Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Chemistry Through the Ages" |
"The English word: ""Galaxy"" comes from the Greek word: ""Galactia"" meaning milk, andthat's why we call our galaxy: The Milky Way! There are tons of ways that science collided with language, culture, andpolitics,and some of them are fascinating! In this course, we cover some of the most interesting points inhistory, and see how they were causedby science and technology. This course is for anyone who needs inspiration, wants to learn about science and history, or for anyone who likes to think amazing thoughts. This course will teach you about inventions in the past, and see how they can helpus to learn about inventions that someday YOUcouldproduce in the future! The course is simply11 videos,each ranging from 1 - 7 minutes in length, for a total of approximately 40 minutes of course content. There are no additional materials, and most topics are simple to understand. Scientific terms such as ""X-rays"" and ""electrons"" are used, but areexplained for the purposes of the point of thevideo,and so it should not be difficultfor anyone to understand. It is more like the story of history and innovation rather than a science course, and so no prior scientific or mathematical experience is required."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Grundlagen der Achtsamkeitsmeditation" |
"Unser Leben ist voller, schneller und virtueller als den meisten von uns gut tut. Entsprechend weit verbreitet sind stressbedingte Beschwerden und Erkrankungen wie Lust- und Humorlosigkeit, Aggressivitt, Depressionen, ngste, Allergien, Verspannungen, Tinnitus, Burnout, Herzinfarkte, Schlaganflle oder Suchterkrankungen.Der Kurs unterrichtet lebendig, Schritt fr Schritt und alltagstauglich die Methoden der achtsamkeitsbasierten Stressbewltigung aus Jon Kabat-Zinns Mindfulnessbased Stress Reduction Program (MBSR). Zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Studien haben u.a. folgende positive Vernderungen bei den TeilnehmerInnen nachgewiesen: erhhte Entspannungsfhigkeit, besserer Schlaf effektivere Bewltigung von Stresssituationen und Schmerzen mehr Konzentration, Vitalitt und Lebensfreude mehr Selbstakzeptanz und Selbstvertrauen lebendigere Beziehungen und mehr Kreativitt Frderung einer positiven GestimmtheitDieser Kurs bietet dir wissenschaftlich evaluierte Methoden, um das Hamsterrad anzuhalten und mit allen Sinnen bewusst in deinem Leben prsent zu sein. Damit reduzierst du Stress und bererregung in deinem Alltag, strkst die Selbstheilungskrfte deines Organismus und frderst damit deine Gesundheit und Widerstandsfhigkeit. Du findest wirklich zur Ruhe und kommst zu dir in deine eigene Kraft."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Twitter for Business: The Best Lead Generation System" |
"Generating leads is the biggest challenge most entrepreneurs face!Well show you how to solve your lead generation with Twitter marketing strategies.Get the complete step by step guide to generating real leads from Twitter. Don't miss out on the opportunity to make money from social media. Twitter can be a great source of traffic when used correctly. See how you can take advantage of Twitter for Business today!This course will teach you exactly how to build a targeted audience of engaged followers that can generate real business leads.You will learn:Twitter For Business OverviewGetting Started With TwitterTips to Grow Your FollowersLearn How to Spy on The CompetitionCreate A Twitter Profile To Attract FollowersCreate A Memorable Twitter NameGet Your Followers Engaging With Your BrandMeasure Your Social Media ROITurn Followers into ProfitsYou will learn a repeatable process that you can use to grow your targeted audience and generate real leads using Twitter Marketing for your Business."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Twitter Marketing: How to Promote Any Business on Twitter" |
"Updated August 29, 2019You've seen people that just CRUSH IT on Twitter, but when you Tweet no one listens...Perhaps you feel that this Twitter thing is for the birds because no one pays attention to you when you Tweet. You may be asking yourself, what do they have that I don't? Well it's simple, they have perfected their strategy. They know exactly what to say and how often to say it! Wouldn't you like to be one of those people generating tons of leads on Twitter without spending a fortune? Let me ask you a simple question Are you making the most out of your Twitter efforts? If youre like most people, the answer is simple NO! and sadly the leads generated if youre not doing Twitter right, is a big fat ZERO :( Why is that? You see most people don't even know you exist! That is a big waste of opportunity! Not to worry, there's a simple solution designed just for you to improve your Twitter performance and get you generating tons of leads from Social Media... You see, when you do it the way we show you, youll actually be able to generate real leads and keep your existing customer happy. So make the most out of your Twitter followers It doesnt matter if you have ever tried Twitter in the past and nothing happened.Get ready to learn the right way to use Twitter! In this course you will learn how to find your customers on Twitter to promote your business."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"- Backpacker's Japanese" |
"A. B. C."
Price: 2400.00 ![]() |
"Kindle Buffet - Get unlimited Free and Discount Kindle books" |
"Save at least $100 a month by discovering this unlimited source of free and discounted Kindle books. Whether your passion is romance, mystery, science fiction, horror, nonfiction, business, biographies or technology, you'll find the best special deals from bestselling authors.Discover the Kindle's best-kept secret: free bestsellers from your local public library, without leaving your home. This course isn't a list of books, it's a source of daily, hand-picked deals, a gold mine of fiction and nonfiction treasures.If you're a book lover, this course will help you unlock the value of your Kindle device. Instead of being steered toward high-priced books priced at $14.99 and up, you'll have a multitude of choices for $1.99, $0.99 and even free!You don't need to be a computer geek to take advantage of this literary opportunity of a lifetime. In fact, you don't even need a Kindle device. All you need is a computer, phone, or tablet, and follow along with our step-by-step tour.Spend 45 minutes with this course, and you'll uncover a lifetime of entertainment and educational opportunities.You and your family will never need to shell out money at the bookstore, or stand in line at the library again. No matter what kind of books you enjoy, you will benefit from this course immensely. This unending source of literary treasures will revolutionize your life in terms of education and entertainment. Don't waste another minute. Start enriching your life now, without and hassles of high-priced content.No matter your reading level, you will sharpen your mind and improve your professional and personal life by taking advantage now."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Paperwhite Users Guide: Get the Most From Your Kindle" |
"You've got a Paperwhite e-reader from Amazon. Now learn to use it to the max.You'll see how to quickly set up your Paperwhite, navigate the touch-screen and buy, borrow, and browse the world's largest library of digital books. This course demystifies the Paperwhite and shows step-by-step how to master the Kindle basics, including secret tips, tricks and shortcuts you won't find elsewhere. You'll follow along as Amazon guru Steve Weber demonstrates how to: Adjust your Paperwhite's setting just the way you prefer.Charge your Kindle's battery properly and prolong its life.Enjoy an infinite supply of the best books -- daily free and discounted fiction and nonfiction.Use personal and office documents, including PDFs. Chuck your laptop, and do all your reading on the Kindle!The easy way to harvest your own content and get it onto your Paperwhite, including gems you didn't buy at Amazon.How to download, organize and read your favorite books, magazines and newspapers on the Paperwhite.Use Amazon's free ""Cloud"" service for unlimited storage of your digital content.Find the best free content in the world, downloadable to your Kindle. (You might never have to pay for books, movies or music again--ever!)So what are you waiting for? Let's get started right now. This course is guaranteed. You can use it for 30 days, and if you're not 100% satisfied, you get a full refund.OK, let's go!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Google Adwords Beginner To Advanced w/ Bonus Tips & Tricks" |
"Google Adwords is an essential tool for getting your product or service found online. As many as 65% of people click on a paid ad when searching for a product or service online. And businesses make an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 they spend in ads!This course is meant for the small business owner, entrepreneur, or start-up that wants to advertise their product or service online, but cannot afford to pay an agency. Most agencies charge a flat rate (usually around $500 minimum), or a certain percentage of your monthly ad spend (usually 15%). Taking this course will allow you to save those funds that you would be paying someone else, and put them towards your ads! This course is intended to teach you everything you need to know to run successful Google Adwords campaigns. I will help you make more sales, gain more leads, and increase your conversions. I will teach you the difference between CPA and CPC, help you understand how bidding works, how to write winning ads, setting up conversion tracking, walk you through how to conduct proper keyword research, and much more!There are no materials required for this course. You will however need a Google Adwords account and email address you can link to your account. Don't have one? No problem. I can help you with that too! You may find it easiest to go through this course, listen, and take notes, then go back later and follow along on your own account. Do whatever is best for you! The course will take about 10 hours to complete, but you should take many breaks and go back through any material you don't understand. The first part of this course is the set-up and creation of your first campaign. Part 1 is intended to be very basic and get you up and running quickly. In part 2 I will go through some of the more advanced techniques and features that the Adwords platform offers. I will dive deeper into bids, explain ad extensions, conversions, and more. In part 3 we will review some of the other programs, platforms, and features such as shopping campaigns, analytics, webmaster tools, merchant center, and Adwords Express. These tools will help you make the most of your campaign and let you use many of the other fantastic tools Google offers at no charge! If you are serious about advertising your business, then you need these tools! Bonus- Part 4 is where the excitement is. I will reveal many of the very same tips, tricks, and techniques that I use in my own agency. Some of these techniques have helped me get my clients conversion rates of over 30%! Even Google was shocked when I told them what I was doing (true story)! These tricks helped my agency propel into the top 1% of all Adwords agencies, and have helped us win Google Allstars competitions in 2012, 2013, and 2014!Bottom line- if you're serious about your business and want to take it to the next level, you need to know Google Adwords. This course will help get you there! This course includes updates as they are implemented. This means that when the Google Adwords platform is updated, or a new feature is released, a new video will be added. This will help keep you up to date and on top of the latest and greatest from the worlds #1 search engine- all for 1 low price!If there is something in this course that is not clear, or if I have missed something you want to learn about, please let me know. I welcome your comments and feedback!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Economics: Theory and Applications" |
"The title of the course is Economics: Theory & Applications. The course defines various concepts of economics taking examples from our everyday life. The course is divided into four sections. In the first section, definition of Economics and the difference between Microeconomics and Macroeconomics is discussed with appropriate examples. In the second section, the concept of production possibility frontier and its important uses in economics is explained with necessary illustrations.The third section offers a detail of the theory of demand and supply. With the help of the theory of demand and supply, in the final section, that is, in the last section, the operation of market mechanism and its application is presented. Discussion of the concepts like the Law of One Price, price ceiling, price flooring, etc., makes the section interesting and delighting.The course consists of 20 lectures and a total of 1 hour 35 minutes.With more than ten years of professional experience at university level, I have designed the course so that it can satisfy all of your desires. Besides the students of Economics, the course will serve the interest of the students studying business because of the interdependence between these two. The lectures are arranged in such a way that learners of all levels and from all educational backgrounds can easily understand the course. The lectures explain various tools of economics with practical and real life examples, which will enable the students not only to learn the theories, but also to apply them to explain the problems they experience in their daily life."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Basics of Macroeconomics" |
"The course is divided into four sections. In section A, we shall define Macroeconomics and try to understand the major issues of macroeconomics like unemployment, inflation and economic growth. Section B will give you idea about various concepts of national income like GNP and GDP, and the significance of their measurement in nominal and real forms will be discussed with particular examples. Aggregate demand and Consumption function are core concepts in Macroeconomics which will be discussed in section C, following which we shall examine the national income determination process in the Keynesian model. And in the final section, that is, in section D, we shall deal with the most important part of the course Demand Management Policies. In this section, various policy effects of the government or of central bank will be addressed with necessary illustrations."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Macroeconomics: The IS-LM Model" |
"The course Macroeconomics: The IS-LM Model will offer a detail outline of various components of an economy. It will also help understand the effects of various policy measures taken by governments and central banks on an economy.The course is divided into four sections-In section A, an overview of the economy with special reference to goods and asset markets will be presented to make the learners familiar with the components that constitute an economy. Different components of aggregate demand, determination of national income in the Keynesian framework, various motives for money demand, money supply and determination of interest rate in the money market will be discussed in detail. Section B defines and derives both IS & LM curves and thereby introduces goods and money markets in technical way. It also explains the effects of possible changes in goods and money markets on IS and LM curve. In section C, learners will be familiar with demand management policies and their effects on IS and LM curves. And in the final section, that is, in section D, simultaneous equilibrium of an economy will be analysed along with the effects of fiscal and monetary policies that will equip the learners to evaluate the impacts of a particular policy measure on an economy and also make them able to formulate policy suggestions."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"You Can Earn College Credits Cheaper and Faster On Your Own" |
"Get credit for what you already know! If you are in school, you owe it to yourself to learn about these programs. These tests have been around for a long time (since WW II, in fact!) and they were specifically designed to help students demonstrate what they have learned independently so as to get college credit for it. You can take advantage of these programs and earn credits cheaper and faster!Find out how credit-by-examination programs can help you earn college credits in less time and with less money, and create your own strategy for the most effective ways to study and pass your tests.You can earn credit by examination!Find out about CLEP, DSST, and other testing programs.Discover alternative methods of earning credit.Beware of the dangers of unaccredited programs and schools.Learn how to develop an effective testing strategy.Plan to study for, take, and successfully pass the tests.Get valuable tips to help you overcome test anxiety.Gain confidence in your ability to get through school and earn your degree!If youre an undergraduate looking for a cheaper, faster, and more flexible way through school, or a student looking to jump start your college career by getting some of the basic, required subjects out of the way, then this course is for you! If credit-by-examination is completely new to you, then you are not alone. Even in spite of many years in student services, it was only after I became a proctor for CLEP and DSST tests fairly recently that I discovered how useful these programs can be. Both programs have been around for over half a century, both are widely recognized and respected by colleges and universities, but apparently they still remain a well-kept secret in the academic world. After about eight years as a teacher and a tutor in a homeless shelter, I formed a non-profit organization to equip working adults with the resources, strategies, and tools they need to achieve their educational goals. I am convinced that credit-by-examination may be one of the most powerful tools available to help non-traditional students get their degrees. Non-traditional or not, if you are a student, then you too can benefit from this course. There are no prerequisites and anyone can learn these secrets. In fact, you will hear in the lectures about high school students who are taking advantage of these same programs right now. All it takes is a desire to learn. I hope youll take the next step to discover how you too can earn college credits towards your degree in less time and with less money."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Master Your Inner Peace Remain Positive and Unaffected" |
"Do you want to create lasting change in your life and lay a solid foundation for happiness?Do you want to take back control over your emotions and state of being?What would your life look like if you were able to let go of worries, fears and judgments?Learn to remain peaceful and positive in all situations, benefitting every aspect of your life from relationships to health._____________________________________________________________________Reviews:worth the timefinally no overlong flowery speaches and to the point. thank you!- Maja OlexovaPractical and ConciseThis course provides much needed reminders of truths you keep in the back of your mind, but that don't come into awareness on a daily basis. The exercises taught in the course foster awareness and improvement over time. Consider this course a concise wake-up call and solid foundation to start manifesting the existence you truly desire.- Kyler BurkeEssential focus pointsGHCs course is brilliant because it contains the essential focus points needed to raise your vibration. [...] wonderfully compact, to get you started right away. For the beginner, or anyone who needs a reminder that it is our own responsibility to come back to peace, again and again. [...]During the past weeks I have used the techniques, and it has propelled me deeper into my intuition and inner trust. So, thank you very much!- Shiba bopA no bullshit guideUnlike most books and courses on this topic, this course get straight to the point. It is well documented with lots of actionable advice. One of the better guides I've encountered!- Mathias GrnstadMade my troubling time better[...] I was being challanged professionally at work, and the difference between work and family became clouded. This course helped me exceed at both arenas and allowed me to separate business and family, without sacrificing either.[...] I would recommend this course to anyone that would like to boost their life at work and at play. I printed out the exercises and will be using them every week to continue keeping inner peace.- Marty___________________________________________________________________About:This course is about taking back control of your state of being. It is designed to help you experience lasting changes right from the start by forming habits. Master your inner peace to remain at ease in all situations. You will lay a solid foundation for happiness and confidence.The course is divided into actionable and effective steps to deepen your insights and create fundamental mental habits.Each step in the course covers why that step is important, how it works and exactly what to do to implement it into your natural behavior.After this course you will walk away with new perspectives and the tools to make inner peace, gratitude and happiness a natural part of the rest of your life.UPDATES:Feb 19, 2016: Added section ""9 Life-Enhancing Truths to Unleash Your Potential""Added section ""BONUS: Articles""_____________________________________________________________________Before you start:Remember that there is a 30 day money back guarantee with not questions asked.You get life time access to this course.You get Instant access to any future updates.Enroll now to create a lasting, positive change in your life.PS: Introduce yourself and ask anything you want in the discussion area. I will answer all inquiries. This has tons of value in itself and is key to getting the most out of the course.___________________________________________________________________"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Control Your Brain Chemistry Become Confident and Creative" |
"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you want to be more happy?Do you want to understand why you feel the way you feel and be able to do something about it?Do you want to become more confident and creative?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------About:This course is about stimulating release of the chemicals that make your smile widen. It will make you more confident, charismatic, creative and all those other awesome superlatives that we all want more of in our lives. Neurotransmitters hold the key into these amazing states of being. We begin with the powerful motivator and confidence.boosting chemical, dopamine.We follow up with serotonin, endorphins, and GABA.So far we have read hundreds of scientific papers just to get the understanding needed to make this course. We decipher all the heavy research, extract whats relevant, and offer it you in this understandable and actionable package.We keep adding new videos to the course as we create them, and over time we plan on making this an encyclopedia of ways to boost and balance the different neurotransmitters. Scientists keep finding and studying new neurotransmitters. So you can look forward to dozens of more videos.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------After this course you will be able to:Control your moodBecome more creativeUnderstand your emotionsBecome more productivePredictably stimulate release of different feel-good neurotransmitters-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Before you start:Keep in mind that there is a 30 day money back guarantee, no questions asked.You gain life time access to this course.We will regularly add bonus lectures which you will get for free.You will get instant access to ALL future updates.Enrol in this course now and feel the dopamine rush.Become your own brain chemist.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Updates to course:-March 29, 2016 3 new serotonin videos- June 15, 2016 3 new endorphin videos- June 19, 2016 4new serotonin videos- July 29th, 2016 3 new endorphin videos- August 10th, 2016 3 new serotoninvideos- August 31st, 2016 2 newserotoninvideos- November 2016 3 new GABA videos- April2017 5new GABA videos"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn To Speak Gaeilge (Irish)" |
"My name is Siobhan N Ghallchir and I would love to help you learn the basics in starting and maintaining a simple conversation in the Irish language. I wont be boring you with grammatical terms or tenses, or confusing things, instead I will get down to the nitty gritty! I will be launching another course shortly which will cover these more advanced topics. So for now were just getting stuck in to learning basic phrases and words which you may find useful. Perhaps youre thinking of visiting us here in Ireland and would like your cupla focal, or you are longing to learn the language of your ancestors, but whatever your reasons, my main aim is to bring to you an enjoyable learning experience."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Business Process Modeling A-Z: Learn BPMN 2.0 From Scratch" |
"In this course you will learn how to use the Business Process Model and Notation Version 2.0 Standards and PracticesWe will start from the basics and build our knowledge up one element at a timeIn this course we look at Real-World examples to practice the skills and knowledge we developThe course is structured in a way that the sections build on each other, meaning that the further you go into the course - the more comfortable you will feel with BPMN 2.0Ultimately, the goal of this course is to help you model any existing business process as well as create your own models for completely new processesI can't wait to see you in class!Sincerely,Ilya EremenkoPS: Also this course is constantly updated with new lectures and materials and I am here to answer any questions you might have!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn basic high school Maths the easy way!" |
"**April 2016 update** The course has been redesigned from scratch with 2 more hours of material. Hope you guys enjoy!Over a 1000 students and counting with some great reviews already. See what some of my students have to say..""Nice course structure. Additional diagrams drawn by the instructor make the material easier to understand. Option to type notes while watching the video is very convenient. Delivery of content is excellent and well paced which makes it easy to follow. Explanations are visually clear and the instructor does a good job of making his delivery engaging with a positive tone. He seems to know his stuff. Would highly recommend"" ""I really enjoyed this course. Everything was well presented and explained at just the right pace. If you need to brush up on basic maths skills, this is a great course to boost your confidence. Thanks Adi!""Welcome to Learn basic high school maths the easy way. After teaching maths to students for a better part of the decade, one thing that I've come to understand is how difficult a transition from primary school to high school can be for students.Have you ever wondered how some students are so far ahead in their learning? Are they all born Maths geniuses? Definitely not. It's because they have a really firm understanding of the fundamentals which allows them to progress a lot quicker when it comes to the more challenging topics, since every topic needs you to have a good base. How will this course help you? Every topic that I cover in this course will come up in some form in years to come. I go through every single topic in a step by step form so it's really easy for you to follow along. Not convinced? Then I suggest you check out the previews before you decide to enroll, to make sure my teaching style is easy to follow, I am very confident that it is. To go a step further, Udemy's 30-day money back guarantee should also make you feel at ease.Are you having a tough time keeping up in Maths at school? Do you think Algebra is just the worst or maybe indices is your green kryptonite? Then let me be your personal guide and teach you these topics in a way that will make you wonder why your teachers didn't just explain it to you like that. This course will not only help you catch up but also help you get ahead; if of course, you put in the required effort. I go through each chapter doing questions step by step using simple language.Something missing in the course?If you find I haven't covered a topic that you need at this level, let me know on the discussion board and I'll be happy to add it in :)**BONUS** I've provided worksheets (with answers) at the end of every chapter to test your knowledge from the lectures.I can guarantee that you'll be miles ahead of the competition if you take this course seriously and best part about knowing it all is - you can teach others as well. When you're willing to spend upwards of $50 an hour for a private tutor, it seems like a no brainer to at least give this a go, so that you have access to your very own private tutor any time you wish.I'm good with messages and emails so if you have questions, make sure to get in touch with me. And furthermore, I want you guys to make full use of the discussion board because one of the best ways to learn is by sharing your knowledge with others. Thanks guys, really hope you enjoy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate guide to math word problems - Beginners Part Two" |
"**April 2016 update** The course has been redesigned from scratch with 2 more hours of material so plenty more questions to practice with!Welcome to Ultimate guide to maths word problems - Beginners Part Two. This course is tailored towards Grade 7 and 8 students who're looking to get a leg up on their ability to tackle the dreaded word problems. If you have significant trouble with problem solving questions, then I suggest you enrol in Ultimate guide to maths word problems - Beginners Part One before attempting this course as we'll be building on a lot of the things covered in that one.What are word problems?We all learn basic concepts like fractions, decimals, algebra etc. at school. We know how to add fractions or simplify algebraic expressions, but what stumps us is having to apply our knowledge to ""real life scenarios"". These are word problems. I'm sure you've come across these during your schooling. For example, Steph bought some clothes at the shops. She spends $80 in total buying a pair of shorts, a skirt and a T-shirt. She paid $9 more for the T-shirt than for the shorts, and $7 more for the skirt than for the T-shirt. How much did the skirt cost her? Show full working.This is a typical algebra-style word problem. No idea how to do this? Then let me help :)A lot of students find these types of practical questions quite challenging to answer as they have trouble linking their basic knowledge of algebra and numbers in this case to the real life scenario at hand.How will this course help you? Every topic that I cover in this course will come up in some form in years to come. I go through every single topic in a step by step form so it's really easy for you to follow along. Not convinced? Then I suggest you check out the previews before you decide to enroll, to make sure my teaching style is easy to follow, I am very confident that it is. To go a step further, Udemy's 30-day money back guarantee should also make you feel at ease.What will this course have?As I mentioned, this particular course is geared towards students in Grade 7 and 8. I will go through a number of problem solving / word problem questions, split into the different topics listed below. I go through each question in a systematical step by step manner making it super easy to follow along and adopt in your own workings.What topics will the course cover?The course will cover most topics that come up in these grades and are prone to have a lot of worded problems attached to them.Integers, indices, fractions, ratios, percentages, algebra, measurement, linear equations and probability.**BONUS** I've also added worksheets (with answers) for each topic to help you further test and implement your learning from the lectures.**WARNING** I'm going to assume knowledge of how to perform the actual operations involved with these word problems. This course is only to show how to approach the word problems, NOT the operations behind them.My next course will be Ultimate guide to maths word problems - Intermediate Part One, where I will work through topics and questions, typically covered at the Grade 9 level i.e. one level harder than this course.Why did I decide to create two beginner courses?If you're wondering this then that was because I saw that the level of difficulty increases considerably from Grade 7 to Grade 8 so instead of piling everything into one course and confuse you, I decided to create two different ones so you could gradually go up in levels :) Something missing in the course?If you find I haven't covered a topic that you need at this level, let me know on the discussion board and I'll be happy to add it in :)I can guarantee that you'll be miles ahead of the competition if you take this course seriously and best part about being able to do it all is that you can teach others as well. When you're willing to spend upwards of $50 an hour for a private tutor, it seems like a no brainer to at least give this a go, so that you have access to your very own private tutor any time you wish.I'm good with messages and emails so if you have questions, make sure to get in touch with me. And furthermore, I want you guys to make full use of the discussion board because one of the best ways to learn is by sharing your knowledge with others. Thanks guys, really hope you enjoy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate guide to math word problems Intermediate Part Two" |
"**May 2016 update: Course completely redesigned with a lot of new questions to further improve your learning**Welcome to Ultimate guide to maths word problems - Intermediate Part Two. This course is tailored towards Grade 10 students who're looking to get a leg up on their ability to tackle the dreaded word problems. If you have significant trouble with problem solving questions, then I suggest you enroll in Ultimate guide to maths word problems Intermediate Part One before attempting this course as we'll be building on a lot of the things covered in those ones.What are word problems?We all learn basic concepts like fractions, decimals, algebra etc. at school. We know how to add fractions or simplify algebraic expressions, but what stumps us is having to apply our knowledge to ""real life scenarios"". These are word problems. I'm sure you've come across these during your schooling. For example, Luke buys milk and bread on his way home, paying with a $10 note. If he buys three cartons of milk and two loaves of bread, he receives 5 cents in change. If he buys two cartons of milk and one loaf of bread, he receives $4.15 in change. How much does each item cost? Show full working.This is a typical linear-equations based word problem where you have to use the concept of simultaneous equations. Not sure how to do these? Then let me help :)A lot of students find these types of practical questions quite challenging to answer as they have trouble linking their basic knowledge of linear equations in this case to the real life scenario at hand.How will this course help you?Every topic that I cover in this course will come up in some form in years to come. I go through every single topic in a step by step form so it's really easy for you to follow along. Not convinced? Then I suggest you check out the previews before you decide to enroll, to make sure my teaching style is easy to follow, I am very confident that it is. To go a step further, Udemy's 30-day money back guarantee should also make you feel at ease.What will this course have?As I mentioned, this particular course is geared towards students in Year 10. I will go through a number of problem solving / word problem questions, split into the different topics listed below. I go through each question in a systematical step by step manner making it super easy to follow along and adopt in your own workings.What topics will the course cover?The course will cover most topics that come up in this grade and are prone to have a lot of worded problems attached to them.Linear equations, trigonometry, measurement, quadratic equations, probability and finance.Why did I decide to create two intermediate courses?If you're wondering this then that was because I saw that the level of difficulty jumps up heaps from Grade 9 to Grade 10 and some new concepts are introduced as well. So instead of piling everything into one course and confuse you, I decided to create two different ones so you could gradually go up in levels :).**BONUS** I've also added worksheets (with answers) for each topic to help you further test and implement your learning from the lectures.**WARNING** I'm going to assume knowledge of how to perform the actual operations involved with these word problems. This course is only to show how to approach the word problems, NOT the operations behind them.Something missing in the course?If you find I haven't covered a topic that you need at this level, let me know on the discussion board and I'll be happy to add it in :)I can guarantee that you'll be miles ahead of the competition if you take this course seriously and best part about being able to do it all is that you can teach others as well. When you're willing to spend upwards of $50 an hour for a private tutor, it seems like a no brainer to at least give this a go, so that you have access to your very own private tutor any time you wish.I'm good with messages and emails so if you have questions, make sure to get in touch with me. And furthermore, I want you guys to make full use of the discussion board because one of the best ways to learn is by sharing your knowledge with others. Thanks guys, really hope you enjoy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate guide to Linear Equations" |
"**June 2016 update** The course has been redesigned from scratch with 2 more hours of material. Hope you guys enjoy!Welcome to Ultimate guide to Linear Equations. This is an end to end course on Linear Equations, starting from the very basics all the way to complicated topics such as sketching linear inequations.What will the course have and who will benefit?By the end of Grade 8, students are able to solve standard linear equations using a variety of methods. Once in Grade 9, students are introduced to new concepts such as working with brackets and sketching linear graphs. My current students in Grade 9 and 10 find linear equations and graphs to be one of the most challenging topics and have a hard time complementing their existing knowledge with the new topics that are introduced at this level. In the course, I systematically step you through the different topics, so by the end of it you'll be proficient in not only solving equations but also plotting them using a variety of methods. As you'll see in the topics below, we start at the very bottom, and slowly build our way up to the more complex topics.I go through every single topic in a step by step form so it's really easy for you to follow along. Not convinced? Then I suggest you check out the previews before you decide to enroll, to make sure my teaching style is easy to follow, I am very confident that it is. To go a step further, Udemy's 30-day money back guarantee should also make you feel at ease.What topics will the course cover?I'll cover be covering all the major topics in Linear Equations:Start here:Solving linear equations using trial and error parts 1 and 2Using inverse operationsBuilding expressionsSolving equations using backtracking parts 1 and 2Checking solutionsKeeping equations balancedIdentifying patternsSolving linear equations with unknowns on both sides (beginner level)Linear Equations:What are linear equations? *NEW*Solving standard linear equationsSolving linear equations with bracketsSolving linear equations with unknowns on both sides (more advanced than beginner)Problem solving with linear equationsRearranging formulasLinear Graphs:Cartesian plane in 2D *NEW*Plotting linear graphsGeneral equation of a straight lineSketching linear graphsDetermining linear rulesParallel and perpendicular lines *NEW*Midpoints and distances between pointsNon-linear relations *NEW*Graphing solution of simultaneous linear equationsSolving simultaneous equations using substitutionSolving simultaneous using eliminationProblem solving using simultaneous equationsSolving linear inequationsSketching linear inequationsSolving simultaneous linear equationsAs you can see, with all the topics,we'll be stepping through them systematically and I'll give you guys plenty of opportunities to practice along with me to help you cement your learning.Why linear equations?I've seen students really struggle with linear equations. I've noticed that a lot of teachers in schools simply don't spend the required time to help their students learn their fundamentals so when they have to do topics like the above, it's just a real pain. That's why I created this course for you guys so you always have a reference point and furthermore always have access to me when you need help :)**BONUS** I've also added worksheets (with answers) for each chapter to help you further test and implement your learning from the lectures.Something missing in the course?If you find I haven't covered a topic that you need at this level, let me know on the discussion board and I'll be happy to add it in :)I can guarantee that you'll be miles ahead of the competition if you take this course seriously and best part about being able to do it all is that you can teach others as well. When you're willing to spend upwards of $50 an hour for a private tutor, it seems like a no brainer to at least give this a go, so that you have access to your very own private tutor any time you wish.I'm good with messages and emails so if you have questions, make sure to get in touch with me. And furthermore, I want you guys to make full use of the discussion board because one of the best ways to learn is by sharing your knowledge with others. Thanks guys, really hope you enjoy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate guide to Trigonometry" |
"**June 2016 update** Course has been fully redesigned from scratch and a ton of new content has been added. Hope you enjoy!Welcome to Ultimate guide to Trigonometry. This course will have all the different topics covered between Grade 7 and 10, therefore will be a comprehensive A-Z guide. The topics are in a sequential order, gradually going up in difficulty, so you can work your way through them at your own pace depending on what you're doing at school.What will this course have and who will benefit?This course is going to cover all the concepts that will be covered in school from basic trigonometry topics such as Pythagoras' Theorem through to more advanced topics such as Angles of Elevation and Depression. During my time as a tutor, I've seen students really struggle to grasp the different elements of this topic, so this course can serve as a permanent reference point for you guys going forward.If you're high school at the moment and have started doing trigonometry, then this course will be a big help because it can either complement your studies at school or serve as the official guide. I will step you through every topic systematically and run through a number of questions to really help you cement your learning.A lot of my students are actually parents who are home schooling their kids, so if you're someone looking to brush up on your knowledge to help your kids at home, I know this course along with all my other courses will be a big help.I go through every single topic in a step by step form so it's really easy for you to follow along. Not convinced? Then I suggest you check out the previews before you decide to enroll, to make sure my teaching style is easy to follow, I am very confident that it is. To go a step further, Udemy's 30-day money back guarantee should also make you feel at ease.What topics will the course cover?I'll cover the following topics in the course:Pythagoras' Theorem:Right-angled trianglesFinding the hypotenuseFinding the other sidesComposite shapesPythagorean triplesPythagoras' Theorem in 3-DimensionsTrigonometry:Introducing SOH, CAH and TOACalculating unknown side lengthsCalculating unknown anglesAngles of elevation and depressionBearings and compass directionsWordproblemsNon right-angled triangles:Sine ruleCosine ruleHeron's FormulaWord problemsWhy Trigonometry?Trigonometry is a huge part of maths at school and it's a shame that a lot of the fundamentals are just not taught properly by teachers and then students are expected to do quite advanced operations in higher grades. That's why I created this course for you guys so you always have a reference point and furthermore always have access to me when you need help :)**BONUS** I've also added worksheets (with answers) for each chapter to help you further test and implement your learning from the lectures.I'm working on a number of courses like this, which cover a variety of maths topics. I'll keep you guys updated as I release them :)Something missing in the course?If you find I haven't covered a topic that you need at this level, let me know on the discussion board and I'll be happy to add it in :)I can guarantee that you'll be miles ahead of the competition if you take this course seriously and best part about being able to do it all is that you can teach others as well. When you're willing to spend upwards of $50 an hour for a private tutor, it seems like a no brainer to at least give this a go, so that you have access to your very own private tutor any time you wish.I'm good with messages and emails so if you have questions, make sure to get in touch with me. And furthermore, I want you guys to make full use of the discussion board because one of the best ways to learn is by sharing your knowledge with others. Thanks guys, really hope you enjoy."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Promo Video Mastery: For Startups, Kickstarter, Upwork, etc." |
"With our course you'll learn the skillsneeded to:Earn from $2,000 to $10,000 perminute of animation at the high end or several hundred dollars perhour of your time on sites such as Upwork; andAnimate your own amazingpromotional explainer videos.Your product is responsible for turningcustomers into customers for life. Your marketing is responsible forturning people into customers. The problem is most people have veryshort attention spans, especially when using the Internet. Promovideos have the power to both explain and improve engagement.Having a high quality video such as theone you'll learn how to make in this course can dramatically increaseyour Kickstarter donations, Udemy students, startup customers andfunding, and nonprofit donations.Learn how to get people excitedabout your product and the experience that you're offering.With your new skill set you willlearn how to create videos rapidly which means you can sell youranimations to other people at a substantial profit.The easy to edit software can turnpreviously made promotional videos into new videos in a snap. Don'tstart from scratch every time make new videos in minutes.Availableon mobile devices such as iOS and Android.Youspent an enormous amount of energy making your product the best itcan be. Click enroll now to kickstart your future and succeed now."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SEO: Master Search Engine Optimization and SEO Link Building" |
"Updated February 2017Welcome. In this course you will learn everything you need to dramatically increase your ranking on Google.I founded a startup while earning a 4.0 weighted GPA from UC Santa Barbara. I later earned my Juris Doctor from UC Berkeley. I've worked with some of the smartest and most talented people in the Bay area, including at UC Berkeley's School of Information.I designed this course for everyone with a website that wants to gain a large amount of daily visitors from Google and other search engines. By the end of the course you will have learned everything you need to rank highly on Google for valuable search terms. This type of marketing can cost upwards of $10,000 per month for a national campaign, but you will be able to perform all of the steps yourself for free.You will learn how to develop content that is targeted to increase your ranking for specific phrases. You will also learn many actionable strategies to increase the amount of other websites that link to your site. The quality and quantity of these links are Google's primary way to determine a website's ranking on the search engine results pages. Finally, you will learn of many different tools to assist you along your way. The goal of this course is to weave all of these strategies and tools into one cohesive action plan so that you can immediately begin using SEO to increase your exposure on Google and other search engines.The strategies you will learn are great for people who want an extremely profitable marketing campaign but don't want to spend the money that professionals usually charge for this type of work. I will walk you through the entire process, step by step. I'll also be available to answer questions from students as well. My goal is to help you and your website succeed.The ideal student for this course is a website owner that would benefit from a large amount of traffic. There are no requirements necessary to enroll.I've made a small portion of the course available for free so you can take a look at the quality of the materials. Go ahead and check out some of the free material, and enroll today if you would like to learn how to get an enormous amount of extra traffic from search engines."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Android selbst kompilieren wie ein Entwickler" |
"Willst du dich an das Thema wagen, welches immer wieder im Zusammenhang mit Android erwhnt wird?Wie kompiliere ich meine eigene Rom, Schritt fr Schritt, aus quell-offenen Sources? Dieses Thema mchte ich zusammen mit dir, und vielen anderen, gemeinsam bestreiten.Zusammen erarbeiten wir uns: Die Besorgung notwendiger SoftwareDie Installation dieser Unerlssliche Konfigurationen und Erstellungen Einrichtung einer EntwicklungsumgebungHerunterladen der ntigen SourcesErstellung von ScriptenAutomatisierungDie selbst erstellte und flashbare Android RomDie Community, die hinter Android steht, ist gewaltig. Dank des Open Source Daseins von Googles Android OS konnte sich innerhalb krzester Zeit eine wahre Gemeinschaft von findigen Hackern, Bastlern und Moddern zusammen finden. Durch den Root Zugriff, und somit die Kontrolle ber das gesamte Dateisystem, ist es somit mglich dem Gert neue Funktionen, wie das bertakten des Prozessors oder Vernderungen anderer Hardwarefunktionen beizubringen. Andere verndern dabei die Optik des System oder kmmern sich um eine verbesserte oder innovativere Bedienung.Da in jedem Interessiertem ein potenzieller Bastler steckt, habe ich mich entschlossen, diesen Kurs zu fhren, um die ersten Grundzge der Android Rom Entwicklung leicht verstndlich fr jedermann zugnglich zu machen."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Cyber Security: Beginner's Training Guide to Online Safety!" |
"Does it seem like your computer is constantly getting bombarded with ads, popups, or scammy emails?Maybe you suddenly can't use your PC because of some random screen that claims you have a bad infection and just pay them some money and they can have it removed.Even worse, you start noticing odd charges on your credit card bill that you know wasn't made by you (unless you did actually buy that 25th anniversary edition pet rock - no judgement).It doesn't have to be this way!Most times, many of the bad things mentioned above happen to you because of actions you take on accident. You think that by clicking on a button that tells you to ""Click here to scan your PC"" or receiving a phone call from Microsoft warning you that you have a virus, that you are doing the right thing.But, it's these exact things that are opening up your systems to the bad guys!Cyber Security: Beginner's Training Guide to Online Safety is a course that comes from over 23 years of working with computers and seeing how making some simple changes can protect you and your PC from potential threats. Whether a single user, family, or business with hundreds of employees, these lectures and videos will walk you through step-by-step what to do and not to do.Let's build a community of users that can learn from each other!Cyber Security: Beginner's Training Guide to Online Safety will be updated over time with advice and examples from you, our users, so that we can all benefit from shared experiences and grow in the process. Remember, there's no shame or judgement if you accidentally ran across something that tricked you into getting infected or worse. Share your story and we can all benefit from your knowledge.CompuTerrors wants your feedback!Please tell us how we're doing and what you want to see in each training. We greatly value you as our students and believe in continually improving our courses."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Don't Let Your Customers Run Your Business" |
"Controlling Customer Debt and Managing the LedgerSmall business owners:Wouldn't you like a strategy to reduce your current customer debt?Wouldn't you like a strategy to manage your ongoing customer debt?Wouldn't you like to streamline your office procedures and save money?Wouldn't you like to be in control of your ledger?""Don't Let Your Customers Run Your Business"" is not just about debt collection. It is about proactively managing a debtor's ledger, controlling customer debt and getting customers to pay by due date. There is no point in making a sale if it is not paid. My Experience to Deliver this CourseI am a business manager, qualified trainer and small business owner. My background has been in office administration and then business management for over years in 20 different industries. Cash flow control and cost management in addition to accounting, budgeting and debt collection has been by strengths. After initially delivering debt collection courses I designed this course to encompass accounts receivable, assessing a new customer for creditworthiness, debt collection, policies and procedures, training employees, customer negotiation skills, meetings for monitoring customer debt and evaluating office procedures.What You Will LearnManaging a Debtor's Ledger and Debt Collection SkillsCost of Running a LedgerWhy don't customer pay? You will learn some reasons.The cost of running a debtor's ledger. The cost may shock you.The cost to the business to write off a sale.Evaluating Office ProceduresEvaluate office procedures to identify inefficiencies. A detailed Debtor's Ledger Health Check questionnaire is attached to the course to assist in the evaluationCan your Business Afford to Give CreditIdentify the best credit method for a particular business typeIssues to determine whether to give credit and who to give it toSetting up Policies and ProceduresThe importance of policies and procedures in a businessWhich are the important policies needed to manage the ledger? There are 4 and each are discussed in detailStrategy to Reduce the Current DebtEvaluate the current customer debt and using a strategy to reduce itClean up the old ledger to set up an efficient new systemStrategy to Manage the Ongoing LedgerStep by step to advice to:Negotiate your terms of trade with the customer so they pay bt due dateAssess the new customer for creditworthinessSet up the customer accountProcess invoices, payments, credits, complaints and reportsHow to enhance customer relationshipsUse the overdue invoice StrategyDeal with customer excusesRun customer debt monitoring meetings with an agendaUse a detailed phone call script to give callers confidenceWhat am I going to get from this Course?For Everyone:28 lectures and over 2.5 hours of contentLearn how to control customer debt, reduce your stress and save moneyMany forms and templates such as: Debtor's Ledger Health Check questionnaire A phone script - for people who are uncomfortable making collection calls Collection letters An agenda for meetings Credit application and trade reference questionnaire Customer approval and decline letters Payment installment agreement The strategy to reduce the current debt Simple spreadsheet to track payment plan customersFor Small Business Owners in Particular:Debtor's Ledger Health Check questionnaireA strategy to reduce the current customer debtA strategy to proactively manage the ongoing ledgerFor Current and Future Bookkeeping and Accounts Receivable employeesEfficient methods of controlling customer debtWays of dealing with customer excusesWays of streamlining your office proceduresJoin me in the courseI am sure you are like most people who go into business; you are doing it to make money, and you feel you need to give credit to make sales. Debt collecting cost you money. so let's give you a new strategy of running your business, so you can reduce that cost considerably and keep a good relationship your customer."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Effective Debt Collection Strategies" |
"Skills and strategies to improve debt recoverySmall Business Owners:Wouldn't you like a strategy to reduce your current debt?Wouldn't you like a strategy to manage your ongoing overdue customer invoices?Wouldn't you like to streamline your office procedures and save money?""Effective Debt Collection Strategies"" is about controlling the activities of debt collection with systematic strategies so your customer knows you are serious about the credit you provide and you want to be paid by due date?My Experience to Deliver this CourseI am a business manager, qualified trainer and small business owner. My background has been in office administration and then business management for over 25 years in 20 different industries. Cash flow control and cost management in addition to accounting, budgeting and debt collection has been my strengths. So I would like to share my knowledge and experience with small business owners to increase their recovery rate of customer debt.What You Will LearnSkills and Strategies to improve Customer Debt RecoveryCost of Running a LedgerWhy don't customer pay? You will learn some reasons?The cost of running a debtor's ledger.The cost to the business to write off a sale.Evaluating Office ProceduresEvaluating office procedures to identify inefficiencies. A detailed a Debtor's Ledger Health Check Questionnaire is attached to the course resources to assist in the evaluation.Policies and ProceduresThe importance of policies and procedures in a businessWhich are the important policies needed to manage a ledger?Strategy to Reduce the Current DebtEvaluate the current customer debt and using a strategy to reduce it.Clean up the old ledger so you have a manageable system.Step by Step Advice and a Strategy to Manage Overdue InvoicesProcess invoices, payments, credits, complaints and reportsUse the overdue invoice strategyDeal with customer excusesRun customer debt monitoring meetings with an agendaUse a detailed phone call script to give callers confidenceWhat am I going to get from this Course?For Everyone:Learn how to control customer debt, reduce your stress and save moneyMany forms and templates such as:Debtor's Ledger Health Check QuestionnaireA Phone Script - for people who are uncomfortable making collection callsCollection lettersAn agenda for meetingsPayment installment agreementThe Strategy to reduce the current debtFor Small Business Owners in Particular:Debtor's Ledger Health Check QuestionnaireA Strategy to reduce the current customer debtA Strategy to proactively manage the ongoing overdue invoicesFor Current and Future Bookkeeping, Accounts Receivable and Administration employees and students:Efficient methods of controlling Customer debtWays of dealing with customer excusesWays of streamlining your office proceduresJoin me in the courseI am sure you are like most people who go into business; you are doing it to make money, and you feel you need to give credit to make sales. Debt collecting costs you money. So let's give you a new strategy of running your business, so you can reduce that cost considerably and keep a good relationship with your customer."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Physiology of sitting: how to improve health and fitness" |
"""Prolonged sitting should be considered within occupational health and safety policies and practices just like other elements of posture. ~ British Journal of Sports MedicineIf you would like to apply for a DISCOUNTcoupon for this course,please send me an email: katarina@tnmhealthatwork.comLearnhow to avoid a potentially lethal disease by following simple steps.The sitting disease, which is linked to long periods of sitting whileworking, is becoming a health concern for many people. See how Iaddress this problem with two easy steps without affectingproductivity or using expensive equipment.Inactivityphysiology is a relatively new branch of the science of physiology. I believe any person who uses a computer for work or has to sitat a desk for extended periods of time should have a basicunderstanding of this new scientific field.Startimplementing your own intervention to make sure you feel energizedand less stiff while working and ensure optimal health for thefuture. -Sitting disease basics.-Surprisingly simple prevention principles.-Easy steps to apply interventions.-Possible obstacles.Startworking in a way that does not endanger your health.Learnwhat all the hype around the sitting disease is about and findout what you can do about it. If you have to sit while working formore than two to three hours at a time (for example, working on acomputer), you may be at risk of developing some of the healthproblems associated with the sitting disease. Problems suchas; an increasing waistline, type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease,high blood pressure, cancer and depression have been linked to longperiods of sitting.Applyinginterventions against the sitting disease can help you to loweryour risk of developing these problems, as well as help you to feelbetter while you work. Instead of feeling stiff and experiencingback pain after working you can feel revitalized and energized.Contentand OverviewThiscourse is an introduction to the sitting disease and possibleinterventions against the sitting disease. Learn what the sittingdisease is and how to approach successful interventions. Factorsthat can have an impact on the success of these interventions are also discussed. The applications described in the course areespecially useful for any person who is required to sit for morethan two to three hours at a time while working, and who have not yetapplied successful interventions. For example, if you are a softwaredeveloper who works on a computer for extended periods at a time.Bythe end of the course you should be able to start planning your owninterventions with confidence. Although I cannot advise you aboutany specific interventions you may want to do in your own workingsituation, I can help with guidance and ideas.Thiscourse does NOT provide exercises (such resources are not difficultto find), but instead the aim is to explain the principles behindpossible interventions and to help you to plan changes to how youwork.Alwaysbe safe and cautious when changing your physical activity and it isrecommended you consult with your health care provider. I do notprovide medical or therapeutic services my aim is to raiseawareness about the sitting disease and to bring about change tocurrent mainstream workplace environments and approaches.Althoughthe interventions suggested in the course may not be practical in allworking situations, the basic principles behind the interventions canbe creatively applied and adapted to various different workingenvironments.Bychanging a few simple things in your approach to your workspace, youcould easily change your work environment from a potentially harmfulenvironment, to one that is enjoyable and healthy!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Complete HTML5 and CSS3 Course with 8 Website Design" |
"Only Complete and Comprehensive HTML and CSS Course On UdemyDo you want to learn web development? ""Man, I would have to say this is hands down the best course ever! During this amazing course, you'll find essential components behind becoming a web engineer.The objective of this great course is to take someone who is a mouse and keyboard"" user and teach them web development by teaching HTML5 and CSS3.Students can start their career as a Freelancer and Web Designer. You can build websites using HTML 5 and CSS 3 (latest web technologies) all by yourself from Scratch.HTML5 and CSS3 is way to easy with right directions, i'll show you everything step by step from scratch.What am I going to get from this course?Over 78lectures and 7.5hours of content!Complete code exercisesProfessional skills to build Beautiful websites.From Complete scratch to a fully functional Complete website.Complete project that will teach you everything you need to know to get started with HTML5 and CSS3.Learn web design ( a must-have skill in todays mobile world.Best coding editorsStart applying your learned skills in the real world.Develop your own websiteDesign and code your own websites using the latest web technologies HTML5 and CSS3.Instructor Available by Email 24/7 .Earn Certification that is Proof of your Competence from Udemy after Completing this courseWhat are the requirements?No Requirements at all!! i will show you everything from scratch. You dont have to worry.Any computer will do . (Windows, Mac, PC or Linux)Passion to learn exciting new skillsYou dont need to buy any software.What is the target audience?Complete Beginners who want to learn how to build a professional, beautiful andWebsite from Scratch.Non-programmers who find development attractive and dont know where to startStudents with some knowledge about HTML and CSS, who struggle to make a Professional Project .Designers who want to expand their skill set into HTML 5 and CSS 3 and want to learn how to do Efficient Coding.BloggersAspiring Web DesignersPeople who desire a new career pathEnroll Today!Lets start together."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"JavaScript Complete for beginners with real world Apps" |
"JavaScript is very powerful programming client side language that added a life into modern websites and hardware equipment . it is the Essential language that modern developers need to know. That's why i have created this Amazing elite class course where you will use these technologies to create actual projects and will learn their usage in real world.Truly knowing JavaScript will get you a job, and enable you to build quality web and server applications.This course is for Absolute Beginners OR Web Designers ( who dont know anything about JS) or Students who never created a single Applicationin Javascript. This course will teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand what JavaScript is, learn how JavaScript works, and how to implement it in your web from scratch. We will start from the ground level, and we will move towardssome real time Projects. In this course we will look at everything from scratch.This course is designed in more logical way from easy to complex modules step by step. Here is description of the courseRoad Map:Introduction and syntaxGet Access on Web ContentBetter understanding of JSBuilding Blocks & FundamentalsObjects in JSA Deeper look in Document Object ModelEvents in javascriptChanging User InterfaceCombineCSS and JS ApplicationJavascript Form ApplicationsJQuery Quick Starter Kit for FREEThis course will focus on all the Fundamentals , Building blocks andAdvance Concepts of Javascript in complete details which are essentials for beginners. In this Coursestudentswill buildApplications after every section to see the real world representation of JS.Bonuses:JQuery Quick Starter Kit forFREEFull Coding ExercisesTips / TricksIn case if the course does not meet your expectations you cangetafull re-fund immediately. Also i will answer all of your questions on top priority.Now if you want to learn JavaScript and start your professional career, Take this course now--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This courseis forcomplete beginnersand for those who want toseeReal World JS representation.-----------------------------------------------------------------------Enroll Today!Lets start together."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Animations Transforms & 3D Design with CSS for UI UX" |
"The objective of this great course is to take someone who is using old designand teach him New animations and Creative 3D Design by building 14 Projects.CSS3 Animations Transitions and Transformsare way to easywith right directions, i'll show you everything step by step from scratch.Course is divided into two parts. In 1st parts it will teach you building blocks and in 2nd part you will see the practical implementation of 1st this course student will learnTransitions Transforms Animation and 3d Design with cssProfessionalskills to buildBeautifulCreative DesignsCompleteprojectsthat will teach you everything you need to know to get started with css 3D Design.Learn web design( a must-have skill in todaysmobile world).Enroll Today!Lets start together."
Price: 134.99 ![]() |