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"Live Your Purpose" |
"Pursuing your purpose, is one of the most valuable things you can ever do.By the end of the course you'll have a clear Personal Purpose Statement and declaration of intent, covering what's most important to you and the impact you would like in the world.What would itmean to...LiveYour Purpose,Be Your BestSelf, andLead a Life You Love?This course is designed to bring together years of research and millions of pounds worth of learning, into a simpleenjoyablestep by step process, with clear outcomes to achieve your goals.5 StepPersonal Transformation Programme:What, Who, Why?PastPresentFutureSetting Your Intentions, Activating Your DreamsThis is a journey of exploration whereeach step builds upon the last and moves your forwards, growing momentum to achieve maximum results. You will haveaccess to a full range of resources, to progress you closer to living the life of your dreams.Module 1: Whats your purpose, whoisyour authentic self, and why do you do what you do? We will look at how wecan powerfully programme our mind for success. We will establish the foundations of your values, key characteristics andpreferredlife balance, exploring what matters most to you.Module 2: Past. Rediscovering what you were born to do and letting go of anylimiting beliefs, we may have learnt as a child that could be preventing us from being our full potential as a adult. By the end of this module you will know where you came from in order to know where you are going. Module 3: Present: Its been said, 'if you dont know your lifes purpose, then you havent been asked the right questions' - this will change all of that. Empowering questions to get clear on your lifes purpose, passions and people, whats your niche and how can you best serve your tribe.Module 4: Future: This is where we bring your dreams to life, activated through our senses, to send a clear instruction to our unconscious mind andsetthe destination of our dreams. This is a proven success strategy that works from a scientific, spiritual, medical or business leadership perspective.Module 5: Setting your intentions, activating your dreams Make your dreams a reality and create a life you love for lasting change.Interactive exercises, activities and worksheets will guide you through the journey, building a complete picture with clearactions and outcomes. You will successfully complete the course with your very own Personal Purpose Statement and a declaration of intent. Youcan use this mini-manifestoin your marketing, branding or just for personal reference, to guide you to the life of your dreams.What Would it Mean to You to LiveonPurpose? To Know Your Why? To Be Your Best?If youre ready to be your best sense of self and lead a life you love, then please join me on this course. I look forward to connecting with you and hope you enjoy the journeyto:Live Your Purpose."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Learn SASS: from beginner to expert" |
"This course is about becoming an expert in SASS. SASS is a preprocessor language of CSS. It makes it much easier and faster to write and is becoming more and more important in a professional environment. However, not a lot of people actually know how to use SASS, so this is the first step to put yourself ahead of the rest.This course will take you from a total beginner to an experienced expert in a small amount of time, and will show you how to use all features of SASS as well as give you exercises so you can practise everything you've learned."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Alleviate Stress & Boost Your Immune System" |
"OverviewIn this course you will learn how your body responds to stress and anxiety and how you can use a practical approach to achieve all of the following benefits:instantly stop the stress response and regain your composurecharge your energy levels to prepare for the day or in advanceof a stressful situationre-charge your energy levels after a stressful situationimprove your ability to respond intelligently and coherently under pressureStealth mode:apply the technique without letting on that you are applying itenhance your immune system, improve your outlook on lifeThe technique taught in this three week course is based on research and findings published in prestigious magazines such as Harvard Business Review as well as peer-reviewed scientific journals. Similar techniques are taught and applied by organizations such as Alberta Health Services, United States military branches, andFlorida Department of Children &Families to name a few.Course Format and ApproachThe course is designed to be completed in three weeks with a practical exercise to be completed each week to anchor the concepts. Worksheets and Study Aids are available for download as well. (Please note:This course was originally built to be delivered via e-mail over a three week period - any reference to receiving materials via e-mail should be ignored as these are available through download as part of this course)About Your InstructorShamir S. Ladhani, is an international speaker, a Certified HeartMath Coach/Trainerand a professional engineer. He is a former vice-president of a fast-paced and dynamic energy corporation and is no stranger to managingstress. He now educates students, adults and professionals on managing stress and maintaining composure under pressure."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Losing weight & Feeling Great" |
"Losing Weight & Feeling great is about Eating Good Food,Sheddingoff the extra pounds... And, Nurturing our Heart & Soul in the process!Here's Exactly What You'll Get:21 days healthy meal plans based onwhole foods that promote weight loss and are offered at your regular grocery store.Recipe book with yummy easy-to-prepare whole food recipesFood swap list, so if you didn't like something I suggested you can just replace it with another equivalent food of your choiceFood journal to hold yourself accountableWeekly grocery list so you can plan ahead and prepare for your weekEducational resources that will help you clean up your kitchen, deal with cravings, choose the right food, determine portion size and read the labelTHE BEST PART: Losing weight & Feeling Great program is not only about your body... It teaches you a holistic approach to diet taking care of your Body, Mind, Heart & Soul... In the program, you will alsolearn the 3 spiritual rules of healthy eating, you'll learn how to craft your positive affirmation and how to tune into your emotions, manage your stress, identify your triggers and set your boundaries."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop para principiantes: De cero a experto!" |
"Aprende a utilizar Adobe Photoshop a travs de ejemplos prcticos.Un curso de Photoshop prctico, en vdeo estructurado de forma progresiva, comenzando con los conceptos bsicos imprescindibles para utilizar el programa, adentrndose prontamente en realizaciones prcticas que harn ms ameno y rpido el aprendizaje.Esto lo convierte en el curso ideal tanto para quien no tiene conocimiento alguno sobre Photoshop y desea aprender a realizar fotomontajes, efectosy cualquier otro tipo de manipulacin de imgenes, como para quien ya cuenta con un manejo bsico del programa y desea aumentar sus conocimientos y habilidades.Si quieressaber como usarPhotoshop y no deseas largas explicaciones tericas, sino adentrarte rpidamente en el retoque digital de imgenes y fotomontajes, este es el curso ideal para ti.//----------------------------------------------------//Algunos comentarios de los estudiantes:""Fantstico, para un principiante esta de lujo, ya que permite manejar las herramientas una a una y practicar de manera idnea, as se puede llegar al objetivo real y desarrollar las habilidades para ser un gran profesional. EXCELENTE! Hctor, muchas gracias.""Wolgan Rivadeneira""Curso maravilloso.""Luis Romero Expsito""El curso me parece muy bueno si no sabes nada de Photoshop, el maestro te lleva a buen ritmo con explicaciones sencillas y prcticas.""Faviola Reyes""Es muy claro y pausado, ideal para comenzar. Me encant, aprend mucho. Gracias""Veronica Nass""Explica de manera clara y precisa, tiene buen vocabulario y es un ritmo que se puede seguir bien sin tener que pausar el vdeo ni teniendo que adelantarlo por ser aburrido, es una buena experiencia para aprender cosas nuevas o mejorar algunas tcnicas.""Nicolas Meneses Irrribarra""Muchas gracias Hctor. El curso me encant. Muy bien explicado, muy accesible. Se nota la experiencia del instructor. Felicidades!!""Leticia Villasana Bentez""Muy bueno, soy nuevo en Photoshop y entend todo, bien explicado y al punto. Los ejemplos excelentes. Altamente recomendado.""Vicente Hernandez""El curso es excelente, est todo explicado al detalle, realmente est diseado para aprender de cero, me ha gustado mucho. La forma de explicar es clara y sencilla. Super recomendado.""Kevin Alejandro Garcia Quintero//----------------------------------------------------//Mediante prcticas clases en vdeo aprenders a realizar un fotomontaje aislando una persona y objetos de un documento y agregndolos en otro, eliminar el fondo de una fotografa y cambiarlo por otro, blanquear el globo ocular, cambiar el color de los ojos, cambiar el color del cabello, blanquear los dientes, eliminar personas y objetos, agregar cabellera a un personaje calvo, aadir cabello en zonas calvas o ralas, modificar el tamao de la nariz, disimular la celulitis, agregar y eliminar un tatuaje, cambiar el color de los labios, eliminar o disimular puntos negros, comedones y otras imperfecciones del cutis, disimular arrugas y alisar la piel, realizar la famosa piel de porcelana, maquillar un rostro, adelgazar, reducir cintura, piernas, brazos, abdomen, caderas, aumentar busto, crear una sonrisa, crear textos con imgenes de fondo, transformar una imagen en colores en una imagen en blanco y negro con sectores de color, cambiar el color de un automvil, eliminar las dominantes de color, corregir imgenes muy oscuras y muy claras rpidamente, etc.No teestoy ofreciendo un simpletutorial de Photoshop, ni una mezcolanzade tutoriales, sino un curso de Photoshop completo, estructurado como tal desde los conceptos bsicos hasta las realizaciones prcticas ms complejas.Por tratarse de un curso de Photoshop online, podrs acceder a l desde cualquier dispositivo (pc, Mac, tablet, celular, TV, etc.) con conexin a Internet... donde y cuando te resulte ms cmodo.No estars solo, yo estar para ayudarte, para responder tus dudas, como una suerte de tutor online.Aprenders como usar Photoshop, realizar efectos, aplicar filtros, hacer fotomontajes, retocar imgenes, realizar correcciones tonales, etc.Al finalizar el curso podrs manejarte con soltura y confianza con Adobe Photoshop.El curso incluye las imgenes JPG, PNG y GIF para realizar las prcticas."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Mega Persuasion & Marketing Strategies - 21 Cognitive Biases" |
"This course is a complete persuasion techniques for entrepreneurs which include 21 cognitive biases. I'm going to show you exactly what are these techniques, where and how you can use them and the reward for you will be more sales, more opportunities in your carrier, more customers and a powerful business foundation.What some customers say about my courses :- George: Excellent overall information. Very quick and concise breakdown of all 21 of the cognitive biases. I enjoyed going through the course and will be sure to watch it a few times a year. My company will thank me for it.- David: Good refresher, one of those subjects area that should be revisited on a regular basis, plan to watch the course again and again.- Enzo: Great and powerful course, one of the most powerful course in Udemy. This will definitely and specifically sky rocket your business or career even relationships to the next levels that you want.- Saeed: Nice course, perfect presentation very simple language and examples. I really enjoyed and gain excellent information , the instructor was perfect."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"3D VR/AR" |
"*******VR/AR ******* 50% ! 'VRAR50' 40 .********************************************************* . , . (VR) (AR) (Unity)3D , . 3D . , C# . . VR, AR ."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"How to Value Art - A Step by Step Guide for All Abilities" |
"Whether youre looking to get rid of that old painting thats been hanging around in your attic, or you are an artist looking to sell your work, this is the course for you.This is a clear, concise and comprehensive series of modules that will take you through the Sherlock Technique my step-by-step process to valuing your art. My style is casual and clear. I dont believe in using a lot of complex language as I want the joy of buying and selling art to be accessible to all.You dont even need to leave the house to complete the course. All the course materials can be downloaded for you to print out and you will need to have your painting in front of you to inspect it as you move through the modules. I recommend you give yourself a morning/afternoon to complete the whole course if you are doing it all in one go."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Negotiations for Small Business Owners" |
"Negotiating is probably one of the most under-trained skills among business owners. Most of us know what we know about negotiating because weve been knocked around a bit at the negotiating table, but we dont really know what the tactics are, why they work, or how to counter them. This course will take you through over 20 negotiating tactics as well as the preparation and the mindset you need to have to negotiate more profitable deals for your business. Business owners negotiate multiple situations every week whether its a situation with an employee or a contract with a client or vendor. This course will walk you through how to look at a negotiation from the beginning so that youre in the proper frame of mine. Then youll learn how create a game plan for each negotiation that you enter. Youll learn everything from getting your counterparts story and why thats important to how to deal with issues like deadlock. Youll know the rules for negotiating over phone or through email. Philip will cover situations that include quickie one-off deals to long-term contracts. Youll know what tolook out for when it comes to closing the deal and some of the sticky issues that come up when the actual contract lands on your desk. Negotiating doesnt have to be a dreaded, tiring process. It can actually be fun! After taking the Negotiations Training for Small Business Owners course youll feel knowledgeable and confident going into every negotiation. The people you negotiate with will gain a new respect for you not just as a negotiator but as a savvy business person."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Pokemon GO for beginners" |
"Pokemon GO burst onto the scene and has since become global hit!If you have just started to play or want to begin playing this is definitely the course for you!If you have been playing a while and want some advance tips and tricks, you would also benefit from taking this course!This course will cover a wide range of topic including:An introduction to the game and how to get startedExplaining what each of the items in your bag meanHow to catch PokemonExplaining your Pokemon's Combat PowerPokestopsPokemon GymsHow to save your Battery when playingand much more!Some advance tips and tricks include:How to properly use your Lucky EggPro tips on Hatching more Pokemon EggsApps to assist you during the gameWho should take this course?If you have an interest in Pokemon GO whether you are a beginner or a seasoned pro, everyone will benefit. This course will walk you through from the very beginning to help you get started on the right foot. If you have been playing Pokemon GO for a while and you still don't feel you have all the tips and tricks, this course will help you!Join other Pokemon GO players nationwide!Pokemon GO is basically a huge social community in which players help each other succeed. Once you start playing you will understand how many players there are playing this game! Become part of the action and community today!So do you want to start learning how to play Pokemon GO?Are you ready to become a part of a world-wide Pokemon community?Great! Well Enroll in the course today and stop delaying your Pokemon catching potential!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Google Admob, Analytics, and In App Purchases in Swift" |
"Are you an iOS developer and have a passion for making apps?Are you looking to make a little money on the side from your apps by installing ads and offering In App Purchases?If so this course is for you!In this course we will be going over:How to setup and install Google AnalyticsHow to setup and install Google AdmobHow to setup and install In App PurchasesThis course uses Apple development language Swift to implement these features.If you are a beginner Swift programmer or an experienced one and are looking to add Google Analytics, Google Admob, and In App Purchases into your app than this is the course for you!Start having your passion of making app start paying off for you!Stop delaying and enroll in the course now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Google Analytics For Sales Hacking - Secrets Revealed" |
"Google Analytics For Sales Hacking - Secrets Revealedis a digitalcourse that you should not miss in your career.You might know about Google Analytics Features and use those in daily work but I am sure what you're going to learn is the ultimate formula and insights you need to remember to drive your successful digital career.This course focuses on solving the two most important questions to be answered byany digital marketers:1. What is the best ROIof a digital campaign?2. How to double and triple that ROI using data?Every lecture will walk you through most relevant and precisereports and insights in order to answer those two questions and unlock the key to sales hacking and eventually business success.It's said thatGoogle Analytics is a very powerful yet sometimes underused tool in the data driven world due to its ""excessive yet complicated"" features.After taking this course, you willhave no moretroubles of using Google Analytics Killer Features but to enjoy and fully utilize them."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"21st Century Presentation Skills" |
"COURSEUPDATEDINMARCH 2018!In the 21st century, a speaker is no longer the only source of information in a room. Nowadays one cannot get full attention of the audience just because he or she has something to say. One needs to earn this attention.Become an interesting speaker by mastering easy-to-use attention-grabbing techniques! In this course you will learn: How to make content of your speech interesting. How to structure your speech properly so that you dont get criticized or sabotaged on stage. How to get more sales from stage without forcing people. How to be a valuable speaker. How to prepare speeches faster and easier. The skills covered in the course are essential if you want to make your presentations a part of your content-marketing and promotion strategy. Nowadays people are busy no one really wants to come to simple sales presentations or watch them online. If you want to make people interested you need to stand out. How come Apple does great presentations and so many companies do not? I have seen dozens of pointless, boring and low-performing presentations. They really could have been better.This is why I created this course. I wanted to help speakers improve the quality of the time they spend with the audience and to show them a way to get better results. Attention of your audience is a great resource. You just need a manual. Its time to stop justtalking to listeners. Learn how to make them participants!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
""" "" Unity 5" |
"Unity 5. Unity 5. : -"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"React Redux React-Router: From Beginner to Paid Professional" |
"30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!Building many examples such as To do list, YouTube Search API, ImgurSearchAPI...Showinghow an application can grow from simple DOM/jQuery app to Redux/React/ES6/React-Router app.60 lectures (6.5hours of content) coverthe knowledge ofECMAScript 2015(ES6),Redux technology and React framework from basic to advanced levels.There are manyexercises and quizzes in each section, which help to re-enforce your knowledge before continuing the next section.Using visual teaching aids such asmind-mapping,colorfuldrawings stimulating animations andmockupsto help you master even the most challenging concepts of React and Redux. Have you everstruggled forseveral months to get familiar with anew frameworkin other courses?Do you wonder why fewdevelopers can easilyadapt toanew technology while others need to put in so muchtime and effort?In my course,you will be able to work with Redux-React justafter2 WEEKs.The modern teaching and learning methodreallyhelps you realize how you will be able to improve yourself andgo through the rest of your ITcareer more comfortably.You will receive support for whatever questions or issues you may havewithin 24HOURS!!!!!HOW IS THE COURSE STRUCTURED?This is awell-organized course. The curriculumhas been createdin such a way that learning Redux-Reacthas never been soeasy!It is divided into 9 sections:The three firstsections focusonReduxtechnology. These sections coverboth of basic and advanced knowledge of Redux. You may wonder why I don't focus on the React project first. The reason is that I need tostress that Redux has no relation to React. You can write Redux apps with React, Angular, Ember, jQuery, or vanilla JavaScript.Redux works especially well with frameworks like Reactand Dekubecause they let you describe UI as a function of state, and Redux emits state updates in response to actions. These firstsections only apply Redux into plain JavaScript and jQuery. Applying Redux into React immediatelywill cause you feel hard to distinguishbetween the knowledge of React and the knowledge of Redux.The fourth section focuses onECMAScript2015 (ES6). In fact, you can work with a Redux &React application without using ES6. However, an experienced React developer usually triesto apply ES6 as much as possible to make his project much more concise and clear. Getting familiar with ES6 will help you go through the next sections more comfortably.The fifth section focuses onReactframework. This section also shows clearlyhow to use React Developer Tools. Itis an Chrome extensionwhich helps debugging andmanaging React components, component'sstateandprops.The sixth and seventhsectionsillustratehow to applyReduxtechnology andES6efficiently into anReactapplication. After the 6thsection, you will know abasic way to use Redux in a React framework. You will also knowhow to use ReduxDevTools. Itis an Chrome extensionwhich helps debugging andmanaging Reduxstate and action. After the 7thsection, you will know how to use ""React-Redux"" library which is an advanced way to handle interactionsbetween Redux and React, and make your project a lot shorter and concise.The eighth section guides you on how to manipulateURLs with React-Redux-Router libraryThe last onegivemore advanced knowledge.WHYREACT?React is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces by Facebook and Instagram.We built React to solve one problem: building large applications with data that changes over time.So many companies are adopting React.js every day. Some examples of big companies using React areNetflix, Yahoo, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram andAtlassian. Mastering React framework andRedux technologywill offer you a lot of opportunities for the highest paying jobsWHYREDUX?Managing state in an application is critical, and is often done haphazardly. Redux provides a state container for JavaScript applications that will help your applications behave consistently.Redux is an evolution of the ideas presented by Facebook'sFlux, avoiding the complexity found in Flux by looking to how applications are built with the Elm language.Redux is useful for React applicationsWHAT'S MORE?Exploring manyfeatures ofECMAScript 2015 (ES6)such asLet, Const, Import, Export, Arrow Functions, Cass, Object Destructuring, Array Destructuring, Spread/Rest Operator, Template Strings, Object.assign().Using many advanced JavaScript featureswhich help makeyour Redux React project more concisesuch, Array.prototype.filter(),Function.prototype.bind().Applyingthe related technologies supporting React such as""React/Redux Developer Tools,NPM,Webpack,Babel,UsingJSX syntax tomake theReact projectmore elegant.Note again: We're very confident, that is why we are giving you a30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, no questions asked, so make sure toEnroll Now!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Behavioral Economics and Neuromarketing" |
"How do people decide what to buy in supermarkets? Why do luxury car brands give TV advertising? How can you get honest information from your users in an online survey? In this course you will learn different theories on how to affect the decision making flows of consumers in the way we want them to decide. You will learn psychological backgrounds of these behaviours and real life examples proving these behavioural rules. You will also learn how to structure your own experiments and run A/B tests to make critical decisions about your products. 900+ 5 star ratings - Bestseller Udemy Course""Amazing course! short, crisp & highly insightful."" Marwah K.""This has by far been my favorite marketing course! Great Job!"" Lindsay H.""I'm aware of the influence advertising has on us all therefore, the more I realise this the more I want to know how this is done and why we just, can't help ourselves! Great examples, that give a clear understanding of the practices used to 'nudge' us into our purchasing decisions. "" Sabrina C.This course is suitable for professionals such as; entrepreneurs, product managers, marketing specialists, campaign managers, pricing experts, service designers and user experience experts or; for anyone who wants to make more logical decisions about their decisions in life.The topics we will cover in this course are;An introduction to consumer behavior and human biasesScent MarketingPower of Sound in Purchase Behaviour Anchoring, Decoy EffectStatus Quo, Goal Gradient EffectHow to name,display and price your productsFraming, Decision point intercepts, Planning FallacyMental Accounting, Sunk Cost Effect, Choice OverloadHow to structure your own experiments and Nudge Samples Psychological Tricks To Make People Like YouThis course will have a big impact in your professional career as well as your personal life."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"4-Week Functional Health Transformation" |
"The 4-Week Functional Health Transformation course is designed with proven cutting-edge science leading the way to health. Cursory diet programs to achieve sustainable optimal health have, and always will, fail in the long-term. New concepts are brought to the student that, if applied, have given lasting results. This is not a course for those seeking quick-fix solutions to long-term health's a course that delves into health issues on a cellular level to deliver lasting health.Our bodies are homeostasis organisms so when we experiencehealth issues it'sour bodiestelling usthat we are not inbalance. Conventional medicine tries to correct the problem.But our bodies are also systemic organisms.Sothese drugs sometimes mask the current issue only to cause an interruption with the system as a whole, which leads to other health issues - and more drugs.Cutting-edge science has identified chronicinflammationas the root cause to chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, heart disease, cancer, type IIdiabetes, obesity,and more. Trying to treat the health issue on the surface with drugs never cures the disease. The body as a whole needs to be addressed. And that's not how our current drugs work.So what causes inflammation, which eventually breaks down the body leading to excess weight and other chronic ailments? Our diet is the largest culprit. But stress, toxic chemicals, viruses, and infections are also big players in the release of inflammatory chemicals like tumor necrosis factor- alpha (TNF-a) and interleukin-6 (IL-6). Inflammation makes TNF-a. TNF-a produces the production offats cells. And fat cells make TNF-a. This all creates a vicious cycle of continual weight gain. The moreweight you gain, the more TNF-a is produced, and the more inflammation is created,which makes you gain even more weight.Obesity is only one disease resulting from chronic inflammation. Besidesthe diseases from the aforementioned paragraph,hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol),Crohn's Disease, Alzheimer's, fibromyalgia, andmany other diseasesare also results fromchronic inflammation.The five pillars of health include nutrition, movement, stress management, hormonal balance, and personal beliefs. Neglecting just one pillar will keep you from obtaining sustainable optimal health. In the4-Week Functional Health Transformation course, you'll learn powerful concepts that have helped some of my clients reverse prediabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, lowerinflammatory markers that lead todiseases like heart attacks and strokes, and, of course, lose weight and keep it off."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Learn Android App Development and How to Build Apps with AWS" |
"Welcome to this 2 part course where you will learn all the fundamentals of Android app development. After you have learned all the essentials of Android development, we'll then get into building Android Apps with Amazon Web Services (AWS). In this project-centered course, youll buildyour very firstAndroid app. Wellwalkyou through the process of building a brand new Android app andprovide you with a set of customizable building blocks that you can assemble.You'll put togethera To-DoList app using Javaand the Android Studio. Along the way,you'llbecome familiar with themany important specificities of Android development.By the end of this courseyou'll havea finished application you can use on your phone andyoull have the skills and background you need to keep developingon oneof the biggest software platforms in the world.In part 2 of the course, you'll learn how to enhance your Android apps using Amazon Web Services (AWS). You'll learn how to take a stand-alone Android app and add cloud-enabled features using AWS. Along the way, we'll go over various AWS cloud features for Android applications. Discover how to allow users to sign in with Facebook or Google, set up a database, add cloud file storage and much more."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Git and Github" |
"Learn the basic concepts, tools, and features that you will need to manage source code using the git version control system.Develop your git skills with this holistic course for git beginnersCreating new git repositoriesManaging existing git repositoriesResolving merge conflictsVisualizing and reverting code commitsPowerful Version Controlat Your FingertipsLearning the fundamentals of git puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. Gitis free, powerful, has excellent documentation, and is quickly becoming the de-facto standard for distributed source code version control.In 2014,Git surpassed SVNas the most popular version control system according to the 2014 Eclipse community survey. Git is used in open source and enterprise applications around the world, and being able to effectively manage source code using git will make you a valuable asset to any organization using it.Content and OverviewSuitable for programmers of all skill levels, through this 30-minute crashcourseyoull learn all of the git fundamentals and establish a strong understanding of the concept behind version control in general and git in particular. Each chapter contains screencasts that you can follow-along with,and contains extra resources toputyour new learned skills into practical use immediately.Starting with an overview of version control systems,this course will take you through the core concepts of git and the basic commands you'll need to interact with git. By manipulating real repositories, you'll gain an understanding of not only ""how"" to interact with git, but also ""why"" it works the way it does.With these concepts mastered, the course will take you through standard git workflows, showing you the basic commands for creating new repositories, interacting with existing repositories, creating and managing branches, and resolving merge conflicts.Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create and manage git repositories in any language and platform."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Astrologa fcil y efectiva. Software Astrolgico Kepler 4" |
"Los astrlogos, necesitamos herramientas para la interpretacin que ayuden a dar ms precisin en nuestros anlisis astrolgicos.El Programa Kepler tiene funciones que otros programas de astrologa no tienen, a pesar de sus altos costos. El Kepler es gratuito, donado por su autor; Miguel Garca Ferrndez a la comunidad astrolgica internacional.Una gran herramienta es la grfica de Astrodinas, que nos proporciona fechas de eventos importantes que suceden en la vida.Otra es el manejo de los Atacires, una tcnica rabe indispensable en Astrologa Predictiva, con el Kepler es muy sencillo utilizar los Atacires.El C-60 de Demetrio Santos, es una sensacional tcnica para diagnstico general del consultante, tambin se puede utilizar el ""Punto de la Vida"" o C-72 (Huber). A diferencia de otros modernos programas, tiene Direcciones Primarias y la Progresin Lunar por casas (Proluna). Adems de las funciones tpicas de los softwares tradicionales como: Trnsitos, Progresiones Secundarias, Retorno Solar, Lunar, etc.Ilustra en la carta las Partes rabes, introduciendo la frmula que se desea investigar.Y para los que nos gusta hacer investigacin astrolgica, el Kepler cuenta con un men para hacer grficos y estadsticas de grupos de personas, para ver que tienen en comn.La Astro*Carto*Grafa es otra ventaja ya que presenta novedosos mapas de horizonte, de globo y de azimut, tambin tiene otro tipo de dibujos de las declinaciones y la proyeccin ecuatorial de los planetas.Puedes ver la Carta Natal en el diagrama de ""El Arbol de la Vida"" y tambin trae el Biorritmo.Es un programa muy completo, una magnfica herramienta para los astrlogos profesionales."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn to Knit in 3 Easy Lessons By The Knitting Channel" |
"Declared ""The Best How-To Knitting Videos Ever Produced,""The Knitting Pretty series will teach youaneasier, faster and more enjoyable way to knitthan traditional knitting. Hosted by celebrity knitting expert and host of The Knitting Channel, Jill Moray, these videos takeyou from absolute beginner to advanced knitter in three easy half-hourlessons. Each lesson has it's own knitting project which you create with Jill.Knitting Pretty Volume 1: Basic Knitting -This lesson will teach you all the knitting basics and more!You'll learn how to Knit, Purl, Cast on, Bind off, as well as the Garter Stitch and the Stockinet Stitch. Jill then works with you as you knit a hip scarf using two different stitches!Materials needed: US size 8 knitting needles, Worsted weight yarn, Yarn needle. Knitting Pretty DVD 2: Intermediate Knitting - The fun continues whenJill teaches youRibbing, Double Ribbing and Binding off in Ribbing. Youl'll learn multiple ways to Increase Stitches and Decrease Stitches, as well as how to Fix Your Mistakes.The knitting project is a warm and cozy hat that you and Jill knit together using the techniques taught in this lesson.Materials Needed: US size 11 knitting needles, 2 skeins of worsted weight yarn, yarn needle.Knitting Pretty DVD 3: Working with Color - This exciting lesson teaches you how to incorporate colorful patterns and designs into your knitting! Learn how to knit colorful Vertical and Horizontal Stripes, the Intarsia and Fair Isle techniques. You'll also learn how to follow a Color Chart and create your own Yarn Bobbins. The knitting project in this lesson is a colorful Pillow Top that uses four colors and the Intarsia technique.Materials Needed: US size 8 knitting needles, 2 skeins Karabella 8 worsted weight yarn in Cabernet (or color of your choice); 1 skein Karabella 8 worsted weight yarn in Lavender (or color of your choice), 1 skein Karabella 8 worsted weight yarn in Camel (or color of your choice), 1 skein Karabella 8 worsted weight yarn in Denim (or color of your choice), yarn needle."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Real World Vagrant For Distributed Computing" |
"""NoSQL"", ""Big Data"", ""DevOps"" and ""In Memory Database"" technology are a hot and highly valuable skill to have and this course will teach you how to quickly create a distributed environment for you to deploy these technologies on.A combination of VirtualBox and Vagrant will transform your desktop machine into a virtual cluster. However this needs to be configured correctly. Simply enabling multinode within Vagrant is not good enough. It needs to be tuned. Developers and Operators within large enterprises, including investment banks, all use Vagrant to simulate Production environments.After all, if you are developing against or operating a distributed environment, it needs to be tested. Tested in terms of code deployed and the deployment code itself.You'll learn the same techniques these enterprise guys use on your own Microsoft Windows computer/laptop.Vagrant provides easy to configure, reproducible, and portable work environments built on top of industry-standard technology and controlled by a single consistent workflow to help maximize the productivity and flexibility of you and your team.This course will use VirtualBox to carve out your virtual environment. However the same skills learned with Vagrant can be used to provision virtual machines on VMware, AWS, or any other provider.If you are a developer, this course will help you will isolate dependencies and their configuration within a single disposable, consistent environment, without sacrificing any of the tools you are used to working with (editors, browsers, debuggers, etc.). Once you or someone else creates a single Vagrantfile, you just need to vagrant up and everything is installed and configured for you to work. Other members of your team create their development environments from the same configuration. Say goodbye to ""works on my machine"" bugs.If you are an operations engineer, this course will help you build a disposable environment and consistent workflow for developing and testing infrastructure management scripts. You can quickly test your deployment scripts and more using local virtualization such as VirtualBox or VMware. (VirtualBox for this course). Ditch your custom scripts to recycle EC2 instances, stop juggling SSH prompts to various machines, and start using Vagrant to bring sanity to your life.If you are a designer, this course will help you with distributed installation of software in order for you to focus on doing what you do best: design. Once a developer configures Vagrant, you do not need to worry about how to get that software running ever again. No more bothering other developers to help you fix your environment so you can test designs. Just check out the code, vagrant up, and start designing."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"WordPress: From Zero to Hero Webmaster" |
"All freelancers and business owners need their own website. You may have heard that quite often, and in most cases, this good advice comes with a quite high price tag.The Instructor is a Web-Developer whobuilds and modifieswebsites for clients using WordPress:""When I realized that people are paying me a lot of money, to add more functionality to their sites or to change their layout, I asked myself, how many people could use WordPress for themselves, if they don't need all these special features and designs.""As a small business, you want to be found on the internet by the popular search engines like Google? Sure, you can do that, if you your address into some online directory or on Facebook.This is a step in the right direction, but the layout and the content that you can add are quite restricted.This class will show you, how you can set up your own website for free. You will need to get some paid web hosting later, but you can get started with some free hosting, to follow all the steps in this class.You will also learn, why I decided to use WordPress for this class, why WordPress is so special and why you can use it for free.You don't need to have any technical knowledge, to follow this class. If you can watch this video, you already have all what is needed: A computer and access to the internet.After you have installed your WordPress site, you want to improve the design and the functionality.You will learn how to select a theme and essential plugins that you will need to make your site more appealing.Anatomy of awebsite.How to get a theme for your site.How to get plugins for your site.How to handle updates.How to set up pages.How to set up posts.How to adjust the layout of your site.How to add a contact page with contact form.How to add a Google map.How to set up an about-us page with the team plugin.How to add social buttons to link to your social sites.How to add share buttons to your posts, so that users can share your content.How to set up a sidebar widget for a MailChimp mailing list.How to add a Photo Gallery.How to add a Photo Slider.How to add watermarks to your images.How to backup and restore your WordPress site."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda Arduino com uso de simulador" |
"""Perfeito! Muito bem detalhado e de fcil compreenso pra quem no tem nenhum tipo de conhecimento/experincia no assunto."" - Deisianny Dias Leal ""Muito bem explicado e com calma, no tempo certo."" - Magaiver Machado Fernandes""Bom curso para iniciante, sou tcnico em mecatrnica, comprei o curso para revisar oque eu aprendi. De forma geral apresentou tudo oque props e trouxe contedos muito bem explicados. Alem de ser muito interessante poder testar experimento online, sem necessidade de gastos com matrias. Sinto preparado para meu comeo de Faculdade."" - Daniel Shibata OLiveira""timo curso, mostra exemplos que podem ser aplicados ao mundo real, e o cdigo escrito passo a passo e explicado. Tambm foi mostrado em cada projeto como fazer a ligao dos cabos com o arduino e os componentes."" - Edenilson Fernandes dos Santos""Excelente curso, professor objetivo e claro, mesmo um iniciante sem nenhum conhecimento em programao ou eletrnica, consegui desenvolver competncias e j arrisquei fazer alguns modelos diferentes dos exerccios propostos. J adquiri outro curso do mesmo instrutor."" - Carlos Oliveira""Curso muito bem detalhado, o instrutor explica com bastante detalhes e domnio do assunto."" - Carlos Henrique LatanzaO objetivo deste curso capacitar o aluno no uso de sensores e atuadores com Arduino, utilizando ambiente de simulao. O uso de simulao permite aumentar a curva de aprendizagem e utilizar diversos tipos de componentes sem a necessidade de compr-los. No curso abordado a parte de conexo dos componentes utilizando a placa de prototipagem (protoboard) e o Arduino. Alm disso, abordado a parte de programao do Arduino para ler os sensores e enviar os sinais de comando para os atuadores. O curso tambm permite realizar as conexes diretamente em um protoboard e em um Arduino real (fsico) e o mesmo cdigo fonte utilizado no simulador pode ser copiado para o editor de textos do Arduino fsico e compilado para a sua execuo. Desta forma, possvel participar do curso, tanto utilizando simulador quanto criando os projetos diretamente em um Arduino fsico. Ouso do simulador gratuito."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"International Tax - Royalty and Fee for Technical Services" |
"The Course covers the taxes, that are applicable when a Non resident, who is a tax resident of any country, earns Royalty or Fee for technical Services (FTS) from another country. The course not only educates you on how to interpret this Article relating to the Double taxation avoidance agreement, it also covers what is Royalty/ Fee for technical services, what are the rights of the Source State (India in present course) to tax Royalty or FTS, rate of withholding taxes to be applied in Source State , what would be the implications if excess royalty/ FTS is paid to a related party and several other topics. The Course should take a total of2 hours to complete. This course outlines the process of understanding taxation of Royalty/ FTS on a step by step basis, and is a enabling tool to learn the subject."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn English in an hour" |
"Learn English in an Hour! course was designed to help you out with all of your English skills in a different way.You willlearn a lot about English grammar rules,the American accent,listening,speaking,reading and writing Englishskills.You will learn more about English grammar in a really simple way.More exercises will be added to help you understand each section well.Finally,you'll get lots of tips regarding English . If you have any questions,they will be answered .All the materials will be videos,PDFs,and much more.Section one is introduction . Section two, is about the most important English tips .Section three, is English grammar (Present simple,presentcontinuous, presentperfect,present perfect continuous,past simpleandpastcontinuous). Section four is all about the American accent.Section five is about English grammarwriting rules,punctuation,phrasal verbs,idioms,and more.Section six is Bonus.Taking this coursewill help you to be fluent in English grammar rules,English grammar writing rules,English grammar punctuation rules and lots more.Thank you for visiting this page.Good luck."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Como Construir Acordes" |
"Neste curso voc aprender a teoria da formao de acordes e como aplic-la na prtica. O curso comea desde o bsico, apresentando as notas musicais, conceitos bsicos de notao musical em cifras e partituras, escalas maiores e menores, intervalos musicais, ciclo das quintas e outros conceitos que permitiro ao aluno construir qualquer acorde em qualquer das 12 tonalidades da msica ocidental. O aluno aprender montar os acordes maiores, menores,com stima e com stima maior. Trechos de msicas populares so utilizados como exemplo de aplicao dos acordes aprendidos.O curso composto de aulas em vdeos, material complementar e exerccios em PDF que podero ser baixados pelo aluno."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso MySQL desde cero" |
"En este curso aprenders desde la teora fundamental de las bases de datos, hasta aprender a usar el gestor de MySQL,para crear un modelo relacional, manipular susdatos y hacer consultas en la misma,an si no tienes conocimientos previos, de una forma prctica y eficaz.Por lo que si quieres adentrarte al mundo de las bases de datos, este es un curso ideal para que comiences a familiarizarte ya que se te explicar de una forma muy intuitiva y no te parezca difcil.Se incluyen ejercicios para que practiquescon lo que irs aprendiendo en el curso, ya que hay que recordar que: La prctica hace al maestro."
Price: 570.00 ![]() |
"Chrome Extensions: Beginners Guide to Building & Publishing" |
"Get paid by businesses who require a Chrome Extension. Or build your own Chrome Extension and sell it on the GoogleChrome Store.Learn to Build, Test and Publish Your Own GoogleChrome ExtensionLearn the codeRecognise what elements need to be includedLearn how to test your Chrome ExtensionFind out how and where to publish to the Chrome StoreIdesigned this course to be easily understood by web developers at any level, including beginners. However, to get the most from this course, I would expect you to have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Ihave not included any complicated terminology so as long as you have the basic understanding of front-end web languages, you will be able to follow along with the development of the Chrome Extension that you will be building.Included in this course are the images and icons Ihave used in the lectures but you are free to use your own.This course is about an hour long. The lectures contain everything you need to know in a step-by-step format to build and publish your own Chrome Extension, whilst remaining concise and to the point.At the end of this course, you will be a fully-fledged Google Chrome Extension developer. Not only will you know how tobuild a Chrome Extension, but how to test, how to implement on your local browser and how to publish to the Chrome Store.In the next hour,you will have the knowledge to make moneyfrom your own Extension. Enroltoday!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"MATLAB App Designing: The ultimate Guide for MATLAB Apps" |
"Basic Course DescriptionThe First segmentofthe courseis on creating apps in MATLABusing itsgraphical user interfaceutility calledGUIDE. The GUIDE provides essential graphical components for converting your code into a meaningful software. The graphical components include radion buttons, tables, check boxes, sliders and many others.The main motivation for adding this segment is theobservation that students and people put alot of effort in writing the code but little on its appearance. By completing this segmentof creating apps in GUIDE, you will easily transform your code into awell understood piece of software that the users will find useful to interact with. The segmentcontains2+hours of recorded lectures. Every lecture contains a demonstration of the concepts and the codes are included with the course. The following is the outline of the courseSegment 1: Basics of the GUIDESegment 2:Linking the Code with GUISegment 3:Advance Techniques for GUIDESegment 4:Sample Projects with GUIDESegment 5:More Useful Tricks and Examples with GUIDEAt the end of this segment,You should be able to work with graphical user interface controls such as text boxes, buttons, check boxes and others to make GUI for your code.You area confident user of the MATLAB utility calledGUIDE for making GUI for your programs.You will be able to create your GUI's. If you have any problem I will help you.You will get complete source codes of lectures._____________________________________________________________________The Second segmentof the courseis on creating apps in MATLABusing itsgraphical user interfaceutility calledApp Designer. The App Designer is next generation tool for creating and designing apps in MATLAB. The App Designercontains many new design components that areabsent in the conventional app designingtool calledGUIDE. The essential beauty of App Designer is the integration ofthe two task of coding and designing in creating apps. It makes this possible with its neweditor. Thissegment is designed so that a MATLAB programmer can easilytransform his code to a beautiful User Interface and app.The following are the outlines of the segmentSegment 1: Basics of App DesignerSegment 2: Tips and Tricks for Effective use of App DesignerSegment 3: Coding GUI'sSegment 4:Advance TechniquesSegment 5: Sample Projects with App DesignerAt the end of this segment,You should be able to work with graphical user interface controls such as text boxes, buttons, check boxes and others to make GUI for your code.You area confident user of the MATLAButility calledApp Designerfor making GUI for your programs.You will be able to create your GUI's. If you have any problem I will help you.You will get complete source codes of lectures._____________________________________________________________________What am I going to get from this course?At the end of the course you be a confident user of the MATLAButility called GUIDE and App Designerfor making GUI'S and appsfor your programs.You should be able to work with graphical user interface controls such as text boxes, buttons, check boxes and others to make GUI's and appsfor your code._____________________________________________________________________What is the target audience? Researchers,Entrepreneurs,Instructors and Teachers,College Students,Engineers,Programmers,Simulators___________________________________________________________________________Student Testimonials!This is the second Udemy class on Matlab I've taken. Already, a couple important concepts have been discussed that weren't discussed in the previous course. I'm glad the instructor is comparing Matlab to Excel, which is the tool I've been using and have been frustrated with. This course is a little more advanced than the previous course I took. As an engineer, I'm delighted it covers complex numbers, derivatives, and integrals. I'm also glad it covers the GUI creation. None of those topics were covered in the more basic introduction I first took.Jeff PhilipsGreat information and not talking too much, basically he is very concise and so you cover a good amount of content quickly and without getting fed up!Oamar KanjiThe course is amazing and covers so much. I love the updates. Course delivers more then advertised. Thank you!Josh NicassioStudent Testimonials! who are also instructors in the MATLAB category""Concepts are explained very well, Keep it up Sir...!!!""Engr Muhammad Absar Ul Haq instructor of course ""Matlab keystone skills for Mathematics (Matrices & Arrays)""___________________________________________________________________________Your Benefits and Advantages:You receiveknowledge from a Ph.D. in Computer sciencewith over 10 years of teaching and 15 years of programmingexperience and another decade of experience in using MATLABThe instructor has6 courses on udemy on MATLABincluding abest seller course.The overall rating in these courses are (4.5/5)This course includeOne complete portionon creating apps inMATLAB Guide.One complete portion oncreating apps in MATLAB App Designer.If you do not find the course useful, you are covered with30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!You havelifetime access to the course.You haveinstant and free access to any updatesi add to the course.You have access to allQuestions anddiscussionsinitiated by other students.You will receivemy supportregarding any issues related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFreely available lecturesfor a quick insight.___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Time is limited andEvery second of every day is valuable...I am excited to see youin the course!Best Regrads,Dr. Nouman Azam___________________________________________________________________________"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"How to repair your computer in 10 Easy Steps" |
"Learn easy Computer Repair from a professional computer technician from you own computer.12 lectures (1 hour of content) teaching you how to defragment your hard drive, backup your data, remove malware and much more Suitable for the every day computer user and ideal for the DIY's who learn faster when shown.Visual training method, help to speed up your learning and helps you to retain the informationBreaks even the most simple steps down into a easier way of learning."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |