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"Legasthenie? - Der Groe Rechtschreibkurs" |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Eltern, Lehrer und Trainer, die Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Rechtschreibproblemen helfen mchtenDieser Kurs verbessert die Rechtschreibung um mindestens 75 %Bei der MagicLearning Methode handelt es scih um einen holistischen Ansatz, der sich von klassischem Legasthenie-Training vor allem durch sein Menschenbild und die Methoden unterscheidetNeben den Schulungs-Videos erhltst du Bonus-Videos mit Interviews mit Expertenauerdem erhltst du noch folgendes bungsmaterial:29 Diktate417 Karteikarten46 bungsbltterDieser Kurs ist nicht geeignet fr Menschen, die an die klassische Legasthenie-Diagnose glaubenDer Kurs ist geeignet fr Menschen, die einen neuen Blick auf das Thema Legasthenie werfen mchten"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Dyskalkulie? - Hilfe, mein Kind kann nicht rechnen!" |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Eltern, Lehrer und Trainer, die Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Rechenproblemen helfen mchtenEs geht hierbei vor allem um die Basis fr mathematisches Denken und den ErstunterrichtBei der MagicLearning Methode handelt es scih um einen holistischen Ansatz, der sich von klassischem Dyskalkulie-Training vor allem durch sein Menschenbild und die Methoden unterscheidetNeben den Schulungs-Videos erhltst du Bonus-Videos mit Interviews mit Expertenauerdem erhltst du noch folgendes bungsmaterial:7 Automatisierungs-Prsentationen118 Karteikarten5 bungsbltterDieser Kurs ist nicht geeignet fr Menschen, die an die klassische Dyskalkulie-Diagnose glaubenDer Kurs ist geeignet fr Menschen, die einen neuen Blick auf das Thema Dyskalkulie werfen mchten"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Dyslexie? - So klappt es mit dem Lesen!" |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Eltern, Lehrer und Trainer, die Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Leseproblemen helfen mchtenBei der MagicLearning Methode handelt es scih um einen holistischen Ansatz, der sich von klassischem Dyslexie-Training vor allem durch sein Menschenbild und die Methoden unterscheidetNeben den Schulungs-Videos erhltst du Bonus-Videos mit Interviews mit Expertenauerdem erhltst du noch folgendes bungsmaterial:12 Diktate99 Karteikarten31 bungsbltterDieser Kurs ist nicht geeignet fr Menschen, die an die klassische Dyslexie-Diagnose glaubenDer Kurs ist geeignet fr Menschen, die einen neuen Blick auf das Thema Dyslexie werfen mchten"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Adobe After Effects: Ab sofort bessere Videos! Teil 2" |
"Arbeiten mit Formebenen in Adobe After EffectsHier lernst du, wie du mit Formebenen arbeitest, um dynamische Motion Graphics in After Effects zu erzeugenDu lernst mehr berdas FormwerkzeugFlchen und Konturenden Pfad-Trimmerden VerstrkerWackel-Pfadedas Setzen von Akzentenden Diagramm-Editordas Erstellen von animierten StrichlinienDieser Kurs ist fr leicht Fortgeschrittene in Adobe After Effects.Zum Einstieg fr Anfnger empfehlen wir Kurs 1 dieser Serie.Hinweis: Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Adobe After Effects: Ab sofort bessere Videos! Teil 1" |
"Lerne die Erstellung von fantastischen Videos mit Adobe After EffectsErstelle Motion Grafiken, die deine Videoqualitt verbessern. Falls du immer schon lernen wolltest, wie du Videoeffekte nutzen kannst und individuelle Grafikanimationen erstellen kannst, dann kannst du das mit Adobe After Effects machen.Diese Praxislektionen werden dich motivieren und deinen Zielen immer nher bringen.Die Lektionen zeigen dir, wie professionelle Ersteller von Videoeffekten und Grafikanimationen denken. After Effects ist ein tolles Tool, mit dem man fast jeden Videoeffekt erzeugen kann. Hier lernst du Basis-Techniken, wie das Arbeiten mit Formen, Text und Strukturen.Hier ein kleiner berblick ber das, was du lernst:Start einer KompositionImport von DatenUmgang mit den Basis-Toolssetzen von KeyframesSetzen von AnkerpunktenArbeitne auf der TimelineBasis-AnimationenArbeiten mit FormenArbeiten mit Masken2 ChallengesEs gibt eine groe Nachfrage nach After Effects Skills! Hiermit kann man einen guten Umsatz erzielen!Hinweis: Dieser Kurs ist Teil 1 einer vierteiligen Serie der bersetzung von Phil Ebiners ""Complete Adobe After Effects Course""Hinweis: Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Dein Experten-Blog auf OptimizePress" |
"Dieser Kurs wendet sich an UnternehmerInnen, die durch Blogging ihren Experten-Status etablieren mchten und ihre Produkte ber einen Blog bewerben mchtenDu lernst hier die Grundlagen der Blog-Erstellung auf OptimizePressOptimizePress ist ein Wordpress Plugin oder Theme und kostet einmalig 97 $Auerdem erfhrst du, mit welchen Strategien du erfolgreich die richtigen Leute ansprichstDer Kurs enthlt viele wichtige Informationen ber Content MarketingDieser Kurs ist fr Unternehmer, die in Zukunft einen regelmig Blog fhren mchtenOptimizePress Kenntnisse von Vorteil, aber nicht notwendigHinweis: Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Zeitmanagement fr Selbstndige" |
"Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Menschen, die endlich die wirklich wichtigen Dinge in ihrem Leben voran treiben mchtenIn 7 Schritten lernst du, wie duHerausfindest, was wirklich wichtig wre, wenn du es endlich tust, weil es einen groen Unterschied machtwie du die Zeit findest, daran regelmig zu arbeitenund wie du dann motiviert regelmig mit der Umsetzung beschftigt bistIn diesem Kurs geht es nicht darum, noch mehr aus deiner wenigen Zeit heraus zu quetschen, sondern vielmehr die Spreu vom Weizen zu trennen und so endlich ein erflltes Leben zu fhren, in dem du Regie fhrst.Dieser Kurs ist fr Menschen, die ein proaktives Leben fhren mchten und ihre Trume - wie zum Beispiel ein erstes eigenes Buch - endlich verwirklichen wollen.Keine besonderen Voraussetzung, du solltest dir nur etwas Zeit nehmen, um die bungen wirklich zu machen.Hinweis: Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Time Management for Freelancers" |
"This course is for people who want to get the things done that really matter in their livesIn 7 easy to follow steps you will learnHow to find out the things that would really make a great change in your lifeHow to block time to work on these things on a daily basisHow to stay motivated to accomplish it allThis course does not show you how to squeeze even more out of your little time, it rather teaches you on how to sort the wheat from the chaff and how to finally become the director of your own life.This is for people who want to live a proactive life and want to accomplish their dreams - like for example writing a book.No special skills needed, but you should have time to actually do the exercises."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Dein erster Videokurs in 7 einfachen Schritten" |
"Hier lernst du, wie du deinen ersten Videokurs erstellen kannstDu schaust mir bei allen 7 Schritten ber die Schulter und ich zeige dir, wie es geht.Hier die einzelnen Schritte:PlanungErstellung einer Prsentation fr ScreencapturesAufnahmeEditierenRaufladen auf eine PlattformVerschlsselung undEinstellen auf Digistore 24 fr den VerkaufDieser Kurs ist fr UnternehmerInnen, die planen, bald ihren ersten Videokurs zu erstellenKeine Vorkenntnisse notwendig!Hinweis: Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Members only! - Mitgliederseiten erstellt mit Digimember" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du:wie du einen eigenen Mitgliederbereich mit online-Produkten erstellstDu erfhrst-warum du online Produkte verkaufen solltest- wie dir Abos ein regelmiges Einkommen sichern- wie du ein interessantes Thema findest- wie du einen aufregenden Mix an Content gestaltest- was du fr dein Abo verlangen kannst- wie du dein Abo vermarktest- und welche Software du bentigstZu allem hast du eine genaue Schritt-fr-Schritt-AnleitungDieser Kurs richtet sich an UnternehmerInnen, die sich einen eigenen Abo/Mitglieder-Bereich erstellen mchtenDieser Kurs ist fr Menschen, die im Thema online-Marketing schon etwas versiert sind!Vorkenntnisse der verwendeten Software (Digistore, Camtasia, KickTipp, OptimizePress) sollten vorhanden sein!Diese Vorkenntnisse knnen in anderen Kursen von mir, die ebenfalls auf Udemy angeboten werden erworben werden!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Produktivitt im Arbeitsalltag" |
"In 7 einfachen Schritten zeige ich, wie auch du Ordnung in dein inneres und ueres Aufgaben-Chaos bekommen kannstDieser Kurs hilft vor allem UnternehmerInnen,ihre anfallenden To Dos sinnvoll zu ordnenklare Prioritten zu setzenein simples System zu entwickeln, um den berblick zu bewahrenund immer effizient an den wichtigsten Aufgaben zu arbeitenEin aufgerumter Schreibtisch und ein aufgerumter Kopf sind die Folge!Dies fhrtzu mehr Freizeit und bessere Nutzung aller RessourcenDieser Kurs richtet sich in erster Linie an Einzelunternehmer, hilft aber sicher auch Angestellten, Studenten etc.Keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig.Hinweis: Ich bin nicht mehr im Udemy-Marketing-System. Von mir wirst du keine Kurse um 9,99 mehr bekommen!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Derecho Inmobiliario Mexicano I" |
"Despus de trabajar largas horas anunciando y mostrando una propiedad por fin consigues un cliente interesado y dispuesto a pagar el precio, sin embargo, cuando llegas a la notaria, la escrituracin no puede llevarse a cabo porque existe un problema legal del que no te habas percatado. Te ha pasado esto? Aprende los documentos y situaciones que debes analizar para conocer la situacin legal de los inmuebles que vas a comercializar. Domina los aspectos legales fundamentales de una transaccin inmobiliariaAnaliza fcilmente un expediente legal inmobiliario Conoce los documentos que integran un expediente legal inmobiliarioRefuerza tus conocimientos en al rea jurdica inmobiliariaConoce los documentos que debes exigir antes de iniciar la comercializacinDiagnstica rpidamente la situacin legal de un inmuebleRedacta carta de instrucciones al notario en todas tus transaccionesPreprate para el EGATSU-CI del CENEVAL Conoce el marco legal aplicable a las transacciones de bienes races en Mxico. Adems de los conceptos de Derecho Civil, Mercantil, Funcin Registral y notarial, fideicomiso y ejido, en este curso analizaremos los 30 documentos ms comunes que pueden integrar los expedientes jurdicos de un inmueble. Te proporcionar un modelo de carta de instrucciones al notario y apuntes que podrs descargar en casi todas las lecciones. Para que consolides todo lo aprendido, hay exmenes antes, durante y al finalizar el curso. Para aprender de los errores de los dems, te cuento algunas historias de personas que han estado en GRAN RIESGO de perder su propiedad por mala o nula representacin legal. Al final de este curso podrs identificar los principales problemas jurdicos que impiden el cierre de transacciones inmobiliarias, lo que te permitir tener una cartera inmobiliaria legalmente sana y por lo mismo productiva."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Become a wine expert: 40 questions you never dare to ask" |
"This wine course is divided in 6 sections (Please check the course curriculum) so that you can understand wine better in order to enjoy it better. In this course, I want you to understand why this or that happens and not just to apply theory. Therefore, notes are made available in a PDF format for you to read or to ask further questions so that we can talk even more in depth as regards to a particular topic.The purpose of this course is for you to build strong wine basis which will allow you to make sense to what is happening when tasting or pairing wine. This course starts at the very beginning of the grape growth cycle, talk in-depth about different wine making methods and tackles some very technical topics such as Terroir, wine grape varieties, vintage, climate and much more. The main reason why I decided to make that course this complete is that I do not believe it is possible to pair or taste wine if you do not understand why or what happen before the wine is bottled."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Wordpress for Beginners - Build a Live Website from Scratch" |
"Want to build a Wordpress website from scratch? Maybe you already have a Wordpress website that you'd like to modify. Do you want to learn how to build websites for profit?This course is perfect for you. I'll show you in simple step-by-step videos.This course is aimed at beginners, so it is really broken down into step-by-step format, so that you can follow along with my videos, then, at the end - you can have a fully functioning Wordpress website.The course is broken into 15 videos (including the intro video), each video building on the previous one, as we work through an actual website example, building a Wordpress website from scratch.Wordpress is simple to install, modify and use. You can create your own stunning and fully functional website in less than an hour and be proud to show your friends, family and customers that you built the website yourself. Knowing how to manage your own Wordpress website will also save you time and money, as you will be able to make any changes that you need to your own website.Building a Wordpress website from scratch is fun and easy to learn.I look forward to helping you to get started and to bring your exciting new website creation to life."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Criar Site Profissional Sem Programao" |
"Este curso foi desenvolvido para voc aprender administrar o melhor gerenciador de contedo da web. WordPress a plataforma profissional e GRTIS mais utilizada do mundo para construo de sites profissionais.Celebridades e Empresas que utiliza WordPress:Sony MusicBataToyota Motors BrasilMicrosoft News CenterAlanis MorissetteGroupe RenaultMercedes-BenzBeyoncJustin BieberVan HeusenSnoop DoggLinkedInThe Rolling StonesKaty PerryVoc aprender a desenvolver o seu site na mesma plataforma que essascelebridades e empresas de forma fcil e sem a necessidade de entender de programao.WordPress uma plataforma open source, ou seja, ela trabalha com cdigo aberto, alm disso, a plataforma gratuita, voc pode baixar para o seu computador e comea a criar as suas primeiras pginas do seu site gratuitamente."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Getting started with Dropwizard" |
"In this course you'll learn how to create a simple RESTlike API using Java programming language and Dropwizard, a popular framework to build RESTful APIs and microservices. The course begins with a brief introduction to REST architecture style principles and an overview of an example application to store bookmarks, called DropBookmarks, we'll build throughout the course. In the following parts you'll create a Hello World application using Dropwizard, learn how to test the application and use various tools to check the output of restful APIs. Also you'll learn how to connect to a relational database using Hibernate ORM framework, how to use database migrations with Liquibase and how to secure your API using Basic Authentication.The course currently consists of 59 lectures and 4 hours of video. After taking this course you'll be able to start developing RESTlike APIs at Level 2 of Richardson Maturity Model and microservices using Java and Dropwizard. Also, some of the topics you'll learn may be useful for development of Web-based Java applications using other frameworks."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Stretching For Pain Relief - Pain Prevention and Relief Now" |
"This is a 55 Video Course on the ultimate concepts you need to know about your major muscles and joints, about pain, about common conditions you may experience, and about a crucial head to toe stretching routine that every human being should learn and practice. You can take the entire course or focus on learning only those segments which you seek help and answers with. In an age of abundant and redundant information, you will enter the wisdom age by participating in this course. Enjoy!Learn a simply daily stretching routine for maximum pain relief and health benefitsLearn from a very accomplished Orthopedic Surgeon with 25 years experienceThis simple routine takes 3 minutes to complete dailyThis stretching routine helps with pain prevention and pain reliefThis stretching routine works on every major muscle and joint group in the human bodyIt requires no special equipment at all, just your body strengthYou may work on only the body part you need relief for, or do the full routine to help your entire body with pain prevention and reliefIt's very simple and easy to learn and follow"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"SPSS Beginners: Master SPSS" |
"Course DescriptionThis SPSS data analysis course was created for one reason, which is to help anyone without statistics or mathematics background to analyze data in SPSS, choose the right descriptive statistics technique and write up the result of the findings with confidence.The course covers everything from entering data into SPSS to interpreting the result and offers easy step-by-step guide to mastering descriptive statistics in SPSS.Firstly, we will take you through the SPSS interface, how to work the system and avoid some of the mistakes people make when choosing variable types and format in SPSS. After that, we will dive into entering data into SPSS, sorting, editing and removing data, and most importantly how to transform any variable into a new variable with recode functions. We will then focus on descriptive statistics in SPSS and you will learn how to run the major descriptive statistics like Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation and One-Samples t-test etc.You will learn how to create graphs, plots and charts in SPSS and how to manipulate them to suit your needs.Finally, we teach you the most important skill that most students wish they had; How to choose the appropriate statistical technique to analyze data in SPSS. We have broken down choosing the right test in SPSS into 3 simple steps:What is your research question?What is the type of variable and how many do you have?What is the level of measurement of your variables?Using the three steps above, you will be able to choose the right test to use to analyze your data and we also use the flow chart to choose the right test for 20 real-life research question examples. Upon completing this course, you will know when to use the following inferential statistic techniques:Pearson CorrelationSpearman Ranked Order CorrelationKendall's Tau B CorrelationIndependent Samples T-testPaired Samples T-testPoint Bi-Serial CorrelationMann Whitney U TestKruskal Wallis Mcnemar's TestChi SquareLinear RegressionMutiple RegressionBinary Logistic RegressionRepeated Measures ANOVABetween Subject ANOVAMixed/Split-Plot ANOVAand so much more.Course MaterialsWe use a mix of video materials, slides, template documents, SPSS data and output files to make sure this course is delivered effectively.Taking this course is perhaps going to be the best decision you will ever make if you are going to use SPSS. It is not just about the content and context, it is more to do with the way the course is delivered and our ability to debunk complicated techniques. Our philosophy is; if you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. We explain everything using simple English to make sure you make the most of this course. This course should only take few days, but what you will learn will help you for the rest of your life."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SEO for WordPress: How to Rank Higher & Drive More Traffic" |
"This SEO for WordPress online training course you will learn teach you how to optimize your website using on-site and off-site SEO best practices.This isn't a get-rich-quick scheme that promises #1 rankings overnight. Actually, it's the opposite. It is a tried-and-true SEO process use with my consulting clients.This course contains verifiable strategies and techniques for ranking highly in organic search for targeted keywords so you can drive more traffic to your website or blog. It's much more than a simple demonstration of Yoast's SEO for WordPress plugin. It's a proven, step-by-step process for increasing your rankings and traffic. This course features overview lectures in each section where I break down SEO concepts to help you understand how search engines work and why certain tasks are important. Then, you will see examples of best practices using WordPress SEO tools and WordPress plugins available at no cost to you. Then, you will learn how to improve your website's domain authority, through off-site SEO, as I walk you through link building methods. Plus, you will get demonstrations and recommendations for professional SEO tools that will make you more productive.I have been executing SEO campaigns and developing custom WordPress solutions for 10+ years. Now, I have spent countless hours preparing training video lectures, slides and reference materials for Udemy so that you will fully understand how search engines work and how to improve your search engine rankings.Check out the course topics below, and sign up for this class to get started.Course Topics include:SEO statistics and trends. How search engine rankings work. Search engine ranking factors.Conducting keyword research.Planning your WordPress website structure for maximum search engine visibility.Best practices in page structure within WordPress.Creating custom page titles and meta descriptions with Yoast's SEO for WordPress plugin.Blogging for SEO.Creating and submitting an XML sitemap to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools.Mastering off-site SEO.Domain and Page Authority.Ways to build links.SEO Data and Reporting.Improving your website speed.Things you should avoid so don't get penalized by search engines. Plus, I will be updating this course with new lectures and bonus materials to keep you informed about new SEO techniques for WordPress in the future."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo del Mercado FOREX" |
"Este Curso trata de como operar en el mercado de Divisas Forex, tanto como si eres nuevo en el mundo de las finanzas como si ya tienes alguna experiencia y estas buscando ser Profesional, aqu tienes todo lo que debes saber para operar de forma consistente en un periodo de 12 semanas.Ademas de todas las clases en Video HD enseando todo el Metodo, tendras acceso a indicadores profesionales para operar y clases personalizadas para resolver dudas y ver el mercado en tiempo real tambien.No pierdas esta oportunidad de operar como los profesionales y hacerte miembro de esta gran familia de Creative Forex Traders."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo do Desenvolvedor Web" |
"Procurando melhorar sua renda como Programador WEB? Ou talvez buscando uma carreira que oferea mais tempo livre e flexibilidade? Sempre teve curiosidade em aprender de uma forma simples e eficaz a desenvolver do zero seu Website? Qualquer que seja sua motivao voc veio ao lugar certo.Este Curso Completo do Desenvolvedor Web vai proporcionar em um s lugar tudo o que precisa saber para criar seu prprio website. A equipe de instrutores da Hcodeestar disponvel para responder suas dvida.Neste curso cobriremos em mais de 12 horas de contedo os seguintes tpicos:1) Aprenda em um curso completo HTML5, CSS3 e JavaScript com os comandos mais importantes.2) Crie um site completo e responsivo que se adapta no Tablet e Smartphone e em telas maiores.3) Trabalhe com imagens, udio, vdeo e descubra boas prticas.4) Aprenda a criar um carrinho de compras completo com clculo de frete para uma loja virtual, utilizando PHP e MySQL.Ao final deste curso voc estar apto a criar sites modernos e responsivos, poder se diferenciar no mercado de trabalho e at mesmo comear uma nova carreira de desenvolvedor web.Acesso vitalcio! Te aguardo no curso!"
Price: 444.99 ![]() |
"The Fundamentals Of 3D Printing" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn how to use a 3D printer?Imagine.. one day you design a digital model of an action figure to be 3D printed. You share it online and next thing you know thousands of people are downloading it and printing it out themselves! Your digital creation became a physical reality for legions.This is the power of 3D printing and just one of the examples of its amazing potential.Wouldn't it be awesome to show off vibrant prints you made yourself to your friends? There are online communities where people share and rate 3D designs. But it's even possible to monetize your 3D designs as well on 3D printing design marketplaces.This course The Fundamentals Of 3D Printing includes the basic terms and definitions of 3D printing along with the history of the technology. One will be able to learn how to use a 3D printer and learn its potential future applications. There are also case studies on successful businesses already using 3D printing for customization. We take you through the creation of your own 3D model and walk you through 3 of the most popular 3D printing services to print, sell and share your design.You will learn:The key 3D printing methods and technologies.Proficiency in 3D design with TinkerCAD.Where you can not only share but also sell your designs in various 3D marketplaces.Important 3D printing stocks to invest in.Know and identify the important parts of a 3D printer.The materials which can be used for printing.Identify major 3D printer manufacturers and services.Discover 3D printing customization as a service through case studies including: Spuni, Shapify, Feetz, Sols and Protos Eyewear.How to effectively use 3D Hubs, Shapeways and Thingiverse.Different industries that are ripe for disruption with 3D printing.Future prospects to start a 3D printing business.The potential global impact of the technology.Be able to teach others about the fundamentals of 3D printing."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Career Success: CV, Interviews, Negotiation, Promotion,+more" |
"***THEMOST COMPREHENSIVE ONLINECAREER DEVELOPMENT COURSE*** Are you tired of reading multiple careerwebsites, books, and blogs that give you generic, fluffy, conflicting, andimpractical content?Want to land yourdream job and create an impressive career? See recruiters wooing you withjob opportunities every month?Save time and money by taking advantage of 40 years' of global and regional insider HR knowledge and talent development lecturing expertise, to become more effective and strategic in your career. Gain direct access to experts who are available to answer your all yourquestions. Just drop us a message and we'll aim to respond within 24 hours."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The 5 Key Success Laws + How To Manifest Your Desire Now!" |
"The 5 Key Success Laws + How To Manifest Your Desire Now course is one of a kind in it's way of teaching you how to understand and easily implement Universal success laws at a deeper level. Structured in a simple to understand step to step way which shows you exactly how to regain control of your life and use the success laws to your own advantage.Why Take This Class:Know & Understand What Most ""Success"" Program Miss Out On!Get To Where You No Longer Struggle & Get A Simple Way To Success In LifeTo Understand The ""secret"" To Using The Universal Success Laws.Get Out of The Theory & Move Into Pure Practice To Manifest your Desires.It Is Transformational, But Only When you Work The Law!Get Full Control of All Aspect Of your Life as a Deliberate, intentional Creator.This Course Will Take you A Good 5 hours To Complete."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Web Design Mastery for Beginners" |
"Web Design Mastery for Beginners is ideal for anyone looking to set up their own website, whether you're a small business owner or just looking to start your own blog. The course shows you how to build your own website in a very affordable way without years of experience or any technical skills.The course covers:Domain names and hostingPlanning your websiteBuilding the websiteAdding important features to the siteDuring this step-by-step, easy to follow course, I will share with you my best tips and workflow based on my years of experience and provide links to several online resources. This is a great opportunity to change your life by learning a valuable new skill."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Javascript for beginners" |
"JavaScript is the most popular scripting language in the world.It is responsible for the interactivity like games, online forms or surveys andother activities users can engage with on a website. Most dynamic if not allwebsite contains some element of JavaScript.JavaScript programming language drives millions ofinteractive web sites, powers fast web servers and can even be used to builddesktop and mobile applicationsIn this short introductory javascript beginners course you be introduced to javascript and the syntax used to write it. You will learn how to insert comments in javascript code and also how to change the active content of a webpage."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"HTML Made Simple For Beginners: Create a One Page Website" |
"HTML is mark-up language used with all websites and web based applications in the world. It is responsible for the structure of all website, HTML markup language is used in millions of web sites and applications. In this course you will learn how create a simple one page website and gain useful skills Learn to create a basic one page website with images, audio and video You will learn how to view the html from any website You will learn how to write clean, easy to read and understand Html code. You will learn how to create list items and much more Learn to code with HTML and create a basic website with images, video and audio"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"SQL For Databases : A Beginner's Quick Introduction" |
"This course is a beginners introduction to SQL which stands forstructured query language. It is the language used to communicate andmanipulate databases.In this course you will learn to C.R.U.D using SQL. C.R.U.D is an acronym for Create,Read,Update and Delete. These are the main functions thatSQL can do on any database. There are other related tasks that SQL does or cando but the bulk of what it is used for is C.R.U.D.The course is 100%video lectures structured in an orderlyand easy to follow manner. It is advisable that you follow the course in the order of the lectures. The course is just under two hours long.This course will giveyou the knowledge required to create ,read ,update and delete data from anydatabase system using SQL. This ispossible because SQL is a standard language and will perform C.R.U.D in the same way regardless of the type of database. This course will help you understand How tomanipulate databases using SQL. Also you will learn how to retrieve onlyrelevant data or information you need and order them in the way you want.What you will Learn in this course includes :How to write SELECTstatementsHow to create a table and a viewHow to Update existing records in a databaseHow to Insert or addnew records or data into a database.How to delete a record from a database tableHow to create a database report and export to excelHow to restrict and sort data returned by the SELECT queryHow to use the WHERE Clause to filter data How to use ORDER BY Clause to put retrieved data in order specifiedby table column"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Css For Beginners" |
"This course is videobased and is structured in a way that will make it easy for a beginner tofollow step by step. This is a hands on course and you will learn by stylingvarious HTML elements. The course will teachyou all the things below: How to CSS SyntaxHow to applybackground colour to a webpageHow to change the size of a textHow to apply margins to HTML elementsHow to apply external style sheets to HTML elementsHow to embed CSS into HTML Document The benefits of taking this courseincludes: Gaining skills to know how to apply styling to a webpage.Confidence to be creative and customize website yourselfHave the ability to understand and possibly fix css issues on a websiteYou will gain skills to change the look of a website asrequired.The skills will give you the flexibility to work from homeor anywhere in the world as a web designer and developer."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"jQuery For Beginners : A Basic Introduction" |
"This is a Hands-On jQuery course that will teach you the basics of using the jquery library. jQuery allows you to write less code than javascript to achievethe same or more. jQuery uses a lot of css selectors and also has some custom ones of their own.jQuery makes it easy to manipulate webpages .The course is video based and less than 2hours long.There are exercises and quiz to help build on what you will learn.What You Will LearnHow to access the jQuery library locally or via CDNHow to write jQuery syntaxHow to manipulate contents on a webpageHow to create simple animationHow to create a sliding effect to slide an element up and downHow to make an element vanish and reappear from a webpageHow to create a response to an event like a click or mouse movement"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Css Positioning For Absolute Beginners: A Basic Introduction" |
"Css positioning can be a bit tricky if you do not understand how it works properly.Understanding how the css position properties and their values work will help you gain skills to manipulate the layout of a website and its contents.Knowing how to position and display various elements on a website will make your work as a designer less stressful.This course will teach you how to position elements in a static ,relative, absolute and fixed way.You will learn to use other position related css properties like float ,clear ,display and overflow to control the position of a webpage content.This is a video based course that is less than two hours with practical examples you can follow along and practice with.I am confident that by the end of this course you should be able to position any element on a webpage in a static, relative, absolute or fixed way.There are also some exercises for you to practice with to build your skills.I hope you will join me on this course.Thank You"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |