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"Rhetorik, Stimme und Krpersprache trainieren" |
"Du mchtest deine Rhetorik, deine Stimme und deine Krpersprache effektiv verbessern? In diesem Kurs findest du Praxis, Praxis und Praxis um wirklich besser zu werden.Das sagen unsere Teilnehmer: ""Wirklich ein fantastischer Kurs! Nico und Mark haben eine tolle Ausstrahlung, man sprt dass ihnen Rhetorik am Herzen liegt.In meinem Beruf als Unternehmensberater habe ich sehr viel mit Menschen zu tun und bin hufig in Situationen, wo es auf meine Wirkung auf andere ankommt.Hier hat mir der Kurs sehr geholfen, den Funken ""richtig berspringen zu lassen"". Groe Klasse!""""Der Kurs ist echt richtig gut geworden ! ich war heute richtig mies drauf und schon whrend dem anschauen der Videos heute hab ich gemerkt wie sich mein Zustand immer mehr ins positive verndert hat :)""Im Kurs lernst du, wie du sicher, souvern und berzeugend mit anderen Menschen sprechen kannst. Willst du deine Krpersprache gezielter einsetzen und einfach mehr Wirkung erzeugen? Willst du charismatischer werden? Mach die bungen des Kurses!Dieser Kurs ist das richtige fr dich, wenn du sowohl im Alltag, als auch bei Prsentationen und Vortrgen besser wirken mchtest. Die Inhalte greifen beim flirten, verhandeln und Freunde finden als auch im ""Public Speaking""."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Productivity Hacks: Increase Productivity & Get Things Done" |
"*****CURRENT AS OF NOVEMBER 2019*****3850+ Udemy Students Can't Be Wrong!""Excellent course! Crystal clear and highly organized. Let me add that I enjoyed it a lot. It's highly doable and complements what I'm already doing now. I'm grateful to you for enriching me. Thanks so much!"" - 5 star review - Maria Silvo""I have watched the course in one go and I'm really impressed. The material is presented excellent and instructor shares very cool productivity tips I'm about to exploit. Thank you!"" - 5 star review - Stephy Z""I am really happy I took this course as it really made me realise I actually Can do for a living something that I enjoy and am passionate about! I find the course very useful, inspirational and practical. Many thanks!"" - 5 star review - Blagovesta Kraleva___________________________________________________________________________________________________==> Join 5000+ Students Who Have Enrolled In My Udemy Courses!==> 21+ Lectures and 1+ hour of HD Video Content___________________________________________________________________________________________________Productivity Hacks: Master Productivity And Get Things Done will help you to increase your productivity, get things done and show you how to make the most of your time.It's a step by step system, how to find your WHY, how to set your goals the correct way, welcome productive habits into your life, what you should stress working on a daily basis, the best way to organize your workflow, enhance your performance and way more.This course is the right fit for you if...You are open minded person, ready to learn new things and excel his own future;You are willing to save yourself a few years of trial and error; You are ready to take advantage of the ultimate success and productivity blueprint and adopt it into your life; Here's just a small part of things you can start implementing TODAY: How to find your WHY by validating your ideas and selection the best and most profitable ones;How to define your higher purpose;Apply Let Go concept and The Art Of Doing One Thing;Take advantage of guaranteed blueprint for success;How to distribute your task into 3 different to-do lists;How to weed out the dead-end tasks and prioritize the ones that bring you best results and grow your business;How to start off every day on the right foot;How to organize your workflow and boost your performance;My superhuman morning ritual to plow through;How setting up deadlines will help you to become more productive; Time compounding effect and the tremendous value in your life it's about to create;The secret of Magic Fridays;How to identify, shrink and remove your destructive habits....and much more!Enroll by clicking ''Take this course"" button!I'll see you on the other side.Ivan Yordanov"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Evernote Made Easy: Boost Productivity & Simplify Your Life" |
"*****CURRENT AS OF NOVEMBER 2019*****5000+ Udemy Students Can't Be Wrong!________________________________________________________________________________________________==> Join 5000+ Students Who Have Enrolled In My Udemy Courses!==> 19+ Lectures and 1+ hour of HD Video Content________________________________________________________________________________________________Evernote Made Easy: Increase Productivity And Simplify Your Life is a complete step by step system that will help you to organize you business and personal life using one simple app - Evernote. In this course you are going to learn Evernote basics, building up productivity foundation and slowly but surely understand and implement its advanced features, tips, and tricks for enhanced organization. Here is just a small part of things you will learn throughout the course:Collect all your tasks, to-do's, goals and documents into Evernote; Organize your data the most efficient way possible; Reduce your daily stress, free up your mind and time, for the things that matter to you the most.This class is designed to help you organize, plan and track your own time, whether you are an entrepreneur, small business owner, stay at home mom or you have a 9 to 5 corporate job. You Have Nothing To RiskIf at any point of your learning experience you feel like this system is not the right fit for you then you just keep your money. This course is backed up by 30 days no questions ask, money back guarantee. Enroll by clicking ''Take this course"" button!I look forward to seeing you inside. Ivan Yordanov"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Sing for Understanding" |
"Are you looking for music lessons for your child and you dont know where to start?Would you like your child to be more musical and confident?It can be overwhelming for a child to play an instrument and to interpret the information on their music at the same time. I will break down the process into easy steps for you so your child can play the piano successfully.Through simple English songs, your child will physically and mentally understand the concepts of pulse, rhythm and pitch. They will gain confidence in their listening, singing and co-ordination skills so that they can transfer these skills to playing the piano. They will be able to play 2 songs on the piano using up to 3 different pitches on the black keys.Using tools such as solfege and hand signals, your child will gain an aural and physical understanding of pitch relationships, allowing them to sing the notes in words and solfege with accuracy. They will be able to recognise them on the stave, which enables to read, write and sight sing melodies.This course would be suitable for children aged 8 and up, who has not learnt the piano before or hasvery limited musical experience."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Landscape Painting for the Beginner" |
"Landscape painting is very popular and a fun, but it's very difficult for the beginner or someone who is short of the foundation of drawing, color theory and painting techniques. In the meanwhile, going to art school is painful sometimes, the higher tuition fees and high commuting time will stop your dream of art.This course is very good choice if you have those headaches.In this course, I will show you step by step to finish the painting process, I started from the introduction to simple set painting materials, guide you through the color mixing in 3 easy to follow ways. giving out the demo of canvas primming, doing the detailed demo for whole painting process. I will even show you how to frame your painting.All of those methods came from many years art teaching experience, lots of useful tips came from the common difficulties that beginners usually have.I hope my course can help you to start your art journey,"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Rhetorik: Selbstbewusst kommunizieren und berzeugen!" |
"In diesem Rhetorik Crashkurs lernst Du, wie Du mit guten Argumenten andere berzeugst und dabei selbstbewusst auftrittst. Der Rhetorik Crashkurs ist ideal fr diejenigen, die in ca. 3 Stunden das Wichtigste ber Rhetorik, Argumentation und selbstbewusstes Auftreten lernen wollen. Es gibt 9 tolle praktische bungen, mit denen Du das Gelernte gleich einben kannst. Damit ist der Kurs nicht nur Wissensvermittlung, sondern gleich eine Anleitung zur besseren Redepraxis. Der Trainer ist absoluter Rhetorik-Profi, gehrt zu den erfolgreichsten Turnier-Rednern Europas (TOP10-Speaker bei der Debattier-Europameisterschaft 2015) - und gibt ausschlielich Tipps, die auch wirklich funktionieren! Die 6 Kerninhalte des Kurses sind:1. Zehn Gebote der Rhetorik fr eine erfolgreiche Rede2. Selbstbewusste Krpersprache3. Selbstbewusste Stimme4. Fnf Tipps gegen Lampenfieber5. Mit guten Argumenten berzeugen6. Hufige Rhetorik-Fragenber Deinen Trainer:Wlad (Wladislaw Jachtchenko) ist mehrfach ausgezeichneter Experte, TOP10-Speaker in Europa und gefragter Business Coach. Auf Udemy hat er bereits knapp 30 Kurse mit ber 30.000 zufriedenen Online-Studenten. In der Offline-Welt hlt er Vortrge, trainiert und coacht seit 2007 Politiker, Fhrungskrfte und Mitarbeiter namhafter Unternehmen wie Allianz, BMW, Pro7, Westwing, 3M und viele andere. Er vermittelt seinen Kunden nicht nur Tools professioneller Rhetorik, sondern auch effektive berzeugungstechniken, Methoden fr erfolgreiches Verhandeln, professionelles Konfliktmanagement und natrlich Techniken fr effektives Leadership. Warum sollte man diesen Crashkurs Rhetorik unbedingt machen? Ganz einfach: Man lernt von einem absoluten Rhetorik-Profi, der vielmals Publikumsliebling in Finals groer Rhetorik-Wettbewerbe stand - und daher genau wei, wie man sein Publikum in den Bann zieht.Egal ob Du Anfnger bist - oder schon etwas fortgeschritten: Das hier vermittelte Grundlagenwissen ist ein absolutes Muss fr jeden, der effektiv vor Publikum reden will! Also: Gleich anmelden und ein paar Lektionen machen! Es lohnt sich!!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Bewerbungstraining: berzeugen im Vorstellungsgesprch!" |
"In diesem Online-Bewerbungstraining lernst Du, wie Du mit guten Argumenten und gutem Auftreten das Vorstellungsgesprch meisterst und Deinen zuknftigen Arbeitgeber von Dir berzeugst.Das Online-Bewerbungstraining ist ideal fr diejenigen, die bald ein Bewerbungsgesprch vor sich haben und sich dafr professionell vorbereiten wollen. Es gibt 6 tolle praktische bungen, mit denen Du das Gelernte gleich einben kannst. Auch gibt der Dozent praktische Beispiele, wie man es nicht machen sollte.Der Dozent Wladislaw Jachtchenko ist Bewerbungs- und Rhetorikprofi und gibt seit 2007 Bewerbungsseminare & Bewerbungscoachings in der Argumentorik-Akademie in Mnchen.Die 7 Kerninhalte des Kurses sind:1. Zehn Gebote fr den erfolgreichen Bewerber2. Allgemeine Tipps zur Selbstprsentation3. Die 10 fiesesten Bewerbungsfragen & Antwortstrategien darauf4. Die 10 klassischen Bewerbungsfragen & Antwortstrategien darauf5. Professionelle Krpersprache & Stimme im Bewerbungsgesprch6. Hufige Fragen zur Gehaltsverhandlung 7. BONUS: Ungeschnittenes Bewerbungstraining im Einzelcoachingber Deinen Trainer:Wlad (Wladislaw Jachtchenko) ist mehrfach ausgezeichneter Experte, TOP10-Speaker in Europa und gefragter Business Coach. Auf Udemy hat er bereits knapp 30 Kurse mit ber 30.000 zufriedenen Online-Studenten. In der Offline-Welt hlt er Vortrge, trainiert und coacht seit 2007 Politiker, Fhrungskrfte und Mitarbeiter namhafter Unternehmen wie Allianz, BMW, Pro7, Westwing, 3M und viele andere. Er vermittelt seinen Kunden nicht nur Tools professioneller Rhetorik, sondern auch effektive berzeugungstechniken, Methoden fr erfolgreiches Verhandeln, professionelles Konfliktmanagement und natrlich Techniken fr effektives Leadership. Warum sollte man dieses Online-Bewerbungstraining unbedingt machen? Ganz einfach: Man lernt von einem Bewerbungs-Profi, der sowohl die Arbeitnehmer- als auch die Arbeitgeberperspektive kennt und daher genau wei, wie man seinen zuknftigen Arbeitgeber von sich berzeugt!Egal ob Du im Bereich Vorstelungsgesprch Anfnger bist - oder schon ein paar Vorstellungsgesprche hinter Dir hattest: Das hier vermittelte Grundlagenwissen ist ein absolutes Muss fr jeden, der sich professionell bewerben will!Also: Gleich anmelden! Es lohnt sich!!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Schlagfertigkeit: Die 30 besten Schlagfertigkeits-Techniken!" |
"In diesem Online-Schlagfertigkeits-Training lernst Du, wie Du auf verbale Attacken schlagfertig antwortest und dabei selbstbewusst auftrittst.Das Schlagfertigkeitstraining ist ideal fr diejenigen, denen die passende Antwort erst Stunden spter einfllt. Es gibt gleich 30 (!!) tolle praktische bungen, mit denen Du die gelernte Technik gleich einben kannst. Damit ist dieser Kurs nicht nur Wissensvermittlung, sondern gleich eine Anleitung zur besseren Schlagfertigkeit.Der Trainer Wladislaw Jachtchenko ist absoluter Schlagfertigkeits- und Rhetorik-Profi. Er gehrt zu den erfolgreichsten Turnier-Rednern Europas (TOP10-Speaker bei der Debattier-Europameisterschaft 2015) - und gibt ausschlielich Tipps, die auch wirklich funktionieren!Die 6 Kerninhalte des Kurses sind:1. Was ist Schlagfertigkeit und warum sind viele Menschen nicht schlagfertig?2. 10 Schlagfertigkeits-Techniken fr Einsteiger3. 10 Schlagfertigkeits-Techniken fr Fortgeschrittene4. 10 Schlagfertigkeits-Techniken fr Profis5. Gleich 30 praktische bungen zum Ausprobieren der Techniken6. Antworten auf hufigste Schlagfertigkeits-Fragenber Deinen Trainer:Wlad (Wladislaw Jachtchenko) ist mehrfach ausgezeichneter Experte, TOP10-Speaker in Europa und gefragter Business Coach. Auf Udemy hat er bereits knapp 30 Kurse mit ber 30.000 zufriedenen Online-Studenten. In der Offline-Welt hlt er Vortrge, trainiert und coacht seit 2007 Politiker, Fhrungskrfte und Mitarbeiter namhafter Unternehmen wie Allianz, BMW, Pro7, Westwing, 3M und viele andere. Er vermittelt seinen Kunden nicht nur Tools professioneller Rhetorik, sondern auch effektive berzeugungstechniken, Methoden fr erfolgreiches Verhandeln, professionelles Konfliktmanagement und natrlich Techniken fr effektives Leadership. Warum sollte man dieses Schlagfertigkeits-Training unbedingt machen? Ganz einfach: Man lernt von einem absoluten Schlagfertigkeits-Profi - und hat gleich die Mglichkeit zum ben. Also ganz wie in einem echten Live-Seminar.Vor allem: Egal ob Du Anfnger bist - oder schon etwas fortgeschritten: Das hier vermittelte Grundlagenwissen ist ein absolutes Muss fr jeden, der schlagfertig antworten will!Also: Gleich anmelden und ein paar Lektionen machen! Es lohnt sich!!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Applying of realistic tattoos on the body in Photoshop" |
"This course step by step will help you master the art of Applying the realistic tattoos at the body in Photoshop. You will be able to transfer a tattoo from the sketch, downloaded from the Internet, drawn by you or found in the catalog of tattoos. In this course you will learn how to apply the tattoo, with maximum degree of realism. And these tattoos will look really impressive!You will learn how to apply tattoos on different parts of the body. You will learn how to transfer sketch in a tattoo. You will learn how to transfer the settings from one tattoo to the other. The course will enable photographers, retouchers and digital artists to diversify their creativity. The course will be clear to everyone: from a beginner to a professional. Fans of tattooing before actually making a tattoo, can first try it on their photos in Photoshop and choose the most suitable."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Fitness Package" |
"If you've struggled to hit your fitness goals in the past, The Ultimate Fitness Package is for you. If you've fallen out of shape and need a plan that matches your busy lifestyle, this package is for you. In fact, if you need to transform for any reason, TUFP is for youwhether you're male or female, beginner or intermediate.Wherever you are in your fitness journey, this package can change your life. Make the commitment today and be transformed.The best thing about it?The Ultimate Fitness Package has all the information that you need to succeed in one place!Yes, I'm serious! I wish I had all that information before I first got into the gym.You will have access to:MACROSCOOK WITH MEWARM-UPCARDIOEVERY EXERCISESTRETCHINGTRAINING TECHNIQUESABS WORKOUTCHEAT DAYS"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Capturing Light 101: Cinematography Fundamentals" |
"The Capturing Light 101: Cinematography Fundamentals Course is all about teaching you what you need to know to shoot better films immediately. The course covers topics such as: Camera FeaturesShutter Speed, Aperture, and IsoCamera MovementsLensesLighting Basics.The course is taught in a clear and concise manner, getting straight to the point to get you out there filming. This course also comes with downloadable pdfs, charts, quizzes, and even an Ebook, as well as access to me through my virtual office hours. If you have been on the fence about getting into cinematography, or overwhelmed with it, let this course be the one that teaches you the fundamentals to help start your cinematography journey. The course will take approximately 1 hour to complete."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 5: Introduction to California Criminal Law" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.IDENTIFY: the relationship among Constitutional law, Statutory law and Case law the basic elements common to all crimes the basic elements required of an attempt to commit a crime the three classes of crime as a Felony, Misdemeanor and Infraction the people legally incapable of committing a crimeRECALL the statutory definition of a crimeDIFFERENTIATE between: the letter of the law and the spirit of the law criminal and civil law criminal intent and criminal negligence the three parties to a crime, to include Principals, Accessories and AccomplicesDISCUSS general, specific and transferred intent crimesSelected information from this written examination will also appear on your Mid-Course and End-of-Course Proficiency Tests."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 6: Crimes Against Property" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.RECOGNIZE the crime elements required to arrest for and be able to RECOGNIZE the crime classifications as either a misdemeanor or felony: theft vehicle theft defrauding an innkeeper burglary shoplifting possession of burglary tools possession of or receiving personal property with altered serial numbers or identification marks receiving stolen property forgery arson unlawfully causing a fire possession of a flammable or combustible material unauthorized entry of property trespass vandalismRECOGNIZE: what constitutes a lawful repossession what constitutes lawful conduct in a landlord / tenant disputeDESCRIBE: appropriate peace officer actions when taking a Burglary report or other similar property crimes information that should be obtained when interviewing the victim/victims of or witness/witnesses to a burglarySelected information from this StudiGuide will also appear on your Mid-Course and End-of-Course Proficiency Written Tests."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 8: General Criminal Statutes" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.RECOGNIZE the crime elements required to arrest for the following misdemeanor crimes: Lewd conduct Invasion of privacy Prostitution Loitering about a public toilet Public intoxication Disturbing the peace Obstruction of a public way Prowling and peepingSelected information from this written examination will also appear on your Mid-Course and End-of-Course Proficiency Tests."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 7: Crimes Against Persons / Death Investigations" |
"Crimes Against Persons Death InvestigationsThis StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.RECOGNIZE the crime elements required to arrest for and the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony: Battery Assault with a deadly weapon or by means of force Elder or dependent adult abuse Kidnapping False imprisonment Child abduction without custodial right Child abduction with custodial right Robbery CarjackingRECOGNIZE the crime elements required to arrest for murderRECOGNIZE the crime and classification for manslaughter crimesIDENTIFY information that should be obtained and documented when conducting an investigation involving the death of a childIDENTIFY indicators that a childs death may be due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)IDENTIFY appropriate actions for responding officers interacting with parents or care givers involved in a SIDS IncidentSelected information from this written examination will also appear on your Mid-Course and End-of-Course Proficiency Tests."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 9: Crimes Against Children" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.RECOGNIZE the crime elements required to arrest for and the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony: child harm, injury, or endangerment corporal punishment or injury (physical abuse) of a child lewd or lascivious acts with a child annoying or molesting children possession of child pornography unlawful sexual intercourseRECOGNIZE the specific law enforcement reporting requirements for Crimes Against Children.RECOGNIZE the required documentation when investigating Crimes Against Children.RECOGNIZE a peace officers responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of the reporting party for Crimes Against Children.RECOGNIZE the legal basis for entry without a warrant to protect a minor for Crimes Against Children.RECOGNIZE the exigent circumstances that could lead an officer to reasonably believe that there is an immediate threat to a minor when investigating Crimes Against Children.RECALL the statutory definition of child abuse.IDENTIFY by category the professional occupations required to report suspected child abuse.DISCUSS physical and behavioral indicators of: Physical child abuse Physical neglect of a child Mental suffering Sexual child abuseDEMONSTRATE effective officer actions for conducting an interview with a child victim of abuseSelected information from this written examination will also appear on your Mid-Course and End-of-Course Proficiency Tests."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 10: Sex Crimes in California" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.RECOGNIZE the crime elements required to arrest for and RECOGNIZE the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony Rape Assault with intent to commit rape or other crimes specified in penal code 220 Indecent exposure Oral copulation Penetration with a foreign object Sodomy Sexual batteryGIVE EXAMPLES of assessing a victims physical state in order to make them as comfortable as possible, and secure the necessary medical attentionDESCRIBE common emotional and physical reactions victims experience and the pressures associated with reporting a sex crimeDESCRIBE a peace officers own emotional and attitudinal reactions to sex crimesDISCUSS factors that set a positive tone for the victim interviewSELECT questions to be asked during the victim interviewIDENTIFY the purpose of a medical / legal examEXPLAIN Victims rightsDISCUSS the types of evidence to be collected from the crime scene, victim, and suspectDESCRIBE the services available to sexual assault victimsIDENTIFY the requirements for sex offender registration under Penal Code Section 290RECOGNIZE violations of Penal Code 290Selected information from this written examination will also appear on your Mid-Course and End-of-Course Proficiency Tests."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 11: California Juvenile Law" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.RECOGNIZE the following: a peace officers responsibility for the safety of a juvenile and the general public the conditions when admonishment of a juvenile's rights is or is not required the conditions when a peace officer must obtain a waiver of a juveniles rights the sources of peace officer authority to take a juvenile into temporary custody the options available to a peace officer for the disposition of a juvenile case the conditions under which a juvenile may become a dependent of the court the situations in which a juvenile can be taken into temporary custody due to habitual disobedience or truancy the situations in which a juvenile can be taken into temporary custody for violating a law or ordinance the guidelines requiring the separation and segregation of dependent minors, status offenders, and wards within a facility the appropriate level of confinement for the purposes of temporary custody the need for preventing all contact between juveniles and adult prisoners within a facilityRECOGNIZE the crime elements of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and RECOGNIZE the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony.Selected information from this written examination will also appear on your End-of-Course Proficiency Test."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 12: Controlled Substances Law in California" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.DISCUSS the impact of drugs on the bodyRECOGNIZE the category, common name(s), symptoms, physical properties and packaging of the following controlled substances, and how they are introduced into the body and general indicators of use: Stimulants Hallucinogens Narcotic Analgesics (Opiates) Cannabis Depressants Inhalants Dissociative Anesthetics (Phencyclidine PCP)RECOGNIZE the crime elements required to arrest and RECOGNIZE the crime classification as an infraction, misdemeanor or felony for the following: Possession of drug paraphernalia Being under the influence of a controlled substance Possession of a Controlled Substance Possession of a Controlled Substance for Sale Transporting/Selling/Furnishing, etc., of a Controlled Substance Possession of Precursor Chemicals for Manufacturing Manufacturing a Controlled Substance Possession of marijuana/concentrated cannabis Smoking/ingesting marijuana/concentrated cannabis in public Cultivating or Harvesting Marijuana Possession of marijuana/concentrated cannabis for sales Transporting/selling/furnishing, etc., of marijuana/concentrated cannabis.IDENTIFY the characteristics and types of a clandestine laboratory/illegal cannabis cultivation along with the required safety precautions when securing a clandestine laboratory/illegal cannabis cultivation."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 15: California Laws of Arrest" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.RECOGNIZE a peace officers responsibility in relation to the protections and rights included in the following amendments to the U.S. Constitution and related California Constitution sections: The Fourth Amendment The Fifth Amendment The Sixth Amendment The Fourteenth AmendmentRECOGNIZE a peace officers responsibility in relation to the protections included under federal civil rights statutes.RECOGNIZE: appropriate conduct during a consensual encounter conduct that may elevate a consensual encounter the consequences of elevating a consensual encounter reasonable suspicion appropriate peace officer actions during a detention the scope and conditions for warrantless searches and seizures during a detention conditions where the use of force or physical restraint is appropriate during a detention when there is probable cause to arrest information that must be given to an arrested person elements of a warrantless arrest for a misdemeanor elements of a warrantless arrest for a felony elements of a warrant arrest the requirements for entry into a dwelling to make an arrest the authority for a private person arrest and the peace officers duty in response to a private person arrest conditions under which the use of force or physical restraint is appropriate during an arrest the statutory requirements for the disposition of an arrested person the exception(s) to the powers to arrest when Miranda warnings must be given the impact of invoking: the right to remain silent and the right to counsel the types of Miranda waivers the exceptions(s) to the Miranda ruleDIFFERENTIATE between: a detention and a consensual encounter an arrest and a detention an interview and interrogation an admission and a confessionIDENTIFY: elements of a lawful arrest the purpose of the Miranda warning(s) the proper administration of Miranda warnings the purpose of an interrogation the conditions in which a confession or admission may be inadmissible in a court"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 16: Search and Seizure Law in California" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.RECOGNIZE: constitutional protections guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment standing and how it applies to an expectation of privacy probable cause to search and its link between Fourth Amendment protections and search and seizure law how the exclusionary rule applies to a peace officers collection of evidence how probable cause serves as a basis for obtaining a search warrant the necessary conditions for securing an area pending issuance of a search warrant the elements for compliance with the knock and notice requirements when serving a search warrant the application of the Nexus Rule while conducting an authorized search why a plain view seizure does not constitute a search the legal requirements for seizure of items in plain view the conditions and circumstances where warrantless searches and seizures are considered reasonable and legal the scope and necessary conditions for conducting the following types of warrantless searches:cursory/frisk/pat searchconsent searchessearches pursuant to exigent circumstancessearches incident to arrestprobation/parole searches the scope and necessary conditions for conducting the following types of motor vehicle searchesprobable cause searchesseizures of items in plain viewprotective searchesconsent searchessearches incident to custodial arrestinstrumentality searches the scope and necessary conditions for conducting a vehicle inventory the legal framework establishing a peace officers authority to seize physical evidence from a subjects body with a warrant, and without a warrant the conditions under which a peace officer may use reasonable force to prevent a subject form swallowing or attempting to swallow evidence the conditions necessary for legally obtaining blood samples the conditions for legally obtaining nonintrusive bodily evidence such as Fingerprints, and Handwriting samplesIDENTIFY: the concept of reasonable expectation of privacy the time limitations for serving a search warrant the importance of a peace officers neutral role during an identification procedure officer actions before, during, and after an identification procedure to prevent impermissible law enforcement suggestiveness when conducting a:Field show-upPhotographic spreadCustodial lineupSelected information from this written examination will also appear on your Mid-Course and End-of-Course Proficiency Tests."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 20: Use of Force in California" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.After review and study of this StudiGuide:DEFINE the term force optionIDENTIFY: the circumstances set forth in the California Penal Code when a peace officer has the authority to use force that the objective of using force is to overcome resistance to gain control of an individual and the situation the legal standard for the use of deadly force the factors required to establish sufficiency of fear for the use of deadly forceRECOGNIZE: force options and the amount of force peace officers may use based on the subjects resistance facts an officer should consider when determining whether or not to use deadly force the law regarding justifiable homicide by a public officer and the circumstances under which the homicide is considered justifiableEXPLAIN: the legal framework establishing a peace officers authority during a legal arrest, including a subjects requirement to submit to arrest without resistance and a peace officers authority to use reasonable force during a detention or arrest the importance of training and ongoing practice when responding to potentially dangerous situations that may require the use of force the legal and administrative consequences associated with the use of unreasonable force an agencys potential liability associated with the use of unreasonable force the consequences of an officers failure to intervene when unreasonable force is used by another peace officerDESCRIBE: why complete documentation of the use of force is critical to the peace officer and the peace officers agency, to include justification for using force and relevant factors and detail the benefits of ongoing physical and mental training for peace officers involving the use of forceGIVE EXAMPLES: of acceptable techniques for managing angerDISCUSS: reasonable force as stated by law the components of the Fourth Amendment standard for determining objective reasonableness as determined by the U.S. Supreme Court the importance of effective communication when using force the role of agency policies regarding the use of deadly force factors that can affect a peace officers response when threatened with danger, to include: Fearo Reasonableo Unreasonable Anger Indecision and hesitation immediate and delayed intervention techniques factors that may inhibit a peace officer from intervening in a situation where a fellow officer may be applying unreasonable forceSelected information from this written examination will also appear on your Mid-Course and End-of-Course Proficiency Tests."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 25: Domestic Violence in California" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.RECALL the definition of domestic violence per Penal Code 13700RECOGNIZE the crime elements required to arrest a suspect for the following crimes as applied to domestic violence incidents, and RECOGNIZE the crime classification for each crime that may result from a domestic violence incident as a misdemeanor or a felony Willful infliction of corporal injury Battery Stalking Malicious destruction of telephone, telegraph, cable television, or electrical lines Preventing or dissuading a witness or a victim from testifying Criminal threats Spousal rapeRECOGNIZE: the initial process for responding to a domestic violence call under what circumstances an arrest should be made procedures for seizing firearms or other deadly weaponsIDENTIFY the differences between the types of court orders to include: Criminal protective/stay-away orders Emergency Protective Orders Restraining ordersIDENTIFY: common characteristics of a victim and a batterer a peace officers role in reducing domestic violence physical evidence to be collected the validity of a restraining order the purpose for obtaining an Emergency Protective Order what information needs to be documented in a report how the peace officer can provide support for the victimDEMONSTRATE how to enforce a court orderDISCUSS resources available for victim protectionSelected information from this written examination will also appear on your End-of-Course Proficiency Test."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 26: Unusual Occurrences Response" |
"This StudiGuide course provides a practice review-testing resource for police academy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.RECALL the definition of unusual occurrencesIDENTIFY: the mission of law enforcement when responding to an unusual occurrence risk versus benefits/gains of entering a burning structure the inherent dangers in a post-blast explosion sceneIDENTIFY the responsibilities of the first responding officer on the scene of an unusual occurrence, to include: Assuming initial command Establishing a perimeter/protecting the incident location Isolating the hazard Maintaining ingress/egress control Initiating appropriate notificationsIDENTIFY the purpose of the Incident Command System (ICS), including: Responsibilities of the initial responding officer Basic components of the Incident Command System (ICS) Basic components of the National Incident Management System (NIMS)RECOGNIZE: the appropriate methods for extinguishing each class of fire appropriate actions for responding to incidents involving bombs/explosive threats safety precautions officers should follow at the scene where a suspected bomb/explosive device has been located appropriate actions for securing a scene where an explosive device has been located appropriate officer actions for securing a post-blast explosion scene appropriate officer actions when responding to an aircraft crashRECOGNIZE appropriate officer actions specific to other types of unusual occurrences, including: Electrical power emergencies Hazardous road conditions Traffic device malfunctions Gas leaks Floods Animal control problems EarthquakesSelected information from this written examination will also appear on your End-of-Course Proficiency Test."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 28: California Traffic Enforcement" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.DIFFERENTIATE between mandatory and optional appearances before a magistrateRECOGNIZE the elements and common names for: violations involving failure to obey the lawful orders of a peace officer or designated employee traffic control signal and device violations involving red signal lights, stop signs, other traffic control signals and devices right-of-way violations involving failure to yield the right-of-way and failure to yield to an emergency vehicle rights and provisions involving bicyclists violations involving pedestrians violations involving turning and signaling speed violations involving basic speed laws and maximum speed driving and passing violations involving following too closely, unsafe lane change, passing on the right/left and passing a stopped school bus public offense violations involving reckless driving, speed contests, hand-held wireless telephone and electronic wireless communications device hit and run violations basic motor vehicle licensing requirements violations when driving with a suspended or revoked license basic motor vehicle registration requirements basic vehicle equipment requirements for motor vehicles driven upon highways violations involving the possession of alcoholic beverages in a motor vehicle violations involving Driving Under the Influence (DUI)RECOGNIZE a peace officers legal authority to remove vehiclesRECOGNIZE driving that might indicate a driver of a vehicle may be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugsRECOGNIZE the indications of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs a peace officer may observe upon making contact with a driverRECOGNIZE appropriate peace officer actions if a subject refuses to cooperate in performing a Field Sobriety Test (FST)DISCUSS: the elements and Vehicle Code section(s) governing arrest medical conditions that may cause a person to appear under the influence the primary elements included in the statutory admonition read to drivers who refuse to submit to a chemical sobriety testDEMONSTRATE: effective use of hand signals, flashlights and other warning devices to control traffic FSTs that may be used to determine impairment, to include Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN), One-Leg Stand (OLS) and Walk & Turn (WAT)EXPLAIN: the relevance of traffic enforcement to public safety and quality of life within a community the relevance of traffic enforcement to legally establish probable cause for accomplishing general law enforcement objectives the organization of information within the Vehicle Code the meaning of the phrase under the influence"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 31: Custody" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.RECALL the definition of custodyRECOGNIZE: general responsibilities an officer has for the care and custody of an arrested person the liabilities for an officer who shows callous disregard for an arrested persons safety the circumstances that ensure a legal basis for commitment to custody, including: Court documents (e.g., warrants, court orders, etc.) Parole and probation commitments Probable cause arrests Prisoners in transit constitutional rights and protections afforded to an arrested person while in an officers charge fatal errors officers can make that jeopardize their safety while performing custodial duties the crime of violation of a prisoners civil rights responsibilities of the arresting or transporting officer and custodial personnel regarding medical care prescreening of prisoners before being accepted into a local detention facilityRECOGNIZE the crime elements, required to complete the crime of assault of a prisoner under the color of authority and IDENTIFY the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felonyRECOGNIZE the crime elements, required to complete the crime of cruel or unusual treatment of prisoners and IDENTIFY the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felonyRECOGNIZE the crime elements, required to complete the crime of inhumane or oppressive treatment of a prisoner and IDENTIFY the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felonyRECOGNIZE the crime elements for bringing a firearm, deadly weapon, or explosive into a detention facility and IDENTIFY the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felonyIDENTIFY classes of prisoners who may require special care or protection Selected information from this written examination will also appear on your End-of-Course Proficiency Test."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 36: Information Systems for Law Enforcement" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.RECOGNIZE the requirements of the Department of Justice regarding the confirmation of information obtained from the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) networkRECOGNIZE crimes involving unlawful access or use of a law enforcement computer systemRECOGNIZE requirements for authorized release of Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) based on right-to-know and need-to-knowRECOGNIZE crimes related to the unauthorized release, receipt, or use of CORI including: Furnishing the information to an unauthorized person Lawfully receiving the information and then furnishing it to an unauthorized person Purchase, receipt, or possession of the information by an unauthorized personIDENTIFY systems and databases available from the Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) and the types of information providedRECOGNIZE the minimum information required for generating an inquiry into each of the CJIS systems and databasesIDENTIFY systems and databases available from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Information System and the types of information providedRECOGNIZE the minimum information required for generating an inquiry into each of the DMV databases This is more than likely ALL you will be tested on during this specific written examination. Selected information from this written examination will also appear on your End-of-Course Proficiency Test."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 37: People with Disabilities" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.DIFFERENTIATE between courses of action for peace officers when dealing with a person who appears to be affected by a mental illness and is a danger to others, a danger to self, gravely disabled or not dangerous or gravely disabledDEFINE: the term mental illness the term developmental disabilityLIST: the types of mobility assistance equipment and devices the categories of mental illness which include Thought disorders including schizophrenia and Mood disorders including depression and bipolarIDENTIFY methods an officer can use to communicate with a person who is deaf or hard of hearingRECOGNIZE: the role of peace officers when interacting with a person with a disability general behavioral indicators associated with all developmental disabilities behavioral indicators specifically associated with the following developmental disabilities such as Mental retardation, Cerebral Palsy, Autism or Epilepsy appropriate peace officer actions during field contacts with people with the following developmental disabilities such as Mental retardation, Cerebral Palsy, Autism or Epilepsy behavioral or other indicators that may lead an officer to identify a person as being Blind or visually impaired, or Deaf or hard of hearing appropriate peace officer actions during field contacts with people who are Blind or visually impaired, or Deaf or hard of hearing behavioral indicators that may be generally associated with people affected by mental illness indicators officers may use to help determine if a person affected by a mental illness is a danger to others, a danger to self, or gravely disabled due to mental illness appropriate tactical actions when responding to a call that involves a person with a mental illness behavioral indicators that may lead an officer to believe a person with mental illness may be a danger to others or a danger to self peace officer actions when a person affected by mental illness does not meet detention under the Welfare and Institutions Code section 5150STATE: the intent of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 the intent of the Lanterman-Petris-Short Developmental Disabilities Service Act (Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 4500 et. seq.)EXPLAIN: state and local resources available to people with disabilities the intent of the Lanterman-Petris-Short Act (Welfare and Institutions Code section 5150)DISCUSS: the types of neurological disorders, including Acquired and Traumatic additional laws that protect the rights of people with physical disabilities, including: Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504 Right of way (Vehicle Code Section 21963) White Cane Law (Civil Code Section 54.4) Service Animals (Penal Code Section 365.5 et. seq.)Selected information from this written examination will also appear on your End-of-Course Proficiency Test."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 39: Crimes Against the California Justice System" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.RECOGNIZE the crime elements required to arrest for: Intimidating witnesses or victims Threats of retaliation Violating a court order Resisting, delaying or obstructing a public officer, peace officer, or emergency medical technician Obstructing or resisting an executive officer by use of threats or force Threatening a public officer Disarming an officer Removing any weapon, other than a firearm, from an officer Attempting to remove a firearm from a public officer Attempting to escape or escaping from the custody of a peace officer Attempting to escape or escaping from a prison or other place of confinement Attempting to escape or escaping from a county or city jail Attempting to rescue or rescuing Providing a false identity to a peace officer Falsely reporting a criminal offense Falsely reporting an emergency Falsely reporting a destructive device Unlawful assembly Refusal to disperseRECOGNIZE the crime classifications as a misdemeanor or felony. This is more than likely ALL you will be tested on during this specific written examination. Selected information from this written examination will also appear on your Mid-Course and End-of-Course Proficiency Tests."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 40: California Weapons Violations Laws" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.RECOGNIZE the crime elements required to arrest a person for and RECOGNIZE the crime classification as a misdemeanor or felony: Possession of a prohibited weapon Possession of an illegal knife Unlawful possession of tear gas weapon or chemical agent Carrying a firearm in a public place or within a vehicle Possession of a deadly weapon with intent to assault another person Possession of a loaded firearm with intent to commit a felony Alteration or removal of identifying marks from a firearm A firearm by a convicted felon, narcotic addict, or other restricted persons A firearm by a person convicted of a specified misdemeanor An unauthorized weapon in a prohibited location Drawing, exhibiting, or unlawful use of a Deadly weapon (other than a firearm) Drawing, exhibiting, or unlawful use of a Firearm Drawing, exhibiting, or unlawful use of a Firearm in the presence of a motor vehicle occupant Drawing, exhibiting, or unlawful use of an Imitation firearm Drawing, exhibiting, or unlawful use of a Loaded firearm on the grounds of any daycare facility Drawing, exhibiting, or unlawful use of a Firearm in the presence of a peace officer Unlawful discharging of a firearmRECOGNIZE: the statutory definition of a concealed firearm the exceptions to the license requirement for possession of a concealable firearm the crime elements required to arrest for possession of a concealable firearm without a license the crime classification for possession of a concealable firearm without a licenseThis is more than likely ALL you will be tested on during this specific written examination. Selected information from this written examination will also appear on your End-of-Course Proficiency Test."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"StudiGuide 43: Emergency Management in California" |
"This StudiGuide courseprovides a practice review-testing resource for policeacademy cadets (based on the state of Californias Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.RECALL: the definition of terrorism the history of the Incident Command System (ICS)RECOGNIZE terrorism indicators and counterterrorism measuresIDENTIFY: typical terrorist methods, motivations and tactics domestic terrorist groups special interest terrorist groups international terrorist groups the Department of Homeland Security threat levels law enforcement prevention/deterrence actions public safety information sharing resources the concepts of a threat and vulnerability assessment local critical infrastructure sectors threat assessment rationale the intelligence cycle intelligence resources Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) routes of exposure and the assessment of WMD exposure the components of the R.A.I.N. Concept, Recognize, Avoid, Isolate and Notify biological WMD agents the characteristics of nuclear/radiological WMD agents the characteristics of incendiary devices the types of chemical WMD and toxic industrial chemicals / materials the effects of toxic industrial chemicals / materials the types and characteristics of explosives and improvised explosive devices the importance of WMD job aids for First Responders, Louisiana State University (LSU) WMD Response Guide and Emergency Response Guide (ERG) response strategies and decontamination issues the phases of a WMD incident the basic on-scene actions at a WMD incident incident response priorities of Life versus property, Crime scene protection and Preservation of evidence types and levels of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and decontamination considerations law enforcement, First Responder roles and responsibilities associated with responding to a critical incident the features of ICS the five functional components of ICS the components of the State of California Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) the components of the National Incident Management System (NIMS)Selected information from this written examination will also appear on your End-of-Course Proficiency Test."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |