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"Learn Manual Testing:basics for beginners" |
"This Course is entirely concentrated on manual testing basics. Nowadays testing is playing a key and very important role in software industry because it decides the quality of your software and based on your testing we decide the quality of the software. so this course is very important for people who want to become a software tester and people who are in the entry level in this field.this course is exclusively designed for beginners. so,experts please stay away from this course becausethis will not satisfy your requirements. so why are you wasting time. just enroll in the course and make the best use of it"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Divi: WordPress Theme Grundlagen" |
"Es gibt heuteeine schier unendliche Anzahl an WordPress Themes mit unterschiedlichsten Features und vielfltigstem Aussehen. Da wird es schwer, das richtige Theme fr die eigene Homepage zu finden.Kostenlos oder kostenpflichtig?Umfassende und komplexe Funktionalitten oder doch lieber einfach und dadurch leicht zu bedienen?Mit Divi, einem kostenpflichtigen premiumWordPress Theme von elegantthemes, bekommst Du ein Theme an die Hand, mit dem wirklich jeder in krzester Zeit ansprechende und out of the box responsive Webseiten erstellen kann.Der komfortable Drag and Drop Builder ermglicht es jedem Laien, in krzester Zeit eine professionell aussehende und funktionierende Webseite zu erstellen.Mit Slidern, Videos, animierten Bildern, Countdowns,Kontaktformularen und vielem, vielem mehr, bringt Divi Werkzeuge und Module mit, mit denen es nicht nur einfach ist, sondern extrem viel Spa macht, die eigene Homepage zu bauen.In diesem Videokurs sehen wir uns Divi von der Installation bis zur ersten kleinen, aber feinen Webseite an und lernen alle Bereiche kennen, die es bentigt, um schnelleine saubere, professionell aussehende und responsive Homepage fr Desktop, Tablet und Handy zu erstellen.Anmerkung:Jegliches Bildmaterial ist entweder selbst erstellt (Webseitenlogo, Promobilder in EInfhrungsvideo ...), das Divi Logo kommt mit ausdrcklicher und direkter Erlaubnis von elegantthemes,oder kommt von der freien Seite unsplashcom (alle anderen Bilder)."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Bitcoin" |
"O Curso Completo de Bitcoin vai lhe ensinar o passo a passo a utilizar essa tecnologia incrvel que o Bitcoin!Bitcoin (BTC) uma moeda virtual (ou digital) criada por Satoshi Nakamoto em 2009, mas Bitcoin muito mais que uma moeda digital! Bitcoin uma tecnologia descentralizada que funciona como meio de pagamento rpido, gil, barato e no requer intermedirios.A tecnologia Bitcoin vem ganhando vrios adeptos em todo o mundo.Grandes empresas como a Microsoft e Dell j adotaram o Bitcoin como forma de pagamento. Est acontecendo uma grande revoluo e voc no pode ficar fora disso. O que est esperando? Cadastre-se agora mesmo para poder aprender mais sobre a tecnologia!Os instrutores Marcos Castro e Jonatan Nogueira estaro disponveis para tirar quaisquer dvidas atravs do frum do curso. O curso possui acesso vitalcio e direito a certificado!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Machine Learning e Data Science com Python" |
"Ateno:nesse curso ainda esto sendo adicionadas aulas!Machine Learning (aprendizado de mquina) uma rea que representa uma evoluo nos campos de Cincia da Computao, Anlise de Dados, Engenharia de Software e Inteligncia Artificial.Nesse curso voc aprender Machine Learning com a linguagem de Programao Python. No preciso ter conhecimento em Python, pois o curso possui uma seo para quem iniciante na linguagem.Alm disso, o curso trata das principais bibliotecas para anlise de dados e utilizao de tcnicas de aprendizado de mquina tais como NumPy, Pandas,scikit-learn e Matplotlib. Tambm sero explicadas tcnicas de aprendizado de mquina para facilitar o entendimento e utilizao das mesmas nos exemplos prticos.Todo o curso 100%em vdeo-aulas, tem direito a certificado e acesso vitalcio!Os instrutores Marcos Castro (mais de 12mil alunos na Udemy)e Gileno Filho (mais de 10mil alunos na Udemy) iro estar disponveis para tirar quaisquer dvidas atravs do frum do curso.O que est esperando? Machine Learning utilizado por empresas ao redor do mundo para facilitar a anlise de dados. Vivemos a era do Big Data, o volume de dados produzidos gigantesco e precisamos de tcnicas para automatizar e nos ajudar aencontrar algum padro nesses dados de forma que possamos resolver os problemas.Aguardamos voc no curso!"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Aprendendo Algoritmos com VisuAlg" |
"Nesse curso voc aprender sobre lgica computacional e ir praticar algoritmos computacionais utilizando o programa VisuAlg. Esse curso totalmente voltado para iniciantes em programao de computadores.Atravs de aulas dinmicas e didticas voc entrarno mundo da programao de computadores. Tem-se um dficit muito grande de bons programadores, vrias empresas ao redor do mundo querem contratar programadores, a demanda muito grande e voc no pode ficar de fora desse mercado!O que est esperando? Cadastre-se agora mesmo no curso para ter acesso s aulas! O curso vitalcio, tem direito a certificado e voc ir aprender a programar com Marcos Castro que j publicou dezenas de cursos e possui centenas de alunos espalhados por vrios pases.O curso tambm possui um frum onde voc poder tirar todas as suas dvidas com o instrutor. Voc aprender no seu tempo atravs de aulas prticas. Aguardo voc no curso!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Como vender pelo Instagram - Faa muitas vendas!!" |
"As pessoas esto cada vez mais utilizando redes sociais para se relacionarem e com o Instagram no diferente.Milhares de usurios compartilham fotos e vdeos a todo momento fazendo do Instagramuma ferramenta poderosa para realizar negcios! O Instagram um grande aliado para alavancar o seu negcio conquistando cada vez mais clientes.Mas para voc desfrutar melhor dessa ferramenta necessrio uma estratgia e planejamento. O instrutor Marcos Castro guiar voc atravs de um exemplo de uma empresa delepara mostrar como o Instagram pode e deve ser usado como ferramenta de negcio.O que est esperando? Cadastre-se agora mesmo no curso Como vender pelo Instagram e comece a utilizar essa mdia que possui mais de 800 milhes de usurios!!Atravs de aulas dinmicas e didticas, o instrutor Marcos Castro lhe passar informaes valiosas sempre mostrando o passo a passo para otimizar o seu aprendizado!"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"R Programming Hands-on Specialization for Data Science (Lv1)" |
"Ris considered as lingua franca of Data Science.Candidateswith expertise in R programming language are in exceedinglyhigh demand and paid lucratively in Data Science. IEEEhas repeatedlyranked Ras one of the top and most popularProgramming Languages. Almost every Data Science and Machine Learningjob posted globallymentions the requirement forR language proficiency. All the top ranked universities like MIThave included Rin their respective Data Science courses curriculum.With its growing community of users in Open Source space, R allows you to productively work on complex Data Analysis and Data Science projects to acquire, transform/cleanse, analyse, model and visualise data to supportinformed decision making. But there's one catch:Rhas quite a steep learning curve!How's this course different from so many other courses?Many of the available training courses on Rprogramming don't coverit itsentirety. To be proficient in R for Data Sciencerequires thorough understanding of Rprogramming constructs, data structures and none of the available courses coverthem with the comprehensiveness and depth thateach topic deserves. Many courses dive straight into Machine Learning algorithms and advancedstuff without thoroughly comprehending the Rprogramming constructs. Such approaches to teachRhave a lot of drawbacks andthat's where many Data Scientists struggle with in their professional careers.Also, the real value in learning Rlies in learning from professionals who are experienced, proficientand are still working in Industry on huge projects;a trait which is missing in 90% of the training courses available on Udemy and other platforms.This is what makes this course stand-out from the rest.This course has been designed to address these andmany otherfallacies and uniquely teaches Rin a way that you won't find anywhere else. Taught by me, an experienced Data Scientist currently working in Deloitte (World's largest consultancy firm)in Australia and has worked on a number of Data Science projects in multiple niches like Retail, Web, Telecommunication and web-sector. Ihave over 5 years ofdiverse experience of working in my own start-ups (related to Data Science and Networking), BPO and digital mediaconsultancy firms,andinacademia's Data Science Research Labs. Itsa rare combination of exposure that you will hardlyfind in anyother instructor.You will be leveraging my valuableexperience to learn and specialize R.What you're going to learn in this course?The course will start from the very basics of introducing Data Science, importance of R and then will gradually build your concepts. In the first segment, we'll startfrom setting up Rdevelopment environment, RData types,Data Structures (the building blocks of Rscripts), Control Structures and Functions.The second segment comprises of applying your learned skills on developing industry-grade Data Science Application. You will be introduced to the mind-set and thought-process of working on Data Science Projects and Application development. The project will then focus on developing automated and robust Web Scraping bot in R. You will get the amazing opportunities to discover what multiple approaches are available and how to assess alternativeswhile making design decisions (something that Data Scientists do everyday). You will also be exposed to web technologies like HTML,Document Object Model,XPath, RSelenium in the context of web scraping,that will take your data analysis skills to the next level. The course will walk you through the step by step process of scraping real-life and live data from a classifieds website to analyse real-estate trends in Australia. This will involve acquiring, cleansing, munging and analyzing data using Rstatistical and visualisation capabilities.Each and every topic will be thoroughly explained with real-life hands-on examples, exercises along with disseminating implications, nuances, challenges and best-practices based on my years of experience.What you will gain from this course will be incomparable to what's currently available out there as you will be leveraging my growingexperience and exposure in Data Science.This course will position you to not onlyapply for Data Science jobs but will also enable you touse Rfor more challenging industry-grade projects/problems and ultimately itwill super-charge your career.So take the decision and enrol in this course and lets work together to make you specializeinR Programming like never before!"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Apache Spark Hands on Specialization for Big Data Analytics" |
"What if you could catapult your careerin one of the most lucrative domains i.e. Big Data by learning the state of the art Hadoop technology (Apache Spark) which is considered mandatory in all of the current jobs in this industry?What if you could develop your skill-set in one of the most hottest Big Data technology i.e. Apache Spark by learning in one of the most comprehensive course out there (with 10+ hours of content) packed with dozens of hands-on real world examples, use-cases,challenges and best-practices?What if you could learn from an instructor who is working in the world's largest consultancy firm,has worked,end-to-end,in Australia's biggest Big Data projects to date and whohas a proven track record on Udemy with highly positive reviews and thousands of students already enrolled in his previous course(s)?If you have such aspirations and goals, then this course and you is a perfect match made in heaven!Why Apache Spark?Apache Spark has revolutionised and disrupted the waybig data processing andmachine learning were done by virtue of its unprecedented in-memory and optimised computational model. It has been unanimously hailed as the future of Big Data.It's the tool of choice all around the world whichallows data scientists, engineers and developers to acquire andprocess data for a number of use-cases likescalablemachine learning, stream processing and graph analytics to name a few.All of the leading organisations likeAmazon, Ebay, Yahoo among many others have embraced this technology to address their Big Data processing requirements.Additionally,Gartner has repeatedly highlighted Apache Spark as a leader in Data Science platforms.Certification programs ofHadoop vendors like Cloudera and Hortonworks, which have high esteem in current industry, have oriented their curriculum to focus heavily on ApacheSpark. Almost all of the jobs in Big Data and Machine Learning space demand proficiency in Apache Spark.This is what John Tripier, Alliances and Ecosystem Lead at Databricks has to say, The adoption of Apache Spark by businesses large and small is growing at an incredible rate across a wide range of industries, and the demand for developers with certified expertise is quickly following suit.All of these facts correlate to the notion that learning this amazing technology will give you a strong competitive edge in your career.Why this course?Firstly, this is the most comprehensive and in-depth course ever produced on Apache Spark. I've carefully and critically surveyed all of the resources out there and almost all of them fail to cover this technology in the depth that it trulydeserves. Some of them lack coverage of Apache Spark's theoretical concepts like its architecture andhow it works in conjunction with Hadoop, some fall short in thoroughly describing how to use Apache Spark APIs optimally for complex big data problems, some ignore the hands-on aspects to demonstrate how to do Apache Spark programming to work on real-world use-casesand almost all of them don't cover the best practices in industryand the mistakes that many professionals make in field.This course addresses all of the limitations that's prevalent in the currently available courses. Apart from that, as I have attended trainings from leading Big Data vendors like Cloudera (for which they charge thousands of dollars), I've ensured that the course is aligned withthe educationalpatterns and best practices followed in those training to ensure that you get the best and most effective learning experience.Each section of the course covers concepts in extensive detail and from scratchso that you won't find any challenges in learning evenif you are new to this domain. Also, each section will have an accompanying assignment section where we will work together on a number of real-world challenges and use-cases employing real-world data-sets. The data-sets themselves will also belong to different niches ranging from retail, web server logs, telecommunication and some of them will also be from Kaggle (world's leading Data Science competition platform).The course leverages Scala instead of Python. Even though wherever possible, reference to Python development is also given but the course ismajorly based on Scala. The decision was made based on a number of rational factors. Scala is the de-facto language for development in Apache Spark. Apache Spark itself is developed in Scala and as a result all of the new features are initially made available in Scala and then in other languages like Python. Additionally, there is significant performance difference when it comes to using Apache Spark with Scala compared to Python. Scala itself is one of the most highest paid programming languages and you will be developing strong skill in that language along the way as well.The course also has a number of quizzes to further test your skills. For further support, you can always ask questions to which you will get prompt response. I will also be sharing best practices and tips on regular basis with my students.What you are going to learn in this course?The course consistsof majorly two sections:Section - 1:We'll start off withthe introduction of Apache Spark and will understand its potential and businessuse-cases in the context of overall Hadoop ecosystem. We'll then focus on howApache Spark actually works and will take a deep dive of the architectural componentsof Spark as its crucial for thorough understanding.Section - 2:After developingunderstanding of Spark architecture, we will move to the next section of thiscourse where we will employ Scala language to use Apache Spark APIs to developdistributed computation programs. Please note that you don't need to have priorknowledge of Scala for this course as I will start with the very basics ofScala and as a result you will also be developing your skills in this one ofthe highest paying programming languages. In this section, Wewill comprehensively understand how spark performs distributed computationusing abstractions like RDDs, what are the caveatsin loading data in Apache Spark, what are thedifferent ways to create RDDs and how to leverage parallelism and much more.Furthermore, astransformations and action constitute the gist of Apache Spark APIs thus itsimperative to have sound understanding of these. Thus, we will thenfocus on a number of Spark transformations and Actions that are heavily beingused in Industry and will go into detail of each. Each API usage will becomplimented with a series of real-world examples and datasets e.g. retail, webserver logs, customer churn and also from kaggle. Each section of the coursewill have a number of assignments where you will be able to practically applythe learned concepts to further consolidate your skills.A significantsection of the course will also be dedicated to key value RDDs which form thebasis of working optimally on a number of big data problems. In addition tocovering the crux of Spark APIs, I will also highlight a number of valuablebest practices based on my experience and exposure and will also intuit onmistakes that many people do in field. You will rarely such informationanywhere else. Each topic will becovered in a lot of detail with strong emphasis on being hands-on thus ensuringthat you learn Apache Spark in the best possible way.The course isapplicable and valid for all versions of Spark i.e. 1.6 and 2.0. After completingthis course, you will develop a strong foundation and extended skill-set to useSpark on complex big data processing tasks. Big data is one of the mostlucractive career domains where data engineers claim salaries in high numbers.This course will also substantially help in your job interviews. Also, if youare looking to excel further in your big data career, by passing Hadoopcertifications like of Cloudera and Hortonworks, this course will prove to beextremely helpful in that context as well.Lastly, once enrolled, you will have life-time access to the lectures and resources.Its a self-paced course and you can watch lecture videos on any device like smartphone or laptop. Also, you are backed by Udemy's rock-solid 30 days money back guarantee. So if you are serious about learning about learning Apache Spark, enrol in this course now and lets start this amazing journey together!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Transformations: Breaking Down Chess Strategy" |
"One of the biggest problems that people around 1400-1700 are facing is their lack of positional comprehension, this course is designed to break down the fundamentals andto expose you to a higher stratigical paradigm.Maybe you constantly find yourself in positions where you don't know what to do, your pieces have no harmony, your attacks fail and you are wondering why.What are you waiting for?Let's become better at chess!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"The Psychology of Chess: Breaking Down Your Thought Process" |
"Hey there!This is Paul Carrero, I have been playing chess for the last 10 years, and a year ago I decided to start a youtube channel with the idea of listening to peoples thought processes while we played games online and correcting the flaws that they had when approaching the game. I have done this with people from 35+ countries, and in this course youll find some of the most important realizations that I had through the year while spotting flaws in peoples minds.The moves that we play on the board are nothing but the result of our thought processes, if your thought process is disorganized, lacks structures and you are missing guidance, then your moves will reflect your incongruences and flaws. The moves are the effect, your thought process is the cause, nonetheless, everybody is making such gigantic emphasis on the moves and everybody is forgetting to talk about the most fundamental thing, your thought process.Roll in and change the perspective that you have of the game, spot your flaws and get a deeper comprehension of chess psychology now, its algorithms and its complexity."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Automating My MacBook - Get started with Keyboard Maestro" |
"Keyboard Maestro () . Keyboard Maestro , , . () . Keyboard Maestro () . Keyboard Maestro Finder, AppleScript, JavaScript, Python bash Bash, AppleScript Keyboard Maestro . , (), , , Telegram / Slack / KakaoTalk , , Finder 1500 / , Imagemagick , . .AppleScript Keyboard Maestro . Keyboard Maestro . 3~6 . 20 . 30 : 1 Udemy () !50 13 . . KM (else if) KM AppleScript While KM Switch Case Semaphore KM 30 ! . () !"
Price: 55000.00 ![]() |
"Curso Completo Python 3 - Desde las Bases hasta Django" |
"Hola a todos!Bienvenidos a este nuevo curso completo de Python donde les enseare todo lo que necesitan saber para convertirse en unos expertos desarrolladores de este magnfico lenguaje.Tanto si eres un principiante en el mundo de la programacin como si ya tienes experiencia este es un lenguaje que te encantar aprender debido a su sintaxis fcil e intuitiva.Los temas que cubrimos actualmente en el curso son:Introduccin a Python Instalaremos nuestras herramientas Variables Ciclos Condiciones Errores Estructuras de Datos en Python Diccionarios Tuplas Conjuntos Listas Programacin Orientada a Objetos Clases Herencia Sobreescritura de mtodosFechas y Horas en PythonObtener la hora en PythonFormatos de Fecha y HoraZonas HorariasArchivos en PythonLectura de ArchivosEscritura de ArchivosExpresiones RegularesBases de DatosConexin a Bases de Datos Agregar, Actualizar y Borrar RegistrosUso de libreras externasLo mejor de todo es que este curso esta completamente enfocado a proyectos, donde desarrollaremos aplicaciones como:Una calculadoraLista de ComprasAgenda TelefnicaJuego de HangmanCalculadora de ConjuntosAplicacin de Diario con Bases de DatosNo lo pienses ms e inscribete.Saludos!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo Ruby - Desde las Bases hasta Rails" |
"Hola a todos!Bienvenidos a este nuevo curso de programacin en Ruby completamente actualizado.Este curso diseado para todo aquel que quiera aprender en este magnifico lenguaje tan popular en el mundo.Conocimientos previos en programacin son tiles pero no requeridos, ya que cubriremos todo paso por paso.En este curso aprenderemosVariablesCiclosDecisionesArreglosHashesProgramacin Orientada a ObjetosBloques en RubyDesarrollo Web con SinatraDesarrollo Web con RailsY mucho ms...Este es un curso completamente prctico y enfocado a proyectos. Lo que quiere decir que no sern un montn de diapositivas aburridas sino queaprenderemos de la mejor forma: Programando Aplicaciones.Te espero!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Android Oreo y Kotlin - Curso de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones" |
"Hola!Bienvenidos al nuevo cursoAndroid O - Curso de Desarrollo de Aplicaciones con Kotlin. Este es un nuevo curso enfocado a programadores androiddonde les enseare todo lo necesario para aprender a programar sus primeras aplicaciones con kotlinAlgunas de las ventajas que te ofrece este curso:Completamente en espaolAprender a programar y hacer aplicaciones mvilespuede ser algo difcil y si le sumamos un idioma desconocido se vuelve una ardua labor. En este curso todo se explica de forma clara y didctica.Enfocado a programadoresEn este curso asumo que el alumno ya tiene experiencia en Android, por lo tanto nos vemos directo a la parte divertida: aplicar nuestros conocimientos android con kotlin.Curso prctico y enfocado a proyectosAprenders a hacer varias aplicaciones,entre ellas una aplicacin del clima, una aplicacin para tomar fotos y videos, una aplicacin para desplegar una lista de heroes de marvel, etc.Algunos de los temas que tocaremos en el curso:Kotlin:VariablesCadenasCiclosDecicionesFuncionesFunciones de ExtensinFunciones AnnimasExpresiones LambdaFunciones de una sola LneaFunciones de Alto NivelEstructuras de DatosProgramacin Orientada a ObjetosAndroidDiseo de InterfacesConstraint LayoutsLinear LayoutsActividadesAdaptersRecyclerViewsListviewsSi tienen cualquier pregunta no duden en contactarme!Nota: Este es un curso enfocado a programadores con experiencia previa en android. No es necesario ser experto, perosi se tienen que tener conocimientos bsicos como: actividades, adaptadores,listas, recycler,views, etc"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"iOS 11 y Swift 4 - De Principiante a Experto" |
"Hola!Bienvenido al nuevo curso de iOS 11 Y Swift 4 De Principiante a Experto. Aqu aprenders todo lo necesario para crear tu primera aplicacin para iOS 11, el sistema operativo de los iPhones y iPads. Lo mejor de este curso es que no necesitas una amplia experiencia en programacin, slo una Mac y un increble deseo de aprender! Algunas de las ventajas que te ofrece este curso: Completamente en espaolAprender a programar y hacer aplicaciones mvilespuede ser algo difcil y si le sumamos un idioma desconocido se vuelve una ardua labor. En este curso todo se explica de forma clara y didctica. No se requiere experiencia previa Muchos asumen que ya tienes una amplia experiencia previa y se saltan las cosas bsicas. En este curso, empezaremos desde cero para que todos puedan aprender. Esto hace que los principiantes puedan llevar a cabo los proyectos y los expertos fortalezcan sus conocimientos previos. Enfocado a proyectos prcticos Olvdate de las diapositivas aburridas y charlas largas. En este curso quiero que todo se aprenda de forma prctica y divertida. Por lo tanto, aprenders de la mejor manera posible: Desarrollando aplicaciones mviles! Algunos de los temas que veremos en este curso: Swift 4 VariablesCadenasCiclosDecisionesOptionalsFuncionesArreglosDiccionariosEstructurasExtensionesProtocolosClasesiOS 11 AutolayoutsViews(Botones,labels,etc)NavegacinInterfacesModelo, Vista y ControladorControllers y Navigation ControllersNetworkingJsonLayoutsImgenesTablasPlistStackViewsMucho ms!!!Espero que disfrutes este curso tanto como yo disfrute hacindolo. Recuerda que puedes contactarme para cualquier duda que tengas. :D Saludos!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Get Hands-On Practice Building your Own Networking Lab" |
"SPP1.0 Your Lab!Imagine Having Your Own Self-Contained Study Lab...Have you ever felt like you've read all the books, memorized all the concepts but something was still missing?The reality is that when it comes to passing the CompTIA Security+ exam, sometimes books, blogs and videos aren't enough.Wouldn't it be awesome if you could get real-hands on experience working out the concepts you've been studying?Imagine, studying about SQL injection attacks but then taking your understanding to another level by not only launching a SQL injection attack against a vulnerable webserver, but also building a testing lab from scratch that allows the attack to happen?Imagine taking your understanding ofhow email works by actually building a real Microsoft Exchange environment and then sending a test email between clients - all within the safe environment of a portable sandbox?It's one thing to read about SMTP but it's another to understand how email works because you built the server from scratch...That's what the SPP1.0 course is about. It's about building a test playground where you can experiment, break stuff, roll it back and learn Security+ concepts by DOING. Almost everything is hands on.This has the potential to significantly boost your confidence not only during test time but also during interviews because you will have done the real work behind the theory.In the SPP1.0 course, you'll learn,step-by-step,how to setup a completely virtualized environment that closely mimics real enterprise networks.After setup, the entire labis self-contained and doesn't need an internet connection. This means you can take it with you, study on the go, and learn wherever the need arises.In addition, if you wish, you'll be able to expand this lab to study for other exams too such as the Network+, Cisco CCNA or even the Microsoft MCSE exams!Are you ready to finally understand Information Security concepts without investing in expensive equipment?Are you ready to get the confidence you need to truly enjoy what you do while you're doing it?Are you ready for personal transformation?Your future self and your lab is waiting for you inside. What are you waiting for?You've got this! -"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Make Your Idea A Real Startup And Pitch In Silicon Valley" |
"OVER1000 STUDENTS!!! NOW WITH A BRAND NEW COURSE FOR ENTREPRENEURS!!!Everyone has an idea right?The next billion-dollar idea. Good or bad, we all do have one. But as you see, %99 of the startups fail before they even get their first customers, some fail because of the lack of experience and some fail because of the wrong management. Failing is something that we all do have experience but good news is that with years of entrepreneurship experience and graduated from UC-Berkeley Executive program and Draper University, I am here for you to grow your business from an idea to pitch to the investors in Silicon Valley. With the pitching experience over 100 times and successfully invested startup. You will not only learn, you will also interact and experience by time! This is not just a course to watch and learn! We work together from the first step till the last step! Don't have an idea yet? Let's find your interest and create one! Struggling to find Investors for your startup? Let me help you! Need help with creating a pitch deck?Let's check it together! Need help with creating a mock-up?Let me help you! Most startups fail because they don't know how to proceed. Let's change this! In this course, youll not only learn how to start your entrepreneurship journey, you will also learn how to go through the correct path! Validating your business idea is something that no one has thought you before! But on this course you will also learn if your idea is good or bad before you even start your journey! Entrepreneurship from A to Z:From the idea stage to pitching investors. This course includes the whole journey from A to Z.Examples:How entrepreneurs pitch on stage. Examples included! Answers to FAQs:Ask anything at any point and lets make your idea the next billion dollar business!"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Dfinir et atteindre vos objectifs commerciaux" |
"La meilleure exprience de satisfaction dun tre humain est laccomplissement de ses rves. Dans lactivit commerciale, cette rgle sapplique aussi. Ainsi, tous les professionnels de la vente, nont quun rve: atteindre leur objectif commercial. Mais pour atteindre les objectifs commerciaux, il faudrait les dfinir lavance et prparer leurs conditions de ralisation. La plupart des professionnels de la vente, ne vont pas au-del de la phase de dfinition des objectifs commerciaux. Par consquent, ils narrivent pas obtenir les rsultats escompts. Cest la raison pour laquelle dans cette formation, vous trouverez toutes les explications et tapes ncessaires pour dfinir et atteindre vos objectifs commerciaux. Vendre deviendra un plaisir pour vous."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"9 Conseils pour dvelopper votre chiffre d'affaires" |
"Vous vous intressez aux 9 conseils pour dvelopper votre chiffre daffaires, vous avez raison. Tout entrepreneur et dirigeant dentreprise cherche vendre et vendre plus. Cest bien normal car la vocation mme dune entreprise est de vendre. Ces 9 conseils pour dvelopper votre chiffre daffaires, vous aideront dvelopper vos ventes durablement, cest--dire ds la fin de votre formation et pour toujours. Vous dcouvrirez une approche originale vous permettant la fois de trouver des clients, dvelopper vos ventes et fidliser vos clients existants. Vous doutez dune telle solution, inscrivez-vous pour dcouvrir la mthode et lappliquer votre propre activit, et mesurer vos progrs. Il ne vous restera plus qu observer les rsultats"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Certified Stop Smoking Hypnosis Course" |
"You know that by stopping youll save several thousands a year; youll add years to your life and save your health before its too late. The one thing that drives people to continue to smoke is FEAR Fear youll have to go without your crutch or faithful friend Fear you wont be able to relax or handle stress Fear youll have to go through some awful tortureFear youll never be free of the craving All of these fears can be summed up as Fear that its all going to be painful and too difficult. Achieving any major goal needs the right mindset and optimal motivation. This course provides all the steps necessary to get you to the point where you can easily and successfully quit without feeling youve made a great sacrifice, or had to undergo any feelings of pain. Rather youll experience a huge sense of relief and joy when youve achieved what all smokers secretly desire; youll have become a permanent and happy non-smoker. Smoking is a habit and all habits (good or bad) are run from the unconscious mind. Since hypnosis works directly with the unconscious this is the only way that makes sense to finally break free and take back control of your own life and behaviours. The time to stop is right now so go ahead and take the course and soon you could be a happy non-smoker!"
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Linguagem de programao C# - Bsico" |
"Aprenda a programar em uma das linguagens mais usadas no mundo, o C#.C# uma linguagem de programao multi-plataforma que pode ser utilizada para construir uma variedade muito grande de programas. Com C#, voc pode construir aplicativos mveis (para Windows, Android e iOS), jogos, sites e sistemas web e programas de computador.Depois de dominiaos fundamentos da linguagem C# e a plataforma .NETFramework, voc ter muitas opes pela frente. Voc pode escolher construir aplicativos se preferi, ou trabalharnaconstruo de sites. Contanto que voc conhea os fundamentos da linguagem C#, trocar de rea fica muito fcil."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Linguagem de programao C# - Intermedirio" |
"Neste curso vamos dar um passo a mais em relao aocurso anterior ""Linguagem de programao C# - Bsico"". Vamos continuar aprender C# e suas estruturas principais, desta vez focado em aprender como construir programas com o uso da Programao Orientada a Objeto. Neste curso voc aprender tpicos como:- Struct.- Passagem de parmetros por Valor e por Referncia.- Classes Abstratas, Seladas(Sealed) e Interface.- Classe eMtodos Parciais.- Enumeradores.- Tratamento de erros (Try, Catch e Finally).- O uso de muitas palavras reservadas (This, Base, Readonly e etc).- A trabalhar com arquivos.- Faremos um projeto final para fixar o contedo apresentado- Alm de dicas e outras informaes passadas em nosso curso.Aproveite este curso, que o segundo da serie de programao comC#, para aprender todos os fundamentos da Linguagem mais poderosa da atualizada."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Linguagem de programao C# - Avanado" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender tpicos avanados da linguagem de programao C#, uma das mais utilizadas do mundo para desenvolvimento de software, apps e games.C# uma linguagem de programao multi-plataforma que pode ser utilizada para construir uma variedade muito grande de programas. Com C#, voc pode construir aplicativos mveis (para Windows, Android e iOS), jogos, sites e sistemas web e programas de computador.Depois de dominiaos fundamentos da linguagem C# e a plataforma .NETFramework, voc ter muitas opes pela frente. Voc pode escolher construir aplicativos se preferi, ou trabalharnaconstruo de sites. Contanto que voc conhea os fundamentos da linguagem C#, trocar de rea fica muito fcil."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Curso prtico - HTML 5, CSS 3, JS + Bootstrap 3.3 e JQuery" |
"Neste curso estarei ensinando a desenvolver sitesdo zero, com as principais tecnologias de mercado, o HTML 5, CSS 3 e Javascript. Estas 3 linguagens trabalham em conjunto para a construo de uma pgina com contedo, estilo e interao. Neste curso, alm de aprender as linguagens tambm ensinarei como utilizar doisframeworks, um framework recurso construido com base em umalinguagem para facilitar o desenvolvimento, neste caso o desenvolvimento de sites. Aprender os frameworks Bootstrap verso 3.3, que utiliza a linguagem CSSpara adicionar lindos estilos a sua pgina. Tambm aprenderemos a usar o framework jQuery, famoso por facilitar o desenvolvimento com Javascript."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Xamarin Forms - Avanado" |
"Neste curso irei ensinar tpicos avanados deXamarin Forms, a tecnologia da Microsoft para desenvolver aplicativos para as 3 principais plataformas de Smartphone, o iOS, Android e UWP(Windows Mobile10). Meu nome Elias, eu sou instrutor de um dos cursos mais bem sucedidos da Udemy, o Xamarin - Desenvolvimento para Android, iOS e WP. E agora estou lanando a verso avanada do curso de Xamarin, onde focaremos no Xamarin Forms e nas tcnicas e componentes existentes para termos maior controle sobre a plataforma. Irei aborda neste curso assuntos muito desejados pelos alunos, como Custom Render, Custom Control, Mapas, GPS, Cmera, Multi-idiomase muito mais."
Price: 114.99 ![]() |
"Windows Forms - Programas de computador (Desktop)" |
"Ol, bem vindo ao curso de Windows Forms, a tecnologia da Microsoft para desenvolvimento de programas para computador. Neste curso iremos passar por vrias etapas de aprendizado, desde as possibilidades de executar seu programa em outros sistemas operacionais no Microsoft, passaremospor controlese organizao de projetos at a construo de um programa completo com interface grfica elegante e suporte a mltiplos idiomas. Tudo isso voc ver em nosso curso. Este um curso completo, que ensina um estudante com conhecimentos bsicos/intermedirios em C# a criar seu programa com Windows Forms do zero.Convido voc a se tornar aluno deste curso e aproveitar a grande quantidade de contedo criar especialmente para voc.Atenciosamente, Elias Costa."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Curso prtico de ASP.NET Core MVC - Bsico" |
"Este curso tem o objetivo de ensinar por meio de um projeto bsico como desenvolver um sistema web, um site dinmico, onde seu contedo pode sofrer alteraes devido a utilizao de banco de dados, algoritmos enfim de programao. Neste curso esteremos criando um projeto muito simples, mas que permitir entender como funciona o ASP.NETCore 2.1 MVC e trabalhar com funcionalidades de validao(DataAnnotations), Layouts, Banco de dados, Sesso, Filtros, Publicao do projeto no Azure e muito mais.Voc pode notar que nosso projeto simples, mas ensinamos assuntos que possibilita criar grandes projetos com uma estrutura limpa(MVC) e recursos atuais do ASP.NETCore 2.1.Para saber mais veja nossa grade horria."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Object Oriented Programming with C# - Beginner to Advanced" |
"This course will lay the foundations of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) in your mind, allowing you to progress to more systematic and cleanerProgramming methods.The course is aimed at students who have at least some coding experience, preferably with C#(but Java or any other similar language is also acceptable).There are so many things that you will learn in this course, some of the most noted ones are:What is an object and a classWhat is object oriented programmingClass ConstructorsNamespacesShould you or should you not use the ""this"" keywordFields and PropertiesDifferent ways in which Properties can be usedConst and Readonly constants, the difference between them and how to use themStatic Fields and Static (Singleton)ClassesEnumerationsAccess ModifiersThe 4 Pillars of Object Oriented Programming - Inheritance, Abstraction, Encapsulation, PolymorphismMany, manyquality code guidelinesEach of these topics will be looked upon in great detail, and each of them are accompanied by a variety of Exercises. Practice makes perfect.There are tons and tons of tutorials on Youtube, so why would you have to pay for this course?The answer is very simple, in this course you will get every single lecturesystemized in such way, that it ensures smooth transition between the previous and the following topic. Guaranteeing great learning experience.There are no stones left unturned, everything is explained in great detail (but not too much, that would be boring :))The video lectures in the course are produced with the highest possible audio and video quality. No static noises to disturb you while you watch the videos, no blurry images, everything is crystal clear with crisp audio!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"MATLAB Graphical User Interface with the MATLAB GUIDE tool" |
"What You will learn in this course:You will be intimately familiar with every available tool in the GUIDEEnvironmentYou will know how to work with every available element in the GUIDE Environment and practice it by building two different projectsWork with the handles structure and use it to interact between separate elementsVisualize Data within Your GUIValidate incoming data from your end users and handle itCreate Toolbar Menus for easier use of the end usersCreate Menubars and Context menus, to add even more functionality to your applicationsPackage your app into a MATLABApp or a Standalone Application that does not require the user to have MATLABinstalledBuild Two Big projects, one oriented more towards the interface part of the project and the other oriented more at the ""behind the scenes"" partWhy to Develop Graphical User Interface?Often times people judge a book by the cover. And for sure the code that you wrote works flawlessly, but does it have a good looking cover and how easy is it to use it? And if you want your code to be used by people who have no coding skills or at the very least, their skills are not good enough to understand it. Why not wrap your code with an interface that will enable anyone to use it? Let us help you with this!The Development of a intuitive graphical user interface can make your work more popular, since it will be available to a much broader audience of people, that way it can reach more people, and be valued by more people. The graphical user interface, gives the ability to the end user to use the point and click strategy, to work more easily with the software application, so the need for the user to know the actual language in which it was written is eliminated.Why with MATLAB?Matlab (Matrix Laboratory) is a programming language of a higher level with interactive development environment, that can satisfy the needs even of the most demanding software developers.The advantages of MATLAB are:Specially designed to work with data structuresBuilt on a modular principle from many different toolboxes, that make specialized functions available for many scientific fields finances, cartography, numerical biology, data processing, signal processing, parallel calculations and many others)Platform independent language it works on any Operating SystemIt can directly communicate and operate with hardware periphery (sound cards, video cameras, Arduino, DAQ systems and many more)Gives you the ability to package your code into an (.exe) executable fileRich documentation with thorough explanations of all of its functions, available both offline in the MATLAB environment itself, and in the MATLAB Central websiteWhy with MATLAB GUIDE?GUIDE (Graphical User Interface Development Environment) is a MATLAB integrated working environment that provides instruments and techniques for accelerated, easy and intuitive design and development of GUI for user oriented applications. The approach is straightforward, arrange the user interface elements using the GUIDE Layout Editor, then GUIDE will automatically generate the code behind these elements (Callbacks), which are responsible for the behavior of each of your elements, and finally populate these automatically generated Callbacks with their appropriate behaviors (code), package the app and make it available to the end users.In conclusion:If you ever wanted to be a movie producer, this is a great opportunity become the screenwriter of your own graphical user interface and a producer of its implementation. Create the product, share it with the users, and enjoy the end result! Dont be the only one who understands and uses your own code, wrap it in an interface and make it available to the broader audience! As always Express Yourself!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso de ionic 2 en espaol (actualizado a la versin 3)" |
"Quieres crear aplicaciones mviles nativas pero no sabes Swift, Java o C#?En el curso de Ionicte enseamos cmo puedes usar tus conocimientos de Angular 2 y desarrollo web para crear aplicaciones mviles nativas sin tener que aprender ms lenguajes de programacin y duplicar (o triplicar) todo tu esfuerzo para poder tener la misma aplicacin en tres plataformas diferentes. Con Ionic 2 solo necesitas crear la aplicacin una vez e instalarla en las plataformas que quieras.El curso de Ionicte dar los conocimientos necesarios para comenzar a desarrollar tus aplicaciones mviles. Te ensearemos con ejemplos:Como instalar los requerimientos para comenzar a programar en IonicLa estructura de las aplicacionesLos componentes principales de las aplicaciones de Ionic como:BotonesCampos de textoNavegacinPasar parmetros entre pginasToastsListasSlides (diapositivas)ModalsCardsFABsEl uso de funcionalidad nativa del telfono (e.g. Cmara, GPS, persistencia )Como correr aplicaciones en emuladoresComo correr aplicaciones en dispositivos mvilesComo hacer autenticacin de usuariosY mucho msCuales son los requerimientos del curso?Para poder aprovechar el curso al mximo es necesario tener conocimientos de:Angular 2TypeScriptConocimientos bsicos de HTMLConocimientos bsicos de CSSConocimientos bsicos de JSNo es necesario saber de Ionic 1 o Angular 1.Si necesitas aprender Angular 2 puedes tomar nuestro curso en udemy.Para poder instalar aplicaciones en dispositivos iOS o publicarlos en el AppStore es necesario tener un Mac.Este curso ser actualizado constantemente de acuerdo a los comentarios de los estudiantes. El cdigo fuente de cada aplicacin est disponible para ser descargado y si tienes alguna duda puedes contactar al profesor del curso para solucionar cualquier problemaLa versin 3 de Ionic solo fue una actualizacin con cambios mnimos en nuestras aplicaciones. Este curso est actualizado a la versin 3"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Vue JS 2 en Espaol" |
"De acuerdo con las ltimas tendencias VueJS est ganando mucho terreno entre los frameworks de desarrollo front end tanto en mundialmente como en los mercados de habla hispana. Y la demanda por personas con conocimientos de frameworks de JScomo VueJS estincrementando increblemente.Con VueJS puedes crear desde aplicaciones pequeas hasta aplicaciones para empresas de una forma extremadamente fcil y sin necesidad de aprender TypeScript, todo est creado en JavaScript, lo que es una de las razones de su gran popularidad. VueJS 2 toma lo mejor de otros frameworks como Ember, React y Angular. Es un framework bastante liviano por lo que va a hacer nuestras aplicaciones mucho ms rpidas.En este curso vas a aprender desde cero como usar VueJS, vamos a ver como usarlo en aplicaciones pequeas y poco a poco vamos a ver lo que nos ofrece el framework.En este curso vas a aprender, entre muchas otras cosas:Que es VueJS y porque es tan popular?Como lo puedo usar en mis proyectos?Que son las plantillas y como usarlas?Que son los componentes y como usarlos?Como puedo interactuar con el DOM?Que son enlaces de datos y como usarlos?Como crear Filtros?Que son las directivas?Como puedo crear mis propias directivas?Como crear aplicaciones de pgina simple usando enrutamiento?Como interactuar con una API?Como interactuar con una base de datos?Como correr mi aplicacin en unservidor de produccin(ApacheoAmazon Web Services)?Y mucho mucho ms!Tendrs acceso al cdigo fuente en cada seccin y como siempre el curso ser actualizado constantemente de acuerdo a las necesidades y sugerencias de los estudiantes.Aprende VueJs 2 ahora!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |