Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Mac Photos: Organize, Edit and Share Photos On Your Mac" |
"Mac Photos: Organize, Edit and Share Photos On Your Mac is a complete course with more than 40 videos and more than 3 hours of instruction that will teach you the ins-and-outs of the Mac Photos app. The app allows you to manage photo collections, both small and large. You can organize, edit and share the pictures you take with your digital camera or phone.The course starts off looking at all of the ways you can import pictures into your library. You can bring them in directly from your camera, phone or SD card. You can also import image files from your hard drive. Then you will learn about iCloud Photo Library and how it can keep your devices in sync and allow you to take your entire photo library with you everywhere you bring your iPhone, iPad or Mac.Then you'll see how you can organize your photos using albums or keywords. You can decide which Photos tools you wish to use to manage and find your photos. The app will help you with automatic face and object recognition, and by letting you search by date and location.Photos also has a powerful set of image editing features. You can adjust color and light, crop and rotate, filter and retouch. You can also add third-party tools and even edit using external editors like Photoshop.The course also goes into detail about different ways to share your photos, either online or physically with prints. You can send directly from Photos to your social networks and grab photos from your library directly from inside other apps.This course is meant for typical Mac users. Photos is not a pro tool, but something that typical Mac users can work with to manage their photo collections. With only a basic understanding of how to use your Mac you can now learn how to manage hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of photos.The version of Photos used in this course is 3.x, the version of Photos that comes with macOS High Sierra."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Guide To macOS Mojave" |
"Learn the ins and outs of using macOS Mojave, the latest operating system for your Mac. This course includes more than 60 video tutorials and more than 7hours of video instruction. It begins by showing you the basics of the desktop and then goes into detail about using the Finder, Safari, Mail, TextEdit, Preview and other basic apps. This course includes lots of tips, tricks and techniques.Each tutorial clearly presents a topic and shows you how to use macOS Mojave. You can watch while trying out techniques for yourself. Presented by the host of the MacMost video podcast, the creator of hundreds of online video tutorials and the author of books on the Mac and iPad.TheGuide to macOS Mojave is brought to you by MacMost. TheMacMostwebsitecontains hundreds of free video tutorials, but the ones in this course are unique to the course and give a deeper look at Mojave."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"WordPress with Search Engine Optimization Web Design Course" |
"Wordpress is a simple yet powerful website building programthat allows you to build and manage your own website with a small amount oftraining and effort. One of the principal advantages of WordPress is that youare in control. Unlike remote-hosted scripts suchasBloggerandLiveJournal, you host WordPress on your ownserver. Installation is very simple, as is the configuration. Unlike othersoftware programs, there are not a million files tochmodnor arethere dozens oftemplatesto edit just to get your site set up andlooking the way you want.In this courseyou will:* Learn how to build a high quality, functional website inno time at all!* Save time and money by building your own website andmanaging changes.* Market your products and services on a professionalwebsite you build yourself!*You will be able to edit and modify your website yourselfwithout depending on others, and without spending tons of time and money.Thanks to our 5-module""WordpressWebsite Training"" Course, you will learn and master how to build your ownwebsite.* We cut the theoretical and complicated aspects ofprogramming, and bring you an easy to use content management system that willhelp you accelerate the process.* We will help you learn how to do it in a totally practicaland simple way, step by step, directed by an expert."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Digital Scrapbooking for Absolute Beginners" |
"Got photos? Got stories to tell? Spend an hour with me and I'll show you how to create gorgeous digital scrapbook pages! Join me forDigital Scrapbooking for Absolute Beginnersto learn the simple steps you can take to create your very own digital scrapbook pages. You don't need to be an expert withPhotoshop to create digital scrapbook pages. You just need the right help."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"3DS Max 2017 & Vray 3.40" |
". 2017 2017 3.40 6"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Ending Harassment & Retaliation in the Workplace" |
"In order to end harassment and retaliation in the workplace: employers, managers and employees must learn why these behaviors occur and what has to happen to get them to stop. This 1 hour online course will help you learn the skills you need to protect yourself and others from harassment and retaliation.In an ideal world, things would be easy. People would be nice to each other and problems, when they arise, would be handled respectfully. In the real world, things are different. People can be mean and aggressive and harassment is all too common. The problem is that any attempt to end harassment usually results in retaliation. This is so common that laws have had to be enacted to prohibit it. But, as we all know, laws arent enough.Harassment occurs in many forms; and almost always, attempts to get it to stop results in some form of retaliation. This program will discuss the science of behavioral conditioning so you can better understand the harassment dynamic and why retaliation occurs so that you can understand what has to happen to make it stop. This 1 hour course will provide participants with:Knowledge of how and why retaliation occursAn overview of the psychology behind retaliationHow to plan for and eliminate harassment and retaliation using basic behavioraltraining techniques.Topics covered include:What harassment isWhy does it occurUnderstanding the retaliation dynamicWhat has to happen to get it to stop"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Reality Based Decision Making for Effective Strategies" |
"Strategies are important. They help us know what we are working on, why we are working on it and most importantly, how. The problem is, not all strategies are effective. In order to give yourself the best chance of success, it is important to take several steps to ensure that your strategy is reality based. This session will help you learn how to answer the three most important questions for any strategy. What is your real problem? What is really causing it and what will really work to solve it?"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Bridging the Generational Divide: Millennials and Boomers" |
"In this session we will discuss the research that has been done on generational differences and consider how we might use the knowledge to help us create more effective communication strategies. At the core of this approach is a humanistic respect for the dignity and worth of each human in your company.OverviewDiversity has many dimensions. Its root is difference and how we manage differences between people. If you have a big enough business, you have employees that range from young 20 somethings to people of retirement age. What you need to know about these differences is that they are generalizations. There is no stereotypical baby boomer and there is no stereotypical millennial.4 learning objectives1) What do we know about the different generations?2) The stereotypical life experiences of people in different age groups.3) How despite the differences in age, humans dont vary all that much.4) Specific communication strategies to help you communicate more effectively with people who are different from you."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Conoce a tu cachorro y sus necesidades" |
"Muchas veces no conocemos las necesidades de un perro o no entendemos lo que puede ser mejor para l. En este curso aprenders lo que necesita tu mascota. Crea en tu casa el ambiente adecuado para su crecimiento y pon a su disposicin todo lo necesario para que sea un perro sano y tenga una vida feliz.Alcanza a intuir las necesidades de tu mejor amigo.Aprende a escoger el alimento adecuado para tu perro.Aprende que la medicina preventiva es fundamental para su salud.Reconoce cundo tu animal no se encuentra bien.Planifica viajes con la documentacin necesaria.Construye un hogar ideal para ofrecer una buena vida a tu perro.Este curso es perfectamente aplicable a nuestra vida cotidiana y la de nuestras mascotas. Nos hace entender cules son sus necesidades para poder llevar una vida saludable. El bienestar de nuestros perros es un punto fundamental para que nosotros tambin podamos disfrutar de ellos y su compaa.A travs de videos dinmicos en este curso se aprende sobre diversos temas relacionados con perros. Nuestras mascotas, aunque tambin tienen rganos de los sentidos no funcionan como los nuestros. Elegir un buen pienso es darles a nuestros perros una alimentacin equilibrada, fundamental para una buena salud. Las vacunas y desparasitaciones tienen una finalidad y es protegerlos de la mejor manera posible. Si queremos ir de viaje, hay que conocer lo que legalmente necesitan."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Learn How to Blog in 2020: Blogging Essentials for Beginners" |
"This course will take you step-by-step into setting up your first online WordPress blog. You'll get the latest and best strategies to start your blog for success!Who should take this course? Anyone who is looking to setup a blog the easiest and fastest way. People who are looking to start a blog for a company, business or personal use should take this course.The course consists of:33 Easy to follow lectures2 Step-by-step tutorial videosYou will learn basic skills for blogging such as:How to choose your blogging nicheHow to come up with unlimited blog topicsHow to get a website domain and what is itHow to get reliable and cheap hostingHow to install Wordpress in one clickHow to create your first blog postOptimising your blog post for the search enginesWriting content that your readers will LOVEAfter taking this course, you'll be able to create your Wordpress blog in one day and start blogging straight away with my step-by-step instructions. You will also get the following take away resources:The perfect blog post checklist"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Mastering IELTS Speaking: The Express Course" |
"""Dear teacher,I've just received my IELTS Test Report Form, and I was able to get the scores I needed!I was worried about the speaking test, but after following the amazing tips from this course I was able to obtain a score of 7.5.Thank you very much for your help in obtaining these results!Regards,Kleber da Silva""----------------------FROM THE CREATOR OF 'MASTERING IELTS WRITING TASK 1' & 'MASTERING IELTS WRITING TASK 2' (5,000+ 5* reviews) Are you struggling to achieve your IELTS goals in the Speaking component of the IELTS exam?Are you frustrated with taking the exam again and again and again but without any improvement in your Speaking score?Are you tired of learning long lists of vocabulary, revising the same old grammar points and staying up late to fit in more study sessions?Are you running out of time to get the score you need?'Mastering IELTS Speaking: The Express Course', the new course from The IELTS Teacher, might be the answer. This course does not give you long lists of vocabulary to revise. It does not give you boring, complicated lectures on grammar. It does not offer General English lessons which, while useful, will not have much of an impact on your score in the short term.Instead, 'Mastering IELTS Speaking' gives you the techniques, strategies and information required to make rapid improvements in your IELTS Speaking score. This course differs from others in that it focuses specifically on the IELTS examiners' marking criteria for IELTS Speaking; these lessons are thus designed to teach you exactly what you can do to improve your chance of meeting these criteria. It also differs from others in that it is taught by an instructor with thousands of hours of experience teaching IELTS, having helped hundreds of students to get the score they need via Skype lessons. This course takes all the best advice from these Skype lessons and delivers it in a beautifully presented package. Each part of the Speaking test is given its own section in this course: Section 2 relates to Part 1, Section 3 looks at Part 2, and Section 4 covers Part 3. These sections are composed of four lectures, each one focusing on a different band descriptor category: Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy, and Pronunciation. Model answers to IELTS Speaking questions appear throughout the course. The final section looks at some 'secrets' to scoring highly in the Speaking test, advice on how to get guidance and handle anxiety, and finally a complete walkthrough of an entire model speaking test. Do NOT take this course if you are hoping to see long lists of vocabulary related to different topics. Learning vocabulary is helpful, but other courses and resources already exist for this!Do NOT take this course if you are hoping to see an in-depth exploration of different grammar or pronunciation points. This course will teach you some grammar and pronunciation features, but this is in the context of common mistakes and the most effective grammar and pronunciation to use for getting a good score. DO take this course if you want to learn strategies for creating organised, fluent, confident answers to questions. DO take this course if you want to learn how to improve your paraphrasing ability, how to use idioms, and how to avoid common vocabulary mistakes.DO take this course if you want to learn which grammatical structures you need to use to score band 7+, and which grammatical mistakes to avoid to prevent slipping to a 6 or less. DO take this course if you want to learn the different features of pronunciation which have the largest impact on your score in this area, and what kind of mistakes are commonly made.DO take this course if you are short on time or if your exam is coming up soon; as an 'express' course, the information here is designed to be taken quickly! DO take this course if you want to be taught by a teacher who has taught thousands of 1-to-1 IELTS Speaking lessons, helping hundreds of students over Skype to achieve their IELTS goals and reach the next stage of their careers.DO take this course if you want to be taught by a Udemy instructor who has one of the most 5-star ratings for any IELTS course on the entire site (Mastering IELTS: Writing Task 2 with over 3,500 5-star reviews).I look forward to seeing you inside! "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"ASP.NET Core 2.1 MVC" |
", ASP.NET Core, : . PHP, , , . , ASP.NET Core MVC."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Vendiendo masivamente en la marketplace y grupos de facebook" |
"Vender por Internet, nunca antes haba sido tan fcilPonlo TODO a la venta... incluso aquello no esperes venderCada cosa que publicaba se venda. Cosas que uno podra esperar, como muebles... sofs, mesas sillas, camas... eran compradas en mi poco tiempo.De hecho, estaba inundada de mensajes. Ms de 20 personas me contactaron en apenas diez horas preguntndome -y a veces suplicndome- para comprarme,Pues bien te mostrare como lo hago de manera sencillaFb est compitiendo ahora contra los sitios de anuncios clasificados Craiglist y eBay con una nueva aplicacin de compras para quienes deseen vender y adquirir cosas.El lugar llamado adecuadamente Marketplace (Mercado, en castellano) lanzado hace poco tiempo le permite a la gente buscar tems que estn en venta en lugares prximos. Los compradores pueden buscar y filtrar resultados basados en categora, coste y localizacin.La nueva herramienta est situada en una ventana en la aplicacin mvil de Fb. Cada entrada contiene informacin bsica sobre el tem que se vende, fotografas, descripciones y costo pedido.Asimismo hay un contador del nmero de veces que la publicacin ha sido vista.'Marketplace' les deja a los compradores mandar mensajes a los vendedores y hacer una oferta, como hacer arreglos sobre de qu forma recoger el producto y el pago. Fb no deja pagos en su plataforma.Marketplace dejar adquirir objetos en las cercanas donde est el usuario.Despus de que un vendedor publique un producto, puede ser compartido con cualquier usuario de Fb. Si bien los menores de trece aos pueden unirse a la red social, 'Marketplace' solo est libre para mayores de dieciocho aos.Aunque la aplicacin es nueva, Fb les ha tolerado desde hace bastante tiempo a sus usuarios adquirir y vender cosas mediante la plataforma.Bastantes personas ya han creado publicaciones para vender y compartirlas con sus amigos o bien en conjuntos. Ahora 'Marketplace' formaliza el proceso y pone el trmino de clasificados en un sitio."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"The Art of Energy Healing" |
"This is a step by step system to help anyone learn energy healing - even if you don't believe you can do it yet.This course will give you a deep understanding of how run different types of energy for healing purposes. You will learn how to give both short and long sessions with step by step action guides.Whether you just want to heal yourself of deep trauma and subtle pain, or you want to start your own energy healing practice, this is course will inspire and educate you ---- in my own unique style which is down to earth, hilarious, and based on what WORKS.We all have this extraordinaryhealing potential - and at this CRAZY time on earth, it is essential thatwe tap into this life giving energyand use it for the betterment of humanity.If you did Reiki and want to take your practice deeper, this is a perfect compliment that will deepen your understanding and give you a more creative approach to heal your clients. Iinvite you in to this course which I have slaved and prayed and blazed over, and join the Private Facebook Community devoted to developing this powerful emerging practice.Please note that you should have some familiarity with the chakras, and if not, just take one of my free or paid courses on the chakra system before you begin!Go time."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Psicologa del Color en la Moda" |
"El Curso de Psicologa del Color tiene como objetivo conocer y entender a fondo las aplicaciones de los colores para utilizarlos como una herramienta claveque nos ayude a mejorar la calidad y perspectiva en la manera de expresarnos por medio del vestir.Los colores que se describen son los Colores Primarios (Amarillo, Rojo y Azul), los Colores Secundarios (Naranja, Verde y Morado) y los Colores Neutros (Blanco y Negro)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Fashion Color Psychology" |
"Color Psychologyhas as objective to know and understand in depth the applications ofcolors to use them in a harmonic way.The course will help you to know positive and negative meanings in fashion and if you like to make some changes in your dressing style.Colors that are described are primary colours (yellow, red and blue), secondary colors (Orange, green and purple) and neutral colors (black and white)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Start an Online Consignment Store - Business Plan and Docs." |
"This course provides an extensive set of documents for starting an Ecommerce Online Consignment Store.What you get in this course are:1.) A full business plan template for an E-commerce Online Consignment Store. The document covers goals, keys to success, marketing strategies you can use to get business, how to use freelancers and outsource work to them, and much more. The lectures show you how to customize the business plan for your specific company.2.) A complete financial model. A 18 tab Excel workbook, that covers everything from start-up costs, income, expenses, assets, and more is included along with lectures on how to insert your own numbers so you can have a budget and financial projection for your company. Sample numbers are included to help you along the way.3.) A Pitch Deck. A slide presentation template, that allows you to make a professional presentation of your online Consignment Store. You will learn how to customize this for your specific company.4.) A sample Consignmentcontract that you can use.When you finishthe course and customize the documents, you will have a professional business plan that you can use for your company, a professional presentation you can useand a consignmentdocumentto sign clients up for services."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Start a Photography Business - Plan and startup documents" |
"This course does not teach you how to take photographs.This course provides an extensive set of documents for starting a Photography business. You will need to know or learn how to be a photographer.What you get in this course are:1.) A full business plan template for a Photography company. The document covers objectives,keys to success, marketing strategies you can use to get clients, how to use freelancers and outsource work to them, and much more. The lectures show you how to customize the business plan for your specific company.2.) A complete financial model. An 11tab Excel workbook, that covers everything from start-up costs, income, expenses, assets, and more is included along with lectures on how to insert your own numbers so you can have a budget and financial projection for your company. Sample numbers are included to help you along the way.3.) A Pitch Deck. A slide presentation template, that allows you to make a professional presentation of your Photography Businessto potential clients. You will learn how to customize this for your specific company, to include what services you want to offer and show clients why they should use you and your business for Photography services. When complete you can use this to send out tobidon projects and makepresentations.4.) A sample Wedding PhotographyContractthat you can use to sign clients up for Wedding Photographyservices. Lectures go through each page of the contract and explain where to insert specifics for your company and your client.5.) A sample Portrait Photographycontract that you can use to sign clients up for Portrait Photographyservices. Lectures go through each page of the contract and explain where to insert specifics for your company and your client.When you finishthe course and customize the documents, you will have a professional business plan that you can use for your company, a professional presentation you can use to solicit clients and documents to sign clients up for services."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Start a Web Design Business - Plan & Documents" |
"This course does not teach you how to do Website / WebDesign. This course provides an extensive set of documents for starting a Website Design business and contains lectures on how to customize them. You will need to know or learn Website Design on your own, or outsource the services you will provide to clients. The documents and coursecover how you can contract freelancers on sites such as Fiverr andUpworkto provide services to clients you may not know how to do, or do not want to spend the time doing.What you get in this course are:1.) A full business plan template for a Website Design company.The document covers goals, keys to success, marketing strategies you can use to get clients, how to use freelancers and outsource work to them, and much more. The lectures show you how to customize the business plan for your specific company.2.) A complete financial model. A 19tab Excel workbook, that covers everything from start-up costs, income, expenses, assets, and more is included along with lectures on how to insert your own numbers so you can have a budget and financial projection for your company. Sample numbers are included to help you along the way.3.) A Pitch Deck. A slide presentation template, that allows you to make a professional presentation of your Website Design businessto potential clients. You will learn how to customize this for your specific company, to include what services you want to offer and show clients why they should use you and your business for Website Designservices. When complete you can use this to send out tobidon projects and makepresentations.4.) A sample Website Designcontract that you can use to sign clients up for Website Designservices. Lectures go through each page of the contract and explain where to insert specifics for your company and your client.5.) A sample SEOcontract that you can use to sign clients up for SEOservices.Lectures go through each page of the contract and explain where to insert specifics for your company and your client.When you finishthe course and customize the documents, you will have a professional business plan that you can use for your company, a professional presentation you can use to solicit clients and documents to sign clients up for services."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Food Truck Business Plan - Template, Sample, Example & Excel" |
"The Food Truck business plan,startup and operatingcourse,provides an extensive set of documents for starting and running a Food Truckbusiness and contains lectures on how to customize them.What you get in this course are:1.) A full business plan template for a Food Truck business.The document covers executive summary, keys to success, marketing strategies you can use to get customers,and much more. The lectures show you how to customize the business plan for your specific company.2.) A complete financial model. A 23tab Excel workbook, that covers everything from start-up costs, income, expenses, assets, and more is included along with lectures on how to insert your own numbers so you can have a budget and financial projection for your Food Truck. Sample numbers are included to help you along the way.3.) A Pitch Deck. A slide presentation template, that allows you to make a professional presentation of your Food Truck. You will learn how to customize this for your specific business, to include what services you want food offering you intend to have.When you finishthe course and customize the documents, you will have a professional business plan that you can use for your companyto operate and obtain a loan or investment if needed."
Price: 64.99 ![]() |
"Learn Scrivener For Windows" |
"SCRIVENER-THE FASTEST WAY TOLEARN ITONLINE- 100% GUARANTEED! (For Windows)***UPDATED September2017 WITHBONUSRESOURCESINCLUDED***This powerfulvideocourse willbreak downScrivenerin a simple, straightforwardway that anyone can follow to success.Why get bogged down with extremely long manuals andendless hours of video?Learn how to plan your writing , outline your projects and format publications in minutes !Get up and running right now with Scrivener, asap.Learn how to use the best writing software withthis super quick,time-savingcourse -based comprehensivelyon the official quick start guide.Why wait?Now'sthe time to boost your writing career.This concise andstreamlinedvideo course is idealfor busy people eager to learn how to use the best writing software.So enrol now and fast-track your long termwriting success with Learn Scrivener for Windows.Learn great features like the outliner;the brilliantdistraction-free full screen mode; and the simply amazing corkboard !Your Scrivener course Includes:Easy to follow, straight-to-the-pointvideo instruction.Video instruction based on the officialQuick Start Guide to Scrivener.Additional BONUSRESOURCESon how to get the best out of Scrivener, like a FREEPDFBOOK.SPECIALDISCOUNTOFFTHEFULLPRICEOFSCRIVENER. (See Bonus Four)Lifetime access to video fileson Mobile platforms, P.Cand T.V !30 DAY-Full money back guarantee.Buy now - learnthe best writing software on the planet with 'Learn Scrivener.'"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"The perfect Mike" |
"A lens to unseen sights, a palette to unpainted pictures a mike is the beginning of a journey of discovery that will lead you to hear the world anew.Join Tim as he explores the wonders of mikes. The course is super practical with the majority of lectures devoted to specific instruments. With actionable knowledge and many experience-learnt lessons. Beside the instrument-specific techniques we will also cover 3 miking hows: how to choose, how to place and how to make things sound big and natural.The perfect mike doesnt exist but the perfect match does. The course will enable you to chose and use mikes like never before, making your live and studio productions came alive. The numbers 39 + 5 (bonus) lectures 19 Assignments, to go over what you learn 3h 16m +54m (bonus) of video lectures"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Trade RSI Breakout Strategy: Great Risk/Reward Ratio (Forex)" |
"Risk:reward ratio is one of the most important aspects of money management and a key to becoming a consistently profitable trader, as such I designed Trade RSI Breakout Strategy: Great Risk/Reward Ratio course for traders who are interested in trading a strategy with risk/reward ratio as a major focus. The strategy being taught in this course uses ONLY 2 indicators that identify trade setups with risk/reward ratio of 1:2 or greater. The RSI Breakout Strategy works in theForex, Cryptocurrency, Stock, Future and Oil markets, any timeframe and any direction.The course was designed to be used by Retail Traders, Institutional Investor and Hedge Fund Managers using simple methods that will improve their success rate in the Forex, Cryptocurrency, Stock, Future and Oil markets when implemented .The course comprises of 18 lectures compiling 1.5 hour of videos. The course is structured with each lecture focusing on a particular technique with the rules attached at the end of each section.Feel free to view the preview lectures and make the ultimate decision to learn a dynamic approach to enable you having a successful trading career by taking this course!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Forex: Best Time Frame To Trade Forex" |
"Name a market that never closes, has the largest volume of the world's business with people from all countries of the world participating every day. Yes, you guessed right - the foreign exchange market. The market has arisen from the need for a system to facilitate the exchange of different currencies around the world in order to trade. It is the premier financial market in the world reflecting the financial dynamics of world trade quite clearly.The famous phrase money never sleeps sums up the Forex market perfectly. No matter what time of day, the Forex market will stay open and close in order to facilitate uninterrupted currency trading.When you begin to trade Forex online, you may find yourself overwhelmed and confused by the sheer number of available time frame to trade within the Forex market. What are the best time frame to trade in the Forex market? The answer isn't so straightforward as it varies with each trader tradingstyle. Instead, you need to take the time to analyze different time frames against your own strategy, to determine which is the best Forex time frame to trade which fits your trading personality.The Best Time Frame To Trade Forex Market"" course has 18 lectures compiling over 1 hour of videos. There are three major sections in this course: the different trading sessions, the different categories of trading time frames and what to take into consideration when deciding on the time frame you want to trade.By the end of this course, you will have a firm understanding of how the time frame that you trade impact your Forex trading success.I designed this course for traders who frequently asked, what is the best time frame to trade Forex market? Whether you are a beginner or advanced trader once you find yourself asking this question then this course is for you.If you're interested in improving your Forex trading success then click ""ENROLL NOW"". We look forward to seeing you inside."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Forex: Trend Trading Strategy for Large Moves in the Market" |
"Have you ever heard the statement the trend is your friend until it bends? Indeed it is. Trend Trading Strategy was designed with this in mind and to teach traders how to enter a trade before the trend starts. This course is made up of simple rules that will give you a complete strategy taking you throughout the trade entry to exit.The strategy you will learn in this course uses ONLY 2 indicators to identify trade setups that have high probability of continuing in your trade direction. It is used for both bearish and bullish positions. It works in Forex, Cryptocurrency,Future, Stock and Commodities market. In addition, it works on any time-frame.The inspiration behind this strategy like my other courses is to simplify the experience for traders without the verbiage. Having over 10 years trading experience in the Forex, Cryptocurrency, Future, Stock and Commodities market and 1 year teaching experience on Udemy with several 5 star reviews across all courses. Trend Trading Strategy has the capacity to achieve success once there is a trending market.The entire course has 19 lectures compiling over 1.5 hour of videos. It contains charting examples of precise rules. The course is structured with each lecture focusing on a particular technique and assessments at the end of the course. The course also includes an introduction to a free Charting Platform that provides you with real time price movement in the market. On the Charting Platform you will able to trade live and demo account. Within this charting platform you will also get access to an indicator that I coded to make it easier for you to identify Trend Trading Strategy trade setups. By the end of this course You Will Learn:How to trade the Trend Trading Strategy in the Forex, Cryptocurrency,Stock, Future and Commodities markets;Which direction to trade that will give you the best opportunity;How to identify trade setup that will result in large moves in the market;Where to place your stop loss in order to protect your trade;Three profit exit techniques;Money management rules which will enable you to maintain a long-term account;Assessment to test your knowledge on the Trend trading Strategy.Trend Trading Strategy was designed to be used by Retail Traders, Institutional Investor and Hedge Fund Managers using simple methods that focuses on trading with the trend of the underlined asset in the Forex, Cryptocurrency,Stock, Future and Commodities markets avoiding outside noise. If you're interested in earning consistent returns in your trades then click TAKE THIS COURSE. We look forward to seeing you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Develop Daily Self-Discipline" |
"Do you make goals, yet get discouraged when your plans dont work? We all know that person who seemingly was born to succeed. Fitness, health, business, they achieve all their goals. You want that success, and know you can get it... but how?Everywhere you turn, there are obstacles that block your path. Being successful doesnt mean avoiding them, it means meeting those obstacles head-on and pushing through. You need the self-discipline and willpower to see you through to the end. You need the tools that will enable you to have that self-discipline and willpower. Develop Daily Self-Discipline has those tools. Thanks to this course, youll learn methods to:- develop powerful self-discipline by building a fit body and mind,- thrive in face of adversity, cravings, temptations and discomfort and feel good about it,- develop key self-awareness skills to push yourself through to your goal,- gain a clear vision of how self-discipline works that will inspire you to carry on no matter what,- keep pushing when nothing seems to work and youre on the verge of giving up.Each lesson of this course is designed to help you build the self-discipline that leads to the resiliency and mental strength you need on a daily basis. Simple everyday exercises and habit-forming practices will teach you the skills you need to overcome obstacles and have confidence in yourself and your path to success."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"How to Build Confidence in Your Abilities" |
"Unsure of Yourself? Learn How to Develop More Confidence in Your Abilities and Achieve Your GoalsMost of us have no problems identifying goals we want to accomplish. Its putting these plans into action that is difficult. Sometimes we lack discipline or motivation. However, theres another reason why you might struggle to make changes in your life you have low self-efficacy and dont believe in your abilities. What is self-efficacy? What are the main four sources of it? How can you become more confident in your skills? These are some of the questions Ill answer in this short course. The advice youre about to watch is based both on scientific research and my personal experience. I will share fundamental knowledge that will help you build more confidence in your abilities and reach your goals. Here are just a few things you will learn from the course: - Five characteristics of people with strong self-efficacy and five characteristics of people with weak self-efficacy. These behaviors determine whether youll realize your full potential or succumb to mediocrity. - What you can learn from building a university in space (and what it has to do with the belief in your own abilities). Its the single most important thing to achieve bigger and bigger goals. - A simple therapy to teach you how to handle failure the right way. Its uncomfortable, but you can be sure it will kill your fear of failure once and for all. - What a strange study about hitting dolls or treating them kindly can teach you about how others affect your beliefs about your competence. Its the second most effective way to increase the strength of your belief in your abilities. - What a phenomenon discovered by a German industrial psychologist can teach you about motivation. Theres a simple way to inspire you to put more effort into your goals. - The #1 key to improving the confidence in your abilities. If you dont have time to watch the entire course, learn this one tip alone. - What a study on experts and novices can teach you about how experts approach problems. You too can adapt this behavior to shorten your learning curve and develop a stronger belief in your abilities. If you dont actively work on developing a strong sense of self-efficacy, making any kind of changes in your life will be an extremely difficult ordeal. Enroll now to change your life for the better."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Landscape Photography: Creating Visual Eloquence" |
"Getting beautiful Landscape photos is a matter of being at a location at the right time and then defining your visual statement with composition and lighting. 35 year professional photographer Emanuele ""Manny"" Pontoriero teaches you a new way of thinking that will enable you to take an ordinary place or subject and turn it into a wondrous photographic masterpiece."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Point & Shoot: Easy Ways to Take Great Pictures" |
"We all want to take cool photos of the places, people, things and events in our lives. We want to share what we experience and see with others. Thats why we purchase Pocket or Point and Shoot cameras. The convenience of a Point and Shoot camera is wonderful but the results many times are not. How many times have your photos come out too dark or too washed out? Have you ever taken photos and felt it didnt really capture what you saw? In this Point & Shoot class,Manny explains how to make the best use of your camera settings and gives tips on composition that make your pictures look interesting and exciting. He demonstrates how you can use available lighting and the small flash on your camera to get amazing result."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Beginners Guide To Cryptography World" |
"Hey there!I am glad that you have visited the course. I am not going to persuade you to buy this course as i want you to go through the preview and have a glance over introduction to Cryptography, so i you think it is worth, you should go for it. However, i tried my best to explain the course to beginners, but if you arePro in Cryptography, this course is not for you. Cryptography seems difficult, but i have explained it in easy manner. So, if you find anything which lacks in this course, feel free to let me know and i would be glad to update this course accordingly. Happy learning and Best of Luck.A. Fraz"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"100-105 ICND 1 / CCENT: Entry into Cisco's Networking World" |
"ICND 100-105 is also known as CCENT which is your primary gateway into the Cisco's Networking world. The course not only covers the concepts of computer inter-networking through Cisco's equipment but also clarifies the basic underlying concepts which are considered mandatory to learn and acquire any networking certification online.This course covers all of the topics included in the official Cisco Syllabus for ICND 1 v3 extensively. But, to clear the exam, taking only this course is not enough. You are strongly advised to go with the official cert guide book."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |