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"Satellite Remote Sensing Data Bootcamp With Opensource Tools" |
"ENROLL IN MY LATEST COURSE ON HOW TO LEARN ALL ABOUT BASIC SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING. Are you currently enrolled in either of my Core or Intermediate Spatial Data Analysis Courses?Or perhaps you have prior experience in GIS or tools like R and QGIS?You don't want to spend 100s and 1000s of dollars on buying commercial software for imagery analysis?The next step for you is to gain profIciency in satellite remote sensing data analysis.MY COURSE IS A HANDS ON TRAINING WITH REAL REMOTE SENSING DATA WITH OPEN SOURCE TOOLS! My course provides a foundation to carry out PRACTICAL, real-life remote sensing analysis tasks in popular and FREE software frameworks with REAL spatial data. By taking this course, you are taking an important step forward in your GIS journey to become an expert in geospatial analysis.Why Should You Take My Course?I am an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I also completed a PhD at Cambridge University (Tropical Ecology and Conservation). I have several years of experience in analyzing real life spatial remote sensing data from different sources and producing publications for international peer reviewed journals.In this course, actual satellite remote sensing data such as Landsat from USGS and radar data from JAXA will be used to give a practical hands-on experience of working with remote sensing and understanding what kind of questions remote sensing can help us answer. This course will ensure you learn & put remote sensing data analysis into practice today and increase your proficiency in geospatial analysis. Remote sensing software tools are very expensive and their cost can run into thousands of dollars. Instead of shelling out so much money or procuring pirated copies (which puts you at a risk of prosecution), you will learn to carry out some of the most important and common remote sensing analysis tasksusing a number of popular, open source GIS tools such as R, QGIS, GRASS and ESA-SNAP.All of which are in great demand in the geospatial sector and improving your skills in these is a plus for you.This is an introductory course, i.e. we will focus on learning the most important and widely encountered remote sensing data processing and analyzing tasks in R, QGIS, GRASS and ESA-SNAPYou will also learn about the different sources of remote sensing data there are and how to obtain these FREE OF CHARGE and process them using FREESOFTWARE.In addition to all the above, youll have MY CONTINUOUS SUPPORT to make sure you get the most value out of your investment!ENROLL NOW :)"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Applied Statistical Modeling for Data Analysis in R" |
"APPLIED STATISTICAL MODELINGFOR DATA ANALYSIS IN RCOMPLETE GUIDE TO STATISTICAL DATA ANALYSIS & VISUALIZATION FOR PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS IN R Confounded by Confidence Intervals? Pondering Over p-values? Hankering Over Hypothesis Testing?Hello, My name is Minerva Singh and I am an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I recently finished a PhD at Cambridge University (Tropical Ecology and Conservation).I have several years of experience in analyzing real life data from different sources using statistical modeling and producing publications for international peer reviewed journals. If you find statistics books & manuals too vague, expensive & not practical, then youre going to love this course!I created this course to take you by hand and teach you all the concepts, and take your statistical modeling from basic to an advanced level for practical data analysis.With this course, Iwant to help you save time and learn what the arcane statistical concepts have to do with the actual analysis of data and the interpretation of the bespoke results. Frankly, this is the only one course you need tocomplete in order to get a head start in practical statistical modeling for data analysis using R.My course has 9.5 hours of lectures andprovides a robust foundation to carry out PRACTICAL, real-life statistical data analysis tasks in R, one of the most popular and FREE data analysis frameworks. GET ACCESS TO A COURSE THAT IS JAM PACKED WITH TONS OF APPLICABLE INFORMATION! AND GETAFREE VIDEOCOURSEINMACHINELEARNINGASWELL!This course is your sure-fire way of acquiring the knowledge and statistical data analysis skills that I acquired from the rigorous trainingIreceived at 2 of the best universities in the world, perusal of numerous books and publishing statistically rich papers in renowned international journal like PLOS One.To be more specific, heres what the course will do for you: (a) It willtake you (even if you have no prior statistical modelling/analysis background) from a basic level to performing some of the most common advanced statistical data analysis tasks in R. (b) It will equip you to use R for performing the different statistical data analysis and visualization tasks for data modelling. (c) It willIntroduce some of the most important statistical concepts to you in a practical manner such that you can apply these concepts for practical data analysis and interpretation. (d) You will learn some of the most important statistical modelling concepts from probability distributions to hypothesis testing to regression modelling and multivariate analysis. (e) You will also be able to decide which statistical modelling techniques are best suited to answer your research questions and applicable to your data and interpret the results.The course will mostly focus on helping you implement different statistical analysis techniques on your data and interpret the results. After each video you will learn a new concept or technique which you may apply to your own projects immediately!TAKE ACTION NOW :) Youll also have my continuous support when you take this course just to make sure youre successful with it. If my GUARANTEE is not enough for you, you can ask for a refund within 30 days of your purchase in case youre not completely satisfied with the course.TAKE ACTION TODAY! I will personally support you and ensure your experience with thiscourse is a success."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Species Distribution Models with GIS & Machine Learning in R" |
"Are You an Ecologist or Conservationist Interested in Learning GIS and Machine Learning in R?Are you an ecologist/conservationist looking to carry out habitat suitability mapping?Are you an ecologist/conservationist looking to get started with R for accessing ecological data and GIS analysis?Do you want to implement practical machine learning models in R?Then this course is for you! I will take you on an adventureinto the amazingof field Machine Learning and GIS for ecological modelling. You will learn how to implement species distribution modelling/map suitable habitats for species in R.My name isMINERVA SINGHand i am an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I finishedaPhD at Cambridge University (Tropical Ecology and Conservation). I have several yearsofexperience in analyzing real life spatial data from different sources and producing publications for international peer reviewed journals.In this course, actual spatial data from Peninsular Malaysia will be used to give a practical hands-on experience of working with real life spatial data for mapping habitat suitability in conjunction with classical SDM models like MaxEnt and machine learning alternatives such as Random Forests. The underlying motivation for the course is to ensure you can put spatial data and machine learninganalysis into practice today. Start ecological data for your own projects, whatever your skill level andIMPRESSyour potential employers with an actual examples of your GIS and Machine Learning skills in R.So Many R basedMachine Learning and GISCourses Out There, Why This One?This is a valid question and the answer is simple. This is the ONLY course on Udemy which will get you implementing some of the most common machine learning algorithms on real ecological data in R. Plus, you will gain exposure to working your way through a common ecological modelling technique- species distribution modelling (SDM) using real life data. Students will also gain exposure to implementing some of the most common Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial data analysis techniques in R. Additionally, students will learn how to access ecological data via R.You will learn to harness the power of both GIS and Machine Learning in R for ecological modelling.I have designed this course for anyone who wants to learn the state of the art in Machine learning in a simple and fun way without learning complex math or boring explanations. Yes, even non-ecologists can get started with practical machine learning techniques in R while working their way through real data.What you willLearn in this CourseThis is how the course is structured:Introduction Introduction to SDMs and mapping habitat suitabilityThe Basics of GIS for Species Distribution Models (SDMs) You will learn some of the most common GIS and data analysis tasks related to SDMs including accessing species presence data via RPre-Processing Raster and Spatial Data for SDMs- Your R based GIS training and will continue and you will earn to perform some of the most common GIS techniques on raster and other spatial dataClassical SDM Techniques- Introduction to the classical models and their implementation in R (MaxENT and Bioclim)Machine Learning Models for Habitat Suitability- Implement and interpret common ML techniques to build habitat suitability maps for the birds of Peninsular Malaysia.It is apractical, hands-on course, i.e. we will spend some time dealing with some of the theoretical concepts . However, majority of the course will focus on implementing different techniques on real data and interpret the results. After each video you will learn a new concept or technique which you mayapply to your own projects.TAKE ACTION TODAY! I will personally support you and ensure your experience with thiscourse is a success.And for any reason you are unhappy with this course, Udemy has a 30 day Money Back Refund Policy, So no questions asked, no quibble and no Risk to you. You got nothing to lose. Click that enroll button and we'll see you in side the course."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Complete Data Science Training with Python for Data Analysis" |
"Complete Guide to Practical Data Science with Python: Learn Statistics, Visualization, Machine Learning & MoreTHIS IS A COMPLETE DATA SCIENCE TRAINING WITH PYTHON FOR DATA ANALYSIS: It's A Full 12-Hour Python Data Science BootCamp To Help You Learn Statistical Modelling, Data Visualization, Machine Learning & Basic Deep Learning In Python! HERE IS WHY YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS COURSE:First of all, this course a complete guide to practical data science using Python...That means, this course covers ALL the aspects of practical data science and if you take this course alone, you can do away with taking other courses or buying books on Python-based data science. In this age of big data, companies across the globe use Python to sift through the avalanche of information at their disposal. By storing, filtering, managing, and manipulating data in Python, you can give your company a competitive edge & boost your career to the next level!THIS IS MY PROMISE TO YOU: COMPLETE THIS ONE COURSE & BECOME A PRO IN PRACTICAL PYTHON BASED DATA SCIENCE!But, first things first, My name is MINERVA SINGH and I am an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment), graduate. I recently finished a PhD at Cambridge University (Tropical Ecology and Conservation). I have several years of experience in analyzing real-life data from different sources using data science-related techniques and producing publications for international peer-reviewed journals.Over the course of my research, I realized almost all the Python data science courses and books out there do not account for the multidimensional nature of the topic and use data science interchangeably with machine learning... This gives the student an incomplete knowledge of the subject. This course will give you a robust grounding in all aspects of data science, from statistical modelling to visualization to machine learning. Unlike other Python instructors, I dig deep into the statistical modelling features of Python and gives you a one-of-a-kind grounding in Python Data Science! You will go all the way from carrying out simple visualizations and data explorations to statistical analysis to machine learning to finally implementing simple deep learning-based models using PythonDISCOVER 12 COMPLETE SECTIONS ADDRESSING EVERY ASPECT OF PYTHON DATA SCIENCE (INCLUDING): A full introduction to Python Data Science and powerful Python driven framework for data science, Anaconda Getting started with Jupyter notebooks for implementing data science techniques in Python A comprehensive presentation about basic analytical tools- Numpy Arrays, Operations, Arithmetic, Equation-solving, Matrices, Vectors, Broadcasting, etc. Data Structures and Reading in Pandas, including CSV, Excel, JSON, HTML data How to Pre-Process and Wrangle your Python data by removing NAs/No data, handling conditional data, grouping by attributes, etc. Creating data visualizations like histograms, boxplots, scatterplots, bar plots, pie/line charts, and more! Statistical analysis, statistical inference, and the relationships between variables Machine Learning, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning in Python Youll even discover how to create artificial neural networks and deep learning structures...& MUCH MORE!With this course, youll have the keys to the entire Python Data Science kingdom!NO PRIOR PYTHON OR STATISTICS/MACHINE LEARNING KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED:Youll start by absorbing the most valuable Python Data Science basics and techniques... I use easy-to-understand, hands-on methods to simplify and address even the most difficult concepts in Python. My course will help you implement the methods using real data obtained from different sources. Many courses use made-up data that does not empower students to implement Python-based data science in real life.After taking this course, youll easily use packages like Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib to work with real data in Python. Youll even understand deep concepts like statistical modelling in Pythons Statsmodels package and the difference between statistics and machine learning (including hands-on techniques). I will even introduce you to deep learning and neural networks using the powerful H2o framework!With this Powerful All-In-One Python Data Science course, youll know it all: visualization, stats, machine learning, data mining, and deep learning! The underlying motivation for the course is to ensure you can apply Python-based data science on real data and put into practice today. Start analyzing data for your own projects, whatever your skill level and IMPRESS your potential employers with actual examples of your data science abilities.HERE IS WHAT THIS COURSE WILL DO FOR YOU:This course is your one shot way of acquiring the knowledge of statistical data analysis skills that I acquired from the rigorous training received at two of the best universities in the world, a perusal of numerous books and publishing statistically rich papers in renowned international journal like PLOS One. This course will: (a) Take students without a prior Python and/or statistics background from a basic level to performing some of the most common advanced data science techniques using the powerful Python-based Jupyter notebooks. (b) Equip students to use Python for performing different statistical data analysis and visualization tasks for data modelling. (c) Introduce some of the most important statistical and machine learning concepts to students in a practical manner such that students can apply these concepts for practical data analysis and interpretation. (d) Students will get a strong background in some of the most important data science techniques. (e) Students will be able to decide which data science techniques are best suited to answer their research questions and applicable to their data and interpret the results.It is a practical, hands-on course, i.e. we will spend some time dealing with some of the theoretical concepts related to data science. However, the majority of the course will focus on implementing different techniques on real data and interpret the results. After each video, you will learn a new concept or technique which you may apply to your own projects. JOIN THE COURSE NOW!#data #analysis #python #anaconda #analytics"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Project Based Python Programming For Kids & Beginners" |
"Beginners and KidsCan NowLearnPython the Funand Easy WayTeach yourself (and your kids) to code fungames, graphics and GUI in Python, the powerful programming language used at tech companies and in academia.Unlike the other courses and books out there, this course provides a rare opportunity to learn the graphics and UX (User Experience) sides of Python even as a beginner! Unlike the many other Python courses on Udemy, this course introduces you to this computer language by drawing shapes, coding a simple game, and designing GUIs (Graphic User Interfaces), including a functional GUI for a temperature converter app.Gain a Firm Foundation in Python GUI ProgrammingLearn the basics of Python game programming Craft elegant and useful Python GUIs Create simple and practical applications in Python Explore the world of Python graphic designIf you want to learn to code, Python GUIs are the best way to start!I designed this programming course to be easily understood by absolute beginners and young people. We start with basic Python programming concepts. Reinforce the same by developing games, graphics and GUIs. And finally we willdevelop a practical temperature converter app using Python.Why Python?The Python coding language integrates well with other platforms and runs on virtually all modern devices. If youre new to coding, you can easily learn the basics in this fast and powerful coding environment. If you have experience with other computer languages, youll find Python simple and straightforward. This OSI-approved open-source language allows free use and distribution even commercial distribution.Can You Build a Career with Python?Absolutely! On average, U.S. Python developers earn $109,000 per year. This powerful and widely-used language could be your or your child's ticket to a better life. With the rigorous grounding you get from this course, youll have the knowledge and confidence to step into higher-level Python courses.How Can You Use Python?Once you gain a basic knowledge of Python through this course, you can explore a diverse range of programming specialties: Build Desktop/Laptop GUIs Design Exciting and Immersive Games Develop Websites and Apps Analyze Scientific and Statistical Data Create Educational Software Access and Organize Databases Manage NetworksWho Uses Python?This course gives you a solid set of skills in one of todays top programming languages. Todays biggest companies (and smartest startups) use Python, including Google, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, IBM, and NASA. Python is increasingly being used for scientific computations and data analysis.You Can Start Right Away, Without Prior ProgrammingExperienceDetailed instructions have been provided with regards to Python installation and getting started with Microsoft Visual Code, a powerful programming IDLE that will be a valuable tool for your programming journey. Hands-on coding instructions have been provided in the lecture videos to enable you to follow along. Additionally, working code examples have been provided for you to try and modify. Each video will teach you a new practical programmingconceptthat you can apply in real time and quizzes will reinforce your learning.The instructor is an Oxbridge trained researcher and always available to troubleshoot.You'll also receive an industry recognized Certificate of Completion upon finishing the course.No Risk:Preview videos from the different sections for FREE, and enjoy a 30-day money-back guarantee when you enroll - zero risk, unlimited payoff!Sign up for this course today and learn the skills you need to rub shoulders with todays tech industry giants. Have fun, create and control intriguing and interactive Python GUIs, and enjoy a bright future!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Regression Analysis for Statistics & Machine Learning in R" |
"With so many R Statistics & Machine Learning courses around, why enroll forthis ?Regression analysis is one of the central aspects of both statistical and machine learning based analysis. This course will teach youregression analysis for both statistical data analysis andmachine learning in R ina practical hands-on manner.It explores the relevantconcepts in a practical mannerfrom basic to expert level. This coursecan help you achieve better grades, give you new analysis tools for your academic career, implement your knowledge in a work settingor make business forecasting related decisions. All of this while exploring the wisdom of an Oxford and Cambridge educated researcher.My name isMINERVA SINGHand Iam an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I recently finished aPhD at Cambridge University (Tropical Ecology and Conservation). I have several yearsofexperience in analyzing real life data from different sources using data science related techniques and producing publications for international peer reviewed journals. This course is based on my years of regression modelling experience and implementing different regression models on real life data. Most statistics and machine learning courses and booksonly touch upon the basic aspects of regression analysis. This does not teach the students about all the different regression analysis techniques they can apply to their own data in both academic and business setting, resulting in inaccurate modelling. My course will change this.You will go all the way from implementing and inferring simple OLS (ordinary least square) regression modelsto dealing with issues of multicollinearity in regression to machine learning based regression models.Become a Regression Analysis Expert and Harness the Powerof R for Your AnalysisGet started with R and RStudio. Install these on your system, learn to load packages and read in different types of data in RCarry out data cleaning and data visualization using RImplement ordinary least square (OLS) regression in R and learn how tointerpret the results.Learn how to deal with multicollinearity both through variable selection and regularization techniques such as ridge regressionCarry out variable and regression model selection using both statistical and machine learning techniques, including using cross-validation methods.Evaluate regression model accuracyImplement generalized linear models (GLMs) such as logistic regression and Poisson regression. Use logistic regression as a binary classifier to distinguish between male and female voices.Use non-parametric techniques such as Generalized Additive Models (GAMs) to work with non-linear and non-parametric data.Work with tree-based machine learning modelsImplement machine learningmethods such as random forest regression and gradient boosting machine regression for improved regression prediction accuracy.Carry out model selectionBecome a Regression Analysis Pro and Apply Your Knowledge on Real-Life DataThis course is your one shot way of acquiring the knowledge of statistical and machine learning analysis that I acquired from the rigorous training received at two of the best universities in the world, perusal of numerous books and publishing statistically rich papers in renowned international journal likePLOS One. Specifically the course will: (a) Take the students witha basic level statistical knowledgeto performing some of the most common advanced regression analysis based techniques (b) Equip students to use R for performing the different statistical and machine learningdata analysis and visualization tasks (c) Introducesome of the most important statistical and machine learningconcepts to students in a practical manner such that the students can apply these concepts for practical data analysis and interpretation (d) Students will get a strong background in some of the most important statistical and machine learning concepts for regression analysis. (e) Students will be able to decide which regression analysis techniques are best suited to answer their research questions and applicable to their data and interpret the resultsIt is apractical, hands-on course, i.e. we will spend some time dealing with some of the theoretical concepts related to both statistical and machine learning regression analysis. However, majority of the course will focus on implementing different techniques on real data and interpret the results. After each video you will learn a new concept or technique which you mayapply to your own projects.TAKE ACTION TODAY! I will personally support you and ensure your experience with thiscourse is a success."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Data Science:Data Mining & Natural Language Processing in R" |
"MASTER DATA SCIENCE, TEXT MININGAND NATURALLANGUAGE PROCESSING IN R:Learn to carry out pre-processing, visualization and machine learning tasks such as: clustering, classification and regression in R. You will be able to mine insights from text data and Twitter to give yourself & your company a competitive edge. LEARN FROM AN EXPERT DATA SCIENTIST WITH +5 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE:My name is Minerva Singh and I am an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I recently finished a PhD at Cambridge University (Tropical Ecology and Conservation).I have several years of experience in analyzing real life data from different sources using data science related techniques and producing publications for international peer reviewed journals. Over the course of my research I realized almost all the R data science courses and books out there do not account for the multidimensional nature of the topic and use data science interchangeably with machine learning.This gives students an incomplete knowledge of the subject. Unlike other courses out there, we are not going to stop at machine learning. We will also cover data mining, web-scraping, text mining and natural language processing along with mining social media sites like Twitter and Facebook for text data. NO PRIOR R OR STATISTICS/MACHINE LEARNINGKNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED:Youll start by absorbing the most valuable R Data Science basics and techniques. I use easy-to-understand, hands-on methods to simplify and address even the most difficult concepts in R.My course will help you implement the methods using real data obtained from different sources. Many courses use made-up data that does not empower students to implement R based data science in real life. After taking this course, youll easily use packages like caret, dplyr to work with real data in R. You will also learn to use the common NLP packages to extract insights from text data. I will even introduce you to some very important practical case studies - such as detecting loan repayment and tumor detection using machine learning. You will also extract tweets pertaining to trending topics and analyze their underlying sentiments and identify topics with Latent Dirichlet allocation. With this Powerful All-In-One R Data Science course, youll know it all: visualization, stats, machine learning, data mining, and neural networks! The underlying motivation for the course is to ensure you can apply R based data science on real data into practice today. Start analyzing data for your own projects, whatever your skill level and Impress your potential employers with actual examples of your data science projects.HERE IS WHAT YOU WILL GET: (a) This course will take you from a basic level to performing some of the most common advanced data science techniques using the powerful R based tools. (b) Equip you to use R to perform the different exploratory and visualization tasks for data modelling. (c) Introduce you to some of the most important machine learning concepts in a practical manner such that you can apply these concepts for practical data analysis and interpretation. (d) You will get a strong understanding of some of the most important data mining, text mining and natural language processing techniques. (e) & You will be able to decide which data science techniques are best suited to answer your research questions and applicable to your data and interpret the results.More Specifically, here's what's covered in the course:Getting started with R, R Studio and Rattle for implementing different data science techniquesData Structures and Reading in Pandas, including CSV, Excel, JSON, HTML data.How to Pre-Process and Wrangle your R data by removing NAs/No data, handling conditional data, grouping by attributes..etcCreating data visualizations like histograms, boxplots, scatterplots, barplots, pie/line charts, and MOREStatistical analysis, statistical inference, and the relationships between variables.Machine Learning, Supervised Learning, & Unsupervised Learning in R Neural Networks for Classification and RegressionWeb-Scraping using RExtracting text data from Twitter and Facebook using APIsText miningCommon Natural Language Processing techniques such as sentiment analysis and topic modellingWe will spend some time dealing with some of the theoretical concepts related to data science. However, majority of the course will focus on implementing different techniques on real data and interpret the results. After each video you will learn a new concept or technique which you may apply to your own projects. All the data and code used in the course has been made available free of charge and you can use it as you like. You will also have access to additional lectures that are added in the future for FREE.JOIN THE COURSE NOW!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Python Regression Analysis: Statistics & Machine Learning" |
"HERE IS WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL IN THIS COURSE:Regression analysis is one of the central aspects of both statistical and machine learning based analysis. This course will teach youregression analysis for both statistical data analysis andmachine learning in Python ina practical hands-on manner.It explores the relevantconcepts in a practical mannerfrom basic to expert level. This coursecan help you achieve better grades, give you new analysis tools for your academic career, implement your knowledge in a work setting& make business forecasting related decisions...All of this while exploring the wisdom of an Oxford and Cambridge educated researcher.Most statistics and machine learning courses and booksonly touch upon the basic aspects of regression analysis. This does not teach the students about all the different regression analysis techniques they can apply to their own data in both academic and business setting, resulting in inaccurate modelling. My course is Different;It will help you go all the way from implementing and inferring simple OLS (ordinary least square) regression modelsto dealing with issues of multicollinearity in regression to machine learning based regression models. LEARN FROM AN EXPERT DATA SCIENTIST:My name isMinerva Singhand Iam an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I also just recently finished aPhD at Cambridge University (Tropical Ecology and Conservation). I have +5 yearsofexperience in analyzing real life data from different sources using data science related techniques and producing publications for international peer reviewed journals. This course is based on my years of regression modelling experience and implementing different regression models on real life data. THIS COURSE WILL HELP YOU BECOME A REGRESSION ANALYSIS EXPERT:Here is what we'll be covering inside the course:Get started with Pythonand Anaconda. Install these on your system, learn to load packages and read in different types of data in PythonCarry out data cleaning PythonImplement ordinary least square (OLS) regression in Python and learn how tointerpret the results.Evaluate regression model accuracyImplement generalized linear models (GLMs) such as logistic regression using PythonUse machine learning based regression techniques for predictive modellingWork with tree-based machine learning modelsImplement machine learningmethods such as random forest regression and gradient boosting machine regression for improved regression prediction accuracy.& Carry out model selectionTHIS IS A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO REGRESSION ANALYSIS WITH REAL LIFE DATA:This course is your one shot way of acquiring the knowledge of statistical and machine learning analysis that I acquired from the rigorous training received at two of the best universities in the world, perusal of numerous books and publishing statistically rich papers in renowned international journal likePLOS One. Specifically the course will: (a) Take you froma basic level of statistical knowledgeto performing some of the most common advanced regression analysis based techniques. (b) Equip you to use Python for performing the different statistical and machine learningdata analysis tasks. (c) Introducesome of the most important statistical and machine learningconcepts to you in a practical manner so you can apply these concepts for practical data analysis and interpretation. (d) You will get a strong background in some of the most important statistical and machine learning concepts for regression analysis. (e) You will be able to decide which regression analysis techniques are best suited to answer your research questions and applicable to your data and interpret the results.It is apractical, hands-on course, i.e. we will spend some time dealing with some of the theoretical concepts related to both statistical and machine learning regression analysis... However, majority of the course will focus on implementing different techniques on real data and interpret the results. After each video you will learn a new concept or technique which you mayapply to your own projects.JOIN THE COURSE NOW!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Tensorflow Deep Learning - Data Science in Python" |
"Complete Tensorflow Mastery For Machine Learning & Deep Learning in PythonTHIS IS A COMPLETE DATA SCIENCE TRAINING WITH TENSORFLOW IN PYTHON!It is a full 7-Hour Python Tensorflow Data Science Boot Camp that will help you learn statistical modelling, data visualization, machine learning and basic deep learning using the Tensorflow framework in Python.. HERE IS WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL IN THIS COURSE:This course is your complete guide to practical data science using the Tensorflow framework in Python.. This means, this course covers all the aspects of practical data science with Tensorflow (Google's powerful Deep Learning framework) and if you take this course, you can do away with taking other courses or buying books on Python Tensorflow based data science. In this age of big data, companies across the globe use Python to sift through the avalanche of information at their disposal and advent of Tensorflow is revolutionizing Deep Learning... By storing, filtering, managing, and manipulating data in Python and Tensorflow, you can give your company a competitive edge and boost your career to the next level.THIS IS MY PROMISE TO YOU: COMPLETE THIS ONE COURSE & BECOME A PRO IN PRACTICAL PYTHON TENSORFLOW BASED DATA SCIENCE!But first things first. My name is Minerva Singh and I am an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I recently finished a PhD at Cambridge University (Tropical Ecology and Conservation). I have several years of experience in analyzing real life data from different sources using data science related techniques and producing publications for international peer reviewed journals. Over the course of my research I realized almost all the Python data science courses and books out there do not account for the multidimensional nature of the topic and use data science interchangeably with machine learning.. This gives students an incomplete knowledge of the subject. My course, on the other hand, will give you a robust grounding in all aspects of data science within the Tensorflow framework. Unlike other Python courses, we dig deep into the statistical modeling features of Tensorflow and give you a one-of-a-kind grounding in Python based Tensorflow Data Science! DISCOVER 8 COMPLETE SECTIONS ADDRESSING EVERY ASPECT OF PYTHON BASED TENSORFLOW DATA SCIENCE: A full introduction to Python Data Science and powerful Python driven framework for data science, Anaconda Getting started with Jupyter notebooks for implementing data science techniques in Python A comprehensive presentation about Tensorflow installation and a brief introduction to the other Python data science packages Brief introduction to the working of Pandas and Numpy The basics of the Tensorflow syntax and graphing environment Statistical modelling with Tensorflow Machine Learning, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning in the Tensorflow framework Youll even discover how to create artificial neural networks and deep learning structures with TensorflowBUT, WAIT! THIS ISN'T JUST ANY OTHER DATA SCIENCE COURSE:Youll start by absorbing the most valuable Python Tensorflow Data Science basics and techniques. I use easy-to-understand, hands-on methods to simplify and address even the most difficult concepts. My course will help you implement the methods using real data obtained from different sources. Many courses use made-up data that does not empower students to implement Python based data science in real -life.After taking this course, youll easily use packages like Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib to work with real data in Python along with gaining fluency in Tensorflow. I will even introduce you to deep learning models such as Convolution Neural network (CNN) !!The underlying motivation for the course is to ensure you can apply Python based data science on real data into practice today, start analyzing data for your own projects whatever your skill level, and impress your potential employers with actual examples of your data science abilities.This course will take students without a prior Python and/or statistics background background from a basic level to performing some of the most common advanced data science techniques using the powerful Python based Jupyter notebooksIt is a practical, hands-on course, i.e. we will spend some time dealing with some of the theoretical concepts related to data science. However, majority of the course will focus on implementing different techniques on real data and interpret the results.. After each video you will learn a new concept or technique which you may apply to your own projects!JOIN THE COURSE NOW! #tensorflow #python #deeplearning #android #java #neuralnetwork #models"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Tensorflow and Keras For Neural Networks and Deep Learning" |
"THIS IS A COMPLETE NEURAL NETWORKS & DEEP LEARNING TRAINING WITH TENSORFLOW & KERAS IN PYTHON!It is a full 7-Hour Python Tensorflow & Keras Neural Network & Deep Learning Boot Camp that will help you learn basic machine learning, neural networks and deep learning using two of the most important Deep Learning frameworks- Tensorflow and Keras. HERE IS WHY YOU SHOULD ENROLL IN THIS COURSE:This course is your complete guide to practical machine & deep learning using the Tensorflow & Keras framework in Python.. This means, this course covers the important aspects of Keras and Tensorflow (Google's powerful Deep Learning framework) and if you take this course, you can do away with taking other courses or buying books on Python Tensorflow and Keras based data science. In this age of big data, companies across the globe use Python to sift through the avalanche of information at their disposal and advent of Tensorflow and Keras is revolutionizing Deep Learning... By gaining proficiency in Keras and and Tensorflow, you can give your company a competitive edge and boost your career to the next level.THISISMYPROMISETOYOU: COMPLETETHISONECOURSE&BECOMEAPROINPRACTICALKERAS &TENSORFLOW BASEDDATASCIENCE!But first things first.My name isMinerva Singhand Iam an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I recently finished aPhD at Cambridge University (Tropical Ecology and Conservation). I have several yearsofexperience in analyzing real life data from different sources using data science related techniques and producing publications for international peer reviewed journals.Over the course of my research I realized almost all the Python data science courses and books out theredo not account for the multidimensional nature of the topic and use data science interchangeably with machine learning.. This gives students an incomplete knowledge of the subject. My course, on the other hand, will give you a robust grounding in all aspects of data science within the Tensorflow framework. Unlike other Python courses, we dig deep into the statistical modeling features of Tensorflow & Keras and give you a one-of-a-kind grounding in these frameworks! DISCOVER 8 COMPLETE SECTIONS ADDRESSING EVERY ASPECT OF PYTHON BASED TENSORFLOW DATA SCIENCE: A full introduction to Python Data Science andpowerful Python driven framework for data science, Anaconda Getting started with Jupyter notebooks for implementing data science techniquesin Python A comprehensive presentation about Tensorflow & Keras installation and a brief introduction to the other Python data science packages Brief introduction to the working of Pandas and Numpy The basics of the Tensorflow syntax and graphing environment The basics of the Keras syntax Machine Learning, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning in the Tensorflow & Keras frameworks Youll even discover how to create artificial neural networks and deep learning structures with Tensorflow & KerasBUT, WAIT! THIS ISN'T JUST ANY OTHER DATA SCIENCE COURSE:Youll start by absorbing the most valuable Python Tensorflow and Keras basics and techniques. I useeasy-to-understand, hands-on methods to simplify and address even the most difficult concepts. My course willhelp you implement the methods using real data obtained from different sources. Many courses use made-up data that does not empower students to implement Python based data science in real -life.After taking this course, youll easily use packages like Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib to work with real data in Python along with gaining fluency in Tensorflow and Keras. I will even introduce you to deep learning models such as Convolution Neural network (CNN) !!The underlying motivation for the course is to ensure you can apply Python based data science on real data into practice today, start analyzing data for your own projects whatever your skill level, andimpressyour potential employers with actual examples of your data science abilities.This course will take students without a prior Python and/or statistics backgroundbackground from a basic level to performing some of the most common advanced data science techniques using the powerful Python based Jupyter notebooksIt is apractical, hands-on course, i.e. we will spend some time dealing with some of the theoretical concepts related to data science. However, majority of the course will focus on implementing different techniques on real data and interpret the results.. After each video you will learn a new concept or technique which you mayapply to your own projects!JOIN THE COURSE NOW!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Time Series Analysis With Python" |
"THIS IS YOUR COMPLETE GUIDE TO TIME SERIES DATA ANALYSIS IN PYTHON!This course is yourcomplete guideto time series analysis using Python. So,all the main aspectsof analyzing temporal data will be covered n depth..If you take this course, you can do away with taking other courses or buying books on Python based data analysis. In this age of big data, companies across the globe use Python to sift through the avalanche of information at their disposal. By becoming proficient in in analysing time series datainPython, you can give your company a competitive edge and boost your career to the next level. LEARN FROM AN EXPERT DATA SCIENTIST WITH +5 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE:Hey,my name is Minerva Singhand Iam an Oxford University MPhil (Geography and Environment) graduate. I recently finished aPhD at Cambridge University. I have +5 yearsofexperience in analyzing real life data from different sources using data science related techniques and i have produced many publications for international peer reviewed journals.Over the course of my research I realised almost all the Python data science courses and books out theredo not account for the multidimensional nature of the topic . So, unlike other instructors, I dig deep into the data sciencefeatures of R and gives you a one-of-a-kind grounding indata science related topics! You will go all the way from carrying out data reading & cleaning to to finally implementing powerful statistical and machine learning algorithms for analyzing time series data.Among other things:You will be introduced to powerful Python-based packages for time series analysis. You will be introduced to both the commonly used techniques, visualization methods and machine/deep learning techniques that can be implemented for time series data. & you will learn to apply these frameworks to real life data including temporal stocks and financial data.NO PRIOR PYTHON OR STATISTICS/MACHINE LEARNING KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!Youll start by absorbing the most valuable Python Data Science basics and techniques. I useeasy-to-understand, hands-on methods to simplify and address even the most difficult concepts in Python. My course willhelp youimplement the methods using REAL DATAobtained from different sources. Many courses use made-up data that does not empower students to implement Python based data science in real-life.After taking this course, youll easily use the common time series packages in Python... Youll even understand the underlying concepts to understand what algorithms and methods are best suited for your data. We will work with real data and you will have access to all the code and data used in the course. JOIN MY COURSE NOW!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Data Wrangling & Data Visualisation In R" |
"THIS IS YOUR ROADMAP TO LEARNING & BECOMING HIGHLY PROFICIENT IN DATA PREPROCESSING, DATA WRANGLING, & DATA VISUALIZATION IN R! Hello, My name is Minerva Singh. I am an Oxford University MPhil graduate in Geography & Environment & I finished a PhD at Cambridge University in Tropical Ecology & Conservation.I have +5 of experience in analyzing real-life data from different sources using statistical modelling and producing publications for international peer-reviewed journals. If you find statistics books & manuals too vague, expensive & not practical, then youre going to love this course!I created this course to take you by hand and teach you all the concepts, and tackle the most fundamental building block on practical data science - data wrangling and visualisation. THIS COURSE WILL TEACH YOU ALL YOU NEED AND PUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE TO PRACTICE NOW!This course is your sure-fire way of acquiring the knowledge and statistical data analysis wrangling and visualisation skills that I acquired from the rigorous training I received at 2 of the best universities in the world, the perusal of numerous books and publishing statistically rich papers in the renowned international journal like PLOS One.HERE IS WHAT THIS COURSE WILL DO FOR YOU:It will take you (even if you have no prior statistical modelling/analysis background) from a basic level of performing some of the most common data wrangling tasks in R.It will equip you to use some of the most important R data wrangling and visualisation packages such as dplyr and ggplot2.It will Introduce some of the most important data visualisation concepts to you in a practical manner such that you can apply these concepts for practical data analysis and interpretation.You will also be able to decide which wrangling and visualisation techniques are best suited to answer your research questions and applicable to your data and interpret the results.. The course will mostly focus on helping you implement different techniques on real-life data such as Olympic and Nobel Prize winnersAfter each video, you will learn a new concept or technique which you may apply to your own projects immediately! Reinforce your knowledge through practical quizzes and assignments.ON TOP OF THE COURSE, IM ALSO OFFERING YOU:Practice Activities To Reinforce Your LearningMy Continuous Support To Make Sure You Gain Complete Understanding & ProficiencyAccess To Future Course Updates Free Of ChargeIll Even Go The Extra Mile & Cover Any Topics That Are Related To The Subject That You Need Help With (This is something you cant get anywhere else).& Access To A Community Of 25,000 Data Scientists (& growing) All Learning Together & Helping Each Other!Now, go ahead & enrol in the course. Im certain youll love it, but in case you dont, you can always request a refund within 30 days. No hard feelings whatsoever. I look forward to seeing you inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Acumen Presents: Angela Duckworth on Building Grit" |
"The secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but a special blend of passion and persistence called grit. This course will introduce you to research-grounded insights and practical strategies to become a more gritty personsomeone with the perseverance to power through difficult circumstances and drive change in the world. Taught by Angela Duckworth, a MacArthur Genius winner, bestselling author of Grit, and University of Pennsylvania psychologist, youll learn strategies to set the right goals, uncover your interests, implement deliberate practice in your daily life, cultivate a growth mindset, and find purpose in your work so that you can continue pursuing difficult challenges.Through a series of video lectures, Angela will bring the lessons from her New York Times bestselling book and TED talk to life, offering stories and findings particularly relevant to social change makers trying to do hard things. Shell also share research-grounded insights relevant to everyone from entrepreneurs to parents to athletes to students to businesspeople who are trying to live up to their full potentialand help others do the same. Shell share practical tips and strategies to develop more grit in your daily life and youll gain a set of exercises and supplemental resources to start applying these lessons right away."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Acumen Presents: Scott Sonenshein on Resourcefulness" |
"Social entrepreneurs exist in environments of scarcitytheyre consistently strapped for time and funding, and yet are trying to tackle some of the worlds biggest challenges, like homelessness, healthcare, and energy access for the poor. What if they could unlock new mindsets and skills to learn how to leverage their constraints and achieve greater impact with less? In this course, Scott Sonensheinauthor of Stretch: Unlock the Power of Less and Achieve More Than You Ever Imagined, and professor of business at Rice Universitywill use engaging stories and research to teach social entrepreneurs how they can stretch what they have and succeed using the science of resourcefulness.Scott will present his framework about the key pillars of a stretch mindset along with business case studies and practical exercises that you can use to practice applyinga stretch mindset in your life and organization. Specifically you will define a ""Stretching Challenge"" that you're facing in your own life or work and use each of the course exercises and lessons to reconceptualize itwhileuncovering new or hidden resources that can lead tobreakthrough solutions.This course is ideal for anyone facing constraints and obstacles in their life or organization, or who wants to consider their opportunities and resources in a new, more optimistic light."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Acumen Presents: Daniel Pink on the Art of Selling" |
"Whether were employees pitching colleagues on a new idea, entrepreneurs enticing funders to invest, or parents and teachers cajoling children to study, we spend our days trying to move others. Like it or not, were all in sales now. In this course, Daniel Pink, bestselling author ofTo SellIs Humanoffers a fresh look at the art and science of selling. He teaches research-grounded tactics to help you understand your audience and convince them to take clear actionswhether that isfunding your venture,buying your product, oradopting your new idea. You'll leave the course better equipped to practicethe new skills of selling--pitching, improvising and serving.Daniel is one of the most highly-regarded contemporaryauthors covering topics ranging frombusiness toworktobehavior. HisTED Talk on the science of motivation is one of the 10 most-watched TED Talks of all time and, inthis course, hell walk you through the science of motivating peopleto buy, use, and adopt.Youll learn three effective methods to pitch and then have the chance toapply all of Daniels tactics to your own selling challenge. Along the way, Daniel will teach you how to remain buoyant in the face of the inevitable rejection that comes with selling and instruct you on the new ABCs of sales.Daniels insights will change how you see the world and transform what you do at work, at school, and at home. Hell help you realize that sales doesnt have to be sleazy or distasteful, but canbe a personal, purposeful, and ultimately human art. Learn the new tactics of salesfrom one of the best thinkers on business and behavior Understand why sales has changed more in the last 10 years than in the previous 100 yearsand how you can adaptDiscover how to map the power dynamics between customers and sellersGain strategies to grow attuned tothe perspectives and needs of your customers and audiencesPractice 3 research-backed pitching techniques to sell your ideasLearn to make sales personal, purposeful and ultimately humanContent and Overview Daniel will introduce you to the concept of salesand help you understand why almost everyone is in sales now because we are all trying to move or persuade others. Youll learn how to frame your own Sales Challengea situation where you need to convince or move othersso that you can apply Daniels tactics and research directly to your own work. Next, Daniel will present the research on how sales has shifted more in the last 10 years than in the previous 100 years by explaining the concepts of information asymmetry and parity.Hell also explain twobig picture techniques for moving others--irritation and agitation--and help you learn to differentiate between them. Thenyoull have a chance to apply these two techniques to your ownSales Challenge. Daniel will walk you through the new ABCs of Selling attunement, buoyancy, and clarity--and offer structured tips for how you can put these concepts into practice right away. Youll dive into exercises where youll assess the power dynamics between the seller and the buyer and learn to tailor your messages accordingly. Youll learn tactics to stay more buoyant in the face of inevitable rejection that comes with selling new things. And youll learn how to design off-ramps that point your customers or audience in the direction of clear actions. Daniel will then explain the fundamentals of effective pitches. Hell offer you three templates to create pitches that workbased on the social science research.Youll have a chance toapplythese frameworks to craft your own pitch.Finally, Daniel will wrap up by offering advice on how you can make sales more personal and more purposeful so thatfar from being sleazy or distastefulselling can be a very human art."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Debbie Millman on Branding for Social Change" |
"Brands signal our affiliations. At their best, they tell stories that define, differentiate and humanize organizations and indicate what companies stand for in the world. When executed well, brands can connect us with like-minded people and visions, reflect our values, inspire us to take action, or help us feel part of something bigger than ourselves.For all these reasons, social enterprises and nonprofit organizations working on tackling the worlds most critical challenges like poverty, climate change, sexual violence, or homelessness need to build strong brands. In our fast-moving and chaotic world, it matters more than ever that social change-makers learn how to cut through the noise and get other people to pay attention to their causes, services, and innovations.In this self-paced +Acumen course, Debbie Millman will teach any social entrepreneur, nonprofit manager, or social change agent to build a compelling brand identity for their cause or initiative that will get others to sit up, pay attention, and feel connected.What You'll Gain Access To:10 page workbook with activities that will help starting to build your brandTutorial videos A dynamic forum to share your process with other brand-builders across the social sectorA Certificate for successful completion of all course requirementsThe ability to revisit any section of the course as needed (the course is self-paced and starts whenever you have the time!)About the Instructors:DebbieMillmanis an American writer, journalist, educator, artist, curator and designer who is best known as the host of the podcastDesign Matters. She has authored six books includingBrand Thinking and Other Noble PursuitsandBrand BibleThe Complete Guide to Building, Designing and Sustaining Brands. She is the current President Emeritus of AIGA, chair and co-founder of the Masters in Branding Program at the School of Visual Arts in New York City, and Editorial and Creative Director of Print magazine. Named one of the most creative people in business by Fast Company, and one of the most influential designers working today by Graphic Design USA, Debbie has worked with over 200 of the worlds largest brands, including the redesign of Burger King, merchandising for Star Wars, and the positioning and branding of the No More movement."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn To Program Tic-Tac-Toe with C# and Visual Studio" |
"LEARN HOW TO QUICKLY BUILD A TIC-TAC-TOE GAME ON WINDOWS USING VISUAL C# and WinFormsAre you curious to learn what it takes to build a game with Visual C# on Windows?If you say yes then Iam hoping you will find this course as exciting as it is informational.WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO LEARN:The techniquesyou need to build a complete Tic Tac Toe game with Visual C#on WindowsUnderstand how to use WinForms and how to create desktop applications using C#How to prompt the user for messages and how to use MessageBox APIHow to load images and display images using WinFormsYou have 30-day money back guarantee from Udemy, so there is nothing to lose!I made my best efforts to provide high quality content and to make this both useful and fun to watch.Lets get started today! Enroll now!WHAT'S IN THE COURSE?Over 10lectures of video contentComplete Tic-Tac-Toe Project in C# on WindowsUnderstand how to write efficient C# codeLearn how Windows applications workWHAT'S NOTIN THE COURSE?This course DOESNOT teach AIand it is only a basic game for two players. You won't learn how to make the computer as one of the players as part of this course.COURSE REQUIREMENTS:Basic knowledge of C# (or any similar language like C/C++, Java....etc)Basic understanding ofloops, functions, variables and if conditions...Windows 7 or newerVisual Studio installation Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition (Recommended) or NewerENROLL TODAY TO LEARN HOW TO BUILD YOUR OWN TIC-TAC-TOE!"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How To Program Your Own Breakout Game using Visual C#" |
"LEARN HOW TO QUICKLY BUILD A BREAKOUT GAME CLONEON WINDOWS USING VISUAL C# and WinFormsIf you want to learn and experiencewhat it takes to build a game on Windows usingVisual C# and Winformsthen Ihope you will find this course as exciting as it is informational.WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO LEARN:The techniquesyou need to build a complete Breakout game clone with Visual C#on WindowsUnderstand how to use WinForms and how to create desktop applications using C#How to draw graphics inside WinformsHow to use timers to mimic game loopsHow to play soundsHow to embed images and sounds as resources inside your applicationHow to handle mouse and keyboard eventsHow to load images and display images using WinFormsYou have 30-day money back guarantee from Udemy, so there is nothing to lose!I made my best efforts to provide high quality content and to make this both useful and fun to watch.Lets get started today! Enroll now!WHAT'S IN THE COURSE?Complete Breakout Project in C# on WindowsUnderstand how to write efficient C# codeLearn how Windows applications workFull source code of the project we will buildAll game assets used in the game are included for freeCOURSE REQUIREMENTS:Basic knowledge of C# (or any similar language like C/C++, Java....etc)Basic understanding ofloops, functions, variables and if conditions...Windows 7 or newerVisual Studio installation Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition (Recommended) or NewerENROLL TODAY TO STARTBUILDING YOUR OWN BREAKOUTGAMEANDHAVEFUNPLAYINGIT"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"WordPress E-Commerce With WooCommerce: Novice To Store Owner" |
"Learn Howto Build anE-Commerce WebsiteBy using WordPress and WooCommerce Plugin, Building an online completeshopping store.WooCommerce is the leading ecommerce plugin for working with WordPress. In this in depth course we talk about Ecommerce from a big picture perspective and then dive down into all of the details for setting up and running an ecommerce site with WordPress and Ecommerce.Building E-Commerce Website By WordPressE-commerce Site is anonline shopping store for selling/buying physicalproducts or digital services, we'll use WordPress and WooCommercePluginto create this large project, if you are really serious about creating an e commerce website, then this course for sure is you.If you're looking to run or build ecommerce sites, the content covered in this course is essential.Some of the Important Sections and Lectures of This CourseCreating the Website Of WordPressInstalling The WooCommerce PluginsProduct and Tax SetingsCreating the Checkout SystemCreating the Payment OptionsManage The Sales and ReportsSetting Up The Shipping OptionsCustomize Your Store"
Price: 189.99 ![]() |
"Waterfall to Agile Project Management: A Step By Step Guide" |
"Are you looking to understand what Agile Project Management is? Are you currently running a waterfall project and want to make the jump to Agile? Then this is the course for you. In this course Agile expert Luke Angel will show you how you can realize the time, quality, and cost benefits of agile project management. This course will help you understand the difference between traditional waterfall and agile methodologies and what is required for a successful transition between the two. Luke provides advice on garnering support for a pilot project: by identifying supporters early on and keeping them engaged throughout the project. He will show how to respond in a engaging way to detractors. He then leads you through the process of choosing the pilot project, selecting the right team, and setting the vision, and provides a short overview of agile basics to you get started. Finally, learn how to perform a retrospective review of the pilot and identify the drivers to continue an agile rollout. In this course you will learn:1) What Agile Is and the benefits it offers 2) What the differences between Agile and Waterfall Projects are 3) How to make the agile paradigm shift 4) How to test agile practices 5) How to get and maintain support 6) How to get executive sponsorship 7) Building the team 8) Sprint planning and execution 9) Expanding the agilepilot to a full agileroll-outHow should take this course? Everyone is welcome to take this course and there are no perquisites required. You will learn everything you need in the course. Should you sign up for this course? Yes, sign up today!"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Agile Retrospectives: Make Good Teams Great" |
"In this course, Agilisto Luke Angel outlines the tools needed to successfully run a great retrospective. Including the five phases: setting the right direction, getting all of the issues on the table, gathering insights from the team, making decisions, and finally, applying the changes. He will make you starfish and then PANCAKE, Yup their as funny as they sound buy hey they work, diagrams to identify challenges and opportunities for process improvement, and show how to close a retrospective with clear action items. An agile retrospective allows a team to continuously improve and get better together. This simple practice lets members step back from the day-to-day challenges with product delivery. Instead they focus on the team. ""What are we doing well? What can we do better?"" The answers to these questions help the team create a more agile mindset. They will be self-organized and more productive. Instead of a postmortem at the end of the project, they will have health checks throughout the project. Topics include: How To Work With A Distributed Team Starting Retrospectives - Surprising Topic I Know Purpose Of Agile Retrospectives What the heck a facilitator is. Five phases of retrospectives Choosing an ideal meeting space Identify Issues And Ways To Improve Setting goals using SMART criteria Pancake Retrospectives: Hold the Syrup Asking good questions Making team decisions Closing out an agile retrospective How To Get The Team Talking Starfish Diagrams - Yeah its a real thing"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft Flow Up And Running Codeless Automated Workflows" |
"In this course you will learn aboutMicrosoft Flow a new productivity service that lets you build automatons quickly and easily. Flow is cloud-based, and the automation rules or flows that you create work with other cloud-based apps or services. With Flow, you can connect to a large and growing list of services, like Facebook and Instagram, Twitter, SharePoint, SQL Server, OneDrive, Box, and Dropbox, and create custom automatons without writing any code at all. Flow runs in browsers like Edge, Safari, and Chrome, so we'll fire up a browser and see how to create Flows using templates and the easy-to-use Flow design editor. We'll then install and use Flow mobile apps for iOS and create a flow from scratch, right there on our phone. Flow is a new, exciting product that puts the power of automation at your fingertips, whether you're sitting at your desktop, working on a laptop, or on the road. Let's get started.In this course you will learn:Flow TemplatesTemplate And ServicesTriggers And ActionsFlow TestsFlow ManagementFlow Through Social MediaNotify FlowsEvent FlowsMicrosoft Flow AppModify FlowsEvents And ActionsConditional FlowsLoop Or Delay FlowRecurring FlowsWhat are you waiting for Start Today!"
Price: 184.99 ![]() |
"Learn Travis Picking From Scratch" |
"Wouldn't it be nice to unlock the full potential of your guitar and play some hot tunes with the sound of a full band just by yourself? This course will show you how to do it.Travis Picking enables you to play the melody with your fingers, while the thumb provides a driving bass with a percussive sound. It can leave your audience in awe and asking where the second guitar came from. It's so satisfying if you can sit alone at home, playing your favourite tunes and there's nothing missing, because you can provide everything with your hands.This style can be intimidating at first, if you don't know how to start. This is why I created this course. It will help you to achieve this goal faster and with a lasting result.In This Course You Will Learn How To: Get Started With The Simple BassAdding The Melody Notes With Slowly Increasing DifficultyPlay Easy Tunes Like ""Ten Little Indians"", ""You Win Again"" and ""Freight Train""Make It Sound Even Cooler With An Alternating BassUse Essential And Unusual Chord Shapes For Travis PickingSpice Up Your Rockabilly Songs With Travis PickingPlay A Version Of The Red Hot Merle Travis Classic ""Cannonball Rag"""
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Classic Country Solo Concepts For Guitar" |
"If you're into country music and you're searching for a way to play great sounding solos, then this course is right for you.I will teach you a solo version of the Hank Williams hit Your Cheatin Heart.Then I will break down everything and you'll learnThe Importance Of PhrasingUsing Target Notes and Passing TonesHow To Spice Up A Simple V-I changeDifferent Kinds Of TurnaroundsHow To Get More Out Of Pentatonics And ScalesWhere To Put Diminished And Augmented ChordsTo Harmonize MelodiesThe Basics Of The CAGED SystemClassic Country LIcks...and much more.Which materials are included in this course?More Than two hours of HD video,tabs in Guitar Pro and PDF format, a jam track for practicing Your Cheatin Heart and useful graphics.Don't hesitate to ask some questions in the discussion section throughout this course. I will answer each one of your questions as fast as possible."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Freunde und Entwicklungspartner finden" |
"Dieser Kurs lehrt dich die Kunst, neue Freunde und Entwicklungspartner zu finden. Gesellschaft, Freundschaft, Gleichgesinnte finden und tiefe Gesprche fhren sind alles keine Zuflle - all das kann man Schritt fr Schritt lernen. Und genau das erwartet dich im Kurs.Du lernst Schritt fr Schritt wie du auf Menschen zugehst, Gleichgesinnte findest, Veranstaltungen organisierst, gute Gesprche fhrst, Smalltalk meisterst und Fremde zu Freunden machst."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Algebra Trigonometry: Equations and Inequalities" |
"This course is the secondstepping stone in a series of 29courses that will take your on a successful and exciting journey of Mathematics all the way upto Calculus. Nonetheless, the course can be taken individually as well. The textbook used in this course is ""Algebra and Trigonometry"" from the OpenStax College. This course covers the secondchapter of the book.This course covers the following topics:Cartesian Coordinate SystemLinear Equations in One VariableLinear Equations - Models and ApplicationsComplex NumbersQuadratic EquationsOther Types of Equations like Polynomial, Radical, Absolute Value Equations and Equations inQuadratic Form and involving Rational Exponents and Rational EquationsAs described in the introduction video, this course can also be used in combination with a series of other courses that will take you all the way to calculus. If you'd like to have an overview of our mathematics road map, please read our ""Mathematics"" page on the ""Great IT Courses"" website.Thank you for learning with Great IT Courses!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Algebra and Trigonometry: Functions" |
"This course teaches you all the important underlying concepts in functions in Mathematics. The knowledge that you gain here can be further completed in our next courses towards a complete mastery of calculus.This course covers the following topics:Function and Function NotationDomain and Range of FunctionsRates of Change and Behavior of GraphsComposition of FunctionsTransformation of FunctionsAbsolute Value FunctionsInverse FunctionsAs described above, this course can also be taken in combination with our other courses in this course series. If you're interested in learning mathematics with us all the way up to calculus, please read our ""Mathematics"" page on ""Greatitcourses"" website."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Algebra and Trigonometry: Linear Functions" |
"This course teaches you all the important underlying concepts in Linear functions in mathematics. The knowledge that you gain here can be further completed in our next courses towards a complete mastery of calculus.This course covers the following topics:Linear FunctionsModeling with Linear FunctionsFitting Linear Functions to Data (Statistics)As described above, this course can also be taken in combination with our other courses in this course series. If you're interested in learning mathematics with us all the way up to calculus, please read our ""Mathematics"" page on ""Greatitcourses"" website (a Google search will get you there)."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Learn To Code CSS In 1 Hour" |
"Learn CSS, The first language you need to know to succeed in Web Design, because it' easy to understand and easy to codeBuild a Good and Strong foundation in CSS, With the Complete CSS Designing Course.CSSEnvironmentCSSStylesheetsCSSSkillsCSSConceptsA Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips Learning the fundamentals of CSSputs a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. CSSis easy to learn, has excellent documentation, and it's the base ofWeb Designing Career.CSSdevelopment are awesome, and being able to learn CSSwill give you a strong background to learn other web design and app design languages.Content and Overview Suitable for beginning Designers, Developers, through this course of 25+ lectures and 1 hours of content, youll learn all of the CSSSkills and establish a strong understanding of the concept behind Web Designing. putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately.Starting with the installation of the best code editor in the market, this course will take you through CSSSkills, Structures , Elements, and how to use them.With these CSSskills you learned, you will be hungry to learn other web technologies languages that leads you to become a successful web designer.If you really want to learn CSS, This Complete CSSCourse is for you to develop your skills more than others."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"iMovie: Creating Videos On Your Mac" |
"iMovie: Creating Videos On Your Mac is a complete course with more than 30 videos and 4 hours of instruction that will teach you how to use iMovie to edit your clips together into short films. Youll learn how to use all of the tools in iMovie such as the precision editor, transitions, titles, backgrounds, overlays and much more.iMovie is the video editor that comes with your Mac. It is both easy and fun to use. You can take videos shot on your iPhone or digital camera and create your own movies for home or work use.This course starts off with a very simply example of how to use iMovie to stitch a few clips together. Then youll learn how to trim, crop and adjust individual clips to make them look better. Youll see how you can add standard video elements like text, titles, transitions and background audio. You will also learn how to use more advanced techniques like putting two videos on the screen at the same time in an overlay or split screen. Youll find out how to speed up and slow down video and apply special filters.This course is meant for casual Mac users. iMovie is not a pro tool, but something that typical Mac users can work with to produce their own movie projects. With only a basic understanding of how to use your Mac you can now learn how to produce your own movies for home, school or work.The version of iMovie used in this course is 10.1.4. iMovie versions 10.1.5 and 10.1.6 introduced mainly bug fixes."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Building JavaScript Games: Matching Game" |
"InBuilding JavaScript Games: Matching Game, you will be taken step-by-step through the creation of a simple matching game using only JavaScript. The game will teach you JavaScript concepts such as putting elements on the page, responding to clicks, creating and shuffling arrays, storing data in objects, using game logic, adding sounds, and more.This course does not use any special libraries like jQuery. You will be using pure JavaScript that is compatible with all modern web browsers, including mobile browsers. For each lesson, you will be given the source code so you can compare it with your own as you develop the game.You also get the final source code and can use it in any web project. The game is highly customizable, allowing you to easily substitute your own graphics, change the size of the puzzle, the sounds, and the win message."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |