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"POV and Psychic Distance: connecting reader and character" |
"""This is art, not engineering. Storytelling is social, not mechanical"" The bottom line I teach to all my authors is that nothing will make your next book sell better than ensuring readers read your current book to the end.The foundation of ensuring readers want to read to the end is that readers care about your characters. This course is about making sure readers care, by ensuring that you, the author, form a connection with the reader, and ensuring that your readers connect with your characters.In this course you will learn how to choose, combine, and apply a suite of techniques that will define your approach to creative writing - your technique and your style. You will learn how to make these choices consciously and with care.Most of all, you will learn alternatives to Point-of-View and ""Show-don't-Tell"" - including the most powerful narrative technique of all, Psychic DistanceIn this course you will learn:Narrator GrammarNarrator IdentityCombining identification, empathy and sympathyFramingFilteringPsychic DistancePoint of viewHow to convey character thoughts through ""Free Indirect Style""The ""Author's Core Competence""+ half a dozen additional concepts, tools and techniques for applying these principlesThis course includes a lot of practice activities. You don't have to do all of them, but you will definitely learn a lot more if you do them. Some of the lessons depend on your completing at least one assignment at least in part, to be sure that you have learned the techniques and principles being taught.(This course was previously called ""How to use Great Narration to Connect with your Reader"")"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Write Space Opera (SF Sisters)" |
"Do you want to write a book?In particular, do you want to learn about writing a book in the genre of Science Fiction, Space Opera?Do you love classic SF?In these two courses, I'm going to show you some of the familiar conventions and tropes of 20th century SF. I'm going to show you how to approach plot, characters, world and story to create a convincing, optimistic vision of the future, at the same time as a satisfying read. But I'm going to apply, as I expect you to apply, experience and judgment to those conventions and tropes. I'm going to show you what's wrong with the way that both classic and contemporary SF is written, show you how to adapt the tropes and conventions so they will be meaningful to readers.You will learn:What makes it SFHow to define your rules for following the conventions of SF writingHow to build an SF Universe suitable for Space OperaHow to create characters for Space OperaHow to compose a group of main charactersHow to conceive and design the plot of a Space OperaAll the images used in the course are either original or NASA images in the public domain."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"How to Write Space Adventure (SF Sisters)" |
"Do you want to write a book? In particular, do you want to learn about writing a book in the genre of Science Fiction, Space Adventure?Do you love classic SF?This is one of two courses in which I'm going to show you some of the familiar conventions and tropes of 20th century SF. I'm going to show you how to approach plot, characters, world and story to create a convincing, optimistic vision of the future, at the same time as a satisfying read. But I'm going to apply, as I expect you to apply, experience and judgment to those conventions and tropes. I'm going to show you what's wrong with the way that both classic and contemporary SF is written, show you how to adapt the tropes and conventions so they will be meaningful to readers.You will learn:What makes it SFHow to define your rules for following the conventions of SF writingHow Space Adventure world building depends on character and storyHow to create the right kind of characters for Space AdventureHow the characters in Space Adventure interactHow to conceive and design the plot of a Space AdventureHow to bring drag this old genre into the 21st centuryIn addition, there are numerous practice activities to consolidate your knowledge and ensure that you can see how to put it into practice in your own novel writing.All the images used in the course are either original or NASA images in the public domain."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Creacin de reportes con JasperReport y JasperStudio" |
"JasperReports es una biblioteca escrita completamente en Java que puede ser embebida(incrustada) en cualquier aplicacin de este lenguaje (web o escritorio)ysupropsito principal es ayudar a crear documentos de tipo pginas, preparadospara imprimir en una forma simple y flexible.Aprendea crear desde simples informes a modo de listado, hasta complejos reportes congrficos estadsticos, campos agrupados, tablas cruzadas y subreportespara tus aplicacionesJava con este curso 100% prctico.Utilizaremosla herramienta grficams actual y usada para la creacin en JasperReportllamada JasperStudio, una potente herramienta visualque nos permitiragilizar el diseo de nuestros reportes."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Introduccin a la programacin (+90 ejercicios propuestos)" |
"Aprende desde 0 los conceptos bsicos de la programacin en este curso de 9 horas totalmente prctico.Contiene:Material escrito.30 ejercicios resueltos por el profesor.95 ejercicios para que el alumno los desarrolle.35 preguntas tericas para reforzar los conceptos.Si no sabas por donde empezar en el mundo de la programacin, este curso es para ti."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"A Gentle Introduction To ASP.NET Web Forms For Beginners" |
"There are a number of flavors of ASP.NET, for example, Web Forms (Web Sites and Web Applications), Model-View-Controller (MVC) and the newest one Core. This course is aimed at anyone who wants to create dynamic websites with ASP.NET Web Forms. ASP.NET is the Microsoft platform for developing Web Applications. Using ASP.NET you can create e-commerce sites, data driven portals and just about anything else you can find on the internet. Best of all, you don't need to paste together a jumble of HTML and Script code. Instead you can create full scale web apps using nothing but code (C#) and a design tool like Visual Studio.In recent years Microsoft has added MVC (Model View Controller) and Core which offer different ways to build dynamic web pages. To some MVC and Core are cleaner and more suited to the web. To others it's a whole lot of extra effort with no clear payoff. Either way, you need a strong knowledge of basic ASP.NET before moving onto the newer technologies....NEW ... Major Course Update as of Feb 2020 ... Three new sections ( 50 new lectures ) which focus on transitioning to MVC and then Core Razor Pages ... Coming Sept 2020 ... Two new sections on BlazorHere's how I will help you to succeed:o Each lecture starts with a list of objectives/speaking noteso Every example covered in the lecture is available for download in the resources section including the objectives/speaking noteso Almost every lecture has a set of Practice problems with full solutions providedo My style of writing and teaching follows the KISS principle : Keep It Super Simple. I try to stay away from fancy computer terminology and try to teach like am speaking to a brand new user with little to no previous knowledge on the subject matter.... and I am always available for help replying most times within a day."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"A Gentle Introduction To Advanced Excel Techniques" |
"You may or may not know of theimportance of Excel and the dependency businesses have on its use every single day. There is a HUGE need for advanced Excel users in the marketplace. I hope to transform you from being an ordinary user into your company's leading Excel expert and eventually master theability to automate tasks with macros and the use of VBA programming . My hope is to provide you with a very straightforward course which will allow you to use some of the most advanced Excel techniques. VBA is a very useful skill to have and is used in almost all organizations. Knowing VBA can help you work considerably faster. Think of VBA as an extension of Excel skills. If improving your Excel abilities would be beneficial, then you should absolutely consider learning VBA. Here's how I will help you to succeed:o Each lecture starts with a list of objectives/speaking noteso Every example covered in the lecture is available for download in the resources section including the objectives/speaking noteso Almost every lecture has a set of Practice problems with full solutions providedo My style of writing and teaching follows the KISS principle : Keep It Super Simple. I try to stay away from fancy computer terminology and try to teach like am speaking to a brand new user with little to no previous knowledge on the subject matter.... and I am always available for help replying most times within a day."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"What's New in C# 6, C# 7 and Visual Studio 2017" |
"C# is one of the most powerful languages in the modern world of programming. It has one of the most powerful type system. There was a battle for sometime between Java and C# and now we can say for sure that C# won that battle from the language features point of view.C# 6 is already released and fully available with Visual Studio 2015. C# 7 is under development still, but many announced features are already implemented and we can play with them in Visual Studio 2017 which is currently (when I'm writing this) itself under development (release candidate is available).Teaching ApproachNo fluff, no ranting, no beating the air. I esteem your time. The course material is succinct, yet comprehensive. All important concepts are covered. For absolute beginners, I offer my help on Skype absolutely free if requested.Don't forget that this course has English subtitles, so if you don't understand my accent, feel free to turn them on.Take this course and you will be satisfied.Keep pace with modern C#If you go behind the modern C#, then this course is for you. This course will bring a whole picture of what's going on nowadays in C#. Modern C# is a powerful multiparadigmatical language. New versions of C# bring more and more functional features and you'll see it on practical examples.Content and OverviewThe goal of this course is to show all the new features of C# 6,C# 7 and Visual Studio 2017.This course is built forall kind of C# developerswho are interested in learning C# 6, C#7 and Visual Studio 2017.This course is beneficial for juniors as well as for seniorswho want to stay well-informed about new C# features.Im sure any student will find something interesting and useful in this course.The main prerequisite is to be familiar with development on the .NET platform in C#. Thats all you need.In short,the course covers the following topics.C# 6:Autoproperties and ImmutabilityExpression-bodied membersImport of static members (using static)nameofString interpolationNullability, null-conditional operatorsIndex initializersException FiltersC# 7:Enhanced TuplesPattern MatchingRef. Returns, Async Returns, ExceptionsDeconstructionLocal Functions (more functional programming! :))Out variables literalsVIsual Studio 2017:Improved NavigationRun-to-Click (improved debugging)Improved IntelliSenseLive Code AnalysisLive Unit Testing"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Unit Testing with NUnit and C#" |
"Learn deeply the concepts and tools that you will need to build maintainable and reliable software.Teaching ApproachNo fluff, no ranting, no beating the air. I respect your time. The course material is succinct, yet comprehensive. All important concepts are covered. Particularly important topics are covered in-depth.Take this course, and you will be satisfied. Build a solid foundation in Unit Testing with this course This course is all about writing effective unit tests using C# programming language and NUnit as a unit testing framework. Along the way, we will learn the concepts related to unit testing. Today unit testing is an absolutely required skill from any professional developer. Companies expect from developers to know how to write unit tests including all the most important topics such as mocking and test driven development (TDD in short). This course does not cover all the features of NUnit. This course is way more interesting. Learning unit testing puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. Being familiar with unit testing you can write reliable and maintainable applications. It is very hard to lead a project which is not covered by unit tests. Content and Overview This course is primarily aimed at beginner developers. It provides solid theoretical base reinforced by tons of practical material. We start with basics of unit testing. What is a unit test? What unit testing frameworks exist? How to run and debug unit tests. After getting acquainted with the basics, we will get to the NUnit framework. Here youll learn how to install the framework, set the runner. Then youll learn the basics of assertions and arrange-act-assert triplet. Other key features of NUnit are also covered: Running tests from the console Setup and teardown unit tests Parameterized tests Grouping and ignoring Practicing writing of unit tests, its impossible to avoid applying mocks. I like the word test double more, in general. By the way, youll learn what the difference between the following notion is: Test double Fake Dummy Stub Mock Youll learn how to write test doubles manually. You will also see a simple example of how to use a mocking framework for using mocks. Ill use NSubstitute mocking framework for demonstration. At the end of this section, youll get acquainted with two key approaches to unit testing, Classic or Detroit School and London School of unit testing. Youll separately learn the basic of test-driven development. It is hard to imagine a modern professional developer who doesnt know about TDD, so youll learn what it is and what it is about. Youll see the Red-Green-Refactor triplet in action. I could not complete the course avoiding the best practices of writing unit tests. Youll learn the basic concepts of the modern approach to unit testing called pragmatic unit testing. Youll see what problems static classes and singletons bring regarding the unit testing. They make code harder to unit test. After that, youll learn the problem of extracting interfaces just for the sake of introducing shims for injecting dependencies. Youll know should you write unit tests for the trivial code. Youll learn a lot more in the course. So, in short, the course covers the following topics: Basic notions of Unit Testing NUnit and its features Test Doubles including fakes, dummies, stubs, spies and mocks How to write manual test doubles and how to use a mocking framework (NSubstitute)TDD, red-green-refactor triplet A great number of best practices of writing unit tests Introduction to Dependency InjectionIn the end, we will recap what you have learned, and you will try to understand where you have to go further with the intention to master your skills. How long is this course: The course is around 7.5 hours. All are video lectures. You will be able to download all the slides and code samples used in the course. ------------------------------------------------------------Keywords related to the course:Visual Studio unit testing tutorialNUnit unit testing tutorialDot Net testing frameworkC# unit test frameworkVisual Studio unit testing framework tutorialcsharp unit testing tutorial TDD in C#NSubstituteTDDTest Driven Developmentunit testing C#"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Software Architecture: Meta and SOLID Principles in C#" |
"SOLID is an acronym which stands for SRP, OCP, LSP, ISP and DIP. These five acronyms in their turn stand for: Single Responsibility Principle Open/Closed Principle Liskov Substitution Principle Interface Segregation Principle Dependency Inversion PrincipleIn this course, youll learn how to apply meta and SOLIDprinciples so that your application will live a long healthy life. It means you are going to learn how to write code of the high quality: readable, understandable and reliable. Improve your knowledge in object-oriented programming Understand the meta principles on which all the other development principles are based Understand the symptoms of code defects Learn the foundations of SOLID principlesLearn how to detect the violations of SOLID principles and how to fix the problems Learn how meta principles and SOLID principles are related to each other and how to find the balance between them Foundations of writingobject-oriented codeDespitethe fact that C# is a very rich on features language, it's very common to see poorly designed and implemented applications in a real world. Language by itself does not guarantee that the architecture of an application will be great. In order to design and build maintainable software, we need to understand the principles of software development. This video course is exactly about how to achieve clean and maintainable software. You probably have already heard the following well-known statement:most code sucks.Well, this course is all about how to produce code which doesn't suck. Owning skills of producing a well-designed and well-implemented typesis the prerequisite for the other developers to treat you as a decent professional. Content and Overview This course is aimed at middle and senior developers. Solidexperience in C# is required. There are plenty of code examples throughout this course so that you will learn both theoretical and practical material. Starting with SOLID principles we will go further to the meta-principles. Going through the SOLID principles, youll also learn about the related patterns. Then we will get to the problem of contradictions between different principles. Youll learn about the relationships between SOLID principles and metaprinciples. In general, youll learn in this course: SRP OCP LSP ISP DIP These are the SOLID principles. Youll learn the background problems that can be solved by particular principle, youll see the demonstrations in code, youll learn the related patterns to every principle. Learning DIP youll in addition learn what is Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control, IoC-Containers and what are the architectural implications of DI. Here are other topics youll learn in the course: DRY dont repeat yourself KISS keep it simple stupid YAGNI You Aint Gonna Need It SoC separation of concerns CQS command query separation Law of Demeter Principle of Least Astonishment Information Hiding and Encapsulation API Development Principles Contradiction between SOLID and YAGNI Contradiction between OCP and YAGNI What is Architecture and Design Teaching ApproachNo fluff, no ranting, no beating the air. I respect your time. The course material is succinct, yet comprehensive. All important concepts are covered. Particularly important topics are covered in-depth.Take this course, and you will be satisfied!------------------------------------------------------------Keywords related to the course:Software ArchitectureSOLID Principles Tutorial C#SOLID Tutorial C#Software DesignSOLID PrinciplesSRP, OCP, LSP, ISP, DIP"
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Date and Time Fundamentals in .NET and SQL Server" |
"Teaching ApproachNo fluff, no ranting, no beating the air. I esteem your time. The course material is succinct, yet comprehensive. All the important concepts are covered. Particularly important topics are covered in-depth. For absolute beginners, I offer my help on Skype absolutely free,if requested. Take this course, and you will be satisfied. Build a solid foundation of working with Date and Time with this course Almost all the software works with date and time in one form or another. Some programs, of course, need to work with date and time more than other. However, date and time hide many pitfalls even in very simple scenarios. We all know that security and logging are regular aspects of almost any program. There is a wise phrase that sounds like: Developers recall about security when it is too late. The same can be said about date and time. Most developers dont even imagine how many bugs are hiding behind the simple face of date and time. Those bugs are sitting in programs and waiting for their moment to blow up your production code causing very unfortunate repercussions. Thats why working with date and time is the full-fledged and very important aspect of software development. Have you watched magnificent enlightening TV Shows by BBC? This course in some parts is like those BBC shows, because youll learn many interesting surprising facts. Besides, being familiar with peculiarities of working with date and time, you can write much more reliable and maintainable applications. Content and Overview This course is aimed at all kind of developers.It provides solid theoretical base reinforced by practical material. We start with basics of date and time. Ill show you some real cases when bugs related to date and time caused unpleasant consequences, event deaths of people. Youll learn why the hell Gregorian calendar was introduced, why the 5th of October 1582 doesnt exist at all. And did you know that actually a minute can last more than 60 seconds?Yes, you heard that, a minute can last more than 60 seconds. Youll learn what is UTC, GMT, what is the difference between them and how time gets synchronized between computers all over the world. And by the way, what is time at all, how humanity measures it? After that, youll be introduced to the concept of time zones, youll learn about different standards that regulate date and time formatting. Youll learn what is Epoch Time and Unix Time. Finally, youll understand the difference between different date-time scopes and perspectives. The next section is dedicated to Time Zones where youll learn about daylight saving time and different very odd case with time transitions back and forth. Ill give you a full definition of a time zone. Youll learn more about providers of time zone information: IANA and Microsoft. Youll learn many interesting facts and what fallacies exist about time zones. The third section is all about date and time related types from BCL in .NET. Youll learn about DateTime, DateTimeOffset, TimeZoneInfo, TimeSpan, Calendars and Stopwatch. Ill show you that DateTime hides many pitfalls. Youll learn that actual precision of BCL types is not equal to 100 nanoseconds as declared in the documentation. Youll see how many calendars exist and what we can do with them. The third section reveals all the problems with the types built-in to BCL, so in the next section, youll learn about a third-party library called Noda Time. Yes, a whole section is dedicated to the Noda Time library. Youll learn about features provided by this library. Youll get an overview of all the core types such as: LocalTime, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, Instant, Interval, Duration, ZonedDateTime and others. Youll also learn how to write unit tests on code which uses date and time values with the help of Noda Time. The whole section is dedicated to best practices of working with date and time. Youll see some astonishing things like arithmetic on dates and problems of birthday calculation. Youll learn the problems related to parsing and how to overcome them. Ill show you the problems of events scheduling and what to do to avoid common mistakes. Youll learn about date and time ranges, intervals is a separate peculiar topic. Ill also show some additional best practices. In other words, an exciting journey is waiting for you, just take it, relax and enjoy. So, in short,the course covers the following topics: Date and Time Fundamentals: Gregorian calendar, UTC, GMT, Atomic Time, How Computers Store Time, NTP, Date and Time Formats based on Standards and Specifications, Epoch Time and Unit Time, Date and Time Scope and Perspective Time Zones: Definition (complex one), Daylight-Saving Time (DST), Providers such as IANA or TZDB and Microsoft Date and Time in .NET: DateTime, DateTimeOffset, TimeZoneInfo, TimeSpan, Calendars, Stopwatch and many intrinsic details. Noda Time: overview, core types, unit testing A great number of best practices of working with Date and Time: arithmetic on dates, parsing, calculating of birthdays, scheduling events, date formats, ranges and other. In the end, we will recap what you have learned. How long is this course:The course is around 3 hours. All are video lectures. You will be able to download all the slides and code samples used in the course. Keywords. C# datetime, C# datetime format, datetime parse, C# datetimeoffset, date and time fundamentals, datetime in .net, noda time, nodatime, C# datetime now, C# string to datetime, C# tostring format, utc now,noda time tutorial, C# datetime tutorial, datetime C# tutorial,datetime vs nodatime, datetime vs noda time, noda time C#, noda time vs datetimeoffset, noda time vs datetimeSQL date, SQL Server Date Functions, SQL Date Functions, DateTime SQL, SQL Server DateTime."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"TDD in C# From A to Z" |
"Today unit testing is the absolutely required skill which is required from any professional developer. Companies expect from developers to know how to write unit tests including all the most important topics such as mocking and test driven development (TDD in short).This course is all about practicing TDD using C# programming language and NUnit as a unit testing framework. Along the way, we will learn the concepts related to unit testing. This course does not cover all the features of NUnit. This course is way more interesting.Learning unit testing and TDD puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. Being familiar with unit testing and TDD you can write reliable and maintainable applications. It is very hard to lead a project which is not covered by unit tests.Content and Overview This course is primarily aimed at developers whore already familiar with the basics of unit testing and dependency injection. Some experience in C# programming is required. The course provides solid theoretical base reinforced by tons of practical material.We start with basics of test-driven development. Why we need TDD? What is TDD? When TDD fails, three laws of TDD, different types of tests, tooling and other fundamental topics. This section is mostly theoretical. Theory is dead without practice, so starting from the second section, youll see tons of programming sessions where Ill demonstrate how to implement generating of Fibonacci numbers, FizzBuzz, parsing of roman numerals, updateable spin synchronization primitives, tic-tac-toe or crosses and noughts game and game in sticks. Youll also learn: How a regular agile development process looks like That you need to learn shortcuts to practice TDD more smoothly Three Main TDD techniques: faking, triangulation and obvious implementation Which tests to write first How to start writing a test in a TDD manner Stack kata Immutable stack kata And list kata What is acceptance testing About the SpecFlow acceptance testing framework How to write acceptance tests with SpecFlow in Gherkin language What are UI tests What tools for writing UI Tests exist How to access UI through the TestStack.White framework Have you heard about katas? No, Im talking about programming. In the third section, youll learn what is a code kata and Ill demonstrate three code katas: Growing an application by writing tests first, were not only writing unit tests first. So, in the next section, youll learn what is acceptance testing and integration testing. Youll learn: Youll need to see how to apply all the material learned by this moment. Practice helps very much with understanding especially when we uncover highly practical topics such as TDD. Thats why I decided to show you how all the things work in practice altogether. So, in the next section, youll see a real enterprise approach for working on a software project in action. Ill build a bridge to UI through TestStack.White applying the Page Object design pattern Ill write acceptance tests using the bridge built for accessing UI Ill implement ViewModels and all the corresponding business-logic What is TDD in the end? Is it possible to live without it? The relationships between TDD and Agile development process Should we design architecture upfront or not? Do unit tests guarantee the success? Quality of tests, some criterions How to express data for writing unit tests Shouldly for writing more readable assertions Singletons, Static classes and testability, Builder design pattern And some other important topics The last two sections are rather philosophical. We will discuss: What is TDD in the end? Is it possible to live without it? The relationships between TDD and Agile development process Should we design architecture upfront or not? Do unit tests guarantee the success? Quality of tests, some criterions How to express data for writing unit tests Shouldly for writing more readable assertions Singletons, Static classes and testability, Builder design pattern and some other important topicsHere is my Teaching Approach -No fluff, no ranting, no beating the air. I respect your time. The course material is succinct, yet comprehensive. All important concepts are covered. Particularly important topics are covered in-depth.Take this course, and you will be satisfied."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Software Architecture: Dependency Injection for C# Devs" |
"Build a solid foundation in software architecture applying Dependency Injection with IoC-ContainersIn many of my courses I use techniques of Dependency Injection and each time students write me private messages saying that they don't what it is and thus they don't understand what's going on in the course I teach. This is very unfortunate from the learning perspectives.Dependency Injection is the set of techniques that allow to supply dependencies to objects. Actually, if you have ever passed dependencies via constructors, then you applied the so-called constructor injection. Dependency Injection (DI) is simple and difficult at the same time. On one hand, DI is comprised of simple techniques and on the other hand, when we need to bring DI to the next level, we need to make things more complicated using the so-called DI or IoC (Inversion of Control) Containers. These are the frameworks which perform dependency injection automatically. You just need to set one up in the application root (an extremely important notion which you'll learn about in the course) and after that, it will resolve all the dependencies it knows about in the runtime.If you still don't understand what am I talking about, just believe me, you absolutely need to know about Dependency Injection. This course will tremendously improve your understanding of how software architectures emerge. So, this course is ""must watch"" for anyone who still doesn't understand what is DI and IoC-Containers.Content and OverviewThis course is aimed at all kind of developers. It provides solid theoretical base reinforced by practical material. The course covers:Introduction to Inversion of Control: Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP), Inversion of Control (IoC), Dependency Injection (DI),Dependencies and their types, Pure DI and IoC-Containers, Service LocatorThe Architectural Implications of Dependency InjectionDI-related Anti-Patterns & Refactorings: Control Freak, Hidden Dependencies, Temporal Coupling, Constructor Over-Injection and how to avoid it, Ambient Context, Facade Service, Property Injection vs Bastard Injection, Cyclic DependenciesRefactoring Example of an existing code base applying Dependency InjectionHow to reap the fruits of DIDI-Containers (IoC-Containers):Overview, Unity, Late Binding with Unity, Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), Interception vs Pure DI vs AOP Tools,Setting up a bootstrapper with Unity, Autofac and Castle.WindsorIntroduction to Unit TestingTeaching ApproachNo fluff, no ranting, no beating the air. I respect your time. The course material is succinct, yet comprehensive. All the important concepts are covered. Particularly important topics are covered in-depth.Take this course, and you will be satisfied. "
Price: 54.99 ![]() |
"Multithreading and Parallel Programming in C#" |
"For the last two decades, computers became faster by increasing the number of CPU cores. However, the fact of having more cores itself doesnt make a computer drastically faster if those cores are not used by software properly. We, as software developers, should know how to write asynchronous and parallel executing code to make our applications faster and more responsive.This course is all about developing more responsive and fast programs. Multithreading and Parallel Computing are topics for those who already have some experience in programming, otherwise, you may face difficulties with understanding the content. Anyway, this course covers:Theoretical foundations of asynchronous programming: main concepts, processes, threads and so onLow-level Thread API, APM, and EAP Task Parallel Library (TPL) including starting tasks, canceling tasks, chaining tasks, waiting for tasks, IO-based tasks, exceptions handling and other Async and Await feature of C# Synchronization including atomicity, Interlocked, Monitor (lock), ReaderWriterLockSlim, Semaphore, SynchronizationContext, and MutexSignaling constructs such as AutoResetEvent and ManualResetEventSlim, CountdownEvent and BarrierSpinning including SpinWait, SpinLock and our own UpdateableSpinConcurrentCollections including ImmutableStack, ImmutableQueue, ImmutableList, Immutable Sets, ImmutableDictionary, ConcurrentStack, ConcurrentQueue, ConcurrentBag, BlockingCollectionParallel Programming including Parallel class and PLINQEnroll and start learning the foundations of multithreading and parallel computing in .NET."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Double Your Coding Speed with Visual Studio and ReSharper" |
"Modern integrated development environments or IDEs in short allows us to perform miracles. Why? Because we live in the twenty first century and modern computers are so powerful that modern IDEs become indispensable assistants which can save us thousands of hours. A decade ago, no one could imagine how much powerful IDEs will become in the future. However, nowadays, developers are armed by super powers such as deep static analysis, automatically performed refactorings, code fixes, super simple navigation and many other things.Want to become an iron developer? Then listen to me. This course consists of two main parts. The first one concerns the features of bear visual studio without any super-powerful plugins and it covers:Navigate through the code base: how to select code, how to find code, camel humps in IntelliSense, navigating through the tabsEdit and format the code base: deleting and removing code, formatting, commenting and applying refactoringsRun and debug your code: working with breakpoints, new features of modern visual studio, different debugging windowsCode snippets: existing code snippets and creating custom code snippetsExtensions for Visual Studio: Color VS Output, NCrunch, PInvoke, .NET Portability Analyzer, RoslynatorThe second part is dedicated to ReSharper (R#). R# is one of the flagship tools developed by JetBrains. I need to warn you that R# is a paid tool but despite of this fact, the majority of professional developers use it on an everyday basis.R# is a Visual Studio plugin which empowers it by tons of refactorings, analytical features, fixes and a ton of other features. So, the second part is dedicated to R# and it covers:Installing R#R# SettingsCreating Code with R#Exploring Code with R#Refactoring with R#Unit Testing with R#R# AnnotationsThis is only an introduction to R#. Ill update this course from time to time teaching you other cool features provided by R#.Enroll and start learning how to double your coding speed in bear Visual Studio and Visual Studio empowered by R#!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Complete Practical LINQ Tutorial in C#" |
"Extension methods were introduced in C# 3 and since then became an indispensable part of the .NET platform. That enormously powerful feature allowed to build a whole framework built upon it called LINQ or Language Integrated Query. Ive seen many code bases which avoid using LINQ and rely on old procedural style of programming. If you still feel yourself uncomfortable with LINQ or you want to improve your understanding of LINQ, then this course is for you. As you might know, LINQ was inspired by functional paradigm and F# in particular. So, this course is not only about LINQ but about the fundamentals of functional programming as well. This course covers:The basics of LINQ: extension methods, the idea of pipelining, IEnumerable, implementing our own extension, query syntax, pitfalls of LINQ operations, how to alter a listGenerating data streams: Enumerable class and its main operations, implementing your own extension which generates a stream of dataFiltering, Ordering, Projecting: Parsing a CSV file, ThenBy, First, Last, Single, TakeWhile, SkipWhile,Any, All, Contains, SequenceEqual, Select and SelectManyJoining, Grouping, Aggregating: Join, Group, GroupJoin, Zip, Sum, Average, Min, MaxConversions: OfType, Cast, ToArray, ToList, ToDictionary, ToLookup, AsEnumerable, AsQueryableLINQ to XML: overview, generating XML from a collection, reading XMLEF and LINQ: Expression Trees, Inserting into and Reading from a databaseExtendibility in C#: what is functional programming (FP), purity and side effects, extending IDisposable, general-purpose extensions, extending StringBuilder, Primitive ObsessionIn short, this is a great course, so enroll right now and start learning LINQ and the fundamentals of functional programming."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Automate Application with Specflow and Selenium WebDriver C#" |
"This course is all about growing object-oriented software guided by tests. SpecFlow is a framework which brings Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) into life. It is all about filling the gap between technical people and domain experts. SpecFlow is based of a Gherkin language which is very close to natural (though, it is formalized). So, non-technical people can write executable documentation on their own.Selenium is a framework which allows to drive browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera etc.). In other words, with the power of Selenium, you can write a program which automatically interacts with elements on a web page.TestStack.White (sometimes, written as ""teststack white"") is a framework which allows to drive WinForms and WPFapplications.This course covers:Theoretical background behind different types of testing (unit, integration, and acceptance testing)SpecFlow: generating steps, run and debug tests, passing parameters, scenario outline, data table, converting parameters, converting data table, custom conversions, sharing data, categorizing tests, scoped execution, hooks and other featuresSelenium WebDriver: Locators, XPath Locators, CSS Locators, Interacting with all the types of Elements, Timeouts:Explicit and Implicit, Locators Priority, Picking Scenarios to Test, ""Page Object""design pattern, Page Object Factory, uploading filesScraping a Live Web Site with Selenium WebDriverSelenium Extras: managing a web browserTestStack.White and Building a WPF App by TDD (with MVVM)Appendixes: intro to Unit Testing and Test-Driven Development"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Algorithms and Data Structures in C#: Complete Tutorial" |
"Why learn about data structures and algorithms? Algorithms and data structures constitute the fundamentals of programming.Good understanding of algorithms and data structures is one of the most important requirements for a great number of work positions. You'll have to solve many problems related to algorithms and data structures at coding interviews. Indeed, you can live without an understanding of algorithms and data structures, in general. However, you can do that until you face a real problem which requires to choose right data structures and implement custom algorithms. If you haven't ever faced such problems, believe me, this is just a matter of time. One day, you'll face such a problem and if you don't understand algorithms and data structures in depth, you'll feel yourself ashamed and helpless. You'll be stuck.If you're not good at algorithms and data structures, you'll never pass a coding interview in a decent company. Almost all the companies prefer to hire those developers who have good understanding of algorithms and data structures, remember that. Do not delay the study of fundamental concepts.Better hardware is not a solution for all the performance-related problems. Sometimes, you need to write software for very slow devices. And that very often depends on the budget of a customer, by the way, so you don't have a control over it.You'd better to understand what's going on under the hood at least one level in-depth. Indeed, if you don't understand how List works, sometimes you'll make sub-optimal or completely wrong decisions.Why this course?You may ask me ""why should I take exactly your course?"" And here is my answer:This course is a comprehensive tutorial which covers a great number of topicsI tried to do my best to make this course not dryThis course concentrates not only at algorithms and data structures in general but it uncovers the internals of data structures and algorithms built-in .NET BCL (.NET Core's BCL is the same regarding fundamental data structures and algorithms)This course is practical with exercises and solutionsThis course will definitely help you to pass technical interviewsThis course is made by a professional software developer with more than 10 years of real-world experienceand many other reasons :)What's in the Course?For now, the course covers:Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures: what is a data structure, abstract data type and what's the difference between these notions. What is an algorithm and why they are important to us?Introduction to Algorithm Analysis: determine how long will a program work, build a log-log plot, approximations, order of growth (Big-O notation), memory consumptionArrays: arrays in C#, arrays in memory, time complexity of operations on arraysSort Algorithms: bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, recursion, shell sort, merge sort, quick sort, stability of sort algorithmsLists: List built-in .NET BCL, nodes, linked list including singly and doubly linked lists, linked list built-in .NETStacks: theory and practice; stack based on array, stack based on a linked list, stack built-in .NETQueues: theory and practice; queue based on array, circular queue, queue based on linked list, queue built-in .NET BCLSearch Algorithms: linear search, binary search (more will be added in the future)Symbol Tables: intro, API, sequential search-based, binary search-basedHash Tables: intro, hash functions, GetHashCode, approaches to collisions resolving: separate chaining and linear probing, Dictionary built-in BCL, Sets in BCLTrees: binary search tree (BST), implementing BST (more will be added in the future)Heaps: intro, heaps and arrays, implementation, Heap Sort (more will be added in the future, specifically about Priority Queues)Immutable Collections: immutability and memory pressure, immutable stacks and queues, immutable list, immutable sets, immutable dictionaries, builders in immutable collectionsDifferent Algorithms. This section will include different algorithms as you might guess. For now it convers the Sieve of Eratosthenes.Take this course now and you'll be satisfied! Don't forget that Udemy provides 30-day money back refund policy, so if you don't like the course, you just click on a couple of buttons and get your money back!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Registration of Medical Devices for Sale in Singapore" |
"Course DescriptionThis course is one part of an online learning series on the Singapore medical device regulations. Singapore is an important economic hub in South-East Asia. Its healthcare delivery system is technology-driven and one of the most advanced in the world. In Asia, Singapore is regarded as a leading nation in spearheading a comprehensive regulatory framework governing medical devices. The Health Sciences Authority (HSA), its regulatory body, is an active member and contributor of the ASEAN Harmonisation Working Party (AHWP) for medical devices and the International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF). In Singapore, medical devices are controlled using harmonised regulatory policies and risk-based principles.This course covers topics on the regulatory procedures required for the import and sale of medical devices in Singapore. This includes:An overview of the regulatory frameworkThe product authorisation and reviewDealer license registrationPostmarket vigilance and mandatory reportingWhy is this course essential to take?This course is essential for organisations who plan to place medical devices on the Singapore market. It enables an understanding of the organisation's regulatory responsibilities in registering its products and sponsors. This includes grasping the concept for medical device risk classification and the corresponding technical documentation requirements. The HSA also lays out routes for shorter regulatory evaluation for product owners who meet certain approval criteria. Guidance documents can be downloaded from this course for additional information."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"ASP.NET Core 2.0 Vue.JS Starter Guide" |
"Hello and welcome to the ASP.NET Core course with Vue.JS. In this course, you will be able to create an ASP.NET Core powered sites along with Vue.JS. This course will walk through the usage of Vue.JS and the main topics about it. will make sure that you understand how to use Vue.JS in a real world situation. First, lets start with what is Vue.JS and why you need to learn about it. Vue.JS is a progressive JavaScript framework that allows you to create a really interactive web app. Vue.JS is widely used and popular framework that can do what you expect from a UI framework. It contains also state management (vuex) and routing engine. Not that only, you can have a lot of packages that already supports Vue.JS and a large base of fans that can answer your questions and help you resolve your problems. It has many of the well-known frameworks such as (Angular, React) features and even more! After an experience with other frameworks, I find Vue.JS the best framework for me as it has a small learning curve and can accomplish many things. This course will walk with you to learn about Vue.JS and how you will use it with ASP.NET Core. We will have also Dapper as our ORM. Dapper, is a micro ORM that has a lot of potentials and great performance. In case you dont know, Dapper is developed by StackExchange the creators of stackoverflow. And we will exchange data via the ASP.NET Core API. Most of our work will be on Vue.JS side to help you lower your dependency on creating Razor Pages. This course will also include how to do authorization using JWT with ASP.NET Core. And how you will send data to the api and access authorized only API methods. So what are you waiting for? Join us in the ASP.NET Core with Vue.JS Course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
".NET Continuous Integration with TeamCity" |
"Hello and welcome. This course is about using TeamCity to create a Continuous Integrationenvironment to enhance your software development process. This course will enable you to automate most of the repetitive processes that you encounter with your development process. In case you do not understand, CIis the practice of merging all developers work together.As soon as they do a check in or on a certaintime everyday or manually triggered to ensure that there is no breaking check in or errors with the current source code so the appication development process keep rolling and issues are avoided. With TeamCity (which is tool released by the company behind many great tools such as ReSharper JetBrains) you can automate your release steps from getting the latest source to publish your application. TeamCity is a free tool up to a certain number of agents but that will not limit you. DevOps toolchain focus on different stages: Code, Build, Test, Package, Monitor, Release, Configure, Monitor. Each step will be automatically called by TeamCity. Therefore, we will have a lower time to release and shorten our release life cycle. For example, if we have an ASP.NET project that has a web app along with unit testing and the need to change project configuration to meet target environment requirement such as changing paths and connection string. A full release cycle with these steps will take a high amount of time considering that we have a higher chance of missing a step or forgetting to do some required work, which will cause a lot of trouble for us. In my own experience with TeamCity, it has shorten my release time for my EasyNETFramework project from about 30 minutes to only two! It will take the latest source from github, call MSBuild to publish the web project and change the connection string and other related configs plus it will run for me the Nunit unit testing with a single click. Also, you will see how you can define triggers in TeamCity to automatically call in a build and see its result. In addition, many more other things. So go ahead and join us now in this course."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"AWS lambda for .NET C# developers" |
"Hello and welcome to this course. This course is about AWS Lambda function in C#. So now, for sure, you are wondering what Lambda Functions is and how you can use them. Let me please explain. AWS (Amazon Web Services) is the leading cloud provider in the world. It offers more services than any other competitors do and many of these services are connected and easy to use. As the rise of the serverless architecture, the Lambda Functions provide a good point to create a service that can be called and run when needed and execute a certain command. Instead of having to allocate servers for a certain events, Lambda can handle multiple request upon a certain limit instead of adding servers to it. Lambda functions are easy to create via Visual Studio. Moreover, the people in AWS have a good support for it. You will find it easy to create a certain lambda project and uploading it to the cloud. Also, you only pay for what you use not for hosting. So if you use your function for 200 millisecond (Thats right pricing is per millisecond so cheap!) you will only pay for this amount of time no more. Lambda function can be exposed from inside AWS different services such as S3, DynamoDB. In addition, you can connect to it via any .NET application (Console, ASP.NET, etc.). Integration is easy and you will need only to provide your API keys and set the region. You are all set to go to connect to your function and do whatever operation needed for it. Using C#, you will find it much easier to handle AWS Lambda Functions instead of trying to achieve the same result using other languages. And the NuGet packages for AWS SDK will expose many of the needed functionality for your Lambda Function. This course will cover all the needed steps for you, starting from creating the project until unit testing. We will walk you through the needed steps to make sure that you can create a successful AWS Lambda Function in C#."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Xamarin Forms MVVM With Prism" |
"Hello and welcome to this course. This course is about Xamarin Forms with Prism.For sure you want to create a Xamarin Forms app with the most dynamic structure as possible. And you want to do it without too much cost or time. So here comes MVVM pattern to help you and make sure you do it with confidence and with the lowest cost as possible. And with prism, it's just adding a NuGet Package!So, what is Prism?It's a well known MVVM library that has been around for a long time. And used by many people (Over a 90,000+ downloads) with xamarin forms. By using Prism, it's just a matter of understanding not doing! You will see the structure of the app are more flexible and you can add your code easily and add your views. All done! Go have some coffee or hangout with your coworkers :)As a person who has been using Xamarin Forms for a long time, when you go without MVVM it's terrible and hard to maintain. From navigation to binding without MVVMit's not the optimal solution. With MVVM, and with Prism it's like magic. Not saying that for any gain it's my recommendation to you always go with MVVM with xamarin forms even if you use any other libraries. Also, check out theenterprise application patterns using xamarin.forms which recommend using MVVM pattern to develop your mobile application.So, this course will go with you throughout the different aspects that Prism and how to use them. No need for previous knowledge of MVVM or Prism. We will walk through these areas for you. For sure you can check the sample lecture which will talk about Prism and other aspects of this course you will understand what to expect from this course. Also, there is a GitHub Repository which contains all the source code of the demos in this course so you can have a reference example later on.So what are you waiting for?Join us now in the Xamarin Forms Prism Course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Visual Studio Code Extension Development" |
"Hello and welcome to this course. This course is specialized in the creation process of VS Code extension. Visual studio code is a lightweight code editor that works cross platform. In addition, it is widely popular and used by many. As a code editor, for sure you can extended it and add more features to it. With VS Code, it is a piece of cake. They provide you a Yeoman Generator which will make your life (and made my life) way easier. In addition, the great amount of open source projects and the already existed huge market place and relatively new can help you a lot. You can referee to already create extension and you can get a good footstep in the marketplace and establish a brand. For sure, you are wondering is it easy to develop a VS Code extension? Do I have to learn a new language? Is it easy or Hard :( ?? Well, the documentation is so great! You can find every method documented. Also, many real world examples to follow and try. Not that only, you can develop your extension with TypeScript or even JavaScript no worries at all :) Hope you are now relieved and know that VS Code development is a piece of cake. Now, in this course, we will take you from the ground up to reach your ultimatle goal. Maybe you want to create the next Resharper, we have got you covered! This course will explain many of the api that you might need to access and execute. Commands are easy to remember and execute. You can learn them quick and easy. And also, we are here for you to support you throughout your development process. You can for sure ask for help and we will be more than happy to support you. So what are you waiting for? Join us Now!!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Scrum With Azure DevOps" |
"Hello and welcome to the Scrum with Azure DevOps Course. In this course, we will learn the basics of Scrum and it's important parts.Scrum is a framework that can help you manage requirements and work between different team members. With the using of Scrum, you can have better control of the work and the different requirement. The roles of the team and their required work are established and known for everyone. Scrum is based on three key factors which are parts of the empirical process: transparency, inspection, and adaptation. Transparency indicates that every part of the process is visible for everyone. Inspection used to detect results and enhance them by using various activities such as Sprint Review and Retrospective. Adaptation means that the process if it goes out of control it must be changed to have the desired results.Scrum has three main members: Scrum Master, Product Owner, and the Development team. The Scrum Master is a servant leader for the rest of the team to help them through the project and remove obstacles out of the way so they can achieve the desired results. Product Owner is the person that is responsible for maximizing the results of the development team. He/She selects the suitable requirements to be done and make sure that the results are aligned with the project objective. The Development team are the people responsible for the work to achieve the project goals.From a personal experience using Scrum is one of the effective ways to manage your work and your projects. It makes the process simple and effective for everyone.Azure DevOps is one of the new products that Microsoft introduced lately and it's equipped with many tools and features that will make your work with Software Projects much easier along with Scrum. Also, the nice thing that you can use it for free for a certain limit but overall it shall be a great experience."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Extraordinary days" |
"This training is abouttriggering your subconscious mind to generate an extraordinary day .In this training you will find an audio script that will help youcreate an extraordinary day .This training has been tested and proven to produce frompositive event to extraordinary event .Every individual will respond differently to the the audio.This training will :-helpyou be in positive state of mind-guide you to have extraordinary moments-guide to haveextraordinary days-makeyouenjoy life beautiful surprises"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"85 amazing hypnosis bundle" |
"This training is about triggering your subconscious mind to generatemultiple amazing days.In this training you will findabout85 differentaudio scriptsthat will help you create great days!GET 85 audio mp3sOFTOLIVEALLDAYSYOUDREAMEDOFYou get all these hypnosis audio scripts to generate all these days :A productive day , hyper productive ;a happy day ,a focused day ;a smart day ;a wise day ; a super creative day ,a problem solving day ,a sport day , an adventure day ,a business day ,a deep thinking day ,a aha moments days ,a serendipity day ,a social day , a funny day ,a relaxed day ;a romantic day ,a rich day ;a cheerful day ;a mysterious day ,an exotics day, a learning day , a seduction day ,a peaceful day ,a super healing day ,a very successful day ,a wining day, a victory day ,an artistic day ,a laughing day ,a love day , a diet day;an innovation day ,a solution day , a breathing day , an organized day, a thrilling day , asurprise days ,a rising day , a nature day , a wonder day ,a discovery day, an artistic day ,a breakthroughs day, an ecstasy day , a vigilance day ,a kindness day ,anenergetic day,a lucky day, a deals day , a closing sales day , a genius day ,an advanced day , a reading day , a studying day , a planning day , a healthy food day ,a exhilarating day , a meditation day, abrave day , an energy recharging day ,a fantastic day , a losing weight day , a increased positive sensation day , a gift day , a blessed day, an exponential day , a unforgettable day ,an accomplishment day , an energetic day, an euphoric day , a heavenly day, an enchanted day ,a fascinating day ,a jubilant day ,a glamorous day ,a prosperous day, a wealthy day , a luxury day , a limitless day ,a giant day, an awakening day, a fantastic day , a magical day, a great memories day , a gratitude day , a new day , a perfect day ,a singular day, an unimaginable day, a visionary day, an unreal day , an introspection day , an exalted day , a noble day , an ambitious day , an ideal day ,a stellar day,a celestial day , a sublime day, a transcendental day, virtuous day , a pure day, a flawless dayTry it today and enjoy the freedom of being were you want to be .This training will :-helpyou be in positive state of mind-guide you to have amazing daysTry it today , and live amazing days !"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"brave days: subconscious programming" |
"What are the most afraid of ? what's your greatest fear ?We all have fears ,but some fear are useless ,and may block your way to a better and much more enjoyable life.Than your journey have to start here ,and transform your days into brave days.Brave days training includes a hypnosis audio that will guide your subconscious mind to generate a beautiful brave day."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Blessed days : subconscious programming" |
"Do you want to feel more love from above?Do you want to enjoy moreblessings and feel much closer to a higher power ?Than this training is for you .This training will help you generate a blessing day .the training include a hypnosis audio that help you create a blessing day, by programming your subconscious mind ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Enchanted days : subconscious programming" |
"Do you want to enjoy an enchanted day ?Do you want to feel enchanted ?Than this training is for you .This training will provide you with a hypnosis audiothat will allow you to experience an enchanted day .In this training you will learn bases or hypnosis and then experience the magic of hypnosis with an audio.Do you reallywantto experience anenchanted day ?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ArcGIS Desktop For Spatial Analysis: Go From Basic To Pro" |
"I WANNA LEARN SPATIAL DATA ANALYSIS, BUTI found most spatial data books & manuals vagueThere are no courses that actually teach me how its actually doneAvailable resources are expensive & Icant afford themI want to get a job in the field ofGIS and geospatial analysisI work in the field of ecology orquantitative social sciences orhydrology orcivil engineering orgeographyIf you found yourself in one of these situations, then..IVE GOT GREAT NEWS FOR YOU!Over the past few months, I have published multiple courses on Udemy around this topic which will be tremendously helpful to you & most important of all AFFORDABLE!Today, Ive created yet another powerful resource for you!In this course, over 50+ hands-on and practical lecture, I will help you master the most common and important geo-processingtasks that can beperformed with ArcGIS Desktop, one of THE MOST important GIS software toolsavailable.I will also show you the kind of questions answered through Spatial Analysis & data used.THE STEPS ILL WALK YOU THROUGH:First of all, well start some basic GIS tasks like Zooming.Then, well move into more complex processing tasks like Geo-Statistics.Well also deal with some theoretical concepts related to Spatial Data Analysis, and then well focus on implementing some of the most common GIS techniques (all the way showing you how to execute these tasks in ArcGIS Desktop).The stuff youll learn from this course will be extremely useful in terms of you being able to implement it on future Spatial Data projects youll be working on (in a variety of disciplines from ecology toengineering).LEARN FROM AN ACTUAL EXPERT IN THIS AREA:My name is MINERVA SINGH. I am an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I recently finished my PhD at Cambridge University (Tropical Ecology and Conservation). I have SEVERAL YEARS OF EXPERIENCE in analyzing REAL LIFE DATA from different sources in ArcGIS Desktop.Ive also published my work in many international peer reviewed journals.HERE IS HOW MY COURSE IS UNIQUE..My course is a HANDS ON TRAINING with REAL data.Its a step by step course covering both the THEORY & APPLICATION of Spatial Data Analysis.I teach Practical Stuff that you can learn quickly and start implementing NOW.This is one of the most comprehensive courses on this topic. I advise you to take advantage of it & enroll in the course TODAY!TAKE ACTION TODAY! I will personally support you and ensure your experience with thiscourse is a success. I answer all questions put to me and guide my students when they get stuck.Please make sure you have access to ArcGIS before enrolling"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |