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"OS X SERVER 10 El Capitan Guide Complet" |
"OS X El Capitan est la nouvelle version du systme dexploitation dApple sorti en 2015. OS X El Capitan Server est lapplication qui va transformer votre Mac en vritable serveur afin dintgrer les services rseau classiques et propres au monde Mac : DNS, DHCP, Annuaire centralis, Profils utilisateurs, Serveur de fichiers, Dploiement, VPN, Web, FTP, Mail, Firewall, Wiki, services collaboratifs, Messagerie, Dveloppement.Cette formation Mac OS X Server 10.11 El Capitan, Les fondamentaux, vous permettra dacqurir les connaissances thoriques et pratiques ncessaires pour grer un serveur de Mac OS X 10.11 Server (et version antrieur) dans un systme dinformation.Durant cette formation Mac OS X Server 10.11 El Capitan, Les fondamentaux, Bastien BLEYZAT va vous apprendre comment obtenir et installer OS X Server, le mettre jour, le configurer, grer les comptes utilisateurs, grer le partage des ressources, le sauvegarder, le restaurer et le scuriser.A la fin de cette formation Mac OS X Server 10.11 El Capitan, Les fondamentaux, vous serez capable de grer une PME avec un seul logiciel ! Une 2me formation Mac OS X Server 10.11 El Capitan qui va implmenter les fonctionnalits avances est en cours de ralisation.Not bien: Le formateur de cette formation ne rpondra pas aux questions des apprenants. Merci pour votre comprhension."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Azure de A Z Guide Complet" |
"Avec cette formation Microsoft Azure , vous allez pouvoir dcouvrir le monde du cloudcomputing vue par Microsoft , une vue simple , accessible et performante .Cette formation pratique vous permettra dacqurir les connaissances et comptences pour grer votre plateforme IaaS au niveau de Microsoft Azure dune faon rapide et simple, o vous pourrez dployer et grer vos machines virtuelles, synchroniserMicrosoft Azure Active Directory votre domaine local, tablir des VPNs Site to Site ou Point to Site Not bien: Le formateur de cette formation ne rpondra pas aux questions des apprenants. Merci pour votre comprhension."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Drupal 8 de A Z Guide Complet" |
"Entirement refait avec Symfony, le CMS Drupal 8 est encore plus robuste et performant.Cette formation Drupal 8 pour les webmasters vous permet de dcouvrir Drupal 8 depuis son installation jusqu sa maintenance. Ce qui va vous permettre de crer un site fonctionnel, performant et scurit en toute facilit et confiance.Durant cette formation Drupal 8, vous allez apprendre comment installer et configurer le CMS Drupal 8, enrichir votre site avec des modules, lui mettre une belle couche graphique facilement avec des thmes, crer des contenus via les Views, rendre le site accessible votre audience internationale en ajoutant le multilingue, grer vos utilisateurs. Et enfin scuriser et rendre performant votre site sous le CMS Drupal 8. Cette formation Drupal 8 est un trs bon dbut pour se lancer trs bien sur le dveloppement sous Drupal 8. Une formation Drupal 8 pour les dveloppeurs est en cours de ralisation."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Excel 2013, Les tableaux croiss dynamiques" |
"Les tableaux et graphiques croiss dynamiques permettent de faon trs simple et rapide de synthtiser des listes ou base de donnes de quelques centaines de lignes plusieurs dizaines de millions. Bien que limits si on ne passe pas par des cubes OLAP, sans utiliser le VBA ou PowerPivot, les tableaux et graphiques croiss dynamiques sduisent par leur efficacit construire des tableaux de bord simples comportant des statistiques lmentaires pour identifier des tendances et analyser des chiffres et ce de faon interactive la manire de jouer aux LEGOTM. Avec cette formation vous allez pouvoir acqurir les techniques les plus courantes demandes dans les entreprises et administrations par les dbutants et super-utilisateurs. Vous verrez comment choisir des sources de donnes internes ou externes de type listes ou base de donnes relationnelles et construire la structure de votre TCD en y choisissant les types de calculs, en crant des champs ou lments calculs, en y dfinissant des mises en formes (styles, KPI, Sparklines), en ajoutant de l'interactivit simplifie (segments) et en contrlant les finesses des mises jour. Cette formation reste un indispensable pour toute personne souhaitant avoir les prrequis idaux avant d'apprendre les PowerPivot ou de faon plus gnrale les outils de Data Mining.Not bien: Le formateur de cette formation ne rpondra pas aux questions des apprenants. Merci pour votre comprhension."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Proxmox Virtual Environment de A Z Guide Complet" |
"Cette formation ProxmoxVE 3.x vous permettra d'acqurir les connaissances et comptences ncessaires pour configurer et grer un environnement virtualis OpenSource. Pour suivre cette formation ProxmoxVE 3.x, aucune connaissance de Proxmox n'est requise. Toutefois, des connaissances sur les OS et des notions sur le rseau, le stockage sont recommands, mais pas indispensables.Durant cette formation ProxmoxVE 3.x et en se basant sur ses longues annes d'expriences, Ludovic Quenec'hdu vous apprendra comment configurer administrer et galement saisir les enjeux de la virtualisation libre, ainsi que de vous fournir des lignes directrices aux bonnes pratiques qui vous aideront optimiser votre dploiement de serveur Proxmox. Avec cette formation ProxmoxVE 3.x, Ludovic vous donnera les lments pour bien dmarrer et mettre en uvre un projet de virtualisation libre.Aprs avoir termin cette formation ProxmoxVE 3.x, vous pouvez passer la formation Proxmox VE 4.1 afin de dcouvrir d'autres fonctionnalits avances.Not bien: Le formateur de cette formation ne rpondra pas aux questions des apprenants. Merci pour votre comprhension."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Formation MOS Access 2013 (77-424)" |
"La certification MOS Microsoft Office Specialist Access 2013 (77-424) est un examen du premier niveau qui vous permet d'obtenir une certification valorisante et reconnue par Microsoft sur Microsoft Access 2013. Cette certification garantit votre niveau de comptence et favorisera l'volution de votre carrire professionnelle car elle prouve que vous savez manipuler et exploiter l'ensemble des fonctionnalits de Microsoft Access 2013 et offrir ainsi un niveau de productivit lev votre employeur. Cette formation vous prpare passer le niveau ""Spcialiste"" de la certification Access 2013 MOS, elle couvre l'ensemble des objectifs de l'examen officiel. Un certain nombre de travaux pratiques est raliser la fin de chaque chapitre pour valuer et valider les connaissances et comptences acquises tout au long de celui-ci.Not bien: Le formateur de cette formation ne rpondra pas aux questions des apprenants. Merci pour votre comprhension."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"WebLogic 11g Administration essentials" |
"This courseis named as Weblogic11g administration essentials which covers basic andadvanced Weblogic server11g administrative tasks.The rightterminology to be used to find this course is comprised of words such asWeblogic or Weblogic11g administration or Oracle middleware or Oracle WebLogicCourse materialsincludes microsoft presentations and predefined set of chapters for each administrationtopic. Also contains Lab recording sessions to walkthrough with varioushands-on sessions which are part of Weblogic administration The overallcourse run for a length of 4:40Hrs.This courseis structured in such way is to start off with all theory based presentationsfor Weblogic and followed by subsequent lab sessions covering hands-on for allcorresponding theory based sessions This courseis very useful for folks who are aspiring towards application administrationand folks who worked(ing) as DBAs or sys admin and looking to scale-up furthermore and transform themselves as multi-skilled."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Kindle Publishing - How To Use Virtual Assistants With It" |
"Welcome to my Course on Kindle Publishing & How to Scale using Virtual AssistantsThis course will show you exactly how I make 5 new books a week and not do much of the work, whilst working a full time jobThere is a common problem I see often with Kindle Publishers, they seem to have this issue with being Frugal and having superhero syndrome - Basically, doing all the work themselves which limits progress,Not only they are.the publisher, but also they are niche research specialist, the writer, the book cover designer, the copywriter,the ebook formatter and even flicking through hundreds of pages to obtain reviews.Its no wonder why they get frustratedits just too much on their plate to handleI will show you exactly, from start to finish, not only how to find and hire an amazing general virtual assistant, but I even provide you the copy and paste templates, the spreadsheets and also the FREE online tools that will speed up the processAlso, It doesnt matter whether you are new to kindle, I will even show you another way to decrease your work load by up to 50% without having to hire a full time assistantusing some tools and my most favourite website in the worldThis in turn ,will give you the ability to finally scale and free yourself from all that work load!There are some short term hacks to making money with Kindle but they are exactly that, SHORT TERMThis guide will give you the knowledge and tools to finally get down the fundamentals and create a LONG TERM process without sacrificing on quality and even optimising on quality!Some other benefits that I will teach:I will explain the power of mind mappingI will go through the process of Hiring your full team of workers.The assistant,s writers, graphics designers and even your team of reviewersA hack that will save you from formatting a kindle book ever againA hack that will complete your powerful kindle book title automatically for youFree online tools and software that will put your production on steroids and get you finally organisedBe part of a community that provides each other with help and video tutorials to your workersand much much moreIt is my promise to you, that i will be constantly updating new videos and helping out as much as I can with your requestsKindle publishing - How to scale using virtual assistants - really is THE perfect resource for building your dream Kindle business with the help of using virtual staff.So.What are you waiting for? Take a chance, dont ever touch another review again! Take this course and lets get you more money and more importantly.TIMEPurchase.RIGHT NOW, price will not be staying the same Thank youHow long will the course to take to complete?This course will take you about 1.5 hours to watch, I recommend you to put it on x1.5 speed to increase speed and to evade my weird voiceWhy take this course?Stop doing ALL the work, if you really want to grow, you are going have to replace yourself"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Philosophy of FileMaker - Part 1" |
"Learn FileMaker Scripting, Calculations, Relationships and Reporting from the guywho actually wrote the book, Scriptology:FileMaker Pro Demystified. With over two decades ofexperienceteachingFileMaker,John Mark Osborne will help you understand tough FileMaker concepts with ease. Intermediate and advanced FileMaker techniqueswill be taught throughout the three part tutorial series. In order to better understand every nut and bolt that goes into designing a solution,a single file will be createdfrom scratch. The chosen solution is an invoicing solution for its familiarity to a wide audience and flexibility of applying techniques to other solutions.The completed FileMakerfile at each stage is provided to assist with the learning process."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"90 Minute Contact Manager in FileMaker Pro" |
"This course on FileMaker development is designed for beginners but with a goal of designing a complete contact management or CRMsolution. Sections include creating fields, designing an interface, performing finds, creating a notes field, working with popovers, automating email and web browser communication, mass emailing, eliminating duplicates, birthday and to-do reminders, phone formatting and call logs. After completing this tutorial, students will not onlyhave created a complete solution but be able to advance to intermediate tutorials. Completed exampleFileMaker files are included at each stage of the development in order to enhance the learning experience."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Philosophy of FileMaker - Part 2" |
"Part 2 of this training series continues on withFileMaker Scripting, Calculations, Relationships and Reporting from the guywho actually wrote the book, Scriptology:FileMaker Pro Demystified. With over two decades of experienceteachingFileMaker,John Mark Osborne will help you understand tough FileMaker concepts with ease. Intermediate and advanced FileMaker techniqueswill be taught throughout the three part tutorial series. In order to better understand every nut and bolt that goes into designing a solution,a single file will be createdfrom scratch. The chosen solution is an invoicing solution for its familiarity to a wide audience and flexibility of applying techniques to other solutions.The completed FileMakerfile at each stage is provided to assist with the learning process."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"The Philosophy of FileMaker - Part 3" |
"Part 3of this training series continues on withFileMaker Scripting, Calculations, Relationships and Reporting from the guywho actually wrote the book, Scriptology:FileMaker Pro Demystified. With over two decades of experienceteachingFileMaker,John Mark Osborne will help you understand tough FileMaker concepts with ease. Intermediate and advanced FileMaker techniqueswill be taught throughout the three part tutorial series. In order to better understand every nut and bolt that goes into designing a solution,a single file will be createdfrom scratch. The chosen solution is an invoicing solution for its familiarity to a wide audience and flexibility of applying techniques to other solutions.The completed FileMakerfile at each stage is provided to assist with the learning process."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"SOEM server- Minilink-TN-Ericsson" |
"In this course we will speak about the most important server in transmission network, its ""SOEM server"" for TN of Ericsson equipment and this server belongs to Ericsson.This course is very important for who want to work in mobile operator in networkoperation center or NOC, so if you have an experience in installation of Minilink TN 2P,6P,20P, you are now on the right way to be hired,After completing this course you will beable to control on TNs in stations ""BTS"" view faults, error logs, and all other server options that will be discussed the course.Thank you and enjoy"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The UC Application Strategy Guide" |
"JOIN THE 500+ STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY USED MY SYSTEM TO GET ACCEPTED TO UC's LIKE BERKELEY, LA, AND DAVIS!Every year, I help dozens of high school seniors get into the UC's of their choice. This comprehensive course will teach you how to get accepted by utilizing every inch of your application.I was trained in College Admissions and Career Planning at UC Berkeley. For just $50, this Udemy course combines the most useful information from my training with my 5+ years of experience as a college admissions professional.What Makes This Course So Much Different [and Better]Details: While most instructors tell you to brainstorm, my course teaches you how to do that most effectively. I provide this level of detail in every section of my course, so that you aren't left guessing. Furthermore, my course is structured directly after the actual application.Interaction: By enrolling, you have unlimited access to me via Udemy Discussions. Simply post a question and I will answer it -- so long as it has to do with the UC application.Comprehensive: This course provides a holistic approach to your application because students are evaluated on everything -- not just essays or activities. Only by addressing a student's overall profile can one create an inspiring story worth admission.Results: My students, who typically range from 3.4-4.0, consistently earn admission into the UC's, with 98% of them accepted to either their target or top pick UC's.Take it from me -- a UC Berkeley alumnus -- getting in is harder than it has ever been. And it's only going to get harder.So if you're interested in attending a UC...learn from my training, learn from my experience, and learn from my results.ENROLL NOW!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Bluegrass Guitar Essentials: Webisodes 5 & 6" |
"""Another EXCELLENT course. I completed previous course and this one is just as good if not better.Best tuition I have ever had.Thank you, Eric. Just finished this course and it is EXCELLENT. I obviously will need to go back over several bits, but it has been so useful. Thanks again."" -KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT,WEBISODES 5&6""I like themodesty and teaching speedof the instructor.""-SHOOTER, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 1&2""This iswithout doubt, the BEST course I have ever done.BRILLIANT, Eric. Thank you so much. I have already purchased some of the next courses andthere is so much to learn.Worth EVERY penny (or dollar in the U.S.).""- KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 3&4In Webisodes 5& 6(Open String Transitions and Major Scales) of myBluegrass Guitar Essentialsseries, youll learn about how to traverse the fretboard with ease via the use of Open String Transitions in what Irefer to as the ""Three Essential Keys"" (G, C, &D).Youll also learn the Major and Major Pentatonic scales in these keys, which will help you develop a better understanding of things like:How to apply scales to your playingHow to use scales to broaden the scope ofyour improvisingHow using scales can help you better navigate the fretboardThe difference between Major andMajor Pentatonic scales and the advantages of eachLastly, I'll show you one of the most important techniques for playing faster runs and lickswhich nobody ever talks aboutShort Scales!You're sure toimprove your understanding of how to apply the Major and Major Pentatonic scales and their Short Scale variationsby the time you've thoroughlypracticed andapplied all the techniques I show you in this course.I know how frustrating it is to comprehend how to use scales, but in these lectures, I cover and explain them extensively so you wont be left behind when jamming with others during festivals or friendly jamsessions.""Obviously avery passionate and technically skilled musician, that [is]able to pass on his knowledgein the old-fashioned way, from person to person.""- ALLEN, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 11&12""Absolutely BRILLIANT. This isopening up a whole new worldon how to move up the fretboard.""- KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 13, 14, & 15"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Bluegrass Guitar Essentials: Webisodes 3 & 4" |
"""Another EXCELLENT course. I completed previous course and this one is just as good if not better.Best tuition I have ever had.Thank you, Eric. Just finished this course and it is EXCELLENT. I obviously will need to go back over several bits, but it has been so useful. Thanks again."" -KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT,WEBISODES 5&6""I like themodesty and teaching speedof the instructor.""-SHOOTER, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES1&2""This iswithout doubt, the BEST course I have ever done.BRILLIANT, Eric. Thank you so much. I have already purchased some of the next courses andthere is so much to learn.Worth EVERY penny (or dollar in the U.S.)."" - KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 3&4In Webisodes 3& 4(Tuning &Picking) of myBluegrass Guitar Essentialsseries, youll learn about the various Tuning tips I've picked up over the years such as:Using clip-on, vibration-based tunersHow to tune your guitar when your tuner dies and no piano is aroundTweaks for tuning those pesky G and BstringsYoull also learn the fundamentals of getting your picking and fretting hand in syncwith the use of various techniques such as:Hammer-onsPull-offsSlidesLastly, we'll cover some helpful picking exercises in the most popular keys/chord positions for Bluegrass Guitar:G, C, &D.You're sure to improve your speed, dexterity, and coordination by the time you've thoroughlypracticed andapplied all the techniques I show you in this course.""Obviously avery passionate and technically skilled musician, that [is]able to pass on his knowledgein the old-fashioned way, from person to person.""- ALLEN, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 11&12""Absolutely BRILLIANT. This isopening up a whole new worldon how to move up the fretboard.""- KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 13, 14, & 15"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Bluegrass Guitar Essentials: Webisodes 7 & 8" |
"""Another EXCELLENT course. I completed previous course and this one is just as good if not better.Best tuition I have ever had.Thank you, Eric. Just finished this course and it is EXCELLENT. I obviously will need to go back over several bits, but it has been so useful. Thanks again."" -KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT,WEBISODES 5&6""I like themodesty and teaching speedof the instructor.""-SHOOTER, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 1&2""This iswithout doubt, the BEST course I have ever done.BRILLIANT, Eric. Thank you so much. I have already purchased some of the next courses andthere is so much to learn.Worth EVERY penny (or dollar in the U.S.).""- KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 3&4In Webisodes 7 & 8:Practice Tips,Minor Scales, &Scale SummariesI'll show you:Some of the best tips I've found to help you practice the scales you've learned so far, as well as the scales covered in this part of the course. (8 practice tips in all!)How to use the Minor and Minor Pentatonic Scales in the ""Three Essential Keys.""""Short Scale"" variations on the Minor and Minor Pentatonic scales for authentic Bluegrass Guitar sounds and faster playing.A special BONUS section on how to switch from Major to Minor scales as well as some great tips on the topic.If you really want to be able to play Bluegrass Guitar, you'll need to know how to play and apply the Minor scales for that ""Bluesy"" sound that Bluegrass guitar is famous for. In these webisodes I'll show you how and give you tons of great ideas on practicing in general as well as practicing scales, setting practice goals, and how to change effortlessly from Major to Minor.""Obviously avery passionate and technically skilled musician, that [is]able to pass on his knowledgein the old-fashioned way, from person to person.""- ALLEN, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 11&12""Absolutely BRILLIANT. This isopening up a whole new worldon how to move up the fretboard.""- KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 13, 14, & 15"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Bluegrass Guitar Essentials: Webisodes 9 & 10" |
"""Another EXCELLENT course. I completed previous course and this one is just as good if not better.Best tuition I have ever had.Thank you, Eric. Just finished this course and it is EXCELLENT. I obviously will need to go back over several bits, but it has been so useful. Thanks again."" -KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT,WEBISODES 5&6""I like themodesty and teaching speedof the instructor.""-SHOOTER, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 1&2""This iswithout doubt, the BEST course I have ever done.BRILLIANT, Eric. Thank you so much. I have already purchased some of the next courses andthere is so much to learn.Worth EVERY penny (or dollar in the U.S.).""- KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 3&4In Webisodes 9 & 10:Songs, Fiddle Tunes, &RhythmI'll show you:A variety of songs and fiddle tunes for personal playing or with friends in a jam sessionVarious strumming techniques which will add flare and style to your playingHow to stay in time with the songs while strummingHow to ""fill in the gaps"" when playing solos, licks, and phrasesHow to create easy beginner solos using melodyPractice the various songs covered with the use of ""Playalong"" sections and jam tracksThe best tips for using various CaposIf youreallywant to be able to play Bluegrass Guitar like the pros, you'll need to know how to get your strumming hand coordinated for that tight, hard-driving soundBluegrass guitar is famous for.In these webisodes I'll show you how and give youtonsof great insights on improvising and soloing. With Webisodes 9 & 10 at your disposal, you'll be turning heads at festivals and jam sessions in no time at all!""Obviously avery passionate and technically skilled musician, that [is]able to pass on his knowledgein the old-fashioned way, from person to person.""- ALLEN, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 11&12""Absolutely BRILLIANT. This isopening up a whole new worldon how to move up the fretboard.""- KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 13, 14, & 15"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Bluegrass Guitar Essentials: Webisodes 11 & 12" |
"""Another EXCELLENT course. I completed previous course and this one is just as good if not better.Best tuition I have ever had.Thank you, Eric. Just finished this course and it is EXCELLENT. I obviously will need to go back over several bits, but it has been so useful. Thanks again."" -KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT,WEBISODES 5&6""I like themodesty and teaching speedof the instructor.""-SHOOTER, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 1&2""This iswithout doubt, the BEST course I have ever done.BRILLIANT, Eric. Thank you so much. I have already purchased some of the next courses andthere is so much to learn.Worth EVERY penny (or dollar in the U.S.).""- KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 3&4In Webisodes 11 & 12 I'll show you:Dozens of Essential Chords you'll find in the Bluegrass style of playing. I've labeled these ""Common,"" ""Uncommon,"" & ""Short"" chords.Some aspects of why chords are named as they are with the help of some intermediate chord theory.Twenty licks you can use for the key of G (as well as other keys via the use of a capo).Fully transcribed tablature of each and every note and phrase in each of the G licks. I've gathered each lick and double- and triple-checked all of the tabs myself, so you can be assured of their accuracy.BONUS MaterialsA section devoted to what I refer to as ""Short Chords"" which typical chord instructional materials never cover.A special link to my #1 recommended resource for increasing your chord vocabulary.Tons of notes, annotations, and tips to ensure you learn each chord quickly and thoroughly.Audio examples of every single G lick taken directly from the course in several playing speeds.If you're ready to advance your skills and knowledge of the fretboard for Bluegrass Guitar, you'll find everything you need in Webisodes 11 & 12 (as well as 13, 14, & 15) to get you well on your way to burning up tons of blistering flatpicking phrases!""Obviously avery passionate and technically skilled musician, that [is]able to pass on his knowledgein the old-fashioned way, from person to person.""- ALLEN, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 11&12""Absolutely BRILLIANT. This isopening up a whole new worldon how to move up the fretboard.""- KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 13, 14, & 15"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Bluegrass Guitar Essentials: Webisodes 13, 14, & 15" |
"""Another EXCELLENT course. I completed previous course and this one is just as good if not better.Best tuition I have ever had.Thank you, Eric. Just finished this course and it is EXCELLENT. I obviously will need to go back over several bits, but it has been so useful. Thanks again."" -KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT,WEBISODES 5&6""I like themodesty and teaching speedof the instructor.""-SHOOTER, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 1&2""This iswithout doubt, the BEST course I have ever done.BRILLIANT, Eric. Thank you so much. I have already purchased some of the next courses andthere is so much to learn.Worth EVERY penny (or dollar in the U.S.).""- KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 3&4In the Final Webisodes 13, 14, & 15 I'll show you:A great, effective way to navigate the fretboard via the use of connecting scale shapes called Diagonals.Dozens of Essential Licks every flatpicker worth his salt should know in the keys of C & D (also for use in other keys via the use of a capo).Fully transcribed tablature of each and every note and phrase in each of the C & D licks as well as a few from the Diagonals section. I've gathered each lick and double- and triple-checked all of the tabs myself, so you can be assured of their accuracy.BONUS MaterialsA ""Conclusion & Acknowledgements"" section detailing my journey of creating Bluegrass Guitar Essentials as well as many great Resources I've compiled that have helped keep me motivated, inspired, and determined to succeed in life, business, and guitar.A special Tips section at the end of the video dedicated to giving you some final tips for improving your playing.Audio examples of every single C & D lick taken directly from the course in several playing speeds.If you're ready to advance your skills and knowledge of the fretboard for Bluegrass Guitar and complete your training in the process, you'll find everything you need in Webisodes 13, 14, & 15 to get you well on your way to burning up tons of blistering flatpicking phrases!""Obviously avery passionate and technically skilled musician, that [is]able to pass on his knowledgein the old-fashioned way, from person to person.""- ALLEN, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 11&12""Absolutely BRILLIANT. This isopening up a whole new worldon how to move up the fretboard.""- KEITH, UDEMY STUDENT, WEBISODES 13, 14, & 15"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Conflict Management: Find Resolution, Balance & New Insight" |
"Do you find yourself having to handle difficult people in your life?Building solid, long-lasting relationships is something you have longed for far too long?Do you think your career progress could be affected by the way you handle conflicts?This course is just what you need in order to manage the conflicts in your life by gaining a new insight and balance in your relationships.How do you communicate with others?What generates a conflict?How can you see a conflict coming?What do you do in a conflictual relationship?Take your insight and communication skills to a whole new levelCommunication with others seems to be one of the greatest challanges anyone in todays society comes to face. Whether in the domestic, professional or social realm, whether formal or informal, you need to communicate, as one thing is for sure: you can not, not communicate.And if you were to choose between a conflict and a balanced, genuine interaction with another person, what would you choose?I have structured this course based on my experience with people just like you, willing to improve their relationships and experience more of the joy and success life has to offer.As you have lifetime access to this course, you can come back to the lectures at any time. I have designed this format especially to offer you the best learning experience by combining video, audio, transcripts, written lectures and exercises and I intend to update it regularly.The Guided Meditation included as Bonus will help you change one limiting belief at a time, and thus gaining more flexibility, greater adaptability and insight for excellent communication."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Business Etiquette 101: Social Skills for Success" |
"Do you want to improve your social skills for business? Do you want to be able to interact with people confidently, authentically and effectively in business? Business etiquette skills are incredibly important for new graduates, early-stage professionals, senior level executives, and those who want to work in the western business world.When you are skilled in business etiquette, you will have an edge over your competition. You will be able to connect better with clients and coworkers. It will make doing business easier, smoother and more profitable for you.Imagine walking into a networking event knowing exactly what to do and who to talk with. Imagine knowing how to really connect with somebody in a natural, authentic way. Imagine being able to lead a conversation and have that person walk away liking and trusting you.All of this is possible and skills in business etiquette will help you achieve it.Im Kara Ronin. Im a Best-Selling Udemy Instructor, business etiquette and leadership coach, and workshop facilitator. I specialise in helping people develop their social skills in business, leadership presence, communication, and business relationships.Ive helped many of my in-person clients use skills in business etiquette to land new jobs, build their reputation and win over clients. Im dedicated to helping you do the same in this video course.This business etiquette course was extremely useful for a young woman who is starting her career in the financial industry. I would highly recommend it to others in the same position. - AnaA well-organised course delivered in a concise and engaging way. Thank you Kara for breaking down the basic skills and providing a practical guide in how to achieve success. - KateThe professional world today is fiercely competitive and you have to go one extra mile to stay on your career trajectory. How do you remain employable? How do you stand out from the crowd?Despite what you might think, learning more technical skill is often not the answer. But improving, enhancing and developing your business etiquette and social skill is the key to sustained employment and professional success.Think of it this way: For two people who have a comparable level of education and skill, what separates these two people when it comes to success is their ability to connect with others, engage in conversation, and communicate their true potential to decision-makers in their industry.In other words, what separates these two people when it comes to success, is their level of social skill in business.Remember, hard skills might get you hired but lack of soft skills will get you fired.In this course, you willbecome known as a professional with a high level of social skill and soft skillknow how to get clients and coworkers to know, like and trust youunderstand why focusing on your executive wardrobe is so important for a great first impressionknow how to create an executive wardrobe (men and women) for a polished, professional brandconquer networking events with confidence and strategymaster your conversations to appear intelligent and competentstart to manage your online presence and reputation onlineThis course is heavily focused on building the know, like and trust factor. Why? Because business is done with people. Building, nurturing, and fostering relationships with your colleagues, clients and boss is critical to your professional success.Business Etiquette 101: Social Skills for Success is a focused, fun and engaging video course.You will learn intelligent insights into human behavior, and actionable strategies that will help you build a stronger professional brand, connect better with colleagues and clients, and give you the confidence to excel in business.There is over 3.5 hours of video content, a custom designed workbook, presentation slides, and quizzes to deepen your learning.BONUS: There is a bonus 90-page ebook in Lecture 13 titled, Networking 101: Social Skills for Business Success which is normally priced at US$47 on my website.I am loving this course! - DeaneenI really got lots of insights. Used to have the mindset of knowledge is more important than dressing. But after going through this course, I realized how dressing sense for business is very important. Well delivered with high energy, fun and clear examples. Downloaded even the free books for further reading. Thank you Kara!! - VijayasekarThank you so much for making this course available online, have learnt a lot of valuable skills and knowledge here. Which I believe will surely help me in professional development as an entrepreneur. - RichardGreat course so far. I like the ""Know, Like, Trust,"" concept. - Anonomized UserWhat you wont learn in this course is boring, stuffy, out-of-date advice that you cant apply to modern life today.When you finish this course, you will see a change in the way you interact with others, the way others interact with you, and new opportunities will unfold in your life because of your new mastery of social skills.Id be honoured if you join me on this journey.Kara, this is a real life changing course for me. It is very motivational. Thank you for opening my eyes. This course will make a turning point in anyone's life. - Marco"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Leadership Presence 30 Day Challenge" |
"Building your leadership presence and reputation doesnt happen automatically. You need to take control of your image, brand and mindset to help others see you as a leadership material.How do you do this? Where do you start? There are a number of areas you can focus on and this course will introduce you to those areas:Your outfit needs to send the message that youre a leader.Your body language needs to be confident and powerful.Your communication needs to be clear and confident.Your writing skill needs to be polished.Your mindset needs to help you think and make decisions like a leader.The Leadership Presence 30 Day Challenge is a fast, easy and effective video course that will give you an introduction into developing your leadership reputation and brand.The first part of this course focuses on your external leadership presence and youll learn how to create a leadership outfit and use powerful body language.The second part of this course focuses on your communication and youll learn verbal and written communication hacks that will help you strengthen your leadership brand.The last part of this course focuses on your internal leadership qualities, or your leadership mindset, and youll get ideas to connect with decision-makers, use visualisation and create your own leadership opportunities.By the end of this course, you will be more aware of what you need to do to grow your leadership presence. You will have a clearer direction of where you need to go to continue building your leadership reputation. This course is designed to be completed in 30 days. Every day for 30 days, you can watch one short video (2-3 minutes long) that shares an important insight or tip on building leadership presence. Each video is accompanied by a worksheet, allowing you to put into practice what you have learned.INSTRUCTORS NOTE TO YOU:My name is Kara Ronin and for the past five years Ive been working with business people around the world to help them build presence, power and connections in business. When it comes to leadership, this an area I am very passionate about. I run the Leadership Presence Half-Day Masterclass all over Australia which has received many positive reviews. I have also been voted as one of the Top 100 Leadership Experts to follow on Twitter every month since May 2015. And my advice has been featured in Business Insider, TIME Inc., YFS Magazine, Leaders in Heels and more.The biggest insight I have learned that I share with all of my students is this: nobody is born a leader. Leadership is a skill that must be learned, developed and refined over time. However many students dont know where to start.My goal for this course is to give you direction so you know where to start and what is important to focus on for your leadership presence. I will also give you valuable insights and tips to help you get started building a strong leadership reputation.Your work should continue after this course. With what you have learned, you should commit to continually learn, improve and grow your leadership reputation.Building leadership presence takes time. Its really a lifelong commitment. This course will help you identify what's important so you know where to start.- Kara"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Take Back Your Life: Narcissistic Abuse Recovery" |
"Are you worried about money? Does something or someone always seem to stand in your way when you get close to one of your goals? Do you feel fearful? Stressed out? Anxious?Are you feeling uneasy about your life or changes in your life?Do you find yourself imagining negative scenarios and negative outcomes of what might happen if you take the risk to get what you want?Do you lack self-confidence and confidence in the people you spend time with?If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then your fear may very well be limiting you in your quest for true peace, happiness and fulfillment in your life. So, how can you get what you want in life without being limited by fear?This course will offer you the solution that youve been seeking.Inside, youll find a valuable ebook full of specific action tips and tools to turn your fears into an unstoppable force for your success. Plus, a worksheet to guide you in self-awareness and reflection about your fears, as well as a checklist that will help keep you on track to take action each day to help you realize the life you desire and deserve. If you can just take the time to study the materials and action tips, implement them and complete the worksheet and checklist, youll be on your way to creating the life you want.As you follow the tips, techniques and strategies outlined for you in this course, you will be able to discover your fears, face them fearlessly and overcome them with grace."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Rewrite Your Story After Narcissistic Abuse in Relationships" |
"Have you been mentally and emotionally abused and manipulated by a toxic narcissist? Have you had enough of the gaslighting, the flying monkeys, the love-bombing and the hoovering?Are you tired of accepting the ""you"" that the narcissist has defined?Are you ready to finally DEFINEYOURSELF?Want to make your own choices about who you are and what your life looks like?If you're ready to rediscover yourself again after narcissistic abuse, this course presents and easyand simple way to do just that.You'll learn to identify your abuse story, write it out and then release it. Plus, you'll get a step-by-step plan to write your new future story - one that you can use to create the life you truly desire, and to become the person you've always wanted to be.You don't have to accept the story your narcissist put in place - you get to write your OWN story.This course offers you the solution you need, and it's been created specifically for youby a certified life coach, author and survivor of narcissistic abuse.Inside, you'll find several reports, worksheets and downloadable tools that will help you to take the steps necessary to get your story down, release it and write your new story.Take the time to study the material, do the meditation and the writing exercises, and you'll be on your way to making things go your way - and to creating the self and the life that you truly want."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"What Kids Learn in Math Class that You Never Learned: Basics" |
"Are you struggling with some of the ""new"" approaches being taught now to math students? Are you a parent, or a teacher who struggles with teaching math, or an interested adult who wants to understand more about why these new approaches are being used?This course addresses many of the foundational areas of math in the early elementary grades, from the concept of equivalence to using the distributive property in multiplying larger numbers. If you aren't sure what the point of some of the strategies are, or your child says, ""That's not how my teacher said to do it,"" or why certain strategies are taught when, this course is for you.The course, Basic Concepts, covers:Number sense and how to help it developThe relationships of numbers to each otherThe relationships ofmathematical operations to each otherThe concept of equivalence and how it's taught to young childrenMental addition and subtraction strategiesViral Common Core memes, and what we can learn from the math behind themConnections between addition and multiplication, and subtraction and divisionDifferent models for multiplying and dividingMental math tips for multiplying and dividingStrategies for making even the hardest word problems easier to solveLessons are delivered in an easy-to-follow video format, with accompanying downloadable documents where they are useful, and for additional practice with the strategies. Answer keys are provided for problem sets too. Periodic quizzes help make sure you are on the right track.You even get bonus activities to do at home with your children, and useful printed tips for making your own mental math easier!This course can be used as a basic introduction for teachers, but it is not meant for in-depth professional development."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Nonprofit Financial Management" |
"This course is the product of years of working both in the nonprofitand for-profit sectors. Doing so has equipped me with a good insightof their differences and similarities. A key difference in managingfinances in the private sector versus the nonprofit sector is thealtruistic mission of a nonprofit. Many believe that the privatesector is purposed solely to attain a financial reward or profitwhile the nonprofit objective is simply to do good. Althoughsome may question the accuracy of this statement none can deny thatboth the nonprofit and the for-profit sectors require financialresources in order to function. In reality, a nonprofit, not unlikea for-profit organization, need to have a financial grasp. In fact,doing so is integral to the sustainability and the continuation ofthe nonprofit to provide a much needed public service.This course seeks to equip nonprofit leaders, employees, volunteers,funders, and anyone else with an interest in a nonprofit, with thestrategies and techniques that can minimize the obfuscation that canarise in managing nonprofit finances. This course identifies bestpractices in order for nonprofits to not only survive but strive inan environment that has proven challenging for a great manynonprofitssmall to large.The primary focus is on providing strategies and tips on analyzingthe finances of a nonprofit. This course discusses budgets, cash,costs, financial statements, establishing internal controls, variousfinancial ratios used to evaluate nonprofit finances, and real worldpractices on how to use them. Whether as a new nonprofit or one thathas been around for decades this course concisely provide a highlevel view of the complexities of finance in an easy to understandlayout.It is the hope and desire of the authors, staff, and board of BolderBusiness Consultants that this material proves beneficial for thosecurrently working at a nonprofit, funding a nonprofit, as well as forthose who aspire to fund or work at a nonprofit."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Marketing Automation with Mautic: Build your first funnel." |
"What is this course about?The Mautic Masterclass will help you create an automated marketing funnel for a digital product or service business using Mautic - a free open source software tool that includes all the features you need to create the complete funnelWhat materials are included?The course is composed of video of me explaining the concepts, then applying them by building a short marketing funnel, live on screen, where you can follow every last click.How long will it take to complete?The course includes 1.5 hours of video, broken down into 18 easy-to-follow stepsOn top of that all you need to do is write the text for your emails and sales pages to suit your own product.Why take the course?The Mautic Masterclass will give you a rapid introduction to marketing funnels and marketing automation, and help you apply that knowledge immediately to promote your own business idea."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Inspire to Boost Sales: How to Write a Compelling Case Study" |
"Case studies are a powerful tool in any marketing strategy. They tell the story of what you do to help others or how your product improves lives. A good case study demonstrates the value and benefit you bring to your customers in an engaging way, rather than simply relating a set of dull facts and figures.Told well, a case study helps potential customers imagine your product or service in action. They can see themselves benefiting from using your company, and will be inspired to buy from you as a result.But too many case studies or stories as I prefer to call them are uninspiring. They are too long, too short, or dont tell us anything of real value. Sometimes, they are full of jargon and management speak (think phrases like innovative solutions, blue-sky thinking or leverage).This is usually because the people who write them are too busy concentrating on their own jobs to worry about learning how to craft a story. Does this sound like you?The good news is you can learn how to write a compelling case study in a relatively short time. Like anything, it takes a lot of practice to become really good. But with a little effort and training you can write something that is ten times better than 90% of case studies out there on the Internet. And that will definitely help you win more business, so its a worthwhile investment.Learning by doingThis course takes you through the process of creating a really good case study. Ill give you tips on everything from how to write an amazing opening, to making sure you get good testimonials to include when writing about results.I believe very much in learning by doing, so this course is designed to be practical. At each stage of the writing process, Ill be asking you to reflect on what you have learned and put it into practice.By the end, youll have a case study that is ready for you to put online and start wowing your customers!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Der Weg zum professionellen Softwareentwickler" |
"Prolog:Ich hatte mich verirrt. Ich hatte studiert und mich danach hochmotiviert auf den Weg gemacht, um ein wirklich guter Softwareentwickler zu werden, verschlang Fachbcher (einige gute, viele schlechte), las Fachzeitschriften, besuchte UserGroups und lernte alles, was im Trend lag. Trotzdem wurde das Entwickeln im Alltag immer wieder zur Qual. Fr jede erdenkliche Situation suchte ich mir das passende Framework und lernte es. Ich verstrickte mich in Abhngigkeiten und verzettelte mich in Sonderfllen. Das frustrierte und war bei weitem nicht das, was ich mir unter guter und leichter Softwareentwicklung vorstellte. Irgendwann dmmerte es mir. Ich fing an zu begreifen, was mir intuitiv schon lnger klar war: man muss nicht immer mehr lernen um Profi zu werden man muss das Richtige lernen und vor allen Dingen das Mindset eines Profis entwickeln.Der Weg zum professionellen Softwareentwickler ist ein Reisefhrer durch das aufregende Gebiet der modernen, agilen und pragmatischen Softwareentwicklung, und zugleich die Quintessenz dessen, was ich auf meinem Weg und den Irrwegen gelernt habe. Gemeinsam werden wir uns die Gebiete der Softwareentwicklung anschauen, die wirklich sehenswert sind. Wir lernen Techniken kennen, die es wert sind gelernt zu werden. Wir passieren Smpfe und dorniges Unterholz, die wir nach einer kleinen Warnung jeweils links liegen lassen.Es werden in diesem Kurs nicht nur kleine Einblicke inverschiedensten Techniken gegeben, sondern eine Haltung vermittelt, die einen professionellen Entwickler ausmachen.Meine Motivation ist es dir diese Irrwege zu ersparen. Ich mchte dir einen Weg aufzeigen, wie du als Softwareentwickler erfolgreich sein und gleichzeitig Spa und Leichtigkeit haben kannst. Dies wnsche ich Dir von Herzen.Thorsten DiekhofThemen die behandelt werden:Dreyfus-ModellArchitekturdokumentationClean CodeSoftwarecraftsmanshipRefactoringPrinzipien und Praktiken der objektorientierten SoftwareentwicklungEntwurfsmuster / DesignpatternTestgetriebene Entwicklung / TDDSoftwaredesignAgile Softwareentwicklung / SCRUMPersnlichkeit eines ProfisIntuition als WerkzeugBewusstes LernenSMARTMethode"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Productive coding with WebStorm" |
"Productive coding with WebStormJetBrains WebStorm is the perfect editor for web developers. It is a full featured IDE that provides all the tools and features for developers in JavaScript, Typescript, NodeJS and of course HTML and CSS.Learn WebStorm or any other JetBrains IDE in one afternoon!This brief training will show you how to best useWebStorm to be as productive as possible. You will learn many useful tricks to work faster. You'llsee all the possibilities to customize the user interface, using keyboard shortcuts andwrite your code superfastby creating and using Live Templates. Alsoyou'll learn how WebStorm supports your workflow and lets you usetools like Gulp, NPM or Github, all without leaving your editor!The courseis specifically intended forWebStorm, but is also extremely valuable for users of other JetBrainseditors likeIntelliJ, PHPStorm, PyCharm and others.This course covers the following topics:Welcome and introductionDownloading and installing WebStormTouring the IDE and setting up your working environmentAdapting the UI to meet your personal needsCoding faster in JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML and CSSUsing build- and workflow tools right from the IDEGit- and Github integrationTesting your RESTful Services with the RESTClientAdding and deleting pluginsOther tips and tricks"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |