Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Physics Video Classes - Module 1: Mechanics" |
"This is a very enjoyable course on Physics-Mechanics with in-depth explanation of each phenomena and good grip on problem solving. Take it and clear Engineering Entrance Exams like IIT-JEE, Medical or other exams having Physics subject happily and easily. This course will have around 20 video lectures and a lot many quizzes and problem solving. The video lectures have been kept short around 20 minutes each. At present, five lectures have been uploaded for initial launch. After this launch, every week 1 more lecture will be added till complete Mechanics syllabus is covered. This will be supplemented with assignments and solution videos. You may take it as live coaching for your College, Engineering Entrance ( IIT JEE), Medical or IAS examination preparation or to increase you knowledge in Physics.You must watch these lectures again and again till you get firm grip on the content.The material will be mainly based on the book ""Feynman Lectures on Physics"" by Nobel Lauret Sir RP Feynman, Resnik Halliday's Physics book and Sears Zemansky's ""University Physics"" Book. Though a lot many new concepts will also be discussed. So, enroll in this course, sit back and enjoy. You will see, how easy and enjoyable this subject of Physics is....Other 9 Modules in Physics likePhysics Module 2: Waves & Oscillations,Physics Module 3: Optics, Physics Module 4:Gas Kinetics & Thermodynamics, Physics Module 5:Electricity, Physics Module 6: Magnetism, Physics Module 7: Atomic & Molecular Physics, Physics Module 8: Electronics & Semiconductors, Physics Module 9: Space and TimeBonus Module: Physics Problem SolvingWill be made available soon (one by one). All the modules will be priced at $20 uniformly and separately (there will be no bundled discount). Only Bonus Module will be available freely with any other module."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Programming with Python in 3 Hours" |
"Learn python here in short time. Python is the easiest progamming language to learn but is the most powerful language at present. This course is short, quick and to the point. The lectures are short and illustrate one key point only in one lecture. The course teaches only the python language basics. Full software development in python may need open cv too for computervision areas and that will be covered in coming coursrse by me."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PNL prctica y til : Descubre como transformar tu vida" |
"Sabes cual es la razn de que muchas veces no alcanzas las cosas que te propones en tu vida?Se debe a los programas mentales que tienes instalados en un inconsciente, y la nica manera de superarlos es mediante la Programacin Neuro Lingstica.Vamos! date la oportunidad de cambiar tu vida para siempre, descubre los secretos de los grandes lderes mundiales y de las personas mas influyentes.Te imaginas todo lo que lograras si supieras como llegar directamente al inconsciente de la gente para mejorar tus relaciones interpersonales?Exacto, mas amigos, mejores relaciones, ms ventas, ms dinero.Decdete ahora y descubre el fantstico mundo de la PNL con este MASTER EN PNL."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"How to Make No Knead Dinner Rolls" |
"Are you looking for a way to bake fresh homemade bread without a bread machine? Maybe you've always wanted to try your hand at bread baking, but don't want to invest in an expensive stand mixer.With a few basic ingredients and simple tools that you probably already have, you will be baking dinner rolls that taste like you've been baking for years even though its your first time. At the end of this course you will be able to confidently bake homemade dinner rolls to share with friends and family.How will it feel to finally be able to contribute something homemade to your kids' schoolbakesale?In the course Well go over:basic tools and ingredients you need to start baking bread at to test your yeast to make sure it is alive and to mix your dough the easy way, without kneading it. AND 3 different ways to shape your dinner roll dough.I created this course for the home baker who wants to learn how to bake bread without having to buy any fancy equipment or hard to find ingredients.In the course, you will find video lessons that show you in detail what your dough should look like every step of the way. There is also a downloadable recipe book, tools guide and an ingredients guide.You can complete this course in an hour or two and have your first batch of hot, fluffydinner rolls under your belt this weekend!If bread baking has been hit or miss for you, or if you've never tried to bake bread at home before, then this is the course for you!Enroll in the no knead dinner roll course now andamaze your friends & family with delicious and beautiful homemade dinner rolls."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Electronics : The Operational Amplifier" |
"The Operational Amplifier (Op-amp) isa major component of the Advanced Level Physics.TheOperational Amplifier is studied under the topic Electronics. There are twenty-six topics in the Advanced Level Physics Syllabus. This course focuses on just one topic.The greatest challenge to students at Advanced Level Physics is the circuits incorporating the Operational Amplifier.In this course I have clearly shown you how to transit from what you know incurrent electricity to the circuits involving the Operational Amplifier. The prerequisite knowledge you need to have in order to understand Electronics is circuits in general electricity. This simply means Ohms Law and Kirchhoffs Laws. These concepts are studied under the Advanced Subsidiary (AS)Level of your full Advanced Level Course. It is assumed that you have done the AS part of this syllabus.Each lecture consists of a specific concept which in my opinion is important. I have therefore designed the course in such a way that one concept is built on the previous one. So it is important that once you begin the course, you do not skip any lecture. Right from the first lecture, I draw your attention to the requirements of the Advanced Level Physics Syllabus. So if you have studied the Operational Amplifier in school, you will quickly identify these concepts. Thecourse has twenty-six video lectures. It will take you just a couple of hoursto complete the course. I have kept the length of each lecture short enough asI am aware you may be under pressure to study other topics in the Syllabus. Thecourse starts with a look at Input devices and output devices. Then I introduceyou to the Properties of an Ideal OperationalAmplifier. This is closely followed by circuit connections involving thetwo power supplies and a discussion on the need for the two power supplies.This is followed by circuits involving input and output devices. At this point you will be ready to study the Operational Amplifier as a Comparator.Finally I will take you through the InvertingAmplifier and Non-Invertingamplifier. I end the course by looking at a comprehensive question which includes most of the requirements of the Advanced Level PhysicsSyllabus.I am in the process of adding a few bonus lectures on the applications of the operational amplifier. This is in response to request from students who have found the course very useful and would wish that I shed some light on applications such as the Summing Amplifier, Differential, Integrator and other applications. I am particularly grateful to Pralay Kumar Pal who suggested I throw some light into these applications.Welcome to the the course."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Mechanics 1 Concepts: Advanced Level Mathematics" |
"Mechanics 1 is part of Advanced Level Mathematics. It has four topics: 1 -Kinematics of motion in a Straight Line, 2 -Forces and Equilibrium, 3 -Newton's Laws of Motion and 4 -Work Energy &Power. In this course, I have putemphasis on theunderstanding of mainconcepts inmechanics 1which, in my opinion, poses greatest difficulties to students as they prepare for theirAdvanced Level Mathematics certification. Each topic has several videos where I will teach youa specific concept inmechanics 1.I start each video by outlining clearly the concept youwilllearnby the end of the video. At the end of each video, you will download the VideoDeconstruction Document (VDD) which will help you to understand what I havejusttaught in the video.To understand mechanics 1 concepts you do not necessarily need to have studied physics although this will give you an edge over other students. All I need from you is to identify the mechanics 1 concept that I will be teaching you and then do plenty of practice on them.So in my video Imay repeatedly mention a concept in mechanics 1. This is intentional as it is meant to ensure that you understand the concept."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Moodle 3 Course Creation: The Basics" |
"Build the skills you need to confidently create your own online course using Moodle 3! This introductory course willwalk you step-by-stepthrough the process of getting your course set up andready to gousing Moodle.Create your own online course as you master the latest version of Moodle. Navigate like a proPlan your course Create the Look and Feel Youre Going For Add Resources and Activities Get familiar with the Gradebook A Powerful Tool at your FingertipsMoodle is currently the most widely used Learning Management System with over 70 million users in schools, universities, and businesses all around the world. Moodle is an open source learning management system that is free and easy to learn.This course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to build a course using Moodle 3. It will take you step-by-step through the course creation process. It could be instrumental in helping you to become the resident Moodle Guru at your place of employment, springboarding you into offering training to employees or courses to paying clients, or creating an online extension of your classroom where you can flip your class or share information, resources, and activities with your students. Contents and OverviewThis course is set up in a way that you can view the content in relatively small pieces and then get into your own course and practice what youve just learned about. If you do not currently have access to your own Moodle course, no need to worry! There are several freeoptions to choose from that will allow you to practice. Youll begin getting comfortable with Moodles navigation and getting your course set up just how you want it by tweaking settings and adding different blocks. Depending on the overall goals for your course, this can mean very different things for different people. Moodle is a flexible tool that can allow you to do so many things to make your course your own.Youll add resources and activities to your course. Ill introduce you to each one, talk about how you can use them in your course, and show you how to get them set up and ready to go! By the time were done, youll be able to add content, embed videos, create quizzes and assignments and much more within your course.Together well explore the gradebook and look at different ways you can set it up. Moodles gradebook is a powerful functional tool that when utilized properly can save you a lot of time and energy.I'll be with you every step of the way to answer questions and provide support. Upon completion of this course, you will have the knowledge and confidence you need to create your own course in Moodle 3."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Direito de Famlia - aspectos prticos." |
"Aulas didticas tentando esclarecer de forma simples e clara as dvidas que leigos ecuriososgeralmente apresentam sobre penso alimentcia, guarda compartilhada (pelalei 13.058/2014), partilha de bens no regime da comunho parcial, entre muitos outros temas. So questes de Direito de Famlia com que todos se defrontam um dia na vida, todas didaticamente explicadas pelo Dr Pauloladeira (OAB 305.403), advogado atuante na rea em SoPaulo h vrios anos (pela AdvocaciaLadeira), formado pela Universidade de So Paulo, campus Largo So Francisco, membro do IBDFAM,ps Famlia e Sucesses (PUCSP -2016)."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to Implement SAP FI (Configuration)" |
"This course is intended if you want to become a SAP consultant, if you already are, or if you are a user that needs more information of the back end functionalities.The backstage in SAP is configuration. This is where the magic happens.The FI Module in SAP is the backbone for all the processes that are implemented, and its configuration is key in order to understand the system functionality, implement the first steps and be able to solve problems that came up at the beginning of the implementation or in production system.This course covers since the creation of the Company and Company Codes to the creation of P&L statements.Most of the topics are covered in HD Videos that shows a real system, and step by step configuration instructions.In great terms, the topics are:Basic SAP NavigationIntroduction to SAP Configuration ScreenCompany CodeChart of AccountsAccount groupsField status groupPosting DocumentsTaxesVendor CustomerP&L StatementsThis course is taught by an instructor with experience in complete SAP implementations and with experience in back-end and front-end user training.While you are taking the course or when you are finished, you would be able to configure the FI module and solve problems. Also the instructor would be available for questions, suggestions and updates in the course.Learn SAP Today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn in SAP how to upload Master Data (LSMW)" |
"Legacy System Migration WorkbenchIn this course you are going to learn the step by step process for creating and implementing an LSMW inside a SAP System.The steps are:Maintain Object AttributesMaintain Source StructuresMaintain Source FieldsMaintain Structure RelationsMaintain Field Mapping and Conversion RulesSpecify FilesAssign FilesRead DataDisplay Read DataConvert DataDisplay Converted DataCreate Batch Input SessionRun Batch Input SessionFor more information on financials check our course for FI ConfigurationFROM SAP:The Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW) is a tool that supports data migration from legacy systems (non-SAP systems) to SAP systems. It is a cross-platform component of the SAP system. The LSMW comprises the following main functions: 1. Read data (legacy data in spreadsheet tables and/or sequential files). You can use any combination of PC and server files. 2. Convert data (from the source into the target format). 3. Import data (to the database used by the SAP application)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Simple SAP Controlling Configuration Course" |
"This course is intended if you want to become a SAP consultant, if you already are, or if you are a user that needs more information of the back end functionalities.Controlling Module is key when you are looking to create value for your customer or company in a SAP implementations, because functions side by side with the financials module, in order to improve costing operations, costing calculations and key reports for decision making.This course covers since the creation of the costing structure to the application of its functionalities.Most of the topics are covered in HD Videos that shows a real system, and step by step configuration instructions.The topics are:Basic SAP NavigationIntroduction to SAP Configuration ScreenControlling structure configurationCost Element AccountingCost Center AccountingProfitability AnalysisProfit Center AccountingThis course is taught by an instructor with experience in complete SAP implementations and with experience in back-end and front-end user training.While you are taking the course or when you are finished, you would be able to configure the Controllingmodule and solve problems. Also the instructor would be available for questions, suggestions and updates in the course.Learn SAP Today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bill Origami Gifts" |
"Bill Origami Gifts: A Beginner's Guide To FoldingCreative 3D Origami Bills And Turn Them Into Gifts!Have you ever seen paper sculptures created from money? Like a $1 butterfly, or a $10 heart, or a $100 crane? Imagine, tipping your waiter thank you with a $5heart sculpture. Or proposing, Will you be mine? to your crush with a $100 dollar ring? Wouldnt that surprise and create excitement?Bill Origami is origami -the Japanese art of paper folding, but instead of using plain paper, money bills are used instead. They are fun to create and make very interesting conversation pieces and cash gifts. Yes! Cash gifts become muchmore memorable when given with a handcrafted, personal Bill Origamitouch!Learn The Delightful Art Of Bill Origami GiftsWith over 10 years of origami crafting experience, my passion has led me to share with you this exciting 3D art. In this course, youll learn via a step-by-step, easy to follow videoThe 9 Fundamental BasicFolds in Getting Started with Bill Origami Gifts TutorialIn addition, youll have access to 12Origami Model Tutorials 5 Printable Gift Card Envelope Designs along with a tutorial And so you dont keep folding and unfolding your bills, you get downloadable, printable Practice Money Bills to fold.Its that exciting with Bill Origami Gifts!Join Now!and learn the brilliant art of creating 3D art creations from money bills!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Organizational Culture, Identity and Change" |
"This course looks at organizational culture at the interface of theory and practice as well as at the interface of organization design and organizational identity. We will discover various ways of understanding corporate culture and apply these perspectives to case studies of prominent companies. The course reveals how much an organizations design and set up of every day procedures influence its culture and vice versa. Additionally, this course raises indispensable questions to ask before planning a culture initiative. The ultimate goal of this course is to show ways of utilizing an organizations unique identity to shape a dynamic and authentic organizational culture. The course offers a wide range of self- and group reflection tools and introduces a 5-step collaborative culture process. This course is designed for: HR and OD representatives ExecutivesConsultantsAnybody who is interested in organizational culture at the interface of theory/practice and of organizational identity/design. Duration of course: The course offers 3.5 hrs worth of video lectures. Additionally, you will find 4 quizzes and a range of reflection tools, exercises and a brief culture scan. If you make good use of these exercises and do them in-depth, possibly also with a group of select people from your company, you will get the most out of this course. Utilizing the offered exercises, will increase the hours you will need to fracture in for taking this course. Methods: Video lectures Case studies Exercises, reflections, quizzes"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Getting Started with Building a GWT Web Application" |
"Im Brandon Donnelson and Ive been working on GWT a while since somewhere around 2008. I enjoy helping make development easier. So the other day someone said they wanted to see more getting started video content so I started out with this course. This course covers the basic GWT application development by video example. It starts out with Eclipse GWT application creating and debugging. Then moves into UI component creation, event handling and ajax calls. And finishes off with providing css styling and images for the UI. If youre new to GWT, I think this would help build up quick terminology and context around building an application using GWT."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Creating a Part-Time Sales Management Consulting Practice" |
"What is this course about?In this course, you will learn how to turn your sales experience into a full-blown consulting practice. However, this will not be some boring and old-fashioned practice. You will learn how to create a practice in the hot new area of fractional (part-time) sales management. Fractional sales managers can charge up to $3000/per client/month for 1/2 day's work. The work is consistent and rewarding too.Learn the insider secrets to creating, growing, and operating a part-time sales management practice. Companies with 2-10 salespeople desperately need help managing their sales teams in a cost-effective manner.Your part-time sales management practice can fill this new niche in the marketplace. Be the first in your market to tap this growing niche by subscribing to this step-by-step course.What materials are included?We have included a few examples and templates, but this course is primarily designed to assess your fit for the job and then to teach you the necessary steps to get started.How is the course structured?We begin the course by describing the profile of successful consultants so you can match your skills to those known to succeed. Then we move into marketing, client acquisition, and service delivery.By the end of the course, you will know how to begin your practice, identify prospects, and move them into your sales funnel.Why take this course?There are many reasons to complete this course:Fit: do you have what it takes to be a part-time sales manager?Learning curve: our company has been in this business for over a dozen years, we know every angle, trick, and pitfall. Do you want to re-invent the wheel or have us tell you the shortcuts?Innovative thinking: even if you are not looking to become a part-time sales manager, this industry is cutting-edge and making gains in the marketplace. Every business owner, consultant, and service provider should become familiar with this service."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Data Driven Marketing A-Z: Improve Your Campaign Performance" |
"Marketing is getting faster paced by the minute and it can be really hard to keep up as well as analyse whats right and whats wrong with your marketing. That's where my course comes in. My course is designed to give everyone that is interested in marketing the tools to analyse campaigns and use metrics to make correct decisions improving your campaign success.It is designed with a great fun foundation building up on previous lectures and information all the way till you are ready to launch your own campaign and lastly analyse it. My course will prepare you withrealistic concepts so that you can use it right away whether you own your own business, work in marketing or even manage a team and want more from your campaign data.Data doesn't have to be boring, my course will paint a picture rich in information and detail which you will use to better your campaign and think objectively on how to improve your results.So take the course I always wish I had when I started in Marketing and get the competitive edge in this ever changing industry!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Meditacin, grandes claves para aprender la tecnica" |
"Seguramente este es el mejor curso de meditacin para empezar a meditar, incluso para adquirir un nivel alto con las 8 semanas de practicas que te proponemos. Una forma sencilla, eficaz y profunda para aprender una de las mejores tcnicas que existen para ser feliz. Millones de personas en el mundo practican esta tcnica milenaria y ahora tienes la posibilidad de aprender desde tu casa con nosotros, tenemos mas de 10 aos de experiencia en ensear meditacin y mas de 300 personas ya aprendieron con nosotros. Gracias por confiarEste es un curso de meditacin para empezar a meditar, sin importar si ya practicas o no. Al contrario de lo que se suele creer meditar no es estar en un estado especial, ms bien es observar lo que est pasando en el momento presente sin juicio, sin querer cambiar nada, con total aceptacin. Curiosamente cuando hacemos esto nuestro sistema empieza a equilibrarse automticamente. Utilizamos nuestra respiracin y las enseanzas tradicionales que tienen ms de 2500 aos para poder aprender a meditar y hacer de nuestra prctica un momento de nuestro da."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Gnmzde router ve switch gibi network cihazlarnn ynetimi byk kurumlar iin nemli hale gelmitir. Az kaynakla ok i yapmak, mevcut network kaynaklarn en iyi ekilde deerlendirmek iin CCNA NETWORK ETMNE hogeldiniz. Video dersler kapsamnda network temellerinden balayarak (OSI, ARP, DHCP, CABLE TRLER, FZKSEL VE MANTIKSAL TOPOLOJLER, MAC ADRES VB.), kompleks network topolojilerinin konfigurasyonlarn yapabilir hale geleceksiniz. Network dnyasna girmek isteyen, uluslararas apta geerlilii bulunan CCNA sertifikasn alabilmek iin bu esiz eitime katlmanz kariyeriniz iin byk yararlar salayacaktr. Eitim boyunca hem teorik hem uygulamal eitim alacaksnz. Ayrca eitim kapsamndahazrlananslaytlarn tamamna sahip olabileceksiniz. Herkese iyi kurslar dilerim."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Network Keif, Bilgi Toplama ve Saldr Eitimi" |
"Network Keif, Bilgi Toplama ve Saldr Eitimiilenetwork zerindeki bilgisayarlar eitli aralar kullanarak kefedecek, bu bilgisayarlar hakknda bilgi toplayacak ve toplanan bilgiler sonras nasl saldr dzenleneceini reneceksiniz. Kurs boyunca derslerhem uygulamal video eitim hem de konu ile ilgili hazrlam olduum zgn dokman zerinden ilenecektir. Kurs ncelikle teorik ardndan uygulamal eitimler ile desteklenmitir. zellikle bilgi ilem ilesiber sular alannda alan ve kendisini bu alanda gelitirmek isteyen herkes bu kurstan byk verim elde edecektir. Herkese iyi almalar dilerim."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Daily Fantasy Sports Basketball Tips and Strategies" |
"Thiscourse will get you prepared for the NBAseason playing DFSbasketball. I focus onteachingyou thedaily fantasy basketballresources and strategies you needto win big cash prizes. Elevenlectures explain to you what contests to enter and how to build the optimal lineup to win the most money. Learn how to use online tools that the daily fantasy experts use to create their lineups and have fun watching your DFSteam in NBAaction.I'll show you a live lineup build and how you can turn just $1 into $1,000 in only eight hours with daily fantasy sports!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Adobe Premiere Pro CC" |
"Este cursoest dirigido a personas que, sin ningn conocimiento del programa Adobe Premiere, quieran aprender a utilizar esta herramienta para edicin de vdeo digital, personas que necesiten editar vdeos para presentaciones, vdeospromocional, vdeos corporativos o institucionales, pequeos emprendedores que quieren mercadear su marca en redes sociales o pagina weby tambin para personas aficionadas al mundo de la produccin audiovisual que quieran hacer sus propios montajes de vdeos digitales.Este Curso de adobe premiere nos va a permitir aprender desde lo bsico hasta lo ms avanzado, gracias a la interaccin que permite la plataforma entre el estudiante y el instructor. Las clases son el 95% prctica donde cada uno de los estudiantes ir realizando cada paso que el instructor realice dentro del proyecto.El cursose desarrolla en dos Mdulos (Mdulo #1 y Mdulo #2).Ambos mdulos contienen 10 clases y cada clase se desarrolla Prctica. Dentro de algunas clases hay material de descarga que el instructor ha facilitado para este curso y es con el cual todos los estudiantes estarn trabajando, el objetivo es que al finalizar el primer mdulo todos podamos tener y entregar el mismo trabajo concluido.El curso tiene 6 ejemplos los cuales tendrn que entregar los estudiantes, de esta forma el instructor ir evaluando el trabajo de cada alumno.A finalizar el curso tendrs que haber aprobado con aproximadamente el 90% de aprendizaje."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Referrals: how to genuinely get more (without the BS)" |
"We all want to get referrals right?Yet, despite seeing the boring old question 'How likely is it that you would refer us to a friend?' everywhere, the actual level of referrals has fallen, not risen in recent years.At the same time, 'trad' marketing is becoming ever more ineffective as routes to market proliferate at break neck speed, and customers rely more an more on other people's reviews and opinions.At a time when referrals are needed more than ever, they are getting harder and harder to come by.This course gets rid of the mist and BS around referrals and teaches you how to actually GET significantly more referrals (and develop your reputation on and off line) in a steady and straightforward manner.It's a mix of video, audio and text and is suitable for anyone who genuinely wants REAL progress in this area, from one man bands or aspiring managers to owners and directors of major organisations, these principles are proven to work, and work very well indeed.All audio and text is downloadable, so you can do further study off line, and the whole course is 30 sessions, designed to be completed in small chunks. Why bother? Because this is the marketing of the future: unless you're a major brand, in the age of the empowered customer and transparent market, you need to learn how to do this brilliantly before your competitors do.It's as basic as that."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Learn How To Play The Bass Like A Professional" |
"This course is designed for anyone who has a desire to not only learn the bass guitar but become a great musician as a result of following my easy ""how to"" videos. This course will take you from the very basics of the instrument to playing complex bass lines and you can play along and learn at your own pace. Each video is careful constructed so you can understand exactly what each module is offering you as an up and coming musician. This course is 2 hours in length and you can go at your own pace there is no pressure if you feel you are stuck in a particular part of the course simply take you time and go over the modules as many times as you feel is necessary for you to get to grips with the lesson. Music is supposed to be fun and I take great pride in sharing the knowledge I have gained over the years with my students.Thank you for joining me here on this exciting bass Academy Course."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Pokmon GO: Explode Your Business" |
"Take this course today and learn how to increase foot traffic to your location, convert that foot traffic into loyal customers and absolutely dominate your local competition.Welcome to Pokemon GO: Explode Your Business!My name is Shawn Flynn, and I am a professional Sales &Marketing coach and trainer. I am also one heck of a Pokemon fan. As soon as I heard about this Pokemon GO app, I knew that we were on the verge of a major movement. The opportunities for local businesses to cash in on this Pokemon GO phenomenonare endless. The time to take action on implementing a winning marketing strategy to do just that is NOW. Any time a major shift rocks the world in the manner that PokemonGO has, you want to be an early adapter, not a late bloomer. The quicker you take action to implement a winning marketing strategy surrounding PokemonGO, the quicker you will start winning over new customers that will make your business location part of their daily routines.This course will teach you to start taking actions immediately so that you can:Implement a winning Pokemon GOmarketing strategyIncrease foot traffic to your local businessCapitalize on that foot traffic with increased sales and revenueLearn the ins and outs of the PokemonGO gameCreate a new customer base of lifelong and loyal fansFurther connect yourself as a positive presence in your city and communityAll you need to bring to this course is a smartphone so that you can download the PokemonGO app and follow along with me, and a hunger to take your local business to new levels of success.The first section of the course is a mini-course in and of itself, where I will teach you how to play the game, so that you can easily communicate with your customers that are showing up to your place of business as a result of your PokemonGOmarketing campaign.The following sections of the course will teach you how to start implementing a winning Pokemon GOmarketing strategy in your store, across your city and all over social media.This course is approximately three hours long, and you will walk away with not only Pokemon GO marketing strategies, but marketing strategies that you will be able to apply in the future when the next big movement hits the market.I look forward to seeing you in the course and cannot wait to hear about your future successes!***DISCLAIMER*** - I am in no way affiliated withNiantic,Nintendo, Pokemon GO or any other company or entity that is related in anyway to Pokemon GO. This course is based entirely on my own take on how to market and monetize this amazing game and culture."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The iOS Developer Course: 17 Hours of HD Content" |
"Don't wait and learn the fundamentals of mobile app development!This course will teach you how to think like a top-notch programmer with Swift and how tobuild dozens ofmobile apps for the App Store.I have over20 years ofexperience inteaching those topics, and I can tell you that by the end of the course, you'll be able to code in Swift and build mobile apps for the App Store.Become a solid iPhone/iPadapp developerLearn howto program with Swift 2.xLearn how touse Xcode 7.xBecome comfortable withiOS 9.xPractice. A lot of it.We will be developing more than 20 appsfrom simple to intermediate to more practical apps. All theproject files, slides andassets are included in the course.I will walk through the entire appbuilding process step by step and make sure you're able to replicateeverything you see.Takea look at thecourse curriculum to see everything that we'll cover together, and the exhaustive list of the apps we'll be building.I can tell you thatby the end ofthis course, you will have full confidence in developing apps for the App Store.You'll be able to start making mobileapps and monetize your skills and knowledge.Let's get started!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Emotional and Mental Well-Being to Create a More Joyful Life" |
"Our thoughts and emotions can be difficult to deal with at times. Many of us try to ignore or suppress what we are feeling but this can lead to depression, emotional outbursts and the inability to express ourselves in authentic andhealthy ways. Sometimes our thoughts overtake us and we feel we have no control over what our mind is saying to us.This course is designed to help anyone seeking to improve their mental and emotional well-being and ultimately, their life. It will show you how your thoughts and emotions affect your reality and provide you with the means to take this into your own hands.The course contents include guided meditations, exercises and downloadable resources to help you gain a greater awareness of the underlying emotions, beliefs and programs that are holding you back from your greatest life.Upon completion of this course you will have the requisite tools and awareness to live your life with greater happiness, peace and freedom."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Como lograr objetivos organizacionales de forma eficiente" |
"Si tienes el deseo de mejorar profesionalmente, generar ahorros y utilidad para tu empresa, este curso es ideal para ti, con esta iniciativa podrs crecer y mejorar en lo que sea que hagas, aprenders los conceptos generales de la Calidad y los Principios de ISO, tendrs la seguridad y capacidad de liderar un proyecto de implementacin en tu empresa de un Sistema de Gestin de la Calidad o un proyecto de mejora continua, o un proyecto de certificacin tipo ISO9000, porque tendrs los conocimientos y herramientas para hacer un excelente trabajo. Si tu empresa tiene problemas de crecimiento, se han hecho inversiones en publicidad, se han bajado los precios, y aun as no hay incremento en clientes, no se genera un crecimiento y rentabilidad; es que talvez se estn ejecutando las acciones equivocadas, con este curso aprenders a ver todos los aspectos que hay que considerar para lograr una gestin de calidad integral y producir mejores resultados.A travs del tiempo las empresas han enfrentado los problemas de calidad desde diferentes enfoques, el problema de algunas radica que solo trazan estrategias para el corto plazo, no ven ms all de sus necesidades inmediatas, la planeacin de este tipo no les permite obtener niveles ptimos de calidad y por lo tanto su rentabilidad es baja. Las tcnicas que aprenders son aplicables a cualquier tipo de empresa y tamao, industrial, de servicios o gubernamentales.Conocers Los Fundamentos de la Calidad y Los principios de la Calidad segn ISO, y la manera de cmo ponerlos en prctica, para que de forma inmediata empieces a generar una nueva cultura organizacional, buscando la excelencia, generando crecimiento, acciones que podrn incluso significar el permanecer o no en el mercado. El programa general a seguir se divide en cinco secciones: Seccin 1 Veras Porque es importante la Calidad y Fundamentos. Seccin 2 Veras Los 8 Principios de la Calidad para el xito empresarial. Seccin 3 Veras La Documentacin y los Manuales de Procedimientos Seccin 4 Veras Lo que implica una Gestin por valores. Seccin 5 Veras algunas Estrategias de mejora segn expertos. Invierte en tu preparacin profesional, no lo dudes, inscribirte y tomar este curso ser una excelente decisin. Si an no lo has hecho, inscrbete ya! Si ya te inscribiste, te felicito, la forma ms noble de crecer, mejorar y ayudar a los dems es preparndose!!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Hair and Paint FX with Maya for Beginners" |
"Tired of using polygonal hair for your 3D characters? Then this course is for you! With Maya nHair and Paint FX Hair create believable, dynamic hair for your animated characters with ease as well as create an nCacheand learning how to render Paint FX using Mental ray for Maya 2016.Take the next step to making your animations look much more convincing with the use of animated nHair simulations. Learn how to quickly solve any technical issues you may encounter when creating your nHair or Paint FX.Create eyelashes & eyebrowsin minutes with Paint FX hair as well as receive monthly Bonus tutorials for new Hair styles and Paint FX techniques free."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"SAP Simple Finance Course" |
"Simple Financeon HANA is the latest iteration of the HANA in-memory technology. Atechnology that has already improved analytics and reporting significantly. SAPSimple Finance replaces the classical / traditional financial applications inyour ERP Systems by introducing SAP Simple Finance, which comes with a simplerdata model. Topics include overview of SAP S4 Hana, S4 Hana Deployment andArchitecture, SAP Simple Finance, Central Finance in SAP Simple Finance, GeneralLedger and Cost Elements, Integrated Business Planning Finance (IBPF), Cash Management,Standard vs Appendix Ledgers, New Asset Accounting, Controlling, ASAP Methodologyand much more. We will also take a look a various project phases andcustomization of Ledgers, Asset Accounting New, Controlling, General Ledgers,various other Master Data settings and much more!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Financial Accounting Plus Excel and SAP Crash Course." |
"This course provides an introduction to financial accounting. Topics include an overview of financial accounting, transaction analysis, and accounting entries; double-entry accounting systems; merchandising and inventory; internal control, cash, and receivables; long-lived assets and current liabilities; financial reporting concepts and accounting for partnerships; corporations; long-term liabilities; cash flow statement; investments; and financial statements analysis.At the end of the course, you will be able to fully understand fundamentals of Financial Accounting, use of Excel in Accounting and role of modern ERP system such as SAP."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Daisy's Play Violin and Fiddle for beginners - Course 1" |
"This course teaches students the first steps in learning how to play the violin. So if you've just got a new violin and don't know where to start it's the perfect beginners course for you.The course videos last less than an hour but you can expect to have to practice each individual lesson repeatedly to get good results. Everybody learns at a different pace so it's important that you just work through the course steadily at you own individual speed.The course starts right at the beginning and teaches you hold to hold the violin and bow. How to identify the different parts of the violin. How to tune the strings correctly. How to position the bow on the strings and make simple bowing movements. Then a 3 finger pattern is demonstrated so that you can play different notes correctly. Finally all the newly learned techniques are combined and you will be taught how to play three simple traditional tunes. There's no fluff in this course and technical jargon and music theory has been kept to a minimum, I have concentrated on teaching good practical techniques and tried to make them as enjoyable and fun to learn as I can.I believe that everyone has the ability to learn an instrument if they have the right mental attitude and are prepared to put a bit of work in. So if you if you fancy learning the violin join me now and I'll have you playing a simple tune in a matter of a few hours!."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |