Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Gain Prosperity, Success & Good Fortune by Sanskrit Chanting" |
"Do you want to change your life? Do you want more prosperity, success, good fortune and bliss in your life? We all are seeking happiness, prosperity and success in life. Bliss and prosperity are showered when we are prayerful and grateful. Sanskrit Chants/ prayers have sound vibrations that uplift/ purify individual and collective consciousness and spread happiness.If you're online and reading this, then you really have the commitment and determination to be prosperous and successful. Most people dont take the time out to educate themselves the way you have. Thats why this course is perfect for people like you. Its specifically for people like you, who want to be prosperous, successful and happy because we have the secret spelled out for you in Lord Ganesha Sanskrit chants. Sanskrit is one of the most ancient languages in the world. It's still pure even now. There's a huge amount of research on the Sanskrit chants, pronunciations, sound vibrations, its frequencies and the effect they have on human body/ mind and overall environment. There is a great amount of interest in Sanskrit all over the world. It's taught in several schools/ colleges and universities across the world. In this course you will learn Sanskrit chants of Ganesha. Lord Ganesha is the Divine/ God of happiness, prosperity and intellect. I am so grateful to Divine for choosing me to spread happiness and prosperity. You will learn how to chant with proper rhythm and pronunciation as well as meaning of the chants. I have provided downloadable files for your reference and practice. So are you ready to learn something new and exciting? Are you willing to sincerely commit yourself on path to happiness and prosperity? Then, let's join this enriching journey...What are the requirements?Open mind and willingness to learn.Discipline and commitment to practice chanting once learnt, on daily basis.Dedication and patience :-)What am I going to get from this course?Over 23 lectures with duration over 56 minutesSignificance and benefits of Sanskrit chantsSanskrit Chants in Devnagari and English scriptsPronunciation and rhythm of ChantsChant meaning explained in a simple wayDownloadable files of Chants, which can be referred for practice offline What is the target audience?People who want to be happy and successfulPeople who are willing to learn ancient secrets leading to happiness"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"The Secrets of Self-Motivation Mastery" |
"Do you feel you are not good enough/ confident enough?bored/ frustrated/ have had enough? you hate your job but need it for that paycheck?!feel drained of energy even in early morning?!anxiety about the outcome of work you undertake?that when you try to take up something, people try to put you down?If you can relate to these problems, this course is for YOU! What are the secrets of most successful people in any field? Do you think they have not had any failures in life, did they not feel low or down at any point in life? What did they do? How did they sustain the motivation and drive to achieve what they wanted in life? If you're online and reading this, then you really have the commitment and determination to reach your goals. Most people dont take the time out to educate themselves the way you have. Thats why this course is perfect for people like you. Its specifically for people like you, who want to be inspired and motivated day in and day out because we have the secret spelled out for it in a step by step approach. I have shared the secrets to motivation and inspiration in this course for you. In this course, you are not just going to learn theory, you will receive methods and tools which you can apply systematically and get and stay motivated in life!This course includes 29 lectures, 9 assignments to apply your learning, 9 quizzes to have fun when you learn, exclusive Energizers and a Guided Meditation for internalization!While you will learn some tools they teach in B schools, you will also be able to have a hands on experience in applying methods to have that awesome motivation! I am excited to share with you some secrets of motivation. This course covers 10 point motivation model to get motivated and achieve goals in any area of life! I look forward to taking this exciting journey with you!What are the requirements?Pen, paper, markers, sticky notesMS Office installed on your PC/ laptop for some exercisesOpen mind, drive to learn, assimilate and put to use techniques in the courseCommitment, sincerity and patience to practice and perfect the techniques learnt in the course What am I going to get from this course?: At the end of the course you will be able toInspire and Motivate yourself and othersIdentify and use intrinsic drivers and extrinsic drives to be self-inspired or self-motivatedBattle procrastination and win victory over itAchieve your goals in financial, emotional, health, relationship areasHandle challenging situations and come out as a winnerIncrease your energy, enthusiasm, will power, efficiency and productivityApply a pioneering 10 point motivation model and Transform yourself to gallop towards successLead people by inspiring and influencing themGet fully recharged, ready to take on lifeWhat is the target audience?Course should be taken by anyone whois looking for maximizing his/ her potential of becoming his/ her bestis lazy or has a habit of procrastinating or lacks motivationhas a habit of starting something new but giving up too earlywants to attack challenging situations and come out as winnerwants to increase their efficiency and productivitywants to lead employeeswants to learn some cool fun exercises to get and stay inspired or motivatedwants to see an upgraded version of themselvesYou can be a leader or manager in corporate or an entrepreneur or a housewife or a student or anyone who wants to lose weight or start exercising or quit bad habits such as smoking/ alcohol.This course is not for people whoAre not willing to try new methods and take action on them.Think that they know everything about motivation. Are not willing or ready to change."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"AngularJS - Entwickle eigene Angular Webapplikationen" |
"AngularJS komplett:Hinweis: In diesem Kurs geht es um Angular 1.x!In diesem Kurs lernt ihr alles was ihr bentigt, um Ihre Anwendung in AngularJS zu entwickeln. Ich glaube, das Beste ist, wenn ihr bei einem solchen Tutorial nicht nur 1:1 die Beispiele nachprogrammiert. Daher bringe ich euch auch das Konzept bei, welches hinter dem Framework steckt. Natrlich gibt's dazu dann noch umfangreiche Beispiele. Dadurch lernt ihr nicht nur den Umgang mit dem Framework, sondern versteht auch, wie es funktioniert. Dies hilft euch bei eurer eigenen Programmierung, da ihr nur dann in der Lage seid, einen Fehler genauer zu untersuchen. In diesem Kurs werdet ihr lernen:Wofr AngularJS entwickelt wurdeWie ihr eure eigenen, wiederverwendbaren Elemente (genannt: directive) entwickeln knntWie ihr eure eigenen JavaScript - Anwendungen programmieren knntWie AngularJS - Routing funktioniert, ihr also mehrere Unterseiten innerhalb eurer AngularJS - Anwendung haben knntAnschlieend werdet ihr fit fr euer Projekt sein, sei es fr euren Job oder eure eigene Startup-Idee."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Der komplette NodeJS Kurs - Vom Anfnger zum Profi" |
"Der Einstieg in NodeJS ist am Anfang oft ein bisschen ungewohnt, da JavaScript komplett anders programmiert wird als Java oder PHP. Dennoch macht es Sinn, Webserver in NodeJS zu programmieren, JavaScript ist unglaublich performant. Dank NodeJS knnen wir z.B. problemlos einen Chat programmieren, der mit 10000+ Benutzern gleichzeitig klarkommt.In diesem Kurs werdet ihr alle Grundlagen lernen, die ihr bentigt, um eure Anwendungen in NodeJS zu programmieren. Ihr werdet lernen:wie ihr NodeJS verwendetwas die Gedankengnge hinter den Funktionen von NodeJS sindund wie es genau funktioniertDadurch werdet ihr nach diesem Kurs nicht nur ein super NodeJS - Entwickler sein, sondern werdet auch verstanden haben, warum NodeJS so funktioniert wie es funktioniert. Ihr programmiert also nicht einfach nur 1:1 nach, sondern lernt auch das Konzept hinter dem Tool. Dadurch seid ihr in der Lage, dieses langfristig zu verstehen und auch anderen spter zu erklren.Ich bin fest davon berzeugt, das hier ist der Beste Kurs fr deinen Einstieg in die Welt von NodeJS. Starte jetzt, und fange an deine Apps in NodeJS zu entwickeln!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Python Bootcamp: Der Einstiegskurs" |
"Info fr Ungeduldige: Schon nach 15 Minuten hast du dein erstes Python - Programm geschrieben!Dieser Kurs ist der perfekte Anfngerkurs fr Python 3, und Python ist die perfekte Programmiersprache fr Programmieranfnger. Sie ist einfach aufgebaut, aber gleichzeitig unglaublich mchtig und wird daher fr unzhlige Anwendungszwecke verwendet: Internet-of-Things, Webserver, wissenschaftliches Rechnen, numerisches Programmieren, usw.Du fngst zuerst ganz einfach bei einem ""Hallo Welt"" an, und lernst anschlieend Schritt fr Schritt alle wichtigen Konzepte von Python kennen:Einfache ProgrammeListenList ComprehensionsUnterschied zwischen Strings, Integern und FloatsFunktionenLambda FunktionenObjektorientierungAbfangen von Fehlern...Du fngst wirklich sofort an, Python zu lernen. Dadurch steigst du sofort in die Programmiersprache ein und sammelst wertvolle Praxiserfahrung. Spter installieren wir auch noch Python bei euch lokal, sodass ihr auch ohne Internet eure Programme weiter programmieren knnt."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"PHP-Bootcamp: Vom Anfnger zum PHP-Entwickler" |
"Sehr gut gemachter Kurs! [...](, Ren Frst)UPDATE: Jetzt mit praxisorientierten Beispielen!ErstelledynamischeWebseiten und Webanwendungen mit PHP! Dieser praxisorientierterKurs ist frEinsteiger sowie Fortgeschrittene, die sichumfangreiches Wissen in der PHP Programmierung aneignen mchten.PHP gehrt mit zu dem am hufigsten verwendeten Programmiersprachen weltweitund jederEntwickler sollte sie in dem eigenen Toolkit haben!Im diesemKurs geht es um:PHP programmieren -von den Grundlagen bis zur ObjektorientierungSchnell und einfach dynamische Webseiten entwickelnSchritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitungen mitBeispielen und bungenBasics, Formulare, Datenbanken, MVC und Co.Nach diesem Kurs wirst du in der Lage sein, PHP - Frameworks sehr viel schneller zu verstehenund ""sauberen Code"" zu schreiben- wichtigfr den professionellen und privaten Einsatz als auch dein nchstes Jobinterview!___Rechtlicher Hinweis, da ich 2 UdemyAccounts habe: Der Verkauf erfolgt durch Udemy. Die Videos habe ich ber das Account ""JannisSeemann"" bereitgestellt, der Kundensupporterfolgt durch das Account ""Jannis Seemann (CodingCourses.TV)""."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Data Science & Maschinelles Lernen in Python - am Beispiel" |
"Kurs zuletzt aktualisiert:09.03.2017!Data Scientists landen richtig gut bezahlte Jobs, mit einem durchschnittlichen Gehalt von ~80.000 (Quelle:GehaltsvergleichsportalGlassdoor), in Amerika sogar noch mehr.Und das ist nur der Durchschnitt. Aber es geht nicht nur ums Geld - der Job ist auch noch verdammt spannend!Wenn du schon etwas programmieren kannst, wird dir dieser Kurs alles beibringen, was du zum Thema Data Science und Maschinellem Lernen wissen musst. Sei es, um das wissen fr ein eigenes Projekt anzuwenden, oder um einen Einstieg in dieses Gebiet zu finden.Dieser umfassendeKurs besteht aus 68 Lektionen, gut 9 Stunden Video, und zu vielen Themen gibt es praktische Python Codebeispiele, damit du direkt siehst, wie diese Algorithmen verwendet werden knnen.Die Themen dieses Kurses sind die Themen, die wirklich fr einen Job in diesem Feld bentigt werden. In verstndlicher deutscher Sprache wirst du die verschiedenen Mglichkeiten kennenlernen:Lineare und PolynomialeRegressionsanalyseK-Means - AlgorithmusHauptkomponentenanalyseTrain/Test, KreuzvalidierungsverfahrenBayes'sche MethodenEntscheidungsbume, Random ForestsMultivariante RegressionSupport Vector MachinesBestrkendes LernenEmpfehlungssystem:Kollaboratives FilternK-Nchster-NachbarBias /Varianz - DilemmaEnsemble LearningVolltextsuche mit Hilfe von TF-IDFWie wird ein Experiment durchgefhrt?AB-Tests... und noch viel mehr. Zudem lernst du in einem kompletten Kapitel, wie maschinelles Lernen mit Apache Spark funktioniert. Mit Hilfe von Spark kannst du die Berechnungen auf mehrere Computer aufteilen und so massive Datenmengen verarbeiten.Wenn du noch nicht mit Python programmiert hast, kein Problem - am Anfang gibt es einen kurzen Crashkurs. Wenn du vorher schonmal was programmiert hast, reicht das locker aus. In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir auch die Installation unter Windows, wobei die Beispiele auch unter Mac oder Linux ausgefhrt werden knnten - beiProblemen die mit dem Betriebssystem zusammenhngenkann ich dich aber nur bei Windows untersttzen.Jedes Thema wird in normaler deutscher Sprache erklrt, ohne verwirrende mathematische Fachwrter. Anschlieend lernst du, wie du mit Python den Algorithmus verwenden kannst.Wenn du schonmal was programmiert hast, und dich mit der Auswertung von Daten beschftigen mchtest, dann ist der Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich. Du lernst in diesem Kurs all die Grundlagen, die du brauchst, wenn du Daten im echten Leben auswerten mchtest. Ich glaub, der Kurs wird dir gefallen!:-)"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"IT-Sicherheit: Entwickle sicherere Anwendungen!" |
"Lerne, wie du sichere Anwendungen programmierst!Diesen Kurs habe ich entwickelt, weil ich dir beibringen mchte, wie du sichere Anwendungen programmierst. Das ist ein unglaublich wichtiges Thema, wenn du professioneller Softwareentwickler werden mchtest. Dieser Kurs bietet dir einen berblick zum Thema IT-Sicherheit.Wie ist dieser Kurs aufgebaut? Dieser Kurs besteht sowohl aus Beispielen, als auch einem verallgemeinerten Teil. In Teilen zum Thema Buffer Overflow (Programmiersprache: C)und Sicherheit von Webseiten (PHP /JavaScript)mchte ich dir einen konkreten berblick darber geben, was du bei der Entwicklung genau beachten musst.Anschlieend gehen ich noch auf die Grundlegenden Konzepte der IT-Sicherheit ein, damit du auch bei einem eigenen Projekt in der Lage bist, die Sicherheit der Software zu gewhrleisten. Hierzu stelle ich dir die grundlegenden Konzepte vor, damit du einen umfassendenLeitfaden hast, den du universell anwenden kannst - sowohl auf deine eigenen Programmierprojekte, als auch in deinem Job oder fr Kundenprojekte.Fr wen ist dieser Kurs? Damit du das Meiste aus diesem Kurs herausholen kannst, solltest du auf jeden Fall schon etwas programmiert haben. Sonst wirst du Probleme haben, die Codebeispiele, etc. zu verstehen.Dieser Kurs ist nicht fr dich, wenn du noch nie programmiert hast!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Das Java - Bootcamp: Lerne Java fr Hobby, Beruf & Studium" |
"Neu: Mit vielen bungen und Beispielen!Lerne jetzt Java - fr Hobby, Beruf & Studium!Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses kannst du eigene, kleinereProgramme in Java schreiben. Zudem hast du die perfekte Grundlage gelegt, wenn du dich anschlieend mit der Entwicklung von Programmen fr Android - Smartphones beschftigen mchtest.Du bist noch Student und musst whrend deines Studiums Programme in Java programmieren?Auch dann bereitet dich dieser Kurs darauf richtig schnell vor.Was lernst du alles hier im Kurs?Primitive Datentypen (float, double, int, long, char, boolean, ...)Strings (Strings ausgeben, einlesen, etc.)ArraysObjektorientierungVererbungInterfacesComparableGetter, SetterCollections (Listen, Maps, Sets)XML einlesen und verarbeitenViele Beispiele &bungen!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Build The Ultimate Professional Website with WordPress- 2017" |
"Step-by-step guide to build the most amazing and professional website with WordPress.*Build a $3000+ website in a day or less!*The course has already got 11 5-Star ratings only after the first month of release!*The course price is expected to go up soon, hurry upThe most up-to-date and comprehensive web design course on how to create your own state-of-the-art, professional and responsive website with WordPress is now here!This course is designed to teach anyone how to build custom, responsive, professional and uniquely designed websites with the simplest yet most professional and common software, WordPress. In this course, I will walk you through the process of creating the most amazing and professional looking and functioning website you will ever come across from beginning to end. This course is action-oriented; meaning you will be building your website along side with me and step by step. You will learn how to build your website within just a day or less! A website that you will always be proud of, and one that you will have created all by yourself.Here are some of the things you will learn in this course:Get your own domain name and web hosting account.Learn how to install and configure WordPress on your domain name.Learn what themes and plugins are and how to use them.Get an amazing $49 theme for FREE and install it on your domain name.Build your website from A-Z all by yourself.Make your own logo, for FREE.Learn how to Optimize your website's performance and security.Publish your Website with better search engine optimization (SEO).This course is definitely for you if:You're interested in starting a new profitable career in web design and making up to $5000 for each website you create,You have a business and you're looking to increase your productivity and make more money by having a $5000-website,You have an idea that you want to spread to the world online,You need a personal website for yourself,You heard about WordPress Content Management System (CMS) and want to master it,Or you don't even know what WordPress is. Go ahead and get started! Click ""Take This Course"" button and join the winners the on the other side."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started With SharePoint Online" |
"This course will give you an introduction on how to use both SharePoint Online Team Sites and OneDrive for Business that are part of Office 365. The course material is aimed at people using Office 365 inside a business. Each lesson generally contains a short video tutorial focused on a particular topic, downloadable PDF material and well as a list of additional resources. The course should take about 4 hours or so to complete and will give you the skills and confidence to use SharePoint Online Team Sites and OneDrive for Business more effectively and productively every day."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"SharePoint Online - Level 1" |
"This course takes you beyond the basics of SharePoint Online. It will show you how to use the more advanced features of SharePoint Online such as lookup and site columns, views, subsites, advanced document management as well as use advanced desktop tools including Microsoft Access, InfoPath and SharePoint Designer. The course includes a video tutorial as part of each lesson that is focused on a particular topic along with course notes and additional resources for further discovery. This course should take about 4 hours or so to complete and is designed to take you from a basic knowledge of SharePoint Online to using and implementing the more advanced features, thereby making SharePoint Online a far more effective tool for you. It will give you greater skills and confidence to use SharePoint Online more effectively and productively every day."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Create Your Brand, Create Your Life!" |
"In the coursewe will explore the who, what, why and how of creating anauthentic voice andpersonal ""brand""that is sustainable, marketable and true to who you are. In my opinion, your brand is the ""heart"" of your company. Many people look at the branding as calculated, cold, and without thought or feeling. Now days, with social media and the internet, if your brand isn't authentic to who you are, it is unsustainable and easily ""found out.""Through this course, I will take you through a series of simple questions designed to help you uncover your true passion within what you do. In other words, uncover your heart or brand."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The Art of the Micro-Memoir" |
"Learn to redesign your personal statement and upgrade the overall effectiveness of your online profile, in this results-driven course. You will learn to break down the creative process into components, and discover a structured method that allows you to produce a polished presentation quickly. Completing this process will increase confidence in your personality and uniqueness.Depending on student demand, more emphasis may be placed on the ""political-economy"" of the dating industry. OKCupid, and other online dating platforms think first of maximizing profits, despite the flowery advertisements otherwise. Unfortunately, some of the ingredients to create a ""quality profile to attract more quality matches"" are not very politically correct. The work of mathematician & hacker Chris McKinlay and columnist Dan Slater heavily influenced the seven step success process, not dating website instructions. However, by actively applying the concepts herein, you will better understand the fundamental reasons women generally do or do not respond to messages."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Weight Loss: Love Food and Lose Weight Without Dieting" |
"In this six week, 'Love Food and Lose Weight without Dieting' course you'll find everything you need to lose weight, tochange your daily diet and the way you think about eating forever. You can look forward to never dieting again, to enjoy the food you eat and to love looking in the mirror. We are going to work together so that you can see why, despite dieting, weight loss has evaded you,you have put on more weight, or have been unable to lose weight.This course is different from any other weight loss course because weight loss, or weight gain, is never just about the food we eat. This course will help you see that weight loss is more about the way we think about ourselves and our daily diet and how easy it is to change that thinking.I am a Wellbeing and Weight Loss Coach and have been working in this field for more than a decade. I am also an author and have Diplomas in Diet and Nutrition and Raw Food Nutrition. Learn what foods you and your body love and how these foods can help you to lose weightYoull get daily weight loss video tips. Tips that help you see yourself, your habits and the food you eat differently. Each week, there is a chapter that helps you to:- understand what's in the food, beside the calories, that is making you fat and preventing you from losing weight- see why it feels as if you're addicted to food and can't lose weight- discover where refined sugar is hidden in food and how you can cut it out effortlessly in order to lose weight- see the invisible part your gut and immune system play in weight gain and weight loss- understand how food doesnt comfort you and why youre not an emotional eater and so can lose weight easily- discover exactly how drinking water helps you to lose weightand there are daily recipes, full of healthy, nutritious, non -diet, tasty food that you can have fun creating.There are also bonuses including a juice ebook, a smoothie ebook, an infused water ebook and my Top Ten Recipe ebook.Remember what its like to eat normally and feel normal againRather than just cutting things out of your daily diet, this course will help you to see what to add to your daily diet to enhance your life. One of the reasons that diets fail is because diets all involve feelings of deprivation and denial. You feel as if you are being denied the foods you like to eat. Diets feel hard and difficult and thats why this isnt a diet, following this course will help you to feel empowered, liberated from old habits and beliefs and will help you to lose weight easily and effortlessly.About this courseThis course is suitable for anyone who has ever been on a diet, anyone who has put the weight, plus more, back on after a diet. Anyone who has a difficult relationship with food and can't lose weight. I want you to have the freedom to eat in a way that makes you feel fabulous and healthy. When you finish this course, youll have practical tools that help you to lose weight, tools you can use forever, tools that will become a natural part of your daily life and that you wont even think about. Youll also have the body you want.As a veteran of so many diets that I felt qualified to write an encyclopaedia on the subject, and then finding myself heavier than ever, I just didnt see how I was ever going to lose the 5 stone that I realistically recognise I need to do. So when I contacted Elaine, I just knew it was the answer for me. Everything she said confirmed that this was the system that could work 'If you do what you have always done you then will get what you have always got!I have heard those words a thousand times over my life, never did they apply to me more then when Elaine said them to me. Having been overweight my whole life and having done numerous diets some with some success but none ever successful, I promised myself that in 2010 I would no longer diet but would work out my issues with food from the head down, as I felt that for too many years I had tried to loose weight just by concentrating on my body and not doing any work on my mind and thought processes. That's where Elaine comes in. From the very first moment I met Elaine my life began to change, I now view food in a completely different way, in fact I don't view food at all , Food doesn't interest me, I eat only when I am hungry and I eat just what I need and no more, Have I lost weight ?? yes I have in my first two weeks I'd lost 9lbs, I am looking forward to my future so much as I can see my body change everyday and I feel so much better, I honestly feel cleaner from the inside out! Would I recommend Elaine? most definitely particularly if your ready to retrain yourbrain and are ready to feel good about yourself again.'for me, if I was prepared to change my life. Its been amazing, Ive lost 2 stone already and know that the rest will gradually go too. It really doesnt seem a diet at all, I just have a different relationship with food now, it doesnt rule my life, yet I still enjoy my meals. And some of the suggestions she gave me apply equally to other areas of my life too, so generally Im feeling more confident and optimistic, and even enjoying exercise too!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Lose Weight: Four Simple Steps to Easy Weight Loss" |
"Updated Videos!In these Four Simple Steps to Easy Weight Loss, youll discover how to ditch the diet and let go of the diet mentality, how listening to your body instead of your head helps you to lose weight, how to make one change that will transform your daily diet and why preparing is such a vitally important step on your weight loss journey. There are also four simple weight loss tips to help you on your journey and four simple non-diet recipes for you to try.This course is different from any other weight loss course because weight loss, or gain, is never just about the food we eat. This course will help you see that weight loss is more about the way we think about ourselves and the food we eat and how easy it is to change that thinking.I am a Wellbeing and Weight Loss Coach and have been working in this field for more than a decade. I am also an author and have Diplomas in Diet, Nutrition and Raw Food Nutrition. Learn how how these simple steps can transform your lifeyoull get four simple tips to help you on your weight loss journeyyoull get chapters to help you change the way you think and the way you eat foreveryoull get four simple, tasty non-diet recipes to try at homeAbout this courseThis course is for anyone who has ever been overwhelmed with diet information and would just like some simple steps to follow to lose weight. For anyone who is desperate to change their eating habits and is fed up with a barrage of different, contradictory diet information. This course will make your life, your weight loss journey and your food choices, simple.My problem in the past was that I loved food and as a consequence ate too much. I have stopped eating diary foods and bread - these have been substituted with soya milk and gluten free bread and I have never felt better. My only regret is that I did not discover Elaine 20 years ago.Its been amazing, Ive lost 2 stone already and know that the rest will gradually go too. I just have a different relationship with food now, it doesnt rule my life, yet I still enjoy my meals. And some of the suggestions equally to other areas of my life too, so generally Im feeling more confident and optimistic, and even enjoying exercise too! I really cant praise this system enough."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Overcoming Overwhelm: Free from Anxiety" |
"We've all been Overwhelmed at times, haven't we? When we have so much to do that we don't know where to start. Well, this course will show you where the feeling of Overwhelm comes from and how easy it is to let go of this feeling.This isn't the standard, 'how to' course with tips and techniques but, byusing the Three Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought, you'll learn how powerful and illusory thought is, and the role thatthought plays in your life and in your feelings of Overwhelm.Watch a lecture or section at a time and let the simple, yet profound, messages settle. You will be amazed at how much in your life changes for the better and how easily you can Overcome Overwhelm."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Class" |
"In Cruelty-Free Cosmetics Class you will learn all about cruelty-free/ vegan products! Not only will you learn about ingredients to look out for, how animal ingredients get into products and what products to use, you will also learn 3 different looks! Included in the course is a classy day time look, a sultry night look and how to take a day look to a night look! Also included are tips and tricks for creating the perfect brows, highlighting and contouring and how to enhance the lips naturally. You can do the course in a few days or you can do it over time! You will have access to the videos forever; they are great tools to be able to go back to and watch again for details! By taking this course, you will feel confident in finding and using products that don't harm any animals in the making or in the testing processes. You will also improve your skills with practice and application of the course material to enhance your own natural beauty with makeup! By using the tips about eye colours and shapes taught in this class, you will be able to find what works best for you to make those beautiful features of yours pop!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Angel Connection: Decode Messages from your Angels" |
"We all have angels available to guide us through our life path. This course will help you connect to your angels and learn to receive guidance through all sorts of signs, synchronicity, numbers, dreams etc.You will also be taken through a meditation to meet your Angel and learn howto connect with them at any time. This course is you if you want to learntodecode the guidance that is all around you!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Criando um Perfil Campeo no LinkedIn" |
"O LinkedIn hoje uma das maiores redes mundiais de profissionais e est se tornando uma ferramenta necessria para aqueles que almejam grandes oportunidades de carreira. Mas primeiro, necessrio voc saber us-la e ter um timo perfil.Criando um Perfil Campeo no LinkedIn um curso de 2 horas que vai te ensinar os passos necessrios para alcanar um perfil fantstico.Eu te desafio a realizar os passos desse curso e ver como o seu perfil subir rapidamente para o nvel mais elevado.Estes so os mesmos passos que eu usei para ter o meu perfil em nvel Campeo (eu provo isso j na introduo do curso).Veja o que voc ganha com este curso:Aprenda todos os passos para construir o seu perfil e deix-lo em nvel Campeo.Descubra a tcnica de adicionar vrias pessoas com poucos cliques.Aprenda a como construir um cabealho de perfil que vende voc e sua empresa.Crie seu perfil em outros idiomas e no perca mais oportunidades internacionais.Saiba tticas para aparecer mais nas buscas.Bnus: 22 segredos que a Forbes descobriu e que o LinkedIn no te conta.Essas tticas so garantidas de funcionar, mesmo se voc um novato no LinkedIn.No perca mais tempo, adquira o curso e comece hoje mesmo a alavancar a sua carreira com um perfil campeo!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Pitching - Crea la presentazione perfetta" |
"Non capita tutti i giorni di avere l'opportunit di presentare la propria idea davanti ad un investitore. E nonostante spesso durante le primissime fasi di vita di una startup i fondatori riescano ad autofinanziarsi, ovvero a partire bootstrap, la raccolta di capitali spesso un passo fondamentale e necessario per accelerare la crescita dai primi prototipi al grande mercato. In questi casi, quindi fondamentale essere preparati ad esporre una presentazione, in gergo un ""pitch"", efficace e coinvolgente, che colga l'attenzione degli investitori.Un buon pitch si compone per di diversi elementi:- Aspetti grafici - come predisporre la slide;- Aspetti contenutistici - quali concetti toccare;- Aspetti di presentazione - come esporre tali concetti.In questo corso andremo quindi a toccare, mano a mano, tutti gli elementi fondamentali a creare una presentazione efficace per un investitore. Ed andremo a farlo attraverso l'esempio concreto di una startup italiana che attraverso tale impostazione ha convinto alcuni tra i suoi primi finanziatori. Perch Lacerba?Vero, ci sono centinaia di corsi online su come strutturare un pitch . Questo corso diverso perch: tenuto da startupper, che ci sono passati, conoscono bene i primi ostacoli e applicano queste tecniche tutti i giorni, non da professori e/o consulenti incentrato sul mercato italiano, in lingua italiana e racconta casi di StartUp italiane il primo passo per formare una community interattiva di startupper, per supportarci a vicenda e crescere assiemeCosa imparerai in questo corso?A strutturare, scrivere, disegnare ed esporre una presentazione efficace. Un pitch efficace.Di seguito i contenuti dettagliati del corso:Distinguere le presentazioni per scopoCos' e come si struttura un Elevator PitchCome trovare un template accattivante e come modificarlo su Microsoft Power PointDove e come scaricare il vostro font preferitoQuali stili di presentazione famosi possano farvi da ispirazioneLo schema di una presentazione efficaceSlide per slide, come strutturare ogni singola slide dai punti di vista:GraficoContenutisticoEspositivoQuali errori evitare per non perdere l'attenzione dell'investitoreQuanto tempo ci vorr per terminare il corso?In totale i video durano circa due ore. 10 minuti al giorno per due settimane sono pi che sufficienti per seguire le lezioni, ma attento! Dovrai ritagliarti il giusto tempo anche per mettere in pratica gli insegnamenti e scrivere il tuo elevato pitch e la tua presentazione, uscendo di casa e facendo esperimenti su potenziali interlocutori.Che aspetti dunque? Struttura il tuo pitch e convinci l'investitore!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Struttura il tuo business model" |
"Quanto pensi possa essere complesso sviluppare la tua startup? Quanto tempo dovrai dedicare al progetto e quali collaboratori ti serviranno? Come farai a generare entrate?Queste e tante altre domande dovrebbero essere presenti in un aspirante startupper fin dal giorno 0, fin da quando inizia a pensare all'idea che secondo lui rivoluzioner il mondo. Per prima cosa infatti ognuno di noi, a seconda del proprio background e delle proprie esperienze, cercherebbe solamente di capire come poterlo sviluppare, come disegnarlo o come venderlo. Purtroppo (o per fortuna) fare startup molto pi complesso del fare un semplice prototipo o di una strategia di marketing. Quando si inizia a pensare seriamente al progetto bisogna essere sempre consci fin da subito delle mille attivit trasversali che ci saranno da svolgere.Il business model, ed in particolare il Lean Canvas, aiutano proprio in questo compito. Avere un unico, grande quadro di tutte le attivit che comporranno il nostro business, dai clienti target al problema che essi sperimentano, dalle soluzioni che vorremmo proporre al pricing, e tanto altro. Tutto ci che sar necessario implementare per avere successo. O meglio, tutto ci che pensiamo sar necessario, e che dovremo man mano testare sul mercato."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Impara a programmare con Ruby on Rails e crea un marketplace" |
"In questo corso andremo a vedere come creare il tuo primo marketplace con Ruby on Rails.Questo corso pensato per chiunque voglia imparare a programmare, infatti non servono delle basi e andremo a vedere nel dettaglio tutti i passi necessari per creare una Web App con Ruby on Rails.Per la fine del corso sarai in grado di creare un marketplace completo con Ruby on Rails, avendo le basi per costruire la tua Web App in autonomia."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Win UK (Public) Contracts- PQQ/ SQ and ITT introduction" |
"Updated with the new SQ FormIn 2014, the UK central government spent over 12 billion outsourcing contracts to small and medium sized businesses. This equates to 26% of central government spend.The UK government has set targets to increase the number of small businesses it deals with to a third. This would mean an extra 3 billion per year going to small businesses.This course is designed to show small businesses where to find contract opportunities and what information they need to have in place to bid for contracts. It is packed full of useful tips and guidance to boost understanding and confidence. Learn where to find and apply for contracts with UK: Central government departments and their agenciesLocal authoritiesNHS trustsThe emergency services (police, ambulance, fire service)Publicly funded bodies (such as the BBC, arts venues)Schools, colleges and universitiesHousing associationsThere are now a record number of small firms in the UK;approximately 5.2 million, an increase of 760,000 since 2010 so the need for apractical guide is even more in demand and this course will serve as a basic introduction to help small businesses see new commercial opportunities. The course comprises of 6 sections and 27 lectures each of which go to the point and show you what you need to know. You will also receive essential documents to help you develop your bid proposal. Nov 17***Recently updated to include the new Supplier Questionnaire Form***"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Play Minecraft for Parents - Play with Your Kids" |
"Student Review on How to Play Minecraft for Parents:Boom! ""Being almost 30 I've kind of out grown these kind of games. But my nephew is crazy into it. I tried it the first time, but I was way overwhelmed and lost. This course gave me some awesome insight and a place to start. I'm finally enjoying the game with my nephew and no longer feeling lost"". Evan Knight********************************************************************************Do your kids love playing Minecraft?Do you wish you understood the game?Do you sometimes get tired of hearing about it?Well, here's your opportunity to learn Minecraft and become your child's hero by being able to play with them and understand the game.This course shows you:How to install Minecraft on your computer.How to survive inside the game.How to build structures inside the game.How to make your own Minecraft server if you want to.How to make your own Minecraft skins.Frequently asked questions by parentsand more.No longer will you hear about Minecraft and wonder what your child is talking about. You will be the parent that is connecting with your child on a new level. You will be able to talk with your child about Minecraft with confidence. Over 21 million people enjoy Minecraft and enjoy playing it on the PC, MAC, Xbox, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, Iphone and Ipad.This course will have you talking about Minecraft with your kids before you know it and giving new meaning to family fun time."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Automotive Tips for Women - Don't Get Scammed by Mechanics" |
"Do you wish you understood car mechanics?Do you sometimes wonder what that sound is your car is making?Have you ever heard a screeching sound, took your car to the mechanic and it wouldn't make that sound again? How'd you feel?Well, here's your opportunity to learn about car mechanics while saving time and money.This course shows you:How to change and check your oil.How to find out what type of oil is best for your car.Where to get parts for your car.How to check your tires and more.No longer do you have to be the woman driving in your car fearful of something happening to your car and being taken advantage of. You will have basic knowledge of your car and feel confident when getting your oil changed. You will be know where your spare tire is and what the difference is between a donut and a regular tire. You will be able to ask the appropriate questions the next time you have a car issue."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Logic Pro X - Learn Future House Electronic Music Production" |
"This course will get you PRO knowledge for making Future House Electronic Music in Logic Pro X in just a Day!Have you ever wanted to create Electronic Music and Future House Music Production like a Pro? Like the big guys do? Have you already taken a lot of different courses and still wondering why you can't produce GREAT tracks? Well, i will learn you how to make GOOD music and learn you the small secrets that a lot of big producers are using.Did you know that most of the biggest hits has been created in a very small amount of time? So how do you produce awesome music in a small amount of time so you won't get bored of it? There is some tips & tricks that i have learned over at one of the most known EDM artist's studio in Stockholm, Sweden as well as his studio in Los Angeles.Logic Pro X Template is included for FREE! We also included FREE Sample Packs as a Bonus!These Sample Packs are included:4 Project Ideas for Logic Pro X1 Full BONUS Deep House Project1 Original Logic Pro X Project File (The one that you will learn creating in this course)Snare Rolls Pack 1 - 70 Snare Rolls Samples - Complete Snare Rolls to use in your next project.Up & Downlifters 1 - 50 FX Samples for great transitions between different parts in your song.Kick Toolbox 1 - 100 Professional Kick Drum Samples in different pitch.Reversed Reverbs - 120 Reversed Reverb Effects to use to introduce parts in your arrangement.One Shot EDM Samples - 50 Synth & Bass Samples to use in a Sampler for Professional Sounds in no time!One Shot Deep House Samples - 50 Synth & Bass Samples to use in a Sampler for Professional Sounds in no time!Clap & Snare Toolbox + MIDI Groovy Tools.So, do you want to know the secrets and really bang out some good sounding tracks quickly and get your ideas out there before you forget them in your head? Do you want to learn how to make a habit of starting an idea and finishing the track in the same day? Then this course is PERFECT for you!Learn Electronic Music Production todayLearn how to create Electronic Music like the Pro's do.Overcome Writers Block with the methods that I show you.Watch how an Idea goes to a Full Production.Learn from a real producer, not just a teacher.Learn Mixing & Mastering from home.See all the different tips & tricks that all producers should know today.Get in to the habit of Finishing Tracks!I will show you how to get from an 8-bar loop idea to a full track that is done and finished. It's very easy to get stuck in the idea stage and not knowing where to go after that. I will show you my procedure to get from the idea stage to a full production.Get support and help with your own productionsI will help you in the Q&A section of this course when you enroll. If you have any questions regarding your own productions, please let me know and I will happily help you out."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Logic Pro X: Electronic Music Production - Progressive House" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn how to make music in the style of Axwell & Ingrosso? Do you want to create Progressive House music in Logic Pro X? Then this course is for you!Logic Pro X Template is included for FREE! We also included FREE Sample Packs as a Bonus!These Sample Packs are included:4 Project Ideas for Logic Pro X1 Full BONUS Deep House Project1 Original Logic Pro X Project File (The one that you will learn creating in this course)Snare Rolls Pack 1 - 70 Snare Rolls Samples - Complete Snare Rolls to use in your next project.Up & Downlifters 1 - 50 FX Samples for great transitions between different parts in your song.Kick Toolbox 1 - 100 Professional Kick Drum Samples in different pitch.Reversed Reverbs - 120 Reversed Reverb Effects to use to introduce parts in your arrangement.One Shot EDM Samples - 50 Synth & Bass Samples to use in a Sampler for Professional Sounds in no time!One Shot Deep House Samples - 50 Synth & Bass Samples to use in a Sampler for Professional Sounds in no time!Clap & Snare Toolbox + MIDI Groovy Tools.We will go over different producing techniques and subjects such as how to create an idea and getting to the creative mindset when producing music - something that can be really hard to fight when you are stuck in writers block or are simply out of any ideas. Arrangement, mixing and mastering are subjects that we are going to go through from scratch.Learn everything from how to get an initial idea to Mixing & Mastering your track.This course is going over everything from the start to finish. You will learn how to make music from an initial idea and how to take it from a 8-bar loop to a full completely finished track that is ready to go for being played in a club or on the radio. Instead of trying out different YouTube videos with different quick tips this course will give you a complete guide on how to make a Electronic Music track from start to finish. I have produced Progressive House for 10+ Years and want to share my knowledge with you.Since 2017 this course had over 4000 students. I like sharing my knowledge for music production with you instead of holding it for myself. I have been producing music since over 10+ yeas ago and have worked with both big and small music producers and artists here in Stockholm, Sweden. Get support and Feedback of your own productions.When joining this course you can ask your own production questions and I will be there to answer you . You can also get feedback on your own tracks and productions, just let me know when you're in the classroom of this course.This course includes Logic Pro X Project File for instant download.This course includes over 5hrs of video lectures and the main Logic Pro X project file for use on your Mac.This course includes:13 Videos & over 5h of content All accessible at anytime at any device.Sample pack where all of the necessary samples are stored.Logic Pro X Project File (requires Logic Pro X 10.3 or later)That's it guys! See you in the course!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Logic Pro X In A Day - Beginners Logic Pro X Complete Course" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn Logic Pro X quickly without going over ALL of the unnecessary things that you don't really need to know?Did you know that Logic Pro X is a HUGE program with a lot of capabilities. This course is for you who wants to create, record and arrange music.That is why I want to skip the parts where Logic is good for making Surround music or creating videos. I think that there are several different programs for those tasks and that is why I focus on music production with Logic Pro X in this course.Not only Music Production but Also How to Make It As The Professional Music ProducersStart getting creative with Logic Pro and make music quick.Learn how to get organized and getting your projects clean leading to a better end result.Discover Apple Loops and how to create a whole Project within just an hour.Learn how to Master Logic Pro X with a lot of different quick tips and key commands.Get creative with the Piano Roll and MIDI - learn how to quickly come up with chords that you would never ever think about doing.Master Logic Pro X in just a DAY!This is the ONLY Course you Will Need for Learning Music Production with Logic Pro XDo you want to start writing music in Logic and dont know where to start? This course will help you! In this course we will go over all sections in Logic from a Music Producers perspective, from Downloading the app to going through all of the sections and why you should use them and how. You will be able to produce music within a day from knowing NOTHING. This course is for new users and for users who are already familiar with Logic Pro X.There's a lot of different tutorials on YouTube on how to learn Logic Pro X but since it's such a huge software and where the possibilities are endless with what you can do with it. That's why i have created this course to easy understand how to make music with Logic and to focus on Music Production. We will go over topics such as how to download the software and getting started, managing all sounds that Logic comes with initially (there's a lot of them), going over Logic's interface and look through what different things does just so you get familiar with the software itself and then we are going to learn how to create music with the powerful tools such as Piano Roll, Library, Plugins and lastly we will take a look at the mixer window and how to use the Mixer section in Logic Pro X properly. Instead of you figuring out the in's and out's with Logic Pro X by yourself I have created a lot of different quick tips videos with tips and tricks that has made me produce music a lot quicker and where I got the sound quality to be much better (new videos are getting added up every month). These tips and tricks are the little ""secrets"" with Logic Pro X that I've found out in the last 10+ years that I have been working with Logic Pro ever since version 7.The great thing about Logic Pro X is that everything is pretty much included in the software. You can really go and produce a top hit track with just the tools that Apple gives to you when purchasing the software through App Store. We will cover all of these tools that you need to know about. There's literally music producers who use ONLY the stock resources that come with Logic and made it through Billboard top 100.We will focus on Music Production and how to get results from Logic Pro X quickly and make you a hit machine with lots of projects in no time!That's it guys! See you in the course :)"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Stagecraft for Live Sound Engineers" |
"Justin Grealy has over thirty years experience in the rock and roll business, and has even had the verb ""to greal"" a stage coined after him - meaning to label and colour code a stage environment so that show-stopping mistakes are almost impossible to make.This is an immensely practical course on how to make a rock and roll stage into an efficient, safe and pleasant working environment. You will need some experience on or around stages,understand basic signal flow in live sound - the difference between inputs and outputs, what satellite or sub boxes and monitors are - and that your job as a sound engineer is to provide a stage which makes it easy for the artist to perform.The course consists of 16 videos which will take just over an hour to complete, but which will change your working life as a live sound engineer."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Mix Front of House for Live Bands" |
"Learn form the audio engineers working with Prodigy and the Libertines!This in-depth master class is aimed at Live Sound Engineers andtakes us through each step of putting together a front of house mix for live music - from the moment you arrive at a venue as a touring engineer to getting the final mix up and running. Jon Burton (Prodigy) & Justin Grealy (Libertines) take acomprehensive look at the input and output channels, outboard rack and interconnections, each individual sound source and working the mix until it's right; is filled with tips, tricks and some excellent advice. The course consists of 19 videos that cover each step of the process, from arriving at the venue and getting to grips with yourenvironment, testing the soundsystem, deciding on a mix position, discusses the mixing console in detail, getting connected and then Jon Burton goes through the bandchannel by channel, develops a mix and discusses his personalmethods and recipes for success."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |