Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"The Day the Revolution Began" |
"The renowned scholar, Anglican bishop, and bestselling author widely considered to be the heir to C. S. Lewis contemplates the central event at the heart of the Christian faithJesus crucifixionarguing that the Protestant Reformation did not go far enough in transforming our understanding of its meaning.InThe Day the Revolution Began, N. T. Wright once again challenges commonly held Christian beliefs as he did in his acclaimedSurprised by Hope. Demonstrating the rigorous intellect and breathtaking knowledge that have long defined his work, Wright argues that Jesus death on the cross was not only to absolve us of our sins; it was actually the beginning of a revolution commissioning the Christian faithful to a new vocationa royal priesthood responsible for restoring and reconciling all of Gods creation.Wright argues that Jesus crucifixion must be understood within the much larger story of Gods purposes to bring heaven and earth together.The Day the Revolution Beganoffers a grand picture of Jesus sacrifice and its full significance for the Christian faith, inspiring believers with a renewed sense of mission, purpose, and hope, and reminding them of the crucial role the Christian faith must play in protecting and shaping the future of the world."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk MAYA (for beginners)" |
"Whether you are a professional creative graphic designer, animation specialist or a novice learner Academy Class got it all to gear you up to use Maya like you know it by heart. Maya training course introduces students to the industry-standard animation software.Maya training courses by Adrian Albert will teach you the fundamentals of 3D designing and animations. Students will get to learn the Maya basics of Skinning, Lighting and Rendering, and Utility Nodes, Texturing and Texture Mapping, Adobe Photoshop Basics, Tiling and Layering Textures, Block Texturing a Non-Organic Object and Texture Distressing.Furthermore, students with this Maya training course will also learn advanced Shading networks with File Textures, Mental Ray Shaders, Maya Hypershade, Graph Editor and Key Framing, Deformer and Path Animation, Clusters, Blend-shapes and connections, Expressions and Rigging, Lamp Animations.The Maya training courses by Adrian Albert will also entail the Art of Lighting, Gobos and Cookies, Daylight, Night and Artificial Lighting, Image Based Lighting, Photographic Lighting, Lighting and Shadows, Ray Tracing and Depth of Field, Final Gather and Image Based Lighting, Render Layers and Compositing and Photon Mapping and Caustics. Along with that you will also learnNURBS Coliseum, Sandal and Kettle.I am very pleased to teach you some basics, and some ADVANCED techniques , in order to see great results from you , and to be more than prepared for your graphic designer professional life. Thank you for choosing this course!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Adobe InDesign Tips and Tricks" |
"In this course you will learn lots of great stuff.You will learn to work with images , to wrap text around objects, to create awesome PDF, to create tables and many more!The course is designed for beginners and for the Pro. Anyone can learn something new , that will help you in your career . You should enroll in this course , because NOW is the perfect time to add ADOBE INDESIGN to your CV.Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing software application produced by Adobe Systems. It can be used to create works such as posters, flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers and books. InDesign can also publish content suitable for tablet devices in conjunction with Adobe Digital Publishing Suite. Graphic designers and production artists are the principal users, creating and laying out periodical publications, posters, and print media. It also supports export to EPUB and SWF formats to create e-books and digital publications, including digital magazines, and content suitable for consumption on tablet computers. In addition, InDesign supports XML, style sheets and other coding markup, making it suitable for exporting tagged text content for use in other digital and online formats. The Adobe InCopy word processor uses the same formatting engine as InDesign."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator CC - From scratch" |
"Welcome to the complete beginners guide to Adobe Illustrator. This is one of the greatest Video Tutorial Course made. After putting a plan on paper, we designed the best videos for everyone who takes this course to be pleased with the results after taking , and learning this Course. If you need to create : Logos, Illustrations, Posters, Info Graphics, T-shirt Designs, Flyers , Adobe Illustrator is the program to create them. You can use any version of Illustrator, because in the Project Folder (in the course) you will find the project saved for any version of Illustrator. On this course I will be introducing you to the program and covering some essential practise exercises. Then I will be demonstrating how to create a small project in Adobe Illustrator from start to finish. To help break down the process I have structured the course in 3 main sections:SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION 7 videosSECTION 2 - ESSENTIAL PRACTISE 7 videosSECTION 3 - TEST PROJECT 9 videosCHAPTER 1 - SETUP & LIVE TRACECHAPTER 2 - DRAWINGCHAPTER 3 - COLOURING & ADDING TYPECHAPTER 4 - FINISHING & EXPORTING FOR PRINTAlong the way we will be covering many topics, such as how to set up your document, understand how the program works, use text in Illustrator, prepare and import images into Illustrator and finally export your document ready for print."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Quantum Numbers Crash Course for High School Chemistry" |
"This course will take you step by step through understanding the scientific concept of quantum numbers as they apply to chemistry. The course presents the information in multiple ways to help reach all learning styles. The information on quantum numbers will be presented through the following ways:Visual/tangible hands on ways to visualize the quantum numbersQuantum numbers explained through the use of data tables and organizational chartsA spatial explanation for those that are spatial or picture orientedThrough the use of effective analogies to help connect the known to the unknown This course is mainly comprised of the video lessons and some practice problems to evaluate your understanding. This course will take about an hour to complete. Quantum numbers are a complex topic in high school chemistry classes, but they are also the building blocks of large portions of other chemistry topics. A good foundation of understanding quantum numbers will lead to greater success in future topics."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Perception of a Safety Culture from Leadership Perspective" |
"Based on experience, in many cases, there may be a perception that the Safety Professional is responsible for all safety efforts in an organization. Sometimes the Safety Professional will tend to go day-by-day trying to change the culture of the organization without attempting to gain any respect or support from the Leadership team.Unfortunately, in many organizations, the image of this safety position is a person who goes through the workplace looking for things that are wrong, can only quote regulations, and usually offers only two primary solutions, the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) or training or re-training. PPE and training are linked to promoting safety awareness, as the thinking is that PPE and training or re-training will solve all of the problems. Many times, PPE and training become the default solution. While PPE and training has its place, it is not the solution to all safety-related issues, as some may think. PPE and training are only one aspect of a sound safety management system. In many cases, hazards that need to be addressed and resolved are sometimes overlooked, as it is clouded by the PPE and Training Issue as discussed. This may be based on the formal job description or direct mandates from the leadership team as Do it with an implied stay out of our way! Lesson Learned A colleague has asked supervisors and managers over a number of years to define safety in supervisor training classes and presentations. The definitions he received include: Preventing accidents or injuries;Freedom from harm or injury;Being safe;Being aware of your surroundings;Not getting hurt;It's number one;Following procedures and rules;It is a state of being;Looking out for each other;Complying with OSHA;Going home the same way you came to work. The issue of defining safety is still a major area of confusion."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Construct 2 - The Complete Game Creation Learning Tool" |
"This course is aiming to be a complete guide on how to create games with construct 2 program.I am coding game for 5 years and I was using many frameworks and programs but Construct 2 is the best and the fastest way to create games.Don't worry if you don't have any experience with programming and/or game development,I will teach you how to create games from scratch.When you complete the course you will be able to:create a flappy bird clonecreate a fully featured platformer gamecreate a match 3 game.export construct 2 games to android and iOS integrate mobile ads, gamecenter, google playservices, In-app-purchasesWhat do you need to complete this course:a copy of construct 2(paid version for mobile exporting, free for rest)intelXDK software(free)(for mobile export)"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Programacin en Python" |
"Lenguaje de Programacin Python:Python es un lenguaje de programacin creado por Guido van Rossum en el Centro para las Matemticas y la Informtica (CWI - Holanda) en 1991.Caractersticas del lenguaje Python: - Python es un lenguaje de programacinmultiparadigma.- Es multiplataforma.- Es muy sencillo de aprender ya que es un lenguaje simple y minimalista.- Es interpretado.- Usa tipado dinmico.- Actualmente ocupa el puesto nmero 4 del ndice TIOBE.Con este curso t aprenders a programar en Python desde cero, hacia temas ms avanzados."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Programacin en C++ (Bsico - Intermedio - Avanzado)" |
"APRENDE PROGRAMACIN EN C++Te gustara aprender a programar en C++? Si es as, te recomiendo que revises este curso, un curso muy prctico donde aprenders desde cero a programar en C++; este curso contiene los siguientes bloques:1. Introduccin y Entrada-Salida2. Expresiones o Operadores3. Condicionales4. Bucles o Ciclos5. Arreglos6. Matrices o Tablas7. Cadenas8. Mtodos de Ordenamiento9. Bsquedas10. Estructuras11. Funciones12. Punteros13. Pilas14. Colas15. Listas16. rboles17. Archivos18. POO: Clases y Objetos en C++19. POO: Clases derivadas - Herencia y Polimorfismo20. Genericidad - Plantillas (templates)21. Anlisis y Eficiencia de Algoritmos22. Algoritmos Recursivos23. Biblioteca Estndar de Plantillas (STL)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentos de Programacin - Aprende a programar desde cero" |
"Fundamentos de Programacines una asignatura bsica que permite crear programas que exhiban un comportamiento deseado. El proceso de escribir cdigo requiere frecuentemente conocimientos en varias reas distintas, adems del dominio del lenguaje a utilizar, algoritmos especializados y lgica formal.En este curso usted podr aprender desde cero todo lo relacionado a la programacincomenzando por comenzando por temas muy importantes como teora de entidades primitivas, pasando por los condicionales, bucles, arreglos, etc.Si usted no tiene conocimiento previo sobre programacin y le gustara comenzar a aprender e ir poco a poco avanzando en este mundo, este curso es el ms recomendado, ya que cuando finalice este curso usted sabr todo lo necesario para poder migrar hacia diferentes lenguajes de programacin como C++, Java, Python, C#, etc y se le har mucho ms sencillo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Programacin en C desde cero" |
"C es el lenguaje de programacin de propsito general asociado, de modo universal, al sistema operativo UNIX. Sin embargo, la popularidad, eficacia y potencia de C, se ha producido porque este lenguaje no est prcticamente asociado a ningn sistema operativo, ni a ninguna mquina, en especial. sta es la razn fundamental, por la cual C, es conocido como el lenguaje de programacin de sistemas, por excelencia. Ventajas de C: El lenguaje C es poderoso y flexible, con rdenes, operaciones y funciones de biblioteca que se pueden utilizar para escribir la mayora de los programas que corren en la computadora.C se utiliza por programadores profesionales para desarrollar software en la mayora de los modernos sistemas de computadora.Se puede utilizar C para desarrollar sistemas operativos, compiladores, sistemas de tiempo real y aplicaciones de comunicaciones.Un programa C puede ser escrito para un tipo de computadora y trasladarse a otra computadora con pocas o ninguna modificacin En este curso Aprenders: 1. Introduccin a la Programacin en C Concepto de algoritmo Los lenguajes de programacin Lenguaje C 2. El lenguaje C : Elementos Bsicos Descargar Dev-C++ESTRUCTURA GENERAL DE UN PROGRAMA EN C Librera stdio.hComentariosHola mundoDirectivas del preprocesador y VariablesArchivos de cabecera (librera y macros)Variables globales y localesTipos de datos en C Entradas y Salidas Sentencias de EscapeSalida y Entrada de cadena de caracteres 4. Operadores y Expresiones Operador de Asignacin Operadores de incrementacin y decrementacin Bloque de Ejercicios Operadores 4. Estructuras de Seleccin La sentencia if Sentencia if de dos alternativas: if-else Sentencia de control Switch Expresiones Condicionales: El operador ? Bloque de Ejercicios Condicionales 5. Estructuras de Control: Bucles La sentencia While Repeticin el Bucle For Repeticin: El Bucle Do While Bloque de Ejercicios Bucles 6. Funciones Concepto de Funcin Funciones Numricas Funciones de Utilidad Recursividad Bloque de Ejercicios 7. Arrays (Listas y Tablas) Concepto Arrays Inicializacin de un Array Arrays de caracteres y cadenas de texto Arrays Multidimensionales Ordenacin de Listas Bsqueda en Listas Bloque de Ejercicios 8. Estructuras y Uniones EstructurasAcceso a estructuras Estructuras Anidadas Arrays de Estructuras Utilizacin de Estructuras como Parmetros Uniones Enumeraciones Campos de Bit Bloque de Ejercicios 9. Punteros (Apuntadores) Direcciones en Memoria Concepto de Punteros (Apuntador) Punteros NULL y VOID Punteros a Punteros Punteros y Arrays Arrays de Punteros Punteros de Cadenas Aritmtica de Punteros Punteros Constantes frente a punteros a constantes Punteros como argumentos de funcionesPunteros a Funciones Punteros a Estructuras Bloque de Ejercicios 10. Asignacin Dinmica de Memoria Gestin Dinmica de la memoria Funcin maiioc Liberacin de Memoria, funcin free Funciones de asignacin de memoria calloc() y realloc() Asignacin de memoria para Arrays Arrays dinmicos Reglas de Funcionamiento de la asignacin de memoria Bloque de Ejercicios 11. Cadenas Concepto de Cadena Lectura de Cadenas La biblioteca string.h Arrays y cadenas como parmetros de funciones Asignacin de Cadenas Longitud y Concatenacin de Cadenas Comparacin de Cadenas Inversin de Cadenas Conversin de Cadenas Conversin de Cadenas a Nmeros Bsqueda de Caracteres y Cadenas Bloque de Ejercicios 12. Entradas y Salidas por Archivos Flujos Puntero FILE Apertura de un Archivo Creacin de un archivo secuencial Archivos Binarios en C Funciones para acceso aleatorioBloque de ejercicios 13. Listas Enlazadas Fundamentos Tericos Clasificacin de las Listas Enlazadas Operaciones en Listas Enlazadas Lista Doblemente enlazada Listas Circulares Bloque de ejercicios 14. Pilas y Colas Concepto de Pila El tipo de pila implementado con arrays Colas El tipo de cola implementado con arrays Realizacin de una cola con una lista enlazadaBloque de ejercicios 15. rboles rboles generales Arboles Binarios Estructuras de un rbol binario Operaciones en rboles binarios Arboles de ExpresinRecorrido de un rbol rbol Binario de Bsqueda Operaciones en rboles binarios de bsqueda Aplicaciones de rboles de algoritmos de exploracin Bloque de Ejercicios"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Programacin en Java (de Bsico a Avanzado)" |
"Java es un lenguaje de programacin orientado a objetos el cual fue diseado para ser portable en diversas plataformas (lenguaje multiplataforma).Fue desarrollado por Sun Microsystems y se diseo tomando como patrn el lenguaje de programacin C++. La caracterstica predominante de java es su adecuacin a Internet, la cual le permiti crear, incrustar programas, grficas interactivas y otros efectos en las pginas web.Caractersticas de Java:SencilloSeguroPortableOrientado a objetosRobustoMultihilosAlto rendimientoDinmicoDistribuidoNormalizadoSi estas interesado en aprender a programar en Java, te recomiendo este curso, ya que en l aprenders a programar en java de una manera sencilla y efectiva, con un curso de 30%teora y 70%prctica"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bonds For Beginners - A Guide To The Bond Markets" |
"This course provides an introduction to bonds and the bond market, and is taught by a financial markets professionalwho has worked in the bond market. This course is tailored to students who have no prior or only very little knowledge of finance and want to learn about bonds so that they caninvest wisely in the bond market. This course comes in the form of an easy to follow webinar and is split up into the following lectures:Bond Basics What is a Bond? Features & Characteristics of Bonds Types of Bonds Credit Ratings RisksThe Bond Market Primary vs. Secondary Market Players In The Bond MarketInvesting in Bonds Why Invest In Bonds How To Invest In BondsBonus Section Why Are Bond Yields Currently So Low? What Is Quantitative Easing? Additional Resources & Learning Materials"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Forex For Beginners - A Guide To Currency Trading" |
"The course 'Forex For Beginners - A Guide To Currency Trading' is an easy to understand entry-level course for budding forex traders and those wanting to learn more about the multi trillion dollar currency market.This course is taught by a financial markets professional who will teach you the basics of currencies, forex terminology, chart analysis, how to get started with trading currencies and what strategies you can apply to profitably trade the forex market."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Stocks For Beginners - A Guide To Investing" |
"Do you want to learn how to tradestocks from the comfort of your own home? If the answer is 'yes' then you have come to the right place!In this course you will be taught all the fundamentals of stocks and trading you need to know to start trading in the global financial markets. After completing this course you will be equipped with the knowledge, strategies and tools you need to successfully trade stocks. The course is broken down into three sections: The Theory & Fundamentals of Stocks, Putting The Theory Into Practise and the Bonus Section. This course is taught by a financial markets professional who has worked at several major investment banks in the City of London and delivers a clear and concise step by step course for beginners on how to get started with trading stocks and making money in the stock market."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Basic Excel Questions for Job Interviews" |
"Microsoft Office contains a power tool that is being used all over the world. Excel is used by numerous companies and individuals for tasks ranging from a basic task list to advanced financial operations.Don't let the concept fool you, this is a complete course for those missing to learn more about Excel. During the demonstrations for each lecture, the question is not only answered through series of exercises, you will often get more information than the question itself. An example would be this question:What is Autofill?A very easy question to answer with a very short answer. In this course, the demonstration to answer this question has 29 Exercises with a total of 36 steps.Easy question and answer, but fully demonstrating this feature take a few minutes. I do not simply want to answer the question and provide a quick demonstration of 1 or 2 different things you can do with this feature. I want to give you enough knowledge to not only answer any interview questions you may have about this topic, but to discover how you might be able to use the feature during your daily work with Excel at your job. Using this new way of learning a technology subject, you will gain the confidence you need to ACE common Excel interview questions you may get during your next job interview and get the job or promotion you deserve.What will I learn? Interview2Learn's basic Excel interview questions course contains 40 basic questions with provided answers that you can use during an interview. I also provide videos with me working through each answer so that you can fully understand each answer. Workbooks and exercise PDFs are provided so each student can work on the exercises at their own pace. Giving you the workbook with my sample data and the steps allows you to try on your own and if you get stuck - go back to the lecture video and watch me work through it. There is also two downloads at the end of the course with every question in this course. The first download are only the questions. This gives you a chance to try them yourself. The second download is the questions and the basic interview ready answers. Let's you practice how you would answer the question during an actual interview. And because you have the demonstration videos and manuals and you have taken the time to go through each one on your own - you'll be able to answer each question with confidence during your interview and go further into the answer if the asked. Not interviewing for a new job, but still need to understand Excel?No problem, in order for you to understand the answer to the interview questions we provide very detailed explanations and demonstration exercises. Following along with the explanations and explanations will give you the knowledge you need to put Excel to work for you immediately. The interview questions serve to bind the knowledge you obtain for common scenarios you may find on the job. Instead of a simple Next Slide, you get a question you to think about. It is this process that will make the information stand out in your mind the next time you encounter a similar scenario while working."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Effective Appium Tutorial with Real Project" |
"Course DescriptionThis course provides you a step-by-step guide on how to setup Appium, Java, Maven, Xcode, Git, JUnit, as well as Xcode, Android SDK and Genymotion Emulator to build mobile automation test framework.Learn with real project backgroundSetup Appium effectivelyManage code with GitOvercome challenges and pass your first iOS and Android mobile browser testsOvercome challenges and pass your first iOS and Android native APP/APK testsContent and OverviewI designed this course from an email related Web UI automation project.Starting from business requirements requested by QA Manager, I show you how to design the test framework and integrate state-of-the-art tools together to achieve the business requirements. I will walk you through the setup of these tools step by step.Then as a QA Engineer, I will first manual test the test scenarios and write down the test steps. I will work with you together to turn these manual test steps into automated steps. Along the way, you will encounter challenges and solve them.In addition to the original course, I added some lectures according to students' feedback, such test Android Native APK test and iOS Native APP test. You will find this course very effective and helpful.What am I going to get from this course?Learn how to design and build up test framework from scratchKnow how to use the essential tools used by professional QA EngineerOver 25 lecturesSource Code included"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Effective Personal Website Building and Hosting" |
"Course DescriptionThis course provides you a step-by-step guide on how to effective build and host your website with Git, GitHub, WebStorm, Bootstrap.Learn with project exampleSetup GitHubManage code with GitCreate and previewwebpages with WebStorm and BoostrapOvercome challenges and solve the problemsContent and OverviewAs an experienced web developer, I have created multiple websites for companies and individuals. During my interactions with clients, I found many people have the need to build up their online presence and want to be able to update the contents easily. But they think it could be very difficult to do it by themselves or it will be very expensive.Based my experience, I designed this course to show you the overall picture ofthe website lifecycle, from designing, developing, deploying, to updating the contents.I also bear in mind that people don't have too much time on this. They want to learn the new skill with minimized time and efforts.You will find this course very effective and helpful.What am I going to get from this course?Learn how to build and host website step by stepLearn how to use the effective tools and skills when building websiteOver 10lecturesSource Code included"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fiverr Success For Beginners 2019 - Zero To Hero In 30 Days" |
"*Course Created in 2015 , But totally relevent today too :-)03/02/2019In next month will be updated relevent part for all studentsOver 8,500 STUDENTS in 122 Countries100 ""5 Star Reviews""!Some reviews :""This course is a very good introduction to selling successfully on Fiverr. The content is strong and the instructor comes across well. However, the instructor has quite a strong accent which may mean that the course is not the best for those who are not native English speakers"". - Jonathan Westwood Great course. This course will help me how to make money and be successful. It is very nice also to hear about other entrepreneurs and their experiences, no matter what field they are assigned to. All the additional advices on how to create gigs are very useful. I loved this course, because I can listen to it at my paste, one day at a time. Josee Philipp Hey my name is tolik mobile marketing expert and the Founder of AskTolik , the goal of our company is to help people leave their 9 - 17 jobs and start working online at their time and on their convenience, I completely have no idea whether starting this course will have any result or success.These were my goals in first 30 days!50 single order complete (give you second seller level)High ratingWow affect from clientsRun 5-7 selling gigs I can give you a clue , i reach my goals before the time end , How I Make 50+ Orders During My First Month , Buy now and reveal it Hey Freelancers and complete newbies in your freelancing way , You are going to take the first fiverr success course ever made about journey of beginner in fiverr , it's real journey of beginner in 30 days , no orders no rating no hope :-) I am going to show you step by step what i do in real time to grow my fiverr account , i will show you proven methods to boost your fiverr account ,This course is designed for complete Fiverr beginners in selling jobs and people who may have heard of or not heard of fivver and have been interested in selling online through Fiverr without knowing the starting point. We are going to build fiverr profit plan and check your arbitrage to success and make real salary from your gigs , Fiverrr Home Business Made Easy it's not hard think if you know how to do it , maybe you have already tried websites like fiverr , but now learn how to build your online business in real option to revenue and make easy money on fiverr.You may ask so :what is fiverr?How to use fiverr?How does fiverr work?How does fiverr marketing plan work?What the hell is fiverr gigs? :-)How to make money in that site?I will answer your all doubts and questions.Are you Hesitant now? so please stop, this is money back guarantee program included , i know the price maybe little high , but i invest full month daily work on that course and make the best i can do for you , it's worth it! Buy now and you will not regret!Allways for you Tolik"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"App Store Optimization 2016 White Hat and Black Hat Methods" |
"Updated 05/06/2016Bonus:Every Full Price Buyer of Our Course Can Send Message + Print Screen and Earn 30 min ASO training with one of our managers Are you trying to make downloads, but can't while other people you know were able to make it?Do you want to increase downloads for your app?Do you want to learn the basics of ASO from one of the famous ASO teachers?With more than 1.2 million apps in the App store, you have heard about App Store Optimization (ASO), and you know that you should market your app but don't know where to start?Then this course is for you!=================================================================My name is Tolik - AskTolik CEO . I'm an app developer, marketer and entrepreneur based in Israel . I published my first iPhone app in the store in 2013 , and from then published more than 1000 apps and sell most of them already. This is the first course from the 10 courses that I am going to publish regarding important matters that you must to know about app business to achieve 100% success.In this course, I am going to teach you step by step on how to make good ASO for your app , even if you are only a beginner. This is the right place to start learning.====================================================================What am I going to get from this course?Over 20 lectures and 3 hours of content!Learn how to get more downloads for your iOS apps in AppStoreLearn step by step on how to RESEARCH using simple tools that are mostly free and can be used daily.I will teach you new ideas about ASO, not only about looking on your keywords and titleLearn how to rank your app using multiple keywords that people are looking for on Apple storeI will reveal the four simple steps of App Store Optimization method to analyze and evaluate keywords and find your MAIN KEYWORD for your app.Learn what makes a good APP ICON and how this can affect your downloads.SAFE ways to get reviews to your app and skyrocket your downloads.Tips on how to improve your app visibility in the store in simple waysIt tells you what people are looking for, and is great to use to find new niches for reskinning apps.====================================================================II know you think that this is a course of some Guru, but it's not the case , I am a simple guy who can't find a job and learned how to make apps and I also know how you feel in the beginning, it's so hard!!! It's hard in the beginning, and it gets worst :-) Just kidding"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"(NEW) Chartboost Course 2015 - Become a Top EPCM Publisher" |
"Updated 08.04.2016 - Updated with new option buy ad'sHey, App developers!Do you want to make money with apps but is struggling and making only small number of downloads and very low ECPM? I can help you increase your downloads and ECPM. At the same time, I can help you with Chartboost revenue and that's for sure!!! So, are you ready to start making money? No.. no.. I'm not talking about small money, I'm talking about REAL money, Life-style Changing Money.I've been a newbie in this business, just like you. I took courses and learned by experience. This course summarizes my knowledge about Chartboost and more relevant information. I'm going to share with you about app business in general.Learn step by step how we make amazing ECPM's with our own apps, no bullshit!REAL accountsREAL timeREAL money- I will provide you with methods of monetization of the campaigns for advertisers and publishers.- You will have access with our tools, increase your Chartboost CTR and ECPM and lastly, your revenue- You will learn the correct and most efficient way to talk to your developers, no time wasting and most importantly, you will know how to add your ads in the app- You will learn advanced tactics about campaign filtering, advertising and publishing- You will learn how to use CPC or CPI campaigns and even when not using Chartboost at allI personally created this course. A real guy that really makes a living doing this stuff... This is the course I have created for my clients, for the Indie developers and even for the big app companies who want to simply ways to make more money.I'm sure you're thinking to yourself, Hey this guy is a scammer, and only wants to take my money"". Let me tell you one thing: YOU DON'T HAVE ANY RISK!If your business does not improve drastically within 30 days upon walking through the steps of this course Like I said, ALL MONEY BACK GUARANTEED, no questions asked.I offer a 30 day Money Back Guarantee in this course !!!TolikAskTolik ASO and Marketing Services"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master Your Apple Mac - Top Essential Tips and Tricks" |
"* UPDATED 29th December 2017*If you own a Mac computer I can absolutely promise you that you are not using it to its full potential!Its like you've bought a Ferrari and cant get out of 2nd gear.There are so many hidden features in the Mac operating system that most people do not know about, and they are some of the best and most useful features.This course will aim tochange all that!In this course I will show you how to make the most of your Mac so you can: BECOME MORE PRODUCTIVESAVE TIME (AND MONEY)LEARN TO MASTER YOUR MAC LIKE A PROBECOME A MAC POWER USERYou get:41+ of the hottest Apple MacOSOS X tips and tricks to make you more productive.Lifetime Access with frequent updatesDiscount on future products produced by meSo wether you've just bought a brand new mac or owned one for a while then this is the course for you. And I am so confident you will love this course that I am offering a...100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WITH A 30 DAY MONEY BACK REFUND IF YOUR NOT HAPPY!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Marketing: Acquire Leads with Facebook Ads" |
"***Course fully updated April 2015 and will continue to be updated to cover any new Facebook ad regulations or general best practice***You know you need to grow your business - rapidly. And you've heard that Facebook advertising can be a great way to do that. But you just haven't succeeded in it. Maybe you worry about the costs. Or maybe you just don't consider yourself an expert in advertising. Perhaps you've given Facebook advertising a go already but found it difficult, expensive and unprofitable. If this is you, then you'll find this course hugely beneficial. Because Facebook advertising is one of the best ways of promoting your business and growing it rapidly. You just need to know how to do it right. Over the course of 30 simple, short videos, I'll teach you:How to start advertising on FacebookMost importantly, I'll explain to you how to advertise profitably. I'll show you step-by-step how I achieve consistently low cost ads for highly targeted customer leadsAnd I'll show you how you can achieve the same low cost, targeted leads for your own business (whatever the industry)I'll also show you how to create a professional, high-performing ad - even if you have zero design or copywriting skills. So don't waste any more time on expensive ads, poor leads and poor traffic. Make a decision right now to change your business for the better. Start today and discover the secret tricks to achieving growth through one of the best advertising platforms around at the moment - Facebook. And start seeing a steady flow of new, highly targeted leads for your business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de VirtualBox" |
"VirtualBox es una potente herramienta de virtualizacin que nos permite instalar y ejecutar sistemas husped dentro de nuestro sistema operativo anfitrin.En la prctica, esto significa que podemos ejecutar (por ejemplo) Windows en nuestro equipo y, a la vez, estar ejecutando de forma virtual e independiente cualquier distribucin Linux, Solaris, BSD, u otros.VirtualBox no solo permite instalar una gran variedad de mquinas virtuales, sino que tambin est disponible para ejecutarse desde diferentes plataformas (o ""anfitriones"") aparte de Windows, como Mac OS o Linux, por lo que las combinaciones son bastante amplias.Y por si esto fuera poco, VirtualBox se distribuye de forma gratuita!En este curso el alumno llegar a entender lo que es una mquina virtual, las ventajas e inconvenientes de estas y, por supuesto, a instalar y configurar las suyas propias. Todo desde un nivel inicial sencillo, hasta llegar a manejar esta herramienta con soltura y a un nivel profesional.Ms de 2 horas de vdeo! y documentacin adicional.Para hacerlo ms didctico, el curso cuenta con infinidad de ejemplos prcticos: veremos cmo instalar las mquinas virtuales ms comunes, aprenderemos a configurar nuestras mquinas de forma avanzada, y veremos el caso prctico de un desarrollador que trabaje en Windows para entornos Linux (LAMP).El alumno contar con varios exmenes para poner a prueba sus conocimientos, as como resmenes al final de cada seccin para repasar los conceptos ms importantes.Para realizar este Curso de VirtualBox no se necesitan conocimientos tcnicos especficos, ya que se explicarn todos los conceptos, desde un nivel inicial sencillo, evolucionando hasta llegar a un nivel avanzado de manejo de la aplicacin."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Odoo (Open ERP) Basics" |
"WHY HAVE A LOOK ON THIS COURSE AT ALL? I worked with several software tools for different tasks within several companies.(Most of them were clients of my own company - a digital business consultancy). Most corporations are facing the same challenges - the better the business, the more employees and the faster the growth; but at the same time processes & internal organization become increasingly complex.Due to organic growth all companies face one moment in their history, where they realize, that their digital structure, they once started with causes more problems, than it solves, because it is too static - too small. Or they find themselves in the middle of 30 insular software tools for certain tasks, that need to be connected via APIs to have a useful information flow within the company. This way of building a digital infrastructure is expensive, not transparent, complicated and far away from being stabile. Odoo is one of the first All-In-One solutions, which is affordable & still easy to use. The best thing: It can be tailored to meet your companys needs.2.000.000 Odoo users have the same opinion. WHY BUY EXACTLY THIS COURSE? In 2014 I was in charge of finding a new ERP for a German, fast growing company. The solution should include warehouse management, accounting, website & shop plus a smart CRM. I guided the whole process of month of research, data transfer (databank mapping), establishing the system & new workflows in the daily business plus educating the other employees. Today I am working with Odoo on a daily basis and (unbelievable, but true) I still love it. With well structured video tutorials I will teach you how to work with this amazing ERP by showing you the straight functionality of Odoo plus giving you advices on how to apply your knowledge for your own business. I hope this course will support you to become a good Odoo user within 14 days. But even more important: You can easily look up functions, you forgot about. You can do so much with Odoo, that it is impossible to keep everything in mind. This course will help you: to make a profound decision, if you want work with this system in the future. to avoid stress & save time (for yourself or your employees) working with Odoo, if your company is already using it. save money, you would normally spend on training sessions & consultancy. WHY BUY NOW? The will never again be cheaper, than now. The more material I add, the higher the price. My first goal is to compile a solid course with more than 7 hours of compact, effective video coaching sessions. But from that point on I wont stop enhancing the course. The earlier you buy, the less you pay."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"How to play Djembe, Drums & Rhythm. Level 2" |
"Learn to play hand-drum or Djembe with Joy, Passion, and Confidence.This course contents over 36 lectures and 2 hours of content. You will learn lots of drumming patterns and phrases. I have designed this course for anyone, regardless of experience, who wish to improve and learn more, new ways of drumming. If you want to learn to play powerful rhythms in a way that's easy on your hands, this course is for you.These lessons have been very well received by people all over the world and are recommended to you who will like to be free and joyfully expand your drum vocabulary.This teaching method, Zikalo Method, works like ""magic"" Zikalo Method is about developing a playful relationship with music, drum and rhythm. Soon you will want to improvise and interact, using these new skills.You can use any hand-drum and take this course. I will be teaching you, using the Vest African drum, the Djembe. West African drumming has become a kind of universal language around the world. Originating in Guinea and neighboring countries of the former Mali empire, the rhythms of the Djembe (jembe) can now be heard everywhere.If you travel with a Djembe you will find others to jam with, and sharing drum rhythms will lead quickly to new friendships. Taking this course will open ways for you to perform with other drummers, to teach drum lessons, to drum for dance classes, and to sit in with bands of many kinds needing hand drums and percussion.Please enjoy!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Basic Technical Analysis" |
"Technical analysis involves predicting future price movements for stocks, commodities, currency, and bonds. The person performing technical analysis is called the technical analyst.The technical analyst uses charts and technical indicators to predict the future price movements. Technical analysts are known for forecasting the probabilities of future price movements.Anybody who wants to make effective investment in equity market should have knowledge on basic technical analysis and the most important fact is that it is not so tough. If you love the charts then the chart will tell you the secret of unlocking them.While preparing this course, the instructor has kept some very interesting points in mind, like:- She has tried to keep each video length in between 6-7 minutes because the average human brain can deeply concentrate on anything for 6 minutes at a time. Each lecture is explained with charts and images because a study has proven that charts or images can explain better than the words and these charts have long term effects on the learner's mind. Every lecture/module is accompanied with different practice lessons because practice makes us to understand better. Anyone who will take the course along with different practice lessons, will be an expert in basic technical analysis . If anybody who wants to be master in technical analysis , can opt for our another course i.e. Advance Technical Analysis". This two courses are the complete guide in technical analysis field and almost everything in technical analysis have been covered here.What you are getting from this course? 2 hours lectures divided into short videos. Almost each lecture is explained with charts to make it interesting Discussion on assumptions of technical analysis, trends, trend-lines, charts and gap analysis Easily explained popular classic chart patterns Explained videos showing how to find patterns in real life Discussions on usage of most popular technical indicators Numerous exercises, reference materials and quizzes"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to become a successful day trader" |
"In today's world, day trading is becoming increasingly popular especially in the volatile job market. Anyone can earn 30% return in a month on his capital through day trading and that too from home. But 70% of the starters fail due to lack of knowledge. No one needs to be an expert in technical analysis to succeed in day trading but everyone should know some working techniques.A professional day trader uses some interesting and useful techniques in their trading. I also fall in the same category being a whole time trader for more than 8 years in Indian stock market.In this course, I have demonstrated some very easy and effective trading techniques for the newcomers in day trading. These techniques are very useful and quite easy to follow. Anyone can be a successful day trader by using these simple methods.This course features variety of trading examples which is very useful as learning accelerators. Whether you are a novice student or an intermediate investor or an advanced trader, this course can surely boost you up and can take you to the next level.The goal of this course is to enable people to be self-sufficient in day trading.What you are getting from this course?Over 27 lectures and more than 2 hours of content!Basic concept of Technical analysisDetailed discussion on the effective day trading strategiesEntry and Exit level determination through Fibonacci scalesProfit booking techniques using basic candlestick patternsEffective usage of technical indicators in day tradingFour detailed Case Studies on popular stocks to illustrate profitable entry and exit levelsNumerous exercises, reference materials and quizzes"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"jQuery: De cero a avanzado mediante ejercicios prcticos." |
"El contenido del curso es robusto, y no slo se enfoca en lo bsico, vamos de la mano desde crear un pequeo evento, hasta crear cosas como plugins, slideshows, notificaciones, consumos de apis externas y mucho ms!He invertido muchas horas creando este curso, hay tareas, ejercicios y mucho material til que te servir para cualquier proyecto web que tengas.Si no estas seguro, hay varias clases habilitadas de forma gratuita para que puedan ver la calidad del mismo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AngularJS - Desde Hola Mundo hasta una Aplicacin (legacy)" |
"Este curso te enseara a utilizar AngularJS en tus proyectos.Se utiliza una terminologa que te llevar de lo general a lo especifico sin darte cuenta.Todo el material necesario en este curso es brindado con links de descarga.El curso esta estructurado en secciones con evaluaciones finales.Debes realizar este curso si lo que deseas es mejorar tu programacin web y utilizar frameworks o laboratorios de herramientas probadas por miles de personas.Para que no tengas que inventar la rueda que alguien ya construyo para ti."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"PL/SQL de ORACLE en Espaol" |
"Este curso se enfoca en llevarte de un nivel CERO a intermedio-avanzado en el lenguaje de programacin de Oracle el PL/SQL.Es importante recalcar, que deben de saber al menos que es un SELECT * FROM... es todo.Conocimientos de programacin no son necesarios, pero ayudara mucho si saben algo de programacin bsica o estructurada.Por qu tomar este curso? Porque cuando me ensearon PL/SQL hace muchos aos atrs, me costo mucho dominarlo, pero fue porque tuve malos asesores. Yo te aseguro que eso no te pasara a ti.Lo mejor de todo es que en menos de 1 mes (hasta menos), tendrn un conocimiento de PL/Sql medio-avanzado. Se los garantizo.El curso esta hecho en vdeos y tareas cortas, de rpida resolucin que hasta te servir para utilizarlo en futuras referencias."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |