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"Laravel 6 Starter Course" |
"Welcome to Laravel 6 starter Course, the course where you'll learn Laravel in easy, effective and efficient way. In this course you'll learn the fundamentals of Laravel includes:Database MigrationSeeding Database TableEloquentEloquent RelationshipModel FactoriesRoutingControllerViewsIntegrating Application TemplateHandling FormForm ValidationAuthenticationQuery scopesN+1 Query Problem & Eager LoadingHandling file uploadand much moreIn this course you'll be building two projects:Contact ApplicationFrontend BlogBy the end, youll be able to take what youve learned and built your own Application you've dreamed about.What you waiting for? Join me today and let's learn Laravel in easy, effective and efficient way.Update Histories:06/05/2020 - Added Handling File upload04/06/2020 - Added N+1 Query Problem & Eager Loading02/03/2020 - Added new contents about tidying up the code01/15/2020 Updated contents on Setting up Local development environmentAdded fresh content about Authentication in Laravel 6.x12/15/2019 - Added new content about Query scopes11/20/2019 - Added fresh content with Laravel 6.x04/02/2018 - Added course contents About customise Authentication with Laravel 5.6 Includes:Authentication redirectionBasic Login Form customisationAdvance Login Form customisation"
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Ruby on Rails 5 Masterclass: Build Ajax web app from scratch" |
"With a focus on Rails and real world application, This course is an efficient way to learn Rails and AJAX and start building the applications you have been dreaming about. This course contains practical and valuable information that you can use to build any Web applications. Together we will build ""My contact"", a full stack contact manager application which users can easily manage their contacts.The course cover: Rails Core conceptBasic CRUDFile UploadingAuthenticationAuthorizationAJAXSJRAnd much moreJoin me as I show you how to build full stack applications from start to finish with Rails and some of today's top technology."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"How to use Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) R12 : An Overview" |
"You will learn how to:Log in and out of the Oracle ApplicationsUse Forms and MenusCreate Favorites and set PreferencesUse functionality of the buttons and tabs that appear in the Navigator window and other formsUnderstand Form terminology and characteristicsCreate, save, edit, and delete record using FormsSearch for data and enter data using FormsAccess online HelpSubmit Concurrent and SRS requestsBonus SectionExpenses to General Ledger FlowCreate ExpenseApprove ExpenseAudit ExpenseExport Expense to PayablesReview Expense InvoicePay Expense ClaimGenerate the Accounting TransactionsReview Accounting in General Ledger"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Consigue el trabajo de tus sueos" |
"Tienes problemas para conseguir trabajo?, Te ponen nervioso las entrevistas de trabajo?, No eres capaz de mostrarte tal y como eres?, Te inunda el miedo ante la posibilidad de no conseguir un trabajo determinado?No te preocupes, aqu tienes la solucin, mi nombre es Ricardo Izquierdo y soy Coach Internacional por la escuela Speak First de Londres, durante mis aos como empleado por cuenta ajena he vivido cientos de procesos de entrevistas y he visto cules eran los problemas mas frecuentes entre las personas que optaban a un puesto de trabajo. Durante estos aos he desarrollado un mtodo que har cambiar tu punto de vista sobre las entrevistas de trabajo, para que con ello, pierdas el miedo, el stress y la presin que se suele vivir en estos procesos; eliminando estas emociones negativas podremos incluir unas nuevas, esta vez positivas, que harn que puedas mostrarte tal y como eres en los procesos de seleccin a los que accedas, convirtindote en un candidato ideal para cualquier puesto que te propongas.Este curso es un curso dinmico, cada mes se incluye material nuevo enfocado a los problemas o dudas que puedan tener los estudiantes, aprovecha este curso al mximo y consigue mejorar no solo tu situacin laboral, si no tambin tu felicidad personal.Te espero en el curso "" Como presentarse a una entrevista de trabajo y triunfar""!Ricardo Izquierdo"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Comienza con R: Curso de R para Principiantes" |
"Comienza conRR es ellenguaje de programacin del momento.R es el lenguaje de programacin lderen el Anlisis Estadstico y la Manipulacin de Datos. Esta tambin ganandoterreno como el lenguaje de programacin usado para el Big Data y la Inteligencia Artificial.R puedes ser bastante difcil de entenderpara la persona que recin comienza, pero con este curso te llevare paso a paso desde cero para que te sientas cmodo escribiendo cdigo en R.Empezaremos por lo bsico y aprenderslos bloques necesarios para entender como funciona R. He intentadosimplificarlo todo para que entiendas lo bsico y que te sirva para seguir aprendiendo y mejorando. Espero que con este curso te sea fcil y rpido empezar este reto.Solo necesitas un ordenador ya que R es abierto libre y gratis.Hecha un vistazo a algunas de las clases gratis y apuntat si estas listo para empezar a aprender R.Te veo en clase!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"QlikView Avanzado: Mejora tus habilidades con QlikView!" |
"Eltercer curso de una serie de tres cursos de QlikView en Espaol (Castellano).Usamos la ltima versin de QlikView, QlikView 12.Convirtete en un usuario avanzado en QlikView!Este curso es el tercero en una linea de cursos de QlikView en Espaol (Castellano). Los dos primeros cursos, Comienza con QlikView y QlikView Developer sirven para una introduccin a QlikView y un desarrollo de la aplicacin. En esteultimo curso practicaremos el desarollocon algunostemas mas avanzadosque no se incluyeron en los primeros dos que te ayudaran a terminar de aprender a crear aplicaciones completas con QlikView.Que aprenders en este curso?Este curso te servir para entender mejor el Set Analysis en QlikView y escribir expresiones mas avanzadas. Tambin tocaremos algunas cosas mas avanzadas en Grficos y Modelado.A quien le va biendesarrollaren QlikView?Cualquier persona que se quiera pulir sus habilidades con QlikView. Te aconsejo que tomes los dos primeros cursos antes de comenzar con este.QlikView es una herramienta usada en muchsimas empresas y si eres dominasQlikView encontraras trabajo seguro!Atravs de mi experiencia y demis ejemplos aprenderis enseguida!Te invito a ver alguna clase gratis y apuntarte para mejorar tus habilidades con QlikView!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Excel - Frmulas y Funciones Avanzadas" |
"Excel - Formulas y Funciones AvanzadasEn este curso prctico, repasaremos las funciones y frmulas ms importantes y ms utilizadas en Excel.Quin debera aprender Excel?Cualquier persona que trabaje en una empresa que acumule informacin debera saber usar Excel.Pueden ser personas de Marketing, para ver los datos de las campaas; personas de Finanzas, para ver datos de clientes o pagos o de Ventas para ver datos de ventas. Casi todo el mundo que trabaja en una empresa de hoy en da puede encontrar beneficio en aprender Excel.Cubriremos:Funciones lgicasFunciones para manipular texto y extraer textoFunciones estadsticasFunciones de referencia y bsquedaFunciones de fecha y tiempoEste curso es ideal para cualquier persona que tenga un conocimiento bsico de Excel pero que quiera aprender a utilizar algunas de las tantas funciones disponibles en Excel. Empezaremos por algunas bsicas y acabaremos con todo tipo de funciones.Al acabar el curso te sentirs ms cmodo escribiendo frmulas avanzadas y utilizando todo tipo de funciones.Te invito a que eches un vistazo al curso y a algunas de clases gratuitas disponibles. Si te convence y quieres convertirte en un experto de funciones, apntate y empecemos este reto juntos."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Getting Pro in C# Fundamental" |
"Hello everyone, welcome to the first video in Getting Pro in C# Fundamental. In this course you will learn about the fundamental concept of C# language. Understand how to write the code, reading the code and understand the very basic concept of C# itself.So you can use in many programming software to create so many things including games, web development, android app, pc application or even mac application. This course is to help beginner to understand the basic concept of C# language.Even though it says basic, it doesnt mean it is a simple basic, but it is in-depth basic. Understand basic concept of programming is the most important period when learning to program. Because most of the times, 30 percent of basic concept is the most used in 70 percent of the time. And this is actually true in many knowledge not just programming.I am actually a game developer and developing a game mainly uses Unity3d. I have found so many new programmer so excited to learn to develop their own games. This is very good news. But at the same time I found a lot of question asking in around the internet, that is something basic of C# language. And having a very hard time to understand the basic concept.So that is why I am called to create this course. To try to give in-depth explanation around the basic idea of C# concept in a fast way. I am pretty confident, if you can manage to finish this course, and understand every concept I show with a lot of examples. I can bring you from complete beginner to somewhere you can start coding your program. Or at least you can easily understand others people code so you can learn how they do what they did.This course is good to any people who wish to program in C#, not only for Unity user. Because I am not going to touch anything about Unity, and this course is just for C# language.This Course is On-Going Learning. Meaning i will continuously add more videos and more chapters such as Exception handling and big topic like OOP. So there will be a lot concept to learn in this course. Feel free to watch all the free videos below, i promise you will learn something valuable if you are a beginner. If You like it, enroll now and begin to learn more in-depth explanation of C# Language.# This course is for beginner. If you are intermediate and advanced C# programmer, this course is not for you."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Mathematica for healthcare and life science statistics" |
"This course is for anyone in the healthcare and life sciencesinterested in doing their own statistical analysis. You will learn an easy to use, powerful computer language and how to use it to do statistical analysis. The introduction shows you how to get a copy of Mathematica or how to use the free version in the cloud. The Wolfram company also provides complimentary access to WolframOne for all students who take this course. More information is available in the BONUSMATERIAL video lecture.Although the course assumes some knowledge of statistical concepts, it does supply enough information on the basics of statistics, so that most learners will find it a useful resource enough resourceto learn these concepts, over and above learning how to write code to do the actual analysis.The course is made up of clearly defined sections, each with its own set of video lectures. The first video in each section is accompanied by notebook files and, where required, a spreadsheet data file. The notebook in each a copy of the notebook that I use in the video lectures. The other notebook file contains much more description of both the code and the statitics. You can use this as an additional study resource as you learn how to use Mathematica.The course starts with a gentle introduction to using Mathematica by showing you how to perform simple calculations. From here it progresses through descriptive statistics, plotting and charting, the creation of simulateddata and the importation of existing data. Before too long you will be able to do advanced statistical tests such as parametric and nonparametric tests and even survival analysis. All with a few short lines of code.Get ready to understand and do your own statistics."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"SPSS for healthcare and life science statistics" |
"If you want to analyze your own data or need to work in a researchteam that uses IBM's SPSS software, then this course is for you.From the import of data, through descriptive statistics, data visualization, correlation, the comparison of means, and the analysis of categorical variables, this course will leave you familiar with the user interface and able to conduct all of the most common statistical tests."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Learn Mathematica Now" |
"This course is an introduction to the Wolfram Language using Mathematica. In today's computer age, the ability to write code is becoming just as important as reading and writing. From doing scientific work to manipulating data and creating applications and web resources, computer coding is everywhere.The Wolfram Language is an ideal candidate for your first language. Even if you are seasoned in other languages, it is worthwhile to take a look at this powerful yet easy to learn language. The structure of the language is such that once you understand a few basics, it becomes almost intuitive to guess at what new code should look like without having to explicitly learn it. This sets it apart from so many other languages.The Wolfram Language is also unique in that it gives you access to information right inside of the coding environment. It makes knowledge computable. Through the Wolfram Language you will have access to an enormous amount of data and knowledge.You can purchase a subscription to Mathematica or WoflramOne or use it free of charge in your browser.Come and join the rest of use and take your first steps into a new world."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Biostatistics Fundamentals using Python" |
"This course empowers you to do your own biostatistical analysis. Whether you are a healthcare professional, scientist, or just someone interested in supercharging their research career, the time to learn how to use a modern computer language to do you own analysis, has arrived.Python is becoming the de facto standard in data analysis.It is a free to use, powerful programming language. With the minimum of effort, you will soon be able to do all you own analysis, create beautiful plots, and deliver your reports or publish your research with confidence and pride."
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Basic Manual Software Testing +Agile+Bugzilla for beginners" |
"Excellent course For beginners who wanted to Start career in Manual software Testing****This course is mostly concentrated on practical part like deriving Test data and writing testcases for given functionality , i have widely covered testcases writing topics with required documents because what ever the level of experience a tester have, working with testcases is general practice of manual testers *** ,HighlightsNon- IT students can easily learn courseCourse start from very scratch All life cycles explainedHands on writing Testcasessimple design courseexplained each and every topic of manual testing Important Note: In this manual Testing course i have not discussed about any tool like QC/ALM because its a course for complete beginners ####course starts from what is a software and covers all the theory part of software development and testing then slowly moves on to practical part of driving test cases and test datalot of examples are given on How to write testcases ####By The END OF THE COURSE you will understand how development happened and role or tester in development processesyou will get idea on different types of testingyou will be learning how to work with optimal testing by using BVA and ECPfor sure you will be able to write test cases for given functionality and much more come join me "
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Test Managment Tool HP ALM - QC (Quality Center) for testers" |
"Kick start ur career in manual testing WITH bug reporting tool ALM/QCNote: This course is Completely developed for QA tester ,best ever course on ALMwe have covered almost every topic of almunderstanding ALM AdminWriting testcases in ALMExporting testcases from EXCEL TO ALMCreating UFT script in ALMBATCHEXECUTING TESTCASES AND TEST SCRIPTSconnecting from qtp/uft to qc/almmapping requirements Note: Installation of ALM is not so easy and its not a general installation to run a setup. A lot of configuration needed so i have covered lot of videos on installation ALM /QC is very famous bug reporting and test management tool by HP lot of manual testers use this tool in testing the end of the course you will be getting complete idea on ALM / QC and this way of use..ALM is one of the best and excellent bug reporting tools, older version of ALM is know as QC which was introduced by hp , ALM IS INVOLVED IN many manual and automation testing projects , one of the best management tool available in marketHaving a idea on qc/alm will increase changes of clearing interview and more over learn IF YOU UNDERSTAND ALM all the other available tools in market can be learn easily"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Foundations of Fiction (Writing Mastery)" |
"Do you want to write fiction that is sophisticated, compelling, and dynamic?Do you want to find more inspiration in your creative writing?Do you want to master the tools that every great fiction writer knows and uses to craft their novels and short stories? We're here to help!From international bestselling author and Udemys Breakout Instructor of 2016 comes an ENGAGING, INSPIRING, and COMPREHENSIVE new fiction writing course for beginners and advanced writers alike!Whether you want to write novels, short stories, memoirs, flash fiction or even screenplays and stage plays, this course will help you master the 6 Universal Foundations that make up all great fiction. These six tools (Character, Dialogue, Point of View, Narrative Style, Setting, and Plot) are what every accomplished fiction writer knows and uses to craft their stories. By the end of this course, you will be able to: Create complex, realistic characters who will jump right off the pageWrite vibrant, riveting dialogue that will breathe life into your scenesConstruct vivid, memorable settings that will shape the world of your storyCompose intricate, scintillating prose that will pull readers in from the first wordStructure masterful, gripping plots that will hook readers and keep them turning pagesRegardless of whether youre a beginner or a seasoned writer looking to improve your craft, this fun, interactive course (jam packed with over 6 hours of video and more than 25 fun writing exercises) will give you the skills, confidence, and inspiration you need to become a FICTION WRITING MASTER!With two learning tracks (Foundation and Advanced), this course offers a unique flexible curriculum, allowing you to learn at your own pace and skill level. If youre just starting out, try our Foundation Track to master the basics first before moving onto the more advanced elements. Or, if youre a more seasoned writer (or someone who enjoys an extra challenge!), try our Advanced Track to dive deeper into each of the six areas of fiction writing mastery. Regardless of which track you choose, we guarantee that after taking this course, you will: Be more inspired to writeFeel more confident about your writingNotice a vast improvement in your writing abilitiesSo who are we?Jessica Brody is a bestselling and award-winning author of more than 20 novels for kids, teens, and adults, published by several major publishers like Simon & Schuster, Random House, Macmillan, and Disney Press. Her books have been translated and published in more than 23 countries and two are currently in development as major motion pictures. One of Jessica's recent novels, The Chaos of Standing Still received a coveted starred review from Publishers Weekly, who called it absorbing from first page to last. And now Jessica is sharing her proven storytelling methods and fiction writing secrets in this course. Joanne Rendell is the author of three novels published by Penguin Books. Joanne also holds a PhD in English Literature and teaches regular writing classes for kids and teens in New York City. Jessica and Joanne have also sold a sci-fi trilogy to Simon and Schuster. The first book, Sky Without Stars (a retelling of Victor Hugos Les Misrables set on another planet) released in March, 2019 and the sequel, Between Burning Worlds releases in March, 2020. Together, Jessica and Joanne have created an extensive course to help writers (beginner to advanced) build a storytelling foundation and nurture their love of writing.This course is jam packed full of: Examples from popular books and movies that will help you fully grasp the elements of great storytellingLoads of fun, inspiring writing prompts designed to spark your imagination, get your creative juices flowing, and implement the topics covered in each lectureTons of practical writing tips and advice to take you on an unforgettable creative journey toward becoming an exceptional fiction writerJessicas 10+ years of professional experience writing commercial fiction, combined with Joannes in-depth knowledge of classic literature and the writing craft, make for an engaging and enlightening class that is guaranteed to leave you feeling empowered and, most important, inspired to write. Enroll now and get started on your journey to becoming a Creative Writing Master!PRAISE FOR OTHER WRITING MASTERY COURSES:""Jessica Brody breaks down these concepts with clarity and amazing insight."" - MIKE, UDEMY STUDENT""Very informative and well worth the time and cost. Jessica has shown me some new ways to approach my storytelling and how to make sure I am telling the best tale I can."" - NOEL, UDEMY STUDENT""Clear, concise, & well-narrated with an abundance of enthusiasm."" - CHRISTOPHER, UDEMY STUDENT""This course is worth far more than the price of admission!"" - TALMAGE, UDEMY STUDENT""Jessica Brody nails all the elements in this course. The exercises are brilliant and very helpful. Thank you for such a great course!"" - KIMBERLEY, UDEMY STUDENT""Jessica Brody has a gift for distilling lots of hard-earned information into concise and tasty bites. - KATHERINE, UDEMY STUDENT""If you write (or plan to write), get this course"" - SCOTT, UDEMY STUDENT""Superb."" - KIMBERLELY, UDEMY STUDENT""I have learned so much information that has helped me in the writing process."" - CHRISTY, UDEMY STUDENT""Good pacing, great tools, wonderful ideas... loving this course!"" - REGINA, UDEMY STUDENT""Love the videos. Very easy to understand and lots of great tips!"" - LISA, UDEMY STUDENT"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Sell Your Novel to a Major Publisher (Writing Mastery)" |
"Do you dream of SELLING YOUR NOVEL TO A MAJOR PUBLISHER?GETTING PAID TO WRITE?BECOMING A PUBLISHED AUTHOR?AndSEEING YOUR BOOK ON THE SHELF OF BOOKSTORES AROUND THE WORLD?This course will teach you exactly how to accomplish all of this...and more.""SellYour Novel to a Major Publisher""istaught by Jessica Brody,bestselling author of more than fifteen novels published by several major publishers like Simon & Schuster, Random House, Macmillan, and Disney Press. Her novels have been translated and published in more than 23 countries and two are currently in development as major motion pictures.In this comprehensive, one-of-a-kind course, Jessica (Udemys Breakout Instructor of 2016) shares her secrets of success for writing, pitching, and achieving all of your publishing goals.The road to publication can be a very long, daunting and complicated process with plenty of opportunities to get lost, frustrated and make mistakes that could cost you weeks, even months of wasted time and effort.In this course, Jessica putsyou on the fast-track to selling your novelby laying outasimple, straightforward path to publication,complete with exercises, templates, and tools that will guide you through each step of the process.Because of Jessicas help, I now have an agent and my first book deal.- Brad G""LOVED the Query Letter explanation""- Jay S.""As always, Jessica Brody delivers an insider's knowledge and the tools to move forward in the process, now!""- Sue M.Whether youve already finished a novel, youre currently working on one, or youve been itching to start writing one for months (or even years!), this course will give you the knowledge, insight, andedgethat you need to jump start your novel-selling journey including: The four key methods of effectively pitching your novelHow to write a query letter that will have agents begging to read your manuscriptThe six tools for finding the perfect agent to represent your workThe Magic Query MaximizerJessicas unique, proven method for maximizing responses from agentsHow to identify reputable agents and avoid publishing scamsAnd everything you need to know about selling your novel!But this informative insider'sguide doesnt stop when you land a book deal. Jessica will also walk you through:Navigating your first book contractThe journey from book deal to book releaseThe process of selling your novel in multiple languages to publishers around the worldHow film agents work to turn your book into a movie or TVshowUnderstanding advances and royaltiesHow authors make additional income on their novels without lifting a fingerWhat happens behind-the-scenes ofa publishing houseAnd so much more!When it came time to query agents, it was Brodys research techniques and the Magic Query Maximizer system that landed me my Top Choice literary agent. This course is the complete package. And as proof, my debut novel sold shortly after following Jessicas advice.- ARA G.""Thestyle and presentation is tailored to how I get the most from learning.""- MICHAEL T.""Surprising, useful, and mind opening.""- Rafa D.""Jessica Brody's courses are all thorough, entertaining, and extremely helpful. This one convinced me to try the traditional publishing route. It feels like a much less mysterious process after completing the course.""-Tricia G.With over twenty book contracts from major publishers to date, Jessica Brody packs her 13+ years of publishing industry experience into oneeasy-to-follow course.PLEASE NOTE:THIS IS NOT A SELF-PUBLISHING COURSE!Self publishing (publishing a book yourself) is a perfectly viable option for many authors, but this specific course is abouttraditional publishing. Or in other words, how to sell your novel to a major publisher.But what exactly istraditional publishing? And what does it mean to sell your novel to a publisher?These are just some of the benefits of traditional publishing: Getting paid up-front for your book.No out of pocket expenses incurred by you throughout the entirepublishing process.Working directly with an experienced editor and editorial team toensure that your novel is the very best quality it can be when it releases to the public.Being able to focus almost exclusively on writing -As a traditionally published author, you typically dont have to deal with the many other facets of the publishing process like marketing, publicity, sales, design, production, or distributionA dedicated sales team whose job is to getyour book on the shelf of large and smallbookstores around the world, which may include giantretailers likeBarnes and Noble, Waterstones,Target, WHSmith,Walmart, Chapters, Costco,and grocery stores.An in-house bookpublicist (at no cost to you!)whose job is tosetup bookstore signings, festivals, events and possibly even nationwide book tours, as well as securing you TV and radio appearances, interviews, and reviews in local and nationalpublications.Being represented by an literaryagent who sells your novel to publishers all over the world (This falls under the category of""translation rights""- the right to translate your book in other languages, which we talk about extensively in this course)Working with film agents in Hollywood to make sure your book has the best possible chance of being adapted for film or television.So if you want to learn how ALLof this (and more!)can be part ofyourpublishing journey, join me in this course!Im going to share with you the proven techniques and unique strategies that I used to sell my book to a major publisher andbecome a successful traditionally published author.And Im going show you exactly how you can do it too. So, are you ready to break into the big leagues and see your novel on the shelf of your local bookstore?Check out the free previews to get a sample of what youll learn in this course and then enroll to get started on your path to publication today!""Valuable information for the novelist looking to publish.""- Joe M.""Jessica is awesome!""- Lisa M.REVIEWS FROM JESSICA'S OTHER WRITING MASTERY COURSES:""This is probably one of the best courses on Udemy."" -NEIL, UDEMY STUDENT""If you write (or plan to write), get this course""-SCOTT, UDEMY STUDENT""Jessica hones straight into the kinds of practices that are going to have us zooming towards our writing goals.""-DEBORAH, UDEMY STUDENT""Goodpacing, great tools, wonderful ideas... loving this course!""-REGINA, UDEMY STUDENT""Love the videos. Very easy to understand and lots of great tips!""-LISA, UDEMY STUDENT""Jessica is an excellent teacher and the course materials are worth saving.""-DEBORAH, UDEMY STUDENT""Jessica Brody has a gift for distilling lots of hard-earned information into concise and tasty bites.-KATHERINE,UDEMY STUDENT""Jessica is a marvelous teacherand I like how she gets to the point and keeps it moving."" - KATHYE,UDEMY STUDENT""Jessica Brody very generously shares her secrets in this fantastic course.""-JAYNE, UDEMY STUDENT""Jessica Brody breaks down these concepts with clarity and amazing insight."" -MIKE, UDEMY STUDENT"
Price: 139.99 ![]() |
"Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps (Writing Mastery)" |
"Anyone can write a successful novel. You just need to understand what makes a novel successful Have you ever noticed that your favorite books and movies follow a similar pattern? Have you noticed that theres something specific that happens about 25% of the way through the story that sends the story in a new direction? Or that huge plot twists tend to come right in the dead center of the story? Or that 75% of the way through theres usually distinct low point or rock bottom where all seems lost for the main character?If you have, then youve stumbled upon the secret storytelling code. The secret storytelling code can be found in all great stories ever told. Movies, novels, novellas, plays, memoirs, short stories. Wherever theres a narrative being told, the code is there, hidden beneath the surface. This code (which inspired Blake Snyders famous Save the Cat! plotting method) is made up of 15 key story beats, or plot points. The beats are markers along the path of the story that are used to track a characters journey and ultimate transformation. And strung together, in the right order, these 15 beats make up a blueprint that anyone can follow to write a successful novel. Since discovering these 15 key story beats and harnessing their immeasurable power, bestselling author and award-winning writing instructor, Jessica Brody has sold more than 17 novels to major publishers like Simon and Schuster, Random House, and Macmillan. Her novels have been translated and published in over 23 countries and two are even in development as major motions pictures. Also, Jessica is repeatedly hired by Disney Press to develop and write novels based on popular Disney properties like the Disney Princess and the Disney Descendants franchises. Jessica Brody is a certified instructor of the Save the Cat! plotting method and, in the past five years, has taught thousands of novelists from around the world how to harness the power of the 15 key story.Now, in this one-of-a-kind online master class on plot and story structure, Jessica Brody shares her profound knowledge on the topic of novel writing and expertly guides writers (new and seasoned alike!) through the elements of plot, story structure, and character transformation, and ultimately helps them discover the secrets to what makes a novel really resonate with readers. ""This course is a must for anyone trying to write an amazing story."" - CHLOE, UDEMY STUDENT""Absolutely brilliant. So insightful..."" - JAYNE, UDEMY STUDENT""I now can see the weaknesses in my novel plots."" - DEBRA, UDEMY STUDENTThroughout this course, Jessica will: Guide you step by step through the 15 key story beats that are found in all great stories ever toldShow you how the 15 key story beats form a novel blueprint (or road map) that any writer (of any level) can follow to craft their own successful novel Analyze several examples (from both books and movies) of the 15 key story beats in action so you can firmly grasp the function and purpose of each beat and see how other successful writers have tackled themGuide you through the process of brainstorming, crafting, and developing the 15 beats to outline, write, or revise your own bestseller And by the end of this course you will have a complete novel road map (or outline) for a novel that you could begin working on immediately. Or if youre already working on a novel and need help structuring it or revising it, by the end of this course, you will have a full revision plan ready to go.Check out the free preview lectures for a look at what to expect from this course, how this course is structured, and a free overview of the 15 key story beats that will be explored at length in this course. Enroll now to get started on plotting, writing, or revising your bestselling novel today!PRAISE FOR JESSICA'S WRITING MASTERY COURSES:8 writing coursesOver 5,000 5-star reviews!Over 35,000 students enrolledAverage 4.6 stars!Just, WOW! Jessica Brody provides much more than a boatload... try a cruise ship FULL of tips, tricks, resources, references, and actionable steps in making your dream of becoming a published author a realistic goal "" - TRACY, UDEMY STUDENT""Thorough, accurate, and well-presented --I would recommend Jessica Brodys courses to any writer eager to rise."" - MARK, UDEMY STUDENT""Jessica Brody breaks down these concepts with clarity and amazing insight."" - MIKE, UDEMY STUDENT""Jessica Brody's courses are all thorough, entertaining, and extremely helpful."" - TRICIA, UDEMY STUDENT""As always, Jessica Brody delivers an insider's knowledge and the tools to move forward in the process, now!"" - SUE, UDEMY STUDENT""Very informative and well worth the time and cost. Jessica has shown me some new ways to approach my storytelling and how to make sure I am telling the best tale I can."" - NOEL, UDEMY STUDENT""Clear, concise, & well-narrated with an abundance of enthusiasm."" - CHRISTOPHER, UDEMY STUDENT""This course is worth far more than the price of admission!"" - TALMAGE, UDEMY STUDENT""Jessica Brody nails all the elements in this course. The exercises are brilliant and very helpful. Thank you for such a great course!"" - KIMBERLEY, UDEMY STUDENT""Jessica Brody has a gift for distilling lots of hard-earned information into concise and tasty bites. - KATHERINE, UDEMY STUDENT""If you write (or plan to write), get this course"" - SCOTT, UDEMY STUDENT""I have learned so much information that has helped me in the writing process."" - CHRISTY, UDEMY STUDENT""Good pacing, great tools, wonderful ideas... loving this course!"" - REGINA, UDEMY STUDENT""Love the videos. Very easy to understand and lots of great tips!"" - LISA, UDEMY STUDENT "
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Best way to learn German - Full Beginner German Course (A1)" |
"Hallo German learner!My name is Sandra and I will be your guide through the secrets of the German language. Welcome to the full starter kit of the German language for total beginners!This course is for you if:- You are a complete beginner and dont know any German at all- You want short and straight to the point lessons- You need a lot of exercises, repetition and motivation to stay on track - You want assignments where you can get personalized feedback and guidance- You want to pass a German language exam (Like the Goethe exam for example)- You want it to be fun!How does it work?This course is constructed like my one-on-one beginner German lessons I usually have with my students in real life. There are 7 units, each one with a specific theme. Each unit has between 10 and 15 individual lessons, most of them being under 5 minutes. Everything is split up into bite-size pieces.You get a lot of useful vocabulary, example sentences, real-life dialogue and grammar delivered in an easy to understand and not too overwhelming way.After every lesson, you will have an bung, meaning exercise. This way you can practice your new knowledge right away.There are also regular Assignments, where you will get feedback and guidance from me so you know what you need to repeat or look out for.What will you learn? - How to introduce yourself and meet and greet people- Say where you live, where you are from and describe your home- Talk about your family, whether you are married and have kids- Describe your hobbies and where you spend your holidays - Chit - chat about the weather or ask someone how's it going- Order food at a restaurant or buy groceries at the store- Use the present and past tense of regular and irregular verbs- Fill out a registration form or write a professional e-mail- And much much more!If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me before buying! See you in the course! :)"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Hack the German Cases & Adjective Declension" |
"Hallo German learner,my name is Sandra and in this course I will help you to finally hack the German cases and declension, including the tricky German adjective declension!This is probably the most in depth course on this topic that you will ever find. Its something that you will be able to use from the beginning stages of your language learning journey - and something that you can come back to as a more advanced learner and as you make progress with time. I have been teaching German since 2011 and in the last years I helped numerous students to finally get the hang of this, without learning huge tables by heart or learning endings endlessly without actually knowing what is happening. I developed a different method of learning, understanding and memorizing the German declensions, and in this course I will introduce you to this completely different way of looking at this part of the German grammar.I will also try to make it fun and engaging with lots of different example sentences, nice visuals and a few stories to spice it all up and help you remember it all easier. And most important of all - a lot of practice materials!In this course, you will learn:The Four German cases and exactly when to use each oneThe Declension of German definite and indefinite articles and personal and possessive pronounsThe whole Adjective declensionMany little Tips and tricks how to remember it easier, avoid some common mistakes and learn faster and with pleasureThere will be NO:No Boring rulesNo Huge tables and a lot of endings you have to learn by heartNo Doing something without knowing what or why you are doingNo animals harmed in the making of this video If you are ready to take your German to the next level - let's go! :)"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Introduction to Key Pilates Techniques" |
"Part 1 provides you with easy to follow instruction on how to do 5 key Pilates moves at home so you can get the most out of your limited time in the Pilates Studio. Part 2 discusses five hidden factors hindering your weight loss efforts, and ways to overcome them in order to enhance your overall fitness."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Grow Your Talent with Still Life Drawing Exercises" |
"Anyone can learn how to draw! Those are not just empty words.Iknow this is true,not only fromhaving studiedmaster artists,but also the work of psychologists and researchers. Regardless of where your drawing ability is today, you can grow yourtalent!I'm going to show you how.In this class, Ive createdscience-based exercises that will help you become a better artist.Drawing is the foundation for so many things in the visual artslettering, portraiture, character design, surface patterns, illustration, graphic designbeing able to draw is essential to all of them.By the end of this class, youll know how to get better at making the marks you draw on paper match the vision you havein your mind! Together, well set up and draw a still life to practice everything weve learned.This is a perfect beginner class for artists of all ages. Perhaps you have always wanted to take up art but have been intimidated by the ""talented"" artists around you. Maybe you're a whiz with illustrator and photoshop but feel a little wobbly with the thought of drawing by hand.Or, maybe you love art but just don't feel like you're very talented.This is the class for you!You'll need:Your brain! :DStarter pencil set or equivalent with different pencil gradesAn eraser that you likePaperDesire to develop a skill"
Price: 24.99 ![]() |
"Sales Copywriting For Complete Beginners" |
"CanYou Relate To Following Problem ?I have a good highvalue product and I want to sell it online.I setup my website,used nice web template, provided detailed description of product.But I got no sales.I decided to addsome offer with product.I also drove moretraffic and spent money on promotions.There are mediocreproducts that are selling like crazy.But my product iseating dust in lack of sales.I am angry andfrustrated.I tried everythingbut sales are not just picking up.Welcome To The Life OfOnline SalesmanIf you can relate to anyof the above problems then first of all congratulations and welcometo the life of online salesman. Everyone who had ever tried to sellproducts online has in one or other form suffered same problem.First understand natureof your problem. Your product description or we can say your copyain't persuasive enough. And to make sure you get sales your copymust be persuasive enough.Answer To Your Questionis The Art Of Sales PersuasionCopywriting is nothingbut an Art of persuading people to take action. And if you wish tosell products online the very first thing that you need to learn isSales Persuasion. This course isdesigned with sole purpose of teachingyou The Art Of Sales Persuasion.What You Can Expect ToLearn From This CourseThe BuyingProcess. It'll help you understand how to justify buyingdecision to customer.The MarketResearch. Teaches you correct way to research data forCopywriting process so that you should only write those things whichyour customer thinks are interesting.WritingHypnotic Value Propositions. Make customer believe yourproduct isjust what he is looking for.Communicate Value Of Your Product.Your customer want to buy a high value product, communicate to him your product is high value.15 Tips ToWrite Amazing Headlines. That will grab and hold attentionof your customer.2 Methods toInstantly Connect with your Customer. Customer trust onlythose with whom they can connect. Connect with them, win their TRUST and drive more SALES.5 Ways ToAttack Customer's Mindset. Will make customer feelemotionally attached to your product.Kill 5 MostPowerful Objections of Customer. Make your product appearsuperior to competition and cheap as compared to value you'lldeliver.How To UsePower Words ? Learn about exact 3 locations where addingpower words will provide maximum boost to your sales process.Some AdvancedStrategies. Win their trust, establish credibility andquality of your product.Become A Sales ForceIf you'll complete thiscourse and apply the tools and techniques provided then you'll beable to communicate value of your product to your customer. And oncevalue gets communicated to your customer, your sales graph will nolonger appear flat, it'll shoot up.Your copy will act assales machine that will generate sales for you. If you can write goodcopy you no longer have to worry about sales, you have to worry abouthanding growing number of customers.What You'll Learn InThis Course ?How to convert yourvisitors into paying customers.What You'll Not LearnIn This Course ?How to write brand copy.Blogging for business.Copywriting for contentmarketing.Marketing 101.List Building."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Personal Productivity Multiplier, Perform More In Less Time" |
"Dear Students,Personal Productivity Multiplier is Time and Performance Management System that can be followed in step-by-step fashionto get maximum work done in minimum time with more creativity.It is already taught in multiple Performance Coaching Centersas Time Tested, Most Practical and Probably theEasiest systems to follow.In spite of the fact this Time and Performance Management System iseasy tobefollowed in step-by-step fashion, it over delivers on promise of better time and performance management."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Ableton Beginners Beat Course, How To Easily Make This Beat" |
"WelcomeThis course is all about how to createa dopeinstrumental beat easily using nothing but yourAbleton Live 9Softwareand Free drum loops that can be found on websites such as Hiphopmakers/ TheProducersplugand more.This Professional Beat course is perfect for beginner producers and intermediate beat makers with a little more experience, to help students craft an awesome self made product that can be implemented into their future projects with the music scene.You should expect to learn how to create a great drum patternEdit Sample Loops using Warp to fit into anything BPM (Beats Per Minute) / TempoProduce professional sounding instruments using software midi (No Hardware midi needed)Creating a great baseline that will always fit into your productionEasily turn any sound into background ambiance to add fullness and texture to your instrumental.This course is only about an 40 minutes, butdon't be fooled the content will suit your needs for years to come within your beatproduction.If you struggle with creating a great sounding instrumental or just want to broaden your instrumentalbeatproduction ability's, than this course will benefit you in more ways than you'llexpect."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Ableton Beginners Beat Course, Easily Make This Beat 2" |
"WelcomeThis course is all about how to createa dopeinstrumental beat easily using nothing but yourAbleton Live 9Softwareand Free drum loops that can be found on websites such as Hiphopmakers/ TheProducersplugand more.This Professional Beat course is perfect for beginner producers and intermediate beat makers with a little more experience, to help students craft an awesome self made product that can be implemented into their future projects with the music scene.You should expect to learn how to create a great drum patternEdit Sample Loops usingWarpto fit into anything BPM (Beats Per Minute) / TempoProduce professional sounding instruments using software midi (No Hardware midi needed)Creating a great baseline that will always fit into your productionEasily turn any sound into background ambiance to add fullness and texture to your instrumental.This course is only about an 40 minutes, butdon't be fooled the content will suit your needs for years to come within your beatproduction.If you struggle with creating a great sounding instrumental or just want to broaden your instrumentalbeatproduction ability's, than this course will benefit you in more ways than you'llexpect."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Ableton Beginner Beat Course Easily Produce In Live Beat 3" |
"WelcomeThis course is all about how to createa dopeinstrumental beat easily using nothing but yourAbleton Live 9Softwareand Free drum loops that can be found on websites such as Hiphopmakers/ TheProducersplugand more.This Professional Beat course is perfect for beginner producers and intermediate beat makers with a little more experience, to help students craft an awesome self made product that can be implemented into their future projects with the music scene.You should expect to learn how to create a great drum patternEdit Sample Loops usingWarpto fit into anything BPM (Beats Per Minute) / TempoProduce professional sounding instruments using software midi (No Hardware midi needed)Creating a great baseline that will always fit into your productionEasily turn any sound into background ambiance to add fullness and texture to your instrumental.This course is short in sweet,butdon't be fooled the content will suit your needs for years to come within your beatproduction.If you struggle with creating a great sounding instrumental or just want to broaden your instrumentalbeatproduction ability's, than this course will benefit you in more ways than you'llexpect."
Price: 84.99 ![]() |
"Maschine Native instrument Beginners Professional Guide 2" |
"WelcomeThis course is all about how to createa dopeinstrumental beat easily using nothing but your Native Instruments Maschine Software and Free drum loops that can be found on websites such as Hiphopmakers/ TheProducersplugand more.This Professional Beat course is perfect for beginner producers and intermediate beat makers with a little more experience, to help students craft an awesome self made product that can be implemented into their future projects with the music scene.You should expect to learn how to create a great drum patternEdit Sample Loops to fit into anything BPM (Beats Per Minute) / TempoManipulate Drums such as Hi - Hats, Shakers and Kick Drums to improve productionLayer Drums to add life into your trackEasily turn any sound into background ambiance to add fullness and texture to your instrumental.This course is only about an hour don't be fooled the content will suit your needs for years to come within your beatproduction.If you struggle with creating a great sounding instrumental or just want to broaden your instrumentalbeatproduction ability's, than this course will benefit you in more ways than you'llexpect."
Price: 174.99 ![]() |
"Google Adwords Neukunden System fr KMUs" |
"Dieser PRAXISERPROBTEVideokurs zeigt Dir, wie Du neue Kunden fr Dein regionales und lokalesUnternehmen mit Google Adwords generieren kannst.Egal ob es sich dabei um ein kleines Geschft oder um einen regionalen Betrieb handelt - in diesem Kurs erhltst Du die richtigen Strategien, um mit Google Adwords neue Kunden zu finden.Es handelt sich um einen richtigen PRAXISKURS. Daher nehme ich Dich an die Hand und gehe alle Lektionen mit DirSCHRITTFRSCHRITT durch.**Dieser Kurs beinhaltet 8 hochwertige Module mit insgesamt 28 Lektionen + 2 Bonuslektionen in denen ich Dir meinenGEHEIMENADWORDS STRATEGIENverrate**Weiter Bonusinhalte:die 5 fatalsten Fehler mit GoogleAdwordsdie 10 WICHTIGSTENTipps mit Google AdwordsRabattcodes fr weitere Kurs von unsKEINRISIKO: 30 TAGE GELDZURCKGARANTIEGoogle Adwords Online Kurs / Online Schulung / Google Adwords Tutorial / Google Adwords fr KMU"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Schnell & Einfach profitable Landing Pages erstellen" |
"Eine effektive Landing Page ist das essentielle Tool im Onlinemarketing, um neue Interessenten und Kunden automatisiertzu gewinnen.In diesem Kurs lernst Du Schritt-fr-Schritt, wie Du Dir eine profitable Landing Page oder Verkaufsseite aufbauen kannst. Dabei ist kein technisches Vorwissen ntig!Dazu zeige ich Dir, wie ich in unter 20 Minuten eine komplette Landing Page aufbaue, die direkt fr das einsammeln von neuenInteressenten bereit ist.Zustzlich bekommst Du noch wertvolle Tipps & Tricks aus der Praxis und meinen eigenen Erfahrungen aus zahlreichen Onlineprojekten ........ und hast die Mglichkeit im Chat jederzeit deine Fragen zu stellen!Erstelle, Texte & Designe eine richtige gute Landing PageMit dieser 1:1 Anleitung bist Du am Ende des Tages in der Lage eine Landing Page komplett technisch aufzusetzen und zu designen, um damit neue Interessenten zu generieren.Starte noch heute mit Deiner ersten eigenen Landing Page und lerne die Macht des Onlinemarketing fr Dein Business kennen!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Geschftswebseite 2.0 - Dein digitaler Vertriebsmitarbeiter" |
"Jeder hat Sie, doch bei den wenigsten funktioniert sie - die eigene Geschftswebseite.Schn muss sie sein reprsentativ muss sie sein, aber ob die Unternehmenswebseite amEnde des Tages neue Interessenten & Kunden gewinnt, darber machen sich die wenigsten Gedanken.In diesem Kurs lernst DuSchritt-fr-Schritt,wie Du Dir eine richtige Geschftswebseite erstellst, welche fr Dich neue Interessenten und Kunden fr Dein Geschft generiert.Ich zeige Dir Schritt fr Schritt an meinem Bildschirm ALLES!Von der Installation bis zur Umsetzung der Marketingautomatisierung.Zustzlich bekommst Du noch wertvolle Tipps & Tricks aus der Praxis und meinen eigenen Erfahrungen aus zahlreichen Onlineprojekten ....... und hast die Mglichkeit im Chat jederzeit deine Fragen zu stellen!Mit dieser 1:1 Anleitung bist Du am Ende des Tages in der Lage eine eigene Geschftswebseitekomplett technisch aufzusetzen, zu designen und eine Marketingautomatisierung (Deinen digitalernVertriebsmitarbeiter) einzurichten.Starte noch heute mit Deiner ersten eigenen Geschftswebseite und lerne die Macht des Onlinemarketing fr Dein Business kennen!"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Erstelle Dein Blog Business" |
"Kunden kaufen von Experten!Also brande Dich auch als einer!In diesem Kurs lernst DuSchritt-fr-Schritt,wie Du Direinen Expertenblog im Internet aufbauen kannst und diesen Monetarisieren kannst, um Geld zu verdienen!Dabei ist kein technisches Vorwissen ntig!Mit dieser1:1 Anleitungbist Du am Ende des Tages in der Lage einen Blog mit WordPresskomplett technisch aufzusetzen,zu designen und das Herzstck - die Marketingautomatisierung zu installieren,um damit Deine eigenen Produkt oder Affiliateprodukte zu verkaufen.Starte noch heute mit Deinem Expertenblogund lerne die Macht des Onlinemarketing fr Dein Business kennen!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |