Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Internet of Things" |
"IoTIoTAIIoT 2SenseHat1Microsoft Azure2IoTIoTGitHub"
Price: 9600.00 ![]() |
important-decision-making-program |
Price: 3600.00 ![]() |
"Mindful People Development in the Workplace" |
"Mindful People Development in the Workplace is a course aimed at developing a Buddhist perspective to managing staff. The program commences with creating motivational and feel good workplaces to ensure the work space is inviting for your staff. Creativity strategies and innovative thinking are then introduced to help you enable out of the box thinking and approaches to work, combined with techniques to setup learning teams. The final session brings these lessons together to sustainably build effective and productive teams.To achieve the most effective outcomes from this course, it is recommended that you leave a gap of at least a week between lectures to reflect on and implement lessons learnt. In this regard, the program should take 6-8 weeks to complete.Worksheets have been provided in addition to video content.Mindful management techniques are based on the Buddhist philosophies of kindness, compassion and patience. These skills are easy to implement within your daily work place activities and this course will provide you with practicalstrategies to help you.The program is primarily aimed at professionals or corporate workers who have an interest in Buddhist or alternate means of thinking. That said, if you do work at a management level, there are tips and techniques that are worth reflection for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Strategisches, operatives und taktisches Management" |
"Dieser Kurs eignet sich spezifisch fr Leute die eine Fhrungsposition in einer Firma bernehmen oder solche die grundstzlich in Zukunft mit einer solchen Position liebugeln. Am Ende dieses Kurses knnen Sie die betriebswirtschfatlichen Zusammenhnge viel besser verstehen und knnen auch dementsprechend prventiv handeln. Doch auch fr Flle die sich in der tgliche Praxis ergeben knnen Sie gekkonnt reagieren. Also kurzum: Sie verfgen nach diesem Kurs eine erhhte Management-Kompetenz."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Business Card design with Photoshop CC - for beginners" |
"So you want to make a business card, boost up your networking game and you want to make sure your elements scream your image and personality? or you just want to let your creativity flow and design amazing business cards and sell them to make some cash?And you just don't know where to get started? The course covers everything that is needed to design a print readybusiness card template on Photoshop CC. All the basic template measurement required to sell the design online are also covered through out the lectures.Enroll in this course with no prior experience in design or Photoshop and leave with the skills to design amazing print ready business card is just an hour. WHATSTUDENTSARESAYINGABOUTTHISCOURSE:""It's awesome and interactive. I've learned a lot "" - Benjamin-Whyss Olumide ""What I liked about your course was some of the links that you shared. I like watching your process of making it all come together. I picked up on some tips and tricks that seemed useful. I liked your use of simple objects to make a well presentable business card."" - Maggie A WHYTAKETHISCOURSE?I am a professional graphic designer with over 5 years of experience, with experience as an In-house graphics designer for two of the largest MNCs in the world, including Uber. Allot of my design involved around print design and developing motion graphics, corporate brand identity. I have built this course for anyone from any background to easily understand the process and elements required to design a business card easily in the shortest amount of time. Ibelieve if you are a serious learner, within just a few minutes, you'll be designing your own business cards after taking this course. This course covers the basic fundamentals for you to understand what goes behind designing a professional business card.SUMMARYThe course is for complete beginners. The student requires no prior experience with any sort of software. Anyone with a few minutes can learn the skill through this course. From the skill learnt from this course, students can easily make a business card, use for themselves or sell them on various online marketplaces to earn money right away.Also, there are tons of FREEBIESas you go along the course. Students will receive various resources to help them out through out the lectures. The final lecture will have two business card templates for students to experimentwith."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"jQuery & React Essentials: Learn jQuery & React Basics" |
"Welcome to this 2 part course series on JQuery and React! In the first part of the course we go in-depth on JQuery, where you'll learn the fundamentals of JQuery and have a good understanding of it after completion. Throughout this course you will build several projects to give you the ability to integrate jQuery in your own projects to add that extra level of interactivity to any site you work on.jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library today. This course will teach you all the basic of it and how to use jQuerys core features. Youll learn how to interact with the Document Object Model (DOM), use web developer tools, and get started with reading and understanding documentation to help you take on your own projects.For those developers that want to add more tools to their developer's tool belt, there is a bonus course on React. In this section you'll learn the basics of the React library and how to use it to create two projects: a browser-based activity counter app and a simple website for displaying data drawn from an API. As we go through the course, you'll learn how to set up your development environment, including helpful tools such as Babel and webpack; create new components; use props and state to pass data between components; use routes to map URLs to views; and organize projects with nested components and routes. By the end of the course, you'll understand the essentials of React.js and be able to start building your own browser-based projects."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Graphic Design Basics for Social Media with Adobe Spark" |
"------------- Join 7500+ fellow students today! -------------Create stunning social media posts for platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest with Adobe Spark.In under a day, you will be able to create and upload eye-catching posts that speak to the digital generation. We will go over how to make posts, webpages, and even animated videos.This course is for beginners and covers the core features of Adobe Spark. The software is free to use. If you are already familiar with other graphic design software such as Photoshop, then this is not the course for you!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Laufen lernen: Lauftraining fr Anfnger" |
"Du willst mit dem Laufen beginnen oder deine Bestzeiten weiter steigern?Trainieren wie die Profis ist einfacher als gedacht und wird deinen Leistungen einen extra Schub geben!In diesem Kurs wirst du alles lernen um deine Trainingsleistung Schritt fr Schritt zu verbessern und dabei gleichzeitig Verletzungen zu vermeiden.Wenn du bereit bist deine Trainingsschuhe zu schnren, und die Tipps und Tricks aus diesem Kurs anzuwenden, dann wirst auch du stndig neue Bestzeiten erreichen knnen!Also, worauf wartest du noch? Lerne von Olympiateilnehmer und Staatsmeister Andreas Vojta die Geheimnisse, die die Profis anwenden! Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Meditation for Overactive Mind" |
"Hello there,we would like to introduce the course to you briefly, so you get a clear picture what will be happening. You will go through the simple, but profound process of understanding yourself. You will get in touch with your inner child, you will connect to your body, you will get to know your emotions better and also relax your mind. All this is done in an experiential way to engage in the process of trust in your own being, gain confidence you need, with the aim to access your own wisdom.We will use active meditation techniques, breath exercises, creative healing exercises, such as painting or body movement to better process your emotions and move your body energy. We will also work with the approach of loving yourself , accepting yourself the way you are, using your gifts and your uniqueness. All this we will access fully on all levels Body-Mind-Emotions and Spirit.This course is culmination of our research when we werelooking for all kindsofanswers Whether itsabout ourselves orlife in general we came to a sameconclusion. Conclusion that the answers reallyare within us. However, even though we know this intellectually, it doesn't satisfy us.Rightfully so.So we wanted to create a course where we practically show you what finding the answers reallymeans.In fact, you might realise that the questions disappear. And what is left is this way of Being that people talk about. This presence. This - Authentic You.So we take you from wherever you are right now and guide you to your authentic self. We believe that this is where all the answers are and this is what everyone deep down really wants to experience. We wanted to make it experiential, which is the only way to get profound realisations needed to become aware thatYou are the UltimateSolution. So course is mixed with lectures,different types of meditations, tips and practical fun things to do. We hope you enjoy it!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Complete Filipino Food Recipes: Cooking Class for Beginners" |
"Welcome to my Filipino cooking class.Learn to cook Filipino dishes. Start your journey to learning Filipino dishes in this introductory course. In this cooking class, you will learn some simple but popular dishes like adobo, sarciado, menudo, picadillo and many more that you can prepare in minutes.Filipino dishes doesn't use a lot of special spices so you can follow along with the course using basic ingredients which you probably already have on your kitchen.The lessons in this cooking class are taught in English. Each lecture has three parts, the first part gives you the 7 steps in making the dish. In this part, I will be telling you the ingredients to make each dish. The second part is the cooking video in were you can see how I actually prepared the dish being taught. The last part of the lecture are useful tips and notes for each recipe. It gives some advice on how you can make the dish being prepared better."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Japanese Cooking Class: 33 Easy To Make Recipes from Japan" |
"Course Update(01. 2018): 4 Recipes inSection 6""Japanese Stew"" are added.Course DescriptionThis is a course were you will learn easy to make Japanese dishes. This course is specially made for those who are new to the world of Japanese cuisine. The recipes in this course are a mix of traditional and contemporary recipes usually served at Japanese households. Youll also find several recipes for main dishes, side dishes and soups. Rest assured that the recipes included in this course are Simple, Healthy, and Delicious.As you might already know, Japanese food is all about delivering a delicious dish using the taste from the ingredients used. The key is to use the best quality of ingredients. The spices and seasonings used are simple and very minimal. For beginner chefs, learning how to cook Japanese food is a great way to learn the flavor of every ingredients. Try the recipes at home to experience yourself the real essence of Japanese cuisine.This course is a work in progress. Every now and then, lectures or recipes will be added so you will find different lecture formats in the video part of the course.At the end of the course is a downloadable ebook which has the details regarding theingredients and recipes for the dishes discussed in the class.What are the requirements?Basic cooking utensils: pan, knife, chopping boardWhat am I getting from this course?30+ recipes of simple Japanese dish made easyMake amazing Japanese recipes including the main course, side dish and soup.Make new recipes which you can continually serve at home for the following months.Who are the target audience?Anyone who wants to learn simple and easy to make Japanese dishes at their home."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"The Complete Lekue Steam Case Cooking Recipes" |
"Welcome to Cooking Class - The Complete Lekue Steam Case Cooking RecipesMake the most of your microwave and Lekue steam case. You will learn new simple, healthy, easy to make salads and side dishes which are Japanese inspired. There are twelve new vegan recipes presented in this cooking class. You will be surprised by these recipes because it is so easy to make, you can prepare almost every dish in just about 10-20 minutes.Each section of this course presents a new recipe. Each section is composed of two lectures. The first lecture will show you how to make the dish and in the second lecture, you can find the recipe. You can also find a downloadable file under the second lecture in each section which you can print out for yourself.At the end of each section, you can prepare the dish yourself. You'll have 12 new salad and side dish recipe for a healthier eating. Good luck in the kitchen!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"92 Best Authentic Japanese Food Recipes Cooking Class" |
"In this online cooking class, we have compiled the recipes for themost popular homemade Japanese food and will be teaching it to you in a simple and easy to understand approach. It includes traditional Japanese recipes like iritori, saba misoni, tonjiru; classic Japanese recipes like sushi rolls, chawanmushi, karaage, nikujaga; as well as Japanese versions of mabo tofu, potato salad, stuffed cabbage rolls, and sweet and sour meatballs.In this course, you will learn many cooking techniques which are very helpful in improving your kitchen skills. Step by step instructions, and demonstrations as well as helpful tips will guide you to prepare healthy and delicious Japanese meals at home. Useful information such as the cooking time and calorie count has been added in the lectures.Also, you can find a course ebook at the end of this course which students can download. The ebook contains the complete recipes for the dishes taught in this course.Learn more about Japanese cooking. The recipes are very simple and requires minimum effort. Simple recipes using simple ingredients can be delicious when done right.This course is a work in progress. Recipes will be added as time goes by. In this course, you'll find lectures which have been filmed a fewyears ago as well asmore recent and improvedcooking videos."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
Web |
Price: 24000.00 ![]() |
"Mobilize & Stretch Your Way To Improved Health & Performance" |
"Experience the health and fitness benefits of stretching and mobilizing your body more. It's something that everyone knows they should do more but getstuck on what to do and how to do it. Whether you're the person who sits all day at a desk or someone who's training for their next big sporting event, this program has simple, easy-to-implement stretching and mobilizing movements that you can easily do at home or the gym.Course Highlights:Short videos broken up by body region for easy access to the movements your looking for.I walk you through common injuries that I see in the office and which movements are best for them.Specific directions on what you should and should NOT be feeling with each stretch and movement.All of the stretches and movements are simple enough to do by yourself and at home.This course if perfect for you if:You sit at a desk all day and want to improve your posture and overall health.You are runner or working out regularly and want some basic instructions on how to improve your flexibility and prevent injuries.You have a minor or chronic injury that you want to try and improve with at-home movements and stretches. This video is not designed to diagnose or treat any specific conditions but I do incorporate my clinical knowledge into the videos and give recommendations on what you should try on your own and when you should consult a physician."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Linux Ubuntu Server" |
"Linux Ubuntu es el sistema operativo de ms rpido crecimiento en el mundo y cada da ms y ms gente como t quiere aprender de l y ms si es en un tiempo muy corto.Seamos honestos; Los libros tcnicos son aburridos, y muchas veces puede tomar horas buscando en Internet lo que realmente te interesa de Linux. Claro, podras aprender a trabajar con Linux desde una larga enciclopedia, pero por qu desperdiciar todo ese tiempo y esfuerzo?El sistema de entrega de contenido de video de Udemy te permitir operar tu propio sistema operativo Linux en cuestin de horas!Si deseas aumentar tus habilidades de TI, este curso es un gran lugar para comenzar. Ms y ms empresas en todo el mundo, estn utilizando Linux en sus operaciones diarias. Por lo tanto, no puedes darte el lujo de quedarte atrs!Todas las actualizaciones del curso son 100% GRATIS. Inscrbete en este curso una vez y tenlo para siempre. No slo eso, sino que tambin obtendras acceso de por vida conmigo como tu instructor personal. Tienes alguna pregunta sobre Linux? Solo pregunta! T, como mi estudiante, siempre ser mi prioridad # 1.Espera, sigues leyendo esto? A continuacin, este curso es para usted que desea comenzar hoy a aprender acerca de Linux y sus beneficios.Te espero!Beny"
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect (CSA) - Associate BootCamp" |
"This course is design fully for those who want to taking the AWS certified solutions architect- Associate Level Certification and also gain hand on experience of cloud resource with AWS service This course cover all material for AWS-CSA exam as well as give you the knowledge how to use these service in a production environments and What are the production tools for AWS. This course start from the BASIC of AWS cloud computing resources and then deep dive into the individual elements of the AWS platform. This course will focus on 85% practical and 15 % theoretical knowledge of AWS services .In this course we will be exploring in DETAILFollowing AWS Service. AWS Compute (EC2 Instances ,Elastic IP ,Auto Scaling,Load balancer ,Security Groups ,AMI (windows server, Linux Server, Ubuntu Server) etc ) AWS Storage (S3 ,cloud Front ,EBS) AWS Networking (VPC ,Route 53) Databases (RDS ,MySQL Server ,MSSQL server ,) dynamo dB Security and identity (IAM ,user ,groups , Roles, Policy) Application services (SNS ,SQS ,SES ) At the end of the course look at some practical migrations and AWS best practices Finley we look at some Best Production tools for AWS resources"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Java For Beginners - 1st step towards becoming a Java Guru!" |
"A lot of efforts and time had been put in this course so that students can become Java experts very easily. All the lectures are arranged in a specific order to maximize the learning experience. Along with 22.5 hours of Video lectures, you will find 70+ coding challenges and 100+ Quiz questions, which makes it a complete Core Java learning package.See what fellow students have to say about this course: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++""Great course! Everything is explained from scratch, starting with what happening at runtime in every code using class diagrams and white board. Teacher use lots of examples to explain every concept and he offers many tests and quiz after each section to verify your understanding. I recommend 100% this course!"" - Mihof Gabriel Sorin""I simply love the way he explains in details every single process"" - Syed""Thankful to Udayan, me to be a part of this course. Whatever the topics he had covered i learned a lot .He starts explaining conceptual then moves to practically which i feel better way to learn.He covered many loop holes in the course. The way he explained debugging of code is also superb .He even provided coding challenges and quiz which are more helpful .Based on , i feel one of the best course ever had.My suggestion for a beginner or an experienced this course grows your confidence levels. Please join and enjoy."" - Rashik Kumar""Everything is very clear"" - Tony Manrique""This is the first online course I completed :) This course covers all the concepts of core java with examples. All the topics were covered in in-depth and instructor is very knowledgeable.This course has lots of exercises and quiz questions and these test the concepts learned in the given section. Best course not only for beginners but for intermediate learners as well. Instructor has covered lots of industry best practices to be followed in real world projects. Debugging techniques were covered in depth as well. One of the best courses I have ever had."" - Saandip+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Being an inquisitive student myself, I always wanted to know why's of everything. I sometimes got the answers, sometimes I didn't. In this course, I have tried to give why's of most of the concepts. Rather than simply accepting the rules, if you know the reason behind, it is a lot more easier to understand.In my teaching experience, I have observed that traditional black/white boards are extremely effective teaching aids, therefore I used lots of screen drawing to simulate the same classroom experience. In the lectures I have also included a lot of practical tips and tricks, best practices and dos and don'ts, which will help you in professional assignments.*****************************************************************************************************************I will start this course by downloading, installing and configuring required software.Then in next section, I will help you to write your first Java program in text editor as well as Eclipse IDE and I will slowly cover following topics in detail:Understand JVM, JRE and JDKJavadoc and developer comments and their significance.Variables, Data Types and OperatorsControl Statements TypesJava arrays and Command-line argumentsPackages, classpath and User-input Eclipse debugging in detailClasses, objects, constructors, initialization blocks, type of variables, methods and Garbage collectionObject Oriented Programming Concepts: Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism and AbstractionAccess specifier, instanceof operator and castingString, StringBuilder and Wrapper classesExceptionEnumsTo check the details of each topic, you can download course synopsis from Add-ons section. If you want to get 100% out of this course, then I recommend to complete the sections in sequence, don't jump :). Solve all the questions given in Video lectures along with Java Coding Challenge exercises, to practice your newly acquired skills. Attempt all the quiz questions provided at the end of each section to validate your knowledge.Although respective source code is provided with the lectures; you can download complete workspace from Add-ons section.If you have doubts, then please ask your questions in discussion board and I will reply to your queries within 24 - 48 hours.Hope you enjoy this course and level up your Java expertise.NOTE: Modules were added in JDK 9 under the project codename JIGSAW. It itself is a vast topic to learn, which is not necessary at this time for learning core java concepts.So, it is recommended to work with the latest JDK 8 release.Once you are confident about your core concepts, then you can proceed with learning newly added features in JDK 9 onwards."
Price: 1280.00 ![]() |
"How To Start a Successful and Profitable Internet Business" |
"This course show you step by step how to create an online marketing business. The course provide you with a business model that gives you the platform to bean entrepreneur without massive start-up cost. The online niche is one of the most lucrative niche. The course is very clear and succinct, anyone can do. By the end of the course you should have a complete functional business ready to roll. This is a great opportunity to be a CEO or a founder."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Smackdown for Artists & Creative Entrepreneurs" |
"Social Media Smackdown for Artists and Entrepreneurs is a cheeky, no-nonsense boot-camp for creative people who are struggling with being heard over the deafening roar of the internet. Jamie Benson, Social Media Manager for the CUNY Dance Initiative, leads a quick-and-dirty training on all things social for participants with a beginning to intermediate level of experience. Twenty three fun, instructional videos, averaging 5 minutes in length, will""smackdown"" common self-promotional hurdlesprovide psychological insight on becoming an influencerfix the top 6 cringe-worthy mistakes most people makezero in on where to start with social analytics and advertisingempower via Facebook/Linked-In Groups and Twitter Listsand more, much moreThe course is designed to be easily digested in under a month (one video challenge per day) but can be achieved in an ambitious weekend if the student makes time and is motivated. A challenging, tough-love approach is mitigated by a relentless sense of humor with the goal ofabolishing bad social habits and inspiring a new big-picture outlook on fledgling creative ventures.Jamie Benson, an artist and entrepreneur himself, has 10 years experience working in public relations, as well as successfully promoting his own art. He understands what this creative demographic requires in order to revolutionize their digital empires. Those taking this course will be dared to better stand out in their respective fields and given the tools to more fully express the immense value they contribute to society."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn how to create a multiplayer space shooter from scratch" |
"What the course offerMy course will teachyou how to build multiplayer games from scratch, feel free to try the games I build first before deciding if you want to learn how to build it from scratch. I have published my multiplayergames titled""multiplayer space shooter"" on Apple Appstore, Google Playstore, Newgroundsand Kongregate games portal.I designed this multplayer gamesprogramming course to be easily understood by absolute beginners. You just need to follow step by step to complete your games and I will even provide you with some3D modelledspaceship created by me.I will start by teaching you how to setup the network server and the background, then Iwill show you how to add in each object and controlling them using the script, finally Iwill show you how to smooth the game with various technique and also testing the game in multiplayer modeto make sure everything work correctly. Please give it a try and you wont be disappointed."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Job Search Mastery #2: GET 10X MORE JOB INTERVIEWS -NEW 2020" |
"As a career coach, an employer and a 13 years experienced recruiter, the #1 challenge Ihave seenmostjob seekers face when looking for their next career advancement opportunity is lack of quality job interviews!The goal of this course isnot to simplyfind ""a"" job but to generate enough job interviews that will ultimately create morechoices for your nextcareer move.Most job seekers that struggle withtheir job search are in fact essentially struggling to generate enough job interviews. That's why this course is critical because every job interview you will generate creates a career advancement opportunity. And the more quality job interviews you generate for yourself the better decisions you will make for your career.ATTENTION:Don't take this course if you believe that your job search depends essentially on the market, the economy, your personality, your gender, your originor other external factors. This course will solely focus on what you can change today to boost the results of your job search once and for all!My 3 steps formula to generate more job interviews has been tested and fine tuned for 13 years with job seekers from multiple countries, various origins and across any job sectors!Here's what you will learn:Step 1:Create an ""Employer Magnet"" CV!Step 2:Find hidden job opportunities with much less competition!Step 3:Send job applications that actually get results!Bonus:Follow up on your job applications like a PRO!It's your time now, let's make you the darling candidate for your job market!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to get a Band 7 in your IELTS Writing!" |
"About the IELTS Writing Course: The IELTS exam is a worldwide recognised English language test, for people whose first language is not English. The IELTS test is for people who want to work, study or live in the U.K., Canada, Australia or any other English speaking country. Many IELTS students have said that they dont score very high in their IELTS Writing exam. This course will help you with that.This IELTS writing course is a skills based course. In this IELTS course you will learn useful skills, tips and techniques to help you to pass your IELTS Writing Exam with atleast a band 7 or above if you practice using the techniques, tips and skills learnt in this course. In this course you will learn: An outline of the IELTS Writing Exam for General and Academic Exams How to understand the question and all its elements How to paraphrase the question into your introduction Structuring an Argument Describing Processes Describing Charts, Graphs and Tables Presenting and Justifying Opinions Linking Words to use in your IELTS Writing Beginning and Ending your IELTS Writing Tasks IELTS General Training Letter writing (Writing Formal and Informal Letters) This course will introduce you to and act as a guide as to the type of questions you will get in your IELTS exam and the way in which you are expected to answer the questions. This course is GREAT because the useful skills, tips and techniques taught in this course will act as a base for you, these are all the concepts you would have learnt from taking an IELTS course at a language center. The good part is that you have these videos available for you to watch over and over again until you understand how to use the techniques. Then all you need to do is get past IELTS exam papers and use the techniques to practice answering the questions. Its that simple! IMPORTANT this course is not a language course. You will not be learning English. You will be learning skills to help you to pass your IELTS Writing Exam. Who is this course for: Individuals who want to gain a better understanding of how to pass the IELTS Writing Individuals who want to work, study or live in the U.K., Canada, Australia or any other English speaking country that accepts the IELTS test. For U.K. Visa and Immigration purposes; You want to study in an English speaking country that requires IELTS to prove your ability. You want to improve your writing"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Aprende a programar desde 0 con el lenguaje C" |
"The intent of this course is to provide to all those who want to start programming and do not know how to do it; basic knowledge of programming in a particular programming language, in this case is the C language; and with such knowledge or experience can learn other languages without complications.In this course I have chosen the C programming language because of its popularity, efficiency and power that has occurred because this language is practically not associated with any particular operating system. This is the fundamental reason why C is known as systems programming language par excellence.Advantages of C:The C language is powerful and flexible, with orders, operations and library functions that can be used to write most programs running on the computer.C is used by professional programmers to develop software in most modern computer systems.You can use C to develop operating systems, compilers, real-time systems and communications applications.A C program can be written for one type of computer and moved to another computer with little or no modificationThe course, in addition to the videos, has material support in the form of presentations with the given in each chapter and material practices.The objectives of this course are: Knowing the basics of programming. To know the basics. -Learn A methodology. To think in an abstract and structured way. And finally get to extrapolate this knowledge to any other language."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Anatomy Basics - Intro to Studying Human Anatomy" |
"Are you willing to learn about the anatomy of the human body? Are you curious about the nuts and bolts keeping your body together? If so, you have come to the right place. This course will give you the basic knowledge about the structure of the human body. Do not worry if you have not been exposed to a lot of anatomy before because you will start from the very beginning and will be eased into the material. Also, do not run away if you are a veteran because experts often overlook or forget the basic, yet essential knowledge and delve straight into the details.This course is divided into several parts such as learning strategies, directions and planes andmain anatomical structures of the human body. Using a series of short videos and clearly written articles, you will learn or revise the fundamental ins and outs of the human body. If youare enthusiastic about anatomy and want to learn more, there is a fourth section at the end with more study resources. There is more than enough there to satisfy the cravings of the keenest student!You may ask why this course? What makes this one better or more worth compared to other ones? Basically, you get sound anatomical knowledge without having tosit through long and drawn out lecture stylevideos. I would say this is a win-win combination!The purposeof this course is to provide you with aflavour of anatomy and the human body, giving you both the know-how and the knowledge. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully it will be an enjoyable experience for you!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Computao em Nuvem: aprenda a cloud AWS com a mo na massa" |
"Voc sabia que a muitos anos, o maior fornecedor de solues de computao em nuvem a Amazon AWS?Voc sabia que a Amazon oferece, gratuitamente e pelo perodo de 1 ANO vrias de suas ferramentas em nuvem para que voc experimente, aprenda e se encante por essa nova modalidade de entrega de infraestrutura e servios de TI?Neste curso voc aprender de maneira TOTALMENTE PRTICA como utilizar a Amazon AWS. Ajudarei voc, entre outras coisas, a fazer a instalao e configurao deixando o WordPress e o WooCommerce (e-commerce) funcionando em menos de 1 hora!SERVIOS AWS COBERTOS POR ESSE CURSO:EC2: Elastic Cloud Computing (Mquina - Servidor)RDS: Relational Database Service (Banco de Dados - Relacional)NSG: Network Security Group (Segurana - Firewall)EIP: Elastic IP (Rede - IP)Route53: (Rede - Roteamento)S3: Simple Storage Service (Armazenamento - Backup)IAM: Identity and Access Management (Segurana)ATENO:Instalaremos e configuraremos tudo na mo, do zero, LIKE A BOSS! Sem essa de servio pronto pra usar. Este curso no utilizar servios ou servidores prontos.Voc precisar de um carto de crdito internacional para a criao da conta na Amazon AWS. O carto de crdito servir para habilitar a conta na Amazon AWS. Ele no ser cobrado desde que voc utilize somente os servios descritos no curso (FREE TIER)VOC J ESPECIALISTA EM NUVEM?Esse curso tem como FOCO PRINCIPAL ensinar, atravs da instalao do WordPress e WooCommerce como criar um servidor, configurar um domnio e firewall, setar um endereo IP fixo, configurar um tema, o e-commerce e ter tudo isso funcionando. No tenho inteno de aprofundar-se em produtos e servios que esto fora deste escopo. Caso voc j possua conhecimentos sobre EC2, NSG, EIP, RDS, Route53, S3 e IAM acredito talvez voc tenha pouco para aproveitar do curso.Ei, mas porque o WordPress?O WordPress o software utilizado em 27% de todos os sites DO MUNDO por uma razo: SIMPLES de utilizar. Somado a isso, voc poder escolher entre MILHARES de plugins que adicionam funcionalidades, na maioria tambm gratuitos. Neste curso, voc ir instalar o WordPress e o WooCommerce que uma plataforma para criao de um e-commerce. MUITA ATENO: este curso no ir explicar de forma detalhada como configurar e customizar o WordPress e o WooCommerce, aqui mesmo na Udemy voc encontrar cursos totalmente focados nesses objetivos. Entretanto, garanto que voc, ao terminar ter tudo funcionando bastando fazer as customizaes que julgar necessrias!O MAIS IMPORTANTE!ESTE CURSO ESTAR SEMPRE EM PROCESSO DE CRIAO. Isso significa que regularmente incluirei novidades e novos recursos! Como isso feito? Com a sugesto dos meus alunos."
Price: 414.99 ![]() |
"Best QA Manual Software Testing: Live Project+Agile+Jira+API" |
"Learn and Start your career as Software Quality Assurance field from the experienced professional.You will be seeing the LIVEPROJECTfrom beginning to the end.You would be guaranteed become a perfect software tester after taking this course. You would start from your role as a tester andyour team responsibilities. Then, you would get theintroduction of the live project, Agile Methodology, Test plan, Test cases, Test defects, Defectlife cycle, Different environments, Release process, API testing, and much more. Also, you would be learning how to perform testing in real time. You would also get liveexperience in Agile and test management tools likeJira.Course Benefits?Practical Approach: This course is designed completely on practical approach. From beginning to the end, you would see yourself working in an organization, and on a real timeproject.Course outline: This course gives you the complete cycle of software testing from your role to different approachestodevelop a software to requirement docsfrom the clientto software development tothe real time testing to therelease process. You would be able to see end to end approach of software testing.Document Template:You would be getting the real Test plan, Test case documents as well as very practical interview questions.Support:We will alwaysbeavailable via email for any assistance or concerns.Real timetesting : You would be learning how to performreal time testing.Professional Assurance:You would be learning Software Testing from a 10+ years SQAprofessionalfrom your own desk.Best suitable for individualswho wants to pursuetheir career in Software Testing.What am I going to get from this course??LIVE PROJECT - you would be able to see real requirements, and be able to work on the LIVEPROJECT!!Information packed practical training starting from basics to advanced testing techniques.Practical learning experience with live project work and examples.Lifetime Access- Pay fees one timeand access the whole course life time.Download real softwaretesting documentslike Test Plan, Test Cases and other important docs.Learn Agile andTest Management Tools like JIRA.API TestingGet all future course updates FREE!Real time Interview Questions.Resume Preparations.Life long assistance.How this course isdesigned:Overview: In this session, you would come toknow about the instructor and the course overview.Roles andresponsibilitiesof QA and Team members: This section would introduce you about theoverall picture of QAand its team in detail.Different Methods of developing a software: In this section you would learn different ways and methods to develop a software.Introduction of a project: In this section, you would be Introduced witha project that we would be working onthroughout thiscourse.JIRAInstallation and overview: You would be learning about JIRASoftware, its usage in Agile methodologies.Requirements Analysis: We are going to look overrequirements and analyse them.User Stories Creation: You will be able to see how Agile works in real time andhow user stories are created.Documents : You would be able to downloadand get the real time Test-plan andTest case documents.Real Time Testing:In this section, you would be able to see how to perform real time testing and approach during testing.Defect Management:This section provides overviewaboutdefect identification, defect logging and defect tracking in detail. We also provide details on how to use a popular open source defect management tool JIRA.Different Types of Testing:This section would give you overview about different kinds of testing a tester can do.Environments and Release process: This section gives overview about different environmentsand release process. Most Popular Interview Questions and Sample Resumes : In this section you would be able to see most common interview questions and few sample resumes that help you during interviews or in applying a job."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Music Theory For Songwriters" |
"Music Theory For Songwriters is unique because...--- It's all about learning the fundamentals of how music works. ---These principles hold true regardless of your instrument.They hold true regardless of your genre.Music theory is often overlooked, or taught poorly. When you understand music theory, you can do things like:- Pick up multiple instruments with ease- Improvise / jam- Develop your ear training skills, so you can play songs without needing sheet music- Learn to better write/arrange your own music- Transpose songs between different keysIt really unlocks anything you could want to do, musically. A lot of people take lessons, learn a few concepts here and there, but never really understand the big picture.I'm a Berklee College of music alumnus, I work as a private music teacher, and I've been on the radio (a top 25 spot, no less!). And with this course you get to use my knowledgeand my 20+ years of training as a shortcut.This program is not just for songwriters, of course. It's really for any musician. Even non-musicians who want to understand theory can enroll, because we work from a starting point of having NO prior knowledge at all.I think the best part of this course is the focus on practicality. It cuts out the guesswork on the wide world of music theory, and gives you the ESSENTIALS of what you NEED to know to get up and running. All in a no-nonsense way that even a beginner can follow along with."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Create Mobile Fighting Games in Construct2!" |
"In this course i'll teach you step by step how to create a platform fighting game from scratchusing Construct 2.You can use free version of Construct 2 but for the full potential it is recommended to have personal or business licence.The fighting game covered in this course is the real deal, created and published on Google Play store.So for the best teaching results i'll recreate it again while recording and explaining exactly what I am doing.You will learn by watching the videos and following along at your own pace, pausing when needed. Some of the videos will have a resource box where you'll be able do access or download the corresponding plugins or assets.If you are a beginner or advanced developer to Construct 2 or game design in general, this is a great tutorial for you.The game source code, Graphics and Sound files are all included.What are the requirements?At least Construct 2 free license.Computer running on Windows.No experience or knowledge is required but an understand of logic is helpful!What am I going to get from this course?How corectly to make the game projectHow to build multimple levelsMaking dynamic background using sprites combinationCreate the main hero and setup animationsLearn to fix the animation to tapping controlsMakeing and using super powersHow to create inteligent enemiesCreate scoreAdd sound and musicHow to export for Google Playstore and other platformsAdd monitization.What is the target audience?Beginners and advanced developers in game industry.Everybody who wants to make games with Construct 2Anyone who wants to make complex fighting games."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Getting back to financial health" |
"Are you financially unhealthy? - Maybe you simply have a financial flu - that is your finances are currently a bit under the weather. There are certain actionable steps that you need to take in order to bring your finances back up to full financial health.This course is specifically designed for people who have taken the 'Check your financial health' quizand received the result of 'Financial Flu' that is you need a bit of TLC applied to your finances.Regardless of how much money you make, regardless of what your finances have been like in the past, the steps to financial health are the same.The course is 9 lectures long and will take you less than an hour if you watch it straight through from start to finish. The lectures are a mixture of talking head and screen record plus slides.It is designed with clear basic English to even people who have English as a second language will be able to follow along easily.This course will take you through how to alter your money mindset,how to implement a financial system that will help you not only control,but also grow you money,how to create automatic savings that grow over time.There is a practical activity that is detrimental to the course, in which you will actually work out your total income and what your monthly expenses are giving you your total monthly net income. Regardless of whether or not this is positive of negative, this gives you a fantastic opportunity to see where most of your money is going and then take practical steps in order to reduce expenses or create more income.If you want to improve how you control your personal finances, then this is the course for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |