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"Lo Scatto Svelato VOL1: Panoramica Workflow in Photoshop" |
"Questa una panoramica comprendente diversi video di panoramica lettura portfolio attiva. Non un corso di Adobe Photoshop. Non vi spiego come fare ad ottenere l'effetto. La finalit di questi miei video quella condividere con voi, commentando livello per livello, alcuni dei miei lavori, per fare comprendere cosa ho dovuto fare partendo dal file originale per arrivare al risultato definitivo. Questi file PSD divisi per layers sono sussidi che utilizzo durante la mia didattica di Post Produzione dal vivo, che spesso mi vengono chiesti da parte degli allievi. Ho quindi pensato di realizzare questo prodotto che potesse accontentare chi gi stato ad un mio corso e chi ancora non mi conoscesse, mostrando le potenzialit del programma Photoshop CS e CC, sperando vi possa essere di ispirazione per la vostra carriera di Fotografia Amatori o Professionisti."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Lo Scatto Svelato VOL 2 : Panoramica Workflow in Photoshop" |
"Questa una panoramica comprendente diversi video di panoramica lettura portfolio attiva. Non un corso di Adobe Photoshop. Non vi spiego come fare ad ottenere l'effetto. La finalit di questi miei video quella condividere con voi, commentando livello per livello, alcuni dei miei lavori, per fare comprendere cosa ho dovuto fare partendo dal file originale per arrivare al risultato definitivo. Questi file PSD divisi per layers sono sussidi che utilizzo durante la mia didattica di Post Produzione dal vivo, che spesso mi vengono chiesti da parte degli allievi. Ho quindi pensato di realizzare questo prodotto che potesse accontentare chi gi stato ad un mio corso e chi ancora non mi conoscesse, mostrando le potenzialit del programma Photoshop CS e CC, sperando vi possa essere di ispirazione per la vostra carriera di Fotografia Amatori o Professionisti."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Lo Scatto Svelato Live : Stairway to Heaven" |
"Questo corso tratta di uno scatto creativo di luce off-camera flash. Con l'ausilio di torce a batteria da studio e di una lente con lunghezza focale non convenzionale vi far vedere passo passo come ottenere il risultato. Ci sar poi la sessione di post produzione dove lo scatto verr svelato livello per livello. Alla fine una lettura di immagine dove parler dei punti forza dell'immagine stessa. Un corso dedicato sia all'amatore che al professionista. L'uso massiccio di luce off camera permette di ottenere il risultato desiderato anche in condizioni di scarsita di luce."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"GCTR : Post Produzione Scatto Finestroni Luce Naturale" |
"Questo videocorso di post produzione in Adobe Photoshop CC, tratta della lavorazione livello per livello, spiegata e riproposta da zero step by step, in maniera semplice e chiara. Un corso aperto a tutti, adatto ad amatori e professionisti, per la semplicit delle spiegazioni usa alcune tecniche avanzate ma aperte anche a dilettanti. Tratta della post di uno degli scatti ripresi durante il videocorso Guadagna con la Tua Reflex, anch'esso presente su Udemy. Nel video vedrete il lavoro dalla a alla z , post prodotto per essere consegnato alla cliente, in linea con le direttive richieste. Si utilizzeranno molto i file ad alta dinamica, con Adobe Camera Raw, cuore anche di Lightroom. Vi invito a visionare la promo per capire cosa potrete imparare nel videocorso ed approfittare della preview gratuita di 5 minuti per capire se il corso potrebbe farvi piacere."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Stairway to Heaven : Foto Ritocco Creativo" |
"Questo videocorso tratta di Post Produzione Creativa. Viraggi tonali, scontorni , gestione file in Adobe Camera Raw. Utilizzo dello strumento penna, sovrapposizioni ed ottimizzazioni colore per un fotomontaggio fantasioso ma allo stesso tempo realistico. In diversi punti vi saranno suggerimenti su come mantenere un elevato fotorealismo e sarete guidati passo passo nella creazione del lavoro finale. E' aperto a tutti, amatori e professionisti. E' richiesta una conoscenza base dello strumento Photoshop. E' disponibile il mini psd file con tutti i livelli aperti e lavorati per un maggiore apprendimento, potrete scaricarlo compreso nel prezzo del corso. Sono disponibile a qualsiasi domanda sulla bacheca e potrete inoltre postare i vostri risultati al suo interno. Visionate la promo per capire quali sono i contenuti ed usufruite della preview gratuita per saggiarne la qualit. Vi aspetto in classe!"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Nik Software Collection: dalle Basi ad un Utilizzo da Pro" |
"In questo VideoCorso imparerai ad installare la Nik Collection, un insieme di Plugin della Nik Software cheGoogle ha messo a disposizione gratuitamente. Analog Efex Pro, Color Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro, Viveza, Hdr Efex Pro, Sharpener Pro, Dfine. Parler di impostazioni in ambiente Adobe PhotoshopCC, cos come ilLightroom CC ugualmente applicabile quello che imparerai. Tratteremo di gestione dei livelli, di come usare le slide di regolazione colore ed intensit. Quale che sia la tua preparazione di base alla fine del corso sarai in grado di migliorare il flusso del tuo lavoro grazie alla grande potenzialit di questi plugin."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Nik Software : Color Efex Pro 2 from Basics to Pro Workflow" |
"In this course you could learn how to download, installa andSETUP from the basics the Nik Software Plugin Collection (now free from Google!)and start to manage some tricks to make your work easy and fast! You will learn a PROWORKFLOWthat fit perfect on Adobe PhotoshopCC or Lightroom CC made easy with this plugin suite collection. Powerful way for AMATEURand PROFESSIONALPHOTOGRAPHER. I'm using Nik Software since many years and my workflow is 900%faster than before.Also if you are PROwith Photoshop this works!Two type of Students in Nik Software Course: A)Users that aren't able to make this magical trick B)Users skilled to do that hisself by trhilled to make the same results in 1/10 time!Take a free tour and se why this is my Italian BestSeller VideoCourse!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Boudoir alla Fattoria : Scatto, Luce, Post Produzione Set I" |
"In questo corso IMPARERAIa gestire il soggetto, osservando il SETLIVE commentato, inoltre una formula nuova dove sono stati inseriti capitolo di DEBRIEFINGimmediato, per spiegarti ancora meglio cosa sta DAVVERO dietro ad uno SHOOTINGPUBBLICITARIOcon modella. Ogni ingrediente importante ed in questa nuova formula potrai prima concentrarti sulla GESTIONE del SET e dopo ricevere da me CONSIGLIsul lavoro svolto. La seconda parte di questo corso comprende l'uso di ADOBEPHOTOSHOPCCin post produzione creativa e correttiva, l'uso applicato di NIKSOFTWAREsuite collection e le spiegazioni passo passo di tutto il lavoro svolto. Potrai SCARICAREil file PSDcon tutti i livelli LAVORATI per fare TUSTESSOi passaggi che ti insegner. Atua disposizione un supporto in BACHECAdiscussioni con un tempo di risposta medio sotto le 8h. Un Corso COMPLETO dallo SCATTO alla POSTalla GESTIONEEMOZIONALE"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"le cHiccHe del Maui : la Raccoltissima!" |
"Questo VideoCorso la raccoltissima delle cHiccHe del Maui, una serie di short video con al loro interno dei consigli, molto pratici e diretti, su cosa fare in alcuni casi sul web, nella fotografia, con chi critica le foto. Un prontuario, insomma, di perle da poter sfruttare con effetto immediato. Il Bignami del Maui, come qualcuno lo ha definito. Tutte raccolte in un unico punto e pronte per essere fruite da te. Se segui Maui per la didattica sicuramente queste chicche ti potranno fare piacere. Non acquistare questo VideoCorso se non conosci il Maui, potresti rimanere scandalizzato."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"DIY Food Photography : Fotografalo nella Tua Cucina!" |
"ConDIY Food Photography, farai foto migliori ai tuoi piatti in meno di un'ora.Ogni lezione pratica, e ti mostra come utilizzare le risorse giuste nella tua casa per crearedeliziosi, appetitoseimmagini. Ti guideremo nell'intero processo, saremo disponibili a rispondere a domande lungo il tuo percorso.Che tu sia unfood blogger, auto-proclamato master chef, or e semplicemente un Instagram foodie,questo corso ti dar le capacit necessarie per creare foto professionali di food.Impressiona i tuoi familiari ed i tuoi amici con sensazionali fotografie diGli step delle buona fotografia di food che imparerai in questo corso:Scegliere la migliore location per le tue foto food.Preparare e comporre al meglio i tuoi piatti.Illuminare i tuoi piatti in modo economico per esempio con un poster da1Scegliere i migliori settaggi per la fotocameraComporre 4 tipi di scatto per ottenere le migliori angolazioniEditare le tue foto per renderle ancora piappetibili!Racconta la tua storia!Il nostro obiettivo quello di insegnarti come ottenere milgiori foto di food con qualsiasi fotocamera, ovunque tu sia. Dopo averti guidato nelle basi, ti faremo vedere 5 differenti set di foto food, con setup differenti per cibo e bevante che ti ispirer a riprendere le tue personali foto di food.Bonus: Per chiunque si iscriva ci sar la possibilit di scaricare una ""cheat-sheet""(carta di suggerimenti rapidi)che mostra come comporre i tuoi scatti.Iscriviti ora per iniziare!Non vediamo l'ora di vederti dentro!Will Carnahan,Phil Ebiner &Mauro Prelli"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Boudoir alla Fattoria: Scatto, Luce, Post Produzione Set II" |
"Vuoi migliorare la gestione del soggetto?Vuoi creare scatti sensuali con la luce giusta spendendo poco in attrezzatura?Vuoi post produrre i tuoi scatti con Lightroom in modo da creare immagini di alto effetto?Sei nel posto giusto!In questo secondo set alla Fattoria del Pino, dove potrai imparare come ho realizzato per loro uno degli scatti pubblicitari dalla A alla Z.Potrai capire come GESTIREun set ad elevata sensualit, con modella senza reggiseno ma comunque rimanendo nella DISCREZIONE di una SENSUALITA' elegante. Valorizzerai i TATOOcon la POSTPRODUZIONE in ADOBELightroom CC, dove scomporr il mio flusso di lavoro. Ti passer il mio WORKFLOWe non solo, anche il PRESETche ho realizzato per te, finale, con i passaggi intermedi, che potrai installare direttamente sulla tua copia di LR. Il tutto spiegato con estrema semplicit e dovizia di particolari. Adatto a tutti gli utenti, specialmente a chi vuole imparare a gestire un set in maniera completa, dall'inizio alla fine, per produrre uno scatto PUBBLICITARIOadeguato ed impattante."
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Nik Collection Suite : Silver Efex Pro II" |
"Nik Color Collection ora GRATUITAda Google, una suite potente che costava pi di 400, cosa aspetti a scaricarla?In questo corso imparerai ad utilizzare al meglio uno dei suoi Plugin pi potenti :Silver Efex Pro IITe lo insegner per la piattaforma Adobe Photoshop , ma puoi utilizzarli anche allo stesso modo su Adobe Lightroomed altre piattaforme (vedi alla fine).Quali sono i principali strumenti di cui entrerai in possesso?Maneggiare al meglio ogni singolo cursore, comprendendone le potenzialitRealizzare foto in BIANCOENEROd'effetto in una manciata di secondiCreare i tuoi PRESETpersonalizzatiPersonalizzare i PRESETESISTENTIFar diventare delle foto a colore discrete in POTENTImonocromaticiRisparmiare molto tempo con l'applicazione di PREIMPOSTATIADHOCper quel tipo di fotoChe tu non sappia post produrre in Bianco e Nero oppure che tu sia gi capace apprezzerai questo nuovo strumento che ti permette di ottenere POTENTIrisultati in una manciata di secondi!Il VideoCorso semplice ed aperto a tutti, non richiede alcun pre-requisito di post produzione, va bene sia per chi parte da zero che per chi gi esperto di Photoshop.+Per chi parte da zero:scoprirari un mondo nuovo e molto potente+Per chi gi esperto:condivido il mio workshop persnale con qualche trucchetto che solitamente viene molto apprezzatoNon vedo l'ora di averti nel corso!MauroCompatibilitMac:Mac OS X da 10.7.5 a 10.10Adobe Photoshop da CS4 (CS5 per HDR Efex Pro 2) a CC 2015Adobe Photoshop Elements da 9 a 13 (tranne HDR Efex Pro 2 che non compatibile con Photoshop Elements)Adobe Photoshop Lightroom da 3 a 6/CCApple Aperture 3.1 o versioni successiveWindows:Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8Adobe Photoshop da CS4 a CC 2015Adobe Photoshop Elements da 9 a 13 (tranne HDR Efex Pro 2 che non compatibile con Photoshop Elements)Adobe Photoshop Lightroom da 3 a 6/CC"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Nik Suite: Impostazioni Base, Bianco & Nero, Bleach Bypass" |
"Il primo VideoCorso della Collana diSuccesso NikSoftware, per soddisfare chi desidera impratichirsi su di un filtro nello specifico!Nik Software Gratuita, questo lo sai, l'ultimo prezzo era sopra le 400 e li valeva tutti, ora puoi installarla immediatamente (vedi come nella preview gratuita di questo corso!).Per conoscere in meno di 1h(!)le sue potenzialit ti guido attraverso esempi pratici, concreti, semplici dalle impostazioni base, spiegandoti cosa fa cursore per cursore, fino ad esempi pratici quali.La conversione bianco e neroIl Filtro Bleach ByPassLa lavorazione su livelliInoltre avrai il file psd con tutti i livelli aperti da scaricare e sul quale potrai esercitarti, un Corso Completo che ti permetter subito di partire in grinta con questo potente e gratuito Plugin!In pi in bacheca discussioni potrai postare i tuoi risultati per analisi, perch siano commentati insieme, il tutto compreso nel prezzo del corso!A tua disposizioneMauro ""El Maui""Prelli"
Price: 164.99 ![]() |
"Nik Suite: Glamour Glow, Skylight Filter & Bi-Color Filter" |
"Il secondoVideoCorso dellaCollana diSuccesso NikSoftware (+ di 1000 iscritti!), per soddisfare chi desidera impratichirsi su di un filtro nello specifico!Nik Software Gratuita, questo lo sai, l'ultimo prezzo era sopra le 400 e li valeva tutti, ora puoi installarla immediatamente(vedi come nella preview gratuita di questo corso!).Per conoscerein meno di 1h(!)le sue potenzialitti guido attraverso esempi pratici, concreti, semplici dalle impostazioni base, spiegandoti cosa fa cursore per cursore, fino ad esempi pratici quali.Il filtroglamour glow per un effetto glow in un click sui tuoi ritrattiIl FiltroSky Light che ti permette di recuperarei tuoipaesaggiIl Filtro Bi-Color che ti permetter di rendere pi creativi i tuoi paesaggi, in un click!File scaricabile sul quale potrai esercitarti, un Corso Completo che ti permetter subito di partire in grinta con questo potente e gratuito Plugin!In pi in bacheca discussioni potrai postare i tuoi risultati per analisi, perch siano commentati insieme, il tutto compreso nel prezzo del corso!A tua disposizione nella sezione domande &rispostaNon vedo l'ora di averti con me in questo corsoMauro ""El Maui""Prelli"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Boudoir alla Fattoria : Scatto, Luce, Post Prod : Set III" |
"Vuoi migliorare lagestione del soggetto?Vuoi creare scatti sensuali con la luce giustaspendendo pocoin attrezzatura?Vuoi post produrre i tuoi scatti conPhotoshhopin modo da creare immagini di alto effetto?Sei nel posto giusto!In questo terzo set alla Fattoria del Pino, dove potrai imparare come ho realizzato per loro uno degli scatti pubblicitari dalla A alla Z.Potrai capire come GESTIREun set ad elevata sensualit, con modella senza reggiseno ma comunque rimanendo nellaDISCREZIONE di una SENSUALITA' elegante.Imparerai a gestire il soggetto a luce naturale, artificiale off-camera strobist, seguendo passo passo tutte le dinamiche che ""sbloccano""la modella dalle pose pre-formate che aveva in mente prima. Scoprirari come spostare i limiti della modella per fare si che segua la tua idea di scatto e nei video di de-briefing vengono analizzate tutte le singole dinamiche che hanno portato in pochi minuti ad un risultato eccellente.File scaricabili, post produzione compresa, esercizi per testare il tuo apprendimento sugestione modella.Non vedo l'ora di averti in classe!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 : Le Novit + Bonus Tutorial" |
"Una raccolta dei miei migliori Tutorial, rapidi e dritti al punto.Se non hai tempo di frequentare un corso intero, amerai questo stile, rapido, veloce, diretto.In pochi minuti puoi imparare ad utilizzare le basi degli strumenti indicati.Dai uno sguardo alle free preview per capire quanto sono efficaci e potenti!Questo VideoCorso una selezione dei miei tutorial pi gettonati di sempre, raccolti in una unica e comoda release.Troverai le news dell'ultima versione di Photoshop 2015.5 uscita da poco fino a tutorial che ti permettono di applicare potenti funzioni in poco tempo.L'ambiente di lavoro Adobe Photoshop CC ma anche le versioni precedenti. Ho insegnato queste tecniche nei miei corsi e sono risultate tra le pi preformanti , diversi allievi hanno riscontrato un notevole miglioramento nel loro flusso di lavoro.Provane una gratuitamente e mi dirai anche tu se per te cos!Io sono a tua completa disposizione nella dashboard di discussione, compresa nell'iscrizione, un docente che ti segue e ti risponde velocemente (attualmente la media di 8h per risposta)Non vedo l'ora di averti in classeMauro"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Boudoir alla Fattoria Scatto Luce Post Produzione Set IV" |
"In questo Corso imparerai diverse cose interessanti, tra cui due trucchi molto potenti:La realizzazione di un set esterno con sfondo ad alta sfocatura grazie al TRUCCOFILTRONDUn cielo blu cobalto con il trucco Magic Blue Sunset e l'uso delle gelatine abbinate ad un apposito bilanciamento del biancoLa gestione di un soggetto sensual boudoirin esternaIl controluce favoloso grazie alla tecnica strobist in pieno giornoApprenderai davvero la tecnica grazie ai performanti de-briefing per ogni set liveSarai con me sul set live dove ripreso tutto quello che succede senza tagliPost produrremo lo scatto selezionato passo passo insiemeSei creativo?Vuoi dare quella spinta in pi ai tuoi lavori?Vuoi fare la differenza con i fotografi che non si rinnovano e sentirti dire ""wow: questa foto spacca!""...Ecco cosa otterrai, non solo una tecnica, ma i vantaggi di essere considerato tra i migliori (o il migliore, chi lo sa)nella tua categoria, grazie alle tecniche che applico e che gi mi danno questi risultati.Non vedo l'ora di averti in classe!Mauro"
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Operations Management in small businesses: key techniques" |
"Small business operations are often developed informally and by trial and error. Operations management can make or break a business. As your business grows there will be a need to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of its operations. Operations management techniques, which have their origins in large organisations, can be applied with great results in small businesses. This course is a practical guide to how these proven techniques can be used in small businesses.This course will take you on a journey through:Learning the key concepts of operations management Exploring how operations management can deliver your business strategyLearning how to design products, services, operations and processesExploring how operations can be planned and delivered Learning how operations can always be improvedThe course is aimed at owners and managers of small businesses. It is also suitable for business studies students, at any level, who are keen to run or work in a small business. You do not need any prior theoretical knowledge to take this course. You will need to have a passion for running a successful business, whether now or in the future. Practical experience of small business management or a general overview of the way a particular small business works will help you to relate these techniques directly to real situations. The course comprises 40 lectures in the form of video presentations and includes:4 quizzes to confirm your understanding of the course sectionsMini case studies of the applications of these techniques in a range of small business sectorsSuggestions for activities for you to apply specific techniques to your own business or a business you are familiar withDiscussions where we can share experiences of applying these techniques We will be learning a myriad of techniques including: fitting operations to strategy, optimising flexibility and cost, designing layouts, maximising yield, supply chain management, lean approaches, project planning and control, risk management and quality improvement."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SEO in 2019- 15 Most Important Google Ranking Factors" |
"Learn the 15 Proven Google Ranking Factors to get No #1 Position in Google Search Results. I am doing digital marketing from last 4 years and i have hundreds of clients from all over the world. Most the them ask me a same question that Why their websites don't have a top Position in Google Search Results? and my answer is always same that you're still focusing on Old and Bogus SEO Strategies. After having a deep research on Matt Cutts Videos and Google Webmaster Blog, I am bringing 15 Proven Google's Present and Future Ranking Factors. You will learn how to avoid getting your website penalized and Gain top rank in Google Search Results.This course will give you a clear step by step understanding of Google SEO Guidelines and after completing this course, you'll be able to optimize your website according to the Google's Quality Guidelines. This Course will teach you how to attract free organic traffic from google by focusing on quality Guidelines.In this Search Engine Optimization Course You'll learnSEO Content Optimization - How to create Quality ContentNatural Link Building StrategiesOn-Page/Off-Page Ranking FactorsDomain/Server Ranking FactorsUser Interface/User Experience/Trust FactorsOptimize for Conversational Search/Mobile DevicesSocial Media Optimization/ Power of GOOGLE PLUSand many other Google Ranking Factors. After taking this course you will learn the standards for SEO defined by Google."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ruby on Rails: The Complete Full Stack" |
"Welcome to one of the very first courses to teach Full Stack Development. This course is designed to take you from knowing nothing to being a Junior Full Stack Developer. In this course, you will learn how to develop, deploy, and handlea web application. HTML-HTML5, CSS3, understanding JavaScript, BootStrap, jQuery, Basics of SQL,Ruby 1.9-2.2.3, SASS, Ruby on Rails 4, Git, GitHub, Heroku, andother sectioned courses. I'll go over 70-90% of the syntax of each language, explain what each one does with more Simplified Sense than Technical Jargon, gradually go from simple to hard and then back to simple, and there will be a continual addition of projects where we'll go from designing the website to deploying it to GitHub and Heroku. THIS IS AN UPDATING COURSE WITH NEW SECTIONS THAT WILL BE ADDED LATER ON(COFFEESCRIPTAND HAML)Inside of this course you will findQuizzesPractice Code QuizzesSelf-made GamesDo it yourself projects that are small and easily manageable.An Introduction to Computer Science that covers Memory Allocation to Encryption to Web SecurityA mind boggling amount of knowledgeEach video is encapsulated, which means you can watch a video and not worry about losing your place in the next video.The course is structured to teach you the syntax, test your knowledge of the syntax, and then practice the syntax.What this course won't teach youHow to run and maintain a server or Operating System since there are too many, and I can't predict which one your job will require.How to solve networking problems.How to make Desktop Software or engage in Software Development.How to deal with people.What 42 is.This course is designed to provide a rookie level of Full Stack Development. This course is designed to give you 70%-90% of what a Full Stack Developer should know.If you are new to the web development world, this course is likely for you. If you just went through a couple of HTML and CSS courses, this course is likely for you. If you're looking to learn just Ruby and onwards, this course is likely for you. If you're a Senior Full Stack Developer for Ruby on Rails looking to reaffirm your knowledge, this course will most likely not be for you."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"In Depth Web Development Made Easy" |
"One of the most problematic things about learning Web Development is that Teachers tend to only cover just enough to get you through. This course is about learning Web Development and obtaining a full understanding of all three languages. I take a more direct approach, teaching you nearly all of the syntax and helping you understand why they exist by delving into some of the history about Web Development, and then I reinforce this with quizzes after every 5 videos along with several Code-Along Projects. Each video is so simplified that there is no need to constantly check for the code in the downloads page. Each Part is a full list of Syntax from W3C, the makers of HTML5 and CSS3, so that almost No Syntax is missed. We go over each one and I give you the simplified explanation of what the syntax does and how to use it or why it is used.As my Students from Learn The Quickest Way for Writing a Book that I use can tell you, I take students seriously. I respond within a day and, if it's a problem I think other students may have, I create an entire video just for that one problem.This course will be included inside of each bigger language that I cover, Ruby, C#, Python, and Nodejs. If you have taken multiple Web Development courses and some of the information just doesn't seem to stick, then this is likely the perfect course for you. So, c'mon and join me in learning how to develop websites from scratch!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn The Quickest Way For Writing a Book that I use" |
"After having written over one hundred novels, tens of thousands of articles, and tens of scripts, I have developed a method of breaking down anything and easily writing it in the fastest way possible. This course is designed to make the process more about the writing than trying to figure out what happens next. The number one problem that I have noticed many veteran and new writers have when they either want to write something else, or something new, is that they have always relied on their creativity to get the work down. I was like this as well, but I needed more work and I had noticed that I had a natural talent for breaking down articles for different subjects. I applied this to my writing and honed this technique over the years to where I can write 4 80,000 word novels in a month. This course will go over the techniques that I use on a daily basis to deliver entire movie scripts, novels, articles, and even dissertations. This select set of organizational methods will work with any subject and many will find this course is very simplistic by nature, easy to learn and grasp, and is easily deployable in current work. The course is just a little over a half hour, but is so impactful that it will entirely change how most writers go about their work. Each video covers a different part of the writing and is divided between fiction, and nonfiction, to cover both topics. If there was ever a moment where you simply had to take a few days to try and find inspiration instead of actually writing more, this course is most likely for you. It shows you how to find more content within the content that you already have and how to organize the book so that you will almost never have a moment where you need to rely on a moment of inspiration that can take hours to months to have. This is the method I use to have a continous source of creativity and how I am always able to cover any topic that is handed to me."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn How I Write A Movie Script within a Month" |
"This course is a complementary course to the How I Write a Novel within a month, but it is its own course. Taking the other course will simply benefit you more. In this course, we will go over taking an idea, creating a page summary from the idea, creating a Treatment from that page summary, and turning that Treatment into a full-fledged screenplay. This is a no-nonsense course that has a ton of information packed into a small amount of time. By the end of this course, a student will be able to take practically anything they want and turn it into a working screenplay. Once we're done making and formatting a screenplay, I show you how to make a query letter, which is how you'll get an agent or a director to look at your screenplay to make it in a movie. These are industry standard methods of stepping your literary foot into Hollywood.Not only do I cover the entire Screenplay Creation Process(not a software), but I give helpful tips on how to avoid getting that nasty writer's block. I also talk about the different types screenplays beyond the basic dialogue screenplays and how to draw on the inspiration of the screenplay writers that have come before to solve problems you're currently having.If you're new to the industry and want to quickly learn pretty much everything there is to learn about screenplay writing, then this is the course for you. I have been professionally ghostwriting screenplays for years and have even had the pleasure of watching my hidden works come out on the big screen. I have never written a screenplay that I took credit for and I don't mind that, because ghostwriting has the benefit of short-term risk, which means so long as the client likes it I still get paid.This course goes from literally nothing, to a full-fledge screenplay and a query letter. I walk you through each step and real life reasons why certain things are done a certain way, like why filler characters are put into the character summary when they're not that important. So, come on in and let's write a screenplay."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Inspirational Web Development - A Beginner Approach -" |
"Inspirational Web Development Course is a course meant to take you from knowing absolutely nothing about web development to first step in creating websites. This course takes a practical approach so you won't be board by power point slides or boring content. You will have fun and learn lots of inspirational techniques that may change your future career.Please note that if you are familiar in using HTML5 and CSS3 and you can create webpages using them. This course IS NOT the right course for you.You will create a:Personal Webpage.& You will learn:HTML5CSS3Javascript ( a little )Challenge yourself and start making your dreams come true, we are waiting for hard working students!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide to Personal Finance & Saving Thousands" |
"In this course, I plan to go educate you onevery aspect of personal finance, as well as how you can immediately begin saving thousands of dollars every year and feel great about your financial future for the rest of your life. In case you couldn't tell, finance is incredibly exciting to me, and I hope the knowledge taught in this course will bring you all of the same success it's brought me, saving nearly $15,000 every year using the knowledge I'll be teaching you.Although many courses on here are taught via lecture slides and voice-overs, I personally hated learning that way and found it very hard to focus. I'm not going to just read off a slide while I sit in my underwear, I'm going to speak directly to you throughout the course in order to keep your attention and have some fun, in addition to walking you through various programs, easy PowerPoint slides, and processes through live screen recordings, with nearly 3 hours of engaging, extremely high-quality 1080p HD video content (filmed on a camera I spent way too much money on, just for this course). You should enroll in my course not only because I've been creating highly in-depth budgets in order to live a very comfortable lifestyle for the past 5 years, but because I will provide you with all of the necessary tools and every ounce of knowledge for you to do the same. Everything from Excel templates to negotiation tools, I made learning the lessons taught in this course as efficient as possible. In addition to that, I will always be available as a mentor for my students to answer questions and guide you along the way.Whether you're a college student ready to break out into the real world, or an experienced working professional looking to save more money to ensure a more comfortable retirement, I can assure you anyone will find value in this course that will last a lifetime.I can assure you that the cost of the course alone will be saved within your first month of budgeting. If you're not completely happy with it, let me know and I will personally find a way to ensure I've helped you in one way or another. If there's really nothing I can do to help you financially, then you're always welcome to take advantage of Udemy's money-back guarantee.Thank you, and I hope to be teaching you soon!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Create Java API's fast and simple" |
"Course DescriptionLearn the basic concepts of API's to include HTTP based REST with JSON payloads. Learn how to create a working system with Java using the Jersey 2.0 framework and Swagger to create API documentation. Learn how to create an API that connects to MongoDB. We walk thru creating some simple API's and follow thru with deployment onto a Tomcat application server. This development is presented on a Mac OSX with Java 1.7 and deployed on a Linux server in a cloud environment.Build a strong foundation in API development with Java. This course helps you understand and implement API's using Java and Jersey technology for your own back end server with the latest technologies.Java 1.7 programming languageEclipse 4Maven 3Jersey 2.0Swagger 2.0Mac OSX 10.11LinuxTomcat 7MongoDBProfessional skills and experience from an iOS Architect with over 8 years experience.Learn the fundamentals but also tips and tricks of the experts. Learn about the different type of API end points and how to create a full end to end solution. We will walk thru the project setup and all required elements to create a full end to end API server.Content and Overview This course explains key technology concepts of API's with REST and JSON technology in a Java system. We show development from start to finish to include deployment on a live production server not just a test machine.What am I going to get from this course?Detailed knowledge of how to create Java based REST/JSON API'sLearn how to setup a Maven project in EclipseLearn how to document your API's using Swagger.Learn how to use MongoDB as the back end for API's.Teaching by example, several hands on examples showing every detail to the smallest degree from starting a new application to deploying it in production.Access to Instructors GitHub account with many extras and examples.If you don't have a a production server device don't worry, we show you how to test everything on your local computer.Note: Development is all described on a Mac OSX notebook, Windows is not address. Java is a portable language and all the tools described in this calss are available on Java as well but no intention is made to describe how to setup them up of use the Windows versions."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"iOS 9 NSNotificationCenter in Swift (Not Push Notifications)" |
"Course DescriptionLearn the basic concepts of Apples NSNotificationSystem with the Swift programming language for iOS 9.Build a strong foundation in XCode 7 and Swift. This course helps you understand and implement the NSNotificationSystem framework in your own app with the latest technologies.Swift programming languageXCocde 7iOS 9NSNotificationSystem frameworkProfessional skills and experience from an iOS Architect with over 8 years experience.Learn the fundamentals but also tips and tricks of the experts. Learn about the NSNotificationSystem framework. We will walk thru XCode setup and creation of a project iOS iPhone application that uses the NSNotificationSystem framework.Content and Overview This course explains Apples NSNotificationSystem framework systems and how it is used with iPhone application development. We explain the overall system in detail focused on developers not the marketing folks. We explain how the NSNotificationSystem framework works and how to integrated into an application with examples in Swift, Apples latest programming language for the iPhone. All examples are based on iOS 9.What am I going to get from this course?Detailed explanations of the NSNotificationSystem framework for iOS 9Learn how to integrate into your apps from an iOS professionalSuitable for any iOS programmer, Swift basics for NSNotificationSystem is presented, no experience as a UI developer or server developer is expected.Teaching by example with hands on examples showing technical details."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn iOS 9 Push Notifications" |
"Course DescriptionLearn the basic concepts of Apples Push Notification System with the Swift programming language for iOS 9.Build a strong foundation in XCode 7 and Swift. This course helps you understand and implement the Remote and Local Notification System in your own app with the latest technologies.Swift programming languageXCocde 7iOS 9 Apples Push Notification System (APNS)Professional skills and experience from an iOS Architect with over 8 years experience.Learn the fundamentals but also tips and tricks of the experts. Learn about the Apples Push Notification System. We will walk thru XCode setup and creation of a project iOS iPhone application that uses the Apples Push Notification System.Content and Overview This course explains Apples Push Notification System for Local and Remote Notifications and how it is used with iPhone application development. We explain the overall system in detail focused on developers not the marketing folks. We explain how Notifications works and how to integrated into an application with examples in Swift, Apples latest programming language for the iPhone. All examples are based on iOS 9.Why send Apple Push Notifications?Send in-app messages to your users.Provide a message in the ""Notification Tray"" of the phone.Keep users aware of new content.Make users aware of required actions.And many more uses!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Become a Microsoft Excel Wizard in 1 Hour" |
"Don't waste your time on long, boring course that you may never finish. Learn essential Microsoft Excel skills in 1 hour that will help you to:Save timeBoost earning potentialImpress your bossThis course will help those with a basic understanding of Excel to turbocharge their skills (and become the office superhero). It covers critical features which provide the most immediate value. Each is clearly explained in video tutorials, which you can follow along with using the sample file. A quick reference guide is also included that can be taken to the office so you will know what feature to use and when to use them.This course will work with Excel 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Algebra for Beginners" |
"This course is aimed at beginners, those who are just starting out or who are unfamiliar with basic algebra and wanting to refresh their knowledge and skills. It is broken down into bitesize chunks making it suitable for both learning and revising. You will gain an understanding and be able to put in to practice knowledge and skills in the areas of:Positive and Negative NumbersOrder of Operations using BODMAS/BIDMAS/PEMDASConstants, Variables and ExpressionsCollecting Like TermsForming and Solving Equations and more...If you are wanting to prepare for what lies ahead or simply gain a better understanding in these areas then this course is ideal for you. The engaging and informative videos, course notes and practice questions with worked answers, will help you add algebra to your growing list of mathematical strengths."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"So you want a Grade C in your Maths GCSE? (Part 2)" |
"This revision course has been designed for GCSE Maths Foundation Tier students aiming to get a Grade C (Level 4/5). It is suitable for all Foundation Tier Maths students and all exam boards. This revision course is made up of some of the topic areas that appear most often in exam papers. It has been designed as an extension of the extremely popular course 'So you want a Grade C in your Maths GCSE (Part 1)'. It covers even more of the most popular topics seen in GCSE Maths Foundation exam papers.Each topic area consists of:Video examples of exam questionsExam questions for you to complete (from the screen or downloadable to print)Video answers to the exam questionsThis course is essential for students who want to push their performance up to a Grade C the equivalent to a Level 4/5. Watching the video examples, completing the questions and then watching the video answers will not only improve knowledge but also boost confidence. Being able to watch both the example and solution videos of exam questions, as if the teacher is right in front of you, is what makes this course unique.Practising exam questions is proven to be the best way of building confidence, knowledge and exam technique. This revision course is the gateway to getting that Grade C (Level 4/5). Remember it's never too late to start revising!If you have any questions or concerns then feel free to drop me a message or start a discussion. Together we can get you that Level 4/5 (Grade C)! Good luck!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |