Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Improving your financial immune system" |
"This course is designed for those people who have completed the ""Check Your Financial Health"" quiz and have gotten the result of 'Weak Immune System' - that is you are generally good with money, but any unexpected bills can really hurt you.The course is 10lectures long and will take you less than an hour if you watch it straight through from start to finish. The lectures are a mixture of talking head and screen record plus slides. It is designed with clear basic English to even people who have English as a second language will be able to follow along easily.This course will take you through how to alter your money mindset, how to implement a financial system that will help you not only control, but also grow you money, how to create automatic savings that grow over time.There is a practical activity that is detrimental to the course, in which you will actually work out your total income and what your monthly expenses are giving you your total monthly net income. Regardless of whether or not this is positive of negative, this gives you a fantastic opportunity to see where most of your money is going and then take practical steps in order to reduce expenses or create more income.If you want to improve how you control your personal finances, then this is the course for you."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
learn-python-fast-and-easy |
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Price: 22000.00 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads For Beginners: Turn Your Ads From Zero To Hero" |
"I am soexcited to open up this brilliant opportunity to get you unleashing the true power of Facebook and getting in front of your dream audience to build authority, your brand and encourage them to buy your services. I created this course through working with so many clients who desired to serve people with their amazing offer, but have lost confidence and have seriously considered closing their business because they couldnt before seeing me get the sales they need to keep their business hopes and dreams alive. There are only so many 1:1s I can do and so many workshops to show how to turn this around and start making bank. I want them to keep going. To keep you going. To build on your passions and succeed.If this is you:Ive tried using Facebook Ads, but I did not see the value Ive spent money on ads (probably too much), but I am not sure if they have really worked Facebook ads do not work! Ive spent lots of money but nothing happened! I want to try Facebook ads, but I dont know where to start Then you are in the right place!This is an online course broken down into easily digestible content which will not only tell you the juicy details to create ads, there will be videos showing you exactly how with examples. It also includes but is not limited to Defining and correctly targeting your audience so that you show your message to the right people Discover the tools that will help make your ads more powerful. You will be unstoppable! Raise your profile and stand above your competitors to turn browsers into customersHow it goes downThe course can be accessed online so you go at your own pace at a time which suits you. You will learn Foundations of creating ads that make your audience sit up, pay attention and take action How to set up campaigns in less than 10 minutes Creating audiences that are specific to your brand Creating ads that connect with your audience and compel them to take actionBy the end of the session you will be able to set up your best ever Facebook ad and begin to generate prospects, leads and sales for you."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Arquitetura de Redes" |
"Aprenda sobre redes de computadores com um dos maiores especialistas brasileiros no assunto, Gabriel Torres, autor de mais de 25 livros sobre tecnologia. Neste curso online voc aprender o embasamento terico necessrio para aprofundar seus estudos em cursos intermedirios e avanados. Voc aprender, mesmo que seja um iniciante no assunto, sobre princpios de funcionamento de redes, nmeros binrios, arquiteturas, comunicao, protocolos, cabeamento, equipamentos de redes, redes Wi-Fi, virtualizao, segurana e muito mais!O curso tambm preparatrio para concursos pblicos que contenham, em seus editais, o tema ""Arquitetura de redes"". (Nota: veja atentamente no edital os itens requisitados para o tema e compare com a grade curricular do nosso curso; caso voc encontre algum tpico que falte para seus estudos, entre em contato que adicionaremos ao curso com o maior prazer.)Pela nossa experincia, muitas pessoas que j trabalham com redes tm dificuldade de compreender assuntos avanados e at mesmo intermedirios porque faltam a elas um maior embasamento terico. Este curso visa preencher esta lacuna na formao de muitos tcnicos; por isso importante fazer este curso antes de se matricular nos demais cursos do autor, mesmo caso voc j trabalhe na rea e/ou tenha experincia prtica com redes.Vantagens do nosso curso:Todas as aulas so ministradas pessoalmente por Gabriel TorresPagamento nico, sem mensalidadesAcesso vitalcioAtualizaes regulares com novas aulas e melhoriasAcesso grtis a futuras aulas e atualizaesSeo de perguntas e respostas para voc tirar as suas dvidas sobre o contedo do cursoCertificado de concluso de curso contendo o nmero de horas"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Boost Sales: Focus on the ""Buying"" cycle NOT the Sales cycle" |
"The way companies and people ""buy""has significantlychanged over the last years.Potential customers have becomeveryindependentand have a wealth of information at their disposal, long before they start talking to a sales person.But has your sales approach changed too? If you want to outsmart your competition you need to adapt.Successin sales today, requiresyouto know where your prospect issituatedin the""Buying"" Cycle,andwhat (effective)actions to take, at which stage, toclose the deal.You also need to position yourself as an ""advisor"", put yourself above the playingfieldof your competitors, to avoid price and feature wars and increase your chances of success.That is why we have developeda methodology called, ""Seasonal Buying Cycle"" which will not onlymake you more successful, but will alsomake yourforecasting much more accurate.The course is a presentation of about 2 hours divided into 3 sections and 17 lectures.Section 1: describes the content and benefits of this course in detail. It willalso give a better insight inthe Methodology.Section 2: Explains every stage of the cycle in detail, recommending actions and analyzing the risks.Section 3: learns you how to apply this methodology in practiceLearn and enjoy !"
Price: 169.99 ![]() |
"Grundlagen der Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) 2018" |
"WAS BRINGT MIR DIESER KURS? Du willst deine eigenen Webseiten optimieren, aber hast noch keine Vorkenntnisse in SEO?Du willst dir einen berblick verschaffen und leicht ins Thema einsteigen?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtig fr dich.Ziel ist es, dass du lernst zu verstehen wie Google denkt. Mit dem Wissen kannst du schon erste Stellschrauben drehen, um deine Webseite zu verbessern.Wir gehen dabei Schritt fr Schritt vor und schauen uns die Themen an realen Beispielen an.Was kann der Kurs dir bieten? Einfhrung in die Suchmaschinen OptimierungWir setzen kein Vorwissen vorraus und erklren dir deshalb alles verstndlich von Anfang an. Fallen Fachbegriffe, dann definieren wir diese fr dich. Ein weiteres Ziel ist es, dass du die verschiedenen Teilgebiete der SEO kennenlernst.Mit Mythen direkt aufrumenHast du schon ein paar Informationen aufgeschnappt kann es sein, dass du ein paar falsche Methoden gesehen hast. Davon gibt es leider ein paar, weil die SEO frher anders funktioniert hat. Wir weisen dich in unserem Kurs auf solche Mythen und veraltete Vorgehensweisen hin.Grundlagen fr Spezialwissen schaffenWeitere Kurse und fortgeschrittene Techniken in der SEO erfordern, dass du die Grundlagen kennst. Mit unserem Kurs sind dir die Fachbegriffe und Zusammenhnge bekannt. Schaff dir also die Basis fr weiteres Wissen.Basisoptimierung selbst durchfhrenDu bekommst nicht nur die Erklrungen, sondern kannst nach dem Kurs selbst schon wichtige Optimierungen durchfhren. Jeder SEO schaut sich erst die Basics an und optimiert diese. Das kannst du dann auch! An wen richtet sich dieser Kurs? Anfnger mit WissendurstDu bist neu im Onlinemarketing. Du hast vielleicht gerade deine erste Webseite aufgesetzt und willst jetzt, dass sie auch gefunden wird. Der Kurs ist als Einstieg genau dafr gedacht.Andere Kanle kennenlernenHast du bereits Erfahrung in einem Bereich des Onlinemarketings? Dann kannst du mit diesem Kurs ber den Tellerrand hinausschauen. SEO und SEA ergnzen sich oft. Hast du bereits viel in der Conversion Optimierung gemacht, dann wirst du hier Wechselwirkungen finden. Egal was du bisher gemacht hast, das ist deine Chance in die SEO einzusteigen.Webseitenbetreiber von Shops und UnternehmenGibst du viel Geld fr Werbung aus? Dann kannst du mit unserem Kurs einen neuen Weg entdecken Kunden zu gewinnen. Die Grundlagen knnen dir schonhelfen bessere Rankings zu bekommen und deine Webseite als Ganzes verbessern. Was bietet dieser Kurs dir (noch) nicht? Weiterfhrendes SpezialwissenUnser Kurs richtet sich nicht an SEO mit Erfahrung. Wir wollen dir einen berblick geben und gehen meist nicht zu sehr ins Detail, damit es nicht zu viel wird. Wenn du dich fr ein Teilgebiet der SEO interessierst (z.B. Keyword Recherche), dann haben wir extra Kurse dazu verfgbar. (oder wir arbeiten dran)Schritt fr Schritt AnleitungenDu bekommst das Verstndnis und Wissen vermittelt, dass dir hilft Google zu verstehen. Obwohl wir immer wieder einen Tipp zur Optimierung geben, zeigen wir dir nicht Schritt fr Schritt was du tun musst. Das lernst du in unseren anderen Kursen.Einblicke in alle Ecken der SEODamit du am Anfang nicht berfordert wirst ist der Kurs mit 2,5 Stunden recht knapp. Wir wollen nicht abschweifen und dir die wichtigesten Basics vorstellen. Falls du schon Themen gehrt hast, die nicht im Kurs auftauchen, kannst du uns gerne ansprechen.Betrachte diesen Kurs also ein dein Hammer und Schraubendreher im Umgang mit Suchmaschinen und deiner Website.Deine SEOHochschule:)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fashion: Learn how to create a stylish wearable wardrobe" |
"Finding the rightstylesand trendsfor you can be an overwhelming task, however the easy acheiveablekey steps in this coursewill get you on the right track to understanding what it takes to have a uniquepersonal style that is tailored to you and yourand lifestyle.Your perfect wardrobe awaits youThe most important thing about developing your style is to be true to yourself, your style should reflect your personality and lifestyle, this course will teach you how toownyour style, be proud of it, and embrace fashion as a way to express who you are and who you want to be.This course will help give you guidance to press refresh on your personal styleand teach you wayson how toupdate your current wardrobe, it will outline the important key steps to ensure youLOVE and feelconfidentin everything youwear.It will simplify the problems youface when it comes to your own personal style, so you can enjoy getting dressed each day with ease and confidence."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Meditation for Mental Focus" |
"This course will take a beginning meditator--someone with a little experience already who wants to take their practice to the next level--deeper into the ancient practice of meditation, optimized for modern life. And it offers intermediate mediators a chance to cultivate one of thekey skills in meditation practice: the ability to rest the mind on an object.This course offers guided meditations using imagery, focus on the breath and sensations of the body, and the cultivation of an open heartto help students strengthen their ability to rest the mind. We'll use imagery and imagination to accept the support of the earth for the body andto feel the support our body offers. Through those, our mind receives support to rest naturally at ease. And we'll grow our capacity for compassion (especially toward ourselves) as the basis for our practice.To cultivate these mental states of ease and compassion, there are video lectures about the theory behind what we're doing; 15-20 minute guidedmeditations, designed for you to use in a formal, seated practice; and very short meditations of two to five minutes to help integrate meditation and awareness into your daily life. Most of the actual instruction in this course is in the guided meditations, so there aremore audio resources than video lectures.As you work through this course, you'll train in techniques that can enhance your sense of well-being, decrease your emotional (and even physiological) reactivity, and develop your capacity for sustainingfocused attention."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Spanish conversation lessons for beginners A1.1" |
"Hey! Nice to meet you! I know why you're reading this, you're looking for something new to do. Learn a new language? Why not! But, why Spanish? Perhaps because it's the second most spoken language in the world, or because you'd like to be able to add something new and useful to your resume, or simply because you just like the way it sounds. Whatever your reason, It is going to be challenging and fun! and if you connect the language with something positive it gets easier.I know, because I've done it, but with English. But, I feel that much better for it. You know when you get a promotion at your job andat the beginning it is challenging and overwhelming but at the end of the day youfeel better and a bit more content. Or when you fall in love and consciouslyknowingthat it's something out ofyour controlyoudive out of yourcomfort zone into love. Italways takes a littlework to nurture it, but you feel content and overall happy. Engagingin activities that get you out of your comfort zone can be addictive because they can consistentlymakeyou feel more confident and happy. Learning alanguage, like Spanish, is like these things. For me,It opened doors, I have more friends because I can communicate with more people,Itravel to countries that speak English or Spanish, and even understand otherlanguages like Portuguese, and Italian - It has been an amazing experience. The challenge kept me going and also the motivation that I was going to be able to communicate with more people! My future has been bright since then! I even opened a school to shared it with you!This program helpsyou achieve all of the aboveduring your language studies by pushing youout of your comfort zone to speakwith anative speaker(native Spanish speaker). Givingyou the opportunity toexperience the language instead of just listening to a computer. We help you learn vocabulary that you can apply to your day to day, not just primary things likedays of the week orcolors.This is the way I learned English,I teach using this methodto my students in Chicago, and now to you, online.What am I going to get from this course?- A webinar to clear your doubts. You can also contact us and we can schedule calling times to help you understand better. -You will be more confident and makenew friendswhile you take this course -ifyou do go and find a conversation partner.-You'll learn how to introduce yourself, catch up with a friend, talk about what you are going to do next weekend/week/month, what you're going to do forupcomingvacations,talk about your daily activities (if you have kids, dogs, a boyfriend/girlfriend, if you go to the gym often, how often and many hours you sleep, etc).Requirements:- Understanding of theEnglish language.- Desire to have fun, meet people and get out of your comfort zone.- Microsoft Office or equivalent (Google Docs)- Weassume you don't have prior Spanish knowledge(but if you have some background in Spanish you'll still learn some more!)- A Headset is recommendedbut not necessary- Access to a computer, laptop or smart phone/device with internet or sufficientdata.What is the target audience?- Teenagers/Adults (over 16years old)- Persons that arewillingto meet people from different countriesandspeak!- English Speakers"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Forex Foundation Course" |
"Our Forex Foundation course is designed to help anyone that wants to learn how to trade the Forex markets from the ground up. We are able to offer a very cost effective way to learn how to trade safely. Our course isvery informative and easy to understand. This courseconsists of very short andeasy to understand practical videos along with ongoing support after the course has concluded.This course will teach the fundamental knowledge that is needed and the skills required to be applied during trading. After the course, the attendees would need to continually follow the markets in order to assess the best way forward in terms of position and trade lot sizes.Our course isdesigned to be hands on with a lot of practical work involved during manyof the lectures."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"1 2 3 Espaol A [SPANISH] [SKYPE LESSON]" |
"Welcometo theSpanish side. On this course we are going to studythegrammar basicrules of Spanish world. Atfisrt time we aregoing to study the numbers andparts of Spanish speech, then we aregoing to learn more skillsof Spanish Grammar. It's a fun and interesting trip with the globalization on our daily life.Courseunits are:Unit1. Spanish timeOnthis unit we are going to study of Spanish language:Cardinaland ordinal numbers.Date.Time.Partsof speech (nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs).Unit2. Spanish grammarOnthis unit we are going to study of Spanish language:DefiniteArticles.IndefiniteArticles.DemostrativeAdjectives.Genres.Pluralnouns.PossesiveAdjectives.Grammartricks.Onthis course we have 41 lessons and 9 units, every lesson has a reviewand at the end of every unit we have a test with the evaluation of alllessons.Agreat feature of this course: This'a Spanish course for EnglishSpeaker.Then on our lessons we will teach the content with theEnglish framework. We always must begin of the known content and thenwe can learn new skills.The last past of the our course it's the conversational lesson on Skype. This is a nicemoment!And When you buy this course you enter to The 123 Espaol Club with points of grammar, tricks, curiosities and many other Spanish things. Also it's the perfect way to open the door of communication between us.See you on class!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Italian for Travelers" |
"Italian for Travelers is a fun,exciting and practical application focusedlanguage training course especially designed to give travelers to Italy the ability to communicate with Italians about a variety of tourist-related situations. The 3-4 hour, self-paced, video-based course provides travelers with the vocabulary, grammar and phrases they need to make hotel and restaurant reservations, use public transportation, browse in shopping areas, and visit tourist attractions. It also provides them with important phrases in the event they encounter urgent situations and useful tips any traveler to Italy should know to make their visit more enjoyable. This course is ideal for those who plan on traveling to Italy for vacation or business and for anyone who wants to learn the basics of the Italian language."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Build a Successful Ecommerce Wordpress site with proper SEO" |
"This ecommerce wordpress Course covers everything for selling Physical or Virtual Products Online using woocommerce wordpress, learn how to manage Shipping and Tax methods in this Comprehensive ecommerce wordpress Course, how to receive Payments from Customers how to work with Orders after the Site is live is explained in this Course of creating an ecommerce wordpress site,Without Proper SEO Search Engine Optimization the value of a site is nothing the students will learn how to do SEO for an ecommerce wordpress site and how to use the best keyword for Products to get organic traffic on their ecommerce wordpress Site from search engines like Google,The students will learn how to create a fully functional, highly responsive, and professional ecommerce Website using Wordpress Platform that has been used by well-known e-commerce companies like Amazon.Some of the Important Sections and Lectures of this ecommerce wordpress CourseInstalling and Configuring the woocommerce wordpress Plugin.Adding Simple, Variable, Downloadable, Affiliate and Group Products in woocommerce wordpress.Setting Up the Tax methods, Shipping methods, Emails, and Checkout options in woocommerce worpress.Adding an Online Chat system, Social Media options, and much more beautiful Designs in woocommerce wordpress.Doing Proper SEO for an ecommerce wordpress Site.Customizing the Ecommerce wordpress Site without the worries of losing changes.Creating a Child theme and working with a child theme.Changing different default texts like add to cart button text and more buttons and default texts in an ecommerce wordpress site."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Perfect English Pronunciation: British English" |
"Perfect EnglishPronunciationis anEnglish pronunciation course taught by me, Anthony,a native British English speaker. Thus, we will be focusing on British Englishsounds:you will learn every single English sound and will master each one so that you can sound more native-like.This course includes:lectures for every single sound in EnglishPDF worksheets for each soundclose-up videos so you can mimic the shape of my mouthand MP3 downloads so that you can learn anywhere, any time.Each lecture focuses on two or three sounds so that you can focus on them and really improve before moving on to the next lecture. There are lots of exercises which show you how to shape your mouth, place your tongue, and produce the target sounds.If you want to speak English more clearly, if you have a strong accent, or if you simply want to take your English to the next level, this course can help you achieve your goal of improving your English pronunciation."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to create a psychology-backed landing page from scratch" |
"Is writing your landing page giving you jitters or making your head spin?I can imagine it can be really hard to put together a high-converting landing page.Should you rope in a copywriter?Or should you write the copy yourself?How will you ensure that the copy is effective, succinct and makes a solid case for conversion?Stringing all the pieces together,writing out a stack of different versions of the same headline, sweating over the cohesiveness in the copyand still not being sure what messaging will CLICK and strike the rightchord.And doing all that without breaking your screen, keyboard or your head...I can relate. I have been there.Of course that's challenging. So what if you could:Be super confident about flashing your landing page in the first go?Know with a great deal of clarity how to write messaging that really works?Knowhow to craft a sequence for your landing page that gets your prospects drawn in and hooked?Be sure about what'll getem clickin' your calls to action like a very obedient, much more mature 9 year old?Well this is what this training is all about.I help my clients that range from coaches to consultants to creators- with their copy - emails, landing pages, sales pages &even business letters.This course is designed for YOU if you are a freelancer or a business owner headed for a launch or want to promote your existing product/service through your landing page. I'll help you craft a landing page that has:A Headline that grabs and keeps their attentionA sequence that gets people hooked to its hypnotic flowCalls to action that make people feel anirresistibleurge to clickSo that younever again falter with your landing page or create something that bores the boots off your prospects and lacks inspiration!Hey by the way we'll also study elevator pitches and copywriting forumulas during the course of this training so that you can create a pitch like this one for your own product/service.Ready to kick overwhelm to the curb and set aside all the misinformation on the webto finishthis action-oriented course in 2 flat hours?"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Creating Kingdom Leaders to Impact the World" |
"Course DescriptionKingdom Leadership is designed to help develop the leadership qualities Gods children need to live out their lives to their fullest potential. It is dedicated to helping them IMPACT the world around them for the Kingdom of their Lord. This course will help to give, and fine-tune, the skills you need to live a life full of the Good Works your Father in Heaven has prepared for you to do, so that one day you can stand before your Lord and hear Him say, Well done!Content and OverviewKingdom Leadership is compiled of 11 sections for a total of 38 lessons; each lesson is accompanied by a handout. Each of the lessons contains powerful questions at the end to help you reflect on where you currently are and where you want to go. The questions will serve as a great contact point for God to reveal new truths to you about yourself and His plan for your life.Throughout the course youll find me quoting many great Kingdom Leaders of the past, and a few of modern times. The insight we gain from these great Kingdom Leaders can add tremendous value to our own individual leadership abilities if we will dare to learn the lessons they have to share.What are the Requirements? To benefit from this course you must simply love your God, and have a desire to live to the fullest of your potential for the Kingdom of God.What am I going to get from this course?A distinct understanding of the difference between a church leader and a Kingdom Leader!The understanding and tools you need to effectively live to the fullest of your God given potential!A greater understanding of your purpose in this life and how to live out that purpose!The tools youll need to complete the MISSION God has entrusted to YOU!What is the Target Audience?The target audience for this course is every child of God who desires to live a life of SIGNIFICANCE that will IMPACT the world they are living in long after they are gone! If you want to leave a legacy behind you, one that will be remembered and felt throughout eternity, than this class is for YOU!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Ultrasound Physics" |
"The Physics is boring. Similarly, the Ultrasound Physics... However, to become a Sonographer, you need to know it and understand it. Yeah, and do not forget about this notorious SPI (Sonography Principles & Instrumentation) ARDMS board exam. You MUST pass it successfully in order to become a registered Sonographer, as well as Vascular Technologist.That is why I'm going to try to make this scary subject more manageable, easier to understand, and easier to learn. There will be a lot of work on your part:You will have quizzes.You will need to memorize formulas, definitions, and logical chains of principles.You will need to do some homework between the lectures.However, at the end of the day, I can give you a promise: you will not be scared of Ultrasound Physics, and you will be ready to move on to more complicated Ultrasound Physics principles."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Dress to Kill: A Men's Primer on Style and Fashion" |
"Learn the foundational elementsof style and fashionthat you will need to put together a personal look that'srepeatable,timeless andwill turn heads everywhere you go.Dress Better Than Anyone in the Room...Without Hiring a Stylist or Spending Tons of MoneyDiscover the backbonebehind any personal style with the 4 Pillars of StyleUse the Halo Effectwith your clothes to implant attractive traits about yourself into the mind of othersExpress who you are and where you are from regardless of a""mandatory dress code""Boost your confidence and self-image without having to do anythingTell the difference betweenclothes that FIT and clothes that DON'T.Attract romantic partners and potential business opportunitiesBuild a wardrobe that will be in style regardless of what's ""in""Save time and energy by getting dressed in 5 minutes or lessSee, Think, Act, and Get Dressed Like a Fashion ExpertJudging the way men dress nowadays, it seems like men get dressed by accident rather than on purpose. And it isn't for a lack of trying but rather a lack of knowledge. If you look at women's magazines there's always something teaching them how to look great but there's hardly anything in the men's magazines. And for that reason, this course was created. This course is different from any other fashion course because itdoesn't give you outfits and models to copy butgives you the knowledge, reference points, andrules that you can followso you can look great allby YOURSELF, without the help of stylists or friends.These days, having a great personality can take you far and will open doors for you. But having great style and fashion will open doors for you without having to say a word. You will get treated differently, opportunities that were never available will become everyday occurrences. Improved job promotions and romantic partners will start to come into your life...All because of an improved fashion sense.But probably the most desired feeling or outcome that most are after (and will get) is that feeling of finally KNOWING WHAT YOU'RE DOING when it comes to style and fashion!Content and OverviewIn its entirety, this course is underan hour long. It was made that way to keep your attention and keep you engaged. More importantly, so you can get off the computer and start putting what you learned into practice so you can start getting the results you want faster. The course has been broken up into several parts, each part building on the one before it. Thoughin chronological order, don't feel the need to watch it all in one sitting. It's recommended that you pause thecourse after each section and try out what you learned. Thecourse is made up of a combination ofvideos and slides. In it, you'll receive the actionable knowledge followed by examples to help you see how it can all be applied in real life. You're going to start with the basics of style and fashion and work your way up to thefinal product and end with how to take care of your clothes once you've bought them. Along the way you'll develop the vocabulary of a fashion designer so you and your tailor can speak the same language. You'll be able to create desire in others yet remain classy. You'll create great first impressions, learn which key features of a garment decide how the clothingfits your body, and to use your clothes to start conversations FOR YOU. There is also a FAQ section at the end to answer questions that may have come up while going through thecourse. Don't worry if you don't find your question there as this sectionwill be frequently updated. Like I mentioned, you don't need to have any prior fashion knowledge to take this course. All you need is apassion to look better and to experience life ona different level. To sum it up,out ofall the advantages you have available to you, there's nothing like the ones that will be granted to you once you transform the way you look.That can only happen when you know what you're doing and start getting dressed on purpose. And this course can show you how."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"LIVE Streaming Pro: Ultimate Course From Beginner to Pro" |
"** #1 Bestselling LIVE Streaming Course. 1500+ participants & 300+ reviews. **** Everything you need to know to jump form a beginner to pro in one place. **** No paid promotion of any products (like in other courses). **** Evergreen know-how based on my 11+ years of experience, over 500 LIVE projects. **** Join my course and take your LIVE streams to the next level! **Do you want to perfect your Facebook LIVE shows? LIVE stream a ""TED-like"" conference? Are you the online marketer that want to produce webinars to attract new customers? Maybe, you want to LIVE stream your online show or a new online course? Maybe you are a video producer with passion for learning new things and want to expand your video production services to get more customers and earn more money?You are in the right hands! :)I know that learning how to live stream is hard... There are soooo many cameras, capture cards, mixers and other piece of equipment - it's really difficult to choose something.There are also dozens of live streaming platforms like Facebook LIVE, YouTube LIVE, Wowza, StreamShark, Dacast and you probably don't have time to test everything.Don't worry - I will help you! I will teach you:What gear to choose?What platforms are the best?How to connect everything together?How to avoid common issues like video buffering?My name is Bart Rycharski, I have 11+ years of experience in LIVE streaming. I did 500+ LIVE events for my clients (mostly corporate and very demanding companies). Now, I decided to teach you how to do it right!""LIVE Streaming Pro"" Course includes:3h of video tutorials based evergreen content and 11+ years of practical experience, extra materials with links to recommended tools and other sources of knowledge,access to discussion group when I will answer all your questions!Everything you need to know to start streaming in one place!Let's join this course and let's do it LIVE! :-)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Bodybuilding Masterclass for Beginners (2020)" |
"Would You Like Me To Hand You A PROVEN Blueprint Revealing How To Add Thick Slabs Of Lean Muscle To Your Body, Shed Unwanted Belly-fat, And EXPLODE Your Confidence... Without The Mistakes, Guesswork And Frustration That Most Gym Goers Face?Bodybuilding Masterclass for Beginners (2020)The Complete Muscle Building Course for MenFully updated 29/01/2020This course is for those who want a complete, engaging, and practical approach to getting ripped, where everything is made clear to both understand and implement right away. Its a 3 hour course that only needs to be taken once, and then youll never have to go traipsing through magazines and forums again. If you want a simple proven approach to bulking, cutting and maintaining that covers training, nutrition, goal setting and mindset, then its for you Its not for you if youre looking for extensive biomedical explanations as to why the method works, or if you believe in Bro Science.Why do some people who stick to a plan get minimal gains... or even none, whilst others build incredible bodies with consistent gains?There are a few fundamentals which if done consistently over time will lead you to the body of your dreams, guaranteed. The difficulty is sifting through all the industry BS to know exactly what these fundamentals are. The process of getting ripped has been massively over-complicated to help companies sell more magazines and supplements. If it wasnt like this these companies would go out of business as there is no way you could fill a whole magazine each month with new discoveries about basic training principles that have been around for hundreds of years. This course takes what has been made into a complicated subject and lays it out in plain and simple terms, providing a framework that anyone can take and apply to their own circumstances, to achieve their body goals.Here are 5 reasons why you should take the course:Learn a proven approach to training, that you can take and apply to right away, even without access to a gym.Learn the keys to creating Bulking, Cutting and Maintenance Nutrition Plans that Leave You Feeling Satisfied, Nourished and Energetic.Discover the TOP 5 Myths and Mistakes that are Ruining Your Results Right Now and you don't even know it.Master Your Inner-game, Self-Discipline, and Make Your Determination ExplodeIdentify Destructive Behaviors that are Stopping You from Achieving your goals, and Replace them with Habits of SuccessHere are some reasons why you might not take the course:You have that niggling sense of doubt that we all get before we make a purchase - The course comes with Udemys 30 day 100% money back guarantee so rest assured there's absolutely no risk on your part.Theres lots of other courses on the same subject - I believe this is the most comprehensive all-in one course on the subject on Udemy. In many cases, you have to purchase multiple courses from an instructor to cover the whole subject. Not here, everythings included including access to me.Youve seen a negative review - The course is a leaving, breathing organism and I update it regularly. Whenever I receive feedback that I can use to improve the course, I do so. As you will see from the comment & ratings below I reach out to students to learn more about both positive and negative experiences. I want you to enjoy the course as much as I did creating it. If you are any less than 5* satisfied I encourage you to refund your investment with Udemys 100% money back guarantee.Youre not sure if the course is right for you - The course provides a complete framework that you can apply to your own individual circumstances. It teaches principles that have been proven to work, time and time again. Rather than showing you how to perform bicep curls, it gives you the principles behind the types of exercises that get you the most bang for your buck. The same with nutrition. I show you the kinds of nutrition that work and why. I show you what I eat, and I show you how you can design your own nutrition plan that satisfies your own personal needs. I dont give you a generic one size fits all meal plan because we all have individual tastes, wants and needs. ***Important*** In the course I treat you like an adult that has the ability to take principles, and then apply them to your own circumstances and goals. One of the keys to getting ripped long term is being proactive in making your regimen work for you. If youre looking to be spoon fed everything on a plate with zero pro-activeness on your part, then dont take the course. Heres what students are saying:This course is so great because it is universal. It does not show you how to curl your biceps, but describes the mechanisms which work, so that you can work out the details for yourself and still get the results. This is exactly the knowledge I was looking for.I have been training for about 1,5 years and after going through this course making notes i can see how much i have been doing wrong. I am confident and looking forward to seeing greater results than i have been before.I've tried many different workout plans and different diets and I suck at all of them.. Mainly because there are so many things to do.. I like this training , because he takes out all the hipe and BS and just gives the basics you should do. plan and easy..Learning a lot basic stuffs from it. As a beginner this is the course of my choice. Thanks to the instructor for designing this amazing course. I pray and wish I could gain muscle following this course.If youre ready to take control of your gains and finally achieve the body youve always wanted then enroll now and Ill see you inside!Michael"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Vedic Mathematics - The Complete Guide" |
"Vedic Mathematics introduces the wonderful applications to Arithmetical computations, theory ofnumbers, compound multiplications, algebraic operations, factorization, simple quadratic and higher order equations, simultaneous quadratic equations, partial fractions, calculus, squaring, cubing, square root, cube root and coordinate geometry etc.ABOUT VEDIC MATH Swami Bharati Krishna Tirtha (1884-1960), culled a set of 16 Sutras and 13 Sub - Sutras He developed methods and techniques for amplifying the principles contained in the aphorisms and their corollaries, and called it Vedic Mathematics.The Sutras apply to and cover almost every branch of Mathematics. They apply even to complex problems involving a large number of mathematical Operations.Learn the Power of Vedic Math in solving complex problems in this course."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Become a C-Level Executive : Career Growth for Professionals" |
"Now you have access to the coaching I do with Professionals who wish to become executives, CXOs, VPs within the first 5 years of their career. When you join today, you also get the option of asking fora30minuteCareer Coaching Live Session where we will work togetheron crafting a path for you to achieve your biggest career goals.If you're not getting your peak salary or the opportunities you want, you want to take this class.I would recommend this to every young professional.""This is a crash course on being an A player at work. I love how it adds structure to achieving exponential growth - a concept most people want to learn but very few know where to start from. The best part is - Its simple and practically applicable. I would recommend this to every young professional who is just entering the workforce or someone who has been in the industry for a few years but finds themselves stagnating."" by Siddharth AnanthramThis course contains aproven formula that will help you with rapid fast growth in your career as a professional.It will help the students enhance current work performance, accelerate their learning, find new opportunities, negotiate a better salary and carve out a path to achieve their biggest career goal.With 10 sections and about 2+hours of instruction, the course can be taken at one go or bit by bit."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Webhosting, Webseitenerstellung mit Wordpress fr Anfnger" |
"Die Kursteilnehmer werden in Lage sein, eine preiswerte professionale Webseite mit Wordpress zu erstellen fr private oder berufliche Zwecke.Die Kursteile sind:keine Vorkenntnisse sind notwendigminimale Kostenpraxisnahes LernenDer Kurs unterteilt sich in drei Teile und fngt ganz von vorne an.Webhosting und die Wordpress InstallationWordpress im EinsatzWordpress Theme: FruitfulViel Erfolg und viel Freunde beim Lernen"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Modern C++ Memory Management: Learn to write good code fast" |
"In thiscourseyou will learnhow to use the power of modern C++ to write reliable C++ code. C++ is otherwise known to be a difficultlanguage, partly because of all the troubles in keeping track of allocated memory resources.By taking this course you will learn how to write better C++ code. Code which is not just easier to read, but alsofaster to write, faster todebug and faster to run! You will learn thestructures and principles used in modern C++to avoid the headaches of manual memory management completely.Please enjoy this course. I hope you truly enjoy it!Regards, MattiasP.S. If you are not completely happy with the contents, you are entitled to a no-questions-asked 30 day 100% money-back guarantee.What are the requirements?This course assumes that you have a basic knowledge of C++ and know how to write asimple C++program. You may have used C++ professionally or just taken a course or two.What am I going to get from this course?You will learn how to avoid the headache of manual memory management by using structures and principles of modern C++."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The 7 Step Business Plan That Writes Itself" |
"Dreams are awesome! Goals are motivating! A PLAN is essential! The 7 Step Business Plan That Writes Itself is designed to give you the essential guide to creating a blueprint for your business. Through creative writing and journaling, this course is crafted to alleviate the fear usually connected to writing a business plan. This course isdesigned for everyone from the creative entrepreneur ready to launch a new business to the seasoned business person looking to take their organization in anew direction. Thiscourse will tap into yourprofessional goals and personal passionwithout bogging you down with task of writing one huge document at once. In the end, lecture exercises and journal entries will be the source material for a finished business plan. At the conclusion of this course, your business plan will have written itself."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"How to build a strong and happy relationship" |
"Never mind how rich you are, if you are alone. Everyone need true love and deserve full happiness. Before I had many bad relationships, but now I am happy married. I have my soulmate , my happy and strong relationship and my full happiness. I will share with you, what helped to me, and can help you too. Let me share proven steps and rules, that are important for every relationship. Have two easy exercises that you must do, and I can guarantee that they will make your relationship more strong, deep and happy.If you want to improve your relationship or to have a happy relationship in the future, this course is for you ! Never mind your gender, age or nationality - you deserve a happy and strong relationship and full happiness !Like a student of this course, you can to join our special FB group too. The members of this group, are people that believed in the true love and in the happy relationship . Everyone can share or ask for advice the other members"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn apple mac, mac os x and maintain mac like a king" |
"Apple creates amazing personal computer called mac and its backing with big technology and knowledge background. currently their is more than 5 million mac users and they do not have good channel to get complete knowledge about mac andproperly maintenance guide.with this lecture serious i am going to cover that gap. this is for all mac users and future users.No any knowledge needed to start and no any restrictions to experts.i will cover each and every learning points very simply and my final aim is to maintain it properly and sell it for best price after few years use.At the end you will be satisfied, not hard to follow. simpleEnglishwith only less than 2 hrs of time period(All lectures will be video tutorial and live practical sessions also included)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Screenwriting: Pitching Your Screenplay or Novel in 60 Secs" |
"Join over 30,000 students learning from our courses!From Michael Hauge,author ofthe Best SellingUdemy Screenwriting &Storytelling Course:Screenwriting and Story Blueprint: The Hero's Two Journeys.You walk on an elevator and just before the door closes Steven Spielberg gets on. You have 60 secs to pitch him your latest screenplay. What do you do?Your goal is to have your audience say yes, I understand, and I care after reading or watching your brand story.If your audience just says now I know then you have successfully informed them but not enough to make them care, to make them stay to whatever you have to say next.They DON'Tteach you this in Film School!Your career can be made in 60 seconds - if you make the right pitch! Master the Elevator Pitch, even when you've got less than 60 seconds. Get your screenplay or Novel read by the major power of Hollywood - guaranteed!Instructor Michael Hauge walks your through his process of breaking down the key elements of your story and how to pitch them in 60 secs.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This isa once in a lifetime opportunityto see two of Hollywoods finest and smartest teachers combine their masterful approach to plot, character and commercial success.- Rich KrevolinScreenwriting Professor at USC; Author ofScreenwriting From the Soul and How to Adapt Anything into a ScreenplayWow! Michael Hauge and Christopher Vogler ignite the room. Ive been a pro for nearly 20 years, and in one day this double-barreled seminar made me a better screenwriter.-Eric Edson, Director of Graduate Screenwriting at Cal State University Northridge; Author of The Story Solution: 23 Steps All Great Heroes Must Take-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MichaelHauge is a story and script consultant, author and lecturer who works with writers and filmmakers on their screenplays, novels, movies and television projects. He has coached writers, producers, stars and directors on projects for Will Smith, Julia Roberts, Jennifer Lopez, Kirsten Dunst, Charlize Theron and Morgan Freeman, as well as for every major studio and network.Michael also works extensively with Hollywood executives, producers, agents and managers, helping them sharpen their story and development skills, and improving their companies' abilities to recognize powerful material, employ advanced principles of structure, character arc and theme, skillfully communicate a story's strengths and weaknesses, and work effectively with writers to achieve a commercially successful screenplay.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who is Alex Ferrari? As the founder ofIndie Film Hustleit's Alex goal to bring the best information and education he can toindie filmmakers, screenwriter, storytellers and entrepreneurs.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless, don't forget you are covered by a30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you haveunlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will haveinstant and free access to any updateswe'll add to the course.I will give youmy full supportregarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enroll NOWand learn how to pitch your story in 60 secs! Let's get started!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Filmmakingin a Box: Indie Feature Film Masterclass" |
"Join over 33,000 students learning from our courses!You can spend tens of thousands of dollars on film school, you can work as a production assistant for a decade and hope to move up the ladder or you canGET OUT THERE AND MAKE YOUR OWN MOVIE! FILMSCHOOLIN A BOX shows you in every possible detail how one team of Hollywood professionals made,and commercially released, a movie on a micro-budget of $100,000. YOU CAN TOO!FILMMAKING IN A BOXhas over 20+ Hours of real world lessons they DON'Tteach you this in Film School! This course is unlike anything youve ever seen. Seriously.If youre a lover of movies who dreams of getting behind the camera, you know you own dozens of DVDs with behind-the-scens material that youve watched 100 times. Right?But, seriously When are you going to get the chance to be standing in a field surrounded by 10,000 extras all in custom-made armor filming with 20 cameras? Chances are your first film (or even your second or third) are going to besignificantlysmaller in scale than thatFILMMAKING IN A BOXis theultimatebehind-the-scenes look at the making of amicro-budget(meaning REALISTIC BUDGET!) feature film. This is a look into how a professional near-no-budget film is made with EVERY DETAIL available at your fingertips!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""It shares the kind of lessons that can usually only be learned by doing. Not a lecture, not a seminar, just the honest, accurate, moment-to-moment account of everything it takes to put a film together.""Earl Newton, Executive Producer/CreatorStranger Things--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How Can FILMMAKING IN A BOX Help You?FIBexamines the EVERY detail of the making of an independent movie called2 Million Stupid Women(a comedy written by a woman!), which was made for only $100,000, made within the Hollywood system.FILMMAKING IN A BOXhas tonof INCREDIBLY detailed behind-the-scenes interviews and footage covering every stage of the prep, production and post-production. Youll get interviews and conversations with all key members of the production team: the director, the producers, the writer, the cinematographers, the editor, the production sound mixer, the post production sound designer, the assistant director and more! These are not marketing fluff interviews these areuncensored, honestandstraight-to-the-pointdiscussions about every pitfall, conflict and negotiation required to complete the project.In addition you also gethundredsof pages of the actual documents used to make the film: the full budget (yes! the REAL full budget, line by line see how the money was spent), the schedule, call sheets, every contract, directors notes and MORE.FILMSCHOOL IN A BOXwill take you, step-by-step, through the exact process this team took to mount an independent feature film from the ground up.FILMFILMSCHOOLIN A BOXshines a light on every potential misstep and lucky break that can fall into a first-time (or second or third!) filmmakers lap.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""I wish something like this existed when I was starting out... No bulls**t; the next best thing to actually being there with the filmmakers while they were making it!""Mark Bell, Owner/Publisher/Editor-in-Chief, FilmThreat--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To get a real idea of whats inside, you need to see the FULL TABLE OF CONTENTS (link below!), but just as a sampleFIBincludes:The complete filmmakingexperience all in one package. Over 17 hours divided into 108 individual video modules covering: Development Funding Contracts CastingRehearsals Locations Lighting Sound Cameras Production Diary Editing Score Music Post Production SoundWe also include all the production documents we used: Full Budget Schedule Screenplay Call Sheets Casting Notes ContractsFILMMAKING IN A BOXalso includes such unique features as: Audition footage Rehearsals with the actors The complete, pre-mixed, rough-cut of2 Million Stupid Women The entire table read with the cast and filmmakers of2 Million Stupid Women Comprehensive explanations on lighting and recording sound forevery day of production Behind the scenes footage shot during principle photography Examples of the contracts, permits, call sheets, sound reports, and dozens of other pertinent documents used during production Over 100 individual video modules detailing every single element of pre-production, production and post-production The final release version of2 Million Stupid Women And even moreFIBis a must-own for anyone thinking of making their first, secondor even thirdfeature filmIt is beyond anything you can learn from film school or filmmaking tips in a book.This is as close to the experience of actually making a movie as you can get without actually doing it.Through candid, first-hand anecdotes, hard-earned by actual independent filmmakers,FILMMAKING IN A BOXwill help prepare you for what to expect before you ever step foot on set. Whether youre prepping your first film, or youre simply curious what goes into making an independent film,FILMMAKING IN A BOXis anessentialtool of every aspiring filmmaker or video creator.If you've got the dream.If you've got the drive.If you've got the passion - but you're missing the knowledge and experience...Filmmaking in a Box will help you make your film into a reality.Enroll NOWand learn how to make a low budget feature film! Let's get started!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Twitter For Filmmaking: Film Marketing and Brand Building" |
"***Over 22,000 satisfied studentshave enrolled in my courses!***Are you not getting the results you want for your film or video content from Twitter? Haven'tcracked the Tweet codeyet?Are you ready to take your Twitter game up to a whole new level?Then is the course for you.Twitter for Filmmaking is my up to date method on how I generated over 10,000 Followers (True Fans) in 10 weeks.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You'll learn NEW SKILLSthat theydon't teach you on YouTube. The ""secret sauce"" I use is a gold mine. I'll teach you how to find, engage and eventually monetize true fans of yourindependentfilm, video content or streaming series. They DON'Tteach you this in Film School!This is a LIVING COURSE, I'll be adding and updating it often!As the founder of thepopular filmmaking blog, Indie Film Hustle, I knew I had to learn how to crack the Twitter code so I couldgenerate traffic to my site and indie films.I now share my proven techniques with you.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here's what you will learn from Twitter Hacks:What are True Fans?The 1000 True Fan TheorySocial Media EtiquetteThe Temptation of the dark side (buying followers)Optimizing Your Twitter AccountWhen Should I Tweet?What do I Tweet? - Creating Engaging Content for Twitter80/20 Principle on ContentOptimal Sizes for All Images for Twitter#hashtag for follower explosionHow to Schedule Your PostsAutomating Your TweetsMy Secret Sauce on How I got 10,000 Followers in 10 Weeks...and much more.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless, don't forget you are covered by a30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you haveunlimited, lifetime access to the course!I will give youmy full supportregarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enroll NOWand turn your Twitter account into a traffic generating, brand building and geteyeballs for your film! Let's get started!"
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Film Distribution: Navigating the American Film Market" |
"Join over 25,000 students learning from our courses!Got a completed film? Have no idea how to sell it? How do I get my film to distributors? If youre looking for a standard Hollywood distribution deal, and are based in America, then the best place for you to go is The American Film Market. But the market has its own culture that can be overwhelming and difficult to understand. Luckily, Producers Rep Ben Yennie and Author of the First ever book on film markets has your back. Bens Book, ""The Guerrilla Rep: American Film Market Distribution Success on No Budget"" is used as a textbook at more than 10 film schools, and is available at bookstores everywhere. But more than that, hes repped films ranging from $100,000 dollars to $1 million dollars and he understands what to look for in a deal. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What people are saying about our courses: ""By far, the best director and cinematography course on the Internet."" - Nate Carroll""I really enjoyed taking this class. It wasn't just that the subject was interesting to me, but the teacher also made the class intriguing. I would gladly recommend this class to anyone who would be interested."" - Leah AmesVery helpful. Adds depth to your understanding and intuitive insights which you surely had if you happened to play with video shooting and editing without doing any learning beforehand. It's enriching. The movie samples are great as the clarify the points. Love it! - Yosi Tsitsu---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No matter how you plan to distribute your film, the relationships you foster are key to finding success. If you're self-distributing, those relationships are the ones you foster through social media and your local communities. If like many filmmakers, you're looking for more traditional distribution then you'll need relationships with distributors and sales agents. If you're an American or International Filmmaker, the best place to foster those relationships is at The American Film Market.But AFM (American Film Market) is somewhat Mercurial and hard to understand without a veteran guiding you. That's why is happy to bring you a workshop on how to use AFM to establish relationships with distributors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So what are you waiting for? Whether you are fresh out of film school, a screenwriter who wants to create his/her own content, or just someone who wants to make a feature film this course is for you. Join over 25,000 students that have already taken Indie Film Hustle filmmaking and screenwriting courses. If you've got the dream.If you've got the drive.If you've got the passion - but you're missing the knowledge and experience...this course will help you sell your feature film at AFM (American Film Market).Enroll NOW and learn how to sell a low budget feature film at AFM! Let's get started!American Film Market and AFM are registered trademarks of the Independent Film and Television Alliance. This course, its presenter or any other parties associated with this material are not directly affiliated with nor endorsed by the Independent Film and Television Alliance."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |