Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"JavaScript pour dbutants Guide Complet" |
"Cette formation vido va vous montrer comment utiliser le langage JavaScript pour dynamiser vos pages Web. Elle s'adresse un public dbutant et intermdiaire. Lorsque vous l'aurez entirement suivie, vous saurez comment : Utiliser les instructions du langage JavaScript. Vous pourrez ainsi crire toutes sortes de codes pour rpondre toutes sortes de situation. De la validation locale de formulaires l'utilisation d'API en passant par la modification du DOM, et bien d'autres sujets encore. Dboguer votre code pour trouver rapidement l'instruction ou les instructions qui bloquent son excution ou provoquent des comportements que vous n'avez pas prvus. Accder aux objets par dfaut du langage JavaScript et crer vos propres objets. Tout en amliorant les possibilits du langage, vous pourrez dfinir des objets qui correspondent exactement ce dont vous avez besoin dans vos projets personnels ou ceux dvelopps dans votre entreprise. Crer du code pour ragir aux vnements de l'utilisateur et du systme. Ce code permettra par exemple de ragir aux clics souris, aux frappes sur le clavier, au redimensionnement de la fentre du navigateur ou encore l'horloge systme. Lorsqu'un tel vnement se produira, le contenu de la page pourra changer de faon dynamique pour amliorer l'exprience de l'utilisateur. Interagir avec un programme serveur en AJAX. Pour tre le plus efficace possible, les changes AJAX se feront via la bibliothque jQuery. Utiliser des API pour faciliter vos dveloppements : drag and drop, golocalisation, local storage, web workers, 3D avec WebGL. Il ne s'agit l que de quelques-uns des sujets abords dans cette formation. Que vous dbutiez en programmation JavaScript ou que vous ayez dj une certaine exprience, vous y trouverez un ensemble de techniques qui simplifieront vos futurs projets, raccourciront vos temps de dveloppement et augmenteront sa prennit. Tout au long de la formation, de nombreux exercices vous sont proposs. Pour bien apprendre programmer en JavaScript, vous devez jouer le jeu et vous appliquer rsoudre chacun des exercices proposs. Rassurez-vous, la difficult ira croissante. Et vous serez en mesure de rsoudre les premiers exercices mme si vous n'avez actuellement aucune connaissance en JavaScript ! Je vous souhaite une bonne lecture et beaucoup de dcouvertes toutes aussi passionnantes les unes que les autres !"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Prosperity Secrets Revealed!" |
"Do you know that it does not matter what your outer circumstances are you can be prosperous! It does not matterhow intelligent you are, how talented you are, where you live or the kind of job you have you can be prosperous and this course shows you how. Iam going to lead you on a in depth exploration into the world of prosperity. I am going to share with you scientifically based spiritual principles that work. These are the principles Iuse to keep myself in the flow of prosperity. This class is not about how to manage your finances, how to balance your check book, how to make sound investments and it is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It is a class about implementing proven techniques to improve not only your financial prosperity but all areas of your life. The techniques Iam going to share are ones you can put into practice immediately and you can see results quickly.I feel so confident about what Iam about to share with you that I can say these techniques are guaranteed to work. So, if you are ready for a better life hop on board now! You will not be disappointed.I am prosperous and you are prosperous too!!! Ihave added a new FREEresource in this course. Lecture 28 is a short video and in that lecture under resource is a FREEEBOOK titled ""Money Attraction: Achieving Financial Prosperity in the 21st Century"". The short video is a brief explanation of what the book contains and you can download the FREEE-Book.Here is the content:Table Of Contents Foreword Chapter 1: The Importance Of Recognizing Chapter 2: What Do You Have To Offer Chapter 3: Things That Hold You Back Chapter 4: Intentions Chapter 5: Steps To Bringing Wealth ENJOY!!!Many blessings of continued prosperity!!!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"How You Can Create a Successful Online Presence" |
"*******UPDATED FOR 2019-2020*****Do you have what it takes to be a successful Internet entrepreneur? Take the Entrepreneur Test and find out..How do you create a successful online presence be it a website or blog? You can create a website that works for you, that will draw new clients, new members and new visitors that will want your service and/or products and I can show you how. There are a lot of web sites out there, millions on the Internet. That is a huge number of websites for people to sift through to find yours! Most people searching on the Internet will look at the top ten to twenty listings rarely farther then that unless what they are seeking is not in the top ten results from a search engine. If the home page of your web site does not capture their attention in the first few seconds, they will move on. If your web site does not have a professional look, they will move on. If your web site is not easy to navigate they will move on.This course includes all you need to know to take an idea and create a successful Internet presence, from conception to success! Through video lectures, assignments and checklists you are given all the tools you will need to get off to a successful start and to build on that success. This course is most appropriate for someone who is thinking about building a website to just build a website on the Internet.I cover where to go to find a domain name and then register it. What is the best hosting company for your web presence? Do you want to use a site builder, wordpress or on your own to create your online presence? What about your web presence design? How can you make your online presence interactive? How can you get online and offline leads? All of this and more....I leave no stone unturned to provide you will all you need to create a successful online presence. Take a look at the course goals and sign up now!*******UPDATED FOR 2019-2020*****Twenty new videos added on the following topics:Welcome to the latest and very easy to apply Internet Marketing Video Training, designed to take you by the hand and walk you through the process of getting the most out of Internet Marketing in 2019-20, on behalf of your business.Im very excited to have you here, and I know that this will be very helpful for you.This Exclusive Video Training Will Show You Step-By-Step, Topic By Topic, And Tool By Tool, What You Need To Know To Dominate Internet Marketing, In The Easiest Way Possible, Using The Most Effective Tools And In The Shortest Time Ever.This Video Training Is Comprised Of 20 HD Training Videos, Ready To Show You The Latest Internet Marketing Strategies Through 2019-20.This Is Exactly What You Are Going To Learn:Video 1: What is Internet Marketing in 2019-20 All About?Video 2: Optimizing Your Website For Search Engines In 2019-20Video 3: Creating Blog Posts That Attract Organic Traffic In 2019-20Video 4: How To Get Your YouTube Marketing Videos On The First Page Of Search Results In 2019-20Video 5: How To Compose Killer Social Media Marketing Posts In 2019-20Video 6: Amplifying Your Reach With A Paid Facebook Marketing Campaign In 2019-20Video 7: Generating Qualified Website Traffic With A Google Ads Campaign In 2019-20Video 8: How To Create A Powerful Email Marketing Campaign In 2019-20Video 9: Recovering Abandoning Visitors With Remarketing In 2019-20Video 10: Generating More Sales Leads On Autopilot With A Facebook Messenger Bot In 2019-20Video 11: How To Funnel More Qualified Leads And Referral Traffic To All Your Marketing Channels With A GiveawayVideo 12: Building A Complete Internet Marketing Plan For 2019-20Video 13: Alternative Internet Marketing Methods That Make Instant Money In 2019-20Video 14: Internet Marketing Strategies For eCommerce Enthusiasts In 2019-20Video 15: Internet Marketing Best Practices In 2019-20Video 16: Advanced Internet Marketing Tips and Tricks That Work In 2019-20Video 17: Internet Marketing Do's And Donts in 2019-20Video 18: Internet Marketing Premium Tools And Services To Consider in 2019-20Video 19: Internet Marketing Shocking Case Studies in 2019-20Video 20: Internet Marketing Frequently Asked Questions in 2019-20Well, Its Time For You To Start Getting The Most Out Of Internet Marketing In 2019-20, On Behalf Of Your Business.I know you'll love this new section!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Short, Effective Workouts" |
"Learn the skillsfor workouts that work.Is it time to get serious aboutexercise?Short workoutsEfficient workoutsEffective workoutsYou'll learn knowledge and techniquesfor a lifetime of short, useful workoutsWhat exercises melt fatWhat exercises build muscleWhat exercises waste timeWho is the ideal student?Students should behealthy, ambitious and between the ages of 20 and 50. Students shouldbe new to exercise or unfulfilled with their current workouts.Bonus skillsHow to get motivatedHow to deal with peopleHow to find timeHow to enjoy exercise more thanyou do nowWhy take the course?Lose weightGain energyBuild muscle (guys)What is the course?This courseconsists of 13 short (most 2-5 minutes) lectures, many withprintable worksheets. Each lecture emphasizes the importance ofsoft skills like enjoyment and dealing with people.This courseintroduces and includes a 14 week workout mixing strength exercisesand cardio exercises. The workout is explained in the lectures andthe workout is downloadable and ready to use after all lectures havebeen completed.This coursefocuses on lifetime skills that you can apply immediately andcontinue to apply forever.If you want tolose weight, gain energy, or build muscle, you will graduate with theknowledge and techniques for short, useful workouts. No wasted time.Stuff you can use for a lifetime.There's more to exercise than theexercises, so we're going to learn about the soft side of workouts(how to get motivated, how to conquer boredom) AND the hard side ofworkouts (what exercises melt fat, what routines build muscle.)Why work out ifyou don't enjoy it?What have to gotto lose, weight?The courseincludes the 14 week E-3-C workout."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Iniciao ao DetoxMental" |
"Iniciao ao DetoxMental vai colocar voc em contato direto com o seu Eu Interior para acessar aquelas informaes internas que esto bem guardadas dentro de voc e, por alguma razo, esto interferindo nos resultados da sua vida atual.Neste curso voc vai Expandir a Conscincia e aprender a detectar o Lixo Emocional que se acumulou dentro de voc durante a vida inteira e receber orientao para ELIMINAR, de forma segura, essas informaes negativas.Atravs das vdeo-aulas e dos exerccios aplicados voc vai aprender tambm PORQUE S repetir afirmaes positivas no suficiente e o que deve ser feito para transformar a sua vida de forma efetiva.Ao colocar em prtica o contedo deste curso a sua transformao acontecer de forma segura, sustentvel e duradoura.O Curso de Iniciao ao DetoxMental est assim estruturado:So 6 Mdulos30 vdeo-aulasMateriais Complementares em PDFSuporte por e-mail ao AlunoComunidade Fechada no FaceBookEste um Curso de Inciao ao Detox Mental. No final do curso, se voc sentir o chamado para fazer um Detox Mental mais profundo, voc ter a oportunidade de continuar o seu Processo de Transformao Pessoal atravs do #DM21 com desconto de 50% para alunos do curso de Iniciao.Bons estudos!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Fast and Quick Mental Math Tricks - Vedic Maths Made Easy" |
"Are you weak at mental calculations? Are you looking for some course to learn Fast maths, quick math? Then you have landed at the right place. In this course you will learnVedic maths. This online maths course focuses on mental maths and tricks to solve them in your head without even writing anything on paper.Calculations are required everywhere and everytime. People find simple addition, subtraction, multiplication and division difficult to solve. Whenever they see calculation they run for thecalculator.This problem arises especially among students who are preparing for competitive examinations such as GRE, GMAT, SAT, CAT etc,.The candidate is expected to perform an incredible amount of calculation in a very short time. .This course provides a new approach to do the calculations. After taking this course you will be able to do most of the calculations in your head.Structure of course-You will find an introductory section where I have explained some terms that I will be using in the rest of the course.Then we will learn addition and subtraction. The techniques that I have used to teach addition and subtraction is used in rest of the course.After that, we will learn tricks to multiply two numbers faster. and we will also learn some special multiplication tricks.Speed division,you will learn to divide any two numbers at 70% faster speedFinding Squares of any number. You will also study a special case where you will learn to find the square of any number ending in 5 in less than 10 sec.Finding cubes of 2 or 3 digit numbers. This technique will teach you to find cube of any number in under 1 min.Check your calculation with the technique of Digit Sum. You will be able to check your addition, subtraction, multiplication calculation in seconds using this technique."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering English Vocabulary for Academic Purposes" |
"Course DescriptionThere are literally hundreds of thousands of words in English. But you only need to learn a fraction of them!This course will guide you to the words you need to focus on and how to learn them. In less than an hour. I will show you how to use the latest free vocabulary software as well as give you flash cardsto send you on your way to mastering over 600of the most important word families for academic English. Mastering these word families and the right affixeswill add thousands of new words to your vocabulary!Master English Vocabulary for Academic PurposesUnderstanding the use of prefixes, root words and suffixes to create new wordsFocus on the Academic Word List, the most frquently used words in Academic EnglishLearning best practices for studying vocabularyAdd up to 10000 new words by learning the right 600Understanding the power of affixes andthe efficency of the most frequently used wordsVocabulary is the key to success no matter what subject you study.You can cut down the time you need to study vocabulary by learning the right words in the right way. Once mastered, the techniques I share in this class can be applied to any subject you want to learn.Most students understand that one of their biggest challenges to academic success is having a vocabulary largeenough for their course work. While there are literally hundreds of thousands of English words, the wise student focuses on the ones they really need: the most frequently used words. These words are known as the Academic Word Lst. By combining this list with the compounding power of affixes, a committed students can add over 3000 words to their vocabulary in a fraction of the time used for traditional methods.Contents and OverviewThe course contains over a dozen lessons that will only require an hour or so of your time to start with. It isdesigned for the English language learner who wants to prepare themselves for a successful study of English at a college or university or for anyone who simply wants a better vocabulary to enjoy English.n this course, you will learn about affixes, why they matter and how learning them will expand your vocabulary. You will learn which affixes to start learning first.You'll then learn about the Academic Word Lst, a list of the most frequently used words inEnglish for Academic Purposes.Following this, students will be introduced to ANK, a free flash card software for learning the vocabulary in this course. You will be given two free flash cards sets that you can use and modify for personal use.Finally,you will learn how to document new words for study and to include in your flashcard software.As a bonus, you will learn of the numerous resources available online to expand your word knowledge.By the end of this course,you will know preciselywhich words to learn, how to study them efficiently with software and how to continually expand your vocabulary for any subject.What are the requirements?A willingness to study 15 minutes a day.What am I going to get from this course?Over a dozen lessons in less than an hourFree software for vocabulary studyFree flash cards sets for studyA plan for learning new wordsNumerous techniques and suggestions for further word studyWhat is the target audience?Language learnersPeople interested in expanding their vocabulary"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Get Ready for Your First Online Course" |
"For how long you are planning to create & publish your firstonline course?I know you are thinking about your course all the time.But nothing moving ahead, you are stuck. There are certain fears which are holding you back. I conducted a survey & I found out there are few common ones. Here are these common fears holding you back from creating & publishing your first online course. 1. Why anyone would pay me when they could find it online for free? 2. How long my online course should be? 3. What if someone steals or copies my content? 4. What should I name my business? 5. What should I charge for my online course? 6. Should I offer a refund? if you are stuck up with similar fears then this course is just for you.At the end of the course you will be able to pass through these fears. Or if you have not started your first onlinecourse yet but planning to create soon it in future, this course will help you to save a lot of time without getting stuck at theses points. This course does not talk about any technical details or Marketing & selling your courses. The aim of the course is to provide strategies to overcome fears, mental blocks & help you to publish your minimal viable course; your first online course.So are you ready?"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
Drachen-Qigong |
"Lerne spezielle bungen aus der chinesischen Kampfkunst Baguazhang, diedein Meridiansystem aktivierendeine Faszien trainierendie Beweglichkeit deiner Wirbelsule verbesserndeine Schultern frei machendeine Lunge trainierenund cool aussehen ;)Wir beschftigen uns hier vorwiegend mit den sogenannten Teeschalen-bungen.Diese bungen fordern heraus und machen gleichzeitig Spa. Es sind bungen frs Leben, denn wir knnen uns jeden Tag verbessern und tiefer in die Geheimnisse unseres Krpers eindringen.Du lernst 3 Hauptbungen, zwei davon als beidhndige und einhndige Version sowie spezielle Vorbungen. Eine Session zum Mitmachen ist ebenfalls dabei, sowie praktische bungen, um die Spiralkraft zu testen und zu kultivieren.Ich wnsche dir viel Spa!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Projektmanagement: Risiken erkennen und beherrschen" |
"Was Sie erwartetIn diesem Kurs erfahren Sie, wie Risikomanagement in Projekten funktioniert. Sie lernen Risikomanagement zu planen, Chancen und Bedrohungen frhzeitig zu erkennen, zu bewerten und geeignete Manahmen einzuleiten.Vorlagen und Tools fr den tglichen Gebrauch in der Projektarbeit helfen Ihnen schnell produktiv zu werden.Lernen Sie Risikomanagementauf Basis der anerkannten Projektmanagement-Standards.Definieren Sie kurzfristig Ihr individuelles Risikomanagement-Vorgehen in Ihrem Unternehmen / Ihrer Abteilung mit Hilfeder Vorlage des Risikomanagement-Prozess-Handbuchs (Download im Kurs).Managen Sie Ihre Risiken sofort mit dem Excel-Werkzeug ""Risk-Manager"", das Sie bei Bedarf auch individuell anpassen und erweitert knnen(Download im Kurs).Nutzen Sie das Risikomanagement-Glossar, um in Ihren Projekten Risikomanagement-Fachbegriffe eindeutig zu definieren und Missverstndnisse zu vermeiden.Wer in der Lage ist, seine Projektrisiken souvern zu managen, kann die Erfolgschancen seines Projekts deutlich steigern.Jedes Projekt birgt Bedrohungen und Chancen. Risikomanagement beschftigt sich mit dem Abwehren von Bedrohungen und Frdern von Chancen in Ihren Projekten und ist daher eine Pflichtdisziplin fr Projektmanager. In diesem Kurs erfahren Sie, wie Sie auf Basis der anerkannten Projektmanagement-Standards Risiken erkennen, analysieren und mit ihnen umgehen knnen. Sie bekommen eine Reihe von praxisbewhrten Methoden an die Hand, um die Aufgaben des Risikomanagements effizient zu lsen.Der Kurs vermittelt vertiefendes Grund- und Aufbauwissen auf Basis der anerkannten Standards von PMI, der IPMA/GPM, AXELOS, der DIN ISO 21500 und weiteren Standardwerken.Kurs-berblickIn sieben Abschnitten lernen Sie von Grund auf die Vorgehensweise und Methoden des Risikomanagements:Zunchst lernen Sie die Definition von Risiken sowie Ziele und Prinzipien des Projekt-Risikomanagements kennen. Sie knnen ""Risikomanagement"" innerhalb der technischen Projektmanagement-Kompetenzen einordnen und lernen den Risikomanagement Prozess kennen. Anhand eines einfachen Beispiels erlangen Sie anschlieend einen berblick ber den gesamten Projektmanagement-Prozess.Im zweiten Abschnitt lernen Sie, wie Sie die Durchfhrung von Risikomanagement in Ihren Projekten planen knnen. In diesem Abschnitt stelle ich Ihnen ein Beispiel fr ein Risikomanagement-Prozess-Handbuch zur Verfgung. Dieses Dokument kann Ihnen bei der eigenen Risikomanagement-Planung helfen.Im dritten Abschnitt lernen Sie unterschiedliche Methoden zur Erkennung von Projektrisiken kennen und verstehen, wie Risiken korrekt dokumentiert werden. Die Dokumentation von Risiken erfolgt in einem sogenannten Risikoregister. Dazu stelle ich Ihnen dasExcel-Werkzeug ""Risk-Manager"" zur Verfgung, mit dem Sie Ihre Risiken verfolgen und auswerten knnen.Im vierten Abschnitt widmen wir uns der Analyse der identifizierten Risiken und deren Auswirkungen auf die Gesamtzielvorgaben des Projekts. Sie lernen die Methoden der qualitativen, semi-quantitativen undquantitativen Risikoanalyse samt zahlreichen Techniken kennen.Im fnften Abschnitt sehen wir uns an, welche Strategien zur Risikobewltigung existieren und wie Sie Manahmen zur Verringerung der Bedrohungen bzw. zur Nutzung der Chancen planen knnen.Im sechsten Abschnitt beschftigen wir uns mit dem berwachen und Steuern der Risiken und Risiko-Manahmen.Im siebten Abschnitt gebe ich Ihnen eine Wiederholung des gesamten Risikomanagement-Prozesses und stelle Ihnen ein Glossar sowie eine Mindmap mit der bersicht aller besprochenen Prozesse zur Verfgung.Fast jeder Abschnitt endet mit einem Quiz, der Ihr neu erworbenes Wissen berprft.Sind Sie bereit fr dieses spannende Projektmanagement-Thema? Dann sehen wir uns gleich im Kurs!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Speak Like A Pro: Master The 6 Most Used English Verb Tenses" |
"English verb tenses grammar board game has been added!ALL12 VERBTENSESAREAVAILABLE!Would you like to forget about the stress and anxiety that a situation causes when you want to talk to a friend or colleague but you dont know which English grammarverb tense to use? Are you fed up with being confused when an email arrives at your workplace and you are in trouble how to reply? Dont you have enough time to learn all the English grammar? Do you have enough of learning difficult English grammar rulesand not remember a tiny bit of them? Well, if you struggle with such problems, you are at the right place. Even if you are a beginner or have been learning English grammar for many years, I can imagine that sometimes you are in trouble and do not know which English grammar part to use in what situations. There are many course books around you and you browse the internet but you seem to get lost in the chaos of the English grammar andverb tenses.If it is true for you, this course can solve your problem. The 6 most used verb tenses are covered: present simple, -continuous, -perfect, past simple, -continuous, future simple. These are the verb tenses that are essential for everyday situations. Why should you choose my course? You will findexplanations that have been tested on many students who never had any problems with English grammar again. So if you want to boost your English grammar and have explanations by a real English grammarteacher this course is for you. During my teaching years I have realized that students are not in need for special and difficult English grammar to communicate. Therefore, I have collected the most used verb tenses in order to make you successful when using the language. If you want to improve your English grammar and speaking skills with an experienced English grammar instructor but do not want to get lost in the labyrinth of English grammar, check out my course. You will get closer to your target either it is a better job or to get recognized by foreign friends and colleagues. What are the benefits? This course covers the 6 most used English verb tenses with easy to understand explanations. If you are in trouble which one to use in particular situations, such as workplace or with friends, this course is right for you even if you are a beginner. So, you will: Understand and start using the 6 most frequent English grammarverb tenses Understand those verbs tenses that are required for everyday speaking Listen to easy explanations WITHOUT linguistic phrases and expressions Only plain English is used Learn from an English grammar teacher with 10+-years-experience Boost you English grammar andspeaking skills with only the essentials of English grammar What does the course cover? This course covers the most essential Englishverb tenses that are used in various everyday situations. Present, past and future tenses are included but only the ones that are necessary for you to communicate effectively with friends or colleagues at your workplace or during a night out. More than 1hour of content 12 lectures You will get detailed description of the structure of the given (English grammar)verb tense By understanding and using these verb tenses you will be able to communicate better. As an extra, going to structure is included for better understanding of future tenses. The course contains video explanations and downloadable exercises"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Construa um E-Commerce com Python 3 e Django" |
"Com o conhecimento adquirido neste curso ser possvel tirar seus projetos do papel, criando incrveisaplicaes web com Python/Django alm deutilizaras melhores prticas do mercado, poisiremos desenvolver uma aplicao real chamada Django E-Commerce -uma plataforma de comrcio eletrnico. Vamos passar por diversos problemas encontrados no desenvolvimento web, desde a concepo do projeto aodeploy num servidor real.O curso est organizado em 7mdulos e no final de cada mdulo iremos escrever testes automatizados parao que foi desenvolvido no mduloe iremos colocar o nosso progresso em produo no servidor real doHeroku (que oferece uma cota gratuita), no ltimo mdulo configuramos uma mquina virtual na Amazon AWS."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Effective Sales Questions - Close Deals Faster Than Before" |
"LATEST: Course Updated on26th of SEPTEMBER2016 --->>In this course you will learn how to get the right information from your prospects, which you can then use to give them what they need from the transaction.Have you ever wondered how top sales people close so many deals?Have you ever thought to yourself, ""Why does selling come so naturally to some, but seem almost impossible for others?""What are their secrets? Can you convert your prospects to clients, too, if you do as they do?Well - you merely have to follow a few simple rules.Look, the truth is: the lack of success that most encounter with selling has nothing to do with being an introvert or an extrovert, but instead is simply the absence of learning a few basic principles.Contrary to what some say, people are not born"" salespeople. Selling is a skill that can be learned, developed, and mastered.And now they are all revealed in this easy to follow course!Do what most don't to get the results others can't.- Start closing more sales now.Give yourself a fresh start by enrolling in this life-changing course now.Every moment you delay, you lose out. Simple as that.All the ongoing updates to this course are free, always, for ever.And there's a 30 day absolutely no questions asked full money back guarantee - my personal promise of your happiness and satisfaction! You really cannot lose!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Team Management - Getting More Done with the Least Friction" |
"COURSEUPDATED March 27th 2016Have you ever wondered what the top managers do to achieve such good results?What are their secrets? Can you be asuccessful manager,too, if you do as they do?Well - you merely have to follow a few simple rules.And now they are all revealed in this easy to follow course!Managers must learn to be leaders and explore how to communicate effectively with employees, fellow managers, and senior executives.Learn everything you need to know as a manager to lead a team effectively, coach with confidence and make better decisions, in this comprehensive course bundle.Become a team building manager and create and manage teams that work together under a unified vision, andclimb the path to a successful career in management in rapid time.Master Strategies to build the MOST EFFECTIVETEAM!Motivate the team by setting appropriate goalsReward employees based on how they performUnderstand Employee Evaluation ProcessGetting the maximum out of the team's talentUnderstand the different roles that the team members playManage conflict effectivelyMake work a lot more funGet Results. FAST!Learn how to plan in advance the processes of team management, and how to apply best tools and methods to acquire, develop and manage project team.Team management is not a secret knowledge restricted to charismatic individuals.You can become a great team manager by learning proper tools and techniques.100% Money Back GuaranteeEvery minute you delay is actually COSTING you money....Enrollnow!"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Prayers That Move Heaven" |
"Now MORE THAN EVER, THE WORLD NEEDS YOUR PRAYERS!This course is the ultimate guide to mastering the art and science of effective prayers. You're about to discover The Master Secrets to Moving Heaven on Bended Knees!Based on my book, Prayers That Move Heaven How to Get Your Prayers Answered 100% of The Time. Learn how to get more consistent positive answers to prayers when you unlock the secrets of moving heaven with your prayers. You dont have to keep feeling frustrated and disappointed because your prayers seem to just bounce off the ceiling. No need to give up and doubt Gods ability to intervene in your life. I think you'll agree, that none of us could have predicted 2020 would be this way and that we'd be on lock-down for this long.So far, this year has dashed many dreams and hopes and robbed many of their resiliency and faith. But what can we do?With this reality in mind, I think it's safe to say that there are some problems and situations in life where we need more than expert advice...... We need divine intervention!This course will arm you to join forces with like-minded intercessors from around the world in united prayer and fasting.Will you join the ranks my friend?Who does not need prayer at such a time of this?Yourself and familyYour community and nationHealthcare workers and first-line respondersSmall businesses and the economy at-largeFamilies who have lost loved ones because of COVD-19 and those who WILL lose loved ones due to the Coronavirus.Places of worship and charity organizationsThose most vulnerable and may not have loved ones to help them outIn fact, the whole world needs prayer right now!So how about it my friend?Will you lend your voice and heart to beseech the throne of Almighty God on behalf of humanity?Then rally around your home or office and let us all pray with united hearts for divine mercy, grace, hope, health, healing, restoration, and blessing during these trying times.Stop praying timid prayers! Its time you learn how to pray for big, bold, blessings, and miracles in your life, family, business, or ministry. Its time to unleash another world-wide revival on our knees. Its time to intentionally seek God for the outpouring of His Holy Spirit. Its time for Gods faithful sentinels to activate their authority and enter their secret closets to tap into Gods Unlimited Power. This course is destined to spark personal and corporate revival! ""Waste no time. Get started now. Reclaim The Keys to Prayers That Move Heaven!Master The Science of Effective Prayers!Learn how to pray for big, bold, blessings, and miracles in your life, family, business, or ministry.Take the Keys to Unlock Heaven's Storehouse!End frustrations and disappointments over prayers that seem to bounce off the ceiling.PLUS, get a FREE copy of the book, Prayers That Move Heaven when you enroll now...* (Along with many other awesome bonuses)!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Developing A Close Relationship with God: A Simple Method" |
"Do you wish God would speak to YOU like He spoke to people in the Bible?Are you spiritually curious, wondering if God still speaks to people today?Have you heard other people talk about God as though they know Him personally, but you don't have that kind of relationship yet? Are you bored in your religious routine and you want something to ignite your passion for God again? Do you need some practical steps to get close to God?If any of this describes you, then this course is for you!The purpose of this course is to help you develop a daily practice of talking and listening to God to give you tools that will help you be successful in listening to God, obeying Him and trusting Him. Included are practical exercises you can do immediately to help you apply what you learn. You can complete this course in just 15 minutes a week for 4 weeks. Daily practice will help you learn the skills - it only takes 5-10 minutes a day!Have you ever heard God say, ""I love you?"" You can now.Through this training class you willlearn how to recognize when God is speaking to you. This class will teach you how to listen to the Holy Spirit. As you are learning to listen, you may think, What does God sound like? How do I know if I'm hearing God or just my own thoughts? This class will answer these questions by teaching you not only listening prayer, but also discernment about what you hear.You canknow Godpersonally. He longs for you to experienceHisfriendship -your life will never be the same. Sign up today!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Cocina italiana: Finger Food ricos y sencillos" |
"El curso, planeado para los principiantes, ofrece recetas sencillas y practicas de la cocina italiana. No se requierenconocimientos especficos. En mi cocina se aprende a divertirse cocinando, con las videorecetas que muestrantodo el proceso de preparacin y el tiempo que realmente se necesita. Los videos ayudan a seguir paso a paso cadareceta.La primera seccin es la mas sencilla, para aprender a moverse en la cocina sin miedo y con gusto. La segunda y la tercera proponen recetas tpicas y bien ricas de Italia.Al final del curso, los participantes tendrn conocimientos bsicos de la cocina con recetas sencillas y sabrosas. Adems, tendrn la capacidad de crear y experimentar nuevas recetas y antojos."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Paint a realistic bird using acrylics" |
"So you have made some acrylic paintings, but you want to learn how to take your skills to the next level. You've seen artists painting in a realistic style, and you would love to be able to paint like that, but you are not sure how to.This course will give you the skills and techniques as the tutor, Joe McMenamin, completes every stage of a painting of the New Zealand songbird the ""Tui"".This course covers:1. Image preparation - How to choose a good image and how to transfer it onto wood.2. The tools - Which paint, brushes and other materials you will use in this course.3. Wet blending - How to blend acrylic paint for the different parts of the bird and foliage.4. Dry brushing - How to add a soft layer of paint to smooth out the brush strokes and give the feathers a more details soft blend.5. Adding the fine details - How to use small brush strokes to create texture and other fine details to make the painting appear more realistic.6. Finishing the painting - Getting the painting ready to hang for an exhibition, for sale or for display in your own home.Iwish Ihad been able to watch a course like this when Iwas developing my skills in painting. The great thing about having an online course is that you are able to keep going over the areas that you need to work on until you get them right.If you are looking to develop and improve your painting skill and learn some new techniques, I encourage you to enroll in this course. Ibelieve you can paint like me if you learn the skills and practice them!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"12 Essential Tech Tools For Teachers And How To Use Them!" |
"This course aims to empower new and experienced teachers alike with practical, easy-to-use technology and the best methods to integrate these tech tools into their classroom and daily lives.During this course Ill show how to use specific tools and resources that will help keep you organized, save you time, earn some extra money, and help you become a more fun and effective teacher.Im going to show you how you can manage your classes online and make them more memorable and fun. Im also going to show you how to easily stay up to date and organized with the latest industry news, opportunities and teaching resources."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom with Dividends" |
"Have you ever felt that you are not getting ahead no matter how hard you work? Do you feel working 9 to 5 is not what your life should be about? To get out of the rat race and live a meaningful life you must save and invest. This is no news, yet most people do not even try, or the ones who do, give up when the first difficulties present themselves. The reason for failure is tantalizingly simple: you are taught to earn money but the school system didnt arm you with the knowledge of putting your money to good use: investing it to produce Reliable and Growing Passive Income.This is exactly what you will learn in this course! Forget gambling with your hard earned cash, the stock exchange can be your wealth building platform if you follow a recipe that has been working well for centuries. Do you think the richest people in history were all just lucky when it came to investing? Absolutely not, and many of them used the approach you can learn here.""Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It's to see my dividends coming in."" - John D. RockefellerSee for yourself in one of the FREE preview videos that Rockefeller knew what he was talking about: Dividends explain almost 90% of the profits you can make in the stock market, yet very few investors give them the due respect when it comes to picking stocks for their portfolios. After this course you will not make this deadly mistake, since the knowledge included in these videos have the power to change your life by taking CONTROL of your financial future.Why taking this course is a no-brainer?Learn the investment system I built after reading more than 30 books, subscribing to the most expensive newsletters and asking the available experts tons of questions. What took me years of hard work and a lot of money can be yours for a bargain basement price.You can learn this investment approach in about 2 days (even if you are totally new to stock market investing) and using this simple system will only take 1-2 hours per week.This course is all about learning by doing. By the end of it, you will have your OWN shortlist of top quality stocks available at fair or lower prices. So your successful start is virtually guaranteed.Dividend investing is not a flash in the pan. This approach has been working well for centuries and I am sure that even your CHILDREN will use the knowledge you can get from this course. After all, this is about intergenerational wealth building.Dividend investing is a proven approach that produces outstanding returns. See the PROOF in one of the FREE preview videos and get ready to learn how to invest for passive income the right way!By focusing on dividends, you can track your PROGRESS towards your ultimate goal and as the worlds number one peak performance coach, Tony Robbins says: Progress equals happiness. Progress is guaranteed if you follow the 12 Easy Steps outlined in the Lectures.This course is entertaining and enjoyable besides being useful. I love teaching and this comes across, making your learning experience FUN!I am here to answer all your questions and HELP you start your journey towards financial freedom. I provide FREE preview videos to make your decision easier. Writing a course description that sells is definitely easier than providing real value in the course lectures. Feel free to check out the quality of my videos!Im so confident you will like what you learn here that if you are not 100% happy with this course I do not want to keep your money. It is not only my personal promise, but Udemy gives you a 30-DAY TOTAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, so give yourself the chance to learn with zero risk! (This is like an investment that has no downside risk, so there is no rational reason to pass it up.)This course arms you with the Knowledge and Confidence to start investing. Take the first step and ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Leading Like An Alpha" |
"This course is for all existing leaders, as well asthose who aspire to move into leadership positions in the future. The course offers insights as tohow tuning into the biology of your tribe members can assist you with learning how to lead them into a state of excellence - consistently. We seriously underestimate the power of thenatural chemicals which govern our behaviour as a species and many leaders are completely unaware of how useful this information can be in their day-to-day dealings with their teams.The course is three and a halfhours long and is structured in a way which explains what these chemicals are and how they work in the most straight forward way possible. Once I've covered how thesechemicals affect our behaviouras humans beings, Italk throughthe strategies you need to use to make this work in your favour as an Alpha Leader - and more importantly, how to implementthese strategies with your people.I show you how to turn your team into amotivated, connected, happytribewho trust and respectyou as their leader andlove their jobs too. This is the state of being that humansthrive in."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Storytelling for Public Speaking" |
"Our audiences are running sick and tired of speakers that bring no emotion to the stage, that bore them to death or that use cheap tactics such as ""Raise your hand if..."".People want to see authenticity, they want an emotional experience and to listen to something trully unique and remarkable.If you want to deliver this to the audiences you speak and trully stand out as a speaker, I invite you to join this course. Like any hero, you will embark on a learning process from which you will emerge as a great storyteller. Yet, it will require your full dedication to follow every creative exercise and to dive into the process.In this course I will share with youthe stories and concepts that have helped me in my career as a public speaker andwhich haveutimately lead to me to speak atTEDx University of Piraeus and TEDx Bacuin 2015."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Storytelling for Marketing and Entrepreneurship" |
"What would you say if I told you that with a great story you dont need to have any credentials, connections or marketing budget to kickstart your business? There is no sense in investing a lot of money in advertising if you dont have a story that sticks in the mind of your customers. The stories that convert the most are the stories that people tell about you and that is where your attention should be.This course is designed for Marketers and Entrepreneurs that want to extend the reach of their business, cause a ruckus in the market and make their businesses stand out. I know how tough it can be to convince people to try something new and a good story will open doors for you that you never thought existed in the first place.Each section is dedicated to teaching you these skills, the course manual will assist you during the learning process, valuable resources are scattered throughout the lectures and every section challenges you to take action by completing a project.Feel free to explore what the course has to offer. Check out the free preview videos and remember that you have a 30-day money back guarantee once you decide to take the course. I look forward to seeing you in the virtual classroom and to hearing your story."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Les Rseaux de A Z Passe l'examen Cisco ICND1 100-101" |
"Grce cette formation, prparer vous la toute premire certification Cisco, point d'entre de tous les parcours de certification Cisco. Vous y aborderez, avec Nol Mac, votre formateur Systme et Rseaux, les concepts essentiels de l'administration rseau, de la thorie (topologie, composants, adressage, etc ...) la pratique sur les produits du leader du march des composants rseau. Que vous dsiriez vous prparer un ensemble de certifications Cisco 100-101, ou simplement l'administration rseau de manire gnrale, ce cours est le passage indispensable, prrequis tout autre apprentissage sur ces sujets. Cisco vient juste de changer son programme de certification, et cette formation est couvre le programme tout rcent Cisco ICND1/CCENT 100-101.Not bien: Le formateur de cette formation ne rpondra pas aux questions des apprenants. Merci pour votre comprhension."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Deviens un Hacker Guide Complet Hacking & Scurit" |
"Cette formation Hacking et Scurit est une approche offensive des pratiques et des mthodologies utilises par les hackers dans le cadre dintrusion sur des rseaux et applications. Nous mettons laccent sur la comprhension technique et pratique des diffrentes formes dattaques existantes, en mettant laccent sur les vulnrabilits les plus critiques. Vous pourrez, au terme de cette formation Hacking et Scurit raliser des audits de scurit (test de pntration) au sein de votre infrastructure. Il sagit dune formation Hacking et Scurit complte sur lessentiel de ce dont vous avez besoin afin de mettre la casquette du Hacker dans vos tests de vulnrabilit, mais aussi si vous souhaitez avoir une approche offensive de la scurit informatique, ainsi que toute personne souhaitant acqurir les connaissances techniques dattaques, il faut savoir attaquer pour mieux se dfendre. La prsentation des techniques dattaques et vulnrabilits sont axes pratiques au sein dun lab de test de pntration.Not bien: Le formateur de cette formation ne rpondra pas aux questions des apprenants. Merci pour votre comprhension."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Matrise jQuery Comme un Pro Guide Complet" |
"Dans cette formation jQuery, vous dcouvrirez toute la puissance de cette bibliothque Javascript, qui vous permettra de crer des applications dynamiques trs rapidement et simplement.Vous apprendrez slectionner, manipuler et animer les lments de vos pages web, afin doffrir plus dinteractivit sur vos sites.Vous raliserez aux travers de travaux pratiques, de petites applications permettant damliorer grandement le confort de navigation de vos visiteurs.Vous apprendrez galement concevoir des applications AJAX, permettant de mettre jour vos pages web sans aucun rechargement de page, offrant ainsi vos visiteurs une plus grande rapidit et une meilleure exprience.Vous dcouvrirez aussi toute la puissance des plugins jQuery, vous permettant de mettre en uvre des fonctionnalits la base complexes, trs simplement et trs rapidement.Enfin, vous apprendrez vous servir de la bibliothque jQuery UI, complmentaire jQuery, et qui vous permettra de mettre en place une meilleure interface utilisateur.Not bien: Le formateur de cette formation ne rpondra pas aux questions des apprenants. Merci pour votre comprhension."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Deviens #1 sur Google Guide Complet SEO Rfrencement" |
"La formation Rfrencement naturel, va vous prsenter quelles sont les amliorations apporter votre site pour grimper dans Google et doubler la concurrence.Cette formation soriente sur 3 piliers fondamentaux : les aspects techniques de votre site, lintrt et la lgitimit de votre site et la notorit et la popularit de votre site.Trop souvent dlaiss, laspect intrt & lgitimit a, au sein de cette formation, un aspect prpondrant. Le rfrencement naturel vous sera expliqu de manire claire et logique, afin que vous puissiez ressortir de la formation en ayant enfin toutes les cartes en main pour grimper.Loin de la bidouille technique et/ou des manipulations dexperts , Mickal vous guidera dans une dmarche extrmement logique afin se positionner sur un moteur de recherche comme Google. Les fondamentaux ne sont pas des fondamentaux techniques, mais sont des concepts lis lexprience utilisateur, et la popularit de votre site.Not bien: Le formateur de cette formation ne rpondra pas aux questions des apprenants. Merci pour votre comprhension."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Android de A Z Guide Complet" |
"The Android platform is the most prevalent today in the world of mobile. Multi-vendor, multi-vendor, it is diverse in material and targeted use cases.In this course, you will apprehend the Android platform in all its forms, and you can explore most aspects of Android programming . The basics of building the application, until publication on Google Play . We will also have the opportunity to speak of Android Wear .As holder of the training, you will create a course management application, which will be used in everyday life. With technical and educational expertise in your subject expert, Fabien Brissonneau, you will deal gently Android programming. This first module is intentionally quite simple to discover the concepts that you will develop in a future advanced training on Android.Not bien: Le formateur de cette formation ne rpondra pas aux questions des apprenants. Merci pour votre comprhension."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"WordPress 4 de A Z Guide Complet" |
"La formation se droulera comme sil tait construit un vrai site Internet avec WordPress, sous vos yeux. Plus prcisment, le site Internet dun office de tourisme.Simplement muni de WordPress, et sans connaissance particulire en dveloppement , vous verrez quil est possible de crer un site Internet simple. WordPress est loutil le plus communment utilis afin de mettre sur place un site Internet.Avec sa gestion extrmement simple et extrmement simple, vous apprendrez comment construire, brique par brique, un site Internet par vos propres moyens et de manire extrmement conomique. WordPress est un Systme de Gestion de Contenu.Il constitue lui tout seul un site Internet quil faut ensuite complter avec des extensions, des thmes, etc. Cest justement ce que nous allons parcourir au sein de cette formation, afin que vous soyez en mesure de raliser le site que vous dsirez.Not bien: Le formateur de cette formation ne rpondra pas aux questions des apprenants. Merci pour votre comprhension."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Windev 19 de A Z Guide Complet" |
"Cette formation Windev 19, les fondamentaux permet d'acqurir les concepts ainsi que les connaissances techniques ncessaires au dveloppement dapplications avec latelier de gnie logiciel (AGL) WinDev 19.Pendant cette formation Windev 19, les fondamentaux, vous dcouvrirez tous les aspects ncessaires la ralisation de vos projets : Les diffrents outils de lAGL, les principaux diteurs, la dfinition d'une base de donnes, la cration des fentres, l'dition de documents jusqu' la procdure d'installation.Cette formation Windev 19, les fondamentaux se veut trs pragmatique, par la ralisation d'une application de gestion de contact et critique, en confrontant les avantages et inconvnients du produit. La formation Windev 19, les fondamentaux est base sur la version 19 de WinDev.Not bien: Le formateur de cette formation ne rpondra pas aux questions des apprenants. Merci pour votre comprhension."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Le langage Ruby de A Z Guide Complet" |
"Dans cette formation vous allez apprendre le langage Ruby. Un langage en constante monte dans le dveloppement web. travers la ralisation dun projet fil rouge, cette formation vous propose une vision claire et dtaille de toutes les structures principales du langage Ruby.De lcriture des boucles de contrle au DSL en passant par les classes, le Ruby est dcrypt et dmystifi.Not bien: Le formateur de cette formation ne rpondra pas aux questions des apprenants. Merci pour votre comprhension."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |