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"Build a Professional Blog From Scratch" |
"Are you an entrepreneur looking for new marketing opportunities? Or a blogger who wants to takeblogging to the next level?I will loan you my brain and let you know everything I know about what makes a blogger successful and makes blogging easier.What you will learn in this course?How to start bloggingHow to come up with new blog post ideas week after weekHow to get blog subscribersHow to build a community around your blogHow to write better postsHow to drive massive traffic to your blogBuilda successful blog, and enjoy every minute of blogging.I am a full-time blogger, and do guest blogging as well. Certified content marketing, and content writer specialist.From the 15years I have been writing, I have collected the best practices, and researched the topics that make me successful as a blogger.I learned from my mistakes, discovered my own system, and I am still practicing and growing my skills in blogging. I search constantly for ways to grow my blog, and how to market it. And nowI am sharing what I experienced and learned on my journey.In this course,I will cover the steps of thepath from how to start blogging, to choosing the right blogging platform, and getting the first subscribers for your blog. I will tell you my best practices of how I come up with new blog post ideas on demand (I have written more than 1000 published articles), and also will give some tips about SEO for blogging.No matter if you are a newbie to blogging, or you are experienced blogger, you will find some answers here to your blogging questions.Note: Part of this course is part of my ""100 Marketing Tips"" course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Integrated Marketing Essentials Guide for Beginners" |
"Are your marketing effortsworking together or against you?If you don't know how to start marketing your business, or feel overwhelmed, or simply arent getting theresults you desire, this is your course. Learn the essentials of integrated marketing. You will understand where you are starting from - and where you are headed. Questions to ask from your customersOverall integrated marketing plan and tactics - and how they work together. How to get started on putting together a cohesive, integrated marketing plan.How to do easy yet effective market research Identify yourself as a business How to use different marketing strategies and how to create your own marketing plan Brand building How to set up a sales funnel Start a company blog How to generate leads every day Facebook marketing How to be on the first page of search results Time-tested elements of ads that makes moneyLearn how to market your businessyourself in as little as30 minutes of marketing work a day You'll learn powerful, proven, and inexpensive techniques to marketyour business. By presenting terms and tactics, and supporting them with practical examples, we'll demonstrate howvirtually anyone can apply the same marketing strategy that the pros use, regardless of budget. Whether you are an individual entrepreneur and manage your business on your own, or a small business owner who delegates some projects but feels overwhelmed with marketing, this is the right course for you. If you are interested taking an integrated marketing approach to gain better traction in your marketplace - and save time and money along the way - enroll now. (This course is part of the ""100 marketing tips masterclass""."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials" |
"Take this training for an overview of cloud concepts, AWS services, security, architecture, pricing, and support. Prepare for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam.AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentialsis intended for individuals who seek an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud, independent of specific technical roles. It provides a detailed overview of cloud concepts, AWS services, security, architecture, pricing, and support.Pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam, and prove that you know a thing or two about the cloud!This AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner training is for absolutely anyoneseeking to learn the major components of Amazon Web Services (AWS). Even if you have never logged into the AWS platform before, by the end of the course, you'll be prepared to pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner prep course has been designedfor non-technical personnel in sales, support, and managerial roles who need to understand AWS at a high level, but dont need to know each service on a technical level.Having the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification will help marketing, sales, legal, and finance professionals to better interact with developers and other IT professionals engaged in AWS-related projects. And earning this credential is also a great first step toward the more technical AWS Associate-level certifications.Curriculum ObjectivesTogether, I'llwalk you through the AWS global infrastructure, each of the major services, security in the cloud, and AWS pricing models, so that you are able to:Define what the AWS Cloud is and the basic global infrastructure.Describe the key services on the AWS Platform and their common use cases (e.g., compute, analytics, etc.).Describe basic AWS Cloud architectural principles.Describe basic security and compliance aspects of the AWS platform and the shared security model.Define the billing, account management, and pricing models.Identify sources of documentation or technical assistance (e.g., whitepapers, support tickets, etc.).Describe the AWS Cloud value proposition.Describe basic/core characteristics of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud.Let's start the course, and CONGRATULATIONS on taking your first step into the cloud."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Building a Prospect Pipeline (TM) for RV Sales Professionals" |
"Sales is a rewarding profession and it can be a pain-in-the-butt. It is nice to be compensated for the work you put into the role. Others you know may be in a job that works them to death plenty of extra hours without extra pay. In sales you have control or do you?Many times the activity at a dealership is slow, traffic is slow, phones are quiet, but the people you work with may not be so quiet. You might be trying to work your leads while a co-worker drones on about something or is a complainer. The management team and owner might be brining on even more sales representatives.You are waiting your turn and for someone to arrive on the lot, waiting for the phone to ring, hoping for a prospect to be back at the dealership. You trust the promotions being run will drive traffic. The internet leads might be given to you. If you leave the dealership for a better offer, what about the contacts you have built and the potential for repeat business?What if you could take control? What would it mean to not be waiting in line for some prospect to walk onto the lot. What if you had a list of prospects you owned?The good news: You have the ability to build your own brand and business portfolio. All you need is the tools to make it happen. You are in the right place. We are going to get you setup with everything you need to build your business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crer une application Android facilement sans programmation" |
"App Inventor 2est une application Web (en ligne sans installation logiciel) totalement gratuite dveloppe initialement parGoogle. Elle est actuellement entretenue par leMassachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) .App Inventor 2simplifie le dveloppement des applications sousAndroidet le rend accessible mme pour les novices et ceux qui ne sont pas familiers avec les langages de programmation. Elle est base sur une interface graphique similaire Scratch (Blocs style pice de puzzle a connecter entre eux). Grce son interface entirement graphique et l'absence totale de ligne de code, App Inventor 2est particulirement adapte aux personnes n'ayant aucune connaissance en programmation.Mme si l'interface est son utilisation est trs simple, il n'en reste pas moins que vous pouvez crer des applications trs puissante en quelques minutes.Vous pensez que crer une application qui utilise la reconnaissance vocale, la localisation GPS, l' appareil photo, la camera de votre priphrique mobile n'est pas a votre porte ? je peux vous garantir qu'avec app inventor 2 non seulement vous y arriverez mais en plus en quelques minutes !Ce cours couvre l'intgralit des fonctionnalits de l'application sauf la partie ""Lego Minstorm"".Vous apprendrez a grer les donnes locale ou sur le cloud (TinyDB, TinyWebDB, Firebase, Google Fusion Table), slectionner et liredes fichiers mdia (image, vido,mp3), utiliser les capteurs de votre appareil mobile (GPS, Gyroscope, Acclromtre, Podomtre,Scan de code barre)et bien d'autres choses.Votre apprentissage se fera pas pas et aucun prrequis n'est ncessaire !De plus nous raliserons desTravaux Pratique (TP) la fin de chaque section. Nous corrigerons ces""TP"" ensemble en vido et la correction vous sera fournit dans un package importable dans App Inventor.Application que vous raliserez dans ce cours (TP) Preview Disponible:Navigateur WebTraducteur Vocale (Anglais Espagnol)App Liste des coursesJeux Monster BallChronomtreLecteur vocal de SMSApplication de prise de note persistanteApplication vocale qui affiche une image satelliteMais a la fin de ce cours vous serez capable de raliser beaucoup d'autre type d'application ou de jeux:Lecteur vidoLecteur de musiqueDes jeux (app de type quizz, ou graphique)Application de dessinGestion des Utilisateurs (Login, password,etc..)BoussoleCalculatriceEtc.. (Consulter le plan de cours pour le dtails des sujets)Alors si vous souhaitez crer vos propre application pour android il ne vous reste plus qu'a me rejoindre dans ce cours."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre et matriser Microsoft ACCESS 2016" |
"Microsoft Access est un logiciel de systme de gestion de base de donnes relationnelle, souvent mconnu du grand public il est trs populaire dans le milieu professionnel.Il offre des possibilits quun tableur comme excel ne pourra jamais vous offrir. Microsoft Acces vous permet de grer vos donnes mais aussi de faciliter la saisie ou la consultation grce des formulaires ou des tats. Les requtes vous donnent la possibilit de trier ou de filtrer vos donnes de manire trs prcise grce au SQL En effet la fin de ce cours vous serez capable de grer efficacement votre Bibliothque, votre association, vos comptes personnels ou mme la gestion de votre entreprise. Rassurez-vous cette formation ne demande aucun prrequis, que vous soyez dbutant ou un utilisateur occasionnel de Microsoft Access vous dvelopper vos comptences afin dtre autonome avec ce logiciel.Cette formation abordera Microsoft Access pas pas, en vous enseignant progressivement toutes les possibilits que ce gestionnaire de basse de donnes vous offre !Si vous matrisez Excel , vous vous demandez peut-tre pourquoi apprendre Microsoft Access ?Parce qu'Excel est un tableur. C'est--dire une simple grille dans laquelle vous pouvez effectivement grer des donnes, mais vous avez beaucoup de limitations.Par exemple, avec Excel vous tes limits 65'536 lignes. Access n'a pas cette limite. Avec Excel, vous avez seulement la possibilit de prsenter vos donnes sous forme de lignes et colonnes. Avec Access, vous avez beaucoup d'autres possibilits.Avec Excel le trie et le filtrage est limit, avec Access les requtes SQL n'ont pas de limite.Avec Microsoft Access il est possible de crer une base de donnes avec sa propre interface, avec des formulaires adapts votre contenu, des tats personnaliss et prcis,etc...Alors n'attendez plus et rejoignez-moi dans la premire section de ce cours."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Jeux & App en Ralit augmente avec Unity et Vuforia" |
"Unity intgre maintenantle Moteur de ralit Vuforia, ce qui rend encore plus facile la cration d'expriences de ralit augmente.Dans ce cours nous tudierons dans un premier temps les fonctionnalits de Vuforia avec des exemples pratiques plutt orients applications.Ensuite nous raliserons deux jeux vido au styletrs diffrent permettant de dcouvrir d'autres aspectsde Vuforia.Qu'est-ce que Vuforia ?Vuforia est une plate-forme logicielle pour crer des applications de ralit augmente. Il est trs facile d'ajouter des fonctionnalits avances de vision par ordinateur n'importe quelle application, ce qui permet de reconnatre des images et des objets, et d'interagir avec des espaces dans le monde rel. La plate-forme Vuforia prend en charge le dveloppement d'applications AR pour les appareils Android, iOS et UWP.Qu'est-ce que la ralit augmente ?La ralit augmente est la superposition de la ralit et d'lments (sons, images 2D, 3D, vidos, etc.) calculs par un systme informatique en temps rel. Souvent, elle dsigne les diffrentes mthodes qui permettent d'incruster de faon raliste des objets virtuels dans une squence d'images. Elle s'applique aussi bien la perception visuelle (superposition d'image virtuelle aux images relles) qu'aux perceptions proprioceptives comme les perceptions tactiles ou auditives. Ces applications sont multiples et touchent de plus en plus de domaines, tels que les jeux vido, l'ducation par le jeu, les chasses aux trsors virtuelles, le cinma et la tlvision (post-production, studios virtuels, retransmissions sportives...).Pourquoi vous devriez vous intresser la ralit augmente ?La ralit augmente est l'un des phnomnes mergents permis par le dveloppement et la dmocratisation des technologies. Le dveloppement d'un jeu offrant un mode ralit augmente sera beaucoup plus populaire qu'un jeu traditionnel.Dans ce cours en 3 parties nous dcouvrirons en premier lieu :l' Intgration de vuforia dans unity.Vuforia et ses composants par des exemples.Les limitations des diffrentes Target.Lutilisation d'outil externe comme l'application de scan d'objet 3D.Le portail developper de vuforia et ses paramtres.L' ArCamera le composant essentiel d'ne scne en ralit augmente.Etc...Ensuite nous raliserons un premier jeu : VU CARPARKUn jeu de type""CarParking"" qui permettra d'exploiter pleinement la ralit augmente, le joueur pourra se dplacer autour du ""marker"" afin de diriger le vhicule plus finement.Pour finir nous raliserons un second jeu au ""gameplay"" totalement diffrent :ARSHOOTER.Celui-ci n'utilisera pas de ""marker"" vous serez au centre du monde avec votre smartphone en mainet vous devrez ""shooter"" des ennemis arrivant tout autour de vous.Pour suivre ce cours il est prfrable de connaitre les bases d'unity et du C#, cependant l'utilisation de vuforia est accessible au plus grand nombre.Si vous n'tes pas encore convaincu de lintrt de vuforia et de la ralit augmente avec UNITY, je vous propose de regarder les vidos du cours qui sont en libre accs.Alors si vous voulez apprendre vuforia et matriser le dveloppement de jeux ou d'applications en ralit augmente ?Rejoignez-moi dans la premire partie de ce cours."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Dvelopper des jeux connects au cloud avec Unity & PlayFab" |
"De nos jours le Cloud est indispensable pour dvelopperdes jeux !Les outils de PlayFab sont destins au dveloppement de jeux connects au cloud.Qu'est ce que PlayFab ?PlayFab est un fournisseur complet de services de plateforme backend pour construire, lancer et dvelopper des jeux connects au cloud. Les outils de PlayFab sont conus pour tre utiliss par les dveloppeurs de jeux sur toutes les plateformes (mobile, PC et console). Cela signifie qu'un nombre croissant de dveloppeurs cherchent crer des jeux connects pour les appareils mobiles, PC et consoles qui mettent l'accent sur les oprations aprs le lancement. Cependant, le cot et la complexit de cette ralisation grce des outils et des technologies personnaliss sur serveur sont levs, et PlayFab offre aux dveloppeurs un modle convaincant qui volue naturellement avec les lecteurs de leurs jeux.La rsultante? Les services backend de PlayFab rduisent les barrires au lancement pour les dveloppeurs de jeux, offrant aux petits et grands studios des solutions de dveloppement rentables qui voluent avec leurs jeux et les aident engager, retenir et montiser les joueurs. PlayFab permet aux dveloppeurs d'utiliser le cloud intelligent pour construire et exploiter des jeux, analyser les donnes de jeu et amliorer les expriences de jeu en gnral.Aujourd'hui, PlayFabgre plus de 700millions de joueurs. traite plus de 1,5milliard de transactions par jour, soit prs de 20000 transactions par seconde.La technologie de PlayFabest utilise par certaines des plus grandes socits de divertissement, dont Disney, NBC Universal, Wizards of the Coast, Nickelodeon, Bandai Namco, Rovio et Capcom, ainsi que des indies croissance rapide comme Fluffy Fairy, Nvizzio et Hyper Hippo.Qu'elle sont les comptences que vous allez acqurir dans ce cours ?Comprendre le fonctionnement des API ClientPlayfabtre autonome avec les APIClient de la documentationCrer un Systme d'authentification (Login/register)Grer les donnes Utilisateurs (Score , Point d'exprience,etc..)Crer des LearderboardGrer l'affichage et la Gestion des ""news Title"" (Depuis le BackEnd dans votre scne unity)Utiliser de la monnaie Virtuel (Virtual Currency)Montiser votre jeu grce a la publicit (Unity ADS)Les possibilits qu'offre les services deplayfab sont nombreuses et il est impossible de toute vous les prsenter, mais l'issue de ce cours vous serez capable d'utiliser les APIClient dont vous avez besoin de manire autonome grce a documentation de Playfab."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Raliser votre personnage avec Blender & Unity de A Z" |
"Voici une formation complte ddie la cration dun personnage dans Blender pour le moteur de jeu Unity. Elle repose sur l'utilisation de Blender 2.79, logiciel de 3D gratuit et opensource; et de Unity, moteur de jeu multiplateforme. Pendant cette formation vous apprhenderez toutes les tapes pour crer un personnage et un asset dans Blender pour pouvoir ensuite les utiliser dans Unity.Dcouvrez un workflow complet pour crer un personnage prt tre importpour Unity.Apprhendez l'interface et les raccourcis clavier pour une meilleure efficacit.Obtenez des bases de modlisation polygonale,de mise en pose et d'animation.Dcouvrez les outilsde texturing et de rigging.Ensuite nous animerons ce personnage dans Unity 2018, nous tudieronspas pas les outils misa disposition pour donner vie a votre personnage dans votejeu vido.Apprenez exploiterl' animator et lagestion des transitions.Ralisezun script pour un dplacement du personnage raliste.Utilisez lesEvents et des Curves d'animations pour de meilleursperformancesApprhendez les Mask d'avatar et les Layers pour mixer les animations.Crer des scripts de camera pour rendre le personnage plus dynamiqueLa formation ""Raliser votre personnage avec Blender & Unity de A Z"" est destine tous les futurs utilisateurs souhaitant se familiariser avec ces logiciels ou au professionnel dsirant mettre jour ses connaissances. Du graphiste freelance la socit voulant voluer vers des outils gratuits, Blender et Unity serontdesatouts indispensables pour vos productions graphiques et jeuxvidos."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"BPMN 2.0 Master Guide: Learn Process Modeling from Scratch" |
"In this course you will learn how to model business processes using the BPMN 2.0 notation. We will begin with the basics and gradually move towards the most complex teachings.The skills and knowledge acquired through this course will allow you to model any existing business process, as well as create completely new process models.To explain the lessons we will use the Bizagi Process Modeler software, because it is free and easy to use. However, the learning you will get is fully compatible with any other process modeling software you choose to use.Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to measure your learning through case studies and short quizzes.This course is continually updated with new readings and materials, and I am here to answer any questions you may have. I hope to see you soon in classes!Sincerely,Jesus Planas"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Hoja de Vida (CV)" |
"A travs de estecurso virtualaprenders acrear hojas de vida, con un mtodo eficaz y efectivo que te llevarn a las entrevistas laborales.Te ensearemos cmo escribir un perfil profesional llamativoy adaptarlo paracada una vacantes laborales. De igual forma aprenders a escribir de forma adecuada las experiencias y los logrosprofesionales para que stos tengan un impacto positivo."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to immigrate to Canada to work as a physiotherapist" |
"This course is essential for physiotherapists or any other health professionalwho has plan to study or work as a physiotherapist or in the rehabilitation area in Canada. This course has video lessons and manymaterials that will provide key information for those whowants to immigrate to Canada and work inn the field of physiotherapy,osteopathy, kinesiology, chiropractic and massage therapy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SQL SERVER com mximo desempenho. Aprenda T-SQL TUNING!" |
"Cansado de esperar a sua query demorar mais de 1 minuto para executar. E se voc aprender que ela pode ser executada em 1 segundo com SQL Tuning? Neste curso voc vai aprender os conceitos e as bases para criar suas consultas de banco de dados com alta performance e com cdigos altamente eficientes em T-SQL utilizando o SQL Server com as mais de 25 dicas, truques e tcnicas simples e eficazes. A arte de SQL Tuning das querys um dos pontos mximo para o Desenvolvedor em banco de dados. Diversos sistemas empresariais (SAP ou Siebel, por exemplo), lojas de eCommerce, aplicaes web como gestores de finanas pessoais, entre outros sempre necessitam de um banco de dados de alta performance para seu repositrios de dados. E o desafio dos desenvolvedores de aplicativos garantir que as informaes sejam recuperadas no menor tempo possvel. As pessoas precisam e querem respostas rpidas e isso pode ser determinante para que a sua aplicao ou o site da sua empresa tenha sucesso. Vrios fatores no cdigo SQL podem contribuir para que consultas ou relatrios apresentem lentido e baixa performance. Entre elas temos: Instrues mal escritas ou no respeitando boas prticas; Colunas mal definidas e ocupando espaos desnecessrios; O banco de dados alocado em um nico disco concorrendo com o sistema operacional; Tabelas sem ndices, ndice mal dimensionado ou obsoleto; Converses de dados desnecessrios; Outros pontos podem influenciar o desempenho do acesso aos dados: Hardware mal dimensionado; Instalao e configurao do sistema operacional no esto de acordo com boas prticas para banco de dados; Dimensionamento errado dos conjuntos de discos; Instalao e configurao do gerenciador de banco de dados. Complemento a lista, voc deve considerar ainda: O aumento gradativo da massa de dados que est em constante aumento no banco de dados; O aumento de conexes e usurios nas aplicaes e sistemas; O nmero de bancos de dados que so includos na instncia e aumenta o compartilhamento de recursos do hardware. SQL TuningMas atividade de realizar SQL tuning no uma cincia exata onde um ajuste de desempenho sempre ter um efeito positivo. Existem vrios procedimentos que devem ser seguidos a fim de obter o melhor resultado. Voc deve monitor o ambiente para identificar os possveis problemas. Ferramentas como Performance Monitor e Resource Monitor do Windows ajudam no monitoramento. No SQL Server, podemos usar o Profiler, Extended Events e as DMVs para monitorar os comandos e recursos do servidor. Com base nos dados capturados, voc deve elaborar um relatrio para apresentar o status do sistema, mtricas colhidas, querys com baixo desempenho e alto consumo de recursos, ndices com pouco utilizao ou obsoletos, tabelas que sofrem muitas pesquisas sequencias e poucas pesquisas pontuais, discos com alta taxa de utilizao so alguns exemplos. Com base nos dados apresentados, voc deve iniciar a aplicao das tcnicas aprendidas nesse treinamento e testar. O importante e correto aplicar os procedimentos em um ambiente de QA ou Homologao e testar a fim de validar se o que foi aplicado surtiu o resultado esperado. Teste muito antes de colocar em ambiente de produo. Implementar o que foi validado nos teste em ambiente de produo. A dica aqui no implementar todas as tcnicas de uma s vez. Se algo de errado acontecer, voc no saber qual das implementaes no funcionou. Esse processo ser demorado e em certos casos ser necessrio interromper o servio de banco de dados. E isso um ciclo constante, que deve ser aplicado periodicamente como uma boa prtica. Nosso objetivo nesse treinamento apresentar tcnicas e boas prticas no desenvolvimento de diversos comandos em SQL. Algumas dicas que voc aprender: Configurar a memria do SQL Server;Criar o banco de dados em vrios discos;Entender tipo e tamanho dos dados corretos;Criar tabelas em discos especficos;Criar tabela para ocupar o menor espao;Aprender a criar colunas calculadasCompactar tabelas;Entender como funciona uma pgina de dados;Ler estatsticas de tempo e leituraVisualizar os comandos em execuo;Monitorar o seu servidor e banco de dados;Analisar os planos de execuo de comandos;Como definir uma chave primria com ndice;Como definir uma chave estrangeira com ndice;Criando ndice composto para cobrir todas as pesquisas;Identificar tabelas quem tem mais SCAN e poucos SEEK;Utiliza o conceito de ndice de cobertura;Como identificar os ndices obsoletos e que no so utilizados;Como evitar as quebras de pginas (pages splits);Criar pesquisas SARG com alto desempenho;Transformar pesquisas para SARG;Eliminar as converses explcitas de dados;Melhores prticas para utilizar as UDF;O uso correto para NOCOUNT em Store Procedures;Quando validar dados para atualizaes;Definir o nome correto para store procedures;Quando utilizar SET ou SELECT para atribuir valor a varivel.Utilizar UNION ALL no lugar de UNION;Essas so algumas das dicas que estaro no nosso treinamento como outras que sero apresentados juntos com as mais de 50 aulas que teremos.Espero que goste do nosso treinamento e que aproveite ao mximo com o aprendizado.Obrigado.Wolney."
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"USA Copyright Laws for Aspiring Course Creators and Artists" |
"**This course does not beat about the bush.** This is a distillation of the important copyright law information that anyone should have, either for a copyright protection or for a defense to a copyright infringement claim.If you are an online course creator, author, artist, designer or publisher; you need to protect not only yourself from any copyright claim made against you but also to protect the work that you have created on the basis of your specialist knowledge, unique experiences gained over the years and sheer hard work. The course contains fundamental information about the copyright law principles which law students and entrepreneurs may also find very useful.The possibility of copyright litigation is a nightmare for any author. With the increasing and widespread availability of information and resources, course authors and creatorsmay findthemselvesin hot waterseven for minorcopyright infringements. There are not only civilbut alsocriminal implications for failure to adhere to the copyright laws.Generally, it does not matter whether you are aware of the actual copyright owners and whether the owners have asserted their rights formally under the copyright law in relation to any piece of work that you may have come across.The liability for the breach of copyright laws is usually strict. This means it does not matter if the mistake on your part is entirely innocent. Findings of copyright infringements against you as an author may have severe and negative consequences for your career, reputation, and your personal life.On the other hand, you also need to protect your work from unscrupulous writers and authors who may simply steal your idea or work and present as their own with some changes. This may cost you dearly in respect of your revenues, the impact of infringement on your originality as the learners may not go out of their way to find out who the certain work belongs to.The course will inform you about the pitfalls that you need to watch out when embarking on the journey of developing your online courses.This course will also guide you as to what steps you need to take in order to make sure that you are not entering the grey areas of possible copyright infringements, leaving yourself prone to civil litigation or criminal penalties.This course is intended for anyone who has already published online courses or thinking of creating one. This course may prompt you to make amendments to your existing courses and will guide you how to avoid any copyright issues.Please note that the guidelines in this course are for information purposes only. It is general in nature and is presented with the understanding that I am not carrying out any professional legal or non-legal services to the learners of this course or work. If you are facing any specific or individual challenges or issues, you are strongly advised to seek professional help from a professionally qualified person according to your specific and individual needs and requirements.Photos Courtesy: Pixabay (Creative Commons)"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Yearly Resolutions of a Law Student (Essential Skills)" |
"This is intended to be your 'REFERENCE COURSE' for your main legal and professional skills throughout your academic and professional legal career**TURN OVER A NEW LEAF WITH THE HELP AND GUIDANCE FROM THIS SHORTCOURSE***** Ajourneyofathousandmilesbeginswithasinglestep. Lao-tzu (Chinese Philosopher)***Have you set goals for the new year yet?Have you decided which skills you are going to improve this year?Do you need guidance in relation to the skills that the law students should learn and improve for a successful career?Are you determined to bring about a positive change in your academic and professional life this year?Do you need to know what skills you need to secure a job in a highly competitive legal sector?If your answer is 'yes' to any of the questions then this course is going to provide you with the list of the skills that you must learn and improve to achieve productivity and success in your legal (academic and professional) career.Before these promises are 'New Year Resolutions', they are 'Resolutions' first and foremost and you can make them at any point and time of the year. They can be weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly. If you need to change something, go ahead and start making that change today. You do not even need to wait for the start of a new year, a new month or any set date. However, if it is more likely to help you stay focused or organise things, go for it. The most important thing is whenever you make them, you keep them. The change in your life is and must be the ultimate goal. I hope this year you become a part of that 10 percent elite that keep to their resolutions.There are 12 skills (apart from Time Management Skill) recommendations in this course. You may choose to try one skill per month over the course of the year. Taking Time Management Skills over the year is strongly recommended. Any other skill must be in addition to the time management skill. The course recommends essential skills that any law student must learn and improve upon to become successful in the legal profession. When I was a student, I wasn't fully aware of the skills that I needed to work on right from the start of my law degree. Nothing comes into mind apart from attending lectures and cramming books. Although, I learnt most of them relatively quickly, I feel that they could be learnt sooner and the students should be appropriately guided right from the start. Then there are not just academic skills, there are practical skills that must be learnt by the law students. This compilation of the essential skills (academic and practice related) is the result of my spending over fifteen years in academic and professional life. Here, I am giving you that list for free (at least for a limited time)!GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR RESOLUTIONS! This is what the students have said about my other courses:*** The course is excellent explains everything in a plain language. Thank you.*** ""The beauty is that these are very good and short lectures ,I will say a must-have course for anyone interested in improving his legal research skills. This course conveys in few sittings what books will tell in hundreds....""Standard Legal Disclaimer - Please note that nothing in my courses amount to a legal or professional advice to any of your individual issues in relation to any matter. There are no guarantees and warranties of any kind given in these courses. There is no offer to provide legal or non-legal services of any kind. Photos Courtesy: Pixabay dot com (Creative Commonc (cc))"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Useful Techniques for Vector Artists: Drawing a Totem (ENG)" |
"ATTENTION! You can find the version of this class in Russian in my profile.Hey!Join thousands of students from all over the world who are already studying the vector illustration with me!I am Andrey Bzhitskikh, graphic designer and illustrator from Siberia.And today, with the example of this funny totem, I'll show you some serious drawing techniques that will greatly simplify your life.From a simple sketch to a finished unique vector illustration, you will learn all my secret methods ..Well, maybe not quite secret, but very cool!In this course we will discuss:Where and how to search for references for workDrawing a cool illustration from a sketch to a finished vector workUsing the Pen Tool, the Pencil Tool and the Paintbrush ToolCreate a semi-automatic template for symmetric drawingSelection of a unique color palette and its use in the futureCreating and applying symbolsFill method using the Pathfinder panelAdding colorAdding shadows, lights and glareThis class will not require you to have any serious drawing skills, and it will suit both beginners and experienced illustrators who want to learn new techniques of working with Adobe Illustrator.And yes, a finished illustration of the totem, a sketch, a color palette and a pattern for symmetrical drawing are already included in the course. You can just download them and start creating right away!TOOLSIllustrator CC (Free Trial)Graphic Tabletor mouseDELIVERABLESShare the final work here on Facebook, Instagram and other social networks! I'll be glad to see what you created!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Affinity Photo: Digital Painting a Character" |
"Affinity Photo - is it just a tool for photo processing? No,no and one more time no!Look at this scientist, want to know how to paint the same or better one?In this class, we will paint a character using only Affinity Photo and nothing more. I have attached all the sketches and brushes that I will be working on for the lessons, so you will not have any difficulties with this. But if you want to use your own sketch - I'll be only happy!The set of used brushes includes several of the DAUB Blenders free pack (you can download iton the official site).Also in the bonus lecture you will find an excellent promo offer for paid brushes for Affinity Photo and Designer from Paolo Limoncelli!During the course, you will learn how to:Use Affinity Photo tools effectivelyCreate volume in 2D drawingCorrectly apply layer modes for drawing shadows and lightPaint a cool illustration from a sketch, to the completed workThis class will not require you to have serious painting skills, and it will suit both beginners and experienced illustrators who want to learn new techniques of working with Affinity Photo.And of course, I will always help you with advice and answer your questions if you do not understand something!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Design Creative Landing Page: Build Lead Page Works in 2018!" |
"In online marketing, a landing page, sometimes known as a ""lead capture page"" or a ""lander"", or a ""destination page"", is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized search result or an online advertisement.The landing page will usually display directed sales copy that is a logical extension of the advertisement, search result or link. Landing pages are used for lead generation. The actions that a visitor takes on a landing page is what determines an advertiser's conversion rate.Landing pages are often linked to social media, e-mail campaigns or search engine marketing campaigns in order to enhance the effectiveness of the advertisements. The general goal of a landing page is to convert site visitors into sales or leads. If the goal is to obtain a lead, the landing page will include some method for the visitor to get into contact with the company, usually a phone number, or an inquiry form. If a sale is required, the landing page will usually have a link for the visitor to click, which will then send them to a shopping cart or a checkout area. By analyzing activity generated by the linked URL, marketers can use click-through rates and conversion rate to determine the success of an advertisement.In this course you are able to write HTML5 and CSS3 codes and every essential things about them added in this course. After learning essential of these two web programming languages I teach you how to create beautifullanding pagefor selling your assets. After learning this course you can makeyour own web pagesand makemoneyfor yourself.Finally every codes and project source added to this course and you can download them easily.___________________________________________________________________________________What you aregoing to get from this course?You will learn how to write HTML5 codes.You will learn how to write CSS3 codes.You learn how to make landing pages.You will be able to ask any question. I will answer it ASAP.You will be able to design your own website. If you have any problem. I will help you.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Don't waste time! Every second of every day is valuable...I can't wait to see youin the course!Best Regrads,Sobhan"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence #1: Linear & MultiLinear Regression" |
"In statistics, Linear Regression is a linear approach for modeling the relationship between a scalar dependent variable Y and one or more explanatory variables (or independent variables) denoted X. The case of one explanatory variable is called simple linear regression. For more than one explanatory variable, the process is called multiple linear regression.In Linear Regression, the relationships are modeled using linear predictor functions whose unknown model parameters are estimated from the data. Such models are called linear models.In this Course you learn Linear Regression & Multilinear RegressionYou learn how to estimate and predict simple and single variable regression to find the possible future outputNext you go furtherYou will learn how to estimate output of Multivariable model by using Multilinear RegressionIn the first section you learn how to use python to estimate output of your system. In this section you can estimate output of:Random NumberDiabetesBoston House PriceBuilt in DatasetIn the Second section you learn how to use python to estimate output of your system with multivariable inputs.In this section you can estimate output of:Global TempratureTotal Sales of Advertising CampaignBuilt in Dataset___________________________________________________________________________Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless for your career, don't forget you are covered by a30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you haveunlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will haveinstant and free access to any updatesI'll add to the course.You will give youmy full supportregarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFREE PREVIEWlecturesfor a quick insight.___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Don't waste time! Every second of every day is valuable...I can't wait to see youin the course!Best Regrads,SobhanMusic from Jukedeck - create your own at http: // jukedeck .com"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence #2: Polynomial & Logistic Regression" |
"In statistics, Logistic Regression, or logit regression, or logit model is a regression model where the dependent variable (DV) is categorical. This article covers the case of a binary dependent variablethat is, where the output can take only two values, ""0"" and ""1"", which represent outcomes such as pass/fail, win/lose, alive/dead or healthy/sick. Cases where the dependent variable has more than two outcome categories may be analysed in multinomial logistic regression, or, if the multiple categories are ordered, in ordinal logistic regression.In the terminology of economics, logistic regression is an example of a qualitative response/discrete choice model.Logistic Regression was developed by statistician David Cox in 1958.The binary logistic model is used to estimate the probability of a binary response based on one or more predictor (or independent) variables (features). It allows one to say that the presence of a risk factor increases the odds of a given outcome by a specific factor.Polynomial Regression is a form of regression analysis in which the relationship between the independent variable x and the dependent variable y is modelled as an nth degree polynomial in X. Polynomial regression fits a nonlinear relationship between the value of X and the corresponding conditional mean of Y. denoted E(y x), and has been used to describe nonlinear phenomena such as the growth rate of tissues,the distribution of carbon isotopes in lake sediments,and the progression of disease epidemics.Although polynomial regression fits a nonlinear model to the data, as a statistical estimation problem it is linear, in the sense that the regression function E(y x) is linear in the unknown parameters that are estimated from the data. For this reason, Polynomial Regression is considered to be a special case of multiple linear regression.The predictors resulting from the polynomial expansion of the ""baseline"" predictors are known as interaction features. Such predictors/features are also used in classification settings.In this Course you learn Polynomial Regression & Logistic RegressionYou learn how to estimate output of nonlinear system by Polynomial Regressions to find the possible future outputNext you go furtherYou will learn how to classify output of model by using Logistic RegressionIn the first section you learn how to use python to estimate output of your system. In this section you can estimate output of:Nonlinear Sine FunctionPython DatasetTemperature and CO2In the Second section you learn how to use python to classifyoutput of your system with nonlinear structure.In this section you can estimate output of:Classify BlobsClassify IRIS FlowersClassify Handwritten Digits___________________________________________________________________________Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless for your career, don't forget you are covered by a30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you haveunlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will haveinstant and free access to any updatesI'll add to the course.You will give youmy full supportregarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFREE PREVIEWlecturesfor a quick insight.___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Don't waste time! Every second of every day is valuable...I can't wait to see youin the course!Best Regrads,SobhanMusic from Jukedeck - create your own at http: // jukedeck .com"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence #3:kNN & Bayes Classification method" |
"In this Course you learnk-Nearest Neighbors & Naive Bayes Classification Methods.In pattern recognition, the k-nearest neighbors algorithm (k-NN) is a non-parametric method used for classification and regression.k-NN is a type of instance-based learning, or lazy learning, where the function is only approximated locally and all computation is deferred until classification. The k-NN algorithm is among the simplest of all machine learning algorithms.For classification, a useful technique can be to assign weight to the contributions of the neighbors, so that the nearer neighbors contribute more to the average than the more distant ones.The neighbors are taken from a set of objects for which the class (for k-NN classification).This can be thought of as the training set for the algorithm, though no explicit training step is required.In machine learning, naive Bayes classifiers are a family of simple probabilistic classifiers based on applying Bayes' theorem with strong (naive) independence assumptions between the features.Naive Bayes classifiers are highly scalable, requiring a number of parameters linear in the number of variables (features/predictors) in a learning problem. Maximum-likelihood training can be done by evaluating a closed-form expression,which takes linear time, rather than by expensive iterative approximation as used for many other types of classifiers.In the statistics and computer science literature, Naive Bayes models are known under a variety of names, including simple Bayes and independence Bayes.All these names reference the use of Bayes' theorem in the classifier's decision rule, but naive Bayes is not (necessarily) a Bayesian method.In this course you learn how to classify datasets byk-Nearest Neighbors Classification Methodto find the correct class for data and reduce error. Thenyou go furtherYou will learn how to classify output of model by usingNaive BayesClassification Method.In the first section you learn how to use python to estimate output of your system. In this section you can classify:Python DatasetIRIS FlowersMake your own k Nearest Neighbors AlgorithmIn the Second section you learn how to use python to classifyoutput of your system with nonlinear structure.In this section you can classify:IRIS FlowersPima Indians Diabetes DatabaseMake your own Naive Bayes Algorithm___________________________________________________________________________Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless for your career, don't forget you are covered by a30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you haveunlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will haveinstant and free access to any updatesI'll add to the course.I will give youmy full supportregarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFREE PREVIEWlecturesfor a quick insight.___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Don't waste time! Every second of every day is valuable...I can't wait to see youin the course!Best Regrads,Sobhan"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Artificial Intelligence #4:SVM & Logistic Classifier methods" |
"In this Course you learnSupport Vector Machine& Logistic Classification Methods.In machine learning, Support Vector Machines (SVM) are supervised learning models with associated learning algorithms that analyze data used for classification and regression analysis. Given a set of training examples, each marked as belonging to one or the other of two categories, an SVM training algorithm builds a model that assigns new examples to one category or the other, making it a non-probabilistic binary linear classifier.An SVM model is a representation of the examples as points in space, mapped so that the examples of the separate categories are divided by a clear gap that is as wide as possible. New examples are then mapped into that same space and predicted to belong to a category based on which side of the gap they fall.In addition to performing linear classification, SVMs can efficiently perform a non-linear classification using what is called the kernel trick, implicitly mapping their inputs into high-dimensional feature spaces.In statistics,Logistic Regression, or logit regression, or logit model is a regression model where the dependent variable (DV) is categorical. This article covers the case of a binary dependent variablethat is, where the output can take only two values, ""0"" and ""1"", which represent outcomes such as pass/fail, win/lose, alive/dead or healthy/sick. Cases where the dependent variable has more than two outcome categories may be analysed in multinomial logistic regression, or, if the multiple categories are ordered, in ordinal logistic regression.In the terminology of economics, logistic regression is an example of a qualitative response/discrete choice model.Logistic Regressionwas developed by statistician David Cox in 1958.The binary logistic model is used to estimate the probability of a binary response based on one or more predictor (or independent) variables (features). It allows one to say that the presence of a risk factor increases the odds of a given outcome by a specific factor.Inthis course you learn how to classify datasets by bySupportVector Machinesto find the correct class for data and reduce error.Next you go furtherYou will learn how to classify output of model by usingLogistic RegressionIn the first section you learn how to use python to estimate output of your system. In this section you can estimate output of:Random datasetIRIS FlowersHandwritten DigitsIn the Second section you learn how to use python to classifyoutput of your system with nonlinear structure.In this section you can estimate output of:BlobsIRIS FlowersHandwritten Digits___________________________________________________________________________Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless for your career, don't forget you are covered by a30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you haveunlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will haveinstant and free access to any updatesI'll add to the course.You will give youmy full supportregarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFREE PREVIEWlecturesfor a quick insight.___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Don't waste time! Every second of every day is valuable...I can't wait to see youin the course!Best Regrads,Sobhan"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Complete Whiteboard Animation in VideoScribe - 5 Animations" |
"Do you want to learn how to create your own whiteboard animations?Great! VideoScribe is the perfect application to use, and this is the perfect course to learn how to use VideoScribe.Whether you're a video creator, marketer, or teacher, this course walks you through the entire process of creating a whiteboard animation by yourself!Start making your own whiteboard animations today!This project-based course is great for beginners who want to practice while learning. Work on real-world projects that will impress your family and friends... or even your boss.By the end of this course, you'll feel confident using VideoScribe to create your own whiteboard animations!Why should you learn VideoScribe?Create marketing videos and advertisementsCreate explainer videos that help customers understand your businessCreate educational tutorials that are fun to watchWhat will you learn?Starting your first VideoScribe projectUnderstanding the project settings and workspaceUsing all of the VideoScribe toolsAdding elements like images, characters, and designsChanging element size, orientation, and positionAnimating your elementsAdding and adjusting textChanging the camera position and starting a new sceneAdding music and voiceoversExporting your file in HD qualityCreating a project from start to finishAnd so much more!Why learn from us?We've designed this course for beginners like you! This course is a collaboration between Video School Online's Phil Ebiner and Kashif Altaf, a VideoScribe expert.We provide premium support - so if you ever get stuck or have a question, just post it to the course dashboard and we'll be there to help you out! Our goal is to make this the best VideoScribe course online, and we'll do anything possible to help you learn.Our Happiness GuaranteeIf you aren't happy with your purchase, we have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee. Start learning today!Feel free to check out the entire course outline below or watch the free preview lessons. Or go ahead and enroll now.We'll see you inside the course!Cheers,Phil & Kashif"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Illustrator CC - Essentials Training Course" |
"Are you frustrated trying to teach yourself Adobe Illustrator?! This course will quickly allow you to start getting paid for your Illustrator skills. Whether you're brand new to Illustrator, or have played around with it but need more guidance, this course will help you feel confident and comfortable using the industry-standard vector-based graphic application.Jane:""It's just a GREAT course! I LOVE IT! And I will advise this course to everyone who wants to learn Adobe Illustrator! Daniel is a great teacher... no! Daniel is the perfect teacher! Thank you, Daniel, for this awesome course!""Create logo design, icons, characters, textures, text-based graphics, illustrations & full graphic design skills in Adobe Illustrator CC!This course was designed for the complete beginner, with practice files and fun projects to get you taking action. Throughout this Illustrator CC course, you'll be designing your own real-world projects that are professional and inspire you to do even more!Keith:""This course is outstanding! I stayed away from Illustrator for many years because I was intimidated by it. Now, I am excited by it and what it can do and am finding the lessons to be very informative and educational. Am definitely looking forward to finishing this course and seeing where I can go from here...""What will you learn in this Adobe Illustrator CCcourse?Start by understanding the Adobe Illustrator workspace and toolsDive into creating your own shapes & linesUse the pen & curvature tool to improve your designsAdvance your graphics with strokes, pencils & brushesSpeed up your workflow with the shapebuilder toolAlign and distribute objectsto create amazing backgrounds and texturesAdd and stylize text to your projectsCreate beautiful graphics with masks and compound shapesGet creative with effects and advanced techniquesUnderstand color and how to use it like a proSave & export your projects for any kind of projectReal World Skills + Fun Illustrator ProjectsDesign your own amazing graphics while learning new skills. This Adobe Illustrator CC course is jam-packed with projects and project files for you to follow along with.Become a Professional Graphic Designer using Adobe Illustrator CCWith the skills learned in this course, you'll have a highly-desired skill that can help you get jobs and make money as a graphic designer.Adobe Illustrator is the industry-standard application when it comes to graphic design, so it's important for you to learn it if you want to be a professional designer.Christopher:""I just finished this course. I had ZERO experience with a Ai and I feel that this would have been the best path to get familiar with the software. Not only was I new to Ai I was also new to the Mac I purchased specifically for this software. The explanations were spot on especially when explaining the command differences between Mac and PC.""Why learn Adobe Illustrator CCfrom us?This course is a collaboration betweenPhil Ebiner & Daniel Walter Scott who have worked together to design a course that you'll love. These top-rated instructors have taught hundreds of thousands of students around the world, and can't wait to serve you.We promise to help you learn Adobe Illustrator CC, no matter what it takes. If you ever get stuck, just post a message to the course dashboard and we'll be there to support you.Our Happiness GuaranteeIf you aren't happy with your purchase, we have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee. There's literally no reason to hesitate!Enroll now, and we'll see you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Procreate: Draw, Sketch, Paint, and Design on Your iPad" |
"If you want to sketch, paint, and illustrate on your iPad, Procreate is the perfect app for you! And, if you want to learn how to use Procreate for your own digital art, this is the perfect course for you!This complete Procreate course will teach you how to use the powerful tools and features so that you can bring your imaginations to life. With easy-to-follow tutorials and real-world examples, you'll enjoy learning while taking action.WHAT WILL YOU LEARN?Getting started with ProcreateBe confident using the canvasUsing basic tools & brushesAdding shading with brushesWorking with layersAdjusting colorsCreating videos and timelapses of your artworkImporting and creating your own brushesWHY USE PROCREATE?Procreate is the best drawing & illustrating account for iPad. This course was taught using Procreate we are all up to date and ready to create It is powerful.It is bold.It is perfect for beginners.It is perfect for advanced artist.It is easy to use.WHY LEARN FROM US?This course is a collaboration between Video School Online's Phil Ebiner & 7th Season Studios' Jeremy Hazel. Together, we've created top rated online courses on a number of other design and creative applications, and are excited to bring you this Procreate course. Our goal is to make this the best Procreate course on the market, and will do anything possible to add value for you.OUR 100% HAPPINESS GUARANTEEIf you're not happy with your course purchase, we have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee. There's no reason to hesitate in trying out this course.WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU IN THE COURSE!Cheers,Phil & Jeremy"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Final Cut Pro X: The Complete Guide to Final Cut Pro X" |
"Start editing your own videos with Final Cut Pro X!If you are looking for a course that teaches you the entire video editing process in Final Cut Pro, then this is the course for you!Whether you're an aspiring filmmaker or YouTuber, a small business or marketer, or just someone who wants to make videos for their family and friends, Final Cut Pro X is a great application to use.And this course is perfect for absolute beginners or anyone who knows a little about FCPX, but wants an A-Z guide!Edit videos the way you imagine them!While taking this course, you will work on real-world projects. So by the end of the course, you will feel confident editing your own videos.What will you learn?Navigate the Final Cut Pro interface with easeStart a new project and import your mediaEdit your video with all kinds of tools and techniquesAdd transitions and effects to improve your video's flowMake your audio sound better and get rid of background noiseAdd title cards like lower thirds and introsAdjust the colors with grading and color correctionStylize your video with effects, blending modes, speed adjustmentsEdit green screen footage with chroma keying360 video editing in Final Cut ProWorking with images in your projectsEditing your video for online, Apple devices, and Blu-raysand so much more!Why learn from us?This course is a collaboration between Video School Online's Phil Ebiner & Greg Hung. We've come together to share our expertise in video editing with you. As professional video creators and video editors, we want to make sure you not only understand how to use Final Cut Pro X to edit your own videos, but we also want to make sure you understand how to use this application like a professional would.We provide premium support! If you are ever stuck, just post a question to the course or send us a message, and we'll help you out!Our Happiness GuaranteeWe want you to be happy with your purchase. If you're not learning, or you're just not happy with the course, we have a 30-day 100% money back guarantee!Start editing videos with Final Cut Pro X!Enroll today, and we'll see you inside the course!Cheers,Phil & Greg"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Maya for Beginners: Complete Guide to 3D Animation in Maya" |
"You can do your own 3D animations in Autodesk Maya!Learn everything you need to know to get started - taught by a Hollywood professional!As the industry standard 3D animation software, learning Autodesk Maya is a great skill to help you land a job in the film, music and gamingindustry. In this course, you'll learn how to create your entire animation from scratch.What will you learn?Getting started with Maya and understanding the interfaceModeling your own objects and scenesShading your objectsCreating proper UVsTexturing your objectsLighting your scene and creating shadowsRendering your projectRigging characters to prepare for animationsAnimating with keyframesMotion graphics animation (MASH) toolkitSimulating dynamic effects like cloth and smokePutting together an entire sceneLearn by doing real world projects!Throughout this entire course, you'll be working on aDia de Los Muertosinspired scene with a complete animated skeleton. By the end of the course, you'll truly be inspired by your own skills, and confident in using Autodesk Maya.What do you get when you enroll?25+ hours of easy-to-follow tutorialsBonus animation demonstrationsDownloadable project files for every step of the coursePremium support to help you as you take the courseWhy learn from us?Lucas Ridley is a professional 3D animator who has worked on Hollywood films such asSteven Spielberg's Ready Player One. His students love him, and we're sure you're going to enjoy this class.Lucas breaks down the most complicated steps of animating in Autodesk Maya, so that you can easily start animating on your own!Phil Ebiner is the founder of Video School Online, and has taught over one million students around the world with our top-rated courses. We only partner with the best instructors, so you'll know that you're getting a great course with this one!Our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee!We want you to be happy. If there's any reason you aren't enjoying the course, and getting what you expected, we'll refund your money.We can't wait to see you in the course!Cheers,Phil + Lucas"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fotografa de Comida: Capturando la Comida en Tu Cocina" |
"Con este curso de ""Hazlo Tu Mismo"", tomars mejores fotos en slo una hora.Cada leccin es muy prctica, y te mostrar cmo utilizar los recursos que ya tienes en tuhogar para crear imgenesdeliciosas que harn agua tu boca. Te guiaremos a travs de todo el proceso, y estaremos disponibles si tienes alguna pregunta a lo largo del curso.Ya seasun bloguero de comida, un autodenominado chef,o simplemente te gusta mostrar comida por Instagram, este curso te dar las habilidades necesarias para tomar fotos profesionalesde comida.Impresiona a tu familia y amigos con fotos geniales de tus creaciones culinarias!Habilidades que aprenders en este curso para lograr buenas fotos de alimentos:Elegirs la mejor ubicacin para tus fotos.Preparars y disears la comida y el ambiente.Iluminars tu comida con herramientas de bajo costo como una sbana blanca o un pster de $1.Elegirs la mejor cmara y sus ajustes.Compondrs 4 tipos de tomas para obtener los mejores ngulos.Editars tus fotos para que se vean an ms tentadoras!Cuenta la historia de tu comida!Nuestro objetivo es ensearte cmo tomar las mejores fotos de tu comida con cualquier cmara, donde sea que te encuentres.Despus de explicarle los conceptos bsicos, vers cmo fotografiamos5 tiposde alimentos y bebidas diferentes que te inspirarna tomar sus propias fotos de comidaExtra: Todos los estudiantes recibirn la hoja de trucosque hemos compuesto para mostrartecmo componer tus tomas.Inscrbete ahora y comienza! Estamos ansiosos por verte adentro!Will Carnahan &Phil EbinerCules son los requisitos?Los estudiantes no necesitan tener experiencia previa en fotografa o en cocina.Los estudiantes deben poseer unsmartphone o una cmara que puedan usar para practicar tomas de sus propias fotos de comida.Qu voy a aprender en este curso?Tomarshermosas fotografas de los alimentos de tucasa.Compondrs una variedad de tentadoras fotos de comida que contarn suhistoria.Crears un entorno y un estilo nicos para tu propia fotografa de alimentos.Controlars la luz natural en tu hogar para tomrmejores fotografas.Editars tus fotos de comida para que luzcan an mejor.A quin est dirigido?Blogueros de alimentosAmantes de la comidaChefs domsticos- todo aquel que ame preparar comidaFotgrafos que buscan aprender cmo tomar mejores fotos de comidaEste NO es un curso sobre sesiones de estudio de lujo. Este es un curso de fotografa de alimentos de ""Hazlo Tu Mismo""para cualquier persona que quiera aprender a tomar mejores fotos de sus alimentos en casa."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Audition CC: The Beginner's Guide to Adobe Audition" |
"Make your audio sound amazing with Adobe AuditionCC!If you are looking for an audio editing application that will allow you to record, edit and mix audio like the pros, Adobe Audition is the best answer.Audio Audition is used bymusicians, podcasters, video creators, editors, audio engineers, and professionals around the world!This complete course is the best way to jump right in and start editing your own audio.WHATWILLYOULEARN?Get comfortable with the Audition CC interfaceStart new projectsRecord audio with AuditionAdjust volumeEdit audio tracks togetherAdd background musicApply and adjust effectsRemove background noiseMake audio better with EQ, amplitude, and compressionStretch time and shift audio pitchAdd delay and echo effectsMake vocals sound betterRemove vocals from audioEdit music in AuditionAdd and adjust singing vocalsCreate a looping songMake a DJDropEdit a podcast in AuditionMix and master your audioSave and export high quality filesand so much more!Practice recording and editing while you learn. This course includes practice audio files so you can follow along andactually learn by doing.We'll be teaching the course using the creative cloud (CC) version of Adobe Audition, but if you have a previous version (CS6, CS5, CS4, CS3 - Mac or PC), you can still learn to edit like a pro.What makes us qualified to teach you?Nader Nadernejad, the lead instructor, is a professional multimedia producer and DJ with years of experience using Adobe Audition. Phil Ebiner, the course producer has created dozens of best-selling courses with over 500,000 happy students around the world.We promise to help you become a better audio engineer with this course!We'llbe here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Phil"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Boas Prticas na Manipulao dos Alimentos" |
"O curso Boas Prticas na manipulao dos alimentos tem o objetivo de capacitar ao aluno na manipulao dos alimentos de forma qualitativa. Possibilitando ao estudante aprendizagem nas principais tcnicas de higiene dos alimentos, segurana alimentar, cuidados na estocagem dos alimentos, tcnicas para evitar a contaminao dos alimentos, manipulao adequada e profissional dos alimentos."
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Learn RabbitMQ: In-Depth Concepts from Scratch with Demos" |
"This is themost comprehensive, yet straight-forward, course for RabbitMQ Message Brokers! If you want to learn each and every RabbitMQ concepts in a shorter span of time, then this course is for you. I have designed this course considering both beginners and experienced students.Withover 35 lecturesthis comprehensive course covers all topics. This course includes animated presentation, demos andsupplemental ResourcesThis course will help you to learn RabbitMQ Message Brokers in a practical manner, with every Chapterhaving at least one demo lecture. Fifty percent of this course is focused on delivering demos, which helps you to learn RabbitMQin practical way and you will be ready to work on RabbitMQon completing this courseBelow are returns you get by investing your time and money on this course:1.You are getting access to a course which coversall topics in RabbitMQ Message Brokers, by leaving no stones unturned2. Practical demoson every concept will give you anend-to-end picture on RabbitMQ concepts3. You will gainconfidenceandknowledgeto work on RabbitMQ4. You will get exposure to advanced concepts in RabbitMQ like Clustering, High Availabilty, Shovels and FederationThis course is structured in following way:Part1 - Introduction and Basic ConceptsPart2 - AMQP Protocol, RabbitMQ message Flow and ExchangesPart3 - RabbitMQ installation in Linux & windows, Management console Setup and overview of management console, RabbitMQ environment VariablePart4 - RabbitMQ clustering and resource sharing, Introduction to PyCharm and Publisher/Consumer ApplicationPart5 - RabbitMQ Asynchronous/Synchronous Communication and Message PatternsPart6 - RabbitMQ Shovels and FederationPart7 - High Availability & FailoverPart8 - RabbitMQ command-line tools and REST APIs"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |