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"ORCID y ResearcherID tus identificaciones globales de autor" |
"Descripcin y contenidos del curso Este curso online te muestra de forma prctica los comandos que yo utilizo en los software ResearcherID y ORCID, para poder recibir una identificacin nica, va Internet que miden acadmico esto como procedimiento previo a preparar un manuscrito que se enva a publicacin cientfica y/o escritura academica, en revistas o captulos de libros alcanzando una calidad internacional. En estos videos, te comparto mis secretos para asegurar tu xito en la publicacin cientfica / escritura acadmica utilizando las herramientas de software disponibles en la actualidad. Aprenders los aspectos prcticos para utilizar comandos especficos, en cada uno de los o fuerzas presentados, para poder realizar tareas especializadas. stas son funciones que los profesionales usualmente se guardan como sus secretos para el xito: ResearcherID, identificador gratuito para investigadores. Descripcin del sitio en Internet y perfil del usuario.Enlace de tus publicaciones con ResearcherID.2 ejemplos de revistas que solicitan ResearcherID. ORCID, identificador gratuito para investigadores. Descripcin del sitio en Internet y perfil del usuario.Enlace de tus publicaciones con ORCID.2 ejemplos de revistas que solicitan ORCID. Dinmica de enseanza y recursos educativos La enseanza lo largo del curso se basa en la presentacin de vdeos que pueden visualizarse en cualquier equipo electrnico con conexin a Internet. Algunas secciones (grupos de vdeos para un software especfico), pueden acompaarse de archivos complementarios los cuales podrs descargar a tu computadora utilizando los links especficos para cada archivo. Esos archivos pueden contener ejemplos que se utilizaron en los diferentes videos para reproducir los ejercicios presentados; o bien pueden ser guas de estudio, o tablas de contenido en formatos PDF, con el propsito que lleves un control de tus avances en el curso. En cualquier momento el alumno puede reproducir los ejemplos mostrados utilizando sus propios escritos. Duracin del curso El curso tiene una duracin aproximada de 60 minutos (1 hora), distribuida en 9 vdeos cortos; el orden de los temas presentados puede modificarse de acuerdo a tus conocimientos previos y necesidades de revisin de temas especficos. Beneficios Al terminar este curso sers capaz de utilizar por ti mismo los comandos seleccionados, para cada uno de los software. Observars un aumento en tu productividad y en la calidad de los manuscritos que generas da con da. Habrs aprendido un conjunto de habilidades/destrezas altamente especializadas que te darn una ventaja competitiva para el desarrollo de tus actividades laborales y/o acadmicas incluso para competir con profesionales en cualquier parte del mundo. Porque deberas registrarse en este curso ste curso est diseado para ser una herramienta de aprendizaje indispensable para personas en cualquier rea del conocimiento interesadas en empezar a escribir, o bien para aquellos que ya escriben quiere llevar sus escritos a un nivel de calidad superior. Empezar a incrementar tu productividad de forma inmediata al terminar cada vdeo. Los comandos avanzados que se utilizan, son los mismos que emplean las empresas o escritores profesionales para producir escritos de alta calidad, tanto en revistas especializadas o incluso en captulos de libros alrededor del mundo. El curso es una herramienta de apoyo para aquellos que tienen que realizar un escrito, bien sea por motivo de trabajo (profesionales que se dedican a escribir: escritores literarios, periodistas, etc.), o porque tienen que realizar algn reporte para propsitos de titulacin (escritura de una tesis) en niveles de licenciatura y posgrado (maestra, doctorado, posdoctorado) en cualquier rea del conocimiento."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Utiliza ""Google Scholar"" y ""Publish/Perish"" para publicacin" |
"Descripcin y contenidos del cursoEste curso online te muestra de forma prctica los comandos que yo utilizo en los software Publish & Perish y Google Scholar, para identificar las fuentes bibliogrficas que voy utilizar para mis escritos con fines de publicacin cientfica y/o escritura academica y que de esta forma estn actualizados y tengan calidad internacional en la revisin de sus temas; tambin utilizo estos software para identificar a los coautores de mis publicaciones o bien nuevas lneas de investigacin para mis proyectos.En estos videos, te comparto mis secretos para asegurar tu xito en la publicacin cientfica / escritura acadmica utilizando las herramientas de software disponibles en la actualidad.Aprenders los aspectos prcticos para utilizar comandos especficos, en cada uno de los o fuerzas presentados, para poder realizar tareas especializadas. stas son funciones que los profesionales usualmente se guardan como sus secretos para el xito:Publish or Perish, evala el impacto de tus publicaciones.Sitio en Internet y descripcin del software.Compatibilidad con sistemas operativos.Ejemplo de anlisis de las publicaciones de un investigador.Google Scholar, bsqueda acadmica de informacin.Descripcin y ajustes bsicos para la bsqueda de informacin.Las 5 herramientas utiles de Google Scholar:Search for journal articles.Build (and search) libraries.Set up alerts.Read through case law.Get quick citations.Creacion de un Expediente de Publicaciones en Google Scholar.Dinmica de enseanza y recursos educativos La enseanza lo largo del curso se basa en la presentacin de vdeos que pueden visualizarse en cualquier equipo electrnico con conexin a Internet.Algunas secciones (grupos de vdeos para un software especfico), pueden acompaarse de archivos complementarios los cuales podrs descargar a tu computadora utilizando los links especficos para cada archivo.Esos archivos pueden contener ejemplos que se utilizaron en los diferentes videos para reproducir los ejercicios presentados; o bien pueden ser guas de estudio, o tablas de contenido en formatos PDF, con el propsito que lleves un control de tus avances en el curso.En cualquier momento el alumno puede reproducir los ejemplos mostrados utilizando sus propios escritos.Duracin del cursoEl curso tiene una duracin aproximada de 66 minutos (1 hora), distribuida en 10 vdeos cortos; el orden de los temas presentados puede modificarse de acuerdo a tus conocimientos previos y necesidades de revisin de temas especficos.BeneficiosAl terminar este curso sers capaz de utilizar por ti mismo los comandos seleccionados, para cada uno de los software.Observars un aumento en tu productividad y en la calidad de los manuscritos que generas da con da.Habrs aprendido un conjunto de habilidades/destrezas altamente especializadas que te darn una ventaja competitiva para el desarrollo de tus actividades laborales y/o acadmicas incluso para competir con profesionales en cualquier parte del mundo.Porque deberas registrarse en este cursoste curso est diseado para ser una herramienta de aprendizaje indispensable para personas en cualquier rea del conocimiento interesadas en empezar a escribir, o bien para aquellos que ya escriben quiere llevar sus escritos a un nivel de calidad superior.Empezar a incrementar tu productividad de forma inmediata al terminar cada vdeo.Los comandos avanzados que se utilizan, son los mismos que emplean las empresas o escritores profesionales para producir escritos de alta calidad, tanto en revistas especializadas o incluso en captulos de libros alrededor del mundo.El curso es una herramienta de apoyo para aquellos que tienen que realizar un escrito, bien sea por motivo de trabajo (profesionales que se dedican a escribir: escritores literarios, periodistas, etc.), o porque tienen que realizar algn reporte para propsitos de titulacin (escritura de una tesis) en niveles de licenciatura y posgrado (maestra, doctorado, posdoctorado) en cualquier rea del conocimiento."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Utiliza DropBox-Camtasia como aplicaciones para Publicacion." |
"Descripcin y contenidos del curso Este curso online te muestra de forma prctica los comandos que yo utilizo en DropBox y Camtasia, dos software que utilizo de forma complementaria al proceso de publicacin cientfica, uno de ellos como respaldo de archivos o medio de comunicacin entre investigadores (para compartir informacin) y el segundo para crear y editar vdeos que en algunas ocasiones forman parte en la actualidad del proceso de difusin por Internet de un manuscrito que se enva a publicacin cientfica y/o academica; ya sea en revistas o captulos de libros que tienen una distribucin internacional. En estos videos, te comparto mis secretos para asegurar tu xito en la publicacin cientfica / escritura acadmica utilizando las herramientas de software disponibles en la actualidad. Aprenders los aspectos prcticos para utilizar comandos especficos, en cada uno de los o fuerzas presentados, para poder realizar tareas especializadas. stas son funciones que los profesionales usualmente se guardan como sus secretos para el xito: DropBox, respaldo de tus archivos en la nube en tiempo real. Descripcin de la plataforma en Internet y costos.12 casos avanzados para utilizar Dropbox.Otros 10 casos adicionales para utilizar Dropbox. Camtasia, captura videos de la pantalla de tu computadora. Breve descripcin del software y compatibilidad.Descripcin de las diferentes modalidades de captura.Relacin de la produccin de video y el proceso de publicacin cientfica. Dinmica de enseanza y recursos educativos La enseanza lo largo del curso se basa en la presentacin de vdeos que pueden visualizarse en cualquier equipo electrnico con conexin a Internet. Algunas secciones (grupos de vdeos para un software especfico), pueden acompaarse de archivos complementarios los cuales podrs descargar a tu computadora utilizando los links especficos para cada archivo. Esos archivos pueden contener ejemplos que se utilizaron en los diferentes videos para reproducir los ejercicios presentados; o bien pueden ser guas de estudio, o tablas de contenido en formatos PDF, con el propsito que lleves un control de tus avances en el curso. En cualquier momento el alumno puede reproducir los ejemplos mostrados utilizando sus propios escritos. Duracin del curso El curso tiene una duracin aproximada de 65 minutos (1 hora), distribuida en 9 vdeos cortos; el orden de los temas presentados puede modificarse de acuerdo a tus conocimientos previos y necesidades de revisin de temas especficos. Beneficios Al terminar este curso sers capaz de utilizar por ti mismo los comandos seleccionados, para cada uno de los software. Observars un aumento en tu productividad y en la calidad de los manuscritos que generas da con da. Habrs aprendido un conjunto de habilidades/destrezas altamente especializadas que te darn una ventaja competitiva para el desarrollo de tus actividades laborales y/o acadmicas incluso para competir con profesionales en cualquier parte del mundo. Porque deberas registrarse en este curso ste curso est diseado para ser una herramienta de aprendizaje indispensable para personas en cualquier rea del conocimiento interesadas en empezar a escribir, o bien para aquellos que ya escriben quiere llevar sus escritos a un nivel de calidad superior. Empezar a incrementar tu productividad de forma inmediata al terminar cada vdeo. Los comandos avanzados que se utilizan, son los mismos que emplean las empresas o escritores profesionales para producir escritos de alta calidad, tanto en revistas especializadas o incluso en captulos de libros alrededor del mundo. El curso es una herramienta de apoyo para aquellos que tienen que realizar un escrito, bien sea por motivo de trabajo (profesionales que se dedican a escribir: escritores literarios, periodistas, etc.), o porque tienen que realizar algn reporte para propsitos de titulacin (escritura de una tesis) en niveles de licenciatura y posgrado (maestra, doctorado, posdoctorado) en cualquier rea del conocimiento."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Lectura > AccelareaderEscritura > Dragon NaturallySpeaking" |
"Descripcin y contenidos del curso Este curso online te muestra de forma prctica los comandos que yo utilizo en los software Accelareader y Dragon NaturallySpeaking, el primero trabaja cuando ests conectado a Internet, y te permite aumentar tu velocidad de lectura en ms del 500%; el segundo es un software que instalas en tu computadora y te sorprender como puedes exponencial tu productividad para escribir manuscrito que quieras publicar en las reas cientfica y/o acadmica; ya que el software escribe por ti a velocidades sorprendentes; no tendrs dificultad en crear manuscritos para revistas y libros con una calidad internacional. En estos videos, te comparto mis secretos para asegurar tu xito en la publicacin cientfica / escritura acadmica utilizando las herramientas de software disponibles en la actualidad. Aprenders los aspectos prcticos para utilizar comandos especficos, en cada uno de los o fuerzas presentados, para poder realizar tareas especializadas. stas son funciones que los profesionales usualmente se guardan como sus secretos para el xito: Accelareader, aumenta tu velocidad de lectura mas de un 500%. Sitio en Internet y descripcin del software.Compatibilidad con sistemas operativos.Ejemplo de lectura acelerada en lnea. Dragon NaturallySpeaking, dicta con tu voz a la computadora. Descripcin del sitio en Internet.Precio y compatibilidad con sistemas operativos.Comandos para el dictado en Word, Excel, PowerPoint y correo electrnico. Dinmica de enseanza y recursos educativos La enseanza lo largo del curso se basa en la presentacin de vdeos que pueden visualizarse en cualquier equipo electrnico con conexin a Internet. Algunas secciones (grupos de vdeos para un software especfico), pueden acompaarse de archivos complementarios los cuales podrs descargar a tu computadora utilizando los links especficos para cada archivo. Esos archivos pueden contener ejemplos que se utilizaron en los diferentes videos para reproducir los ejercicios presentados; o bien pueden ser guas de estudio, o tablas de contenido en formatos PDF, con el propsito que lleves un control de tus avances en el curso. En cualquier momento el alumno puede reproducir los ejemplos mostrados utilizando sus propios escritos. Duracin del curso El curso tiene una duracin aproximada de 62 minutos (1 hora), distribuida en 9 vdeos cortos; el orden de los temas presentados puede modificarse de acuerdo a tus conocimientos previos y necesidades de revisin de temas especficos. Beneficios Al terminar este curso sers capaz de utilizar por ti mismo los comandos seleccionados, para cada uno de los software. Observars un aumento en tu productividad y en la calidad de los manuscritos que generas da con da. Habrs aprendido un conjunto de habilidades/destrezas altamente especializadas que te darn una ventaja competitiva para el desarrollo de tus actividades laborales y/o acadmicas incluso para competir con profesionales en cualquier parte del mundo. Porque deberas registrarse en este curso ste curso est diseado para ser una herramienta indispensable para personas que quieren aumentar su productividad en cualquier rea del conocimiento, y por ende su aprendizaje, y adems estn interesadas en empezar a escribir, o bien para aquellos que ya escriben quiere llevar sus escritos a un nivel de calidad superior. Empezar a incrementar tu productividad de forma inmediata al terminar cada vdeo. Los comandos avanzados que se utilizan, son los mismos que emplean las empresas o escritores profesionales para producir escritos de alta calidad, tanto en revistas especializadas o incluso en captulos de libros alrededor del mundo. El curso es una herramienta de apoyo para aquellos que tienen que realizar un escrito, bien sea por motivo de trabajo (profesionales que se dedican a escribir: escritores literarios, periodistas, etc.), o porque tienen que realizar algn reporte para propsitos de titulacin (escritura de una tesis) en niveles de licenciatura y posgrado (maestra, doctorado, posdoctorado) en cualquier rea del conocimiento."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Set Business Goals like Google with Objectives & Key Results" |
"By the end of this step-by-step guide, you'll be able to set your business goals in Objectives & Key Results format (OKRs), like how Google sets and runs with their business targets.Modern businesses face a great amount of uncertainty and rapidly changing market realities. This is why big or small successful businesses like Intel, Google, Oracle, Twitter, and Zynga run with the new standard of setting goals with Objectives and Key Results or OKRs.This is designed for you to successful set your OKRs as fast as possible; no beating around the bush. We'll cover foundations of managing goals, the steps for setting your OKRs, and how to execute on your newly set objectives and key results.If you're a business owner with a strong drive to run as fast as Google and no time to waste, this course is for you. This step-by-step tutorial comes with the essential information you need to get started with OKRs today.Cut down expenses and focus on your game-changing goals by enrolling now!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"O Curso Completo de Ingls Do ZERO Ao Intermedirio" |
"Cansou de estudar ingls SEM aprender ingls?Tentando seguir um mtodo de ingls online, mas achando tudo difcil demais? Voc comea a estudar toda segunda-feira, desiste, e promete a comear novamente na semana que vem com a mesma estratgia? Ento voc precisa de O Curso Completo de Ingls Do ZERO Ao Intermedirio que pe o ingls na sua mente, acaba com suas dvidas, e leva voc a fluncia no ingls. ISSO MUDA TUDO!Voc CONSEGUE aprender ingls usando O Curso Completo de Ingls. Aqui, voc comea a falar desde a primeira lio!Precisa passar no vestibular? Quer conhecer pessoas de outros pases?Voc est no lugar CERTO!O Curso Completo de Ingls a maneira mais fcil e eficaz da internet para aprender ingls. Este curso um ponto central onde voc pode aprender tudo que voc precisa.Este curso te orienta nos pontos mais importantes da lngua inglesa e te guia, passo-a-passo, para a fluncia no ingls.Todos os vdeos gravados em 4K.O que voc vai aprenderNeste curso, voc ganha acesso ilimitado a mais 201 aulas de ingls, profissionalmente organizadas e planejadas, para facilitar e acelerar o seu aprendizado. O ingls NUNCA ficou to fcil!Dividido em 13 sesses, o Curso Completo de Ingls ajuda voc a finalmente o ingls!100% Garantido!Tudo bem, prometo a DEVOLUO de 100% do seu dinheiro.AprendePronuncia de nativoO que significa ""it""Como usar ""in"" e ""on""Como se pronuncia ""THE""Como descrever as coisas em inglsComo fazer perguntasComo fazer comprasComo comprar roupas online em inglsE muito, muito mais!"
Price: 489.99 ![]() |
"Edgar Cayce on Discovering Your Soul's Purpose" |
"One of the core concepts in the voluminous Edgar Cayce teachings is that our life has a purpose, and our soul has a special reason for being here now. We also have innate talents and gifts that can be activated and used with our core strengths to meet our spiritual ideal and mission in life. Using this self-study, body-mind-spirit course, you'll discover your talents, strengths, and even your weaknesses through course content and workbooks, and learn how to work with your dreams and use meditation for insights. The course includes video lessons by long-time researcher and consciousness instructor Dr. Mark Thurston, Jungian instructor Raye Mathis, and life coach Lynn Sparrow Christy, along with a downloadable workbook."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"SketchUp BootCamp: Creating Interiors with SketchUp" |
"Do you need to add some digital modeling skills to your toolbag of design tools but are concerned about the time and expense of mastering a program? SketchUp has a low learning curve but produces incredible results. It's easy enough that they teach it in elementary schools, but powerful enough to be utilized by most architecture and design firms. I focus on teaching the most efficient way to use SketchUp and the most important tools for you to quickly add SketchUp to your workflow for designing and presenting interiors to your clientsor for your own home.Quickly Learn the Best SketchUp Tools for Modeling Your HomePart 1 covers the basics of SketchUp and best use practices for all its toolsStep-by-step projects include:A seris of mini-projects to learn all the basic toolsBuilding a simple cabin from a hand-drawn floorplanImporting and placing components from the 3D WarehouseLearning the basics of applying materialsAfter this initial section, you'll have a solid grounding in SketchUp to begin creating some simple models.Part 2 refines your skills by working on a condo model.You'll learn:Creating a building from a floorplanWorking with groups, layers, and scenes as your model becomes more complexOther resources for finding and creating custom materialsWorking with dynamic componentsUsing shadows and styles to improve how SketchUp displaysUtilizing the FollowMe Tool to create complex geometry such as crown moldingsCreating Sections, Elevations, and simple dimensioned drawingsExporting ImagesBy the end of the series, you'll be comfortable creating detailed interiors in SketchUp and you'll have learned to enjoy drawing with SketchUp!SketchUp is an Easy-to-learn yet Powerful Tool that still is Incredibly Fun to Use.This course has 35 lessons and 5.5 hours of content. It includes an 85 page manual that we follow step-by-step throughout the course that you can refer to later. You can watch the lessons over and over until you master each.By the end, you will confidently be able to create whatever you like with SketchUp. This class provides a great overview of how to use SketchUp efficiently and provides extra specific information relevant to interiors, such as importing real materials, kitchen design, and creating final images for clients. I teach SketchUp is a series of small projects adding skills in each one. I start with a general overview using the basic skills, move on to a small cabin, and then create a condo from a floorplan. Since I've taught this class to hundreds of students, I know the questions that will arise and the problems you might have, and I've tried to proactively answer them in the course. SketchUp is a design language that you and your customers can understand. With HGTV a permanent fixture in the mind and expectations of clients, you need to master a program that will help communicate and convince your clients of your design solutions. If you're searching for a job in the design field, you'll find many positions that require you to have a familiarity with SketchUp. SketchUp is an easy-to-learn and affordable software that still is a powerful design tool to utilize in investigating possible solutions to a design problem."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Glory Foundations Class - A Course in Sustainable Bliss" |
"A life of genuine wholeness and fulfillment can often seem too good to be true. Spirituality, religion, and self help have come up short so many times. But, isn't there still a cry in our hearts for real heavenly life? This course aims to re-look at the primary message of Jesus Christ as an authentic answer to the quest for life and peace. Through twelve sessions of Christ centered exploration a foundation is laid for sustainable heaven on earth bliss!Dive Deep Into A Naturally Supernatural Life of Heaven on EarthIn Depth Identity-Based Discipleship Class Sessions w/ Matt SpinksOptional Homework Assignments and Accompanying Scriptures for Each SessionAll Sessions are Presence Focused yet Include Practical Tips for Glory LifeExperience True Discipleship from a Joy and Bliss Based CurriculumJesus Christ himself taught his disciples many beautiful and powerful truths. He told them to pass these along to others. Yet, the reality of becoming a Christ disciple has often been portrayed as a boring, manipulative, unattractive process. This is not how it was intended! Jesus is an ecstatically happy, spontaneous, passionate being! And, He spoke of His yoke as being easy, and his burden light. Being who you are in Christ is the most natural, effortless, and ecstatic experience ever to be. Discovering this Way of life as a real part of your long term awareness will bear incredible fruit!Many discipleship programs or Bible schools will discourage you, albeit unintentionally, by locking you into self-efforts, or a non-inclusive, judgmental mentality. There have been many distractions from the ecstasy of living as a genuine new creation in Christ. The Glory Foundations Class curriculum, with Matt Spinks, is a simple easy to understand collection of powerful pointers unto a whole new world. It is dripping with the life and authenticity of Papa, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, and may just be the catalyst you are looking for to live daily in heaven on earth!Contents and OverviewThis course contains 12 specifically developed classes and more than 15 hours of raw content. It's designed for anyone, regardless of experience level, who wishes to re-visit the foundations of a life of naturally supernatural Christ life.In this course, you will be reminded in each session of your wholeness in Jesus Christ, and how that wholeness can manifest practically into a life that experiences heaven on earth.It includes discussion regarding frequently asked questions, seeming pitfalls and misunderstandings, as well as practical down to earth tips.And, finally, you'll learn how to literally express the life of Jesus through your life, by the Love of the Father, in the power and Glory of the Holy Spirit .By the end of this course, you'll be given a wide spectrum and variety of revelatory insights into reality, as well as tips on how to apply them joyously and effortlessly in real life. You will feel empowered in key areas so that you will confidently know that the God life has always been yours. You will be experiencing this life. You will see the fountains of living water flowing out of your innermost being to refresh all things!What are the requirements?A willingness to learn and consider scandalous against the "status-quo" realitiesWhat am I going to get from this course?12 sessions and more than 15 hours of content!By the end of this course you will have been exposed to the clear Gospel of Jesus Christ and His liberating power to live in heaven on earth.You will have been given a clear picture of the Finished Work of Christ and a child-like, yet mature understanding of it's implications.You will have been given practical tools to enjoy a happy marriage, family, occupation, callings, finance, community, and many other areas.You will be more creative, ecstatic, and capable of thinking in a completely new way.What is the target audience?Spiritual seekers of all kindsPeople new to the Finished Work of Jesus Christ, the Glory, or GraceAnyone who wants to be encouraged or refreshed in their experience of life"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Egyptian Arabic Absolute Beginner's Workshop" |
"Egyptian Arabic is a spoken language that is highly interactive, and the best way to master it is by actually interacting with people. This course aims to give you key expressions and phrases that you can use to immediately begin communicating. You will learn how to engage in simple, friendly conversations that signal respect for the person and the culture, and an eagerness to learn.Start learning Egyptian Arabic by mastering the interactive, relational building blocks given in this course. Vocabulary that lets you greet people, say goodbye, engage in polite exchanges and ask key questions Information about when to use formal or informal variations, depending on who you're talking to Useful functional words and expressions that you'll need for your next steps, including numbers, pronouns, questions, and requests Communicate from Day 1 to accelerate your learning of Egyptian ArabicThis course will focus on giving you initial tools that you can use to interact, right away. These are not randomly chosen vocabulary items. They are foundational words and expressions that will allow you to begin to interact in Egyptian Arabic. You will learn the initial Arabic you need to start connecting relationally with Egyptians. The vocabulary that you will use, once you have completed the course, will immediately signal to the people with whom you are speaking that you appreciate and respect them, you enjoy their language and culture, and that you want to learn more. It will position you to take advantage of the friendliness and outgoingness of most Egyptians, as you interact with them in an open, friendly, interested way."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"React JS Quick Start" |
"Freshly updated to include links to the source code for each of the code examples so that you can follow along. Thanks for the feedback!This course is designed to quickly get you creating applications with React in less than two hours. The course will start by covering the main concepts of React, describing how a simple application works and breaking down the core React APIs. You will then be able to code an application using React where you will gain the hands-on experience to bulid your own application or integrate React into your current website.Learn how to get started with React, the core concepts and create an application in less than two hours. What will you learn?Understanding React JSSetting up a development environmentCreating ComponentsComponent LifecycleBuilding an applicationWhat do you need?A ComputerBasic JavaScript KnowledgeUnderstanding of HTMLYou should take this course if you want to gain the understanding and toolset to build an application with React today."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build a REST API with node.js, ExpressJS, and MongoDB" |
"This course is designed to help you get off the ground building a REST API in NodeJS that you can use for your web or mobile application. This course will provide you with the tools and understanding of how to go about building an API server, accessing and manipulating data via this API. The database will be a MongoDB instance and you will be utilizing NodeJS to commnicate with that database and the client using the ExpressJS framework. This API will be able to serve data to web clients as well as mobile applications.If you want to learn how to leverage the power of NodeJS and build a powerful API for your application you should take this course. The material will be covered in a manner that flows with how you would create an application in the wild so you can train your thought process to build your next great app."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Web Designing : Five Projects In CSS From Scratch" |
"Be the front end wizard with this unique course. We bring together a curriculum where you will learn all the tips and tricks of CSS and HTML design while building five awesome projects. It will help you master different aspects of front end programming and will show you all the best development practices. The following projects have been specially selected to be part of this course. Brighter ,Maximus ,Creative Juice,Curvy & Clean,Philosophy Homepages. Description: We will create an HTML/CSS landing page which will feature a header & footer, a list with image bullet points, an HTML form and a testimonial block. The page will be completely Fix. We will be using reset as well. Features/Technologies: HTML, CSS3, Web Forms, Lists, Reset Files,The course starts with the basics. I'll show you the tips and tricks to work effortlessly with web technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript.You'll find learning both quick and fun. And, I've used techniques proven to effortlessly lock that knowledge in, as you gallop through each comprehensive chapter. It's a one-stop-shop for everything you need to start creating professional websites that engage visitors, call them to action and ultimately - make you money! This fast, effective course takes you easily from zero skills to fee-earning web developer.What are the requirements?No pre-knowledge required Any computer - Windows, OSX or Linux No special software requiredWhat am I going to get from this course?Over 25 and 4 hours of content! Develop a website Learn how to make beautiful, interactive websites Earn money from your new skillsWhat is the target audience?Anyone wanting to learn how to build website People wanting to make a living (or side-income) from web designing"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Sketch Curves using Calculus" |
"Curve Sketching is an incredibly useful tool in mathematical problem solving, as well as an opportunity to improve and test your algebraic understanding.As you study mathematics through school and college to degree level, your algebraic skills will be increasingly tested. In order to become a strong mathematician, you need to understand what the algebra is telling you. Curve Sketching is often examinable and can be a challenging topic to master due to the multitude of techniques that need to be learnt. This course is here to help.Computer programs like Autograph, Desmos, Maple and Matlab can all plot curves, but understanding why a curve behaves the way it does relies on your understanding of algebra and calculus. Using techniques that we will learn on this course, you will be able to successfully sketch complicated functions and learn about the behaviour of different graphs.The course is structured so that you will learn about Graph Transformations and Differentiation and its uses in the initial sections. You will not need to have met these concepts before. I go through Differentiation from its basics, through the derivatives of different functions, and up to the Chain Rule, Product Rule and Quotient Rule.We then start Sketching, and within this we will learn many different techniques along the way.Linear Graphs:Find where the graph crosses the coordinate axes.Learn how to deal with different forms of Linear equations.Quadratic Graphs: Learn methods of Factorising.Learn how to use the Quadratic Formula.Learn about the Discriminant and what it tells us.Learn how to Complete the Square.Cubics and Higher Polynomials:Learn about the Remainder Theorem and the Factor Theorem.Learn how to perform and use Polynomial Division.Rational Functions:Learn about Asymptotes and how to determine how each section of the graph behaves.Learn how to determine how a graph behaves for large positive or negative values of x.Trigonometric Functions:Learn about sin(x), cos(x) and tan(x) from the Unit Circle.Learn how to sketch cosec(x), sec(x) and cot(x).Learn how to sketch transformations of each trigonometric curve.Exponential and Logarithmic Functions:Learn about e^x and be introduced to Logarithms.Learn about the Laws of Logarithms.Learn how to solve equations involving Exponentials and Logarithms.Modulus Functions:Learn about x and how to sketch a host of graphs involving the Modulus Function. Learn about the difference between y = f(x) and y = f(x).Each of these sections is introduced from scratch and involves several worked examples and exercises for you to complete. There are several quizzes to try along the way to test your understanding, and if there are any problems please do not hesitate to start a discussion and ask for help. With over 100 lectures and 13 hours of content, this course is perfect for anybody studying a Calculus course or A-Level Mathematics, or for those wanting to test and improve their mathematical ability before tackling a Mathematics-related undergraduate degree course at university."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Recruitment for startups: How to avoid common pitfalls" |
"*30 day money back guaranteee* - "You have nothing to lose and everything to gain."Are you scared of taking your first steps to hiring?Worried about the cost of recruitment?Fearful of making mistakes and ending up with a bad employee?This course is designed to walk you through the most common pitfalls and mistakes that business owners and managers make when recruiting.What you get:Legal advice most employers ignore or get wrongStep by step actionable tipsA clear structure to build your recruitment strategyA re-useable model that you can use multiple timesHow the course is structured7 video lectures with over 2 hours of contentRegular tips on the most common mistakesHomework assignments to cement your learning Invitation to join/start a discussion on the Udemy Board with other course participantsWho should take this courseStartups who are expanding their business for the first timeBusiness owners who have made hiring mistakes in the past and want to get it rightBusiness owners who are serious about saving both time and money Business owners who want to stay out of expensive employment tribunalsI'm on the discussion board 3 times a week so will be on hand to answer questions, give updates and add new content to the course.Each module is around 15 minutes long and has an assignment that will take around an hour to complete. You get out of it, what you put in, so do the assignments, come an talk to us in the discussion board and you will get so much more out of the course.Remember, every minute that you delay in taking this course is another minute taking you further away from your ideal job candidate."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Get Knowledge for College Boot Camp" |
"The College Search and College Application process can be daunting and overwhelming!As a parent of a high school student -- would you base one of the most important decisions of your child's life on a 15-minute conference with a high school counselor? Or a 1-hour meeting in a school cafeteria?You will learn how -James - a highly-intelligent, gifted athlete and high school student whose dreams of getting into West Point were crushed and left this student devastated...all because his parent's made this one HUGE mistake!Let's face it.You're going to spend between $20,000-$300,000 on college tuition.Before you do, let College Preparation Expert -- Michael Mastroianni -- give you a few valuable ""knowledge-gold bars"" -- so that you and your teen can begin preparing for College.Do you have countless hours to spare -- to gain the know-how to navigate through the maze of websites, search for a college, a financial aid package OR select the right major for your child?Michael can prepare your teen to navigate the ins and outs of College Admission and Financial aid. Lectures include: The 3 Biggest Mistakes that Will Sabotage Your Child's College Admission, What College Admission Option is Best for Your Child, How to Plan for College, and much, much more.This course will introduce you to the vast expertise and knowledge of Michael Mastroianni-- who has helped THOUSANDS of high school students and their parents apply for and get accepted into colleges that best suited them.You can invest in the rest of his materials through the Get Knowledge for College Mastery program."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Get Knowledge for College Mastery Course" |
"Did you know that the College Preparation process actually starts when your child is in 9th Grade?In this Course, College Preparation Expert -- Michael Mastroianni -- will guide you through the MAZE, nay, the JUNGLE of the College Search, College Preparation and College Admission process.Michael will give you the ROADMAP and massively valuable ""knowledge-gold bars"" in this Course -- so that you and your teen can begin preparing for College NOW.As a parent of a high school student -- would you base one of the most important decisions of your child's life on a 15-minute conference with a High School Counselor? Or a 1-hour meeting in a School Cafeteria?The College Search and College Application process can be daunting and overwhelming!Let's face it.You're going to spend between $20,000-$135,000 on college tuition.Before you do, let College Preparation Expert -- Michael Mastroianni -- give you and your child the UNFAIR ADVANTAGE.Do you have countless hours to spare -- to gain the know-how to navigate through the maze of websites, search for a college, a financial aid package OR select the right major for your child?Michael can prepare your team to navigate the ins and outs of College Admission and Financial aid.Section 1 -- Did you know that College Preparation starts in the 9th Grade? Find out WHY and WHAT to do -- so that you can set up your child for incredible success in the College Application and College Preparation process.Section 2 -- Selecting a College and a Major. You'll receive the ""Get Knowledge for College -- Customized College Planning for Parents"" Kit and valuable takeaways from each Lecture.Session 3 -- Acing the Admissions Process. Learn about the ACT, the SAT, What Colleges Look for in Applicants, and What College Admissions Options best suit you and your child.Session 4 -- A+ Applications. Here's where you get Proven Success Strategies for filling out College Applications, your child can learn tested Interview Skills, write a Winning Resume, write a College Essay that Gets the Admission Director's attention instead of it being DENIED, and make the final College decision a piece of cake.Session 5 -- Financial Aid and Scholarships. You'll save hundreds of hours from having to wade through the massive number of college websites and voluminous information about financial aid. This Session alone is worth the entire investment you'll make in this Advanced course.Session 6 -- As an outstanding and valuable BONUS, Michael is giving away not only his Tested Principles, Proven Strategies and Tactics on how to successfully apply for and get into the college of your choice, but also how your child can THRIVE and succeed in college.This ADVANCED course will bring the vast expertise and knowledge of Michael right to your home. He has helped THOUSANDS of high school students (with their parents) apply for and get accepted into colleges that best suited them."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn Javascript from Scratch in 1.5 hr" |
"No matter what is your motivation to become a pro web developer, you've come to the right place. Have you ever wanted to gain knowledge of how to do coding but didn't know where to begin? This is a best course to start. JavaScript is simple to learn and it is in demand? Coding is the most in demand skills .If you take this lesson you will start the best process of learning to code which will lead you to a better life."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn HTML5 in just 53 minutes" |
"The course provides a complete coverage of HTML 5 knowledge. The course is divided in 6 sections after completion of this course you will be able to create great HTML 5 webpage with new HTML 5 tags. Learning how to code can get you a better career and lead to a better future. This course starts you off with the basic coding language of HTML 5. This is a very condensed 50 minutes tutorial that will show you how to code in HTML 5. Take this course and begin your journey to be a web development master."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn PHP from Scratch" |
"Do you need to sharp your PHP skills? Do you want to become a web developer? Then you're in the right place!Learning how to code can get you a better job and lead to a better future. This course starts you off with the basic coding language of PHP. This is a very condensed 1 hour 27 min's tutorial series that will show you how to code in PHP. Enroll to begin your journey to be a web development master.PHP is an open source (free) scripting language that allows you to create dynamic websites and work with servers. PHP is now used on over 20 million websites and over 1 million servers worldwide."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Python from scratch" |
"Do you want to become a Developer?If you want to learn programming or are learning Python for the first time, then you've come to the right place!Python is one of the most important programming language and must be part of any programmer repertoire worth their salt. Python as a general purpose high level programming language is known for its simplicity. It provides constructs which allows developer to create software with fewer lines of code enabling better readability and less complexity. It also supports multiple programming styles such as functional, object oriented, procedural and imperative.Python is a powerful, modern programming language that has the capabilities required for experienced programmers, while being easy enough for beginners to learn. Python is a well-developed, stable, and fun programming language that is suitable for complex and simple development projects. Programmers love Python because of how simple and easy it is to use.This course has everything you need to get started with Python. We'll first start with the basics of Python - learning about strings, variables, and data types. Then, we'll move on conditionals. Once we're done with that, we'll learn about functions and files in Python.I hope you're excited to dive into Python with this course. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!This course has been created for absolute beginners. You will start the training from the ground up and will get to know the python language and its potential in and out. We have kept the learn-ability curve pretty straight forward for this course. But this course will teach you advance python programming also. There are numerous practical coding examples to cement your concepts."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to build dynamic website in PHP & MySQL" |
"Learn to create Dynamic Website from scratch in PHP & MySQLi, building a website with database connectivity. Building a dynamic website had never been easier from scratch before this course. This Dynamic Web Design with PHP and MySQLi training course will give you a working understanding of these important technologies and show you how to use them to create your own impressive websites. This course gradually shows you how to build the necessary components and underlying framework of your site. It goes through installation of PHP and MySQL technologies on your local machine, explains basic tags, command, and helps you build and work within a solid back-end database."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Swift From Scratch" |
"Swift is one of the fastest growing programming language and is now the most preferred technology for iOS and Mac Development. Swift enables you to build applications for iOS devices and for the Mac. It has been newly released to replace Objective-C.Learn how to use the software that is used to make millions of dollars .Have you ever wanted to learn how to code in swift? This course is for you.Learning how to code is a great way to jump in a new career or enhance your current career. Coding is the new math and learning how to code will propel you forward for any situation. You will also get experience working with Xcode.People who can master technology will rule the future. Learn it today and get a head start for tomorrow.You will get full lifetime access to this course for a single one off fee."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Swift And Create 2 Apple Watch Applications" |
"We'll cover the basics of Swift and the Apple watch programming.The best part is that no prior programming experience is required.I will not be teaching wordy or complicated computer science philosophies. I will be teaching you how to make apps that you can play with, share with friends & family, and offer to the world.Beginners: You don't need any programming experience to take this class. I have been the absolute beginner before and I want to help you.Professionals: professionals who want to earn money professionally via contract work, consulting, full-time employment, and so forth.The course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to Swift, so that you can begin experimenting right away. Upon completion, you will understand the foundations of Swift code and will be able to develop custom Apple Watch Applications. From basics to high level code, you'll know how to code the app of your dreams, and be able to put it in the Apple App Store if you want.You'll learn to code about Two different apps. This is core code development taught in a style where you effortlessly learn the concepts.This course is project based so you will not be learning a bunch of useless coding practices. At the end of this course you will have real world apps to use in your portfolio."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn Python From Basic to Advance." |
"Do you want to become a Python programmer? Python is one of the most demanded skill sets in today's job marketPython is a well developed, Reliable and fun to use programming language. If you want to learn how to program in python programming language, our Python from Basic to Advance course is the right python training course for you. Learn on your own time and at your own pace, just be sure to learn this stuff. Inthis Python Basic to Advance course, Instructor Shibli Murtaza will teach youhow to quickly write your programs in Python! You will also learn how to createcustom Functions and how to deal with advance concepts in Python. Thisextensive course covers the fundamentals of Python as well as the more advancedconcepts such as handling Errors and Send Email with Python.Programmerslove Python because of how simple and easy it is to use. We will first startwith the basics of Python learning about variables, strings, and data types.Then, we will move on to conditionals and loops. Once we're done with that,we'll learn about functions and files in Python.Ihope you're excited to Learn Python. So what are you waiting for? Let's getstarted!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Yogapalooza! Music & Activities for Kids Yoga w/ Bari Koral" |
"Yoga with a dancing bear! Popping like popcorn! Balancing poses with a gingerbread man! Discover a whole new world of proven and beloved songs, activities and tools that teach children the love of yoga and movement and relaxation.Whether you are already teaching kids yoga, or just need a place to start, you will walk away with many great activities, songs, tips and lots of proven ideas that you can immediately incorporate into the classroom. This workshop includes background, philosophy and many ways to incorporate yoga throughout the school day and is ideal for preschool teachers, kids yoga teachers, elementary school teachers and anyone who wants to begin or continue incorporating yoga and mindfulness in the classroom or at home. Certificate: Upon completing workshop, Bari will personally verify course has been completed and email you a certificate. Please email: upon completion to obtain certificate.A Sample of What You Will Learn: A whole new range of proven, beloved and highly requested activities and songs to immediately bring into kids' classes. Learn to sleep"" like a pony in the barn, hang"" upside down like a bat in a bat cave and much more. * Effective and fun breathing activities that help children wind down, focus and self regulate. * How to incorporate relaxation time in the classroom in ways that will be successful and that children will love, request and look forward to. ""Bari Koral is the preeminent authority for Kids music for Yoga for young children. Kids love to dance, move and sing to Bari's well-crafted, wonderfully produced recordings. Her yoga/music and movement curriculum is widely used by educational programs worldwide. But most importantly... kids and teachers just plain love it."" -Greg Scelsa: Greg & Steve"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The Lost Goddess; An Exploration of Herstory" |
"For nearly 30,000 years the primary concept of the Divine was feminine in form. Join us on this walk through HERstory as we take a multidisciplinary approach and examine the META myth to uncover the mysteries of the disappearance of the Goddess culture and the rise of the patriarchal model of society. This course is comprised of a series of slides and lectures and includes:Over twenty lessons (Approximately 2 hours)Links to video interviews with experts in mythology and archaeology (Each video is approximately one hour long)Lecture handouts for printing and note takingLinks to resources (Audio of the story "Math son of Mathonwy" or read the story approximately one hour)A List of resourcesAudio/visual recital of mythsAn Audio/visual Goddess Meditation"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"How to pivot? Find best formula for your product or service!" |
"This course is recommended for business owners or product/service designers who may have experienced failure with their products or services, so that they can re-design and find the right formula as quickly and as accurately for their products and services as possible - to ensure their competitiveness and success in the market place, or for launching new products or services from scratch. Ensuring the right design for your product or service will increase the customer acceptance rate (acceptance rate == ratio of how many times customers choose to accept your product or service after considering it vs. how many times they choose to reject your product or service), and as a result will help you grow sales, revenue and market share. If you're following the Lean Startup model (by Eric Ries), part of the ""fail fast"" process is to pivot from time to time to find a better direction or approach for your product or service. This course is intended to help with figuring out 'where and how to pivot' .In order to decide about where and how to pivot, one would have to come up with some options, ideally options that are likely to make your product or your service successful and competitive in as a few iterations as possible, as opposed to trying to pivot in 'random' directions over and over again until the right formula can be found.After taking this course, instead of 'randomly shooting in the dark' you will be able to find the best formulas to use for pivoting that are optimized by design to address the most important and most urgent customer values. This course introduces a common language with specific terms and concepts, which can simplify collaboration across multiple people and streamline the communication within the organization to better achieve and maintain a shared understanding about what the target customers value and why (customer values) as well as background for the design decisions being made. The training materials include a step-by-step guidance on how to apply incremental and iterative, highly agile process, toidentify the most important (and often, most urgent) customer needs and values that your products or services can targetensure that your product or service provides more benefit, more value in comparison with the investment the customers would need to make (By investment we mean the price the customer would need to pay, or amount of energy, effort or time they will need to spend, or any change the customers would need to agree to make in their condition or their situation to take advantage of your product or service).ensure that your product or service provides more benefit and value in comparison with other alternatives the customers may consider.Addressing these 3 key requirements will help ensure high customer acceptance of your product or service, as well as their competitiveness.One important point. After completing the Course Overview section, as you start with the second Section called 'Key Concepts & Techniques', we recommend that you start applying the offered approach for your products and services while taking the course, one lecture, one step at a time. We recommend that you do NOT move to the next lecture until you have a chance to internalize and apply the introduced concepts in each of the lectures to your business area, to your product or service first, and complete at least one cycle, one iteration, or one increment of the proposed process (using the offered templates and formats for each of the target documents). So, what will be required from you to complete this course:1) Time - Allocate 2 hours to study the course content, and 3-5 days (with your team if applicable) to practice applying the methodology taught in this course to make design decisions about your product or services to prepare for the next pivot.2) Money - Pay for the course fee (currently its $299)If your business is already maxed out, and is highly successful and no help is needed, you may choose not to go for it right now. But if you have some room to grow, or if your products or services do not yet generate high enough acceptance rate, you may need to pivot, to adjust the design of your products or services. This would require an investment of time and money. Investing $299 to pay for the course (as its currently priced) and a week of your time should be doable, even if your company is only making currently $100K/year, or, especially, if youre just starting out.Our methodology will help you increase the customer acceptance rate by design, which will increase your revenue and marketing as soon as the design decisions are implemented, typically within one year, and help avoid many person*months of your or your teams time shooting in the dark, trying to find the sweet spot by guessing or by making a leap of faith that the approach you'currently pursuing will work. If you do find it difficult to apply the taught approach for your company products and services, please contact us directly and we will be happy to offer a personalized, custom-tailored service for your needs.So why wait, start now and give it a try. We offer 30-day money back guarantee!Please note that this course does NOT get intoassessment of the market opportunity (e.g. to ensure that there is enough demand),development of the go-to-market strategy (it will be addressed in another course).The methodology taught in this course was originally developed for and applied primarily in high-tech industry, however it may be applicable to other industries, government services, public sector organizations as well as non profits, or for in-house internal initiatives within a company."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Boosting Quality Through Effective Self-Assessment" |
"Standards alone do not boost the quality of a child care program. Consistent, appropriate, effective practice and assessment go a long way to increase the level of quality a program provides.Join me as we take a serious look at the partnership between standards, practice, and assessment. We will discuss, in broad terms, the ways in which each component supports or hinders quality. We will design a bullet-proof self-assessment questionnaire that you cannot fail. Finally, we will discover how powerful personality and learning styles are at influencing our judgement of best practice. Intended for Level 2 (skilled) and Level 3 (Mastery) early childhood professionals. This course is NAC approved for training credit through the Iowa AEYC. Some restrictions apply. For information on receiving a certificate for 1.5 hours of clock time towards your NAC accreditation or renewal of creditation, please contact the instructor prior to enrolling in the course as special discounts may be available.Course Objectives:After taking this course, you will be able to:Define synergy Realize that it is the increased effectiveness of standards, practice, and assessment working together that will boost the quality of an early childhood education programRecognize that children are concrete learnersDevelop an understanding of common core strategiesIdentify ways in which the common core impacts curriculum development, practices, and assessments of both the program and the practitioners professional development.Describe how standards influence practice within an early childhood classroomIdentify one difference between licensed center and family child care programsDevelop a list of critical questions designed to help increase the quality of the current program and practicesConsider how diverse learning styles or multiple intelligences of staff and teachers are beneficial to increasing program qualityIdentify multiple learning styles and personality traits and consider how these enhance child developmentDevelop an understanding of how perceptions influence practices and performanceGain insight on the extent of influence that perceptions have on their personal views, actions, attitudes, and personal truths of not only the children in their care, but also of themselves and their colleagues.Appreciate the value and importance of diverse learning styles and personalitiesActively participate in purposeful self-discoveries through introspection and self-reflectionGain awareness and familiarity of NAEYC guidelines, positions, and standardsGain awareness of cultural competence in the classroom"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"21st Century Skills for the 21st Century Workplace" |
"This course is a must for those interested in improving their current skill levels. Are you new to working with computers and modifying digital documents? If you are used to printing out forms and documents to fill out and sign, then scanning or faxing them to where they need to go, then this course is a must for you! If you are not sure whether you have the ability to edit documents, then this course is definitely for you. Then this is the course for you. Do you want to make sure you have the 21st century skills employers are looking for now? Do you know what soft skills are? Do you know the difference between leadership and management skills? Do you want to improve your communication skills? Then let's get started!This primer course is easy to complete. Typical completion time is less than an hour! Still not sure if this course is right for you? Take the quiz in section 2 and see. If you pass, you already have the technical tools you need and can jump right in to building your skills inventory.But hurry and enroll now because the price will increase to $50 on August 10th!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Coding for beginners: learn coding by creating art" |
"[update: August 12th 2015: the default download on the Processing page is Processing 3 beta now, for this course we need the stable Processing 2.2.1 though, you can still download it if you scroll down the download page a little ][update: August 9th 2015: all videos have subtitles now!]Are you an artist who's been thinking about integrating coding into your artistic workflow but you've not yet dared to dip your feet into the vast ocean of bits and bytes? Then you've come to the right place! This course will allow you to get a sense of it all and to then decide if you want to go further down that road or not.Have you been bored to death by traditional programming courses, either in school or online, yet you are still interested in programming because you think this stuff is still kinda important to know and could, maybe, even, actually be fun after all? Well, in that case you've come to the right place as well as I'm going to try to give you a fresh view on programming!And just to be clear: this introductory course requires NO previous programming knowledge at all. It starts from zero. And there are no stupid questions so ask them in the course forum and I'll address them there."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |