Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Hierarchy of the human body" |
"Human beings are the most evolved creatures on earth and if you will probe into the human body you will find that Human body is brilliantly structured and there is a great deal of polymorphism and division of labor inside the human body. The systems of the human body work in synchronization with one another to keep us alive. Students often find it very difficult to understand how cells, tissues, organ and organ systems are correlated to one another. This course makes it easy for the students to understand what cells, tissues, organ and organ systems are exactly and how they cannot exist without one another."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Marketplace Negotiation 101: How to Win With Zero Leverage" |
"Stopbuying thingsyou needathighprices!And start getting more in every negotiation.In this course I'm going to show you exactly how tonegotiate in the marketplace whether it's your local farmer's market, a largecompany, or an online marketplace like Craigslist.I'm going to teach you the principles of negotiating without leverage.Ultimately by the end of this course, you'll be able to find things you need in the marketplace and negotiate great deals. Whether that's more value, or huge discounts.You'll learn the principles of marketplace negotiation and you'll be able to apply them in all aspects of life.I'm excited to show you what I've preparedandI look forward to seeing you on inside!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Craigslist Posting: How to Create Ads that Sell" |
"Are youlosing sales daily from poor Craigslist Ads?That's a question not a lot of people ask enough. There are 20 servicescategories on Craigslist. Most of the 1000s ofbusinesses who advertise on Craigslisthave no experience with Advertising. The sales,real estate, and jobs sections are also vast.Just understanding the basics of Advertising will help you gain a powerfuledge over your competitors and get new customers calling you first.In this course Iteach you basic advertising principles, and then specifically delve into the 3 parts of the Craigslist ad:The TitleThe Image(s)The Body TextI teach you how to write Titles that get people to click, and create Images and Body Text that get people to call.If you're ready to learn, I'll see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Business Law Essentials" |
"If you're a small business owner, entrepreneur or lawyer in a different field of law, this course is for you. You'll learn how to spot basic legal issues and get pro tips and hacks re how to handle them. Whether that means hiring a lawyer (and if so, what kind of lawyer and what questions to ask when you do) or considering doing it yourself - much more of an option for some things these days. And we'll cover the following topics-Entity formation, i.e. sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, C Corp, S CorpIndependent Contractors versus EmployeesContracts - employment contracts, independent contractor agreements, business agreements (with other companies), non disclosure agreements, shareholder agreements, founder agreements, licensing agreements, user agreementsetc.Other labor & employment basicsDisputes and how to handle themFundraising documents including cap tablesTrademarksCopyright,Patents,& Trade SecretsThe course will be approximately 1hour and 15 minutestotal. Throughout the course I'll recommend various do it yourself / do it inexpensively options. Including how to file a Del.C corp for basically free (other than government filing fees) and where to get the best free independent contractor agreement templates, for example. I'll also teach you how to protect yourself with things like entity formation, insurance and the right contract language.You don't need any special software, tools or study guides to take this course. But you may want to take notes here and there on some of the resources I recommend throughout the course. And bring a ""law won't intimidate me, I'm ready to learn how to ask lawyers good questions and spot important issues myself"" mindset. Other than that, let's try to have a good time. Law can be dull but I try to make it more relevant and had fun making this course. Hope you do too."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Step-by-step learning t-shirt design by example for Merch" |
"TL;DR of what to expect from this course:To summarize this course in a few words:This is a new step-by-step approach to learning Photoshop and creating great designs for T-shirts or other apparel including phone cases, shorts, tank-tops or anything in between. The approach in this course is a hands-on approach that will lead you to create your first shirt within minutes even if you haven't touched Photoshop before. Just follow me as I create several unique designs and by the end of each example you will learn to recreate everything with ease and adapt it to your own t-shirt business. A short introduction about myself.Im a web and graphic designer with over a decade of experience in the field and for the past 10 years I have worked with international companies, ranging from small shops to fortune 500 corporations.In the last 2 years I have been designing and selling T-shirts on various platforms and in this time I have gathered a lot of experience on what people are looking for when buying a T-shirt and what shirt designs sell best.Selling T-shirts is a competitive business with a lot of sellers fighting for the attention and money of potential buyers. In my 2 year experience of selling T-shirts I have noticed one constant factor: GOOD DESIGNS WILL ALWAYS SELL BEST. When there are literally tens or hundreds of T-shirts in a particular niche, the buyer will always look for the best looking one. After all, they plan on wearing the T-shirt and they will often browse through multiple Shirts and pages until settling on the one they want. Make them settle on YOUR T-shirt.What can you expect out of this course?The things I will teach you in the following lectures will be invaluable to your T-shirt selling business success.In this course I take you through EVERY step of creating amazing t-shirt designs. I go from the basics of Photoshop for those who never even started the program, and I continue slowly through all the techniques until you become an expert in creating great designs within minutes or hours from inception to creation and upload.In this course I take 3 of my best selling T-shirts and recreate them step by step for you. This way you can follow the process along with the videos in a very easy to understand manner. All the techniques you learn here can then be applied to create ANY t-shirt design. In the 4 sections and 25 lectures you will learn over 50 techniques that you can mix and match to create new and original designs by simply repeating and adjusting what you learned. Among the lectures you will learn about typography and how to create rich in detail designs that focus mainly on text. You will learn how to create silhouettes, how to create cutouts, how to create gunge and distorted effects. You will also learn how to create 3DText, how to create a detailed sketches of any person or object and how to use color theory to bring life to your designs.Not only that, but I also dedicated an entire section with quick and easy techniques that you can follow and apply to ANY T-shirt. I will keep this section constantly updated with new and interesting techniques regularly."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Matemticas Pre-U: lgebra" |
"Con este mtodo, aprenders y reforzars los conocimientos matemticos necesarios para ingresar a un nivel Universitario.La forma dinmica y precisa de este curso te preparar en muy corto tiempoen los temas de Matemticas necesariospara transitar de manera exitosa tus primeros cursos de matemticas en una institucin a nivel universitario.Dificultadcon las matemticas? Estecurso contiene videos cortos de temas completos, dinmicos y con unmtodo fcil conestrategias para resolver los problemas matemticosalos que te enfrentas en tu vida escolar diaria. Los temas delcurso se presentan en forma gradual de acuerdo a los programasestablecidos por las instituciones de educacin y a la prctica dela enseanza en las matemticas. Cuandotermines este curso tendrs cubiertas muchas carencias ydeficiencias sobre temas de matemticas que siempre te causarondificultades. Porqudebes tomar este curso?Porqueborrars de tu mente que las matemticas son difciles y quedarssorprendido de todo lo que se logra cuando dejas de tenerles miedo.Al terminar el curso alcanzars un nivel de conocimientosmatemticos que te permitan ingresar a un nivel Universitario, detal forma que transites de manera exitosa en tus primeros cursos dematemticas en la Universidad. Siests a punto de terminar el nivel medio superior, este curso teprepara en corto tiempo para ingresar a la Universidad.Siestas cursando una carrera universitaria, necesitas reforzartusbases matemticas y este curso te ayudar en muy corto tiempo."
Price: 870.00 ![]() |
"Matemticas Pre-U: Trigonometra y Geometra Analtica" |
"La Trigonometra es una rama de las matemticas que dedica su estudio a la relacin entre los lados y ngulos de un tringulo.La Geometra Analtica es una ramade las matemticas queestudia la relacin entre las figurasgeomtricas y su representacinmediante expresiones algebraicas.Este curso te proporciona el material necesario para el estudiode laTrigonometra y laGeometra Analtica a nivel Pre-Universitario (Pre-U),con un mtodo que te ahorrar mucho tiempo.Los temas tratados en este curso normalmente se imparten en 2 semestres pre-universitarios, Con este mtodo en videos cortos y dinmicos podrs ver todo el material en menos de 2 horas!Con este curso, aprenders y reforzars los conocimientos matemticos correspondientes a la Trigonometra y la Geometra Analtica,necesarios para ingresar a un nivel Universitario.La forma dinmica y precisa de este curso te preparar en muy corto tiempoen los temas de Trigonometra y Geometra Analtica necesariospara transitar de manera exitosa tus primeros cursos de matemticas en una institucin a nivel universitario.Dificultad con las matemticas?Este curso contienevideos cortos de temas completos, dinmicos y con un mtodo fcil conestrategias para resolver los problemas matemticosalos que te enfrentas en tu vida escolar diaria. Los temas del curso se presentan en forma gradual de acuerdo a los programas establecidos por las instituciones de educacin y a la prctica de la enseanza en las matemticas.Cuando termines este curso tendrs cubiertas muchas carencias y deficiencias sobre temas de matemticas que siempre te causaron dificultades.Porqu debes tomar este curso?Porqueborrars de tu mente que las matemticas son difcilesy quedars sorprendido de todo lo que se logra cuando dejas de tenerles miedo. Al terminar el curso alcanzars un nivel de conocimientos matemticos que te permitan ingresar a un nivel Universitario, de tal forma que transites de manera exitosa en tus primeros cursos de matemticas en la Universidad.Si ests a punto de terminar el nivel medio superior, este curso te prepara en corto tiempo para ingresar a la Universidad.Si estas cursando una carrera universitaria, necesitas reforzartus bases matemticas y este curso te ayudar en muy corto tiempo."
Price: 495.00 ![]() |
"How To Start a Business - Financial Creativity For Success" |
"Have you ever wanted to start a business, be your own boss and become financially free? The desire is there, your motivation is huge, but something is holding you back. You simply have no money...However, is money really necessary to start a business? The reality is very counter intuitive. The times when you needed a huge capital to start a company are long gone. We are blessed to live in the 21st century and the truth is that there are thousands of potential businesses that don't require you to have the cash bulging out of your pockets. The key is to adopt the right mindset, think outside the box and come up with a better strategy. This is precisely what we will teach you in this course. You dont need the money, you need a better strategy - you will hear this phrase many times in our videos and we will share with you real business case studies that prove how true this statement is. Starting a business without money is possible. Weve done it multiple times and so can you.Let us take you on a journey that will totally shift your mindset. You are about to destroy the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back and learn strategies that will enable you to become your own boss.Peter Sage is a celebrity entrepreneur, author and public speaker who has built over 20 businesses (e.g. Energy Fitness Group) and half of them with no money. Peter shared the stage with the likes of Richard Branson and Bill Clinton.Jimmy Naraine is an online entrepreneur and teacher who builds educational content for his 135,000+ students while traveling full time (76 countries). Jimmy has been featured by publications such as Entrepreneur and Business Insider."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Mac Basics - Master your Mac & MacOS X - The Complete Course" |
"Welcome to the crash course on how to use Mac Operating System (commonly referred to as Mac OS or Macos ).If you have recently switched from Windows to Mac OS X on an Apple Macbook or iMac, the differences between the two operating systems might seem confusing, frustrating and even a bit overwhelming at first.I can totally resonate with you since I have been in your shoes. When I bought my first Macbook after using Windows for many many years, it took me many hours just to learn how to Copy & Paste text (without the help of Google). Learning other basic functionalities in the new Macbook was a nightmare. It was a steep learning curve and took me months of browsing blogs and Youtube videos before I became comfortable with my Mac.So I created this course to help BEGINNERS and INTERMEDIATE USERS of the Mac OS to improve their macos user experience. I have packed this course with whatever I have learnt during the last few years on my Apple Macbook. And the cool thing is, you can learn all of it in this course, without looking for Mac os Catalina etc. tutorials on Youtube, Apple Support etc.Mac computers are wonderful, stable, carefully designed and well built - no doubt about that. And it's safe to assume that almost always, there is an easy and cool way to do things in Mac OS X. But ...Many people think that with Mac computers and Macbooks, one needs to purchase many extra software packages, which come built in with Windows computers. If you have the same views, I have a great news for you! Your Mac is full of tools and functionalities which you probably have never had a chance to explore, so you're missing out on a lot of cool stuff. For example, you get many free apps, e.g. iMovie, Keynote, Numbers, Pages etc.In this hands on course, I have carefully put together many Macos tricks and best practices in the form of short video tutorials. It took me years (well, literally!) to learn them, but with this course, you can learn these Macos tricks super fast with minimal effort. These wonderful tips and hacks will save your time and energy and will have a big impact on your productivity. This course will take you from a beginner / intermediate to an advanced Mac OS user in no time! After taking this course, you would be able to navigate the Mac OS X with swipes and keyboard shortcuts like a breeze, and would be able to minimize Macos Catalina etc. slowdowns like a boss. I will even teach you how to do basic video editing in iMovie.This course will be regularly updated and I will be adding more macos tips as I explore them!Cheers,Kashif"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
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Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Time Zen - Based on the bestselling book of the same name." |
"Time Zen, based on the best-selling book of the same name, is the most effective time-management and success system you have ever stumbled upon.In this extremely inspirational and unbelievably practical course, Dr. Monroe Mann takes you on a journey unlike any other you've ever experienced. After learning the fascinatingly practicalpsychologybehind procrastination and time management, and after learning how to implement Monroe'sproven 3-step dream management system, you will discover how simple it really is to start seeing all of your wildest dreams starting to come true. While this course can certainly can help those simplystruggling with basictime management, this course is primarily designed for those who already accomplish a lot, andwho crave furtheran extra 10 hours out of every 24-hour day. Bottom line, Time Zen is a course for those whoactually want tosee otherwise impossible dreams suddenly start to come into focused reality."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"The 3 Hour Kettlebell Body" |
"Learn how to use of of the greatest, most versatile and effective tools in the gym - the kettlebell to get the body you want (inside and out) a simple commitment of 3hours a week - no more! What's more is that you won't (ever) need a gym again after you are done with this course. You will be able to follow this 8 week / 4 hour a week program from anywhere, saving countless time and energy with your gym commute. However if you love your gym, you can easily follow the program from your gym as well!Who are you learning from?You will be learning from one of the best female kettlebell experts in the industry. Dasha L Anderson has 24 best selling fitness DVDs, 18 of which are on kettlebells. She has a Masters in Exercise Science, teaches the art and science of kettlebells for NASM, ACE & AFAA Continuing Education Programs, and is author of the best selling fitness book; Kettlebell Kickboxing: Every Women's Guide To Getting Healthy, Sexy and Strong!Dasha has aMasters degree in Exercise Science, with a specialty in Performance Enhancement and Injury Prevention (MS).Additionally, Dasha is certified with the National Academy of Sports Medicine with their master level(NASM-PES) credentials. She is also a certified Speed and Explosion Specialist (NASE-SES) with the National Association of Speed and Explosion. Dashas kettlebell background comes from her birthplace of Russia, where where she learned kettlebells from her grandfather.Dasha has trained countless celebrities, helping them get ready for movie roles and red carpet events. More on the program;While we are all uniquely different, our goals of getting healthier, stronger, more mobile, agile and of course leaner and more resilient are typically the same. Dasha has given this same program to thousands of women and men in her NYC gym, helping thousands of women and men get in shape and keep that shape for long term success.What's more is that you won't only get in the best shape of your life, you will begin to understand the body and what exercise truly is. You will also learn the actual art of kettlebells, understanding the unique and incredible versatility of the kettlebell, and all of the ways to use it for your personal goals.This course will take you from the 101 of kb's and biomechanics to 5 very unique Scorcher workouts that you will be able to adapt into your training routine. Give this course 2 months (8 weeks days) and you won't believe the results.All this program requires is a 3 hour weekly commitment - that is it!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"PRESS Movement: Prayer 101" |
"After her 2nd miscarriage and the death of her grandmother, Taquoya felt the pressure of leading her youth group of over 135 youth, ministering and life in general. One night, as she was crying out to God about all the things that were happening, God said, ""Press, prayer reaches every single situation"". In one moment, God birthed a movement that has literally ministered to tens of thousands of people just from it's name alone.The P.R.E.S.S. is not just a prayer course, it is about life, God and joining a community of prayer warriors in development. It is appropriate for young and old and has proven to be effective for those from elementary through older adults. This will be eight lessons of Bible-based with each lesson being taught by two different teachers so you can have different perspectives while receivinglife changing words that if you put to use, WILLhelp you!If you reach for God, He will reach for you and you will get results!P.R.E.S.S. Prayer Reaches Every Single Situation, is a licensed trademark."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Doing What You Love" |
"Do you want to find out what you are talented for? Do you want to find out what you are here to do? If you have been searching for what makes you passionate and what makes you tick, then this is the course for you.Presented in a unique way, these are strategies which are not found off the internet but are based on over 20 years of coaching clients. These tips, strategies and tactics are developed and used by Kelvin Lim, Founder of Executive Coach International.The methods taught in this course have been proven to help thousands of our clients over the past decade achieve greater career satisfaction and advancement in their careers.Is this course for me?This course is for people who are starting out in your career and looking for direction, or looking for a mid-career switch. It is for you, if you are:Searching for what you love to doWondering whether your hobbies can be turned into a careerLooking for inspiration for what's next for youWhat are the benefits from taking this course?This course will help you:Find the things that you love doingRemove the barriers in the way to finding out what you loveFind out what you are really good atFind ways to make what you love to do into your careerWhat's in the course?10 lectures 1 hour ofvideo clips6 worksheets for you to take away and complete at your own pace"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Design your Garden using Sketchup" |
"This course will give you thetools to create amazinggardens:SketchUp 3D modeling softwarecomplemented with landscapedesign principles.If you are a gardener, a landscape architect, or you just like gardening in your house, this course will show you how to implement this principles in a3D model to create professional designs that you can use for yourself or toshow your ideas to your clients.ContentsThe first sectionof this course is focused on the Software, from downloading Sketchup to Installation, Setting up the 3D Workspace and getting familiar with the Basic Tools.The second section of this course is focused on building a Sample Site, where you're going to work in.The thirdsection isfocused on the Landscape Design Principles, applied to a sample housebackyard, there you will learn how to give your garden a Distribution and Structure according to Sun Position and Shadows given from the Sketchup's Geo-Location Tool.The fourthsection is focused on the Design itself. Here you will learn in detail how to design and model the Garden's Paths, where to put yourPlants, how to model your Terrace and and where you can put your Swimming Pool.When you havefinished this course you will be able to createwonderfulGarden Designsand you will be ready to improve your own garden or get some clients to improve their's."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Draw Comic Style Faces in Sketchbook Pro" |
"This course will cover how to draw comic book style faces step by step. You will learn how to draw a comic stylemale and female face from start to finish in a full frontal view. You will learn simple measurements to map out the face and make the drawingprocess much easier to accomplish. This course will show you how to create your line art and refine the rough sketch to get it ready for the coloring process. We will then finish the facesby adding color and effects to our artwork. By the end of this course you will have a strong fundamental knowledge of how to construct facial drawings and a better understanding of the tools within Sketchbook Pro 8 that help with this process. We will go over the use oflayers, brushes, selection tools and many other great features inthis powerfulprogram. If you are looking to improveyour ability to draw interesting characters while gaining a stronger knowledge of this amazing drawing program, then this course is for you! And remember you have a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee if you are not totally satisfied with this course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Digital Painting in Manga Studio 5 - Working in Perspective" |
"Inthis course you will learn how to use the extremely powerful perspective tools to create a dynamic scene. We will cover all the basic perspective and special rulers in the program. Then I will walk you through the digital painting process from the rough sketch to the final details. This course will help you to feel comfortable with these features as well as teach you the workflow that I use to create professional illustrations. You will also learn about blending modes, layers and groups, the lock transparency feature, selection tools, and more. You will also get the art file and brushes to work along with. I am confident you will learn a lot from this course and if you are not satisfied you get a 30 day money back guarantee. I am here to help you with any questions you may have. Good luck with your art!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Improve Your Figure Drawing - Step by Step" |
"This is a basic approach to figure drawing. This entire how to draw the human figure course is 7.5 hours. I share techniques that I have used over the years to create comic book illustrations and storyboards for television. You will learn how to systematically break down the various parts of the body into simpler shapes. As I illustrate each area step by step you will follow along and learn from my studies. This will give you insight into how I create my artwork and create poses from the mind. I also share what techniques I use to improve my knowledge of the human form. Things like gesture drawings, timed studies of the pose, negative space drawing, foreshortening, perspective, organic versus angular lines, and much more. You will also be given a copy of the art files as a downloadable PDF that I have created here so that you can work along and study from them. By the end of this course you should be more confident in constructing your figure drawings from the mind and have a better understanding of the human form.You will also learn how to draw Gestures of the body using methods such as CSI. Making use of action lines and timed studies to help you improve your drawing abilities. I am also very receptive to my students. So if you have any suggestions or questions I am here to help!I have also included 6 lessons on drawing various hands poses. You will learn what to pay attention to when drawing the hands so that they are more believable and expressive.You also get the Bonus lectures on How to Draw and Shade Muscular arms. In those lessons I go over 3 different arm poses with various rendering techniques.The tips and tricks from this course will make the process of drawing complex body poses much easier to accomplish. Good luck with your art and I can't wait to see your progress!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Chain Linking: Your First Step to a Better Memory" |
"DISCLAIMER:This course is a sample course to teach you about Ultra Memory. This is a ""lite"" version of ourUltra Memory Masterclass (/ultramemory).A great memory and quick recall will improve many aspects of your daily life. This starter course is for everyone; business professional, students, professional speakers, parents, children and more. This course will teach you about visually linking items together to help remember large amounts of information. Chain linking can be used with any type of list or procedure based information."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Excel na prtica" |
"Uma jornada para aprender a usar o excel, cobrindo as funes importantes e que so usadas no dia a dia para realizar controles e gerar informaes, inclusiveoramento domstico, controle de projeto, loja, e muitas funes teisno dia a dia, tanto pessoal como nonegcio.aborda: operaes bsica, formatao, funes, importao, busca, montagem de relatrio de controle e acompanhamento,etcO foco do ensino traduz aexperincia prtica no uso do ferramenta."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Bagpipe Instruction For Beginners" |
"If you have ever wondered about learning this ancient, emotional instrument, now is your chance!This firstcourse is designedto give you exactly what you need to know to play the first tune on a practice chanter. I will be covering how to buy a chanter, care of it, hand positioning, the scale, and learning Scots Wa Hae, the first tune everyone learns. Sheet music for all exercises is included for download.With consistent practice, you should be able to play the tune comfortably within a month. Since you can revisit these lessons as much as you want, it is easy to zero in on the segments you need to move forward.You can have a lot of fun learning the pipes, and this course will make it possible with easy to follow, step by step instruction."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Academic Writing: 10 Essential Essays You Should Know" |
"Writing essays can be intimidating. Often, this is because we don't know what the teacher wants. As a teacher, I understand what that is. Using my experience teaching and tutoring essay writing at various colleges and remembering my experience as a student, I'll help you find the essay writing success you deserve through learning about each of the 10 most popular academic essays. Write successful essays by learning: What the teacher may not tell you but still expectsHow to overcome Writing Anxiety and Writer's BlockHow to make the Writing Process YoursLearn how to develop and organize:With over 12 Brainstorm StrategiesUsing 3 Outlining StrategiesIntroduction Paragraphs for all EssaysWith 5 Attention Getter StrategiesBody Paragraph Content for all EssaysWith 10 Content Support StrategiesConclusion Paragraphs for all EssaysWith 6 Final Impression StrategiesBy revising each of the 10 unique essays effectively10 Unique Academic Essays...Using color-coated examples that show every step Practice and Use your writing knowledge with: Over 12 quizzes and 100 quiz questions that use essay writing examples, analysis, key concepts, structure, and revisions. A 57 page downloadable textbook with color-coated guides to all 10 essays with all attention getter, content support, and final impression strategies which includes 5 interactive essay writing activities with color-coated answers/explanations."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Auditorias Internas de ISO 9001:2015" |
"IMPORTANTE LEER: VISITA MI PERFIL ANTES DE INSCRIBIRTE A CUALQUIERA DE MIS CURSOS PARA OBTENER LAS ULTIMAS ACTUALIZACIONESLa Norma Internacional ISO 9001:2015 establece, en su apartado 9.2, que todas aquellas organizaciones que tengan o deseen implantar un Sistema de Gestin de la Calidad deben llevar a cabo Auditorias Internas a intervalos planificados, para lo cual seleccionar a los auditores que crea pertinentes.Con el fin de que se obtengan las competencias para responder a esta necesidad, este curso de Auditorias Internas en la Norma Internacional ISO 9001:2015 te brinda las herramientas y conocimientos necesarios para conducir una Auditorias Internas de la manera ms eficiente.Abordaremos diversas temticas, desde la historia de ISO, la organizacin encargada de publicar las normas internacionales, pasando por lo que es un Sistema de Gestin de la Calidad y un Ciclo PDCA, hasta la estructura de la Norma al completo, los mtodos ms utilizados por las organizaciones para cumplir con los requierimientos, las tcnicas de auditoria recomendadas en base a la Norma ISO 19011, etc.Como apoyo para el curso se utilizar informacin documentada de una organizacin real, con lo que el participante conocer la evidencia que puede encontrar en un Sistema de Gestin de la Calidad al realizar una Auditoria.Al finalizar este curso, se tendrn los conocimientos necesarios para realizar o formar parte de una Auditoria Interna en cualquier organizacin.*Instructor Certificado en el Estandar de Competencia EC0217 y registrado como DC-5 ante la STPS.**El marco terico de este curso est diseado en base a un curso avalado por la Secretaria del Trabajo y Previsin Social (STPS)."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Prevencin y Proteccin contra Incendios en el Trabajo" |
"IMPORTANTE LEER: VISITA MI PERFIL ANTES DE INSCRIBIRTE A CUALQUIERA DE MIS CURSOS PARA OBTENER LAS ULTIMAS ACTUALIZACIONESEste curso est dirigido a quienes desean contribuir en la prevencin y proteccin contra incendios que puedan presentarse en las diversas reas del centro de trabajo en donde se desempean.En este curso aprenderemos a clasificar un riesgo de incendio e identificar el tipo de fuego que se puede presentar en un centro de trabajo. Conoceremos los tipos de agentes extintores a utilizar dependiendo el tipo de Fuego y su colocacin en los centros de trabajo, as como los requisitos que deben de poseer las brigadas contra incendios y las habilidades que deben de poseer las personas que deseen formar parte de estas.Aprenderemos sobre equipo contra incendios y su manera de verificarlos, as como de las caractersticas que debe de poseer el equipo de proteccin personal para los integrantes de las brigadas, entre muchos otros puntos.Este curso forma parte del Programa de Capacitacin en Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, diseado por el Instituto Mexicano de Capacitacin Industrial [IMECAPI] y dirigido a todas aquellas personas que desean iniciarse en la Seguridad y Salud en los Centros de Trabajo. *Instructor Certificado en el Estandar de Competencia EC0217 y registrado como DC-5 ante la STPS.**El marco terico de este curso est diseado en base a un curso avalado por la Secretaria del Trabajo y Previsin Social (STPS)."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"7 Body Language Secrets to Communicate Effectively at Work" |
"The great thing about communication is that it is a skill that you and I can master. no different from learning how to ride a bike or bake a cake! If you are willing to work at it, it will improve your effectiveness wherever you interact with people. I am always amazed to hear success stories from our clients. They tell us how these life skills add the polish that empowers personal confidence and corporate excellence.Join me as we share with you how you too, can be an effective communicator. In this e-learning programme, the focus is on your body language, especially if you are working in a job that requires interaction with people. This course is for you. The benefits? Confidence, better interpersonal skills, greater effectiveness and influence just to name a few that we have in store for you on this programmeThis course is presented by Imageworks founder and master trainer Christina Ong, a recipient of several industry awards including the AICI Certified Image Master professional certification as Asias first of currently thirteen CIMs in the world."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"The 5 Essential Endgames for Chess Beginners" |
"Having achieved the title of chess master and worked as a coach for over 5 years, I've seen how students are easily intimidated by the idea of ""learning the endgame"" and don't know where to start. Many who attempt to learn the endgame are overwhelmed by the available resources on the subject, all of which overestimate the level of knowledgestudents really need to have.To cut through the confusion, I created ""The 5 Essential Endgames for Chess Beginners"" course, which covers 90% of the endgames you'll ever need to know quickly and affordably. This course, designed for chess beginners up to 1200-rated tournament players, is composed of20 compact lessons and is priced less than the cost of an average private lesson.By the completion of this course, you will be well on the path to endgame mastery and should see improved play in all aspects of your game."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tradeonomics - Four Steps to Trading Economic Indicators" |
"A Step by Step Guide toUsingFundamental Analysis in Your Trading StrategyDo you know the #1 reason why many retail traders underperform compared to their market counterparts namely -interbank dealers, hedge funds, financial institutions?Studies suggests that despite retail traders having strong requirements to be well informed they are not. They do not anticipate returns on trades, lack trading acumen and are emotional when trading.What stops traders from being better informed, improving their trading acumen or reducing emotional trades such as hope and wishful thinking?The answer is - it's not easy to make the connections between the economy, central bank actions and financial instrument prices.However there are just 4 steps that simplify the process of making the connections between these three factors easier. Continue reading to find out the 4 stepsAs a trader in the interbank market I relied purely on technical analysis for the first few years. Drawing trendlines, using technical indicators such as moving averages, MACD, RSI etc etc to predict returns in the FX markets.Though I utilised technical analysis I never really understood the ""fundamentals"" behind the primary trend or reversal of trends; what these linkages between economic indicators, financial markets and central bank policy decisions were...To quote the guru of technical analysis -""Market Analysis can be approached from either direction (Technicals or Fundamentals). While I believe that technical factors do lead the known fundamentals, I also believe that any important market move must be caused by underlying fundamental factors. Therefore, it simply makes sense for a technician to have some awareness of the fundamental condition of a market."" - John J. Murphy, Technical Analysis of the Futures MarketThe 4 steps are -Step 1 - Identifythe pricedeterminants of financial instruments - stocks, bonds and FXStep 2 - Understandhoweach economic indicator contributes to eithereconomic growth or inflation(we use an economic map to demonstrate these connections);economic indicator release dates;who compiles them;leading, lagging or coincident indicator;Step 3 - Study the impact of eacheconomic indicator onfinancial instrumentprices - classify the impact as high, medium, low. We will also visit websites that make it easy for traders to track these indicatorsStep 4 - Make the connection betweeneconomic indicators,central banks monetary policy impact and financial instrument prices to trade financial markets. With the help of a spreadsheet we will record data that will improve our chances to predict asset price movements before and after an economic data release.The Use of an Economic MapWe make these connections between economic entities, factors, markets and central bank policies through the use of an economic map. The economic map helps us to understand how each small sub-component aggregates to the larger components, which in turn aggregate to the Gross Domestic Product thus giving us a wider perspective of how entities interrelate with one another.Some of the economic indicators we will study are:The Quarterly GDP ReportCar Sales ReportRetail Sales ReportPersonal Income and Outlays ReportHousing StartsDurable Goods Orders ReportFactory Orders and Manufacturing InventoriesConstruction SpendingTrade Balance ReportPurchasing Manager's IndexEmploymentIndustrial ProductionLeading Economic IndicatorsSkills you should be able achieve by the end of this courseBy the end of this course, you will have all the tools necessary to starttrading bymaking the connections between these economic indicators, financial markets and the central bank's monetary policy. This is the knowledge that investment bankers acquire during their trading experience and it is this technical skill that we will achieve by the end of this course.You could also get the Kindle book or iBook. Please search for ""Tradeonomics - The Four Steps to Mastering U.S. Economic Indicators"" on the Amazon/iBooksstore. If you donot have a Kindle reader youcan read Kindle books on your computer, phone, tablet by downloading the Kindle app."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"5 Step Creative Process to Branding" |
"Whether your business is a product, service, music band, author, consultant, or some other kind of public persona, the first thing to do on your marketing check-list is to brand your business.In the 5-step creative process to branding you will learn how to:1. Determine your businesss unique selling proposition (USP)2. learn the difference between brand benefits and features (this is huge). (Visual paper heart cut out vs nuts and bolts)3. Then Ill show you how to use your USP to develop a Brand Position by teaching the basics of a proven marketing discipline that many of the worlds leading marketing and advertising agencies use today. (Madison Ave, Wilshire Blvd signs) Its called Brand Positioning. (ladder?)The 5-Step Creative Process to Branding course will share with you these must-have concepts1. Do you know the difference between a solid call-to-action (CTA) and a weak one? The difference is sure to bring powerful sales. 2. Do you know what grade-level you should write your websites, emails, ads and social media to? 3. How do you check the grade-level of your writing?4. Is your writing foggy or clear?5. What are the 5 emotional triggers?6. What are the top 12 grammar tips? 7. What is the 12-point idea generator?Who is this course designed for? Businesses that sell products Businesses that sell services Entertainers Artists Musicians/Music Bands Writers Consultants Public FiguresWhere will I use the information I get from the 5-Step Creative Process to Branding? In your website In emails In social media In blogs In ads In newsletters Plus youll get valuable informational downloads for handy reference while youre working."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Make the Windows 10 experience enjoyable!" |
"This course is forpeople either new to Windows 10 or having trouble getting around in Windows 10. After you completethis Windows 10 video learning series, you will be able to use the new menu as it was intended, know where the settings and features are, and start enjoying Windows 10.The course includes 1 hour & 40 minutesof short easy-to-learn videos. Watch me as Isharemy Windows 10 screen and uncover the mystery of using Windows 10.Thecourse also includes a PDF courseoutlineand a Bonus PDF of handy Windows 10 shortcuts.In these videos, I will go over step-by-step the features and settings in Windows 10. It includes the Menu, Settings, Features, Devices & Printers, Security, File Backup, the new Edge browser, Display, Power, Storage, and Notification Settings, installing Apps and Programs, using the Mail app, and copying, moving and backing up your computer."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Lightroom CC - Organizando suas fotos" |
"O sucesso para se trabalhar com grandes lotes de fotos chama-se organizao.O Adobe Photoshop Lightroom possui dois mdulos que ajudam o profissional a analisar, corrigir e adicionar dados de localizao para suas fotografias digitais. A sequncia deste processo de extrema importncia quando voc deseja encontrar estas imagens com urgncia.O curso Lightroom CC Organizando suas fotos vai lhe mostrar todo o passo a passo que voc deve seguir para importao, configurao, analise e organizao das suas fotografias.Os mdulos Biblioteca e Mapa sero abordados com maior intensidade neste curso pelo professor Moises Ribeiro.Obter o domnio destes dois mdulos de extrema importncia para o aluno, uma vez que permite um ganho fantstico de velocidade em todo processo de gerenciamento de suas imagens.Este curso desenvolvido pelo website MRCCURSOS"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |