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"Learn The Fundamentals of Programming: Core Concepts" |
"In this course, you'll learnhow programming languages work. We'llstart by explaining the job of a programmer,taking a set of steps or a processthat needs to be performed by a computer.Next, we'll get intoconditional statements,and for while and do while loops.Then we'll jump into object-oriented programming. We'll explain classes, hierarchy, and polymorphism.Finally, we'll go beyond programming,diving into debugging, refactoring,version control systems, and multi-platform support.Once you know the basics, you can more easily learnspecific languages to build on topof what you already know.It's time to introduce you to skills you can applyto almost any programming language in the future."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Watson Analytics" |
"IBM Watson Analytics is an advanced data analysis and visualization solution in the cloud that guides you through analysis and discovery of your data.Watson Analytics is a smart data analysis and visualization service you can use to quickly discover patterns and meaning in your data all on your own. With guided data discovery, automated predictive analytics and cognitive capabilities such as natural language dialogue, you can interact with data conversationally to get answers you understand. Whether you need to quickly spot a trend or you have a team that needs to visualize report data in a dashboard, Watson Analytics has you covered.In this course, students will learn the fundamentals ofWatson Analytics and becomeproficientwith Watson's tools. Students will learnhow to use features such as machine learning and predictive analytics.We will get into how to import and refine data from local or cloud-based sources; build new calculations, hierarchies, and data groups on the fly; and leverage cognitive starting points, natural language queries, and dynamic insights. Find out how to auto-detect trends and correlations and generate predictive models and decision trees quickly. Plus, learn how to create and share visualizations, dashboards, and infographics to bring your insights to life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Docker - Introducing Docker Essentials, Containers, and more" |
"Docker is an open platform that lets you package, develop, run, and ship applications in environments called containers. During the past few years, Docker has completely changed the landscape of the software engineering industry. For developers, Docker is a must-know. For enterprises, Docker is a must-use.Containers are revolutionary because they allow you as the developer to work with applications without the hassle of installing extra dependencies. With Docker, your coding environment will immediately set up. That way, you can spend your time focusing on the code that truly matters to you, your team, and your organization.Docker and containerization also lies at the heart of development operations. Development engineers have the skills to both create and deploy applications. These kind of engineers hold a high value in the job market, and average higher salaries than software engineers. So knowing Docker will increase your DevOps skills and open doors for you.How is this course designed?This course is designed to introduce Docker and its core concepts. As a project-based course, you will become familiar with the main Docker commands as you build various applications with containers and images. The course centers around filmed tutorials, with notes accompanyingeach video.Go through a video for a deep understanding, and read the notes for a quick walk-through of main concepts and relevant commands. This gives you the power to go through the course at your own pace!Some of the main course highlights:Run your own containers on the command line with Docker.Build your own container images with Dockerfiles.Persist data across containers with mounts.Compose multicontainer applications with Docker Compose.Update containers dynamically with volumes.Create private networks for Docker containers.Create a multinode cluster with Docker Swarm.Set up the automatic building of Docker Images with Docker Cloud.Configure automatic tests and a continuous integration workflow with Docker Cloud.On top of that, Docker gives us the power to work in almost any environment. Therefore, in our exploration of Docker, well even get exposure to Node.js, Express.js, PHP, Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, and more."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build a Blockchain and a Cryptocurrency from Scratch" |
"Announcement! There is a full-stack remastered version of this course! This course builds the backend. But if you're interested in building a frontend and deploying the project, check out the remastered version!Search for""Build a Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Full-Stack Edition"" under my list of courses!***This course will get you to build a blockchain and cryptocurrency from scratch.The blockchain is a revolutionary technology that allows for the secure, distributed, decentralized storage of information. Over the past few years, the blockchain has taken the engineering landscape by storm. Many people in the industry predict that the blockchain will disrupt the ways we interact with technology on the same way the Internet did in the early 2000s.The blockchain is the main technology behind Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the other prominent cryptocurrencies that we read about in the news today. By leveraging the blockchain, cryptocurrencies create a system of trustlessness. This cuts the need for middle men like banks and traders in economic systems.Do you want to enter this young market, and become a highly sought-afterblockchain engineer?The industry is starving for people who understand, and even better, can build blockchains. The supply is low, but the demand is high. So having a blockchain project under your belt will open doors and jobs for you.For engineers, coders, and software developers, the best way to truly understand the revolutionary technologies of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, is to build a blockchain and cryptocurrency yourself. Therefore, this course will take you through implementing a blockchain and cryptocurrency - discovering the underlying techniques and concepts.The course is designed into sections that introduce the main concepts of the blockchain one-by-one. By the end of the course, you will have a respectable blockchain project in your repertoire.Some of the main course highlights:Build a Blockchain in the object-oriented programming style.Generate hashes for blocks in the chain.Unit Test Components of the Blockchain.Create an API around the Blockchain.Create a real-time connected peer-to-peer server.Implement a proof-of-work algorithm.Sign Transactions with cryptography and digital signature.Create a Transaction Pool for a real-time list of incoming data.Include transactions in core blocks of the chain.Well use NodeJS to implement this project. Dont worry if youre not familiar with JavaScript. This course explains the purpose behind every line and keyword. So, while JS experience will help, its not an absolute requirement.Written summaries supplement each tutorial. That way, you can move along at your own pace, either watching the more thorough filmed tutorial, or reading thesummary.Ultimately, knowledge of the Blockchain will set you up for success in the future, as an engineer in a blockchain-dominated world. So what are you waiting for? Lets get started building a blockchain!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Drupal 8 module development with examples" |
"It has never been better time to learn Drupal 8 module development.Thats because Drupal 8 is already the better technologically and thefaster way to build Drupal applications(compared to Drupal 7).Drupal 8 is built on top of Symfony so the good news are that as you learn how to create controller for example in Drupal 8 - the way you would do it in Symfony is quite the same and vice versa. Thats great because that actually means that the skills are transferable and that we are not going to be bogged down into endless drupalisms (Drupal-specific terms).In this course we are going to learn the most popular sections of the Drupal 8 module development:we are going to declare our own custom modulewe are going to learn what is a controller and we are going to build our own controller classwe are going to learn how to implement new routes in the .routing.yml filewe are going to learn how to render controller content in twig templatehow to include libraries (assets) when certain templates are being renderedhow to create custom blockshave a good understanding of what Renderable arrays arewhat in general are Serviceshow to declare a servicehow to inject a service into our own servicehow to inject a service to a containerhow to create custom forms and act on submissionhow to validate formshow to alter any formhow to create an AJAXformhow to save our custom configuration to our won custom form admin pagehow to render our custom configurationhow to declare permissions and how to make them work to restrict stuff ...We are going to implement as much examples as possible and always Iattached for you the final files so that you could easily compare with the final result and not waste time on tracing a tiny-tiny bug.Itried to make it as clear as possible and to share as much as possible examples that I face in my everyday work process as PHPDrupal developer. The skills that are covered in this course are surely stuff that you would need if your are building complex Drupal 8 applications and are ""Must have"" as a knowledge for every Drupal developer..."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Programacin funcional y expresiones lambda" |
"Cada vez ms las empresas estn demandando que sus programadores conozcan los lambdas y streams de Java, pero si no conoces la programacin funcional y nunca has utilizado los streams, las interfaces funcionales y las expresiones lambda, es posible que te ests perdiendo la oportunidad de hacer cdigo mucho ms rpido, ms eficiente y ms ordenado, sin contar que puedes estarte perdiendo de ms y mejores puestos de trabajo.Aunque la versin 8 de Java ha salido hace un tiempo ya, lo cierto es que la programacin funcional no es muy bien conocida y an menos entendida por la mayora de los programadores de Java. Sin duda, aunque no es la ms nueva, la versin 8 es una de las ms revolucionarias de todos los tiempos y no debes quedarte atrs!Un curso de +6 horas en donde te llevo paso a paso y con muchos ejemplos para que comiences de inmediato a utilizar los streams, la interfaces funcionales y las expresiones lambda en tus propios proyectos.Al terminar este curso podrs:Crear cdigo mucho ms rpido.Crear cdigo mucho ms elegante y fcil de entender por s solo.Manejar los datos de tus aplicaciones con mucha facilidad y eficiencia.Ponerte en una mejor condicin competitiva con respecto a otros programadores de Java.Qu aprenders en este curso?Aprenders los fundamentos de la programacin funcional.Aprenders a utilizar las expresiones lambda (n1, n2) -> n1.getHeight() y vers todo el tiempo que te ahorras con ellas.Te llevar a travs de toda la API de interfaces funcionales de Java 8.Aprenders a utilizar funciones, predicados, consumidores, proveedores, operadores y sus derivados.Aprenders las facilidades que en la versin 8 tiene la interfaz Comparator.Por si no fuera ya bueno y rpido utilizar expresiones lambda, tambin aprenders a utilizar los mtodos referenciados y ahorrars una barbaridad de tiempo y esfuerzo.Entenders los fundamentos de los Streams de Java 8.Aprenders a crear streams a partir de valores, funciones, colecciones, Strings y hasta desde archivos. No importa tu fuente de datos, desde ahora podrs manipular tus datos fcil y rpidamente.Aprenders a filtrar fcilmente todos tus datos, a ordenarlos como t quieras y a mapearlos.Aprenders a obtener sumatorias, cuentas, nmero mximo, mnimo de todos tus datos y de manera super sencilla.An tienes excusas para inscribirte a este curso?La versin 8 de Java ha sido sin duda una de las versiones que ms impacto ha causado en la comunidad de programadores de Java.Hasta las versiones anteriores hubo varios cambios y mejoras, pero en general, muchas cosas permanecieron similares en cuanto a su concepto base.No as con la versin 8 de Java!No encuentro ninguna razn por la cual no debas aprender este paradigma y en este curso te facilitar el camino para que puedas aprenderlo rpida y eficientemente. Aunque el cdigo creado es sumamente legible de entender y fcil de usar e implementar, tambin es cierto que cuesta entenderlo al principio. Por esa razn he creado este curso que te permitir aprenderlo sin sufrir demasiado en el proceso y como siempre, estar disponible para responder todas tus preguntas.Si no quieres quedarte atrs como programador Java tienes que aprender s o s estas novedades. Imagina la ventaja competitiva que te dar respecto a otros desarrolladores! No esperes ms, inscrbete ahora mismo!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Desarrollo web en Google Web Toolkit - GWT" |
"Google Web Toolkit o tambin GWT es un framework para desarrollo web creado por google y que es usado por muchos productos de google, incluyendo Google AdWords y Google Wallet. Pero tambin ha sido utilizado para desarrollar aplicaciones de vuelos, buscadores de hoteles, ofertas, etc.Es Open Source, completamente libre para usar y modificar. GWT est siendo utilizado por miles de desarrolladores entusiastas alrededor del mundo.Con GWT podrs crear y optimizar aplicaciones complejas basadas en navegador web. Su objetivo es permitir el desarrollo productivo de aplicaciones web de alto rendimiento sin que el desarrollador tenga que ser experto en caprichos del navegador con AJAX y Javascript.En este curso desarrollo web con Google Web Toolkit te llevar de la mano, asumiendo que eres un programador que conoce Java pero que puedes no estar familizarizado con las tecnologas de desarrollo web. Lo que aprenders en este curso:Aprenders las generalidades del desarrollo web. Lo mnimo que necesitas para comprender el desarrollo web.Aprenders en qu consiste y cules son las ventajas de las aplicaciones RIA (Rich Internet Applications).Aprenders las particularidades y ventajas del desarrollo web RIA con GWT.GWT est principalmente basado en la interfaz de usuario, as que aprenderemos sobre cmo funcionan las interfaces de usuario en GWT.Aprenders a construir aplicaciones web basadas en paneles y widgets de GWT.Aprenders dos formas de comunicacin con el servidor web. Mediante formularios y mediante Llamadas a procedimientos remotos (RPC).Aprenders a utilizar los eventos en GWT.Todo esto lo haremos paso a paso, sin asumir nada excesivamente.Si t ya eres todo un maestro del desarrollo web, toma en cuenta que este curso comienza con calma y est pensado en aquellos que an no tienen dominio completo sobre la materia.Sin mas, te invito a formar parte de este gran curso."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Photography Courses: Photoshop Pro 100" |
"In this Photography class you will learn the essentials of photoshop, we will learn about the work area, the basic of photoshop corrections, and we will learn about how to work with selection tools. The class is about understanding the fundamental basic of photoshop, these fundamental tools can be applied to photography and Graphic Design.Here are the three main ideas that we are going to explore:Understanding Photoshop Work AreaSimple Basic of Photo correctionsHow to work with selectionsBy the end of this class, you will be confident and knowledgeable about how to work in photoshop. You will understand the photoshop work area, you will know how to do a basic photoshop correction, and you will be able to make a photoshop selection. The tools covered in this class will help you in enhancing your photoshop skills. Along the way, I will introduce you to some of my personal favorite tips and tricks.What will Students create in their class project?Students will be able to work on existing files and as well as creating their own final project which they will be able to share with the entire class.Note that students will be able to apply the skill that they learn in the class toward creating their own final project which will be shared in the class project section. I encourage you to share your project as you go; so that you can receive feedback and idea as you go about creating your final project.Who is the class for?This course is for Photoshop beginner and mid-advanced Photoshop user who are seeking understanding on how the tools covered in this class work.In short, this course is for anyone interested in learning more about photoshop.So sign up now and secure your spot in this class.What are the requirements?The only requirement in this class is that you have access to Photoshop, either Photoshop CC or Photoshop CS ( For example Photoshop CC 2018, Photoshop CC 2017, Photoshop CC2016, Photoshop CS6 or Photoshop CS5, Photoshop CS4.)Plus students need to be open minded and be willing to learn new techniques that may differ from anything they have seen before..Stop wishing and register now, so that you can improve your photoshop skills.Thank you for reading this far. I look forward to seeing you inside the class."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Rhinoceros for jewellery Design" |
"This course is aimed at anyone who is willing to learn how to design Jewellery using Rhinoceros. No prior experience is required, however, some jewellery manufacturing experience is recommended in order to make the most of this course.Starting from 0, students will learn how to design jewellery with the highest standards of quality.The software is not included but you can use a 30 day trial from the developer"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Taller de Gestin Estratgica Empresarial y Organizacional" |
"OFERTA LIMITADA: Obtenga acceso gratuito a mi curso ""Taller Comprencion del Medio Ambiente Economico Externo"" al adquirir este curso Taller de Gestin Estratgica Empresarial y Organizacional, haberlo completado, y haberlo calificado totalmente con 5 estrellas. Ud. recibira el acceso al taller una vez se haya completado el ciclo de devolucion de Udemy.En el mundo de los negocios de hoy en da, el cual esta fuertemente interconectado a travs de las tecnologas de informacin as como obsesionado con velocidad y contenido rico en informacin, los retos que esto crea para los gerentes estratgicos son cada ves ms complejos, mas ambiguos y mas inestructurados que nunca antes en la historia de los negocios.Hoy ms que nunca los lderes empresariales, incluyendo los de organizaciones sin fines de lucro, estn bajo ms grande presin que nunca antes para poder responder a los problemas estratgicos de manera rpida y decisiva sin dejar de que estas decisiones sean tambin decisiones responsables. Como resultado de toda esta compleja red de variables en el medio ambiente, la necesidad de una gerencia estratgica efectiva nunca ha sido antes tan necesitada como el da de hoy debido a que los retos que nos presenta el medio ambiente empresarial cambian constantemente, y aunque en ocasiones dan previo aviso, muy a menudo tambin los cambios ocurren sin previo aviso, de manera totalmente inesperada. Responder ante un evento poltico, un evento econmico, un cambio en las tendencias de uso de la gente, o incluso desastre natural, definitivamente van afectar de una manera y otra el desempeo una organizacin sea esta una empresa con fines de lucro, como una organizacin sin fines de lucro. El presente taller nos ofrece un modelo, una infraestructura, un sistema ordenado que nos permitir poder manejar estos retos de manera estratgica, sistemtica y ordenada. De la misma forma este taller introduce a la nocin de la Gestin Estratgica, delinea su importancia y presenta panormicamente los 6 pasos del proceso de la gestin estratgica, para que de esta manera podamos analizar estratgicamente una organizacin, cualquiera que esta sea, ya mencionado arriba, sea una organizacin con fines de lucro como una empresa de cualquier tipo de producto o servicio, como tambin una organizacin sin fines de lucro tal como una universidad, biblioteca, iglesia, una beneficencia, una escuela, un club de miembros, etc. Estoy convencido que este taller ser de muy grande beneficio para usted y para su organizacin. Inscrbase ahora. Nos vemos en breve para iniciar la sesin."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Taller de Analisis de la Competencia en una Industria" |
"OFERTA LIMITADA: Obtenga acceso gratuito a mi curso ""Taller Comprencion del Medio Ambiente Economico Externo"" al adquirir este curso Taller de Analisis de la Competencia en una Industria, haberlo completado, y haberlo calificado totalmente con 5 estrellas. Ud. recibira el acceso al taller una vez se haya completado el ciclo de devolucion de Udemy.Cada empresa opera dentro de un grupo de compaas las cuales producen productos y servicios que compiten el uno con el otro; a esto se le llama una Industria.El concepto de Industria es realmente simple. Sin embargo, a menudo este es confundido en las conversaciones del da a da. El trmino Industria no hace referencia a una sola compaa o una firma especfica sino por el contrario hace referencia a un grupo de compaas que producen productos y servicios que compiten el uno del otro.Por ejemplo sera incorrecto decir ""una industria ha venido a la comunidad"" eso es incorrecto, sin embargo sera correcto afirmar, por ejemplo, que el grupo de empresas que se dedican al procesamiento del azcar en un determinado pais conforman la industria azucarera de dicho pais o region.Aunque hay usualmente algunas diferencias entre competidores, cada industria tiene sus propias leyes y reglas de combate las cuales gobiernan asepctos de dicha industria, como por ejemplo la calidad del producto, el precio y la forma de distribucin de dicho pais.Bajo la premisa anterior cada industria tiene su propia cultura corporativa la cual tambien tiene sus propias leyes y reglas de combate que por lo general las empresas en estre grupo respetan y de esta manera estas maximizan sus propias probabilidades de supervivencia en el mercado y asi no generar una especie de canibalismo empresarial donde una empresa intenta desaparecer a la otra.Es por esto y otras fuertes razones que los gerentes estratgicos deben entender la estructura de la industria en la cual sus empresas estan operando antes de decidir entrar al mercado y como competir exitosamente.En un mundo perfecto, por supuesto, que cada firma operara en una industria claramente definida. Sin embargo en la realidad muchas empresas tienen que competir en mltiples industrias y los gerentes estratgicos de firmas similares por lo general difieren en sus conceptualizaciones del medio ambiente industrial. Adicionalmente algunas compaas han utilizado la internet para redefinir las Industrias e incluso crear nuevas industrias. Como resultado el proceso de la definicin de las Industrias y su anlisis puede ser bastante ambiguo cuando consideramos a la competencia por Internet. Los conceptos de Industria Primaria e Industria Secundaria pudieran ser tiles al intentar definir lo que es una industria. Una Industria Primaria pudiera ser conceptualizada como un grupo de competidores cercanos mientras que una industria secundaria puede incluir una competencia menos directa. Cuando uno analiza la competencia de una empresa, la industria primaria es apenas considerada ""la industria"" mientras que la industria secundaria es presentada como una forma de agregar claridad a dicho anlisis.Por ejemplo en el mercado de los refrescos si comparamos la compania Coca Cola, los competidores directos de su industria primaria seran empresas como Pepsi Cola, mientras que los competidores de su industria secundaria seran refrescos menores tales como refrescos artesanales o bebidas energticas.La distincin entre la industria primaria y la industria secundaria puede ser basada en criterios objetivos Como por ejemplo el precio, la similaridad, etc.Finalmente un nmero de fuentes externas pueden asistir al gerente estratgico en determinar las fronteras de la industria primaria o secundaria a la cual pertenece. Preguntas tiles que nos podemos hacer seran: Cmo determinar qu competidores hay en la industria, cules, y cules no, y porque?. Los gobiernos por lo general ofrecen un sistema de clasificacin, as como las publicaciones hechas por peridicos y revistas de negocios as como analistas de negocios. Sin embargo los ms experimentados gerentes estratgicos obtienen informacin de todas estas Fuentes y hacen sus propios anlisis comprendiendo a la competencia, y de esta manera definir con mas claridad a la industria en la cual estn funcionando. Estoy convencido que este taller ser de muy grande beneficio para usted y para su organizacin. Inscrbase ahora. Nos vemos en breve para iniciar la sesin. Le invito a que tambien se registre en el taller titulado La Gestion Estrategica Empresarial."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get Started Digital Painting with Krita" |
"Welcome to my course Get Started Digital Painting with Krita. This course is targeted atbeginners and covers everything you need to know to create beautiful digital graphics.This is not a drawing / painting course. Although the course is supplemented with the occasional drawing / painting tips, the focus of this course is on learning the Krita software.Krita is a highly acclaimed digital painting software, and it is completely free and open source. If you want to get started in digital illustration without splurging on license fees then this is a great place to start. Once you have gained confidence digital painting you can easily and painlessly switch over to commercial software if you want. (Or you can continue using Krita of course!)Contents of this course:Section 1: QuickstartCreate doodlesLearn about brushesLearn about layersLearn about basic tools and shapesSection 2: Sketching and InkingUse the transformation tool to modify the basic formsUse the assistant tool to lay down construction lines and basic formsCreate Bezier curves as line artCreate line art using the assistant toolUse the krita brush stabilizersSection 3: Painting and ColouringAdd colour to your sketches and line artUse alpha inheritance to add shading, highlighting and backlightingLearn to smoothen out colours (blending)Learn all about the most common blend modesLearn about using special brushes to paint texture and other effectsSection 4: Custom brushesGet an overview of the editorLearn about brush tipsLink parameters like size and opacity to inputs like pressureLearn about remaining parametersLearn about remaining inputsLearn to import and export brushesSection 5: Filters, layers and masksLearn about layer stylesGet an overview of various filtersLearn about all the layer typesLearn about all the mask typesKrita version 4.0 comes with a brand new set of default brushes! This is great on the whole, but makes the videos a bit confusing! So I added some extra videos to help."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Design Grfico - Tcnicas Avanadas com Corel DRAW!" |
"Criado baseado na solicitao de mais de 5 mil alunosdo curso Best Seller na UDEMY ""Formao em Designer Grfico com Corel X8"", estenovocurso renematerial que ir te fazer avanar para o prximo nvel em seus projetos de design grfico.Contedo realmente indito para cursos do Corel DRAW, que te faro ter domnio absoluto da ferramenta, sendo apresentadas tcnicas avanadas de designer, abordando os temas:Projetos avanados com fotos.Uma seo inteira abordando o conceito de Double Exposure, sim tudo feito diretamente no Corel DRAW, fazendo o quemuitos afirmamsomente ser possvel noPhotoshop.Proporo urea.Espao Negativo.Criao de Macros.Trabalhando com Grids.Desenvolvimento de logos.Ferramentas de Produtividade.Banco de dados para agilizar seus projetos, sim banco de dados.E muito mais.Ajeite-se na cadeira, assistaas aulas gratuitas que esto disponveis e se deseja avanar para o prximo nvel em sua carreira de designer, matricule-se neste curso e te aguardo l!Grande AbraoOthon Moraes"
Price: 414.99 ![]() |
"Unreal Engine 4: Fundamentos de Programao de jogos com C++" |
"Neste curso voc aprender conceitos bsicos de programao com a linguagem C++ e a programar jogos na Unreal Engine 4. As principais classes e funes da API da UE4 sero apresentadas assim como sua utilizao em scripts bem simples de forma a tornar a compreenso mais efetiva. Vale frisar que a Unreal Engine possui um sistema de programao visual chamado Blueprints que implementa lgica nos games sem a insero de nenhuma linha de cdigo. Ento qual seria o motivo de aprender a programar jogos utilizando um meio mais trabalhoso e difcil de compreender? Basicamente em funo do C++ possuir melhor desempenho tornando seu jogo mais ""leve"" e permitir maior liberdade na implementao da lgica do game. Alm disso, os blueprints so muito eficientes em pequenos projetos, mas em trabalhos mais complexos a utilizao de C++ indispensvel. Inicialmente sero apresentados conceitos bsicos para posteriormente se utilizar o contedo apreendido para criar seus primeiros projetos."
Price: 249.99 ![]() |
"Math Explained Easy 4 - Solving Equations" |
"Hey! and Welcome!Do you want to solve all equations? This is an awesome start. It starts so easy, but the fundamentals are the most important for solving equations. Here we go step by step over them with a lot of practise material! Before you know you start thinking math is fun :)"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Energy Healing with Colour and Art Certificate Course" |
"====== A FEW OF MELISSA'S COURSE TESTIMONIALS ======""Fantastic course and a great repetition and further education for me who is already familiar with chakras and reiki. Highly recommended!"" Martti""I'm a colour therapist but there's always more to learn. I love the way Melissa is so clear with her explanations."" - Jill""I have been an energy healer for about 6 years ago. I REALLY love the way you explain what it is. I have always known that light is energy and colors are light but am really appreciating the added insight that you are giving about it."" - Shauna""Melissa is able to infuse her love and compassion into all of her courses. Taking one of her courses is like spending time with a favorite friend. After completing Energy Healing with Colour and Art I am more keenly aware of the power of color therapy when used in conjunction with other healing modalities. I look forward to applying color therapy into my reiki practice, as well as using it to restore my own personal balance."" Heather""Hi Melissa, This course is perfect for all , even beginners. Each section is explained well vocally and backed up with loads of resources. The meditations are so soothing and relaxing. Thank you."" - Shirley""Melissa is able to infuse her love and compassion into all of her courses. Taking one of her courses is like spending time with a favorite friend. After completing Energy Healing with Colour and Art I am more keenly aware of the power of color therapy when used in conjunction with other healing modalities. I look forward to applying color therapy into my reiki practice, as well as using it to restore my own personal balance.""- Heather""Highly recommend this course for anyone interested in learning more about how color affects our energy!"" - Britt====== WHAT TO EXPECT ======When you really think about it, were all artists! Whether you're creating a masterpiece in the form of food, dance, storytelling, doodling, or something else - when we honestly express our true selves, we feel relief, joy and pride! But when we cant release that creative energy, that's when a stagnation occurs, which can wear down our well-being and health.Thankfully, I created this easy course to help you learn how to harness colour and artistic expression - with the right intentions - to help amplify your inner, energetic healing powers! Please keep in mind that no experience is required and you do not need to be 'artistic' to take this course! I created it specifically so anybody can learn and benefit from using colours and artist creation! For those existing healers though, this course is a great way to enhance your skills, and it's also a wonderful complement to my Reiki Master Certification course!====== WHAT'S INCLUDED ======Once enrolled, you'll need to download the course book, written by Melissa: Energy Healing with Colours & Art (PDF). The book has all the details and steps you'll need, and makes a great reference point during and after the course!As you progress, you'll learn the basics of energy healing and its connection to colours, from there you'll learn a bit about the 7 Main Chakras and their colours. I'll then teach you the different methods of using colours with energy healing, as well as learn the value of artistic expression. (Please note: while I do cover artistic expression, this is not an art course).Add to that, I'll provide you with 7 Chakra Meditations (MP3) to help you integrate colour into your energy healing efforts! I also provide a Colour Healing Diary Sheet (PDF) to record your experiences down on as well as my Human Chakra Poster (PDF) to download so you can quickly learn the Chakra locations their colours. Once you've completed the entire course, you'll have all that you need to start proactively using colour healing in your everyday life, as well as be able to better release that pent up energy in a positive and loving way!You'll be able to quickly apply and use these techniques with your current skills! Once you've completed the entire course, gone through all the lectures and practiced when prompted, if you choose to, you'll be able to take my Energy Healing with Colour & Art Final Exam. Upon successful completion, you'll receive a beautiful Certificate of Completion (PDF) and a Digital Seal of Completion (JPG)! Some of the additional benefits of this course include being able to kindly express yourself and general stress relief - as well as help improve your overall well-being! As you get used to using colours and expressing yourself in this loving way, it will become a welcome part of your way of life!Lastly, as I continue to add more helpful information to this course over time, you'll have lifetime access to it! I hope you enjoy this exciting new journey sweet friend! #biglove"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Reiki Space Clearing Certification - Energy Healing a Place" |
"====== A FEW OF MELISSA'S COURSE TESTIMONIALS ======""This course has had such an incredibly positive impact on my life and home. My home feels fresh, clear of any negativity and a much more supportive and postitive place to be. Sometimes in certain areas of my home I would feel anxious or groggy for no obvious reason, it turns out that all I needed to do was clear the space! I would feel completely confident to clear spaces as a career if I so wished after taking this course. Melissa was clear, thourough and I felt very supportive."" - Emma""Thank you Melissa I have enjoyed this course as much as your other courses. I love [the bagua] prints and extra material you always provide. "" - Deborah""This course is great and the teacher explains everything in much more detail. Life happens. Picking up energy is inevitable when under stress. This will allow me to clear my space much more effectively. I am grateful."" - Betty""I wanted to understand more about energy clearing and this class has met and exceeded my expectations!"" Patricia""Oh how wonderful to actually feel energy between my hands it was like playing with magnets at one point ,the class it was exceptional I can't wait to get started!!!!!! thank you sooooo much Melissa.You are an awesome teacher and an awesome person!!!!!!!"" - Maryjo""I really loved this course and I was impressed how the energy shifted in my home after the clearing"" - Jessica""It Works! Fast improvement. Actually very noticable change here. The best teacher!""- Oddrun""This course is absolutely brilliant"" - Anand====== WHAT TO EXPECT ======Whether it's your home, school, or workplace, ensuring the places you spend a lot of time in feel good to you can impact more than you realise. If you don't feel comfortable in a space, then you will - even at a subconscious level - reflect that uneasy energy. And vice versa, if you emanate negative energy, you can impact the space you're in, too!And that's where Space Clearing comes in! An energy healing technique which focuses on clearing out negative energy to then allow room for positive energy to come in - and influence you (and others!) in a wonderful way!There are a lot of 'moving parts' to Space Clearing; but thankfully, I created this course in a manner to simplify the process without compromising on the depth of knowledge it takes to do it effectively!Please keep in mind that no experience is required to take this course! I created it specifically so anybody can learn and benefit from using Space Clearing techniques! For those existing healers - including Reiki practitioners, this course is a great way to enhance your skills, and it's also a wonderful complement to my Reiki Level I, II, + Master Certification course!====== WHAT'S INCLUDED ======Once enrolled, you'll need to download the course book, written by Melissa: Space Clearing Made Simple (PDF). The book has all the details and steps you'll need, and makes a great reference point during and after the course!As you progress, you'll learn the fundamentals including energy healing and the Energy Field. From there you'll learn a bit about what Space Clearing is, as well as learn the 'Anatomy of a Place'. I'll then teach you different techniques, as well as learn about preparation tools as well as the steps to prepare for a clearing. Of course, I then take you through the Steps to Space Clear as well as cover off what to expect afterward. Add to that, I'll provide you with my own Space Clearing Worksheet (PDF) to help you actually perform a clearing session. There are also 2 different Life Situations Bagua Maps (PDF) to help you even further while you learn! I also provide a Space Clearing Steps Audio (MP3) as well as the Building Your Intuition Exercise Lecture (MP3) to make the learning process even easier!For those who want to offer Space Clearing to others, I provide a Space Clearing Client Intake Form (doc and PDF) to make your job easier to do once you arrive at the location.Further bonuses are my Human Chakra Poster (PDF) to download so you can quickly learn the Chakra locations and their attributes, as well as my 5-minute Stress Relief Meditation Audio (MP3) for those moments where you just need to relax, fast!Once you've completed the entire course, you'll have all that you need to start positively influences spaces - for yourself and others!At this point you'll be able to quickly apply and use these techniques with your current skills! Once you've completed the entire course, gone through all the lectures and practiced when prompted, if you choose to, you'll be able to take my Space Clearing Final Exam. Upon successful completion, you'll receive a beautiful Certificate of Completion (PDF) and a Digital Seal of Completion (JPG)! Some of the additional benefits of this course include being able to affect positive change in locations as well as alleviate stress - all which will help improve the space's - and the people in it - overall well-being! As you get used to Space Clearing more and more, it start to become second nature and you'll even be able to make small changes everywhere you go to always feel comfortable!Lastly, as I continue to add more helpful information to this course over time, you'll have lifetime access to it! I hope you enjoy this exciting new journey sweet friend! #biglove"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"All NoSQL (HBase + Cassandra + MongoDB + Redis) for Big Data" |
"Thiscourse is specially designedfor All profile students i.e. developers and testerswho wantedto build their career into Big DataArena in Real World. So I havedesigned this course so they can start workingwith All NoSQL Databasesi.e.HBASE,CASSANDRA,MONGODB,REDISin complete BigData. All the users who are working or looking their careerin Big Dataprofile in Big Dataand wanted to move into Testing domain should takethis course and go through the complete tutorials which hasbeginnertoadvanceknowledge.Ihave included the material which is needed for big data testing profile and ithas all the necessary contents which is required for learning NoSQL Databasesi.e.HBASE + CASSANDRA + MONGODB + REDISin completeBig Data.Itwill give the detailed information for differentCommands and Querieswhich are used in development andtesting NoSQL database applicationsincompletequeries/commandswhich is needed by the testerto move into bigger umbrella i.e. Big Data EcosystemsEnvironment.Thiscourse is well structured with all elements of different NoSQLdatabasesi.e.HBASE + CASSANDRA + MONGODB + REDIS incompletebig datawith advancecommandsin practical mannerseparated by different topics. Students should take this course who wanted tolearn End to End NoSQL Databasesin complete bigdatafrom scratch."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Learn Big Data from Scratch (Advance Hadoop + Unix Commands)" |
"This course is specially designedfor All profile students i.e. developers and testerswho wanted to build their career into Big DataArena in Real World. So I have designed this course so they can start learning andworkingwith All Big Data technologieslike AdvanceHadoopand Unix with Shell Scripting forcomplete Big Data. All the users who are working or looking their careerin Big Dataprofile in Big Dataand wanted to move into Big Data Development orTesting domain should take this course and go through the complete tutorials which hasbeginnertoadvance knowledge.I have included the material which is needed for big data development andtesting profile and it has all the necessary contents which is required for learning Big Data Technologies like Hadoop, Unix and Shell scripting in completeBig Data world.It will give the detailed information for different Basic to AdvanceCommands and Queries knowledgewhich are used in development andtestingapplicationsin complete application life cycle for big dataqueries/commandswhich is needed by the tester to move into bigger umbrella i.e. Big Data EcosystemsEnvironment.This course is well structured with all elements of different Unix Commands like AWK, SE, Vim, CUT with all basic to advance levelin completebig datawith advancecommandsin practical manner separated by different topics. Students should take this course who wanted to learn End to End Big datafrom scratch to some extend of advance level."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"German Language Course for Philosophers and Curious People" |
"A fantastic course for people who want to learn German ""outside the box""! I will ask you some interesting, challenging and sometimes philosophical questions and then it is up to you to think about it - in German!Apart from getting a lot of practice expressing yourself in German you will also gain a lot of new vocabulary. After each questions part Iwill go over some of the words that were used in these questions to see which ones ""stuck"". Picking up new words while using them in context is a much more dynamic way of learning than simply trying to remember random words!Finally, there is a language flexibility part for each set of questions which allows you to see how the questions could have been asked in a different way without changing the meaning much. This will help you to get a better understanding of the flexibility of language and the options you have when you express yourself."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"SQLite Fundamentals - Up and Running" |
"SQLite Fundamentals - Up and Running course is designed to let you learn the nitty gritties of SQLite.SQLite is a small, fast, self-contained, high reliability, full featured SQL database engine. On top of that SQLite is FREE!In this course, we will first introduce you to the Fundamentals of SQLite i.e. what is SQLite, its features and limitations as well why you might choose to use it .We then move on to how to get SQLite to run on your computer. In this section, we will introduce you to a sample database that we will be using throughout the course as well as install SQLite Studio which is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that we will be using to drive the SQLite database side by side with Command Prompt or more commonly, the terminal.The next section is Basic SQLite Statements. Here you will learn the important statements or commands as well as clauses that are required to work with SQLite. Some of the statements we cover are: the SELECT Statement, WHERE, ORDER BY, DISTINCT and LIMIT clauses. After every lesson, we have Quizzes so as to reinforce the knowledge and make sure that you understood it.The last section is SQLite Database Objects and Aggregate Functions. Here, we talk about the SQLite Data Types and the related statements such as the SQLite Create Table Statement. Each and every lesson has live examples that you can also try on your own. The examples are done on both the terminal as well as on the Graphical User Interface.At the end of the course, you will be a SQLite master who is able to run SQLite, and at the very least perform CRUD [Create, Read, Update and Delete] operations on a SQLite Database.So what are you waiting for? Enroll now and get up and running with SQLite!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Php ile Profesyonellie giri - A'dan Z'ye PHP Programlama" |
"Starting with php nin bases and taking a lot of examples, we will take you to advanced levels of php. Within these processes, we will develop many projects simultaneously. After describing almost every subject, we will develop your knowledge of algorithm by entering the details of PHP as much as possible by producing small or large projects and we will carry you to professionalism and to carry forward."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"PSD TO HTML & Bootstrap 4 ile web sitesi yapm" |
"* Bu Eitim Setinde Html , Css , Bootstrap retilmemektedir. *Eitim setinin amac psd leri bununan bir tasarmn html e nasl dntrlecei ve grdnz bir tasarmn bootstrap ile nasl responsive olarak kodlanabilecei konular ilenmektedir. Bu ilemler yaplrken Bootstrap , Css , Html , Jquery gibi konular kullanlarak ihtiyalara zel olarak tasarmlar retilmektedir. Eitim Seti ierisinde ierideki konular bir btn halinde ilenmektedir. Tamemen tecrbe zerine retilmi bir eitim setidir. Anlk olarak oluabilecek ihtiyacnz olabilecek benzer durumlara nasl zm retebileceinizi gstermeyi amalamaktaym. Eitimimi Almadan ncele Aadaki Konular Bildiinize veya gz ainalnz olduuna emin olun. Bootstrap 4Html & Html 5Css & Css 3JavascriptJquery & Jquery Ui Owl carouselAnimate.css & Wow.js"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Writing Beautiful RESTful APIs" |
"RESTful APIs are part of our everyday life and most may not even know it. Because most of the design and implementation of these APIs is left up to developers and architects, there are a wide array of opinions and ideas on how things should work. This can create a good deal of confusion.Writing Beautiful RESTful APIs provides a fundamental overview of REST, best practices for design, and discusses several advanced topics like pagination, search, and authentication.This course is meant for beginners to API design, but it is also a good refresher for those who are familiar to API design or are hoping to gain a deeper understanding of advanced topics.By the end of the course, you will understand the fundamentals of REST and you'll be able to start designing your APIs to be ""beautiful APIs""."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hands on AWS: Simple Queue Service (SQS)" |
"Amazon Web Services is the premier provider of cloud services. Among their service offering are Simple Queue Service (SQS).Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fully managed message queueing service that makes it easy to decouple and scale systems.Hands on AWS:Simple Queue Service (SQS) provides a fundamental overview of SQS, best practices for design, and provides a few demos to get you started with SQS.This course is meant for beginners to AWS and SQS and could also be helpful for those prepping for AWS Certification Exams.By the end of the course, you will understand the fundamentals of SQS and you'll be able to start building scalable, decoupled systems."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hands on AWS: Simple Notification Service (SNS)" |
"Amazon Web Services is the premier provider of cloud services. Among their service offering are Simple Notification Service (SNS).Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) is a fully managed pub/sub messaging and mobile notifications service that makes it easy to decouple and scale systems.Hands on AWS:Simple Notification Service (SNS) provides a fundamental overview of SNS, best practices for design, and provides a few demos to get you started with SNS.This course is meant for beginners to AWS and SNS and could also be helpful for those prepping for AWS Certification Exams.By the end of the course, you will understand the fundamentals of SNS and you'll be able to start building scalable, decoupled systems."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Super Crash Course in Blender" |
"In this course we go through the most basic of basic steps to get you going in Blender. This course will constantly grow with easy to follow steps, clearly labeled.At the Present moment we cover simple modeling, as well as using the most commonmodifer, and using a little of animation pipeline."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Create Scifi Spaceship in Blender" |
"In this course we will go through my process in creating a Scifi ship in Blender. We start off with myself doing some concept drawings and how easy it is for you to come up with your own ideas. We will also go through the blocking stage to get a feel of what kind of ship will it be, and will it suit our needs.Once we start modelling, we will work through using several modifiers includingSubsurfaceBevelBooleanShrinkMirrorWe will also use a free add on to create material quickly and apply them to our ship. By the end of this course you should have your own ship, and also a greater understanding of how to use Blender.I have also provided you with each Blend file at the start of each lesson.Thank youMarko"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Functional Programming with Lambdas and Streams in Java" |
"Lambda expressions are a new and important feature introduced in Java SE 8. They provide a clear and concise way to represent one method interface using an expression. Lambda expressions also improve the Collection libraries making it easier to iterate through, filter, and extract data from a Collection. In addition, new concurrency features improve performance in multicore environments.This Java: Lambda Expressions and Stream course covers major changes and enhancements in Oracle Java 8 or higher. You'll focus on developing an understanding of the basics, then looking at using streams, functional interfaces, method references and lambda expressions with collections.Learn To:Implement functional interface using lambda expressions.Implement built-in interfaces like comparator, consumer, predicate, and runnable.Use method references and a new ""forEach"" method.Work with sequential and parallel streams, and use parallel processing on multi-core systems.Streamline java programs or applications.By enrolling in this course, you'll expand your knowledge of Java, while building your Java skill set."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Custom Fields WordPress Tutorial" |
"Quieres agregar contenido personalizado a tus paginas web en WordPress?Cansado de ver tutoriales aburridos y mal explicados? Yo tambien! Por eso, he decidido crear estecurso,explicado de la manera que mas me gusta, paso a paso y con ejemplos.Interesado en llevar tus paginas a un nuevo nivel de personalizacin?En este curso, con el plugin para WordPress deAdvanced Custom Fieldste mostrare como puedes agregar nuevos contenidos a tus entradas, paginas, categoras y mucho mas, de una forma simple y ordenada, con ejemplos practicos.Ire paso a paso, desde la instalacin y configuracin de un servidor local, continuando con la instalacin que mas nos interesa, el plugin de ACF y finalizando con la explicacin de su uso a traves de la creacin de una pagina de catalogo de pelculas.Lo mejor de este plugin es que es estable tiene mas de 7 aos formando parte de WordPress, se mantieneactualizada constantemente ofreciendo cada vez mas ymejoresformas de agregar contenido a tu web. es gratuito, y amplia enormemente los horizontes de los que puedes hacer.He diseado este curso para ti, el material del curso se actualiza peridicamente para incluir todas las actualizaciones ms recientes e informacin. No olvides que solo por registrarte tienes acceso de por vida al curso, lo cual te da motivos ms que de sobra para venir de vez en cuando y ver qu hay de nuevo en ACF."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"100 Marketing tips - for everyday marketing" |
"A complete marketing guide for entrepreneurs, agencies, and small businesses. Learn and mastera wide range of different marketing tools and concepts.Discover how a diverse marketing mix helps you achieve your sales and branding goals, and how to choose the best combination of tools and channels to achieve the best results for all your marketing efforts.From creating trust in your brand and building your online presence to promoting a new product or service, learn how to get the most out of the wide range of methods and resources available today.Learn both basic techniques and advanced marketing tools, how they work, and how you can use them effectively. Some examples of the topics we will cover include: How to set up a marketing budget Creating a detailed buyer persona How much to spend on different marketing channels The secret to creating a compelling offer How to come up with new blog post ideas How to make sure your emails get read Facebook retargeting How to write powerful sales copy... ... and 92 more marketing questions answered. Whether you are a beginner, or someone with more advanced knowledge who wants to learn new skills, this guide teaches the key concepts and discusses relevant applications all in common language.Learn what works and what doesn't in marketing todaythrough real world examples and easy-to-follow video! The concepts I will cover are: Market research Email Marketing Blogging Facebook Marketing Marketing Campaigns Lead Generation Advertising SEO Watch this course and take YOUR business to the next level with stronger marketing!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |