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"JavaScript: de cero hasta los detalles (ES5)" |
"JavaScript es un lenguaje de programacin moderno, quiz el ms utilizado a nivel mundial cuando de web se trata. Pero no olvidemos que hoy en da existen tecnologas y frameworks cuya base es Javascript, tal es el caso de MongoDB, AngularJS, jQuery, ionic, NodeJS, entre otras.Este curso te har comprender profundamente esta tecnologa de programacin, brindndote la base slida que necesitas para entrar con paso firme a cualquier herramienta basada en JavaScript.El objetivo es trabajar con las mejores prcticas, mostrando no solo por qu se hace, si no que problemas puede llevar de no hacerlo correctamente.No importa si eres principiante o un experto en JavaScript, en cada clase aprenders cosas nuevas que te harn decir ""ohhh, ya se por qu pasa eso!"" ""esa no me la saba"".Los objetivos principales del curso son: Llevarte del nivel que tengas hasta intermedio-avanzado.Reforzar tus conocimientos (en caso de tener alguna base), a lo mejor te sorprendes de lo mucho que puedes aprender.El curso es totalmente prctico, aprenderemos haciendo y demostrando. Recuerda que la prctica hace al maestro."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Creando Restful services PHP-MYSQL (Codeigniter 3)" |
"Este curso se enfoca en crear y utilizar servicios, las famosas APIs y realizar funciones principales de los mismos, tales como PUT, GET, DELETE y POST, y al final, explicar paso a paso para crear tus servicios utilizando la nomenclatura api.tupaginawebAqu explicamos como utilizar de cero el framework de Codeigniter, pero si es necesario que tengas un conocimiento intermedio de PHP, ya que daremos por hecho que tu sabes algo de arreglos y clases. Todos los programas utilizados son abiertos y pueden ser descargados de forma gratuita, hay una seccin dedicada a las instalaciones necesarias.Este curso es totalmente prctico, la idea es que aprendas haciendo, que refuerces lo aprendido con las tareas. Otro objetivo primordial, es que el cdigo aqu escrito, te servir para tus proyectos y as ayudarte a mejorar tu productividad.Es un curso corto, que pueden terminarlo en una o dos semanas, pero depende de que tanto esfuerzo y dedicacin le pongan. Ya sea que usen Codeigniter, Laravel, symfony u otro framework, la idea y los conceptos son los mismos. Claro, que como son frameworks, la estructura sera diferente.Recuerden que cuentan con la poltica de reembolso de Udemy, que en caso de que este curso no cumpla sus expectativas, pueden solicitarla y les darn el 100% de su dinero de regreso, pero si lo hacen, por favor dganme en que falle, y as seguir mejorando este curso.Antes de comprarlo, pueden revisar el contenido gratuito que esta accesible para ustedes y as tengan una mejor idea de lo que aqu se har."
Price: 104.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript: ECMAScript 6 y todos sus detalles" |
"Are you looking for a course to teach you from the basics to the details of ECMAScript 6?You are in the right place then, this course aims to hold your hand from your knowledge of ES5 (The standard of JavaScript) and take you to the next level , explaining you not only how to do things in SS6, but show rodeos that They made to solve problems in earlier versions of JavaScript. This course will help you understand much of what happens in new frameworks that are taking much popularity and strength as React and Angle 2 , without you serve for everything that is based on JavaScript ( typescript, Babel, Node, ionic ... ) This course also aims, be your audio visual hand for when you need to refresh your memory on SS6, with examples, videos and exams. Take your time watching the videos that are enabled for free , here learn writing code and not making ""Copy and Paste"" , all code is written and your own will. To take this course, you must have a basic knowledge of JavaScript, you need to know which are the objects, arrays, variables, functions and basic cycles. But if you're looking to learn JavaScript from scratch, this is not the course you want, but I would recommend you take an introductory JavaScript before. JavaScript has improved considerably, and it is no time to stay with what we know, technology is advancing rapidly and we must take advantage of everything new that will help us become better developers! Without further ado, are welcome to this course ""ECMAScript 6: Advance your knowledge of JS to level 6"""
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Editorial Illustration Tutorial: From Drawing to Photoshop" |
"Editorial illustration is artwork created in response to written text, usually an article in a magazine, newspaper, or blog. In this course, we will focus on how to analyze a text, develop a unique idea, and communicate that concept visually as a partner to the article. Editorial illustration is an exciting field because it allows the illustrator to inject their own opinions and unique voice into the work. We'll focus on how to inject your own personality into your expressive illustration while still communicating your concept and illuminating the written word. Transform Words into Illustrations History + Inspiration: Learn about the history of editorial illustration and current trailblazersResearching + Thinking: Learn about artistic style and visual referencesSketching: Learn how to overcome blank-page-phobia and start sketchingDrawing: Learn techniques for strengthening and finishing your drawingLine, Value, and Color: Learn about color theory and linework tipsDigital Process: Learn about coloring an illustration in PhotoshopTextures + Hand-Drawn Type: Learn to create your own textures and drawn typeCourse Concepts and Overview To show you all this, I'm going to take you through my step by step process of creating an editorial illustration. You'll see my process from the original text article to researching, sketching, drawing, revisions, digital production, all the way to final illustration. I'll also show you many of my own personal Photoshop techniques for creating illustrations with bold colors and tantalizing textures. In addition, I will walk you through some illustration fundamentals that are often misunderstood including line, tone, value, and color, to help make your drawing as strong as possible. By the end of this course, you will have the skills to transform a boring text-only article into a professional editorial illustration that communicates your unique voice while illuminating the written word."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Estrategias para la efectiva Gestin del Capital Humano." |
"Al finalizar el curso podrs evitar grandes dolores de cabeza como la rotacin, improductividad del personal o demandas laborales derivadas de malas prcticas de la gestin humana.Aprenders a evitar los 7 pecados de la Administracin del capital humano que suelen cometer los emprendedores y empresarios que han logrado posicionarse.Sabrs como implementar en tu empresa estrategias para sentar las bases de una efectiva administracin del Capital Humano.As pues, en el siguiente curso veras, a travs de videos, audios, materiales de apoyo y test diseados para facilitar tu aprendizaje, estrategias de:Reclutamiento y seleccin de personal;Capacitacin;Evaluacin del desempeo;Seguridad e higiene;Beneficios al personal;Prestaciones legales;Prestaciones institucionales.Sueldos y salarios.Todo estructurado en 7 secciones divididas en clases que podrs cursar a tu propio ritmo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Administracin para no administradores." |
"En tu curso podrs aprender las bases fundamentales de la administracin a travs del proceso administrativo con el fin de que implementes en tu empresa tcnicas de planeacin, organizacin, integracin, direccin y control.Aprenders a definir el rumbo de tu empresa y disear una metodologa clara para alcanzar tus objetivos.Aprenders cmo disear tu estructura macro y micro organizacional para evitar duplicidades de funciones y definir fronteras interdepartamentales.Aprenders la importancia de la obtencin de recursos y capital humano, as como sus temas a profundizar para ser un experto.Vers que ser un Director requiere competencias de liderazgo, comunicacin, trabajo en equipo, motivacin y toma de decisiones.Aprenders un modelo de control para retroalimentar el desempeo de tu empresa y generar acciones correctivas o preventivas.Tu curso se conforma de 7 secciones que se abordan con 11 lecciones, as como materiales de apoyo y test diseados para facilitar tu aprendizaje."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Habilidades de negociacin. Cierra tratos de forma exitosa." |
"En tu curso aprenders qu es negociar (y qu no es), los tipos de negociacin, las fases de preparacin, desarrollo y cierre; desarrollars la habilidad para determinar tus objetivos de la negociacin con atributos de calidad, cantidad, oportunidad y costos, los cuales te permitirn tener en claro tus metas y contar con una base para evaluar tu desempeo como negociador; adems podrs elegir el lugar adecuado para tu reunin, saber qu informacin recabar de tu contraparte, qu informacin recabar de tu producto y servicios (seas el vendedor o el comprador) as como poner a tu favor el entorno de la negociacin. De igual forma podrs determinar tus posibles concesiones as como las posibles objeciones de tu contraparte y los argumentos para rebatirlas, con lo que podrs evitar que te tomen desprevenido.Tu curso incluye guas prcticas y sencillas para que documentes tu negociacin, desarrolles tu habilidad, asegures cerrar tratos exitosos y que te llevarn de la mano para facilitar tu experiencia de aprendizaje.Encontrars evaluaciones del conocimiento para que te tengas la oportunidad de evaluar tu aprovechamiento del curso y repasar los temas con reas de oportunidadEl curso est elaborado a travs de 17 clases en video las cuales podrs revisarlas a tu propio ritmo de avance.Contars con apoyo en caso de tener dudas, slo envame un mensaje y lo contestar a la brevedad posible.No lo dudes ms, si requieres generar tratos exitosos que incrementen tus ganancias ste es el curso ideal."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Conscious Business: Building Empowered Relationships" |
"Take this Conscious Business Institute Program and learn how the most successful people are creating deeply fulfilling relationships and well-functioningbusiness teams.The Success of your life is all about the quality of your relationships. You cant be successful if your relationships dont work. Peter MatthiesAbout this course:Learn how to create positive relationships & effective business teamsUnderstand how use anyconflict situation to improve a relationshipEliminate your behavior that's causes anyconflict in your relationshipsLearn how to communicate with authenticity & power in any situationProven by high-potential executives at Intel, BMW and other top corporationsIn this courseyou'll get the necessary approaches & insights to make every relationships work both at home and at work. You will learn exactly what it takes to improve any relationship in your life, so that you can strengthen the most important building block for success: well-functioning, trusting, connected, and deeply fulfilling relationships.In this course, you will understand why conflicts arise, and what you can do to deal with them in a way that enriches your and the other person's life. Contents and OverviewConscious Business:Creating Fulfilling Relationships & Great Teams provides you with the building blocks for well-functioning relationships and teams. In a structured way, you will: Learn 2 important principles that are the foundation for any positive relationshipLearn how to authentically communicate in a way that creates trust and understanding - even in a conflict situationUnderstand how to deal with any conflict, and how to actually use any conflict to improve the relationship.Developed by experts in human behavior and consciousness, executives and advisors to top business leaders and politicians, this Module uses the experiences from most successful people and companies to help you improve the way you work and live. This course contains 13videos and 6exercises to apply the material to your work and life.We have taught these principles to hundreds of top corporate leaders in the US, Europe, Asia, Australia, South America, and Africa. These approaches have changed the way they lead their teams and organizations. I've been applying all the wonderful approaches you've given me, and I'm happy to say it has been going really well. It is so heartening to get e-mails from my people saying they appreciate my leadership and that is all thanks to you.H.M. -- VP, IntelWe developed this program because most of us have never learned how to create and maintain well-functioning relationships. Look around you our world is full of conflict and we still havent figured out how to solve it. This course will teach you how you can change any relationship: with your spouse, your family, your friends, or your peers at work.This program will give you an incredible leg-up in any business situation, because you will be able to steer the relationship in the direction you want it to go.Join a movement of thousands of professionals and executives around the world. Create fully aligned and engaged teams, and help change the way we conduct business in the world. Peter MatthiesWhat is the target audience:Any professional who wants to work & do business in a more inspiring and fulfilling wayEntrepreneurs & business leader who want to create more aligned & engaged teamsAny professional who wants to use the power of relationship to grow their careerBusiness executives who want fresh approaches for dealing with conflicts and challenging people situations.Individuals who want to improve their relationships at home and at work."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Conscious Business: Building Collaborative & Engaged Teams" |
"Learn how the most successful people are creating highly engagedand collaborative business teams.Take this Conscious Business Institute Program and learn how you can create engaged and aligned teams.About this course:Create a culture of accountability & responsibility in any teamLearn 5 steps for moving teams from competition to collaborationGet a proven methodology for creating engagement in any teamLearn about the 4 fundamental steps that will make every relationship workProven by high-potential executives at Intel, BMW and other top corporationsThe Success of your life is all about the quality of your relationships. You cant be successful if your relationships dont work. -- Peter MatthiesIn this courseyou'll get the necessary approaches & insights to move from competition to collaboration, so that you can create teams that are fully engaged, ready to go the extra mile.You'll get a step-by-step approach for building a culture of responsibility & accountability in your team.You will obtain a Conscious Business approach for team engagement.You will learn about the 4 steps that will make every relationship work. And you will understand what you need to do to make diversity & inclusion work in your organization.Contents and OverviewConscious Business:Building Collaborative & EngagedTeams provides you with further building blocks for well-functioning relationships and teams. In a structured way, you will:Learn how to build a culture of accountability & responsibilityGet 5 steps to move teams from Competition to CollaborationLearn how to improve engagement in any teamUnderstand what's necessary to make Diversity & Inclusion workLearn the 4 steps that will make every relationship work.Developed by experts in human behavior and consciousness, executives and advisors to top business leaders and politicians, this Module uses the experiences from most successful people and companies to help you improve the way you work and live.This coursecontains 14videos and 6exercises.We have taught these principles to hundreds of top corporate leaders in the US, Europe, Asia, Australia, South America, and Africa. These approaches have changed the way they lead their teams and organizations.I've been applying all the wonderful approaches you've given me, and I'm happy to say it has been going really well. It is so heartening to get e-mails from my people saying they appreciate my leadership and that is all thanks to you.H.M. -- VP, IntelWe developed this program because most of us have never learned how to create fully engaged and aligned teams. Look at the problems in your company most of them go back to people issues and we still havent figured out how to change this. This course will teach you how you can build effective teams: where people collaborate with each other, take responsibility, and treat each other with respect. This program will give you a leg-up in your career as you build more energized and aligned teams.Join a movement of thousands of professionals and executives around the world. Create engaged teams that want to make a difference, and help change the way we conduct business in the world.Peter Matthies"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Creating Bestsellers: Concept to Sales" |
"Learn the basic concepts and methods that you will need to become the writer you wish to be. Acquire the knowledge of the proper writing tools to use, good habits to precede your writing session, how to find the appropriate Narrative Voice for each of your projects, tips on how to organize your writing day or night, a proven method to break through Writer's Block, ways to find your subject matter and how to go from one work to the next. Through all of this useful, often amusing, information, you will be guided by a seasoned, caring professional author and editor. I am determined to share all that I have learned in the publishing and writing worlds, all for the purpose of serving your needs, whether it be to improve, hone, and sustain your writing skills; or to provide you with step-by-step processes of publishing your work; or to satisfy your curiosity of what a professional writer's life is like. I have designed this course to allay any of your trepidations about the world and practice of writers and writing and to provide you with the day-to-day workable means of becoming the best writer you can possible be. Become a happy and successful writer through the lessons, techniques, and professional guidance provided in this course. Discover the kind of writer you wish to be. Find your Brand. Learn proven methods that cultivate your creative self. Find out how to publish E books and/or trade paperbacks. The content of an effective cover letter. Resources on finding agents, editors and publishers. Learn, practice and master the three distinct stages for writing a successful work either of fiction or nonfiction. Learn the literary devices that master writers have used to achieve their great effects.A Rounded, Realistic View of the Writer's Life & Work This workshop's environment is friendly, supportive and compassionate as it is based on decades of professional experience in the publishing and writers' worlds. We learn from well-known writers such as Shel Silverstein and Kurt Vonnegut, Jr--with whom Mr. Valerio has worked--many of the lessons and techniques offered by this course.Writers of all levels--mainly practitioners of fiction & nonfiction--can utilize this workshop to learn the processes of writing, revising and publishing; to practice the exercises provided; to refresh their writing skills; and also to have at will an inspiring approach to the life of a writer and his/her connection to the wonderful craft of writing.In this course, together, we will fix-- instances of Writer's Block a poorly written submission letter anxiety over not having enough time to write an unstructured writing life What do I cut?" I cannot find my narrative voice."Content and OverviewSuitable for beginning, intermediate and advanced writers, this animated multi-hour workshop will usher you into the workplace and life of a professional writer and editor. You will come to know what it's really like to be a writer, how a writing career is built one writing credit to the nextall for the purpose of finding the kind of writer you wish to be. This is your workshop.Supporting by animation, you will receive step-by-step guidance on how to publish your work, both the self-publishing process and agencies and more commercial publishing. You will become professional in regards to writing an effective cover letter to literary agents, editors, and publishers. You will know which reference books to use in order to achieve your publishing goals.Culled from decades of writing study and practice, your instructor will show you through multiple lectures, examples and readings the literary devices master writers use to achieve their magical effects. You can listen along with your instructor as he reads a Short-Short in its entirety and then work along with him in breaking down the masterpiece into its components such as Time Sequence, Action, Dialogue, Image, Narrative Voice. You will begin to read and work in a professional way.By completing this course, you will have a greater knowledge of who you are as a writer and be inspired to practice the great art in a realistic way. In addition, you will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon completing this course.What am I going to get from this course?At the end of this course, I hope" you will be inspired to write, and to have acquired the knowledge on how to prepare, structure and execute your work on hand. Take away with you that you can always return to your course for the knowledge that enables you to carry through, complete and, if you wish, publish your work. You will possess guidelines on choosing not only your subject matter and/or what your next project can be but also the kind of writer you want to be--the literary terrain" you wish to occupy. Your uniqueness, if you will. Your Brand. You will have discovered the appropriate narrative voice foe each of your projects, as a good portion of your animated workshop of several hours and 12 lectures and examples and readings is devoted to exactly that: finding your narrative voice. You will know and utilize the three stages of effective composition. You will have mastered those literary devices great writers have used over the centuriesthese devices will provide you with sufficient options, or tolls, to write your piece. You will know the reference points to gauge when your work is ready to send out to an editor, agent or publisher.I designed this writing course to be accessible to beginning writers as well as to intermediate and experienced writers. I designed it so that it can remain a companion to you in your writing life, whenever and wherever you sit down to write. It is designed in a way to make your writing a happy, healthy, productive experience. Happy Writing!"--Anthony Valerio"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Guide to HTML and HTML5" |
"********************* 5 Star Rating *********************""As a beginner with zero to little exposure to HTML, this course really instilled confidence in my ability to interact with the world of HTML5. After each lecture, I found myself gasping in delight at what I had the capability of doing to a webpage thanks to this course.""~ Darcie N.Guaranteed responses to your questions with 24 hours!Watch and learn while Stephen Fullington reviews the structure of a typical HTML document, and shows how to section pages and format your content with HTML. Learn how to create links and lists, and find out how HTML works with CSS to create rich, engaging user experiences. Students will Receive invaluable resources I have compiled from thousands of hours of development.Complete quizzes throughout the course to help them retain information on HTML.Receive support responses within 24 hours, 7 days a week!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Mens Style Made Simple" |
"The Men's Style Made Simple course is the go-to resource for everyday men looking to get the most out of their wardrobe! We teach necessary and practical skills on how to select and maintain your wardrobe essentials. We will be going over the hows and whys of why dressing well is necessary for men of all ages and backgrounds. We delve into the specifics on how dressing well gives peace of mind while developing and maintaining confidence along the way. Our course consists of nine video lectures total and each lecture is between five to ten minutes in length. Along with the detailed lectures, we provide a timeless EBook which will accompany you as your Style and Fashion Bible for years to come. The Men's Style Made Simple EBook also provides a must have clothing checklist which will be your quick reference guide for each season. The course is perfect for young men who are just out of school or are entering the workforce. Nonetheless, much of the subject matter is a good refresher course for older or more experienced dressers as well. We look forward to hearing from you!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Selling Sponsorships for Meetings, Events & Nonprofits" |
"Are you tasked with creating and/or selling a sponsorship campaign to raise funds for a meeting, event, or a nonprofit? Whether it's your first time, or you're looking to up your game, you'll learn something new that will make your job easier and maximize your revenue potential. I'll share with you tips and tricks I've learned to sell thousands of sponsorships and earn my company and clients millions of dollars to fund their meetings, events and nonprofits.I've learned the hard way over 20+ years, selling thousands of sponsorships. I've condensed all my wisdom into this course. You'll learn the basics, plus WAY more! Most sponsorship campaigns have limited potential because they haven't taken a thorough assessment of their sellable assets, and they don't know the four secret motivations of sponsors. I'll show you how to do both, and how to use that knowledge to craft a sponsorship prospectus that practically sells itself. I'll walk you through some excellent sponsorship prospectus examples and show you how they were built, and why they include what they include.Lastly, if you're not a born salesperson, I'll also share with you what I've learned over the years to make the sales process REALLY easy. Your investment in my course will surely pay for itself in time saved, hardships avoided, and sales closed!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC: How To Use Photoshop Actions (+ 130 downloads)" |
"________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Updated in 2018! New BONUS videos, PDFs, infographics and 53 NEW actions added!________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ALL 142 PROFESSIONALPHOTOSHOP ACTIONS ARE INCLUDED ($199 VALUE)!Also you have access to 30+ RAW and JPEG images in resource files for your own practice.You will enjoy this course on usingADOBE PHOTOSHOP ACTIONS no matter if you are one of thebeginners or advanced users of Photoshop.Course is divided into easy to follow sections which are structured to bring you step by step from essentials of using Photoshop actions to more advanced techniques.Youre going to learn how to rocket speed your retouching workflow with Photoshop actions.Youll also see how to spend twice less time on retouching with shortcut examples.But wait, theres more!Ill also show you how to improve your photography retouching process & how to use Photoshop actions in the right way.You will notice results in just 7 days or less.Really, just in that short amount of time trust me.And in this course Ill walk you through this strategy, step-by-step.No matter what kind of photography you are interested inoverall retouching and color correction process is almost the same every time andcan be easily applied to:Portrait photographyWedding photographyLove-storyNewborn photographyArchitecture photographyLandscape photographyFood photographyAnd you can continue this listHOW TO SPEND LESS TIME ON POST PRODUCTION AND RETOUCHINGYou should automate all the steps that you use most often.And the only possible way to achieve this is to use actions in Photoshop.Even if youre not producing a lot of images and took photography more like a hobby I can bet that you wish to acomplish your retouching process faster everytime you do it.POST-PROCESSING STEPS IN PHOTOSHOP WE WILL FOLLOW IN THIS COURSE:Crop your image to the right formatStraighten the horizonContent-aware scale here you can change proportions of your imageLiquify tool better to use it in the beginningClean the skin and background with patch and stamp toolFrequency separation add this on skin + use soft brush with color of skin (3% opacity) to paint when neededDodge&burn use it with big, middle and small strokes to achieve natural results. Brighten and darken different parts of the image to add dimension effectBrighten eyes + add some sharpening, add extra contrast to eyebrows, brighten skin around eyes with big soft brushWhiten teethAdd tonal contrast by Image-Apply ImageBrighten overall highlights on skinColor correction levels, curves, color balanceColor toning add color mood, remember about color harmoniesLight correction local brush, vignetting, local background lightLocal sharpeningResize (if needed), save for print&web by different folders, save PSD and JPEGCreate before/after example (if needed)HOW TO USE ACTIONS IN PHOTOSHOPI divided all post-processing into 5 sections for better understanding.Here are all the actions we're going to cover in this course:BASICACTIONSThis section is completely for improving image after Camera Raw or Lightroom pre-processing.Basic CorrectionTemperature changes the color temperature. You can use it when there are 2 or more different light sources in the shot. This is often seen in movies and music videos when background has cold tint, and the main objects are warmExposure this actions helps to fix over- and underexposed areas locallyVibrance I use this to add vibrance to vivid objects such as flowers, grass, leaves. Or to reduce itContrast enhance or reduce contrast in different partsSunlight emphasize sun in images, where it already has placeWarm Shine makes the skin glowing and frequently used with previous actionFog this action is dedicated to add some fog or smoke to your image. It is very handy to part foreground from backgroundVignetting this one adds vignetteBasic Skin RetouchingBrighten Face makes face brighterHighlights & Shadows Recovery this actions helps to recover lost details in highlights or shadows locallyBrighter highlights & Deeper Shadows (+Brush) gives you the ability to paint on selected areas with a brushAdding Contrast And Depth Just On Skin this action works like magic adding more depth to skinFinal Basic correctionColor Noise adds color noiseFilm Grain imitation of real 35mm film grainSharpen + Clarity local pre-sharpeningARTISTICACTIONSThis actions are not used on every single photo, but I like to add them sometimes to achieve more artistic look and feel on photo.Anaglyph & Glitch set of actions to achieve a look of stereoscopic photograph in different colors, producing a stereo effect when the photograph is viewed through correspondingly colored filtersParticle dispersion add particle dispersion to some parts of your imageDouble Exposure combines two images into one, producing ghost imagesCross-process shifts different colors in RGB channels and produce a fairytale look and feelPainting effect creates painty look with one clickLight leaks this action adds light leaks on top of imageDouble light you can achieve a look similar to photographs taken with two different light sources (warm&cold)Remove White this action removes all the white color from image. Very handy to cut dark objects like text from white backgroundRETOUCHACTIONSThese actions are used mostly for portraits, skin and faces of people.Quick Retouch 5-in-1 I use this portrait action when dont need to do a high-end retouching. So the approach is pretty simple it have 5 main steps to follow to improve portraitsSkin color this can help to shift color of skin. Very handy after global Raw conversion in Lightroom. Fine-tune the skinSkin (4 actions) actions dedicated to make skin look betterEyes this can brighten eyes and/or change their colorTeeth whitening simply whitens teethBlusher yes, sometimes I add a bit blusher. It can be handy when model dont use make-upFrequency Separation must have action in arsenal of every portrait photographer. One of my best photoshop actions for portraits and it will improve any portrait by making skin soft as silk and softening shadowsDodge & Burn number 2 in arsenal. This action is very universal for any kind photo, because you can use it to add extra dimension, soften skin, perfect vignetting and much more.COLORACTIONSActions to create color mood on your photos, they are used to colorize and toneSepia & vintage photoshop actions replicates the old polaroid look of vintage imagesPastel colors adds soft pastel toningColor fall indian summer look transform green vivid colors into autumn colorsChange color helps you to replace colors on imageCreative color toning adds toning effects on top of your photographEXPORTACTIONSSharpen+ (Method 1) action for final sharpening of your imageSharpen+ (Method 2) advanced sharpen technique action to export and prepare image for printSharpening + Resize adds sharpness to images and then resizes them for web. You can choose different image sizes for your needsChanging Color Space simply converts image to sRGB color space with one click and leave all your layers untouched (no flattering)Batch Export automated action to save stack of images to desired folder and file format"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Lightroom : Color Correction in Lightroom A to Z" |
"This Lightroom CC Professional Color Correction Course will teach you how to create high quality color correction and color grading of your images right inside Lightroom!There is no need to use any other software or plugins - everything is included straight out of a box.Whether you're a beginner photographer, or already have some skills in Adobe Lightroom you will learn how to make professional color correction with this course.Master Professional Color Correction Techniques to Create Amazing Images That Boost Your Portfolio Views, Active Followers and Finally Revenue you get from photography.In this course you will get step by step instructions how to achieve the disired look of you photos.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++COURSEBONUS:Start to finish edit of 3 different pictures to show you the exact process in actionGet an education that will empower you to transform your skills just like my current 4,372 students!This video course is designed for all levels of photographers, designers and retouchers who want to improve their skills, create stellar images, and even make money with their skills getting new clients.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Key things you will learn:Understand principles of color correction and color harmoniesMaster your color correction skills to professional levelCreate mood for your photos to better tell your storySynchronize your color settings from shot to shot in a minutesSee how local color correction worksExport the best quality photos for online viewingGet more views, likes, and shares on social mediaHow to make cinematic color grading+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++LEARN MORE ABOUT THE LIGHTROOM CC PROFESSIONAL COLOR CORRECTION COURSEGet Real Lightroom CC Training!This video course starts from the beginning, which is about coming up with basics of color correction. You'll learn what color tweaks makes image look great.Before diving into how to color correct, we'll cover my recommended steps. Ill share my favorite techniques and methods I use in my own workflow which I developed for years.You'll learn color correction principles such as how to expand dynamic range of your image, how to work with local adjustments, how to apply gradients and radial filters, how to get great sharpness, and how to batch color correct stacks of images.Color is one of the most important parts of photography, so you'll learn how to use it for 100% to amaze everyone.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++If you want to make better photos, and achieve great color this is the course for you.Remember, there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. There is no reason to hesitate. Enroll now, see if you enjoy the course, and start making better images today!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ACT NOWScroll up and click""Take this course"" button right now!See you on the inside!Lets rock,Ustin"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Lightroom CC - Complete Workflow Masterclass A to Z" |
"Updated in 2018!________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LEARN MORE ABOUT THE LIGHTROOM CCGet Real Lightroom CC Training!This course teaches you how to boost your own photography business. Receive all the materials you need to satisfy clients and maximize your income.In this Short Course, with the simple step-by-step video lectures, I will reveal all the inside secrets to editing in Lightroom CC from creating catalogs, importing images, organizing your photos color correction techniques, lens correction sharpening and much more.You will learn how to:easily and quickly create, organize and export your photos in most convenient way.get started your Photo Editing Processuse instantly filters, color correction,Substantially speed up your post-processing processTopics include:Why use Lightroom?Instant importing photographs from your computer or cameraImmediate viewing and comparing images in the LibraryMake it simple: renaming photos and foldersAn excellent way to rate and organize photosGrouping beautiful photos into collectionsAdding super important keywords and face tagsEditing comprehensive JPEG and RAW images in PhotoshopCrucial steps: Exporting and emailing photosSecrets of the enhancing photos in the Develop moduleDon't make this error! Fixing issues with the retouching toolsHow you must do the localized correctionsSecret insights on reducing noise and sharpeningSimple tips to correct lens distortionImportant: Combining images with Photo MergeTOP SECRET: Creating an outstanding book, web gallery, or slideshowPrinting stunning photos for great successACT NOWScroll up and Click the ""take this course"" button right now and you will be able to access the information and tools needed to enhance your skills overnight."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Lightroom CC: How To Edit Portraits (Full Retouch)" |
"Get an education that will empower you to transform your skills and create a fulfilling career just like my current 1502+ students!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++UPDATEDIN2018!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Access the wide variety of video lectures from your computer, smartphone, or tablet and study online when its convenient for you. Hear what my students are sayingWant to improve your skills? Achieve all your goals? Lightroom CC course will help you transform your life. Find out what my students have to say and get inspired to pursue your dreams. If they can do it, so can you!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Excellent CourseThis is a fantastic course. The instructor is very knowledgeable and explains everything in a way anyone can understand. The videos all look amazing and are a pleasure to watch. This course is definitely worth the money.Michael McKenna++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Great course, Ustin!Thanks for a great course and the actions rock! While the course is very helpful for learning your actions properly, it also teaches how actions work so we can do our own. Fantastic job.Teresa TrimmLEARN MORE ABOUT THE LIGHTROOM CC PORTRAIT RETOUCHINGGet Real Lightroom CC Training!This course teaches you how to boost your own photography business. Receive all the materials you need to satisfy clients and maximize your income.In this Short Course, with the simple step-by-step video lectures, I will reveal all the inside secrets to portrait retouching in Lightroom CC fromimproving skin and reducing wrinklesenhancing eyes and fixing hairorganizing your photoscolor correction techniqueslens correctionsoftening and reshaping and much more.You will learn how to:easily and quickly retouch skin and remove blemisheswork with color and convert your images to black and whiteuse instantly different lightroom tools like local brush, gradient, and radial filtersubstantially speed up your retouching processTopics include:why create presetsinstant snapshotsImmediate viewing collections & historymake it simple: before & after, clipping & histogram readingsuper important graduated filtersecrets of the enhancing photos with radial filtercrucial step: adjustment brushhow you must expand a dynamic rangetop secret: basic colorsimple tips for tone curve & RGB channelsan excellent way to do hue, saturation, luminanceinstant converting to black & whitecareful, please! split toningsecrets of the chromatic aberrationsimportant: grain & effectscamera calibrationediting series of imagesbrilliant examples of how to editthe core secret of exporting your images ACT NOWScroll up and Click the ""take this course"" button right now and you will be able to access the information and tools needed to enhance your skills overnight."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sprache professionell aufnehmen" |
"Fr Udemy- und andere E-Learning-Dozenten, Podcaster, Unternehmer, Video-Produzenten, Filmemacher, angehende Profisprecher und berhaupt alle, die Sprache in optimaler Qualitt und ohne groen Aufwand aufzeichnen mchten.In diesem Kurs lernen Sie innerhalb weniger Stunden, wie Sie mit einfachen Mitteln und ohne Tonstudio professionelle Sprach-Aufnahmen in Tonstudio- und Rundfunk-Qualitt erstellen knnen. Sie lernen, wie die wichtigsten Studio-Plugins wie Noise Gate, Kompressor, Equalizer, De-Esser und Limiter eingesetzt werden und welche Funktionen sie erfllen und Sie lernen, wie man mit Studio-Software Top-Aufnahmen macht, die so bis vor ein paar Jahren nur mit sndhaft teuren Hardware-Gerten mglich gewesen wren.Wenn Sie das Equipment beisammen haben, brauchen Sie nur etwa 2-3 Stunden, um den Kurs umzusetzen und Ihre erste professionelle Sprachaufnahme fertig zu stellen.Mindest-Investition, vorausgesetzt, Sie haben bereits einen PC oder Mac: Etwa 130 (digitales Aufnahmegert).Empfohlene Investition in Aufnahmegerte: Etwa 500 (Studio-Kondensator-Mikrofon, USB-Audio-Interface, Studio-Software, geschlossener Kopfhrer).KursaufbauEquipment - Sie erfahren, welches Equipment Sie sich anschaffen mssen und wozu die einzelnen Komponenten gut sind.Einleitung - Sie lernen alles, was Sie theoretisch wissen mssen, um eine professionelle Sprachaufnahme zu erstellen, aber nicht mehr, denn Ihre Zeit ist kostbar. Pareto lsst gren!Setup - Sie lernen, wie Sie Ihr Equipment fr die Aufnahme bereit machen.Aufnahme - Sie erstellen Ihre erste professionelle Aufnahme.Nachbearbeitung - Mit der Aufnahme alleine ist es nicht getan - Sie mssen Ihre Stimme noch nachbearbeiten.Rendering und Formate - Im letzten Schritt erzeugen Sie die fertige Audio-Datei in verschiedenen Formaten, z.B. als mp3 oder hochauflsende wav-Datei fr Ihren Film-Ton.Bonus-Lektionen: ""Hartes Noisegate"", ""Video-Ton"" und ""Improvisierte Sprecher-Kabine auf Reisen""Die im Kurs verwendete Studio-Software ist Logic Pro X von Apple. Die erklrten Prinzipien sind auf alle gngigen anderen Softwares und auch Hardware-Lsungen anwendbar. Zustzlich gibt es Lektionen zur kostenlosen Software Audacity."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Voice recording - How to record professional voice over" |
"This is the english version of my already existing german course ""Sprache professionell aufnehmen""! Please watch all my 5-star-testimonials from extremely satisfied german students there.Is bad sound recording quality distracting from your valuable content? This is your opportunity to improve!This short, beginner-friendly course teaches you the ins and outs of creating a studio and broadcast quality voice recording in the space of a few hours. It is presented in a practical and relevant manner, using recording equipment that cost just a few hundred dollars. You won't need a voice booth, a special recording studio, or a sound engineer.The only prerequisite is to follow all the instructions meticulously and avoid any errors at any point during the recording process.But first we need to clarify what actually constitutes a professional recording because you can only reach a goal that you know. And once you know, recording voice will become very easy.The voice recording must be1. Dry (so no ambience effects like echo or reverberation) 2. Loud (clearly audible, in the foreground) 3. Transparent (clear and distinct) 4. Clean (free of noise and distortion)Basically you only need 3 components: A microphone, studio software and a person who knows what he is doing. This is the person you will become shortly.What you can expect:1. To learn the shortest way to a professional voice recording2. to get answers to all your questions almost immediately inside the course3. that I will help you to reach your goal to create a professional voice recordingWhat you can not expect:1. Hearing me talking much, saying nothing2. Telling you something in ""hours"" when I only need minutes!Stop doing bad recordings and enrol now!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Gesang professionell aufnehmen" |
"Wie Du Deinen Gesang mit einfachen Mitteln in top-professioneller Qualitt aufnehmen kannst!Du liebst es zu singen, aber Deine Aufnahmen klingen einfach nicht so, wie Du es Dir vorstellst? Nicht so wie bei den Profis im Radio und im Fernsehen? Du bist deswegen frustriert und willst endlich Aufnahmen von Dir bekommen, die Dir selbst und anderen gefallen, ohne dass Du deswegen in ein teures Tonstudio gehen musst?Fr wenig Geld kannst Du Dir heute die Gerte beschaffen, fr die Du noch vor ein paar Jahren ein Vermgen httest ausgeben mssen. Es gibt nur ein winziges Problem: Mit diesen Gerten umgehen zu lernen ist kein bisschen einfacher als damals. Du kannst Dich jahrelang durch einen Dschungel von Bedienungsanleitungen, Mythen und dummem Geschwtz whlen und bekommst immer noch keine vernnftige Aufnahme hin. So wie ich viele, viele Jahre lang. Oder Du konzentrierst Dich auf das Wesentliche und lernst dadurch innerhalb weniger Stunden, wofr andere Jahre oder Jahrzehnte brauchen. In meinem Kurs ""Gesang professionell aufnehmen"" zeige ich Dir in krzester Zeit die wichtigsten Tricks und Kniffe und erklre Dir, worauf es wirklich ankommt. Und zwar sowohl bei der Aufnahme von Pop-, Jazz- oder Rock-Gesang, als auch bei klassischem Gesang. Du hrst sofort, was Du eventuell verbessern musst, weil Du nichts mehr auf die schlechte Aufnahme-Qualitt schieben kannst.Wer erzhlt Dir das?Mein Name ist Matthias Ernst Holzmann. Ich singe seit etwa 1984 Pop- und Jazz-Songs und bin seit 1995 auch professioneller Opernsnger. Mit meinem Lounge-Song ""Schnorchelabenteuer"" bei Zyx-Dance war ich krzlich in den deutschen DJ-Charts und gleichzeitig mit meiner Arien-CD ""Operatic Arias"" in den deutschen und britischen iTunes-Charts.Ich singe seit mehr als 30 Jahren und habe nur deshalb berhaupt singen gelernt, weil ich frhzeitig damit angefangen habe, mich selbst aufzunehmen und anhand dessen zu korrigieren. Mit Gesangslehrern konnte ich nie etwas anfangen. Whrend andere also in der Regel ein Gesangsstudium absolvieren, um ein Engagement als Opernsnger zu bekommen, habe ich es mit mehr oder weniger selbst beigebracht, whrend ich ganz normal von ""9 to 5"" arbeiten ging.Seit ein paar Jahren arbeite ich auch als Studio-Sprecher (Hrbuchsprecher, Synchronsprecher, usw.)Mein Versprechen an Dich: Wenn Du alle Gerte beisammen hast (Gesamtkosten weniger als 500 Euro), kannst Du innerhalb weniger Stunden Deine erste professionelle Gesangaufnahme erstellen. Wenn dabei Fragen auftauchen, kannst Du sie im Kurs stellen und bekommst innerhalb von 24 Stunden eine Antwort.Du wirst absolute Klarheit ber Deinen Gesang bekommen und schneller singen lernen als mit jedem Gesangslehrer dieser Welt - wenn Du Talent hast.Bist Du bereit fr die wichtigste Investition Deiner Snger-Laufbahn? Dann sehen wir uns gleich im Kurs!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sei Dein eigener Lifecoach!" |
"Mein Name ist Matthias Ernst Holzmann. Mein Geld verdiene ich primr als Snger und Sprecher. Coaching und Persnlichkeits-Entwicklung sind sptestens seit der Trennung von meiner ersten Frau im Jahr 2007, als ich nach 20 Jahren pltzlich komplett auf mich alleine gestellt war, meine Themen. Ich durfte seitdem Dinge erfahren, die mein Leben komplett auf den Kopf gestellt haben und von denen auch Du durch diesen Kurs innerhalb krzester Zeit massiv profitieren kannst. Ich fhre Dich Schritt fr Schritt, aber auf direktem Weg an eine geistige Grundhaltung heran, die 95% aller Menschen nicht haben: Dein irdisches Leben als ein unermessliches Geschenk zu sehen, das Dir alles gegeben hat, um Dich frei zu entfalten und so zu leben, wie Du es Dir wnschst, unabhngig von den vermeintlichen oder tatschlichen Erwartungen Anderer. Dein Leben als ein Spiel zu sehen und nicht als einen zhen Kampf ums berleben. Und das bereits whrend Du diesen Kurs absolvierst und nicht erst in ein paar Monaten oder Jahren. Du lernst im Kurs: + Dein Leben sofort anders, und zwar positiv zu betrachten. + Dein Leben aktiv und mit Freude anzupacken, anstatt Dich als Opfer treiben zu lassen. + Deine einschrnkenden Glaubensstze (limiting beliefs) aufzugeben und Dir selbst nie mehr im Weg zu stehen. + Selbstvertrauen zu gewinnen und zu behalten. Und das alles ganz alleine, ohne die Hilfe anderer. Dieser Kurs ist fr Dich, + wenn Du mit Deinem bisherigen Leben unzufrieden bist und das jetzt endlich ndern mchtest; + wenn Du einen Partner finden mchtest, der zu Dir passt; + wenn Du seit Jahren zu einem Psychologen rennst und vergeblich darauf wartest, dass es Dir endlich besser geht; + sprst, dass da etwas in Dir ist, das Potential hat und endlich befreit werden will; + glaubst, dass alle mglichen Dinge nicht gehen - oder zumindest bei Dir nicht - obwohl es keinen vernnftigen Grund fr diese Annahme gibt. + Du Dein Leben in jedem Moment leben willst und nicht erst nach Feierabend, am WE, im Urlaub oder in der Rente. Der Anfang jeder groen Vernderung ist ein kleiner Schritt. Deshalb komm jetzt in meinen Kurs und lass mich Dir dabei helfen, das aus Dir heraus zu holen, was Du schon viel zu lange zurck hltst. Los gehts!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Office 365 Basic Cloud Administration" |
"This course is for Office 365 Administrators who want to learn the basic daily management tasks.As an Office 365 administrator you must know how to perform basic duties using the Admin portal. You will learn how to:Adddelete usersCheck the status of Office 365Provide licenses to userUnderstand the different Admin levels Add licensesCreate Shared MailboxesCreate Shared CalendarsCreate Security GroupsCreate Distribution Groupsmany other basic functionsI have made this course is such a way that will allow you to start managing your Office 365 tenant without the need to take a $3,000.00 course to do so.Why should you take this course?Because you will be learning from an experienced Office 365 administrator who has been doing this for several years but someone who enjoys passing this knowledge to others.Also, by taking this course you will receive several updated through the year as Microsoft makes changes to the administrator portal.That is my commitment to you as a fellow student in my course."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Office 365 - Outlook 2013 - For beginners." |
"OFFICE 365, "THE CLOUD"... In this course we will teach you about Microsoft's Office 365 Outlook 2013 email client in a simple and challenging way.The purpose of the class is to show you in simple and easy terms, how to start using Outlook and while at it I'll add some tips and suggestions that will take you a level up from just a beginner.If you have a subscription to Office 365 you will experience the full teachings of the course."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo Web Rapido - HTML5, CSS3 y Bootstrap 3" |
"Hoy en da es importante tener prescencia en internet, pero que sea continua. Esto que significa? que tu contenido este disponible en cualquier dimensin de pantalla. Desarrolla paginas web con la ayuda de HMTL5, CSS3 y Bootstrap 3. De esta manera es muy posible hacer pginas web a velocidad relampago. Si tienes la inquietud de aprender el cdigo HTML5, CSS3 y la poderosa plataforma Bootstraps 3, para elaborar tus propias pginas que tengan las caractersticas de ajustabilidad a toda dimensin de pantalla, este curso es para t. Quizas quieres hacer una pgina personal o para la empresa donde trabajas o talvez tienes una pgina web diseada por alguien mas? No te preguntas cosas como: puedo darle mas vistosidad a mi pgina actual?habra manera de hacerlo yo mismo?que tanto tiempo sera necesario para emplear esos cambios?Este curso esta dirigido a desarrolladores de pginas web y para aquellos que quieren tener el conocimiento de poder utilizar el cdigo de una manera organizada.Que puedes esperar?Es un curso para principiantes donde no es indispensable saber de los lenguages HTML5 ni CSS3, pero el solo hecho de tener nociones los ayudarHay un total de 35 videos donde se explica paso a paso como funciona el cdigo.La totalidad de este material se puede ver en una sola sesin aunque es recomendable una semana para obtener el mayor beneficio.Al finalizar el curso podrs crear pginas web ajustables a toda dimensin de pantalla de manera fcil y rpida.Tus costos por creacion de pginas web para uso personal o el de tu una empresa se eliminarnO si lo prefieres, empieza una nueva etapa como desarrollador de pginas web.Tendrs la capacidad de entender el cdigo que empleaste a tu pgina y modificarla hasta que este a tu gusto."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"How To Get 50 Customers A Day With Local SEO!" |
"On average this course gets the students 250 more qualified, local, targeted leads visiting their website, calling their store and ultimately turning into customers... all for free!Course Updated:16th of October, 2015Objectives Of The Course:This course is a guide to getting your business on the front page of Google using Google+ Local so that you can impact local search results and get more customers on your website and through your door.What You Will Learn:This course will teach you the exact steps on how to leverage Google and get thousands of people on your website and through your door each year.The Five StepsStep 1 - Introduction to Local SEOLocal SEO is the most powerful change in small business history but not many people know about it. Learn why local SEO is incredible and the results you can expect when you harness it yourselves.Step 2 - Getting on the Front PageThis section is all about how to create your Google+ page for your business and optimize so it's ready for the front page. This section will clearly outline every step you need to make to change your page from a Google zero to a Google hero.Step 3 - Content MarketingThis section is all about learning how to content market. Content marketing is the most powerful way to get your message across the internet and most people think it's hard. In this step you learn how to almost automate your content marketing so you can spread your message and still have plenty of time doing what you love.Step 4 - Search Engine Ranking FactorsThese are the factors that Google (and people) take into account when they decide who gets front page and who doesn't. Keeping these in mind as you do any work online will ensure that your website becomes and stays front page material.Step 5 - Bonus!These bonus tools cover the most common mistake most companies make when trying to optimize their site. Make sure you're not following the crowed (who aren't on the front page) and learn from the few websites that are!Do What Google Wants You To Do:Knowing how to do all the things Google wants you to do gives you an advantage.Local search is now appearing above organic search!Creating a strong local SEO (search engine optimisation) strategy is key and this course will guide you through how Google+ can be a part in that process.Course Format:The course is presented in a really simple format that anyone can understand and all terms are clearly explained throughout the course.Who Is This Course For:If you are a business owner, that serves a local area or a website owner that wants to get more customers in their local region, then this course contains essential information.It is also useful if you are running a marketing business as it will give you very specific SEO training on how Google+ can help your clients impact their position in search, which will deepen the strength of your service offerings.The Guarantee:So sign up for the course and learn what has taken us over 12 months to learn about Google+ and local SEO.It comes with a full 30 day money back guarantee, backed by Udemy, if you are not happy with it for any reason, just get a refund! It's as easy as that.This course includes everything you need to know about local SEO and leveraging Google for thousands of free, qualified, local customers each year."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Empreendedorismo Digital para Professores e Educadores" |
"Voc, assim como eu, tambm adora ensinar? Ento, transforme seu conhecimento e sua paixo pelo ensino em fonte de renda: aprenda a ensinar e a monetizar seu conhecimento! Voc quer transformar seu conhecimento em fonte (real!) de renda? Voc quer impactar vida de milhares de pessoas, ensinar sem fronteiras e levar um pouco dos seus conhecimentos aos quatro cantos do mundo? Voc quer fazer seu conhecimento alcanar pessoas e gerar renda para voc e sua famlia 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, mesmo enquanto voc est dormindo, viajando e at na sua sala de aula presencial? Voc quer exercer a sua profisso com dignidade, recebendo o respeito, a considerao e a remunerao equivalente aos seus esforos? Voc quer romper as barreiras da sua sala de aula, das instituies formais e colaborar na democratizao do conhecimento? Voc quer fazer do mundo a sua sala de aula? Ento, voc precisa aprender e empreender online! O curso online Empreendedorismo Digital para Professores e Educadores foi especialmente elaborado para voc que apaixonado pelo ensino e quer transformar sua paixo em um negcio rentvel. Neste curso voc vai: Compreender a dinmica do Empreendedorismo Digital, ou seja, voc vai saber como ganhar dinheiro online Conhecer os diferentes modelos de negcio online; Descobrir qual modelo se adapta aos seus projetos, seus conhecimentos, valores e estilo de vida; Desenhar o SEU modelo de negcios; E colocar a mo na massa criando a estrutura do seu negcio e a sua presena online: seu blog, suas redes sociais, seus produtos digitaisVoc vai se tornar um professor do sculo XXI: um professor que ensina e gera renda com seu conhecimento atravs da internet! * Eu confesso que comprei o curso com certo ceticismo porque aprendi muita coisa anteriormente por outros meios, e muitos ""gurus"" da internet oferecem suas informaes e ""frmulas mgicas"" por preos que muitas vezes no cabem no oramento dos professores.Imagine quais foram as minhas surpresas quando adquiri o curso da professora Leila por um preo bem acessvel e com tantas informaes objetivas e prticas? Foram de surpresa, alegria e admirao por receber tanto contedo e de qualidade. Para concluir, a minha filosofia de vida est em sintonia com a dela, enquanto educador. Parabns, professora Leila! Anderson Dino (Professor de Qumica) Voc quer encantar o mundo com seu conhecimento? Ento, entre a nossa rede de professores empreendedores e voc no estar sozinho(a) nessa jornada! Ao se inscrever neste curso voc:contar com o apoio, o conhecimento e a experincia de uma professora com mais de 20 anos de experincia na educao, 14 cursos online publicados aqui na Udemy e com alunos em mais de 70 pasester acesso vitalcio ao contedo do curso, s atualizaes, tutoria e tambm o contato direto comigoacesso comunidade exclusiva para os alunos deste cursoaulas gratuitas e ao vivo para que voc possa tirar todas as suas dvidas diretamente comigo**Excelente curso! Acho imprescindvel para quem quer comear a se planejar para atuar com educao online. A professora Leila muito didtica e explica muito bem os tpicos propostos. A parte que mais me chamou ateno foram as aulas sobre os modelos de negcios online, nunca tinha visto nada parecido em vrios cursos que j fiz, te da uma viso muito interessante de como comear. Apesar de eu ser da rea de informtica e muito dos contedos eu j ter visto, gostei muito do que foi abordado e para quem professor vai ser um prato cheio. Continue este trabalho, valeu muito a pena ter conhecido este curso. Recomendadssimo e sem mimimi e puxao de saco, vale o investimento.Everton Roberto Que tal? Assista as aulas disponveis para visualizao gratuita e para todas as suas dvidas, comentrios e sugestes, basta me contatar! Todos os meus contatos voc encontra aqui no meu perfil de instrutora Udemy.***Primeiro curso da Leila concludo, um divisor de guas na vida de qualquer pessoa interessada! Igor Malagutti (outros comentrios e depoimentos dos alunos, voc encontra no final desta pgina)"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Apresentaes de Impacto e Slides Criativos com o Canva" |
"Quer aprender a criar apresentaes que impactam, envolvem e encantam o seu pblico?Quer aprender a criar slides modernos e criativos usando o Canva, uma ferramenta 100% online e gratuita?Quer aprender aumentar a vida das suas apresentaes transformando-as em material multimdia?Adorei o curso, este contedo me ajudou a melhorar muito as minhas apresentaes, deixei velhos hbitos de lado e me modernizei depois deste curso. A professora super prtica e a interao geral do curso excelente.Luciano C Vilasboas dos Santos*Para criar apresentaes impactantes que informam, educam, envolvem e encantam seu pblico voc precisa de: Conhecimento (o seu conhecimento sobre o assunto)Um mtodo de comunicao que leve em considerao os diferentes agentes desse processoUm roteiro envolventeE de slides modernos e criativos que fujam dos templates prontos do Power PointComo criar Apresentaes de Impacto e Slides Criativos o que voc vai aprender nesse curso!Depois, com a sua apresentao pronta, voc vai aprender algumas tcnicas de apresentao online, vai transform-las em vdeo, eBooks, minisites e at em apresentaes Power Point se voc quiser!""Muito Bom simples e prtico. Me ajudou e simplificou muito meu caminho para minhas apresentaes e criaes de contedos ricos.""Antnio Victor Santos Ferreira*Que tal?Assista as aulas disponveis para visualizao gratuita e se voc gostar, matricule-se sem medo: voc tem garantia TOTAL de satisfao de 30 dias, acesso vitalcio e ilimitado!Dvidas? Todos os meus contatos voc encontra aqui no meu perfil de instrutora Udemy.IMPORTANTE: esse no um curso sobre oratria nem sobre como falar para o pblico, ok?*esses e muitos outros comentrios e avaliaes dos alunos voc encontra no final dessa pgina."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Vdeos Sem Mistrios com o Windows Movie Maker" |
"O curso online Vdeos Sem Mistrios foi desenvolvido especialmente para ensinar voc a criar vdeos de forma rpida e eficiente, com poucos recursos e sem temer a timidez!* O Curso Perfeito, a Leila tem uma didtica envolvente, excelente professora. Realmente os vdeos dela chamam a ateno. Quero criar vdeos iguais aos dela! :) *** timas dicas e sugestes. Aulas bem claras, com conceitos importantes e sem rodeios. Apresentao de ferramentas teis para quem pretende criar vdeos bem feitos.***** Aulas muito instrutivas e de fcil entendimento. Com o ""upgrade"" realizado, h mais possibilidades de comparao e de adaptao ao ""seu jeito de fazer negcios"" e como voc quer ser lembrado por seus videos. Me ajudou bastante e me permitiu melhorar minha comunicao com meus clientes e parceiros de projetos.***(muitos outros depoimentos dos alunos voc encontra no final desta pgina)Voc tambm no sabe se comportar na frente da cmera?No tem equipamentos sofisticados: equipamentos de vdeo, udio, iluminao, um estdio para gravao, mas sabe da importncia dos vdeos na comunicao com seus alunos, futuros alunos e clientes? Ento, eu vou ensinar para voc como criar vdeos explicativos e engajadores, videoaulas, tutorias instrutivos e eficientes, vdeos promocionais que envolvem, engajam e conquistam novos clientes de forma rpida e descomplicada usando apenas 3 ferramentas gratuitas! Sem que voc precise passar horas procurando a melhor iluminao, esperando por um momento de silncio para poder gravar, comprando equipamentos caros e muito menos se preocupando em vencer a timidez para se mostrar na frente das cmeras! No importa se voc quer criar videoaulas ou se o seu intuito alcanar novos clientes atravs de vdeos demonstrativos ou de vendas: o que realmente importa o contedo e a qualidade do seu vdeo! E tenha certeza de uma coisa: o que as pessoas realmente querem no saber se voc tem talento para o cinema ou a televiso, o que as pessoas realmente querem saber se voc sabe ou no do que est falando! Ento, pare de adiar a criao de vdeos, voc no precisa ser uma estrela de cinema para encantar o mundo! Neste curso ns iremos criar seu vdeo JUNTOS: escrever um roteiro envolvente e engajador;criar slides criativos e que ilustrem perfeitamente suas ideias;gravar e editar o udio em alta qualidade sem que voc precise montar um estdio de gravao, comprar microfones caros nem esperar o momento mais silencioso do dia para poder gravar seu udio;montar e editar seu vdeo para que ele transmita suas ideias e represente perfeitamente seu profissionalismo;divulg-lo para que seu talento, trabalho, seu conhecimento, servios e produtos encantem as redes sociais e conquistem novos alunos e clientes.E voc no estar sozinho! A cada mdulo deste curso, voc ter atividades a serem desenvolvidas. Cada uma delas ser um novo passo na construo do seu vdeo. Voc poder compartilhar cada uma delas conosco (ou especificamente comigo) para que possamos colaborar no aprendizado e no desenvolvimento uns dos outros. Voc tambm poder ""ir alm""! Depois de aprender a criar seus vdeos com essas ferramentas voc ter a possibilidade de ir alm, a conhecer outras ferramentas, criar os mais variados tipos de vdeos e, quando voc se sentir preparado, vai poder perder o medo da cmera! E tudo isso, contando minha ajuda em tudo o que voc precisar nesta jornada! Ao final do curso, com seu vdeo em mos, voc convidado a submet-lo a avaliao do grupo: os feedbacks enviados por mim e por seus colegas sero de grande importncia! As sugestes, comentrios e elogios vo deix-lo (a) ainda mais confiante para divulgar seus vdeos! Confira o programa completo e para todas as suas dvidas, no hesite em me contatar! Todos os meus contatos esto aqui na pgina do instrutor e voc poder facilmente me encontrar nas redes sociais e por e-mail! "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Canva: design grfico fcil e prtico." |
"Crie como os profissionais: imagens para as redes sociais, blogs, slides e apresentaes criativas, infogrficos incrveis, eBooks e muito mais com o Canva: ferramenta online e gratuita que facilita a criao de designs profissionais, mesmo que voc no tenha nenhum conhecimento na rea.Foi muito alm do que eu esperava. Essa professora incrvel. Sabe aquelas pessoas que voc pode confiar de olhos fechados? A Leila e seus cursos so assim. Perfeitos. Contedo totalmente aplicvel em qualquer mbito, pessoal, profissional, acadmico. (Natlia Pereira da Silva aluna do curso*)Com o Canva voc poder criar todo o material grfico necessrio para informar, encantar e engajar sua audincia.No curso online Canva: design grfico fcil e profissional para todos! voc vai aprender a criar materiais didticos, informativos e divulgao do seu trabalho de uma forma simples e descomplicada.Voc vai aprender a criar designs grficos profissionais para impactar, conquistar e fidelizar seu pblico.Juntos ns vamos desenvolver diferentes projetos grficos com exemplos prticos e aplicveis no seu dia a dia como empreendor/a, professor/a, instrutor/a de cursos online, blogueiro/a, instagramer e tambm voc que quer exercer a sua criatividade.O verdadeiro diferencial do Curso foram os exemplos de ebook, elaborao de anncios e as dicas de elaborao de infogrficos. Superou as expectativas!! Vielen Dank, Leila!(Adir Pinto, aluno do curso*)Suas vantagens ao se inscrever neste curso: Voc no precisar comprar nem instalar programa algum; Voc no precisa ter conhecimentos prvios de design; Voc no precisa de grandes conhecimentos em informtica; Voc conhecer o passo a passo para utilizao da ferramenta, com uma linguagem simples e objetiva para que voc entenda perfeitamente como criar seus designs; Voc no corre riscos: este curso tem garantia TOTAL de satisfao de 30 dias; Acesso vitalcio ao curso, ou seja, voc tem liberdade completa para comear e terminar o curso quando voc quiser e ainda poder acessar todas as atualizaes! Acesso gratuito ao meu grupo exclusivo de alunos onde voc poder continuar aprendendo comigo e com o grupo todos os dias; Suas perguntas so respondidas e no mximo 48 horas por mim mesma.Por que voc deve aprender a trabalhar tambm com imagens? Mais de 80% das pessoas no leem textos completos, eles simplesmente passam os olhos. Nas redes sociais, as imagens recebem mais curtidas e compartilhamentos do que os posts sem imagem; Uma imagem vale mais do que MIL palavras: nosso crebro l as imagens mais facilmente; Google, assim como os outros sites de pesquisa na internet, identificam e classificam tambm as imagens.E por que aprender a criar seus designs com o Canva?Primeiro porque o Canva uma ferramenta completa, online e gratuita;Contudo, as razes para aprender a usar o Canva para a criao dos seus designs so muitas: fcil de usar e voc poder criar quantos designs precisar; Voc encontrar diversos modelos de design prontos para usar, modificar, copiar e compartilhar; Voc tambm poder criar seus prprios designs; Voc tem at mesmo a possibilidade de trabalhar em grupo na criao de seus designs; Voc pode editar textos e imagens;O que voc est esperando? Inscreva-se no curso e comece agora mesmo!O curso SENSACIONAL!! Pensei que conhecia pelo menos o bsico do Canva, mas fui surpreendida e aprendi muito!!! Gratido mais uma vez Prof. Leila!!!!(Marcia Ap. de Lacerda aluna do curso*)*Comentrios e avalies postados publicamente por alunos desse curso. Esses e muitos outros comentrios, voc encontrar aqui mesmo na pgina de inscrio, logo abaixo.IMPORTANTE: antes de se inscrever nesse curso, consulte o programa, assista as aulas para visualizao gratuita e para todas as suas dvidas, fale diretamente comigo. Todos os meus contatos voc encontra aqui no meu perfil de instrutora Udemy.Abrao e boas aulas,Leila Adriano OstoykeProfessora Empreendedora e Mentora de Negcios Digitais"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Crisis Resolution - Finding Purpose, Direction & Fulfillment" |
"If you're facing some kind of personal crisis, this course will lead you through you with the specific lessons you need to learn to completely turn things around. No matter what your age, you can suddenly find yourself facing a period of significant, internal conflict that may have you either frozen with uncertainty or firing off in all kinds of random directions in a desperate attempt to find a life worth living.Call it an identity crisis, a midlife crisis, or a quarter-life crisis; such times are likely leave you questioning not only what on earth you're supposed to do next, but even who you really are.Ros, said ""VERY effective! Incredibly simple and very powerful. Awesome!""On this course you will discover the 7 Steps to Ending your Mid Life Crisis or Identity Crisis:Diagnose exactly what's going on in your situationGet clear on the unique PURPOSE of your life Identify the driving NEEDS that steer your every decisionReveal the HIDDEN BELIEFS keeping you trapped Discover the THREE pillars of your unique personal IDENTITY Define your true GENIUSThe course provides you with Nearly 2 hours of easy to follow video instructionPrintable worksheetsPrefer to stay shallow?A new sports car, new relationship (with someone much younger, of course) or quitting it all for a life on a tropical island will not address the the key issue: YOU. You see, you can't pour a ton of PLEASURE into a hole that demands PURPOSE and expects things to get better any more than you can satisfy a need for OXYGEN by eating more food. So, invest in something that will enable you to unearth what really matters - the root issues that you can no longer ignore.------See what others have said about Pad's coaching:Ultimately, Pad's [personal coaching] program gave me a clear direction of where I would take my career and I was able to up my market value, role and pay. If I had not done the coaching, I'd still be unhappy in a role that didn't suit my skills and I would never have realised how to use my strengths in the business world."" Jennifer C. San Francisco""Pad's a very good speaker; animated, enthusiastic. He connects well with peoplea nice, relaxed pace so you could follow easily. He has lots of penetrating insights. Now I have the tools to know what to do and as opposed to before when I was just floundering.""Martin D General Practitioner. UK""Before I was frequently feeling quite overwhelmed and the feeling of empowerment and confidence that has given me I can't fully put into words.""You've unearthed some core issues that have been negatively affecting my life and have brought me to a totally new place. I can feel the change in my mind and body. I literally feel like a new man I feel whole in a way I haven't felt for...well, ages!"" Hardy S - Corporate Manager"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"My Backpack is My Home - All about packing for backpackers" |
"My Bag is My Home, is not a clich. When going backpacking, you take with you everything you can possibly need and carry it with you on your back while still manage to have fun! During my backpacking, I saw a lot of travelers who just don't know how to use their backpack correctly or they over loaded the backpack, making it impossible to travel without back pains. If this scenario sounds familiar or you are about to set off to your first backpacking trip, this course is for you! Even if you don't plan to hike a lot, you would find a lot of useful information in this course that will improve your travelling skills! Any traveler could discover new information for backpacking in this course. You will learn a few things about backpacks:How to choose the right backpack for your needsGet to know the different backpacks available todayHow to fit it to your bodyWhat to take with you for a backpacking tripReceive The Ultimate Modular-Packing List that will ensure you won't forget anything behind and will help you keep track of your packing progress!By the end of this course you will be able to pack your backpack with all you need, efficiently and easily! and at the same time, learn a thing or two about backpacks....The course in build from videos presentation and includes some other resources that will help you be a successful backpacker! It is presented with a fun, light atmosphere that address all people! Ready to start packing?"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |