Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Produtividade Total" |
"Este um curso rpido para ensinar voc a organizar sua vida paraaumentar sua produtividade e, desta forma, ser capaz de conquistar mais resultados prsperos em todas as reas da sua vida sem perder o equilbrio necessrio para desfrutar desses resultados com qualidade de vida.Aula 1 - O que te impede de ter mais tempo para o que importante?Descubra o que pode estar prejudicando a realizao dos seus sonhos atualmente para que seja capaz de desenvolver um plano imbatvel para combater esses obstculos para sua evoluo.Aula 2 - Como comeo a ter mais tempo?Aprenda quais so as primeiras questes que voc deve abordar se quiser que as mudanas propostas no decorrer do curso no sejam s uma soluo temporria e sim transforme seu comportamento e modelo mental.Aula 3 - Estratgias da Trade do TempoConhea a metodologia desenvolvida por Christian Barbosa, maior especialista em produtividade do Pas, para organizar a vida,gerar grandes conquistase que j foi aplicada por milhares de pessoas no Brasil e exterior.Aula 4 - Planejando resultados de verdadeDesenvolva seu plano de ao utilizando tcnicas comprovadas que sero capazes, inclusive, de criar em voc a segurana necessria para tirar este plano do papel.Aula 5 - Energia para fazer acontecerVoc aprender dicas preciosas para ter mais energia na execuo do dia a dia e, assim, combater a procrastinao que atravanca seus resultados atualmente.Aula 6 - Dicas para organizar e-mailsCombata um dos maiores viles da nossa produtividade diria com estratgias simples e assertivas para que voc no perca tanto tempo com a sua caixa de e-mails.Aula 7 - Cuidando das ReuniesReduza o tempo gasto com reunies improdutivas na sua vida e aumente os resultados conquistados a partir desta nova ""dieta de reunies"".Aula 8 - Convite especial (GRATUITO) para voc!Aprenda como voc pode gerenciar toda a sua vida de forma organizada, acompanhando a evoluo dos seus resultados e analisando constantemente esta evoluo para desenvolver o mtodo de gesto de tempo que se adapte s mudanas pelas quais sua vida vai passar. Receba GRATUITAMENTE acesso a ferramenta de produtividade que vai tornar voc DONO DO SEU TEMPO e DOS SEUS RESULTADOS."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Mac Para Apresentaes - Guia Prtico do Keynote" |
"Inscreva-se no Curso Mac Para Apresentaes!Conseguir fazer uma apresentao com qualidade profissional, pode custar muito caro. Infelizmente, muitas empresas, principalmente as iniciantes no tm dinheiro suficiente para investir nesse tipo de produo. por isso que criei o curso Mac Para Apresentaes. Aqui voc vai aprender como criar animaes e apresentaes incrveis utilizando apenas o Keynote do Mac.Keynote aplicativo barato, custa cerca de US$ 20 dlares, e oferece uma soluo simples de usar, mas vem com um grande conjunto de ferramentas de animao.Neste curso voc vai conhecer a interface e o conjunto de ferramentas que o Keynote tem para te oferecer.Com o Keynote do Mac voc vai transformar suas apresentaes e encantar sua audincia!Neste curso, voc vai:Aprender conceitos fundamentais de apresentaes com o MacConhecer a estrutura de slides do KeynoteAprender a criar animaes fantsticas e exclusivas Aprender a apresentar seus slides da forma corretaGerenciar suas apresentaesO instrutor, Paulo Alexandre, o precursor em cursos de Mac para Apresentaes no Brasil. Alm do curso, voc poder participar do nosso grupo exclusivo no Facebook."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como Montar Uma Food Bike - Guia Prtico!" |
"= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Como Montar Uma Food bike?Invista no mercado de comida de rua, abra sua Food Bike e reinvente sua forma de viver e ganhar a vida!= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = O sucesso das Food Bikes no Brasil notrio! Essas bikes, passaram a ser um grande atrativo para quem quer iniciar seu prprio negcio, fazendo o que gosta com baixo investimento.J pensou em abrir montar sua prpria Food Bike? Ter o negcio dos seus sonhos e ainda ter o controle da sua vida?Se voc respondeu sim para pelo menos uma das perguntas acima, este curso foi feito para voc!Este curso foi desenvolvido para voc que desejar dar um novo rumo na sua vida!Aqui voc vai aprender:O que uma Food Bike?Quais so as vantagens e desvantagens desse negcio.Regulamentao, o que pode e o que no pode.Planejamento com plano de negcio - modelo para download4 pontos importantes antes de abrir sua Food BikeComo fazer o projeto da bicicletaComo fazer o logo e a identidade visualMuito mais...Inscreva-se agora!Monte uma Food Bike e reinvente sua forma de viver e ganhar a vida : )"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Use Git Extensions" |
"Take your configuration management to the next level with this Git Extensions course which takes you through all the way from installation to releasing the first version of your solution.If you plan to implement version control, have consistent release management, and improve configuration management, yet you want to stay away from command-line and want to use a powerful GUI, then this course is your solution.Tge course explains how to apply Git's renowned commands using the intuitive and comprehensive graphical client Git Extensions.The topics are broken down carefully to ensure clear delivery and logical sequencing, and are presented completely in a hands-on approach.At the end of the course, there is a short quiz for you to complete."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Total beginner to intermediate guitar - Learn to play by ear" |
"Are you beginning the guitar? OR.....Have you been playing the guitar for a while, but feel that you are ""stuck""?Look no further if you not only want to become a guitar player but also a better musician.In my many years of playing guitar and teaching, I have seen beginning guitar players get led astray because of a lack of foundation. People who pick up the guitar sometimes rush toward playing their favorite song or learning a solo with tabs. Although, there is nothing wrong with this, I have often seen that it can lead to discouragement and/or a poor interpretation of music. People end up playing bits and pieces of melodies and can rarely play any song from beginning to end. Or they have a poor sense of rhythm and this makes it hard to play with others. They become closet guitar players because the music only sound right to them. Other people learn a bunch of chords to songs and are incapable of playing any melodies. This course is here to fix all this. Get you off on the right foot by getting a solid foundation in melody. After a short while, you will start to hear the melody within you as you are playing. Just play along with the videos and don't be afraid of starting videos again from the start. The lessons are divided by string groups. The first lessons include melodies that can be played using only the first two strings of the guitar! From there, each new section introduces a new string. There are also sections that teach chord strumming, fingerpicking and advanced tuning. Here's a breakdown course's sections:Download a PDF Tunebook ofall the music in the course written in standard and TAB notation.Tuning notesMelodies using the first two strings of the guitarMelodies using the third stringMelodies using the fourth stringMelodies with changing positionsMelodies using the fifth string Melodies using the sixth string Playing in closed positionAdvanced melodiesLearn how to strum and play chords Scales FingerpickingAdvanced tuning techniquesThe aim of this course is to get you to play by ear with the help of the video lessons. The format is the same throughout the course. First you will see an example of the melody or exercise you are going to learn. The following video is the lesson that teaches you the melody. This way, once you are learning, you will already have the music in you ears. All you have to do is make your fingers interpret what you are hearing. Then, you can go back to the previous video once your music is up to speed. You see, it is possible to have the same mindset of some of the greatest musicians right from the start. All the greatest musicians have one thing in common; they are playing what they are hearing. This course will teach you to do exactly that and more! Don't feel that you need tablatures or sheet music in order to play music. Just watch and learn and you will be amazed at what happens in a short period of time. See you inside!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Spice up your playing with some easy Flamenco techniques!" |
"Flamenco is a genre of music and dance native to the southern region of Spain referred to as Andelusia. The genre features percussive dance, hand clapping and finger snapping. The guitar style encompasses all this by the use of a myriad of right and left hand techniques. The songs and dances of flamenco music originated among the gypsy people of southern Spain, and it is now familiar all over the world. It has gained immense popularity in certain regions. Astoundingly enough, there are more flamenco academies in Japan than there are in Spain. Here is your opportunity to tap into the rich heritage of the Flamenco style of guitar playing, wherever you may be in the world. This course is meant to familiarize you with flamenco techniques on the classical guitar. You will learn the essential techniques of flamenco guitar playing that you can apply to your current style of playing or use as a stepping stone for further study of flamenco guitar. For example, you could play a song like ""Freight Train"" in a rhumba rhythm that you learn in this course. It would be the same song, just a little spicier! You will learn the following techniques in this course:Arpeggio variationsRhumba Strumming AbanicoApuiyandoCompas Falsetta variationsAlzapua Four and five stroke Razquiado variationsGulpe PicatoTagsTremoloYou can take a free five minute preview of this course. You will see inside that all the lessons are done in two parts. The first video is a performance of the technique. The second is a tutorial where Jay your instructor explains the technique and shows you exactly how to do it. The videos feature separate views of the right and left hand so you won't have trouble seeing what he's playing. The video player that is used for this course is awesome. It lets you slow down the speed of the video to 50% without changing the pitch. So, if you're going through some videos and the playing is just too fast for you, you can slow it down and and learn until you're ready to bump the speed back up. When you finish this course, you will have a good knowledge of the various techniques that are used in Flamenco guitar playing. You'll be able to look at Paco DeLucia and tell what technique he is employing in order to produce awesome sounds on his guitar. Check out the course for five minutes and see all the techniques you have access to. You'll be able to spice up your guitar playing in no-time!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"3 step formula for playing guitar by ear" |
"I discovered something astounding today while searching for beginner guitar videos on YouTube. Almost all the videos teach you chords. What ever happened to picking out melodies on the guitar?I have been teaching guitar for decades. Some people are able to quickly play chords. Most other people have a very hard time playing chords. The guitar has much more to offer than chords. You can play melodies on it. If you're just starting out, it's a good idea to learn as many melodies as chords in order to be a well rounded guitar player. This course will give you an introduction on how you can use your ears to turn your guitar into an extension of your voice. All the great guitarists in history have done this. You can do it too. Get started by learning super simple melodies and transposing them into different keys using only your guitar and your ears to guide you. This is called playing by ear. Click ""Take this course"" and learn the three step formula you need to implement in order to start playing by ear."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Play Irish Fiddle" |
"In this course, you'll learn some of the most popular and easy Irish melodies on the violin. These are the most popular Irish tunes that are played in Celtic music sessions all over the world. Hi I'm your instructor, Daniel Boudreau and I've been playing in celtic music sessions for over 10 years. I know how much of a struggle it is to pick the right tunes to learn, where to place embellishments and how to bow the melody. That's why I created this course. I wanted to help beginner violinists and fiddlers get on the fast track to start playing irish fiddle and to eventually become a session fiddler. The course is structured as follows... Each new tune is assigned to it's own section. The section contains several lessons. The lessons break down learning the tune into three steps. Here are the steps:Overview of the notes in the tune. The tunes are taught phrase by phrase. Overview of the bowingOverview of the embellishments. This is where you have fun decorating the melody!This course is a jumpstart to playing Irish fiddle music. Learn the essential tunes to start playing in sessions today! Take a 5-minute free preview of this course. Look for the preview button beside this video. Click on ""Take this course"" to sign up and start fiddling!"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Importance of Static Testing in Achieving a High ROI" |
"With only 25% of companies actually engaging in it, Static testing is frequently overlooked as a viable option. Many assume the time that would be spent static testing would be better spent on design or coding. They are correct that static testing is time consuming, can be costly, and that it requires complete buy-in from the management team. While not always easy, static testing is not nearly as costly as fixing the defects introduced by skipping this important step. Please remember this formula which you will not find anywhere on Google: Static testing > Better Documentation > Better Code > Fewer Defects > Faster Delivery > Higher Quality > Happier Customers Introduced right after the requirements gathering phase, static testing is crucial if you want to reduce the number of defects introduced to the system or application under test. After this course you will be able to use your own static testing methodology that can be implemented at any organization. You'll leverage QA Mentor's proprietary checklists to validate and verify every single artifact in the Software Development Life Cycle. You'll also learn how to easily show your management the potential Return on Investment (ROI) before the process begins, and then show them exact ROI afterwards. And believe me, they will be shocked on how much money you will save the company! You should know that the cost of a defect found during traditional testing is about 10-20x the cost of one found in static testing. That may seem exaggerated, but here's why that's true. It takes longer to fix a defect once it's been coded into a functioning system. Finding the defect may take hours of a tester's time, then additional hours to fix the defect that could involve more than one developer or DBA. Next, the fix must be verified by a tester once more. All totaled, a defect found during traditional testing can take 5 20 hours (or more) to fix and verify. Contrast that with finding that same defect in static testing. Fixing it requires no code changes and only takes 30 60 minutes, sometimes even less so the difference in cost is dramatic. In this 10 video lecture e-learning course, you will learn how to implement a static testing phase within your Software Development Life Cycle. You will learn how to start application testing before a single line of code is written and identify issues that would potentially be converted into functional defects if not detected in the Static Testing Phase. You'll learn the entire methodology behind inspection methods and static testing on business requirements, functional requirements, design documentations, prototypes, wireframes, use cases, etc. At the end of this course you will test your knowledge by taking 40 questions test. As part of this course you will receive 4 complimentary static testing checklists which you can use to inspect and validate Use Cases, Functional Requirements, Prototype and Code Reviews. Also as a bonus you will have a direct interaction with CEO of QA Mentor Ruslan Desyatnikov by asking any questions relating to course material via email. You'll learn the principal of shift-left testing, something few companies fully understand or are willing to invest in, and how to calculate ROI on static testing and impress your senior management. Find out how QA Mentor's CEO Ruslan Desyatnikov was able to save one company over 10 million dollars using these principals and methods by stopping design and development of multi-year platform while using static testing techniques. These are only a few of the many things you will learn that are based on real, hands-on experience instead of just textbook theories. Ruslan Desyatnikov is eager to share his secrets of Static Testing, gleaned from nearly 20 years of active QA experience implementing static testing in companies such as HSBC, Citi, Sterling, Sterling and several other fortune 100 companies. Invest in yourself and your future! You will be glad that you did."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Windows 10 - The Fastest Way to Install Using Virtualbox!" |
"Course Updated 10-06-15This is the Safest way to use Windows 10 for Free! No Windows Activation is Required.Not only can you use and test Windows 10, but you can test any software that may be unsafe on your main system. Surf the web without worrying about getting a Virus on your host or main PC. I will show you how Install Windows 10 inside a Virtual Machine using a fast, simple method. Then you will be able to test and evaluate Windows 10 without damaging or interfering with the current computer operating system or environment. You can surf the Web and install Windows 10 programs safely and separately from you main system. We will then completely remove Windows 10 and start over!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SEO For WordPress [Beginners]: #1 Step-by-Step SEO System" |
"""Introducing My Simple Step-by-Step SEO System For WordPress!""""The No Filler, No Fluff, Step-by-Step SEO Game Plan Designed to Take You From Zero SEO Knowledge to The First Page of Google in 60-90 Days!""Everybody knows that getting to the first page of the search engines is going to bring them more traffic, more prospects, and ultimately more profits.My simple SEO blueprint is your opportunity to get those results without spending a fortune on consultants, or being frustrated with the complexity of SEO.Heres what makes my simple SEO blueprint different from everything else out there:- No technical knowledge is required, so it works even if you cant spell SEO or know what it means!- Learn my step-by-step process for getting on the first page, so you know exactly what you need to do every step of the way.- Maintain your first page rankings when everyone elses is panicking about an algorithm change. This isnt a temporary trick, so you never have to worry about Goggle banning your site.""Heres What You Get When You Enroll in our Simple SEO Blueprint Today.""You'll discover:- How to choose an SEO optimized domain name.. (you're going to kick yourself for not figuring this out on your own.)- How to easily set up your hosting account to outrank your competition! (screw this one up, and you'll set yourself back 12-14 months!)- Advanced keyword research & buying keywords.. (this simple trick will save you at least 2 hours.)- Keyword analysis ..(discover how to easily analyze your competition without using complicated tools that require a steep learning curve.) - How to use simple, yet effective WordPress plugins that'll boost your rankings with a few clicks.- How to easily write SEO optimized articles and blog posts that'll rank fast on Google, Yahoo & Bing.- How to set up your permalinks to blast past your competition... (common sense trick.)- Do you know how to use H1, H2, and H3 tags? Its easy! This simple trick will increase your chance of reaching the first page by 83%.- How to structure the first paragraph of your articles for optimal results.- Do you know how to optimize your images for the search engines? I'll show you how to get all your images indexed by Google, Yahoo & Bing within 48 hours.- Discover one small change that you can make to your categories & tags, and you can kiss your competition goodbye... (why didn't you think of this?!!)- What's a tag cloud? Should you use one? Where should you place it? Not to worry; I'll show you exactly what to do to boost your rankings... (this could be the difference between landing on page #1 and page #10.)- Why pay an SEO company $800 to analyze your website when you can do it yourself for free? I'll show you how to analyze your entire website with a few clicks in less than 5 minutes... (you'll be shocked at how easy this is.)- Off-page optimization: Do you know how and where to get quality backlinks for your website, fast? I've completed the research for you... (I'll even show you how to outsource this process for pennies on the dollar.)- Do you know which type of backlinks are the safest for your website? I'll give you our 100% safe backlinking system that'll survive any Google update ..(get this one wrong and you could get your website sand-boxed 90 days, flagged as spam, or removed from the search engines entirely!)- What if you don't have time to work on your SEO? No problem! I'll show you exactly where to go AND exactly who to use to accomplish all the tasks outlined in our simple SEO system.... (why reinvent the wheel? I've already spent countless hours finding the best affordable freelancers for every task imaginable...DONE DEAL!)""What Else Do You Get?""I'll also send your my custom SEO worksheet. This is the same SEO worksheet that I use at my live seminars in Los Angeles, CA. This will allow you to easily create a personal SEO blueprint that you can implement yourself; or outsource to one of my recommended freelancers.Enroll now and I'll see you on the other side!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"SEO For WordPress [Expert]: #1 Step-by-Step SEO Blueprint" |
"SEO For WordPress -Im going to show you how I easily got on the first page of Google, Yahoo, and Bing! This course is for intermediate to advanced users who already have a basic understanding of SEO and WordPress.This course includes a PDF document which will serve as your SEO blueprint. If you follow the step-by-step instructions in this video course, you'll have all the tools you need to dominate Google, Yahoo & Bing!You should take this course if you want a simple system that'll help potential customers find your business, and you want to increase your website's traffic &!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Search Engine Marketing (SEM): #1 Step-by-Step Tutorial" |
"SEM For WordPress (Search Engine Marketing) -Im going to show you how to easily optimize your website to convert traffic into sales! This course is for intermediate to advanced users who already have a basic understanding of SEO and WordPress.This course includes a PDF document which will serve as your SEM blueprint. If you follow the step-by-step instructions in this video course, you'll have all the tools you need to increase traffic and sales to your website.You should take this course if you want a simple system that'll help customers find your business, and you want to increase your website's traffic &!You'll Discover:What Is Content ""Above The Fold""?How To Easily Add Your Content ""Above The Fold.""How to Use ""Call-To-Actions"" on Your WebsiteHow to Optimize Your Website For Mobile Users.How To Setup Your Tags on Your Website.How to Quickly Setup Exit ""Pop-up"" Forms on Your WebsiteHow To Get Started With Email MarketingHow To Get Started With Pay-Per-Click MarketingHow To Quickly Create High Converting Sales Pages.How To Make Promotional Videos For Your Website.Quick Summary to Help You Get Started!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Improve Your WordPress Website: Step-by-Step Tutorial" |
"Discover How To Improve Your WordPress Website...Fast!This video course is for small business owners and professionals that want to improve their WordPress website.When you're starting out with WordPress, there are a lot of things that small business owners will need to do tomake their website function better.In this video course, I'll give you resources to help you improve your WordPress website so it stands out over your!In this video course, you'll discover how to:Add business logosAdd professional contact formsStart a mailing listEmbed videosAdd shopping cartsChoose the correct SSLcertificateAdd legal disclaimersUpload copyright free imagesFind image URLSAdd captions to imagesUpload PDFdocuments for users to downloadAdd faviconsAdd parent pagesManage WordPress commentsAdd featured blog postsThis video course is ideal for small business owners and professionals. If you want to improve your WordPress website fast, then this is the course for you.Take this course now and let's get started!-Kent Mauresmo"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Become a High Performer And Be 2-5X More Productive" |
"In this course you'll learn the exact, step-by-step, time-tested framework I used to launch two startups, work for Denmark's biggest companies, self-fund studies to the world's top schools, write a book and travel to over 115different countries.I've a successful, fun and exciting career and lifestyle, and in this course I want to tell you exactly how you can have one as well.Five years ago, I was a broke, bored and unemployed graduate in South America. I dreamed of working in Google or another big company, of traveling to London and Europe, and of having VIPs from all types in my network. I was ambitious - I was trying the latest productivity tips, the latest ""life hacks"" and more, but I couldn't just ""take off"". While my old classmates started landing serious jobs, applying for Ivy League MBAs and traveling the world, I couldn't get it right and started to freak out. One cold, dark winter day I hit rock bottom. After quitting my first job after only three days, I promised myself and everyone I knew, that I would rise up. Fast forward a few years, and I've:Launched two businesses, one reaching 2.3m peopleMoved to Denmark, and worked for Maersk and Carlsberg, two of the world's biggest companiesSelf-funded a Masters Degree in Copenhagen and spent 8 weeks in HarvardWrote a book and traveled to over 115different countriesI've finally cracked it. After years of reading all sorts of books, going to dozens of conferences, meeting hundreds of experts and experimenting with innumerable techniques and strategies, I've come up with a winning formula. Today I want to share it with you."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Travel 60-90 Days a Year - Even If You Work 9-5" |
"In this course you'll learn the exact, step-by-step framework I used to travel to over 115 different countries - all while I had normal jobs, working for normal companies.Its a whole new world. In 2018, you can constantly travel to places such as the Maldives, Japan or Brazil and do so still working 9-5.You can travel 60-90 days a year, every year, without quitting your job and without putting your career at risk. You dont need to be rich. You dont need to be a blogger. You dont even need to be a digital nomad.Combining timeless principles and new technologies, you too can travel 60-90 days a year, without quitting your office job.Join me for this course, and youll learn a straight-forward system on: - How to Travel More and Travel Longer. Backpack Europe, safari across Africa or visit Machu Picchu.- How to Travel Cheaper. Travel for under $50 a day, without compromising on the experience.- How to Travel With Zero Career Risk. You wont need to quit your job.I repeat: you wont need to quit your job. Dont mind the nay-sayers. Just five years ago, I had nothing going for me - I was broke, unemployed and stuck in far-away Argentina. I mentioned I wanted to travel to 100 countries and everyone laughed.But nobody is laughing now. Ive made it to 116 countries so far and worked for major international companies such as Carlsberg (beer) and Maersk (shipping) for most of the time. Ive found the holy grail of more travel and more successful career. In this course I want to share it with you.So... Are you ready? I look forward to see you inside!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Total Wrist Resilience" |
"How often do we ignore the signs of dysfunction in our bodies? Joints that don't move in healthy ways gradually wear out or become frozen. The muscles and tendons around them atrophy and before we know it, what was once a supple body now moves more like Frankenstein's Monster. We take our body for granted. We only notice it when it starts having problems or gets injured.Your work or sport demands the use of your hands. Now you are experiencing wrist pain. Whether from trauma, tweak or overuse. You are frustrated that nothing has worked to get rid of the discomfort. You have tried painkillers, braces, rest, even massage with limited success. You've even considered surgery, but just really don't want to go that route. The Total Wrist Resilience program is a new approach to handling wrist pain so you can keep doing what you need to do. Unlike popping anti-inflammatory pills or wearing a wrist brace, Total Wrist Resilience addresses the source of your pain rather than cover it up. Most wrist pain protocols aim solely at restricting motion at the joint or stretching muscles. This is a part of the healing process but it misses the major element for long-term wrist health: tendon strength. This is what makes Total Wrist Resilience different from other joint pain protocols. This course focuses on using movement to stimulate your natural healing process to repair damage to your joints. Throughout our lives, the joints of our body undergo a ton of abuse. It is no different for our hands and wrists. Even if you don't currently have joint pain, parts of those tissues may be damaged without you even knowing it.This course is the result of my years of experimenting what I am about to share with you. I have worked with numerous experts on the subject of joint health including doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, personal trainers, athletic coaches, and physical therapists. I have used every one of these exercises and strategies myself to my own wrists healthy. Now I want to share this information with you.This program teaches you how to strengthen, increase flexibility and decrease pain in your wrists. With easy to follow, step-by-step exercises that are tailored to your needs; Total Wrist Resilience teaches exercises that you can do anywherebe it at the office, home or at the gym."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"A Beginner's Guide to Family Caregiving" |
"Almost one third of the US population will become a caregiver to an ailing family member. Often we are unprepared, scared and confused. This course, Taking Care for the Caregiver, will help give you tools and tips to stay sane and healthy during a trying time. In the course, you will gain a clearer understanding of your role as a caregiver and expectations of that role. You will also learn about different responsibilities you will need to complete in order to look out for the best interest of your loved one. Finally, you will strategize how to manage your own stress to keep yourself healthy and strong.This course is brief and too the point: after all, caregivers have little time to spare. Included in the course is a resource guide to help you list important contacts, information and a series of weblinks for support."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Inexpensive FPGA development and prototyping by example" |
"Before buying the Elbert board make sure to download and install a working copy of the Xilinx ISE Webpack. Remember only the older versions of the tool support the Spartan-3 FPGA on the Elbert Board. Make sure the software works on your Windows machine, it may not work with Windows 10. You have 30 days to refund this course and get your money back.In this course we cover programming the low cost Numato Elbert V2 FPGA development board with the Xilinx Spartan 3A chip. Using the free Xilinx ISE webpack IDE software we program multiple examples in both Verilog and VHDL. Besides coding and interfacing the on-board peripherals like the 7-segment display, DIP switches, buttons, LEDs, and audio we also externally prototype some simple examples using Servo and Stepper motors, LCDs and character displays. All examples are done with inexpensive components that are easy to acquire and interface.This course will help the practicing engineer get up to speed with the basics of FPGA's. It's also well suited for the advanced engineering student interested in digital design, and is appropriate for the technologically savvy hobbyist wanting to gain knowledge of configurable logic in an effort to expand their designs.Before buying the Elbert board make sure to download and install a working copy of the Xilinx ISE Webpack. Remember only the older versions of the tool support the Spartan-3 FPGA on the Elbert Board. You have 30 days to refund this course and get your money back.ISE 14.7 is the latest version of tool which supports Spartan-3. Webpack supports these devices in spartan-3 family"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"All about Arduino Wireless and the IoT" |
"This course is a strong foundation for understandingIoT utilizingwireless Arduino communications. We will be using both the Arduino and the ESP8266 for wiFi and radio functions. This coursewill give students an good understanding of IoT andwireless communications utilizing Arduino and the ESP8266with inexpensive wireless transmitters, receivers and transceivers. We will go over most of the popular and least expensive methods, tools, and associated hardware to pass data wirelessly between devices and over the web and through the cloud. Students will learn how to configure, develop, and program these popular and cheap wireless devices to trigger an event or pass data between devices. Students will be able to thoroughly grasp the concepts of transmitting data around the web:*ESP8266 to the web *Between Arduinos* Arduino data to a PC* Arduino data to the ""Cloud"" * Arduino to Putty and Teraterm* Arduino to SD Card for Datalogging* Arduino to ThingSpeak, Google, IFTTT, Losant, Ubidots and others forfor graphics and conditionalcontrol Flow applications.Hardware and Tools utilized in this course:---------------------------------------------------------------315 MHz transmittersnRF2401+ (Nordic radio Transceivers)ESP8266 (Model 12-E)DHT11 Environmental MonitorBreadboardDuPont JumpersEthernet Shield based on the popular WIZnet 5100 chipStudents will learn how to manipulate each of the wireless libraries, functions, and protocols to meet the requirements of a wireless network. we will cover not only simple wireless over the ""air"" , Students will also acquire the knowledge needed to use wireless Wifi chips and Ethernet to pass data to the web with, and without, a computer."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Web Animation the Easy Way: An Intro to SVG and GSAP" |
"If you're a front-end developer, UI/UX designer or just a general web animation enthusiast you'll benefit from the techniques taught in this course. We use a project-based approach to introduce you to the SVG graphics format and GreenSock Animation Platform--possibly the most powerful and performant javascript animation library available today.While building a complex animated greeting card, you'll learn:Why SVG is a hot commodity todayThe benefits of using SVGAbout SVG shapes and custom tagsHow to include SVG on a web pageHow to organize SVG elements for web animationWhat the GreenSock Animation Platform isMake sense of GreenSock's different bundles and which to useThe GreenSock API and its six basic tweening functionsAll about timelines and how they work in GreenSockHow to break down the SVG project into scenesHow to create catchy, impressive animations piece-by-piece How to use timelines to organize your entire animation sequencesAnd much more...All project files with full source code will be made available to you at each step of the animation process. Learn valuable skills that will benefit you through out your career or open up a whole new world of creative expression if you're a hobbyist or enthusiast."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"What You Need to Know to Avoid Suffering from Back Pain" |
"Did you know that back pain is the second leading cause of disease burden overall in Australia? The Australian Bureau of Statistics 201718 National Health Report estimates about 4.0 million Australians (16% of the population) have back problems.Unfortunately most people don't know how to manage their back pain very well and often if they do recover, an estimated two thirds of sufferers have a recurrence within 12 months. This leads to a vicious cycle of inactivity due to pain, stress, putting on weight and not being able to do the day-to-day activities that we enjoy such as spending quality time with friends and family. Back pain freedom: Luckily there are solutions out there and it is important to not give up trying to reduce your back pain. As a Chiropractor for 19 years and ex-athlete who suffered two severe back injuries, I have been able to put together a holistic approach to back pain including all the secrets I give my patients when they visit my clinics. I noticed after working in clinics in Australia and Hong Kong that most back pain sufferers do three main things to try and manage their pain: 1. Exercise such as walking, yoga, Pilates, stretching or swimming.2. Treatments such as massage, Chiropractic or Physiotherapy.3. Nothing or rest.These are all great options but unfortunately were not really preventing and reducing their back pain significantly. By looking deeper into the causes of my back pain and my patients back pain, I could see that there are many daily habits that are actually the root cause of the painful symptoms. By showing patients how to correct these issues, they had better results that were long lasting and achievable. So I decided to create an online series with all my tips and tricks in one spot for my patients, and anyone that is ready to take control of their back pain. What you learn in the course:Through a series of short videos you will learn how to improve your posture and ergonomics, have better muscle tone and strength, improve your flexibility and sleep set-up which all leads to decreasing stress on your spine. This will allow the body to heal faster and over time reduce your painful symptoms. This enables you to be more active and healthier as you age, so you can live a normal active life.Here is a summary of what you get: 8 short videos that are easy to follow and very practical, to enable improvements straight away. Handouts that you can print out to remind you of what you have learned and to keep you motivated!Stretching and strengthening videos with easy exercises for you to follow at home- improving strength and flexibility. Practical videos that show you exactly how-to set-up your desk and computer properly, to avoid back pain. Information as to what causes disc bugles and sciatica and how to avoid these painful conditions.A *stretching eBook for the whole body to reduce tightness. You can complete the course videos in your own time (day or night) and at your own pace, as once you enrol you have lifetime access to the series. You can ask any questions that you have along the way to myself, Dr Fleur through Udemy or a private Facebook group that you will have access to. *Bonus stretching eBook added 12th June, 2020. For Udemy course reviews scroll down to the bottom of this page."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Beginner Pilates To Reduce Back Pain and Tone Your Body!" |
"Unfortunately back pain is now the second leading cause of disease burden overall in Australia and it is expected that 80% of us will suffer from debilitating back pain in our lives. Most people don't know what to do to reduce and prevent back pain and often do nothing about it, through fear of it getting worse leading to a sedentary lifestyle. Thankfully there are solutions out there and this course is designed to help you to make a start with exercising again, so you can reduce your painful symptoms safely and effectively. This course is very basic and is designed to teach you the fundamentals of Pilates. You will learn how to activate your core muscles as well as the key muscle groups that support your spine. This will prevent you from straining your back everyday and you can become more active. Being more active means that you will look and feel better. After completing this course you be able to:Activate your core muscles taking pressure off your back and relieving your pain. Improve your posture and tone your body so you can look and feel better. Get stronger and fitter so you can be active and do the things that you love with family and friends. INSTRUCTORYour instructor is Dr Fleur Castlereagh a Chiropractor, Pilates Instructor and Personal Trainer with 19 years experience treating and managing acute and chronic back pain. Previously she was athlete who experienced a debilitating injury whilst training extensively as a Long-Jumper. Fleur had an accident while training and ended up with a spinal stress fracture in her lower back. This led to severe pain and 12 months of rehabilitation and treatment. During this time she learnt how to manage her own back pain through Pilates, posture, treatment and careful exercise. It was a long journey but it led to Fleur jumping a personal best of 6.30m several years later, and many years of competing at State and National level in Australia. Fleur will guide you through the process she used to recover and manage her own back pain, as well as what she gives her patients when they are coming back from injury and wanting long lasting relief from back pain. It is safe and manageable for every level. Fleur believes that it's about training smarter as you age, not harder. GENUINE UDEMY COURSE REVIEWS: ""I've had back pain for more than 2 yrs. This course is great for the beginner. I've looked up other videos for a slow and easy pace and they are always too fast. This is Brilliant !!! Im going to keep doing the end videos until i feel strong enough to get into something a little bit more challenging. Thanks Dr.Fleur for making this video."" Anna Inglis""So easy to follow and such a lovely positive instructor, with a great accent too. Many thanks for giving me a new focus."" Fiona Mortimer, Scotland, UK""Specifically helpful for me and hubby who are struggling at the moment with everyday life due to lower back pain - lessons at a level we can do."" :) Tonia BrowneIncluded in the course:Short Pilates exercise videos that are very easy to do for 21-days3 Stretching videos includedFeeling unmotivated? You can have access to our private Facebook group with regular updates and reminders to keep going. Also, you can always encourage a friend or family member to join you. Worried about getting worse? You can send any questions or concerns through to Dr Fleur at any stage and she will answer them for you as soon as possible. There is also a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee with all Udemy courses. This program is the beginning of a 3-part Pilates series, so if you would like to progress quickly and get great results without getting bored, you will have the opportunity to do so. You can complete the course videos in your own time and at any time of the day or night, as you have lifetime access to the videos once you enrol. So the course can fit in with your work and family commitments making it easier to complete. Enrol now to and we look forward to seeing you soon! Bonus Tropical Island Pilates resistance band video (leg strength) from my new course, now included once you finish the series. Added 12th June, 2020."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Female Location Portrait with Off-Camera Flash for Beginners" |
"This is a course about external off camera flash light on location using strobist tecnique. Starting from presenting the gear, camera, trigger, flash and lenses, to properly connect by hotshoe mount and setup them. On a real set in outdoor place I will show how to position light stand, set correct aperture, iso and shutter value. Subject of my image will be a not professional female model, so I'll teach how to manage her choosing right position against backlight of the sun. Use flare and sunray as a creative prop in the scene by underexpose sunlight and correct exposure on the model. Is a crash coursse for beginner, in a single session you could be ready to start shooting by yourself. Onelight method permit you to have fun immediately at firs try because you pay attention only to single illumination element. Many photographer like to obtain a great drama image straight out of camera before post produce the picture, this course is about improve sharpness contrast and make dramatic scene in every condition of natural or available light, expecially on location but you could manage this tecnique also at your home, in a sunny or cloudy day, without modifier the strobe you see in this video make a great strong shadows. This course is open for beginner and intermediate photographer, it helps amateurs and professional photographers who wants to obtain fast good portrait of friends, wife, children and then apply the light scheme also on still life images."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Strobiliante : Tecniche Base di Luce Off Camera" |
"Questo corso parla di come utilizzare correttamente i flash off camera. E' un corso base per partire, sapere scegliere quali sono gli accessori economici con i quali iniziare a divertirsi. Si parla di gestione della modella, della scena ed alla fine c' anche un bonus video sulla post produzione. Si parte con l'analizzare i trasmettitori radio, i trigger, per poi passare agli speedlite, i piccoli flash, scoprendone le loro grandi potenzialit. Si parler di ombrelli come modificatori, softbox, beauty dish, analizzandone con semplicit e precisione le varie peculiarit."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Behind The Shooting : Photoshop Secrets Layers FX Revealed !" |
"In this course you will see layer by layer the work done from start to final about the image I sold. This is not a Photoshop Course. I just show you the final layer result to let you understand what kind of effects I've used to achive the final result. Many people ask me about that and I've decided to reveal the process of my best shooting. It will be a light and simple course. No skills required at all. Just curiosity and I hope that could be an ispiration for you amatorial or professional work. The 80% of the shooting you will see was used for a commercial work. Every work you will see start from original layer to high end final result."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Wood Glamour : Post Produzione Creativa" |
"Questo corso permette un approccio creativo al Software Photoshop, dalla versione 5 in avanti gli strumenti che utilizzo sono presenti. Potete imparare ad utilizzare i livelli di regolazione, cos come a lavorare correttamente in maniera selettiva. In questo corso vi svelo il mio workflow per ottenere l'immagine finale de Set Wood Glamour. Un set strobist realizzato nel sottobosco dove, partendo da luci valide, si punta a pulire la foto, esaltandone le qualit di contrasto e di tono. E' importante la foto allo scatto tanto quanto la cura che se ne ha dopo. Il processo creativo nasce nella testa del fotografo e continua durante lo scatto per poi vedersi completato nella post produzione. Qui parler di esposizione, di applicazione degli strumenti scherma e brucia per dare maggiore tridimensionalit, di ottenere grazie ad una correzione correttiva ci che spesso non possibile avere direttamente allo scatto. Lascia libero il tuo estro creativo e prendi spunto da questo corso per creare qualcosa di personale ed unico!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Autumn Nymph: Set Completo dallo Scatto alla Post Produzione" |
"Questo VideoCorso tratta di Luce Strobist, gestione FLASH OFF CAMERA, in un ambiente esterno fotografando un COSPLAY creativo autunnale. E' adatto a chi ama il RITRATTO femminile, ma non solo, anche per chi desidera migliorare nella gestione del SOGGETTO, capire davvero cosa c' dietro la RITRATTISTICA AMBIENTATA . Bilanciare luce naturale con luce solare. Gestire la propria REFLEX per poter ottenere una fotografia di impatto gi allo scatto. SI continua quindi verso la POST PRODUZIONE creativa realizzata con ADOBE PHOTOSHOP. Non ultimo sono presenti i file PSD ridotti di dimensione ma con tutti i layer dove sono ben chiare le lavorazioni effettuate. Potete scaricarle ed utilizzarle a livello didattico, per massimizzare la comprensione del lavoro svolto."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Nudo Art in Studio e Location con l'uso di Flash Off Camera" |
"Questo corso parla di gestione modella per ottenere ritratti naturali in stile lingerie e nude art. Potrebbe sembrare semplice, ma allora perch puo' succedere che anche se avete una bella modella potete ottenere un brutto risultato? Dipende tutto da voi! Gestire la luce ed il set come prima cosa, ma l'obiettivo di questo corso di condividere il mio piccolo, ma importante segreto per ottenere scatti originali ed irripetibili. Imparerte come muovervi sul set, cosa dire alla modella, quando dirlo and vedere in tempo reale i riscontri dalla modella stessa. Vi far vedere tutti gli scatti eseguiti in camera durante il mio percorso, semplicemente per mostrarvi nel giusto ordine quali sono i passi e la corretta sintassi da seguire per ottenere un completo, emozionante, elegante scatto di nude art e lingerie con Arianna, la modella di questo corso!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"StroBEGINNER: Off Camera Flash start from the Really Basics" |
"The course introduce a beginner or medium level photographer to strobist off camera ligthing tecnique. My target is to let you know which powerful results could be achivied with cheap and affordable gear. Manual triggers, speedlite hotshoe flashes, low cost umbrella and softboxes, to beauty dish. You will see the difference between bare flash and softbox light, between hard and soft light. Mobile and lightweight devices could make really powerful images if correctly managed. This is a resource for photographers who want how to learn to use their flashes like a pro. It is a free, start-from-zero tutorial that will teach you the basics of lighting and minimalist lighting gear. I will teach you how to further understand and control the qualities of your light to make it do your bidding. Welcome to all lighting newbies!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Fotografia Pubblicitaria: Vendita Realizzazione e Sviluppo" |
"Questo VideoCorso il primo ed uniconel suo genere e ti porta ad ottenere, tramite un percorso completo, risultati come :Approccio e presentazione PROGETTOpubblicitarioGESTIONE del Cliente e sviluppo del lavoroAPPRENDERE trucchi per portare il lavoro sulle nostre cordeASCOLTARE attivamente il Cliente per una totale soddisfazione dello stessoIl percorso tramite il quale IMPARERAI ad applicarequeste tecniche composto da riprese di TUTTEle parti che compongono questo lavoro.Sono state per te scomposte, spiegate e dettagliate una per una partendo dalle TECNICHEDIVENDITAcon il Direttore della Struttura, passando per la GESTIONEDELLAMODELLA, compresa inquadratura, luce ed i ""trucchi"" che sono solito dare nei miei corsi, fino alla POSTPRODUZIONEIn questo VideoCorso le TECNICHEDIVENDITAed in omaggioil primo dei 4 set del PROGETTOPUBBLICITARIOcompreso di tutti i passaggiAvrai come sempre a tua disposizione la sezione D&RDomande e Risposte dove potrai postare i tuoi lavori, chiedere i pareri del docente e di tutti i partecipanti.Non vedo l'ora di averti in classe!Mauro"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |