Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn to Build SQL Query Ultimate SQL and DataBase Concepts" |
"SQLdevelopers are earning higher salary in ITindustry, but, its not about writing queries its about understanding and applying the right query at right time and this course will let youunderstandcomplex SQLStatements in an easy way. Moreover,This Course will teach you how toextract Data from Database and write complex queries to a database This course will focus on a wider scaleby Covering Structure Query Language SQLconcepts as a whole, whether Students work withMySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Server, etc.This course have 5 Chaptersin which you will learnChapter 1Fundamentals FundamentalsBuilding BlocksSelecting Records from DBWorking withArithmetic ExpressionsChapter 2Conditioning Sorting and OperatorsLogical OperatorsComparison OperatorsOperator PrecedenceSorting ResultsChapter 3 FunctionsCharacter FunctionsNumber FunctionsDate FunctionsConversionsGeneralPurpose FunctionsNesting FunctionsChapter 4 GroupingMultiple Row Functions on a single TableMultiple Row Functions on Many TableChapter 5JoinsUnderstandingPrimary KeyUnderstandingForeign KeyUnderstandingNeed of JoinsCartesian ProductEquie Join Simple Join Self JoinNon Equie JoinOuter JoinSelf JoinCourse is Designed forCollege and University Students who want Solid SQLand Data BaseConcepts in a short period of time."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Creare un e-commerce con Wordpress : corso completo" |
"Vuoi imparare a realizzare il tuo ecommerce con WordPress ma non hai mai utilizzato prima il potente CMS Open Source? Niente paura, segui passo-passo le mie guide e potrai realizzare il tuo shop online 100% professionale. Wordpress il pi potente strumento per creare e-commerce in maniera Semplice, Facile e Veloce. Con le Giuste Conoscenze puoi essere in grado di Creare Ecommerce con WordPress per vendere prodotti Materiali, Digitali, Complessi ma anche Personalizzabili !Un corso che permette a tutti, Imprenditori, Publisher, Blogger, Marketer, Programmatori e Privati di aprire il proprio ecommerce con WordPress e iniziare a guadagnare online."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Install Wordpress with SSH Command Line in CentOS 7 Linux" |
"Welcome to the Course: Installing Wordpress on a CentOS 7 Linux ServerIn this course, we will go over the basics of preparing a CentOS 7 Linux server to run Wordpress. CentOS 7 (abbreviated from Community Enterprise Operating System) is free, enterprise-level Linux operating system. Version 7 is the most recent release, and it has seen many changes from previous versions. We will cover:Logging in via SSHRunning commands from the Command LineRunning Software Updates on CentOS 7LAMP Stack Configuration - This is the software required to configure your Linux Server into a Web Server to host a website. We will cover:Installing Apache, MariaDB and PHPConfiguring Apache to as the web serverConfiguring MariaDB as the Database softwareConfiguring PHP as the scripting language used for WordpressConfiguring the firewall to allow web traffic to your serverWordpress - a free, open source CMS (Content Management System), and is very popular for running a website, blog, and even ecommerce. We will cover:Downloading Wordpress to your serverCopying the Wordpress files to your web server's Document RootConfiguring Apache to work with WordpressConfiguring PHP Upload LimitsDomain Name - We will cover how to configure Wordpress with your registered internet domain name.Configuring your DNS settings to point to your Linux ServerConfiguring Wordpress to work with your registered Domain nameSecurity Considerations - We will briefly cover some Security Considerations when running Wordpress on your server.Permissions of Files for WordpressAutomatic UpdatesOther Best PracticesGenerating and Installing a Self-Signed SSL CertificateForcing all Wordpress Admin Logins to connect using SSLCourse Structure - This course has two types of Lectures. Guided Videos and Text Lectures:Guided Videos are a visual step-by-step guide to the commands run and what they do. This is so you can follow along and quickly perform the tasks.Text Lectures will include all the commands run in the video lectures, and also include some additional information as needed. This way you can refer back to the text without having to watch the entire video again just to find one section.Course Requirements: Computer with a Terminal Application Internet Access Access to a Linux Server running CentOS 7 (I use a Cloud Based Server in this course)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"The 7 Day Guitar Method" |
"I'm about to reveal an explosive new system that lets you play guitar musicyou love, that you've always wanted to play within just hours from now.In fact, in the next few minutes you'll see me DESTROY those myths you'veheard - how hard it is to play guitar, that you need special talent or whatever...... you'll see me PROVE to you that just about anybody can do it in next to notime... And it doesn't matter if right now you don't know one end of the guitar fromthe other...... doesn't matter if you can't read music...... and it doesn't even matter what kind of music you want to play.By the time we're done here, you could be on the way to being a total rock star and I PROMISE if you've struggled to play guitar before, what you're about tosee will make all the mystery fall away.You see, there are a lot of people out there who want you to fail spectacularly all those guitar schools, guitar teachers and guitar magazines, the guysmaking those tuition DVDs...... the LAST thing they want is for you to develop any real skill with a guitar because that means you won't need to pay them for lessons any more, or buytheir magazines and DVDs. And that means revealing my closely guarded secrets like this is going to upsetsome people, and others will be downright annoyed with me but let me tell yousomething...I WANT THE BEST FOR YOU.I care about you learning to play whatever you want to play. I care about youbeing able to impress your friends, about you sitting down at a party and haveeverybody cheering and singing along while you play.That would feel pretty good, wouldn't it?That's how it should be. Fun, and frustration-free.Do you want to know the biggest kept secret about playing guitar?You do? You sure you're ready?Well, the truth is, guitar playing is EASY!It's only hard if you haven't been given all the information or when somethingconfuses you leaving you unsure of what to do or where to turn.If you take away that confusion so you ALWAYS know what to do, where toput your fingers, what to play and you've got something that's easier thanriding a bike.Think about that for a second you probably couldn't ride a bike the first timeyou tried either, could you?But you kept at it, and pretty soon you were racing around like a lunatic,probably scaring the crap outta your parents.And today, you can ride a bike without even thinking about it, can't you?Learning to play guitar is no different. No matter what you want to play, orhow good you want to get.It's tricky at first but if you know how it should go, if you're given clear stepsto follow, you'll have it down in no time.And that's what I'm here to show you.What you're looking at here is a proven, easy way to skip the months or yearsof learning and get up to speed in HOURS instead...... and also get access to a ton of insider's secrets... the things that hotshot proguitar players NEVER usually give away. Here's how I know these secrets:I've been a professional guitar player for 15 years. I've toured the world and played in front of thousands of people.... and I've personally taught hundreds and hundreds of students these thingson a one to one basis. After years of student after student thanking me for unlocking their hiddenguitar talents with my Simple Seven Day System, I realized I needed to showthis to the whole world.And that's why for the first time ever I'm releasing my Seven Day GuitarMethod to the public.It's called the Seven Day Guitar Method because that's exactly what it does takes just about anybody, regardless of experience, and has them playing realgreat guitar within 7 days.You see, I've broken everything down into the simplest form you can imagine...... and that's the key, because guitar playing really IS simple IF you knowhow to cut all the confusion and get right to the good stuff.With my help, you'll discover how to play the songs you love and you'll see thatlearning guitar doesn't have to be complicated and frustrating.And the fact that the whole course is available as an instant download meansyou'll get it immediately, today, even if it's 2 o clock in the morning on aSunday!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Becoming a Healthcare Administrator" |
"Are you a college student considering a career in healthcare? Are you a foreign medical graduate who wants to integrate into the healthcare system in America? Do you want a challenging yet exciting career where lives get changed? If you answer yes to any of the above, this course is for you.This comprehensive course teaches you everything you need to know, and do, in becoming a healthcare administrator in the US Healthcare System. If you want a rewarding career, financially and otherwise the healthcare industry could be just the way forward for you. In here, you will learn what it means to be a healthcare administrator. You'll also get a high level description of the prospects in this career, the best ways in, what the job market is like, and an early view on the steps needed to pursue a career in healthcare administration. Whether youre a college student still trying to figure out what you want to major in, or a professional looking for a career change into the healthcare field, this course is for you!Content and OverviewWestart with looking at the structure of the US Healthcare System, and then we gointo the history of the industry looking back 100 years. We progress into whatthe role of a healthcare administrator is in such a complex yet excitingindustry. We discuss the educational requirements to becoming a healthcareadministrator, and explore the many paths to achieving an ultimate goal of being aHospital CEO or President of a healthcare system. Lastly, I share my personalexperience as a healthcare administrator; we review my book titled FreshmanManager, Sink or Swim (which youll be getting a free copy) on my freshman yearas a healthcare administrator.Detailed Content6 video Lectures and over 130 minutes of contentThe e-book version of Freshman Manager, Sink or Swim, a 112 page book written and published by meKnow the best ways to becoming a healthcare administratorResources on how to start your healthcare administrator careerResources on where to go for additional information on the careerExpedited access to my Leadership & Management mentoring program for Healthcare Leaders of Tomorrow (HLOT)Modules include: Module 1: The healthcare industry and its intricate partsModule 2: Functioning as a healthcare administratorModule 3: Reality of healthcare administration."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Effective Communication for Healthcare Leaders" |
"Do you as a leader wantto improve your communication skills? Are you struggling with getting your points across to your team? Do you an aspiring healthcare leader desire to be better prepared for your role as an administrator? If you answer yes to any of the above, this course is for you.This comprehensive course teaches you the key components of effective communication in healthcare leadership. If you want to be heard with the desired results by your employees this course is certainly for you.In here, you will learn what effective communication is as it relates to healthcare administrators. You'll also get ahigh leveldescription on how to effectively communicate using persuasion and listening skills, the most utilized strategies in leadership.Content and OverviewWe start by defining effective communication, and then review how to plan an effective communication strategy. We progress into using persuasion as an effective communication strategy. We then discuss listening as another effective strategy when it comes to communication. I share with you 5 habits of highly effective communicators. I also give you some insight to my personal communication flaws and how I learned from them as written in my book titledFreshman Manager, Sink or Swim(which youll be getting a free copy) on my freshman year as a healthcare administrator.Detailed Content5 Lectures and over 60 minutes of content.The e-book version of Freshman Manager, Sink or Swim,a112pagebook written and published by meLearn the best way to effectively communicate as a healthcare administratorResources on building your own personal effective communication strategy as a healthcare administratorExpedited access to my Mentoring program for Healthcare Leaders of Tomorrow (HLOT).A bonus lecture!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Tutor Your Child in Math: Fractions & The Common Core" |
"This course is a guide to teaching you how to teach your child the in-depth common core beginning to intermediate fraction concepts and skills. It is... perfect for homeschooling parents and parents of traditionally educated students who want to cut out the middle man and save time and money tutoring your own child with easy to deliver, simple mini-lessons that will quickly increase your child's math performance and that you can replicate with your child at the kitchen table with ease.This course is also great for professional tutors and classroom teachers who are looking for concise and effective strategies to use with whole class, small group, or individualized instruction plans. Brand yourself as a highly effective math teacher as your students' math fluency increases markedly.With this course, you can do what educators call ""front loading""-teach your child fractions before they are introduced in school. This can lead to your child's advancement or acceleration in class. Have a gifted child? This course could be a perfect fit for your young child to explore now. Why wait until fractions are introduced in a later grade level? Take control of your child's learning path and start teaching them fractions, yourself.This course is also highly beneficial to students who are struggling to understand fractions. With ease, you will be able to teach the lessons that fill in the gaps or holes in your child's prerequisite knowledge. These lessons are yours to keep and access whenever you'd like, so they're available for your child to review whenever they're needed.If you choose you can even have your child personally watch the lectures and complete the lessons with or without you.The course is comprised of video lessons that teach you exactly how to teach your child each concept. Each section contains a Build Your Background lesson during which I teach you in detail the why behind each concept or skill being taught in that section. I use visual aids and models to clearly explain each idea and give you confidence to teach the subsequent lessons to your child. It is important to take notes and watch the video lessons several times as needed until you feel comfortable moving on to the teaching lessons. The ideal use of this course is to create a daily routine of 10-15 minutes spent on a mini-lesson with your child, teaching the new knowledge in small chunks. However, the course is ultimately designed in such a way that you can move at your own pace to suit the needs of your child. The only materials you will need to complete each lecture are pencils and paper. It really is that simple.Sign up now and get in on my introductory discounted price of $49. The price will go up to $79 on November 28th. Enroll today, and begin making fraction homework and study time easier, faster and more effective. Start building your child's math confidence and performance right away."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Convirtete en un Desarrollador Web desde cero Paso a Paso" |
"Ms de 370 reseas fantsticas !!! 4.5Estrellas! Gracias!!!Ms de 1200 estudiantes satisfechos!Migueldice:Mucha claridad en las explicaciones. Estoy aprendiendo mucho y lo mejor es que lo estoy aprendiendo poco a poco, aclarndometodos los conceptos.Santiagodice: ""La atencin de Gilbert hacia los problemas que pueden manejar distintos usuarios y las respuestas que brinda hacia ellos son excelentes. explica fcilmente el lenguaje y las diferentes formas de operar en brackets. me ha gustado mucho, tanto que decid inscribirme en otro curso de Gilbert por su buena disposicin a ensear.""Vladimir dice: ""Explica detalladamente cada tema que componen el curso.""Mikel dice: ""Curso con un contenido muy completo y bien organizado para aprender y dominar diferentes lenguajes de programacin web. Explicaciones muy detalladas, paso a paso y fcil de entender, incluso para quienes estn comenzando en el mundo del desarrollo web.Elinstructor siempre esta disponible a solucionar las dudas que se puedan presentar de manera casi inmediata.En definitiva un curso 100% recomendable si estas buscando convertirte en un desarrollador web.""Sebastian dice: ""Todava voy recin comenzando el curso , y no me arrepiento de haberlo comprado, me encanta como explica!, espero aprender mucho, estoy seguro...""Fernando dice: ""Creo que es el curso de desarrollo web mas completo de Udemy, explicaciones muy completas y sencillas por parte del instructor, lo recomiendo.""Luis dice: ""Muy bueno el curso. De verdad que todo muy bien explicado.""Aprenders paso a paso como crear tus propias pginas web, utilizando la POO ( Programacin Orientada a Objetos ), te convertiras en un buen Desarrollador Web, con todo el conocimiento posible.Tambin veremosun tema muy importante que la mayora de los cursos lo dejan de lado, siendo de gran importancia a la hora de desarrollar nuestras webs, el cualson las ""Expresiones Regulares"", mediante el cual nos van a permitir dominar las validaciones. En resumidas cuentas lo es todo.Crearemos un Portal Web con roles de usuarios.Pasaremos un archivo PSD a HTML5Crearemos una plantilla para wordpress desde cero totalmente funcional.Front-End: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap 4 , Wordpress, PSD a HTML5Back-End: PHP Orientado a Objetos, MySQLi, JSON, AJAX, WordpressEn este curso vas a obtener todo el conocimiento necesario para convertirte en un Desarrollador Web.Nota: Este curso va a estar constantemente actualizndose cada vez que mejoren algn cdigo, aadan nuevas funciones, etc. Qu te voy a obsequiar una vez te inscribas al curso? IMPORTANTE!Una vez realizada la compra, tienen que esperar 31 das para poder entregarles los obsequios, esto es debido a que muchos se inscriben, enseguidase les entregaban los obsequios y luego pedan reembolso, entonces por eso el tiempo de entrega.Espero me comprendan.Kit completo de desarrollo.1 Plataforna Intranet para la Administracin de los colegios1Super plantilla de Wordpress1Super plantilla html5 con jQuery76 Hermosas plantillas HTML5, adaptable a cualquier dispositivo.77 Plugins jQuery ( Slider, Galeras, Portfolio, etc. )9 Plantillas extras de wordpress10 Precargadores de pginasSoporte las 25 horas del da.Ejercicios de codificacin1 examen por mdulopara evaluar el conocimiento que vas adquiriendo."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Creando Sitio web desde cero (DE PSD a HTML5, Bootstrap 4)" |
"Pasaremos un archivo PSD a HTML5 utilizando el editor Brackets y su poderoso componente Extract para agilizar el trabajo y el tiempo de entrega.Requisitos para seguir el curso a la perfeccin:Tener un amplio conocimiento del lenguaje de marcado html5, saber como aplicar estilos, con los diferentes selectores de CSS, conocer la sintaxis bsica de Javascript, y saber como utilizar la librera de jQuery, todo esto de un 40 a 60% del conocimiento.En caso de no tener nocin o conocimiento por debajo del 20% de estos lenguajes.Te invito a que mires, analices y te inscribas en mi otro curso, el cual detallo paso a paso, los mltiples de lenguajes de programacin como Html5, Css3, Javascript, jQuery, PHP, MySQL, WORDPRESS, donde crearemos plataformas con PHP, MySQL, jQuery, con diferentes tipos de roles, les dejo el enlace para que lo vean y puedan mirar el itinerario, ms de 370 clases y 91 horas de puro conocimiento y ejercicios. tambin tiene incluido este curso de PSD a html5 con bootstrap 4.Enlace del curso: Visita mi perfil, y all encontraras el curso llamado ""Desarrollo web desde cero paso a paso"".As que te invito a que te analices y mires que curso es el que necesitas. para tu proceso de aprendizaje y desarrollo en este grandioso mundo de la programacin.Te espero!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a crear una Template WORDPRESS desde cero" |
"Aprenders como crear una template funcional para Wordpress,elcomo hacer la perfecta vinculacin de todos los archivos, utilizaremos un super plugin llamado Visual Composer para agilizar la maquetacin y aplicarle un super blindaje de seguridad a nuestra plataforma.Requisitos:Personas con un nivel intermedio en el mundo de la programacin web.Desarrolladores JuniorTener conocimiento del 40 a 70% de los lenguajes de HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, PHP, MySQL, Bootstrap.Saber como utilizar la librera jQuery de JavascriptUso de la sintaxis bsica de PHP, MySQLSaber el uso del Framework Bootstrap"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"How To Never Miss Fajr (Again!)" |
"If you've been struggling with waking up early and praying fajr on time; this class will teach you the practical tips to easily wake up Fajr and make most of the early hours in sha Allah:Discover how to wake up for Fajr every day with energy and sincerityLearn spiritual tools that overcomes the classic shaytan trick of just 5 more minutesGet practical tips to stay up after Fajr and maximise your barakah in the early morningHow's the class structured?The class is divided into six lessons that covers three areas:Why do you need to wake up early?How to wake up early and pray fajr on time?What to do after you wake up early?How much time do I need to commit to complete the class?Each class lesson lasts a maximum of 10-15 minutes (most of the lessons are less than this). These easy-to-digest classes are short enough to listen to on your lunch break or daily commute. We also encourage you to allow for an 30 minutes to an hour to complete the exercises and reflections of each class.So in total, youll need approximately 90 minutes to complete the class! This is probably the amount of time you spend in one week procrastinating, watching YouTube or TV, scrolling Facebook, over sleeping in the mornings, and other time wasters!!By choosing to invest this short amount of time into this class instead, youll gain practical knowledge, resources, tips, and spiritual tools that can change your focus for life, InshaAllah!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"How to Focus in the Age of Distraction" |
"This course is about learning the practical tips to help us focus and not lose ourselves in the age of distraction. It is for every student, professional, entrepreneur who wants to get things done and wants to build their focus muscles in order to live productive lives.The course contains a series of practical presentations that cover three main topics: 1. How to manage external/internal distractions2. How to calm our minds3. How to schedule and execute a focus sessionThe course shouldn't take more than an hour to complete and it'll be an hour well-spent to help you achieve success."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Crie aplicativos para Android/iOS com HTML, CSS e JavaScript" |
"Ateno: Este curso aborda a verso 1 do Ionic, a qual faz uso do AngularJS!A cada dia que passa temos usurios migrando totalmente, ou pelo menos em grande parte do seu tempo, do uso de computadores para dispositivos mveis. O mercado de trabalho para esta rea est em constante expanso. O desenvolvimento de aplicativos usando Ionic e Cordova permite agilidade no desenvolvimento, por no ser necessrio aprender diversas linguagens de programao - apenas HTML, CSS e JavaScript - e rpida publicao de aplicativos nativos nas mais diversas loja online existentes. Alm disso, o Ionic permite a integrao hardware e Sistema Operacional, permitindo capturar fotos de cmera, usar GPS, realizar vendas pelo aplicativo e muito mais. Juntamente com Firebase, um Backend as a Service, voc poder criar aplicativos de tempo real e autenticaes simples. Crie, publique e monetize aplicao para todos os sistemas operacionais ainda hoje!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Roman Blind Making Sewing The Professional Way" |
"Thank you so much for taking a look at my course. I am delighted to have you here.Learn from an expertWith handy hints, and tricks of the trade this is a must do course for anyone who wants to produce top quality Roman blinds. Over 20 easy to follow videos will guide you through the entire process of making a Roman Blind. The step-by-step approach means that by the end of this course you will be confident you can measure a window accurately, select and prepare fabrics, and stitch everything together to produce a top quality Roman blind at a fraction of the retail price. Earn while you learnIf you've ever bought a top quality Roman blind then you'll know how expensive they are - even for a relatively small one. If you're looking to save money, or even make money, by making you're own top quality Roman blinds, then this course will show you how.Over 20 clear instructional videos, accompanied by downloadable guides and checklists, will guide you through each step of the process in detail, explaining the tools and component parts required for each step. You will learn how to measure and cut the lining and face fabric and how to join them all together to make a beautiful Roman blind. You will understand how to work out the different flap sizes and finally how to finish off your blind ready for installation. This course will teach you how everything is prepared and assembled to meet current child safety legislation and the different options available. Go from enthusiastic amateur to professional Roman Blind maker. This course will teach you everything you need to know."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Create Cushions & Grow a Sewing Business" |
"Thank you so much for taking a look at my course. I am delighted to have you here.Learn from an expertWith handy hints, and tricks of the trade this is a must do course for anyone who wants to produce top quality cushions. 10 easy to follow videos will guide you through the entire process. The step-by-step approach means that by the end of this course you will be confident you can select and prepare fabrics, prepare piping and stitch everything together to produce a top quality cushion at a fraction of the retail price.Earn while you learnIf you've ever bought cushions then you'll know how expensive they can be - even for a relatively small one. If you're looking to save money, or even make money, by making you're own top quality cushions, then this course will show you how.10 clear instructional videos will guide you through each step of the process in detail, explaining the tools and component parts required for each step. You will learn how to measure and cut fabric and piping and how to join them together. You will learn how to insert the zip and join everything together the professional way to make a beautiful cushion. Go from enthusiastic amateur to professional cushion maker. This course will teach you everything you need to know."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"DSLR Video For Beginners" |
"Learn the skills that are necessary to create great looking video using a DSLR or any other conventional video capturing device and then be able to use those skills to create a profitable business.Master the Fundamentals of Videography in Easy to Digest Tutorials At the end of this course:You will have a solid understanding of how the DSLR / Video Camera works and a confidence to be able to use it correctly in any given situation.You will have a much greater understanding of composition and how we can increase production value by applying a few simple rules.You will have improved your perception of what is good & bad audio and will start to see light in a completely different way.You will be in possession of a number of different strategies and ideas to be able to create a profitable business.Video is everywhere we look today - skilled video creators are already in great demand and the trend is showing no signs of slowing down. Get in front of the trend!The skills you develop throughout this course will give you some very powerful tools at your disposal to take into any arena. There has always been a need for good quality video production and even more now with the rise of You Tube and social media. The opportunity to create your own video based business or to offer freelancing services has never been greater. Having a fundamental understanding of videography will be a priceless commodity in todays marketplace.Content and OverviewThis course is suitable for beginners and hobbyist's with a passion for video also intermediate videographers or photographers looking to expand their portfolios.The course consists of over 29 lectures and approximately 2 hours of content broken down into easily to consume videos, checklists and quizzes.I have broken the course into four ( 4 ) modules which build on top of each other and give a strong foundation in how to use a DSLR / Video correctly.Starting with the Camera Basics we cover how to set up a DSLR / Video camera so we are ready to film, taking into account Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO and Frame Rates. We then move into the camera settings which include Picture Styles, White Balance and the types of lens we can choose to use. Focus is also covered in depth in this sectionWith the basics covered in detail we move onto the topic of Composition and drill down into what makes an average looking shot into a great looking shot. The main topics we cover in this section are:Shot Selection ( Framing ), Angle of shot, Rule of Thirds, Depth of Field, 180 Degree Rule.Once a shot is composed correctly we need to keep interest so teaching how to use B Roll and cutaways allied to how we sequence the footage is a must.The next module teaches the fundamentals of Audio and Lighting giving the student full access to why these components of any video are crucial.Finally, an overview of how the skills that have been acquired throughout the previous modules can be put to practical use almost immediately. Students who complete this course will emerge with a solid grasp of Videography but will also be armed with a strategy on how to take these skills forward into the marketplace to create a profitable business."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Videographer's Boot Camp-Basic Training" |
"Do you love creating video? Do you want to learn what it takes to make a career as a videographer?Learn all the basics of videography and become a professional.What you'll learn in this course:Learn what features you'll need in the equipment you buy or that you will encounter when working for a production company or news station.Learn all the basics of what to shoot & how to shoot to effectively tell a story.Become an artist by learning the effective use of lighting.Learn how to record clean, professional audio.Discover the tips & tricks of the trade that will make your professional life easier & help you overcome obstacles.Learn how to act like a professional and keep getting gigs. Please note that we will be discussing equipment and techniques for typical ""Run & Gun""/ENG (Electronic News Gathering) type of productions. This is the most common type of production you will encounter in news, events, and AV type environments where the ability to move fast is key. For this reason we will be discussing all-in-one type camcorders with servo zoom lenses and not DSLR cameras with fixed focal length lenses. We will also note be getting into stabilizers, gimbals, sliders, etc.Become a pro videographer While technology changes, the basics of visual storytelling stay the same. Those basics include effective camera operation, creative lighting & clean audio recording. You'll learn all of that with this course. Believe it or not, many people already earning a living as videographers don't have these basics mastered so you can gain an advantage by learning what I teach you. After you have the knowledge and practice your craft, you can work as a freelance camera operator, works at a news station or a production company. You can even start your own production company!Why is this course unique?I have 30+ years of experience and can help you avoid problems and overcome obstacles that only experience can teach you. Besides lectures, there are plenty of demonstrations with my assistants. I'll also show you real-world examples of professional video. I'll shoot a story and break down the elements for you so you can do it too!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Master Your Casio Calculator -Total Calculator Skills" |
"Master Your Casio Calculator and make sure you have the complete calculator skills required for you to get the grade you want in the exam or teach your students how to use their calculator effectively.What benefits do I get from this course? Click here for more!Use your Casio scientific calculator with confidence both in the classroom and during exams. Explore mathematics in new ways with the helpful features of the Casio calculator.Apply your knowledge of these calculator functions to questions you might encounter in your math related course.Access all the unique and powerful functions of a modern scientific calculator.Impress your friends or teacher ...or students with your calculator skills.Includes exclusive content not available on the YouTube channel - The Calculator GuideFor less than thetypical price of an hour's private teaching, the course will take you through many of the impressive functions of the calculator, step-by-step, telling you which buttons to press and how they can be used to help you with questions. In this course you are going to gain mastery over your calculator. Maybe you are curious as to how the features and functions can help you with your mathematical learning, build you confidence and succeed in your mathematics exam. With this course you get 1080p HD videos and a full demonstration with a calculator emulator of the buttons you need to press.You also get updates and bonus extras, which will be added to the course.You also get access to ask me questions regarding the course or anything you are stuck on.In buying this course you are helping support me to continue to make more courses to help you and future students feel confident about using their calculator.So if you are currently using a Casio calculator, then what are you waiting for? Make the most out of your calculator, be confident and achieve the qualification you want.About the calculator.This course assumes that you have a Casio calculator or have regular access to one. It is primarily designed for the FX-83GT Plus / FX-85GT Plus available in the UK. Similar textbook display or Natural V.P.A.M calculators are known by different codes around the world.FX-300ES Plus, FX-350ES Plus, fx-82DE PLUS, fx-82ES PLUS, fx-82ZA PLUS, fx-83GT PLUS, fx-85DE PLUS, fx-85ES PLUS, fx-85GT PLUS, fx-86DE PLUS, FX-95ES Plus, FX-500VN Plus, FX-82AU PLUS II and othersAnd silver edition models FX-991ES Plus, FX-115ES Plus, FX-570ES Plus, FX-100AU PLUS, FX-991DE"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Success for Small Business" |
"Social media Success for Small Business offers a Step-by-step guide to getting the most out of Social Media for your small business without breaking the bank, hiring someone new or wasting a lot of time.The course is structured around a central Case Study and we refer back to this real world case study in each section to make the lessons and tactics learned come to life.Social Media Success for Small Business offers a Workbook with relevant exercises for each section. Once completed you'll have a detailed Social Media strategy that you can implement immediately, a thorough understanding of the course material and enough tips to get you started on your way to Social Media success.I created this course based on my personal experience in training small business owners and entrepreneurs in the art of Social Media and digital marketing. If you are a small business owner, self-employed or starting a home business, this course will give you the tools and insight to use Social Media to achieve your business goals."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Insider's Playbook: Getting That Graduate Job" |
"This course is a must-take for any graduate ready to apply for a graduate program or for a recent graduate position. Internship applicants will also find it invaluable as you learn how to overcome the 12 hurdles of the graduate recruitment process. What you learn will surprise and even shock you. Insider knowledge from an international graduate recruitment expert will help you overcome the hurdles to win your dream graduate job. The course explains how employers go about graduate recruitment and what they really look for. It includes how they assess graduates and a detailed explanation of the 12 hurdles used by employers to screen out applicants. There are examples of questions and answers to the 8 most popular behavioral skills assessed by employers. There are self-assessment exercises to understand where you need to strengthen your application. And the course includes work around strategies to overcome the 14 most common graduate job application pitfalls. The course concludes with a 5 point personal action plan. The course is more than two hours of insights, tips and insider knowledge from the leading international expert in graduate recruitment. You can pick and choose which modules that are relevant to you. You will learn the secrets of employers. The course structure is: IntroductionWhat Employers Look For and Why You Dont Get ThroughHow Do You Rate?12 Assessment HurdlesBehavioral Questions & Winning Answers Work AroundsPersonal Action Plan As a graduate or intern you should take this course to maximize your opportunity to get your ideal job. Whether youre a top graduate looking for that edge in a highly competitive graduate program. Or a graduate who is unsure why they havent been successful and wants to turn that around. Or someone who needs insider help to get beyond first base and win that graduate job. Competition for graduate roles is fierce. If you don't take this course, chances are your competitor has!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Overcoming The 12 Hurdles To Getting a Graduate Job" |
"Applying for an internship or graduate job? You might know the steps involved but most people don't know what it takes to be successful at each stage - what employers are really looking for. This is the abridged version of the complete Insiders Playbook to a Graduate Job.My insider knowledge will guide you through each stage (I call them hurdles) to help you win your dream graduate job.The course explains how employers use 12 hurdles to screen out applicants. They're time poor and risk averse so if you don't fit their ""cookie cutter"" profile, you're rejected. Unless you know what they're looking for!There are numerous resources available to students that describe the graduate recruitment process, what to expect in interviews, assessment centers etc. and in general what employers look for. But thats just general information. It doesnt tell students what it takes to get that graduate job. And employers dont want to give away their secrets of how they really assess candidates.Thats what this course does. It goes into depth to explain to students exactly how employers assess and screen candidates at each stage of the process. It provides insider tips and strategies to make it through each stage - even if a student doesnt meet the employers stated selection criteria. Here are three examples.1. What Employers Say They Look For""We look for well-rounded candidates who have successfully balanced university, work experience and extra-curricular activities, the ability to work in a team and a desire to learn and drive your own career. Your motivation to work in our industry"".What They Dont SayWhether their preferred candidate characteristics are: Analytical vs Creative; Challenge vs Conform; Lead vs Follow; Ambitious vs Steady2. Assessment Centres""We use a collection of tests and exercises designed to simulate our business environment. They help identify those candidates with the most suitable personal attributes, problem solving or teamwork skills so we can determine who would fit best and excel within the organisations structure and culture"".What They Dont SayCandidates are being constantly assessed and that includes the informal coffee / lunch breaks. You're under scrutiny all the time, regardless what they say. But proactively engaging with managers during breaks is a powerful way to demonstrate your enthusiasm, promote yourself and overcome any performance issues in the exercises. You can use it to your advantage!3. Online Application Screening QuestionsWhen organizing a work team, you prefer to choose those who: Have different strengths Have the most technical expertise Cooperate with each other Follow instructions Think like youWhat They Dont SayThis organisation has diversity as a core value and they want employees who value the different strengths of individuals. This is a deliberate screening question. Answer incorrectly and you will be an automatic rejection at the first stage.Through the course you'll learn how to make it past each of the 12 HurdlesOnline ApplicationCover LetterResumeGradesTestingCultural FitScreening InterviewVideo SubmissionAssessment CenterIn-Person InterviewBackground ChecksJob Offer (And yes, how you handle a job offer can see it withdrawn!)Nearly every graduate employer uses behavioral questions, so there is a bonus section giving you examples of questions for the 8 most common behavioral skills. And with real life examples of winning answers.The course concludes with a 5 point personal action plan.In total are 90 minutes of short video lectures. Take the ones that are relevant to you now. You can always come back to the course if a new employer has a different set of requirements.The course structure is:Introduction12 Assessment HurdlesBehavioral Questions & Winning AnswersPersonal Action PlanAs a graduate or intern you should take this course to maximize your opportunity to get your dream job. Don't miss out because you didn't know what the employer really wanted. That's learning the hard way!We all know competition is fierce for graduate roles so give yourself every advantage and enroll in this course now."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Improve your efficiency - Master the Basics of Excel 2013" |
"Have you been trying to learn Excel in the past and found it to be difficult? Looking for an Excel course for beginners where you can learn everything about basics of excel so that you do not have to enroll for different courses for different topics? - This online course is something for you.If you are an office administrator, you probably use Excel. Ditto if you are a salesman. If you are a financial analyst, of course, you need Excel. For these and many other professions, working with spreadsheets is an essential tool in the daily routine.In the 22 lectures with 1.5 hours of contents you will learn basic techniques from the very begining of customizing, creating, modifying worksheets to named ranges, flash fill, performing calculations and changing workbook appearance. There are exercise files at the end of every lecture so that you do not only learn excel but master it, by practicing exercises!Whether you use Excel for work or study, these tutorials will start you on your journey to becoming an Excel Ninja! Best part about this course is that all the lectures are explained step by step and are to the point. And thats why none of the lectures are too lengthy to make you bore."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"Fundraising With a PLAN- Learn to Create a Development Plan" |
"*THE CONTENT WILL REMAIN THE SAME, BUT THE VISUAL AND AUDIO OF THIS COURSE WILL BE UPDATED DURING MAY AND JUNE 2020.*Fundraising isn't easy.What makes it more difficult is the trap people often fall into - the Shotgun Approach to fundraising. The Shotgun Approach is basically the ""let's try everything and see what sticks"" method of fundraising; it means saying yes to and implementing every well-meaning idea for a new event.*A December 2015 article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review by Heather Yandow reports on research that shows that the clearest predictor of a nonprofit's success in raising money from individuals is having a formal fundraising plan.But how do you, as a Development Professional, nonprofit CEO, or board member explain to your boss and/or your Board of Directors the need for a systematic approach to raising money, a plan, and solid delivery on the plan?In this class, you will learn what a Development Plan is and how it is used, who the stakeholders are in the Development Plan process, and explore how to approach conversations about the need to create, implement, and stick to a solid Development Plan.*Attendees will receive two downloadable sample Development Plan templates!Who should take this training class:-Fundraisers-Nonprofit executives-Members of Boards of Directors"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"English for Beginners: Learn Basic English" |
"Learning English and becoming a confident communicator in the English language is something that can enrich your life and open up so many new opportunities. But as an experienced English teacher, I know that it can often be difficult and scary to learn a new language. Im here to help you learn at a pace that is comfortable for you, and to motivate you and help you in your journey to learn English! This course will help you to become confident in the basics of English grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, in the comfort of your own home. Learn the basics of English and get on the path to more opportunities You will learn to master the basics of English grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation through stimulating and effective content. Practise and test yourself on what you have learnt in the quizzes at the end of each lecture."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Yoga Made Easy: Be Stress and Anxiety Free Now!" |
"*** COURSE FULLY UPDATED FOR JANUARY 2017***In this course you will learn how you can reduce stress and anxiety with ease.Let me ask you something:Have you recently snapped at someone over something small, like not doing the dishes?Do you often feel tired, nervous or even anxious?Or do you worry a lot and have trouble falling asleep?If you answer one or more of these questions with yes, then it is likely that you have been under too much stress for too long. Also, chances are that you are not taking adequate measures to reduce this stress.Then this is the course for you!This course is for anyone who wants to get rid of their stress symptoms once and for all, quick and easy.What will we cover in this course? You will learn:the purpose of stress. the nuts and bolts of the stress doing yoga reliefs stress, a fact which is backed up by numerous scientific studies.And the heart of this course: ten simple yoga exercises that you can do today to reduce the stress symptoms in your life big time!The exercises you will learn in this course are easy. You do not need to be flexible and you do not need to have any prior yoga experience: this course is suitable for all levels!The focus is on learning how to relax. People that experience a lot of stress are often not able to fully relax their body anymore. Even when they think they are relaxing, they still hold on to tension.The purpose of the exercises in this course is to restore the connection between your body and your mind. If you practice these exercises on a regular basis, I promise you that you will start feeling the beneficial effects immediately!So dont wait any longer and join me now in this course. Scroll up and click on the Take This Course button on the right. Lets get started. I will see you inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Develop Super Focus and Boost Your Productivity in No Time!" |
"*** COURSE FULLY UPDATED FOR JANUARY 2017 ***Hi everyone,Welcome to the course How To Be Super Focused and Productive in No Time!Does your mind often wander in the middle of conversations?Do you go to Facebook for just 5 minutes, but find yourself still on it 2 hours later?At the end of the day, do you often feel like you have been busy but havent really accomplished anything?If your answer to one or more of these questions is yes, then this is the course for you!What if I told you that you could radically change all of this TODAY?!You could have a razor sharp focus You could be highly productive every single dayAnd most important of all: ACHIEVE ALL YOUR GOALS.Imagine: how great would you feel at the end of a day during which you were super focused and productive?You can make this change RIGHT NOW, by taking this course.In this course you will learn:What focus isWhy you need focusThat the capacity to focus can be trainedThe foundation of focusThe BEST techniques I know to make your focus razor sharpSmart tools to use your focus efficiently to become super productiveHow to GET STUFF DONEOver the past years, I have personally tested all the techniques and tools that you will be learning in this course. And I can tell you that each of them is a jewel in its own right!So dont wait any longer. Click on the Take This Course button to the right. Lets get started. I will see you inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"CPA Marketing Strategies and Tips for Complete Beginners" |
"**The course's content is completely updated and structured to help you achieve incredible results with CPA Marketing in 2016! Take action and make this your best year ever**UPDATE: 4950+ students learning and interacting with each other! I will offer Skype support to every student who asks for it. If you have a problem/question, send me a private message and we will set a time for the call.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Would you like to learn how to drive converting traffic to any CPA or affiliate offer in a matter of minutes and generate commissions around the clock?Would you like to start earning money from the comfort of your home?Can you follow the easy instructions I will lay down for you in order to set up your very own profitable business?If you answered Yes to any of the questions above, congratulations! You have found your complete blueprint to CPA marketing.CPA marketing is hands down the fastest way to get up and running in internet marketing, even for complete beginners.In this course, we will teach and demonstrate every step of the process from picking CPA offers and CPA networks to setting up your first profitable Pay-Per-Click campaigns. We will also give you the method that will guarantee your approval into any CPA network.The internet doesn't care who you are. Since this system works for us, it will work for you!Allow us to take you by the hand and show you how to build and scale this profitable business.We would like to remind you that our course comes with a 30 days no questions asked money back guarantee. You have a full month to learn and implement it, and if, for whatever reasons you are unsatisfied, just ask for a refund.You take absolutely no risk!You can get started immediately after you have taken our course. That means TODAY!Plus, we will offer personal support to every student who asks for it. If you have a problem or question, send it to the course's discussion board, and I will personally answer it in less than 24 hours. With the support from us and your consistent actions, you will achieve the success you desire!This is opportunity knocking on your door. Many have succeeded before, and we have too. With the information contained in this course, you could quit your job in a couple of months, if that's your dream.Click the ""Take This Course"" button now. That's your first step to building a solid online income. Every minute that goes by without action is one less paycheck."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"iPexpert's CCNA DCICN Data Center Course" |
"iPexpert's Cisco CCNA Data Center Course is a modular video course that's been built by creating very focused videos for every topic seen on the CCNA DCICN Data Center exam, 640-911. Delivered in crystal clear high-definition format, watch and listen along as 2 world class CCIE instructors whiteboard and configure these various technologies and protocols. This course offers the information you need to get you on your way to CCNA success!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Simple Gothic Hand Calligraphy" |
"Follow the lessons tolearn how to insert the nib into your holder ;comprehend how to get the ink to flow from your pen ;understand letter weight and proportion ;befriend those oh-so-necessary guidelines ;master the ductus (that's the ""recipe"" to follow for learning each letter).Then, draw each letter of the alphabet, first the lowercase letters, then the uppercase. The letters are not demonstrated in alphabetical order; they are presented to you in groups of similar letters ;plan and execute a project with a short text.Using a 3 mm Brause nib (or similar) and ink will give you the most ""authentic"" experience, but of course you can use calligraphy markers or cartridge pens with a calligraphic nib if you prefer.Some of the benefits of doing calligraphy are:calligraphy is yoga-for-the-soul. In doing calligraphy, you set aside some time for yourself, and you will feel great for it ;calligraphy contributes to neuroplasticity which basically means that, while teaching your (old) brain new tricks, you are creating new pathways in your brain and paving the way to sharper neurological skills;embellishing your daily life with beautiful letters. . Creating beautyof any sort is a wonderful thing to do !Several downloadable documents are included (practice sheets, letter reference sheets ...).Calligraphy is not just a pleasant artistic activity, it is almost a meditative experience!Grab your pen and paper, and come along on this calligraphic journey!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"5 Steps to Teaching English Abroad" |
"Updated January 2016!You might have heard that teaching abroad is a way to take advantageof being a native English speaker in order to see the world, meet newpeople and even get paid? Well it is all true! This step-by-stepcourse is the perfect way to find a program that is right for yourbackground and goals.Beinga native English speaker means that you have a ticket abroad, whetherthat is volunteering for a few weeks in Latin America or teachingfull-time in China. We will show you how it is possible to travel theglobe even if you do not have any teaching certifications or previousexperience. Our high-level overview helps to break down the differentways to get abroad as quickly and easily as possible.Webroke down this process into 5 simple, easy to digest steps:1.Identifying your Teacher Profile2.Finding a Program or Institute3.Getting Prepared for the Adventure4.Getting off the Plane5.Enjoying your StayToassist you as we go through this process step-by-step, we haveincluded worksheets and checklists so that you can follow along withthe video lectures, effectively finishing the course with apersonalized plan based upon your situation and objectives.I have been living abroad for the past 6years, initially starting with a volunteer program and theneventually branched out to private classes and working with institutes. In order to help others get out there and start travelingas well, I worked together with a team of 3 teachers from variousbackgrounds who have collectively taught in 4 continents and 9different countries to create this curriculum as we wanted to coverall the things we wish we had known before starting our teachingabroad journey."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ballet Entretenido ms Juegos para Nios" |
"Este curso contiene los pasos bsicos de la tcnica del Ballet y los ensea a travs de la imitacin y simples juegos que los nios pueden realizar en sus hogares con materiales que tengan a la mano.Estructurado de tal forma:Introduccin de la instructor y cmo usar el cursoActivacin y introduccin a las posiciones bsicasJuegos con una manta, almohada y bufandaCoreografa encajando todos los partes de este cursoEl objetivo del curso es ensear un base de ballet, pero es tan entretenido que tu niote va a pedir hacerlo una y otra vez!LA PROFESORA, Carla Jaque Artega, es duea y instructora principaldel estudio Activate. Esta es unaacademia de Danza centrada en mujeres y nias, buscando desarrollar y potenciar sus habilidades deportivas y artsticas a travs de la prctica de disciplinas del fitness acorde a sus intereses y a las tendencias actuales."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |