Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Learn Reinforcement Learning From Scratch" |
"Welcome to this course: Learn Reinforcement Learning From Scratch. Reinforcement Learning is the next big thing. It is a part of machine learning. Reinforcement learning is one powerful paradigm for making good decisions, and it is relevant to an enormous range of tasks, including robotics, game playing, consumer modeling and healthcare. It allows machines and software agents to automatically determine the ideal behaviour within a specific context, in order to maximize its performance.In this course, you'll learnLearn and understand Reinforcement LearningLearn how to manage and install software for machineLearn how to implement common RL algorithmsLearn to Generate a Random MDP ProblemLearn how to solve various reinforcement learning problemsAt the end of this course, you will have a logical understanding of Reinforcement learning and know the most appropriate solutions for your problems."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Shaolin QiGong mit Meister Shi Xinggui" |
"Shaolin QiGong mit Meister Shi Xinggui10 bungen fr Harmonie, Gesundheit und VitalittLernen Sie Qi Gong kennen!Die alten bungen der Shaolin-Mnche steigern Vitalitt und Kreativitt. Sie verbessern die gesundheitliche Konstitution und knnen bis ins hohe Alter praktiziert werden.Der Shaolin-Mnch Shi Xinggui leitet Sie auf originelle, energiereiche und humorvolle Art durch seine QiGong bungen, die er speziell fr die Bedrfnisse der Menschen im westlichen Kulturkreis konzipiert hat. Jeder kann die klar strukturierten bungseinheiten spielerisch leicht und eigenstndig erlernen.Die erstaunlicheBiographie:Bereits in jungen Jahren geht Shi Xinggui nach Shaolin, wo er gem den alten Riten ins Kloster aufgenommen wird. Er erhlt den buddhistischen Namen Shi Xinggui, das bedeutet: ""Ich gehe zu Buddha"".Erstudiertbei dengroen Meistern Buddhismus, Chan-Meditation, KungFu, QiGong und 18 verschiedene Waffenformen - alles in den originalen Shaolin Stilen.1985 gewinnt Shi Xinggui seine erste Kung Fu-Meisterschaft. Spter erringt er bei den ""Groen Meisterschaften fr In und Auslnder"" in SengZu zweimal in Folge den Meistertitel.Seit einigen Jahren schon lebt Shi Xinggui in sterreich und Deutschland. Sein umfangreichesWissen und seine Lebensphilosophie gibt Shi Xinggui in zahlreichenKursen und Seminarenweiter, zB. auch an Fhrungskrfte aus der Wirtschaft sowie an Spitzensportler unterschiedlicher Disziplinen am Olympia Sttzpunkt Obertauern.Mit dem von ihm entwickelten DaoYou Shaolin QiGong hat er einauthentisches eigenes bungssystem geschaffen. Es ist ein ganzheitlicher QiGong Stil mit weichen und harmonisierenden Bewegungen, der die benden untersttzt, krperlich und geistig entspannter durchs Leben zu gehen."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Past Tense Spanish Verbs Mastery with a True Spanish Teacher" |
"Ready to take your Spanish language skills to the next level? Then this verbs course is for you. In this course you'll go through 11exercises that will give you real-world exposure to the Spanish language through a series of speaking exercises. With the first verbs course all the verbs were conjugated in the present tense,but this time you'll be speaking using both of the Spanish past tenses: Preterite and Imperfect.You'll work with eSpanishTeacher himself as he presents you with a number of questions for which you'll formulate and give the response in Spanish using the most popular verbs. This course will improve your speaking confidence, help you hear & comprehendthe language better, and refine your Spanish pronunciation.Don't wait another moment to become a Spanish master!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"eSpanishTeacher's Ultimate Spanish Course Revised for 2020" |
"***THE WORLD'S SPANISH TEACHERSINCE2009,LAUNCHEDONUDEMYIN2016***This is the most effective Spanish courseon Udemy""I love eSpanishTeacher's Beginner Spanish. Having tried two other well-known courses, I'm now more than half way through Beginner Spanish and am learning much more compared to the others."" -Paul S., TexasSince 2009, eSpanishTeacher has helped tens of thousands of people worldwide learn to speak Spanish quickly and affordably.Our Spanish courses are built onthree core values: We exist to 1) offer the most personalized & effective language instruction, 2) at the most affordable price, and 3) always with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.More than just memorization Many courses will present you with long lists of words and phrases, hoping you'll be satisfied memorizingthem. While this may help you learn a few specific words,this strategy is shallow andwill lead you down a path of disappointment because memorizing lists of words will never teach you the fundamental structure of the Spanish language. With eSpanishTeacher, you'll participate engaging instruction that teaches keyconcepts that empower your speaking skills far beyond a few vocabulary words.Spanish instruction with a human touchThere's no need to spend hundreds of dollars on robotic &impersonal software programs. Thanks to the eSpanishTeacher system, you can learn Spanish from an actual Spanish teacher when it's convenient for you. You'll develop a foundation in the language that will enable you to communicate effectively in virtually all situations.Language lessons on your computer Video Spanish lessons, vocal practice, and quizzes accessible from any computer with an internet connection. Watch, listen, and interact with eSpanishTeacher as he helps you understand the most essential language concepts.Speak Spanishin lessthan an hourThis course breaks down the language into it's simplest components so that you can understand completely and quickly.Following each lesson, you'll practice what you have learned by actually speaking out loud in Spanish. Move at your own pace and start speaking in minutes!16 lessons taught by eSpanishTeacher himself12 quizzes to test your knowledge11speaking practices and much more!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Hack your personality 4 more success with Michael & Victoria" |
"Hack your personality for faster results! with Michael & VictoriaPersonality StylesPersonality styles are aset of traits we all have. Each of us using them in a unique fashion. They can build livesor baffle us in life.How we decide to treat ourselves and each other based on our own style preferences can makethe difference.We'll help you understand the differences, how to spot them and how to better engage with others.Personalities!We all have one. Yet how aware are you of yours?Types of Personality StylesThere are over 101 personality style programs. In this program we have broken out the research into four styles: The personality styles we have are in part due to the family we are born into, our belief systems, our culture, our faith, and how others treat us.This program offers you insights into what your style preferences could be, how to recognize the distinct stylesin others and how to more successfully connect and engage with others for better outcomes.We wish you much success in this program.I know that learning, practising and using this material can pay big dividends.So, like everything else in life mastery over understanding and using each of the styles takes time and practise. I wish you much success. Family, friendships, dating and romance, work and social all get easier once you learn to use the four styles. Go get em!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"How to Deal with a Narcissistic Relationship" |
"How to deal with a NARC!How to recover and heal from dealing with a narcissistic relationshipWhat is a Narc?What is their behaviour?Why does it matter that we have Narcs in our lives?What are the skills we need to start the healing process if we have been abused by a Narc?Narcissistic personalitydisorder, also known as NPD, is apersonalitydisorder in which the individual has a distorted self image, unstable and intense emotions, is overly preoccupied with vanity, prestige, power and personal adequacy, lacks empathy, and has an exaggerated sense of superiority.An interview with Victoria on what is a Narc, what to look out for Red Flags that another might be an Narc and more....What you will learn:You will learn: The effects of being the child of or in a relationship with a traumatic narcissist Tools to find your Self-Culture so that you can heal from the toxic relationship Tools to rewire your Relationship-Culture so you dont keep repeating the same patterns over and over The keys to overcoming the codependency that keeps you in these kinds toxic interactions and relationships The anatomy of a good boundary! How to draw them and stick to them Ways to overcome the big 3: Guilt, Anger and Shame How to transform your inner bully into a supportive inner coach Ways to create a new normal so that you can thrive and live the life you were meant to live!So here are a few signs you are dealing with a Narc:They have:- Little or noEmpathy- They have a sense ofEntitlement-They have little or noRemorse-They are veryDeceptive- Two Faced or also known asDr. Jekyll andMr. Hyde- They don't fight fair.... they useRational, Emotional, Physical, Financial, Sexual means forBattering for ControlWe'll help you better understand what it is you're facingWhat you should do to move foward"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Discover How to Deal with Difficult & Toxic People" |
"How to Deal with Difficult and Toxic People in the Workplace with Victoria and MichaelDealing with Difficult and Toxic People at Work?Difficult and Toxic People at Work!Ouch. They are not often easy or not often kind to deal with.However they are a fact of life. Regardless of it being a majorpersonality difference,a personality disorder on their part, or other major issues learning to stay safe, happy and successful in the workplace is something we all deserve."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Heathy Relationships for Life The Series Victoria & Michael" |
"Relationships for Life with Victoria and Michaelis a series of programs designed to help anyonewho wants to improve the quality of their relationships in life with:Their immediate familyThe relativesCoworkersAt schoolVolunteeringWiththe neighborsPeople at largeRelationships for Life is a series of programs designed to help anyone who wants to improve the quality of their relationships in life.So what are the Programsin this Series?Dating and Maintaining Relationships in the Modern WorldCreating and Managing Healthy BoundariesProcrastination Do you manage it... or does it manage you?How to hack your Personality Styles for more success!Dealing with Difficult and Toxic PeopleHow to deal with a Narc! Narcissts can be very tough to live or work with!"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Research Methodology" |
"We are living in the world of fast moving towards new innovations, in the daily routine we often use to do research before taking any step further to choose the best option which required more in-depth knowledge to capture and recognize problems to give them remedy to resolve. Similarly, align the concept on which more research is required in relevant field of studies because it can enrich your learning experience and identify your mental capacity to gain some quality to increase in knowledge and more importantly the more you try to explore the more you will learn about how a researcher can develop any conclusion by compiling facts and figure about any particular topic It should be learn and understand by all the students and teachers who would love to achieve something more extra ordinary into their professional careers, obviously it is very clear that we all human beings needs to fulfill dreams they desperate for and become successful person in life.This course will teach you from very beginning to seek an attention of you that how a research can work with literature review could be done to dig some new facts and figure based upon previous knowledge and predictions with the help of hypothetical development which is a form of theoretical framework to find out its probability and outlay into the shape of write ups and tabulation. Moreover, how you can set different elements into methodology but while talking about a critical point is how you can prompt results & analysis to convert your data collection into figures then discussions on them. It will provide a final verdict based on your results.Happy learning to you all"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Better Me: 3 Keys To Personal Growth" |
"Make Positive Changes in Your Life - Starting Today.********* NOTE! Course Updated for 2018 *********Follow Author and 'Edupreneur' Craig Pennell in this inspiring course based on his Self-Improvement book""Turn This Ship Around"".What's the key to living a bigger, fuller life and pursuing your dreams? Is it possible to turn your life around and make it count?Can you change the course of your life?Craig believes you can. Exploring three key areas of Personal Growth & Life Transformation, this course is perfect for anyone who wants to grow as a person, pursue their dreams and create new opportunities in their life and career.Through lectures and workshops we'll look at how to develop our thinking, our attitudes and purposefulness, and how making empowering decisions can in turn lead to living a bigger, fuller, happier life.What can I do to change my life?If you've ever felt unfulfilled, or that your dreams are out of reach, then this course can give you the tools and motivation to change your mindset, fix your eyes on the prize and chase down your goals.But more than that, you'll discover that you aren't alone. Many, many people want to turn their life around and simply need a little help along the way, so Craig is available through the Q&A section to answer questions and offer insight.Mum, Dad, Student? Sometimes all it takes is one spark to get you moving in a whole new direction.Entrepreneur or professional? You'll find plenty to challenge and envision you on your drive towards success.Each section aims to give practical, actionable teaching for anyone who is ready to take hold of their future and discover new horizons!The instructor is available for questions through the Q&AFREE eBook available for downloadBegin a life-changing journey of discoveryAccess to an expanding library of Personal Growth resourcesPersonal Development and Growth is a journey that's unique to each on of us, but many of us struggle with the 3 subjects covered in this course. Be sure to lay some solid foundations for your growth that can become the building blocks of a whole new life.Backed by the Udemy 100% guarantee."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Dream-Building for Personal Growth & Breakthrough" |
"Don't wonder about your future. Make it happen! The keys to Personal Breakthrough are Hidden in your Dreams of Tomorrow.*** Updated & New Lectures for 2018 ***It's time to believe for better..!It's time to discover what life has to offer..!It's time to unlock your potential and live to the fullest..!What will this course teach me?Through inspirational teaching and workshops, we'll take a practical look at how dream-building and vision can unlock drive and creativity and get you moving forward to a bigger, fuller life.The course will encourage you to dare to dream again, show you how to build powerful, magnetic dreams, and help you stay on track for life-changing results.By the end of the course you'll appreciate the importance of having a dream, the role dreams and vision play in creating personal success, and much more.Why Dream-Building?If you're serious about living a bigger life, growing as a person, and experiencing more personal success, then it's essential to have develop your own vision and purpose.Build clarity, focus and direction as we look at these subjects:The Importance of havingDreamsThe power of having a DreamThe role of desires and passionGiving yourself permission to Dream bigInspiration for Dream-buildingThis hour-long course includes a FREE eBook and downloadable worksheets."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Build Your Own First Person Shooter / Survival Game in Unity" |
"Whether youd like to create your own sci-fi or first person military shooter, third person action adventure, or even a role playing game, this Udemy courseseries provides the training you are looking for.Starting from a blank screen, we'll build all of thesystems, together, step-by-stepfor a game called DeadEarth.Dead Earth is a commercial grade, first-person, action-survival game set in the modern post-apocalypse. As mankinds last hope,youll traverse a fallen world ravaged by a lethal plague. The game presents players with a variety of dangerous environments where the fight for survival gets progressively more difficult as the story unfolds. The infection has manifested in a variety of terrifying ways, so youll face a varied set of enemies -- from enraged humanoids to total mutations whose origins are not fully understood.In this first course, well setup our project and start populating the world. You'll learn how to create smart AI characters that think strategically and realistically navigate their environment, all while avoiding obstacles and pursuing the goals that you give them.You'll also learn how to tie the physics and animation systems together with the behaviors and states of your in-game characters. This will enable them to interact with their world and with the player physically and visually correctly. Youll learn how and when to integrate ragdoll physics with the animation system to offer body part specific damage and more realistic death animations. Youll even learn how to transition between ragdoll and standard animation systems as we reanimate zombies and other characters that are down, but not out. Along the way we'll discuss in detail concepts like A*, pathfinding and navigation, state machines, animation state machines, and much, much more. By the time were done, youll be able to fill your own worlds with noblecompanions, background characters, and deadlyenemies that bring your games to life!Over the totality ofthis courseseries you'll build the full game from the ground up.You'll learn how to:Use state machine behaviors and animation curves to drive game logic.Create your own missions that chain together different series of game events, unlock additional items and uncover new areas of the world.Develop a complete first person arms/weapons management system with melee and ranged weapon support.Dive deep into the development of a robust and extensible artificial intelligence system that syncs with your characters animations.Design smart NPCs for your game who can interact with their world in very realistic ways.Build an in-game inventory system for players to manage their weapons, ammo, health boosters, mission items, and more.Assemble fully interactive worlds with working doors, elevators, cabinets and drawers.Learn how to use scripted events to drive your story line forward.Understand fundamental concepts in the field of game AI, like navigation and path-finding, state machines, animation state machines, and more.Find out how to import and animate multiple characters in less time using humanoid re-targetingCreate custom interfaces for health bars, ammo, inventory items, and more.Develop your own audio log system for delivering storytelling elements.Use a combination of Umbra and custom technology to accelerate real-time lighting and shadows in graphics intensive scenes."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to SAP PP Capacity Requirements Planning" |
"In this course you will learn how to customize the capacity planning process for your customers to make sure that the right machines, production lines and manpower are available.People understand better with practical examples. That's why we have prepared for this course a practical business example. This is part of a Project Simulation for a fictional company by using real life examples.You will use an example with a current product to:learn the master data objects used in capacity planning,Know how to create your own master data in SAP.Learn the capacity evaluation tools and how to customize themUnderstand the techniques for capacity levelingKnow the customizing available for the Tabular and Graphical Planning TableI hope I got your attention with our project simulation and the interesting things you will learn in this course.Lets get right into it because we have a lot of more interesting topics to cover."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Affinity Designer for beginners" |
"In this course you will learn how to use the professional vector drawing software Affinity designer ver 1.5. You will also learn how to create a responsive website design and redesign it in RocketCake, so to export it to the web. You will learn how the tools in Affinity Designer work and I will go through several samples. If you want more samples, you can leave a request and I will see what I can do for you. The course will continue to change, so stay tuned.Vector art is usefull for creating designs for websites and for printing purposes. Traditional drawings will pixelate when enlarged. Vector art will always look sharp.If you want to learn Affinity designer, please enroll.This course is made using Affinity designer for Windows, but there are hardly any differences between the Windows andMac version.For this course you will need Affinity Designer. You can download and install the trial version, but the regular version is verry affordable.One of the projects will be about designing a website. In this project you will also need RocketCake (available for Windows and Mac). It is free to download, but has also a paid professional edition."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Acupressure - (Yin Meridians)" |
"RECEIVE AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISEDQUALIFICATION IN'ACUPRESSURE THERAPY'UPON SUCCESSFULCOMPLETION OF THISCOURSE!*Internationally Recognised Qualification*Yin Meridians5 of these powerful acupressure points are found on each of the 6 Yin meridian channels distal to the elbows or knees. These five points all have special characteristics related to the five elements. The ancients used analogies of these points to describe the movement and strength of qi and blood and thus each of the points has its own unique function. This 1 day course covers a total of 30 key acupressure points grouped into 6 combinations of 5 points. Full details will be provided of point benefits, actions and indications as well as high quality images to ensure students gain confidence in accurately locating and using the points. These potent point combinations will give you the tools required to treat over 100 common conditions associated with the Lungs, the Pericardium, the Heart, the Spleen, the Liver & the Kidneys.Students who sign up for this course will get instant access to:A 92page course manual, a set of 6Acupressure Treatment Charts covering the top Acupressure Treatment Points to work on to rebalance over 100 conditions associated with the Yin Meridiansand treatment protocol for each of theillustrated charts- this is a step by step guide that teaches students howto perform the Acupressure Treatment. All of the above are available for immediate download once you sign up.A good idea is to print off the Acupressure Treatment Charts & Protocol and laminate the sheets back to backso that you have an illustrated Treatment Charton the front showing a colourful image of exact point locations and on the back you can have the treatment protocol giving you the step by step instructions to follow so you can carry out the treatment successfully.The information in this course is delivered in a very simplistic way making it very easy for students to learn and apply the techniques to work on themselves, on family, friends or clients.This course has also been accredited internationally so students who complete this course will receive an Internationally Recognised Qualification in 'Acupressure Therapy'.Some common benefits you can expect from an Acupressure Treatment include:Relief from stress & tensionA more relaxed body & mindIncreased blood circulationA faster removal of toxic wasteAn increase in energy levelsRelief from head, neck, shoulder & back ache andAn overall sense of well-beingSo why not sign up today and see how quickly the positive effects of Acupressure can bring improvement to your life?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Acupressure - (Yang Meridians)" |
"RECEIVE AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISEDQUALIFICATION IN'ACUPRESSURE THERAPY'UPON SUCCESSFULCOMPLETION OF THISCOURSE!*Internationally Recognised Qualification*Yang Meridians5 of these powerful acupressure points are found on each of the 6 Yangmeridian channels distal to the elbows or knees. These five points all have special characteristics related to the five elements. The ancients used analogies of these points to describe the movement and strength of qi and blood and thus each of the points has its own unique function.This course covers a total of 30 key acupressure points grouped into 6 combinations of 5 points. Full details will be provided of point benefits, actions and indications as well as high quality images to ensure students gain confidence in accurately locating and using the points. These potent point combinations will give you the tools required to treat over 100 common conditions associated with the Large Intestine, the Triple Heater, the Small Intestine, the Stomach, the Gallbladder & the Bladder.Students who sign up for this course will get instant access to:An 81page course manual, a set of 6Acupressure Treatment Charts covering the top Acupressure Treatment Points to work on torebalance over 100 conditions associated with the YangMeridiansand treatment protocol for each of theillustrated charts- this is a step by step guide that teaches students howto perform the Acupressure Treatment. All of the above are available for immediate download once you sign up.A good idea is to print off the Acupressure Treatment Charts & Protocol and laminate the sheets back to backso that you have an illustrated Treatment Charton the front showing a colourful image of exact point locations and on the back you can have the treatment protocol giving you the step by step instructions to follow so you can carry out the treatment successfully.The information in this course is delivered in a very simplistic way making it very easy for students to learn and apply the techniques to work on themselves, on family, friends or clients.This course has also been accredited internationally so students who complete this course will receive an Internationally Recognised Qualification in 'Acupressure Therapy'.Some common benefits you can expect from an Acupressure Treatment include:Relief from stress & tensionA more relaxed body & mindIncreased blood circulationA faster removal of toxic wasteAn increase in energy levelsRelief from head, neck, shoulder & back ache andAn overall sense of well-beingSo why not sign up today and see how quickly the positive effects of Acupressure can bring improvement to your life?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Acupressure - (Yuan Source Points)" |
"RECEIVE AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISEDQUALIFICATION IN'ACUPRESSURE THERAPY'UPON SUCCESSFULCOMPLETION OF THISCOURSE!*Internationally Recognised Qualification*Each of the 12 meridians has a Yuan (Source) point near the wrist or ankle joints of the four extremities through which the vital energy of the zangfu organs passes and to some extent accumulates. The term zang refers to the organs considered to be yin in nature Lung, Pericardium, Heart, Spleen, Liver and Kidney - while fu refers to the yang organs Large Intestine, Triple Heater, Small Intestine, Stomach, Gall Bladder and Bladder. ""Yuan"" means source or origin and refers to the source of vital energy through which the pathological changes of zangfu organs are manifested.Clinically, Yuan (Source) points are of great significance in treating diseases of the internal organs. Applying Acupressure to the Yuan (Source) points stimulates the vital energy of the regular meridians, regulates the functional activities of the internal organs, reinforces antipathogenic factors and eliminates pathogenic factors. This method of treating diseases deals principally with the root causes. The Yuan (Source) point from the affected meridian is often combined with the Luo points (separate course) the luo points harmonise the qi between the yin and yang paired channels via opening their connecting luo channel of the meridians in use. Upon sign up each student will receive a 31page course manual plus 5beautifully illustrated downloadable Acupressuretreatment charts showing point location and benefits of the 12 Source Points.Some common benefits you can expect from an Acupressure Treatment include: Relief from stress & tension A more relaxed body & mind Increased blood circulation A faster removal of toxic waste An increase in energy levels Relief from head, neck, shoulder & back ache and An overall sense of well-being So why not sign up today and see how quickly the positive effects of Acupressure can bring improvement to your life?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Acupressure - (Luo Connecting Points)" |
"RECEIVE AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISEDQUALIFICATION IN'ACUPRESSURE THERAPY'UPON SUCCESSFULCOMPLETION OF THISCOURSE!*Internationally Recognised Qualification*Each of the 12 meridian channels has a LuoConnecting Point that links the interior - exterior related pairs of yin and yang channels in order. The Luo Connecting points establish a system for qi and blood to be circulated throughout the entire body to nourish all tissues and the Zang-Fu organs. The term zang refers to the organs considered to be yin in nature Lung, Pericardium, Heart, Spleen, Liver and Kidney - while fu refers to the yang organs Large Intestine, Triple Heater, Small Intestine, Stomach, Gall Bladder and Bladder.These Luo Connecting Points provide a network orwebthat interlaces all parts of the body, emanating outwards or sideways, from the main or primary meridian channels. This web lets one primary channel reach through to its partner. This web or network is at two different levels, superficial and deep. The superficial network is seen in the small veins that appear during disease or after trauma, showing inflammation or blockage. This level lies just under the skin. The deeper part is where chronic disease may end up, stuck in the 'Blood level' deep in the body. This Blood level is not so much at a depth measurable in inches or centimeters but in terms of seriousness, i.e. more difficult to cure. Some common benefits you can expect from an Acupressure Treatment include: Relief from stress & tension A more relaxed body & mind Increased blood circulation A faster removal of toxic waste An increase in energy levels Relief from head, neck, shoulder & back ache and An overall sense of well-being So why not sign up today and see how quickly the positive effects of Acupressure can bring improvement to your life?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Acupressure for Pain Relief - International Qualification!" |
"RECEIVE AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISEDQUALIFICATION IN'ACUPRESSURE THERAPY'UPON SUCCESSFULCOMPLETION OF THISCOURSE!*Internationally Recognised Qualification*This course has been created for students of all levels toteachthem thekey Acupressure Points that will help toREDUCE AND ELIMINATE ALL TYPES OF BODY PAINfromACHING JOINTS TO INFLAMED MUSCLES.Students will learn how to locate and useAcupressure'sTOP 5 ANTI INFLAMMATORY POINTSand they will also be given a set of12POTENT ACUPRESSURE POINTSthat can be used to clearpain along eachmeridian channel. The course finishes with a set of5BONUS ACUPRESSURE POINTS FOR BODY PAIN.BONUS MATERIAL - DOWNLOADS -(AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DOWNLOAD ONCE YOU SIGN UP)Acupressure for Pain Relief Course ManualMeridian Clock ChartThe Top 5 Anti Inflammatory Points ChartTreatment Protocol Anti Inflammatory PointsPotent Points to Clear Channel Pain 1Clear Channel Pain Treatment Protocol 1Potent Points to Clear Channel Pain 2Clear Channel Pain Treatment Protocol 2Potent Points to Clear Channel Pain 3Clear Channel Pain Treatment Protocol 3Potent Points to Clear Channel Pain 4Clear Channel Pain Treatment Protocol 4Potent Points to Clear Channel Pain 5Clear Channel Pain Treatment Protocol 5Potent Points to Clear Channel Pain 6Clear Channel Pain Treatment Protocol 65 Bonus Points for Body Pain Treatment Chart5 Bonus Points for Body Pain Treatment ProtocolMeridian Clock & PathwaysMeridians & Emotions Wall ChartsSome common benefits you can expect from an Acupressure Treatment include: Relief from stress & tension A more relaxed body & mind Increased blood circulation A faster removal of toxic waste An increase in energy levels Relief from head, neck, shoulder & back ache and An overall sense of well-beingSo why not sign up today and see how quickly the positive effects of Acupressure can bring improvement to your life?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Acupressure Facelift - International Qualification!" |
"RECEIVE AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED QUALIFICATION IN 'ACUPRESSURE THERAPY' UPON SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THIS COURSE!*Internationally Recognised Qualification*Acupressure Facelift This Acupressure treatment isperformed by applying pressure with the fingertips into key areas of the face and neck. This helps to stimulateblood flow and collagen production, while also balancing thewhole body. This results in firmer facemuscles supporting the skin layer above in order to produce tighter facial tone and a more youthful appearance.Studies focused on this particular technique have shown significant andlasting benefit. In one particular studyof 300 cases 90% of those treated had marked beneficialresults with only one course of treatment.Fine lines may be entirely eliminated and deeper wrinkles diminished. Bags under the eyes canbe reduced, puffiness eliminated, droopy eyelids lifted and double chinsminimised. Other likely results include: moisturising of the skin withincreased local circulation of blood and lymph to the face, increased collagenproduction, muscle tone, tightening of the pores, brightening of the eyes, improvementof hormonal balance that can help treat acne and reduction of stress which canoften be evident in the face.A course of treatment generally consists of 12 treatments administered once weekly. A course of treatment holds its benefits for 2to 5 years. However, regular top-uptreatments can be useful to extend effects and one-off treatments are oftenused by clients to achieve that bright, healthy glow for special occasions.AcupressureFacelift is a gentle non-invasive approach to looking younger. Although ageing is a natural process, thistherapy helps delay the visible signs of ageing and prevent further damage inthe future by means of simple, natural and effective techniques.During the treatment, over ninety face and neck musclesare systematically worked. Acupressure points are activated, releasingdeep-seated tension, freeing layers of muscle and connective tissue. The technique used ensures that circulationis improved and the tissues can glide smoothly over the deeper layers of muscleand bone.Tension can very easily build up in our facial muscles without us realisingit. Over a period of time, habitualthoughts and emotions can lock themselves into expressions on our faces particularly around the eyes and mouth. Thiscan be exacerbated by additional factors such as excessive exposure to the sun,pollution, alcohol, smoking, poor diet, lack of sleep, the effects of gravityand every day stresses and strains. Undersuch conditions muscles can actually dry up and contract, encouraging ageingand the formation of wrinkles as the face loses its muscle tone and elasticity andbegins to sag.The whole process has been described as a bit like ironing out the creases, making the skin feel smoother and softer and improving thecomplexion and skin tone.Some common benefits you can expect from an Acupressure Treatment include:Relief from stress & tensionA more relaxed body & mindIncreased blood circulationA faster removal of toxic wasteAn increase in energy levelsRelief from head, neck, shoulder & back ache andAn overall sense of well-beingSo why not sign up today and see how quickly the positive effects of Acupressure can bring improvement to your life? "
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Acupressure for Digestive Disorders" |
"RECEIVE AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISEDQUALIFICATION IN'ACUPRESSURE THERAPY'UPON SUCCESSFULCOMPLETION OF THISCOURSE!*Internationally Recognised Qualification*This course has been created for students of All Levels who are interested in learning some really powerful, yet simple Acupressure techniques that will help to treat 12 of the most common digestive disorders facing people today. *Acupressure for Acidity/Gastritis*Acupressure for Colitis/Constipation*Acupressure for Diarrhoea*Acupressure for Dysentery*Acupressure for Flatulence*Acupressure for Gallbladder Disorders*Acupressure for Haemorrhoids*Acupressure for Jaundice/Liver Disorders*Acupressure for Loss of Appetite*Acupressure for Nausea/Vomiting*Acupressure for Sore Throat/Pharyngitis*Acupressure for UlcersStudents who sign up for this course will get instant access to a 52page course manual, a set of 12 Acupressure Treatment Charts covering the top Acupressure Treatment Points to work on to defuse each disorder and treatment protocol for each of theillustrated charts- this is a step by step guide that teaches students howto perform the Acupressure Treatment. A good idea is to print off the Acupressure Treatment Charts & Protocol and laminate the sheets back to backso that you have an illustrated Treatment Charton the front showing a colourful image of exact point locations and on the back you can have the treatment protocol giving you the step by step instructions to follow so you can carry out the treatment successfully. The information in this course is delivered in a simplistic way making it very easy for students to learn and apply the techniques to work on themselves, on family, friends or clients. This course has also been accredited internationally so students who complete this course will receive an Internationally Recognised Qualification in 'Acupressure Therapy'. Some common benefits you can expect from an Acupressure Treatment include: Relief from stress & tension A more relaxed body & mind Increased blood circulation A faster removal of toxic waste An increase in energy levels Relief from head, neck, shoulder & back ache and An overall sense of well-being So why not sign up today and see how quickly the positive effects of Acupressure can bring improvement to your life?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Acupressure Shortcuts - International Qualification!" |
"RECEIVE AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISEDQUALIFICATION IN'ACUPRESSURE THERAPY'UPON SUCCESSFULCOMPLETION OF THISCOURSE!*Internationally Recognised Qualification*This course has been created for students of all levels toteachthem 50key Acupressure Points they can use to treat 50 COMMON CONDITIONS!Before embarking on the course videos, please go to the Bonus Material - Downloads section and download the course manual, treatment charts & protocol which you can use as a visual aid to assist you during the video lessons. This course covers a specific 1 Point Treatment Protocol that treats thefollowing 50 Common Conditions (Your Health is Quite Literally - In Your Hands!): Acupressure for Acne Acupressure for Allergies/Hay Fever Acupressure for Anger/Irritability Acupressure for Arthritis/Rheumatism Acupressure for Anxiety Acupressure for Back Pain (Lower) Acupressure for Back Pain (Upper) Acupressure for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Acupressure for Concentration/Mental Clarity Acupressure for Congestion/Head Cold Acupressure for Constipation Acupressure for Cough/Sore Throat Acupressure for Depression Acupressure for Dizziness/Vertigo Acupressure for Earache/Hearing Problems Acupressure for Emotional Trauma Acupressure for Eye Strain Acupressure for Fatigue Acupressure for Fear/Insecurity Acupressure for Grief/Sadness Acupressure for Hangover Acupressure for Heart Palpitations Acupressure for Hip Pain/Immobility Acupressure for Hot Flashes Acupressure for Indigestion Acupressure for Infertility/Impotence Acupressure for Insomnia Acupressure for Knee Pain Acupressure for Leg CrampsAcupressure for Low Libido Acupressure for Low Self Esteem Acupressure for Menstrual Cramps Acupressure for Migraine Acupressure for Motion Sickness Acupressure for Nausea Acupressure for Neck Ache/Stiffness Acupressure for Poor Memory Acupressure for PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) Acupressure for Respiratory Problems Acupressure for Sciatica Acupressure for Shoulder Pain Acupressure for Sinus Conditions Acupressure for Skin Toning Acupressure for Sprained Ankle Acupressure for Stress Acupressure for Tendonitis Acupressure for Tension Headache Acupressure for Toothache Acupressure for Varicose Veins Acupressure for Water Retention Students who sign up for this course will get instant access toa66page course manual anda set of 50 Beautifully Illustrated Acupressure Treatment Charts - in Full Colourcovering a specific 1 Point Treatment Protocol that treats 50 Common Conditionsand treatment protocol for each of theillustrated charts- this is a step by step guide that teaches students howto perform the Acupressure Treatment. The information in this course is delivered in a simplistic way making it very easy for students to learn and apply the techniques to work on themselves, on family, friends or clients. This course has also been accredited internationally so students who complete this course will receive an Internationally Recognised Qualification in 'Acupressure Therapy'.Some common benefits you can expect from an Acupressure Treatment include: Relief from stress & tension A more relaxed body & mind Increased blood circulation A faster removal of toxic waste An increase in energy levels Relief from head, neck, shoulder & back ache and An overall sense of well-being So why not sign up today and see how quickly the positive effects of Acupressure can bring improvement to your life?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Acupressure Shortcuts 2 - International Qualification!" |
"RECEIVE AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISEDQUALIFICATION IN'ACUPRESSURE THERAPY'UPON SUCCESSFULCOMPLETION OF THISCOURSE!*Internationally Recognised Qualification*This course has been created for students of all levels toteachthemthekey Acupressure Points they can use to treat 40 different areas!Before embarking on the course videos, please go to the Bonus Material - Downloads section and download the course manual, treatment charts & protocol which you can use as a visual aid to assist you during the video lessons.This course covers the following 40 areas:Acupressure for theMind/Unconsciousness Acupressure for theNervous System Acupressure for theSympathetic Nervous System Acupressure forParasympathetic Nervous System Acupressure forNeurological Confusion Acupressure forAll Cerebral Disorders Acupressure for theLymphatics Acupressure for theSkin Acupressure for theBones Acupressure forBone Marrow Acupressure forBlood & Blood Chemistries Acupressure forBlood PressureAcupressure forBlood Sugars (Diabetes)Acupressure forBlood VesselsAcupressure for theFace & Head Acupressure for theEars Acupressure for theNeck/Throat Acupressure for theShoulders Acupressure for theScapula Acupressure for theArms Acupressure for theChest/Thorax Acupressure for theRespiratory System Acupressure for theHands Acupressure for theUpper Back, Legs & Feet Acupressure for Low Back, Sacrum & Legs Acupressure for theAbdomen (Upper) Acupressure for theAbdomen (Lower) Acupressure for theReproductive System Acupressure for theMuscles & Tendons Acupressure for theYin Organs Acupressure for theYang Organs Acupressure for theEndocrine System Acupressure for Energy (Master) Acupressure forEnergy (Excess) Acupressure forEnergy (Deficient) Acupressure forWhole Body Weakness/Pain Acupressure forFever Acupressure forObesity Acupressure for theEmotions Acupressure for theImmune SystemUpon sign up students will have IMMEDIATE ACCESS to a 61 PAGEcomprehensive COURSE MANUAL plus 40 NEW BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATEDTREATMENT CHARTS IN FULL COLOUR!Some common benefits you can expect from an Acupressure Treatment include:Relief from stress & tensionA more relaxed body & mindIncreased blood circulationA faster removal of toxic wasteAn increase in energy levelsRelief from head, neck, shoulder & back ache andAn overall sense of well-beingSo why not sign up today and see how quickly the positive effects of Acupressure can bring improvement to your life?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Acupressure for Psychiatric Disorders & Epileptic Conditions" |
"Welcome to my course on Acupressure for Psychiatric Disorders & Epileptic Conditions. Before embarking on the course videos, please go to the Bonus Material - Downloads section and download the course manual, treatment charts & protocol which you can use as a visual aid to assist you during the video lessons. Upon sign up each student will receive a 47 page course manual plus 13 beautifully illustrated downloadable treatment charts showing point location and benefits. The 13 AcupressurePoints outlined in this course have been considered throughout history,THE MOST IMPORTANTAcupressurepoints to work on when treating Psychiatric Disorders & Epileptic Conditions. Point 1:Benefits: Psychiatric disorders & Epileptic conditions. This acupressure point could save a life and can be used in cases of emergency. If someone near you fainted, collapsed from exhaustion or had a stroke and lay unconscious you can use this point to immediately activate the nervous system. This point also helps to clear congestion and irritation in the nose due to hay fever. It also relieves breathing difficulties caused by allergies. Sneezing, runny nose, sinus problems and dizziness can be improved by pressing this point too. The point is also helpful in improving concentration and reducing food cravings. Point 2:Benefits: Psychiatric disorders and Epileptic conditions. Primarily employed in cases of inflammation of the throat, sore, swollen or painful throat, acute tonsillitis, laryngitis or pharyngitis, goitre and inflammation of the eyes. Also helps to pacify the heart, calm the mind and restore consciousness in cases of fainting or coma. It also activates the lung sinew channel and can treat pain and paralysis or spasticity of the arm following a stroke. Rebalances the entire lung meridian pathway and any physical symptoms associated with the lungs. Also defuses any feelings of sadness or grief in the system. Point 3:Benefits: Psychiatric disorders or Epileptic conditions. One of the most important points to use to stop bleeding anywhere in the body. Can also be used for dizziness, vertigo, fainting, loss of consciousness, depression and insomnia. Rebalances the entire spleen meridian pathway and any physical symptoms associated with the spleen. Also defuses any feelings of anxiety, envy or disapproval in the system. Great points for boosting self confidence and helping someone to be more considerate of their true feelings. Point 4:Benefits: Psychiatric disorders or Epileptic conditions. Effective in regulating energy and blood, cooling the heart, opening the chest and calming the mind. Harmonises the stomach. Defuses pain and tightness of the chest, angina pectoris, palpitations, fever, gastric pain, nausea, vomiting, gastritis, epilepsy, depression, emotional upset, anxiety and panic attacks. Activating these points helps to relieve the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome and other wrist problems such as stiffness, arthritis/rheumatism, swelling and minor strains. Point 5:Benefits: Psychiatric disorders and Epileptic conditions. This pointis also a powerful point for calming the mind. The points can be used to treat headache, stiffness of the neck, redness of the face, dizziness, tinnitus, facial paralysis, stroke, convulsions, fever, chills, nose bleed, inflammation and pain of the eyes, palpitations, depression, fright, irritability and insomnia. Also useful for sciatica, lumbar pain, stiffness and pain of the neck and stiffness or swelling of the ankle.Point 6:Benefits: Psychiatric disorders and Epileptic conditions. This point is a very important point for many disorders of the head, brain and spine. Useful for stroke, paralysis, numbness of the head and body, flaccidity or deviation of the tongue, high blood pressure, vertigo, blurred or diminished vision, mental confusion, restlessness, agitation, insomnia, depression, suicidal tendencies and insanity. Activating this point reduces stress, eyestrain, irritation and fatigue. It also helps to relieve headaches, neck stiffness and nasal congestion while enhancing mental clarity. Point 7:Benefits: Psychiatric disorders and Epileptic conditions. Clenching or grinding of the teeth, tension headache, migraine, toothache, swelling of the cheeks, swelling and inflammation of the gums, deviation of the mouth, facial pain or paralysis and trigeminal neuralgia. Relieves jaw pain and spasms, TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) problems, lockjaw and toothaches. Also helps with mouth deviation, facial oedema and tones facial muscles.Point 8:Benefits: Psychiatric disorders and Epileptic conditions. Thisis an effective point to treat disorders of the region including facial paralysis, deviation of the mouth, facial pain, trigeminal neuralgia, swelling of the face and disorders of the gums, salivary glands and teeth. Furthermore, it clears and brightens the eyes. It is also an important beauty point that helps to improve appearance. Useful in releasing tension from the entire chin area and cheeks. Also used to clear heat from the face and treat acne, distended capillaries and red blotchy skin. Point 9:Benefits: Psychiatric disorders and Epileptic conditions. This point rebalances the heart and calms the mind. Helps to restore consciousness. Relieves excessive sweating, fever, convulsions, nose bleed, ulceration of the mouth and tongue, swelling of the throat, halitosis, excessive thirst, nausea, gastritis, abdominal pain and hardness, blood in the stools, depression, mental agitation, delirium, palpitations, irregular heart beat and chest pain.Point 10:Benefits: Psychiatric disorders and Epileptic conditions. This point has been employed to treat epilepsy, depression and insanity. Also used widely for disorders of the nose. Its functions include reducing swelling, stopping bleeding and clearing the head and face. Nasal obstruction or discharge, rhinitis, sinusitis, loss of sense of smell, headache, dizziness, diminishing vision, eye pain and swelling or redness of the face. Point 11:Benefits: Psychiatric disorders and Epileptic conditions. Although this is not a common point used in clinic due to its intimate location, it is considered very important for many reasons. One being that it joins the Central and Governing Vessel meridians and therefore balances the flow of yin and yang energy throughout the entire body. Used to calm the mind, clear the sense organs and restore consciousness. Traditionally used to resuscitate from drowning.Point 12:Benefits: Psychiatric disorders and Epileptic conditions. Thisis one of the most important points you can use for disorders of the elbow and forearm. Relieves all types of fever, pain and stiffness of the shoulder, tennis elbow, aching body, headache, inflamed or itchy eyes, nasal congestion, pain and swelling of the throat, earache, toothache, goitre, cough, asthma, upper respiratory tract infections or allergies, abdominal distension and pain, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, hepatitis, liver diseases, diarrhoea, gastroenteritis, urinary tract infections, itching in general, swelling and oedema, high blood pressure, facial paralysis and dizziness. Psychologically this pointhelps in cases of depression, restlessness and irritability.Point 13:Benefits: Psychiatric disorders and Epileptic conditions. Clears heat and reduces swelling. Benefits the tongue.Some common benefits you can expect from an Acupressure Treatment include: Relief from stress & tension A more relaxed body & mind Increased blood circulation A faster removal of toxic waste An increase in energy levels Relief from head, neck, shoulder & back ache and An overall sense of well-beingSo why not sign up today and see how quickly the positive effects of Acupressure can bring improvement to your life?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"ACUPRESSURE - Top 5 Points for Relieving Stress & Anxiety" |
"Hello and welcome to my course on Acupressures Top 5 Points for Relieving Stress & Anxiety.Before embarking on the course videos, please go to the Bonus Material - Downloads section and download the course manual, treatment charts & protocol which you can use as a visual aid to assist you during the video lessons. This course has been created for students of all levelsto help them to overcome some of the day to day stressors that they may be experiencing. AcupressurePoint 1Benefits: Relieves stress & anxiety. Activating these Acupressurepoints can also help to alleviate a number of minor stomach complaints including indigestion, heartburn, stomach acidity and nausea. Stimulating these points can also help calm anxiety and nervousness which sometimes cause indigestion and stomach irritation. These points are also helpful in regulating heart palpitations.AcupressurePoint 2Benefits: Relieves stress & anxiety. Activating these Acupressurepoints also helps to relieve all kinds of allergies such as headaches, hay fever, sneezing and itching. Relieves frontal headaches, constipation and depression. Alleviates all types of pain in the body and balances the gastrointestinal system.AcupressurePoint 3Benefits: Relieves stress & anxiety. Activating these Acupressurepoints also helps to relieve frustration, irritability, fatigue, shoulder tension, poor circulation, cold hands or feet, nervous problems and headaches.AcupressurePoint 4Benefits: Relieves stress & anxiety. Activating these Acupressurepoints also helps to release unexpressed feelings of sadness and grief as well as calm emotional trauma due to loss or disappointment. Depression & anger can also be defused by applying pressure to these points. The points may also relieve asthma and breathing difficulties linked with repressed sorrow or anger.AcupressurePoint 5Benefits: Relieves stress & anxiety. Activating these Acupressurepoints also helps to relieve muscular tension, sore throat and stiffness in the neck. Also highly beneficial in reducing fatigue.The course instructor Annette has over 17years experience working in the area of health and fitness and she has seen first hand how these powerful Acupressure points have brought improvement into the lives of 100s of her clients. This is a taster course for students to help them to realise the amazing health benefits that can be gained from practicing this therapy. ACUPRESSURE THERAPY -YOUR HEALTH REALLY IS... IN YOUR HANDS! If you enjoy this course and feel you would like more in depth training, please sign up to one of Annettes Internationally Recognised courses on Acupressure Therapy already available on Udemys Platform. Some common benefits you can expect from an Acupressure Treatment include: Relief from stress & tension A more relaxed body & mind Increased blood circulation A faster removal of toxic waste An increase in energy levels Relief from head, neck, shoulder & back ache and An overall sense of well-being So why not sign up today and see how quickly the positive effects of Acupressure can bring improvement to your life?"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Acupressure Masterclass - All Body Systems" |
"RECEIVE AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISEDQUALIFICATION IN 'ACUPRESSURE THERAPY'UPON SUCCESSFULCOMPLETION OF THISCOURSE!*INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED QUALIFICATION INACUPRESSURE THERAPY*Before embarking on the course videos, please go to the Bonus Material - Downloads section and download the course manual, treatment charts & protocol which you can use as a visual aid to assist you during the video lessons.Students who sign up to this course will get immediate access to:A 62 Page Course Manual (Downloadable)A 114 Page Treatment Chart Manual (Downloadable)126 A4 Size Beautifully Illustrated Treatment Charts in Full Colour (Downloadable)This course covers specific Acupressure points that can be used to treat the most common conditions associated with each of the body's systems:Circulatory SystemAcupressure for Chest Pain Chest Pain Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Bruising Bruising Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Oedema Oedema Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Hepatitis Hepatitis Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Raynauds Syndrome Raynauds Syndrome Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Varicose Veins Varicose Veins Other Points to Consider Digestive SystemAcupressure for Acid Reflux/GERD/Heartburn Acid Reflux/GERD/Heartburn Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Bloating/Colic Bloating/Colic Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Bleeding Gums/Mouth Ulcers Bleeding Gums/Mouth Ulcers Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Bowel Incontinence Bowel Incontinence Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Colitis/Chrons Disease/I.B.S Colitis/Chrons Disease/I.B.S Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Constipation Constipation Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Halitosis Halitosis Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Hiccups Hiccups Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Indigestion Indigestion Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Nausea/Vomiting Nausea/Vomiting Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Ulcers Ulcers Other Points to ConsiderEndocrine SystemAcupressure for Adrenal/Chronic Fatigue Adrenal/Chronic Fatigue Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorder Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Bipolar Disorder Bipolar Disorder Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Depression Depression Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Diabetes Diabetes Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Insomnia Insomnia Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Thyroid Imbalance Thyroid Imbalance Other Points to ConsiderIntegumentary (Skin System)Acupressure for Acne/Rosacea/Skin Blemishes Acne/Rosacea/Skin Blemishes Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Athletes Foot/Ringworm Athletes Foot/Ringworm Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Conjunctivitis/Pink Eye Conjunctivitis/Pink Eye Other Points to ConsiderLymph/Immune SystemAcupressure for Allergies Allergies Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Bacterial Infections Bacterial Infections Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Bladder Infections Bladder Infections Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Fungal Infections Fungal Infections Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Viral Infections Viral Infections Other Points to ConsiderMusculoskeletal SystemAcupressure for Arthritis Arthritis Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Tennis Elbow Tennis Elbow Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Frozen Shoulder Frozen Shoulder Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Heel Pain (Plantar Fasciitis) Heel Pain (Plantar Fasciitis) Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Low Back Pain Low Back Pain Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Neck Spasm/Stiff Neck Neck Spasm/Stiff Neck Other Points to ConsiderNervous SystemAcupressure for Addictions Addictions Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Alopecia Alopecia Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Sciatica Sciatica Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Tinnitus Tinnitus Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Trigeminal Neuralgia Trigeminal Neuralgia Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Vertigo Vertigo Other Points to ConsiderReproductive SystemAcupressure for Irregular Menstruation Irregular Menstruation Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Breast Distention/Mastitis Breast Distention/Mastitis Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Infertility Infertility Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Insufficient Lactation Insufficient Lactation Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Menopausal Symptoms Menopausal Symptoms Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Morning Sickness Morning Sickness Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Prostatitis Prostatitis Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Vaginal Discharge/Infection Vaginal Discharge/Infection Other Points to ConsiderRespiratory SystemAcupressure for Asthma Asthma Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Bronchitis Bronchitis Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Common Cold Common Cold Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Cough Cough Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Phlegm Phlegm Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Rhinitis/Runny/Stuffy Nose Rhinitis/Runny/Stuffy Nose Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Sore Throat Sore Throat Other Points to ConsiderUrinary SystemAcupressure for Bedwetting Bedwetting Other Points to Consider Acupressure for Urinary Incontinence Urinary Incontinence Other Points to ConsiderThe information in this course is delivered in a simplistic way making it very easy for students to learn and apply the techniques to work on themselves, on family, friends or clients.This course has also been accredited internationally so students who complete this course will receive an Internationally Recognised Qualification in 'Acupressure Therapy'. Some common benefits you can expect from an Acupressure Treatment include:Relief from stress & tensionA more relaxed body & mindIncreased blood circulationA faster removal of toxic wasteAn increase in energy levelsRelief from head, neck, shoulder & back ache andAn overall sense of well-beingSo why not sign up today and see how quickly the positive effects of Acupressure can bring improvement to your life?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Acupressure Therapy for Resetting the Body Clock!" |
"RECEIVE AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISEDQUALIFICATION IN 'ACUPRESSURE THERAPY'UPON SUCCESSFULCOMPLETION OF THISCOURSE! *INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED QUALIFICATION INACUPRESSURE THERAPY*Before embarking on the course videos, please go to the 'Bonus Material - Downloads' section and download the course manual, treatment charts & protocol which you can use as a visual aid to assist you during the video lessons.This course focuses on a Potent Set of 12 Acupressure Points that can be used effectively to:* Eliminate Tiredness & Fatigue* Enhance the Flow of Healing Energy to Your Organs* Avoid Jet Lag when Travelling through Time Zones This course is Ideal for the Holistic Therapist looking to offer a New Treatment in their Clinic and also for All Types of Shift Workers who often work through the night while the rest of us are sleeping! These shift workers, who provide key services and generally make our lives a lot easier, are faced with work realities that can often undermine their health.So let this course take you on a journey through these '12 Potent Points', their locations, how to stimulate them and how to quite literally 'Reset the Body Clock!Bonus Material - (Available for Immediate Download Once You Sign Up)* A Comprehensive 49 page course manual* 17 Beautifully Illustrated Acupressure Treatment Charts * Email support from Course Instructor where necessary* An Internationally Recognised Qualification in Acupressure Therapy* The option to obtain Discounted Membership and Practitioner Insurance with an International InstituteThe information in this course is delivered in a simplistic way making it very easy for students to learn and apply the techniques to work on themselves, on family, friends or clients.Some common benefits you can expect from an Acupressure Treatment include: Relief from stress & tension A more relaxed body & mind Increased blood circulation A faster removal of toxic waste An increase in energy levels Relief from head, neck, shoulder & back ache and An overall sense of well-beingSo why not sign up today and see how quickly the positive effects of Acupressure can bring improvement to your life?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Diploma in Acupressure for Detoxification & Weight Loss" |
"RECEIVE AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISEDQUALIFICATION IN 'ACUPRESSURE THERAPY'UPON SUCCESSFULCOMPLETION OF THISCOURSE! *INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED QUALIFICATION INACUPRESSURE THERAPY*Before embarking on the course videos, please go to the 'Bonus Material - Downloads' section and download the course manual, treatment charts & protocol which you can use as a visual aid to assist you during the video lessons.In addition to offering students an INTERNATIONAL QUALIFICATION in ACUPRESSURE THERAPY, this course, upon successful completion, allows students to be listed online under the title - DETOXIFICATION & WEIGHT LOSS SPECIALIST! This is also something youll be able to promote on your website and on all of your marketing material!Some techniques that well cover in this course include a:STRESS MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE which incorporates specific protocol on how to Re-balance the Thyroid Gland, the Adrenals, Cortisol (the primary stress hormone) and Digestion.Youll also learn how to Re-balance the Bodys Hormones using the HORMONE HARMONISER TECHNIQUEDiscover how to get your energy levels through the roof with the 'ENERGY BOOSTER TECHNIQUE - Points 1-4' Well also cover specific protocol for dealing with ADDICTIONS/DETOXIFICATION and much, much more...Students who sign up for this course will get instant access toacomprehensive 144 page course manual anda set of 14 Beautifully Illustrated Acupressure Treatment Charts. (Downloadable)The information in this course is delivered in a simplistic way making it very easy for students to learn and apply the techniques to work on themselves, on family, friends or clients.Some common benefits you can expect from an Acupressure Treatment include: Relief from stress & tension A more relaxed body & mind Increased blood circulation A faster removal of toxic waste An increase in energy levels Relief from head, neck, shoulder & back ache and An overall sense of well-beingSo why not sign up today and see how quickly the positive effects of Acupressure can bring improvement to your life?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Instant Pain Relief with Reflex Tapping" |
"RECEIVE AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISEDQUALIFICATION IN 'ACUPRESSURE THERAPY'UPON SUCCESSFULCOMPLETION OF THISCOURSE! *INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED QUALIFICATION INACUPRESSURE THERAPY*Before embarking on the course videos, please go to the 'Bonus Material - Downloads' section and download the course manual, treatment charts & protocol which you can use as a visual aid to assist you during the video lessons.Students who sign up to this course will get immediate access to:* A detailed 38 page course manual (Downloadable)* A set of beautifully illustrated treatment charts that can be used to provide pain relief to everyone you meet! (Downloadable)* These charts are ideal for printing and laminating and using on yourself or with family, friends or clients. (Downloadable)* Email support from Course Instructor where needed. * An Internationally Recognised Qualification in Acupressure Therapy.* The option to obtain Discounted Membership and Practitioner Insurance with an International Institute where you can be listed online under Acupressure Therapy.INSTANT PAIN RELIEF with REFLEX TAPPING.This course covers a series of 12 POTENT REFLEX POINTS that can be stimulated to help REDUCE AND ELIMINATE all types of body ACHES & PAINS FAST!!The POINTS ALSO ASSIST in CLEARING ANY BLOCKAGES OF ENERGY in the MERIDIAN PATHWAYS AND ASSOCIATED ORGAN SYSTEMS! The INFORMATION in this course CAN BE USED to HELP FREE YOURSELF FROM DEBILITATING PAIN, your FAMILY, your FRIENDS or your CLIENTS!And the best part?? NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY as FULL TRAINING WILL BE PROVIDED!So WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? JUMP RIGHT IN and LET'S GET STARTED!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Google Sheets for Office Work" |
"Hi, My name is Robert, I am an senior business analyst with over a decade of experience working as data specialist consulting to both big corporate and small medium enterprises. First I would like to thank you for your interest in this course. It is the fruit of my combined experiences and technical know-hows from my years. I decided to share it with you due to my passion in teaching people, to use data in their business, for improvement and profit. Let's introduce you to the course.This course is an beginner guide to Googlepowerful cloud basedspreadsheet application, Google Sheets. You willreceive detailed step by stepinstructions in using Google Sheets power functions and add-onsuite inachieving yourbusinessrequirements. The aim is for you to increase your proficiency in office work, especially those type of work which involve managing data and/or collaborating in large teams.IF you're successful in finishing this course, you would have built a solid foundation in utilizing clouding technology and Google powerful array friendly functions and add-on. Which together make Google Sheets and much more flexible, convenient and powerful spreadsheet application than any other spreadsheet apps, and yes, I am including MicrosoftExcels. This is not mentioning due to being anonline application, Google Sheets naturally enable its users to freely collaborate disregard their geographic or time differences.Due to all those advantages, I am excited to invite you to join us in this course and take advantage of the FREE tool provided for us by our friends at Google. Let make the most of the 8 hours we have everyday, get back time in your day working onnew career moves, or just spending more qualitytime for yourself. So, what are you waiting for? Let's start!!!"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Basic to Advanced MySQL Queries for Non-IT Professionals" |
"Hi, My name is Robert, I am an senior business analyst with over a decade of experience working as data specialist consulting to both big corporate and small medium enterprises. First I would like to thank you for your interest in this course. It is the fruit of my combined experiences and technical know-hows from my years. I decided to share it with you due to my passion in teaching people, to use data in their business, for improvement and profit. Let's introduce you to the course.This course is built for professionals whose backgrounds are not well versed in information technology, specifically database administration. But still have the need to extract, transform and load data from database, specifically MySQL databases. We recognize the need foryou to quickly and efficiently create simple to complexSQL queries, which can give the necessary insights for you to fulfill your business requirements. So that you areto work on your tasks and projects free from complete reliance on IT support on such tasks. Ultimately reduce your lead time and ramp up yourproficiency and independence at work.Thus, in this course, we provide detailed step by step instructions on all the necessary SQL programming concepts;tips;tricks;MySQL keywordsand functions needed in achieving the above goal. You will learn all the necessary skills to perform complicated extraction of raw data from MySQLdatabases. We will walk you through function dealing with Text, Number, Date. We will show you how to read relationaldatabases, understand their structure; strength and weakness. You will learn how to interpret queries' results, read into their mistakes in grouping or joining tables that couldcreate faultyinformation.These are just a few values of this course listed here. We are excited to show you more, if you choose to attending this course. So, if you are responsible for extracting; transforming and/or loading data to and from MySQL database professionally or just as a hobby. But you don't need the cumbersome of database administration and all you need is writing powerful queries that can get the information you need for your tasks or projects. This is the course for you!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |