Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Biblioteca de Imagens com Laravel" |
"Aprenda a construir uma biblioteca de imagens com Laravel 5.4. Neste curso voc vai aprender a manipular imagens e a construir um sistema de cadastro de imagens para a galeria de carros e o sistema de slides do site de revenda de carros. Nesse curso vamos finalizar o site de Revenda de Carros definindo o cadastro de carros, galerias, slide, favoritos e a pgina para atualizar o perfil do usurio."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Iniciando com Typescript" |
"Aprenda a trabalhar com o Typescript neste curso de introduo a linguagem. Voc vai aprender a instalar e configurar um ambiente de desenvolvimento, trabalhar com declarao de tipos, classes e interfaces e ainda o trabalho com mdulos para uma melhor organizao. Com esse curso voc ter uma noo bsica de Typescript para poder ingressar nos estudos de frameworks como Angular 2 e Ionic 2."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Ionic 3 - Recursos Nativos para IOS e Android" |
"Aprenda a trabalhar com recursos nativos para IOS e Android com o Framework Ionic 3.Voc vai aprender a configurar o ambiente de trabalho para gerar aplicativos para Android e para IOS. Vai aprender a manipular os principais recursos nativos e muito mais. Esse curso est em desenvolvimento e por esse motivo est com o valor de pr-venda e voc pode ainda ajudar no desenvolvimento do restante das aulas deixando suas dvidas e comentrios."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduo ao Vue JS 2" |
"Aprenda na prtica a trabalhar com o Framework Javascript Vue JS. Voc vai aprender os conceitos iniciais e vai avanar a cada aula entrando no mundo do desenvolvimento com Vue JS de uma forma bem tranquila. Aprenda a trabalhar com esse framework Javascript que utilizado para desenvolvimento decomponentes reativos para interfaces web modernas."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Iniciando com PHP Orientado a Objetos" |
"PHP Orientado a Objetos para iniciantes em programao. Para um melhor aproveitamento recomendado o curso de PHP na Prtica para que voc tenha um melhor domnio a linguagem. Nesse curso voc vai aprender os conceitos bsicos do paradigma de orientao a objetos de uma maneira tranquila e prtica. Aprenda PHP Orientado a Objetos na prtica com o Guia Cdigo."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Laravel 5.5 com Vue JS" |
"Aprenda a trabalhar com Laravel 5.5 e Vue JS. Nesse cursos voc vai aprender na prtica a criar um projeto com o Laravel 5.5 e a criar componentes com Vue JS construindo um sistema de administrao de um Blog. O cursos ter mais de 30 aulas e ter um foco na construo de componentes com Vue JS dentro de um projeto com Laravel. Enquanto o cursos estiver em desenvolvimento voc poder contribuir com dicas e ajudar na elaborao das aulas, alm de adquirir o curso com um valor de pr-venda."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Introduo ao PHPUnit com exemplo de TDD" |
"Aprenda na prtica a trabalhar com o PHPUnit para criar testes unitrios no desenvolvimento de aplicaes PHP. De os primeiros passos para aprender a construir aplicaes orientadas a testes. Objetivo do cursos trazer exemplos e ajudar o aluno a dar os primeiros passos com PHPUnit. Curso rpido e prtico."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"How to become an Enterprise Architect" |
"How to become an Enterprise ArchitectThe complete practical guide for building a successful career as an Enterprise ArchitectRoger EverndenOverviewIf you want to become an Enterprise Architect - then this course is for you.The course has been designed for people from any background. It covers common questions that I've received in many years of coaching and mentoring people as they became enterprise architects.The course will take you through a number of important steps to assess your existing skills and experience and help you plot a fast track to become a successful Enterprise Architect.It includes practical worksheets to guide you, and plenty of practical tips and recommendations to boost your career.The course was developed by Roger Evernden - an enterprise architect since 1984. Roger has spent many years providing training, mentoring and coaching to help people like you become enterprise architects."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Unix/Linux commands bootcamp" |
"UNIX is an operating system. It is a stable, multi-user, multi-tasking system for servers, desktops and laptops.UNIX systems also have a graphical user interface (GUI) similar to Microsoft Windows which provides an easy to use environment. However, knowledge of UNIX is required for operations which aren't covered by a graphical program, or for when there is no windows interface available, for example, in a telnet session.This course gives coverage in following areasMoving around the file systemListing directory contentsChanging file permissions and attributesMoving, renaming, and copying filesViewing and editing filesEnvironment variableCommand SubstitutionSED CommandsGrep in detailVI Editor commands"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Unix : AWK Commands" |
"Pgawk is the profiling version of gawk. It is identical in every way to gawk, except that programs run more slowly, and it automatically produces an execution profile in the file awkprof.out when done. See the --profile option, below. The command line consists of options to gawk itself, the AWK program text (if not supplied via the -f or --file options), and values to be made available in the ARGC and ARGV pre-defined AWK variables. Here we are going to cover CSVfile processing using AWK Data Filtering using AWK Data Management using AWK Update and Delete Data Monitor Data Select specific data Select data after processing"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Postman : Learn E-2-E REST API Testing Best for Beginner" |
"------------ Course Updates -------------------Jan 2020 : Added QUIZ May 2019 : Added JavaScript VideosPOSTMAN is one of the most popular tool used by software development & testing teams in many companies. It is a very handy tool used by Developers/Testers when building or Testing RESTful web servicesIn this course, you will learn many functionalities of the POSTMAN tool with practical examples. Below are some of the highlights of this course.------------- BASICS OF API TESTING AND AUTOMATION -------------------------Learn how to send SOAP & REST Requests using POSTMANPerform data driven testingOrganize requests using CollectionsAuthentication approaches (BASIC,OAUTH)ADVANCE CONCEPTSScripting in POSTMAN using JavaScriptIntegrate POSTMAN with NEWMAN Advance ReportingService MockingService MonitoringCode Management REALTIME SCENARIO End to End Student Student EnrollmentRequest ChainingFinal execution with report generation and analysisRun API tests in JenkinsCode Management using GIT"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"API Functional Automation Testing using ReadyAPI" |
"ReadyAPIis the advance version of SoapUI for Webservice and APIautomation, This course will take you from basic to advance concepts of APIAutomation, Here we are going to cover following advance conceptsXpath AssertionXQuery AssertionTestRunner objectMessageExchange ObjectXML HolderJSON ParserCertification preparationOn course completion You will be Expert in SOAP/ REST API Testing and can implement Successfully it in your work placeCourse is designed in such a way that the user does not required to have any prior understanding of groovy and SoapUIThis Course explainsWhat are the Webservices, How to Test the Webservices using Soap UI, Groovy Scripitng Concepts, How to Automate the Webservices Testcases in Soap UI with GroovyBy the End of this Course you will able to understand the webservices specifications and write all kind of effective Manual and Automation testcases"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"API Testing Package:Postman(Functional)- Jmeter(Performance)" |
"What is an API?API stands for Application Programming Interface, which specifies how one component should interact with the other. It consists of a set of routines, protocols and tools for building the software applications.What is an API Testing?The API Testing is performed for the system, which has a collection of API that ought to be tested. During Testing, a test of following things is looked at.Exploring boundary conditions and ensuring that the test harness varies parameters of the API calls in ways that verify functionality and expose failures.Generating more value added parameter combinations to verify the calls with two or more parameters.Verifying the behaviour of the API which is considering the external environment conditions such as files, peripheral devices, and so forth.Verifying the Sequence of API calls and check if the API's produce useful results from successive calls.This course provide APItesting coverage by using Following tools- Functional Testing using Postman- Pefromance Testing using Jmeter"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Docker for Java Developers" |
"If you're a Java developer, Docker is a true game changer for you!Developing Java applications in large enterprises is no easy task. Every day you are asked to work with many different technologies. In the morning, you might need to save data to a MySQL database. In the afternoon, you might be working with RabbitMQ. Tomorrow you might be asked to work with Mongo or Redis.Think about what you need to do when working with all these different technologies.If you install all these on your laptop, it becomes cluttered and slow. Sure, you could use VMs to run these - if you really want to slow down your laptop. Virtual Machines are awesome, but VMs can also be huge resource hogs.If you're on a dev team, you can set up dedicated development servers. But then you don't have a clean development environment. And your development work becomes dependent on access to the development servers.Docker is an exciting technology you can leverage for enterprise development.The popularity of Docker has been explosive. Much of the industry focus has been on DevOps. But more so on the Operations part.Did you know Google creates roughly 285 MILLIONDocker containers per day?Docker is clearly a popular technology for running cloud scale applications like GMail.But as a Java developer, what does Docker mean to you?Are you working with MySQL? There's a ready made Docker image for you.Postgres? Mongo DB? Redis? Cassandra? RabbitMQ? ActiveMQ?Yep, there's Docker images you can download and use today.You can use Docker for a lot more than just your local development.Are you developing microservices? If you are not already deploying your microservices in Docker containers, chances are you soon will be.Introduction to DockerThis course starts off assuming you have no knowledge about Docker.You will learn why Docker is not like a Virtual Machine.Right away, you will learn how to run a Docker container with a Docker Image pulled down from Docker hub.As the course progresses, you will learn how to create your own Docker images and publish those images to Docker hub.Java DevOps with DockerThrough the use of the Fabric8 Maven plugin, you will learn how to automate many Docker tasks, such as creating images for microservices.Docker Compose is a powerful tool to run multiple Docker containers. You will learn how to run how to run an application consisting of a Spring Boot web application, RabbitMQ, a page view microservice, and a MySQL database. Through Docker Compose, with a single command, you will be able to start or stop this application on any Docker machine!Using Docker Swarm ModeYou'll learn how Docker Swarm Mode does container orchestration. In this course, you will provision your own Docker Swarm Cluster in the cloud. You will deploy a containerized Java application into a Docker Swarm Cluster. You'll see what a powerful feature Docker Swarm's routing mesh is, and how you can dynamically scale your application.Expert InterviewsThis course includes interviews with leading industry experts!James Labocki - Product Owner,Red Hat Cloud InfrastructureMore on the way!Slack GroupExclusive to this course is a Slack group you can join to interact with the instructor, teachers assistants, and other students learning Docker from around the world. Say hi. Get help with a problem, or help someone else. When you enroll in this course you can join a community of others learning Docker!Spring Boot Cookbook!Course includes a Spring Boot Cookbook giving you example Spring Boot projects you can use against popular open source technologies including:Mongo DBMySQLPostgresMaria DBDB2 ExpressNeo4JRedisCassandraActiveMQRabbitMQ"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Spring Framework 5: Beginner to Guru" |
"Learn Spring with the most modern and comprehensive course available for Spring Framework 5 and Spring Boot 2. You will see how to build multiple real world applications using Spring Framework 5.This is the only major Spring Framework course on Udemy developed completely on version 5 of the Spring Framework. Be careful of Spring Framework 4 courses, which have just added some content for Spring Framework 5.This course shows you the latest Spring programing technologies and real world industry best practices. You will learn to be a Spring Framework Guru! What real Students are saying about this course Really great course :) Tons of information about not only spring but also testing, docker, databases. Really recommend you this one! Thank you John :) John Thompson is one the best instructors on Udemy and is the best Spring instructor. Awesome voice and clear explanations and slides. I am an experienced Client side programmer with over 7 years of experience, currently in the process of migrating to the back-end. Before this course, I have tried many other courses, so I really mean this when I say it, this course is outstanding! The instructor is so expired and passionate about programming, It's addictive. This course covers Spring Framework from A - Z, including newer concepts like Reactive and Webflux. The apps built along the way mimic real world apps and the assignments help reinforce the learning along the way. It assumes some Java experience, although not much. Overall I feel competent in Spring after having taken this course. This has to be the best bang-for-buck course I've taken - ANYWHERE! This course covers a LOT of ground, getting your hands dirty with lots of other technologies and frameworks along the way (Mockito, Lombok, Docker, MySQL, H2, MongoDB, JUnit, CicleCI). If you're sitting on the fence about taking this course, take the plunge! Unparalleled quality. The sheer volume of content in this course is absurd. There are so many unique resources that you can take advantage of to help you learn Spring. I have never seen an instructor work this hard to provide his students value from a course.Inside This CourseThe in demand technologies you will use to build Spring Framework applications, include:Spring Framework 5Spring Boot 2Spring Data JPASpring MVCSpring MockMVCSpring WebFluxSpring Web ClientSpring Data MongoDBSpring RestDocsHibernateProject LombokMapStructMavenGradleJUnit 4 and JUnit 5MockitoAll source code examples used in this course have been developed using the latest version of the Spring Framework - Spring Framework 5 and Spring Boot 2.You will see how modern Spring Framework development is done by leveraging the features of Spring Boot 2. Jump In and Build a Spring MVC App with Spring Boot!We'll jump right into web development with the Spring Framework. I'll show you how kick off a Spring Boot project by using the Spring Initializr. We will then go step by step to build a simple Book / Author web application. You will see how easy it is to use Spring Boot, Spring MVC, and Spring Data JPA to create a functional web application running under Tomcat with a H2 in-memory database.Use Test Driven Development!In addition to teaching you Spring Framework 5, you will learn about modern best practices used in enterprise application development. As we build the applications, you'll see me using Test Driven Development (TDD) with JUnit and Mockito.You will learn how to test Spring applications using JUnit 4 and JUnit 5. While JUnit 5 has been released for some time, many companies are still using JUnit 4.See how using Mockito mocks will keep your Spring Framework unit tests light and fast!You'll also see how the Spring context can be used for more complex integration tests.These techniques are best practices used by companies all over the world to build and manage large scale Spring Framework applications.GitHub Source CodeYou will have complete access to all source code examples used in the course.In each lesson where we write code, you will have a link to GitHub with two branches in the Github repository. The first branch is the starting state of the code. The second branch is the ending state of the code. You can see exactly what changed in each lesson. Each step of the way, you have a working example you can use for troubleshooting.In fact, you will get access to 24 (and growing!) different GitHub repositories - each packed with Spring Framework programming examples. And, you're encouraged to fork my GitHub repositories so you can share the Spring Framework applications, which you built, to future employers! Continuous Integration BuildsSince we are using GitHub and have great test coverage, I also show you how easy it is to set up Continuous Integration builds with CircleCI. Continuous Integration builds are another best practice used by enterprise developers. Using CircleCI makes your CI builds a snap!Project LombokWe all know Java development can require a lot of boiler plate code. It's just the nature of Java.Would you like to see how to slash your boiler plate code using Project Lombok?Spring Data JPA and HibernateSpring MVC and Hibernate have long been cornerstones of the Spring Framework. You will learn how to use Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA and Hibernate to build a real world web application. You'll learn about Hibernate configuration, and about the mapping of JPA entities. The Thymeleaf template engine is hugely popular with the Spring community. You will see how easy Spring Boot makes using Thymeleaf with Spring MVC.While Bootstrap CSS is not a focus of the course, we will leverage Bootstrap CSS to make our web pages look awesome!Spring MVCSpring MVC has a lot of robust capabilities.I start you off showing you how to build recipe application (using TDD, of course). Initially, it's all happy path development. We go back and add custom exception handling, form validation, and internationalization.In the course you will also learn how to use Spring MVC to create RESTful APIs.Reactive ProgrammingA big theme of Spring Framework 5 is Reactive Programming. Inside the course we build a web application using Thymeleaf, Spring MVC, Spring Data MongoDB, and MongoDB.We then take the MongoDB application we built and convert it to a Reactive application. You'll see how you can leverage the new Reactive types inside the Spring Framework from the data tier to the web tier.You will get to see step by step how to convert a traditional Spring MVC application to an end to end reactive application using the WebFlux framework - which is brand new to Spring Framework 5.Spring Pet ClinicSpring Pet Clinic is a classic reference application used to demonstrate best practices. The Pet Clinic application actually has it's origin within the J2EE/JEE community. The Spring Framework team took the original Pet Clinic application and rebuilt it using Spring, to demonstrate best practices. In this course, we will re-create the Spring Pet Clinic application. You will get to see how to create a Spring Framework application from the ground up. Step by Step.The approach used to develop the Spring Pet Clinic application is slightly different than the other applications developed in the course.In addition to showing you how to build a Spring Framework application, you will see best practices in software development. We start off the Pet Clinic project by creating a GitHub repository. Then using Spring Initializer to generate the basic shell of Spring Boot project.Next you see how to use GitHub to mimic Agile development practices, such as using issues and a backlog.We plan development of the Spring Pet Clinic using GitHub Issues. Planning work into issues creates a work backlog, which is an important Agile concept.In fact, many organizations have a formal rule that no code is changed without having an issue or some type of ticket (in Github, Jira, or some other issue tracker)From there, we use GitHub issues to complete programming assignments. Lessons start with a GitHub ticket, then we complete the programming assignment. You will see how to build a Spring Framework application, step by step, using best practices in software development.Course Extra - IntelliJ IDEA UltimateStudents enrolling in the course can receive a free 4 month trial license to IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate! Get hands on experience using the Java IDE preferred by Spring Framework professionals! Course Extra - Access to a Private Slack CommunityYou're not just enrolling in a course --> You are joining a community learning Spring.With your enrollment to the course, you can access an exclusive Slack community. Get help from the instructor and other Spring Framework Gurus from around the world - in real time! This community is only available to students enrolled in this course. This is a very active Slack community with over 10,000 Spring Framework Gurus!This is the largest online community of people learning Spring in the world.With your enrollment, you can join this community of awesome gurus!Course Extra - Spring Boot Cookbook!Inside this course, I'm including a Spring Boot Cookbook. You will have complete examples of using the Spring Framework with popular open source technologies. When you get hired as a Spring Framework developer, you'll have ready made Spring Framework examples!My Spring Boot Cookbook includes example Spring Boot projects for:MongoDBMySQLPostgresMaria DBDB2 ExpressNeo4JRedisCassandraActiveMQRabbitMQCourse Extra - Learn Docker!Docker is an exciting technology that is on fire right now! As a course extra, I'm including the first 3 sections from my top rated Docker for Java Developers course. You will learn more about what Docker is and how you can deploy and run a Spring Boot application inside a Docker container.For Java developers, Docker really is a game changer!Closed Captioning / SubtitlesClosed captioning in english is available for all course videos!PDF DownloadsAll keynote presentations are available for you to download as PDFs.Lifetime AccessWhen you purchase this course, you will receive lifetime access! You can login anytime from anywhere to access the course content.No Risk - Money Back Guarantee You can buy this course with no risk. If you are unhappy with the course, for any reason, you can get a complete refund. The course has a 30 day Money Back Guarantee.Future Proof Your Programming CareerThere is huge demand for Spring Framework developers. Downloads of Spring Boot are up 425% year over year, while Gartner Research is calling Java EE ""Obsolete"". The market trends are clear. Popularity for JEE is rapidly declining.The popularity for the Spring Framework is growing. Spring Framework 5 is packed with exciting and innovative new features making it a natural choice for enterprise application development.Excellent Course! It has a lot of useful material. The instructor is a passionate person and he is really helpful. You can always count on him. This course includes Slack Room. So, you can be part of the Java Community and there is always someone who help you. I recommend this course, it's really very good. The course is amazing and I am learning so much from this course. I am getting vibes that i'll become spring framework Guru! Right now it seems like he is cool and funny and seems to know what he does. He also seems to update the course regularly and to interact with his students. If I could give him more than 5 stars I definitely would! The lecture so amazing I learn this for about one month with great results I got new job as backend developer. Thank you GURU! Keep working for another great lecture!Future proof your programming career. Start learning how to building modern applications using the Spring Framework and enroll in this course today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Reactive Programming with Spring Framework 5" |
"Brand new to Spring Framework 5 is Functional Reactive Programming!What is Functional Programming?What is Reactive Programming?What is Functional Reactive Programming?Functional Reactive Programming is the most significant feature introduced in Spring Framework 5. It is an important paradigm shift which allows you effectively work with streams of data.In this course you will learn about one of the hottest trends in the Java community!We'll start off the course talking about what are Reactive Streams, and why the Reactive Streams APIhas been included in Java 9.Next, you'll get hands on experience with building a Reactive application to stream 'movie events' leveraging the Reactive data types and WebFlux - both new to Spring Framework 5.In order to truly master Reactive Programming with Spring Framework 5, you must have a solid understanding of the Functional Programming features of the Java programming language.Java 8 provided us the Streams API. We dive into the Java 8 Streams API and explore how closely related it is to the new Reactive data types in Spring Framework 5.Once you have a solid understanding of Reactive Programming, you'll start diving into Reactive Programming with Spring Framework 5.You will:Build a Stock Quote Streaming Spring Boot microservice.Use Spring WebFluxLearn about the functional configuration APIfor Spring WebFluxUse Spring Data MongoDB to reactively stream data into MongoDBComing Soon to the course:Using Reactive Types with ThymeleafSpring Security ReactiveReactive RabbitMQReactive Kafka with SpringReactive Redis with SpringReactive Cassandra with SpringNOTE:This course is for experienced Java and Spring developers. It is not a beginner level course."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Testing Spring Boot: Beginner to Guru" |
"In modern software development having proper automated test coverage is considered a best practice. In this course you will learn how to test Java and Spring Boot applications using highly popular open source tools. You will see in the first section of this course, the software testing ecosystem is very diverse. JUnit and Mockito are two of the leading testing libraries for Java. JUnit provides the test execution context, while Mockito give you power mocking capabilities. Together these libraries can be used to write unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests. You will also learn why having proper test coverage is critical to supporting other popular agile practices such as Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (aka CI/CD).Agile teams all over the world consider Test Driven Development (TDD) a critical technique for producing quality software. This course begins by using JUnit 5 to demonstrate how to use TDDto create a simple Java application, then again using TDDto evolve the application to a higher level of quality and functionality. Next, the course takes you into a deep dive of the features and functionality of JUnit 5. You will learn how to write JUnit 5 unit tests for a Java web application. The primary focus of this course is on the JUnit 5 release. There are some very notable differences between JUnit 4 and JUnit 5. This course contains a dedicated section showing you how to migrate your JUnit 4 tests to JUnit 5.As your testing needs become more complex, you will need to mock dependent objects. Mockito is the most popular mocking library used by Java developers. If you are writing Spring Framework applications, you're likely to be injecting dependent objects into your classes. You will learn how to use the robust mocking capabilities of Mocktio to mock dependent objects in your unit tests."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Apache Maven: Beginner to Guru" |
"Apache Maven is the most popular Java build tool. Companies and Open Source communities around the world, consider Apache Maven the 'go-to' build tool for their Java projects. In this course, you will learn to master Apache Maven. You will become a 'guru' using Apache Maven.No previous experience with Apache Maven is required. In just a few lessons, you will be building your first Apache Maven project!In this course, you will:Learn about the Maven Build LifecyclesUse Maven to build and package Java projectsSee how to use Maven with popular alternative JVM languages, including Groovy, Kotlin, and ScalaConfigure Maven to run your unit and integration tests written in JUnit 3, JUnit 4, JUnit 5, TestNG, and SpockGenerate source code from XML and JSONSchemasLeverage annotation processing at compile time for Project Lombok and MapstructLearn in depth about the Apache Maven plugin system and see how plugins are used in the build lifecycleBuild Spring Boot applications with Apache MavenImprove your code quality with code coverage and spot bugs reportsUnlock valuable capabilities of the Spring Boot Maven plugin!Deploy project artifacts to Maven repositories Develop multi-module Maven projectsAnd much more!This is course is for the modern Java developer. The entire course has been developed using Java 11.Course ExtrasAll Source Code in GitHub - Get access to over a dozen GitHub repositories with valuable examples!Slack Community - Join the instructor, teacher's assistants, and other students in a Slack Community exclusive to this course!Free 120 Day IntelliJUltimate Trial - Students enrolling in the course can request a free 120 day trial for IntelliJUltimate (the most popular Java IDE!)Apache Maven is used by over 70%of Java organizations. Employers are seeking people with strong Maven skills. Completing this course, you will be able to answer interview questions about Maven with confidence!Even if you'e already a Java developer using Apache Maven, this course will improve your Maven skills and show you new valuable best practices for your Java projects.Enroll today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"QlikView by Examples - Beginner course [Fast Track]" |
"This Course will help you to understand and learn 80% of what QlikView designer need to know. the remaining 20% will come through experience andhands on. This course is specially designed to deliver knowledge in an easy way by developing and ready mad QlikView application and step by step from scratch. The main target Audience for this course areUniversity students to help them doing their Mid-term and final term assignments. The course duration is around 1 hour which guaranteeto deliver maximum required information in lowest possible time.All what you need to do iswatch this courseworkout the final projectdiscuss your final output with mestart working in your University assignment.The main advantages of this course:No Time:The is a fast track course so you will be able to start creating QlikView application after 1 hour.Step By Step:Course designed to deliver information with examples andstep by step guide.Final Project:The final course project will help you to assess you understanding and highlight any gaps in your knowledge.Additional Materials:Course is designed to University students with tons of materials, writ-ups, hints, best practice and much much more.Life Time Support:By enrolling to this course;You will get life timesupport, help while you are creating your University assignment, recommendation and best practice.I already helped many students to get very good marks and so I'm ready to help you as well. What you are waiting for; enroll now and challenge your colleagues. Show them that you can get the full marks."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Java Spring and Hibernate:create a crud application" |
"This course is concentrated on how to create a crud(create read update delete operations froma database table) application in spring and hibernate frameworks in java. nowadays there is very huge demand for spring and hibernate course in java development field and in particularly creating a crud applications. so this is a best course to learn basic things to create a crud app in combination of spring and hibernate framework by using MYSQL database table at the backend. so you should know java,spring and hibernate frameworks basics before enrolling for this course. this course is not for experts in this field. at the end of this course i am sure you will be able to create a crud app in maven using spring and hibernate frameworks on your own"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Body Language basics" |
"Body language is type ofnon-verbal communication. it isused to describe the study of postures, signals, intonation of voice, hand-eye coordination and use of space in understanding the intentions of a person as compared to what his spoken words are. nowadays understanding body language is crucial in various fields to know what the other person is trying to convey with his gestures and movements.But most importantly, you have to understand that as you are studying othersbody language, others will be constantly scrutinizing yours too. So try and find out time from your daily schedule and work on your body language,which i have mentioned in the course so that you stop giving threatening or hostile messages through your gestures and signals,when you actually mean no harm.this course is not for experts in this field"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn Business Acumen" |
"Business Acumen is defined asthe efficiency of businessperson to understand, interpret, analyze, and deal with a business situation in a professional and profitable manner. this coursehas been designed primarily for professionals who have just started their career andare interested in understanding what the company expects of them and how they are supposed to interpret their responsibilities. this course has been designed in a very efficient and easy way. so that any person can understand the content. this course is not for experts inthis field. i am confident you will have a profound understanding about business acumen once you complete this course"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn business dress code" |
"This tutorial is dedicated to business dress code basics. this hashas built-in rules or signals to understand messages given by a person's clothing. This message may include indications of the person's gender, income, occupation, social class, and attitude towards fashion, tradition, and comfort. this course is designed for the peoplewho need assistance in proper dress code for both business meetings as well as formal social occasions. since it is a very sensitive topic youare expected to have a clear mindsetto takesuggestions on different dressing styles. i am confident thatyou will have a profound understanding about business dress codeonce you complete this course. please note this course is not for experts in this field"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn about business ethics" |
"This course is completely dedicated about learning business ethics. itis a subject that deals with moral guidelines and good corporate governance. Companies are supposed to set high standards and adhere to certain common business practices. we have tried to discuss many and most ofaspects of Business ethics in an easytounderstand manner. this is specifically designed for students of management and anyone who want to know aboutethical aspects of running a is advisable to have a basiclevel knowledge of business and management studies. However, general students who wish to get a brief overview of Business ethics may also find this courseuseful. please note this course is not for experts"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn about business etiquette" |
"This course is dedicated to learn about business etiquette. itis a set of principlesthat instructs us on what is considered sociallyacceptable behavior and what manners are conventional and are expected in a place, or while interacting with people with certain rank, age. It also teaches us the conventional and acceptable ways of interaction within a group or society. Every culture has its own different set of manners, and a lot of manners are common across cultures. Business Etiquette answers, whether or not, a behavior is socially acceptable and culturally respectable. it is basically designed for peoplewho have started their careers and are interested to know the working boundaries of how companies operate. this course is not for experts in this field"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Business Negotiation Skills" |
"This course is dedicated in learning business negotiation skills.A negotiation is aconversation between two or more individuals for reaching at a mutuallybenefiting conclusion. This point may benefit all of the participating entities, or just a single party, some of them, or all of them. Negotiation Skills are focused on resolving differences for the benefit of an individual or a group, or to satisfy various interests. In this course, we will discuss the skills that you need to do a successful business deals.These Skills are mostly necessary for those individuals, who work with the sales and marketing portfolio. this course is not for experts in this field"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn about business writing skills" |
"This course is completely dedicated in learning business writing skills. it helps you to conveyconcise and clear communication in professional lifewhile dealing with colleagues, seniors, and representatives of other organizations. Clear and concise professional writing is vital in many fieldsfor example, Law, Engineering, Medicine, etc. where a small misunderstanding could lead to serious consequences. so basically it helps theprofessionalswho need assistance in writing emails, designing presentations, and putting their thoughts in words. this course deals with the business writing skills which is very useful for new employees who have just started their career.this course is not for experts"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"SEO: basics for beginners" |
"This course is dedicated to learn about SEO techniques. SEO stands for search engine optimization. it is the process or activity of optimizing web pages or the whole website to make it search engine friendly by which it gets higher position in results. it is in very high demand outside. any web developer who want to enhance in their career and go to next level or any person who have basic knowledge about HTML,XHTML and CSS and aspiring to become a web developerare very much recommended to take this course to learn SEO techniques which will be very useful to them in near future. this course is not for experts in this fields. this course has been designed basically for the beginners"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Java:spring restful web service crud" |
"This course is concentrated on how to create a restful web service in springframework and do crud operation on itin java. nowadays there is very huge demand for spring restful web service course in java development field and in particularly doingcrud operations on it. so this is a best course to learn basic things to create a restful webservicein springframework and do basic crud operations on it. so you should know java,spring,restful web service,maven,eclipse basicsbefore enrolling for this course. this course is not for experts in this field. at the end of this course i am sure you will be able to have a basic knowledge on how to create a restful web service and how totest crud operations on it"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Java :Spring and Hibernate Restful web service crud" |
"This course is concentrated on how to create a restful web service in spring and hibernate frameworks and docrud(create read update delete operations froma database table)on it. nowadays there is very huge demand for spring and hibernate course in java development field and in particularly restful web service. so this is a best course to learn basic things to create a restful web service in combination of spring and hibernate framework by using MYSQL database table asthe back end. so you should know java,spring and hibernate frameworks,restful web service,eclipsebasics before enrolling for this course. this course is not for experts in this field. at the end of this course i am sure you will be able to create a restful web service in maven using spring and hibernate frameworks on your own and test it with postman(google chrome extension for testing crud in restful web services)"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Java Programming(Directories):basics for beginners" |
"This course is concentrated on learning about directories in java programming language. nowadays there is very huge demand for java in software field. this is a best course to learn basic things about directoriesin java . learning basic things and revising topics in java is always a career added advantage to aspiring java developers and it also improves their opportunities if they revise themselves. so i strongly recommend this course to them. so,you should know javabasicsbefore enrolling for this course. this course is not for experts in this field. at the end of this course i am sure you will be able to have a basic knowledge about directoriesrelated thingsin java .please observe that it is a very basic level course. so,don't expect too much from this course."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |