Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Practical Mindfulness - Mindfulness and mindful meditation" |
"With Practical Mindfulness you will learn mindfulness tools to overcome limiting thoughts and behavior patterns and to live healthier, happier, and a more productive life.Practical Mindfulness will assist you in:Eliminate the effects of stress from your life for goodClear and calm your mindExperience freedom from emotional turmoil, anxiety and depressionSleep better, wake up feeling refreshedFeel more joy and happiness in your lifePRACTICAL MINDFULNESS SUMMARYFor over 5000 years the greatest minds in history have understood the benefits of mindfulness and mindful meditation. Mindfulness enables you to connect with your inner-self where energy, creativity and inner wellness are your natural state of being. Learn about mindfulness and how to integrate this powerful practice into your daily routine.Greg de Vries, The Meditation Coach, has taught thousands of people to meditate over the last 15 years. Don't think that mindfulness is some complex process of clearing your mind - everything is explained and broken down so that anyone can learn mindfulness.This course will teach you how to do the most popular type of formal and informal mindfulness including seated mindful meditation practices and informal mindful practices such as walking, eating, speaking and more. Everything is laid out for you - all you need is an open mind and a little time to dedicate to your new wellness practice.Guided meditation and mindfulness audios are included for you to use anytime day or night.It's time to take control of your future. What would life be like with enhanced health and confidence, better sleep, enhanced focus, concentration and memory? Its time to find out!Enroll in Practical Mindfulness today."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Making Homemade Wine: A Step-by-Step Guide!" |
"Welcome and congratulations on your desire to learn how to make your very own homemade wine that you will be proud to serve to friends and family! Throughout the course I will teach you basic wine making terms, the supplies you will need, how it all works and how to make wine following easy step-by-step directions. I have made sweet red, dry red, and port wine from juice and from grapes. We will focus primarily on making wine from grape juice that you can buy from a wine supply store. This is a fun hobby that allows you to experiment and make a totally custom wine. Your excitement will grow from year-to-year as you make different types of wine that you love. I hope you start a new tradition that will stay in your family for years to come, just as I make wine every year with my family. After this experience you may even want to try making wine from grapes!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Minitrabajos Online: Gua paso a paso para el xito" |
"================>>>>CURSO ACTUALIZADO NOVIEMBRE2016<<<<================= Curso extremadamenteprctico y concretodonde aprenderspaso a paso de una forma fciltodo lo necesario para trabajar desde tu casa, haciendo Minitrabajos onlinebrindados por la empresaCrowdFlower, donde te pagarn de manera instantnea por cada tarea que realices. Sers tu propio jefe, donde podrs trabajar a cualquier hora del da y el tiempo que quieras (inclusive minutos por da!), puedes dejar de trabajar si lo deseasy retomarlo en cualquier momento (incluso si han pasado meses de haberlo dejado). No tendrs ninguna obligacin ni compromiso que cumplir con la empresa. Eres absolutamente dueo de hacer lo que desees. Los Minitrabajos son tareas sencillasen ingls de muy corta duracin para brindar soluciones a empresas informticas de todo el mundo que requieren verificar, probar, buscar y categorizar datos, transcribir informacin, moderar contenidos, testear pginas web, entre otras actividades.Cualquier persona puede completar estas tareas, ya queestnhechasespecialmente para aplicar el sentidocomn. Aunque las minitareas se encuentran en ingls, no hay ningn impedimento sino tienesconocimientos en ingls.Esta es una de las principales barreras por las cuales muchas personas ni siquiera intentan adentrarse en este maravilloso mundo de los minitrabajos.Este curso te ayudar a romper con estos pensamientos y mitos que limitan tus oportunidades. CrowdFlower es una empresa onlinedisponible a nivel mundial que le ha cambiado la vida a miles de personas. No necesitars invertir nada de dinero en estesitio y podrs aplicar lo que aprenders desde el primer da. Tendrs un instructor en el que podrs preguntar todas tus dudas y te guiar en este camino con todo lo que necesites. Lo ms importante es que el curso es de por vida! Adems, aprenders a utilizar NeoBux (otra empresa onlinegratuita) para beneficiarte de los cobros por las minitareas que realices en la plataforma de CrowdFlower, ya que recibirs una bonificacin del 15% y 30% (dependiendo de tu membresa) por cada dlar ganado. En otras palabras, si por ejemplo ganas $100 en Minitrabajos, recibirs $15 o $30 adicionales. EL CURSO SE DIVIDE EN DIFERENTES SECCIONES: OBJETIVOS DEL CURSO:Se realiza una breve explicacin de los objetivos que se pretende que alcances en este curso. A su vez, servir como motivacin para que intentes superarte y crecer.INTRODUCCIN A NEOBUX:El objetivo de esta seccin es la defamiliarizarse con todas las herramientas que NeoBux brinda paraganar dinero, entre ellas, los Minitrabajos.CONSEJOS IMPORTANTES:En esta seccin se detallarn algunos consejos y sugerencias para manejarse con mayor sabidura sin cometer graves errores y ahorrarse dolores de cabeza.MAESTRO DE LOS MINITRABAJOS:Esta es la seccin ms importante, en la que aprenders todo lo que necesitars saber para convertirte en un experto de las minitareas, donde encontrars explicado paso a paso y de una manera muy clara, los minitrabajos ms populares, adems deestrategias, tcnicas, consejos y los secretos mejores guardados por la gente exitosa.PROCESADORES DE PAGOS:Tiene como objetivo que conozcas algunos de los procesadores de pagos que puedes utilizar para retirar el dinero de los Minitrabajos.PREGUNTAS Y RESPUESTAS FRECUENTES:Se responden las principales inquietudes que suelen aparecer, a la hora de emprender este fantstico camino. Tendrs acceso de por vida a este curso! Significa que: Podrs acceder a las actualizaciones del curso (nuevas lecciones y material).Podrs preguntar tus inquietudes y dudas, las cuales responder con mucho gusto.Podrs participar de la seccin de preguntas y respuestas (Q&A) para enriquecerte de los temas que se presenten junto con el resto de los estudiantes. No tienes nada que perder!Recuerda que tienes una garanta de 30 das!Es decir, puedes ver todo el curso y si sientes que no te sirvi, te devolveremos todo el dinero sin siquiera hacerte una sola pregunta."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Apply finance concepts for smart project management" |
"What do you do when you have to present a comparative project profitability to your boss? Can you have a quick glance at the financial statements of your company or your project and talk about the the ROI, gross margins, net margins? Can you quickly spot the places where your project needs improvement? If you face all these questions, you have come to the right place. In this course, we will learn:1. How to speak the language of finance.2. Learn to understand financial statements and make a meaningful interpretation of effective business decisions.3. Understand various project evaluation techniques such as Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Earned Value Analysis, Pay Back Periodand many others.4. Use these techniques to compare your company or project with the rival company or projects5. Carry out budgeting, forecasting and variance analysis at each stepof the project.6. Use financial data to defend budget requests.7. Avoid running out of cash.8. Avoid putting too much faith in the numbers."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Guide to the Traktor Remix Decks" |
"Learn your way around the Traktor remix decks so you can create amazing and unique DJ mixes to impress your fans and take your DJ career to the next level.Master the Remix Decks with Ease by following this Comprehensive and Direct Video Course.Master the Basics of the Remix DecksDiscover the Hidden FeaturesCreate your very own unique remix setsFind alternative ways to creatively integrate the remix decks in your DJ SetsRecognize the full potential of Traktor softwarePeel away the layers of confusion with ease & take control of the softwareUnderstanding the Remix Decks Sets you apart from many other DJ'sTraktor is a very popular DJ software and is used by many professionals, knowing how to use it to it's fullest potential will give you an edge over many other DJ's. Even with the recent introduction of 'Stem Decks' (a simpler form of the remix deck) the remix decks remain, which proves they are an important and useful part of the Traktor software. The remix decks are a little more complex than the stem decks, therefore offering you much more control and scope for being creative. By understanding the full potential of the remix decks you will develop your own unique sound, taking the next step towards blending the two disciplines of DJ'ing and music production. Content and OverviewThis course is designed for those who have some experience using Traktor, but not yet ventured into, or fully grasped, the Remix Decks. The course is broken down into 6 sections.Intro and SetupFunctions of the Remix Decks (Part 1)Functions of the Remix Decks (Part 2)CreationLive UsesBonus MaterialSections 2, 3 & 4, end with a quiz to aid in your learning. Throughout the 75 videos (approximately 3 hours 20 mins) you will learn all the functions of the remix decks. Once you have mastered these functions, you will piece together these skills to create a remix set of your own. You will be shown, step-by-step, how to build a remix set from scratch, with the option of downloading the demo remix set so you can follow along and develop your skills as you go.You will be given a number of suggestions for how you can integrate the remix decks into your performance and additional bonus material to take you a little deeper into accessing your own creative talents.By completing the course, you will become a master of the remix decks enabling you to bring a level of individuality and creativity to your DJ sets. By fully understanding the software it frees you up to focus on the important part of DJ'ing; the Music. By embracing the Remix Decks and completing this course, your DJ sets will never be the same again."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to make Business Cards like a Pro" |
"This course will teach you to all you need to know to design a business card: What programs to use (Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw and Microsoft Word) What are the elements of a business card (the bleed, the trim zone, the safe zone and the text zone), What orientation: portrait or landscape.What information you put: the name of Business or Organization, the name of Individual, the job title, the address, the phone number. How you arange the informationHow you design a business card (how you choose color, fonts, sizes, images, types of business card),How and where you can sell, How to be inspired and promote your work, Tips and tricks in design the business card and more.The course will introduce you to the terminology and the programs you can use to make business cards. It is a course for beginners but it helps you even if you have an average knowledgeable in graphic design.The course contain: 8 video tutorials (of approximately 30 minutes) and 5 documents with more information for those who want to know more.This course is for you if you want to start designing business cards or you want to improve the way you do business cards"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"New Trends in Outer Space Development" |
"Most of us enjoy thinking about the possibilities of outer space travel. Yet, understanding astronautics seems hard, but it doesn't have to be. Thinkers, researchers and people who want to be involved something cutting-edge related to space can understand the processes involved with outer space development. The New Trends in Outer Space Development course is designed to enable any person to advance their knowledge about current emerging trends in astronautics.The information detailed in the course content can be used as a step by step guide towards deepening one's understanding of key phenomena currently in place for those who just want to know more about this stuff. Or, this course can be used for those who want to learn about outer space development and share this knowledge with others. It can be viewed with a few hours, or it can be digested over time. Whether you are a space fanatic, or you are actively trying to figure out how you can get involved in some aspect of outer space development, this course provides important information that will enable you to understand key activities in outer space. The course will also for people who just love learning about things. The course contains over 1.5 hours of video presentation content and 8 lectures on topics including a historical overview of space, space telescopes, asteroid mining, spaceports, spaceships, habitats and international space law. The course is distinct in that it allows any person to gain a mastery over a wide ranged blend of subjects including astronautics, international space law, business trends and high technology, politics and history. The course was created by a university professor who is also an author and leading international relations and space law scholar.This course provides information and knowledge of key concepts to enable you to build seeds of knowledge within yourself. After completing the course, you will be in a position to become conversant enough to manage discussions about key facts and data related to spaceship trends, space law, asteroid mining, space habitats, space travel and space missions. The goal of providing this course is to enable you to be in a position to share the knowledge gained from the course with others. The course is for any person, irrespective of educational or professional background or age."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
ninkatsu |
Price: 3000.00 ![]() |
"Como utilizar o Corel Draw por completo!" |
"Este curso o mais completo para comear a utilizar o Corel DrawEste curso sobre Corel Draw que um software para Design Grfico, Web Design, com proposito em desenhos vetoriais de forma profissional, o curso perfeito para qualquer pessoa de qualquer nvel!Com explicao didtica e de fcil compreenso, o aluno aps o curso ficar profissional sobre o Corel Draw. Aps este curso aprender...Conceito importantes sobre como que funciona por de trs do software.Como inicializar e modificar o Corel Draw.Como construir o primeiro projeto com tcnica especficas e fcil de utilizao.Como utilizar a maioria das ferramentas do Corel Draw de forma certa e bem aplicadas.Utilizao de Formas primitivas e complexas.Como finalizar um arquivo corretamente, sem erros.E finalizar criando um projeto com todas as aulas estudadasO que preciso para comear?A principio ter fora de vontade, pois com isso compreendera muito mais.E somente o software Corel Draw.DuraoPor ser um curso completo tem de durao 6 horas e 54 minutos.Como o curso esta estruturado?O curso bem completo estruturado por 7 sees com 41 video aulas mdias para longas, com bastante contedo e direto ao ponto.Por que este curso to bom e por que devo escolhe-lo?Pois tem explicaes coerentes , respostas de perguntas frequentes, rpida resposta em dvidas dos alunos, fcil de entendimento desde o conceito at um projeto especfico e organizado, vdeo mdios pra longos para extrair o mximo de detalhes e curiosidades para que o aluno no leve duvidas para as prximas sees."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Make Video Blogs, & Advanced Video Marketing" |
"Content marketing is difficult as you need great content to compete. Video is that great content. However to produce quality videos on a weekly basis is going to cost a large portion of your budget.Using the techniques here you will learn how to bring this content creation in-house and the best way to use the videos in a marketing strategy. So are you ready to bring your blogs to life?I take you through the whole process to get started filming your content, from setting up a video blog studio to the creation of your video marketing strategy.So let's get started making your video blogs and more!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teacher Tech Tips--Easily Boost Teacher & Student Success" |
"What if you could develop a "toolkit" virtually full of digital apps to check for student understanding and engage students? This course provides you with that very toolkit loaded with 19 FREE technology tools to check for student comprehension.HERE'S WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING ABOUT THIS COURSE:Lots of creative ideas, lots of possibilities presented in a succinct and efficient way. This course will save you a lot of time and get your creative juices going. --Ursula NashThe instructor is very organized , clear and straightforward. I am waiting for your next course. --EhabobThis is an excellent course for any teacher looking for fun ways to engage students, check for understanding, and provide a variety of methods to help students discover and learn in the classroom. --Kathy DungeyThis course is another example of Rita practicing what she preaches and giving the learner a hands on, step-by-step program that will ensure success. --Trish EvensLATEST: Updated September 2015 to include two more tech tools!What am I going to get from this course?28 lectures and nearly 4 hours of contentTechnology tools to give all students (especially the shy ones) a voice in the classroomPolling toolsGames to check for understandingTechnology programs to see what students comprehend while watching videosQuiz ToolsA "task list" to print out for each digital program to be used as a mini-tutorialWho is the target audience?Teachers, student teachers, and college instructorsAs a veteran public school teacher for 34 years and my district's technology integration specialist, I've learned what works and what doesn't work in the classroom. I've also sought technology to engage students while at the same time checking comprehension levels. The free apps provided in this class are those I feel will best benefit any teacher in the classroom who wants to conduct formative assessment to help improve student learning,or for any student teacher who will be entering the field of education and wants to be prepared to analyze student data on day one. Join us now. Be part of the success and don't be left behind in this digital age! And, the unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee is also my promise that this course will provide you with awesome tools to engage your students and help them learn and succeed in your class."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Watches: How to Design, Manufacture and Build a Brand" |
"Have you always contemplated starting a business because your idea is not innovative enough, or lack of resources, or too much competition? Is your aspiration to turn your passion and hobby into a profitable business? Do you love watches and dream of having your own watch brand? If you answered Yes to all or any of these questions, then this course is a good start. By no means this course guarantees success, but what it does guarantee is equipping you with the valuable information and positioning you in a more advantageous position to become successful!Learn all the trade secrets directly from the source how to launch and operate a Watch Company with great success.Students who sign up for this course will also receive (just email me at other Udemy Course ""Crowdfunding for Watches: Step-By-Step Guide to Get Funded"" at 75% OFFexclusive Discounts on Marketing Services from Top Blogs mentioned in this CourseFree Copy of My Book ""How To Launch A Watch Company"""
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Crowdfunding for Watches: Step-By-Step Guide to Get Funded" |
"Funding your startup is not easy, but its not impossible. One of the most effective ways to secure funding for your company and gain customers is through Crowdfunding. In this course, I share practical guide on how to raise funding, based on my own successfully funded Watchcampaigns.This is not another course of Basics of KickStarter or How to Get Rich through Crowdfunding. This course provides a Step-by-Step guide on how to prepare a Strategy and execute it effectively to achieve your Funding Goals with specific examples and use cases on my own Watch campaigns.The course is broken down in 3 Sections with Action Plans:Before the CampaignDuring the CampaignAfter the CampaignI have raised over $200K using KickStarter and I am here to share what has and has not worked for me on all of my campaigns. I encourage your to Google and Search KickStarter for my Campaigns: Amir Watches and Stranger Watches.Students who sign up for this course will alsoreceive:my other Udemy Course ""Watches: How To Design, Manufacture & Build a Brand"" at 50% OFFexclusive Discounts on Marketing Services from Top Blogs mentioned in this Course"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Numerology: Finding Your Love With Numbers - Lucky In Love!" |
"This course is an introduction to the ancient Science of Numbers or Numerology, and will equip you with the valuable tools to be your own oracle in love matters. Over 27 lectures, using real life examples of celebrity case studies and a person's birth date, you will learn how to master basic Numerology as a sacred secret language of numbers. This course will help you design your destiny and give you answers to burning questions on love and relationships . You will discover through this course that Numerology is a reliable self-help tool that is highly accurate. Just come for class prepared with a set of birth dates for analysis. Now anyone can learn and master basic Numerology in this easy to understand comprehensive course."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Forecast 2016: Simple Steps For Prosperity With Metaphysics" |
"Forecast 2016BONUS: Feng Shui RemediesLike to know whats in store for you in 2016? Join Intuitive Master Numerologist, Teacher and bestselling Author Gracy Yap in this course and equip yourself with the right tools to take advantage of the opportunities to make 2016 your best year ever! You can now harness ancient wisdom and the principles of metaphysics to give you modern day solutions and a compass for your life. Prepare for a brand new year by knowing what lies ahead, the opportunities and the pit falls, to better achieve your goals and resolutions. One of the most enduring divination systems known to us, Numerology also known as the ancient Science of Numbers, can improve all sectors of your life if you can read the patterns. The secrets lie in your birthdate and name! Coupled with the knowledge of your ruling planets, birth elements and lucky colors, you will be taught how to use the power of Numerology and Astrology to magnify your lucky number vibrations for good fortune. The secret sacred language of numbers to live the life of your dreams in both good times and bad is now available to you! This life-transforming course covers three divination systems - Numerology. Astrology and Chinese Metaphysics including Feng Shui remedies to give you solutions and answers to make 2016 a fulfilling and rewarding year. Gracy has been featured for her numerology books and services in The Star, NTV7, New Straits Times, Shin Min Daily, Channel U and regional media. She has been a professional numerologist for the past 13 years. This course is suitable for all levels. There are no pre-requisites. You do not need any prior knowledge of metaphysics to enroll. Just an open and curious mind, and a deep hunger to want to make positive changes in your life."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Master Instant Personality Profiling in 1 Hour" |
"This is an informative, interactive and interesting short online course on personality profiling. Course Benefits:The course covers birthdate analyses of Numbers 1 to 9. It teaches participants a simple and reliable tool to use to 'read' a person with a high degree of accuracy based on a tried-and-tested ancient Science of Numbers practiced for thousands of years. The instructor reveals what our inborn gifts are based on our birthdays and guide participants toward choosing the most suitable career paths. Numerology can be a compass guiding us to a life more purpose driven and meaningful. The course include some basic terminology of Numerology but this is kept to a minimum. Methodology: Lecture, teaching videos, celebrity chart for case study, Q & A and discussion. Who Will Benefit: This course will benefit people in HR, sales and marketing, insurance, management, teaching, training and counseling. Level:It is a Beginner's course in Numerology and suitable for anyone wishing to learn profiling as a tool for better decision-making and to improve interpersonal relationship skills at the workplace."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Start Your Own Traditional Greeting Card Business" |
"If you've ever dreamt of ""owning a traditionalgreeting card business,"" then this is the class for you. This class is intended for the folks who want to start selling cards to retail shops, online, or have their own brick and mortar stores. You'll learnhow to make your art, design your card, print it, and prepare your cards for distribution in card stores all across the land. We'll learn from other companies by profiling them to see what works for them and how you can apply it to your company.Learn about companies that carry inventory and have a ""Line"" of cards. Istarted my card company with 24 designs; 24,000 in all and walked the aisles of the NYC Stationery Show. I practically walked up and down Newberry St. in Boston looking for accounts in order to grow my business. But that was back in the late 1980s. Today is different, but you still need to have that hunger to make a go of it. Inside this course, you'll learn what it takes to succeed and mistakes to avoid. You'll learn a lot more than you think on preparing artwork for print and the web. And the best part is this course is constantly changing. As I learn more, or find more information, I'll share it with you. It will be like having a trusted mentor to lean on! Many people have made small fortunes on creating greeting cards, so if you like to write and draw and have a ""look"" that you feel comfortable seeing on your own cards, I can help you get that business off the ground.You'll learn a lot of stuff like picking the correct paper, learn about traditional offset printing, distribution, getting reps, and more. We'll also touch briefly on homemade cards as well.With two greeting card companies under my belt, and over 25 years experience, I'll show you how to ""Jump Start"" your career with some great advice. I started the course with 25 lectures and have added 12 more over the last year alone!Plus you'll even get some added bonus material on licensing! Join today and make it your business to make people smile!This is an Intermediatecourse, but it's still packed with a lot of great information that anyone starting a design company can appreciate!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Writing the Ultimate Love Letter" |
"Enter the wonderful world of descriptive writing. This course delves into the beauty of ""Writing from the Heart!"" Let's face it, not everyone can write the perfect note, card, or love letter.Whether you're writing to a boyfriend / girlfriend, spouse, lover, or just saying, I love you Mom, this course will make you a superstar! You'll learn how to formulate just the right words to make your recipient's jaw drop as they read your undying love for them. I'll teach you how to use your five senses to describe your environment and we will explore language pushing its boundaries while we stretch your imagination. By the end of this course you will feel more confident about how to manifest your feelingswhether youhandwritea note or typeit on the computer. You'll learn how to express yourself in ways you never thought possible. You'll be immersed in highly-detailed prose that will get the attention of the recipient while leaving them wanting more. Here are what others are saying about the instructor's writing style:""A woman dreams of being touched and kissed so passionately. Just reading the lettermade my body tingle."" Wanda, 25, CA""The writing is clean with undertones of a trance-like tempo due to certain repetitions and word patterns - almost a sense of poetic alliteration. Thetone of the lettercan be very persuasivevery inviting!"" Mona, CA""When I read that letter.I feel this sensation running through my body from the tips of my fingers flowing down into my toes. Your wordsarebreathtaking and refreshingseductive and sweet yet playful and romantic. It'swhat I always imagined falling in love to be...."" Melissa, 31, MO""I've read your story at least three times now. It has had the same effect on me each time. I feel my heart racing and my breath shortens to the point where I catch myself holding my breath. Then I feel butterflies stir in my stomach and parts of me begin to ache to be touched, to be kissed. I can't describe it any better than that. Sandy, CAYour story affected my whole body with desire. I don't have a favorite part because of the way that you wrote it. You slowly built up the anticipation, the intimacy and excitementBridget, CAWOW, I'm completely impressed. Every woman needs to be felt that way by a man (waking up next to you). My gosh, I need to stop reading because it actually makes me miss being in love. Alana, Chicago""Awesome, Mood-Inspiring, an awesome combination of serenity and the provocative. Mesmerizing and awesome come to mind, very sexy.""D. FordNicholas was gifted with art of visualization. He weaves his way through your mind and gathers speed to your soul traveling weightlessly throughout your being a Very Comfortable Ride! Bravo! Makash, AZ""I showed one of my friends at workone of your stories. After the first sentence, she moved closer, after the first paragraph she moved into the chair next to me!""Judy, NYThis course will teach you how to be more thoughtful as you write and how to explore those areas that you may find difficult to master. You'll read sample letters on screen and listen to samples on MP3s. You'll also be given ideas on how to express yourself with additional exercises strewn throughout the course, examples of delivery, and more!With over 25 lectures and over two Hours of Content, each Section ends with a new Exercise that pushes you to work harder than the one before. The Practice lessons will knock your socks off.You'll also get my free BONUS E-BOOK, ""101 Starter Paragraphs for Love Letters,"" a $50 value, just for signing up. AND you'll also get the e-book, ""101 Greeting Card Sentiments"" as a Double Bonus! A $25 Value!++++PLUSSOMUCHMORE!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"How To Trade Commodity Futures for a Living" |
"In this course we coverall aspects of Commodity Futures Trading from Futurescontract expirationall the way up to highly advancedvolume profile trading strategies; there is something in here for traders of all skill levels.In this course you will learn the most important methods required so that you can begin day trading for a living.You will be given a trade plan which you will use to identify trade setups based on the volume profile trading concepts found in the course.These setups have been quantified and produce positive expectancy in hypothetical backtestingsituations."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How To Day Trade with Order-Flow Scalping" |
"In this course you'll learn not only how to read order-flow data, but you'll spend nearly an hour on the chart learning my one setup that has proved to be consistently reliable at predicting future events.To make the most out of this course you should head over to NinjaTraders website to download the platform (for free). You can also get a free trial of the order-flow footprint chart used in the video."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Generate a 3D model from photos using Agisoft PhotoScan" |
"Learn how to create highly detailed and accurate 3D models with texture by means of Photogrammetry, that is 2D images processed into 3D models.Create accurate and high resolution models with ease with this course.Create highly detailed and accurate models of real world objects.Save time and effort by this new way of creating 3D-models.Generate high resolution textures for your model.The benefit of using this method for creating a 3D model is that you will get highly accurate representations of a real world object when it comes to proportions and texture. With the right workflow and pipeline this method can potentially also save you much time in comparison to modelling and texturing manually. Several big production companies use this method for creating their 3D content for these reasons.After completing this course you will be able to create a 3D model with texture of your own using Agisoft PhotoScan. The same basic principals apply to other photography based photogrammetry software as well.This course is aimed towards those who have no prior experience working with photogrammetry or Agisoft PhotoScan. At the end of the course we will also briefly look at how you can approach retopologizing/decimating your model to fit your end needs, i.e. creating a version of the models with your desired about of polygons.The only prerequisite you will need for this course is a fairly capable computer running Windows, MacOS or Linux to participate. Preferably you also own or have access to a digital camera to work with your own unique projects, but you will get access to a few series of photos that you may use for learning purposes. Agisoft PhotoScan is available as a trial and a demo version for those who do not own the software yet or just want to try it out. These versions will work perfectly fine for this course*.* The demo version cannot export the results and therefor you cannot try out the retopology/decimation parts of this course with it."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
effective-learning-technique |
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Spanish for Beginners with Easy Songs" |
"This course is made for you to learn basic Spanish through a fun, interactive, and musical way. No note-taking is required! Vocal repetition is key. It's easy, effortless, and I walk you through each word step-by-step. In it you'll find 12 songs from asking for directions to telling time in Spanish. First, you just listen to me sing, then you imitate the words and phrases, and then you repeat the song and sing as much as you can! (Remember you can - and should - go back and review the words.) I recommend taking the course over a few days to a week. It's up to you, in the end. Take this course if you want to start learning Spanish, and you love singing, or learn well through songs. DO NOT take this course if you do not wish to interact with the course (participate in singing along, etc.)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Vocabulary Course: Engineering/Technical" |
"This course helps you to speak and learn the vocabulary of engineering.It takes you through the concepts of shapes and their description.Introduces fractions and decimal numbers. Explains the difference between formulas and equations and how they are used in engineering.Describes basic tools and their use.Interactive quizzes to help you learn are included in the external resources.Listening exercises so you can better understand spoken English.SPEAKING practice, helping to improve your speaking and pronunciation of engineering language. **Google chrome is needed for the speaking exercises."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English Vocabulary for Mechanical Engineering workplace" |
"Why Technical English?More and more businesses are globalised and this is also true of industrial companies in the engineering sector. This globalisation demands that people on different continents are able to work together, this means that besides your technical skills it is also important to understand and be understood in, what is for most companies the lingua franca, English.Whether you work for a Japanese company co-operating with companies in the USA or a European company with subsidiaries in Asia, many of the well-paid and secure jobs require English at a higher level than school English.Who is this course for?The course is to help you improve and expand your English knowledge for work in the Technical, Engineering, Manufacturing industry. It is for anyone thinking of a career in this field or anyone already working in the sector but feels the need to increase their English language.How is the course organised?Technical English (micrometres) explains in both written and spoken form how to use one of the most important tools in Engineering. It is structured to introduce words in context, which is proven as the best way to learn new vocabulary. From the text certain words are highlighted, these become the focus words and form the core of the learning. In addition there is unlimited learning time with the use of word games, flashcards, spelling and listening exercises.TipsDo the word games at least one time each day. You can do the word games before the lectures or after, it can be good for you to look through the vocabulary set before looking at the lecture, after the lecture you should try to understand and learn all the words for that lecture.Keep repeating the learning games, it is important to move newly learnt vocabulary into your long-term memory, this is best done through repetition, try to beat your best scores.If you need to speak the words, record yourself on your smart phone speaking the words, better still record yourself speaking the text of the lectures.Give yourself time, this is vital. Give yourself time to understand, repeat things until they are clear in your head. You can always use the discussion section if you need any specific help or tips.I look forward to helping you on your technical English journey."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Marketing Bootcamp" |
"Student Review:Everything you've put together is so tight, understandable and logical. Very practical and easy to apply. I have to say bravo to you at this point for such a reasonable cost and one of the very few people I know who will give this information out. You definitely have a talent and gift in training! Thank you so much for this course to open my understanding""Are you tired of spending time on social media and yet never seeing the results you want?Then I have a solution for you which takes you from establishing yourself on the platforms through to more advanced techniques for growing your following. Why a Bootcamp? I named this course a bootcamp because, just like a fitness bootcamp, its aim is to get you results in the shortest time possible. The course is all about taking practical steps that lead to the outcome you need for your business. Namely, more traffic and greater potential to increase your sales. Just like a fitness trainer I am there to coach and motivate you - I'm in the discussion area every day to help you and to answer all your questions.What Will The Social Media Marketing Bootcamp Cover?Mindset and Approach - discover who your ideal clients are and how to market directly to them. Without knowing these vital steps, your social media efforts can go to waste.Branding - How to brand your business with social media marketing. Branding is more than just your logo it's all the reasons people want to buy from you - it's about building trust and loyalty.Content - How to write social content that will boost reader sharing and engagement to improve your popularity and search engine ranking.Visual Appeal - How to create attractive, shareable images using super easy and free software which will help spread the word about your business almost effortlessly.Tips and Tricks - Easily learn the principles of using any social media to market your business."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Rock Your Newsletter" |
"Student Review:""A great course. I couldn't wait to get on with it. Very reasonably priced and easy to follow. I have made lots of changes to my newsletter opt in and content already. Loved it all! I really like your calm, knowledgeable delivery style. Not intimidating at all""Do you know how important having a newsletter is to your business?Your newsletter helps to build a relationship with your audienceA newsletter allows you to keep in contact and promote your products and servicesEven if your website went offline, a newsletter list means that you would still be able to keep in contact with your customersA newsletter allows you to demonstrate your expertise to potential customersBefore I had set up a mailing list for the first time the whole newsletter process seemed confusing, expensive and more hassle than it was worth......then I tried it and I realised why everyone had been recommending it for so long. Doing so made me regret that I hadn't set it up many months before! It doesn't have to be confusing if you have all the steps laid out in front of you. It doesn't have to be expensive if you use a mailing list provider that is actually free for up to 2,000 subscribers. It definitely doesn't have to be a hassle and it can bring you more traffic to your site, more exposure for your products or services and the potential for far more sales. Don't leave it any longer - and risk missing out on potential customers - start building your mailing list today."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Small Business Incubator" |
"Are you ready to take your start-up idea or small business to the next level?Do you sometimes feel lost in a maze with your business?Are you just not sure how to grow your traffic to get more clients and customers?Do you often feel demotivated and not clear on your objectives?Do you struggle with organization and sometimes end the day feeling like you haven't achieved enough?If you said yes to any of the above then you are in the right place. It's time to take control and map out a clear path for your business.Who Is This Course For?Anyone who runs a small business whether online or brick and mortar. It doesn't matter whether you run a handmade or creative business, are a pet sitter, restaurant owner, accountant, florist or anything in between. The key is you want to develop the marketing for your business and in the process grow your potential audience.Why Am I Teaching This Course?Because 5 years ago I was in the same place you are now. I was at the start of building my business and I had to design my blogs and grow traffic to them from scratch. I was also disorganized and inconsistent when it came to blogging, marketing and building a newsletter.Unfortunately I didn't have a network around me and I would have loved someone to show me all the steps I needed to take whilst surrounded by people who were also growing their businesses.However through a great deal of trial and error I learned all the steps necessary to bring me to the place I am now. A place where 3 years ago I was able to walk away from a corporate HR position to take my business full time. If you join me in the 'Small Business Incubator' that trial and error will be removed for you and that's why I want to share what I've learned.I trained as a teacher, worked for 16 years as an HR Manager and I have grown my own business from scratch. I feel very fortunate because the skills and experience I learned from all three of those things now allow me to do what I love - work with individuals and small groups of people to help them make their businesses thrive."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Blogging For Your Business" |
"If you have a business one of the best ways to get in front of more clients is through blogging. A blog enables you to rank well in the search engines; build trust with your audience; and allows you to demonstrate your expertise through the blog posts you create.To make the most of it however, you need to be very clear on your strategy, so that you get the most return on your time in terms of visitors to your site. In 'Blogging for Your Business' I explain just how to do this, plus we look at the following areas:How to create content which engages your audience and makes them want to share your posts.Different types of content and how to come up with ideas so that you don't run out of steam or get frustrated.An introduction to SEO so that you can understand better how to get your posts to show up in search.A variety of monetisation techniques if you want to add additional streams of income which complement your core business.The all important topic of traffic - where to find it, what to do to grow it and how to get your blog noticed."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"All Levels Course on How to Become a Direct Sales Superstar" |
"Whether you are currently in a high-end, direct business-to-business sales role or have an aspiration to be, this course will reset or establish your foundation for action and help you create the habits that generate success!WARNING: This is not a course about sales philosophy or contrived sales methodology. The approaches and techniques offered can be implemented immediately, as you learn them.By packaging systematic discipline with new and improved intuitive and mechanical selling skills, you are poised for explosive success in your high-end sales career!Set, or reset, your mindset and style foundation as a true sales PROFESSIONALGain insight as a ""sales entrepreneur"" to ignite your successUnderstand the difference between intuitive and mechanical sales skills and why it mattersMirror the habits of top earning sales pros and make them your ownSet your objectives with the right priorities to maximize your personal income and fully leverage your compensation plan Prospect with dignity, professionalism, credibility and success - consistently find new business by utilizing the 4 1/2 Rules of Smart Prospecting Accept the 7 Week Promise challenge to learn to love ""the grind""Learn how to increase your personal credibility without relying on the organization you represent Use the ""Top Seller Ritual"" to set distinguish yourself among the best at what you doMake yourself a dream to manage and unanimously promotable to higher levels within your organization You may be in a great, potentially high-earning sales role right now, but times are challenging, your results are falling short and your manager is putting a lot of pressure on you to deliver. You need the right, straightforward, tactical weapons to break your slump and become successful NOW.You need close business, you need to demonstrate results and that drives your income higher. This course offers you a complete systematic approach to high-end, relational direct selling, including practical and proven methods for finding, connecting and qualifying new clients and opportunities.Great sales managers, those that coach and encourage effectively are few and far between. If you have a good sales manager, one that adds true value to your efforts and fully enables you, consider yourself fortunate. The direction and practical advice you receive from our virtual coaching session"" will enable you to affect positive change, get results and manage your own success.All it takes is your investment of the 3 hours it takes to go through this course and you can restart with the right habits, mindset and sales tactics for success TODAY."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Getting Ahead in the Unpublished Job Market" |
"*** Course lectures updated and bonus lecture added - 21 March 2019 ***When it comes to job searching, most people go to the traditional or published job market the job ads section of the newspapers, job banks, such as Monster or Indeed or recruiting agencies. What most job seekers dont know is that those job search resources only cover a small percentage, from 10 to 30 percent of all positions available at any time. This fact explains why sometimes is so hard, for well qualified candidates, to find that the job they are looking for.Thats why I have created Job Search Insights: Getting Ahead in the Unpublished Job Market.On this video course you will learn the strategies to tap into the unpublished or hidden job market where 70 percent of the job market positions are available, including over 80 percent of all six-figure salary positions.On this video course you will learn:What is the unpublished job market and why you should include it as part of your job search strategy.How and where to go to research on a company of interestHow to use your network of contacts to enhance your job searchLearn the art of informational interviews, one of the least used, but most effective means of getting the information you want about a company, industry or job position.How to use five methods to contact your target companies directly, the pros and cons of each and how to identify the right person to contact within you list of target companies."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |