go hand in hand.Course DescriptionGet the business knowledge, confidence and marketing information you need in order to run a successful dog training or dog related business. Learn how to attract your ideal clients and be paid top prices for your products and services.Have a profitable dog training business, work with dogs and make a difference in the world with this course.You'll see step-by-step video demonstrations that show you...How to create an unforgettable dog training brand.How to choose the right niche or target market for you.How to attract your target market and Ideal dog training clients. How to create transformational dog training packages that your clients will love and pay top dollar for.How to price your transformational dog training packages and successfully use payment plans and money back guarantees.How to easily sell your dog training services without it feeling like you're selling.How to track and test what is working in your dog training business so you focus on what's working rather than what's not.Stop trading time for money and be paid abundantly for your gifts and talents. When you know how to speak your ideal clients language, market to them with the exact words that get their attention and then offer dog training packages that fixes their problems, you are able to charge premium prices.This means you are able to work less hours, earn more money and have the lifestyle that you dream of and deserve.You're shown exactly how to do this throughout this dog training business course.What You Will Get From This Dog Training & Dog Related Business CoursePeople who want to work with animals often miss the crucial step of seeing what they do as a business. It often becomes solely about helping others, giving away their gifts and talents and devaluing what they offer. Being broke, struggling to pay the bills and feeling unwell is NOT a winning formula for helping animals.When you are easily able to pay your bills, take time out to do the other things you enjoy and be fit and healthy, this is the time that you can give freely and really help animals.During this dog training business course you'll learn how to turn your passion into a business and create a win-win situation, where you'll be able to help lots of people and animals whilst being paid well for a job that doesn't feel like work and one that makes your heart sing.You'll learn how to be your own boss, work the hours you choose, have time for you, your friends and family and pay the bills at the same time.You'll discover how to create an unforgettable brand so that you stand out from your dog training competitors so that people remember you.You'll also learn how choose the right niche or target market for you, which can get people queuing up to work with you rather than you having to try and find them.You'll also find out how to determine what your dog training USP (Unique, Selling Point, or Unique Selling Proposition) is and how to cleverly add this into your marketing.You'll also learn how to create transformational dog training packages which your clients will love and want to pay top dollar for.Also included in this dog training business course is how to position yourself as a specialist in your field and how to price your services accordingly.Additionally you'll learn how to successfully use payment plans and money back guarantees.As well as, how to sell your gifts, talents and services in a way that feels natural, authentic and not like you're selling at all.By the end of this dog training business course you'll have the business knowledge, confidence and marketing information you need in order to run a successful dog training or dog related business. You'll know how to charge high prices by establishing yourself as a leader in your field plus you'll know how to attract clients who value what you offer, are appreciative of what you do and are great to work with.Imagine going to bed looking forward to the next day, that every day is like a weekend and what you are doing is just too enjoyable to be called work, that's what you can look forward to after completing this dog training business course. Is this really possible? Absolutely! Click on the green button at the top of the page to enroll in this easy, fun and powerful course which comes with a 30 day money back guarantee - make a positive change in your life today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"NLP & Law Of Attraction - Master NLP & The Law Of Attraction" |
"** Over 1500 students have already enrolled in this 'NLP & Law of Attraction - Master NLP & Law Of Attraction' course and have left numerous full 5 Star ecstatic reviews.**James Budd gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""I really enjoyed this course and have already benefited from doing some of the guided processes. My beliefs are changing to more positive ones and I'm looking forward to doing the 30 day challenge which I'm planning to start in the next few days. 5 star course and highly recommended.""Joe Parys gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""After taking this course I have learned more about NLP than any other course I have taken. Sharon also does an amazing job with the Law of Attraction and gives your some excellent resources for understanding and applying it to your life! This course is a must take for anyone looking to learn more about how to become successful and use NLP/LOA!""Phat Tran gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""I've read many books on LOA and NLP but it was mainly all conceptual. This course by Sharon explains the concepts in a very concise way. Sharon does a great job sharing tangible steps to APPLY these concepts. Many books I've read had complex techniques to practice, but Sharon's techniques are very simple and straightforward. That alone makes me satisfied with this course. Thank you Sharon for your knowledge.""This course is taught by Sharon Bolt who has been featured in over 40 different local and national newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations. She was featured in the BBC Documentary Britains Most Embarrassing Pets. and has a monthly slot on BBC Radio, which she's had since 2008, where she answers the listeners doggie dilemmas. Why do we tell you this? Because she's got all this success by practicing the NLP and Law of Attraction techniques she openly shares with you in this course.Sharon answers student questions in all her Udemy courses daily.This NLP and Law of Attraction course is for people who want more money, success, love, happiness, optimum health and fun in their lives using the Law of Attraction and NLP.Course Description**For the first time on Udemy** this course combines 2 of the most powerful philosophies there are, the Law of Attraction and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). These 2 remarkable methods enable you to clear out the blocks and limitations that have been holding you back and replace them with positive expectations which allow your ideal life to easily manifest instead.Learn how to focus on what you want and take the fast track and easy route to success with the Law of Attraction and NLP.When you understand and work favourably with the Law of Attraction life becomes abundant, fulfilling and fun. Things you've wanted, sometimes for a long time, appear in your life as if by magic. This could be a promotion at work or a new idea for your business that brings great wealth. It could also be meeting your soul mate, or a health issue healing. The world is your oyster and the possibilities are endless when you align with the law of attraction.Set yourself free, have clarity and get your ideal life with this Law of Attraction and NLP course.If you're looking for complicated explanations and processes then this course is NOT for you. This NLP and law of attraction course is simple, easy to do and gets amazing results fast!What You Will Get From This NLP and Law of Attraction CourseYou'll get the tools, processes and simple law of attraction and NLP techniques that will empower you to become the deliberate creator of your stress free life.You'll discover the 3 vital steps to getting everything you want with the law of attraction and how to do the most important step of all, step 3 - getting this right positively changes your wealth, health, relationships etc.You'll learn how to identify what beliefs are holding you back and then how to replace them with positive ones using NLP guided meditations - this will open you up to the success and wonderful experiences you want.You'll find out how to tune into your guidance system and discover how to work favorably with the law of attraction so that you start attracting what you want in as little as 68 seconds of pure thought.You'll also learn easy practices which will allow all the co-operative components (people, opportunities, chance meetings etc.) to come into your experience in order for you to manifest your greatest desires - this is the law of attraction in action!You'll also discover why there's strong momentum in the negative stories you've been telling which have been keeping you stuck, how to slow this momentum down and replace them with new positive ones, using the law of attraction and NLP processes.** Plus the icing on the cake ** You'll get a 30 day law of attraction process which when followed is extremely powerful, and a blue print, for you to create a life beyond your wildest dreams.By the end of this course you'll be able to identify where you have been self-sabotaging your dreams, often without realizing it. You'll know how to let go of patterns that are not benefiting you and allow great things to easily flow to you instead. You'll know how to deliberately create what you want in your life, simply by applying the law of attraction and NLP techniques that you'll learn in this course.Imagine having the golden key to your ideal life, see yourself having a magic wand and knowing that the world is your oyster, that's what you can look forward to after completing this course.Can it really be that easy? Absolutely! Click on the green button at the top of the page to enroll in this easy, fun and powerful NLP and Law of Attraction course that comes with a 30 day money back guarantee - take the first step to manifesting your dream life today!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Dog Training - BARF - Feed Your Dog A Raw Diet" |
"** Over 850 students have already enrolled in this 'Dog Training - BARF - Feed Your Dog a Raw Diet' course and have left numerous full 5 Star ecstatic reviews.**Maggie Styles gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""I've worried for some time about feeding my dog conventional dog food and the potential harmful effects of doing so after reading so many alarming reports. I'd heard about raw feeding and how beneficial this feeding method is and wanted to swap to this way of feeding but didn't know where to start or what to do. Sharon is an excellent teacher, the videos are high quality and her explanations are clear, precise and do-able. This is an A-Z guide to raw feeding where Sharon explains 3 different ways to feed your dog a natural diet, how much to feed them and where to get the food from - she covers everything, nothing is left out! I love that raw feeding is cheaper than conventional dog food and has no additives or low quality ingredients and I can't wait to get started! Thank you Sharon for another AMAZING course""Leka Loko gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""If you want to feed your dog a diet that is designed to give them optimum health, body weight and longevity, here you will find all you are looking for.""Sandor Kiss gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""I attempted to feed my dog a raw diet a while ago but didn't feel confident in my ability to do it properly so stopped. When I saw this course I jumped on it straight away because I know that raw feeding is the best feeding method for dogs and I really want to support my best friend in any way I can. This course is a goldmine of information and Sharon breaks it done in a way that is easy to understand and implement. She explains 3 different raw feeding methods step-by-step and I am surprised how easy it is to do now I know how to do it, where to get the food from and how much to feed. It's great seeing my dog eating like a dog and not only is his coat shining, his eyes are bright and he's no longer hungry all the time. Fantastic course - highly recommended.""This course is taught by Sharon Bolt who has been featured in over 40 different local and national newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations. She was featured in the BBC Documentary Britains Most Embarrassing Pets. and has a monthly slot on BBC Radio, which she's had since 2008, where she answers the listeners doggie dilemmas. Sharon answers student questions in all her Udemy courses daily.This dog training - feed your dog a raw diet course is for people who want to feed their dog a diet that is designed to give them optimum health, body weight and longevity and for people who would like to reduce their dog food bills and save a fortune at the vets.Some dog food ingredients can cause health problems and behavioural issues in dogs such as hyperactivity and aggression. When dogs are fed the right diet dog training either becomes much easier or often the unwanted behaviours simply disappear. Course DescriptionIn this dog training - feed your dog a raw diet course you'll get the information you need in order to feed your dog a diet that has no preservatives, colourants, additives or low quality ingredients. You'll learn a feeding method which is natural, is easy for dogs to digest and gives them vibrant health, regardless of their age, current health or weight. You are what you eat and your dog is what you feed them.Long before the dog food industry took a firm hold on us, dogs were lean, fit and didn't suffer from the numerous illnesses we see today. Back then there were no cans or packets of dog food to open, dogs were fed like dogs and were healthy, well balanced and well behaved. People didn't need the dog training methods back then that are essential today.It's time to take back control and feed your dog the way nature intended.**Please note** It is not my intention to reinvent the wheel with this course but to share with you the feeding method I've successfully used with my own dogs and my clients' dogs for over 15 years. You'll also get to watch over my shoulder as I take you on the internet and show you online additional natural feeding methods, references and places to buy the food that I talk about. This is a natural way of feeding puppies and dogs of all ages, it gives them:Clean teethFresh breath (not doggie breath!)Bright eyesA shiny coatA strong immune systemHealthy jointsA good temperamentOptimum health and longevityAnd stops:Foul smelling stools and windThem 'dragging' their bottom across the carpetBig vet's billsReoccurring illnessesUnwanted dog behaviours caused by food allergies and deficiencies.And much more...What You Will Get From This Dog Training - Feed Your Dog A Raw Diet CourseYou'll discover 3 different ways you can choose to feed your dog a raw diet, what they are and why they are so effective.You'll also learn step-by-step HOW to feed a raw diet and WHERE to buy the food to do so.You'll discover that this is not only a much more healthy way of feeding your dog it is much cheaper than feeding regular dog food too.You'll also find out why many of the conventional diets cause so many health problems in dogs today I think this may well shock you!During this dog training - feed your dog a raw diet course you'll get the answers to common myths about raw feeding these myths can stop people feeding their dog a raw diet which in turn fills veterinary surgeries with poorly dogs. It also creates the need for additional dog training in order to resolve the unwanted behviours caused by feeding dogs conventional dog food.You'll also get the exact diet Sharon fed her 2 dogs which stopped them scooting their bottoms across the floor within days and has kept them away from veterinary clinics for most of their lives.Plus you'll get a checklist of what you need to get started straight away (It's MUCH easier than you might think.) No need to waste another minute where your dog's health is concerned.By the end of this dog training - feed your dog a raw diet course you'll know how to switch to feeding your dog to raw diet, what to feed them, how much to feed them and where to get your supplies. You'll know exactly how to take control of what is fed to your dog which comes without nasty side-effects, promotes optimum health and will save you a fortune at the vets.Imagine your dog with a shiny coat, optimum body weight and vibrant health, that's what you can look forward to after completing this course. It's never too early or too late to feed dogs raw food.Is this really possible? Absolutely! Click on the green button at the top of the page to enroll in this easy, fun and informative raw feeding course which comes with a 30 day money back guarantee - both you and your dog will be pleased that you did!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Dog Training - Natural Remedies for Health & Dog Training" |
"** Over 1000 people have already enrolled in this 'Natural Remedies For Health and Dog Training' course and have left numerous full 5 Star ecstatic reviews.**Amy Bentley gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""Wow! This is a fantastic course - it's obvious that Sharon knows her stuff and has a great way of explaining what to do in a way that makes sense and is 'doable'. I love the idea of treating my dog naturally and this course has given me the knowledge to feel confident to do that. A 'must have' course for every dog owner - highly recommended!""James Budd gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""This is a brilliant course on how to treat your dog's ailments using natural remedies. Sharon is an enthusiastic and passionate instructor who really knows her stuff. It is an A-Z guide of what herbs, homeopathic remedies etc. heal common complaints in dogs and I love the way Sharon shows step-by-step exactly what they are, how to use them and where to get them from - nothing is left out. I've already created my natural first aid kit following Sharon's suggestions and it feels good that I can treat my dog naturally, without side effects and save a fortune at the vets at the same time. I highly recommend this course.""Scott Paton gave the course a 5 star review and wrote...""I am so happy I took this course! I got so much out of how I can use herbs and aromatherapy to keep my dog healthy. Sharon is so good at sharing what works and what doesn't. She is so engaging and has put together a high quality class which all dog lovers need to take if they care about their pets.""This course is taught by Sharon Bolt who has been featured in over 40 different local and national newspapers, magazines, television and radio stations. She was featured in the BBC Documentary Britains Most Embarrassing Pets. and has a monthly slot on BBC Radio, which she's had since 2008, where she answers the listeners doggie dilemmas. Sharon answers student questions in all her Udemy courses daily.This natural remedies for health and dog training course is for people who would like to know how to successfully treat and heal their dogs with natural remedies rather than using antibiotics and medication which often comes with a whole host of nasty side effects. It's also for people who would like to spend a lot less time at the vets and save a fortune on veterinary bills, as well as being for dog owners who'd like to use natural remedies as part as their dog training program. Course DescriptionIn this natural remedies for health and dog training course you'll get the information you need in order to naturally treat common complaints in dogs such as diarrhea, skin conditions, ear infections and joint problems. You'll discover which herbs, homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy oils and Bach Flowers have miraculous healing effects with so many different disorders. You'll also learn what natural remedies are great to use for dog training and how they can help in resolving unwanted behaviours such as:AggressionSeparation AnxietyIncessant BarkingPulling on the leadAnd much more...How to have a fit, healthy, vibrant and well behaved dog using natural remedies.**Please note** It is not my intention to reinvent the wheel with this course but for you to watch over my shoulder as I take you on the internet and show you online the amazing information, references and places to buy the remedies I talk about. Many of these resources are what I've successfully used with my own dogs and my clients' dogs for over 15 years. During this natural remedies for health and dog training course you'll learn:What natural remedies can be beneficial for improving both your dog's health and changing unwanted behaviours. Try this simple strategy and you'll be surprised how fast your dog heals and ailments disappear, even those stubborn ones that have been hanging around for some time. Dog training becomes much easier when you have a calm and healthy dog. The number one remedy you must have that works like magic for so many health conditions in both dogs and humans.Which herbs work wonders with specific health complaints and behaviours in dogs plus where you can get them for a very good price. When a dog is healthy and feeling good dog training methods are so much more effective. What Homeopathic Remedies are good when dealing with particular ailments and behaviours in dogs. You'll be surprised just how simple it can be.How Aromatherapy and Bach Flowers can make such a difference to the healing and balancing of your dog let nature do what it knows how to do without you having to do all the work.The exact natural product Sharon used that stopped one of her dogs from having an operation when his knee cap 'popped out' when he was playing with the 'big boys' down the park. Even though 2 vets told her the only answer was to operate this product saved the day and everything healed beautifully.How to create a natural first aid kit especially for your individual dog or dogs. This simple, yet highly effective kit could well be a life saver when any 'symptoms' arise or an emergency occurs.By the end of this natural remedies for health and dog training course you'll know how to heal your dog using natural remedies, what remedies to use and where to get them from. You'll have the knowledge and confidence to help your dog in a way that promotes optimum health as well as saving you a fortune at the vets. You'll also know how to use natural remedies as part of your dog training program.If your dog has reoccurring illnesses, or you are concerned about their health, vitality and unwanted dog behaviours then this natural remedies for health and dog training course is for you!Imagine your dog with a shiny coat, bright shiny eyes and vibrant health, that's what you can look forward to after completing this natural remedies for health and dog training course. It's never too early or too late to use natural remedies for your dog.Is this really possible? Absolutely! Click on the green button at the top of the page to enroll in this easy, fun and informative natural healing and dog training course which comes with a 30 day money back guarantee - both you and your dog will be pleased that you did!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Smarterr Sellerr: Master Fiverr Selling Strategy" |
"There's no shortage of advice to the Fiverr seller, but good advice is hard to find. You'll come across a lot of articles, eBooks and training programs which teach you how to post gigs and withdraw funds, but lack the strategy that's really necessary to make your gigs attractive to buyers in this highly-competitive marketplace! And then there are the ""flippers"" who want to sell you the secret to making your fortune on Fiverr, largely designed to generate a lot of enthusiasm over unworkable plans with deeply flawed assumptions.Smarterr Sellerr is a little different. I've designed this course to help you get there faster by researching your market and asking the right questions so you can design more competitive gigs, make more money and use Fiverr as a launchpad for long-term, lucrative, do-what-you-love work.Master the strategy to sell more, earn more and fuel the future of your Fiverr business!Build a Profile Which Establishes Instant CredibilityResearch the Competition to Outsmart, Outperform and OutsellDesign High-Demand Gigs Which Earn Your MoreMaster Top Sales Strategies to Sell More and Sell SmarterFuel the Future of Your Business, On Fiverr and BeyondMake great money on and off Fiverr with smarter strategy.The vast majority of Fiverr sellers earn less than they would working for minimum wage at 7-11, but a few smarter sellers thrive on Fiverr and a handful grow their business to other platforms, serving a large base of clients and drawing on the talent of dozens of other sellers on Fiverr and other gig working sites. If there's something you love to do, Fiverr offers a platform to follow your calling and reach literally millions of potential buyers, but it takes more than hard work and passion to get there. I will teach you MBA-level strategy applied to Fiverr, so that you can serve more buyers, earn more per order and consistently deliver top quality.But beware! Smarterr Sellerr may be the most difficult Fiverr course on or off Udemy! Whereas a lot of Fiverr experts will cover the basics in two hours, we'll deep dive into the considerations, implications and decisions which successful contract workers need to fully grasp once they get serious about making money. Whether you're totally new to Fiverr or are looking to take your business to the next level, Smarterr Sellerr will help you gain a better understanding of the ever-changing demand for services on Fiverr, so that you can position yourself to serve your buyers far more effectively than your competitors. Once you've completed this eight-hour, workshop-style course, you'll be equipped not only to succeed on Fiverr, but to grow your business across multiple platforms, taking the greatest advantage of what each has to offer."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Take Lessons from an Actor --Speech & Confidence Training" |
"Course DescriptionOur goal is to improve your speech performance, increase your confidence and credibility, enhance communication, reduce fear in all of those critical speaking opportunities that make a difference in your life: Job interviews Customer Service Public speaking Auditions Committee meetings Professional presentations.TeachingSellingThis is a Speech Class taught from an actor's perspective. This is a course of exercises and thought related to enhancing your speaking abilities, taught from an actor's perspective. Ed Desiato, the co-instructor, is a graduate of the New York Academy and has been active in theater and television all his life. Ed introduces us to classical voice training and shares his secrets of speech that have been so critical to his success in life.Content and Overview Our goal is for you be understood, to build confidence in your ability to communicate, and reduce anxiety. We recognize how critical it is to your success for you to be a relaxed and confident communicator, as a presenter, lecturer or member of a panel, or being interviewed, evaluated or auditioned, your speech, how you present yourself could determine your future.The course design is divided into two parts: Part 1 is comprised of videos with actor instructor Ed Desiato interacting with students in almost a classical training approach. We demonstrate breathing exercises and talk about the physical making of sound as voice and how to enrich that sound. There is also a video of class work with students covering phonetics as an introduction to voice training, diction or pronunciation. These are actual student teacher lecture demonstrations. There are videos using tongue twisters to combine breathing and diction. There is a video of a student reading from a prepared text that we provide.These four videos demonstrate what happens in speech class"" as a way to familiarize you with some of the theory and how the teacher corrects and prompts the student. You'll be seeing three students edited throughout the classroom lectures.We also include lectures on body language, fear of public speaking, and mindfulness training.In part 2 we've designed for you a daily practice that progresses over a 20 day period in which we've incorporated all of the elements of training seen in Part 1. We wanted to give you a structure to encourage you to actually do the work, like piano lessons, you'll have to actually do the exercises. It's only then that you'll start to see a noticeable difference in you communication. You will be asked to make a recording of your voice. You can use your phone if you like. You'll be given sample paragraphs to read for your voice sample. You'll be able to use that recording as a base line of how you speak now before the course, and compare it to another recording we'll suggest you do at the end of this course. These recordings will be a before and after record of your improvement.What am I going to get from this course? 1 hour and 32 min of classroom and lecture videos 27 audio practice files 13 PDF documents of essays, suggested readings and lecture explanations 20 day practicum of speech and mindfulness training exercises Suitable to those in the teaching, sales, business and acting professions"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Songwriting - How to Write a Better Song" |
"A comprehensive guide to writing better songsThis is a course for songwriters of all levels. I will take you through the process of coming up with ideas and starting a song, all the way to creating a final product and getting it out there. We will begin with a few introductory videos and then get straight into learning my process for writing songs. I will share with you all a number of ideas and insights I have had into songwriting. Having written countless songs over about 12 years of playing, I have some ideas I would love to share with you guys. This is a comprehensive guide to writing better* songs and if you are a songwriter at any level, I believe it will be worthwhile, even if you just take away a few new ideas to add to your songwriting toolbox. *better: songs that are authentic, honest and true to you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Personal Finance Volume I: Wealth Creation" |
"Personal finance is the fundamental principle that everyone should learn. However, it is sometimes overlooked by many people despite the fact that money is always a part of everyone's life. In personal finance, there are four key personal finance principles: 1) wealth creation (how to generate savings), 2) wealth accumulation (what to do with your savings), 3) wealth protection (how to protect your wealth and how to plan for unexpected events), and 4) wealth distribution (how to distribute your wealth after your death. As the name implies, this course is about wealth creation, probably the most critical step in personal finance and the starting point for all subsequent processes.When we refer to wealth creation, we are talking about personal budgeting and how to manage your income and expenses effectively and hopefully generate positive savings. As this is probably the first time that you think about personal budgeting, this course will outline the four actionable steps in wealth creation: 1) identify what you have, 2) record your revenues and expenses, 3) organize and analyze information, and 4) budget your savings and expenses.In the early stage of the course, you will learn basic accounting principles and how to identify things that you have such assets and liabilities or even something that you may not be aware of.In the middle stage, we will talk about types of people and how each type of people earns their income. You will also learn how you should view your revenues and expenses and organize them in the structured and meaningful way.In the later stage, you will learn special techniques used in personal budgeting and, most importantly, you will be exposed to the personal budgeting framework that you should keep in mind while developing your own budget.Throughout the course, I will use one of the most powerful personal financial software, out there in the market, You Need a Budget or "YNAB"), to strengthen your understanding of the concepts.You should be able to develop your own effective personal financial budget after taking this course and, more importantly, you will develop a good personal finance mindset that will pay you dividends for the rest of your life."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Build a Profitable & Rewarding Sports Coaching Business" |
"Five star review!"Great Material!Well-structured, easy to follow. Great attention to detail.The perfect way for me to learn"******************************Are you an 'outdoors' person? Do you love sport & have a passion for coaching? Do you want to be your own boss & be in control of your own destiny?If you are currently nodding your head in agreement then this course is for you & will deliver you the skills & knowledge required to develop your own sports coaching business. Not only will you have access to over 90 minutes of easy to follow information, you will also have end of section 'actionables' that are designed to get you moving towards your dream through ACTION! At the conclusion of your course you will have developed your own coaching style, designed an engaging session plan, developed a sports coaching business plan & will also possess the skills & knowledge to start your business immediately.You will also have access to numerous downloadable resources & will receive considerable support via the discussion board from your instructor, who has 15 years experience in the sports education industry.So enrol now & take your first steps towards becoming a sports entrepreneur & enjoying a career that provides both personal satisfaction & financial rewards."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Get High Quality WikiPedia Backlinks" |
"Everyone knows the famous online free encyclopedia: Wikipedia.If you want to rank your website or blog higher in Search Engines, You MUST have quality Backlinks from high Quality Websites.In this course you will learn few techniques to get FREE Quality Wikipedia Backlinks.My tutorial is in clear simple English.My course of 5 videos tutorials will cover the most important steps.You will need less than an hour to learn tips and techniques to get the Backlinks.Once you take this course, you will be able to offer SEO services to your clients or simply apply it to your Website and drive unlimited visitors daily."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"The stiff knee after injury or surgery - how to manage it" |
"This course is for anyone involved in the early rehabilitation after knee injury or surgery. It would also be of value to trainee physiotherapists.Because internal joint scarring, if it is going to occur, is likely to trigger early in the rehabilitation process, then it is the patient and the physiotherapist who need to be looking out for the danger signs. If they understand the issues and what to watch for, then management can be optimised before there is a progression to the tragic outcome of intractable scarring (arthrofibrosis) with irreversible stiffness of the knee. The course explains the issues, anatomy and terminology - with loads of easy to follow illustrations and videos - so that your rehabilitation programme will really start to make proper sense. You will learn what the physiotherapist is trying to do, and why. You will learn about those surgical procedures that may be helpful in the process of freeing up movement again.The course should take four hours to complete, but there is no need for any pre-knowledge as it is fully comprehensive."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Knee meniscus ('knee cartilage') injury & surgical options" |
"Course DescriptionLearn about how important the knee meniscus is in protecting the knee from stresses and strains that might otherwise damage the joint surfaces and lead to irreparable arthritis. Understand those issues that face both you and the clinical team if you damage your meniscus, and become more confident in making the right decisions about treatment.Putting anatomy into contextA sympathetic explanation of the anatomy of the menisci and the ligaments that help to support them, lead the student to a clearer understanding of the functional consequences of a meniscus tear or an avulsion. Highlighting the key differences between the medial and lateral meniscus will clarify for you why management decisions may differ in these two structures. The take-home message focuses on how apparently minor injury of a meniscus can lead to major consequences, unless managed appropriately and in a timely fashion.Richly illustrated, clear explanationsSimple explanations, but never condescending, are supported by unique illustrations. Most of the 23 lectures (in 6 sections) integrate illustration into video via whiteboard animations. Medical publications and online references at an appropriate level offer extra value via the Resources sections of each Lecture.Who will benefit from this course?The course is intended for people who have a meniscus problem of their own, and who want to understand the issues and to be able to discuss matters confidently with a doctor in order to allow them make sensible decisions. It will also benefit members of the medical profession who have a need to understand knee orthopaedics, such as nursing staff, physiotherapy students, and junior doctors.The course will probably take two hours for a beginner to complete, but the additional reference material in the Resources section will of course add extra value."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5 Steps to a Better Website" |
"This course is intended for those of you who want an effective website that helps grow your business. Through videos and worksheets, youll learn how to dissect your business so that you clearly understand what you have to offer and why people should do business with you and not someone else.There are many inexpensive and useful web design tools for do it yourselfers. They offer attractive templates to give you a visually pleasing starting point for your website. The templates provide basic page structures and layouts. Most of the templates can be modified to conform more closely to your business.But, here is the real caveat. They dont tell you what things about your business should be included in the design. Things like:How the products you offer help your customers with their needs and problems.Properly identifying your real customers so you dont waste energy on capturing folks who really arent a good target for your business.Knowing who you are competing with so you can present compelling arguments for your business in a proactive manner.Understanding why choosing you is a better choice than others who offer competing products or services.In the end you will be well informed about the real reasons a website can help your business succeed and why doing this preparatory work will pay great dividends as you actually construct your website.As you move through the course you will be asked to undertake exercises that directly relate to the course material just covered. If you follow this regime, you will have useful input for your website construction as you complete the course.There are no shortcuts to good design. At some point in time you will need to know this information if you expect your website to positively affect the success of your business. Why not do it now and start out with the best possible website.The website tool builder suppliers tell you it is easy to build a website. Yes, it is if you dont care about how the website actually presents your business to your potential customers.If you do care then the task is much more challenging and this course is designed to help you meet that challenge.Plan to spend about 3 hours learning and doing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mobile Application Testing Essential Training" |
"Mobile application testing is a process by which application software developed for hand held mobile devices is tested for its functionality, usability and consistency. Mobile application testing can be automated or manual type of testing.This tutorial will be both an introduction and your guide to Mobile Testing. It covers topics for one to start learning mobile application testing from basics with even no prior knowledge of testing. Course broadly includes explanation of following sub-topics :Mobile Applications Testing Challenges, Approach & StrategyMobile Application Landscape - Native, Hybrid & Mobile Web AppsEmulators v/s Simulators & Real Mobile Device - Comparison & UsageAndroid Mobile Apps - Inspecting, Debugging and Analyzing With Chrome (32+)Projecting Android Mobile Screen On Computer - Android Screen Monitor (ASM)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |