Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Business Banking 101" |
""Business Banking 101, everything you ever wanted to know about betting a bank loan" is designed as a road map for anyone tasked with securing bank financing for a business. Your instructor, Bruce Tretzen, has been in the commercial lending industry since 1999 and currently works as a business banker in Seattle. He has created this course based on real-life experiences working with business clients.This course gives insight into what banks look for and how to increase your odds of being approved for a bank loan. These tips, tricks, and resources will help a business owner analyze their financial condition prior meeting with a bank. You will even learn how to choose the right bank to fit your business needs.At the end of this course you will know how to present your loan request to a bank in a clear concise way. You will impress your banker by giving them the financial information they want before even asking for it. In addition, you will know how to negotiate for the best possible rate and terms. If you are a business owner, accountant, CPA or consultant, this course will expand you business banking knowledge as you learn the secrets of business banking. This course is especially valuable to new business owners who have never applied for a business loan from a bank. Or perhaps you are thinking about starting a business and wonder if you even qualify for a bank loan. You will even learn about options available if your loan request is denied.I invite you to step inside my classroom and learn how to negotiate like a business banker."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Sell More Products without Facebook Ads or PPC Advertising" |
"Join the more than 2,700 students learning from our courses!There is NOTHING like this course on Udemy! One student wrote: ""Woo-HOOOO! This SO works!"" She went on to say ""I just re-posted an ad that had been running on CraigsList for 80 days. I made some small changes and it sold in four hours!"" - People say the proof is in the pudding... well I guess she pretty much summed up whether or not you'll find this course helpful.If you're looking to build a second income selling new or used items online, or maybe you just want to clear the clutter from your home, your success depends entirely on your ad (also known as a listing or notice) because if no one clicks your listing, then it doesn't really matter how good the item or product is that you're selling or even how great the price is... if no one clicks your listing, you can't sell it! Let me show you how to create effective ads that get attention... and results!I've been buying and selling used items for years because I know that One's Man's Junk Really is Another Man's Treasure. Like the time I was going to throw away an old car EQ that had been collecting dust for years, but I decided to list it on a Buy & Sell website to save me a trip to the recycling depot. I figured if I could get ten bucks for it I would be happy - it not sold right away, I pocketed 80 dollars for it! Not bad for something I was going to throw away!One of the things I learned over the years is Selling Items Online IS DIFFERENT Than Selling Face to Face because your Ad Listing is the only information potential buyers have when it comes to purchasing decisions. Your Ad can work for you, or against you! By the time you finish this course, you'll know how to create effective ads that get attention and results!Each Section will Focus on One Key Area, and I break the lessons down into everyday language to help you understand why it is so important, and how you can use it to improve your own selling efforts. Topics we'll cover include:The importance of proper imagesHow to take better pictures regardless of what camera you are using.How to price your items so you don't miss a sales opportunity.How to write emotional descriptions that appeal to the buyer's various senses.How to generate more traffic to your ad without spending money on Facebook or Google Ads.Plus other tips, techniques and best practices.Included with this course are my two eBooks: ""Selling Online, a Reality Checklist"" and ""Writing Descriptions that Sell."" I created this course because I kept seeing and reading the same problems over and over again when I was looking for items online. You'll learn how to avoid those costly mistakes without having to go through years of trial and error. Enroll in my course today and start improving your sales success tomorrow!______________________________________ PLEASE NOTE: The original name of this course was ""The Buy & Sell Money Tree"" and most of our videos have been branded with that name. However, Udemy changed its policy and no longer allowed course titles to contain the word ""money."" As such, only the course title has been changed, everything in the course itself is the exact same!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Ukulele 2 : Level 1 KEY OF C AND STRUMS" |
"Ukulele 2: Builds on from the Beginning Ukulele. In this online ukulele group you will learn to play ukulele so you can feel comfortable when you join a local group or play alone or begin to learn to entertain. The person taking this course is brave to learn a new instrument or will become brave as they continue to learn. You don't have to sing but play along to music. What the course is about. Fretboard and Dots, Simple Chord Structure, Simple strum for C chord Simple songs in Key of C with G7, Strumming examples, Chords of F and Am Time Signatures, Rhythm, Calypso Strum, Two Chord song list C G7 and finger placement, Additional chords in the key of C Stepping patterns for Chord shapes Make your changing faster. SkillChecklist, More songs in C, Blues Backing track in C for private use. Blues structure for UkuleleThe checklist is so you have something to tick off and know what you have learnt. This is to ensure that when you finish the course you are sure what you have learnt, and feel proud of your achievements. The terminology is included as you learn that follows along regular music names such as the Key of a song, chords, notes, lyrics, fretboard, frets, strum names etc. The materials included are many pdfs to download which involve songs and chord shapes for your resource folder. I wouldn't hurry the course but plod along as you see fit. Don't forget you are learning so 15 minutes a day is easy enough and will ensure your fingers learn well as well as the pathways in your brain. The course is structured in video lectures and pdfs attached. There are some websites to look at, these are no cost. The downloads are so you can print them off and keep in a resource folder for you to use when you are not on the internet. These can also be shared for educational purposes. All music is copyrighted to the public domain or the writer. The pdf's are not for sale, they are given for additional educational purposes. If you are looking for a particular song with chords, I can usually source the song, so please ask if you have a special request. Why should you take this course: To learn ukulele and have fun. You will grow in your music literacy. There is a book available on Amazon called Playing the Ukulele by Michelle Daley, if you wish to purchase this in kindle form. This book fits with the first two courses. Good luck and happy playing. Keep on keeping on."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Ukulele 1" |
"Productive use of a person's time and enhances relationships. This course introduces the learner to care and consideration of their musical status and instrument. It is about Realising that Ukulele has given them the knowledge of themselves that one can achieve playing a musical instrument. The benefits of playing ukulele and Famous Musicians alongside them. Types of ukulele before you buyParts of the instrumentCare for your instrumentWarm up your fingersName of the open stringsHow to hold the UkuleleTune the UkuleleMaterials necessary are a ukulele and tuner. Perhaps a printer to download the songs to practice. The course is structured in lesson format and has audio to help understand what the pdfs are about. This course is all about an introduction to the instrument. It is suitable for the new learner, refresher from children to grandparents and someone who wants to learn ukulele as well as their guitar. Terminology that is used will be keys, chords, tuning, ukulele, soundboard, frets, strings, warmup, fingers, uke, soprano, concert, tenor and GCEA. The course covers the above listings. It is taught through pdfs, audio and images. Why a student ought to enroll is for company, to join a group that plays ukulele, to improve their social skills and knowledge with something in common with the upsurge of ukulele players since George Formby. Songs are downloadable."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ukulele 3: Intermediate" |
"This course is a growing knowledge of playing the ukulele and in various keys. This course is valuable to be able to play any song you like in the chords that suit your voice or group playing. If you would like a chord chart to stick on the back of your ukulele for quick reminding, please ask. Stick it on with artist tape. It doesn't mark your instrument.I have many one chord tutoring on this course as well. F, C, C7, Cmaj, Am, A7. These are easy to teach your young children how to play a song while strumming up and down or just down strokes. Have fun. You can become a tutor too. Keep it simple and try new strumming patterns. It is to increase the knowledge of my students who have achieved Ukulele 2 and includes more songs and places to find many more. The same materials are needed for playing. Maybe a printer to download songs and play. The course can be run through quickly then taken in bites at a time. The course is structured in the various keys of music. A, C, D, F, G. The chord of E is sometimes quite difficult for some players. The chord of Bb is easier to manage if the ukulele is held up and slightly slanted toward you so the fingers are pointing downward to achieve the first finger pressing on the two bottom strings together. These keys of music which are groups of 3-6 such as C Dm Em F G7 Am are taught. Most use only up to 5. to transpose a song is something we will learn at another stage. More lessons are going up in different keys in the next months."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Windows 7 Tips" |
"Hello and Welcome to manyTips For Windows. This course is for users who are looking for tips in using the windows 7program. obviously some can be transferred up.The course is about using special keys to unlock secrets in the program. One of these special keys is the Microsoft Logo Windows Key. It is placed close to the Spacebar onthe left hand. Yours may be placedelsewhere. It has the logo on it but in white not color. I hope you will understand the terminology from this course to use in your everyday computer usage. This course will not take long to take which depends on your knowledge that you have already attained. The course is structured one subject at a time and can save considerable time over months knowing these skills. Some I find are my favorite and have become more valuable as time has gone on. Enjoy this course and it is here for you to research when and where you need the Wintips. I hopeyou make small cards/ notebook with these tips on for your workplace."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking Masterclass ... Present Like A Professional" |
" Aimed at those who give talks or speeches (ow need to) to small, medium to larger audiences, our award winning professional speaker of some 20 years (David Hyner psae fpsa alam) shares the knowledge of the great platform speakers in short easy to understand videos that gives you the skills, confidence and ability to make a bigger ... and lasting impact. When you use this training you will be understand how to; prevent presentation nerves structure content easilydeliver with few or no written notesstorytellinguse of humourhandling hecklersbody languagegesture and much more besidesGreat for speakers, teachers, lecturers, trainers and anyone who speaks for a living that needs a few top tips to take their delivery to the next level.Includes great bonus resources to ensure depth of learning and ongoing development."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PURPOSE ... how to find your ""why""" |
"Is what you are thinking of doing... what you are ""meant"" to be doing?Is it ""right"" for you, as a person, to be doing?Purpose is a reason to do what you do and this game changer fo a course can lead you to be able to;make decisions, KNOWING if it is right for you to do or not.know if what you are doing right now is right for you?understand yourself at a level very few people ever get to experience.have a statement by which you can operate on a daily basis to keep you bang on track!Purpose makes decision making easy because you will ""JUSTKNOW"" if it right for you or not.It is like having a ""decision making compass"" that rarely lets you down.You will get to understand how your values AND your insecurities can BOTHbe a strength in your decision making, and how the whole process can give you a level of confidence, certainty and conviction that few people ever experience.Be warned.... the work is a bit fo a ""deep dive"" into yourself and some people will need help or guidance to find their way, but for those who do, the rewards are bountiful."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How To Set & Achieve MASSIVE Goals" |
"The MASSIVE Goal Principle... This course blows the myth out of the water that we should be setting ""realistic & achievable"" goals...The presenter has conducted 200+ research interviews with top achievers which proved that successful people do NOT set ""smart"" goals.This is a research based goal setting model wrapped around the private thoughts, behaviours and secret proven systems of top achievers.This course gives you the skills and confidence to set and go about achieving your MASSIVE goal.achieve more both day to day AND on your massive goal.know how to get a coach or mentor at the very highest level.plan your goals the way top achievers do.overcome the ""give in"" moments.know how set up and run a ""mastermind"" peer group for success.think and behave like a top achiever.The course is for those with a goal to achieve or a BIG SCARY project that needs achieving and it shares with you how you will be able to think and behave like the ""super successful"" do when setting their goals. Proven in both the business world and education sector and in addition many have achieved amazing personal goals using this process. It is ""NOT"" for those who are okay with playing safe all the time and moan about not achieving things.The actual process and structure of how to set a MASSIVE goals is given to you along with the most popular actions and processes used by top achievers when setting goals and working towards their ""massive goals"".Packed with true examples of those who have used the process to achieve BIG and some of the top achievers David interviewed for the process research.How to plan your goal and find out what ""you do not know"".Why your purpose is CRITICAL to your success.Confidence in getting the right support network around you.Certainty around overcoming procrastination, and maintaining your motivation levels to win big!Know why ""fun"" is critical to your goals.How to get a top achiever to ""mentor"" you.10'000-50'000 people every year experience David Hyner presenting this live and many have taken action to achieve their goals including sporting champions, exam busting superstars and business gurus.D grade to A* 100% in four months !Over a dozen Amazon no1 books credit this process.World, European and National sporting champions.Some great resources... on their own worth the course fee include a supporting ebook explaining how to use the process, and templates of the process for you to play with.Structured in 12 short, punchy and light hearted videos (5-13 minutes each) delivered by the lead researcher David Hyner who is an award winning professional speaker himself after using this process. In addition, he used the process himself to have no1 books on Amazon and Kindle, raise over half a MILLION (GBP) pounds for charity and much more besides.Will you set yourself a MASSIVE GOAL ?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Make A Great First Impression" |
"In this course, you are given the 4 keys to creating a great first impression. how to give and hold eye contact and why it is CRITICALWhy the smile is the quickest way to get rapporthow in certain countries the handshake is key and how to deliver a great handshake to avoid losing rapportwhat to say next and how to introduce yourself to make a great first impression at interviews and eventsThis course gives you the basic skills and confidence to make an great first impression every time.As you gain in confidence you will read other peoples body language with ease to enable you to communicate more effectively with almost anybody, anywhere, anytime. In addition to this I have also added a bonus section showing how to communicate just as effectively on line and also at special occasions. In over 15 years of professional speaking, I have interviewed over 200 top achievers from all walks of life. Sports stars, Industry gurus, politicians, even powerboat racers have shared their secrets of goal setting and communication skills with me. This course is a bite sized introduction, into the world of professional speaking and performance communication."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SQL y MySQL: Aprende todo lo bsico sobre base de datos." |
"Ms de tres horas y media de curso con explicaciones prcticas. Curso para todos los niveles: desde personas que no han utilizado una base de datos anteriormente hasta personas con conocimiento que quieran repasar lo aprendido anteriormente.Slo es necesario tener acceso a un sistema con el servidor MySQL instalado (se puede instalar localmente). Alternativamente nos puedes enviar un mensaje y de forma gratuita le daremos acceso a servidor MySQL para practicar (con acceso web para que no tenga que instalar nada en su PC).En este curso de SQL/MySQL explicaremos todo lo necesario para entender como funciona un gestor de base de datos, la arquitectura que hay detrs de un modelo de cliente-servidor y los objetos de la base de datos.Posteriormente explicaremos el lenguaje SQL tanto para consultar, manipular datos y objetos.Para finalizar hablaremos de MySQL y las herramientas que ofrece para optimizar las consultas, crear bases de datos y gestionar usuarios."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Linux: todo lo necesario para ser administrador" |
"Este curso de 9 horas est divido en cuatro unidades:En la primera unidad nos centraremos en el uso de la consola y los comandos ms bsicos.En la segunda unidad hablaremos de procesos y prioridades, ficheros y directorios.En la tercera unidad veremos como instalar Linux y los gestores de paquetes para Debian y Red Hat.Y ya en la ltima unidad, hablaremos de usuarios y grupos, cuotas, copias de seguridad y restauracin.Despus de este curso tendrs los conocimientos bsicos para administrar Linux tanto a nivel profesional como a nivel particular."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Docker: todo lo necesario para dominarlo." |
"Curso para principiantes sobre una tecnologa tan popular actualmente como esDocker. Este curso tiene una parte terica para explicar qu es docker, el porqu es tan popular,cul es la tecnologa que utilizay lo compararemos con la virtualizacin estndar.A travs de videos explicativos, veremos la instalacin y los primeros pasos. Todo esto con un mtodo de enseanza muy didactico.El curso tiene 22 clases, de una media de 4-5 minutos cada clase. Al finalizar el curso, hay un test con cerca de 20 preguntasSi te has pregunta qu esdocker o si quieres aprender a utilizardocker, ste es el curso adecuado para ti."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Python: Domnalo de una forma prctica y dinmica" |
"Curso de Python 3 orientado tanto a personas sin conocimiento previo de programacin cmo a personas con experiencia en otros lenguajes de programacin.Python se ha convertido en uno de los lenguajes ms populares en la actualidad. Usado tanto por administradores de sistema como sustituto de Perl, como usado por desarrolladores profesionales en la creacin de aplicaciones profesionales o pginas web de gran tamao.A travs de 10 secciones, explicando de forma prctica y creando mientras se explica cmo crear una aplicacin: un pequeo twitter en consola. Empezaremos viendo cmo instalarPython, las maneras de ejecutar nuestro cdigo y toda la sintaxis bsica y avanzada del mismo. Creando esta aplicacin pondremos en prctica todo lo que vayamos aprendiendo.Adems cada seccin tiene un ejercicio de codificacin para poner en prctica los conocimientos adquiridos. A travs de una herramienta ofrecida porUdemy, con vuestro navegador podris resolver estos ejercicios.73 clases, 6 horas de curso para aprender todo lo necesario para programar sus propias aplicaciones. Todo explicado de una forma diferente."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Email Marketing: Our Insider Email Marketing Strategies" |
"Get our most effective email marketing tactics, strategies and methods.You'll learn how to increase your open rates, delivery rates, click through rates and reduce unsubscribes all while increasing engagement with your subscribers.Delivered in video format with supporting PDFs and checklists. What you'll learn inside this comprehensive training:The Four MUST HAVE Emails In Every Follow Up SeriesDetermining Purpose And Setting Email Campaign GoalsHow To Build Instant Credibility, Authority and Rapport With Your ListSales Funnel Pricing For Maximum ProfitsThe Four KEY Copywriting Style and Design StrategiesThe Ingredients To Writing Great EmailsHow to Monetize Your Email ListsKeeping Your Subscribers Engaged and Wanting MoreTraffic Strategies To Grow Your Opt-In ListPLUS, you'll get over 50 pages of swipes that you can use in your own marketing and email marketing campaigns! And much, much more!We are full time email marketers and want to share with you the exact strategies and methods we use to get maximum engagement from your list and getting the most out of your email marketing campaigns."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"13 Easy Ways to Get Traffic to Your Website" |
"Its no secret;trying to drive traffic at will to sell products, build a list and makeaffiliate commissions is extremely difficult.As you struggle to overcome the traffic puzzle, youre often met with headaches and roadblocks. Finding a solution seems impossible.Maybe, like us, youve:Tried multiple paid sources like FB ads which ended up in frustration, debt and nothing to show for your effortsTried dozens of free traffic sources which only resulted in a massive waste of time and energyBought course after course on traffic which led to more wasted money and frustrationItsreally no wonder that most people who try to drive traffic to sell products, build a list and make affiliate commissions simply give up.But the truth isFinally Being Able To Send Floods Of Buying Traffic To Your Offers Is MUCH Closer Than You Think!Weve been down the same road and these days, things have gotten much betterWere finally able to drive high quality, converting traffic anywhere we chooseat will, and we can also sell more products for profit. Were even lucky enough to say we can now build our lists faster than ever,risk free.But weveNEVERforgotten the frustration before seeing any improvement.Having Tried It ALL, We Were Beaten Down and Ready To Throw In The TowelRoadblocks were a constant reality.What stopped usDEAD IN OUR TRACKSwas that we were afraid to keepWASTING TIME & MONEYtrying traffic sources that just dont work.We just didnt know, back then, that there areUNTAPPEDtraffic sources that giveAMAZINGresults. We were afraid of not gettingANYreturns from our traffic driving efforts.Of course, were sure you know EXACTLY what we mean.You couldnt blame us for wanting to give up when this sounds so familiar to you:Youve tried multiple paid sources which just resulted in frustration, debt and nothing to show for your effortsYouve tried dozens of free traffic sources which led to a massive waste of time and energy. Youve bought course after course on traffic which all ended up in more wasted money and frustrationThey say thedefinition of insanityis expecting the same action to produce different results. Well, being fairly sane, we were fresh out of ideas. And nothing worked.But before we pulled the plug entirelySomething happened that changed everything!We were steps away from giving up when we were networking with someTRAFFIC GIANTSandlearnedtheywereusingcompletelyUNDERUTILIZEDandEVERGREEENsources to drive trafficAnd onceWEtapped into these secret sources, we couldnt believe our success. After makingSO MANY MISTAKES, we couldnt believe wed stumbled upon the answer.However, knowing we werent the only ones suffering from this traffic problem,we had to share our formula for success.After all, were nothing special. We didnt deserve this success anymore than anyone else. We just had a stroke of luck that came our way.Which isWHYwere so gladYOUVEstumbled your own way to this course. We cant wait to introduce you to Simple Website Traffic Generation Strategies...Here's a quick recap of everything you'll receive when you secure your training right now:ACOMPLETEpackage of 13 different traffic sources, free & paid, that are largely untapped and bring fantastic results.Step by step over the shoulder video training.3 of our personalBESTtraffic sources included.Created by marketers that use these methods every day.Proven results.Drive engaged visitors in any niche.Untapped and undervalued traffic sources that deliver.New website traffic generationsources being added each month as we uncover them.What Makes This Course Unique?Weve got your back. Youll have a dedicated team of three instructors ready to answer any question you have, or describe something in more detail for you.As with our other courses, this one will be updated over time with fresh content. All updates for life are included.The extensive content is broken into easily digestible bits you can rapidly absorb. Engaging exercises along the way help you master the methods so you can see results fast.Youll come out with specific strategies AND SKILLS to drive consistent, lucrative traffic to any of your websites and online properties.Thank you!-The IM RebelsMark Tandan, Brian Gray and Shane Farrell"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Amazon Kindle Hack to make Sales and Grow Your Email List" |
"Welcome to Amazon Kindle Email List Building In ANY Niche!We want YOU to learn our EVERGREENmethod to drive subscribers daily to our email lists.Are you struggling to make money from your email marketing?Are people not subscribing to your email lists?Are you having trouble getting enough traffic to make it all worth while?We've been there before and it kinda sucks!That's why we love using methods that you only have to work ONCEand you get TRAFFIC for life. That's what tapping into the largest product search engine in the world will do for you!Amazon Kindle used in this method to build massive email marketing lists lets you..Build an audienceSell paid contentEstablish yourself as an expertBuild trust and authorityLeverage huge audiencesfor free!Kindle used to be a not very well kept secret among top list builders and email marketers. Who wouldn't want highly targeted subscribers day in and day out?What used to be underground can now be your main weapon to grow your subscriber base, expand your funnel and increase your profits each and every month.We show you how do replicate what we do from A-Z. We look at the best types of lead magnets. adding tripwires to increase profits, building your email follow up series and more...before we even get to the super effective Kindle Direct Publishing Selecttraining!Then you'll learn how to best research the highest selling keywords terms in kindle and fit the right angle for you to siphon off traffic and subscribers. We will show you how to write your book under a day using work already done for us. Our strategy for getting even more subscribers during your free book promotions and a second method that Amazon doesn't want out there!Why listen to us?Check out what existing students have to say about our training ""One of the best courses of more than 30 that I have completed."" - Nicolas Danielson""To the point instruction.. Like the short videos.. easy to absorb.. very good download and resources section.This team produces super solid information on topics marketers need to know. I have bought other courses from them and I find its always over-delivered top notch learning on the inside."" - LearningSilo""Brian, Mark and Shane are excellent instructors and the course is all in as far as content goes so I highly recommend it."" - Fred Ferguson ""Another Excellent Course From The IM Rebels!I have just completed watching this course and it provides an excellent platform for you to build an online business from and also an audience for that business. There is a lot of excellent content here ... this is one excellent marketing plan!"" - Terry JenkinsWe've also included templates and downloadable resources to help you as much as possible. These are the same tools we and our virtual assistants use.If you are ready to finally build your list with quality traffic and engaged subscribers that reward you with profits, Amazon Kindle Email ListBuilding in Any Niche is you answer!See you on the inside,The IM Rebels-Shane Farrell, Brian Gray and MarkTandanP.S. Don't forget you are covered by Udemy's 30 Day money back guarantee. Not satisfied with this course or find it's just not a fit for your business? No problem, Udemy makes it easy to refund your purchase."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get the Gig! Marketing Basics for Freelancers & Solopreneurs" |
"53 million Americans currently do some form of freelance work and that number is rising. As the freelance community grows, so does the need for freelancers and solopreneurs to understandhow tostand out.Throughusing a tried-and-tested framework created specifically for freelancers and solopreneurs, Get the Gig! givesyou the practical toolsto help you to win more business through:Creatingand developing your personal brand to stand out from the competitionBuilding deeper relationships and strengthening your networkIdentify additionalways to make money doing what you loveMarketing and promoting yourself in a way that you feel confident andcomfortable with."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Understanding Abusive Relationships" |
"This course explains the complexities of abusive relationships and the pervasiveness of abuse as a global epidemic. Whether abuse is physical, verbal, psychological, or financial -- and regardless of the gender of the abuser or target -- this course is aimed at reducing intimate partner abuse through education and empowerment.The instructor shares unique insights to the burning question: ""Why don't victims leave?"" Students will comprehend how an abuser's tactics and a target's vulnerabilities creates a powerful bond that is dysfunctional and can be difficult to escape. This course also sheds light on the fact that targeted individuals are often robust and successful prior to this relationship, yet become systemically weakened over time. Topics such as abuse by proxy, alienation from one's children, and the shift from physical abuse to more sophisticated types of abuse is taught, as well.Lastly, the instructor illustrates the personality structure of both abusers and targets, and the type of mate an abuser is apt to choose. Students will learn practical advice for avoiding potential abusers, determining whether their partner can change, and supporting loved ones who may be in abusive relationships at present.Through PowerPoint slides and accompanying lecture, the instructor shares her insights and clinical expertise from her research into abusive relationships and her nearly two decades of experience as a psychotherapist.This 75-minute course is structured into six segments and is appropriate for men and women age 16+."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Double your SAT Math score in a week" |
"This is a course for High School students who would like to improve their SAT Math score. This course was developed for students who feel that they are trying as much as they can but still can't see an improvement in their SAT Math score. This course is designed for the student to analyze the gap and thereby improve their score."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SELF LEADERSHIP: Maximising Your Potential in Work & Life" |
"With over 1,000 students in the first 2 weeks, this course is getting some great feedback.Helps define the big questions we all have about our lives - and then provides tangible exercises that empower us to take control. - Brad HookThis course takes complex life, work & personal financial issues and makes them simple. - Virginia SteedThanks for the practical tools - excellent and easy to use. Leonie StanfieldIncreasingly we live in a world where we are all too busy and constantly feeling pressured to do 'more with less'. In this environment, rarely do we get time out to stop and focus on just our self our life, our work, our finances, our motivation what do we really want?This course is your opportunity to stop, refresh and refocus with practical systems, strategies and tools the good news is, it's all about YOU!The challenge is that most people know what they don't want; fewer know what they do want. This innovative course helps put you in the driver's seat of your own life and allows you to maximise your potential in life, work fulfilment and personal finances, with clarity and control, now and in the future.Join Ian Hutchinson (BBus, GDip Psy, CSP), CEO and founder of Life by Design, PSA2012 Educator of the Year, author of '52 Strategies to Work Life Balance', 'People Glue' and 'The Lifestyle-Driven Financial Planner', as he guides you step-by-step through this proven, logical but eye-opening and inspiring process that will help you gain amazing clarity and control in all areas of your life.This is a cut-to-the-chase program, with downloadable tools & resources that will maximise your potential in the key areas of your life and help you live a Life by Design rather than of a life by default.In our increasingly busy lives, psychologically most of us want to be able to make more informed decisions about our life, work and the balance between the two but sometimes just don't know how. Clarity creates control and small things can make a big difference.Strategies to creating a Life by Design, rather than a life by default, are often easier than we think, and through Ian's guidance and over 20 years' experience in helping individuals, this course shows you how.Copyright - Please note all downloadable worksheets provided in this course are for single print & individual use only."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"How To Get More Balance In Life" |
"Like 80% of us, do you too yearn for more balance? Do you live to work, or work to live? Do you want a life by default or a Life by Design?It is said that having work life balance will help you feel more in control of your well-being now and in the future. That you'll be healthier, have better relationships and even be more productive at work. It all sounds easy in theory, but harder in practice right?You can dramatically benefit from re-evaluating your work life balance priorities to ensure that you maximise life's opportunities and minimise life's regrets.Even if you feel you already have good work life balance, it can always be better. Work life balance is not something you just get, and that is the end of it. It is an ongoing balancing act, as the dynamics of life and work are forever changing.So, if like most people, you are feeling like you are being asked to do more with less, and if you too are finding that youve less time for you and the important priorities in your life, then this is the course for you."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Be More Satisfied At Work" |
"Even if you love your work, career check ups just like medical check ups can be hugely beneficial as they can periodically allow you to take on new exciting challenges to keep you growing, avoiding stagnation and staying stimulated, motivated and fulfilled.Perhaps you have a great job, others think so too and you get paid well. You are successful' but are starting to get a sense you aren't as happy and fulfilled by your work as you have been in the past. The challenge has gone out of it, your work needs a little revitalisation, or maybe even a complete make-over. Either way, you are after something more. But frustratingly you're not sure what that something is. This is all very normal!In a constantly changing economy and work world, leaving your career to fate may not be doing yourself any favours. The good news is you can do something about it starting today! No matter how much you currently enjoy your work, proactive career planning:Benchmarks your current work fulfillmentHelps make you even more aware of who you are and what you wantPuts you back in the 'driver's seat' and helps you make more informed decisions about your futureAllows you to feel more in control of maximising your work potential and meaning.Lets face it, you spend around a third of your life working. Thats a long time, so why wouldnt you want to make sure that you enjoy what you do at work as much as possible?Successful people fast-track their future by being proactive about their job fulfilment and career planning. Why not get started by seeing how fulfilled you are and what you can do to quickly improve it?Copyright - Please note all video content and downloadable worksheets provided in this course are for single print & individual use only."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Cash Flow Manage Your Way to Financial Freedom" |
"Learn How toTake Control of Your Cashflow & Maximise Your Financial SecurityIf you are like most people, you want a more fulfilling life and that probably means more financial freedom and independence. When your financial situation is in order its much easier to be stress-free, relaxed, doing what you want to do, rather than have to do. Money worries can be a huge emotional energy drain, sometimes making you feel helpless and potentially lowering your self esteem.By taking a few simple steps, the cumulative effect of your actions could save you thousands of dollars a year and have a dramatic impact on your sense of well-being, not just for now, but in the future. Something as simple as a one page cashflow can ensure that your life expectations and dreams can be met.""Very good course. I always wanted to make a budget spreadsheet and learn to control my family finances better, this course has showed me that it is really simple and effective.""Learn How toCreate andManage a Budget SpreadsheetThe bottom line is, money is a resource; it can give you more choices, to help you achieve your lifestyle dreams.Take the first steps towards your own financial freedom now."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How To Be More Motivated At Work" |
"Most people know what they dont want; fewer truly know what they do want. As such, many people live a life by default, rather than a life by design and sometimes find themselves unmotivated and disengaged in life and work. In an increasingly busy environment we are all being asked to do more with less. But there is a lot more that we can control in our life, work and finances than we are giving ourselves permission for. There are things we cant control sure and rather than waste time and energy on what we cant control, the key is getting real clarity on what we can control, so we can take more responsibility and be more resilient. This program all about you getting clarity about your top motivations in your work life, and what you can do to ensure you are as motivated as possible, and how to stay that way!Clarity Creates Control."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cambia Tu Vida" |
"Si necesitas dar un giro a tu actual vida este es tu programa. En l, contars con mi ayuda para identificar en qu punto te encuentras ahora mismo, dnde quieres dirigirte, planificar objetivos a corto, medio y largo plazo y optimizar tu entorno para que el cambio sea posible.Tirars por la borda todas aquellas creencias que te limitan, aprenders a dejar atrs el victimismo para conseguir ser responsable de tus actos, de tus circunstancias y de tu vida. Obtendrs las herramientas que necesitas para lograr una actitud idnea para dar el paso, como la motivacin, la visualizacin y la inspiracin, entre otras.Nos relajaremos, reflexionaremos, haremos ejercicios de visualizacin, de toma de conciencia y lo mejor, de toma de accin. Todo estructurado en sencillos vdeos donde a veces, a travs de diapositivas y a veces, frente a frente con Lorena, conseguirs asimilar cada concepto y sentirte seguro para dar el giro que necesitas en tu vida.Compromtete contigo mismo y busca algo mejor, te lo mereces. Dirs adis al estancamiento, a la rutina y a aquellas cosas que no necesitas."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"DIY with Arduino - 5 Simple Projects to Get You Started" |
"JOIN OVER 3500+ SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE TAKEN THIS COURSE!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CAPTIONS FOR ALL LECTURES!This course will take you from an Arduino beginner to creating your own designs in 5 Easy to Follow Projects.Learn the building blocks of creating with the Arduino.Each project will give you another piece of the puzzle.Get Step-by Step Instruction the whole way through each project.I'll answer any questions you have to make sure you fully understand the material.If the question can help others, I'll make a video on the topic.Start making your own projects in as little as 2 hoursHave your first sketch running in as little as 10 minutes.27 lectures with over 2 hours of content.Get to know 14 different components and sensorsLearn to use Photo-resistors and PIR Sensors.Push Buttons, Potentiometers, and LEDs.Speakers, Keypads, and LCD Screens.This course it grouped into 5 distinct projects:Project 1: Night Light ProjectProject 2: Traffic Light ProjectProject 3: Motor Speed ControllerProject 4: Motion Detection AlarmProject 5: Access Control DeviceSave time and energy with project based learningIn just 5 Simple Projects, you can be on your way to making whatever you want."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Discover Classical Guitar Level 1" |
"It really does not matter if you've never picked up a guitar before, or what age you are, you just need to enthusiastic about learning to playI've drawn on all my expertise and experience to ensure you make maximum progress in the shortest possible time and I would be delighted if you now take your first steps towards mastering this wonderful instrument using some of my favourite simple pieces. My aim at the end of this course is for you to perform some or all of the music you have learned to family and friends Let me take you through the course.We begin by learning to play Parts 1 and 2 of Malaguena,. exciting music from Spain.We then take a look at technique, I'm sure you want to play at an advanced standard so this a is really important lesson.Next comes a simplified version of Cascade which is romantic in style and introduces you to a right hand finger pattern called an arpeggio.And then 3 descriptive very pieces, The Spider, In the Garden and Playtime.Numerous scientific studies have proved that playing an instrument has huge benefits and enhances general educational learning as well as being incredibly enriching, not only that but playing the guitar is a great way for you to make new friends.You don't even have to read music to take this course. In addition to all the video lessons, every piece of music you will be playing is writtenout in very easy to understand TAB form as well as standard music notation for those of you who can already sight read. I've also written course notes to complement the video lectures. I absolutely believe learning has to be fun and I look forward to you joining me on this enjoyable and adventurous journey."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Discover Classical Guitar Level 2" |
"Discover Classical Guitar Level 2 will transform you from being an Absolute Beginner into an Outstanding Guitarist.Under the Expert Guidance of Renowned Guitar Teacher David Green by the End of this Course you will have Learned to Play FORTY Contrasting Pieces of Music including Gentle, Flowing and Romantic Compositions to Flamboyant Traditional Styles From Spain, The Caribbean and South America. Learn and Master a Wide Range of Chords and Learn how to Accompany Songs in a Variety of Styles including Folk, Country and Trad Jazz.This Discover Classical Guitar Course Includes Invaluable Tips and Technical Advice to Help Advance Your Playing.Perform the Music You have Studied to Family and Friends and by following the advice given in the 'Performance Tips' Lecture You May Even Acquire the Confidence to Perform at a Public Concert.No Need to Memorize as Every Piece of Music is Written Out in Very Simple To Understand TAB Form as well as Standard Music Notation. I Have Used My 35+ Years of Experience as a Guitar Teacher to Carefully Structure This Course to Make it Highly Enjoyable For You and Easy to Understand and to Ensure You Progress at the Fastest Possible Rate."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Get Rid of your Back Pains in Just a Few Days" |
"Back pain problems have become one of the most common affections worldwide. Stop taking part to it!Why is that? Because of the modern lifestyle that we have we aren't able anymore to take care of our general health, posture and physical shape thus ending up having all sorts of problems including back pains and posture problems.In this course you will learn a simple exercise plan, splitted in 5 days, that will take you less than 15 minutes/day in the comfort of your own home and that will help you forget your back pain problems or will help you prevent them!Your instructor for this course is Adrian Gherghe, an experienced pshysical tehrapist with years of studies and experience in physical therapy, nutrition and sports. He succesfully designed this exercise plan exposed in this course for his own patients and clients which had no time or money to go all the time to physical therapy to resolve their problems or prevent back pains. So what you will learn exactly from this course and what are your benefits...How to get rid of back pains fast.How to prevent having back pain problems through a simple plan of exercises.Learn the effects of physical exercises.Improve your posture.Improve your general health situation.Improve our mobility and movment coordination.Increase the capacity of our immunitary system and prevent deseases.Correct posture, body alignment and balance.Increase self confidence due to a better posture, health and attitude!...and much, much more!Other BenefitsLifetime Access to all other updates, SUPRISE BONUSES, Methods and System that appear and we will present in the course!FULL Support thorugh the discussion area of the course!30 Day Money Back GUARANTEE if you feel like this course didn't help you at all and you can't apply anything...that is how dedicated I am to your success!So, what are you waiting for? Click the ""take this course"" button, top right, now ... every day and hour you delay things are just geting worst. Enroll now and let's start improving your health!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Access 2010-2016 curso de Novato a Profesional" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Microsoft Access 2010-2016: de Novato a Profesional!Todos nosotros en algn momento de nuestras vidas tenemos que lidiar con datos. Hoy en da se manejan miles de datos ya sea en el hogar, la escuela o en el trabajo.Conocer estos datos siempre es muy importante. Microsoft ha puesto a nuestra disposicin una herramienta muy poderosa. Esta herramienta se llama Microsoft Access. En este curso aprenders a utilizar Access 2010 al 2016. Aprendiendo Access 2010-2016 tendrs asegurado el xito. Pues la mayora de las personas solamente saben algo bsicode Excel.Existen varios hechos mayores por los cuales las personas temen usar Microsoft Access:Consideran que es un programa demasiado complejo.No saben para que sirve.Desconocen que es mas poderoso que todas las herramientas Office de Microsoft.Piensan que solo los programadores pueden usar Access.Este curso esta dedicado a resolver la supuesta complejidad de Access para cualquierpersona. De un modo fcil y didctico se le explica al Alumno como crear bases de datos super poderosas. No importa si eres un alumno de preparatoria, un profesionista o un estudiante universitario, una ama de casa, una persona con ganas de superarse. En cualquier momento de tu vida te encontraras en una posicin para crear una base de datos. Y lo ideal es saber utilizar Microsoft Access. Pues se ha demostrado que quienes tienenconocimiento en esta herramienta, obtienen mejores empleos y logros en su vida profesional.Una vez que vayas entendiendo lo que son las tablas. Podrs entender el funcionamiento de Acces. Palabras como Relaciones, Integridad refencial, Tablas de datos, Macros, Formularios, Macros, SQL server, Informe, Visual Basic. Forman parte de Microsoft Access y hacen que las personas se espanten y tengan miedo de aprender este gran software de desarrollo. Pero en realidad es muy fcil de entender con este curso.En el curso crearemos de forma conjunta una base de datos de una tienda. Para que de forma practica vayas entendiendo todo lo referente a Access 2010. Cosas que son difciles de hacer con excel. En Access las automatizaremos para que la computadora realice muchas tareas por ti. Y as de esta forma eliminar la tediosa carga de calcular datos en Excel.Ordena datos como lo hacen los profesionales. Aprenders cosas que no te imaginabas que existan. Las grficasson tan fciles de hacer en Access que cuando veas tu aplicacin trabajando sentirs una satisfaccin total. Te aseguro que hasta tu jefe se sorprender cuando vea que eres el nico o la nica de la oficina que sabeusar Microsoft Access.Porque este curso para aprender Access?Tengo 18 aos de experiencia en el area de desarrollo de software. Y te puedo asegurar que Access no deja desorprenderme. Porque en realidad antes de ser una herramienta de oficina. Considero que es la herramienta mas poderosa de Microsoft Office. Y la cual millones de personas no la usan por el miedo que esto representa para ellos. Te invito a salirte de esos millones de personas que piensan que usan excel para hacer una base de datos. Access es una herramienta poderosa para automatizar todos los datos de una empresa, escuela, saln de clases, tu negocio, tu tiendita y un sin fin de cosas que puedes hacer con Microsoft Access.En el curso de igual forma veremos el uso de Access 2016 en el nivel avanzado!Y como plus tambin aprenders a utilizar visual basic para programar tu base de datos. Este es el nico curso en espaol que cubre todo el rea de aprendizaje de Access.Se de antemano que aprender Access desde un libro resulta demasiado tedioso. No hay nada como aprender algo nuevo por medio del video. Todas las clases son en video. As que te aseguro que pronto seras un famoso/a profesional en Access.Se mas productivo/a en cualquier rea que te desempees con este curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |