Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Engaging Short Attention Span Audiences" |
"Getting your message across is harder today than it has ever been. More information, more distractions and shorter attention spans provide competition for every message you create. It is hard for us to listen, and we jump from one thought to the next very quickly. This jumpy and sporadic listening behavior reminds me of the squirrels I see in my yard. They are constantly moving and seem fidgety and unfocused. The only thing that seems to gain and hold their interest is an acorn. Through my years of experience in research and teaching, I have found that squirrels are like todays audience, but research has shown us a way to get their attention and keep it. More effective and efficient communication leads to better collaboration, sales calls and peer interaction. Communication is the cornerstone of effective leadership. If you cannot get your message across clearly and concisely, it is difficult to lead others and impact decision-making.Participants in this course will learn how to be persuasive in short segment communication by gaining an understanding of how to apply the five essential elements of persuasion to various business settings. Since most of todays interaction is in short time frames, not long presentation format, we will be learning the art and science of short, persuasive messages. This course provides an easy and practical strategy to help get you message across.This course is unique due to the emphasis we place on education plus experience. The difference is that our teaching and coaching is based on academically sound theories of communication and persuasion. This rigorous research, coupled with over 20 years of experience teaching to both corporate clients and Wharton MBA students, ensures that the theories support practical application and the use of communication in everyday situations."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Mac Hardware Troubleshooting and Quick Fixes by yourself." |
"Welcome to Mac Hardware Course.On the end of this house you will be able to troubleshoot and fix/repairyour 90% of yourMac Hardware issues in timely manner. This will save your time to bring it to Apple Shop and also saves your money as you know how expensive Apple Support is. You will be like BOOM on the end of the courses and when you will get your mac fixed but your self. I know the happiness to do all troubleshooting and fixes my self for this my pretty Mac. So you will have that too.It is also very interesting to diagnose and make it working anddoing maintenance of your Mac.If you ever wonder how the Apple Sops or service centres fixing Macs and getting hell of money from us, You will have answer in this course how they are fixing and how you can replace them.In this course you will learn step by step diagnostics and fixes for your Mac Computer.I designed thiscourse to be easily understood everybody who owns Mac.Thank You in Advance."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Shakespeare: How to access the power of words!" |
"Shakespeare is a frightening name to many. People assume it means complex archaic language that will be hard to understand. This course will unlock those complex concepts and give you the tools to own not only Shakespeares language but any text you have to memorize and perform whether it be a toast at a wedding, a presentation at work, or a Shakespeare monologue for an audition. Bring language to life through fun physical exercisesActing out metaphor, simile, and complex imageryThrowing a ball against a wall to release the power of wordsMotivating speech through actions and objectivesMaster Shakespeare through text exercisesUnderstand and easily memorize through verse structure Gain a roadmap through any speech by walking the punctuationRelease the power of the speech through operative words and antithesisThere are many benefits to knowing how to perform Shakespeare. You will become much more comfortable with public speaking. You will be given exercises to conquer stage fright. You will never be afraid of the name Shakespeare again and will be able to fully enjoy his plays and the poetic language that makes him the greatest writer in the English language. Most Shakespeare programs or classes will be very time consuming and costly and usually require an audition to participate. I have culled all of these techniques from 7 years of acting training, 20 years as a professional actor, and 6 years as a teacher of acting and Shakespeare. I have created a course that is not only effective in teaching the student how to perform Shakespeare but also a lot of fun!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Android Training & Certification - 49 Projects" |
"This course is built to teach beginners how to start making applications in Android, as well as for advanced devs to learn some of the advanced features available in Mobile Application Development.It's a simple code along tutorial series where students can code while learning, which is found to be the most efficient way of learning these days.Along with the videos, I have included the slides corresponding to them and also completed projects.On an average, it should take about a month to complete this course. So be patient and keep on practising along with me.This course is structured in such a way that it will try to motivate you by initially building some simple apps and see for yourself how easy Android Development is and then slowly advance towards some of the difficult concepts, where I feel you will be ready to tackle them.If you are passionate about learning Android Development, or have an idea that you want to build your app on - I would greatly recommend you this course. This course will help you understand everything from basics to advanced level Android Mobile Development."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Generate a Successful Business with a Blog and Facebook Page" |
"This video course will benefit students who want to learn how to generate recurring income using Facebook fan pages along with blogs created on the Wordpress platform. The course is taught step by step, starting with the basic and essential steps of creating and setting up a social media fan page the right way, all the way up to learning the exact method of connecting the wordpress blog with the fan page to generate traffic and income. The course includes detailed video walk-throughs of the tasks involved and also handy pdf guides of additional resources to enhance the outcome of students. The course takes 1.5 hours to complete and it is shown on screencast format for better understanding of the tasks and process. PDF summaries of important details are also included."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"3D-Design mit Autodesk Maya - Der Grundlagenkurs" |
"Wenn Dich die 3D-Welt interessiert und Du den Einstieg suchst, dann bist Du hier richtig! In diesem Kurs lernst Du alles was Du brauchst um Dich in Autodesk Maya zurecht zu finden und eigene Projekte zu realisieren. Es wird der komplette Prozess vom Modellieren, Texturieren und Ausleuchten, bis hin zur einfachen Animationen abgedeckt.Danach hast Du das Basiswissen, um Dich selbststndig in komplexere Themen einzuarbeiten."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Java Essential Programming" |
"What is the course about?Java Essential programming covers all the essential programming techniques and concepts, that are required to build the real time Java application.I have tried to bring all the essential topics of java programming (which is the necessity of every student) under one umbrella, to save your time, to save your money and to help you learn what you want to learn.What kind of materials are included?This course is the aggregation of all the important topics of Java. This course coversThe basic Java conceptsvariablesIterations (Loops)Decision makingArraysFile handlingRegular ExpressionsObject Oriented conceptsClasses and objectsInheritanceAbstractionPolymorphismInterfacesGraphical User InterfacesNetworking conceptsUDPTCPRMIDatabasesHow is this course structured?I will teach you in hierarchical wayfrom the basic to advance level.There is a video lecture on every topicThere will be a quiz after lecture to test what you have gain through the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Public Speaking for Success" |
"How often have you attended a business event only to find that the presenter is nervous, ill-prepared or downright boring? How often have you been thrust in front of an audience and asked to present a speech, conduct a business workshop or seminar, or a sales pitch to a potential customer?Do you fear having to stand up and speak in public? Would you like to overcome your fear of public speaking? What would you give to be a confident, imaginative, inspiring public speaker, able to capture the imagination and motivate your audience, or turn a prospect into a customer?If the answer is 'yes' to any of these questions, or you realise that good public speaking is a key to business & career success, then this course is for you. Enhance & advance your career & business opportunities by becoming an effective & inspiring communicator.To enrol on this course you don't have to have any prior experience of speaking in public, you will simply have concerns about public speaking and will want to know how to handle the various skills and problems.This course includes 19 video modules and with the assistance of my three associates we will take you through, in an entertaining & engaging way, the following six steps to becoming an accomplished public speaker. Part 1 - My fearsMost people will have fears when required to speak in public we understand that. We look at these fears and we will show you how you can overcome them.Part 2 - My purposeYou need to have a purpose when you speak and we will look at how you can convert this into the beginnings of a speech or presentation.Part 3 - My speechThis is all about the speech itself how you structure it, how you write it and how you target it at your audience.Part 4 - My speakingSo you are standing up there with your speech in your hand, looking at your audience. This is all about how you actually deliver the speech and make it a success.Part 5 - My audienceYou will not be speaking to yourself so you will need to have some idea about the differences between speaking to an audience and social conversation. These are the people you will need to persuade. What are they like? How do you gain rapport?Part 6 - My practical speakingFor business, speaking in public is a practical skill - you will need to give presentations, speak 'off the cuff', take part in meetings and try to persuade others. Here we show you the way it is done.As a bonus - along with each module is a downloadable 'Speechnotelet' which describes the key points of the lesson, and even more - at the last module you can download our 100-page E-book detailing the entire course and more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Build Realtime Apps React Js, Golang & RethinkDB" |
"Do you want to learn React as fast as possible? Are you curious about Golang, Googles new Programming Language? Do you wonder what it's like to write fast highly concurrent servers? Interested in creating realtime apps, the simple way? If you answered YES, then this course is for you!Learn FastThis course is optimally paced so you'll learn fast. Your time is valuable and I don't want to waste it, try out the free previews and I think you'll understand what I mean by fast/lean learning.React JsReactjs is an Amazing Javascript front-end library created and maintained by Facebook. The designers of React questioned the industry ""best practices"" and designed a library that is quite unique, extremely fast and very productive, plus it's a delight to work with. Reactjs makes writing JavaScript apps fun again because of it's simplicity and fundamentally different concepts.GolangGolang is a awesome new programming language created and maintained by Google. Golang is an modern language, that's simple to learn and easy to use. Golang is particularly well suited for highly concurrent applications, such as realtime apps, because of it's first class language support for coroutines (called goroutines). Apps created in Golang are fast, and run on all major platforms (Mac / Windows / Linux).RethinkDBRethinkDB is the only database I'm aware of that is focused on realtime features. Using RethinkDB allows you to create highly scalable, realtime apps with ease. RethinkDB offers a rich set of features and it's a joy to work with.""But I'm only interested in React or Golang or RethinkDB...""Each of these topics could stand alone as it's own course. Just consider it bonus content! Are realtime apps important?Software developers will need to know how to create Realtime Web apps in the very near future. It's the next evolution in Web Applications, in fact Realtime Apps/Features are already being created at companies like Twitter, Facebook and Google.Get ahead of the curve and learn how to make realtime apps now.Why take this course?Do you ever feel overwhelmed with new technologies? I think most of us do, there is so much change constantly happening and the pace of change seems to be increasing.What can you do to manage the learning challenges you're facing?Lean learningI won't waste your time, you'll learn just what you need to know as quickly as possible. You'll start this course with the end in mind. What do I mean by that? We're going to be building a realtime web application, and you'll learn just what you need to build the app.What You'll BuildDuring this course, you'll be building a Slack Clone. PrerequisitesA general familiarity with Programming and the Web. You'll start from scratch and move quickly, learning just what you need to know and nothing else."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Java Cryptography Architecture: Hashing and Secure Password" |
"In this course, youwill learn how to implement document hashing and secure passwordhashing into Java applications using the Java CryptographyArchitecture (JCA/JCE). This applies to Web applications and Java-based Desktopapplications (e.g., Swing, AWT, SWT/RCP, JavaFX), but also databaseand backend applications as well as Android apps.Get practical securitybackground information from an IT security expert. Learn how toencode hashes in-memory and stream-based. Learn how to use salt anditeration count for secure password hashing following PBKDF2 from thesecurity standard PKCS#5.You should be anexperienced Java developer to take this course. We will do hands-oncoding examples that can be directly used within your enterpriseapplications."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Einfhrung in die Verschlsselung: Terminologie & Technik" |
"AES-128, Public Key,Zertifikate? Was bedeuten symmetrische und asymmetrischeVerschlsselung eigentlich und wo werden sie verwendet? Dieser Kursgibt eine Einfhrung in das Thema der Verschlsselung.Dabei wird nicht nurdie gngige Terminologie erklrt sondern auch der technischeHintergrund. Der Kurs eignet sich fr jeden, der genauer verstehenmchte, was Verschlsselung in der Praxis eigentlich bedeutet undworauf man achten muss. Gefhrliches Halbwissen kann hier auf dieProbe gestellt werden. Anregungen zur weiterfhrenden Vertiefung deseigenen Grundwissen werden ebenfalls gegeben.Wenn Sie aufDatensicherheit und Privatsphre im unternehmerischen wie privatenBereich Wert legen, sind Sie bereits auf dem richtigen Weg. DieserKurs kann Ihr Wissen vertiefen und Anregungen schaffen, mit welchenWerkzeugen Sie sich genauer befassen sollten.AllgemeinesHintergrundwissen im IT-Bereich ist von Vorteil aber nichtVoraussetzung."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Encryption - Terminology and Technology" |
"AES-128, Public Key,Certificates? What do symmetric and asymmetric encryption actuallymean? Where are these used? This course provides a basic introductionto the field of encryption.The course explains thecommon terminology but also the technical background. This course isright for everybody who wants to understand what encryption means inpractice and what to watch out for. Smattering knowledge can bechallenged, practical insights will be provided.If you care about datasecurity and privacy likewise on the enterprise level and inprivate life you are already on the right track. This course candeepen your knowledge and turn your focus where to look at.General backgroundknowledge in IT is an advantage but not required."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Juice & Smoothie Guide For Busy People" |
"It's About You Looking Fabulous and Feeling Great ... in minutes a day!Is this your year to get healthier? Do you want to start juicing and blending, or have you started, but you aren't very consistent, because you just cannot seem to find the time? Well, juicing and blending is probably the single best habit that you can add to your life - It is one of the first steps to a healthier, happier, you.But yes ... it does takes a time commitment to get our green juices in every day ... time which we sometimes don't have. I know first hand, being a busy Mom and Entrepreneur! But what if I made it easy for you. What if I gave you some simple strategies that I have picked up over the last eight years, which would make juicing and blending fit right into your busy lifestyle ... which would allow you to rock out delicious juices and smoothies in just minutes a day? Then ... would you be ready?Would you be ready for glowing skin, increased energy, laser focus, rock solid immune system AND a jumpstart to the weightloss that you want?Would you be ready to ditch the toxins that have been building up in your body for years ... and the fatigue, weight gain, food cravings, headaches, mood swings ... that go along with it?Would you be ready to take the first step - a simple habit that will get you on the path to HEALTHY, HAPPY & HOT!If you said ""YES"", then this one hour video course with a handy resource guide is perfect for you! Here is what you will learn:- My best tips and tricks to save time in the kitchen- The best way to prepare- The best juicers and blenders - specifically for busy people- The best juice bars for fresh, organic produce ... and how to find one near you, that also probably delivers!- If you only have a Jamba Juice - which juices should you stay away from, and which should you order - so you are not just getting a sugar bomb- Which brands are the best to buy at your local market ... and which should you avoid- Green powders are all the rage - are they good or bad? When to use them, and which to buy?- Over 20 recipes of delicious smoothies and juices with 5 ingredients or less- And if you are just starting out ... don't worry - I go over the benefits of juicing and blending, the differences between the two, how to choose the right one for you ... and yes ... I reveal my favorite :-).Juicing pros and newbies alike ... I'll help you to fit juicing and blending into your busy lifestyle.So if you are ""ready"" ... then I've got your back!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Improve your Business Writing - Essential Tips" |
"Improve your business writing in a few easy steps. This course will teach you how to easily, quickly, and effectively write powerful business messages. You will learn key strategies toCommunicate the most understanding in the least timeEngage and keep your readers attentionSave time and expense for you and your readerYou will also learn how toDevelop a conversational tone and use positive languageUse plain expression and familiar words.Identify the purpose of the messageUnderstand your audienceApply tactics for adapting the message to the audienceDistinguish components of complete and effective sentencesEmphasize important ideas and de-emphasize unimportant onesWrite concisely by eliminating unnecessary wordsRevise message to eliminate fillers, repetitious words, and redundanciesRevise message to use jargon appropriately and sparingly, avoiding slang and clichsAvoid words that explain the obvious or provide excess detailsUse power words to show confidence and commitment Each lecture contains a writing guide, instructive slides, and an assignment and quiz to help you practice and develop effective writing skills."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Embracing Your Soul Purpose!" |
"Course Description:Are you tired of working long hours at a job you hate, surrounded by toxic people, that leave you drained, unfulfilled and does not give you the paycheck you deserve??? Would you like to spend your day doing the things that you love doing, that bring you passion, aliveness and connect you with like minded people?Would you like to be richly rewarded for your unique gifts and talents? This course is the missing piece of the puzzle that will make your life work! Time to discover the treasure chest of unique gifts and talents hidden within you and learn how to translate them into creative, innovative, entrepreneurial career opportunities that will connect with your tribe and help you make the Planet a better place!You will learn:How vitally important it is in todays society to to make a break from the old paradigms of work and of thinking about career.You will learn to open your mind to think in new categories and remove any blocks, fears and limitations that may have holding you back from success.You will learn how to trust your own intuition and gut feelings and make the leap into a new world of abundance, passion, creativity and fulfillment like you have never known before.You will learn how to use a special formula to aid you in discovering your unique gifts and talents.You will learn how to turn your interests. passions and desires into innovative careers that will bring you riches financially, socially, emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically.In this course you will create: a career storya brain mapa treasure map a mission statementand have access to Guided meditation to help you improve your self image, remove blocks and fears and help you visualize your future self and dream career.Devise a plan to start you on the pathway to your dream career and lifestyle.Learn to believe in yourself and create your own success.THIS COURSE COUNTS TOWARDS INFINITE HUMAN LIFE COACHING CERTIFICATION"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Technical Analysis: Understanding Price Action" |
"Have you ever wanted to learn how to read charts? Chart analysis is more important thanever in today's markets. Market participants of all backgroundscontinue to monitor price action as market fluctuations affect theprices of various asset classes. Price action simply describes themarket's movements. These movements are influenced by supply anddemand changes as participants respond to changes in marketconditions. This course is designed to help you understand thefoundation of technical analysis: price and volume. Price action creates market structurewhich is the history of how prices moved in the past. The structureof the markets help participants make important financial decisionsusing technical analysis. Understanding crowd psychology and learning how to effectively readprice action and volumein the context of market structure, is the foundation oftechnical analysis and the goal of this course.This course willgreatlyimprove yourability toanalyze market prices and identify opportunityin markets ahead of traditional fundamental analysis. Understanding the basic mechanics ofprice action will help you become a better market participant and gain an edge using technical analysis to dramaticallyimprove your market skills.The course is designed in a easy-to-learn format with detailed instruction using video lectures.You will gain an edge in your market analysis as you learn about the fundamental concepts of price action and the psychology behind technical analysis. Confidence in your ability to apply the knowledge to financial markets will significantly improve and help you better understand advanced topics in technical analysis moving forward.This eye-opening course will help you easily spot opportunities and change the way you analyze markets. Let's get started!What am I going to get from this course?Over 40 lectures.Learn to understand any market environment like a pro.Gain insight into the auction process ofequity securities.Discover the psychology of buyers and sellers.Build confidence in your ability to succeed in markets."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Modelo de Negcios Canvas: Transformando Ideias em Negcios" |
"Esse curso ensina a criar modelos de negcios inovadores, de forma extremamente rpida e adaptvel atravs da ferramenta Business Model Canvas, que utilizada por milhares de empresas ao redor do mundo. Feito 100% em vdeo aulas, o curso conta com:Definir Seu Segmento de ClientesDefinir Sua Proposta de ValorDefinir Seus Canais Para Entrega da Proposta de ValorDefinir Seus Relacionamentos com ClientesDefinir as Receitas do Seu NegcioDefinir Suas Atividades ChaveDefinir Seus Recursos ChaveDefinir os Custos Mais Relevantes do Seu NegcioComo Inovar no Seu Negcio Usando a Estratgia do Oceano AzulComo Inovar no Seu Negcio Usando os Epicentros de InovaoComo Inovar no Seu Negcio Usando as Perguntas ""E se?Perguntas Para Testar Seu ConhecimentoAps esse curso, voc conhecer todos os blocos do Business Model Canvas e estar apto a construir modelos de negcios de fcil entendimento para voc, para sua empresa, seus colaboradores e seus clientes, independente do mercado em que sua empresa est inserida."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso de C# - Windows Forms - Para Iniciantes" |
"Esse cursoensina a lgica bsica de programao, bem como a criao de aplicaes Windows bsicas, construdas a partir da linguagem de programao C# e da IDE do Visual Studio.Feito 100% em vdeo aulas, o curso conta com:A explicao de conceitos bsicos de programao (como estruturas de repetio, comandos de deciso, operadores relacionais e operadores lgicos);A explicao dos componentes utilizados na criao deWindows Forms;Exemplos e exercciosdados ao decorrer do curso;Aps esse curso, voc aprender o bsico em lgica de programao, conhecer algumas das ferramentas mais usadas na criao de Windows Forms Applicatione estar apto a construir aplicaes Windows bsicas, ou at mais complexas, dependendo do que sua cabea e fora de vontade seja capaz de fazer :)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Windows Server 2008 - Infraestrutura de Rede - Certificao" |
"Torne-se um especialistae prepare-se para a certificao!Esse curso online baseado em videoaulas que contm animaes multimdia para ensinar a teoria edemonstraes do Windows Server 2008 para ensinar a prtica!Totalmente em portugus!O mais completo do mercado!Cobre 100% dos assuntos exigidos para a prova de certificao 70-642(Windows Server 2008 Infrastructure, Configuring)!Contm 263aulas tericas!Contm 119 aulas comdemonstraes prticas que incluempasso-a-passo de configuraes do Windows Server 2008!Contm simulado para a prova de certificao 70-642 com 330 questes em portugus!Flexibilidade para aprender onde e quando quiser!Compatvel com IOS e Android!Assista quantas vezes quiser, no conforto de sua casa ou escritrio. O acesso vitalcio!O curso ensina do bsico ao avanado. ideal para quem est iniciando ou para quem j tem experincia.O autor do curso instrutor certificado pela Microsoft (Microsoft Certified Trainer) e tem ampla vivncia em treinamentos, arquitetura de solues, implementaes e suporte do Windows Server em mdias e grandes empresas!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Windows Server 2008 - Active Directory - Certificao" |
"Torne-se um especialistae prepare-se para a certificao!Esse curso online baseado em videoaulas que contm animaes multimdia para ensinar a teoria edemonstraes do Windows Server 2008 para ensinar a prtica!Totalmente em portugus!O mais completo do mercado!Cobre 100% dos assuntos exigidos para a prova de certificao 70-640(Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring)!Contm 182aulas tericas!Contm 155aulas comdemonstraes prticas que incluempasso-a-passo de configuraes do Windows Server 2008!Contm simulado para a prova de certificao 70-640com 100questes em portugus!Flexibilidade para aprender onde e quando quiser!Compatvel com IOS e Android!Assista quantas vezes quiser, no conforto de sua casa ou escritrio. O acesso vitalcio!O curso ensina do bsico ao avanado. ideal para quem est iniciando ou para quem j tem experincia.O autor do curso instrutor certificado pela Microsoft (Microsoft Certified Trainer) e tem ampla vivncia em treinamentos, arquitetura de solues, implementaes e suporte do Windows Server em mdias e grandes empresas!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Unleash Your Social Confidence" |
"This course is designed to give you practical, real-world knowledge that you can immediately use to improve your confidence and ability to socialize with others.It is designed to minimize the amount of time you spend in front of your computer and maximize the time you spend in the real world improving your social skills. The course is divided into 5 sections each ending in an exercise for you to perform. You'll only need to spend a few minutes a day in front of the computer but can continue to perform the exercises day after day to help enact long term change in yourself and improvement of your social abilities."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Character Animation with Blender for Beginners" |
"Have you ever wanted to bring your own characters to life? Perhaps, you've seen a few animated films and thought, ""Man, I wish Icould do that""?You probably don't have a whole lot of cash (as well as time) to invest in learning 3D character animation from an accredited university. Or perhaps you do, but want to get a head-start without forking a lot of cash to start off with.Even if you've done some character animation before, you may have struggled to understand why your character doesn't look...well...alive.What's in thiscourse?In this course, we aim to help you introduce you to the world of character animationas well asimbue life into your character animations. We also aim toensure thatyou don't go brokedoing so.You will be learningcompletely fromscratch, the whole process of 3Dcharacter animation. Specifically,You will learn the skills and techniques of animating realistic and believable characters.In addition to learning all the theory-related stuff, you will also get hands-on experience in animating your own scenes.You can follow along as we will animate walks, runs, waving of arms, etc.We will also look at more advanced character animation skills to further help enhance the believability and realism of your characters. You will specifically learn how to animate eye movements to help make your character look alive, facial expressions, lip-syncing, etc.With 40 lectures and 6+ hours of content, there are so many different things you can learn. The topic of 3D character animation is so vast and complex and the learning curve can be so high, especiallywhen starting out. I've gathered everything that I've learned over the years and have organized it in a way that will help you understand most effectively.Who is this course for?This will be perfect for absolutebeginners as I will walk you step-by-step starting from how to navigate your way around your 3D software towards animating convincing character action. There are no nasty jargon used in this course. Everything is explained in an easy-to-understand manner.You don't need to know anything about animation. You don't even need to have a 3D software installed as we will cover this. It will help if you have some passion for character animation. At the very least, some passion for CGI-related works.This course isn't limited to just beginners. Intermediate and Expert level users mayalso gain valuable knowledge from this course.What is expected outcomeafter the course?By the end of this course, you can expect to have a decent understanding of building convincing and realistic 3D character animation. You will also gain experience and confidencedoing your own 3D character animation.From there, you would be more prepared to start your own projects (imagine being able to createyour very own animated short film) or you could start looking at jobs that need character animators. If you choose to do a more formal course on 3D animation, you will most likely get a head start!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How To Reverse Your Type 2 Diabetes Naturally and Easily" |
"This is a course in which you'll be able to fully understand... - WHY you developed Type 2 Diabetes - WHAT were the factors that contributed to this - WHAT YOU CAN DO to effortlessly reverse it naturally and restore normal blood sugar levels You'll discover EVERYTHING you need to know about nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress management to reverse your diabetes and reclaim your health naturally. Actually, the course also contains a 30-day program at the end which guarantees that, if you follow along with it, you can achieve normal blood sugar levels. Make no mistake about it - this is THE BEST program out there on reversing Type 2 Diabetes as fast as possible.This is a simple course that literally anyone, with any education, can easily understand. You can go through it at your own pace.What Are The Requirements:A willingness to learn and understand simple-to-grasp concepts and a willingness to apply them to your daily habits.ANYONE, with any education whatsoever and with only a bit of desire, can tremendously benefit from this course. What Am I Going To Get From This Course?Follow the easy 30-day program that will transform you into an ""Ex-Diabetic"" in just 30 daysFind out what you need to do after you've restored your normal blood sugar levels and how to continue improving your health."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"(NEW) Master your bidding strategies on Facebook & Instagram" |
"Become an expert Facebook & Instagram Auctioneer in less than an hour!With inside information from an official Facebook Marketing Partner, you'll learn everything about how Facebook & Instagram's auctioning system works, create your own custom bidding strategies and run tests to see if you made the right decision.Why should you take this course?If you have conversion campaigns which are mysteriously not ""running""If you have been trying custom bidding but with no results so farIf you want to get more results from your campaigns with the same budgetIf you want to step up your game with custom bidding strategiesIf you want to go hands on with a Facebook Marketing Partner!How is this course structured?This course is designed in such a way that even if you have never used custom bidding before, that you'll still be able to become an expert in less than an hour. We'll start with the basics in how an auction works. I'll show you the formula Facebook & Instagram use to decide wether or not to show your ad. I'll tell you about some auction secrets you can use for your own benefits. We'll discuss when to choose manual bidding over automatic bidding. I'll give you a live demo and finally discuss some best practices."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"(NEW) Create ads that don't look like ads - FB & Instagram" |
"Become an expert Facebook & Instagram ad creator in less than 2 hours!With inside information from an official Facebook Marketing Partner, you'll learn everything about the best practices behind creating authentic ads that convert people to your products and services without aggressively pushing themWhy should you take this course?If you want to learn which language to use to trigger your customer's brain into buyingIf you want to learn which visuals are best for your conversion ratesIf you want to learn how to focus all of this into highly focussed and converting adsIf you want to see a lot of examples of the best and the worstAnd learn from each and every one of themHow is this course structured?This course is designed in such a way you that you don't have to be a copy writeror a graphic designer to create stunning ads.With just a little effort you cansetup converting ads on Facebook & Instagram yourself or inspire yourteam or agency todo it for you.As long as you follow the basiclaws of psychology and the best practices taught in this courseyou're going to do great"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"(NEW) How to optimise your Facebook & Instagram Ad Campaigns" |
"Boost your campaign's performance with 25% on average, to peaks far above 300%!With inside information from an official Facebook Marketing Partner, you'll learn everything about how to optimise your Facebook & Instagram campaigns, your ad sets, budget, ad creatives and bidding. Everything is detailed in step by step instructions and live demos.I'll personally guarantee you that you will earn back the fee of this course OR YOU WILL GET YOUR MONEY BACK!Why should you take this course?If your campaigns didn't reach their desired resultIf you have campaigns which are mysteriously not ""running""If you feel your current costs per conversion are too high If you want to get more results from your campaigns with the same budgetIf you want to advice clients, friends and family on optimising their Facebook & Instagram campaigns.If you want to go hands on with a Facebook Marketing Partner!How is this course structured?This course is designed in such a way that even if you have never optimised a Facebook or Instagram campaign, that you'll still be able to become an expert in less than an hour.We'll start with talking about ad set budgets and how to optimise themI'll explain you how to set up a solid testing structureYou'll learn how to set up and adjust your optimisation in ads manager & power editorYou'll learn why you need multiple ad creatives to prevent your campaign from loosing moneyYou'll learn all about optimising your bidding strategy and we go hands on in ads manager"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Authoring Elegant and Meaningful Agile User Stories" |
"Welcome to the highest rated course on user stories on Udemy. Period.This course is designed to teach how to think in terms of user stories; it will enable you to actually write effective user stories as well as epics & themes. The 2+ hours of course material includes real world examples of user stories, epics & themes and it also has quizzes after each lecture to reinforce key concepts.This is NOT a lightweight course that simply repeats high level ideas that anyone can read online for free - this course has REAL insights on this topic."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Beginner's Guide to Python Data Analysis & Visualization" |
"==> Become a Data scientist!==>Make astonishing graphics!This is the most comprehensive, yet straightforward, course for learning Python data scienceon Udemy! Whether you have never touched data science before, need a refresh on Pandas basics, or want to learn about the advanced features of Pandas,THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!If you never touched Python before, there is a Python crush section to get you started in 30 minutes! If you knew Python, use it to brush up your knowledge!There are a lot of highlight points inthis course. Paricularly, you will learn HOW TO:Perform LinearRegression AnalysisUnderstand Linear Regression Analysis resultPandas series creation, selection, and other operations.Import CSV dataImport Excel dataTransform your arraySelect part of your data by column, row, or even condition!Rename your columnsChange your indexDelete columnsInsert columnsMake pie plots, scatter plots, series plots, heat-maps, and histograms!Numpy arraysPerform array indexing, slicing, and iterating.Generate descriptive statistics.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In addition to the Udemy 30-day money back gurantee, you have my personal gurantee that you will love what you learn in this course. If you ever have any questions, please don't hesitate to post it in the course discussion board ormessage us directly. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible!Jobs in data analysis, especially financial analysis, are pletiful. And because of the imense extensibility, python is growing to be the most popular data science tool! Pandas is the solely most important library you should know to perform analysis! This course will walk you through the very origin or Pandas and show you step-by-step, how Pandas is designed and used! Being able to use Pandas will give you strong background to dive depper into data analysis faithfully!Is it too much to spend a few hours to add a critical skill on your resume? So what are you waiting for?LearnPandas in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge!What are you waiting for? This course won't stay at this price forever, click ""Take this course"" now and embark your amazing journal today!See you in the course!-- Alan Yue"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten schreiben in nur 8 Schritten" |
"Wenn du deine Bachelor-, Master- oder Diplomarbeit ein- fr allemal und ohne Probleme fertigschreiben mchtest, dann stehst du kurz vor dem Zugang zum richtigen Kurs dafr. Wenn du schon seit Wochen oder Monaten das Schreiben deiner wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarbeit aufschiebst, dann kannst du noch heute damit beginnen. Nach meinem abgeschlossenen Germanistikstudium habe ich als professioneller Korrekturleser mittlerweile ber 100 wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeiten verbessert und Studentinnen und Studenten beim Schreiben beraten. Dabei sind immer wieder die gleichen Fragen und Probleme aufgetaucht, die in den Bchern zum wissenschaftlichen Schreiben und Arbeiten meist nur ungengend beantwortet werden. Die Literatur zu diesem komplexen Thema bereitet oft mehr Kopfzerbrechen, als sie fr Klarheit sorgt meist sind die entsprechenden Bcher zu abstrakt und unverstndlich geschrieben. Aber damit ist jetzt Schluss: Dieser Kurs ist die erste praktische Gebrauchsanleitung, die dich Schritt fr Schritt von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite deiner wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarbeit fhren wird. Ich erklre dir in klaren und einfachen Worten, wie du in 8 Schritten von der Forschungsfrage bis zu deiner fertigen Abschlussarbeit kommst und sie bald durch den Druck schicken kannst. Du erfhrst, wie du deine Angst vor dem Ungeheuer Diplomarbeit berwinden, Schreibblockaden durchbrechen und dich auf Knopfdruck zum Schreiben motivieren kannst. Du bekommst effektive Arbeitstechniken, um den Prozess des Schreibens zu beschleunigen, sowie die richtige Einstellung, die dich schlussendlich zu deinem Titel fhren wird. Auf alle Fragen und Probleme, die beim Schreiben deiner wissenschaftlichen Abschlussarbeit auftauchen werden, findest du klare Antworten und praxiserprobte Lsungen in diesem Kurs: Wie zitiere ich richtig? Wie verhindere ich ein Plagiat? Wie schreibe ich wissenschaftlich? Wie komme ich schnell und zeitsparend zu Bchern und Quellen? Wie finde und formuliere ich eine geeignete Forschungsfrage? Wie schreibe ich eine gelungene Einleitung/einen gelungenen Schluss? Wie schreibe und gliedere ich den Hauptteil meiner Arbeit? Usw. Zustzlich erhlst du als Bonus das komplette Regelwerk des Harvard-Zitiersystems, das Expos meiner eigenen Diplomarbeit als Vorlage fr dein Expos sowie die 15 Stilregeln des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens fr eine flssige Argumentation, die sich gut lesen lsst. Dieser Kurs ist nicht aus der Sicht eines Professors geschrieben worden, der von der Hhe des Podiums mit abstrakten Definitionen um sich wirft. Er stammt aus der Sicht eines erfahrenen Korrekturlesers, der regelmig mit Studentinnen und Studenten zusammenarbeitet und frher selbst mit dem Ungeheuer Diplomarbeit kmpfen musste. Die Lektionen sind heruntergebrochen auf die Probleme und Bedrfnisse von Studierenden, die sich eine einfache und wirkungsvolle Schreibanleitung wnschen. Sie beinhalten 10 effektive Aktionsbungen, die du sofort anwenden kannst, um deine eigene Arbeit zu schreiben - 5 davon sind absolute Geheimwaffen im Kampf um deinen akademischen Titel! Von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite fhre ich dich Schritt fr Schritt durch den Dschungel deiner Bachelor-, Master- und Diplomarbeit, motiviere dich konsequent zum Schreiben und helfe dir, deine wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit abzuschlieen und so wie viele andere, denen ich vor dir bereits helfen konnte, endlich fertig zu werden!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"PHP & MySQL desde bsico hasta avanzado" |
"Aprende desde cero a programar en PHP y MySQL. No importa que no conozcas mucho de programacin porque en este curso dominaras de forma gradual el desarrollo de aplicaciones web en PHP y MySQL de forma clara, simple y prctica.Domina el desarrollo de aplicaciones web en PHP y MySQL desde lo bsico hasta avanzado.Conoce la sintaxis del lenguajeConfigura tu IDE preferido para desarrollarCrea servidores virtualesDesarrolla tus propios web servicesAdministra subida de archivos validando por tipo y tamaoDisea las base de datos para las aplicacionesAprende a trabajar en MVCPrograma un administrador de usuarios por perfil asignado permisosAhora tiempo trabajando con los storage procedureCrea tu propio framework en PHPManipula imgenes desde PHPRealiza bsquedas y paginacinEste curso pone el conocimiento y las habilidades de un profesional del desarrollo web en PHP y MySQL al alcance de tus manos.Este material ha sido concebido como una gua, que te lleve desde ser un novato, a un desarrollador profesional en PHP y MySQL de forma gradual. Al final de este curso podrs trabajar con confianza como desarrollador de aplicaciones web.Sabas que PHP es uno de los lenguajes de desarrollo web ms utilizados del mundo?PHP y MySQL te abrir las puertas a la creacin de aplicaciones web y la realizacin de paginas web dinmicas as como tambin a una comprensin ms profunda de los distintos manejadores de contenidos desarrollados en PHP tales como Joomla, Wordpress, etc. y tambin facilitar el trabajo con cualquier framework de PHP que son utilizados comnmente como por ejemplo Laravel y Codeigniter.Contenido y vista generalEste curso esta diseado para personas que se inician desde cero en PHP y MySQL, con un poco de conocimientos de HTML y CSS, pero que al mismo tiempo no se conforman con una simple introduccin. Las clases inician desde los fundamentos bsicos de programacin, continuando con temas complejos de forma gradual y con ejercicios del mundo real explicados paso a paso.Cada leccin ha sido concebida para ser la base de la siguiente, y as poder obtener tanto los conocimientos y las habilidades necesarias para convertirte en un desarrollador de aplicaciones web profesional.Este curso cuenta con:33 Temas y ms de 240 video-tutoriales en alta calidadMs de 50 ejercicios con recursos para descargarSistema para practicar desarrollado en PHP el cual puedes descargarMs de 30 ejercicios de introduccin a la programacinMs de 20 proyectos reales desarrollados en PHPTodos explicados de forma clara y sencillaAl final de este curso vas a tener la confianza de poder trabajar en proyectos de desarrollo web en PHP y MySQL. Sabiendo que tienes las habilidades requeridas para desarrollar en el campo laboral."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Einfach leicht Mama sein" |
"Mein Kurs richtet sich an Mtter, die berfordert, gestresst, unzufrieden sind in ihrer Mutterrolle. Um sich in der Mutterrolle gut zurecht zu finden, ist es wesentlich, dass sich die Frauen ber die 3 Klippen/ Fallen klar werden, die sie unzufrieden und unglcklich machen. Terminologie: Mutterrolle, zufrieden, gelassen, glcklich als Mutter Es werden Videos und Arbeitsbltter eingesetzt.Das Videomaterial ist ca. eine Stunde, die Arbeitsbltter bentigen insgesamt ca. 3 Stunden.Um aus dies Fallen herauszufinden, ist es wesentlich, dass die Mtter die Gedankenstruktur, die dahinter versteht. verstehen. Der Kurs hilft diese manchmal unbewussten Strukturen aufzudecken und zu verndern."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |