Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Aprenda Lgica de Programao" |
"O curso de Lgica de Programao contm 30 aulas abordado tudo sobre a lgica usada para os programadores desenvolver seus aplicativos e programas.O curso te dar todo suporte para trabalhar com todo tipo de linguagem, abordando a elaborao, estruturao e desenvolvimento de um projeto.Estarei disponvel para qualquer eventual dvida durante o curso. Um certificado ser enviado para aqueles alunos que completarem todos os mdulos.Te vejo no curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Adobe Premier" |
"O curso completo de Premiere CC possui 70 video aulas, sendo 30 de nvel bsico, 40 de nvel avanado. O treinamento dado no curso voltado para tanto para rea de edio de vdeos, criao de apresentaes, montagens, intros e trabalhos grficos, possibilitando o aluno gerar sua prpria renda com os projetos criados no Adobe Premiere.Adquira o curso e receba seu certificado de Editor de Vdeos, temos tambm um pacote com mais 4 cursos na rea de edio de vdeos.Estarei disponvel para qualquer eventual dvida durante o curso. Um certificado ser enviado para aqueles alunos que completarem todos os mdulos.Te vejo no curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Construa seu site com Joomla" |
"Joomla! (pronuncia-se djumla) um dos principais sistemas de gesto de contedo da atualidade (Content Management System - CMS). A separao entre design, programao e contedo permite uma grande flexibilidade na produo de sites com design extremamente customizados. Alm disso, existem milhares de templates prontos que agilizam o processo de criao de sites com rapidez e menor investimento.O curso completo de Joomla possui 42 video aulas, ensinando tudo sobre a criao de sites completos em Joomla. O treinamento dado no curso voltado para tanto para rea de criao de sites quanto para rea de edio de templates em Joomla.Estarei disponvel para qualquer eventual dvida durante o curso. Um certificado ser enviado para aqueles alunos que completarem todos os mdulos.Te vejo no curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Crie sites responsivos com Bootstrap" |
"O Bootstrap uma ferramenta de framework que permite a produo de sites com tecnologia mobile (responsivo) sem a necessidade da programao CSS do zero.O curso completo de Bootstrap possui 54 video aulas, contendo tudo sobre esse maravilhoso recurso de estilizao de pginas web, neste curso pegamos todas suas classes e elementos que podem ser aplicados nas pginas web, mostro como us-los para uma melhor estilizao e criao de novos recursos para as pginas, adquira j o curso e se torne um front-end profissional.Estarei disponvel para qualquer eventual dvida durante o curso. Um certificado ser enviado para aqueles alunos que completarem todos os mdulos.Te vejo no curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de C++" |
"O curso completo de C++ possui 29 video aulas, contm todos os cdigos de programao desta linguagem e a criao completa de um sistema feito em C++. O treinamento dado no curso voltado para tanto para rea de criao de sistemas e programas quanto suporte para ter base de como programar independente da linguagem usada.Adquira j o curso e se ingresse nessa excelente linguagem, comece j a desenvolver com c++ e criar seus programas, um excelente curso para quem gosta de prgramar."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Loja Virtual com Wordpress" |
"O curso completo de Loja virtual com Wordpress possui 45 video aulas, no curso voc ir aprender a criar uma loja virtual completa com sistema para correios, carrinho de compras, pagamentos com cartes e boletos, produtos digitais para download e muito mais, voc ter um painl para administrar tudo em sua loja, adquira j e se torne um profissional WEB, desenvolva sites sem nenhum conhecimento em programao, somente usando os plugins do wordpress."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Criando blog com Bootstrap" |
"O Bootstrap uma ferramenta de framework que permite a produo de sites com tecnologia mobile (responsivo) sem a necessidade da programao CSS do zero.O curso completo de Criao de sites com Bootstrap possui 34 video aulas, nele criamos um blog com as classes do bootstrap e tambm aprendemos a usar as classes em javascript e jquery para criao de menus animados, abas, galerias responsivas e muito mais, se voc pretende ou j trabalha com desenvolvimento web no pode deixar de aprender essa poderosissma ferramenta.Estarei disponvel para qualquer eventual dvida durante o curso. Um certificado ser enviado para aqueles alunos que completarem todos os mdulos.Te vejo no curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Angular JS" |
"O curso completo de Angular JS focado na criao de sistemas para web, no curso aprendemos todos os comandos desse poderoso framework e criamos um sistema para web de cadastro de clientes, se voc trabalha ou pretende trabalhar na rea de web no pode deixar de acompanhar esse curso e aprender essa magnifica ferramenta.</p><p><br></p><p>Estarei disponvel para qualquer eventual dvida durante o curso. Um </p><p>certificado ser enviado para aqueles alunos que completarem todos os </p><p>mdulos.<br>Te vejo no curso!</p>"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de ASP.NET com C#" |
"O curso completo de ASP.NET possui 76 video aulas, contendo tudo sobre esta linguagem, neste curso voc aprender a trabalhar com asp dentro do visual studio para desenvovimento de projetos voltados para web, ele ideal para criao de sistemas, veremos diversos recursos e controles especficos voltados para o desenvolvimento, se voc j programa ou ainda iniciante este o curso ideal para deslanchar sua carreira, uma das linguagens que atualmente mais crescem no mercado mundial, pois a tendencia dos sistemas hoje em dia de funcionarem online via WEB."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sistema WEB com ASP.NET" |
"O curso completo de Criao de Sistemas com ASP.NET possui 35 video aulas, preciso que o aluno tenha acompanhado o curso de ASP.NET antes ou j saiba trabalhar com a linguagem e com seus componentes, neste curso abordado a ligao de Banco de dados SQL com Asp.Net e criado um projeto com um sistema web com sistema de login, cadastros, banco de dados, comunicao com componentes e muito mais.Faa j o curso e receba seu certificado de desenvolvedor web, qualquer dvida que tenha basta nos enviar que auxiliamos os alunos"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Access - Sistema Financeiro" |
"O curso Sistema Financeiro em Access possui 66 aulas e nele criamos um sistema completo no access 2013 sem o uso de programao, usando apenas os recursos dos componentes do access, neste curso o aluno fia capacitado a desenvolver todo e qualquer tipo de sistema dentro do access podendo gerar sua prpria renda desenvolvendo Programas.Estarei disponvel para qualquer eventual dvida durante o curso. Um certificado ser enviado para aqueles alunos que completarem todos os mdulos.Te vejo no curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sistema de Estoque com Delphi" |
"Desenvolva j seus sistemas e programas com DelphiO curso de Delphi Sistemas contm 42 aulas e acompanham todos os arquivos e fontes, voc vai aprender programar em Delphi criando um sistema de estoque pronto para a venda, se tornando assim um programador Delphi e podendo gerar sua prpria renda desenvolvendo Programas.Estarei disponvel para qualquer eventual dvida durante o curso. Um certificado ser enviado para aqueles alunos que completarem todos os mdulos.Te vejo no curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Node JS" |
"O curso de Node JS possui 28 aulas de 5 a 8 minutos cada, o curso voltado para quem pretende trabalhar na rea de aplicaes web, nele mostro o passo a passo de como usar essa poderosa ferramenta para desenvolver seus projetos e trabalhar com servidores web.Conteudo principal do curso- Instalao do Node JS- Instalao do Intelli J Ideas- Criando um novo Projeto- Iniciando com o cdigo- Executando o Projeto- Funes e variveis- Criando uma funo callback- Executando uma funo callback- Referencias e trocas de parametros- Comparao de valores- Incrementando Valores- Decrementando Valores- Adicionando objetos as funes- Buscando funes externas- Chamando variveis e func externas- Criando arquivos pelo cdigo- Executando o cdigo com setInterval- Conectando com o servidor- Abrindo projeto com servidor local- Chamando pginas html no servidor- Usando servidor nativo- Testando servidor nativo- Chamando pginas no servidor nativo- Criando projeto com Servidor NPM- Testando o servidor NPM"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"C# Orientado a Objetos - Sistema Vendas" |
"O curso completo de Sistemas de Vendas com C# possui 71 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender criar um sistema de Vendas completo usando o banco de dados SQL Server, toda programao orientada a objetos facilitando muito as conexes e cadastros, com este curso o aluno estar apto a criar diversos sistemas usando C#.Estarei disponvel para qualquer eventual dvida durante o curso. Um certificado ser enviado para aqueles alunos que completarem todos os mdulos.Te vejo no curso!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Java WEB" |
"O curso de Java WEB possui 60 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a desenvolver sistemas web usando java e banco de dados mysql, neste curso mostrado tudo sobre bibliotecas, conexo com o banco, componentes, desenvolvimento com servidor Tomcat, e muito mais, tudo que o aluno precisa saber para comear a desenvolver seus sistemas web e comear a gerar sua renda criando programas e sistemas, adquira j.Faa j o curso e comece a desenvolver pra WEB, pegue seu certificado e se torne um Programador WEB."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Android Studio" |
"O curso de Android Studio contm 62 aulas e acompanham todos os arquivos e fontes, nele o aluno aprender a usar a plataforma do Android Studio para criar suas aplicaes para mobile, este um curso voltado para quem est iniciando na rea de Android ou pretende iniciar, nele mostramos ferramentas, recursos, cdigo fonte, banco de dados, etc, tudo que o aluno precisa para comear a desenvolver suas aplicaes para Android, no curso ensinado como instalar o aplicativo e testar no prprio celular, sem ficar dependendo de rodar com emuladores.Adquira j o curso e ganhe sua certificao em Android Studio e se torne um Desenvolvedor Mobile."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Sistema Farmcia Java WEB" |
"O curso de Sistema Farmcia com Java WEB possui 90 aulas, no curso criamos um sistema de frmacia como modelo, mas voc poder implementar este sistema para vrios outros que precise, o banco de dados que usamos o mysql, criamos as consultas, buscas, cadastros e muito mais, usamos o prime faces para inserir os componentes e dar um visual melhor no sistema, com este curso o aluno tambm estar apto a desenvolver sites com java, adquira j o curso completo e comeo a vender seus sistemas.Receba seu certificado de Programador WEB Java, comece ja a lucrar vendendo seus sistemas."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Android com Mysql" |
"O curso de Android com banco de dados mysql possui 31 aulas, com elas o aluno ir aprender passo a passo como trabalhar em seus aplicativos com banco de dados mysql, no curso criamos uma classe para fazer a conexo do aplicativo com os arquivos PHP que contm a conexo com o banco de dados, com isso o aluno poder desenvolver seus aplicativos usando banco de dados web, deixando muito mais dinmica sua aplicao, adquira j o curso.Desenvolva j seus aplicativos com o melhor banco de dados existente hoje no mercado e receba j seu certificado."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Python" |
"O curso de Python possui 60 aulas, neste curso o aluno aprender a linguagem Python.Nele mostrado como desenvolver usando os comandos e a sintaxe Python atualizada seguindo a documentao estipulada pelos criadores da linguagem.Esta uma das linguagens que mais crescem no mundo, pois com Python possvel desenvolver sistemas, jogos, aplicativos mobile e muito mais.Adquira j nosso curso e ingresse nessa nova linguagem.Torne-se um grande programador, acompanhe nossos cursos e comece j a desenvolver!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Como Superar Bloqueios Emocionais que Impedem a Prosperidade" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido para quem est querendo se livrar de bloqueios emocionais que impedem a prosperidade e ter uma vida de merecimento. um mergulho de autoconhecimento quefacilitar a identificao dos inimigos internos.Se voc est cansando de ser refm dos mesmos problemas emocionais e no consegueidentificar onde se esconde o vilo que sabota o seu avano na vida, ento esse curso paravoc.Tudo o que voc precisa fazer aprender como nosso inconsciente funciona dando um novosignificado aos sentimentosque causaram estresse, dor ou tristeza.Voc ter melhor compreenso de si mesmo e das pessoas ao seu redor e com isso ir criarmelhores habilidades na vida pessoal, profissional e nos relacionamentos.No curso vocencontrar aulas em vdeo, apresentaese exerccios que facilitaro aaprendizagem. Trata-se de um curso de desenvolvimento pessoalque ir causar umatransformaosegura, sustentvel e duradoura.Voc ir otimizar o seutempo vivendo melhor,aprendendoa se libertar do peso emocional que roubaa clareza e energia."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Promo Video: Create a 'Sticky' Kick-Ass Viral Video in 1 Day" |
"Do You Want to Learn how to Make a 'Sticky' Animated Video that Gets Your Customers Excited and Ready to Buy? I will teach you how to create a super sticky animated video that is fun and will get your customers excited. Plus you'll get Feedback along the way. Students Are Loving this Class:Over 500 Sign Ups on the 1st Day alone!3,000+ Animation Students (Full Version & Lite Version)5 Star Rating>>>By the time this class is over, you will have a killer demo video.<<<>>>Please Take Advantage of This Pricing as prices have been increasing and another increase is coming.<<<This Course Will Focus on Helping you Create a Kick Ass, Pro-Quality Animated Video in a few Short Hours without having to learn Complicated Software or Spend Hundreds or even Thousands. I will teach you how to make Pro-Quality videos in 1 day using TWO Types of Pro-Quality Software one of which has a Free Version.You will Also Learn:The Single Most Difficult part to creating a 'Great Video' which is, learning how to Tell a Story that moves your audience to Action!...And You Will Know when Your Story is on the right track by Getting Constant Feedback from the Class!>>>By the time this class is over, you will have a killer demo video.<<<Im going to teach you how to create a Kick-Ass Animated Promo Video using 2 Different types of Software, one of which has a Free Version!Doing it yourself often requires learning professional animation software like After Effects, Flash, or Maya which is expensive and too complex to learn.Instead, I am going to train you in using 2 Different Types of Professional Grade Animation Software which will cost you less than $80 or even Free with the non-paid version. A Great Video is all about the Story it Tells. I will teach you the 5 Elements that will help you create a 'Sticky' Story that Moves your Audience to Action!Have you noticed how sticky 'gossip' is? For some reason a juicy story just goes viral almost without effort. In this course, we will cover the 5 elements that make stories really sticky and apply them in our videos.In this Class, I will show you how to Tell a Story that Moves your Audience to Action using Animation. Best of All You will Get Feedback from the Class on the Quality of Your Story & Video and be able to Product Pro-Quality Videos in 1 Day!This Class is a Step by Step, interactive guide that will take you from 'Concept' to 'Story' To 'Animated Video' in 1 Day.Most Importantly, this is an Interactive Class in which You Will Get Feedback from the Class!Imagine if you could have instant feedback each step of the way? Now you can! This is one of the best ways to 'Test' your ideas, stories, and videos and make sure that you are building something people will love.We will cover:How to Create Killer Content that is Interesting, that Connects with your Audience and Moves them to action!Learn how to write an Awesome Story and Dialogue and get Feedback from the Class.The Secrets of Pacing, the 6 Second Rule and the Power of 2minutes.How to Animate Using 2 Types of SoftwarePractice Animating a popular 30 Second CommercialStaging 101, Do's and Don'ts as well as the 'Salutes Test'AIDA and a few tricks to get your audience to do just anything you want...In a few short hours you will learn everything you need know to produce a kick-ass demo video that will save thousands of dollars. Best of all, you will get Feedback and Exposure from sharing your video with the Class.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Students Are Loving this ClassOver 500 Sign Ups on the 1st Day alone!3,000 Animation Students5 Star Rating-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See What Some of the Students are Saying:""This is 1 of the better course on creating promo video. Stefan show us various tools to make thing easy. Follow the step in the course I am able to create a simple promo in under a few mins. I will play around with it more and create some kiss ass video. I will look forward to more course and hopefully stefan will keep adding lecture to this course. I rate this as a 5 star course"" Marc Kenny ""This is a superb course on creating a killer promo video. the instructor is very knowledgeable in this area. Able to demonstrate how to use various character and sync your story line. With this course I am confident to create my next killer promo video. I highly recommend this course to anyone who want bring their video to the next level."" Sam Choo"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Make a Cool Animated Demo Video for Free" |
"With Over 2,700 Students and 4.5 Star Rating this is one of the Best Courses on Making Animated Promo Videos!Getting a demo video produced professionally can costs thousands of dollars which unfortunately many startups cannot afford to spend.Professional animation software like After Effects, Flash, or Maya is expensive and too complex to learn.In this course Im going to teach you how to create an awesome animated demo video with just PowToons for FREE!PowToons is cheap, and offers a Free Trail Version you can use to create your Animated Videos. You can unlimited Free Videos using this software.This Course is a Step by Step Guide that Will Show You have to make an Animated Demo Video in 1 Hr. We will do this by remaking a popular, Master Card Commercial. You know the ones, ""Hotdog $5, 2 Seats near the dugout $150, Spending an afternoon with your son, Priceless""We will cover:1. Overview of using PowToons: This includes 2 Comprehensive Section covering everything you need to know in about 20 minutes.2. Creating MasterCard Animated Video: We will dive right in and start creating MasterCard Animated Commercial. The audio track is provided in the Resources.3. Mastering the Nuances of Animation: Learn how to create a Finished product and getting to perfect.In 1 hour you will learn everything you need know to produce an animated promo video that will save you thousands of dollars. Best of all, by the end of the class you will have created your first video!What Makes this Class Special?We Dive Right Into the AnimationHand On Class. You will be Animating Right AwayQuick and to the Point! You will master this in 1hr.Very Detailed: Regardless of your background you will be able to follow along and make videosVery Simple, Easy and Fun to LearnYou can chose the speed you want to go. This course is designed so everyone can follow. Even if you have a hard time with computers, you will be able to animate by the end of this course.What are the requirements:Mac or PCNo Software to DownloadGreat Attitude!What am I going to get from this course?Over 12 lectures and 1 hour of Video Content!Practice Making your Promo Video throughout the ClassA Finished, Pro-Quality Animated Video which you Created!What is the target audience?First Timers to AnimationSmall Business ownersAnyone interested in Animating"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to use Psychology to Tell Story that Sell" |
"This Course has gone Viral!Over 2,000+ Students in 10 Days!!15+ Rocking Near Perfect Reviews!!!Do you want to Master the Art of Communicating Complex Ideas & Getting People to Take Action? In this course you will learn how to turn your ideas into sticky, contagious pieces of content that get people to take Action!See What some of the Students are Saying:""Extraordinary course!"" Brooke Haggermaker ""Excellent primer on the thought process of developing content that influences people."" Gerard DeSousa""Great thought provoking ideas, explained very succinctly. Content is original, I've not come across these ideas before in regards to writing and can also be applied to other areas of communicating in your life as well eg concept of simplicity. Pace is good and this instructor is easy and interesting to listen to. I would recommend this course."" Bethany HoltCommunicating Complex Ideas & Getting People to Take ACTION Can Be Very Very Difficult! Have you ever:Explained your idea more than once?Had a hard time getting someone's attention or keeping it?Tried to convince someone of your idea but had a hard time getting them to agree?Felt that people often didnt understand or remember your ideas?Problems getting people to care?Noticed that even when your idea is liked, no one is taking action?Whether you are a CEO, a Marketer or a Stay at Home Mom you have Ideas you need to share: Selling your Boss on a Great New IdeaCreating a Viral Marketing Campaign Trying to install certain values in your kids Transforming the way people think can be very HARD!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Good News is There is a Specific Way to Craft a Great Idea into a Story which Inherently Pulls the audience, Takes them on a Journey and Gets them to Act! > This is why you watch all of those Facebook Videos, can't help but to click on the Latest BuzzFeed Article and spend countless hours (most of us anyway) being Entertained. Psychologically, we can not Resist Great Content.... and the Good News is that Sticky Content can be Manufactured.. and it can be Created by YOU!I did a lot of Research, A/B test and Growth Hacking and all of it pointed to 5 key Ingredients:Great Ideas Tell Stories that are Simple and get to the Core QuicklyGreat Ideas are so Tangible that you could almost Touch themGreat Ideas Make us Feel Something and CareGreat Ideas are Surprising and bring New InformationGreat Ideas are Credible & TrustworthyWhen done right, great ideas lead us to our own personal Aha Moment a Wow Experience'In this course you will learn how to: Transform your Ideas into a Sticky Stories which is the first step in Viral MarketingWrite Viral Copywrite that is Psychologically IrresistibleCreate Content that is Memorable & SharedCreate Stories that Lead to Aha MomentsGive your audience Wow Experiences'We are going cover the Research and a number of Case Studies. The course will focus on the 5 main techniques used to create sticky stories.These techniques are often used by companies like Apple, Facebook, Google, who know exactly how to do this.Viral Marketing is the next wave of marketing. It is no longer about hacking SEO or other systems. It is now all about hacking the human psyche. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Right Now there is a Tremendous Opportunity in Creating Very Sticky, Psychologically Irresistible Content. > This is becoming more and more popular everyday as more and more research comes out. This is the best time to do it, before there is an over abundance of sticky content.Lets Get Started! Take This Course Right Now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Chatbot Conference 2017" |
"Do you want to learn about Chatbots from Facebook, Google, Slack, Dashbot, Assist, GupShup, Swelly, Chatbots Life & Many More?The Chatbot Conferencefeatured the top bot entrepreneurs, speakers, and platform with the single goal of sharing the most impactful insights with the goal of the answering the most pressing questions in the Chatbot Space. We want to discover what is working, what patterns are emerging, what should bot builders be building, what are the best ways to market andmonetize your bot and much more.36of the Top Speakers in the Bot SpaceLearn from platforms such asFacebook, Slack, Google, etcLearn from Top Bot Startups like Swelly, Sensay, Foxsy & more.Get insights from Analytics from Dashbot &BotAnalyticsSee what is working in for Brands, Enterprises, Startups & moreFuture of BotsWhat Types of Botsshould Bot MakersBuild?One of thegoals is to gain insight into the Chatbot space and see what is working best. We want to get a top down view of the Chatbot ecosystem, see what use cases and types of interactions that are winning and be able to answer this simple question:What types of Bots should Bot Makers be Building?How should Chatbots beBuilt?Once we have an idea of What to Build, next is the question of how to build it. We will explore tools and discuss chatbot UX design and best practices. Lastly, we cover discovery and monetization strategies and learn from the most successful bots.Topics & SpeakersChatbot EcosystemEcosystem Panel: On this panel we will explore the current state of the Chatbot ecosystem with top thinkers and thought leaders in the space. Our panelists will give us their thoughts on emerging trends, patterns and provide us with their perspective on what the Chatbot landscape looks today, and what it will look like in the future.SpeakersAnand Arivukkarasu Product Growth, FacebookArte Merritt CEO & Co-Founder, DashbotJack Crawford CEO & Founder, DatalogIlker Koksal CEO & Co-Founder, BotAnalyticsDavid Pichsenmeister Co-founder, OratioInsights from Top Bots Panel: Get practical advice for bot creators. Our panel of experts explore the what it takes to have success in the Chatbot space, with insights sourced directly from successful bots.SpeakersLiz Snower Co-Founder, CONVRGJin Tanaka Founder, FoxsySam Udotong Founder, FirefliesIlian Georgiev CEO / Co-Founder, HiCharlieCrystal Rose CEO, SensayChatbot UX&DesignAmir Shevat, Head of Developer Relations @Slack:Keynote DesigningBotsAmir is the Head of Developer Relations at Slack and the author of Designing Bots. In his Keynote, Amirshares his insightsinto designing bots and also gives some hints on how to get your bot featured by Slack.Shane Mac,Founder & CEO@Assist:It's not about Bots it's about FrictionShane is the Founder and CEO of Assist, one of the top hi-end bot builders. Assist has helped companies like 1-800 Flowers launch their bot on Messenger and across a variety of other channels. In this talk, Shane discuss the true power of bots and brings the CTO of 1-800 Flowers on Stage to Discuss how Bots are impacting large enterprises.Bot UX & Design Panel:We explore the latest trends and techniques on designing chatbots. Discuss how designing bots is different and what is working best.SpeakersAlex Quintana Product Manager, QuizletRob Lubow Co-founder & Chief Creative Officer, BotcopyVittorio Banfi Co-Founder & CEO, BotsocietyObaid Ahmed CEO & Founder, BotMockJoshua Nguyen Product Principal, HipmunkChatbot AI &NLPAlex Weidauer, Co-Founder & CEO@Rasa: AI with Alexfrom RasaAlexander Weidauer is co-founder and CEO of Rasa, the leading open source conversational AI company for the enterprise. He shares the latest state of Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing and how they are quickly evolving in the bot space.Mert Topcu,Founder@Bdost: AI &NLP for BotsMert is the Founder of Bdost and theSr, Program Manager of Google Assistant where he is helping drive the future the mother of all voice-activated assistants.Previously he helped launch Amazon Kindle and his background is in Ai, NLP, and business.In his spare time, Mert is co-authoring the Book on Developing chatbots with Stefan.In this talk Mert gives an overview of the current state of NLP/NLU and where it needs to go from here. He also discusses briefly on how we can best leverage NLU in bots from a technical perspective.Emerging Bot TechnologyMark Stephen Meadows, Co-Founder & CEO@Botanic:Chatbot AvatarsMark StephenMeadows is an American author, inventor, and artist.He has 15 years in AI, 20 in VR, and 5 in blockchain he has designed and developed AI applications at some of the world's top research labs (Xerox-PARC, SRI, Waag, and others).As founder and CEO of Botaniche leads the vision of the company by inventing new methods of computer-human interaction, designing the hearts and minds of highly social software robots. The bots that Botanic is working on are like cartoon characters you can talk to.Beerud Sheth,Founder@GupShup: Bot2BotGupshup, a smart messaging platform that enables developers to build messaging bots and services that work across all channels. Beerud is a huge proponent of Bot2Bot messaging and recently launched a messaging channel for bots to communicate with other bots! In this talk Beerud discuss the future of Bots and how they will be made like lego blocks. This concept is referred to as Bot2Bot where different pre-build capabilities will be strung together to solve problems in new and innovative ways.Business of BotsPeter Buchroithner, Co-Founder & CEO@Swell:Growing your Bot with Pete from SwellPeteris also the founder of Swelly, one of the most popular bots on Messenger, with over 5 Million Users. In this talk he shares key insights that helped Swelly get to 5 Million users and become of the most popular Chatbots.Bot & Brands Panel:Explore how brands and enterprises are approaching and using bots. What types of use case are most common and effective? What is the best way to engage a Brand/Enterprise?SpeakersClara de Soto Co-Founder, ReplySeth Greenfield Co-Founder, impersonStefan Trockel CEO & Co-Founder, MercuryAlison Darcy CEO & Founder, WoebotChatbot Marketing &MonetizationPanel:With over 100,000+ bots discovery is now a real challenge. On this panel we explore how experts are approaching ChatBot discovery. Learn what's working and what's not.SpeakersDan Gailey CEO & Co-Founder, RadbotsMatthew Black Managing Partner, Black OpsAudrey Wu Co-Founder, CONVRGMatthew Clementson Growth Lead, Hu:toma AISylvain Perron, Co-Founder & CEO@Botpress: Bot Insights with SylvainSylvain Perron is the co-founder of botpress.He is from Quebec, Canadaand loves to code.Who should take this course:EntreprenuersInvestorsDevelopersMarketersUX DesignersJob SeekersAnyone interested in technologyThis content was filmed during the Chatbot Conference 2017 in San Francisco CA. If you have any questions regarding our conference please visit us online. Conference was organized by Chatbots Life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ChatBots: How to Make a Facebook Messenger Chat Bot in 1hr" |
"> Top Course on Chatbots on Udemy with 9,000+ Students! Facebook is already reporting that over 40,000 Bots Have Been Built and more are coming. Join the Bot Revolution!<You willLearnHow to Build a ChatBot for Facebook Messenger in 1hour!You will learn bybuilding 2 bots for Facebook Messenger: a parrot bot and a bot for your favorite football team.We teach you how to Build a Bot in 2 Ways:Coding: In the Coding Section, you will be making a Parrot Bot in Node.js using our sample code.Without Coding: You will be making a Bot for you Favorite Football Team without any coding.Anyone can make a Bot using this course!This course was Designed so even a complete newbie could create the Football Team Bot.Whatyou Need to Be Successful in this Course:Computer and Internet ConnectionDesire to Learn: Passion for Chatbots &Ai1 FullDay: Some students can complete this course as quickly as afew hours. If you are new to programing, I suggest you take theday and run through thiscourse content first then replay it and build the Parrot Bot.What technologies are Included?For the front end we will be using JaveScript and Node.js for the backend.You can however use anything you want for the backend (php, ruby, etc). Here is a briefsummaryof technologies used in this course:Heroku Servers to Host and Deploy BotNode.js & JaveScript to program theChat BotVisual Studios as IDEGithub for RepositoryFacebook Page & Developer Account*Everything you Need will be provided in this course for FreeYou Should take this course if:You have a desire to learn how to makeChatBotsYou are new to Chat Bot buildingYou want to make a Chatbot TodayThis course is ideal for anyone who wants to learn how to make a chatbot from scratch. We will focus on the main components of building a chatbot which includes building the server, adding your code to it, deploying it in the cloud, and connecting it with Facebook Messenger.As an intro course to chat botdevelopment, we willbrieflydiscussArtificialIntelligence and Machine Learning however thistopic is too advanced for the course. We will be using javascript and node.js to build our chatbot; however, this is not a course on javascript/node.js or command line."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"VideoMarketing Expert" |
"Wir sind erst am Beginn einer Videomarketing-Revolution! Der Einsatz von Video auf Webpages, Landingpages und SocialMedia ist schon jetzt fr jeden modernen Unternehmer eher Pflicht als Kr - und es geht gerade erst los!Natrlich kannst du deine Videos auch bei einer Agentur oder einem Freelancer in Auftrag geben, doch kann das teuer werden und die Ergebnisse unter Umstnden nicht deinen Erwartungen entsprechen.Da ist es doch einfacher, selbst zum Regisseur deiner Videos zu werden!Du lernst in diesem Kurs, wie du mit Power Point und Camtasia deine eigenen Werbevideos und Erklrvideos (Explainer Videos) erstellen kannst.Ich spreche mit diesem Kurs EinzelunternehmerInnen an, die ihre Webpages und Landingpages mit kleinen, professionellen Verkaufs- und Erklrvideos selbst aufpeppen wollen.Der Kurs ist auerdem fr Freelancer geeignet, die sich mit dem Erstellen von professionellen Videos ein Haupt- oder Nebeneinkommen erwirtschaften wollen.Das beginnt bei der passenden Planung, denn mit jedem Video willst du natrlich ein klares Ziel erreichenDanach zeige ich dir, wie du das Storyboard erstellstAnschlieend verrate ich dir DAS Skript, das fr alle Verkaufsvideos immer bestens funktioniertWeiter geht es mit der Ton-Aufnahme oder der Bestellung eines professionellen VoiceOvers...und natrlich willst du auch fetzige Musik hinzufgen. Ich zeige dir, wo du sie findest!Dann kommt das eigentliche Herzstck: Die Erstellung einer spannenden, professionellen Prsentation, dabei verrate ich dir jede Menge meiner Tricks!Als nchstes zeige ich dir, wie du deine Prsentation aufnimmstDann geht es ans Editieren und Schneiden...und zu guter letzt wird das Ganze zu einem gelungenen Video gerendertAnwenderkenntnisse von Powerpoint sind von Vorteil, aber keine Voraussetzung.Hinweis:Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Deine Landing Page erstellt mit OptimizePress" |
"Deine landing page - ein wichtiges Thema:Viele JungunternehmerInnen denken, dass ihre Webpage der Schlssel zum Verkaufserfolg ist.Doch eine Webpage generiert dir nur sehr bedingt Umsatz!Viel sinnvoller ist der Einsatz von gezielten Landingpages. Damit berlsst du es nicht dem Zufall, welchen Weg der Kunde durch dein Angebot nimmt (und ob er berhaupt davon Gebrauch macht), sondern gibst ihm einen klaren, von dir definierten Weg vor.Landingpages eigenen sich hervorragend, um deine Liste stndig zu vergrern und auch, um Verkufe zu generieren.Dieser Kurs ist speziell fr EinzelunternehmerInnen gedacht, die ein stabiles und gewinnbringendes online Geschftskonzept auf die Beine stellen mchten, ohne Tag und Nacht an ihrem Marketing zu feilen.Sinnvoll ist es, wenn du schon ein paar Produkte, wie zB Webinare, Workshops oder Coachings und Therapien anzubieten hast. Es ist aber keine MUSS-Voraussetzung.Das kannst du nach dem Kurs:du verstehst, warum der Einsatz von Landingpages wichtig fr dein Business istdu berlsst die Wahl deiner Produkte nicht dem Zufall, sondern planst einen sinnvollen Weg, den deine Kunden durch dein Angebot gehendu strukturierst diesen Weg mit Angeboten auf Landingpagesdu lernst, wie du mit wenigen Klicks selbst Landingpages mithilfe von OptimizePress 2 erstellen kannstdu lernst, wie du Anmeldeformulare und Autoresponder von KlickTipp integrieren kannstHinweis: Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Neue Einnahmequellen fr Berater, Trainer und Therapeuten..." |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich vor allem speziell an EinzelunternehmerInnen im Bereich Beratung, Training und Therapie, die noch kein Digitales Produkt erstellt habenIn der Einleitung geht es darum, die Idee nicht nur seine Zeit gegen Geld zu verkaufen schmackhaft zu machen.Die Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitung stellt dann eine konkrete Hilfe dar, sich fr ein bestimmtes digitales Produkt zu entscheiden und dieses genau zu definieren.Diese Kurs zeigt den generellen Rahmen fr das Erstellen von Digitalen Produkten, nicht aber die Details, wie man zB ein eBook erstellt. Hierzu biete ich diverse weiterfhrende Kurse an.Was kannst du am Ende des Kurses?du kannst dich endlich von dem Konzept ""Zeit gegen Geld"" lsenund du erkennst, dass es bessere Wege gibt, um ein regelmiges Einkommen zu generierenneben dem steigenden Umsatz ist jedes Digitale Produkt auch gleichzeitig ein Werbemittel, das dich bekannter macht und dir hilft, dass noch mehr Menschen Vertrauen zu dir habendu lernst die verschiedenen Ziele vom Einsatz Digitaler Produkte kennen und wie du sie am besten fr dein Unternehmen nutztich helfe dir dabei, dich fr die Erstellung deines ersten Digitalen Produktes zu entscheiden und den genauen Rahmen zu definierenHinweis: Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"WebpageErstellung mit OptimizePress in 7 einfachen Schritten" |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich vor allem an EinzelunternehmerInnen, die sich ihre Webpage selbst erstellen wollen und auch selbst warten wollen.Noch vor ein paar Jahren brauchte man einen Webdesigner fr die eigene Webpage. Dank Wordpress hat sich das grundlegend gendert! Du kannst Seiten leicht selbst erstellen und so Inhalte auch wesentlich schneller aktualisieren! Ganz besonders gerne arbeite ich mit dem Wordpress-Theme OptimizePress, da es fr Landingpages und Webpages aber auch fr einen Blog bestens geeignet ist.Das lernst du in diesem Kurs:du lernst, auf was du beim Erstellen von Webseiten generell achten musstund wie du die 5 grten Fehler dabei vermeidestdu erfhrst wie du OptimizePress auf deine Seite ldtstund was du alles tun und beachten musst, bevor du mit der Erstellung deiner Webpage beginnstzum Schluss fhre ich dich in 7 Schritten durch die Erstellung deiner WebpageWas brauchst du fr den Kurs?du brauchst einen Computer und InternetDas OptimizePress Theme kostet einmalig $ 97 fr 3 Lizenzen (den Link findest du bei den Ressourcen)Wordpress-Kenntnisse sind von Vorteil, aber keine VoraussetzungHinweis: Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Von der Vision zur Realitt - Erreiche deine Ziele!" |
"Dieser Kurs ist fr Menschen, die Ziele setzen und auch erreichen wollen.Ich zeige viele Techniken aus dem NLP & Co, um auch das Unbewusste mit ins Boot zu holenZuerst zeige ich 7 Grnde, warum Menschen Ziele nicht erreichenDann geht es darum, dass du deine Lebensvision definierst, denn nur wenn du weit, was du im Leben erreichen willst, werden deine Ziele passend seinDann zeige ich dir, wie du Ziele formulierst und deinen Krper und dein Unbewusstes mit ins Boot holstDieser Kurs ist fr Menschen, die nicht nur planen, sondern auch handeln und umsetzen wollenZum Schluss erhltst du noch Tipps fr die UmsetzungEine Bereitschaft zur Selbstreflektion ist von VorteilHinweis: Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sales-Explosion: 3 Profi Sales-Tipps" |
"Hier lernst du 3 Sales-Techniken, mit denen du den Verkauf deiner (digitalen) Produkte boosten kannstAlle 3 Techniken zeige ich dir genau Schritt fr SchrittTechnik No. 1: Video Sales LetterTechnik No. 2: Video LaunchTechnik No. 3: Sales FunnelsAm Beginn erhltst du einen theoretischen berblick wofr und wann du die Techniken einsetzen kannstanschlieend kannst du mir ber die Schulter sehen, wie ich alle 3 Sales Tools erstelleVerwendete Software ist: OptimizePress fr die Seiten-Erstellung und Digistore 24 fr den Verkauf und Klick Tipp fr das eMailMarketingDieser Kurs richtet sich an UnternehmerInnen, die ihre (digitalen) Produkte online verkaufen mchten und/oder den Verkauf boosten mchtenAchtung!: Kein Anfngerkurs! Dieser Kurs setzt Basiskenntnisse des Verkaufs von Digitalen Produkten sowie von OptimizePress, Digistore 24 und KlickTipp voraus!Hinweis: Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |