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"No Bull Investing: Investing 101 For Financial Freedom" |
"***Update: More than 1,300+ student enrollments in the first 5 days of the release ! Join us !***Are you curious about the world of investing ? Have you always wanted to know more about investing but didn't know where to start ?Are you tired of so called ""investment experts"" or financial advisers who can't explain anything clearly and whose primary concern seems to be finding a way to part you from your hard earned money ?If you've answered YES to any of these questions then No Bull Investing was created with you in mind. I've been active investor and trader for over 10 years and through the years I've heard all the miraculous promises of so called investment professionals who lure people in with provocative titles & guarantees such as ""$1,000 of profits every week like a paycheck"" ,""execute 98% of your trades for WINS"", or some other unrealistic pipe dream all while burying a disclaimer in their presentation materials about how they are not liable for any losses you MIGHT incur while following their advice. I will admit, as I'm sure many of you can relate, that I've fallen victim to some of these great marketers as well (notice I said marketers and not investment professionals !). Well the buck stops here. The No Bull Investing course series was created with a very simple mission - to once and for all - take the BS out of learning about investment themes for the average/everyday person.The No Bull Investing course seeks to arm you with the knowledge and tools needed to help you understand which investment themes are appropriate for your individual risk tolerance and investment goals. Aspects of this course will cover:How someone can assess what their investment goals and risk tolerance areSimple explanations of popular investment theoriesWalkthroughs of the different asset classes and how to properly make investments using them (stocks, fixed income securities, options, futures, commodities, currencies, and much more). Macroeconomic & event-based trading strategies that can be used for profitable trades consistently.In this course you'll receive:Educational guides, financial models, and links to applicable articles & websitesAccess to email to ask the course author any questionsAll future course updates, FOR FREEAn absolute guarantee of NO BS from the course author or your money back !Legal Disclaimer (yes, unfortunately, we have to state this):No Bull Investing is a division of TCW Capital Enterprises LLC. The information provided in The No Bull Investing webinars, video/audio files, live streams, and accompanying material is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered legal or financial advice. You should consult with an attorney or other professional to determine what may be best for your individual needs.TCW Capital Enterprises LLC or No Bull Investing does not make any guarantee or other promise as to any results that may be obtained from using our content. No one should make any investment decision without first consulting his or her own financial advisor and conducting his or her own research and due diligence. To the maximum extent permitted by law, TCW Capital Enterprises LLC and No Bull Investing disclaims any and all liability in the event any information, commentary, analysis, opinions, advice and/or recommendations prove to be inaccurate, incomplete or unreliable, or result in any investment or other losses.Content contained on or made available through the website or any affiliated third party distribution platforms is not intended to and does not constitute legal advice or investment advice and no attorney-client relationship is formed. Your use of the information on the website or materials linked from the Web is at your own risk."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Play Piano In A Day - Play chords in every key by ear" |
"This course is design to show youhow tolearn and play the most popular chords to most songs in every key in one day. Along the way you will learn music theory and have the ability to play your favorite songs by earas I show you an example of working out a song. The core of the course is showing youthesystematic approach that I've developed over the yearsto learning chords, melodies, and runs. This is thesame techniqueI've used forall my in person students.I will show youwhat to play and when to play it, so you will be learning and practicing the right way.It's best to block out at least4 hoursof time, because thiscourse isdesigned to be completed in one day. Therefor hopefully you to only need to watch the videos once.If a 10year old can learn this material in one day, you can too."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Immobilienwissen Crashkurs" |
"Aktuell ist der Run auf Immobilien so gro wie noch nie, was nicht zuletzt an dem gnstigen Geld liegt, das in den Markt gepumpt wird. Nahezu jeder, der einigermaen finanzierbar ist, bekommt eine Mglichkeit, die noch vor fnf bis zehn Jahren undenkbar war. Die Vergangenheit hat gezeigt, dass der durchschnittliche Darlehenszins bei 6 % lag. Aktuell machen wir aber teilweise einen Zins mit einer Eins oder sogar mit einer Null vor dem Komma mglich. Das bedeutet, in vielen Fllen deckt sich die Mieteinnahme mit der Darlehensrate. Aus diesem Grund knnen Anleger mit einem Nettoeinkommen von knapp ber 2.000 Immobilien finanzieren, und zwar zu 100 %. Mit 6 % Darlehenszins wre dieses Szenario undenkbar, da die Rateinklusive Tilgung um 50 % hher wre.Laut einer Commerzbankstudie von 2009 haben neun von zehn Millionren ihr Vermgen mit Immobilien aufgebaut. Auf der anderen Seite gibt es auch viele Menschen in Deutschland, die mit ihren Immobilieninvestments kein Geld verdienen und im Nachhinein Immobilien verteufeln und davon abraten. Unser Ziel ist es, genau hier anzusetzen und zu klren, warum vieleInvestoren bei Immobilien Misserfolg haben und was die, die erfolgreich sind, richtig machen. Das beginnt bei der Wahl des Standortes, was allgemein bekannt ist, und zieht sich ber den Verkufer, die Verwaltung bis hin zum Objekt. Der Mythos, die eigene Immobilie selbst zu verwalten, um einer professionellen Hausverwaltung kein Geld in den Rachen zu werfen, ist ein Gedanke, von dem du dich so schnell wie mglich verabschieden solltest. Das ist nmlich einer der Grnde, warum viele Immobilieninvestments nicht so verlaufen, wie sie geplant waren.Unser Anspruch ist, dass du aus diesem Onlinekursmitnimmst, welche Fehler du am besten vermeidest. Du sollst kein Experte werden oder denken, dass Immobilien mit diesem Wissen eine hundertprozentig sichere Sache sind. Ziel ist, dass du mit Hilfe dieses Onlinekurserkennst, welche Risiken ausgeschlossen werden knnen, welche Risiken minimiert werden knnen und welche Risiken einfach bestehen und besprochen werden sollten. Mit diesem Wissen wirst du ber 80 % der meisten Fehler, die hierbei gemacht werden, vermeiden.Viel Spa mit dem Kurs und viel Erfolg beim Investieren!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Trucking Success" |
"Becoming a trucker means a change of lifestyle. This course covers what a person should know about truck driving jobs in order to make an informed decision about whether trucking suitable for you. Many people go to school to get their CDL and get a truck driving job only to find out that they hate it because it is not what they expected. Others pay $1,000's to get a CDL and can't get a job. This course is for anyone thinking of becoming a trucker or researching trucking life. To keep you from wasting your money and help you to make trucking more than a job if you decide you are compatible for the lifestyle.This course will help youdetermine if you are compatible for a trucking job.make a good choice about the right type of trucking jobmake a good choice about the right type of trucking companyHow to be a good trucker that better companies want to hireHow to keep more of the money that you makeHow to have a successful relationship as a driverYou should take this course because the information comes from decades of experience from not just me but from 100's of drivers who contribute to my website answering questions and giving advice to other drivers and people who want to become drivers.If you pay attention, you will avoid pain and pitfalls that have caused other truckers stress and disappointment from money troubles, destroyed relationship, poor health and other problems from poor decisions."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Venture Capital The Ultimate Short Venture Capital Guide" |
"Leon changed my life!!! I took this course only two days before I had a pitch at a large venture capital firm. I did not know how to structure my presentation, never wrote a business plan and did not seem to understand what venture capitalists want from me. After only 1 1/2 hoursof watching this course, i felt fully prepared. ANDthe venture capital firm invested in my startup. Thank YOU SO SO MUCH LEON!!!!-(Steve T., MN, USA)I am a venture capitalist with 15 years experience and I have to say that this course baffles me. Leon put a very thought-through course together which displays how we venture capitalists think. I know him from a couple of meetings at his company. Hes is brilliant young man.(Martin K., Amsterdam, Holland)Welcome to the #1 comprehensible venture capital course on Udemy!Leon Chaudhari is a 7-figure entrepreneur, CEO of two companies, advisor for several startups in Berlin, an author, and award-winning inventor.In this course, Chaudhari gives deep insides into the world of venture capital firms. The knowledge he teaches is NOT theoretical.All knowledge taught in this course has been applied and tested. This course provides the ultimate starter pack for young entrepreneurs and those who want to apply for venture capital.Chaudharis companies applied for venture capital and received it. Nevertheless, Leon has seen more than one perspective. He has also been on the other side, listening to startup pitches and deciding whether to invest or not.What will you learn in this course?> After taking this course, you will have a deep understanding of how venture capital firms operate and what they expect from you as an applicant> You will be able to present your startup properly> You will be able to writebusiness plans that convince venture capitalists to invest into your business> You will be able to use 2 incredible spreadsheets in order to structure financial data within your startupIf you got any questions, you can text Mr.Chaudhari or the Institute of Applied Education at any time. We offer 24/7/365 FREE support.What are you still waiting for? Sign up now!"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"C Programming For Beginners: A Layman's Approach" |
"C is a basic learning for all of us before starting with anything related to programming.This course is from a software engineer who has managed to crack interviews in around 16 software companies.Sometimes, life gives us no time to prepare, There are emergency times where in we have to buck up our guts and start bringing the situations under our control rather then being in the control of the situation. At the end of the day, All leave this earth empty handed. But given a situation, we should live up or fight up in such a way that the whole action sequence should make us proud and be giving us goosebumps when we think about it right after 10 years. The Course ""C Programming Basic: A Layman's Approach"" is basically designedfor beginners, students, freshers in c programming and manual testers who want to start their careers in software development.This session helps you to understand the fundamentals of C programming by relating them to real world analogies (right from your plumber to your vegetable basket). This solves your need to understand concepts in a more easier way.If you are not comfortable with writing programs because of the lack/difficulty in understanding ofthe concepts, we will be helping you to ease yourself in through the basics of the c program development world. This way you cancome out of your computer programming phobia.Here, we both as novice programmers (as absolute beginners) will approach and explore the concepts of basic functionalities of different C constructs,control statements, loops, nested loops, structures, unions, arrays and pointers.The uniqueness of this course is you will be able to easily connect to it and would start associating the real world with theprogramming world."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Key to English Pronunciation: British Pronunciation" |
"Ever wondered how to read the phonetic transcription of words or how to pronounce a word that you have never seen or heardbefore?When you mispronounce words it can impede understanding and affect your confidence to speak English. Knowing the correct or received pronunciation of words will boost your confidence and help you learn words correctly once and for all.Take this comprehensivecourse ontheins and outs of English pronunciation.This course can beused it inthe context of accent reduction, vocabulary building towards more fluency, or oflanguage teaching. It is ideal for intermediate to proficient speakers of English.My clear videos, video tutorials, quizzes, downloadable infographics,and downloadable memo sheetswill make these symbols and conceptseasy for you to put into practice! In as little as 10hours you will fully understand the phonetictranscription of words and feel more confident pronouncing new words.Don't be intimidated or put off by past experiences with pronunciationclasses. Believe that you can master pronunciation, and that it can be interesting and fun!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learning Business Contracts for Beginners" |
"Contracts are the lifeblood of most businesses. Unfortunately, too many people sign them without really understanding what they mean.Taught by a business attorney nationally recognized as one of the best in the country, this course will teach you everything you need to know to minimize your risk, protect your company and create win-win situations when drafting, negotiating, and signing business contracts. You will learn the basics of business contracts including:How to decode and understand often confusing legal terms. How to personally craft your own contractWhat to look for and negotiate when signing the other guys contract.This is the course that you need to take in order to make sure that you and your company are protected, that you get what you want, and that you can sleep at night without anxiety about your contract."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Learn Clairvoyant Aura Reading (See & Understand The Aura)" |
"Our Aura defines us and is an energetic blueprint of our health, well-being and character. This course will teach you not onlyhow to see the Aura, but also to interpret what you see. You will learn the techniques required forviewing the 7 Auric Layers and forunderstanding the meaning of the colors and shapes seen. Master the techniques of Energy Aura Reading easily through linking intuition and your energy field.Understandwhatthe Aura isBe able to view the 7 layers of the AuraUnderstand what each layer is responsible forLearn how to prepare personal space and yourself before viewing the auraUnderstand the importance of groundingView your own auraView the aura of othersUnderstand and interpretthe colors and shapes within the aura. At the end of the course you will be able to view the aura and understand the colors and shapes seen as well as be able to interpret what you see."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Learn C++ Programming by Making Games" |
"This course is for beginning programming students who are struggling with understanding how to solve programming problems. I'll be showing you how I go about solving problems;how to break everything down into something easy to understand and easy to program.We'll be using C++ as our programming language of choice. C++ is a very powerful and versatile language that is a very good language to start making games with. We'll go deep and try to understand how things really work on the computer at a low level. We'll make several games as practice and I'll show you all my tips and tricks in order to solve the problems we come across."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Design and Code an iOS app like Snapchat" |
"Learn how to code an app just like Snapchat! Seriously, you will end up with a beautifully designed and developed app even if you have ZERO coding experience.Here are the core features you will build:Creating snaps / messagesSending self-destructing messagesCamera integrationPhoto upload integrationUser account managementUser authentication (registering and logging in users)Setting up a backend with a FirebaseDesigning viewsMobile design tips and tricksApp icon and launch screen design and implementationError handlingEphermal messaging aka Auto-Disappearing features*Note that you will be building all of the above features from scratch! By re-creating Snapchat, you can easily extend and adapt our project to your own unique messaging-based app."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Contabilidad rpida y eficaz" |
"Ms de 500 estudiantes inscritos.Ests en el mismo puesto de trabajo o atascado en la universidad porque no comprendes la aplicacin de la contabilidad? bueno, esta tcnica te ayudar a ver la contabilidad con losojos de un gerente de finanzas, pensars ""porquno se me ocurri antes?"" y querrs compartirla con tus amigos!.El curso es una manera prctica de entender la contabilidad financiera. Cuando estudicontabilidad en la universidad no tuve la suerte detener un mtodo prctico para poder comprenderla fcilmente, tuve que estar en una empresa para sacarle el jugo a este tema, hoy la contabilidad esten todo lo que hago, incluso cuando le el libro ""Padre rico,padre pobre"" la contabilidad se mencionaba.Con este mtodo/tcnica logrars que tu comprensin de la materia sea rpida y prctica, hoy todas las semanas estamos hablando de operaciones diarias y sus implicaciones en el balance general y estado de ganancias y prdidas.Incluso cuando no topamos con casos que salen del estndar, la manera en que veo la contabilidad me ayuda a resolver y proponer ideas para solucionar.Les aseguro que el curso es prctico y 100% aplicable inmediatamente, y si no les parece que me merezco su aporte se les devolver su dinero.ltima actualizacin: marzo 2018"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How To Create 7 Figure InfoProducts In Just 5 Days" |
"UPDATED ON OCTOBER 7TH 2016: CLOSED CAPTIONS & QUIZZES HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE COURSE!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GET ALL THE INFORMATION AND TOOLS YOU NEED TO GET STARTED ON CREATING & PROMOTING MASSIVELYSUCCESSFUL INFOPRODUCTS!Do you want to establish yourself as the go-to expert in your industry?Do you want to make a great impact on others lives?Or perhapsyou wish to generate substantial income by monetizing your experience and knowledge?If you have answered yes to one or all of the above questions, then youve got to create an info-product. This course is going to show you exactly how to do that!My name is Peter Thomson and i have over 25 years of experience in helping speakers, coaches, consultants and trainers create and market their informational products. In this course i will show you:How to write a book in less than 5 days.How to promote your book to generate lots of sales.How to make more money by turning your knowledge into a continuity product...and a whole lot more.I have used this same process myself and I was able to generate millions of pounds from my information products. I have also taught this to my clients and they had outstanding results with it as well.If you follow the footsteps presented in this course,I am certainthat this process can work for youjust like it worked for me & others i recommended it to. I invite you to take this course today and start applying the stuff youve learned in order to create awesome info-products so that you can build a business & a life of your own choice.Join the course today!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hacking tutorial: Undetectable Payloads" |
"This course is designed for beginners andeveryone who want to know how can make your own undetectablepayload on 100%and what programs can be used for this purpose and what all needs for making a undetectable payload.Just step by step, I will explain how to use the programs capabilities. I will show you some technics how u can make undetectable payload for penetration testing or research, how can inject payloadinto executable programandetc.The course includes:- explanation for each program which we will use- preparation and installation VM VirtualBox, Kali Linux 2016.1 and test computer (victim)- preparation and installation Veil-Evasion, Veil- Ordnance, Winpayloads, Shellter and basicusemsfcomsole.Course is designed very simply and easy everyone will be able to understand how can use programs and how can make different payloads in it.If you take this course youwill be ableto makeundetectable payload in 5 minutes andyou can grow up in experience with penetration testing more faster.This informations from course you can use for testing security level in companies and institutions, do research and can help provide better security in companies and etc.It is a important part of hacking and you must know this part if you want to be a professional hacker/pentester."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Master English: Improve Your Speaking, Listening, & Writing" |
"If you are struggling to master English then this course is for you. This course offers many new methods for training your speaking, listening, and writing abilities so that you can improve in all areas of the English language. Course ContentThis course includes 5 sections. These sections include:Writing and Grammar Lessons: Learn how to organize your thoughts clearly and precisely in your writingSpeaking Lessons: Practice speaking English with frequent repetition drills, voice recordings, and by answering questions out loud when prompted.Vocabulary Building Lessons: Learn vocabulary that will increase your knowledge of the English language and will help you sound more professionalListening Comprehension Lessons: Take listening quizzes that will make sure that you are able to understand every word at full speed.Reading Comprehension Lessons: Test your mastery of English vocabulary by answering complex comprehension questions.There are a total of 30 lectures consisting of about 4.5 hours of training. Each video lesson has a downloadable handout attached which will review the grammar and vocabulary covered. The course also has several quizzes and homework assignments to test what you have learned and to expand your knowledge of the English language. Lastly, each video lecture includes English subtitles for easy comprehension of the material. By the end of this course, you will be able to speak English with more confidence for work, for job interviews, and for university oral exams like the TOEFL and the IELTS. So if you are an English learner who is ready to sound more like a native speaker, then please sign up for this course. "
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Project Management in Marketing" |
"This is an entry level course and an excellent place for a student, recent graduate or newbie marketer to start. Practice applying marketing concepts, discuss a variety of practical scenarios and download free worksheets and tools you can take with you to your first marketing gig. For example, what do you know about waterfall methodology, a Scrum, daily ""stand-ups"" and sprint planning? Have you ever created a backlog refinement? Are you familiar with how you can leverage project templates, SLAs and agile fundamentals to get stuff done? All this and some fun, together with one of the biggest marketing geeks - who happens to be the Chief Strategy Officer for a successful marketing automation firm."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"How to Make a Video That Doesn't Suck for Your Non-Profit" |
"This 14 part videos series covers the nuts and bolts of how to make a video for the non-profit you love. Using real video case studiesand a lot of ambiguously offensive humor, I will equip you with the bare necessities to make your first video. Topics covered in this course include:CamerasFilmingLightingB-RollPhotographsInterview techniqueMusicContentDistributionThere are no needed materials, equipment or software needed for this course. The course is structured into 14 short lecture videos. This curriculum is perfect for anyone interested in creating their own videos for a non-profit or social enterprise."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Deepening Self Awareness for Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit" |
"Self awareness is an important part of everyday life. It transfers over to your personal, social, physical and work life. It can help one gain a better understanding of themselves, and how to live a better, andmore fulfilling life. When working to deepen ones own self awareness, it is important to fully engage yourself. One should take the time and proper steps, to fully become self aware.With the Deepening Self Awareness course, youwill learn how beneficial becoming more self aware can be. A highly self aware person will become more equipped to deal with daily life and its challenges. Through this course, youwill gain a new perspective on themselves and their emotions, and become a valuable member to society."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Developing Creativity for Business and Self Development" |
"Children have an innate creative ability when they are born, but for some reason adults can lose it along the way. This course will help youmove out of the mundane, be more curious, engage, and explore new ideas. You will also develop the ability torecognize creativity and be ready when it happens.With theDeveloping Creativity for Business and Self-Development course you will also learn how to remove barriers that oftenblock or limit yourcreativity. Youwill improve yourimagination, divergent thinking, and mental flexibility. Youwill learn mind mapping, individual brainstorming, and when to recognize and look for what inspires youto be more creative. By changing the way you think and creating strategies to overcome your fear of risk, you will improve your creativity and change your life!You Must Change Your Method Of Thinking, If You Want Success!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn to write and read Farsi fast" |
"I have over twenty years of teaching experience,with mypassion to teach I bring the classroom to you so you can learn to write and read in Farsiinthe privacy of your own home.With my method and your dedication you will learn to learnthefastestand easiest way.This course is designed for Farsi speakerswho wish to learn how towrite in Farsi."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to get Paid to Travel The World" |
"Would you like to be able toGet Paid to Travel The Worldand make money online?Traveling around the worldusuallycosts a lot of cash.Unless you know how to get people to give you free stuff or pay you to travel and live a dream lifestyleIn the last years we have helped over 3000 Travel Lovers to fulfill their dreams. We met several of our students during our adventures and we keep following their Travel adventures through their amazing Instagram. It's your turn to learn how to get paid to travel the world and make money online and on the roadSo... How do you do it?We figured out a way to grow an online brand and presence and approach companies and travel agencies in a way thatthey want to give ustheir services forFREE !Besides getting free stuff and sponsored trips, we also work online and make a full time income from our online businesses and after this course you will understand you can do the same.Over the last couple of years weve spent hundreds of hours experimenting and optimizing to create this unique conceptWeve packedeverythingweve learned along the way into this course, including aproven systemfor approaching sponsors and companies to get what you want for free so you can travel Full Time.We have been traveling Full Time for the last 5 years and with the power of Social Media and our skills we are able to monetize and pay our trips or get sponsors to pay everything for us.From five star hotels, flights, fancy restaurants to press trips. You name it. It's all possible with the right mindset and the tools we provide in this course.We'll also give you a baseline understanding of the most effective social media practices that are applicable on any platform and how to use them in your benefit.Click the""take this course""button straight away at the top right of this page to unlock the power of traveling the world for FREE."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Primer Design For Polymerase Chain Reaction-Tips & Tricks" |
"In this course you will learn:The basic concepts of the standardpolymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique.The criteria required to design aDNA primer for PCR.The onlineprograms we usually useto design a DNA primer.Tips for troubleshooting gel electrophoresis results.Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) You will learn in this section:Steps involved in the PCR (PCR cycling): denaturation, annealing, extensionComponents of the PCR reaction: DNA template, DNA polymerase, dNTPs, forward primer and reverse primer.PCR amplification program.Exponential amplification.The size difference between the PCR amplification products of the first, second, and third cycle.Criteria for PCR primer designYou will learn in this section a detailed explanation of thePCR primer design criteria and how they affect the primer sensitivity andstabilityincluding; primer length, primermelting temperature, primerannealing temperature, GC% of the primer, GC-clamp, cross homology and primer secondary structure.Tools and methodsIn this section you will learn how to:Retrieve a Gene Sequence form NCBI, and Determine the Exact Location for Each Exon on the Chromosome Using Graphics.Compare Different mRNA Transcripts and Select One to Evaluate a Gene Expression in Novel Cells.Understand Primer3 Setting.Calculate Primer Self-Complementarity Score.Check for Primer Cross Homology Using BLAT.Evaluate Primers Depending on Delta G.Gel Electrophoresis Troubleshooting In this section you will findtips for successful gelelectrophoresis. It includesall the possible problems you may encounter, and suggest you a solution for each problem."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Walking With The Archangels" |
"Archangels enhance the quality of your life. Throughout thiscourse you will learn how to establish a personal relationship with each one and in doing so create a better way of being in theworld.Just by doing the lectures,written exercises and meditations you will naturally increase yourvibration makingspiritual messagesmoreclear and accessible.You will know what your spiritualgifts are and how to trust them.There are twelve lessons to this course and I advise taking them weekly so that you can spend time with each of the Archangels in order to gain that deep connection and understanding. However you may do it more quickly if you decide. Let your intuition guide you.The Archangels are non denominational and are equal opportunity helpers. This is a very personal journey. It doesn't matterwhere you come from or whereyou're going,the archangels can help you do it better and with more joy. Every person, from every walk of life, and from every spiritualbelief, canbenefit from their help and guidance in life.The archangels have the ultimate big picture and willput you on your path smoothly and with confidence."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Dcouvrez Sketchup Make 2016" |
"Bienvenue Dcouvrez SketchUp Make 2016.Cette formation vous permet d'avoir une approche facile de ce fabuleux logiciel de cration 3d. J'ai conu ce cours pour que les dbutants soient l'aise et prennent en main l'ensemble des outils de dessin et de manipulation des objets sans peine.L'objectif est de dcouvrir l'ensemble des fonctionnalits de Sketchup avec des fichiers sources pour avoir des exemples concrets sur ce que l'on peut faire avec cet outil.A l'issue de ce cours vous connatrez la plupart des fonctions du logiciel, et serez capable de dessiner en plan et en 3d pour pater vos amis."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Speak Thai from Day One - A Complete Beginner's Course" |
"Learning a new language can be overwhelming when you are not familiar with the new structure and the sound of the language. This course is designed for beginners who has ZERO knowledge in Thai. I will help you start off with the right amount of information and the right method so you have a strong foundation, then you can reach your learning goal faster.The course covers everything that you need to know to start speaking Thai. At the end of the course, you will be able to:Speak Thai using basic greetings and expressions.Make the right pronunciation so you are understood by Thai people. Understand the basic principle of Thai script and how words are created. Have real Thai conversations using simple sentence structures. Expand your vocabulary list and get to speak more Thai in the future!This method will boost your CONFIDENCE and help you REACH FLUENCY FASTER. Although there is no shortcut in learning a new language, but you can learn better by having the right system that works for you. It takes time and effort to become good at a new language, just like anything in life. You won't be speaking Thai fluently right away but I promise you that you will understand the basics and how to plan your study to make language learning an easy and fun process for yourself. I will be guiding you through the whole process from the beginning to the end. The course will cover: The common problems new beginners face and how to avoid them. Thai pronunciation and how to learn tones. The basic of Thai script explained in a simple way. Basic greetings and expressions. How to create simple sentences and expand your vocabulary as you move forward. And of course, you can ask any questions along the way. Are you excited to learn Thai? Lets get started now! "
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Como Escrever Bem" |
"Este curso oauxiliar amelhorara qualidade de seus textos antes mesmo de comear a escrever, o que possvel quando voc dedica boa parte de sua ateno ao planejamento e boa orientao das suas ideias. Como diria W. Clement Stones, Pense primeiro e o trabalho j estar feito pela metade."".Conhecendo melhor a natureza da escrita em relao a outras formas de comunicao, voc poder prevenir alguns problemas comumente encontrados em muitos textos. Ao fazer esse curso, voc identificar melhor as variveis que incidem tanto sobre o processo de produo de um texto como sobre a compreenso desse texto por parte do seu leitor. Com mais de 80 minutos distribudos em 40 vdeos rpidos e diretos ao ponto, o curso est estruturado em trs partes:Parte I: Consideraes Geraisnfase, entre outros pontos, na importncia de escrever bem e as oportunidades para quem o faz, especialmente nos dias de hoje. Parte II: Aspectos da EscritaContedo abrangendo a escrita convencional e algumas de suas caractersticas, como clareza, sntese, fluidez e suspenso. Parte III: WebwritingDiferenas da escrita convencional para a escrita na Web e ferramentas para escrever bem online. Os conceitos apresentados no curso so seguidos de exemplos de fcil compreenso e embasados em obras de estudiosos tanto dentro como fora da rea da escrita, ampliando sua utilidade para escritores de nveis diversos, em especial os iniciantes e os intermedirios. Alm do contedo em vdeos, o aluno ter acesso tambm a um documento contendo todas as referncias apresentadas no curso, com links para acesso online a livros, textos complementares e outras informaes."
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Highly Effective Sales Calls - The PPROCESS(C)" |
"If your job involves selling, building effective relationships and closing deals over the phone then this is the course for you.I am notgoing to tell you what to do like every other course I amgoing to show you. Too often I have visited sales floors with no atmosphere, no buzz and no sales. You must have seen it? You know, the one where sales consultants are shuffling papers, walking to the water cooler or printing more and more documents to arrange more trips to the photocopier and where the manager is telling everyone what they should be doing instead of leading by example. Basically each one is avoiding doing the things that will make more money and what they are employed to do pick up the phone! It is infuriating maybe you are the one who is dodging the handset? There are many reasons for these avoidance tactics, all of which will be covered in the highly interactive e-learning course. More importantly I will show youthe PPROCESS of a perfect sales call in order to provide the confidence and energy you needto pick up the phone to seal the next deal! This isnt another sales training course. It is one which allowed me to turnover 750,000 during a 12 month period and one where each stage is demonstrated using high quality video tutorials with downloadable resources and examples for you to use back on your desk. I show you what to do and how to do it not telling you what you should be doing'!Whether you are a manager of a sales team, new to sales or considering a change of career, this course will provide an excellent grounding on a tried and tested sales PPROCESS for using on the phone to build sales quickly whilst creating excellent, long standing relationships with clients. Delivered by aleading sales professional, this course is essential for anyone in the sales industry or those considering moving career into this fast paced and rewarding sector. Enrol today!"
Price: 134.99 ![]() |
"Yoga para Gestantes" |
"Este curso foi especialmente formulado para oferecer apoio gestante, para que ela possa se conectar com o seu beb de forma segura e positiva, ajudando a transformar a gestao no momento mgico e maravilhosoque ela deve ser.O curso traz dicas contra enjoos e dicas para manter um estado mental positivo durante a gravidez, essencial ao desenvolvimento saudvel do beb nas esferas fsica, mental, emocional e espiritual.Tambm conta com quatro meditaes guiadas e duas prticas de yoga, a primeira mais energtica e a segunda mais relaxante. As aulas, dicas e meditaes seguem os princpios da Shakti Naam Yoga e da Kabbalah Universal."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Sextuplet Chops - Gospel Chops Drumming Masterclass" |
"The best Gospel Chop lessons on the internet!This course consists of 20 lessons explicitly teaching advanced linear sextuplet phrasing. You will learn to play a variety of innovative, challenging and inspiring gospel chop sequences.Theaim of this courseis to demystify the world ofsextuplet gospel chop drummingand provide you with a tool kit of phrases, licks and fills that you can use in your playing.This course is aimed at intermediate/advanced drummers and is unique because there very littletalking.It is suited to drummers who enjoy seeing cleardemonstrations, exercises andtranscriptions. Each lesson follows an innovative lesson structure that makes learning the difficult chop sequences presented easy!7-step lesson structure.1. Demonstration 2. Breaking It Down Phrasing Exercise 3. Putting It Together I Triplet Combination Exercise 4. Putting It together II Sextuplet Combination Exercise 5. Fill Applications I 2 Beat Fills 6. Fill Applications II 1 Bar Fills 7. The Finished ProductAll you have to do is follow the videos and complete the exercises outlined in the PDF's.This course delivers a variety of fun, challenging and inspiring linear sextuplet fills that you can copy, practice and internalise. After you have spent enough time developing your technique and playing these fills, you should be able to improvise freely and create your own patterns and phrases."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Android Material Design" |
"Material design is a comprehensive guide for visual, motion, and interaction design across platforms and devices. This course talks about all the important material design specifications, colors, design guidelines, and also using material widgets along with material themes and concepts.Curious about Android Material Design? This is the your final stop where you will get information regarding material design specifications and the related widgets being used with material design themes. The best part of this course is that you will learn to make several complete android demo apps from scratch - two major apps and several small apps - based on material design guidelines. Enhance your application user interface designing skills by implementing all new materialistic features introduced in Android Lollipop 5.0.Styling of Android Application is very important and one of the most critical feature in designing the app. To make this difficult task easy, I have come up with this course of Android Material Design, which begins with the basics of the material design and proceeds with covering some really complicated and most interesting stuffs like Android Material DesignAnimation.We will also dive into the material design support libraryand implement it in our demo applications.The topics we will be covering includes:1. Material Design Themes and ColorsColor PaletteMaterial Design ThemesMaintaining Backward CompatibilityExploring Tinting of Widgets2. Material Design ToolbarPopup Menu or Overflow MenuContextual MenuToolbar Theme Customisation3. Basic components of Android Material DesignFloating Action ButtonSnackbarCoordinator Layout4. Android Material DesignAnimationRipple Effect: Touch FeedbackSlide ActivityTransitionShared Element TransitionExplode Activity TransitionFade TransitionActivity Transition Overlaps5. EditText withFloating LabelImplementing Floating HintsValidation of TextFieldsValidation Error Resolution6. AppbarLayout and CollapsingToolbarLayoutUsing AppBarLayout with Scroll FlagsHow to collapse Image along with CollapsingToolbarLayoutExploring various pin modes7. RecyclerView and CardViewImplementing RecyclerView in various orientationsUsing CardView to create list itemsAdding and Deleting an Item from RecyclerViewRecyclerView AnimationGrid, Staggered Grid Implementations8. Navigation Drawer using NavigationViewInflate menu items in the Navigation Drawer using NavigationViewAdding dividers between the menu itemsGrouping the menu items under one categoryBy the end of this series, you will be mastering the implementation of this features in your androidapp."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mastering in Visualization with R programming" |
"This course is about R programming's feature of visualizing the data. R is a programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing.The R language is widely used among data miners andstatisticiansfor developing statistical software. R has many features like Programming feature, statistical feature and visualizing feature.In this course first we'll focusing towards Basic understanding of R programming and then from very basic to advanced graphics features with use of several packages like ggplot2, plotrix, googleVis etc. In this Course we'll plot different kinds of specialised charts and graphs like bar plots, scatter plots, histograms, pie charts, google maps, wordclouds, boxplot, organizational charts, pictographs, table plot, line graphs, nested barcharts, gantt chart, zoomin plot, fan plots, 3D plots, Radial plots, tree maps, heat maps, area charts, venn diagram and many more."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |