Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Become a great English teacher for 2-3 year old kids" |
"2016 UPDATE: Great news! From now on, upon completion of this course, you will receive a personalized signed certificate from our school!Welcome to Early English course! Here we show you how to teach English to 2-3 year olds in a fun way. For English teachers, Early English is a very unique course which covers all the features to teach toddlers. This course helps you in not only choosing a topic and planning a lesson but making a list of useful resources and equipment. This course provides a step-by-step guide that makes classes more enjoyable for teachers as well as kids.Our course covers following core stages:Section 1- Theoretical background to teach toddlers. Section 2- Lesson planning and structure. Section 3- Learning through games and music approach. Section 4- Role of videos in teaching kids. Section 5- Useful resources and tips for teachers.By the end of this program you will be perfect in not only teaching kids English but building their interest in learning English.Early English offers 32 exciting lectures! That is really useful content and 90% of material is presented through high-quality videos so everyone can enjoy watching them.Overall, this is the course for ESL teachers and all the parents who want to teach English to their 2-3 year olds by interesting and fun way. No matter if you are a creative English teacher or a caring mother, if you want to explore your teaching experience and have different eye on toddlers, this is the right course for you! We cannot wait to share our very useful teaching tips with you and if you really want to become a cool teacher, then click ENROLL to get started!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"IELTS Vocabulary Booster 9 topics covered in one course!" |
"Learn 500+ new words to increase your band in the IELTS writing Task 2!Most IELTS students admit that writing is the hardest part of the exam. With our course, you are sure to improve your IELTS writing skills and score7+!With this course:You will learn over 500 new words with the help of the easiest explanations on the 9 basic topics used in the IELTS writing Task 2, which includes: education, health, environment, crime and punishment, food, art, globalization, technology, and outer space;You will increase your IELTS score as quickly as possible, in only about 3+ hours, which it takes to watch the video and memorize the new words;We provide contextual learning, by giving examples and pictures for even better results. All video lectures are made to be simple, entertaining, and suitable for candidates with different learning habits.Over 90 % of students enjoyed a significant increase in IELTS writing results.Enroll now!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso Unity 5 Creando un juego para PC" |
"Bienvenidos al curso gratuito de UNITY 5.En este curso gratuito aprenderemos cosas bsicas y ms avanzadas de Unity 5, tambin veremos cosas nuevas que trae como el nuevo sistema de UI muy til y fcil de usar.Unity 5 es un motor para la creacin de videojuegos, su sencillez y potencia hacen que sea uno de los ms usados actualmente. Siendo esto as nos adentramos en este curso en el que enseare todos los trucos y fases ms importantes a la hora de crear un videojuego con aspecto profesional, mi juego Invasion Of Darkness ser el ejemplo del curso.* Al final del curso seremos capaces de crear un videojuego con aspecto profesional.* Aprenderemos algunas novedades que trae unity 5* Aprenderemos a usar los componentes de la nueva UI* Seremos capaces de crear un videojuego sencillo y divertidoEspero que disfruten del cursoUn saludo."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Echo Development Basics" |
"This course is for developers who want to develop Amazon Echo skills/apps. You will be taken through Amazon Alexa examples to get started. Examples touched on this course are the well known hello world, wikipedia reading articles from a day of the year in history, and back and forth dialog from Pulp Fiction the movie. Nodejs, Amazon Lambda, and the Alexa developer portal are the main technologies used in this course. The goal of this course is for you to walk away knowing how to create basic skills for Amazon Echo. If you purchased an Echo and want to show off your development skills to friends and family this will get you started!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Fear vs Empowerment.Definition of Self Referral VS Object Referral as described by: - The Chopra Center -""Whenever you feel powerless or fearful, its because you are in a state of object-referral. You define yourself through objects, which include people, situations, titles, possessions, accomplishments. By their very nature, objects change, so as long as your identify is tied to objects or the opinion of others, your life will feel unstable. In object-referral, you feel good when your investments are appreciating, business is strong, or your romantic partner is happy with you. But when the market plummets, sales are down, and your relationship is challenged, you feel insecure and worried.Self-referral, in contrast, is identifying with your inner self the unchanging essence of your soul. In this state you have an internal sense of joy regardless of what is happening around you because you arent identified with transient objects or events. In self-referral, you experience your true being, which doesnt fear any challenge, has respect for all people, and feels beneath no one. Fear drops away and there is no compulsion to control and no struggle for approval or external power. As you experience self-referral, you pierce the mask of illusion that creates separation and fragmentation and know that you are an inextricable part of the field of infinite intelligence.""- The Chopra Center -"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Football (Soccer) Tactics" |
"Now accredited by the International Football Association of Coaches and Teachers!It is one thing to admire and enjoy a beautiful piece of work, but it is another thing altogether to understand the finer intricacies of what makes that thing beautiful. If you enjoy the game of football, but want to truly understand it on a deeper level, then this is the course for you. Through a mixture of theoretical tactics board lessons and practical analysis of clips from real football matches, this course will give you an introduction to the world of tactics. While not operating at too basic of a level, but at the same time not going into areas too complex, this course is perfect for students with an basic knowledge of a football and a desire to learn more."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Learn 4 Vital things that will make your DRUM PLAYING EASIER" |
"In this course - You will learn the 4 main things that EVERY drummer practices to create a more fluent approach to getting your drumming under control. In lecture 1 - You will download and view the 1 single page PDF that is approximately 20 years and 10s of 1000's of lessons and 100's of drumming books consolidated into 1 simple PDF. In lecture 2 - Task number 1 is all about the ABC's ( always be cleaning ) These 4 simple but fundamental exercises that will get your playing foundation in order, however these 4 exercises are not just in place to get good at these 4 exercises, But rather, to upgrade or to be injected into your current playing style to improve you playing ability. In lecture 3 - Task number 2 you will learn how to divide up the beat effectively to allow a smoother transition across different time signatures.In lecture 4 - You will be encouraged to research or study your fav drummer or at least find one to emulate as a player.In lecture 5 - we talk about learning different songs. and more importantly why. ___In lectures 6 and 7 Ive included 2 bonus rounds - Part one is a foundation to part 2.This bonus round will show you a simple but effective way to get some fancy fills happening around the kit."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide Of Weight Loss" |
"The Ultimate guide of weight loss is an amazing and complete guide for everyone, you will learn about the scientific and medical terms of weight loss,this guide is not just a plan to lose weight or a strategy to get a good shape, but it's including everything related to dieting,nutrition and physical activity. A good chance to understand medically and scientifically about the weight loss and how your body loses,Also it is designed for who is stuck at the same weight or who gains weight easily.Course Details-In Section 1: Introduction about me!-In Section 2: General medical knowledge.-Enjoy learning the scientific and medical terms related to nutrition.-Understand how your body works.-What's metabolism and the factors affect it.-What are the types of physical activities for good shape-What's the cellulite and how to reduce it.-Understand how the weight loss tablets work -What are the side effects and complications of it.-In Section 3: The most common diet mistakes.-Know what's wrong with your diet and exercise program.-Learn how to avoid that mistakes or solve it.-In section 4: The most common causes of belly fat.-What are the main causes of belly fat.-How to solve it and reduce your abdomen size now.-In Section 5: Truth behind the slimming therapies-Understand the functions of the weight loss machines-Know about the different types of the therapies.-learn what is the best therapy for you according to your concern.-My last motivational message for more success and goals achieving."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Super Men's Health" |
"Premature Ejaculation is the most common problem between men, It's so annoying that you are not able to delay your orgasm or to hold your ejaculation for enjoying with your partner, It's so annoying when you want to stay for more time but you can't, Premature ejaculation is a complicated problem, after enrolling in this course you will be able to understand it in a very simple way and learn how to control it for better sexual lifeFirst section is about premature ejaculation clinical picture, definition , symptoms, types, causesSecond section is about the treatment strategies which includes psychological, physical and nutrition treatment solutionsThird section is about the 10 most common mistakes of men that can affect their relationships or their sexual life, and how to avoid itMy Last advice to all the men for understanding how to control your ejaculation and get a better sexual life through removing all of the negative thoughts from their mind by using Law Of Attraction"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"No More Back Pain: Exercises, Nutrition Secrets and Massage!" |
"Back Pain in one of the most annoying health problems. Back pain can be so difficult, making it hard to enjoy the simple daily activities, and making it a challenge to carry out an exercise routine and other healthy activities.Chronic pain is a personal experience and cannot be measured like other problems in medicine, such as a broken leg or an infection. Broken leg can be confirmed by an X-ray and an infection by a blood test measuring white blood cell count. Unfortunately, there is no medical test to measure chronic pain levels.In this course you will learn two techniques to help you relieve the pain through simple techniques. First is Acupressure from the Traditional Chinese Medicine.Second is Physiotherapy and Nutrition Secrets. It is what I call the natural pain relief to avoid common side effects of medications.The course is a simple treatment protocol easy to be followed to treat your back pain!Enroll now and get a natural back pain relief today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Nebenberuflich zum eigenen Unternehmen" |
"Stell dir vor, du httest Zugang zum gesamten Wissen, wie man ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen grndet und stets neue Kunden akquiriert.Wie wrdest du dich persnlich entwickeln? Wie wrden deine unternehmerischen Fhrungsqualitten wachsen und wie wrde dich dein Umfeld wahrnehmen?Stell dir vor, wie viel Zeit und Geld du sparen knntest, und male dir das Gefhl aus, wie du deinem Unternehmen dabei zusiehst, wie es grer und grer wird. Klingt dies zu schn, um wahr zu sein? Auf keinen Fall! Wir prsentieren dir in DigiStart all unser Wissen. Dieses haben wir uns in der Grndungsphase und den vielen Jahren der Selbststndigkeit erarbeitet. Werde Teil unseres Teams und bekomme exklusives Know-How ber die Praxiserfahrungen, die wir selbst live erlebt haben. Wir kennen alle Grndungskniffe und stellen dir diese in unserem Produkt zur Verfgung.Digistart ist eine Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung, wie du ein Unternehmen in den ersten drei Jahren aufbaust. In diesem Kurs lernst du Techniken, die schon andere erfolgreiche Startups bei ihrer Grndung verwendet haben.Wir zeigen dir wie du deine Geschftsidee findest dein Geschftsmodell entwickelsteinen Businessplan erstellsteine Finanzierung fr dein Business bekommstdie Grndung und Anmeldung durchfhrstein Website erstellst und diese Suchmaschinen- und Kundenorientiert optimiersteinen Marketingprozess startestAm Ende des Kurses wirst du in der Lage sein, dein Produkt zu verkaufen und deine eigene Firma zu fhren.Fr wen ist der Kurs?Dieser Kurs ist zum einen fr Menschen bestimmt, die eine Geschftsidee haben, aber nicht wissen, wie diese umgesetzt werden kann.Zum anderen ist dieser Kurs fr Menschen gedacht, die sich nebenberuflich selbststndig machen wollen.DigiStart vermittelt dir das ntige Praxiswissen, wie du dein Unternehmen startest. Zustzlich lernst du, wie du jeden Monat neue Kunden gewinnst."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How To Write Better: The Clear, Concise, Effective You" |
"This course is written and presented by an award-winning graduate school professor with 7 years' experience in writing improvement, editing, and teaching.It has been recorded and produced on a studio quality level. By enrolling in this course, you will get lifetime access to current content, as well as the ability to interact with me online via the teaching platform. Watch our PREVIEW VIDEO to get a sense of what improvements you'll be making to your writing, and the way you communicate every day. You read and write every day, but how often do you think about getting better at these two crucial skills? This course will provide you with the tips and lessons to improve your communication skills and succeed in school, business, and life.This course is for everyone. Beginning with the building blocks of written communication, this course provides students and writers of all levels and experience with the tools to enhance the delivery and precision of their message, whatever that message may be. At the end of this course, you'll be better at writing EVERYTHING. From text messages to business e-mails, college essays to facebook posts, everyone will understand you better, and thank you for it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to be Effective at Selling" |
"This course will consist of the five key areas that are essential for anyone to move from selling to becoming a business consultant:Core competencies to build rapport How to establish credibility is essential in any business. Kouzes and Posner researched why leaders gain and lose credibility. We will see the four building blocks of credibility that is essential for building trust be it with customers or your team. In a nutshell, we will see how to be sincere, show competence, inspire others and develop empathy.Core competencies to explore clients needs We will learn how to identify the ""gap"" between the current situation and the desired results. This process is vital not only for a salesperson, but also for any consultant. Needs assessment analysis is a key step in determining what the client has and what he expects.Core competencies for advocating solutions In this step, participants will learn how to advocate, present and close the deal. Our purpose in this module is to recommend products or services that meet a compelling need of our client. Any time you are unable to meet a real need of your prospect, you run the risk of handing him a blank check.Core competencies in dealing with objections We will understand what an objection is and why customers ended up making objections. We will understand if the objection is valid or invalid and we will see how to address any objection.Core competencies for doing what needs to be done Many companies lose clients at this stage. They ignore the client after they close the deal. Giving support to clients buying decision is the pillar of long-term relationship. You just dont want to sell once and never again. Thus, we will understand that the client is eager to know four things, namely: How can I be sure you will do what you promised me?How do I know your product or service will do for me what you say they will do?How do I know your company is the best company for me? AndHow do I know your solution will continue to be the best one down the road given the rapid pace of change in the market?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to be Creative & Innovative in Business" |
"Opportunities are not in things, but in the eye of the beholder. In this course, we will dive into four key areas that are essential to see new business opportunities and improve your business:Regaining your creative genius The left side of the brain is vital to bring things down to earth. Nevertheless, the right side is important because it is the seat for new ideas. Tapping into creativity brings out groundbreaking ideas, products, services, and in due course, greater customer satisfaction. We will see that everyone can be much more creative and will explore this innate capacity. Conceptual, emotional and behavioral blockbusting The idea here is to learn what may be holding us back what kind of conceptual, emotional or behavioral paradigms we have that holds us back. Breaking paradigms What does not allow us to accept new ideas? It is our paradigms. They are like a filter. Joel Barker encourages us to ask, what is impossible to do today, but if it were possible, would change radically the way things are done? Creativity applied to business We are going to learn effective techniques to help you take the lead regarding innovation. Our aim is to have clear-cut manners to apply creativity to a business situation that brings results.Using the techniques with your team After having learned the above techniques, we now apply them in teams to guarantee that innovative improvements will be the lifeblood of your organization.But wait, theres more! You will begin to prepare your mindset for new things to come. Many products and services will be common in the near future. Just to name a few things, we are marching to a future of: Renewable energy turbines around the world are being designed to harness the power of the ocean.Non-invasive medical procedures a pen-size device is being developed at the University of Texas to detect skin cancer without the need for a biopsy.3D printing that goes beyond printing scientists have been experimenting using the technology to reconstruct human tissue.Smarter and smarter Apps we already have currently mobile applications that can identify what song is playing. Imagine what is coming. Wouldnt you like to be part of such transformation? The more creative you are, the better off you are to undertake these new possibilities."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Profiling People to Build Better Relationship" |
"We make a tremendous investment to get a college degree. However,in general, we dont put any effort to be a well-rounded person, but would yoube surprised to know that in the job market, learning how to manage people, how to get along with all sorts of different personalities is one of the most important skill you may acquire in your life? A recent national survey revealed that 80% of the people who are fired from their jobs were fired because they could not effectively relate to each other. This course is about learning how to profile people with the intent of having far more productive relationships. If you are currently working or are about to enter the job market, this course is a must for you. When learning how to profile people to build better relationships, you will:Acquire skills to identify the different personalities and how they like to be treated.Learn what makes people tick, i.e., what motivates people to do the things they do.Learn to find the best career fit for your type of personality. And if you have a business of your own, how to hire the right person for the position.But wait, theres more! You're investment will yield knowledge in the following areas: Profiling without the need of having someone taking a psychological test.Personal life. Of course our focus is business oriented, but what you will learn, certainly, will help you have a better relationship at home with your loved ones.Conflict -- you will learn what to do when there is a conflict in your relationship. This is a course that you wont take just once, but many times to keep on improving your relationship skills."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Negotiate Anything" |
"As an actor needs to practice much to develop his thespian talents so does an executive. The course How to negotiate anything is filled with lots of exercises since application is the basis to really learn what is being taught. Now, differently from the executive bailiwick, negotiation is an essential skill for career growth, which few people invest the time and effort to learn. How to negotiate anything will help you to keep your cool, find out what the other side really wants, avoid being taken advantage of and create mutually satisfactory win-win outcomes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Dan Roam's Professional Hand-Drawn Whiteboard Video Course" |
"This course is for anyone who wants to explain, market, sell, or teach online using simple, hand-drawn videos. Using PowerPoint and Camtasia (or similar screen-recording app), you will learn everything you need to know to create great hand drawn whiteboard videos fast, including:How to create a script.How to visualize your ideas in PowerPoint.How to quickly animate, record, and narrate your whiteboard videos.How to edit, polish, and add the right music quickly.How to promote your video online for great exposure.And much, much more.Your hand drawn video will look and sound so professional and compelling that you will be able to sell more of your products and services than you ever thought possible. In fact, your whiteboard videos will stand out so much that, if you want to, you could sell your hand drawn whiteboard videos as a service to others."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Mobile App Design From Scratch: Design 15 Apps" |
"-------Brand New Course---------- UX design is the hot trend right nowCompanies have never been more invested in making sure their users, customers, and clients have a positive experience with their websites and mobile app design Adobe Systems Incorporated spoke to 500 managers and department heads working in UX design and asked them about their needs, their hiring priorities, and what theyre looking for in potential candidates. What they found looks very good for UX professionals. Adobe set out to uncover the latest hiring trends in UX design and the results point to one big conclusion: UX designers are now as in demand as software engineers, and that demand is only going to increase. UX Tools Is The Most Important Skill, But Personality Counts Too When asked what skills they look for in UX designers, 42% of managers said knowledge of UX tools is the most important factor in hiring. 33% said the ability to collaborate was a top skill, but this answer varied a lot depending on the size of the organization. Collaboration skills are much less important to managers whove hired more than 20 UX designers in the past year. All managers said UX design experience (76%), having a strong portfolio (75%), and coding/programming experience (70%) were the top things they looked for in the hiring process. UX Design For Mobile Platforms is Most ImportantThe majority of hiring managers are focused on mobile platforms (55%), and they expect mobile will still be the top priority for hiring in five years time (48%). While desktop-to-mobile (cross-platform user design) will also remain a hiring priority, 45% of managers expect to hire UX designers who can work on virtual reality (VR) projects in the next 3-5 years. Growth is expected in augmented reality (37% of managers looking to hire in 3-5 years), and AI and wearable will see double-digit growth in hiring trends too. Source: Google it, ""Hiring Trends in UX Design: The 6 Things You Need to Know About Techs Fastest Growing Field"" (link is not allowed here) Theres an App for That. Its the trademarked slogan by the Apple, that defined that everything have an app. According to Statica, Worldwide mobile app revenue was 88.3 billion dollar this year. By 2020, mobile apps are forecast to generate around 189 billion U.S. dollars in revenues. According to applause,90% Of Companies Will Increase Mobile App Investment. The huge market of app development increasing so fast. So does increasing mobile app UI/UX design with it and creating hundreds of thousand of jobs and business.If you don't take this opportunity, you will remain far behind in your career. So, to be a complete mobile app UI/UX designer from scratch, we created a full course to learn 7 tools from scratch and design 15 top chart apps from scratch. You will learn mobile app design from scratch.You will learn to wire-frame, mock-up, prototype and App UI animation. Its 27 hours of video content and almost 50 project. You will learn from scratch:Mobile app design in Photoshop CCMobile app design in Sketch 3 & 4App UI animation in After effects CCMobile app prototyping in FlintoMobile app prototyping and interactive app in Principle for MacMobile app prototyping in InvisionWireframe with BalsamiqAfter you learn all the tools from scratch,You will learn to design top chart apps from scratch are:Facebook MessengerInstagramSnapchatPinterest UberTinderPeriscopeAirBnBVineGrouponAnd much more......For iOS and for Android You will learn to make the interactive app with Flinto, Invision and Principle for Mac You will learn how to wire-frame by using Balsamiq from scratch. You will learn App UI animation by After Effects CC from scratch. Many student complain that, there are no complete course on Mobile UI/UX design. One course on Photoshop with designing one screen of an app, another one on Sketch 3 with design few screen of an app and so on.....So, we created a completed course on mobile App UI/UX design to ease your life. You do not have to buy many course to learn mobile app UI/UX design. You need to buy only this course. Mobile app design from scratch."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete BOOLEAN ALGEBRA & LOGIC GATES Guide For Beginners" |
"Boolean Algebra is a very important topic and is easy to understand and apply. It is different from elementary algebra.In this course students will first understand what Boolean Algebra is all about. Next they will learn about the various Laws and important Theorems (Commutative Law, Assocative Law, Absorption Law, Indentity Law, Complement Law, Idempotent law, Involution Law, Distributive Law, The De-Morgan's Theorem and finally Duality Principle) associated with Boolean Algebra. At the end of this section there is a Live Practice lecture where I have taken up some very good examples to explain how we can apply the different Boolean Laws and Theorems we have learnt to simplify and solve complex Boolean expressions. The main aim is to make you a perfectionist in all the aspects of Boolean Laws, be it their understanding or their application. In the very next section students will get a very deep and detailed understanding of different types of Logic Gates (AND gate, OR gate, NOT gate, NOR gate, NAND gate, XOR gate and the last one XNOR gate). This section will cover everything one needs to know on Logic Gates. In the last lecture I have taken some examples to explain how one can derive the Boolean Expressions from a give Logic gate diagram and finally simply that complex expression using the Boolean Laws we learnt in the first section.Overall this is going to be a very exciting course and it is going to be a great fun for my students. I wish them all the best and look forward for their reviews and discussions."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Make Beautiful Mineral Makeup (Complexion)" |
"Thank you for visiting our course. Our Make Beautiful Mineral Makeup (Complexion)' course will teach you everything you need to know to make your own beautiful makeup.Have you ever wished you could save money on your makeup bill? Or had a reaction to the chemical ingredients of shop makeup? Have you ever been frustrated that the makeup you buy doesn't quite match your unique skin tone? If so then this course is perfect for you.Mineral makeup is amazing; it doesn't clog your pores, it's natural and the ingredients are actually healing for your skin. Plus it's super easy and fun to make if you know how.In our course you will learn:How to make 5 essential makeup products: primer, concealer, foundation, blusher and finishing Powder.How to make a foundation colour powder that perfectly matches your unique skin tone. (Never worry about buying the wrong shade again) How to easily source the ingredients online.Why mineral makeup is great for your skin, and what the specific benefits of each ingredient are.In an hour or less you can have a complete set of beautiful mineral makeup that looks great and heals your skin too. You're friends will definitely be asking where you got your makeup from!We have also included a free, printable label sheet so you can personalise your makeup pots and easily keep track of your creations. This you can download from our website or on the course page.We know you'll love making your own mineral makeup. Try our mineral makeup course today and become your very own makeup expert!Thank you for choosing Freedom Courses"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"How sport psychology can develop your mental strength easily" |
"Neuroscience and how to rewire your brain in simple steps. Motivation for Success: 6 Steps to Perform Under Pressure will introduce you to the concept and process of the REPEAT Model (Route To Exceptional Performance Each Actual Time) that in no time at all you will be able to apply to all aspects of your work, career, sport, business and personal life to deliver an exceptional performance just when you need it often under extreme pressure. This outcome often ensures success and achievement in everything that you want.Master Your Motivation Quickly & Easily For Your Success & Wellbeing For Every Important Event Or Situation To You.Handle stress, pressure & adversityLearn a unique model to apply easilyFire up your motivation every timeImprove physical & psychological wellbeingPut yourself in the very best position to succeedDevelop mental toughness for FREE ongoingThe REPEAT model is a 6 Step approach towards triggering your challenge state in motivational terms that allows you to face pressure and opportunity with the correct mindset, wired for success that you can start to apply today with simple strategies and actions we have laid out for you to follow. Motivation for Success: 6 Steps to Perform Under Pressure material has been applied for many decades within very high performing professions and proven to work consistently. All strategies are underpinned by performance science and have been shown to be highly effective when the individual is under pressure to deliver the goods when needed.To have this ability to thrive under pressure will make you a stand out candidate for job roles, promotion, success at sport, a career in the military, starting your own business or even turning you life around from unemployment. You will become mentally tough and have unlimited amounts of confidence; have total control over what you need to have and to focus only upon what you can succeed in and not what you can't, whilst keeping mental demands in check and balance.The course is broken down into 12 sections each including a training module and a summary of the training. It is supported by a 20 page workbook and a 37 page narrative that are downloadable for you to read if you wish offline. It has been designed to follow a natural pathway from no knowledge through to looking at and planning your future potential. You will learn the process and the easy to apply tactics to develop your mind and motivation. The Route To Exceptional Performance Each Actual Time (REPEAT) is introduced and touches upon simple neuroscience principles and how they affect our performance. Moving through self awareness and how this helps you to choose the correct state for success. You will learn to change your thinking and to reduce pressure upon yourself whilst building extra mental resources to help you thrive through anything.Motivation for Success: 6 Steps to Perform Under Pressure will finish by you having a better understanding of you and how you are feeling and thinking and what you can do about it to help you achieve when something is important to you. There are also some very essential improvements here for your mental and physical health without drugs, therapy or any other intervention apart from what you have learned."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Productivity: How to Activate a Simple Brain System easily" |
"Improve your productivity at work is an approach to performance at work by targeting 4 major areas that bosses describe as the biggest problem issues facing their businesses today. The material highlights the FREW Model (Focus, Resilience, Engagement, Wellbeing). Students should take this course to develop themselves in these 4 areas to impress not only at work but in their lives generally.There are videos, audios, narratives, introductions and 10 strategies in each area that have been simplified for students but are scientifically underpinned from the research and data and are proven to work. They are simple to implement and none of them cost any money at all, just a little effort and determination.It is suitable for anyone who is easily distracted from their goals; those who cannot bounce back from failure and adversity; individuals who cannot motivate themselves to become engaged in their work and anybody experiencing poor mental or physical wellbeing. In fact anyone who wishes to improve their productivity while at work.The terminology and explanations are simplified to match relevancy of all students and can be applied in any field, job, sport or activity. The course can be started at the beginning and work through Focus, Resilience, Engagement and Wellbeing or students can dip into one of the 4 areas in their own fashion. The strategies can be applied from the first moment and change can be noticed very rapidly. As an extra we have included material in a general section and a specific section that support the material in the 4 areas. Take this course and you will not only become a champion in the workplace but will save yourself thousands of 's in practitioner fees and months of consultations.Pinpoint FocusResilience, Hardiness & Mental ToughnessTotal Engagement & MotivationPsychological & Physical Health & WellbeingMindfulness & AwarenessGoal Setting AchievementImagery & VisualisationSelf Talk & Positive Thought ControlPerformance RoutinesRelaxation of Mind & Body"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Sport Psychology: Develop the Champion Mindset" |
"This course has been created for the benefit of all sports performers who want to understand how they can develop their minds for success, just like the world's greatest performers do. Now includes a Free Mental Toughness Assessment that can score your current mental skills capabilities. The ability to see a sport psychologist is not available to most amateur sports competitors through cost, culture or cost, so the course has been created to overcome these barriers. Other disciplines such as business, military and high pressure vocations can use this course as there is considerable overlap.The material has been extracted from the scientific literature and packaged into a simpler to understand approach for all students. It is supported by documents, examples and strategies for you to apply. There is no doubt from the evidence that if 2 competitors are of equal fitness, technique and physical ability then the one who has worked upon their mental skills will have a considerable edge in terms of becoming victorious.The course is structured into each of the 12 mental skills: Professional Attitude Goal Setting Motivation Intensity Concentration Psychological preparation Self Confidence Emotional Control Mental Rehearsal Positive Thought Control Mental Toughness Team Cohesion & DynamicsThe course has training videos, supporting documents, example You Tube videos and a course narrative. Everything for you to implement is free, quick and powerful in terms of your improvement.The course can be completed in a few hours but to make lasting change in your life needs you to implement the material and practice on an ongoing basis. It is similar to the gym in so much as the brain muscle needs to be exercised regular so as to make neural changes of a long lasting nature."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Scrivener Full Course on How to Write a Book in Scrivener 2" |
"(This course covers both Windows and Mac versions of Scrivener from before Scrivener 3.)Do you want to know how to use Scrivener to fulfill your writing dreams? Well Scrivener is not nearly as hard to learn as you have been lead to believe. I highly recommend binge watching the first four hours so that you have a good understanding of what Scrivener is capable of.The first section will take you on a complete walkthrough of how Scrivener works with plenty of real examples, a thorough explanation of the regions of the user interface and arrows pointing directly at the buttons mentioned in the transcript making it easy to find them.Once you know the basics you can go back, dig in to the Scrivener features that suit your writing style best and start creating your awesome content. If you forget how to use a Scrivener feature you can pop back and watch its clearly labeled lecture again.Once your project is underway you can go on to investigate some really cool Scrivener features that you don't necessarily need but are fun to use like customizing your work spaces, importing from mind map software or backing up and storing your projects to Dropbox in the cloud.Here's what an early reviewer had to say:Melinda Kraft ""I learned several new things that are already helping me to make my project better organized and efficient and has given me some ideas on how I can be more creative in the process. I've watched a lot of online training videos, and Karen's is among the best. She clearly illustrates the differences between Windows and Mac versions. And where she elects to save information for later in the course, or leave it out altogether, she tells you why. Highly recommended!"""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"eBook and Paperback Book Cover Design Using Canva and Gimp" |
"Thanks to huge advances in computer technology making your own book covers is not nearly as hard as it used to be. You can use drag and drop image building apps online. My favorite of these is Canva. For those few things that you cannot do inside Canva, there is also no need to invest in expensive image manipulation software because you can do them in Gimp for free.Even though designing a book cover can get a little technical, it's a skill you can easily learn. In this course I will teach you the software you need so that you too can get stuck in and create great covers for your books. Designing images for book covers and designing them for social media banners and posts is very similar, so once you know how to use the software, you can go on to create all the marketing material to go with your book as well."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Format in Microsoft Word and Convert to eBook in Calibre" |
"In this course for self-published authors I am going to show you how to format your own eBook in Microsoft Word ready to upload it to each of the major online stores.I will be demonstrating in Microsoft Word 2016 on a Mac. Most peopleshould be able to follow along in Windows or in previous versions of Microsoft Word but if you struggle with instructions that do not exactly match your particular version of software this is not the course for you.No prior experience is assumed or required. I present simple, step-by-step instructions to help you produce a professional quality ebook that meets the requirements of major ebook retailers.Even if you plan to hire out the formatting of your books, it is important for every author to at least know how to do it, incase you ever want to make a simple change or update to your book after publishing like adding links to your new books or website.And you don't want to wait days for someone else to schedule you in and charge you for each minor update.First we're going to go over the specifications for the book cover images that you have to provide for display on the catalogue page on your retailer's website as well as for your internal ebook cover.Then I'm going to take you step by step through the process of formatting specifically for ebooks which is somewhat different from formatting for output as a physical document. You'll learn both ways to generate a clickable table of contents and how to insert external links to your important places online like your other books and your website. I'll also cover best practices for inserting images and compressing them so that your file size does not exceed the limit imposed by some of the retailers.Once your Microsoft Word document is nicely formatted I'll show you how to convert it to an ebook file in Calibre.Then I'll show you how to download Amazon Kindle Previewer and preview your .mobi file and Adobe Digital Editions to preview your .epub file before you upload them to any of the online stores.If you're ready to format and convert your own manuscript from a Microsoft Word document into an eBook, go ahead and sign up and I will walk you through the entire process step by step so that you end up with a great eBook but if you want to check out my teaching style before you decide, feel free to watch a couple of the free previews in the curriculum outline below."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Scrivener Compiling Your eBook for Export in Scrivener" |
"(Covering both the Windows and the Mac versions of Scrivener)In this course for self-published authors I am going to show you how to format your own eBook in Scrivener ready to upload it to each of the major online stores.If you know the very basics of Scrivener you will be able to follow these simple, step-by-step instructions to help you produce a professional quality ebook that meets the requirements of major ebook retailers.Even if you plan to hire out the formatting of your books, it is important for every author to at least know how to do it, incase you ever want to make a simple change or update to your book after publishing like adding links to your new books or website.You don't want to wait days for someone else to schedule you in and charge you for each minor update.First we're going to go over the specifications for the book cover images that you have to provide for display on the catalogue page on your retailer's website as well as for your internal ebook cover.Then I'm going to take you step by step through the process of formatting specifically for ebooks which is somewhat different from formatting for output as a physical document.You'll learn how to generate a clickable table of contents and how to insert external links to your important places online like your other books and your website.I'll also cover best practices for inserting images so that your file size does not exceed the limit imposed by some of the retailers.Once your Scrivener document is nicely formatted I'll show you how to convert it to an ebook using Scriveners Compile menu.Then I'll show you how to download Amazon Kindle Previewer and preview your .mobi file andAdobe Digital Editions to preview your .epub file before you upload them to any of the online stores.If you're ready to format and convert your own manuscript into an eBook right inside your Scrivener software, go ahead and sign up and I will walk you through the entire process step by step so that you end up with a great eBook but if you want to check out my teaching style before you decide, feel free to watch a couple of the free previews in the curriculum outline below."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get Started with SAP - Sybase ASE 16 On Windows" |
"Ever wonder why Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise is one of the best Relational Database Management system of the world.This course will get you going with Sybase ASE 16. In this course you will learn about Sybase installation on windows, Basic Administration and Backup/restore of Sybase ASE 16. Big Financial companies use Sybase as their preferred platform of an RDBMS. This course is designed for an absolute starters.This course will help Seasoned Oracle/SQL Server/MySQL DBAs who also needs to support Sybase ASE. You should take this course to start working on Sybase ASE without having any prior knowledge of Sybase ASE."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get Oracle Flying in AWS Cloud" |
"In the fast changing world of data management and data processing, more and more organizations are adopting Cloud computing as their preferred option. The sole aim of this training is to prepare you for your future in the Cloud computing world! This online course will teach you how to take Oracle deployments to a new height using Amazon Web Services.This course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of Oracle database deployment in AWS Cloud, even if you have little to no experience with it, to help support your own Oracle environment in AWS cloud.While there are plenty of Oracle database courses that focus on Oracle deployment, it's hard to find a comprehensive course like this one, which is for beginner to advanced Oracle enthusiatics.This course is designed for all levels of Oracle DBAs or Linux System Administrator who want to improve their skills, support Oracle deployment in AWS, migrate Oracle on AWS and remain competent in the Oracle database world.This course covers best practises used by the pros around the world so that you can follow their lead and improve it even further.The goal of this course is to get you up to speed as quickly as possible, it cover the different kinds of Oracle deployment options, oracle licesing, backup and restore of oracle using AWS S3, Performance Management, Monitoring, and some of the best practises. At the end of the course you'll be a equipped with skills of Oracle deployment on AWS, with enough confidence to start deploying or supporting your Oracle environment in AWS Cloud."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Practical Meditation - Master Meditation Today" |
"Over 100 satisfied students in the FIRST WEEKOnly FIVE STAR ratings so farVery happy customers with POSITIVE REVIEWSWhat my students are saying about Practical Meditation""Excellent, comprehensive, and at a good pace for me..."" - Jean F.""...the instructor gives a wealth of information about meditation and how it can benefit us. Love this!"" - Reinita O.""Very well done. Good for people just starting or seasoned meditators."" - Bernard M.New Lecture(s) JUST ADDED:Lecture 38 - Ten Ways to Stay MotivatedLecture 61 - Dealing with ResistancePRACTICAL MEDITATION SUMMARYFor over 5000 years the greatest minds in history have understood the benefits of meditation. Meditation enables you to connect with your inner-self where energy, creativity and inner wellness are your natural state of being. Learn about meditation and how to integrate this powerful practice into your daily routine.Greg de Vries, The Meditation Coach, has taught thousands of people to meditate over the last 15 years. Don't think that meditation is some complex process of clearing your mind - if you know how to breathe, you can meditate.This course will teach you how to do the most popular type of meditation including: breath awareness meditation, mantra meditation, jappa meditation, and more. Everything is laid out for you - all you need is an open mind and a little time to dedicate to your new wellness practice.Hours of guided meditation audios are included for you to use anytime day or night.It's time to take control of your future. What would life be like with enhanced health and confidence, better sleep, enhanced focus, concentration and memory? Its time to find out!Enroll in Practical Meditation today."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"OM Meditation: The Sound & Symbol of Yoga and Meditation" |
"You see the OM (AUM) symbol everywhere. You may see the OM symbol on jewelry or clothing. You may even chant OM during yoga class or during yoga meditation.But do you really know what OM means and what it represents? By the end of this mini-course you will understand: * How the sound and symbol of OM originated * How to pronounce the sound OM (AUM) * What each part of the sound or vibration represents * What each part of the OM symbol represents * How to use OM as a meditation mantra during your meditation practiceTradition (Hindu scriptures) tells us that OM is the primordial sound which caused the creation of the material universe. OM is also sometimes referred to as the sound from which all other sounds (and words) originate. Some even believe that the sound and symbol of OM has some sort of mystical power.This course is a combination of talking head classes, presentations and quizzes. Also there are two OM meditation audio files that can be used as background meditation music, yoga music or you can even chant along with the OM chanting in the music.Understanding the power of OM will invigorate and enhance your yoga practice, your meditation practice and your life in general. Chanting OM (even silently) has been attributed to experiencing deep relaxation, improved health, and being able to meditate for longer periods of time.OM is truly THE universal mantra."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |