Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn How to Start a Business Fast" |
"The course is for people that want to start a business. I dive into the legal and accounting side of getting a business up and off the ground. I'll walk you through the different types of entity options available, including c-corporations, s-corporations, and LLC's. I'll explain the tax implications related to each entity option. I'll also show you how to form an LLC on your own, how to apply for a federal tax identification number, how to setup your accounting software, how to organize your corporate record book, and how to get started with your bookkeeping. In all, at the end of this course, you will be pretty much all set to make your first sale!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Financing Your Startup" |
"If you are new to the world of entrepreneurship or interested in starting a business then this course is for you!One of the most challengingparts of starting a business is finding the cash you need to get your business off the ground. By takingthis course, you will learn (in less than an hour!) seven amazing strategies that you can use to obtain funding for your new or existing business.This course is comprised ofnine different lecture videos, each of which breaks down in detail a variety of different funding strategies that you might be able to use to fund your next business venture. If you need assistance in funding your business or if you are interested in learning about different funding strategies that are available to entrepreneurs, then you will benefit a great deal from taking this course!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How to Choose the Right Entity: LLC vs. S-corp vs. C-corp" |
"This course discusses in detail the differences between LLC's, s-corporations, and c-corporations. So many entrepreneurs, when starting businesses, do not have a clear understanding of the differences between the different types of entities that are available and why one of those entities are better or worse than another. This course dives into the nuances that are associated with each type of entity. In the course we discuss:Why you need a legal entity for your businessThe differences between LLC's, s-corporations, and c-corporationsThe tax advantages associated with LLC's, s-corporations, and c-corporationsSituations in which you should choose one entity over anotherThis course covers a relatively complex topic, but explains that topic and associated concepts in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. Best of all, you should be able to complete the course in less than an hour!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Intro To Chord Progressions: Write Simple Songs On Piano" |
"This course is all about beginner chord progressions and simple chord-based songwriting on the piano! By teaching you the fundamentals and giving you one simple step at a time, you'll be able to write and play your own simple piano songs that you're proud of! Imagine what it will feel like to be able to sit down and compose a new song right out of thin air.The entire course is about two hours of video, but it's split up into easy-to-digest sections. If you're a quick learner, you can get through this course as quickly as an afternoon!I give you the tools to succeed starting with the INTRO TO CHORDS all the way to PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER: CHORDS/RHYTHM/TIME SIGNATURE. And if you EVER get stuck, I'm excited to help you get back on track.I have a system that I would love to show you, that will make it easy to come to the piano with confidence and excitement, and to be able to make up your own chord progressions and simple songs from scratch, using chords that sound good every time!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"CSS Tutorial For Beginners: Style Your Wordpress Templates" |
"Are you someone who has been working with Wordpress and want to take your sites to the next level by changing their look and their style?Or maybe youre frustrated because you want to make changes but you cant figure out how to do it.Maybe youve tried to make your website look better, and youve done the best you can but you keep getting stuck.If you dont learn this, Im sorry to say that that frustration doesnt go away! And as frustrating as it is now, imagine what youll feel like a month or a year from now when you STILL DONT KNOW how to make your website look better quickly and easily.I KNOW how that frustration feels, Ive been there, and I know how annoying it can be to know what kind of changes you want to make, but then not know HOW to make them. But Ive learned the RIGHT way to style websites, and its called CSS, and thats what I want to teach you today.Take a look at this example of how a simple boring form can be easily and quickly transformed into something mobile friendly and responsive! Ill walk you through exactly how to do this and other things like it in this course.Also, imagine what it will feel like to be able to look behind the scenes of any Wordpress website you visit and see how THEY styled it, and then be able to model that styling for your own website!Imagine using code that makes your website look so much better the INSTANT you add it.And what will you feel like when you can take a boring theme and injecting it with life and your own personality, quickly and easily using CSS.This course is the complete guide to beginner css and it is the exact tool you NEED in order to style your Wordpress website.WHEN YOU join this course TODAY, you get lifetime access. Not only that: this course will be super helpful to you now AND in the future whenever you have a question about CSS. Its easy to ask any questions at any time and Ill be right there with you, answering them. Take this course NOW and Ill see YOU on the other side!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Snapchat Marketing For Business: Quick Start Guide" |
"This course is all about getting you up and running with a Snapchat account for your business before your competition catches up!Snapchat is EXPLODING in growth, from 100 Million users in the middle of 2015 and around 7 billion video views per DAY.Long story short, Snapchat is aging up and if you're one of the first businesses to this platform you have a huge advantage to win big.The course is split into a few sections:First we go over Snapchat basics so you become comfortable with the app itself and get a good idea of what it's all about. You'll as we walk through how to sign up and change VERY important settings.Second, we focus on using the app -- tips and tricks to using the app that aren't obvious and how to see how many people and exactly WHO is watching your snaps.Third, we focus on business strategy. You'll find out why Snapchat is different (the good and the bad), see real world examples of people who are KILLING it and WHY, learn all about what to focus on and how your unique advantage can help drive people to follow your Snapchat.I have made this course as CLEAR and CONCISE as possible to SAVE YOU TIME.In this course, you will find Snapchat EASY to understand, and you'll be using it confidently in no time to reach your growing audience and potential customers.Join this course to get EVERYTHING you need to start and grow your Snapchat audience for your business!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Cure For Motivation" |
"What won't happen if you don't take action on your goals and dreams?Nothing.Your life will be exactly the same as it is now.Your fitness won't improve (heck - it might get worse!)Your financial situation will be the same.Your love life and relationships will be the same.Getting new, exciting experiences and results in your life.That's what this course is about.In this course, I break down simple to use tips & tricks about how our bodies are biologically programmed to take action.By working with the existing flow of our biology and can't not take action towards (and therefor achieve) your goals after you take this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mind Control Influence" |
"Do you want to learn how salesmen, advertisers, the media, society, and the government unconsciously influence and persuade you to do things you don't want to do?That is the exact level you'll be at when you discover how others are biologically programmed to take action.This course will teach you how to manipulate the existing programming in other people's mind and body so you can get them to take the action you want them to take today and begin to achieve the goals you've been dreaming of for a while.Are you looking to increase sales?Maybe you are an entrepreneur or advertiser who wants to increase conversion rates and experience more success?What if you could easily attract the person you've been wanting to date for a while now?What are of your life are you looking influence and persuade others with?This course will take anyone, regardless of their background or current life situation and teach them the most powerful and effective influence techniques that our out there today.I went from an everyday person to building a publishing company with 865,000 readers, quit my job, and live the life of my dreams, because of the information you are learning in this course.Topics covered:Metaphors.Open Loops.Embedded Commands.Hypnotic Language Patterns.The Law of Reciprocity.Unconscious Influence & Communication.Quantum Influence Techniques (exclusive to this course).This stuff should not be legal.I first became aware that anybody can learn and put these techniques to use when I met a multi-millionaire who sold his fist company for $50 million and is making $20 million with his current business.When I asked him the key to his success, he taught me what I am teaching you today.99% of the people on this planet don't know what you're going to learn in this course, and when you learn this information, it's like you discovered magic.You will have the power over people to get them to do the things you want to do."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Think. Blink. Manifest." |
"First of all, let's make sure that this course is right for you before you sign up for it.This course is right for you if:You feel stuck in life, orYou are wanting something more, orYou feel like you're fighting an uphill battle when it comes to your goals.If you answered YES to any of the above questions, this course is for you. If you answered yes for more than one, than this course is definitely for you.What if, by the end of this course, you could be 100% happy and fulfilled with the life you Wouldn't that be the ultimate reward for what you're learning here today?A two-year journey to instant manifestation.I won't be modest here. I've literally discovered the key to instantly manifesting anything and everything I want in life, and I'm proud of it.Within 24 hours of installing the ""mental programming"" in myself that I'm helping you install during this course, I was already living the life I once dreamed of living.And then I used this technique on all my friends/clients..and they are now in full control of creating their life.The unconscious is now conscious for us...and you are here today because this course will share what I learned with you.This is (by far) the most important course, you'll ever have taken in your entire life...and this is why...If you want to learn how to TAKE FULL CONTROL OF, and steer the direction of your life...this course is definitely for you.By the end of this course, you'll already have realized that you are the creator of your experience in this life.In the past, I would type up some long ""salesy"" description here to try to get you to buy the course...but I said all I needed to say. You can either continue the journey I went on and learn how to manifest instantly YEARS from now (or never)....or you can pay the small price for my time to create this course for you, and learn it right now.Whether you choose to decide to sign up for this course now, or if you want to delay your goals by a couple of years...the choice is yours.-Andrew Alexander"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Python Desktop Application Development with PyQt" |
"This Course Cover Qt Framework From Scratch To Advanced Topics , You Will Find Every Thing You Need To Build Your Own Applications .And I Put A Project at The End Of The Course To Teach Your How To Think And How To Make Any Project You Want And How To Work With Big Projects.After This Course You Will Be Able To Make Very Powerful And Beautiful Applications . You Will Be Able To Build Your Own Desktop Applications Like Web Browsers And Download Programmes.. Waiting Your Feedback After Finishing The Course And Wait My New Courses On Udemy For Qt Framwork , Like Developing Android Apps With Python And Qt And Build 20 Project With Python ANd Qt ... And More"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Learn Persian (Farsi) language: speak, read, and write!" |
"** ""This course really contains amazing and powerful practical stuff."" (Rana)** ""This is a very good course. Take this course. Don't let the Farsi script scare you."" (Ruben)Would you like to learn a new language with 2500 years of culture and history? Then Persian is for you! You will be able tocommunicate with over 110 million Persian native speakers all around the world. This course is a revolutionary method in Persian language teaching. Everything has made simple for you to learn efficiently and effectively. Dont worry about the complexity of grammar anymore. Forget about the rules and just use it! In this method, you will learn naturally with a variety of techniques to exercise. And were always here to help you! In this course, you will learn to speak, read and write Persian simultaneously and you will learn hundreds of practical words, ready to be used in everyday conversation. The words are selected among from the most common words in Persian. We do believe that you can master this beautiful language in a very short time if you take this course. This course is designed in a way to make you autonomous in Persian language learning. Since you'll be able to read and write at the end of this course, you can expand your both speaking and writing skills by the use of many other resources in Persian. Take this course today and enjoy learning it!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Powershell dla administratora Windows - kompletny kurs" |
"Zaawansowany kurs od podstaw nauczy ci tego, co kady administrator Windows powinien wiedzie, aby wydajnie pracowa z Powershell.Coraz czciej wraz z graficznym interfejsem narzdzi sucych do zarzdzania produktami Microsoft, dostarczane s rwnie moduy Powershell pozwalajce na administracj z linii komend. Pisanie wasnych skryptw korzystajcych z tych moduw pozwala na automatyzowanie zada wykonywanych przez administratora Windows.Znajc Powershell moesz samodzielnie tworzy skrypty unikajc powtarzalnej pracy, moesz korzysta z licznych rozwiza publikowanych w Internecie, zmieniajc je pod swoje potrzeby. Nie musisz obawia si uruchamiania nieznanych polece wpisanych do instrukcji konfiguracji aplikacji.Kurs ""Powershell dla administratora"" zaczyna si od rzeczy prostych, jak praca z edytorem ISE. Nastpnie lekcja po lekcji pozwala pozna wicej szczegw na temat Powershell. Pod koniec uczysz si ju o budowaniu wasnych moduw, pisaniu zapyta WMI i CIM, korzystaniu z uruchamiania polece na systemach zdalnych przez remoting.Majc tak wiedz moesz zmieni obraz rodowiska IT w jakim pracujesz. Moesz zastpi rczn mozoln prac, na automatycznie wykonywane polecenia, ktre rozwi problemy jeszcze nim si one pojawi. Zamiast przygotowywa instrukcj ""krok po kroku"" opisujc jak skonfigurowa serwer, przygotuj skrypt, ktry dodatkowo udokumentuje wprowadzane zmiany!Nie czekaj! Zosta masterem Powershell!ISBN:978-83-945846-0-3"
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server wprowadzenie, instalacja narzdzia. Exam 70-761" |
"Tym kursem chcemy Ci pomc przygotowa si do zdawania egzaminw cieki MCSA SQL Server, tj. 70-761 Querying Microsoft SQL Server 70-762 Developing SQL Databases... ale od czego trzeba zacz. Dlatego w tym pierwszym kursie z serii pokazujemy podstawy wymagane na kolejnych kursach o SQL:Jak zainstalowa SQL Server (aby byo na czym wiczy)Jak zainstalowa przykadow baz danych AdventureWorksJak uywa SQL Server Management StudioJak utrzymywa skryptyCo wyrnia relacyjne bazy danychJak korzysta i konfigurowa helpJak uywa SQL Server Configuration ManagerJakie mamy systemowe bazy danych i jakie jest ich gwne zastosowanieCo to jest Azure SQL DatabaseBudowanie zapytaModyfikacja danych - graficznieModyfikacja danych - TSQLProjektowanie tabeliBudowanie relacji midzy tabelamiSkryptowanie obiektw bazodanowychISBN 978-83-945846-1-0"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server - zapytania. Querying. Exam 70-761" |
"Ten kurs jest wietnym wyborem dla osb, ktre chc lub... musz rozpocz przygod z SQL. Zobaczysz tutaj jak budowa zapytania SQL zaczynajc od najprostszych polece SELECT, wyraenia WHERE, budowania aliasw itp. Poznasz zasady korzystania z funkcji agregujcych oraz przygotowywania danych do dokadniejszych analiz.Krok po kroku poznasz typy danych wykorzystywane w SQL oraz funkcje z jakich moesz korzysta. Nie ograniczamy si wyczenie do pokazania, jak te funkcje dziaaj. Pokazujemy te najczstsze bdy, ich przyczyny i sposoby uniknicia problemw.Kiedy znasz ju podstawy moesz pozna zasady czenia danych znajdujcych si w rnych tabelach z wykorzystaniem polecenia JOIN oraz podzapyta. Kurs jest do intensywny, ale od czego jest przycisk ""pause"" i moliwo obejrzenia lekcji jeszcze raz! Jeeli w trakcie kursu co okae si niejasne, moesz skorzysta z pomocy trenera. Ten kurs jest drugim z serii kursw przygotowucych doo egaminw cieki MCSA SQL Server ale nie tylko, tj.70-761 Querying Microsoft SQL Server 70-762 Developing SQL Databases Najwaniejsze tematy kursu:Polecenie SELECTWyraenie WHEREAliasy kolumnSortowanie rekordw przez ORDER BYTypy danych: liczby, teksty, data i czas, typ logicznyFunkcje wbudowane: napisowe, daty i czasu, matematyczne, konwertujce i logiczneWyraenie CASEAgregacja danych: GROUP BY i HAVINGPraca z NULLWybieranie TOP 10Przygotowanie danych do analizy; ROLLUP, CUBE, GROUPING SET, GROUPING_IDZczanie tabel - JOINStosowanie rnych rodzajw zcze: INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, CROSS, FULLPodzapytania skalarnePodzapytania zwracajce ResultSetPodzapytania skorelowaneKorzystanie z EXISTS, ALL, SOME, ANYZastpowanie podzapyta przez JOINOperacje na wynikach zwracanych przez zapytania: UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT.ISBN 978-83-945846-2-7"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"SQL Server - programowanie, typy zaawansowane, XML 70-761" |
"Jest wiele takich zagadnie w SQL, ktre moe nie s trudne, ale mao si o nich mwi i przez to s czasami kopotliwe. W tym kursie staramy si wyjani cz z nich, tym bardziej, e te zagadnienia lubi si pokaza na egzaminie:70-761 Querying Microsoft SQL Server 70-762 Developing SQL DatabasesPierwszym takim zagadnieniem jest pisanie wasnych skryptw w jzyku Transact SQL. Generalnie nic trudnego, ale eby sobie z tym poradzi musisz wiedzie jak deklarowa zmienne, jak przypisywa im wartoci i jak je dalej wykorzystywa w swoich zapytaniach. Znajc zmienne, bdziesz mg wykorzysta je podczas budowania instrukcji warunkowych. A std ju prosta droga do tworzenia ptli WHILE. Oczywicie to nie koniec moliwoci programistycznych osigalnych w SQL, ale od czego trzeba zacz. Zobaczysz jak wiele na pierwszy rzut oka skomplikowanych problemw uda si rozwiza stosujc wanie te informacje!Drugi istotny temat to specjalistyczne typy danych. Microsoft z wersji na wersj dodaje do SQL Server nowe moliwoci, problem w tym, e zaczniemy je wykorzystywa dopiero kiedy je poznamy. Mona przecie zapamita wsprzdne GPS w postaci dwch liczb, jednak kiedy przyjdzie do policzenia odlegoci midzy punktami, to powstanie problem. Ale jeli do zapamitania wsprzdnych uyjesz typu GEOGRAPHY, to odlego wyliczysz korzystajc z jednej funkcji. Podobnie z typami GEOMETRY, HIERARCHYID, ROWVERSION, UNIQUEIDENTIFIER. Typy te s w SQL duej lub krcej, a nie s zbyt czsto wykorzystywane, bo po prostu za mao si o nich mwi, tymczasem korzyci z ich stosowania mog by ogromne.Trzeci niezmiernie wany temat to typ XML. Wikszo osb zajmujcych si baz danych, nie lubi pracowa z XML. Dla osb, ktre na codzie prezentuj dane w postaci tabeli, plik wypeniony znacznikami XML zupenie si nie podoba. Jedynym marzeniem jest wtedy skonwertowa takie dane do postaci tabelarycznej. eby zrobi to skutecznie, trzeba wiedzi jak pracowa z tak funkcj jak OPENXML, czy metod nodes. Niekiedy sytuacja jest odwrotna. Dane uzyskiwane zapytaniem naley skonwertowa do XML. W takim przypadku przyda si klauzula FOR XML. Oczywicie do zrozumienia XML, trzeba te wiedzie co to root element, element, atrybut, schemat XML, namespace itp. O tym wszystkim rwnie opowiada ten kurs.Kurs jest do intensywny, ale od czego jest przycisk ""pause"" i moliwo obejrzenia lekcji jeszcze raz! Jeeli w trakcie kursu co okae si niejasne, moesz skorzysta z pomocy trenera. Ten kurs jest trzecim z serii kursw przygotowucych doo egaminw cieki MCSA SQL Server ale nie tylko, tj.1. 70-761 Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2. 70-762 Developing SQL DatabasesNajwaniejsze tematy kursu:Korzystanie ze zmiennychInstrukcja IF (z przykadami)Instrukcja WHILE (z przkadami)Typ ROWVERSIONTyp UNIQUE IDENTIFIERCo to jest COLLATIONTyp HIERARCHYIDTyp GEOMETRYTyp GEOGRAPHYTyp XMLPojcia zwizane z XML, typed vs untyped XML, namespace, schemaGenerowanie danych w postaci XML (klauzula FOR XML)Metody typu XML: nodes, exists, valueModyfikacja danych XML z poziomu SQLIndeksy budowane na kolumnach typu XMLWczytywanie XML z pliku na dyskuISBN 978-83-945846-2-7"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Are Building Their Own Fortune500 Grade Firewalls!" |
"Hi Im Brian,I have personally configured and installed over 100 routers and firewalls, ranging in price from $50 to over $100,000 (Yes, over $100k!).In my years of experience, I've always been on the look-out for 'next great thing'.When it comes to firewalls, I think I have found it!Enroll in my course and I'll show you how I take an ordinary PC and transform it into a corporate grade firewall...using FREE Software!I avoid the tech talk and explain each step in a very down to earth, easy to understand fashion. I would dare say you might even find firewalls delightful after taking this course! I show you step by step how I install and configure the PfSense firewall software on an ordinary computer, one that was headed for recycling.Every day, our client's networks are protected by PfSense firewall software. You can learn how too!This course is designed for beginners.I've avoided all the fluff and only focus on what's needed to get your PfSense firewall up and running in the shortest amount of time.I'll be adding additional lectures on a regular basis - intermediate and advanced topics.I step you through:- PC Preparation- Software Downloading- PfSense CD Creation- Installation- ConfigurationWhat my Course IS NOT:This is not boring, copy and paste theory from the web. This is step-by-step, look over my shoulder, setup, installation, and configuration of powerful corporate grade firewall software.This is not regurgitated generic tech info. I install firewalls for a living for real clients. I know what I am talking about!If you install firewalls or are just a firewall hobbyist, this course is for you.As always - 30 day money back guarantee! So Dont Delay, Enroll Today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ACE the AP Statistics Exam and MASTER Elementary Statistics!" |
"Want to ace the AP Statistics exam and also do well in your class? Maybe you are taking an elementary or introductory statistics course in college and need the extra help. We'll help you do it with 90 lessons, including several hours of illustrated lecture video, several worked-out example questions, and a complete understanding of the graphing calculator and its statistical capabilities.Each lesson also comes with a downloadable word document of course notes to help you learn the material as you watch the video lessons.Although our course is catered towards high school students taking the AP test, college students in a first year statistics course will also find this class life-saving.Did we mention you'll also have an awesome teacher?Jerry Linch obtained his B.S. in Mathematics from the University of Nebraska and M.S. in Statistics from the University of Houston Clear Lake. With several years of practice in the actuarial field, he has an excellent understanding of the material and can explain the concepts at a level which any entry level student can understand. If you want a comprehensive course of all the AP Statistics topics and most all elementary statistics topics covered in a college course and explained with ease, then this course is for you."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Rock That Speech! Eliminate Stage Fright, Impress the Public" |
"Learn all the basic tips and tricks to make great, outstanding speeches every single time. You will be able to impress audiences, earn respect among your colleagues and friends with the simple, practical exercises in this course. Your level of confidence of stage will be absolutely phenomenal and speech writing will become much easier.Build a strong set of skills to help you conceptualize, write, format, practice and deliver great speeches for all levels, that get you encouraging feedback every single time.Recognize your current levelas a speaker; your strengths and weaknesses.Identify what skills truly powerful speakers have.Understand how to organize and format a speech.Learn the importance of Body Language and Vocal Variety.Get specific, practical tips that help you assimilate all the above and create compact, memorable speeches.Public Speaking is an invaluable skill for EVERYONE! Learning the basics of Public Speaking will help you shine out in your profession, class or even socially. Confidence is a great asset for any speaker and this course teaches you how to master it, in a very practical, project based manner.I can personally vouch for all the benefits I have had due to my speech skills, which helped me shine out as the Marketing Manager of the biggest mall in my country. My confidence levels soared and I soon found myself getting offers to work as a Corporate Trainer in other organisations as well, leading to a satisfyingcareer in speaking and training.Content and Overview This course issuitablefor all levels of speakers;those who want to beslowly guided as they getcomfortablespeaking on stage, to those who just want to brush up oncertain specific points.You will be taught in a practical manner, by comparing yourself before and after the course, to map your progress. The first practice project will require you to make a 'Before' video of yourself, which will help you understandyour assets as a speaker and points that need some guidance andpolishing.Further, you will learn how to evaluate good speakers and specific qualities they have, so that you can learn, emulate and teach yourself from anyone you admire; simply by watching them. Awareness is the key!Speech organisation will be taught in great detail, including speech Opening and Conclusion, which will help you maximize the impact as you make speeches that grab the attention of the audience and retain them till the end.A lot of emphasis will be given on developing your speaking voice, and how you present yourself as you speak. Body language and voice modulation have a major impact on audience's perception of the speaker and you will learn how to use them to your benefit.Finally, you will learn how to prepare speeches; how to practice, how to prepare yourself on D Day and how to walk up to that stage and impress them EVERY SINGLE TIME!Enroll now, for there is a 30 day money back guarantee should you not be a 100% satisfiedwith the course."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Accounting for Beginners : Learn Basics in under 1 Hour" |
"Hi,Warm welcome to the course page of accounting for beginners !This course is for beginners who want to learn accounting with simplified method. In this course, you will able to learn following from the help of excel sheet: basic accounting terms, accounting entries, accounting principles as per GAAP, concept of accrual vs prepayment, methods of cash accounting vs accrual accounting, accounting cycle, how to prepare ledger, how to make trial balance and prepare financial statements.More than 2000+ students get the benefits.The course has +79 minutes of content having 20 lectures. First section is introduction section. Second part is theory part explaining fundamentals of accounting, accounting terms, accounting principles as per GAAP, concept of cash accounting vs accrual accounting. In third section, I have explained how to do basic accounting via drafting ledgers and preparing trial balance. Fourth part is having ex plainer videos about how to prepare financial statements and close the accounts. Fifth section is resources in which I have given 10 Exercises so that you can do repetition what you have learnt.Additionally there are quizzes given after completion of each section for knowledge testing. You should take this course because it is simple and still effective and covering basics in very short duration. After completion of course, Your accounting fundamentals will be strong and you will be able to do basic accounting for business or at job or for client. You can view preview lectures FREE before purchasing !For puchasing, Just click the take this course button. You have nothing to lose. In fact, you have got a lot to gain.Thanks,Tarannum"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Private Pilot Licence Groundschool - Test Prep (EASA)" |
"Welcome to the online Private Pilot Licence Ground School, which helps you consolidate your aviation knowledge and prepares you to succeed in the theoretical examinations required for the issue of a PPL - Private Pilot Licence (Aeroplane). The material is conveniently organized into chapters based on subjects and includes revision videos, practice questions and mock exams. The questions in the mock exams are carefully selected and represent the exact same questions you might find in the real PPL theoretical exams. This course promotes better understanding and consolidates the knowledge acquired as well as identifies any areas of weakness prior to attempting the exams themselves. Begin your studies with a classroom or home-study ground school course, which involves reading Private Pilot books and/or using computer based training. Conclude your studies with this Test Preparation course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How To Use the CRP-5 Flight Computer and Smash the Exams" |
"Enroll Now and Receive A Life Time Access on Your Computer, Phone and Tablet. Want to Become a Pilot? Looking for a Course to Learn How to Operate a Navigation Computer (CRP5)and Practice Hundreds of Questions. Congratulations - You've come to the right place - Enrol Now!Learn how to solve flight planning and navigation calculations, in order to pass your pilot licence ground examinations. Know what examiners are looking for and how to solve problems quickly and accurately without losing time for other more time consuming questions. The course provides you with the support and knowledge which brings you closer to achieving your dream of becoming a pilot.Majority of students find operating a navigation computer challenging and difficult to learn. This course includes over 22 lectures and 2 hours of content. Lectures are mashup, which means that you will be presented with a video and a PDF document side-by-side so you can easily follow the lecture notes while watching the video. Each lecture is then followed by a quiz, which tests your skills and knowledge and provides you with feedback of your performance. Once you have completed all lectures you will be able to undertake ATPL Practice Exams and identify your strengths and weaknesses. Any questions that may arise from following the course will be answered within 24 hours by the instructor.I designed this course to be easily understood by student pilots and serve as an exam preparation tool for them. Qualified pilots will also benefit from the course by keeping their skills and knowledge sharp and up to date.At the end of the course you will be able to perform all types of calculations quickly and accurately, understand the full potential and benefit of the navigation computer and receive a verifiable certificate of completion. What is more?You will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits!The course is updated frequently, and of course all future updates are absolutely FREE!Get dedicated support from the course Instructor and the learning community anytime you need!The course is part of PeakAviation - a company producing great pilot training content!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Pilates: Mat Pilates Sequence Beginner to Advanced" |
"This course will teach you the Classical Mat Pilates sequence from complete beginner to advanced level. You will start by learning the fundamentals (neutral position, correct breathing, where the core muscles are and how to engage them) and move through short classes to prepare you for the sequence. In a short time you will feel the incredible benefits Pilates offers.""A few well-designed movements, properly performed in a balanced sequence, are worth hours of doing sloppy calisthenics or forced contortion."" Joseph Pilates This course is summed up so well in this quote. I have seen clients transform their bodies in a few short months by following the complete Pilates Classical Mat sequence. Although the physical changes are astonishing in such a short time, the benefits to their health are equally amazing: - Most become more body aware within 3 classesPosture improvesChronic back pain disappearsEnergy levels are enhancedFlexibility and Mobility increaseSports injuries are less frequent Clients report that they feel calmer and less stressedFlat abs, strong back and that long, lean look that Pilates givesImproved bone densityBetter control of the pelvic floorPilates is THE BEST preparation for pregnancy and can really help with recoveryAnyone can do Pilates: you don't have to be young or a contortionist: the age range for my clients are from 18 to 84 years of age and once you have learned the sequence, you have it for life. This course consists of a Pilates Guide booklet in PDF format; 11 hours of videos: workshops, classes for beginner, intermediate and advancedThe complete matwork sequence suitable for that level. The workshops teach the basics of Pilates and so this is where you start and refer back anytime you need a reminder. You will learnNeutral position, the ideal alignment for pelvis and spineThoracic (lateral) breathing How to locate the core muscles and engage themDrills to strengthen the core musclesHow to set up correctly and prepare for each exerciseHow and when to breathe and how breathing can progress exercisesThe Principles of Pilates which will take your practice to a new levelThe classes teach you all the exercises you will need for the Mat sequence and each prepares you for the next. ""Great instructor. The exercises evolve naturally in difficulty. Timely and clear cues."" 5* review from Katarina, a studentYou should practice each class until you feel comfortable to move on. The sequence should be repeated at least 10 times, every other day. You will then be ready to move on to the next level.It is possible to complete this course within 3 months for the fit and injury free; 5 to 6 months is achievable for most people. ""With her gentle voice, clear instructions and perfect pacing, Josie takes us through beginner, intermediate and advanced lessons. Her prompts and self-check reminders seem to come exactly when needed. There are ample opportunities to practice and progress at each level, and will benefit all ages and body types."" 5* review from Susan Pav""In 10 sessions you will feel the difference. In 20 you will see the difference. And in 30 you will have a whole new body."" Joseph Pilates"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How to Increase your Productivity and get more out of life" |
"Do you ever wish you could do more with less?Its something that we all think about, and we search for an app or a self help guru, but then we get distracted again. The problem is that the solution isnt out there to be found its deep inside you. Youre the one who holds the keys to unlocking your own boundless productivity, so lets make it happen Ive spent a lifetime studying the art and science of personal productivity. In that time Ive taken the best of the best from the experts and gurus, and created a simple one volume book that will be by your side wherever life takes you: Learn the secrets of the most productive people on the planet Create habits and rituals that will never let you down Manage your time and energy better than ever before Communicate and inform in a way that gets more done in an hour than most people can in a week Ready to Become Super Productive?By learning and implementing proven techniques step-by-step, youll be able to reshape your life in a natural and sustainable way. Just what you need to be able to work smarter, not harder."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt" |
"2017 Updates- Overview of Lean Updated (course activities added). Overview of Waste Updated (course activities added).-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The six sigma yellow belt course is developed exclusively for individuals seeking to gain an understanding of lean, six sigma and continuous improvement strategy and techniques. The course has been setup in such a way that it is affordable foreveryone. Lean six sigma is a great way to show your employer you are ready for more, and have the skills and desire to help support a strategic journey. Learn to improve quality and reduce defects and find and eliminate waste within your organization. The average lean six sigma yellow belt makes between 10 and 15% more than individuals who are not yet certified.Six sigma yellow will gain a proficient understanding of basic problem solving methods and core concepts and principles of both lean and six sigma. Additionally the course is equipped with key take aways and quizzes to ensure that you retain your new skill set and are ready to support lean and six sigma activities. Courses are equipped with key terminologies and templates for you to utilize at your organizations. So what are you waiting for, enroll today."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Lean Manufacturing made Easy - Introduction to Lean" |
"Introduction to Leanis the perfect introductory course. It helps Students understand the foundational concepts of lean along with sharing key principles, tools and techniques. The course can be taken by an organization's entire workforce no matter what skill level the employee is currently at.In this course you will learn about the following topics:Overview of lean.Overview of waste.Lean culture.What problems are.Value streams.Details and general solutions associated with each form of waste.Kaizen.Gemba.Pull systems.What flow is.Takt time.Zero quality control.Root cause analysis.Key lean tools.Basic problem solving methodologies.Watch the free previewand enroll today!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lean tools you can use ""5S""" |
"2017 Updates- Overview of Lean Updated (course activities added). Overview of Waste Updated (course activities added). The 5S systemhas been taking the manufacturing world by storm. It's only been in recent years that this core Method has been discovered in office and serviceenvironments too. As a starting point for people new to Continuous Improvement and Lean principles you will learn 5S at its most advanced state. At the end of this module you will be able to understand What 5S is and why this methodology is sweeping the world. You will also be provided with slides and checklists for you to use in conducting your own 5S event. Using the 5S system master tool provided in this course will allow students to have a better understanding of the key elements and activities needed to perform a successful event and sustain your results.Enroll today and begin acquiring solutions that will ignite your power."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Lean Six Sigma White Belt" |
"2017 Updates - Overview of Lean Updated (course activities added). Overview of Waste Updated (course activities added).05/23/2016- Course content being updated with DMAIC, DMADV, PDCA introductions. Lean Principles and 8 forms of waste now added in basics of Lean section.03/03/2016- Course Updated added ABC's of lean, letters will be updated weekly.Lean and Six Sigma is now common in Organizations all over the world. Our Goal is to teach you the Key concepts you need to be able to act as an agent for Lean Six Sigma in your organization. This course will outline a Foundation of knowledge for you. You will learn about the History of Six Sigma, Some Key methodologies used in six sigma, including the DMAIC method. We will also cover the basic concepts of Lean."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"8 Major Forms of Waste in Organizations" |
"2017 Updates- Overview of Lean Updated (course activities added). Overview of Waste Updated (course activities added).-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Every Organization has waste in it, Infact as much as 75% of daily operations in any work environment can be hidden wastes or of no value. It is through the complete elimination of these major forms of Waste that a company can experience increased throughput times, lower inventory, shorter lead times and more efficient use of Company assets. This course will prepare employees and or Organizations to identify waste within their respective environments. We will also look at an overview of some basic methods of eliminating each of these forms of waste. Students will also receive Professional Development statement for taking this course and certification of completion."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Unlock Your Natural Charisma [The Myth of Confidence]" |
"Unlock Your Natural Charisma [The Myth of Confidence] More important than confidence is being natural, engaging, genuine. Figure out your own dating habits, and how to reverse the ones that are hurting your dates. When dating is no longer a mystery, it becomes fun and exciting, and women will feel that way around you."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Strike Up Conversations with Women and Enjoy Doing it" |
"How to Strike Up Conversations with Women and Enjoy Doing It [Guide to Meeting New People]In the course you will learn how to start conversations with women, what to say and how to say it so that it looks natural, is socially acceptable, and will get a positive response from the women whom you approach.You will also learn the right way to carry on the conversation you started in order to eventually get her phone number, after which you will learn how to exit that conversation gracefully."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Body Language Decoded. [Mens Guide to Non Verbal Signals]" |
"Body Language Decoded [Mens Guide to Non Verbal Signals]In this course you will learn about the non verbal communication from an expert dating and bodylanguage coach. You will learn to pick up on, and have better control of sub-contexts, emotional progression on dates, eye contact, body language, and many more nuances that are present and important, but not directly discussed or focused on."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |