Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Music Theory Level 2: Chord Progressions and Song Writing" |
"Course created by a Udemy instructor with good record of quality courses! Join almost 3000 of my Udemy students and enroll today. Updated Spring 2016 with over an hour of extra content!This class is for those who are looking to learn more about music theory and know the basic concepts covered in Music Theory Level 1. You should know about key signatures, how to write basic chord progressions and melodies before taking this course. Difficulty:Level: 5 (Intermediate)- Learn about the proper names of the scale degrees in a given key.- Learn about the different minor scales and key signatures.- Learn, identify, and write less common chord progressions.- Learn about substitution chords.- Learn about secondary dominant chords- Learn about modulation."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"That Great Team Environment: How Do We Get There?" |
"Hopefully, we've all experienced the exhilaration of being part of a successful team, clicking on all cylinders. Now it's our turn to create that experience. We've been newly appointed to a leadership position or we have aspirations to lead others. Where do we start? It's not that easy. We also remember that dreadful time as part of a dysfunctional group. It can't be happenstance. There must be a process toward successful team building, right? In this course, we'll examine that process by enumerating successful team characteristics and understanding team dynamics and their impact. Here is where I will present my pan flute leadership model. You'll love it! But wait, we're not finished. It's not good enough to simply create the world's greatest team, we also have to know how to maintain this team. We will learn about the two pitfalls common to all teams, the two blunt truths we must know as leaders, and the four rules of great team performance. We will accomplish this in fifty minutes through lecture, training aids, and Keynote slides. Bring an open mind, prepare to learn some new approaches, and enjoy the class. At the end of this presentation, you'll be prepared to form your own giant killing team, ready to take on the world. I guarantee that there is nothing more fulfilling than watching a team work together as a cohesive group. I also guarantee that this won't be boring! So sign up and be prepared to dazzle."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"That Hat Trick of Leadership Success!!!" |
"Problem Solving, decision making and proaction are truly the three pillars of outstanding leadership. This hat trick of success is what companies crave from their leaders. There probably isnt a day that goes by where these skills are not utilized. If we can master them, particularly proaction, we are going to be a commodity in great demand. In this course, well examine the three step problem solving and decision making processes. Well use these processes to work through a sample problem. Finally, well analyze proaction and its critical value to the effective leader. We will accomplish this through lecture, training aids, and Keynote slides. There will be two quizzes during the presentation to ensure that I am communicating this information effectively for your retention. At the end of this presentation, youll be prepared to systematically evaluate problems, make skillful decisions, and most importantly exercise a proactive viewpoint. So sign up and enhance your skillset."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Communication Skills - A Primer for New Leaders" |
"Companies are always looking for leaders that are well skilled in effective communication. A leader is not just someone who does their job well. A leader is someone who also empowers others to do their job well. This cant happen without superior communication skills. Experts tell us: the biggest challenge businesses face is excellent communication. This includes communication between management and employees and employees and clients. If we master this, we are going to be a commodity in great demand. Thats why I designed this course. My target audience will find this course using the tag words communication, leadership, feedback, listening skills. The reason for anyone to take this course is that it includes the discussion of communication models: what they are, and how to construct them. This is a topic I developed, and that I truly have never seen anywhere else. The course is well constructed and easily absorbed. We will examine what models are and their impact in improving understanding, the keys to creating effective models, techniques for better communication, and finally, feedback and listening skills. We will accomplish this in fifty minutes through lecture, training aids, and Keynote slides. There will be two quizzes during the presentation to ensure that I am communicating this information effectively for your retention. At the end of this presentation, youll be a premier communicator, able to build models and extend understanding. So sign up and enhance your skillset."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Outsource your eBook Content" |
"This course teaches eBook publishers how to find and hire quality freelance writers.With numerous freelance writers advertising on the Web, how do you know which one to hire? Are they all as good as they claim? Not likely. This course provides training and direction for finding and evaluating the best freelance writers available. It also explains the benefits of hiring a freelance writer instead of writing your own eBooks. With growing competition in the eBook industry, you don't want to waste your efforts trying to design a publishable product that can be far better handled by a skilled freelance writer. Hiring a professional writer for your eBooks is one of the best budget and marketing decisions you will ever make. Learn how to use Freelancer websites to find qualified freelance writersLearn how to develop appropriate and relevant search terms to get optimum results. Browse well-designed websites to find experienced freelance writers for your eBooks and know which ones seems to be the best fit for your purpose. Learn how to create compelling job announcements that will attract quality freelance writersDiscover the power of language in crafting job ads that will have freelancers competing for your projects. You'll be surprised to know what professional writers who are looking for projects to work on value most. Learn how to evaluate freelancer proposals and select a freelancerExplore ways of developing a meaningful call for proposals and establish useful criteria for evaluating the proposals received. Learn how to negotiate fees with freelance writersBecome informed about how to get the best value for your freelance writing investment. Learn how to work effectively with freelancersStudy the best practice techniques for working productively with freelancers to achieve your objectives while meeting deadlines and staying within the budget. Learn what you should do to proofread and edit submitted manuscriptsFind out how to edit and polish a submitted manuscript to make it publisher-ready. Also learn what you should do when the submitted manuscript is not up to your standard. Learn about the benefits of outsourcing eBook writingThere are numerous reasons to outsource your eBooks. First, you'll save valuable time that can be spent on managing operations and developing a vision for your business. Second, you can save money by having an expert write eBooks that you are not quite comfortable doing on your own. Third, your published eBooks will attract more appreciation and viewer responses than if you had written them yourself, because they will be professionally written by skilled freelancers who do this for a living."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to succeed in job interviews" |
"By the end of this course, you will know all the great secrets to success in job interviews. We will go over the job interview process from the point of view of the job seeker and the employer. We will move step by step from the time you receive an invitation to interview to a successful conclusion. I will teach you the appropriate steps you should take to prepare for the interview. The online course also address the ways in which you can overcome potential obstacles and difficulties, what needs to be done before the interview, and what you should do when you arrive and have signed in to the building. And of course, I will go over in detail what to do and how to respond during the interview."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Voice Over Training from a voice America recognizes" |
"CONNECT DIRECTLY WITH MIKE BY USING THIS NEW EMAIL ADDRESS THAT ISN'T MENTIONED IN THE COURSE:MikeElmoreTalks@yahoo.comVoice Over is an industry that has been growing at an EXTREMELY rapid pace over the last few decades. There are more voice over jobs and opportunities out there now than ever before. Equipment to record yourself from the comfort of your home is now more powerful and MUCH more inexpensive than ever. You can buy a great sounding, studio, condenser, large diaphragm microphone today for almost nothing. In this series of sessions together we will closely examine all aspects of what it takes to get yourself set up and in position to find voice over work using the Internet and emailand communicate with the ""voice seekers"" out there.Maybe you have been told (or know) that you have a great sounding voice and should do something with it. THAT'S GREAT!!! but---Not necessary. Today's voice over industry is one that leans largely toward what is known as the ""REAL PERSON"" sound. It doesn't have much to do with the SOUND of the voice but more with the way the words are delivered. This has opened up the industry for more people than ever before. What was once a male dominated industry now boasts a 50/50 playing field. More female voice overs are heard today than ever before. Plenty of work to go around, without a doubt."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Aspectos legales para emprender: aprende a crear tu empresa" |
"Con este curso resolvers todas las dudas que se te presentan como emprendedor o emprendedora para crear tu empresa, hacerte autnomo o asociarte a una cooperativa.Aprenders tanto qu es ser autnomo y las caractersticas y ventajas de este rgimen como todo lo relativo a las diferentes formas jurdicas que existen para constituir una sociedad. Analizaremos de cada una de estas formas societarias qu son, cual es el nmero mnimo de socios, cual es el capital mnimo, la tributacin, la responsabilidad patrimonial asumida, las formas de administracin de la sociedad, la transmisin de acciones, etc. Todo aquello que es necesario que sepas antes de tomar la decisin sobre qu forma jurdica elegir.Adicionalmente, veremos paso a paso cuales son los trmites que deberas seguir para hacerte autnomo o para constituir cada una de las formas societarias, viendo los aspectos ms relevantes de cada uno de los trmites a realizar en el proceso, la documentacin a llevar, etc. Adems analizaremos qu criterios debes tener en cuenta a la hora de tomar la decisin de cual de las formas jurdicas presentadas es la ms adecuada tanto a tu proyecto de negocio como a tus circunstancias personales (dinero disponible, riesgos y responsabilidad a asumir, etc.).Por ltimo, mediante casos prcticos resueltos, veremos como poner en prctica todo lo aprendido y planteando un tipo de negocio analizaremos qu forma societaria es la ms recomendada para el mismo y por qu, descartando una a una las dems opciones hasta tomar la decisin."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ley de Emprendedores: Medidas, incentivos y novedades" |
"Contenido del curso:IntroduccinObjeto de la leymbito de aplicacinApoyo a la iniciativa emprendedoraLa educacin en emprendimientoEl emprendedor de responsabilidad limitadaSociedad limitada de formacin sucesivaInicio de la actividad emprendedoraPuntos de atencin al emprendedorTrmites de inicio de actividadConstitucin telemtica de sociedades con estatutos tipoConstitucin telemtica sin estatutos tipoLegalizacin telemtica de libros mercantilesOrganizacin de los registros de la propiedad y mercantilesCatlogo de actividadesRgimen especial del criterio de caja para la contabilidad del ivaApoyos fiscales y en materia de seguridad socialDeduccin por inversin de beneficiosApoyo al crecimiento y desarrollo de proyectos empresarialesPrevencin de riesgos laborales en empresas de pequea dimensinMovilidad internacionalVisado de residencia para inversoresResidencia para emprendedoresCon este curso conocers todas las novedades introducidas por la ley de emprendedores, en mbitos como nuevas figuras societarias, extranjera, ayudas para autnomos, constitucin acelerada de sociedades, legalizacin de libros mercantiles y todo tipo de beneficios fiscales y de cotizacin.Descubre todas las novedades y cuestiones que pueden ser de tu inters o del de las personas a tu alrededor para no perder ninguna de las ventajas posibles. Aprovechalo!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SOLIDWORKS: Become a Certified Associate Today (CSWA)" |
"This is a streamlined course to take youfrom knowing nothing about SOLIDWORKS to give you all the knowledge and skills needed to become a certified SOLIDWORKS associate. This course should enable you to, with confidence, use SOLIDWORKS to design your next innovation. After this course, you can proudly list your SOLIDWORKS skills in your resume.THIS COURSE IS NOT A SHORTCUT TO GET THE CERTIFICATE. We are following a learn-by-doing approach for you to truly master all the skills needed for the certification test.*You can perfectly follow this course if you have SOLIDWORKSversions 2013, 2014, and 2015.. However, this course is delivered using SOLIDWORKS 2015. Using SOLIDWORKS 2016 or 2017? Check out our other courses because we have one specially made for you! We also have a Spanish course if you are more conformable with that. ==================About this course:With this course, you will get:Full, free lifetime access to 77lectures (increasing over time).All future extra lectures and upgrades will always be free.Unconditional Udemy 30 days money back guarantee - We are sure you would love the course though :)Regular free bonuses additions to increase your knowledge. - lots of fun topics!Today, you can start your journey to becoming a SOLIDWORKS professional with ZERO prior experience!I stress that you need no prior experience and there is nothing to buy or pay for!!! You will only need SOLIDWORKS itself.Why our course?!We are following the learning by doing approach which is proven the best for learning software like SOLIDWORKS.We have enlarged the interface icons in our screencasts to make our videos more eye-friendly. We even enlarged the mouse cursor!!We use annotations in all our lectures for easier follow-up.We made our videos short and concentrated in one or few aspects to make them easier for reference. We also designed each lecture to be a stand-alone lecture.You will learn:How to navigate through SOLIDWORKS interface.How to sketch with different sketch commands.How to define sketches using relations or distances.How to use more than 10 different features to create 3D models. (extruded boss and cut, fillet, chamfers, revolved boss and cut, swept boss and cut, lofted boss and cut)How to create additional reference planes.How to modify given parts to match design needs.How to explore different materials for your models.How to find your model's mass, volume, and center of gravity.How to assemble different parts into an assembly file.How to generate drawings from parts and models.How to interpret different drawing annotations.Click the 'take this course' button, top right, now... Every hour you delay is costing you great creations and skills :)Tayseer Almattar"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Starter Guide to Climate Change" |
"This is a streamlined course to take you from knowing nothing about Climate Change to give you all the knowledge to be well-rounded about the topic. This course should enable you to, with confidence, to discuss the Climate Change issue with other people.In this course, we are using scientific knowledge and measurable data to present our information. No worries though, we are simplifying all the scientific information to be understandable by everyone. ==================About this course:With this free course, you will get:Full, free lifetime access to 19 lectures (increasing over time).All future extra lectures and upgrades will always be free.Regular free bonus additions to increase your knowledge. Today, you can start your journey to understand the world's toughest challenge, Climate Change, with ZERO prior related knowledge!I stress that you need no prior knowledge or training and there is nothing to buy or pay for!!! Why our course?!We are using scientific knowledge and measurable data to present our information. We are simplifying all the scientific information to be understandable by everyone. We made our videos short and concentrated in one or a few aspects to make them easier for reference. We also designed each lecture to be a stand-alone lecture.You will learn:The basic definitions of climate change and global warmingThe greenhouse gasses and their effectsA scenario of what could happen with too much greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere ( the great dying)How greenhouse gasses are being measured in the atmosphereSome effects that are taking place because of the increase in greenhouse gasses (global warming, melting of ice, the rise of sea level, ocean acidification )The earth's carbon sinks and their situationClick the 'take this course' button, top right, now... Every hour you delay is costing earth an additional protector.SustainabilityEdu Team. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to create affiliate web store" |
"You will learn how to setup your own Affiliate E-commerce Store using WordPress.WordPress platform is best for your online business because:CMS 65% Global market>25% websites in world76.5 million and growing blogs sites.I will show you how to select hosting plan and install&setup affiliate web-store using WordPress.You will learn how to use Rakuten affiliate network (Find affiliate programs to promote and generate deep links +platform overview)In this course I will demonstrate how to upload affiliate products to your woocomerce and how to do SEOoptimization using Yoast SEO plugin; After that we will add your website to Google Webmaster tools and to Google Search.You will receive plugins, theme and all tips&tricks from me what I'm using to generate sales online.As well you will learn how to promote your affiliate website and generate extra web traffic.JOIN MYCOURSEANDCOPY-PASTMYSTRATEGY TOGENERATEINCOMEONLINELatest Updates:21/04/2018 - Section added:How to import all Affiliate Products to your Niche website or affiliate webstore20/04/2018 - Video lecture added:Generating Affiliate Product List19/04/2018 -Preparing Excel file for mass affiliate links import18/04/2018 - Lecture added:Affiliate Links file in Bulk Last step to prepare it17/04/2018 -Importing affiliate products to niche website or affiliate web store16/04/2018 -How To Hide Tags In WordPress on Product Page15/04/2018 -Rakuten Marketing work with Advertisers14/04/2018 -How to use Rakuten Marketing Reporting tool13/04/2018 -Rakuten marketing Step by step registration scheme12/04/2018 -Rakuten Marketing Step-by-Step Guide to Publisher Signup"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Free YouTube marketing strategy what brings me 2000+ sales" |
"This is 60 minutes video course where you will learn my private strategy what I'm using to promote my affiliate products on daily basic on YouTube. You will learn how to optimize your videos for SEO, how to rank your videos, how to use annotations, icard... how to promote your videos. This course will be interested for new users and for those who already doing business using YouTube: promoting their brand or products...Lets talk about YouTube. Weve all heard of it, and chances are, weve all spent a wasted afternoon watching one silly cat video after another. YouTube is agreat source for funny, entertaining content, but its also increasingly becoming an essential tool for marketers. In fact, nearly half of all marketers (48%) plan to add YouTube to their marketing strategy over the next 12 months according to theState of Inbound report.Now you may be thinking, thats great but my audience isnt on YouTube. Think again.One thirdof all online activityis spent watching videos, and YouTube hasmore than a billion active users. The platform is so expansive that it can be accessed in 76 different languages, accounting for95% of the worlds population. Still not convinced?Latest Updates:02/02/2019 Free video templates what you can modify;01/31/2019 Get unique content videos without creating them!06/06/2018How to be first Google search.06/04/2018How to promote affiliate links on YouTube and rank it with Facebook.24/01/2018How to make your first 1000 Subscribers o YouTube.27/12/2017 How to promote fresh uploaded videos."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Twitter marketing - my strategy (How I promote ClickBank)" |
"Learn Twitter Marketing! This is my personal strategy what i`m using every day to promote my Affiliate Links, ClickBank products and my hotels-travel website. As well I`m doing sponsored tweets.This strategy brings me stable income every month and my Twittr account growing every day and I`m really happy with this. I`m always working to improve my results so this why I want to share with my Twittr Marketing strategy with community!In this course I will talk about:How to optimize your twitter profileHow to receive huge followers baseWhy and How you should use Viral MarketingTools and Online services what i`m using to automate all my work processHow to promote your Affiliate links and ClickBank productsWhy you should use Twitter Analytics"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Exercise Away Your Shoulder Pain" |
"I'm so excited to share the long awaited Shoulder Pain Home Program. I designed this program because I continually have friends and family members from other parts of the country who needed to deal with their shoulder pain and I felt I couldn't help them through a simple email or phone call. This program shows you all the steps. What You're Getting: You're own personalized game plan to reduce or limit your shoulder discomfortA progression of exercises to limit stress and strain on the shoulderA way to avoid going to the doctorSave moneyHow long will this take?There is a 4 minute description of what we'll be doing and how we're going to do itThen a 10 minute video showing you the progression of exercisesYou will want to refer back to this course multiple timesSo 15 minutes for the first run, then about 2-3 minutes to review every time you're ready to progress to the next exercise.Who Has This Video Helped?Robby Bursey - former collegiate pitcher - ""I spent my first 21 years pitching competitively for my Little League, high school, and collegiate baseball teams. For most of that time I found myself to always be loose, flexible and healthy. Unfortunately, as I have entered my 30's I have been struggling with shoulder pain from the overuse created during all of those years playing ball. After consulting with Dr. Hoar I noticed improved flexibility and performance within my shoulders. The combination of training and education has dramatically improved the number of activities that I can participate in. I am now in two softball leagues and I swim and bike regularly. I've visited plenty of doctors in the past but nothing has worked as well as this."""
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop Prctico - 8 soluciones para tus fotografas (I)" |
"Curso dirigido a aquellos aficionados a la fotografa que os adentris en el retoque de imagen y que contis con conocimientos bsicos de Photoshop (y hasta nivel intermedio). Esta primera parte del curso se compone de 5video-tutorialesincluyendo unaprctica final, con explicaciones sencillas, donde no vas a ver una enorme lista de herramientas, sino las herramientas apropiadas para solucionar los problemas ms comunes que afectan a tus fotografas: errores de exposicin, dominancia de color, imperfecciones en la piel y mirada desenfocada.Junto a los videotutoriales dispondrs de un resumen descargable en pdf de cada vdeo, que te servir de gua cuando practiques con tus propias fotografas. Adems contars con recursos extra como:listado debancos de imgenes gratuitas, repaso de las herramienta utilizadas, un vistazo ms de cerca a las mscaras de capa...En la segunda parte del curso(en produccin) veremos comocorregir problemas de perspectiva, eliminar o mover elementos, convertir tus fotografas a un blanco y negro de calidad y grabar acciones para agilizar el flujo de trabajo.Clases prcticas, claras y enfocadas a soluciones concretas.Una estupenda base para aquellos que comenzis a retocar vuestras fotografas y para los que queris conseguir resultados de calidad con ejercicios sencillos. Learn by doing!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ACCA FA1 Recording Financial Transactions" |
"ACCA's FA1 Recording financial transactions paper is the first paper in the ACCA's foundation level qualification. It is an international course which aims to introduce students to the basic accounting systems up to the trial balance stage and the types of documentation you would encounter in the workplace. No previous knowledge of accounting, additional material or software is required for this paper. In order to sit the ACCA exam students must apply direct to ACCA for student membership and exam entry.In this course students will learn about: Business transactions, the banking system and double entry bookkeepingPayroll and ledger accountsReconciliation and preparing the trial balance This course is for complete beginners, providing a starting point for those wanting to pursue a career in accounting as an accounting technician or those wanting to become a professional accountant but who may not meet the entry requirements to start their studies straight away with the ACCA qualification."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"ACCA MA1 Management Information" |
"ACCA's MA1 Management Information paper is the second paper in the ACCA's foundation level qualification. It is an international course which aims to teach students to effectively recognise, provide and maintain management information.No previous knowledge of accounting, additional material or software is required for this paper, although access to Microsoft excel would be beneficial. In order to sit the ACCA exam students must apply direct to ACCA for student membership and exam entry.In this course students will learn about: The nature & purpose of cost & management accountingSource documents & codingCost classification & measurementRecording costsThe spreadsheet system This course is for complete beginners, providing a starting point for those wanting to pursue a career in accounting as an accounting technician or those wanting to become a professional accountant but who may not meet the entry requirements to start their studies straight away with the ACCA qualification."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Double Entry Bookkeeping" |
"There is a lot of mystery surrounding double entry bookkeeping, in this course we will follow some simple steps which explains the concepts of double entry bookkeeping easily and quickly.In this course we will cove:What is bookkeeping? Business Transactions Basic Accounting Principles Business Documentation Types of Ledger Accounts The Ledger Account Layout Making entries into Ledger Accounts Balancing Ledger Accounts The Trial BalanceThe course should only take about an hour to complete and by the end of this course students will understand and be able to produce a simple set of accounts up to the trial balance stage."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Game Design for Mobile and Desktop" |
"This course will teach you to use the Phaser Framework to program a 2D game that can be played on both mobile and desktop devices. In the end you will have a fully functioning game, that works on all major platforms, as well as direction on where to go from here.The course will take about 3 hours and will go over the basic concepts such as touch screen input, collision detection with Game Physics, sound, and animation.This course provides videos that will guide you from the beginning to the end on writing the game code. The needed Images, Sprites, Sounds, Music, and Framework Library will also be provided. At the end of the course you will be able to download the entire source code for the game you created, as well as bonus code, images, and sounds that will help guide you in advancing your game with new features.Although some experience with JavaScript is recommended, it's not required. Creating a game using the Phaser Framework is a great option if you want to create a game that is easy to distribute and want to ensure it's compatibility with as many devices as possiable."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Set Up Your New Business From Scratch" |
"Are you thinking about starting a new business?Have you just started a business and want to know what to do next?Do you have an existing business and need to outsource some tasks to external consultants?Do you want to streamline your existing business or set it up in the ""cloud""?If any of these apply to you, then this course is perfect for you! This course is a ""how to"" guide for setting a new business up from scratch. We will walk through step by step how to turn that business idea in your head into an actual company and go through important considerations to think about along the way.This course is a mixture of presentations and exercises. In our exercises, we will create a sample business from scratch. This includes the following:Looking up various business names to check if we can use themRegistering our business through a legal websitePurchasing and registering a domain nameRegistering a ""Doing Business As"" nameSetting up Accounting SoftwareSetting up Productivity SoftwareSetting up Business Class EmailSetting up Filesystems and BackupsSetting up Business TelephonyCreating and Finding Document TemplatesDesigning and Documenting Business ProcessesSetting up a Customer Relationship Management systemChoosing Stock PhotosBuilding a Website From ScratchCreating a Pay Per Click Online Marketing CampaignSetting up Social MediaAnd More!With today's business services and technology in the ""cloud"", it never been easier to setup and organize your business effectively - but there are so many choices, and it is confusing! Don't worry about the technology - this course is targeted for all users - you do NOT need any background in legal, business, IT, or accounting. I'll show you which business services to pick and the correct way to configure and use them. The only thing you need is the desire to turn your business dreams into reality!This course will save you time and significant money by allowing you to either:A. Learn how to do common business setup tasks yourself by following our step-by-step exercises--or --B. Understand the details and language behind a business task that you are planning on outsourcing. This will drive down the total cost of the task from your external party as well as improve the quality of the final output by allowing you to ask the correct questions and define the project more accurately. The cost of this course is a fraction of the cost getting something wrong with an external consultant.Please look through the course curriculum to see all the topics we will cover. Thank you for your time and let's get your business up and running today!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Android Studio IDE Essential Training" |
"As of December 2014 Android Studio has become the new and only Google's fully Supported Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Android.Although you don't necessarily need Android Studio for your Android application development, the only fastest and easiest way to develop your android applications is to use Android Studio.In this course you will learn: How to install and configure: the Java Development Kit (JDK) and Android Studio IDE which includes the Android Software Development Kit (SDK);How to create a project in Android Studio, how to navigate a project, how to use the Android Studio code editorKeyboard shortcuts for writing and refactoring codes;How to use graphical editor and text editor to create your applications' User Interface;How to use the debugging tools with break points and watch variablesHow to integrate Android project with Github for version control (code backup and management); and how to get help using Android Studio."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Social Engagement" |
"O treinamento especializado em Microsoft Social Engagement capacita o profissional a atuar com as ferramentas de incluso e gerenciamento de palavras chaves para monitoramento de marcas, pginas redes sociais, produtos e servios. Mostra como extrair relatrios analticos e descobrir tendncias que possibilitam tomadas de deciso certeiras, bem como unificar o gerenciamento de redes e mdias sociais de uma organizao em um nico painel."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft SharePoint para Administradores" |
"Nosso Treinamento de SharePointenfatiza a experincia prtica, com uma srie de exerccios integrados na formao. Desenvolvido com o objetivo de fazer o administrador de SharePoint dominar o trabalho com listas, bibliotecas de documentos, aplicativos, Workflows (Fluxos de Trabalho), compartilhamento e colaborao avanada de contedo, automatizao de processos, formulrios, pesquisa/busca centralizada e diversas outras capacidades exigidas de um usurio de SharePoint, dominando as ferramentas e recursos da soluo para atender demandas internas na sua organizao com garantia de aprendizado e superao de expectativas."
Price: 264.99 ![]() |
"Outlook 2016 para Mac" |
"O treinamento de Outlook 2016 para Mac capacita usurios de computadores Apple com o sistema operacional Mac OS X a trabalharem com a ltima verso do Microsoft Outlook para Mac.Voltados para profissionais que nunca utilizaram verses anteriores do Outlook para Mac, esto atualizando do Entourage 2008 ou do Outlook 2011 para Mac, ou ainda esto vindo da plataforma Windows.O objetivo principal tornar o usurio capacitado a dominar todas as novas ferramentas e recursos desta nova verso. Otimizando o tempo, aumentando a produtividade e a performance de atividades dirias com e-mail, calendrios, contatos, tarefas e anotaes dentro das melhores prticas Microsoft."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Power BI" |
"O treinamento do de Microsoft Power BI capacita o profissional para utilizar os recursos de anlise de grandes volumes de dados no Microsoft Excel e na nova ferramenta Power BI Desktop, com o auxlio das recursos que compem o Power BI (Power Query, PowerPivot, Power View e Power Map).Mostramos em uma didtica prtica os conceitos de BI (Business Intelligence) e itens importantssimos como Data Warehouse, processo deETL, sistemas transacionais (OLTP), sistemas analticos (OLAP) eanlises de cubo."
Price: 264.99 ![]() |
"SPSS, se experto en anlisis estadstico (basico-intermedio)" |
"Descripcin del cursoEste curso te muestra de forma practica como realizar procedimientos estadsticos bsicos en el programa SPSS, aprenders por ti mismo a utilizar el software y realizar tus propias pruebas de estadstica con ejemplos en variables continuas y categricas.AudienciaRecomiendo el curso para cualquier persona que quiera aprender por primera vez el software SPSS o aquellos que quieran refrescar sus conocimientos en el uso del mismo.El curso puede ser de gran utilidad para aquellos que de forma continua tienen que analizar datos por motivo de trabajo, o bien tienen que realizar algn tipo de reporte para propsitos de tesis en niveles de licenciatura y posgrado en cualquier rea del conocimiento.Durante el curso aprenders a realizar las pruebas estadsticas descritas en el temario paso por paso, as como tips"" tiles; si ya cuentas con alguna experiencia utilizando el software, el curso an puede serte de utilidad para revisar temas especficos que nos revises frecuentemente.Temas incluidosAprenders desde los primeros videos como realizar las pruebas estadsticas utilizadas mas comnmente y su interpretacin; los principales temas del curso incluyen:Creacin de la matriz de datos.Seleccionar un grupo de casos en SPSS.Ponderar casos en SPSS.Transformacin de datos en una variable.Estadstica descriptiva de variables categricas.Estadstica descriptiva de variables continuas.Pruebas de Chi cuadradoPrueba de McNemar.Prueba Q de Cochran.ndice de Kappa.U de Mann-Whitney.t de Student para muestras Independientes.Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test.t de student para muestras Dependientes.Anova de 1 va.Prueba de Kruskal-Wallis.Anova Medidas Repetidas.Prueba de Friedman.Correlacin de Pearson y Spearman.Correlacin Parcial de Pearson y Spearman.Histogramas.Grficos de linea.Grficos de barra.Scatterplots.Boxplots.Conclusiones.Material adicionalLa mayora de videos del curso se acompaa de archivos complementarios que puedes descargar con formatos *.sav (formato SPSS), y ocasionalmente en formatos *.doc (Word), o *.xls (Excel), esto con la finalidad que cuentes con las bases de datos que se utilizaron para realizar el vdeo y con las que podrs los ejercicios presentados en las diferentes lecciones.Duracin del cursoEl curso tiene una duracin aproximada 5 horas; el orden de los temas presentados puede modificarse de acuerdo a tus necesidades de anlisis y revisin de temas especficos.BeneficiosAl terminar este curso podrs realizar los anlisis estadsticos ms comnmente utilizados para evaluar variables continuas y categricas y su interpretacin.Podras realizar los principales tipos de grficos que mejor representen la informacin en tu anlisis de datos y editar grficos ya existentes.Habrs aprendido un grupo importante de habilidades/destrezas analticas que te darn una ventaja competitiva importante en tu trabajo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Domina Word y EndNote en la Publicacion Cientifica/Academica" |
"Descripcin y contenidos del cursoEste curso online te muestra de forma prctica los comandos que yo utilizo en Microsoft Word y EndNote, para agilizar la escritura de los manuscritos manuscritos que planeo publicar en revistas o captulos de libros con calidad internacional.En estos videos, te comparto mis secretos para asegurar tu xito en la publicacin cientfica / escritura acadmica utilizando las herramientas de software disponibles en la actualidad.Aprenders los aspectos prcticos para utilizar comandos especficos, en cada uno de los o fuerzas presentados, para poder realizar tareas especializadas. stas son funciones que los profesionales usualmente se guardan como sus secretos para el xito:Microsoft Word, procesador de texto.1. Breve comparacin con otros procesadores de texto.2. Uso del ""control de cambios"".3. Comparacin de diferentes versiones de un mismo escrito.EndNote, administrador de referencias bibliogrficas.1. Creacin de un archivo de referencias bibliogrficas.2. Bsqueda de referencias en EndNote conectando con PubMed.3. Importar referencias de PubMed a EndNote.4. Intercambio de estilos para diferentes revistas.5. EndNote como herramienta para seguir autores.6. EndNote como herramienta para construir el curriculum vitae.7. Como formato requerido en artculos enviados a revistas internacionales.8. Como herramienta para obtener el ISSN de un journal.Dinmica de enseanza y recursos educativos La enseanza lo largo del curso se basa en la presentacin de vdeos que pueden visualizarse en cualquier equipo electrnico con conexin a Internet.Algunas secciones (grupos de vdeos para un software especfico), pueden acompaarse de archivos complementarios los cuales podrs descargar a tu computadora utilizando los links especficos para cada archivo.Esos archivos pueden contener ejemplos que se utilizaron en los diferentes videos para reproducir los ejercicios presentados; o bien pueden ser guas de estudio, o tablas de contenido en formatos PDF, con el propsito que lleves un control de tus avances en el curso.En cualquier momento el alumno puede reproducir los ejemplos mostrados utilizando sus propios escritos.Duracin del cursoEl curso tiene una duracin aproximada de 100 minutos (casi 2 horas), distribuida en 11 vdeos cortos; el orden de los temas presentados puede modificarse de acuerdo a tus conocimientos previos y necesidades de revisin de temas especficos.BeneficiosAl terminar este curso sers capaz de utilizar por ti mismo los comandos seleccionados, para cada uno de los software.Observars un aumento en tu productividad y en la calidad de los manuscritos que generas da con da.Habrs aprendido un conjunto de habilidades/destrezas altamente especializadas que te darn una ventaja competitiva para el desarrollo de tus actividades laborales y/o acadmicas incluso para competir con profesionales en cualquier parte del mundo.Porque deberas registrarse en este cursoste curso est diseado para ser una herramienta de aprendizaje indispensable para personas en cualquier rea del conocimiento interesadas en empezar a escribir, o bien para aquellos que ya escriben quiere llevar sus escritos a un nivel de calidad superior.Empezar a incrementar tu productividad de forma inmediata al terminar cada vdeo.Los comandos avanzados que se utilizan, son los mismos que emplean las empresas o escritores profesionales para producir escritos de alta calidad, tanto en revistas especializadas o incluso en captulos de libros alrededor del mundo.El curso es una herramienta de apoyo para aquellos que tienen que realizar un escrito, bien sea por motivo de trabajo (profesionales que se dedican a escribir: escritores literarios, periodistas, etc.), o porque tienen que realizar algn reporte para propsitos de titulacin (escritura de una tesis) en niveles de licenciatura y posgrado (maestra, doctorado, posdoctorado) en cualquier rea del conocimiento."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Aplicaciones de Photoshop y PowerPoint para la publicacin." |
"Descripcin y contenidos del curso Este curso online te muestra de forma prctica los comandos que yo utilizo en Adobe Photoshop y PowerPoint, para la edicin de figuras que se incluyen en la escritura de los manuscritos que planeo publicar en revistas o captulos de libros con calidad internacional. En estos videos, te comparto mis secretos para asegurar tu xito en la publicacin cientfica / escritura acadmica utilizando las herramientas de software disponibles en la actualidad. Aprenders los aspectos prcticos para utilizar comandos especficos, en cada uno de los o fuerzas presentados, para poder realizar tareas especializadas. stas son funciones que los profesionales usualmente se guardan como sus secretos para el xito: Adobe Photoshop para la edicin de figuras. Creacin de una plantilla para figuras A, B, C, D.Expandir el tamao de una figura ya creada.Creacin de Layers.Agregar figuras recortadas a una figura existente.Ajuste del tamao y resolucin para una revista.Compresin de las capas de una figura.Diferencia entre archivos de trabajo y de envo a journals. Microsoft PowerPoint en la edicin de figuras. Exportar esquemas o figuras como archivos PDF.Exportar esquemas o figuras a formato TIF.PowerPoint y Photoshop combinados para edicin de figuras. Dinmica de enseanza y recursos educativos La enseanza lo largo del curso se basa en la presentacin de vdeos que pueden visualizarse en cualquier equipo electrnico con conexin a Internet. Algunas secciones (grupos de vdeos para un software especfico), pueden acompaarse de archivos complementarios los cuales podrs descargar a tu computadora utilizando los links especficos para cada archivo. Esos archivos pueden contener ejemplos que se utilizaron en los diferentes videos para reproducir los ejercicios presentados; o bien pueden ser guas de estudio, o tablas de contenido en formatos PDF, con el propsito que lleves un control de tus avances en el curso. En cualquier momento el alumno puede reproducir los ejemplos mostrados utilizando sus propios escritos. Duracin del curso El curso tiene una duracin aproximada de 120 minutos (2 horas), distribuida en 15 vdeos cortos; el orden de los temas presentados puede modificarse de acuerdo a tus conocimientos previos y necesidades de revisin de temas especficos. Beneficios Al terminar este curso sers capaz de utilizar por ti mismo los comandos seleccionados, para cada uno de los software. Observars un aumento en tu productividad y en la calidad de los manuscritos que generas da con da. Habrs aprendido un conjunto de habilidades/destrezas altamente especializadas que te darn una ventaja competitiva para el desarrollo de tus actividades laborales y/o acadmicas incluso para competir con profesionales en cualquier parte del mundo. Porque deberas registrarse en este curso ste curso est diseado para ser una herramienta de aprendizaje indispensable para personas en cualquier rea del conocimiento interesadas en empezar a escribir, o bien para aquellos que ya escriben quiere llevar sus escritos a un nivel de calidad superior. Empezar a incrementar tu productividad de forma inmediata al terminar cada vdeo. Los comandos avanzados que se utilizan, son los mismos que emplean las empresas o escritores profesionales para producir escritos de alta calidad, tanto en revistas especializadas o incluso en captulos de libros alrededor del mundo. El curso es una herramienta de apoyo para aquellos que tienen que realizar un escrito, bien sea por motivo de trabajo (profesionales que se dedican a escribir: escritores literarios, periodistas, etc.), o porque tienen que realizar algn reporte para propsitos de titulacin (escritura de una tesis) en niveles de licenciatura y posgrado (maestra, doctorado, posdoctorado) en cualquier rea del conocimiento."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Edition de PDFs conAcrobatPDF-ConverterPassword-Remover." |
"Descripcin y contenidos del curso Este curso online te muestra de forma prctica los comandos que yo utilizo en Adobe Acrobat, PDF Converter y PDF PW remover, para agilizar la escritura de los manuscritos que planeo publicar en revistas o captulos de libros con calidad internacional. En estos videos, te comparto mis secretos para asegurar tu xito en la publicacin cientfica / escritura acadmica utilizando las herramientas de software disponibles en la actualidad. Aprenders los aspectos prcticos para utilizar comandos especficos, en cada uno de los o fuerzas presentados, para poder realizar tareas especializadas. stas son funciones que los profesionales usualmente se guardan como sus secretos para el xito: Adobe Acrobat profesional, edicin de archivos PDF. Ejemplo real de solicitud de edicin PDF con Adobe.Insertar, reemplazar y remover texto.Resaltar texto, dejar notas o comentarios.Reconocimiento de caracteres en idioma espaol.Reconocimiento de caracteres en idioma ingls.Recortar el tamao de las pginas de un archivo PDF.Creacin de un archivo PDF utilizando Microsoft Word. PDF Converter, para transformar archivos PDF. Convierte archivos PDF a formatos Word, Excel o PowerPoint. PDF PW remover, edicin de archivos PDF protegidos. Remocin de la proteccin de un archivo PDF.Reduccin del tamao de un archivo PDF con Adobe Acrobat. Dinmica de enseanza y recursos educativos La enseanza lo largo del curso se basa en la presentacin de vdeos que pueden visualizarse en cualquier equipo electrnico con conexin a Internet. Algunas secciones (grupos de vdeos para un software especfico), pueden acompaarse de archivos complementarios los cuales podrs descargar a tu computadora utilizando los links especficos para cada archivo. Esos archivos pueden contener ejemplos que se utilizaron en los diferentes videos para reproducir los ejercicios presentados; o bien pueden ser guas de estudio, o tablas de contenido en formatos PDF, con el propsito que lleves un control de tus avances en el curso. En cualquier momento el alumno puede reproducir los ejemplos mostrados utilizando sus propios escritos. Duracin del curso El curso tiene una duracin aproximada de 60 minutos (1 hora), distribuida en 12 vdeos cortos; el orden de los temas presentados puede modificarse de acuerdo a tus conocimientos previos y necesidades de revisin de temas especficos. Beneficios Al terminar este curso sers capaz de utilizar por ti mismo los comandos seleccionados, para cada uno de los software. Observars un aumento en tu productividad y en la calidad de los manuscritos que generas da con da. Habrs aprendido un conjunto de habilidades/destrezas altamente especializadas que te darn una ventaja competitiva para el desarrollo de tus actividades laborales y/o acadmicas incluso para competir con profesionales en cualquier parte del mundo. Porque deberas registrarse en este curso ste curso est diseado para ser una herramienta de aprendizaje indispensable para personas en cualquier rea del conocimiento interesadas en empezar a escribir, o bien para aquellos que ya escriben quiere llevar sus escritos a un nivel de calidad superior. Empezar a incrementar tu productividad de forma inmediata al terminar cada vdeo. Los comandos avanzados que se utilizan, son los mismos que emplean las empresas o escritores profesionales para producir escritos de alta calidad, tanto en revistas especializadas o incluso en captulos de libros alrededor del mundo. El curso es una herramienta de apoyo para aquellos que tienen que realizar un escrito, bien sea por motivo de trabajo (profesionales que se dedican a escribir: escritores literarios, periodistas, etc.), o porque tienen que realizar algn reporte para propsitos de titulacin (escritura de una tesis) en niveles de licenciatura y posgrado (maestra, doctorado, posdoctorado) en cualquier rea del conocimiento."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"PapersPubMed iThenticate3 aplicaciones para publicacin" |
"Descripcin y contenidos del curso Este curso online te muestra de forma prctica los comandos que yo utilizo en los software Papers, PubMed y iThenticate, para prearar mis escritos con fines de publicacin cientfica y/o escritura academica, en revistas o captulos de libros alcanzando una calidad internacional. En estos videos, te comparto mis secretos para asegurar tu xito en la publicacin cientfica / escritura acadmica utilizando las herramientas de software disponibles en la actualidad. Aprenders los aspectos prcticos para utilizar comandos especficos, en cada uno de los o fuerzas presentados, para poder realizar tareas especializadas. stas son funciones que los profesionales usualmente se guardan como sus secretos para el xito: Papers, software para la administracin de archivos PDF. Generalidades del software.Creacin de carpetas.Importacin de archivos PDF.Adicin de los metadatos a un PDF.Envo de PDF por correo electrnico. PubMed para la bsqueda de referencias e informacin. Bsqueda de referencias bibliogrficas.Obtencin de artculos en texto completo.Identificacin de lneas de investigacin.Crear links para publicaciones especficas.Uso de la herramienta MESH para keywords. iThenticate, software para detectar el plagiarismo . Frecuencia del plagiarismo?, definicin, como evitarlo?Descripcin del sitio en Internet y socios participantes.Comentarios sobre costos.Ejemplo de un archivo analizado. Dinmica de enseanza y recursos educativos La enseanza lo largo del curso se basa en la presentacin de vdeos que pueden visualizarse en cualquier equipo electrnico con conexin a Internet. Algunas secciones (grupos de vdeos para un software especfico), pueden acompaarse de archivos complementarios los cuales podrs descargar a tu computadora utilizando los links especficos para cada archivo. Esos archivos pueden contener ejemplos que se utilizaron en los diferentes videos para reproducir los ejercicios presentados; o bien pueden ser guas de estudio, o tablas de contenido en formatos PDF, con el propsito que lleves un control de tus avances en el curso. En cualquier momento el alumno puede reproducir los ejemplos mostrados utilizando sus propios escritos. Duracin del curso El curso tiene una duracin aproximada de 100 minutos (1.7 horas), distribuida en 17 vdeos cortos; el orden de los temas presentados puede modificarse de acuerdo a tus conocimientos previos y necesidades de revisin de temas especficos. Beneficios Al terminar este curso sers capaz de utilizar por ti mismo los comandos seleccionados, para cada uno de los software. Observars un aumento en tu productividad y en la calidad de los manuscritos que generas da con da. Habrs aprendido un conjunto de habilidades/destrezas altamente especializadas que te darn una ventaja competitiva para el desarrollo de tus actividades laborales y/o acadmicas incluso para competir con profesionales en cualquier parte del mundo. Porque deberas registrarse en este curso ste curso est diseado para ser una herramienta de aprendizaje indispensable para personas en cualquier rea del conocimiento interesadas en empezar a escribir, o bien para aquellos que ya escriben quiere llevar sus escritos a un nivel de calidad superior. Empezar a incrementar tu productividad de forma inmediata al terminar cada vdeo. Los comandos avanzados que se utilizan, son los mismos que emplean las empresas o escritores profesionales para producir escritos de alta calidad, tanto en revistas especializadas o incluso en captulos de libros alrededor del mundo. El curso es una herramienta de apoyo para aquellos que tienen que realizar un escrito, bien sea por motivo de trabajo (profesionales que se dedican a escribir: escritores literarios, periodistas, etc.), o porque tienen que realizar algn reporte para propsitos de titulacin (escritura de una tesis) en niveles de licenciatura y posgrado (maestra, doctorado, posdoctorado) en cualquier rea del conocimiento."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |