Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Photoshop cc 2019 / 2020 - Do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Curso de Adobe Photoshop Do bsico ao AvanadoAprenda trabalhar com o photoshop o programa mais utilizado do ramo da computao grfica onde voc faz edies de imagens, manipulaes de imagem, retoque de foto e muito mais.Neste Curso Photoshop do Bsico ao Avanado, vamos aprender as ferramentas deste incrivel programa para criar artes digitais.O curso est atualizado com as verses mais atualizadas do programa como o Photoshop cc 2019Neste Curso de Adobe Photoshop do Bsico ao Avanado, vamos aprender na pratica a utilizar o programa criando diversos trabalhos e exerccios de forma que possamos trabalhar em um nvel avanado e at mesmo profissional mas sem deixar a parte terica de lado.Aproveite para aprender de forma mais prtica com Muito exerccios e trabalhos e mantendo sempre o contato com o aluno. Em Todas as aulas fornecemos as imagens e arquivos utilizados no curso para download para trabalharmos juntos podendo assim acompanhar de forma mais precisa as aulas."
Price: 279.99 ![]() |
"Fundamentals in Depression" |
"Depression and low motivation are a growing problem, with many people finding that nothing seems to help them feel better or lift their mood.. The benefit of medication, vitamins and 'pep me up' tonics is short lived and for many people, growing older looms with increasing low mood and energy, robbing us of the joy it is our right as vital humans, to experience. We may go from doctor, to psychologist, to psychiatrist, with no light at the end of the tunnel, creating more anxiety, stress and fear for our future, for how can we face our future when we feel so low? This course will give you essential information about the foundations of depression, specifically about neurotransmitters such as Serotonin and Dopamine and what we need to do to either enhance medication we are taking, or turn around the downward spiral leading to ineffective, or diminishing supply of our necessary neurotransmitters Specifically, this course will increase your understanding of insulin, a hormone we are constantly exposed to, and how exactly Insulin affects neurotransmitter activity, particularly that of Serotonin and Dopamine. This course will give you a place to start, with changes you yourself can effect, without the need for expensive consultations. It will give you some guidelines in order to begin to make positive, impactful changes, to turn low mood and depression around."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"An Examined Life - Create A Life Worth Living!" |
"An unexamined life is not worth living."" Socrates Examining our lives is how we discover the road to complete satisfaction. This program is designed around the idea that examining your life is critical to satisfaction, and upon completion you will enjoy all seven levels of life satisfaction! Life Satisfaction Satisfaction and happiness are not the same thing, but the good news is when you have satisfaction, you have a more profound feeling than if you had happiness. Satisfaction is lasting while happiness can be fleeting. So, what life satisfaction and how is it different from happiness? Happiness is an immediate, in-the-moment experience, whereas life satisfaction is happiness that exists when we think about our lives as a whole, looking at the big picture. Life satisfaction is not based on research, but rather your cognitive judgements of elements YOU consider to be valuable ergo, you determine your satisfaction, whereas happiness is generally a more external feeling. Based on the research The Study of Life Satisfaction, quality of life is associated with living conditions, such as food, health, shelter, and so forth. By contrast, life satisfaction is defined as a state of emotion, like happiness or sadness. In general, whatever level of satisfaction you are feeling, you can define and maximize your level of wellbeing if you choose which elements you want to engage in to flourish. Contributors to Life Satisfaction The sources of life satisfaction are not completely understood yet, but what is known, is that they are a complex combination of: Environmental Factors: Learn how you can use external features to help you determine your satisfaction, i.e. where should I live? Behavioral Factors: Learn specific action steps for success, including routines and mantras Capabilities: Use mental maps, plans, and strategies for success; these cognitive processes allow you to change how you think Beliefs: These are the foundations of your action plan and your capabilities; think of this as your world view Purpose: Know who you are and why you are here this is your mission Spirituality: Have a connection with a larger system of beliefs, this could be something religious or something more ephemeral and personal Ikigai: In Buddhism is this thought more of as the Dharma. This is the intersection of what you are good at, jobs you can work in, and the causes you wish to fight for Most people spend their lives at the first three levels, and unless you access the other four levels, you will have an unfulfilled life. In this program, youll learn about each level and live a life of purpose and passion. Can You Feel More Satisfied with Your Life? Yes. If you are not as satisfied with your life as you would like to be, you can do things to change this. Things such as having friends, goals, and a life story are shown to increase ones life satisfaction. You can look more in depth at these here, along with a couple of other ways to feel more satisfied with your life. The Importance of Reflecting on Yourself Scrutinizing ones actions and reflecting is an important aspect of life, as it comes with the knowledge that every one of us is living in his very own world, a subjective reality, that is filtered by our (often biased) awareness filters within our minds. Reflecting allows us to recognize these biased mindsets, discover the truth and allows us to spot misbehavior or mistakes we committed. The Importance of Reflecting You might be wondering why it is important to reflect on your experiences. Here are four main reasons: Learn from Your Experiences: Reflect on your past and analyze your strengths, weaknesses, and behaviors and make the adjustments to get the most out of your future Help Others: Use your self-reflection to help make others better, think of it the way team sports work teammates reflect on performance and share with each other the best way forward Celebrate Success: Acknowledge the things that youve done well and use them as touchstones to improve Gain New Perspective and Relax: Take a deep breath and relax and reflect on what is going well. Improve your life by viewing it from a different angle This program is designed to provide you with the tools for total reflection on your life now and in the future. You will have access to some of the most powerful techniques to create ah-has in every area of your life. Get the satisfaction you deserve by enrolling in the course today!"
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Grer efficacement des projets avec Microsoft Project 2016" |
"Commencez planifier de manire professionnelle vos projets avec Microsoft Project 2016!CE COURS EST NOUVEAU ET AMLIOR PAR RAPPORT AU COURS Project 2013 : Les Bases de la planification simplifie.Si vous recherchez une application de gestion de projets vous permettant de planifier comme vous le souhaitez, Microsoft Project est la meilleure solution. Microsoft Project est utilis par les professionnels du monde entier pour tous les types de planification: Traditionnelle, Agile, Cascade, PERT, SCRUM, Crystal clear, Processus Unifi, Adaptative. Ce cours complet est le meilleur moyen dintervenir et de commencer Planifier.Grer des projets comme vous les imaginez!Pratiquez la gestion de projet pendant que vous apprenez. Ce cours comprend des fichiers de plan de projet dentranement pour vous permettre de suivre et dapprendre par la pratique. la fin du cours, vous aurez cr et gr un calendrier des ressources dun projet fourni.J'enseignerai le cours en utilisant la version Microsoft Project 2016, mais si vous possdez une version prcdente, vous pouvez toujours apprendre planifier comme un pro.Qu'est-ce qui me rend qualifi pour vous apprendre?Je m'appelle Roger Flan et je gre des projets de dploiement des logiciels depuis plus de dix ans. De plus, je suis le crateur de certains des cours danalyse de donnes et de gestion de projet, avec plus de 381 tudiants et des critiques 5 toiles :Ce cours m'a permis de rviser mes connaissances sur les tableaux croiss dynamiques et d'apprendre de nouvelles comptences, surtout la cration du tableau de bord interactif sans code vba, ni macro. Flicitations au formateur. Edouard KADJOSuper cours, facile suivre! - Charmarke OsmanMa promesseJe suis Ingnieur informaticien et enseignant en temps plein. Je serai l pour vous chaque tape. Si vous avez des questions sur le contenu du cours ou sur tout autre sujet li ce sujet, vous pouvez toujours poster une question dans le cours ou m'envoyer un message direct.Qu'est-ce que le cours Grer des projets avec Microsoft Project ?Dans ce guide complet du cours de gestion des projets, vous apprendrez non seulement tous les outils de gestion de projet disponibles dans Microsoft Project, mais galement les techniques de management de plan dans lesprit dun administrateur professionnel.Ce cours couvrira tout ce que vous devez savoir pour commencer la planification de projet, notamment:Initier un projetCrer et grer des calendriersConfigurer les informations sur le projetGrer des ressources et des affectationsFaire le suivi et lanalyse d'un projetFaire la communication d'informations sur le projetUtilisation des options personnalisesConseils d'efficacit avancsTellement plus!Apprenez auprs de quelqu'un qui travaille actuellement dans le mtier, qui connat les techniques de gestion de projet les plus actuelles et qui est titulaire d'un MIE (Microsoft Innovative Expert 2019 2020) BONUS: En prime, vous recevrez des fichiers de plan de projet supplmentaires pratiquer pendant que je vous enseignerai. la fin de ce cours, votre confiance en tant que gestionnaire de projet augmentera. Vous comprendrez parfaitement comment utiliser Microsoft Project pour le plaisir ou en tant qu'opportunit de carrire.Allez-y et cliquez sur le bouton d'inscription, et je vous verrai dans la leon 1!Bien vous,"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"MongoDB 3.2: Professional Developer" |
"Why MongoDB?MongoDB is a leading non-relational database. It is used by many well known, large companies like: Google, Facebook, eBay, UPSand many more.Learn from a professionalI'm a certified MongoDB developerandcertified MongoDB administrator.You can verify my certificates using alink from the promo video.Here are the license numbers:developer:463-864-356administrator:106-358-385I've been working with MongoDB for quite some time, and I can say that I know MongoDB very well.MongoDB certificationAlthough this course was not designed for the needs of the certification process, its content, especially quizzes, can be a tremendous help in preparing to pass the MongoDB developer certificate. Read more about quizzes below.Live course with supportThis course will be upgraded based on your feedback as this course is for you and your thoughts, problems and questions arevery importantfor me.I will help you a much as I can.Quick overviewThis course is designed to make you a real, professional MongoDB developer with deep understanding of many different MongoDB features. After this course you will know everything you need,to work with MongoDB comfortably. This course is a MongoDB complete training.ResourcesSo that you can follow all the queries executed during this course, I have attached a file that contains all the collections I've used. So you will be able to repeat every query and check everything in practice. You will be able to perform your own queries.QuizzesFor many sections you will find Quizzes. These quizzes contain about 150 questionsin total. These quizzes are designed to be hard. They are not there to make you feel good because you know the answer to every single question. They are there to remind you of some things, to draw your attention to certain cases and to make you a better developer at the end. And this is thegoal of this course.HomeworksFor two sections:CRUD andAggregationyou will find some homework. You will need to write some queries, to master your skills. For each homework you will find solutions, so you can compare your queries or just take a peep to help yourself out.SQL backroundIn somecases we will compare MongoDB to relational databases, to see the differences. This, I think, will be quite useful if you have a background in relational databases.But you don't have to be familiar with relational databases at all to learn MongoDBMongoDB versionThis course is based on MongoDB 3.2. It is the neweststable release, ready for production.Course versionCurrent version: 1.0.2 02.03.2017 Better voice for lectures from 20 to 28 1.0.1 31.01.2017 Improved sound for sections 2, 3 and 4Work in progressClosed captions 17.04.2017 done for lectures from 1 to 33(25%)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Personal Finance ""A Beginners Guide to Personal Finance""" |
"After finishing college, Iknew that I needed to start investing, but wasn't quite sure where to begin. So, I turned to turned to the experts, read their books, and learned the principals that they used to create wealth. This course outlinespowerfulprincipals that when implemented will help you overcome debt and build wealth."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Quality and Regulatory: EU Product Legislation & CE Marking" |
"The European Union is one of the wealthiest market in the world... and one of the most regulated!Selling a product in this market, whether you are a manufacturer bases within or outside the European Union, an importer o a simple reseller/distributor, implies that you takes responsibilities, wether you like it or not.This course introduce you to the most important concept of the European product legislation.After a short introduction on the European Union, it will explain the concept of the free movement of products, the main pillar on which the huge European market relies on.Then the course will go into details, explaining the product legislation framework, starting with its types of legal acts, and explaining two of the most common directives:- the General Product Safety Directive- the Directive on Product LiabilityThen we will explain when and how the legislation applies, introducing, among others, the concepts of- selling techniques and types of products- making available- placing on the market- intended use and misuseFinally, we will examine in details responsibilities and obligations of the main economic actors:- Manufacturer (within or outside European Union)- Authorised Representative- Importer- Distributor- End user (even though not an economic operator strictly speaking)At the end of the course you will gain a comprehensive knowledge of the European Union legislative framework, and you will have the vocabulary and the autonomy to further deepen your knowledge in a specific field like for instance in the Toys industry, in the Medical Device field, and so on.Do not lose valuable time and enroll today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"PCB/Electronics: Thermal Management, Cooling and Derating" |
"This course is about cooling, thermal management and derating in PCB design.After introducing the basic definitions, it provides a clear and logical path to a complete design of thermal aspects.- It starts with calculating the dissipated power for different types of components, and understanding whether the thermal equilibrium is optimal or we need a thermal management strategy.- Then it introducesheat sinks, which is by far the most used cooling approach, talking about their features, mounting techniques, parameters and so on.- Than it speaks about thermal interface materials, used to couple heat sinks to integrated circuits, their types and characteristics.- It also speaks about the forced air cooling technique, introducing how to calculate a fan performance and its impact on the heat sink thermal resistance.- Then it explains PCB related aspects for thermal management, of particular relevance when the used devices have exposed pads.At the end of these group of lessons, you will be able to understand the need for thermal management and provide your design with a comprehensive strategy mastering all the related aspects and variables influencing it (like altitude, spreading resistance, etc. ) Then the course dedicate an entire section to a related and very important aspect: derating.It explain the concept of re-rating and de-rating, its impact on electronic devices reliability and expected life (MTBF, Mean Time Between Failure, nowadays often used instead of MTTF, Mean Time To Failure), and it shows how the most used electronic components are derated and which parameters are reduced.The course is enriched with exercises and real life examples, using real devices datasheets to show where parameters are gathered and how they are used.At the end of the course you will have a broader understanding of the thermal/cooling management and derating aspects, and you will able to design a PCB that is able to manage the dissipated power (and related temperature rise), and properly choose components parameters based on the right derating considerations.Therefore, you will be able to design a PCB that stands thermal and electrical stresses and that actually works and last in the real world environment."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Risk Management: Master FMEA/FMECA & Criticality from A to Z" |
"""Professional FMEA training with examples. Delivers a quality training for the full scope"", Fred""It was a good course, well laid out and detailed. The instructor provided very good examples and resources"", MichelleCourse DescriptionWith this course, you will be able to perform, at any level of detail and complexity, a complete Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, Criticality Analysis and Matrix, mastering indexes like Risk, Risk Priority Number, Failure Mode Failure Rate, etc.Risk Management is an extremely fascinating field, since it helps in foresee and manage hazards and probabilities thereof.Nowadays, this disciplines is widely used in many fields, and sometimes also required by the legislation. The most common use of risk management are:-risk evaluation in product design, e.g.during medical devices and machinery design- financial risk evaluation- safety on workplace risk assessment- design and processes in automotive and aerospace- risk evaluation during potentially hazardous processes, like food production, and so on- risk evaluation in project management- process control techniques, e.g.six sigmaWe may resort to many different techniques for risk evaluation, however, the most widely used and accepted, is FMEA/FMECA, i.e. Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis.This methodology follows a bottom-up approach, and starting from the failure of a component (or a phase if we are talking about a process), estimates the final effect and evaluates it consequences. Even if it seems easy to understand at a first sight because of its intuitive concept, actually, performing it thoroughly is not an easy matter, especially if you consider that, the FMEA/FMECA documentation often has a legal value, since you may be asked by the court in case of accidents to show it, in order to prove your design or process was performed with the user safety in mind.+++++ Have a look at the course curriculum and at the intro lesson +++++In this course we will study both FMEA and the Criticality Analysis, starting from the basic qualitative analysis to the more complex quantitative criticality analysis (and its representation with the criticality matrix) using modal failure rates, and effect conditional probability.There are many version of FMEA/FMECA, and in order to provide the most useful and valuable learning experience to you, we will use as a reference the International Standards IEC 60812, ""Analysis techniques for reliability - Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)"" .However, this standard cover very effectively only FMEA and the qualitative and semi-quantitative FMECA, not providing much details on quantitative criticality analysis. Therefore, for the latter methodology, I will refer to the methodology borrowed from the US military Standard MIL-STD-1629, which provide a very accurate numerical methodology for the criticality calculation.Which are also the approaches I use in my professional activity.In the course, we will also talk about of Process FMEA, PFMEA, with a simplified example on a cooking process, and of Design FMEA, DFMEA. We will provide various example, on electric toys, cooking process and variouscomponents. However you will get the mostfrom the course if you work in the design field, in particular product design or electronic design, and you will find many examples in it.HAVE A LOOK AT THE LESSONS AVAILABLE FOR FREE IN THE COURSE CURRICULUM !!!As we said, FMEA/FMECA are very versatile tools, therefore, once learned its concepts, it will be easy to transfer it to other fields, therefore even if you are not exactly in the product development or electronics field, you will earn valuable information and concepts from this course.At the end of the course, you will be able to perform, at any level of detail and complexity, a complete Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, and a Criticality Analysis.HAPPY LEARNING!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Risk Analysis, Evaluation & Assessment - from A to Z" |
"""Good pace and solid information"", Bobby""Very nice course for beginner introduction to risk analysis. A good point to start"", AngelosBesides risk management,risk assessment is demanded in many field, like product development, process control, project management, business plans and so on. Even a process as simple as delivering a meal in a business activity, is subject by law to a particular risk assessment.However, the theoretical basis is almost the same for every field, even though there are many risk assessment tools available for this objective.In this course, we will cover both the common basis and the specific tools. More in details, with respect to the general aspects of risk assessment, we will see:risk analysis,risk estimation both qualitative, semi-quantitative and numericalrisk evaluation and control measuresThen we will see the most used techniques:Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA)Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)Fault Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP)Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)Once learned the above concepts, we will see the complete risk assessment cycle, and which techniques to use during specific phases of a development process.Both the general part and the particular techniques lessons are fitted with examples and downloadable excel worksheets.At the end of the course, you will be able to master both the basic concepts and specific techniques, and you will be able to apply and adapt this knowledge to your field of interest.HAPPY LEARNING!!!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Process Validation (101) in ISO 9001/Quality/Risk Management" |
"Process Validation is the most widely used technique in order to guarantee that a process yields the desired outcome over time. It can be applied to virtually any types of processes, both manufacturing and service processes, and it is often required by international standards (like ISO 9001), and by applicable legislation, like in the medical devices or pharmaceutical field, automotive, food, aerospace, and so on. Whatever the field, its application can be summarized in few basic steps and tools, whose comprehension enable you to perform almost every Process Validation required in the industry. In this course, I will guide you through these principles and techniques with plain words and clear examples, so that at the end of the learning experience, you will be able to understand and apply these principles to your field of interest. This knowledge is valuable both to managers and engineers involved in production processes, quality management, six sigma, and in general in any activity which required that a process yields specific outcomes over time in a reliable way. Therefore... let us get started!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Complete Samsung Gear Watch Developer Course - Beginner" |
"This course is made specially focused for the peoples who are not technically advance in using GearWatch Designer app and Adobe Photoshop. I have used simple techniques in extremely easy and step by step way so anybody can understand and create the desired watch face.This course includes development and creation videos of the following items :Watch Backgrounds ( Presets and Making own in photoshop )Watch Index ( Presets and generating own style Index )Watch Hands ( Making own high detailed Watch Hands in Photoshop )Complications ( Which includes adding Battery Indicator, Heart Beat Monitorand other features )At the end of the course, I have uploaded a PSD file which contains different shapes of watch hands which are not available in GearWatch designer by default."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Content Strategy for Contemporary Marketing" |
"The days are over when the first contact of a customer with a brand or a business happened through a sales person.Today, customers have become smart. They carry out their own research largely online - and find all details about a product without involving any company contact.This changing trend in marketing has forced businesses to abandon or tone down their direct selling strategies and opt for imbound marketing.This is where content marketing help in creating attention for a brand from customers.This course will run you through the concepts of content marketing defined as on today.At the end of this course you will have a better idea about content marketing, its planning and startegies all of which can increase your knowledge on this tiopic.This is an ongoing course - I shall be adding further lectures to this course - on contemporary topics which come along on the subject matter of this course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Tips for Writing Effective Marketing Content" |
"Content creation is now an established industry in marketing. Digital revolution in the field of communication is creating scores of channels for the marketers to have interaction with their customers. This growth has multiplied the use of content as it forms the basis in all these communications.Content writing is a profession which every individual can nurture and develop with self-coaching and constant practice. Other professions may require formal training or some basic knowledge to raise oneself into a competitive professional level. Writing do not need such props. If you have the will to learn and time to spare content creation is a trade which anybody can master. Perhaps, it is due to this nature that you will find most number of freelance professionals in this trade. Content writing is now an established profession. Writing content for marketing is an even more challenging job.This course is about writing content for marketing. It gives you tips on creating content, ways of creating content for marketing. If you are interested in content writing (at the least you shouldn't hate it) , and if you wish to create content for income - then you should take this course and learn ways to create effective marketing content. More lectures on the way!!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"App Store Success : How To Come Up With App Ideas" |
"Do You Want To Start Making Mobile Apps?Do You Have An App Idea And Want To Know What The Next Step Is? Do You Find It Hard To Come Up With New App Ideas?If you answered Yes to any of these then App Store Success: How To Come Up With App Ideas by Nosakhare Ogbebor is the course for you! My name is Nosa. I have been making mobile apps for 5 years and have been profitable since mid 2012.I have done it all, from coding apps myself, hiring other people to code for me, making money on iPhone, making money on Android, making money on Amazon and even the Windows Store ( RIP lol! )This course is designed for anyone interested in making apps! From beginners to experts, we all need App Ideas if we want to have a successful App Business!This is the only App Related Course taught by an actual app entrepreneur who makes a living 100% from releasing apps on Google Play, Apples App Store and Amazon's App Store. I know what it's like to want to make money with apps and not know where to start because that was me a few years ago! I read every article I could find, every book I could find and even with that I struggled to make money with apps. In this course, I will teach you everything I know from years of trial and error! This course is 100% Good Information and 0% Fluff! Hard Work + This Course Will Get You 1 Big Step Closer To Releasing Apps And Finding Your App Store Success! Money Back Guarantee:If This Course Doesn't Help Get Your App Business Off Of The Ground or Reenergize Your App BusinessThen You Have 30 Days To Return It! But Trust Me, Once You Get A Taste Of This Pure Information, You Will Be Hooked! There Is Really Nothing Like It Out There!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"App Store Success : The Basics" |
"Do you love mobile apps?Do you have an app idea? Do you want to make lots of money with your apps?If you answered Yes to any of these then App Store Success : The Basics by Nosakhare Ogbebor is the course for you! It is designed for anyone wanting to know more about iPhone app development and Android app development! My name is Nosa. I have been profitable making mobile apps since mid 2012! I have done it all, from coding apps myself, hiring other people to code for me, making money on iPhone, making money on Android, making money on Amazon and even the Windows Store ( RIP lol! )This course is designed for anyone interested in making money with apps!This is the only App Related Course taught by an actual app entrepreneur who makes a living 100% from releasing apps on Google Play, Apples App Store and Amazon's App Store. I know what it's like to want to make money with apps and not know where to start because that was me a few years ago! I read every article I could find, every book I could find and even with that I struggled to make money with apps. This course is 100% Good Information and 0% Fluff! Hard Work + This Course Will Get You Way Closer To Making Money With Apps! You Just Have To Give It All You Got! Money Back Guarantee:If This Course Doesn't Help Get Your App Business Off Of The Ground or Reenergize Your App BusinessThen You Have 30 Days To Return It! But Trust Me, Once You Get A Taste Of This Pure Information, You Will Be Hooked! There Is Really Nothing Like It Out There!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"App Store Marketing for Mobile Apps SEO, ASO, Monetization" |
"Is This Course For Me?This course is for anyone interested in getting their app more downloads and more sales! Whether you are just starting out or you have apps live on the store today!What Makes This Course Different Than The Others? Other people who teach ASO have no real app business experience, so the result is them telling you about Keyword research for 2-4 hours lol. ASO is more than just simplistic keyword research!!!Okay, So What Will Your Course Give Me?I will give you my Top 10 App Store Optimization Strategies which have allowed me to have a profitable app business since 2012!ASO Strategy #1 : Ranking High ( The Basic Strategy That Every Other Course Harps On )ASO Strategy #2 : SprayingASO Strategy #3 : Outside SourcesASO Strategy #4 : A FamilyASO Strategy #5 : FeedersASO Strategy #6 : Collect Then BoostASO Strategy #7 : Pushing ItASO Strategy #8 : EverywhereASO Strategy #9 : Star PowerASO Strategy #10 : App Independence What If Your Course Doesn't Work For Me?If none of my strategies works for you, then you have a 30 day money back guarantee to get your money back! Just remember that if you want any true App Store Success, you have to apply yourself and never give up!!!Thanks For Taking The Time To Check Out My ASO - App Store Optimization For Mobile Apps Course-Nosa"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build a Shopify Dropshipping Business from Scratch" |
"Summary:Follow along with my Videos showing youEXACTLYhow to build your own E-Commerce Dropshipping Business from the ground up. I havedocumented the WHOLE process, from the initial idea, all the way through to the first sale through Facebook Ads!About Your Instructor:Adam has run E-Commerce ventures since he was just 15 Years Old. With7 Yearsunder his belt, he's now 22 and specialises in Dropshipping. In 2016 he demonstrated his knowledge and ability in the E-Commerce field...Firstly, on eBay, he started with 0, and was able to turn over 8000 in 8 weeks, without having ANY inventory.More notably, in Septemberhe launched a brand new website on Shopify. Within 3 weeks he had already turned over more than1000 in a single day, and within 3 months had already received multiple6-Figure valuationsfor the website. Less than 4 weeks in to2017, thiswebsite finallyhit6-Figuresin Gross Salesin GBP .A Word from Adam:Now it's 2017, and I want to give back to the community that helped me grow in 2016. I'm planning aLIVE Case Studytaking absolute newbies from Zero, no knowledge or experience in E-Commerce at all, right through to earning their first online income with a Dropshipping business.I'll be showing you all of the tools and tricks I used on my first store, as well as some bonuses that willblow your mind!To supplement the course, I have also created a dedicatedShopify Startups Facebook Groupwhich I encourage you to Join and Participate in. You can add me on Facebook and Message me to Request an Invite to the Group.The beauty of a Dropshipping business is that it can be run from anywhere in the world. This year I aim to work remotely on my Dropshipping ventures from at least 3 different countries....What's your Goal for 2018?The Topics and Areas Covered in this Course include:Niche, Product and Theme Research and Selection, using cutting-edge toolsSecret Extensionsto get Cashback automatically on Domain Names - meaning minimalStart-Up costs!Access to an awesome Shopify 14 Day Free TrialRegistering and Linking a Domain Name to ShopifyFull coverage of Shopify Settings (Payments, Shipping, Checkout etc)How to Add ALL of the necessary Pages to your WebsiteHow to Create a Professional Navigation BarGetting a Business Email Address and Linking it to your WebsiteAdding an App that Allows you to Import 1000's of Products in just a few ClicksSetting up Collections, Product Pages and also some basic tips for ShopifySEOShopify Theme Editing, including Walkthroughs of usefulHTML and CSS EditsEditing the Store Language Settings- Something most people completely ignore!Free Resources for Creating Graphics and BrandingSetting up and Linking Social Media FanPages and Accounts to ShopifyTop Tips and Tricksto Increase your Conversions and SalesA Complete Guide to Setting up automatic Shipment Tracking and Customer UpdatesA Complete Guide to adding Google Analytics, Goals and Funnel Visualisation, AND the Facebook Pixel to your Shopify StoreAdding a Checkout Countdown TimerA Secret to Earning Cashback on your Dropshipped ProductsAn Overview of Print on Demand DropshippingA Guide to Retargeting Ad CampaignsA Complete Guide to Lead GenerationA Complete Guide to Email MarketingA Walkthrough of Getting Traffic to your Shopify StorePlus much, much more!In addition, we also have a brand new Facebook Support Groupfor the Course.Are you ready to change your life?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"A Beginner's Guide to Hiring a Virtual Assistant on UpWork" |
"Summary:Follow along with my Videos showing youEXACTLYhow to Post a Job, Filter Applicants, and Offer a Contract to a dedicated Freelancer. You can hire people from anywhere in the world with just a laptop and an internet connection!Outsourcing is a key element in buildinga Lifestyle Business designed to earn you money inyour sleep, fromanywhere in the world.I've built and Outsourced two Lifestyle Businesses in the past Year alone, and I plan on building and outsourcing many, many more.About Your Instructor:Adam has run E-Commerce ventures since he was just 15 Years Old. With7 Yearsunder his belt, he's now 22 and specialises in Dropshipping. In 2016 he demonstrated his knowledge and ability in the E-Commerce field...Firstly, on eBay, he started with 0, and was able to turn over 8000 in 8 weeks, without having ANY inventory.More notably, in Septemberhe launched a brand new website on Shopify. Within 3 weeks he had already turned over more than1000 in a single day, and within 3 months had already received multiple6-Figure valuationsfor the website. Less than 4 weeks in to2017, thiswebsite finallyhit6-Figuresin Gross Salesin GBP . Now with that business outsourced, Adam is spending a couple of months this year creating very detailed, comprehensive courses to teach others how to do the same.A Word from Adam:Now it's 2017, and I want to give back to the community that helped me grow in 2016. I'm planning aLIVE Case Studytaking absolute newbies from Zero, no knowledge or experience in E-Commerce at all, right through to earning their first online income with a Dropshipping business. Then, I'm going to create some new content on how to Outsource using my favourite Freelancer Marketplace.I have also created a dedicatedShopify Startups Facebook Groupwhich I encourage you to Join and Participate in.The Topics and Areas Covered in this Course include:What is a Virtual Assistant?Why do I need a Virtual Assistant?Where can I find a Virtual Assistant?An Introduction to Currency Arbitrage / Cost of Living DifferencesPosting your first Job on UpWorkHow to Filter Applicants using my '3-Factor Filtering Process'How to Offer a ContractHow to Manage Virtual AssistantsAn introduction to the UpWork Work DiaryAn Introduction to UpWork Budgets and PaymentsAn Introduction to Trial Runs and how to Operate themPLUS... Some Free Downloads!Free Job Post Template you can use on your own UpWork Profile!In addition, we also have a brand new Facebook Support Groupfor the Course.Are you ready to change your life?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Google Analytics for Shopify: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide" |
"If you've ever runan online business, you'll probablyunderstand how hard it can beto identify your target audience to begin with, and to then minimise your Ad Spend, while trying to maximise your Revenue.By using the correct Google Analytics setup, and learning how to strategically analyse and apply data from yourGoogle Analytics account, you can fine-tune your marketing and advertising to sky-rocket your Shopifybusiness, without adding a single penny extra to your marketing budget! In fact, you can often save money after learning howto use Google Analyticsto your advantage!In this course you will follow me step-by-step, a six-figure Shopify Entrepreneurand Bestselling Udemy Instructor,as I guide you through exactly how to do it.You'll receive an initial overview of howto link Shopify and Google Analytics, followed by a comprehensive walkthrough of the key areas you should be familiar with in the Analytics dashboard.Following this, we'l set up some Goals andFunnels to help us track our Revenue, and we'll create 5 incredibly important Custom Reports that will help us to pin-point when and where you should be focusing your marketing and advertising. I'll also provide you a deeper walkthrough of how to analyse data about Locations, Languages, Ages, Genders, Devices and order tofurther yourunderstanding of how exactlyto analyse and then apply your data. This is where you'llsee the truepower of Google Analytics!Following thestrategies provided within this course, I have managed to halvemy Cost per Acquisition throughFacebook Ads, and have had a Cost per Acquisition on Google AdWords of less than $1!Don'tbelieve me?Check out the Proof Section of this course absolutely FREE. I show you SOLID PROOF of my ability to turn 5 in to 1000 through Google Analytics and Google AdWords.Using the strategies I show you in this Course, I have been able to generate over 1000 inrevenue on one of my Shopify stores from less than 5 in advertising spend on Google AdWords. Obviously, this isn't representative of my average Return on Ad Spend, but it does demonstrate how incredibly important it is tohave thecorrect Google Analytics set up for your Shopify website. Without the correct set up and knowledge of how to properly useGoogle Analytics data to your advantage, you're never going to exceed your business goals and sky-rocket your business.Without following the tips and tricks I show you in this Course, I would never have been able to achieve such amazing results.So if you want to learn how to collect, analyse and then apply Google Analytics data to your own businessto take it to the next level, you shouldjoin me inside the course and we'll get started.All the best,Adam Reed"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Google Shopping Ads for E-Commerce: The Step by Step Guide" |
"Are you struggling with Facebook Ads? Are you sick of the constant algorithm changes? Struggling to stay profitable when scaling?Are you relying too heavily on traffic from Facebook Ads? ...Have you eventriedGoogle yet?!If any of the above strike a chord with you, then thisGoogle Shopping course is, without a doubt, the next course that you need to take.Using his much-loved 'step by step over the shoulder' teaching style, Best Selling Udemy Instructor,Adam Reed, is going to show you how to set up Google Shoppingcampaigns and Product Listing Adsfrom absolute scratch. Even if you've never heard of Google Shopping Ads before, after this course, you'll be perfectly capable of launching these all by yourself.Google Shopping is an amazing opportunity and it is such an easy way to generate extra sales for your website. I'll explain why I 100% fully believe this within the course.Get ready to learn how to add a new marketing strategy and stream of traffic to your E-Commercebusiness, to help increase your sales, revenue and profit."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Shopify Bootcamp: Increase Your Store's Conversion Rate" |
"This course is designed to be a quickfire video-checklist of things you can do in order to increase your conversion rates.If you don't know what a conversion rate is, don't worry, you'll be taught that too.Using real-life examples of live Shopify stores, we go through a number of areas in which you can improve your store, which should hopefully increase your conversion rates. Everything from colour psychology to building scarcity during the checkout process, to making the whole buying process as simple as possible for your traffic using advanced Google technologies.Learn from a 6-figure Shopify Entrepreneur and Bestselling Udemy Instructor. Follow along as I provide real-world examples of live Shopify stores, and what they're doing wrong, and how you can avoid making the same mistakes.We also have an active and engaging Facebook group that will help you along the way."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Facebook Ads for E-Commerce: The Complete Guide" |
"Summary:Learn from a Best Selling Udemy Instructor. Adam has two of Udemy's best selling courses under his belt, so you know thatyou're in safe hands when you enrol in one of his courses.Follow along as I teach you how to launch, manage and measure Facebook Ads from the very beginning. From creating a Facebook Page andAds Manager account all the way through to using advanced audiences andadvertcreatives, and powerfultargeting techniques. Learn the steps that I take and the strategies that I useto build and grow my multiple 6-figure E-Commerce business.About Your Instructor:Adam has run E-Commerce ventures since he was just 15 Years Old. With7 Yearsunder his belt, he's now 23and specialises in Dropshipping. In 2016 he demonstrated his knowledge and ability in the E-Commerce field...Firstly, on eBay, he started with 0, and was able to turn over 8000 in 8 weeks, without having ANY inventory.More notably, in Septemberhe launched a brand new website on Shopify. Within 3 weeks he had already turned over more than1000 in a single day, and within 3 months had already received multiple6-Figure valuationsfor the website. Less than 4 weeks in to2017, thiswebsite finallyhit6-Figuresin Gross Salesin GBP . A couple of months on and Adam now runs a hugemultiple6-Figure business, relying on Facebook Ads for a large amount of traffic, revenue and profits.Facebook Ads play a pivotal role in therapid scaling of Adam's business, and played an equally important role in the launch phase, too.Follow along and learn the knowledge and skills required to run profitable Facebook advertising campaigns to promote and sell almostany product and/or service you like.A Word from Adam:I'll be showing you the steps, tips and strategies that I implement in my Facebook advertising campaigns in order to maximise and increase profits while optimising my advertising budget. From different advert creatives to clever copywriting skills, this course will show you it all. You'll learn everythingyou need to know in order to build your own successful online business with Facebook Ads, that you can run at any time, anywhere in the world.The beauty of an onlinebusiness advertised using Facebook Ads, is that it can be run from anywhere in the world. This year I aim to work remotely on my Shopify and Facebook Adsventures from at least 3 different countries....What's your Goal for 2017?The Topics and Areas Covered in this Course include:Introduction to Facebook Ads and a presentation on their importance in today's advertising and marketingcampaigns, from big brands to small business.Some CRAZY SCARY stats about how few businesses are using Facebook Ads correctly and to their full potentialSetting up Facebook PagesSetting up and navigating a brand new Ads Manager AccountSetting up Payments, Budgets and LimitsMistakes that a lot of new Facebook Advertisers make and how to avoid themThe complete guide to the structure of a Facebook advertising campaignComprehensive breakdown of the different marketing objectives used in Facebook AdsA discussion of the 'Website Conversion versus Page Post Engagement' debateComplete coverage and step by step explanation of the most important aspects of the Ad Set level of a Facebook advertA Pro Tip on how to Avoid Wasting Money with useless AdPlacementsA whole section of 'Watch Me Lives' that demonstrate the different options for ad creatives and marketing objective, from single images, videos, slideshows and carousels, as well as an introduction to good advertising copy.A short break and summary of what you're learnt so far, along with 10 Basic Tips to better Advertising on Facebook...And that's just the 'Beginners' Section!We then move on to the following more Advanced Topics:Using Audience Insights Tool to find,research and develop ideas for new audiences to target with your Facebook AdsA little-known method to researching your competitors' advertising and marketing campaigns so you can implement their best strategies on your own business!The Complete Masterclass to Creating Amazing Facebook AdsExamples of Awesome Facebook and Instagram Images and Why They WorkA Step-by-Step Guide to Improving Your Ad Copy, using proven copywriting styles and structures!Photoshop Size Guides for Advert ImagesA Step by Step Walkthrough to Creating an Amazingly Effective Instagram Image to use in Your Advertising CampaignsFREE DOWNLOAD:Photoshop Grids for Measuring the Amount of Text in Your Ad10 PRO Tips for Better Ad Imagery - Tried and Tested for Years in the Advertising IndustryMy Very Own Step-by-Step 'Winner's Guide to Facebook Ad Creatives for E-Commerce'A Complete Explanation of the Facebook PixelCreating and Installing a Facebook Pixel on to ShopifyChecking the Pixel WorksUsing the Pixel in our Facebook AdsA Complete Guide to Custom Audiences, including how to create them and some of the most powerful settings you should try out in your own CampaignsA Complete Guide to Lookalike Audiences, including how to create them and how to use them in your Advertising on Facebook and InstagramFurther, more complex Targeting Methods using Custom and Lookalike Audiences paired with Constraining MethodsAn Incredible Walkthrough on how to Measure your Facebook Advertising Campaigns for E-Commerce.A Step by Step Guide to Working our your Profit Margins for FB AdvertisingAn Introduction and Walkthrough on using Breakdowns to find Your Perfect Audience and Optimise Your As Spend EffectivelyAdvanced Reporting: a FREE Tool to Generate Awesome Infographics about your Facebook CampaignsHow to Find Out Whether your Interest Targeting is Working EffectivelyHow to Make Sure You Aren't 'Missing' any Conversion Made through Facebook Ads, Ensuring You Know your True Return on Ad Spend for each and every Ad You run, allowing you to Scale Your Winners for even more ProfitsInsider Tips for Cheap Clicks in the USAInsider Tips for Cheap Clicks WorldwideA List of AwesomeCountries in Europe that are Cheap to Advertise toA List of some other Countries that are Cheap to Advertise toAn Introduction to Split Testing - How to do it Properly, How NOT to do it, and examples of Targeting Split Tests and Creative Split TestsA Huge List of Split Test You Should Consider Running YourselfThree Major Scaling Methods I like to use in my BusinessMy Personal Playbook for Running, Managing and Scaling my Facebook Ads... But it doesn't end there! There's even more to come!After ALL of this Content, You'll be more than confident o launching your own Facebook Advertising Campaigns, especially if you're an E-Commerce Business Owner or Entrepreneur.As a MASSIVE Bonus Section, I'm going to be recording LIVE, my very own Over the Shoulder Case Study Campaigns and Showing you them here in the Course!Here's what's included in the Case Study Sections:An Insider look at my Ad CampaignsWatch as I Test and Scale Brand New Campaigns for Brand New Products that I sell OnlineAlmost complete transparency - You see what works and what doesn't work for me.You get to see and hear my thought processes when launching, measuring and applying the data to my own Facebook AdsThese will be uploaded on an on-going basis!And if that wasn't enough... You'll also receive exclusive discounted access to my Best Selling Udemy Courses:Build a Shopify Dropshipping Business from Scratch and Google Analytics for Shopify: The Complete Step by Step Guide. In addition, you'll also get access to list of useful resources you can use in your Facebook advertising campaigns.All of the above used together in unison are skills that can help you build a business for the comfort of your own home, on a lounger by the pool, or even on a beach somewhere hot and sunny!The ultimate set of skills for a Digital Nomad lifestyle!...Are you ready to change your life?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Build a Shopify Print on Demand Business from Scratch" |
"Summary:Follow along with my Videos showing youEXACTLYhow to build your own E-Commerce Print on DemandBusiness from the ground up. I havedocumented theWHOLEprocess, from the initial idea, all the way through to launching Facebook Ads to drive traffic.About Your Instructor:Adam is a Best Selling Udemy instructor with over 30,000 students enrolled in his various Entrepreneurship,Digital Marketing and E-Commerce courses. Many of his students now own their own successful online businesses, and some are eventravelling the worldwhile earning a healthy income from their ventures. To check out what some of Adam's students have achieved, head to the Bonus Material Section at the end of the course. There, you'll find a Free Preview Video showcasing just a handful of student results.Adam has run E-Commerce ventures since he was just 15 Years Old. With 8Yearsunder his belt, he's now 23and loves Shopify. In 2016 he demonstrated his knowledge and ability in the E-Commerce field...Firstly, on eBay, he started with 0, and was able to turn over 8000 in 8 weeks, without having ANY inventory.More notably, in September 2016he launched a brand new website on Shopify. Within 3 weeks he had already turned over more than1000 in a single day, and within 3 months had already received multiple6-Figure valuationsfor the website. Less than 4 weeks in to2017, thiswebsite finallyhit6-Figuresin Gross Salesin GBP . Since then, that specific website has turned over half a million US Dollars.A Word from Adam:Now it's 2018, and I want to give back to the community that helped me grow in 2016 and 2017. I've releasedaLIVE Case Studytaking absolute newbies from Zero, no knowledge or experience in E-Commerce at all, right through to earning their first online income with a Print on Demand business.I'll be showing you all of the tools and tricks I used on my first store, as well as some bonuses that willblow your mind!To supplement the course, I have also created a dedicatedShopify Startups Facebook Groupwhich I encourage you to Join and Participate in.The beauty of a Print on Demand Dropshipping business is that it can be run from anywhere in the world. This year I aim to work remotely on myventures from at least 3 different countries....What's your Goal for 2018?The Topics and Areas Covered in this Course include:Introduction to E-Commerce, Print on Demand and How it WorksNiche, Audienceand Theme Research and Selection, using cutting-edge toolsSecret Extensionsto get Cashback automatically on business purchases - meaning minimalStart-Up costs!Access to an awesome Shopify 14 Day Free TrialRegistering and Linking a Domain Name to ShopifyRegistering and Linking an Email Address to Your WebsiteFull coverage of Shopify SettingsHow to Add ALL of the necessary Pages to your WebsiteHow to Create a Professional Navigation BarFree vs Premium ThemesEditing your Shopify StoreAddingSocial Mediato your StoreSetting up Collections, Product Pages and also some basic tips for ShopifySEOEditing the Store Language Settings- Something most people completely ignore!Free Resources for Creating Graphics and BrandingTop Tips and Tricksto Increase your Conversions and SalesA Complete Guide to Setting up automatic Shipment Tracking and Customer UpdatesAdding a Social Proof Pop Up AppAdding a Facebook Chat SupportAdding an Announcement BarAdding an Instagram Feed to Your StoreAdding WheelioCollecting Messenger SubscribersHow to Add Product Page Trust SealsA Complete Guide to adding Google AnalyticsAND the Facebook Pixel to your Shopify StoreAdding a Checkout Countdown TimerHow to Launch Facebook AdsHow to Launch FacebookRetargeting AdsAn Introduction to Email MarketingHow to DriveTraffic to your Shopify Store, both Paid and Free MethodsAdding a Print on Demand App and Importing Products to Your StoreMethods for Sourcing Designs for ProductsHow to Add Products with Different POD ProvidersPlus much, much more!In addition, we also have a brand new Facebook Support Groupfor the Course.Are you ready to change your life?"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Merch by Amazon Masterclass: The Complete Beginner's Guide" |
"Have you ever wanted to start your own clothing brand?Have you always dreamed of earning money in your sleep, or from a tropicalbeach?Or maybe you just want to earn more money and own more businesses and assets?This course will take you from zero to hero,and teach you, step by step, how to start, run and grow a passive, online business using the amazingMerch by Amazon platform. You'll learn how to design, upload, sell and dropship your t-shirts to people using Amazon's own traffic. You don't need to deal with paidmarketing or advertising,customer service, printing,shipping, inventory, or anything else. I'm being serious...All you need to do is upload designs and collect a monthly paycheck!March by Amazon allows you to focus on sales, whilsteverything else is taken care of for you.Sounds good, right? If you agree with me, read on...Learn from afour-time-best-selling Udemy instructor andmultiple 6 figure E-Commerce entrepreneur as he teaches you the ins-and-outs of a Merch by Amazon business from scratch. The course is designed for beginners and will take you through all of the necessary knowledge and skills required to get your Merch business started the right way.Not only will you learn how to start your own Merch business, but you'll also get access to Adam's awesome monthly progress reports. In this bonus 'progress reports' section, you get tosee exactly where Adam's Merch business is each month, how many sales he made that month, and how he did it. You'll hear from him first-hand about his plans and strategies for the months ahead, so you can try and applythe same strategies to your business, too.They say the best way to grow your business is to learn from someone one or two steps ahead of you.Well, using Adam's progress reports you can join him on his journey and learn from him while he genuinely isjust a few steps ahead of you! His progress reports start from just a few months in to his Merch by Amazon business, and document every single month's sales, thoughts and strategies right up to the present day. You can watch,copy and implement his ideas and tips in to your own Merch journey!Here's what is included in this course:Course IntroductionAbout the CourseIntroduction to Amazon and Merch by AmazonWhat You'll Learn, in a NutshellCourse StructureAbout your InstructorMore on Merch by AmazonLogistics/Operations:Exactly How it WorksWho Sells with Merch by AmazonWho Buys Merch by Amazon ProductsWhat's the Earnings Potential of this Business?Examples of Merch by Amazon ProductsSigning up to Merch by AmazonAbout the Sign Up ProcessFilling inthe Invite Application +Key TipsHow to Check Your AccessResources OverviewCompany Profile, Payments and TaxesResources for DesignWorkflow BasicsDesign Templates Download(FREE)Software Options (Free and Paid)Finding FontsFinding VectorsFinding PhotosMake MerchPurchasing DesignsCategorising DesignsEvergreen DesignsEvent-based DesignsText/Graphic/HybridThe Complete Guide toResearch for Merch by AmazonIntroduction to Merch InformerIntroduction to BSRUsing Merch informer to Check Keywords and BSRUS CalendarGoogle TrendsGoogle Keyword PlannerOther POD MarketplacesFacebook Ads for Design IdeasDesigning T-Shirts Quick and Easy:Examples and TutorialsPhotoshop Tutorial: Test Based DesignPhotoshop Tutorial: Vector and Text DesignPhotoshop Tutorial: Photo and Text DesignUploading Designs to Merch by AmazonUploading and Positioning ArtworkT-Shirt TypeFit TypeT-Shirt ColoursT-Shirt Price and RoyaltyProduct Brand and TitleProduct FeaturesProduct DescriptionPreviewDraft/Sample/SellManaging and Analysing Product ListingsManagement OverviewUploads and Daily LimitsAnalyze OverviewSales & Growth Strategy: The Merch MindsetMerch Mindset Part 1Merch Mindset Part 2Merch Mindset Part 3Event vs EvergreenChrome Extensions for Merch by AmazonA Look at the Awesome Extensions AvailableMore Information about the Merch by Amazon Platform and Business ModelAmazon ThrottlingSelling a Merch by Amazon AccountMerch by Amazon Updates and ExpansionVideos Showing and Explaining Expansions As and When They Happen on Merch by AmazonMerch by Amazon Progress ReportsA Whole Section Updated MonthlyShowing You My Own Results and Progress Each MonthTalking About Tier Ups, Limits, and Day to Day Merch by Amazon Struggles and SuccessesWatch the Growth of a Merch Business in Real TimeJoin Me on My Journey to Growing a Merch BusinessLearn From Me Month-by-Month and Apply by Strategies to Grow Your Own BusinessSo... if you think that all of the above is something you would love to learn about and have lifetime access to, click the Enrol button and let's get you started with your Merch by Amazon business!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Recetas Tpicas de Pastas del Sur de Italia" |
"Se tratara en esta oportunidad sobre la preparacin de algunos platos de pasta combinada con vegetales, carne y/o salsa propia del sur de Italia, en una modalidad tpica, casera, mejor dicho como hecho en casa, con ingredientes naturales, ricos en protenas, antioxidantes y exquisitos platos, con sabor de campo y de la buena cocina meridional.A esta primera parte del curso, seguirn otros muy interesantes como por ejemplo la preparacin de Berenjenas o zucchinos a la parmigiana, Berenjenas en aceite (sotto olio), pizzas, entre otros.Nos hemos propuesto ensear sobre este tema por la sencilla razon de compartir nuestros conocimientos del resultado de toda una vida, con recetas que han transcendido el tiempo, desde nuestros ancestros hasta hoy, luego dar a conocer lo facil que es preparar estos deliciosos y tipicos platos de pasta.Estamos seguras, que va a haber un gran entusiasmo en especial entre los jovenes (mujeres y hombres) que han tenido de cualquier forma contacto con familias de origen italiano o que son descendientes de ellas, seguramente habran escuchado en casa sobre los platos en cuestion y tendran deseo de practicar y mejorar las cualidades culinarias al respecto."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso Nomenclatura Naval Tecnica de Buques." |
"El curso de Nomenclatura Naval se ha considerado subdividirlo en varias reas inherentes a los Sistemas Navales, como son:Las Zonas del Buque, Elementos Geomtricos del Buque, Las Principales Definiciones del buque, Los Materiales Empleados en el Buque y La Estructura del Buque.Es un campo muy atrayente para los que tengan que desenvolverse con suficientes conocimientos y destreza en el campo naval, aprovechando la modalidad on-line de forma cmoda, productiva y segura."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"WordPress Gutenberg Editor: Master the new WordPress Editor" |
"WordPress 5.0 is coming with the new Gutenberg editor. Are you Ready?I have over 20 years SEO experience and have been using WordPress since its first release.I will guide you through the WordPress 5.0 upgrade process.This course contains 2 hours of must watch videos and includes 37 separate videos.The WordPress 5 Guttenberg editor is totally new.Your WordPress theme and WordPress plugins may not work with WordPress 5.You need to prepare now, and I will show you how.WordPress 5 is all about BLOCKS.So, whats covered? Installing the Gutenberg PluginA first look at GutenbergGutenberg Paragraph BlocksGutenberg Headings BlocksGutenberg Image BlocksGutenberg Gallery BlocksGutenberg List FormattingGutenberg Quote BlocksGutenberg Cover Image BlockGutenberg Subheading BlocksGutenberg Audio BlocksGutenberg Table BlocksGutenberg Custom HTML BlocksGutenberg Pullquote BlocksGutenberg Classic Editor BlocksGutenberg Button BlocksGutenberg Columns BlockGutenberg Separator BlockGutenberg Spacer BlocksGutenberg Page Break BlocksGutenberg Text ColumnsGutenberg Shortcode BlocksGutenberg YouTube Embed BlockGutenberg Latest Posts BlockDuplicating, Moving and Removing BlocksTransforming a Block TypesConverting to a Shared BlockPreviewing and PublishingFeatured ImagesCustom PermalinksAllowing CommentsPassword Protected PagesMore Control OptionsGutenberg and Page Builders such as DIVIScheduling Document PublishingHow to backup and restore WordPressPreparing for WordPress 5.0 updateIf you use WordPress for business take this opportunity to stay ahead of your online competitors 30-day no questions asked money back guarantee Check out my free course preview videos now!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Curso Maya e Vray: Maquete Eletrnica Completo." |
"Curso Maya e Vray Maquete Eletrnica Vila Nova, nesse curso o aluno vai aprendero fluxo completo de produo de maquetes no Autodesk Maya utilizando escala real para o arquivo, primeirovamos iniciar a produo modelando o ambiente com base na referncia de uma planta, em seguida vamos ajustar a escala da cena utilizando os recursos de medidas do Maya.Com o ambiente modelado, vamos passar para a modelagem dos mveis do ambiente como o sof, as mesas, os quadros entre outros, ao final da produo teremos o projeto mostrado na imagem de apresentao pronto para passar para a etapa de criao da iluminao, materiais e render final.Curso Maya e Vray Maquete Eletrnica Vila Nova destinado a Game Design, generalistas 3d, Modeladores, designers, desenvolvedores de games, animadores, cadistas, Design de Produtos, Design de Joias e todos os interessados em 3D e Game Art."
Price: 414.99 ![]() |
"Curso Maya 2017 Fundamentos" |
"Curso Maya 2017 Fundamentos, aprenda os conceitos fundamentaisdo AutodeskMaya 2017, o programa com o qual voc pode criar projetos completos de animao 3D. Ao longo deste curso, voc ver o mais relevante no domnio das ferramentas de modelagem, iluminao, materiais , animao e renderizao 3D. Voc vai aprender passo a passo como lidar com as ferramentas do programa, ao mesmo tempo que se aplicam ao exerccio prtico na elaborao da cena apresentada na imagem do curso.O Curso Maya 2017 Fundamentos destinado a Game Design, generalistas 3d, Modeladores, designers, desenvolvedores de games, animadores, cadistas, Design de Produtos, Design de Joias e todos os interessados em 3D e Game Art."
Price: 264.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo 3ds Max e Vray Modelagem de interiores" |
"Curso 3ds Max e Vray Modelagem de interiores cozinha, no curso vamos mostrar todo o processo de produo de uma cena passando pelo processo de modelagem, texturizao, mapeamento, iluminao, aplicao das texturas, configurao do render e finalizao da pea por completo. O resultado obtido ao final do curso ser o mesmo mostrado na imagem de apresentao do curso.Primeiramentefaremos a modelagem dos mveis e elementos que compem a cena mostrada na imagem utilizando os recursos e ferramentas do 3ds Max.Em seguidafaremos a modelagem do ambiente criando as portas janelas, montando e preparando a cena para a finalizao.Ao finalvamos criar as texturas, a iluminao e configurar o render final e exportar uma imagem paraapresentao utilizando os recursos do V-Ray.O curso destinado aGame Design, generalistas 3d, Modeladores, designers, desenvolvedores de games, animadores, cadistas, Design de Produtos, Design de Joias e todos os interessados em 3D e Game Art."
Price: 429.99 ![]() |