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"Aprende PHP desde cero y sin conocimientos previos" |
"PHP desde Cero:Convirtete en un verdadero maestro de PHPAprende todo lo necesario para convertirte en un desarrollador Profesional de PHP con videos, ejercicios y proyectos.No tienes conocimientos en algn lenguaje? Este curso no tiene requerimiento para aprender a programar como un profesional. Al contrario te ayudara para obtener todo el conocimiento fundamental para la programacin en PHP, MySQL y la programacin orientada a objetos. Cuando finalices este curso. seras capaz de realizar sitios como Wordpress, Joomla, Wikipedia, Drupal, Facebook, etc.Aprender PHP me ha ayudado para obtener mas ingresos. Ya que es uno de los lenguajes de programacin mas requeridos. De hecho la mayora de los sitios mas famosos del mundo usan PHP. La media de ingresos de un programador en PHP es aproximadamente $100, 000 dolares anuales.PHP te ayudara para desarrollar aplicaciones web, sitios web o sistemas de administracin de contenidos (CMS).No existe limite alguno de lo que puedes lograr con este conocimiento. PHP es el lenguajede programacin web por excelencia. El conocimiento es poder y PHP es uno de esos conocimientos que te dar prestigio e ingresos.Porque?Porque millones de sitios web y aplicacionesestn hechos con este poderoso lenguaje. En realidad la mayora usan PHP. Fcilmente podrs encontrar trabajo o mejor aun trabajar por tu propia cuenta como freelance. Definitivamente obtendrs buenos ingresos con lo que aprendas en este curso.Porque elegir mi curso?Leer libros o paginas web de PHP suelen ser muy aburridos. Esto se debe a que son demasiados tcnicos. En este curso aprenders todo lo necesario para empezar a programar sin necesidad de aprender todo lo tcnico. Es un hecho que a veces se aprenden cosas que no hacen que las personas den el primer paso para iniciar en la programacin. Con este curso empezaras a programar en tan solo unos das. Y aun sin cubrir toda la parte tecnica de PHP. De hecho existen secretos que usamos los programadores para programar aplicaciones y que en este curso quedan revelados.Mi promesa para ti.He realizado este curso. No para ganar dinero sino para ensear a muchas personas con ganas de superarse el secreto de aprender PHP. Me pongo en tus zapatos. Cuando yo tena el gusanito de aprender a programar. Creme que nadie me quera ensear. Ademas de que es demasiado costoso. Entonces tome la pagina oficial de PHP y empece a aprender de la forma mas horrible que existe. Aprender todo lo tcnico y creme que me costo mucho trabajo. Sin embargo para ti he eliminado esa horrible parte y te entregare el conocimiento necesario para ser programador. De hecho te aseguro que no existe programador de PHP en el mundo que conozca totalmente este poderoso lenguaje. Sin embargo aun as son excelentes programadores. Esto se debe a que han adquirido el conocimiento fundamental para programar en PHP.Este curso de PHP cubre los siguientes temas y ms que puedes revisar en el programa del curso:Bases de datos en PHPProgramacin orientada a objetos con PHPProyecto CMS similar a wordpressEnvi de formularios en PHPSeguridad PHPVariables in PHPMatematicas enPHPArrays enPHPEstructuras de control en PHPOperadores de Comparacin enPHPCiclos en PHPFunciones enPHPConstantes enPHPSuper Globals en PHPSesiones en PHPCookies en PHPY mucho ms....."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Web Apps with Meteor & React" |
"Course DescriptionYou are here because you want to develop your own web apps, arent you?Great. Well, thanks to a full stack JavaScript framework, called Meteor, that is easier than ever. Developing real-time web apps, such as chat or messaging apps,synchronous collaborative apps, or others was hard and time consuming until now. Furthermore, you needed to master many different frameworks and technologies.With Meteor.js you can build sophisticated real-time web apps faster thanyou can imagine. Meteor is a new framework that makes building web apps easier, simpler, and faster. It uses JavaScript on both the client and the server, so you wont have to learn and shuffle with multiple languages and environments.So much power at your disposal imagine what you could do.With this course you will learn all that you need to start creating your own cutting-edge web apps with Meteor and React. The course is project based.Thus, you will learn how to create a full functional app, a polling app, from start to finish. This is what you will learn:Easy to follow and hands on web application development with Meteor and ReactHow to use Meteor.js to create the back-end and frontend for your applicationHow to build your user interfaces with ReactHow to create customized views to manage user accounts (register, login, logout, etc)How to save, edit and get data from your MongoDB.How to pass data from your database to your React componentsHow to install and use Meteor specific packages (via Atmosphere.js) and npmHow to create routes with FlowRouterHow to handle paginationHow to create a responsive navbar from scratchHow to generate fake data to test your application and setup your designHow to create alerts and and notificationsHow to create collections and local collectionsHow to filter dataHow to create responsive designs with Stylus and FlexboxAnd much moreAt the end of the course, you will have a complete, ready-to-launch polling web app that looks great on any computer, tablet and smartphone.The course includes a ES6 Primer and a React Primer as well, in case you are new to both of them.Don't forget: if you don't get value from this course, you get 100% of your money back within 30 days. There is absolutely no risk for you.What are the requirements?Basic JavaScript knowledge (variables, loops, and basic functions)Some knowledge of React, although the React Primer provided should be enough to understand and follow the course.A browser and text editor. You dont need to buy any softwareAny computer will do Windows, OSX or LinuxWhat else will you get?A friendly informal community to support you along the wayPersonal contact with me, the course instructor,Lifetime access to course materials with free updates. No monthly subscription. Learnat your own pace, whenever you want.Access to the course code on GitHubWhat is the target audience?Anyone wanting to learn how to build web appsAnyone wanting to make a living (or side-income) from web app developmentPeople that want to take their idea for a(real-time) web app and make it a realityEntrepreneurs that want to launch their web app ideas"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Superparent 101: Mastering the Morning Routine" |
"This course will teach you how to overcome the chaotic morning routine that many parents experience with pre-school and school age children. You will learn ways to engage your children so that everyone leaves the house feeling happy and connected.Learn the skills needed to accomplish all you need to do during busy mornings while still maintaining a joyful connection with your child!Incorporate brain science into your connections with your child resulting in more compliance and connection with youLearn how attachment with your child can be maintained even during the frenzied pace of getting ready for work and schoolLearn how vital attunement is to the emotional wellbeing of your childrenLearn how valuable a manageable routine is for getting everyone out the door in a timely and contented mannerLearn practical strategies for designing a simple morning routine that works for parents and childrenDevelop a Superparent perspective that helps you overcome developmental obstacles that look like non-compliance in your children when you are pressured for time!Mornings can be challenging times for busy parents who are attempting to get everyone ready and out the door in a timely fashion. Happily, there are amazing brain research outcomes that provide clues about how to be true superparents. Not just getting great outcomes in our children (skill development), but also fantastic in-comesa sense of connection, belonging, calm and resiliency. A manageable place to start being a super-parent is during the morning routine. Learn to avoid the crazy and chaotic, so that you and your children don't leave the house irritated, angry and disconnected from each other. Mornings in our modern, Western world tend to be harried. If you are working set of parents, a single working parent, or a parent who may not have a paid job but still need kids out the door in a timely manner, you understand the challenge! The most basic need for children is nurture. Nurture is rooted in attachment, belonging, love, connection and affection. I noticed in my own life that when I was more focused on tasks (like getting myself ready for work and my kids set for school), the concept of nurture escaped my reality. However, when I incorporated concepts from brain science into our morning routine we were able to accomplish more faster, without the behavioral challenges and relational disruption. Once I experienced the amazing in-come of intentional nurture with my children, I became a true believer and practitioner of a new way of superparenting. I started digging into the literature on brain development in children. I uncovered how nurturing relationship has an unparalleled positive impact on regulating the nervous system and bringing harmony, compliance and deep abiding connection. This resulted in joy, peace and contentmenta great way to send my kids off to school. As a licensed helping professional I began teaching these concepts to teachers, counselors, social workers and other helpers. Those who used these concepts found an exciting new path for addressing common adult-child challenges that look like non-compliance. By re-framing acting-out behaviors from a brain science perspective, interventions changed and so did relationships.In this course you will learn what brain science teaches us about strategies that address common childhood behavior. Up-to-date literature will be discussed in order to root this course in solid practice. Rather than seeing everything from an old-school behaviorist lens that often disrupts relationships, you will learn to use strategies that build attachment, help you reach your goal of getting out the door on time and feel good about your relationship with your child.This course will include video lecture format, PDF handouts, information slides and quizzes in order to relay and cement concpepts about attachment, attunement, and positive parent-child connection. You will learn how to build a manageable morning routine that results in everyone feeling good about their relationship while still accomplishing required tasks before leaving for the day. While these strategies are taught with the morning routine in mind, they can be used throughout the parent-child relationship and throughout the day."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming" |
"If you're an office worker, student, administrator, or just want to become more productive with your computer, programming will allow you write code that can automate tedious tasks. This course follows the popular (and free!) book, Automate the Boring Stuff with Python.Automate the Boring Stuff with Python was written for people who want to get up to speed writing small programs that do practical tasks as soon as possible. You don't need to know sorting algorithms or object-oriented programming, so this course skips all the computer science and concentrates on writing code that gets stuff done.This course is for complete beginners and covers the popular Python programming language. You'll learn basic concepts as well as:Web scrapingParsing PDFs and Excel spreadsheetsAutomating the keyboard and mouseSending emails and textsAnd several other practical topics By the end of this course, you'll be able to write code that not only dramatically increases your productivity, but also be able to list this fun and creative skill on your resume."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Whats New in Bootstrap 4" |
"This course is designed to take you through all the biggest changes and new features coming in the Bootstrap 4 Alpha release. There are 20 lectures making up about an 40 minutes of video content that will cover each feature or change through detailed explanation of the subject matter and demoing of its implementation in code samples. The course is structure to first take you through the major changes you should be aware of, and then introduce you to the newest features being added. You should take this course if you're interested in keeping up with the latest trends in web development, want to help test and develop one of the most popular responsive frameworks used in web design, or are just curious on what is coming down the pipe for Bootstrap."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DiSC Personality Types Leadership Training For Career Change" |
"Leadership is the process of influencing other experts to work beside you to bring forth a desired vision - whether it be an improvement project, career change or startup business.Your first objective is to become someone worthy of supporting, because people buy into your leadership ability long before they fully embrace your vision for a better experience. DiSC Personality Types (DPT) Leadership Training For Career Change is designed to prepare you for this personal transformation.Here are just 7 factors thatthis leadership training will mature in you to sharpen your vision and expand yourinfluence:Character Who You Are ConsistentlyRelationships Who You Know That MattersKnowledge What You Know (particularly about yourself)Intuition What You See When There's No Physical EvidenceExperience Where Youve Been and The Wisdom You've GainedPast Success What Youve Done To Make Things HappenAbility What You Can Do Today... With What You Already HaveThroughout the course, I ask an important question over and over again.Who and What will help you reach your next milestone?This answer can be found in the 7 factorslisted above. However, to uncover the answer you must go through a processof self-discovery which I'll facilitate using DiSC Personality Insights, as well as leadership and biblical principles. Self-discovery makes you aware of your Unique Combination of Powers (UCP) and helps you to appreciate the tremendous value that others can contribute to your advancement.We'll explore the teachings ofsome of the greatest minds to ever discuss leadership, self-knowledge and quality of life. I'll simplify and then connect the many lessons to the 4 DiSC Personality Types, creating a foundation for positive interaction and teamwork.As we shapeyou into the person who can attract the right people and influence right action, almost ondemand, others will notice the quality of your leadership skills. This will open the door to many profitable working relationships.Just imagine how much easier life will be when you have a legion of supporters to join you in the quest for victory, because in helping you WIN they WIN also.If you're ready to become a mighty influencer and position yourself to move in the direction of the Career Change which could significantly improve your quality of life, click Take This Course.P.S.The leadership training and DiSC Personality Insights that you'll learn in this course will allow you to not only get your JOY back, but also releases the MOJO you need to stay focused long enough to bring forth real progress. In your current job, business or startup business in the making, how you:manage your time and energychoose the right workbuild upon your strengthschoose what to do nextmake effective decisions...determines who will come along you to bring what you see in your mind into reality. Your demonstration of the 7 Factors and 5 Skills (i just mentioned) influences people like no other process! Let's get started!Click Take This Course"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Tcnicas de estudio: Cmo estudiar mejor y ms rpido" |
"La universidad puede ser un momento hermoso de nuestra vida o una tortura. En Argentina, por ejemplo, uno de cada cuatro ingresantes completa toda su cursada y ests estadsticas se repiten con variaciones en distintos pases. La pregunta es Existe alguna forma de tener un excelente promedio y poder hacer otras cosas a la par? Existe algn mtodo para no pasar aos esperando terminar la universidad?En este curso te enseo el mtodo con que pase de aprobar 2 a 10 materas por ao y ser el mejor alumno de mi promocin. Aqu desarrollo el mtodo por el cul logre convertirme en el mejor promedio de mi promocin mientras emprenda un negocio y trabajaba como empleado en un estudio de abogados.El secreto no es ser inteligente, es estudiar de un modo inteligente. De eso se trata este curso."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"WordPress SEO & The Yoast SEO Plugin" |
"*** Newly Updated November 2016 ***Get the most out of your WordPress SEO by setting up the Yoast SEO plugin for optimum results!The section on How to Set Up the Yoast SEO Plugin has just been revised with up-to-date information and tutorials on the latest version of the plugin.**************************************************************************************************************************************Over 1000 students enrolled in the first 24 hours of the official course launch.I designed this course for the average small business owner who already has a WordPress site and wants to get more free organic traffic.The course is designed to walk you through the foundation of Search Engine Optimization and take the mystery out of SEO, allow you to confidently choose what I call Money Keywords, install and setup WordPress SEO plugins that allow both people and the search engines to love your site, and easily do what your competition is missing out on.The ideal student for this course is an entrepreneur or small business owner who already has their own WordPress website, has a basic understanding of WordPress, knows how to install plugins, and how to write and publish blog posts.There are no other requirements or prerequisite courses. Just come with an open mind and be ready to learn.If youve struggled in the past with little or no traffic to your site, youve tried SEO before and just couldnt understand it, or you are a content creating machine with no visitors to your blog posts, then this course is for you.Don't wait another minute to start getting more traffic to your WordPress site and make more sales as a result. Sign up now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Pro Engineer Creo Fundamental 3D design course" |
"About This Software Hello Friends. welcome to our course on Pro Engineer Creo software. Pro Engineer (pro/E) is 3D CAD/CAM/CAE software developed by PTC corporation. In 2010, the company has changed its name to creo parametric. this course designed in such a way thatyou will learn about all importanttools and commands of the software.This is a streamlined course to take youfrom knowing nothing about creo to give you all the knowledge and skills needed to become a certified creo designer. This course should enable you to, with confidence, use creo to design your next innovation. After this course, you can proudly list your creo skills in your resume. About this course This course is divided in 5 modules. 2D Sketch Modelling 3D Modelling Advance Surface Modeling Drafting and Drawing Assembly Features of the course full and lifetime access toover 110 video lectures. over 9 hourscourse content. Language - English This course is designed to give complete & depth knowledge of every tool used to make designed model or drawings with exercises. we have providedmore than 10practice models with videos to have abetter understanding of commands and tools. You will get all files used to create this course which is helpful to do practice. if you have any question regarding this course, feel free to contact us. We will love to help you. Why take this course this course starts with the basics and slowly takes you into the depth of designing and modelling. almost all important tools and commands are discussed that are used in industry. this course will help you to create your own designs and innovations. for any query and trouble, we are always available for you. What you will learn in this course learn how to create 2D sketches using commands such as lines, circles, arcs, rectangles etc. learn how to apply manual and automatic constraints to sketches. learn how to edit, move, copy, sketches. create 3D models and shapes using commands such as extrude, revolve, sweep, blend,sweep blend, draft,fillet,chamfer,cutout etc. learn how to create drawings, projections and drafting of the models. learn how to assemble and apply constraints to different parts and components."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Become Expert in Tally ERP9, Complete Advance Course" |
"This is a complete and advance course of Tally covering all the topics and options available in the Tally. This course is designed to handle accounts independently. Whether you are a fresh or experience holder in the field of accounts or you are a business man who wants to maintain their accounts. you are the right place because tally is a very nice and easy software to use for complete business solutions and also easy to learn and use as well.Following are the highlights of the Tally can do: Accounting with each type of transaction such as payment, receipt, sales, purchaseManage banking with ease with bank reconciliationInventory ManagementTax ManagementJob Work AnalysisCost Center and Cost Category for MIS and internal control purposePayroll and salary process with Employee DataMany other features you will learn in the tally"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2010 Basic to Advance in Hindi by Veer Tutorial" |
"We have designed this course to everybody's real life work situations. This course will start with general understandings of Excel 2010 and finish with the depth knowledge of each formulas which used in our daily life. You will get all excel files used to create this course in which we have explained the syntax of formulas also include real life problems. We have also included advance use of each formula such as Vlookup formula used if iferror formula. Advance use of Tables, Macros, Pivot Tables, Filtering etc. You will get VBA code and method for converting numbers in to words in Excel 2010. This formula is not included in excel formulas but we explained all the procedures to do this will get more than your expectation that we can bet. See List of content for more information of our course"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Siemens NX Unigraphics (UG) Fundamental 3D Modelling Course" |
"Hello friends welcome to our course on unigraphics software . Unigraphics NX (also known as Siemens nx) is an advanced High-end CAD/CAM/CAE software package originally developed by UGS Corporation, But since 2007 it is owned by Siemens PLM Software. It is used, among other tasks, for Design ,Engineering analysis ,Manufacturing finished design by using included machining modules.this course designed in such a way that you will learn about all important tools and commands of the software.This is a streamlined course to take you from knowing nothing about NX to give you all the knowledge and skills needed to become a certified siemens NX designer. This course should enable you to, with confidence, use NX to design your next innovation. After this course, you can proudly list your NX skills in your resume.About this courseThe main Content of this course is as following2D SketchesSketch Editing ToolsSKetch Practice3D design basics3D advance tools3D feature based toolsmodels for practicesurface modeling basicsAdvance Surface Modelingsynchronous modelingDrafting and DrawingAssemblySheet metalFeatures of the coursefull and lifetime access to over 90 video lectures.over 12 hours course content.Language - EnglishSoftware version - NX 12This course is designed to give complete & depth knowledge of every tool used to make designed model or drawings with exercises.we have provided more than 20 practice models with videos to have a better understanding of commands and tools.You will get all files used to create this course which is helpful to do practice. if you have any question regarding this course, feel free to contact us. We will love to help you.Why take this coursethis course starts with the basics and slowly takes you into the depth of designing and modelling.almost all important tools and commands are discussed that are used in industry.this course will help you to create your own designs and innovations.for any query and trouble, we are always available for you.What you will learn in this courselearn how to create 2D sketches using commands such as lines, circles, arcs, rectangles etc.learn how to apply manual and automatic constraints to sketches.learn how to edit, move, copy, sketches.create 3D models and shapes using commands such as extrude, revolve, sweep, blend,sweep blend, draft,fillet,chamfer,cutout etc.learn how to create drawings, projections and drafting of the models.learn how to assemble and apply constraints to different parts and components. learn about sheetmetal modeling."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk AutoCAD 2016 : Ultimate Guide to 3D / 2D Designing" |
"This course covers complete guide to learn 3D & 2D designing in AutoCAD 2016. You will be able to make all design independently with confidence after completion of the course. We have Explained about all available tools & options in the simple way with live and more practical examples.You will get all files used to create this course for your reference and practice. Which will be very helpful to learn and do more practice without any hassle. Wether you are new student or already doing jobs or assignments in AutoCAD. This course will help you to make your profile best and become an expert in the field of designing."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk AutoCAD 2016 : Ultimate Guide to 3D / 2D Modelling" |
"You either a New Learner or having basic knowledge of AutoCAD and want to become Master in AutoCAD 2016.You are on the right place to learn autocad. We have designed this Autocad Tutorial DVD Course to learn AutoCAD from BASIC to ADVANCE at your HOME in your own Hindi Language.AutoCAD is a computer aided design software developed by Autodesk for 2D & 3D modelling and drafting.This course includes all fundamentals basics and advanced features of AutoCAD such as Creating 2D/3D Modeling in AutoCAD, Edict & Modify the Drawings in AutoCAD, Drafting objects in AutoCADYou will get all Drawings files used to make this Course which help you to spend less time to learn the AutoCAD"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Solidworks 2016 : Ultimate 3D/2D Modelling Course" |
"Solidworks is the 3D (CAD/CAM/CAE) software developed by Dassault Systems. It is one of the most powerful and most widely used CAD software in the world.This course introduces the fundamentals of Solidworks CAD software for the creation of both parts and assemblies.You will learn the complete soliworks software from scratch to pro.This course focuses on all important tools and also the best approach and logics to use those tools and commands in Complex modelling.Anyone who wants to learn solidworks can take this course, no prior experience is required.You will get all drawings / exercise files used to prepare this course.Main contents of this course are as following2D Sketch Modelling3D ModellingAdvanced SurfacingDrafting and DrawingAssemblySheetmetal"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Autodesk Inventor Professional 3D modeling course" |
"Autodesk Inventor is 3D computer aided design (CAD) software developed by Autodesk corporation .it is one of the most widely used CAD software in the world.In this course, you will learn about all the basics to advanced tools and commands of the Inventor.Main contents of this course are as following2D Sketches & drawingsCreate 3D modelsAdvanced Surfacing to design complex partsDrafting and DrawingAssembly of componentsThis course introduces the fundamentals of Inventor CAD software for the creation of both parts and assemblies.You will learn the complete Inventor software from scratch to pro.This course focuses on all important tools and also the best approach and logic to use those tools and commands in Complex modelling.Anyone who wants to learn Autodesk Inventor can take this course, no prior experience is required.You will get all drawings / exercise files used to prepare this course"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"AutoCAD 2017 : 3D/2D Ultimate Crash Course" |
"AutoCAD is a 3D/2D computer aided design (CAD) software invented by autodesk corporation . it is one of the most widely used CAD software in the world .About Course Contentsome of the main content of this course are .create 2D sketchesautocad annotations .layersblocks3D modellingexternal referencesLectures - 50 HD videoslanguage - EnglishDuration - 4-5 Hourswhy take this coursealthough there are lots of autocad courses are available on the internet,but most of those are lengthy and rigorous course .so this course , i had made sure that you learn all important tools and commands in a quick time .all the tools and commands are explained with various examples for better understanding .course is for mechanical engineers ,graduates ,industrial professionals .no prior experience is required to learn this course ."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Physics - 12 Kinematics Questions and How to Solve Them" |
"After sifting through many textbooks and notes, I have compiled and solved 12 questions that reflect the full range of Kinematics problems you will face on a physics exam. Once you understand the solutions to these 12 problems, you will be able to solve any Kinematics question on the AP Physics Test with ease. Students in beginning physics or first-year college physics will also benefit.Who Is Teaching This Class?Wilson Wang is an undergraduate physics student at the University of Chicago. In high school he achieved a near-perfect score on the AP Physics C test, and also won a Gold Medal in the US Physics Olympiad. He loves teaching and physics, and he wants to share his knowledge with the world.What am I going to learn?How to solve any Kinematics problem with ease!A better understanding of algebraic manipulation in Physics problems.Mastery of the Kinematics section of the AP Physics Test."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Understand the Mac Terminal/Command Line" |
"Hi! My name is Wilson Wang and I've been using the Mac Terminal extensively for the past few years. During my time at various startups, I discovered that knowledge of the Mac Terminal / Command Line is essential to success. That is why I have created this course.This course is designed for people who want to quickly learn the Mac Terminal. By the end of this course you will be able to easily navigate your computer through Terminal, as well as perform a variety of other tasks. Linux users will also benefit from this course, as the Linux command line is very similar to the Mac Terminal.----------------------------You will learn:How to use 10+ of the most common Terminal commandsHow to manage files and directoriesHow to edit permissions How to display and edit filesTips for becoming a faster and more efficient Terminal userAnd more...Enroll now to start mastering the Mac Terminal!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Practical Web Development: Make Websites Quickly And Easily" |
"Hi! My name is Wilson Wang, and I've been making websites extensively for the past few years. I have found that creating a website is much easier than people portray it to be, and that is why I have created this course.This course is designed for people who want to learn how to quickly make a beautiful website. By the end of this course you will have made a website from start to finish, as well as learned how to use Amazon's AWS service, some basic Unix commands, Github, Ubuntu Server setup, Domain names, and more. People wanting to practice their command line skills will also benefit from this course, as the back-end/server side work is done through Unix.----------------------------You will learn:How websites workHow the domain name, ip address, server, and web browser are connected to each otherHow to clone code from GithubThe basics of Amazon AWSThe basics of Server Administration/Command LineHow to modify templates to suit your needsPointers toward more advanced resources for aspiring web developersAnd more...Enroll now to start creating your own website and becoming a kick-ass web developer!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Future of Sales: How to Give Customer a Price Quote" |
"It is time to look at the sales in a new wayB2B sales can be very frustrating and time consuming, so I would like to show you a method how to achieve results quickerresults.This is a second course in my series of the Future of Sales. In this course I will tell you how to make a winning offer/quote.This course is for everyone who wants to set up and improve their B2B sales process. At the end of the course you will be able to design an improved business offer.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Why you should enrollCourse includes over 1hoursof high quality content, including links to key resourcesand best sales toolsYou'll learn skills that will allow you to become a sales person of the futureYou'll haveaccess to the instructor to ask questions>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>About the instructor:+ Built several sales organizations+Constantly on a look out for the best sales tools"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Effective Forex Trading - Learn Price Action Quick and Easy" |
"This Forex trading course takes you from the complicated world of Forex trading that is frequently cluttered with indicators and introduces you to a much easier and quieter world of naked chart price action trading using some of the most profitable and effective price action patterns found in the markets day in and day out. In this Forex trading using price action course you will learn the 5 most common forex price action charting patterns out of many as well as learn the rules associated with using them to effectively to gain profits by winning your trades on a more consistent basis. These popular trading patterns taught in this forex trading course focuses on using naked trading charts to very clearly identify great trading setups not only for forex trading but in other trading markets as well, such as trading stocks in the stock market."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Building Software Products At Startups" |
"This course is for people looking to make a change and jump into one of the best career opportunities in technology. Product managers are some of the highest paid employees at technology companies, and it's a proven training ground for starting your own company.You should take this course if you're looking to make a change or if you want to build your own product from scratch. By the end of the course, you'll have validated an idea and started working on the MVP of your product to test your assumptions.During this course you'll hear from experts in product management, UX and design, engineering, and venture capital. The course is structured as follows:Introduction to product management and productsThe tactics and exercises that can help you turn your dream product into a realityBuilding products at companies and the processes that technology companies typically use to create awesome software"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master the Science of Taking Exams and Tests" |
"This course deals directly with the challenges that are posed by exams and tests by analyzing every step of the exam and test cycle including: How to prepare for testsHow to manage the stress that comes with taking exams and testsWhat to do on test day, including how to analyze the content of questionsHow to analyze post-test results to ensure future successAs we discuss each step, students will gain a deeper insight into what the most successful students do in preparation for tests, and begin to gain a deeper understanding of what teachers and examiners are looking for in student responses. By the end of this course, students will be able to take any test or exam knowing they are fully prepared for any challenge that comes their way."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creative Crayon Canvas Art Do-It-Yourself At Home!" |
"This course is designed for teenagers to older adults, whether experienced or inexperienced artists looking to create cool looking art right from their own homes! Crayon canvas art can be done under 30 minutes and you will be able to produce a compelling art piece to impress your friends and family. This class does not require any artistic abilities - just follow my video and you will be surprised at what you are capable of creating! This course will be taught in the form of video lectures. You can either watch the videos, have the materials ready and do art at your own pace. Or, you can have the materials ready, watch the videos as I go, and do art with me! Crayon art that you will learn in this course is perfect for gift giving, especially holiday gifts (Christmas, Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, birthdays, etc). By the end of this course, you will be fully independent and sufficient enough to create melted crayon art that looks professional! Enroll in this course if you are looking for aesthetically pleasing art to create with crayon and a canvas!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Figure Women's Weight Training Program and Workout" |
"The course uses quadplexes -- meaning four exercises performed back to back in circuit fashion -- to create huge metabolic demand. This course is excellent for burning fat, toning your body, sculpting a lean figure, and staying in shape.You'll see Tracey, who is a mother and works full time, but who uses this kind of training to stay lean year-round, go through each of the exercises a few times, at workout speed, so you can see and learn the full meaning of intensity. I also lecture throughout on how to get the most from your workout.The course includes the following:A 5-day written program of the full training program, plus a 3-day ""intro"" program if you're not ready yet for the full 5-day program.Videos going through EVERY quadplex from the full 5-day program, all in REAL-Time. Tracey goes through each quadplex twice, so you can see it both times. Info on what you need if you're thinking of building your own ""at-home"" training dungeon.Information on how to ""progress"" or ""digress"" movements to tweak the program to your current fitness level.Learn ADVANCED Metabolic Training I assign figure athletes.The program you'll see Tracey do is actually a very advanced program. She actually does 4 sets of the 4 quadplexes, but honestly that's too much for most athletes. BUT I also think it is useful to see what advanced training is really like, as so few programs actually show you. You should have something to ""work towards."" Yes, there is a difference between how the really successful copmetitors train, and how other people do. Training is about pushing yourself, and that's why I've shown an advanced program, but with info on ""how to get there.""This is the kind of metabolic training I often assign figure athletes and women getting ready to step on stage in a figure or bikini competition. As you'll see, there is no need for cardio on top of this program (especially once you see Day 5!). I used Tracey for the demo because she doesn't just look great when she steps on stage--she looks great year round, and does NO cardio."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Optimize Metabolism with Fun Cheat Days and ""The Cycle Diet""" |
"The Cycle Diet has been tested and proven for 30 years! The Cycle Diet has been used successfully by clients in the real-world to stay lean while enjoying fun cheat days where truly ""anything goes""!+++++++++++++++++++++++""I've been a coaching client of Scott for over a decade now and have been using the cycle diet for almost that length of time too. I can say without any hesitation that this is the best diet to follow to stay ripped year round and indulge in all your favourite foods all while making cosmetic improvements to your physique.""- Andy Sinclair, fitness model (Andy is featured in the course!)+++++++++++++++++++++++The Cycle Diet is not like other diets out there that promise you that you can lose weight eating whatever you want. No. The Cycle Diet is a reasonable, sustainable lifestyle, but it also takes a certain level of discipline. For example, with the Cycle Diet, you don't just ""add in a cheat day."" Instead, you put your body in what we call ""Supercompensation Mode"" so that a huge influx of calories (a ""cheat day"") is exactly what your body needs.In this course, you will learn everything you need to know to start Cycle Dieting: what foods to eat and how much, how to read your biofeedback,how to get into supercompensation mode and stay there, and much more.""COAX THE BODY AND IT RESPONDS; FORCE THE BODY AND IT REACTS""The Cycle Diet is all about coaxing your body and your body's metabolism and your bodyweight setpoint. I've always said that the metabolic and hormonal environment into which calories enter is what really matters for sustainable weight loss. The Cycle Diet is all about manipulating that same metabolic and hormonal environment over the long term, as a sustainable solution to weight loss and weight maintenance.Most diets only think in the very immediate realm of time. However, you have to consider the immediate effects, the residual effects, and the more long-term cumulative effects. Most diets ""feel great"" as you're losing fat at first, but under the surface the body is responding metabolically and hormonally, and eventually you get the inevitable ""diet rebound."" You can only force the body for so long before it reacts. To achieve longterm results, you have to coax your body. In other words, don't work ""on"" your body; work ""with"" your body. This is what the Cycle Diet was designed to do. The Cycle Diet is NOT a ""weight loss"" diet; it is a ""metabolism"" diet. This is because any sustainable solution must be ""metabolism first"" in my opinion.To my mind, any diet strategy must meet two essential criteria:It must serve the body.It must be sustainable.I have been doing the Cycle Diet myself and with clients for 30 years, so I consider it very sustainable. I used it myself to stay ""guest posing"" ready for bodybuilding contests, and near photoshoot ready year-round. Andy, a fitness model whom you heard from above, uses it to stay within ""striking distance"" of photoshoot ready: meaning that when he has a photoshoot, all he does is cut out a cheat day or two beforehand, and he's ready for the covers of magazines. (I should add that Andy is a fitness model, so that's just for the magazines. Truth is he still looks fantastic even when he has the cheat day.) Check out the free preview of the ""The 'Goals' of the Cycle Diet"" video, as well as some of the CASE STUDIES videos, to see more examples of what I mean.You Will Learn:How cheat days and overfeeds can serve the body IF you are in the right metabolic and hormonal state, what's called ""supercompensation mode,"" or simply, ""Supercomp.""How to read your own body's biofeedback to determine when you are in ""supercompensation mode"" and a cheat day is exactly what your body NEEDS.How to ""graduate"" from simple cheat meals, to half-day cheats, to full-day cheats.The Right Mindsets for making this diet part of a reasonable, sustainable lifestyle.Actual daily meal plans for your diet days, plus information on how to tweak them, or construct your own from scratch.What kind of weight training works best with the Cycle Diet.How to evaluate if a cheat day ""went well"" and whether you should keep them in your diet. (And what to do if it didn't go well!)How to determine what foods to include in your diet day meals plans, based on your own body's needs and signals.Variations of the Cycle Diet that Scott has ""tweaked"" with different clients, depending on their needs, backgrounds, and goals....and MUCH MORE!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Street Basics Power Guide to SEO" |
"UPDATED TECHNIQUES SEO COURSE!Is your website buried in search results? Are you struggling to know where to begin? Within just a few hours, learn current, powerful and easy to follow steps that will make a difference in your online results.What am I going to get from this course?Over 20 lectures/4 hours stocked full of practical lessons and tipsDiscover how to harness the power of SEO to improve your Google rankingLearn how to help the search engines find, read and catalogue your websiteRanking higher with the search engines will increase your leads and ultimately sales. You can start a path to becoming an industry leader by learning and implementing the steps in this course steps others are paying thousands for others to do for them. I will walk you through the sites and tools I use that have helped businesses get to the first page of Google.If you want free traffic coming into your site, then please try this course. I want to help! I will even show you tools you can use to spy"" on your competition to determine why they are outranking you. Notes:The advice provided is current to 2016. This course offers SEO fundamentals a great STARTING point for results! There is a lot more you can and should do to raise your authority and ranking including advanced SEO techniques, content, video, etc. 30-day money back guarantee!Disclaimer:This course does not tell you what the search engines specifically want as the specific formulas used by search engines are secret. The information in the course is based on what the search engines have said or written, principles used by SEO experts in my network and principles I have used to get my clients results."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Oud 2" |
"Learn Oud 2" Course with Mr. Tareq Al-Jundiincludes musical scales such as AlHuzam", Sama'eeDarej Hijaz" and popular songs like El Helwa Di","ElBent El Shalabeyyah", and Mawteni" poem asapplications on the Arabic scales and new informationexplained by the instructor. The course also includesexercises on the left hand, right hand and the pick,while focusing on timing and accessorizing the playing.This course requires having basic playing informationthat have been covered in the previous course LearnOud 1"."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Personal Energy Mastery - Mindfulness and Beyond" |
"There maybe times when you feel overwhelmed by life, not coping or really enjoying what you are doing or have, feeling stressed and anxious. Sometimes we are so busy and saturated with information that we can barely keep up with ourselves let alone anyone else. If you recognise any of this you are in the right place! This course will give you a better quality of life everyday and give you the best chance to feel happy and thrive.During this course you will learn a unique series of techniques and tools that are simple and easy to use, but powerful in enabling you to still the mind and to fully connect to all of who you are; present, aware and in flow and to be so at will. Regular practice of these techniques can support you in being at your best enjoying; vitality, creativity, accessing a higher level of intelligence and living your life to the full, so that you can thrive.Science has taught us that everything is made up of energy, which is there for us to sense and use as data input. Becoming aware and in charge of this energetic influence allows us to operate from our highest self, feel at our best and manage how we influence others.As we operate from our highest self we are able to access a wider expanded experience: wisdom, knowing, creativity, vision, passion and purpose, peace, happiness, love, joy, genius, brilliance - when we enter this state all realisations exist. Ultimately, we sense the energy of our full potential and an unconditioned Quantum level of intelligence, this goes beyond IQ and Emotional Intelligence. We can tap into a much bigger more visionary energy, connected in this way we are able to see through the detail to the big picture and purpose of things.In essence, the impact of accessing this energetic state is that you feel relaxed and calm, confident, have a sense of well-being and peace, giving you the best opportunity to manifest your dreams and happiness and have a far-reaching positive impact, on yourself, others and the world around you.The course is video based and we have also included participant course notes to make a comprehensive experience for you. There are lectures giving detailed context and experiential exercises. These are quick and user friendly.During the course we will be exploring with you:The Zones of Personal Energy and managementA theoretical/scientific context so you understand how and why the techniques workThe three levels of PresenceYou will experience a series of exercises to shift your awareness to a higher vibrational levelYou will learn how to be fully present and access your Knowing, Wisdom and a heightened Quantum level of intelligence all of who you areAnd how to apply this in your daily lifeA few things that people have said:""I feel so much more alive, energized and back to my full power. My limiting beliefs have gone"" I loved the deepness and clarity and authenticity of your work. You could tell that you embody what you teach. You had a grounding presence and passion. Thank you for your care, sensitivity, wisdom and generosity."" You were inspirational, supportive, totally authentic and courageous.Passionate, great fun to be with and dive into new territory to unleash the potential that waits for us there."" Soleira GreenWe are really excited to be sharing this with you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Easy IFTTT: Social Media Automation in 15 Minutes with IFTTT" |
"Do you have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google, YouTube, or Flickr Account? If you're not using Social Media Automation, you're MISSING OUT!Social Media Automation For Beginners is all about making the most of you Social Media Presence with the least amount of effort. I will teach you to easily master automating your social network presence & how to get the most out of using the '2-Click method'. Creating a coherent and consistent Social Media Presence is hard work, and its crucial to creating Engaged Social Communities. Without a consistent stream of relevant, helpful, or meaningful content, your audience is moving on to your competition to get their fix. I've got your back!This is NOT a course in Paid Advertising on Social Media. Do you want to save hours each week and present a more effective social network presence for FREE? Do you want to make your Social Media do work for you? Should't you let computers work while you reap all the reward? Do you want to learn how to make your Social Media update, tweet, and post to each other promoting everything that you love, to everyone who deserves to hear it? Thats what this course is all about! Taking back the hours in the day, and maximizing what your Social Networking life can do for you!Why Should I Take This Course?You'll learn all about Social Media Automation, and why its so Important to you!You'll learn to make the most out of your Social Media Presence. Because you don't want to work if you can get computers to do it for FREE!You'll really want to take this course if managing your social media networks is hard work, or even just posting to all of your networks the right way takes time.You should take this course if you want to learn about the Internet of Things, but don't know where to start, or how to write code. Because you're the kind of person who wants to have your cake and eat it too! (who doesn't want to eat their cake?)What Will I Get Out of This Course?First of all you'll learn to save HOURS managing your social media networks & you'll learn to make your Social Media work for you!On top of that, you'll learn to make your Social Network Profiles work with each other, using one of the most AWESOME services ever. You'll know way more than your friends about the Internet Of Things, and you'll know all about Social Automation!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |