Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"WordPress - From Zero to First Blog" |
"These WordPress tutorials for beginners will take you step-by-step from zero to your first blog.Are you a budding entrepreneur? A stay at home parent? A Student? Retired? Do you want to make money working from home?You know you need a website. But how to build your own website or blog from scratch?There's no need to learn HTML or code (four letter words) or understand all the nerdy/geeky jargon.This WordPress for absolute beginners course will show you, in over-the-shoulder videos, how to get your website up and running, ready to start writing your first blog.The videos are downloadable so you can watch them on your mobile device whenever you have a few spare minutes. Check out the free previews in Sections 1 and 3.You'll get lifetime access and all updates to the course. And if, for any reason, you're not completely satisfied there's a 30-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked.-------------------------------------------------------------------------What's in the course?First youll learn the secret sauce to getting an awesome domain name and choosing a great hosting company. Then Ill show you the easy way to set up a blog. You wont need to learn how to download WordPress because I'll show you how to install WordPress with just a few clicks using your control panel (cPanel).Your new website will be a work of art because youll choose a theme you love. Ill show you how to quickly find the right free theme, out of all the thousands of themes out there, using my special technique. Youll learn about plugins and widgets (what's a widget?) and youll create a professional-looking email address using your own awesome domain name.And finally youll learn how to use the WordPress editor. Youll discover how to create headings and sub-headings, format the text and add images to make your webpages look spectacular.------------------------------------------------------------------------So whether you want to share your knowledge with the world or you want to make money blogging this course will get you started.Click the big green button now to Take This Course and Ill see you on the inside.-------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SAP - Installing and Configuring SAP in Linux" |
"Want to know how to install SAP in Linux online, step by step? oryou are looking to learn the way SAP looks in Linux, or you want to upgrade your OS knowledge to the next level, or you are just thinking of changing your OS platform for SAP from Windows to Linux, then this is the right course for you to start. Most of the companies prefer their SAPservers to run on UNIX, So this course will surely help you to leap your first step towards it. The lectures are simple and well explained.This course is a complete Step by Step guide showing you how to install and configure SAP NetWeaver 7.0 EHP 3 in Linux."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"2020 - 5 Steps To Turn Your Idea Into A Profitable Business" |
"I'll show you how to accelerate your business idea into a stunning success. The size of you start up doesnt matter. Ive taught this system to individual founders, right up to multi-national companies. After this course, youll be able to use the easy to implement strategies to create highly valued products and services which customers want to buy. You'll also learn how to accelerate your business by focusing on just a few key areas. I've made the 5 steps easy to understand and implement so anyone can follow and use these techniques. This course has been used by thousands of start ups around the world. Ive broken this course down into 5 simple steps and have also included 3 BONUS sections.Also included are document templates for you to download and use. These will give your new venture added acceleration. Here's What Others Have Said:Vannda North, Author of Mind Chi - 'Thanks so much. Loved the videos. A super presentation and great follow up!'Stephen Brock, Founder of Spotcheckers - 'This is very refreshing. Not the normal thing you hear at all.'Jane Dean, PR Consultant - 'I love it. The videos are excellent. Thank you.'Becks Neal, Brand Consultant and Designer - 'I'd definitely recommend taking the opportunity to learn from Alan. His top tips help reduce and eliminate barriers people face.'"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Families and Addictions by Solace Sabah" |
"This is the world's first course on Addictions in Udemy and crafted for families in Addiction. If you have someone who is suffering from addiction in your family or would like to understand what addiction does to families, this is the course for you!You will learn:Overview of Addiction as a diseaseThe belief system Family Dynamics and roles they playPhases of Addiction and progression in the familyCodependency After this course, you will be able to identify the above and understand them, taking your awareness and preparedness to a new level while dealing with addiction. If you are a professional, this course will help you understand the role of the family in a treatment setting."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Instructional Design : Classroom Training Essentials" |
"Train The Trainer : Become An Effective Corporate Trainer : Classroom Training TechniquesBecome an 11x More Effective Corporate Trainer This Year - The Basics Of Instructional DesignThe proven method to easily improve student engagement and create an effective and memorable classroom learning experienceAs an instructor, trainer, facilitator or teacher, how many of these situations can you relate to?Those students in the back row stop paying attention 30 minutes into your training and you're just not sure how to bring them back.Only a handful of your students typically ask questions, but you'd like to know how to get more students involved.You know that asking questions would get more students involved, but you're scared of losing control of the conversation and/or the class.Because more of your students are quiet, you assume they are comprehending what you are teaching. But then those same students email or call you only days after your course with questions that they should know the answers to.You regularly find yourself with way too much material to cover in the time that you have, which leaves you feeling rushed and exhausted.Here's what I know: These classroom scenarios are very, very common. But, by tackling these scenarios the right way, you can be profoundly more effective in the classroom than you currently are or ever thought you could be!In this 36-lesson, 4-hour course, you will learn:Six critical facts and principles about your students and how they learnWhich of your current classroom techniques are not working and why they aren't workingHow to apply the participant-centered tips and techniques of FacilitationIf you are willing to critically evaluate your current approach to training, be open to learning some new training techniques, and do some hard work both during and after this course, I will partner with you to help you become a dramatically more effective and confident trainer, instructor, facilitator, or teacher.In other words: Once you've completed the Facilitation Basics course, you will never look at training the same way again!#trainthetrainer #instructionaldesign #classroomtraining"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Elimine a Procrastinao: Aumente sua Produtividade +3 Bnus" |
"Bnus #1: Verso COMPLETA em PDF do curso Elimine a Procrastinao: Aumente sua Produtividade ( 70 pginas )Bnus #2: Curso Estratgias Prticas para Aumentar sua Produtividade ( +13 aulas )Bnus #3: Curso Tcnica Pomodoro: Dobre sua Produtividade ( +32 aulas )* * *Se voc tem a sensao de que as 24 horas do seu dia no so suficientes para fazer tudo o que voc precisa, se voc est sempre atrasado, no consegue dar conta dos seus compromissos, se no consegue arranjar um tempinho para se divertir nem dar ateno sua famlia, e se voc quer terminar as coisas que voc comea e parar de procrastinar, esse treinamento definitivamente para voc.Voc vai descobrir nas aulas deste curso que, ao contrrio do que a maioria das pessoas pensa, o processo para se tornar mais produtivo no depende de mtodos complexos de gerenciamento do tempo que complicam mais do que ajudam.O grande segredo da produtividade, que na verdade no tem nada de secreto, aplicar pequenas mudanas na forma de planejar seus objetivos, e de executar suas tarefas de forma organizada, respeitando o impacto que cada uma delas vai causar na sua vida.Voc vai aprender a focar nas coisas certas e eliminar tudo aquilo que atrapalha seu desempenho e impede voc de evoluir.Esquea a ideia de encontrar um super sistema, ou mtodo milagroso que vai resolver seus problemas num instante. Isso simplesmente no existe. E talvez, no fundo voc j saiba disso, s no admitiu ainda. Voc precisa entender que quanto mais simples for o seu sistema de gesto de tarefas, maior ser a chance de voc realmente aplic-lo no seu dia a dia.Se tornar uma pessoa mais produtiva e conseguir aproveitar melhor a vida uma questo de escolha. E nesse curso, com um pouco de empenho e disciplina voc vai aprender a:Pensar de forma mais produtivaPreparar seu corpo e sua mente para ter mais energia e disposioEliminar as distraes que s te atrapalham e consomem seu tempoDescobrir o que importante e eliminar o que no Formular metas detalhadas e criar um plano de aoCriar novos hbitos e corrigir os vciosPlanejar seus projetos de forma mais inteligenteDescobrir como simplificar seus objetivosDefinir metas e aes especficasOrganizar seu ambiente de trabalho ou estudoCriar novos hbitos de forma simplesEliminar distraes fsicas e digitaisOrganizar e priorizar suas atividadesAprimorar sua capacidade de concentraoLidar com tarefas entediantesentre vrias outras estratgiasNo existe nenhuma exigncia para fazer esse curso, pois qualquer pessoa perfeitamente capaz de se tornar mais produtiva desde que se comprometa a aplicar as lies do curso.As dicas que voc vai ver aqui esto totalmente FOCADAS EM AUMENTAR E MELHORAR seus nveis de planejamento, foco e ao.Voc vai conhecer algumas solues para resolver seus problemas decorrentes da falta de tempo, e ainda mais importante do que isso, voc vai aprender a criar suas prprias solues.E voc pode aprender tudo isso quando e onde voc quiser, acessando o curso do seu computador, tablete ou smartphone. Alm disso, voc tem 30 dias de garantia, ou seja, se por qualquer motivo voc no gostar do curso voc pode solicitar o reembolsoClique no boto fazer este curso para descobrir como Eliminar a Procrastinao e se Tornar mais Produtivo.Nos vemos no curso, at l!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Animao no PowerPoint: Slides Animados e Efeitos Incrveis" |
"Bem-vindo ao Animao no PowerPoint, eu sou Ismar Souza e a partir de agora vou mostrar que voc no precisa mais sofrer com apresentaes de slides sem graa e altamente entediantes.Muito pelo contrrio, saiba que se voc tem o PowerPoint instalado no seu computador, voc tem todas as ferramentas necessrias para criar efeitos criativos, que prendem a ateno, e que no final das contas, nem parecem que foram criados com o PowerPoint.Nesse curso voc vai aprender na prtica diversos efeitos de animao enquanto desenvolve projetos passo-a-passo comigo. E como eu disse, voc vai perceber que com poucos recursos j possvel conseguir resultados incrveis.E o melhor que uma vez que aprender a criar esses efeitos, voc pode aplica-los nas suas apresentaes da escola ou faculdade, apresentaes profissionais ou em vdeos de vendas e vdeo-aulas.Ento no perca mais tempo, clique em fazer este curso e comece a criar slides animados hoje mesmo."
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Curso Prtico de Redao para Concursos e Vestibulares" |
"A redao ainda a maior preocupao quando falamos de concursos, vestibulares ou exames como o do ENEM. E com razo, pois a redao tem um peso enorme na nota da prova, por isso, no conseguir escrever um bom texto pode custar sua aprovao no teste.No basta conhecer sobre um determinado assunto; preciso saber expressar sua opinio de forma clara.O Curso Prtico de Redao para ENEM, Concursos e Vestibulares uma excelente oportunidade para voc aprender definitivamente a escrever uma redao bem estruturada, utilizar linguagem adequada, expor suas ideias e apresentar argumentos de forma lgica e coerente. Escrever bem uma habilidade que pode ser desenvolvida como qualquer outra, e neste curso voc vai adquirir o conhecimento essencial para aprender a escrever melhor de acordo com a norma padro, conhecer as regras mais importantes de ortografia, conhecer os passos para uma boa redao, e muito mais!Tudo isso em mais de 30 aulas totalmente em vdeo. Voc pode assistir quando e onde quiser, do seu computador, tablet ou smartphone. Alm disso, voc pode treinar o que vai aprender nos questionrios e baixar os materiais adicionais par reforar sua aprendizagem! Ento no perca tempo, clique em fazer este curso e comece a escrever suas redaes agora mesmo!"
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Mac Basics: Mastering your Mac for home and business" |
"Important Information:This course is designed to mimic an instructive friend helping you to learn the Mac. It is not a hyper-focused course where you go from slide toslide. It's meant to be informative,fun,andrelaxed. (Students who have macOS Sierra (10.12) andmacOS High Sierra (10.13) will find this course still relevant. The fundamentals really never change, so come on in. ;)This course is for those who are new to Apple computers. Whether you're transitioning from Windows, or you've just purchased a Mac for the first time, this course is built solely for you, the new Mac user. The only item required for this course is an Apple computer with at least Mountain Lion (OS X 10.8) installed on it.(Click the Apple icon in the upper left-hand corner of your screen and tap ""About this Mac"" to see in the ""Overview"" tab, what version your operating system is.)In short, this course will be like sitting down with a friend who gently guides and teaches you everything you need to know about your Mac. I loved taking care of people and their Macs while at Apple HQ, so you'll get nothing less here at Udemy.Join the thousands of students who've already taken the plunge to learn about one of the best computers ever made!Side note:This course has over 4.5 hours of content and doesn't provide popcorn (you don't have to do it one sitting). So, if you plan to binge this course, then grab your favorite snack and beverage and get ready for some excitement."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Linux Security Fundamentals: Level up your security skills" |
"Are you interested in learning more about Linux Security? Then this is course for you! This course will teach you how to better secure a Linux system as well as understand how various Linux security controls work to increase security and meet compliance with various regulations. You will learn fundamentals of security such as users, permissions as well as more advanced topics like Selinux, auditing and PAM. You will also learn how to set up various services such as Rsyslog. This course is a mix of lecture and demos to help you understand the concepts. To succeed in this course you should have a basic understanding of Linux System administration to include things like setting up networking, editing files and basic file management. This course focuses on Centos and Red Hat Linux, but some of the concepts would apply to other distributions as well. I would recommend you have access to a Centos or Red Hat system so you can follow along with some of the demos. Access can be provided by Amazon AWS and you can use the free tier if desired. I am not affiliated in any way with either Red Hat or Centos."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP)" |
"This course introduces Natural Language Processing through the use of python and the Natural Language Tool Kit. Through a practical approach, you'll get hands on experience working with and analyzing text.As a student of this course, you'll get updates for free, which include lecture revisions, new code examples, and new data projects.By the end of this course you will:Have an understanding of how to use the Natural Language Tool Kit.Be able to load and manipulate your own text data.Know how to formulate solutions to text based problems.Know when it is appropriate to apply solutions such as sentiment analysis and classification techniques."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Gluten Free Cooking for Weight Loss" |
"*UPDATED AUGUST2016Why Has the Gluten Free Diet Become So Popular?Everywhere you look today restaurants, grocery stores, and even some fast food establishments are starting to advertise for their gluten free items. But why?The Truth About GlutenHere are some things that you may not know about foods that contain gluten. The starches and sugars they contain cause you to gain weight and body fatGluten proteins have evolved over time and have developed defense mechanisms that actually hurt your stomach lining, and impair your digestion. Wheat, rye, and barley ACTUALLY make you hungrier so it is harder to eat them and lose weight!Why do you think gluten allergies have become so prominent recently?The Gluten Free Diet and Weight LossJust because a product is gluten free, doesn't mean that it is healthy for you. In fact, some gluten free products can be JUST AS BAD for gaining wait as gluten present products. The reality is that you need to know what gluten free foods to eat so that you can lose weight effectively Why a Gluten Free Diet is PERFECT for Weight LossThe truth is, removing gluten from your diet can be one of the most effective ways that you can lose weight, but you have to do it properly. By removing gluten from your diet and eating real, naturally gluten free foods, you will transform your body and the way you think about food. What you are getting in this courseLose weight, cut your body fat percentage, and improve your energy with a gluten free diet. Lose weight without ever having to set foot in a gym. No exercise required!Awesome, naturally gluten free recipes that will help you lose weight. Save hours of time in the kitchen by cooking 5 star restaurant meals while you sleep.No calories cutting! Eat until you are full and still lose weight. Lose 20-50+ pounds of body fat by filling up on savory and spicy gluten free recipes. **Click ""Take this Course"" to start losing weight on the gluten free diet NOW!**"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Apprendre le Terminal de Mac OS X" |
"Dans ce cours, vous allez dcouvrir l'application Terminal de votre Mac.Zro connaissance requiseCette formation est pour ceux qui dbutent. Pas pour les administrateurs systme et les responsables rseaux!Le cours est conu pour ceux qui veulent mieux contrler leur Mac et apprendre comment devenir un ""power user"".Plus rapide, plus efficace, plus puissantA la fin de cette formation, vous serez plus productif que n'importe quel utilisateur de Mac: vous crirez une ligne de commande qui remplacera 12 ""clics"" de souris!En moyenne, un utilisateur du clavier et du Terminal passe 6 fois moins de temps sur ses dossiers et fichiers qu'un utilisateur de la souris dans l'interface graphique de Mac OS X.Comment suivre ce cours?Il est conseill de refaire les manipulations de la vido depuis votre propre Terminal: c'est ainsi que vous apprendrez rapidement et que vous vous habituerez l'utilisation de l'interface ""ligne de commande"".Quand c'est possible, comparez l'utilisation d'une commande dans le Terminal avec la manipulation ncessaire dans le Finder ( la souris et au clavier): au bout des deux premires leons, vous serez convaincu du gain de temps grce au Terminal...Des questions?Le Terminal est un apprentissage permanent.Commencez par une utilisation de base et appliquez vos connaissances avances petit petit.Il n'est jamais ncessaire de tout connatre: si vous avez des questions dans le cadre de ce cours, je vous rpondrai.Pour cela, il vous suffit de la poser dans le fil de la discussion du cours."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Warp Speed Math (Addition) - Learning Math the Faster Way" |
"Math will never be the same again. No frustration, No phobia. There is wise way of doing Math with ""smartcuts"" to become the Math Smarts on your Math Path.Warp Speed Math course will enable youto add numbers quickly and easily in your mind even if the numbers are NOT written in front of you. to strengthen your memory, concentration and visualization skills by learning to hold numbers in your mind and build up digit by digit to get the build your confidence by eliminating number crunching save time in competitive exams like GRE, GMAT, ACT etc"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Leadership Beginner to Advance" |
"Do you want to become a Leadership Expert? Do you want to advance your career or land a new job? Do you need to do Professional Development? Or are you just wanting to learn a new skill ************************************************************ Did you know that Leadership was rated in the top 5 skills that employers look for when they hire a new employee. And that 92% of employers would hire an employee with a leadership certificate over one without. Why not join the community of learners that has now grown to in excess of 500 Students! ************************************************************** What will I receive? Lifetime access to this courseAn Instructor who is willing and able to answer any leadership questions you may have.30 Day Udemy Full Money Back GuaranteeOne of the Most Updated Courses on Udemy Lectures that have been optimised for IOS and Android Devices so you can take it with you.(Large text and Images.Certificate of Completion ***************************************************************** Enrol Now and make a difference in your life! **************************************************************** Updates: 20 November 2015 Lectures 1,2 and 3 now have Closed Captioning Still to Come New Section on Improving self as a leader All Lectures Closed Captions (Currently With Company)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Always Pass the Exam" |
"Do you want to know how you can always practically guarantee a pass on an exam?***************************************************************************I have taken many exams (Thousands) in my lifetime some I have aced and some I have failed. When I was studying for my Undergraduate Degree I was given many hints and tips on how to pass and since knowing these I have Never Failed. I have created this course to be one central place where all of these tips can be located. This is not your normal exam taking course. This is years of experience as a student, professional and academic combined into this single course.Considering the Time and Financial Outlay of Studying this course is Fantastic Value.As an experiment I told one of my current classes just a few of these tips and they achieved substantially better results in their final exam.****************************************************************************Why Not Join Over 800 Students Already Enrolled. You Can Only Benefit Enrol Now!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Alibaba - The Complete Guide to the Import Business" |
"Do you want to learn how to use Alibaba and import directly from China? Are you sick of seeing so many products with the markings 'Made in China' and want a piece of the pie?Are you an Amazon or eBay seller and wish to cut out the middlemen?Do you want a business plan that is tried and tested and real actionable advice?If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is the course for you! Welcome to one of the most detailed and comprehensive Alibaba course on Udemy! With over 4 hours of HDvideo! Are you stuck with getting your Alibaba based import business off the ground and need a little help? Or, Have you tried to buy on Alibaba before and failed, found yourself a victim of a nasty scam? Or, Are you just an intrigued, knowledge seeking and personal development orientated type of person and just want to learn something new!No matter how you answered, the questions above this course would help you achieve your importation business goal. The first time I encountered Alibaba, I looked and thought it was a scam! I could not believe my eyes. I quickly realized how ripped off I had been locally sourcing my products.This course has been designed to take you as a novice or intermediate and boost you to apersonal mini-expert in the field! First, you will learn some tricks to the trade that will set you apart as a pro these tips will give you the best chance of success so please do not take them lightly.After you are set up and ready to go we will then roll on to the actual interface it and I will show you around Alibaba and give you some insight into how we as importers can use it to look for suppliers, find a good supplier with the capability to make the product and how we avoid the scammers.You will also receive 7 product suggestions with a few that are great for someone getting started and some more for the intermediates in the class. Once you have these product ideas, I will then show you how you can use Amazon to find all of the best selling product. I will then speak to how to keep up with current trends and run a sustainable business.After this, we will look into the ways that you can sell your products to recover your money and make your nice little profit margin sometimes up to 1000% (Very few products with great business planning. This is not a get rich quick scheme. Most products run around 250% or less) I will also talk about import tax and business structures. Sadly I am not an Accountant, so I cannot give you specific advice, but I can give a general rule and show you some industry hacks to save time. Updates On top of this if you still do not feel satisfied that this course will cover everything you are after. Have a look at the Updates Section! I personally know the importance of having a highly relevant course that is up to date, full of useful information and teaches what the students want to learn. This is why I regularly post updates to the course covering a range of different topics in quick and to the point lectures! I have made it very easy to request these updates as well, and all are based on what the students in this course want to learn!Do not worry if you are not a business minded person! I also include a tonne of business tips such as my brand new cost-benefit analysis section! I look forward to seeing you in the course! If I still have not answered your question, please let me know, and I will happily explain anything about the course to you."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"50 Top Products You Should Import for Sale on Amazon or eBay" |
"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to our product suggestion for Amazon and eBay course. If you are stuck with what products to import for sale on Amazon or eBay, then this is the course for you! in this course, you will receive 50 product suggestions. That is right 50! Take the course price and divide that by 50. If that doesnt represent fantastic value to you, we really arent too sure what would. A little about the teaching methods used in this course When we set out to create this course, our focus was on creating a course that would go beyond just listing products from 1-50. That would be both boring and not very educational! For this reason, we explain the logic behind why we have selected each product to feature within the course. For this reason students have been able to find their own niche above and beyond the products featured within the course. How should this course be used for best results?First, it should be used as mere product suggestions. Once you get deeper into the import business, then we suggest coming back and retaking the course with more of a focus on the methodology side of the decisions. What is with the sections? This course breaks down products based on the skill level required to import them. We start by giving you very basic products These are products that we perceive as requiring minimal skill and background knowledge to go-ahead and import. From here we go into Intermediate products which carry slightly more risk as you start gaining your knowledge and confidence. Lastly, we end with expert products that are designed for emerging pros who can afford to carry risk in the hope of more return. Even these pro lectures are great for beginners as they demonstrate how to spot risk! Will this course guarantee success? Nope! Make no mistake the product is only part of the equation of making a successful business. However, it is a pretty important part! How relevant is this course in 2019?We kept this in mind when creating this course as not wanting to record a new version every year was one of the goals! Most of the products in this course are what can be considered as being timeless. Some products may be slightly different than expressed in the course. Although, the unedited sections For example USB 3.0 moving onto USB-C. Dont worry though we tried to avoid the fad products where possible! We would love to see you in the course so why not come and join us!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Learn Adwords & Facebook PPC With A Former Google Employee" |
"Join More than 1,100 Happy Students In 105 Countries and Learn PPC the Right way.- Learn How to Quickly Get More Customers with Adwords, Facebook PPC and More. - Learn the Simple Strategies Used by Digital Marketing Experts to Increase Online Sales.- Learn What Makes a Successful Campaign & Skip The Usual Long Learning Process.Take Our FREE Lectures Below and Get Started Right Now..Feedback from Just Some of Our Early Happy Students:""Really nice course. Good pace. Not too complex but very practical. Got a lot of great tips for my website"" - Greg Williams, USA.""Super course and very generous with your time 1:1. Lots of great ideas that I'm eager to get started on"". - Mike Mitchell, UK.""Great course! Easy to follow for a beginner and I can already setup lots of different types campaigns for my website"" - Mary-Siobhan, IrelandLearn how to Implement highly targeted campaigns with Facebook and Adwords without needing to spend weeks, months or even years learning the key principals of success on these platforms.You'll learn from a former Google employee who has helped hundreds of businesses and individuals achieve success through PPC advertising, conversion rate optimization and simple analytics insights that you can replicate.No complicated, hard to follow processes, just plain English and easy to follow steps to get results! You'll learn how to setup all types of campaigns, from simple to advanced, step by step from the beginning so you can attract your ideal customers to your website in just a few hours.Learn how to avoid the mistakes that 90% of marketers make when using these platforms.Learn how to save money While Advertising and Still Improve Performance and Get More Website Visitors.You'll even learn how to get your website visitors to purchase from you more often without increasing costs and without having to touch any website code.You'll see everything in easy to follow steps so you can learn advanced techniques without the complex jargon and instructions that usually make these topics so hard to learn.Most Importantly, You'll Learn how to make more money using these marketing channels.Preview the FREE lectures below Now and see how actionable the course content really is! The Benefits of This Course?More Than 50 Lectures and More than 5 Hours of video ContentThe Most Up to Date Content on These Platforms on Udemy.The Ability to Confidently Implement Highly Targeted Campaigns on Facebook and Adwords in Minutes.The Rare Skill of Being Able to Attract the Right Types of Customers to Your Website AND Get Them to Take Action (Buy From You).The Ability to Use Analytics to Gain Revenue Driving Insights from Your Website without Learning Complicated Tools and Reports.Full Course Content Support From Your Instructor 7 Days A WeekA Complete Certificate from The Edessa Institute."
Price: 154.99 ![]() |
"Confidence through Comedy" |
"Learn how to grow your communication skills, personality and comic potential for use in everyday situations with this unique course on Udemy.Begin with simple talk loosening exercises, eye contact, comedy analysis through to joke writing and conversation adapting, plus learn to lighten and lift your demeanour and persona.Skills to study, practice and create all at your own pace for your own needs. It's the most fun you can have on an online course and you are at the centre of it.What are the requirements?An open mind, enthusiasm and a sense of funWhat am Igoing to get from this course?An incite intothe world of comedy creationDiscovering why and how jokes make us laughBuilding onyour own conversational styleNatural self-confidence growth as you feel more comfortable with your own conversationLearning how to link subject matters andsteer conversations your wayBelieving in your own sense of humour"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Winning College Scholarships in High School" |
"This 5-hour video course is for every high school student and parent who wants to know how they are going to ever pay for college!It's designed so that YOU will win Free Money to pay for college in the form of college scholarships that are a perfect fit for YOU!There are thousands of college scholarships out there. How will you sift through them? Which ones are worth your time and effort, and which are just a waste of time? Once you find them, how do you apply to win? What can your family do to significantly UP your chances of winning a highly-competitive, highly-valuable top scholarship and to REDUCE the amount you pay out-of-pocket for college?By taking this course, you'll be on the road to earning thousands of dollars in college scholarships. It's our goal to teach you how to find those thousands of dollars and claim them for yourself, before the other kids get to them first!This well-organized 5-hour video course includes sections on:Finding College Scholarships and Narrowing Your Scholarship ListApplying For and Winning College ScholarshipsAlternative Financial Aid OptionsEnd-of-Section Quizzes to Increase ComprehensionAdditional Relevant Articles in PDF formatBonus Section!Start this course today before deadlines disappear and scholarship opportunities evaporate. Paying for college will be in the top-10 decisions of your financial life - don't put it off another moment.Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the upper-right of this page to get started!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Conquer SAT Vocabulary For Higher Reading & Verbal Scores!" |
"Welcome! My name is Christian and I'm a highly-experienced pro SAT tutor with multiple perfect test scores under my belt.SAT Vocabulary has always been a speciality of mine, even since I was in high school myself. Because of my daily habits, careful planning, and elite-level SAT tutoring, I found it quite easy to get a perfect score on SAT vocabulary by the time I was in 10th grade. Since graduating from a Top-10 ranked college and founding my own SAT tutoring business Love the SAT!, I've helped coach hundreds of high school students to higher SAT verbal scores in under 5 years though my natural gift and talent (even passion!) for vocabulary skills.Let me share my natural gifts of vocab with you (or your high schooler) so that you too can get closer to YOUR perfect score on the SAT vocab and verbal sections.These timeless lessons will apply to any college-bound high schooler aspiring to develop their vocabulary for SAT / ACT testing and for all the college-level vocabulary that they will soon encounter.This complete introduction to SAT vocabulary skills includes:Over an hour of high-definition video from a perfect-scoring, highly experienced pro SAT tutor. Hi-def video and audio gives me the chance to share my knowledge of vocabulary without a crummy audio-visual experience getting in the way.More than 20 independent lectures on score-boosting topics from the best vocab flashcard techniques to the true value behind vocab shortcuts like roots, prefixes, and suffixes. (For example, do you know how you can use cutting-edge technology and a three-thousand-year-old language to boost your SAT vocab score?)Supplemental materials are included in the course, like PDF articles from our SAT prep blog archives with exclusive content you won't get from anybody else.Final Review Quiz. Demonstrate your knowledge and increase your confidence and comprehension with the comprehensive end-of-course quiz.30-day money back guarantee (no questions asked). This is extended by Udemy and I fully support your right to be satisfied with the video course or else get a complete refund.If you're still reading, this course was tailor-made for YOU - now it's time to take action!Click the ""Enroll"" button at the top-right of your screen to take this course and get your SAT vocab score going up in under 60 seconds!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Ultimate Time Management for Teens and Students" |
"Are you a BUSY TEENAGER ready to stop fumbling around in high school and become a top student?Or, are you the PARENT of a teenager, who wants your kid to transform their HECTIC lifestyle into a SUCCESSFUL one?And, do personal fulfillment and happiness matter to you as much or more than keeping up with the Joneses?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If any one of the points above applies to you, then pay attention to what I'm about to tell you (even MORE so if two of the previous descriptions fit you!)Teens and high schoolers can take this course to experience a whole-life transformation - to find new purpose in their high school lifestyle as WELL as uncover more free time and ditch stress - ALL while actually improving your college resume!Transform from being tossed around by events in high school to charting your own path in life.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wanted to include just a few testimonials from my time as a teacher:""Just a short note to tell you WHAT a FABULOUS job that you are doing with the class. Luke has really appreciated your teaching manner & not complained about going! WOW credit to you!! Best,"" - Jennifer N. (Mom of one of my students)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""By the way, thank you for the added bonus of guiding Alia in her future. She said you were an excellent SAT teacher, but more importantly a remarkable life coach! ;-))"" - Jinous R (Mom of one of my students)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""Love the SAT has been a lifesaver for my SAT score! I came into it thinking it was just another SAT class, but after just one class I felt an improvement. My attitude has changed into a more positive one because of the teacher, Christian. His enthusiasm and tips and tricks made a huge difference! After a lot of practice with the skills I've learned at Love the SAT, my score improved by 400 points. I'm very satisfied with my score, and I highly recommend Love the SAT!"" - Kasmira M., high school student-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It's not hard to help a smart teenager TRANSFORM their life in high school, but it DOES require an exceptionally talented, empathetic and experienced teacher who students can relate to.Sometimes it's hard for parents and students to make the connection, since it's such an INTENSE relationship during high school and you're both under so much pressure.That's where I come in! As a tutor, entrepreneur, and a bit of a difficult case myself in high school, I have a rare talent for helping teens go from a constant state of rushing panic (or a state of aimless laziness!) to a calm, measured and successful approach to life that's more FUN and more SUCCESSFUL than the old ways... And best of all this transformation will help you have a BIGGER and MORE AUTHENTIC IMPACT on the world.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My favorite ""testimonial"" ever, from one of my students in China:I met a teacher, his name was Christian. He always smiled, everytime had a happy look in his face. He was also really energetic, he went from one side to the other side of the classroom. Every single class Christian told us that we need to have motivation in order to be good at anything in this world. After hearing these words for a week. I finally got some motivation. I closed everything, every electronic device that would bother me. I spent just 20 minutes everyday after school memorizing vocabs. After few months I figured out that I had learned more then 500 words perfectly. I realized that it wasn't me who was bad at memorizing things. It was myself who didn't have motivation to do things. I was going the easy, lazy way. Although it was a short time being with Christian, I had learn alot of things from him. He was the engine that started me to get going. If I meet him again I really want to thank him. I wish i could eventually meet him again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is the ULTIMATE course on Time Management for teens and it contains EVERY essential lesson, quiz, and reading we could pack in.Complete the entire course from start to finish (6+ hours of material) or pick and choose from the well-organized lecture titles.Since the students who need this course are already busy, it's designed in easily-digestible bite-sized sections.You can study this course for a weekend or you can study it for years. The choice is completely up to you.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sections of this course:Intro to the Course and InstructorTimeless Time Management PrinciplesHigh School Time ManagementConclusions, Review, and Action Steps-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Key lessons in the course:How teens can identify their life passionsThe top 3 timeless rules of time managementHow to create rhythm in your scheduleAdvanced high-school homework tacticsMaking space for SAT / ACT test prepPlanning for college apps and deadlinesManaging social life and peer pressureHow to use study groups to win bigHow to use weekends and vacations in high schoolA preview of college-level time management... and much, much more that couldn't possibly fit here!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Additional features:5x comprehension quizzes to enhance your experiencePersonal access to ask questions of the instructorAccess to the complete Course Discussion forumHi-Definition video and audio for clean and crisp content delivery30-Day Money Back GuaranteeLifetime Access to course and updates-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Right now, the price for enrollment in the course is set at a level I know EVERYONE can afford.Of course, there's actually no risk to enrollment (since you've got the 30-day money back guarantee to decide if you love it or not)...But... the price for the course MAY go up in the future. In the right hands, I think the information in this course is tremendously underpriced.I encourage you to enroll in the course today to become a TRULY GREAT high school student and a more fulfilled human being - to take you not only to admittance to your top-choice colleges and scholarships but also to live a life you don't even dare to dream of yet.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important information before you enroll:This course comes with a 30-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee!Ask the instructor questions DIRECTLY inside and get personal responses.Once enrolled, receive unlimited lifetime access to the course!Instant and free access to all future course updates.Direct personal support regarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Be sure to check out the curriculum and PREVIEW your FREE lectures:Check out the curriculum and course contents below.PREVIEW several free and VALUABLE lectures from the course below.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now, it's time to take the Ultimate Time Management Course for Teens to discover your true abilities and to reach your next level-up in life.Your personal search and suffering is over.. take action! Enroll now... And I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Understand Mental Illness" |
"Understand Mental Illness - Recognise and Take ActionDoes Mental Illness seem like a maze to you?Do you want to be able to offer support to someone you know who may have Mental Illness?Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be more prone to Mental Illness than others?Do you want to find professional help but are not quite sure who to go to?Want to learn how to stay as well as possible? If you answered 'YES' to all five or even just one of the questions above, this course can give you some answers and point you in the right direction.One more question: Did you know that strange actions may not necessarily indicate Mental Illness? Why does it seem so complicated? There are so many sources of information that you may be trying to piece together to understand Mental Illness. This can be confusing.Maintaining a good quality of life, is linked to making the best use of the professional help that is available and being aware of the triggers for Mental Illness, and of the complications that could arise. Why? Because you need to reduce the likelihood of becoming impaired by Mental Illness and focus on the factors that promote recovery. This course will equip you with the foundations for the right approach.In this course, you will learn to be able to:Recognise symptoms that may indicate Mental IllnessUnderstand the causes Know what treatments are available Know the complications and risksSupport a person who has Mental IllnessWhether you are a person who may have experienced Mental Illness or know someone who may have, in this course you will find the practical information you need.What this course containsThe curriculum covers 7 modules, each containing lectures in video and/or text format, with supplementary printable sheets. I take you through each, in a clear manner, giving you practical and immediately applicable content. Understand Mental Illness Soget started. On completion of this course on Mental Illness, you will be able to identify symptoms that will prompt seeking of professional help and know where to get it, understand who can affected, know the associated risks, and how to increase the likelihood of staying well, starting from today.Sign up today and understand Mental Illness. As I say, For a Safe Today and a Sound Tomorrow."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Inversin: Fundamentos del Trading para Principiantes" |
"Aprende todo lo bsico para operar en los mercados financieros globales.Descubrirs porque el trading es adecuado para cualquier tipo de personas. No se necesita experiencia para aprenderlo. Puedes operar desde tu casa, a cualquier hora del da.En el curso se habla acerca de todos los tipos de inversin que puedes hacer, desde los ms conocidos como las acciones y las divisas, hasta unos de los que poco se ha hablado, pero que son muy interesantes.Definimos los tipos de traders que existen, as como los tipos de trading ms utilizados. Podrs entender la relacin de las grficas con el comportamiento de las personas. Para as aprovecharse y ganar mucho dinero.Encontraras la explicacin de las herramientas ms utilizadas para invertir, y como interpretarlas.Al final te damos unas recomendaciones para empezar a invertir, que son muy tiles."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Trading: Basics of Trading for Beginners" |
"Learn all the basics to operate in global financial markets.You will discover that the trading is suitable for any type of people. No experience is required to learn.You can operate from home, at any time.We talk about all the types of investment you can make, from the most famous like stocks and currencies, and others markets which are very interesting.We define the types of traders in the world and the most widely used types of trading.You can understand the relationship of the graphs with the behavior of people. So take advantage and make money.You will find the explanation of the most used tools to invest, and how to interpret them.At the end we give you some recommendations to start investing, which are very useful."
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Binary Options: Trading Strategies, 90% Accuracy and Signals" |
"OverviewLearn from scratch how to make money on the binary options marketNo experience needed, everything is includedIt contains tested strategies for several years and with real examples There is a challenge that I call ""Million Challenge"". Because who achieve can win this amount of money. I've never tried to achieve it. But it can be done with $200, $100, $50, $20, $10 or less.You will learn all of the Binary options fundamentals and establish a strong understanding of the concepts behind this special financial market of Binary options. You will know how this market offers returns around 80% of your initial investment. Then You will be able to discover an unknown world of investment, which was created in 2008 and has many investors from all the world.This course will help you understand this financial market, step by step, from scratch. The meaning of binary option, issues to take into account before investing, basics of trading for binary options, strategies and tactics used by top investors in other markets like Stocks, Futures and Forex.You'll also receive bonus material that reinforces the concepts you've learned and give you new tricks to improve your investment process. With these lessons, you'll find that you're able to invest, manage and earn money in the binary options market in a short period of time.What are the requirements?No experience requiredNo specific knowledge is requiredWhat am I going to get from this course?This course includes everything from the beginning:Definition of binary option with an exampleAn overview of what could be achieved by investing in this marketThe tools you need to invest in this market (single computer)You can invest in many assets and from anywhere in the worldYou can invest 24 hours a day. You choose when and whereHow to manage risk to avoid losing moneyHow to open an investment accountBasics of trading needed to invest in this marketHow to use the free Metatrader 4 platform to follow the movement of pricesHow to use strategies used by many traders in this marketInvestment tactics with real examples. So you can reach strategiesExcel files and templates of the strategies used in the course are includedExplanation of the Million Challenge, with two possible methods to achieve itI explain how to open a free demo account. So you can test all you wantTherefore, this course includes everything you need to learn how to invest in this market and earn money."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Opciones Binarias: Estrategias 90% Acierto" |
"Aprende desde cero como ganar dinero en el mercado de las opciones binariasNo necesitas experiencia, todo esta incluidoContiene estrategias probadas por varios aos y con ejemplos realesExiste un reto que lo llamo ""Reto del milln"" porque quien lo intente puede lograr ganar esa cantidad de dinero. Yo nunca lo he intentado lograr, pero se puede hacer con 10, 20, 50, 100 dlares o ms.Descripcin del cursoAprenders con este curso los fundamentos de las opciones binarias y podrs establecer un fuerte entendimiento de los conceptos detrs de este especial mercado de las opciones binarias. Sabrs como este mercado ofrece retornos cercanos al 80% de tu inversin inicial. As, estars en capacidad de descubrir un mundo desconocido de inversiones, el cual fue creado en 2008 y el cual tiene muchos inversores a nivel mundial.Este curso ayuda a entender este mercado financiero, paso a paso, desde cero. Hablaremos del significado de opcin binaria, aspectos a tener en cuenta antes de invertir, fundamentos del trading de opciones binarias, estrategias y tcticas usadas ampliamente por grandes inversores en otros mercados como el accionario, el de Futuros y el mercado Forex. Tambin recibirs material adicional para que refuerces los conceptos que has aprendido a lo largo del curso y trucos para mejorar tu proceso de inversin. Con estas clases, encontrars que sers capaz de invertir, manejar y ganar dinero en el mercado de opciones binarias en un corto periodo de tiempo.Que necesitas?No necesitas experienciaNo necesitas un conocimiento especficoUn computador y conexin a internetEste curso cubre todo desde el inicio:Definicin de opcin binaria con un ejemploUn panorama general de lo que se podra lograr invirtiendo en este mercadoLas herramientas que necesitas para invertir en este mercado (un solo computador)Puedes invertir en muchos activos y desde cualquier lugar del mundoPuedes invertir las 24 horas del da, tu escoges cuando y dondeComo manejar el riesgo para no perder dineroComo abrir una cuenta de inversinFundamentos del trading necesarios para invertir en este mercadoComo usar la plataforma gratuita Metatrader 4 para seguir el movimiento de los preciosEstrategias utilizadas por muchos traders en este mercadoTcticas de inversin con ejemplos reales, para que puedas alcanzar las estrategiasArchivos de Excel y plantillas de las estrategias utilizadas en el curso estn incluidasExplicacin del reto del milln planteada, con dos posibles mtodos para alcanzarloTe explicar como abrir una cuenta demo de forma gratuita para que puedas ensayar todo lo que quierasPor tanto, este curso cubre todo lo necesario para que aprendas a invertir en este mercado, y ganes dinero.Nos vemos"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Utilize Your Learning Style: Maximize Your Success Potential" |
"Course Description In this course you will learn how to use your learning style to process what you learn in a more effective and efficient manner. At the end of this course, you will know your learning style and understand how to optimize this natural style to maximize your study time. Harness Your Learning Style To Attain Your Goals Know how the learning process worksUnderstand your learning styleDiscover study strategies that match your styleExplore effective study practicesBe better prepared to be a Life-long Learner Embrace Your Innate Learning Style And Discover Your Possibilities Technology has made it possible for information to be exchanged instantly; you must stay current on the latest information or risk becoming obsolete. Survival in todays world means being a life-long learner. Maximizing your potential for success by understanding your learning style is a giant step forward. Comprehending how the learning process works is necessary, if you are to utilize your natural learning style. Once you understand how you learn best, you can create a learning environment that enhances the learning process. Ultimately, this will lead you to get more out of the time you study while improving your experience. Content and Overview This 75 minute course includes 22 lectures covering the foundations of the learning process, specific learning styles and strategies you can use to best utilize your unique style. We will begin by focusing on some key terminology before we will explore how the brain receives and retrieves information. Next, we will discover the characteristics of specific the learning styles of the aural, auditory and kinesthetic learner. By this point, you will know your learning style. Utilizing your learning style is enhanced when you have good study skills. Thus, you will have the opportunity to explore methods of study that best correlate with your specific learning style. Finally, we will look at some common tasks necessary for the life-long learner to master. These include goal setting, agendas, time management, reading for information and taking notes. Once you complete this course, you will understand how the brain processes information, your personal learning style and study strategies that match your style, so that you can maximize your success potential by being a successful life-long learner."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Absolutely Awesome Abs With Advanced Exercises For The Core" |
"This course is for anyone that wants challenging core exercises for better fitness. Exercise demonstration done by personal trainers and former college athletes.Different modalities are useto give the student variety and challenge. Voice over is used tomake sure core exercisesare done correctly. You can follow along or watch them all and pick out the ones you want to do. The bonus materials include nutrition, client circuits, beginner exercises of all types and more. Ihave used the exerciseswith hundreds of clients from beginners to advanced. You will learn how to have a stable, strong core that can give you that defined, flat look you always dreamed of. Results are guaranteed and focused on you!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Can 5 Minute Workouts Improve Your Fitness To New Levels?" |
"5 Minute Workout System is a course designed after over 20 years of fitness and athletic experience. The focus is on hard core workouts for personal trainers and fitness enthusiasts who want to take their fitness to a new level. The course is for the person who is already training but wants to add in finishers or new routines. The course includes workouts done by a trainer and done by a client with instruction. There are workouts with body weight, bands, kettlebell, ropes, weights, and more. The entire system is based around the philosophy that exercise efficiency and and exercise progress is the key to long term results. Here is what is included1. Exercises and workouts that helped one client increase conditioning by about 25% in two short months training twice a week.2. Workouts that can be done at home, at the gym, or even at the office.3. The philosophy and background of the instructor and why he uses these exact workouts.4. The mentality needed to do well and how use the workouts.5. Demonstration of exercises and how to do them and much more.6. Finishers at the gym to take strength to a new level. 7. Great for athletes, personal trainers, or other fitness enthusiasts. Take your fitness to the next level and do it with 5 Minute Workouts!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |