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"Her Ynyle Kali Linux Eitimi - Penetrasyon Testleri" |
"Bu Kursa Katlarak Siber Gvenlik Alannda Byk Bir Adm Atm Olacaksnz. Bu Kursu Tamamladnzda Bir ok Alanda Penetrasyon Testlerinin Nasl Yapldn Grm Olacak ve Kendi Banza Uygulama Yapabileceksiniz. Ayrca Takldnz Noktalarda Bu Platform zerinden Yardm Alabileceksiniz. Bu Kursun eriini Tam Olarak Grmek ve ncelemek in Tantm Videosunu Mutlaka Seyredin.Katlmay Dnen Arkadalara imdiden Baarlar."
Price: 319.99 ![]() |
"Python'la Hacker Aralar Yazma" |
"Gelen stekler Dorultusunda Hazrlanm Olan Bu Kurs Sayesinde Hi Bir Programlama Bilgisi Olmayan Arkadalarn Siber Gvenlik Alannda Program Yazmalar Salanacaktr. Temel Dzeyde Programlama Bilgisi eren Bu Kurs Sayesinde Sizlerde Program Yazabileceksiniz. Tantm Videosu Seyrederek Nasl Bir Program Yazabileceinizi Grebilirsiniz. Tantm Videosunda rnek 3 Program Gsterilmitir. Daha Fazlas in Bu Kursu Satn Almanz Yeterli. Var Olan 15 Eitim Videosu Sayesinde Yzlerce Program Yazabileceksiniz. Alacak Arkadalara imdiden Baarlar Dilerim."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"A'dan Z'ye Etik Hacker Eitimi Seri - 1" |
"A'dan Z'ye Etik Hacker Eitim Seri - 1 olarak adlandm bu kursum, daha nceden hazrlam olduum ""Birinci Seviye Etik Hacker"" kursumun gncellenmi halidir. Yeni bir eitim olarak paylamak varken, ben rencilerime bi jest yapmak istedim ve eitime yeni bir eitim ekledim. Umarm bu yeni eitimden memnun kalrsnz. Eer sizde bana bir jest yapmak isterseniz yldz deerlendirmesi benim iin yapabileceiniz en iyi jest olur bilginize...."
Price: 409.99 ![]() |
"A'dan Z'ye Etik Hacker Eitimi Seri - 2" |
"A'dan Z'ye Etik Hacker Eitim Seri - 2 olarak adlandm bu kursum, daha nceden hazrlam olduum ""kinci Seviye Etik Hacker"" kursumun gncellenmi halidir. Yeni bir eitim olarak paylamak varken, ben rencilerime bi jest yapmak istedim ve eitime yeni bir eitim ekledim. Umarm bu yeni eitimden memnun kalrsnz. Web sitelere, bilgisayarlara, sunuculara ynelik ilemlerde, Metasploit kullanarak nasl almalar yaplr konusu bu eitimde ele alnd"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with Cryptocurrencies: Step-by-Step Guide" |
"Want to get involved trading cryptocurrencies but don't know where to start? If so, then this is the course for you!This course is your step-by-step guide to buy, sell, trade, and store Bitcoin and Altcoins.You will learn:What is a cryptocurrencyDetailed Overview of Bitcoin and Ethereum conceptsHow to purchase Bitcoin on CoinbaseHow to send Bitcoin to the Binance ExchangeHow to trade Bitcoin for an Altcoin on BinanceHow to trade your Altcoin for Bitcoin on BinanceHow to send your Altcoin from Binance to CoinbaseSell your Altcoin for fiat currencyWhat the different types of cryptocurrency wallets areHow to store your coins in the wallets reviewedIn most of the lessons, you are looking over my shoulder as I actually walk you through the exact steps to buy, sell, trade, and store cryptocurrencies. There is no guess work in what to do.Don't delay, this market is set to explode higher in the coming months! Get started today!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Demystifying the Law of Attraction" |
"The Law of Attraction can be overwhelming and difficult to utilize. This course will help break down key components so you can begin manifesting like a pro.Learn What Many Other Law of Attraction Teachings Leave OutDiscover if the Law of Attraction is inherently good or bad.Develop tools for dealing with negative thought patterns. Raise your energetic vibration in order to manifest more easily.Learn the missing piece that ties everything together.Relax with three different meditations.If learning about the Law of Attraction has left you mystified, this course will help clarify why it works. When I first began consciously using the Law of Attraction, I became frustrated very quickly. Ive always thought I was a pretty fast learner, but with this, I just couldnt make the principles work. After many years of only getting mediocre results and just getting by, I started learning about the missing pieces and what I had been doing wrong. I had many misconceptions about what made the Law of Attraction work and I realized that many others have the same misconceptions. I want to share with you what Ive learned in hopes that it helps you on your journey.In this course, youll learn what the Law of Attraction is, if its really magic or if theres a practical explanation for it, and a few big keys missing in a lot of Law of Attraction teachings. I tried to keep this course manageable, while still packing it with valuable insights and easy to incorporate activities. This course can be completed in as quickly as one day, or spread out longer to fully comprehend and implement the teachings. To further help your practice, Ive included 2 worksheets and 3 mediations. One is a five minute guided meditation, layered with binaural beats and relaxing music. In this meditation, you can take a stroll across a warm beach where you will be guided to release any stress you are holding onto. This meditation continues on for 7 more minutes with the music and binaural beats for a total of 12 minutes.Then theres a 30 minute track with just the relaxing music and binaural beats. Listen to it as a stand alone or continue playing it after the guided meditation to prolong the benefits of alpha waves.Lastly, there is a 90 second focused breathing meditation that will guide you to relax every muscle in your body, from your head to your toes. I recommend putting this one on your phone to listen to any time!It is my hope and desire that these teachings are the missing link you need to explode your manifesting power and begin living the life you want and deserve."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn C++ From Interview Questions" |
"Welcome to the Course ""Learn C++ From Interview Questions ""This course is from a software engineer who has managed to crack interviews in around 16 software companies.Sometimes, life gives us no time to prepare, There are emergency times where in we have to buck up our guts and start bringing the situations under our control rather then being in the control of the situation. At the end of the day, All leave this earth empty handed. But given a situation, we should live up or fight up in such a way that the whole action sequence should make us proud and be giving us goosebumps when we think about it right after 10 years.We observe in quite a lot of interviews that most of us find it quite confusing (at the moment) to answer basic questions like the format of the a.out file, not having a clear understanding of the distinction between protected and private data members of the class, finding it difficult to create static libraries and dynamic libraries, not knowing that is there is really adifference between static and dynamic libraries, confusion in the usage of different combinations of dynamic memory allocation and free calls like new, delete, malloc and free , unknown about thedifference between up casting and object slicing, thinking that the concepts offunction templates and template functions are similar.The basic problem is here even though most of usare good at concepts, Weget confused while answering when wecome across a tricky question. As we all know, these tricky questions are simpler ones which are twisted and turned while asking themin the interviews. This is just to confusethe candidate in order to check whether the candidate really has a strong hold on the concepts.Here in this course, We have tried an approach where in we are trying to make our audience understand the concepts of c++ through tricky interview questions.This course is designed for almost 7.5 hours and a preview of 30 mins. Please go through the c++ questions dealt and the preview of the course. If you are interested, Kindly enroll in the course.Kindly adjust the talkingspeed in accordance to your convenience (Please set the course narration speed to 1.24x on your conveniencce.). The concepts are presented in Neutral English.As per Udemy Policy, you can always refund ifyou want to withdraw from the course at any point of time.The Questions handled in the course is as follows:Where are the function declarations foundWhere are the function definitions foundAfter compilation, are the function definitions found in a.out fileIn static library, are the library files part of the executable file (a.out)In dynamic library, are the library files part of the executable file (a.out)What is the full form of a.outWhat is the format of a.out fileIs reference a constant pointerWhat happens when a reference variable is re-assigned a value from another variableWhat happens when a reference variable is used with & and is re-assigned a value from another variableWhat is the difference between a reference and constant pointerWhat is the advantage of a reference over a pointerHow does a reference to a reference workIn the given program, convert all the const pointer statements to referencesExplain the below statements: int *const p; const int *p; const int * const p; int const *p;What is the difference between the operators (&) and (&*) when used in the context of pointersIn C++, is it mandatory to name a structure or a unionIs the life time of a locally declared reference limited to the function in which it is declaredDeclare the following: an array of 5 integers an array of 5 pointers a pointer to an array of 5 integers a reference to an array of 5 integersIs it possible to create an array of referencesCan we have multiple definitions of a function in a single moduleWhat is the difference between declaration and definition of a variableDefine a structure which contains a member function to add 2 of its data members and print the resultDoes a pointer to a variable act like a constant reference OR Does a reference to a variable act like constant pointerA reference can point to different variables but a variable cant be tied to multiple referencesDoes scope resolution operator help us in retrieving only the value of global variables whose identifier names are similar to the local variable namesWhat is the difference between the below two statements: a constant reference reference is a constant pointerCan we call a pointer ( which points to a read only string ) as a constant pointerDo we get a lvalue error in an assignment statement where a function call is placed on the left hand side of the assignment operatorAre there only 2 ways to pass variables to a function ?Does passing arguments by reference really advantageousIs static variable intermodular or intramodularAre Inline functions similar to macro definitionsFunction overloading is asking the same function to perform different tasks in different contexts of the programName mangling is the concept where a name management database is used to maintain different global variables across different modulesCan we overload the function to accept an char value and an char referenceSuppose I have a structure having data members. I create 2 structure objects. Can I add 2 structure objects which automatically will take care of adding the data members of the 2 objects of the structureCan we increment the data member of the structure through the structure object using the ++ operatorOperator overloading is programming the operator to perform a different functionIn function overloading, Is name mangling concept applied on both function definitions and declarationsIs name mangling concept taken care for all the functions irrespective of whether the function is overloaded or notFunction overloading is differentiating the function( with same names) based on their return typeCan A function be overloaded only onceWe will get a compilation error, if we overload --operator to perform incrementationMacros perform typechecking of the arguments passed to macro functionsWhat is a class and a objectIs it true that A constructor is not a mandatory function in a classIs it true that A destructor function is automatically called when the object of the class is constructedIs it true that when Malloc allocates memory dynamically when creating an object of the class, it also calls the constructorIs it true that when New allocates memory dynamically when creating an object of the class, it doesnt call the constructorIs it true that when Delete operator calls the destructor function of the class when the object is being destroyedIs it true that when Free function can be used to free the memory which is dynamically allocated by using the new operatorIs it true that when Delete operator can be used to free the memory which is dynamically allocated by using the new operatorCan A public data member of the class can be accessed from anywhere with in the class or from outside the classCan A private data member of the class can be accessed by the class object from outside the classCan A member function of the class can be made privateCan A public member function of a particular class can be called by the object of the class from outside the classCan A private member function cannot be called directly by the object of the class from outside the classCan I alter the private data member of the class from outside the classIs it true that A static member function can be accessed only by the class name from outside the classCan a static member function change the data member value belonging to a particular objectCan a constructor of a object initialize the static data member of the classCan a normal member function change modify the static data member of the classWhat is the difference between a static member function accessing the static data member and a normal member function accessing the static data memberCan we modify a publicly declared static data member from outside the classCan one class contain an another class in itCreate an array of 3 objects and initialize themIs it logical to initialize the data members in the class when the class is createdCan we initialize the public const data member of the class from outside the classCan one class have an other classs object declared in its private sectionCan we create an object of an anonymous/nameless classDoes an overloaded assignment operator gets called by default when one object is assigned to the other objectDoes an overloaded + operator gets called by default when one object is added with another objectCan we assign an integer value to an objectExplain the concept of this pointerIs it true that the member functions can only access the data members related to classCan we create a static objectCan we have a const member functionIs there any difference between assignment operators and copy constructorsWhich function gets called when an object is passed to a function or returned from a function by valueIs it true that If a derived class is privately derived from a base class then the protected and public data members of the base class will become private for the desired classIs it true that If a derived class is protectedly derived from a base class, then protected and public data members of the base class will become protected for the derived classIs it true that If a derived class inherits privately all public members of the base class, the public member of the base class will become private for the derived classContinued from the above statement, can we make some of the members of the base class to be accessible from outside the derived classIs the size of the base class is equal to the sum of the sizes of the data members of the base class and the derived classesIs it true that multiple inheritance is similar to multilevel inheritanceCan we derive a child class from a base class even before the base class is definedA derived class is derived publicly from the base class. The derived class has got a member function which overrides the member functiondefined in the base class . Is it true that the member function of the base class will be called by an object of the derived classIs it true that the base class can access the public members of the derived classIs it true that When a class is publicly derived from a base class, then the private members of the base class is not accessible from outside the derived class, but the public and protected members are accessible from outside and inside the member functions of the derived classIs it true that When a class is privately derived from a base class, the protected and public members of the base class will become private for the derived classIs it true that When a class is protectedly derived from a base class, then the protected and public members of the base class become protected members of the derived classIs it true that The object of the derived class can access the private and protected members of the base class from outside the derived classIs it true that a virtual function without the expression = 0 added to the declaration cant be overriddenIs it true that An abstract class is something where in the derived class cant override the member functions of the base classIs it true that we cant have a pointer to an abstract classIs it true that The normal functions are resolved at run timeIs it true that the virtual table contain the address of virtual functionsIs it true that The address of the derived class object cant be stored in a base class pointer. This leads to a compilation errorIs it true that Virtual functions dont support polymorphismCan a derived class pointer can call the virtual function defined in the base classIs it true that The virtual function table is shared across different objects of the classIs it true that The this pointer contains the address of the object where as the object contains vptr which in turn holds the address of the virtual tableCan we have a pure virtual constructor and destructor functionsIs it true that An abstract base class is something which doesnt contain a pure virtual functionIs it true that An abstract class doesnt need a constructorIs it true that The has a is a concept where in when a class is derived from another class, it is said to a type of its base classIs it true that The kind of relationship is something where in one class will have an object of another class created in itCan we use the explicit keyword along with the constructors to prevent implicit conversionsIs it true that The data member of the const object can be changed using the mutable keywordIs it true that a friend function of a class can never access private data of a classIs it true that a friend function should mandatorily a member function of the classIs it true that Forward referencing is a concept where in a friend function can refer a undefined and a undeclared classIs it true that A friend class of a class can access the data members of the classIs it true that The dynamic cast operator gives the information about the object at run timeCan we convert a const integer variable to non const variableIs it true that We dont have to rewrite the code when we are using composition or inheritanceIs it true that A function that is a friend of a class can access only the public data members of a classIs it true that If class B is declared as a friend to class A, then class A can access all private & public members of class BIs it true that templates cant be used on user defined data typeIs it true that Function template and template functions are similarIs it true that Macros are more advantageous then templatesIs it true that We get a compilation error if class templates are instantiated using objectsIs it true that The member functions of a template class should mandatorily be defined in the classIs it true that If there is a function template called fun(), then a specific appropriate version of it would be generated when the fun() is called with a new data type argumentIs it true that template saves memoryIs it true that A function template should mandatorily have only one argument typeIs it true that We get run time error if we set default values to template argumentsIs it true that We get compile time error if function templates are overloaded"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python: Solved Interview Ques on Algorithms, Data Structures" |
"Welcome to the course ""Python: Solved Interview Questions on Algorithms and Data structures"".This course is from a software engineer who has managed to crack interviews in around 16 software companies.Sometimes, life gives us no time to prepare, There are emergency times where in we have to buck up our guts and start bringing the situations under our control rather then being in the control of the situation. At the end of the day, All leave this earth empty handed. But given a situation, we should live up or fight up in such a way that the whole action sequence should make us proud and be giving us goosebumps when we think about it right after 10 years.We would have observed the fact that though most of us are developers, only few would get a chance to work on certain advanced programming stuff like Data Structures, Linked Lists, Trees. The rest of us get tospend time in Bug fixing, resolving Maintenance issues during our work hours. Though this work doesn't help us much in improving our learning curve, it certainly feeds us and our families. So, Keeping this in mind, at the work place, We don't have any option but to work honestly.But, the real trouble starts when we start attending interviews and suddenly somebody asks us toprovide an optimal algorithm or a program which separates zeroes and ones in aarray or somebody asks usto provide an efficient algorithm which will get the diameter of a tree. There can also occur a situation where in we think twice or get confusedwhen we try to connect previous and next nodes whileinsertinga node between two nodes in a single or double link list.Most of the times, the interviewer feels happy if we give him/her an optimal solution for a problem.It might so happen that, though we have around 8 to 10 years of software development experience, we still feel shaky and confused while literally tracing or debugging a recursive algorithm. The problem is though we know the solution, We will not be able to present it conveniently as we would have lost touch with the fundamentals of programming due to our day to day office routine, the workprocesses which are in place.Speaking of this course, here we have tried to cover majority of interview questions on algorithms and data structures in python along with the basics of data structures. We have literally traced/debugged most of the algorithms for several interview questions. We have explained the solutions for several interview questions for the following content:Stacks, Linked Lists, Trees, Arrays, Searching and Sorting.The course content is around 9 hours. Kindly check the preview for 30 mins. If you are interested, Kindly take up the course. The respectiveprograms are attached with the sessions. Kindly note that,We have focusedmore on explaining the optimal logic of the program rather then discussing the notations like Big Oof the algorithms.Kindly adjust the talkingspeed in accordance to your convenience (Please set the course narration speed on your convenience.). The concepts are presented in Neutral English.The below are the interview questions explained in the course:- write a program to implement stacks using lists- write a program to implement stacks using linked lists- write a program to balance symbols using stacks- write a program to convert an infix expression to postfix expression- write a program to evaluate a postfix expression- write a program to find out whether a string is a palindrome using stacks- write a program to reverse a given stack- write a program to insert a node at the beginning of a single link list- write a program to insert a node at the end of a single link list- write a program to insert a node after a particular position in a single link list- write a program to delete a node at the beginning of a single link list- write a program to delete a node at the end of the single link list- write a program to delete a node after a particular position in a single link list- write a program to search a node in a single link list- write a program to get the size of a single link list- write a program to insert a node at the beginning of a double link list- write a program to insert a node at the end of a double link list- write a program to insert a node after a particular position in a double link list- write a program to delete a node at the beginning of a double link list- write a program to delete a node at the end of the double link list- write a program to delete a node after a particular position in a double link list- write a program to find the nth node from the end of the single link list- write a program which suggests an alternative way to find the nth node from the end of the single link list- write a program which detects a loop in a single link list- write a program which finds the length of the loop in a single link list- write a program which finds the start node of a loop in a single link list- write a program which reverses the single link list using iteration- write a program which reverses the single link list using recursion- write a program which get's us the intersection point of two independent single link lists which are fused at one point- write a program which finds the middle node of a single link list- write a program which display the single link list contents beginning from the tail of the list- write a program which checks if the single link list is even or odd in length- write a program which merges two independent single linked lists in sorted order- write a program which reverses the nodes in pairs in a single link list- write a program which finds the modular node from the end of the single link list- write a program which finds the modular node from the beginning of the single link list- write a program which gets the fractional node in a single link list- write a program which removes the duplicate nodes from a single link list- write a program which gets the square root node in a single link list- write a program to add nodes in a binary tree- write program to find a node in a binary tree- write a program which displays the contents of a binary tree in an inorder format- write a program which displays the contents of a binary tree in an preorder format- write a program which displays the contents of a binary tree in an postorder format- write a program which checks whether a given tree is a binary tree- write a program which performs level order traversal on a given binary tree- write a program which finds the node which has got the maximum value in a given binary tree- write a program which finds the node which has got the manimum value in a given binary tree- write a program which finds the node which has got the maximum value using level order traversal in a given binary tree- write a program which finds the node which has got the minimum value using level order traversal in a given binary tree- write a program which find the node with a given value using iteration- write a program which finds the size of the given binary tree using iteration- write a program which prints the contents of the tree in reverse order using iteration- write a program which gets the maximum depth of the tree- write a program which find the deepest node of the tree using iteration- write a program which counts the number of leaves in the tree using iteration- write a program which counts the number of full nodes in a tree using iteration- write a program which counts the number of half nodes in a tree using iteration- write a program which compares two binary trees- write a program which find the diameter of a given binary tree- write a program which gets the level with the maximum sum in a given binary tree- write a program which gets the path of all nodes in a binary tree- write a program which gets the combined numbers from root to leaf in a binary tree- write a program which gets the path which has a given sum in a given binary tree- write a program which gets the sum of all nodes in a binary tree- write a program which creates the mirror image of the given binary tree- write a program which check if two binary trees are mirror images of each other- write a program which gets the parent of the nodes in a binary tree- write a program to find duplicated elements in a sorted array- write a program to find the element which appears maximum number of times in an array- write a program which gets the non repeated character in the array- write a program which displays the duplicated numbers in the array- write a program which gets the repeated character in the array- write a program which gets the element which has appeared maximum number of times in a array using hashing- write a program which gets the first repeated element in the array using hashing- write a program which finds the missing number in a array- write a program which gets two elements which are present twice in an array using hashing- write a program which from an array gets the two numbers which form a sum- write a program which from an array gets the two numbers when combined is close to zero- write a program which from an array gets the three numbers which form a sum- write a program which from a rotated array, gets the element which has got a minimum value- write a program which from a rotated array, finds the element with a given value- write a program which gets the first occurence of a number using binary search in an array- write a program which gets the last occurence of a number using binary search in an array- write a program which gets the oddly repeated number in a array- write a program which seperate even and odd numbers in a array- write a program which seperate zeroes and ones in the array- write a programs which seperate zeroes, ones and twos in the array using dutchflag algorithm- write a program to perform binary search using iteration- write a program to perform binary search using recursion- write a program to get the frequency of every number in a array- write a program which will get the character which has occured only once in the array- write a program to get the element forming sum from 2 sorted arrays- write a program to implement bubble sort algorithm- write a program to implement selection sort algorithm- write a program to implement shell sort algorithm- write a program to implement insertion sort algorithm"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Test your C Skills:The Complete C Programming Interview Pack" |
"This course is from a software engineer who has managed to crack interviews in around 16 software companies.Sometimes, life gives us no time to prepare, There are emergency times where in we have to buck up our guts and start bringing the situations under our control rather then being in the control of the situation. At the end of the day, All leave this earth empty handed. But given a situation, we should live up or fight up in such a way that the whole action sequence should make us proud and be giving us goosebumps when we think about it right after 10 years.The course contains 200C programming interview questions.The course hastop class questions which will help you to refresh, upgrade your c programming skillsand facilitate in your interview preparations. You can findinterview questionsondifferent aspects of Cprogramming in thisone courserather then exploring theinternet for various partsof cprogramming questions.This course is a combination of tricky, complex, simple, straight, basic, advanced C programming interview questions.The following topics are covered in the covered in thecourse:1. Expressions2. Statements3. Arrays and Strings4. Pointers5. Functions6. Preprocessors7. Stacks8. Recursion9. Linked Lists10. TreesNote: Kindly enroll in the course if you know the basics of c programming knowledge."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Test Your Python Programming Skills: Are you really good ??" |
"This course is from a software engineer who has managed to crack interviews in around 16 software companies.Sometimes, life gives us no time to prepare, There are emergency times where in we have to buck up our guts and start bringing the situations under our control rather then being in the control of the situation. At the end of the day, All leave this earth empty handed. But given a situation, we should live up or fight up in such a way that the whole action sequence should make us proud and be giving us goosebumps when we think about it right after 10 years.This course covers all python programming related topics. This helps in your python interview preparation.This course has around 6 practice tests covering about 115 programming questions.We have covered python programming questions in the following topics:stackslinked liststreesarrayssearchingtuplesstringslistsThe answers and brief explanations for each answerisprovided at the end of each test. Please find the details explanation of the answers in our courses:1) Cracking python interview questions on programming2) Python: Solved interview questions on Algorithms and Data structuresNote: Please enroll in this course only if you are aware of the basics of python."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python PySpark & Big Data Analysis Using Python Made Simple" |
"Welcome to the course 'Python Pyspark and Big Data Analysis Using Python Made Simple'This course is from a software engineer who has managed to crack interviews in around 16 software companies.Sometimes, life gives us no time to prepare, There are emergency times where in we have to buck up our guts and start bringing the situations under our control rather then being in the control of the situation. At the end of the day, All leave this earth empty handed. But given a situation, we should live up or fight up in such a way that the whole action sequence should make us proud and be giving us goosebumps when we think about it right after 10 years.Apache Spark is an open-source processing engine built around speed, ease of use, and analytics.Spark is Developed to utilize distributed, in-memory data structures to improve data processing speeds for most workloads, Spark performs up to 100 times faster than Hadoop MapReduce for iterative algorithms. Spark supports Java, Scala, and Python APIs for ease of development.The PySpark API Utility Module enables the use of Python to interact with the Spark programming model. For programmers who arealready familiar with Python, the PySpark API provides easy access to the extremely high-performance data processing enabled by Sparks Scala architecture without really the need to learn any Scala.Though Scala is much more efficient, the PySpark API allows data scientists with experience of Python to write programming logic in the language mostfamiliar to them. They can use it to perform rapid distributed transformations on large sets of data, and get the results back in Python-friendly notation.PySpark transformations (such as map, flatMap, filter) return resilient distributed datasets (RDDs). The short functions are passed to RDD methods using Pythons lambda syntax, while longer functions are defined with the def keyword.PySpark automatically ships the requested functions to worker nodes. The worker nodes then run the Python processes and push the results back to SparkContext, which stores the data in the RDD.PySpark offers access via an interactive shell, providing a simple way to learn the API.This course has a lot of programs , single line statements which extensively explains the use of pyspark apis.Through programs and through small data sets we have explained how actually a file with big data sets is analyzed the required results are returned.The course duration is around 6 hours. We have followed the question and answer approach to explain the pyspark api concepts.We would request you to kindly check the list of pyspark questions in the course landing page and then if you are interested, you can enroll in the course.Note: This course is designed for Absolute BeginnersQuestions:>> Create and print an RDD from a python collection of numbers. The given collection of numbers should be distributed in 5 partitions>> Demonstrate the use of glom() function>> Using the range() function, print '1, 3, 5'>> what is the output of the below statements ? sc=SparkContext() sc.setLogLevel(""ERROR"") sc.range(5).collect() sc.range(2, 4).collect() sc.range(1, 7, 2).collect()>> For a given python collection of numbers in the RDD with a given set of partitions. Perform the following: -> write a function which calculates the square of each numbers -> apply this function on the specified partitions in the rdd>> what is the output of the below statements: [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]] write a statement such that you get the below outputs: [0, 1, 16, 25] [0, 1] [4, 9] [16, 25]>> with the help of SparkContext(), read and display the contents of a text file>> explain the use of union() function>> Is it possible to combine and print the contents of a text file and contents of a rdd ?>> write a pgm to list a particular directory's text files and their contents>> Given two functions seqOp and combOp, what is the output of the below statements: seqOp = (lambda x, y: (x[0] + y, x[1] + 1)) combOp = (lambda x, y: (x[0] + y[0], x[1] + y[1])) print(sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4], 2).aggregate((0, 0), seqOp, combOp))>> Given a data set: [1, 2] : Write a statement such that we get the output as below: [(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 1), (2, 2)]>> Given the data: [1,2,3,4,5]. What is the difference between the output of the below 2 statements: print(sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3).coalesce(4).glom().collect()) print(sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 5).coalesce(4).glom().collect())>> Given two rdds x and y: x = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 1), (""b"", 4)]) y = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 2)]) Write a pyspark pgm statement which produces the below statement: [('a', ([1], [2])), ('b', ([4], []))]>> Given the below statement: m = sc.parallelize([(1, 2), (3, 4)]).collectAsMap() Find out a way to print the below values: '2' '4'>> explain the output of the below statment: print(sc.parallelize([2, 3, 4]).count()) output: 3>> Given the statement : rdd = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 1), (""b"", 1), (""a"", 1)]) Find a way to count the occurences of the the keys and print the output as below: [('a', 2), ('b', 1)]>> explain the output of the below statement: print(sorted(sc.parallelize([1, 2, 1, 2, 2], 2).countByValue().items())) output: [(1, 2), (2, 3)]>> Given the rdd which contains the elements -> [1, 1, 2, 3], try to print only the first occurence of the number output: [1, 2, 3]>> Given the below statement: rdd = sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) write a statement to print only -> [2, 4]>>Given data: [2, 3, 4]. Try to print only the first element in the data (i.e 2)>> Given the below statement: rdd = sc.parallelize([2, 3, 4]) Write a statement to get the below output from the above rdd: [(2, 2), (2, 2), (3, 3), (3, 3), (4, 4), (4, 4)]>> Given the below statement: x = sc.parallelize([(""a"", [""x"", ""y"", ""z""]), (""b"", [""p"", ""r""])]) Write a statement/statements to get the below output from the above rdd: [('a', 'x'), ('a', 'y'), ('a', 'z'), ('b', 'p'), ('b', 'r')]>> Given the below statement: rdd = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 1), (""b"", 1), (""a"", 1)]) What is the output of the below statements: print(sorted(rdd.foldByKey(0, add).collect())) print(sorted(rdd.foldByKey(1, add).collect())) print(sorted(rdd.foldByKey(2, add).collect()))>> Given below statements: x = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 1), (""b"", 4)]) y = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 2), (""c"", 8)]) Write a statement to get the output as [('a', (1, 2)), ('b', (4, None)), ('c', (None, 8))]>>is it possible to get the number of partitions in the rdd>> Given below statements:rdd = sc.parallelize([1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8])write a snippet to get the following output:[(0, [2, 8]), (1, [1, 1, 3, 5])]>> Given below statements:w = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 5), (""b"", 6)])x = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 1), (""b"", 4)])y = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 2)])z = sc.parallelize([(""b"", 42)])write a snippet to get the following output:output: [('a', ([5], [1], [2], [])), ('b', ([6], [4], [], [42]))]>> Given below statements:rdd1 = sc.parallelize([1, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5])rdd2 = sc.parallelize([1, 6, 2, 3, 7, 8])write a snippet to get the following output:output:[1, 2, 3]>> Given below statements:x = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 1), (""b"", 4)])y = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 2), (""a"", 3)])write a snippet to get the following output:output:[('a', (1, 2)), ('a', (1, 3))][('a', (2, 1)), ('a', (3, 1))]>> For the given data: [0, 1, 2, 3]Write a statement to get the output as:[(0, 0), (1, 1), (4, 2), (9, 3)]>> For the given data: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] and [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]Write a statement to get the output as:[(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)]>> Given the data:[(0, 0), (1, 1), (4, 2), (9, 3)][(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)]Write a statement to get the output as:[(0, [[0], [0]]), (1, [[1], [1]]), (2, [[], [2]]), (3, [[], [3]]), (4, [[2], [4]]), (9, [[3], []])]>> Given the data: [(1, 2), (3, 4)]Print only '1' and '3'>> Given the below statements:x = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 1), (""b"", 4)])y = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 2)])write a snippet to get the following output:output:[('a', (1, 2)), ('b', (4, None))][('a', (1, 2))]>> What is the output of the below statements:rdd = sc.parallelize([""b"", ""a"", ""c""])print(sorted( x: (x, 1)).collect()))>> What is the output of the below statements:rdd = sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4], 2)def f(iterator): yield sum(iterator)print(rdd.mapPartitions(f).collect())>> Explain the output of the below code snippet:rdd = sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4], 4)def f(splitIndex, iterator): yield splitIndexprint(rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex(f).sum())output: 6>> Explain the output of the below code snippet:x = sc.parallelize([(""a"", [""apple"", ""banana"", ""lemon""]), (""b"", [""grapes""])])def f(x): return len(x)print(x.mapValues(f).collect())output: [('a', 3), ('b', 1)]>> What is the output of the below snippet:import findsparkfindspark.init('/opt/spark-2.2.1-bin-hadoop2.7')import pysparkimport osfrom pyspark import SparkContextsc=SparkContext()sc.setLogLevel(""ERROR"")print(sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3]).mean())>> what is the output of the below snippet:pairs = sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3]).map(lambda x: (x, x))sets = pairs.partitionBy(2).glom().collect()print(sets)>> Given the rdd below:sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])write a statement to get the below output:output: 15>> Given the statement below:rdd = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 1), (""b"", 1), (""a"", 1)])Write a statement to get the below output:output:[('a', 2), ('b', 1)]>> what is the difference between leftouterjoin and rightoutjoin>> Given the below statement:tmp = [('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('1', 3), ('d', 4), ('2', 5)]what is the output of the below statements:print(sc.parallelize(tmp).sortBy(lambda x: x[0]).collect())print(sc.parallelize(tmp).sortBy(lambda x: x[1]).collect())>> Given the statement:x = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 1), (""b"", 4), (""b"", 5), (""a"", 3)])y = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 3), (""c"", None)])do something to get the output:[('a', 1), ('b', 4), ('b', 5)]>> Given the statement:x = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 1), (""b"", 4), (""b"", 5), (""a"", 2)])y = sc.parallelize([(""a"", 3), (""c"", None)])do something to get the output:[('b', 4), ('b', 5)]>> Given the statement:sc.parallelize([""a"", ""b"", ""c"", ""d""], 3)do something to get the output:[('a', 0), ('b', 1), ('c', 2), ('d', 3)]>> Given the statement:sc.parallelize([""a"", ""b"", ""c"", ""d"", ""e""], 3)do something to get the output:[('a', 0), ('b', 1), ('c', 4), ('d', 2), ('e', 5)]>> Given the statements:x = sc.parallelize(range(0,5))y = sc.parallelize(range(1000, 1005))do something to get the output:[(0, 1000), (1, 1001), (2, 1002), (3, 1003), (4, 1004)]>> output of the given pgm:sc=SparkContext()sc.setLogLevel(""ERROR"")data = [[""xyz1"",""a1"",1, 2], [""xyz1"",""a2"",3,4], [""xyz2"",""a1"",5,6], [""xyz2"",""a2"",7,8], [""xyz3"",""a1"",9,10]]rdd = sc.parallelize(data,4)output = y : [y[0],y[1],(y[2]+y[3])/2])output2 = output.filter(lambda y : ""a2"" in y)output4 = output2.takeOrdered(num=3, key = lambda x :-x[2])print(output4)output5 = output2.takeOrdered(num=3, key = lambda x :x[2])print(output5)>> output the contents of a text file>> output the contents of a csvfile>> write a pgm to save to a sequence file and read from a sequence file>> write a pgm to save data in json format and display the contents of a json file>> write a pgm to add the indices of data sets>> write a pgm to differentiate across odd and even numbers using filter function>> write a pgm to explain the concept of join function>>write a pgm to explain the concept of mapfunction>>write a pgm to explain the concept of foldfunction>>write a pgm to explain the concept of reducebykeyfunction>>write a pgm to explain the concept of combinebykeyfunction>> There are many pgms which are showcase to analyse big data"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java: Multi-threading and Concurrency Simplified" |
"Multi threading in Java is the most essential feature that each and every Java developer should understand and be able to confidently apply it in solving complex programming problems where concurrent execution is a must. With parallel processing there comes a risk, i.e. shared mutability and the ability of the developer to solve concurrency problems.Thanks to the Java programming language that it makes the mighty multi-threaded application development a cake walk, if you assimilate few keys or core concepts you will be able to confidently design multi threaded applications with ease.To design multi threaded applications developers need to look at it through a different perspective i.e. change the thinking from serial to parallel and it requires some effort. Keeping this in mind this course contains the essential lectures whichcan guide you in this regard.This course was designed keeping the above points in mind and will help you understand these complex problems through simplified and easy to understand examples.Course contents includeUnderstanding Threads, Priorities, States, Daemon Threads.Thread synchronization using synchronized blocks and locks.Key components of java.util.concurrent package including ForkJoinPool and ForkJoinTask(s).Mock HttpServer to explain how HTTPworks and simulate how a typical web server responds to the client requests.ThreadLocal Introduction to distributed locksAn overview of how to build scalable applications using Messaging Queues. Introduction to Lambdas and Streams (Coming up)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Java: Socket Programming Simplified" |
"Socket programming is an essential part of the language that enables you to understand how applications communicate over the network. This helps in enabling you to understand how client server communication works and also gives you more insights into how server applications are built.It is important for each and every application developer(including Java developers) to have an understanding of how socket communication works. Hence this course is an absolute necessity.The primary focus points of this course includeHow TCP/IPcommunication worksHow UDP/IPcommunication worksBasic client/server coding using multi-threaded client/server.Get working knowledge of HTTPcommunication using Mock HTTPServer.Build a Peer-to-Peer chat app using TCP/IPBuild a Group Chat app using UDP/IP.Once you are familiar with the above topics you will be able to confidently deal with the current client/server applications."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Key to English Grammar: Learn English with Julia" |
"Hello everyone! I am Julia, a native English teacher from London with over 12 years experience of teaching languages and over 4 years of training language teachers of French and English. Throughout this course, I will be teaching you how to learn grammar in context and in theory. I will also present you with all the specific language required to understand and explain grammar.You will feel confident using all the verb tenses, as well as the different parts of speech (also called ""Word classes"") that constitute the English language: adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions, determiners, nouns, prepositions, pronouns, and verbs.Have any questions? I look forward to your messages!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Beginner English: Fast and Fun Learning with Julia!" |
"This comprehensive English course is not only modern but also structured and fun! Learn English at your own pace by watching videos and practising vocabulary and grammar in context. Feel confident listening to a variety of accents in English, and speak with confidence too!This course makes learning English grammar easy and entertaining.We encourage you to use the subtitles or closed captions until you get used to the differentaccents.We also recommend that you complete the quiz at the end of each lesson.Have fun and do not hesitate to get in touch if you need any guidance or support!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn C++ Programming By Making Games Volume 2" |
"An in depth practical course on OOP using C++. We learn the very basics of OOP like Classes and Objects up to more advanced topics like move semantics and lambda expressions. We then take those topics and apply them through a complex application that will contain 4 different arcade games:Tetris, Break-out!, Asteroids and Pacman. We will code 2 of those games together using the techniques we learned in the previous sections. The other 2 games will be projects for students.We'll be making this arcade app from SCRATCH (mostly), using SDL for window management, input and colour but that's it! Everything else will be hand coded by us so we can get a good understanding of what's happening underneath the hood in game engines. What we make from scratch:Drawing lines and shapesVectorsPolygon fill algorithm2D texturing2D sprite animations2D rotationsLoading bitmap filesSprite sheetsSo much more!This is an exciting course for students to take their skills to the next level through challenging problems and games. This is a HARD course, but if you stick with it (and finish all the exercises and projects), you'll not only be a better programmer than most of your peers, you'll be one step closer to getting that industry job you've been dreaming about.Theres no risk!This course comes with afull 30 day money-back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with the course, Udemy will refund you what you paid - no questions asked.Register for the course today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Monetize your Instagram as an Instagram Influencer 2020" |
"Instagram is one of the most powerful Social Media platforms available so why not take advantage of that and make money with it?In this course, we are going to explain you the most efficient methods you can use to start your Instagram business and how to monetize your Instagram account as an Instagram Influencer. We will guide you from the start with tips on how to grow your Instagram account and how to professionally optimize your profile. We will then explain all the ways we have personally used to make thousands of Euros on Instagram and tell you everything you need to know to start getting paid in no time. Weve packed everything weve learned about Instagram along the way into this course, including a proven system for approaching Instagram sponsors and companies to get partnerships and paid jobs including our automated system to send custom emails to thousands of brands per day. This course is based on our personal experience and on what we have learned in the past years as Instagram Influencers. INSTAGRAM INFLUENCERS BONUS: We have included an exclusive list with over 1500 Brands that work with influencers on a regular basis saving you hundreds of hours of research. We'll also give you a baseline understanding of the most effective social media practices that are applicable on any platform and how to use them in your benefit. Click the ""take this course"" button straight away at the top right of this page to unlock the power of making a living as an Instagram Influencer."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"TripAdvisor Domination For Hotels & Hospitality Management" |
"Do you want to learn how to dominate TripAdvisor and increase your Hospitality Business Profits?This course was created by compiling the knowledge our International team acquired over the last 6 years into a step by step practical Guide to dominate TripAdvisor and any other online review platform.We have helped over 300 Hotels, Resorts and other hospitality businesses to manage and improve their online reputation and dominate TripAdvisor rankings with the bestHospitality Management Methods. Many of our customers started with a bad or non-existent online Reputation and after following our course and Guidelines many of them are now on TripAdvisors Top 10 for their location and with increases of over 100% in occupation rate and profits . Over the last years we have been experimenting and optimizing this model to create this revolutionary Guide we are bringing you now for the perfectHospitality Management!Its possible to increase your bookings and revenues by improving your Online Reputation andHospitality Management systemand we guarantee that by the end of this course you will have all the skills and tools to increase your ranking on TripAdvisor in 2018. We broken down the entire process: from the business evaluation, Reviews collection and management, professional Tools and tips to the entire customers experience so you can replicate this proven system. We provide real life examples, downloadable Step by step Check Lists and even Templates to create your Professional Looking website and to have the professionalHospitality Management you deserve. Its all there for you. With small changes and the professional knowledge we will share with you, you can put our method into practice and see the amount of bookings and profit grow in no time! All you have to do is start this course now!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Passive Income : Our Methods To Make Money Online" |
"Are you tired of working too many hours and not making enough money?Do you want to generate passive income,be able to enjoy life and spend more time with the ones you love and follow your passion? Money is not everything, but it does make certain aspects of life easy. Working more is not the solution for your problem. The real answer is to find ways to make money that are reliable and steady, and that dont require you to spend your life working so hard that you dont have time to enjoy. All the Passive Incomemethod shared in this course havebrought us at least 5000$ of profit in passive income in the past so we are the proof that they actually work!In this course we will share with you the methods we have used to generate passive incomeand the secrets from our personal experience on each of them, so you can replicate our successful formula and start making passive income.The methods presented in this course allow us to make thousands of dollars in passive income per month and live the lifestyle we always wanted. If its possible for us to make passive income it is also possible for you and we guarantee that using the methods in this course and replicating our real life examples you will be spending more time living and less time working. If you are looking for a quick way to get rich this course is not for you. This course will teach you the foundation and provide you with the tools you need for long term passive income success and a better-balanced life. Each day that you procrastinate you only put yourself further behind in reaching your goals. Change your life today with Passive Income. Start this Passive Incomecourse NOW!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"20 Ways To Make Money Online" |
"Do you want to make money online and have more freedom?Learn the tactics we used toearn over 100$ per day working around 5 hours per day, with nothing more than a computer and internet connection! We work whenever and wherever we want, plus take time off whenever we please. Want to know how we did it? Then, this course is perfect for you! We will quickly go overthe top 20 ways we have used to make money online, before discussing the steps you need to take as well as the valuabletips and tricks you need to know if you want to be successful.Of course, you dont have to quit your day job, but if you take action on the information presented herein, youll probably want to. The methods presented in this course allow us to make thousands of dollars remotely per month and live the lifestyle we always wanted. If its possible for us it is also possible for you and we guarantee that using the methods in this course and with some effort you will be changing your life for the best in no time. Each day that you procrastinate you only put yourself further behind in reaching your goals.Change your life today. Start this course NOW!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Parenting Tips To Make Your Life Easier" |
"Are you a recent parent or soon to be one? Are you freaking out about the challenge ahead of you and how to deal with the most life-changing experience you will ever have?The biggest problem for most parents are similar: Doing your best for your baby This course is more than a parenting guidance concept. It is a mindset for successful parenthood. We share with you the key parentingstrategies that foster healthy habits, leading to happier children and saving you a lot of time and trouble throughout the process of being a parent.By interviewing and analyzing parenting data from over 100 mothers in 20 different countries we found that what really matters in parenting are the big things: Being responsive to babys needs Being present when youre around Talking and interacting with the baby Being firm but warm in discipline Sleeping time Sharing a lot of love This parentingcourse is about how to do those things, which will help you lay the foundation for raising a pretty great kid: smart, happy, social, emotionally healthy, curious, loved. Complete with age-appropriate strategies and real parenting tips for dealing with day-to-day struggles.By the end of this course you will be prepared for the challenge ahead of you!These parentingprinciples have worked for millions of parents and, when applied with common sense to your unique situation, can work wonderfully for you too!What are you waiting for? Master your parenting skills . Start this course now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Fazer Dinheiro No Instagram Como Influencer 2020" |
"O Instagram uma das plataformasmais poderosas ao nosso dispor. Porque no aproveitar a mesma e fazer dinheirocom ela?Neste curso,vamos-lhe explicar os mtodos mais eficientes que pode utilizar para comear oseu negcio no Instagram e como fazer dinheiro a partir da sua conta sendo um Influencerde InstagramVamos gui-lo passoa passo com dicas e conhecimentos fundamentais para crescer o seu Instagram ecomo otimizar o seu perfil profissionalmente. De seguida, iremos explicar-lhetodos os mtodos que utilizamos para fazer milhares de Euros a partir noInstagram e partilhar consigo tudo o que precisa de saber para comear a serpago. Compilamos tudo oque aprendemos sobre o Instagram durante a nossa jornada, incluindo mtodoscomprovados para abordar patrocinadores e companhias para executar parcerias ealcanar trabalhos pagos incluindo ainda o nosso sistema de automatizao paraenviar emails personalizados para milhares de marcas por dia. Este curso baseado na nossa experienciapessoal e no que aprendemos nos ltimos anos como Influencers de InstagramBONUS INSTAGRAM INFLUENCERS:Inclumos uma lista exclusiva com mais de 1500 contactos de Marcas quetrabalham regularmente com Influencers poupando-lhe centenas de horas depesquisas.Irainda aprender as prticas de Social Media mais eficazes que podem seraplicadas nas diferentes plataformas e como utilizar as mesmas para seu beneficio.Carregueno boto Compre Agora no topo desta pagina para aprender de imediato como fazerdinheiro a partir do Instagram"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Email Marketing Tactics For A Successful Business In 2020" |
"Do you feel that your email marketing could be generating more income for your business?By the end of this course you will be able to put in practice effective Email marketing campaigns to grow your business and generate more sales.We have applied the practical steps and guidelines in this course with over 300 Online and offline companies in the last 5 years leading to an average of over 300% growth on sales and over 10 Million dollars in targeted Email Marketingsales . Email marketing is a critical component of any business marketing plan. The quality of your message and your list could make or break an entire marketing campaign. In this course we will take you through all aspects of an email program, including strategy, data, design, delivery, testing and analysis. We will provide insight, tactics, tips and takeaways that you can implement to improve your business email marketingcampaigns to increase your sales and revenues! In this course youll discover:Why email traffic is more valuable than any other traffic.How to successfully build your email listHow to write emails that get people to click the Buy buttonBest practices and effective email marketing techniquesReal life Email examples of what works and converts Your email list can make you independently wealthy, but only if you know the rules of the game. If youre an email marketer or business owner who wants to increase your sales but doesnt know how, this course is perfect for you. Dont waste any more time and Start this Email Marketingcourse now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprende fcilmente funciones y gestin en excel" |
"Aprende rpida y fcilmente las funciones bsicas de excel, y como gestionar volmenes de datos.La obtencin de clculos en la planilla Excel es un aspecto fundamental en el cual se centra todos los contenidos abordados en el mini curso, en este caso los clculos los obtenemos a partir de la aplicacin de funciones, las cuales se definen como una formula predefinida que el programa contiene y en la cual debemos entregarles los parmetros y obtenemos un resultado.Con la aplicacin de las funciones bsicas de excel, el participante podr incorporarla en su diario quehacer tanto laboral, acadmico o personal, optimizando y haciendo mas eficiente su gestin del tiempo.En definitiva este curso es una ayuda, una introduccin a quienes desean iniciarse en este software tan usado hoy en da."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop CC - Esencial: Edicin de imgenes digitales" |
"Al da de hoy, Adobe Photoshopes la aplicacin estndar para el trabajo con imgenes digitales, y este curso te guiar paso a paso por las diferentes herramientas y opciones fundamentales de Photoshop para la edicin profesional de imgenes.Al finalizar el curso podrs manejarte con soltura y confianza con Adobe Photoshop utilizando selecciones, capas y mscaras, y sers capaz de realizar tareas fundamentales tales como transformaciones, correcciones de color, borrado de objetos, fondos y personas, retoques, eliminacin de imperfecciones de la piel, etc.//----------------------------------------------------//Comentarios destacados de los estudiantes:""Es de los mejores cursos, por no decir el mejor, de los que he realizado, en cuanto a claridad y aplicabilidad de los conceptos/temas a la prctica diaria, el ritmo es muy adecuado para entenderlo bien. Para mi es un curso excelente y el material audiovisual muy bueno. Debera recomendarse.""Jordi Matamoros Iraola""Explicaciones muy claras, aunque es conveniente saber algo de Photoshop para seguir bien este curso.""Andres Kelety//----------------------------------------------------//El abordaje utilizado en el curso es a travs de ejemplos prcticos, por lo que incluye las imgenes de ejemplo para que puedas descargarlas, seguir las clases paso a paso y realizar los trabajos prcticos.No estars solo, yo estar para ayudarte y para responder tus dudas.Por tratarse de un curso de Photoshop online, podrs acceder a l desde cualquier dispositivo (pc, Mac, tablet, celular, TV, etc.) con conexin a Internet... donde y cuando te resulte ms cmodo."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Curso Photoshop CC: Retoque de retratos y maquillaje digital" |
"La finalidadde este curso es que aprendas a utilizar Photoshop en tus fotografas de retrato para efectuar retoques y maquillaje que se vean ""naturales"".Habrs visto muchas fotografas en las que la piel se ve sin imperfecciones, pero demasiado artificial, como si fuese de plstico...La idea de este curso es justamente evitar este problema, y que al finalizarlo sepas como corregir las imperfecciones del rostro, y como efectuar un maquillaje digital con Photoshop, y que todo ello se vea de forma natural.//----------------------------------------------------//Comentarios destacados de los estudiantes:""Me encanta y lo est presentando muy claro.""Constanza Bernal Villegas""Es un muy buen curso y bien explicado.""Edgar Hoyos""Muy claro.""Mario Flores Tablada//----------------------------------------------------//Aprenders la tcnica profesional de ""separacin de frecuencias"" que te permitir mejorar el aspecto de la piel sin perder su textura, obteniendo un resultado muy natural, as como el mejoramiento del cabello, los dientes, los labios, los ojos, y la modificacin de algunos rasgos y volmenes del rostro.Tambin aprenders a realizar un maquillaje digital sobre los ojos, pestaas, pmulos y labios, que podrs hacer tan suave o intenso como desees.Tanto si tienes experiencia con Photoshop como si no la tienes, el curso te guiar paso a paso por las distintas tcnicas, e incluye las imgenes para realizar los trabajos prcticos, por lo tanto podrs seguir las clases efectuando tus prcticas sobre la misma imagen que yo utilizo.El curso consta de tres secciones fundamentales: Bsicos, Retoques y Maquillaje Digital.La ""Seccin Bsicos"" es esencial para quienes nunca han utilizado Photoshop y para quienes tienen un manejo muy bsico del programa. En ella aprenders o refrescars los conceptos elementales imprescindibles para utilizar correctamente el programa: Interfaz, herramientas, capas, mscaras, ajustes, como guardar tu documento, edicin no destructiva, etc.La ""Seccin Retoques"" te guiar paso a paso en la correccin y modificacin de la imagen para la obtencin de un resultado natural. En ella aprenders a retocar el cabello, los dientes, los labios, los ojos, la piel, y modificar algunos rasgos y volmenes del rostro. Aprenders la tcnica de ""separacin de frecuencias"" que te permitir mejorar el aspecto de la piel sin perder su textura, obteniendo un resultado muy natural.La ""Seccin Maquillaje Digital"" te ensear a maquillar digitalmente el rostro: Ojos, pestaas, pmulos, labios.Por tratarse de un curso de Photoshop online, podrs acceder a l desde cualquier dispositivo (pc, Mac, tablet, celular, TV, etc.) con conexin a Internet... Donde y cuando te resulte ms cmodo.No estars solo, yo estar para ayudarte y responder tus dudas.Te garantizo que lo disfrutars, y aprenders cosas asombrosas, as que antate en el curso y mejora tus retratos con Photoshop!"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Photoshop CC - Esencial: Colores, luces y sombras" |
"Aprende las ventajas del trabajo con capas de ajuste en Adobe Photoshop CC y aprovchalas para dar a tus imgenes un acabado visual perfecto.//----------------------------------------------------//Comentarios destacados de los estudiantes:""La pedagoga del profesor es genial, hace parecer fcil todos los procesos, y los explica de una forma clara, sencilla, pausada, hacindolo paso a paso en un ejemplo prctico. Este curso no lo haba hecho, pero vale la pena repetir cursos para embeberse de los diferentes temas.""Jordi Matamoros Iraola""Excelente curso, muy bueno me ayudo bastante.""Emmanuel Tribio//----------------------------------------------------//Aprenders a:Trabajar con capas de ajuste en lugar de utilizar los ajustes tradicionales.Realizar modificaciones sencillas de la gama tonal.Transformar imgenes con claroscuros de manera sencilla.Modificar la informacin de la imagen correctamente sin deteriorarla.Cambiar colores y generar monocromos.Modificar independientemente los distintos sectores tonales de una imagen.Alterar la potencia de los colores, dndoles mayor o menor fuerza.Crear imgenes en blanco y negro con buen detalle y contraste.Modificar cada uno de los componentes de color primario de una imagen.Combinar diversos ajustes para obtener el resultado deseado.Capas de ajuste de Curvas, Niveles, Exposicin, Tono/saturacin, Intensidad, Brillo/contraste, Filtro de fotografa, Equilibrio de color, Correccin selectiva, Blanco y negro, y el comando Sombras/iluminaciones, sern algunos de los temas que vers en el curso.Finalizando con un trabajo prctico en el que aplicars varios de los ajustes aprendidos sobre una imagen.Si no tienes conocimientos bsicos de Photoshop, te recomiendo que primeramente tomes mi curso ""Adobe Photoshop CC - Esencial: Edicin de imgenes digitales"", que puedes encontrar en mi perfil, que te dar las bases necesarias para aprovechar este curso al mximo.Este curso forma parte de una triloga de cursos de Photoshop que te permitirn aprender desde lo ms bsico hasta manipulaciones complejas:Con ""Adobe Photoshop CC - Esencial: Edicin de imgenes digitales"" aprenders los fundamentos para la edicin y retoque digital de imgenes en Photoshop CC.Con ""Adobe Photoshop CC - Esencial: Retoques y manipulaciones"" aprenders a utilizar las herramientas de retoque, limpiar, reconstruir y mejorar tus imgenes.Con ""Adobe Photoshop CC - Esencial: Colores, luces y sombras"" aprenders a utilizar las capas de ajuste, generando imgenes con un acabado visual perfecto.No se trata de un simple tutorial de Photoshop, ni de un rejuntado de tutoriales, sino de un curso de Photoshop estructurado como tal, e incluye las imgenes para realizar las prcticas y seguir las clases.Por tratarse de un curso de Photoshop online, podrs acceder a l desde cualquier dispositivo (pc, Mac, tablet, celular, TV, etc.) con conexin a Internet... donde y cuando te resulte ms cmodo; y no estars solo, ya que yo estar para ayudarte, para responder tus dudas, como una suerte de tutor online."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals of Bridge Design-Concept of design and modeling" |
"Fundamentals of Bridge Design : Your way to be bridge designerThis course covers fundamental concepts and methods in bridge design. Starting with the very basics, we consider definition of the bridge,differenttypes and what is the staticallysystem of each type of bridges.We then move on to look at bridge components; what are they and how the loads transfer throughthem? We'll cover thedifferenttypes of design codesand the differenttypes ofloadsin detail. Worked examples are used extensively to demonstrate the practical application of theory.Based on my experience lecturing to engineering undergraduates, the course focuses on those areas students find particularly tricky when starting out. The link between theory and practice is reinforced using myexperience as a infrastructure design engineer.The course includes video lectures which combine screen cast voice over with traditional style lectures.The emphasis is on worked examples with students encouraged to try questions before the detailed solution is presented. The teaching philosophy is 'learn by doing!'.This course is suitable for engineeringstudents who find their bridges lectures confusingand feel a little lost when it comes to bridge design. The course also give the hand for the graduated engineers to build their way to be bridge designer. Bridge designer became one of the most requiredcivil engineering jobs in the market. Once you get the chance to understand and apply on real brides you already created a new chance for your career.Who is the target audience?This course is great for undergraduate engineering students who feel a little lost in their bridge designlectures. We start from scratch, establishing the basics and build from there.Graduated engineers who want to create another chance on their career as bridge designer.If you're about to start an engineering program, this course is a great way to get a head start.Bridge designers who are doing their design manuallywant to learn a fast tool to design bridgesby computer.Working examplesDesign examples on real bridge design will be updated in order to increase the application and ability to understand."
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0" |
"(Disclaimer: this course has professional voice over)We are proud of being the BESTSELLER course on digital transformation.In this course we will start learning about Industry 4.0 which is actually the foundation of the digital transformation term. Then we will have a quick look at the Society 5.0 because it will impact the scope of the digital transformation projects you will be running, especially for the government and public sector. Then we will study basics of digital transformation within different departments of a company and also within different industries. Finally we will cover several case studies to see real digital transformation projects and how they were managed.The first 2 section will cover Industry 4.0 and digital transformation which will be theory and information focused. The last section will only consist of real examples and the impacts which I guessyou will enjoy the most.This course is useful for C level managers in charge of digital transformation within their organization or program / project managers who will manage digital transformation projects. Senior managers also can benefit this course if the company will have the transition under their supervision. This course is also suitable for pioneers who want to start a digital transformation in a certain area within their company. This is a beginners level course and you dont need any preliminary knowledge to take this course.At the end of this course you will learn the roots of digital transformation and where it is heading to in the future. You will learn how to overcome the challenges of digital transformation projects. You will also have knowledge about real cases from different industries to show you how industries are evolving with the changes. If you were enthusiastic and patient enough to read to this end, then you should definitely register and start the course right away.The topics we'll cover in this course are;Industry 4.0Introduction to Industry 4.0Industry 4.0 is not just about factoriesHistory of Industrie 4.0Industry 4.0 by definitionIndustrial InternetFirst stages of maturityThe next maturity stagesSociety 5.0Society 5.0: breaking down 5 wallsDigital TransformationIntroduction to Digital TransformationDigital business transformationCauses of disruption and transformationDigital transformation myths and realitiesDigital Transformation and customer experience4 pillars in customer experience transformationDigital transformation in marketingDigital transformation across various industries Retail industryGovernment and the public sectorInsurance industryHealthcareBanking: Royal Bank of Scotland case studyFintech:Travelex case study Public Sector:The MET office case studyThis course covers a wide range of different topics and I would suggest you to take a different approach than traditional courses. Please pick the lectures that are most relevant to you and finish them first. You dont have to follow a specific order in this course.If you were enthusiastic and patient enough to listen to this end, then you should definitely register and start the course right away."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Creating Ethereum Blockchains and Deploying Smart Contracts" |
"The focus of this course is on installing a private blockchain on a cloud machine and then deploying smart contracts.This course explains how to:setup and access a cloud machine; install the Ethereum client (geth); install truffle; and to deploy a smart contract.We focus on the operational environments such as mining, contract addresses, ABIs, and options for geth.Geth has enormous flexibility and we cover the basics of how geth may be configured for a private directory, with different accounts, and mining.This is a hands-on course designed to get a student who has only knowledge of Ubuntu commands to a point in a few hours of being able to implement a new blockchain, deploy contracts, and setting up a server. Therefore, this is a practical course designed to provide real life skills needed in building blockchain based projects.This course is the first of a series of courses which are designed. This course introduces the key methods to get started. Further courses will provide more detail about coding smart contracts, accessing elasticsearch, building UIs for smart contracts, Oracles, and how smart contracts may solve business related problems.Therefore this course is a bedrock level course to get started, and from this far more is possible."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learning Solidity & Smart Contracts" |
"This video series builds on an earlier one. You will need to understand geth and truffle before starting this course. We cover in this course -1. How to compile a solidity contract using solc and also using truffle.2. How to code state variables.3. How to code functions and function modifiers.4. How to write events in a contract.5. How to test a contract using geth and how to test events.There is a practice test.At the end of this course you should be able to -1. Define a contract instance, and define an ABI.2. Code a smart contract, define state variables, define their scope, and test their values.3. Code events in a smart contract.4. Test a smart contract in geth.5. Write, compile, deploy, and test smart contracts."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |