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"Maquillaje en 10 Minutos para Todos Los Das" |
"Usted quiere aprender cmo maquillarse de la manera mas rapida posible, para salir radiante de su casa, todos los das ?Usted quiere dominar a un 100% como maquillarse ?Es por esto que hemos creado este curso especificamente para TI!Este curso est diseado para la mujer/estudiante que sabe lo que quiere y valora su tiempo. Est diseado para esa mujer que quiere maquillaje de da, que sea prctico y potencie su belleza natural. Este curso est estructurado para que usted puede asimilar la informacin lo ms rpido posible: Consejos Rpidos (Quick Tips)Utensilios Requeridos (debe ser los instrumentos que ya tienen en casa)Curso Principal que detalle cmo prepararse en 10 minutosThe Good Life ha creado este gua con Constanza Henriquez, maquilladora profesional, para tener la produccin que esperas de todos nuestros cursos y el ""know-how"" de una profesional.Constanza Henriquez, Cosmetloga, ha trabajado en revistas de belleza, salones de belleza y eventos especiales como matrimonios. Su pasin es sacar la belleza natural de todos sus clientes, ayudndoles a aprender lo fcil y divertido puede ser la maquillaje!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ballet and Games for Children" |
"This course contains the basic steps of ballet and teaches through imitation and simple games that children can performat home with materials that are alreadyat hand.The course is structured as follows:Introduction of the instructor and how to use the courseWarmup and introduction to the basic positionsGames with a blanket, pillow and scarfChoreography putting together all of these pieces into a coherent mini-performanceThe aim of thiscourse is to teach the basics of ballet, but it's so entertaining that your child will ask for itagain and again!THEPROFESSOR, Carla Jaque Artega, is the owner and principal instructor at the Activate Dance Academy. This is a dance academy focused on women and girls, seeking to develop and enhance their athletic and artistic skills through the practice of fitness disciplines according to their interests and current trends."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MBA Admissions: The Do's and Don'ts for Non-US Students" |
"**Perfect for the 2016-2017 Admissions Period**For students around the globe, an MBA from a highly ranked US-based program is a key to accelerating their career and boosting their earnings. Top ranked business schools want applicants from around the globe and across a range of industries. However, many international applicants struggle to obtain acceptance in top US business schools due to lack of familiarity with US admissions processes and expectations. This course, designed by a team of professionals who have served on the admissions committees of multiple Ivy League and top-5 MBA programs, can help international students navigate the US MBA application process. The content presented covers the ""do's and don'ts"" that are often misunderstood by non-US applicants, and provides specific, actionable advice for applicants to top MBA programs.Covered in this course:How to prepare before you have even selected possible schoolsExpert's tips to craft stand-out essays and resumesHow to use the recommenders and interview process to repair any weaknesses in your packageImportant steps to follow after you have applied to ensure No doesnt mean No.Documentation included for use in conjunction with the Video Lectures:Checklist- make sure nothing is left off of your application or left out during the processTimeline- Dont get bogged down by deadlines, this easy to use tool will allow you to keep everything in one placeStandard Resume Template- Using the template keeps the ADCOM member happyThis course is purposely given in a slow, easy to understand format to account for the fact that many students will not have English as a first language.Altiro Academy is based in Santiago, Chile but our professional team is from all over the world. This has helped us to provide a holistic approach to meeting our goal, which is simply to provide the the best online courses across different teaching platforms.Each professional in our organization represents years of experience in their respected field, but has a very special characteristic....they love to teach! Everyone involved with the Altiro Academy is passionate about helping people."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to Catch Fish and fill your freezer" |
"This course in designed to teach you all the skills you need to begin fishing and to be successful at catching fish. If you are a beginner or been fishing for a while this course will help you increase your chances of filling your freezer!Learn about bait, structure, bank fishing, techniques, what to fish for, tackle, seasons and much more!This course has three ways of getting the information. There are a series of videos to teach you about where to go and other topics.You have my book on the best way to catch fish and the audio version of that books as well.This course should take an afternoon to complete but can be referenced as often as you like. You can download the audio version of the eBook to listen on your mobile device.If you ever wanted to learn more about fishing and improve how you fish then you should give this course a try!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Critical Thinking in Action" |
"This is a complete course on the basics of how to become a thought leader using critical thinking, problem solving and decision making. Critical Thinking helps you to organize your thinking so you can make confident decisions, set and achieve goals and lead a purpose driven life.This is a practical course not an academic one!It provides the skills you need to be more resourceful, access situations, do projects logically and systematically and weaves in emotions and feelings to ensure you use both sides of your brain efficiently!The concepts are straight forward, however they take time, concentration and diligence to master, just like anything worthwhile.The basics includes:High impact videos to explain the subject matter. Concepts are explained, an example of people history who mastered these skills are studied; and tools, techniques and methodologies are explored. Detailed Documents cover the subject matter in depth and help you internalize it further.Intermittent Quizzes are provided to help strengthen your knowledge further.BONUS Exercises are provided to build your practical critical thinking , decision making, and problem solving skills further.This course isn't for everyone. It is a practical, not academic course. It is a course for those who hunger to develop powerful critical thinking, decision making and problem solving skills to address tough problems and decisions that life is constantly throwing at us.If you resonate with these statements then sign up today! You have nothing to lose. There is a 30 day money back guarantee!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Goal Setting Techniques: A Step by Step Process" |
"This is a practical course on personal goal setting and achievement. It teaches you powerful tools, techniques and methodologies to set and achieve the goals you want out of your life.You will learn why passion is the number one thing needed to setting goals that you will pursue. You will also learn 9 practical ideas on how to FREE up time to pursue your goals.Goal setting is empowering, a confidence builder and is FUN. This course is short, but high impact. There are exercised and simple quizzes to get you on your goal setting journey immediately. The course has been designed to help the beginning goal setter as well as the individual who wants to refresh his or her goal setting knowledge."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Run a Successful Charity Event!" |
"This course has been designed to teach you the skills of being a charity event chairman. You will learn powerful information to help you make an informed decision on running your own charity event. If you decide to run your own event the course provides you with powerful knowledge, resources and guidance to launch your own charity eventeven if you are starting from scratch! If you are helping someone else with a charity event, this course will provide you with many great ideas to help boost the charity event to another level. In this course, you will learn Which type of event to choose?The best money generators for your eventHow to find great sponsorsHow to get awesome auction and raffle prizesHow to get people to attend your eventAnd much, much more!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Cmo Vencer la Timidez y la Fobia Social (curso de 14 Das)" |
"Disclaimer: Aunque este curso est basado en mi experiencia ayudando a otras personas con el problema de la timidez, los resultados de este curso pueden variar. Cada persona es diferente y tiene una psicologa diferente. Si alguna parte de este curso te cuesta trabajo, no dudes en contactarme y si por cualquier razn no te funcionara como esperabas o no estuvieras contento con los resultados, recuerda quetienes 30 das desde el momento de realizar tu compra para pedir una devolucin de tu dinero.El taller en lnea Cmo Vencer la Timidez y la Fobia Sociales un plan completo de ejercicios que te permitir sentirte ms cmodo en toda clase de situaciones sociales y te ayudar a resolver el problema de la timidez y de la fobia social.Aprende a Tener Mayor Seguridad en Ti Mismo a Travs de la Ingeniera Hipntica.A travs de actividades muy sencillas que realizars durante 2 semanas (y que te tomarn en promedio media hora al da), podrsa re-programar tu mente inconsciente.Alguna vez has dejado pasar una oportunidad porque tenas miedo de lo que pensaran de tio porque te pone nervioso hacerte notar? La fobia social te domina y te limita?Alguna vez has pasado das (o semanas, o meses) armndote de valor para poder hablar con alguien o para poder decir algo o pedir algo o dar tu opinin respecto a algo importante?Te sientes invisible? Te gustara ser ms sociable?Yo s lo frustrante que puede ser, porque yo tambin lo viv. Y tard varios aos antes de encontrar una solucin a este problema...Pinsalo: qu tanto has perdido, cunto te ha costado y de qu maneras te limita la timidez? Cmo sera tu vida si tuvieras mayor seguridad y confianza en t mismo, si tuvieras una ms alta autoestima y fueras ms social?Para poder completar este taller y acabar con la fobia social, necesitas de 14 das y alrededor de 30 minutos al da, nada ms. Eso s, ES MUY IMPORTANTE QUE HAGAS TODOS LOS EJERCICIOS.Cada da, recibirs una pequea explicacin del proceso para que entiendas como va sucediendo el cambio y tendrs que hacer algunos ejercicios. Empezaremos algunas ""meditaciones"" y movimientos fsicos (s, te ensear como puedes mover tu cuerpo para desarrollar tu seguridad y autoestima) para ensearte a manejar tus emociones y una vez que tengas las bases, usaremos algunos ejercicios de interactuar con otras personas para poner en prctica tus aprendizajes.Adems, escuchars unas grabaciones hipnticas en diferentes puntos del proceso que te ayudarn a hacer ms fcil la reprogramacin de tu inconsciente.Al invertir este tiempo en la transformacin de tu mente, el objetivo es que obtengas resultados permanentes porque no slo te voy a decir como dejar de sentir fobia social sino que adems te voy a guiar a travs del proceso que te permitir re-programar tu mente para que, de manera ""automtica"" e inconsciente, tengas seguridad y confianza en t mismo, de manera natural porque utilizaremos los mecanismos mentales que ya existen y que ya funcionan en t.Adems, descubrirs que puedes obtener resultados muy rpidamente pero tambin notars que incluso despus de terminar el taller, tu seguridad y tu confianza en ti mismo as como tu autoestima y tu capacidad para relacionarte con los dems, seguirn creciendo y creciendo...Si quieres tener mayor seguridad y confianza en t mismo, s que vas a sentirte feliz de haber participado en este taller porque utiliza varias formas de hipnosis para reprogramar tu mente y obtener resultados rpidos y duraderos, lo que significa que en slo dos semanas puedes comprobar por ti mismo la eficacia de este mtodo que dise con base en mi experiencia ayudando a vencer la timidez y la ansiedad social a travs de mi sitio web y mi canal de YouTube, adems de en persona, tanto a amigos como a clientes.As que si prefieres seguirte sintiendo nervioso en situaciones sociales y no decir lo que piensas, si te gusta tener miedo a hablar delante de un grupo de personas o sentir que tus piernas tiemblan y tu lengua se atora al hablar con una persona atractiva, si ests contento dudando de ti mismo y sintiendo inseguridad porque te gusta tu fobia social, entonces no te inscribas en este taller y no mires atentamente los videos del curso y no hagas todos los ejercicios en orden y no escuches las grabaciones hipnticas que se incluyen con este curso porque si lo haces, no vas a poder recuperar tu timidez ni aunque as lo quieras.Inscrbete ahora y comprueba por t mismo lo divertida y productiva que es la vida cuando eres libre de las ""fobias sociales"" y recuerda que, gracias a udemy te ofrezco una garanta total de 30 das lo que significa que tienes amplio tiempo para probar y comprobar por t mismo la eficacia de este taller y el valor de esta inversin que cambiar tu vida para siempre.Ests listo?POSDATA: Recuerda que si por cualquier motivo no te funcionara o no te gustara este curso, tienes 30 das desde el momento de tu compra para pedir la devolucin ntegra de tu dinero. Por eso te recomiendo que te inscribas slo si vas a estudiar y aplicar este curso ahora (en los prximos das). No lo compres slo para tenerlo guardado acumulando polvo virtual."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Ingeniera Hipntica: Aprovecha tu Potencial Inconsciente" |
"Descubre cmo utilizar la hipnosis de manera natural y conversacional, sin tener que mencionar el trance o la hipnosis, y descubre cmo puedes aprovechar los fenmenos del trance en tu vida cotidiana.Soy Rogelio Consejo, hipnotista y coach de seduccin, y te invito a revelar los secretos de la ingeniera hipntica para transformar tu vida cotidiana de manera poderosa y positiva, inscribindote a este curso.En este curso, aprenders cmo puedes aplicar algunos principios de la ingeniera a la hipnosis y el trabajo con trance, aprenders a entrar en trance y poner a otras personas en trance, adems de que descubrirs para qu sirve y de qu maneras puedes usar este fenmeno de la mente.Cambia de hbitos fcilmente, re-programa tu mente, mejora tu estado de nimo y tu creatividad, comunicar con mayor facilidad, dormir mejor y ms. Adems, aprenders cmo adaptar tus conocimientos hipnticos a cada situacin, lo que significa que podrs improvisar inducciones hipnticas en cualquier momento, fcil y rpidamente y podrs crear tus propias soluciones hipnticas en lugar de tener que limitarte a las que ya existen y ya conoces.No necesitas ningn conocimiento previo, ya que se trata de un curso para principiantes (aunque incluso si sabes algo de hipnosis, este curso te puede ser muy interesante para darte mayor flexibilidad en tus trabajos hipnticos)."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Seduccin Natural: Como Atraer a las Mujeres" |
"Preprate para aprender a seducir de manera completamente natural, sin necesidad de memorizar rutinas ni frases, aprendiendo a provocar emociones poderosas y a entender tu comunicacin (verbal y no-verbal) de nuevas maneras.Actualizado el 05 de Septiembre de 2016.Al estudiarel Curso de Seduccin Natural aprenders una manera diferente de entender la seduccin que te permitirdesarrollar y aprovechar tu intuicin para saber qu decir y qu hacer de manera completamente natural y espontnea para conquistar a las mujeres que te gustan.Est creado con un lenguaje simple, lo que significa que para poder completarlo no necesitars aprenderte palabras innecesarias como ""Demostrador de Alto Valor"", ""Indicadores de Inters"", ""abridores contextuales"" ni nada por el estilo, muy al contrario utiliza un lenguaje de todos los das para explicar en trminos simples y permitirte as aprender con mayor facilidad, eficacia y eficiencia.Este curso de la Academia de Seduccinest pensado para ser completado en 2 a 8 semanas (dependiendo de cunto tiempo puedas dedicarle, aunque tampoco requiere que le dediques mucho tiempo al da).Vamos a conseguir para ti unas herramientas que van a cambiar por completo la manera en la que entiendes la seduccin, desde el momento de ir a hablar con una chica que te gusta o de invitarla a salir hasta tu manera de conocerla, de conectar con ella y de establecer alguna relacin, aprenders a ligar de una manera natural y espontnea.Olvdate de estar aprendiendo montones de mtodos y comprando montones de librosde seduccin porque ahora vas a aprender una nueva manera de entender tus interacciones con las mujeres."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Cmo hablar con mujeres atractivas sin memorizar rutinas" |
"Al cursar estecurso desarrollastus habilidades sociales para aprender a provocar respuestas positivas desde la primera interaccin. Y cuando hablo de interaccin me refiero no a la primera cita sino desde el momento en que la saludas por primera ves.En l aprendesa seducir sin fingir que eres otra persona, sin memorizar frases ni rutinas ni nada de ""material enlatado"". Seducirs con puro material fresco y de primera calidad.Te sientes incmodo o inseguro al momento de preguntarle su telfono a una mujer que te gusta? Aqu aprenders cmo hacer que sea natural salir con ella, pedirle su telfono y ms.Sin necesidad de aprenderte mtodos complicados con sistemas con muchos pasos y vocabularios enteros... con un lenguaje simple, para principiantes o para cualquiera que quiera aprender a seducir de manera natural.Especialmente pensado para hombres que quieren aprender a comunicar con las mujeres que les atraen de manera simple y natural, que quieran aprender a generar valor en lugar de solo demostrarlo e ir ms all de lneas y frases para seducir, aprendiendo a improvisar y a desarrollar tu intuicin.Despierta al seductor natural que hay en ti: inscrbete ya."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Build Stronger Bonds Writing Family Bucket Lists" |
"Are you the parent who is always playing ""bad cop"" to your spouse's ""good cop""? You worry that all the disciplining is keeping you from building a close relationship with your kids.Or maybe you're the fun parent the one who horses around while the other parent gets things done. And while all the laughter is great, you wish your children would also see you as someone they could talk to about serious topics.Or perhaps you had close connections with your children when they were younger, but as they grow, you find it harder to get past conversations about homework or chores. You'd love to find a way to connect with them on a more meaningful level.Well, you can connect with your kids whatever age they are and build stronger bonds in ways that fit naturally with your busy family life. Using bucket lists as the backdrop. In this course I cover:Methods for talking bucket list goals with your kids in age-appropriate, engaging mannersWays to encourage collaboration writing shared bucket lists between family membersHow to create a fun family night around bucket listsPractical steps for integrating bucket list experiences and traditions into your family life Content OverviewGeared toward parents with children of all ages, this 12-lecture course, totaling 45 minutes of video, makes understanding and using bucket lists to build a more supportive and connected environment in your home not only do-able, but fun.Starting with methods and practices for engaging one-on-one with kids at different stages, you will learn how to bring the conversation of life goals into everyday settings. Using these skills and interactions you will move toward bringing the entire family together to share, to dream and to make plans for experiencing those things most important to you.Finally, you will see how to make use of family traditions and celebrations to heighten the experiences you share surrounding bucket list pursuits, adding to the positive family dynamics you have been creating.Expected ResultsComplete with worksheets, family time ideas and other resources, you will come away from this course with updated bucket lists for every member of your family and a shared family bucket list to help your family make the best use of the years you have together. You will have plans on your calendar for special ""dates"" and outings, and even new traditions. Once you take this course, the bucket lists you have written will continue providing you new, meaningful ways for spending time together. And the bonds that you strengthen within your family through writing your lists will grow as you fulfill those lists in the months and years to come."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"3 Ways To Improve Any Relationship" |
"Relationships are a vital part of our life! However, Relationships are one of the most difficult things to master for most people. People often fail to realize that they have to keep working on their relationship forever, to keep it strong and Healthy.This class if for anyone in a relationship or that one day wants to be in a relationship, and wants it to last a lifetime. This course has 3 main sections which focus on keeping the excitement alive, speaking the correct words to each other, and letting go of the need to be right. In just around an hour of your time you will gain some lifelong lessons to support your relationship forever. There isn't a finish line in our relationship to cross where everything turns magical. The fairy tale that most people seek in a relationship is a process that takes team work and dedication. My mission in this course if to start you down that path to having a relationship that others are envious of. The tips your receive from this class can transform your relationship and start it on the path to not just surviving but to thriving. These tips can be used over and over again and can even be put into place in all your relationships. Relationships with your kids, your co-workers, and even your friendships will blossom as you use these tactics.One hour of your time as we mentioned above is all it takes for you to acquire the knowledge that many have struggled with for years. With so many relationships failing now-a-days you need this course on your side so that you have the tools with you at all times to take a good relationships and make it a great one. I am not only teaching these ways to improve your relationship but I have lived them. I have put them into place in my relationship with great success. Now you can benefit from my experience and my hope for you is that you have the amazing relationship that I have with my amazing partner."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Conquer number systems and their conversions" |
"This course deals with decimal number system, binary number system, octal number system and hexadecimal number system. The conversions of numbers from decimal number system to any other number system and vice versa, binary to octal and hexadecimal number system and vice versa are discussed using examples. The material included is video lectures in pen and paper teaching style. From the lectures you will be able to get a one to one learning experience.The lectures can be finished in one week if you are taking one/two hour per day. The quiz will enable students work out lot of problems themselves and become an expert in number conversion by the end of the course.The course is structured with basic concepts of number systems in the introductory section. Then conversion from decimal to other number systems and vice versa are discussed in the second section. The conversion from binary to other number systems directly in the third section. Apart from exercises in each section there is assessment in the fourth section which is covering the whole course.This course will make you masters of number systems"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Master the Fundamentals of Partial Derivates" |
"This course includes video lectures on partial derivatives in detail. The feel of class room is created using chalk and black board. The basics of partial derivatives is explained in simple easy to understand manner in this course. After completing the course you will able to find first, second and third order partial derivatives of any given function."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Web Developer Bootcamp" |
"Just updated to include Bootstrap 4.1.3!Hi! Welcome to the Web Developer Bootcamp, the only course you need to learn web development. There are a lot of options for online developer training, but this course is without a doubt the most comprehensive and effective on the market. Here's why:This is the only online course taught by a professional bootcamp instructor.94% of my in-person bootcamp students go on to get full-time developer jobs. Most of them are complete beginners when I start working with them.The previous 2 bootcamp programs that I taught cost $14,000 and $21,000. This course is just as comprehensive but with brand new content for a fraction of the price.Everything I cover is up-to-date and relevant to today's developer industry. No PHP or other dated technologies. This course does not cut any corners.This is the only complete beginner full-stack developer course that covers NodeJS.We build 13+ projects, including a gigantic production application called YelpCamp. No other course walks you through the creation of such a substantial application.The course is constantly updated with new content, projects, and modules. Think of it as a subscription to a never-ending supply of developer training.You get to meet my dog Rusty!When you're learning to program you often have to sacrifice learning the exciting and current technologies in favor of the ""beginner friendly"" classes. With this course, you get the best of both worlds. This is a course designed for the complete beginner, yet it covers some of the most exciting and relevant topics in the industry.Throughout the course we cover tons of tools and technologies including:HTML5CSS3JavaScriptBootstrap 4SemanticUIDOM ManipulationjQueryUnix(Command Line) CommandsNodeJSNPMExpressJSRESTMongoDBDatabase AssociationsAuthenticationPassportJSAuthorizationThis course is also unique in the way that it is structured and presented. Many online courses are just a long series of ""watch as I code"" videos. This course is different. I've incorporated everything I learned in my years of teaching to make this course not only more effective but more engaging. The course includes:LecturesCode-AlongsProjectsExercisesResearch AssignmentsSlidesDownloadsReadingsToo many pictures of my dog RustyIf you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I got into this industry because I love working with people and helping students learn. Sign up today and see how fun, exciting, and rewarding web development can be!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Paint this Beginner WATERCOLOR using 5 Advanced techniques" |
"If you are a beginner watercolor painter ...This course is for you - if you want to take your work from drab to fab. Your course shows you step-by-step how to paint watercolors from dark to light ... a dazzling technique common to oil painting ... yet amazing results can be achieved in watercolor ... even for beginners. You can find this course under lifestyle, arts and crafts or beginner watercolor painting.Included are 1.6 hours or 89 minutes of video instruction to guide you through this painting. I also address unspoken mental hurdles that hamper beginning watercolor painters from reaching their full potential. Text lectures serve to emphasize important points you won't want to miss.Your course includes over 35 lectures in bite size segments so you can absorb the information effortlessly. Of course if you get distracted while watching the videos ... you can always rewind and start over ... one of the major Udemy course positives.The actual painting took about 1 hour to paint. You most likely have all the colors and brushes needed. Not to worry - you will see exactly how the colors are prepared for the painting and the brushes used are clearly shown and described in the videos.Your course is structured to walk you from blank paper to finished masterpiece in easy stages. Handling your brush ... something advanced painters just do without thinking to achieve their amazing results ... is addressed in a separate bonus video - to show you just what is holding you back from the results you seek."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Whats New in El Capitan" |
"Update for 2016 with new Bonus Lecture!Master Apples latest operating system El Capitan and learn to work simpler and smarter on your Mac.Youll discover all this and more:Explore Changes to the InterfaceUse Split Screen Apps to work more efficiently Perform Spotlight searches for sport scores and weatherMake more detailed notes with rich text editing and checklists in the new Notes appPin your favourite sites in SafariMake more impressive edits to your photos using extensions in PhotosWhether youre new to your Mac, or have been using one for years, sign up for our course now and let us equip you with some Simple Solutions as you learn whats new in El Capitan!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"The Introduction to Growth Hacking" |
"Growth Hacking isdata driven, lean marketing.This course is a high quality introduction to the history, process, andfunnel which can lead to massive growthat no costthru leveraging analytics, creativity, and experimentation to reach new heights in your existing business, or get a new venture off the ground.The History of Growth HackingThe Growth Hacking ProcessThe Growth Hacking FunnelOurgoal withthis course is to shift your perspectivetowards a growth mindset. You will reach new heights in your business, you need only learn these simply tactics today!So, click the green""Take This Course"" button, top right, now and don't miss out on the growth you could have had.Enroll Now!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Create EPUB Multimedia eBooks By Hand for Apple iBooks & iOS" |
"Learn how to create a multimedia EPUB eBook by hand forApple iBooks and Apple devices (including the iPad and iPhone), and submit itto the iBooks store. Obtain complete control over your project by building fromscratch, and implement unique features and functionality where WYSIWYGsolutions fall short. Build a strong foundation in the EPUB e-book format for the Apple iBooks platform and its many features.The main example of this course is a published children's e-book, but knowledge gained from this course can be used to create many different types of e-books, not just childrens e-booksComplete review of all Apple sites and tools including the iBooks App, iBooks Store, iTunesConnect, and iTunesProducerCrash course in HTML and style sheets (CSS)Detailed look at all EPUB files and folders, and all of their sections, definitions, properties, and valuesCustom narration with read-along highlighting text, and background soundsComplete and extensive review of basic audio recording and editingSubmitting a final book to the iBooks Store and selling your book globally Powerful and desirable skills for authors, publishers, developers, and freelancers.The e-book market is growing exponentially, and the EPUB format is a cross-platform standard. The adoption of and demand for e-books on iPads and other Apple devices is soaring. With over 2.5 million books on the iBooks Store, a number that is rising continually, the electronic book market is here to stay. This market presents an amazing opportunity not only for publishers, but independent authors and freelancers alike. This unique and extensive course covers the entire scope of creating a multimedia EPUB iBook, from Apple support tools and sites, to a complete dissection of an EPUB project, to HTML and audio recording crash courses, to submitting, selling, and managing your final e-book.Content and Overview This course represents months of research, reading extensivedocuments, examining files line-by-line, dissecting and creating projects, andsuccessfully publishing a children's iBook, which we will use as the mainexample throughout this course. Now let me show you how to do it in a fraction of the time!We will not be using iBooks Author (or any EPUB creation software) in this course. Instead, I'll show you how to do this by hand. But even if you already use WYSIWYG solutions to create EPUB files, this course will show you what is happening behind the scenes, and will give you the skills and felxibility to implement features that WYSIWYG solutions do not currently support. In this course I will be using screencast videos to show you exactly what I'm doing, with over 10 hours of lessons and practice challenges, documents, downloadable sample EPUB files, and more. We will cover: Review and dissect a published children's EPUB ebook, and other EPUB filesA complete review of all Apple sites and tools including the iBooks App, iBooks Store, iTunesConnect, and iTunesProducerA crash course in HTML and style sheets (CSS)Zipping and unzipping EPUB filesA detailed look at all EPUB files and folders, and all of their sections, definitions, properties, and valuesImage formattingCustom narration with read-along highlighting text, and background soundsA complete and extensive review of basic audio recording and editingSubmitting a final book to the iBooks Store and selling your book globallyThe iTunes Affiliate program This course is designed for an author who is ready for the challenge of creating a multimedia EPUB iBook, as well as a publisher, developer, and freelancer whose goal is to complete projects for clients. Whichever it is, this is a hands-on endeavor that gives the student a thorough education into EPUBs for iBooks, and complete control of their project by diving deep into the code and files, and assembling a masterpiece by hand where WYSIWYG software solutions fall short. At the end of this course, youll be able to create an EPUB ebook by hand for Apple devices by creating an EPUB with HTML, style sheets (CSS), text, images, and audio, dissect and edit existing EPUB files, record and edit audio for narration with read-along highlighting text and background sounds, upload your book to the iBooks Store using iTunes Producer, manage, sell, and update your book using iTunesConnect, and join the iTunes Affiliate program to earn even more money from the iBooks store."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Audacity Professional Vocals for Courses Video & More Part 2" |
"Do you want to improve the overall quality of your vocal recordings for online course, YouTube videos, voiceovers, narration, or other projects? Audacity FREE audio software and the techniques taught in this course and our Audacity Professional Vocals for Courses Video & More Part 1 course will get you the professional results youve been looking for. Take Part 1 for an overview and introduction to Audacity and more.Hi my name is Eric. I am a course creatorand have learned many lessons throughout my recording experiences. I created this course, Part 2, for anyone who wants to improve the quality of their vocal recordings by focusing on editing already recording audio to get professional final results for many different types of audio and video projects. This course is also for those who use different audio recording and editing software, other than Audacity, as the concepts for editing should apply to most audio editing software titles with similar tools and functions.In this course, Part 2 we will thoroughly go over real life audio examples and meticulously clean up noise, mistakes, problems, and fix level issues and overall volume, clarity, and quality for a professional result, followed by exporting and importing in to screencast or video projects, video synching, and lastly a quick review of multi-track audio recording and mixing to take your audio to the next level.This course also includes downloadable Audacity projects and audio files so you can follow along and practice with the actual projects used in the course. Other courses may gloss over processes and issues, but this course takes the time to show very detailed examples, processes, and solutions to get the best results possibleWe will cover: Audio Recording and Editing Overview Introduction to Audacity Audacity website and robust documentation and support sites Detailed review of Audacity functions, tools, and processes Initial audio analysis and editing with Audacity Deleting, moving, copying, and re-recording audio segments Removing audio caused by bad vocal habits Removing noise from vocal recordings including white noise, vocal breath and mouth noises, other noises, mistakes, pops and clicks, and more Manual noise removal, noise reduction effect, noise gate plug-in Compression to keep levels in line and to boost overall volume Normalization to bring audio levels to the maximum output level Equalization to improve bass, mid-range, and treble frequencies, and overall sound Practice audio file samples and projects are included in this course Practice challenges/homework assignments to give you hands-on experience Final challenge for you to fix a real-life audio example using all techniques taught in this course Multi-track audio to expand your possibilities and spice up audio projectsEnroll in this course today to get to the next level of using Audacity audio software for editing already recorded audio to get professional audio results for all of your audio and video projects.Requirements:This software works on Mac, Windows, and Linux but I will be using Mac OSX throughout this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Information Product EMPIRE" |
"Are you ready to stop trading hours for dollars at a job that you hate? Have a desire to retire early? Do you want to earn a living with the knowledge and information that you already have? Then this course is for you! This course uncovers the many different types of information products, where to pull ideas for the creation of information products and how to use those ideas to create lucrative information products. This course also reveals how to find out if your topics are popular and if they have the potential to sell well. In addition, this course takes you STEP-BY-STEP through the entire process of creating your 1st information product! You will see just how easy it is to get started on your own information product empire. Best of all, this course shows you the exact tools that you will need to create your information products, most of which are FREE. This course also contains video that walks you through the steps and tells you exactly where to go to find the most profitable topic ideas. Buy this course now, then sit back, relax and let me show you the path to information product success."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Information Product Empire Volume 2" |
"This course demonstrates how to create multiple income streams with a simple, yet overlooked resource. This course details, step-by-step how to create the 2nd easiest information product, how to choose profitable topics and shows you little known places to sell your information products.Information Product Empire Volume 2 never leaves you in the dark. Each concept is explained thoroughly and the steps detailed with easy to follow screencast instructions.Creating multiple income streams has never been easier. Let the fun, simple and pleasant instruction from Syllviea Marie lead you to the path of information product creation success!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Fame - How to Grow a Successful YouTube Channel" |
"Youtube Marketing Secrets, Gain Subscribers, Video Views, SEO, Audience Growth, & Learn How to Rank Your Videos #1With over 6years on YouTube I have learned a good portion about what it takes to become successful and build a business on the platform. This course will teach you the same exact methods and steps that I have applied to my own channels to see tremendous results. With over 900,000 subscribers and 320,000,000 million video views there is no doubt in my mind that if you follow this course and listen to my advice, you can reach the same type of success that I have. I will teach you how to grow and maintain your YouTube channel to places you only imagined it could go. If you follow along I will teach you the methods I have used to grow multiple YouTube channels to 100,000's of thousands of subscribers.This course will teach you valuable lessons on extremely beneficial YouTube practices that help turn your hobby into something muchmuchmore. You will be able to learn the methods that I have used successfully over the past 5 years and apply them to your own YouTube channel to see results.Some of the things we are going to cover;How to name your YouTube channelHow to title your YouTube videosHow to describe your YouTube videosHow to tag your YouTube videosThings that determine your search rankingsHow to create an awesome looking YouTube thumbnailHow to create a video for your YouTube channelCollaboratingNetworkingMonetizationPrograms (Free and Paid)Choosing your nicheAnnotationsSocial mediaAffiliate marketingUpload scheduling and consistencyFree royalty free resources for videos, music, and photosYouTube algorithm All the steps that are involved to get your YouTube business up and runningAnd much more!These aren't gimmicky techniques that other courses will try to sell you on, these are methods that work and actually show results. Whether you are completely new to YouTube or have previous experience, you can follow along and apply these practices to your channel immediately.Thanks, Kris"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"YouTube Marketing - Using YouTube to Grow Your Business" |
"Youtube Marketing Secrets, Gain Subscribers, Video Views, SEO, Audience Growth, & Learn How to Rank Your Videos #1With closing in on 5 years on YouTube I have learned a good portion about what it takes to run a successful business on the platform. My channels have seen huge growth totaling over 900,000 subscribers and reaching over 320,000,000 million video views.This course will be for anyone looking to market their business using YouTube. Whether it is a local business or one trying to reach the world, you will find some strategies that will guide you on your journey to grow your business using YouTube. This course was designed from the ground up to teach you all you need to know to get your business started on YouTube.Some of the things covered on the inside;Creating your YouTube channel page and avatarMarketing on YouTubeUsing Marketing techniques to grow your businessPromoting your business using YouTubeYouTube as a businessUpload consistencyPromoting your products/services, dos and dontsProfessionalismPromotion through annotationsIncreasing mailing list reachHow to get custom thumbnailsHow to enable external annotationsHow to title, tag, and describe your videosOptimizing your channel for SEO and YouTubeGetting the most out of our linksAffiliate LinksDealing with criticism Creating a custom thumbnail and more...These are not your everyday gimmicky strategies, these are tried and tested by myself during the course of my 5 years on YouTube. The information you get is gathered through my own trial and error and my own strategies that I have used to grow my own businesses off of the platform. Each course has a 30 day money back guarantee if you are for whatever reason not satisfied so there is no downside."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Sample Your Own Music - [FL Studio 12]" |
"Sampled beats are acatchy form of music. The sad thing is when you use other people's music, that's their copyright which you could be infringing on.A way around this, while still achieving that'sampled sound', is to sample your own music.In this course, you are shown in-depth to create a powerful sampled beat from your own melody.These beats are extremely catchy, and allow for huge creativity +skill-building!So what's all involved in this course, 'Sample your Own Music'?By the end of this course, you will not only be able to produce sampled beats, but also be able to mix your audio around FLStudio's mixer with complexity!You get to see how to set up sends, and use effects such as reverb, delay, and distortion giving aprofessional edge inyour music productions.The coursestructure starts by:Going over a full overview of the sampled beatSetting up FLStudio's mixer and creating audio sends for your effectsSculpting the loop from the piano roll prior to recording with EQ and Compression, which makes working with oursamples mucheasier!We take a step back and talk about backing up this loop for the long-term, and tips to have a solid folder structure for your music session soundsFinally, wesampleour own music! We go inside FLStudio's piano roll and add in our MIDInotes, composing a sampled beat from our recorded loop.This course is geared forthe inspiring producer wanting to create sampled beats without stepping on another's toes; infringing on their copyright, which would require sample clearance.This course is created by Riley Weller, who is known in the music industry as 'GratuiTous'."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Hands on SQL Server Devlopment for Beginners!" |
"Get hands on learning of SQL Server as I walk you through from installing to updating data.I use the lecture, lab and solution teaching process to provide hands on learning.At the end of this course you will hands on experience doing the following:Installing SQL Server 2014 ExpressUsing Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Management StudioCreating databaseCreating tablesInserting dataDeleting dataWhat a Foreign Key is and how to create one.SELECT statement with multiple tables. JOIN statement.Updating dataYou should take this course if you want to learn the basics of SQL Server. You will learn good skills if you are preparing for an interview or seeing if SQL Server is something you want to add to skill set.You need no previous experience on SQL Server in order to be successful in this course. I start you out at the basics and take to where you are creating intermediate SQL statements."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda jQuery - Escreva menos e faa mais" |
"O que jQuery?O jQuery uma biblioteca Javascript criada em 2006 por John Resig, que alm de leve e rpida, muito fcil de se aprender e pode ser utilizada e modificada sem nenhum custo.O lema do jQuery ""write less, do more"", que traduzindo significa ""escreva menos, faa mais"".Aprenda Tudo o que Voc Precisa Saber Sobre jQueryHistria, definio e sintaxe do jQuery;Variveis e funes;Operadores matemticas e condicionais;Seleo e manipulao de elementos HTML;Manipulao de classes e CSS;Tratamento de eventos;Criao de efeitos e animaes;Requisies AJAX;Utilizao de plugins.O que eu irei aprender com esse curso?Neste curso voc ir aprender todos os conceitos e fundamentos bsicos do jQuery, tudo de maneira bem fcil e didtica.Alm das aulas em vdeo, voc tambm poder acessar o cdigo fonte do assunto abordado em cada aula e realizar os testes de reviso ao final de cada seo.Iremos comear explicando tudo que voc precisa fazer para comear a utilizar o jQuery e quais ferramentas nos auxiliaro ao longo do curso.Em seguida, criaremos nosso primeiro cdigo jQuery e aprenderemos a utilizar variveis e criar funes.Veremos tambm como trabalhar com os seletores do jQuery para manipular elementos da nossa pgina e tambm manipular seu CSS e classes. Em seguida, trabalharemos com os principais eventos do jQuery.Voc tambm ir aprender a criar efeitos e animaes com jQuery para tornar seus sites muito mais elegantes e dinmicos.Falaremos tambm sobre AJAX e JSON e como utiliz-los de maneira bem fcil atravs de um exemplo de busca de endereos por CEP.Ao fim do curso, veremos alguns exemplos prticos de utilizao de plugins jQuery, como validao de formulrios, alertas de interao do usurio e galeria de imagens."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprendendo HTML em 1 hora" |
"Se voc sempre quis aprender HTML, mas acha tudo muito difcil e complicado, esse o curso ideal para voc. Em apenas 1 hora voc aprender tudo o que precisa saber sobre HTML de maneira fcil e objetiva para se tornar um grande desenvolvedor.Aprenda Todo o Contedo Bsico de HTML em Apenas 1 HoraHistria e definio do HTMLEstrutura do documentoElementos de textoAtributosListas e tabelasImagens e linksFormulriosTestes de revisoEsse curso feito especialmente para iniciantes, ou seja, no necessrio nenhum conhecimento prvio em alguma linguagem de programao.To importante quanto simplesmente aprender a utilizar o HTML entender como ele funciona e isso ser abordado no curso.Alm das aulas em vdeo, voc tambm poder fazer o download do cdigo fonte do assunto abordado em cada aula e fixar o contedo com os testes de reviso e com o exerccio de programao.Ao final do curso, voc ter toda a base necessria para criar seus primeiros websites e se aprofundar ainda mais nos conhecimentos em HTML."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprendendo CSS em 1 hora" |
"Se voc sempre quis aprender CSS, mas acha tudo muito difcil e complicado, esse o curso ideal para voc. Em apenas 1 hora e 30 minutos voc aprender tudo o que precisa saber sobre CSS de maneira fcil e objetiva para se tornar um grande desenvolvedor.Aprenda Todo o Contedo Bsico de CSS em Apenas 1 HoraHistria e definio do CSSEstrutura do documentoCores, fundos e bordasFontes, textos, alinhamentos e listasDimenses, espaamentos e flutuaesPosicionamento e tipos de renderizaoPseudo-classes e combinao de seletoresTestes de revisoEsse curso feito especialmente para iniciantes, ou seja, no necessrio nenhum conhecimento prvio em alguma linguagem de programao, apenas conhecimento bsico em HTML.To importante quanto simplesmente aprender a utilizar o CSS entender como ele funciona e isso ser abordado no curso.Alm das aulas em vdeo, voc tambm poder fazer o download dos materiais e do cdigo fonte do assunto abordado em cada aula e fixar o contedo com os testes de reviso.Ao final do curso, voc ter toda a base necessria para criar seus primeiros websites e se aprofundar ainda mais nos conhecimentos em CSS."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Aprende Word de forma rpida sencilla" |
"Con este Curso de Word 2007, que abarca desde lo Bsico hasta lo Medio, aprendern desde cero, a utilizar el Word 2007 para crear todo tipo de documentos.Es importante aclarar, que si tienen en su computadora un Word anterior o posterior a ste, tambin el curso les ser muy til, puesto que todos estos programas funcionan de igual manera y que slo se diferencian por agregar o no, determinadas funciones. Incluso si se trata de otras herramientas para documentos escritos, que no sean Word, tambin el curso es muy til, puesto que su funcionamiento es similar.El Curso est presentado en un total de 22 vdeos de corta duracin, muy prcticos, en los cuales explico de manera fcil y sencilla cada uno de los pasos a seguir. Por lo tanto, podrn practicar al mismo tiempo que van viendo los vdeos, para lo cual, tambin sugiero un ejercicio por cada clase.Temario:Seccin 1Aprenders a buscar el Word en tu computadoraTipo y tamao de letraMrgenesGuardarNumerarResaltarColor de la letraJugar con las letrasInterlineados y sangrasCortar, copiar, pegarCorreccionesGuardar PDFSeccin 2Tamao de la letra (diferente al anterior) Maysculas y minsculas VietasNumerar prrafos y dems...Sangra, alineacin, orden alfabtico y...TtulosBuscar, reemplazar y...TablaWordArtImgenes"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |