Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"How to Handle Stress" |
"According to the American Stress Institute,the effects of stress is one of the leadingunderlying causesfor most doctor's visits.Stress doesn't only rob you of health - it robs you of living fully, and it robs you of happiness.When you know how to handle stress, especially when you have fun ways to be stress free,you have in your hands one of the most powerful health secrets.This is what this 'how to handle stress' course does: Itgivesyou stress management tips, and shows you what causes stress. It explores how to prevent stress by understanding how your brain either hinders or helps you when it comes to how to deal with stress and anxiety.Whether you needstress reliefin the financial area, your body image area, relationship area, social area or (frankly) any other area, you need to understand howto stop your brain from sabotaging you. If you don't want to be popping stress medication with it's toxic side-effects, then this course will give youalternative stress relief to be stress free. You'll learnsimple ways to beat stress. You will become more peaceful, you will become more efficient and effective, you willknow how to handle stress and be stress free. How do you like to learn? If you be entertained and have funwhile youre learningpractical, yet fun ways to relievestressapplying what you're learningmultiple formats to learn e.g. quizzes, video, audio or in writing?...then you and I are going to get along just awesomely. PS. Forgive me if I can be a bit goofy at times. I like to have fun because ahuge amount of stress comes from taking ourselves waaaaaaytoo seriously. If youre looking for dry and academic then you may want to choose another instructor. But if you're looking for top stress management counseling withsomeone that is serious about taking a science-based approach; only presenting it in a fun way,then I may be your gal.Youre busy, you want changes, and you want them fast. This is stress management for busy people. This course is concise and practical.In this how to handle stress course you will:explore why you are stressed instead of stress free understand how your brain traps, fools and stresses you.get to know the 3 odd brain quirksthat changeeverything.have a handle on how to change your neural wiringunderstand the power ofperception and the stories you live byhave a powerful 4-step approach to living stress freeget 10 tips on how to handle stressWe're going tobanish:paper tiger stress - whilst keeping good stressnot feeling like you are or have enoughlow self-esteemunnecessary anxiety that keeps you up at night.About your teacher: I'm a South African trained Clinical Psychologist, andauthor of 3 books (one featured in O). I've been fortunate enough tohave hadmy views expressed in manymagazines (everythingfrom Reader's Digest to Men's Health),TV and radio. I'm an award-winning speaker who has presented workshops and seminars internationally. I have been invited onto the peer panel for the South African Journal of Psychology as well as the Advisory boards of Shape magazine and the South African Journal for Natural Medicine and SANEP (South African Nutrition Expert Panel) as their consulting psychologist, and Metropolitan Health as a health partner. I'm also a total research junkie. Eversince I discovered medical and psychological journals, Ive been nibble-noshing a steady diet of them. I like to read em, digest em and spit em out in new and interesting ways.What participants have said about my style....""It was a very positive and rich experience. As a psychologist Caris education methods foster a learning that feels like self discovery. I loved the creative homework and activities. The results an improved quality of life.""Julie Robinson - Placerville, CA""I would never have uncovered these sabotage beliefs .I learned so much about my negative attacking traits and how to stop them!""Liz Calvert- Amsterdam""Your coaching taught me (actually you showed me) how to embrace my imperfect being and how to move more freely and with greater self-respect, in this oftentimes very harsh world.""Bee - New York, NYA number of attendees mentioned they would like her presentation to have been longer as she has such a different perspective on things. They felt it was well researched, relaxed and practical, thought-provoking and good advice for the future.FitPregnancy Magazine South Africa"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Presentation Skills That Win Construction Contracts" |
"For 30 years,Joe Eganhasbeen an owner of one of the largest construction companies in the nation,The Egan Companies. Over that time, he's successfullynegotiated millions of dollars in construction contracts based on ""the right price, not the low price.""There is a method and skill set that made him successful in a tough bidding industry. Withyears of construction negotiation experience, Joe is here to help you beat your competition at your next presentation with information that is easy to understand and quick to implement.This course onpresentation skills isbased on the tipsoutlined inhisbook,The General Contractor How to be a Great Success or Failure. End the frustration of putting in all the work of responding to a Request For Proposal andputting in countlesshours and dollars drawing up plans, specifications, cost estimates and schedules, only to be beaten by someone else with a superior 30-minute presentation.How do you get to first place? This course will help you understand what to do and what to avoid before, during and after your presentation.You will learn the reasons why contractors do or do not get the contract award. Its not always about price. Instead, success or failure lies in your ability to verbally persuade, use good body language, demonstrate the credibility of your perceived competence and your willingness to have a successful project."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a programar y crea tus programas desde cero" |
"Descripcindel Curso.En este curso tendrs la oportunidad de aprender conceptos bsicos y fundamentales de la programacin desde cero. No debes tener conocimiento previo, solo las ganas de aprender y empezar a entender como los verdaderos programadores crean hermosas aplicaciones, ya sean para Pc's, dispositivos mvileso laweb.Si eres un estudiante que cursa suprimer o segundosemestreen una carrera de tecnologa pero sientes que tus profesores dejaron muchas dudas en el tema de crear algoritmos yestructuras de datos, entonces apntate en este curso: Entender la lgicade la programacines fundamental para ser unprogramadorexitoso.Tendrs disponibilidad 24/7 y durante toda la vida para que puedas descargar y consultar el material en caso de cualquier duda. Puedes ir a tu ritmo, no hay ninguna presin para visualizar las clases o realizar las practicas. El objetivo es claro: aprender los fundamentos de laprogramacinque te den las bases solidas para crear una carrera exitosa en estarea.Te has puesto a pensar porque esos cursos de youtubede 150 o 200 vdeos de aprender java oC#desde cero, no funcionan? O sientes que puedes resolver ciertos problemas pero te sientes limitado cuando te enfrentas con algo real?La respuesta es sencilla: no hay bases solidas. Los verdaderos programadoressaben como elaborar un algoritmo y luego lo traducen a cualquier lenguaje de programacin. La nica forma de aprender un lenguaje de programacin como java, C++ o C# es con practica, pero si tienes los conocimientos slidos en lalgica de programacin,entonces esa curva de aprendizaje es mucho menor y no necesitas ver200 vdeospara empezar a generar algn desarrollo del cual ests orgulloso.El curso consta de 9secciones practicas y 61clases, en las cuales te explicare desde lo mas bsico hasta lo mas complejo sin escatimar en los detalles. Cada seccin esta compuesta por un vdeo de introduccin, clases y practicasen vdeo,un quiz al finalizar la seccin (que podas tomar las veces que lo necesites), cdigos de ejemploy una practica que podrs descargar y realizar en tu casa (yo colocare mi propuesta desolucin para que puedas comparar tus resultados).He visto en la web como cientos de personas dicen que el proceso de aprender a programar es difcil y requiere mucho esfuerzo, as como otros dicen que es fcil y necesitas apretar solo unos botones, bueno.. te digo que ninguno de los dos puntos de vistas son correctos. El proceso de aprender a programar no hay que verlo como algo blanco o negro, yo prefiero algo como ungris. Este curso es solo el primer paso en esa curva de aprendizaje, si eres constante ytienes confianza podrs por fin comprendermuchos de esosotros cursos avanzados que antes no entendas sin importar cuantas veces vieras el vdeo.As que si estas deseoso de empezar a crear software como lo hacen los verdaderos programadores te recomiendo:1. Toma este curso y aprende las bases de la lgica de programacin a travsde laprogramacin estructuradadesde cero.2. Repiteeste curso al menos dos veces, interactua conmigo y con otros estudiantes. Es importante que al finalizar te sientas seguro de lo aprendido y que sientas que erescapaz de resolver problemashaciendo uso de lalgica de programacin.3. Luego aprendeun primer lenguaje de programacin a profundidad.. No importa cual..solo aprende, practicay desarrolla aplicaciones.Te garantizo que con esfuerzo, estudio y dedicacin en pocos meses estars listo para crear y desarrollar software del cual estars orgulloso de mostrar a tus familiares y amigos.Ademas, una vez que aprendas a programar no lo podrs dejar!!!Nos vemos en clase! Te espero :D Miguel"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Render Interiors in Maya and Mental Ray great for Beginners" |
"Get in the Interior mood with this great course on rendering interiors with Maya and Mental RayThis course is aimed at Beginners to Intermediate but all level users might find it of some help!Although modelling and animating interiors is easy enough, of course depending on the complexities! actually lighting and rendering proves to be the hardest thing for users this course has been created to be both easy to remember and simple to instigate.I will be producing another course along the same lines however this will delve much deeper into the lighting and rendering side of Interiors and for that matter exterior arch vis rendering, it will definitely be a challenge even for a seasoned renderer. This course aims to make it much simpler maybe for people that just don't want all the complexities.WHAT DO I GETI am supplying all the source files with this course so you will always have the reference you need, I do suggest you try this on your own!SUPPORTI am here for you send me a message and I will get back to you with an answer, when asking for help it helps me if you supply all the steps and also screenshots of errors, I might even require error logs of the actual files to check.SHOW MEIts always good to see what my students are creating so send me your work, I can even showcase it for you on my website and on social media.GREAT FEEDBACKIf i have helped you please let me know, the one bad thing about online training is I cannot interact with you quite as well so its good for me to know how I have helped you!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Maya 3D Modelling Iconic Designs" |
"Ever wanted to create iconic image? maybe even design your own concept?This course will take you step by step with some of the processes used to create a concept or iconic image using Maya a professional 3D modelling software""In this course we will create an iconic chair by Charles Eames""Maya 3D Modelling Iconic Design overviewWe will look at the following course topics during this course:Selecting good reference imagesCreating planes to model against in MayaBox modelling in Maya, this is the most basic and most used method of modelling within 3D aplicationsNURBS modelling this more complex form of modelling is great for adjusting and fine tuning your geometryGeometry conversion we will show you how to convert NURB surface to Poly SurfacesWe will look at the following Bevelling, Extruding, Merging verticesGeometry selection typesTool preferencesModel cleanupSimple renders from Maya and Mental rayAlthough this course on Modelling is all about modelling at the end I will show you how to render from Maya software renderer and Mental ray.I hope you enjoy this first course from us on Maya, stay tuned for many other great courses presented on Udemy from UK ONLINE TRAINING CENTRE."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Life Vs Adobe Photoshop" |
"In this course Life Vs Photoshop we will create the impossible, well without genetic modifications!Watch as I teach you how to use Photoshop to create a Beowl a cross between an owl and Bear, a mythical creature of days gone by...During this Photoshop course you will gain invaluable insight into tip and trick tools and procedures for producing your very own hybrid.Photoshop is the go to program of choice for all digital creation, in this course you will be amazed at how easy it is to get started using Photoshop.So what are you waiting for sign up and get creative, in this fun action packed tutorial."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"L'anglais pour les dbutants - cours d'anglais" |
"Vous tes dbutant(e) en anglais? Vous n'avez pas tudi cette langue depuis de longues annes, ou peut-tre que vous n'en avez tout simplement jamais fait? Et bien vous tes au bon endroit.Avec Ben, le professeur anglais, et Alban, le professeur franais, nous avons prpar une formation complte faisant alterner decourtes vidos et des exercices en ligne, pour que vous fassiez vos premiers pas en anglais.Ici, pas de blabla inutile, mais beaucoup de bonne humeur. Il n'est jamais trop tard pour se (re)mettre l'anglais. Nos cours se veulent conviviaux, agrables, simples. Vous terminerez cette premire formation en une ou deux semaines, raison d'une grande section de cours par jour ou tous les deux jours. Bien sr, vous pouvez aller votre rythme. Les cours en vido sont condenss, et vous verrez que chaque vido de moins de 5 minutes vous apprendra un nouvel lment essentiel de l'anglais.Commencez maintenant, et passez au niveau suprieur en anglais!"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Survival English for Travel and Holidays" |
"Learn Survival English before you go on holiday!Are you planning to go on holiday or travelto an English speaking country? Are you nervous about speaking to people and making yourself understood? Don't be! The team at English University is here to help. We've designed thiscourse, Survival English for Travel and Holidays,specifically for people like you. You will learn key words and phrases that will make your trip smooth. We'llalso test you through quizzes and homework. Once you've finished the course, you should be able to communicate with people with confidence, and hopefully make some friends before you return!FormatThis course consists of 10 sections. Each section includes a lecture, keywords, a sample audio conversation, a quiz, and homework along with an answer key.Do I have to do the homework?We strongly recommend completely all the worksheets along with the quizzes for each section. Research has shown that doing homework after learning a concept will help the student learn the material quicker.How long will it take?The course is self-paced and the duration will depend on yourlevel and comfort with the material.What will Iget out of this course?By the end of the course you will be able to:Recognize and use key words related to travellingSpeak to airport officialsCheck into and out of a hotelTake public or private transportationOrder meals in a restaurant, and many other things!Why is this course different than others?The team at English University has decades of experienceteaching English all over the world. We have combined our accumulated wisdom to develop an innovative language learning strategy. We are confident you will love it once you try it out!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Wedding Designing in Easy Steps" |
"Have you thought about becoming a wedding designer, are youinterested in wedding planning or thinking aboutdesigning your ownwedding?Did you have these concerns or doubts:Youdont know where to beginYou don't have the money to hire someoneYou don't have the time to learnYou can easilylearn the process by using my course as a guidingtool. It is easy and fun.Enhance your creativity on the wedding designing field with thehighest standard of excellence,providing the most visually enthralling decorationseither for yourself or for future business clients. This course specializesin complete tailor-made and customized events, combining professional skills and equally outstanding conceptual expertise, with dedicated focus on the fine details.Why to take this course?Join andlearnhow to organize and managethe most important dayof our lives.Make your event a spectacular sight by combining designingskills with this course'sconceptual expertise in event designs.The course shows a complete system from the anticipation part of designing the wedding to the day of the event.Wewalk through step by step theprocess learning how to touch your clients andyour guests by their every senses, alsowe talk about the logistical elementsof the wedding.What are the requirements?Good work ethic and an eye for beauty.What am I going to get from this course?Your will be learning the actual tactics of how to begin as a desinger, also you will learn the things to avoid when you are creating a wedding.How is the course structured?We start with covering the first client meeting and getting an understanding on how to listen and be inspired by ourclients, how to create a personalized wedding for them.In the next steps we are learning to create an authetic comprehensive floor plan site layout, and we learn about the properorganization of the event's space.We move on to oversee the segments of the overall design concept from invitations to favors, in all the areas: from the arrival to the ceremony, to reception andto the after party.We willlearn how to form and developa concept, talk about manykinds of props, resources and design elementsthat you could implementinyourworkonceyouarecreatingyourownpersonalizeddesigns.You will learn about ideas, styles and details in different price ranges to personalize your own skillset, knowledge and resource base for your future worksto create the most suitable weddings of your choice.Next Idemonstrate apicturedocumented client presentation, as a sample ora formula.In the further steps welearn about the pre-event preparations, onhow to create operational manuals, instructions for managing the vendors.On the day of event we cover the little details of how tooversee scene daily operations of all vendors,staff and manufacturers.About me:A supreme passion for design defines Arlett, the founder and creative influence behind WEDDING PEACHES DESIGN. That passion blossoms in the atmosphere of each event or wedding as Arlett brings her own special brand of understated glamour and grace to the creation of a stunning visual effects that is solely the customers vision for the event. Arlett brings expertise in event planning, in the execution of the design plan, as well as in team management to every project. The wide scope of work is represented by Arlett's successful execution of numerous extraordinary weddings and other social events to suit her clients needs and desires."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Passenobb - Preparatrio para o concurso do Banco do Brasil" |
"O curso passenobb um curso preparatrio para o concurso do Banco do Brasil.Nele voc vai se preparar para as matrias especficas do concurso, principalmente as matrias ditas ""bancrias"", ou seja, aquelas que tem a ver com o cotidiano do BB.So mais de 50 videoaulas, com mais de 9 horas de gravao, queabrangem todo o contedo pedido no ltimo edital, e quesero atualizadas quando sair o novo edital.Todo o texto e o udio (podcast)das videoaulas esto disponveis para download, assim como materiais complementares, para que voc no precise sair vasculhando a internet buscando leis e normas.O que voc vai aprender nocurso:O contedo completo de Conhecimentos BancriosEssncia BB - um contedo exclusivo e inditosobre o posicionamento estratgico do BB, nos mesmos moldes da apresentao que foi feita para todos os funcionrios do Banco.Mini Curso de Atendimento, com exemplos reias que acontecem no cotidiano de um escriturrio do BB.Mini Curso de Tcnica de Vendas, aqui voc vai entender como funciona o planejamento estratgico e a definio das metas que voc vai enfrentar depois de passar no BB.Mini Curso de Cultura Organizacional, voc vai conhecer a cultura e o clima organizacionaldo BB e de seus funcionrios, ej vai se preparando para quando estiver trabalhando l.Mini Curso com o Cdigo de tica do BB, vamos passar item por item do Cdigo e mostrar o que eles querem dizer, e como ele na vida real.Ocurso passenobb e diferente porque ele feito por um funcionrio do BB.Um funcionrioque passou em 2 concursos do Banco, que trabalhou em 6 estados, em agncias, rgos regionais, superintendncias e na direo geral do banco.E que tem esposa e 2 filhos que ainda trabalham l...Voc quer trabalhar no Banco do Brasil?Voc quer passar no BB?Comece passando por aqui!"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Maneje sus Proyectos personales y profesionales con Evernote" |
"En mis aos de experiencia como director de la Academia Empresarial e visto a cientos de personas muy bien calificadas fracasar en sus proyectos por falta de una herramienta y un sistema para administrar sus proyectos de forma simple.Algunos tratan de administrar los proyectos con listas de tareas sin ninguna estructura, otros recurren a programas complejos de administracin de proyectos y se ahogan en un mar de caractersticas y funciones. Evernote te da lo mejor de ambos mundos: 1) La simplicidad de una lista de tareas. 2) La estructura de un programa de administracin de proyectos pero sin la complejidad. En este curso y con esta herramienta no obtendrs grficos de Gantt como en los programas sofisticados, pero si la posibilidad de integrar en tu proyecto referencias web, archivos de audio de las reuniones, fotografas, bocetos y compartir lo que desees con tus clientes y colegas para mantenerte organizado, eficiente y productivo. En este curso aprenders a estructurar Evernote para manejar el pequeo proyecto del huerto de hiervas aromticas en el patio de tu casa y el gran proyecto de la boda de tu hija."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Strategies to Pass the PMP Exam" |
"Strategies to Pass the PMP Exam is a must for you if are a beginner to Project Management or if you FAILED the PMP Exam and you need a new strategy to prepare for the PMP Exam (Step-By-Step). The content in this course has been critical in helping our students pass the PMP Exam! Preparing for the exam is rigorous, and figuring out the best way to study that works for your busy schedule is half the battle! This course guides you through the best strategies to understand the process of applying for the PMP Certification! This course also provides a Checklist to guide you along the entire process as well as discount codes for books and costly exam simulation products that only The Smart PMP can offer! and much more!See what our customers have to say:I had already started studying on my own, but I needed to know if I was studying the right way. This course showed me areas that I needed to change in order to pass the PMP Exam.-Suzanne, Medical Project Manager I failed the PMP Exam, but now after completing The Smart PMP, this armed me with the right materials needed to pass the test! It was easy to follow with juggling a busy work life & family.-Ryder, Startup Founder & CEO I passed the Exam! I appreciate the way The Smart PMPcoached me on how to preparefor the PMP Exam. The Strategies I used from the personalized coaching call really gave me the confidence to prepare for the exam.-Wyatt, Senior Director of Corporate PMO"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Integrao Contnua com o Jenkins" |
"A Integrao Contnua envolve a automatizao de tarefas e o agendamento de suas execues com o objetivo de aumentar a agilidade e a qualidade no desenvolvimento de solues. Essas prticas vem sendo cada vez mais utilizadas por corporaes e desenvolvedores independentes, traando uma tendncia clara de crescimento. O Jenkins uma aplicao gratuita bastante utilizada para implementar a integrao contnua em diversos cenrios.Neste curso voc aprender como configurar um servidor de integrao contnua usando o Jenkins, em um computador de uso pessoal ou em um servidor dedicado. O curso aborda desde a instalao e as configuraes bsicas, at a utilizao de recursos avanados, que vo proporcionar a voc maior ganho em produtividade e, consequentemente, maior economia e agilidade.O curso voltado para desenvolvedores de software ou qualquer profissional que lide com informaes em um ambiente digital, e que busca maior produtividade ao desenvolver solues."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Learn 3D Animation - The Ultimate Blender Guide" |
"Learn the A-Z's thatyou need to be able tocreate amazing 3D art and animationswith the popular 3D art program, ""Blender."" Beginner tothe world of 3D? No problem!In this course we go from A-Z, from the basics to the more advanced of 3D creation.This courseis project based so we will be using the skills we learn along the way to create some awesome artwork and animations. On top of that, we're going to have fun andend each video in a positive way that will leave us ready for whatever Blender or life throws at us!Learn The Art of 3D From The Very Basics to The More Advanced - We Start With the Fundamentals of 3D and Animation, Work Our Way Through the Ins and Outs of BlenderCreating Projects Along the Way As We Learn& WeFinish With Making A Full Blown Animation!-Become Confident With Navigating and Creating Within Blender and All the Different Tools Used Along the Way!- Step by Step Guide to CreatingYour Very First Cartoon Character - Animate Your Character For A Finished Product -End With The Confidence and Know How to Be Able to Create Your Own Projects and Animations From Just An Idea to Finished ProductThe Power to Create in the Palm of Your Hands -Use the skills you learn to then create your own artwork and animations-Learn and follow along with the workflow of a complete animation from A-Z-Finish the course with your very own animations and work of art that you can be proud of-Lifetime access!Learning the basics and more advanced aspects of 3D creation gives youa useful and powerful skill. Blender is a free and powerful program. 3D arts is becoming more and more popular with demands in production studios and freelance work. With the fundamentals in your toolbox, you will be armed with the skills and knowledge to create some amazing artwork Content And Overview This course contains over 100 lectures and is designed for anyone who wants to learn the art of 3D graphics, regardless of if you have any experience or not. In this course, you will learn the skillsof 3D art which will enable you to create your very own 3D artwork. You will learn by working through projects that will help you to master the art of 3D and come out of it with some awesome work of your own!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Beast Android Development: Advanced Android UI" |
"This is an android development course designed to take someone who is comfortable with Android to a higher grade!IThe advanced topics covered include complex recycler-views, Google APIs, flavors, an eventbus, view pagers, and most importantly a back-end service called Firebase. This is one of the few courses on Udemy that covers this important tool!We dive into all of these topics by building just one app from the very beginning. You as the student will code alongside the instructor lesson by lesson. The lessons build on top of each other as each lesson adds more to the app until completion. At the very end, we will see how to get the appropriate certifications and publish the app into the Google Play Store. This course can take anywhere from 2-3weeks to compete. In this short time span, you can greatly increase your abilities!In addition, the instructor will answer any and all android questions you may have that can be relevant or irrelevant to the course. In addition, you will also get the information of a beast graphic designer to help you make your app logos!If you want to become a better/beast android developer, this is the course for you! IntroCredit:Animation:Blender 2D TempleteSong:P-Holla - Do it for Love"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"How to Reduce Belly Bloat" |
"Consult Doctor Before Starting Any Health or Fitness PlanHave you ever wondered why you still have inches of belly bloat even though you eat healthy, exercise and have dropped pounds,inches and even dress sizes? Have you ever wondered why you feel so bloated after meals? One of the primary reasons for belly bloat is due to the foodsyou eat. Abs Are Created In the Kitchen.Waist trainers and plastic wraps will not work if youdo not figure out which foods are causing you to carrybloat and water retention. In this video course, you will learn all about the most common bloating foods and get cleaneralternatives. You will be so surprised tolearn all about foods that are marketed as clean but are deceptivelyputting inches around your middle. You will learn how to read the nutrition facts on labels along with ingredients and immediately be able to tell if itis abloating food.You will also get easy to prepare,delicious alternatives andrecipes that will help reduce belly bloat."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Racial Profiling Awareness" |
"Racial profiling isnot solely traced to flashpointincidents involving illegalsearch, seizure, and arrest.It is a pattern and practiceofgenerational behaviors byafew law enforcementofficers who choose to executedutiesnot based on probable cause, but their actual or perceived bias of individuals or a targeted community.A mindsetcloakingitself under the color of law to provoke or incite a person to resist lawful or unlawful enforcement actions.Gain an in-depth understandingby examiningthe rootsof racial profiling from the colonial period of slave patrols to the modern era.Threeprovocative and articulate coursesempowering the reader with thought leadershipon next steps to eradicateracial profiling.This course is designedfor educational purposes only. It is sold or distributed with the understanding that the author/instructor is not engaged in rendering legal or other professional advice. If legal or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Creative Cloud" |
"Adobe Creative CloudAfter Effects, Premiere ProPhotoshopIllustratorAudition""""AdobeAdobeAdobeAdobe1009"
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