Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Introduction to Workers Compensation Surveillance" |
"This course will provide a foundation for anyone who is interested in the Private Investigation industry. After countless job interviews of prospective investigators and peace officers I decided to help answer that one question that is on every oral board or job interview that everyone struggles with..What have you done to prepare yourself for this interview? This course will not only prepare you for a job interview in the investigative field, but it will equip you with the knowledge necessary to step out and begin to perform workers' compensation investigations in a 500 BILLION dollar industry.This course is primarily tailored for workers' compensation investigations mainly due to the large demand from insurance companies for suitable investigators. Many of the investigative tips translate to all areas of private investigation. This course covers the following topics: Basics of Surveillance, Equipment, Report Writing, Stationary Surveillance, Mobile Surveillance and Personal Safety. This course is taught through the use of the written lectures, videos and at the conclusion of the material a knowledge test is administered. The videos in this course will demonstrate where to position your surveillance vehicle, how to black out and various equipment that is needed to perform these investigations. I take you behind the scenes and inside the surveillance vehicle. A course completion certificate will be awarded upon successful completion of this course. This certificate can be used for 8 hours of educational credit towards the student's individual private investigator license. Student who take this course will also be able to more effectively obtain stationary surveillance video, covert video of claimants as well as have a general knowledge on writing an investigative report for workers' compensation investigations. Students who elect to enroll in this course will also be awarded priority for additional training at a lower cost and receive free informational updates with regard to the Private Investigation industry."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Web Article Marketing Made Super Simple" |
"Learn how to write and post web articles online to drive more traffic and increased sales to your site. Learn powerful low or no cost marketing methods for both online and offline businesses. Learn strategies to get your articles on the first page of major search engines making you the article expert and driving more web traffic to your website. In turn your organic website search ranking will rise at little or no cost to you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Max Profit Marketing - How to Double Your Business Profits" |
"Max Profit Marketing: How to Double Your Business Profits in 6 Months or LessThis Course is Designed for the Small Business Owner to Quickly and Easily to Double their Net ""Bottom Line"" Profits in 6 Months or Less!If you are a small business owner:You want Increase Net Business Profits in your smallbusiness.You don't want spend more money on High Stress, Low ReturnAdvertising.You want to Build your business with Good Customers/ Clients with High Net Profits in mind.You want to add to your current marketing and sales methods that will show results quickly.You Want to Maximize your Small Business Profits Quicklywithout reinventing the wheel!If you say yes to the above then you need to takeDouble your Business Profits in 6 Monthsor Less and start raising your business profits today!!Take any product or service base business, either online oroffline....Add in Secret, Simple, Low Stress Sales and Marketing Methods.....Develop & Grow Your Own Ideal Customer Base that Pay, Stayand Refer...Then Watch your Bottom Line Business Profits Soar!I've been where you are right now. I know howhard it is to get a small business up and going, how tough it is toraise business profits that has plateau or fallen. I know what itlike to wake up each morning worried about payroll, debt, taxes,rent, government regulation, or where the next sales or check willcome from. I know how stressful being a self employed small businessowner can be especially when you are the last to be paid in line!But...After many years of research, experimenting, failures, andsuccess, I am now running my businesses with high net profit marginsusing the same exact same sales and marketing methods I teach. Byusing these same sales and marketing methods you too can double yourbusiness profits in 6 months or less! And I will show youexactly how I do it.This course walks you through the entire process of doubling yoursmall business profits in 6 months or less. We start by covering somebackground information on me and how use of this sales and marketingprinciples help make my businesses become profitable right from theget go. We then cover what keeps a business owner up at night and howmost business issues can be solved by one critical thing. Next we figure out what you what to do with your increase business profits tohelp keep you motivated in applying these principles. We then lookinto the magic formula that can raise your business profits almostimmediately, as well as the magic kicker that can double or eventriple your business profits at little or no cost. We then examineyour customer needs and wants and how best you can serve them whichin turn builds your business raising your net profits. We cover somereal life examples in the course as well as a detail case study ofhow these methods work in real life. We also review key principleideasand workshop them so you have an action list to get started rightaway!ARE YOU READY TO TAKE ACTION?Enroll now, and we'll dive right in.Marc Lawson, DC"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn ReactJS: Code Like A Facebook Developer" |
"This course will cover everything you need to know to get up and running with ReactJS. React JS is a Javascript library for building user interfaces. It's flexible, fast, easy to learn and fun to work with. Reactjs is designed to make the process of building modular, reusable user interface components simple and intuitive.React was developed at Facebook and focuses on the 'View' aspect of MVC in web applications. React was built for the purpose of developing applications that are large in nature and have to deal with time changing data.In this course you will learn ReactJS while guiding you through the process of developing with it. We will go over components, properties, states, and much more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Supercharging Development With Atom Text Editor" |
"In this course we'll take you through the new kid on the block: Atom. Atom is an open source text editor created by Github. Atom is a programmer's text editor. If you've used Sublime Text before and looking to switch over to Atom, then you will not be disappointed. Many Sublime Text users have already switched over to Atom.Atom is a text editor that's modern, approachable, yet hackable to the corea tool you can customize to do anything but also use productively without ever touching a config file.In this course we will take a look at everything from tweaking settings and file navigation, right through to custom snippets, themes, command line and GitHub integration. We'll also show you how to automate your workflow to set up a complete project with just one command. If you're a fan of productivity, then this is the course for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Digital Music Production - Creating Tomorrow's Hit Songs!" |
"Musicians, Bands and Songwriters - you will never again waste time and money on making ""demo records"" - you will make the final commercial product yourself! With this course, you are taking your musical destiny in your own hands. All you need is a basic understanding of your digital audio workstation - Logic Pro, Cubase, Sonar or similar. In this course, you will work step by step through a real-world project, from a bunch of raw audio files that we are providing, to a shiny and polished production that sounds every bit as great as the hits on the radio.The course has 15 lectures, each between 5 and ten minutes. Completing the course and replicating on your system all the examples shown, will take you around 6 hours."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Superproduktiv werden! Tipps, Tricks, Tools und Strategien" |
"Bist du manchmal total beschftigt oder gestresst und doch schaffst du es nicht, die wirklich wichtigen Aufgaben zu erledigen?Httest du gerne mehr Zeit fr deine Familie, deine Freunde und deine Hobbies?Kommst du abends oft mit dem schlechten Gefhl nach Hause, dass du nicht genug geschafft hast?Dann ist dieser Kurs fr dich. In diesem Kurs, bringe ich dir die Strategien bei, die ich benutze, um jede Woche viele Stunden Zeit einzusparen und sicherzustellen, dass ich meine Zeit mit dem verbringe, was wirklich wichtig ist. Ich zeige dir Programme, die ich benutze, sowie Tipps und Tricks, um unntiger Zeitverschwendung vorzubeugen.Nach dem Kurs wirst du unter anderem in der Lage sein, deinen Tag effektiv zu planen, und dich auf die wichtigsten Dinge zu konzentrieren, die du zu erledigen hast. Du wirst deinen Arbeitstag auf deine Tagesform anpassen, bei vielen Aufgaben Zeit sparen und Ablenkungen jeglicher Art besser vermeiden knnen. Zudem wirst du deine Emails so effektiv managen wie nie zuvor.Der Kurs wird begleitet von einem umfangreichen Arbeitsbuch, so dass du nicht nur zuhrst, sondern auch selber handelst und tatschliche Vernderungen anstoen kannst, die dich produktiver, effektiver und effizienter machen. Belege jetzt meinen Kurs, wenn du endlich die Kontrolle ber deine Zeit zurckerlangen willst!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Dein erster Udemy-Online-Kurs: einfach und schnell erstellen-inoffiziell" |
"Lerne, deinen ersten eigenen Udemy-Online-Kurs zu verffentlichen!Mchtest du ...anderen etwas beibringen?mehr Geld verdienen, und zwar ohne Zeit gegen Geld zu tauschen?einen Expertenstatus zu einem Thema aufbauen?Dann solltest du einen Online-Kurs verffentlichen!ABER...du weit nicht worber?du weit nicht, wo du anfangen sollst?du hast Angst vor der Technik?du denkst, du hast nicht genug Zeit?Dann ist dieser Kurs das richtige fr dich!Du lernst, deinen ersten Udemy-Kurs zu erstellen - Schritt fr Schritt, schnell und einfach. Wir behandeln alles, was du wissen musst: Udemy-Grundlagen, Ideenfindung, Kursstruktur, Prsentation, Videoaufnahme und Verffentlichung.Am Ende des Kurses wirst du in der Lage sein, ...eine fr dich optimale Kursidee zu entwickelndiese in eine solide Kursstruktur zu berfhrenpassende Inhalte und Prsentationen fr deinen Kurs zu erstellendiese als Screencast aufzunehmen, um Kursvideos zu erstellendie Videos schnell und effektiv nachzubearbeiten und zu exportierenden ersten Kurs anzulegen und zu verffentlichenJe nach deinem Tempo dauert das mindestens ein paar Tage - aber mit dieser Schritt fr Schritt Struktur geht es viel schnell als du wahrscheinlich dachtest! Lass es mich dir zeigen! Wir sehen uns im Kurs!(Disclaimer:Dies ist kein offizieller Kurs von Udemy)"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Selbstbewusstsein boosten, ngste crushen, Trume leben!" |
"Httest du gerne mehr Selbstvertrauen und Selbstbewusstsein?Gibt es wichtige Dinge, die du aus Angst und Selbstzweifel nicht angehst?Und suchst du nach einer Lsung, diese Probleme zu beheben und deine Lebensqualitt zu steigern?Dann ist dieser Kurs fr dich!In diesem Kurs lernst du, dein Selbstbewusstsein massiv zu steigern. Du trainierst erprobte Techniken, um dich deinen ngsten zu stellen und endlich zu handeln. Du identifizierst ein Ziel, dass dir wirklich wichtig ist und packst es endlich an. Und du entwickelst mit uns gemeinsam einen persnlichen Trainingsplan, um deinem Ziel tglich nher zu kommen.Der Kurs besteht aus drei wesentlichen Erfolgsbausteinen:1) WISSEN: Du lernst wie du dein Selbstbewusstsein steigerst und mit deinen ngsten, Unsicherheiten, negativen Gedanken, Selbstzweifeln und all dem ganzen Wahnsinn besser umgehen kannst.2) ACTION: Du wirst ein Ziel, das dir wirklich wichtig ist und vor dem du dich schon lange drckst, endlich anpacken! Der Kurs ist voll mit bungen, damit du genau weit, was zu tun ist, um diesmal auch wirklich ins Tun zu kommen.3) GEMEINSCHAFT: Du triffst auf tolle Gleichgesinnte im Kurs und bekommst mit ihnen und uns eine Support-Gruppe, die dich dabei untersttzt deine Ziele zu erreichen.Der Kurs wird begleitet von einem umfangreichen Arbeitsbuch, so dass du nicht nur zuhrst, sondern auch selber handelst und tatschliche Vernderungen anstoen kannst, die dich selbstbewusster machen und dich deinem Ziel nher bringen.Belege jetzt unseren Kurs, wenn du endlich die Kontrolle ber dein Leben zurckerlangen willst!***Wieso das Ganze?Weit du, was die Sache ist, die alte Menschen am meisten an ihrem Leben bedauern? Es sind nicht die Dinge, die sie getan haben. Sondern all die Dinge die sie nicht getan haben!Und wieso tun wir alle so oft die Dinge nicht, die wir eigentlich tun wollen?Aus ANGST und SELBSTZWEIFELDas kleine Mnnchen im Kopf sagt dann Wer bin ich, dass ich mich das traue, Was werden die andern sagen? und Was wenn es nicht klappt? Und das Ergebnis ist, dass wir die Ziele, die uns wirklich wichtig sind, oft nicht angehen. Wie wre es, wenn wir dir sagen, dass das nicht so sein muss? Dass es Mittel und Wege, Tools und Techniken gibt, mit denen du deine Angst berwinden und dein Selbstbewusstsein steigern kannst? Genau diese Dinge vermitteln wir dir in unserem Kurs.Wir, Dirk und Johannes, deine Dozenten in diesem Kurs, haben gelernt, uns immer wieder unseren ngsten zu stellen. Hier haben wir all unsere Erfahrungen, all unser Wissen und die besten Techniken und Tools zusammengetragen, um AUCH DIR zu helfen, deine ngste zu berwinden und ein Ziel zu erreichen, das dir wirklich wichtig ist.Wenn AUCH DU dich endlich deinen ngsten stellen willst, um deine wichtigsten Trume und Ziele anzugehen, dann ist dieser Kurs garantiert das Richtige fr dich.Du hast lebenslangen Zugang zu den Kursmaterialien, die wir kontinuierlich erweitern werden. Zudem gibt es zum Kurs eine Geld zurck Garantie.Willst du mit 80 Jahren voller Reue auf dein Leben zurckblicken und dir denken Ach htte ich doch blo...? Nein? Worauf wartest du dann noch? Hol dir JETZT den Kurs, berwinde deine ngste und nimm dir die Kontrolle ber dein Leben zurck!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Dein bestes Jahr 2020! Ziele erreichen, erfolgreich leben" |
"Wutest du, dass 92% aller Neujahrsvorstze scheitern?Und weit du auch wieso?Weil es unzhlige Fehler gibt, die man machen kann man, wenn man sich Ziele setzt, und die meisten Menschen machen genau diese Fehler immer wieder.Deswegen meine Frage an dich:Wie lufts bei dir? Bist du mit deinem Leben on track? Hast du das Gefhl, du hast alles unter Kontrolle? Bist du dabei, alle Ziele zu erreichen, die du dir gesetzt hast? Wenn ja, dann herzlichen Glckwunsch! Du brauchst diesen Kurs nicht!Oder kennst du eher folgendes Gefhl:Du hast dir viel vorgenommen, aber irgendwie hngst du immer deinen Ansprchen hinterher. Du setzt dir zwar Ziele, aber erreichst sie oft nicht. Du gibst unmotiviert auf oder vergisst was eigentlich all deine Ziele waren. Oder deine Ziele fhlen sich irgendwie falsch an?In diesem Kurs steckt nicht nur meine Erfahrung, sondern auch das Wissen und die Techniken der erfolgreichsten Menschen der Welt.Du wirst nicht nur lernen, wie du richtig Ziele setzt. Du wirst vor allem erfahren und in vielen bungen praktisch durchfhren, wie du die richtigen Ziele setzt, die zu deiner persnlichen Vision und deinen Werten passen, und wie du diese dann auch motiviert bis zum Erfolg verfolgst.Worauf wartest du also noch? Hol dir jetzt den Kurs, wenn auch du DEIN BESTES JAHR erleben willst!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress Tutorial : Wordpress For Beginners" |
"Wordpress Tutorial : Wordpress For Beginners : How To Install Wordpress : Wordpress Basics : Wordpress Essentials : WPWordpress is the best website environment for all-purpose use in 2018. It is easy to install and great for SEO. This Content Management System lends itself to any kind of marketing activity.I have created over 100 sites over the years for many purpose - it is the best, period. Join the course now to learn how to install WP step by step by looking over the shoulder of an expert in the field.#wordpresstutorial #wordpressbasics #howtoinstallwordpress"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Integrales: Como Aprendo Integrales" |
"Aprende Paso a Paso, Detalle a Detalle y DESDE CERO.A lo largo de mis 20aos de experiencia como maestro de matemticas, dando cursos de ecuaciones diferenciales, clculo vectorial, de anlisis de Fourier, Estadstica, Mtodos Numricos, participando en conferencias y cursos de diversos tpicos de matemticas me he dado cuenta que todas estas reas estn fundamentadas en el clculo de integrales.Por ello me he dado a la tarea de crear un mtodo de enseanza tipo entrenamiento maestro completo,exacto, preciso, sin prdidas de tiempo donde te muestro los puntos finos, el detalle a detalle del aprendizaje visto como un todo, como un rompecabezas. Yo Te ayudo a armar el rompecabezas. No slo te doy las piezas para que t lo armes, sino te digo como armarlo.Este es un curso de videos tutoriales que te convertirn en un maestro en el clculo de integrales en cuestiones de unos pocos das, (imagnate enseando a otros, sin usar frmulas, lo que para ellos es difcil"").Pero debo hacerte una advertencia:Este no es curso cualquiera, no es de esos cursillos que te encuentras de pura coincidencia en internet, no es un video de los que suben a internet sin que haya seguimiento y sin sentido, en donde la informacin est a medias, no es informacin obsoleta, ni videos que fueron editados hace muchos aos, no.Es un curso entrenamiento completo y fresco, con la secuencia exacta para que no te pierdas, ni pierdas tiempo buscando por otro lado.Como Aprendo Integrales es un Entrenamiento De Clase Maestra Completo donde te voy a dar mi DNA como maestro de matemticas, te doy los puntos finos de los mtodos de integracin, no necesitas ms. Pero Requiere que tu le dediques tiempo, y esfuerzo.Aprenders los mtodos clsicos de integracin: Cambio de variable, Integracin por partes, Integrales Trigonomtricas, Mtodo de sustitucin Trigonomtrica, Fracciones Parciales y un mdulo especial sobre PROBLEMAS DE APLICACIONES.Cada Mtodo incluye:1. Introduccin2. Explicacin de las Frmulas a usar3. Ejemplos desarrollados paso a paso , detalle a detalle y DESDE CERO.4.- Ejercicios de Entrenamiento5.- Ejercicios de PruebaMaterial Didctico Complementario.1.- Documentos en formato PDF de cada tema creados por el facilitador2.- Fuentes de Informacin extra"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Affiliate Marketing Ninja - Premium Kurs" |
"Was unterscheidet erfolgreiche Online- und Affiliate Marketer von den erfolglosen?Wie knnen Sie im Internet erfolgreich Geld verdienen?Eigentlich ist es ganz einfach! Sie brauchen das Grundwissen dazu und mssen es in die Praxis umsetzen. Was ist Affiliate Marketing genau? Wie funktioniert es? Wie finde ich eine Nische? Welche Vergtungsmodelle gibt es? Wie erstelle ich schnell und einfach einen Blog? Was machen die erfolgreichen Affiliate Marketer anders als die Anfnger? Der Kurs hat ber 50 Lerneinheiten und zeigt Ihnen die wichtigsten Begriffe und Strategien, wenn Sie erfolgreich als Affiliate Marketer Geld verdienen wollen. Mit dem Wissen werden Sie zum Affiliate Marketing Ninja, der einfach und lautlos Geld im Internet verdient!Starten Sie gleich ..."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso de HTML para Iniciantes" |
"ApresentaoHTML (HyperText Markup Language, Linguage de Marcao de Hipertexto em portugus) uma linguagem de marcao utilizada para se construir pginas para a Web.Em nosso curso de html grtis online vamos ensinar o bsico da linguagem necessrio para se construi um site simples. Sero abordados assuntos como formatao bsica de texto, criao de tabelas, insero de imagens, ligao entre as pginas, criao de formulrios, etc."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Meditation: A Foundation for growth, happiness and success" |
"Hi, I'm about to show you...How to become as successful as the millionaires, inventors and achievers of our world.With no fluff. and a powerful blueprint.You may not understand how that's possible right now, but in a few short weeks, and with a little dedication, you will have all the tools to transform yourself into anything you desire.You don't have to be an incredibly intelligent.You don't have to be loaded with money.You don't have to be multi-talented. Far from it. No matter what condition you are in and no matter what you are experiencing.You are capable of learning and developing the skill-set to revolutionize your whole life.There is one caveat though. You have to desire the change, you have to put in the time, daily, to reflect and practice. That's it. A small amount of time daily, and you can make your dreams a reality.I've spent the last two and a half years researching and dedicating myself to discovering what helps people rise so quickly and effectively. I was not content with the stories of people who 'just got lucky'. I desired to get to the bottom of this mystery that made certain people successful with ease. Finally, I'm ready to share what I've discovered with you. What I've discovered is woven into an easy to understand structure that will seamlessly be imprinted into your mind for use at any time, any where. Through the fields of Philosophy, Psychology, Biology and Physics, I will be taking you on a journey of discovering your incredible potential. Even after creating the video series of 22 core lectures, I desired to give you more bang for your buck, so I've included specially written articles, unique to this course, for you as well. I wanted you to comprehend this information on as many levels as possible. Further, I've provided guided meditations and exercises for each week. Through the four chapters, each a week long, you will build a foundation for happiness, growth and success.This information will work for you; it has worked for every individual who has risen to incredible heights. All you need to do is begin.Are you ready?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Rume Academy - Introduction to SpriteKit in Swift" |
"Disclaimer: This course is recorded in Swift 2. However the changes in Swift 3 are minor and you will still be able to learn a lot about the SpriteKit framework here. There also is an updated version of the final project provided by a fellow student included!In this course you will learn about the basics of the SpriteKit framework. In order to make this interesting and not just theoretic lectures we have decided to develop a fun little game on the way by directly implementing what we learn about. You will be provided with all resources needed!The game we will create is an endless scrolling game, meaning the goal is to make our hero, a guy on a hoverboard, jump over as many aliens as possible and collect points for each one.While developing this game we will learn:Basic structures and elements of SpriteKitWorking with SKNodesWorking with SKSpriteNodesWorking with SKPhysicsCreating a game flowScoringWe hope you will learn a lot here and look forward to seeing you in the first lecture!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Code - Professional Swift Development For iOS" |
"Want to learn everything there is to know about Apple's programming language Swift and have some fun developing awesome iOSapplications on the way?You have found the right course!We have put our knowledge in a course that follows a hands-on approach even in the theoretical parts!By taking this course you will learn every aspect of Swift to be able to develop your own applications with ease. To make this even easier we will talk about different applications and provide examples for a lot of different functionalities.No copy and pasting of code without understanding what it does!We want for you to become proficient at what you do and be able to use the knowledge gained throughout the course to help your career and future plans!We are here to help you understand everything we talk about and have done our best to achieve this. If however you still have questions we will gladly help you personally in the Q&A section here on Udemy.We will provide you with all the resources you need to build everything included in this course, including step by step source codes for all of the projects!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Construct 2: Learn to Build Mobile Games in 2 Hours!" |
"Course DescriptionLearn to create cross-platform mobile games in 2 hours! Start your journey and create the next big game to hit the market!Overview:Start building your own mobile games without having any experience in programming or game development. This complete course is designed for anyone and everyone who is passionate about creating their own mobile games and doing it quickly. This course will teach you the basics of Construct 2 by creating your very own platform game!About Construct 2:Construct 2 is a powerful ground breaking HTML5 game creator designed specifically for 2D games. It allows anyone to build games no coding required! It has even won the 1st Annual International Best Game Creator Award of 2014. This engine allows anyone to create games easily and publish them on multiple platforms (Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, HTML5, Wii U, Facebook, Amazon Appstore and much more) without writing a single line of code.What's Included?Over 30 High Quality (HD) Step-By-Step Video Tutorials.Over 120+ minutes of High Quality Video Content.Complete Workshop Files (.capx), Graphics and Resources.What You Will Learn From This Course?Creating Objects with Basic AIFinding Objects and Finding PathsOn Screen Touch ControlsMastering the Use of VariablesAdding Music and Sound EffectsCreating and Adding New LevelsAdding Load and Save Features to Your GameCreating Buttons, Menus and Title ScreensCourse Objective:After completing this course, you will be able to build and sell your own video games on several platforms like Web (HTML), Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android and much more without restrictions.What are the requirements?Free or Paid edition of Construct 2 is requiredWhat am I going to get from this course?Over 30 lectures and 2 hours of content!Create a Complete 2D Cross-Platform Video Game From Scratch without Coding or Prior ExperienceGain various essential skills in game design and developmentGain a good understanding of Construct 2 and its features while learning about game developmentLearn everything you need to create your own advanced platformer gameWhat is the target audience?Complete beginners who want to create video gamesDesigners who wants to create games without codingAnyone who is interested in learning on Construct 2Beginners of Construct 2 that need to learn more about itAny developer who is interested in creating 2D cross platform video games"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Anger Management Basics-The Cycle The Change The Action Plan" |
"After watching the promo video, you will learn that this course will help you to pinpoint your challenge areas in your cycle of anger and through the information shared, you will be able to develop a plan for SUCCESS. Starting with a complete overview of the all-new Emotional Cycle, this 8-part system goes through each part in-depth and it shows you exactly what happens from the onset of your anger all the way through until the cycle repeats itself. This section alone will give you everything that you need to start overcoming your anger and stop the cycle from happening completely!But, it doesn't stop there. This section concludes with tasks that are designed to help you identify where you have challenges within your cycle, why you have those challenges, and the types of physical and emotional experiences that you have as a result of your anger.Section two teaches you about why change is hard and it begins with an explanation about the constant struggle that happens between your mind and your emotions. When your emotions and your mind are not working in tandem, it's generally your emotions that are in control of your decisions and unfortunately, they are what lead you through the emotional cycle. This section will teach you how to get your thinking, your emotions, and your environment in line with each other because together, those three aspects will maximize your success.The final section for this course gives you the steps for an action plan. The plan is purposefully designed to be simple and easy to implement. Just keep in mind that real change takes consistency and practice. If you take the time to put the plan in place and you consistently work on the plan, then this system will work for you!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Successful Day Trading with Fibonacci" |
"Day trading can be extremely frustrating. Sometimes it feels like there is someone in the machine looking at you, waiting for you to place your order so that they can take the trade in another direction and take your money. The truth is, because of very advanced algorithms the machine ""IS"" watching. This is why its important to understand how to read a Chart so that you can run with Bulls and not fight the bears, and trade high probability winning trades and not losing one's. We will give you several studies that are not provided in the thinkerorswim platform and teach you how to use them. This course will teach you:1. Which direction the stock that you trading is running2. Where to get in3. Where to place your stops4. When to get outIn several hours you will learn these simple Techniques and take the fear out of trading. You will also be able to back test these simple techniques on the thinkorswim ""Ondemand"" platform as well."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Crushing the Market on ThinkorSwim with Fibonacci" |
"Day trading can be extremely frustrating. Sometimes it feels like there is someone in the machine looking at you, waiting for you to place your order so that they can take the trade in another direction and take your money. The truth is, because of very advanced algorithms the machine ""IS"" watching. This is why its important to understand how to read a Chart so that you can run with Bulls and not fight the bears, and trade high probability winning trades and not losing one's. We will give you several studies that are not provided in the thinkerorswim platform and teach you how to use them. This course will teach you:1. Which direction the stock that you trading is running2. Where to get in3. Where to place your stops4. When to get outIn several hours you will learn these simple Techniques and take the fear out of trading. You will also be able to back test these simple techniques on the thinkorswim ""Ondemand"" platform as well."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Basic Finnish for Medical Professionals" |
"The course is meant for students who have a little or minimal knowledge about medical Finnish. The course consists of 9 (nine) chapters where we go through the following: - meeting the patient- asking questions about the patient's health- answering the patient's questions- giving the diagnosis- discussing the symptoms of most usual diseases. All chapters are audio recorded. While you are listening the chapter, you see the slides with the responsive text appearing on your screen as well. The course gives you tools to manage in the most common situations that you come across when working in Finnish speaking hospital or clinic."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get Hired in Finland: a Guide for Health Care Professionals" |
"This course is meant for you, if you, as a health care professional, are interested in working in Finland.As a health care professional you meet people every day. That's why you need to be able to communicate with your patients and colleagues in Finnish. There is absolutely no need to be perfect, but at least intermediate level communication skills in Finnish are extremely important in your job.In this course I will walk you through the steps that you need to take when looking for a job in Finland. We will cover the most important things from writing the application documents to the job interview to important language tips that make understanding the native speakers even better. The course is a mix of language and cultural cues and it has numerous practical tips that will help you to get a job that you will love."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Triunfa en Social Media y convirtete en Community Manager" |
"Bienvenido al curso Triunfa en Social Media. En este curso aprenders todo lo necesario para convertirte en un verdadero Community Manager. El curso cuenta con una serie de vdeos que hablan sobre las herramientas que necesitas para gestionar las Redes Sociales de tu proyecto, empresa o cliente, y explican cmo hacer uso de ellas. La estructura del curso est basada en tutoriales que hablan de distintos temas como plataformas de gestin de redes sociales, herramientas web que te ayudarn a optimizar tu tiempo y tu trabajo, y casos prcticos donde aprenders cmo utilizar algunas de esas herramientas. Semanalmente voy probando distintas herramientas de Social Media, adoptando aquellas que funcionan bien, y desechando aquellas que no encuentro de utilidad. He pasado meses diseando este curso, y en l he incluido las herramientas y soluciones que mejor se han adaptado a mis actividades y trabajo profesional como Community Manager.Este curso est diseado para aquellas personas que ya tengan conocimientos bsicos de redes sociales y quieran dar el paso a convertirse en gestores de redes sociales a un nivel ms profesional. Aunque no hace falta tener ningn tipo de conocimiento tcnico, el estudiante ideal cuenta con al menos una experiencia bsica de redes sociales personales. Si ya trabajas gestionando redes sociales, manejas plataformas de gestin de Community Management, y regularmente manejas datos como analticas de desempeo, quizs este curso no sea para ti, aunque s te recomiendo que le eches un ojo a la estructura del curso, ya que pasa por elementos bsicos del Community Management, e igualmente cubre otros elementos ms avanzados."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Essencial de EXCEL: Faa melhor e mais rpido!" |
"Nossoobjetivo tornar sua vida mais fcil. Ns sabemos que uma forma de fazer isso dominando o uso de boas ferramentas. OExcel sem dvidauma delas.O curso prtico e direto ao ponto. Ns abordamos o que voc precisa saber, no temos pretenso de tomar seu tempo explicando as frmulas e funesque s os cientistas da NASA utilizam.Temos certeza que aps a concluso das aulas voc ter um conhecimentobomo suficiente para resolver basicamente qualquer problema que envolva manipulao,anlisee apresentao de dados."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
Paraphrasing |
"Professors from the University of New England were surveyed to find the most common problems in undergraduate writing. The inability to paraphrase ideas and the failure to express ones ideas were found to be common problems (Garret, n.d.). It is possible that these common problems are not being directly addressed. When I transitioned from high school to college, I also struggled with paraphrasing. I didn't really understand what paraphrasing was or how to paraphrase in an effective manner. Because of my struggles, my grades suffered and I believed that I was a terrible writer. My English Composition 101 professor encouraged me that I was an excellent writer, but I needed a better understanding of paraphrasing. She gave me the confidence boost that I needed. I tried to figure out an effective way to paraphrase. I graduated Summa cum Laude! I recently graduated with distinction with a Master of Science Degree in General Psychology. Now, I would like to share what I learned to help you paraphrase effectively. This course directly gives strategies to paraphrase ideas and also to express ideas in one's own voice and style.After completing this course you will be able to: Chart, sketch, or write a personal definition of paraphrasing Learn how to paraphrase Evaluate if a paraphrase needs revision Paraphrase ideas that relate to an academic assignment Gain control and confidence with paraphrasing sources on academic assignments Why is paraphrasing important? In academic writing, you need to be able to paraphrase reliable sources. Paraphrasing shows your professor that you understood what you read. If you do not paraphrase ideas, you may be plagiarizing. Plagiarizing is stealing an author's ideas and using them as your own. Penalties for plagiarizing can vary from having to redo an assignment to being dismissed from the college or university. ReferencesGarret, J. M. (n.d.). Common problems in undergraduate writing."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Develop Self-Control - Today!" |
"This is a no nonsense, practical, nuts and bolts course designed for anyone who is ready to focus on developing their self-control. Taught by Ed Kreiner, a Life Coach and Pastor of forty years, this course highlights simple practices rather than theory. Many of us become careless of our words, our emotional outbursts or the moodiness that has incrementally crept into our lives. We wonder how to change or if change is even possible. Yes it is! And any development you acquire in the area of self-control will benefit your entire life; how you work, speak, promise, and respond. The four practices work! The question is, will you work them? If so, you will be launched into a new orbit of personal relationships and productivity."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MAKE YOUR WORDS SELL (Headline Swiss-Knife Method)" |
"The first words your customers hear and read in your ads (headlines) could make you or break you... It's true - legendary marketer Ted Nicholas said it himself ""headlines can make you a fortune"".With ""Headline Swiss-Knife Method"", I take you by the hand as you discover a deeper thinking process to creating headlines. Not only will you be able to create powerful neck-grabbing headlines, you'll also learn how to ""reflect"" on what your product is all about so you sell it better, in shorter span of time.This ultimately decreases the headaches and anxiety you face when marketing an idea or product. Coming up with that killer attention grabbing headline for your product just became breeze.Brace yourself because being an initiate of Headline Swiss-Knife Method"" is like...""Switching your understanding and ability to write headlines from black and white television to a full-colored HD TV."""
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Airbnb Entrepreneur : Become the Best Listing in Town!" |
"Join the Best-Seller course about Airbnb on Udemy! UPDATE : Hi all! At this point I have 8 listings on Airbnb that are respectively the most booked in their cities, and always at the top search results. As usual, I followed the same techniques that I expose in this course. The funny thing is that I still see a lot of my Airbnb ""competitors"" doing things EXTREMELY wrong and having ridiculous numbers of bookings. Want a fun fact? There is actually a person renting a similar flat to mine on Airbnb in the SAME building as one of my listings. But their ""Location"" rating is 3/5, while mine varies between 4,5/5 and 5/5. That says a lot about how people can have a bad perception of everything if you do things wrong. The location is absolutely the same! So Airbnb guests rate my competitors' location down along with the other criteria because they generally have a bad exeperience with him. It's pretty interesting...So trust me, this course gives out amazing knowledge! ---Do you plan to start renting a space on Airbnb? Or are you already renting but feeling like your competitors are doing better than you, and that you can improve and earn much more? If yes, this course is for you. You will learn how to become the best Airbnb option in your area. This will allow you to generate the maximum amount of money that your space can bring in - in other words, make the most out of your local Airbnb renting market. Also, it will prevent you from doing mistakes that can lead to bad reviews, and consequently have a negative impact on your renting business. This course provides practical knowledge that you will be able to use to generate a good income by renting your space on Airbnb in the most efficient way.I have several listings on Airbnb and all of them are the most profitable in their cities, meaning that they attract guests first, before my ""competitors"", and therefore generate the most money. I always used the same techniques to publish and kick-start my new units on Airbnb that I explain in this course and it worked every time. But as Airbnb is growing around the world, more and more people are proposing spaces to rent, and there is more and more competition. That's why it's even more important to stand out and become the best Airbnb option in your area and consolidate your position as such.So in this course I give out all my knowledge and experience that I accumulated since 3+ years of successful Airbnb renting of multiple units in different cities."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"How to Find, Evaluate and Launch New Startup Ideas" |
"Join the biggest startup course on Udemy: 11 000+ entrepreneurs & 800+ reviews! From the authors of bestselling courses in Business and Innovation:Do you want to start your own startup, or learn how it's done? If yes, then this startup course is for you. Here you'll learn how to generate great startup ideas, evaluate their potential and test them with customers in real life. We use hundreds of real life examples to illustrate everything we teach to make it practical and easy to understand. It's all about startups, business, entrepreneurship and technology! We strive to provide knowledge in the most concise way : our videos are short and straight to the point, while being full of great content. They are adapted for online learning : our tested methodology is fun and engaging. We want you to get the best online learning experience!This course allows you to find, evaluate and test new startup ideas. You will get two major learning sections:1) How to find and evaluate new startup ideas:7 New Ways to Come Up With Great Startup IdeasWhat Customers Really Want : The Problem-Solution FitSimple Techniques to Assess Your Market & CompetitionFill out your Startup Plan using the Lean Canvas2) How to test any startup idea with real customers:4 Ways to Bring Your Product Vision Into RealityIn depth : How to Create a Conversion Machine Landing PageIn depth : How to Create Cool Promo VideosBest Free Marketing Techniques to Generate LeadsIntroduction to Content MarketingThis is an entrepreneurship course focused on technology startups, but a lot of the content is also applicable to traditional business. There's a lot of precious knowledge packed inside, so hesitate no more!(Disclaimer: The ""Business Model Canvas"" tool used in some parts of this course is used under Creative Commons license and attribution goes to Strategyzer. This course has no affiliation with and is not endorsed by the authors of the Business Model Canvas.)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here are some of our reviews that you can find in the pages below: ""Amazing course. I love how they kept the course to the point and very engaging. One of the best courses that I have taken."" ""A fantastic course, and thank you for all the rich information and the creative presentation."" ""One of the best courses. I have taken entrepreneurship courses on edX and Coursera also, but this one is unique and the best. It cleared my doubts."" ""Very Informative. Easy to understand for someone who know nothing about entrepreneurship/startup."" ""It's great, fun and amazing experience learning from these videos."""
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Shoot Video with Magic Lantern in Canon DSLR Camera" |
"This course has been designed to provide a comprehensive information on Magic Lantern, a software that can transform a Canon DSLR to a versatile film camera. Apart from providing detail information on Magic Lantern, this tutorial demonstrates some key workflows on shooting RAW, HDR and Time-lapse Video. A detail information on using external audio recording device, techniques to install custom picture style, and instruction on making custom cropmakrs have been provided. A detail instruction on how to use Look Up Table (LUT) with CineStyle Picture profile has also been given. This 3 hours long course is one of the most comprehensive tutorials on this topic."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |