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"AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Practice Exams" |
"The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate ( SOA-C01 ) is consistently among the top paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services is the leading cloud services platform in the world with almost 50% market share! The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam is specifically designed to validate the technical knowledge of AWS SysOps Administrators, Systems Administrators, and those in a DevOps role who create automatable and repeatable deployment of applications, networks, and systems on the AWS platform. Take your career and salary to the next level with an AWS SysOps Administrator Associate certification!This AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Practice Exam course is for anyone who is looking for a study material that has the following: 325 TOP-NOTCH Questions - has 5 sets of AWS Practice Tests with 65 UNIQUE questions and a 130-minute time limit for each set. FREE EXCLUSIVE 3-MONTH ACCESS TO THE TUTORIALS DOJO PORTAL - EXAM SIMULATOR - where you can see the answers right away as you go through each question, plus other training modes and perks! This is an optional feature and registration is required to access the simulator (using your name and email address). SIMULATES ACTUAL EXAM ENVIRONMENT - mimics the actual, and the latest AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam to help you pass and even ace the AWS exam! DETAILED EXPLANATIONS AND REFERENCE LINKS - our answer keys at the end of each set have full and detailed explanations plus complete reference links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct. EXAM STUDY GUIDE - this is added as a reference in the explanations in the practice tests. They are based on our own exam experience and intense research on the most important topics and most helpful resources to help you pass the exam. ACTIVE Q&A DISCUSSION BOARD - with inputs from the instructors and exam feedback from our students, our Q&A board gives you the opportunity to know which topics recently appeared on the exam and better understand the AWS services and concepts covered in the test. VERY RESPONSIVE INSTRUCTORS - our friendly team of AWS experts are able to address all your issues and questions within 3-5 business days. CONTAINS A TEST REPORT - to track your progress and show you which Knowledge Areas you need improvement. MOBILE-COMPATIBLE - so you can conveniently review everywhere, anytime with your smartphone! HAS BETTER VALUE THAN OFFICIAL AWS PRACTICE TEST - which is worth about $20 but only contains about 20 - 40 questions. CLEAR AND ERROR-FREE QUESTIONS - Each item has a reference link that can validate the answer but you can also post to the QA section so we can discuss any issues. Prepared by an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional who has actually passed the exam! (Please see my LinkedIn profile to view my AWS Certificate)We also offer FREE access to the Exam Simulator in our Tutorials Dojo portal just as mentioned above. This unique Exam Simulator contains additional features that are currently not present in the Udemy platform including a Review Mode where you can see the answers right away as you go through each question, plus BONUS flashcards which are visual aids containing some important concepts that you need to know before taking the exam. NOTE: Kindly send us a direct/private message here on Udemy to request for access. Someone from our team will respond with details on how to access the Exam Simulator within 3-5 business days. Also note that this is just an optional feature and registration is required in the Tutorials Dojo portal (using your name and email address) once you receive your access details. Some people are using brain dumps for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam which is totally absurd and highly unprofessional because these dumps will not only hinder you from attaining an in-depth AWS knowledge, these can also result with you failing the actual AWS certification exam since Amazon regularly updates the exam coverage.Please also note that these AWS practice tests are not brain dumps and since Amazon shuffles the actual exam content from a question bank with 500++ questions, it is nearly impossible to match what you can see here with the actual tests. Again, the key to passing the AWS certification exam is a good understanding of AWS services and this is what our AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate practice tests are meant to do.These AWS SysOps Administrator Associate practice exams are designed to focus on the important exam domains such as Monitoring and Metrics, Security and Compliance, Networking, and Deployment and Provisioning, hence, the aforementioned topics have more questions than the other domains/knowledge areas. The number of questions on each topic are carefully selected based on the domains listed in the official AWS SysOps exam guide.There are a lot of existing AWS Practice Tests in the market, however, most of them contain both technical and grammatical errors that may cause you to fail the actual exam. There are also official certification practice exams provided by AWS but these only have 20 or 40 questions and cost 20 or 30 USD -- a price that is comparable with having these 325 Unique and Timed Amazon Web Services practice questions! We gave a considerable amount of effort to create and publish these AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate practice tests, including the laborious task of checking each item for any errors. We are confident that this will significantly help you pass your exam. All the best!IMPORTANT NOTE These AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate practice exams have a passing score of 72% but we highly encourage you to repeat taking these exams again and again until you consistently reach a score of 90% or higher on each exam. Remember that using this product alone does not guarantee you will pass the exam as you still need to do your own readings and hands-on exercises in AWS. Nonetheless, these practice exams provide a comprehensive assessment on which knowledge area you need improvement on and even help you achieve a higher score!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Social Recruitment Fast Track" |
"Social Recruitment FastTrack has been designed and tested to give Recruiters and Hirers exclusive insight into social recruiting strategies used by top industry professionals. The course will give you proven templates to use in your recruitment activities and the strategies you need to build candidate pipelines and fill morejobs withhighly qualified candidates. This is an advanced course and wont teach you how to use websites for social recruiting but the strategies you need to effectively maximise your results.Social Recruitment Fast Track has been put together from a Recruiter who has spent 12 years practicing his craft using social media strategies to find and attract niche candidates. Learn in 2 hours what its taken people years to learn and perfect."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Fit & Lean - Body Transformation" |
"If you are in the beginning of your fitness journey and you want to get in your best-ever shape by burning offthe body fat, building some muscle and most of all living a healthier and more energized life, then Fit & Leanis for you.InFit & Leanyou get hundreds of hours of research crystallized into actionable and easy-to-follow advice on what to eat, how to train and how to maximize your results. It is a transformation of not only your body, but your life. Fit & Lean is a factually based fitness course that relies on well-studied principles that will help you develop a clear action plan for improving your health from the ground up, including diet, exercise and daily habits. In section NUTRITION you will learn: The characteristics of the macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), which will help you structure a bespoke meal planThe importance of the micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and how to integrate them in your planHow to choose the best sources of food based on your knowledge about macronutrients and micronutrientsWhat metabolism is, how it works and what methods you can use to speed it upGet meal plans that you can modify based on your own preferencesIn section WORKOUTS you will learn: Over 30 easy-to-do resistance training exercises that you can perform in any gymOver 30 abs exercises that you can do in the comfort of your homeThe proper technique to perform each of them, as they are explained thoroughly and shown from different anglesFollow a sustainable, flexible exercise program that aligns with your goal and busy scheduleHow to preserve muscle mass and speed up the metabolism, which leads to a well-defined and lean bodyIn section SUPPLEMENTS you will learn: About some of the most effective and safe supplements that can further optimize your progress and lead to better resultsThe best timing and dosage for each supplementHow to choose the right supplements, so that you don't waste your money on ineffective and potentially dangerous productsClose examination and show-up of each supplementFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Why should I buy a course when I can find the information for free?The truth is that you can find anything online for free. The problem is that you still need to find it. You also must figure out what information is legit and what information is junk... and figuring out the difference can be a full-time job for even the most savvy people. So why waste time figuring out whats good or not when you can sign up for a high-quality course that is organized and delivered in a format that is convenient foryou? If you want to learn from and have access to an expert, then this is the course for you. What if I don't like the course?It's simple - I'm not happy until you are not happy. Although I did my best in putting up a fitness course that will both educate you and deliver the results you are after, the fact is that we are all quite different. I don't want the fear of the unknown to be the determining factor of whether you sign up for a course that could change your life. That's why I want to provide you with a reassuranceunder the form of a30-Day Money-Back Guaranteeno questions asked.You will have all the time you need to explore the program, try the techniques and see if it's the right fit for you (no pun intended). I have your back long enough for you to see that Fit & Lean delivers amazing results - just like it should. How long does this fitnesscourse last?The length of Fit & Leanis 6 weeks - this period is long enough for you see some great results while also short enough to help you stay on track. During this time you will also develop quality habits in regards to how to eat properly, what exercises to do and what supplements to use.I will teach you all of this in less than 4 hours. Many people wrongly go for the longest courses, thinking that this way they get the most bang for their buck. It's not about the length of the course, it's about its quality and the value that will drive to your life. I value your time and that's why Fit & Leanis packed only with the stuff you need in order for you to get what you pay for -RESULTS. Do I still get support after the course?Absolutely!The final lecture of this course doesnt need to set the end of our friendship. As mentioned numerous times throughout the course, I am here to answer all your questions and help you with your transformation. You willreceiveexclusive emails (one per week), which will be packed of valuable information that can further boost your progress and assist you in achieving greater results. In other words, you can count on my help and guidance even after completing the course."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Excel Makros - Automatisiere Deine Excel Arbeit!" |
"Nach dem geschickten Einsatz von Funktionen und Pivot-Tabellen, sind Makros der nchste logische Schritt um in krzester Zeit mehr aus Excel herauszuholen.Mit dem geschickten Einsatz von Makros kannst Du:Lstige Routinearbeiten automatisierenDir jede Menge Zeit bei der Arbeit mit Excel einsparen und Dich wichtigeren Dingen widmenDich von deinen Kollegen abheben und deinen Chef beeindruckenDeine Karriere beschleunigenEs gibt keinschneres Gefhl, als wenn der Chef einem ber die Schulter schaut und fragt, warum man nicht am arbeiten sei und man dann ganz einfach nur auf einen Knopf drckt und Exceldann in wenigen Sekunden die Arbeit von Stunden und Tagen fr Dicherledigt ;)Ich freue mich schon darauf Dich im Kurs begren zu drfen!Viele GreDanielPS: Im Schnitt nutzen meine KursteilnehmerExcel 7h/Woche bzw. 300h/Jahr oder ber 10.000h/Berufsleben.Das sindmehr als 5 Arbeitsjahre, die man sich nur mitExcel beschftigt. Kleine Produktivittszuwche und Effizienzsteigerungen machen somit ber die Zeit einen riesen Unterschied und knnenDir potenzielltausende von Stunden einsparen."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Excel VBA&Makro Programmierung: Jetzt richtig durchstarten!" |
"EXCEL PROGRAMMIERUNG VON GRUND AUF ERKLRT!Lstige Routinearbeiten automatisieren und jede Menge Zeit einsparenBestehende Makros verstehen und eigene Programme schreibenMit selbst erstellten Excel Tools glnzenInhalte aus Excel nach PowerPoint und Word berfhren, per Outlook versenden und in SQL-Datenbanken schreibenbersichtliche Kursstruktur und daher auch gut als Nachschlagewerk geeignetIn diesem VBA Online Kurs lernst Du das Programmieren mit Excel. Dazu gehrt nicht nur das Aufnehmen und Bearbeiten von Makros, sondern auch das Schreiben von VBA Code. Dadurch wirst Du in der Lage sein, kleine Programme zu erstellen, die Dir helfen Teile deiner Arbeit zu automatisieren. Wenn Du also schon immer mal VBA loslegen wolltest, oder bereits VBA arbeitest, Dir aber noch nie richtig die Grundlagen angeschaut hast, dann wrde ich mich freuen Dich in dem VBA Kurs begren zu drfen.Viele GreDaniel KoganPS: Im Schnitt nutzen meine Kursteilnehmer Excel 7h/Woche bzw. 300h/Jahr oder ber 10.000h/Berufsleben.Das sind mehr als 5 Arbeitsjahre, die man sich nur mit Excel beschftigt. Kleine Produktivittszuwche und Effizienzsteigerungen machen somit ber die Zeit einen riesen Unterschied und knnen Dir potenziell tausende von Stunden einsparen."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Excel Power Query - Excel Daten abrufen und transformieren!" |
"Mit dem geschickten Einsatz von Power-Querykannst Du:Daten aus unterschiedlichsten Quellen schnell abrufen und transformierenAbfragen einmal aufsetzen und spter per Knopfdruck aktualisierenDaten von Webseiten auslesen und automatisch in Excel einlesenGanz einfach Datenbanken abrufen ohne Sichten erstellen zu mssenDaten ohne Verknpfungenaus Arbeitsmappen abrufenDaten aus ganzen Ordner mit einer Abfrage auslesenPower-Query(Daten abrufen und transformieren)ist eins der mchtigsten Tools in Excel, wird nur von Wenigen eingesetzt und das obwohl es leicht zu erlernen ist und man nach wenigen Minuten der Eingewhnungschon erste Erfolge feiern kann. Wenn Du dieses Tools das erste Mal im Einsatz siehst, kann man eigentlich nur noch den Kopf schtteln und sich nur noch fragen,warum man Power-Query nicht schon viel frher kennengelernt hat.Mir persnlich htte es damals ohne Witz hunderte von Arbeitsstundenbei der Aufbereitung von Daten einsparen knnen.Damit Dir nicht das gleiche Schicksal ereilt und Du so wie ich damalsaus Unwissenheit jede Menge Zeit bei der Aufbereitung von Daten vergeudest, habe ich diesen Kurs erstellt.Der Kurs stellt dir Power-Query vor und zeigt anhand von Beispielen die wichtigsten Funktionalitten. Die Syntaxsprache ""M"", mit der Abfragen auch perEditor geschrieben werden knnen, wird nur am Rande behandelt. In diesem Kurs geht es darum wie Du in krzester Zeit am meisten aus diesem Tool herausholen kannst und damit Du dir somit einen Haufen Zeit bei der Arbeit einsparen kannst.Schau Dir am besten die kostenlosen Vorschauvideos an und siehe fr Dich selbst welch ein ungeheures Potenzial in Power-Query steckt!Viele GreDanielP.S:Auch wenn Du Dich nicht in meinen Kurs einschreiben solltest, schaue dir unbedingt mal Power-Query an! Es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall!Im Schnitt nutzen meine KursteilnehmerExcel 7h/Woche bzw. 300h/Jahr oder ber 10.000h/Berufsleben.Das sindmehr als 5 Arbeitsjahre, die man sich nur mitExcel beschftigt. Kleine Produktivittszuwche und Effizienzsteigerungen machen somit ber die Zeit einen riesen Unterschied und knnendir potenzielltausende von Stunden einsparen.>>> Wichtig: Power-Query ist nur fr Windowsverfgbar und nicht fr MAC-Nutzer! <<<"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Leve a sua tcnica de pedal duplo para um novo patamar" |
"Voc quer elevar a sua tcnica de pedal duplo a um novo patamar?Voc quer ser capaz de fazer tcnicas com os ps que muitos achamserem apenas possveis de realizar com as mos?Voc quer aprender centenas de ritmos de pedal duplo e ampliar o seuvocabulrio de bateria?Voc quer aprender com um sistema de partituras inteligente que ajuda na leitura das mesmas?Voc quer praticar os exerccios de forma divertida com centenas deriffs de guitarra para os acompanhar?Entoeste curso para voc!Nestecurso vamos comear por abordar a tcnica heel toe. Tcnicaque, na minha opinio, tem sido subvalorizada e subaproveitada nomundo da bateria.Primeiro,vamos desmitificar alguns dos conceitos errados que a envolvem e quetm contribudo para que ela seja mal interpretada e,consequentemente, subutilizada e at mesmo ignorada.Emseguida, vamos aprender a tcnica passo a passo, detalhe a detalhe emostrarei solues para possveis problemas.Posteriormente,passaremos para a seco dos exerccios preliminares que lhepermitiro dar os primeiros passos com a tcnica referidaanteriormente e aprender como a integrar num contextortmico-musical.Naseco seguinte, aprenders como integrar a tcnica numa sriede exerccios com base em semicolcheias. Para cada exerccio iremosaprender 4 ritmos/grooves diferentes. Deseguida, passaremos para uma seco com um grupo de exercciosmuito semelhante, mas que tm por base tercinas de colcheia.Porfim, mas no menos importante, teremos a seco que acredito venhaa ser a favorita de muitos de vocs a seco dos rudimentos!Nela voc aprender a fazer os mesmos com o pedal duplo e como osintegrar em 4 ritmos/grooves, tal como nas seces anteriores.Apstudo isto voc ser capaz de criar os seus prprios ritmos e at sercapaz de fazer um solo de pedal duplo! Basta deixar a imaginao ea criatividade fluir!Osmateriais que esto includos no curso so:Todas as partituras de todos os exerccios apresentados no cursoestaro disponveis para download.Todos os riffs de guitarra apresentados no curso estarodisponveis para download.Notaextra:Emalgumas seces do curso determinados vdeos so reproduzidos emslow motion, para que voc possa ver tudo com detalhe. Todos osvdeos foram filmados a 120 frames por segundo, de forma aproporcionar-lhe uma visualizao de altssima qualidade."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Aprenda a criar arte vetorial para jogos 2d com o Inkscape!" |
"Voc tem uma boa ideia para um jogo 2d e quer criar seus prprios grficos personalizados? Ento esse curso para voc!Se voc nunca criou arte antes, no se preocupe! Voc aprender a criar passo-a-passo todos os elementos apresentados nesse curso. Necessitando apenas de usar o teclado e o mouse, simples assim!Voc aprender a usar o Inkscape, um programa de design gratuito, que te permitir criar toda a arte que voc precisa para um jogo2d!Como o Inkscape um programa de grficos vetoriais, voc pode redimensionar os recursos do seu jogo sem que eles percam qualidade! Os crie uma vez e os use em qualquer dispositivo (Andoid, IOS, Desktop, etc) e em qualquer resoluo!Todos os recursos criados nos vdeos do curso so seus! Isso significa que voc ter mais de 30 elementos nicos para usar nos seus jogos!O que criaremos: Coraes e estrelasPlataformasBotesPersonagensBackgroundsE monster trucks :DE ao criar a arte para jogos, voc tambm aprende tudo sobre o Inkscape!E lembre-se: eu estou aqui para o ensinar e o ajudar! Se voc tiver alguma dvida, pergunte! Eu vou adicionando novos cursos e recursos regularmente!"
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Obtenha independncia profissional - O foco do freelancer" |
"Existem imensos cursos sobre sucesso rpido para freelancers. Lamento, mas este no um desses cursos. Aqui voc no vai aprender a ficar rico rapidamente. Porm, voc pode aprender muito e de forma realista sobre freelancing: - Como comear - Como encontrar clientes e como lidar com os mesmos - Preos e pagamentos - Equilbrio entre a vida pessoal e profissional Eu sou freelancer h 10 anos e vou partilhar tudo o que eu sei com voc. Me considero uma pessoa bem sucedida e quero compartilhar o meu sucesso com voc. Se voc no tem a certeza se este curso vai de encontro ao que voc espera, eu sugiro que voc assista aula grtis Freelancing: prs e contras. Se depois disso voc achar que tem tudo para se tornar um/a freelancer, mas precisa de alguma orientao, ento se inscreva no curso!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Business Intelligence SQL - ETL Integration Services 2016" |
"O curso de Integration Services ministrado na verso do SQL Server 2016, contemplando todas as suas melhorias, sendo o primeiro curso em Portugus da UDEMY!! Vamos transferir dados de diversas fontes, agrupando, modificando, dividindo, juntando, classificando e muito mais!Junte-se ao curso e aprenda uma das profisses que mais emprega no Brasil e no mundo: O Analista e ETL.Aqui voc ter uma base slida para continuar os seus estudos na ferramenta ou aprender outras ferramentas de carga de dados.Se voc nunca mexeu no Integration Services, no se preocupe. Faremos tudo do zero. Desde a instalao do servidor e do SQL Server, at as ferramentas de Dados, criao de projetos, e finalmente, a prtica! Voc vai aprender o que uma ferramenta ETL e dominar uma das ferramentas mais utilizadas no Mercado de TrabalhoTe vejo no curso!Ainda tem dvidas? Procure no Google pela descrio ""Analista de ETL"" e veja a demanda pela rea e o preo exorbitante dos cursos por a!A qualidade continua a mesma que voc j viu nos meus outros cursos! Todos acima de 4.5 de mdia, de 5.0 possveis!Um abrao"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"O que Business Intelligence? Teoria sem mistrios!" |
"O curso de bate-papo BI surgiu e uma necessidade particular. Quando quis ingressar na rea no achava informaes precisas sobre o que fazer, onde fazer e o quanto fazer. Aqui lhe direi tudo! O que faz a rea, as funes dentro de cada sub-rea e seus processos, os tipos de profissionais e seus perfis, onde procurar oportunidades, em que cursos investir e o que voc realmente deve entender. Tudo isso poupando o seu dinheiro.Esse no um curso para vender outros cursos. um curso onde voc vai entender as reas e sub-reas, saber qual ferramentas utilizar para cada funo e encaixar o seu perfil onde mais gostar! A voc estar direcionado, e o resto com voc! Sucesso!***OBS*** O curso no um curso prtico. um curso terico que vai te situar em toda a rea de BI, que divida em muitas sub reas! E acredite, h muita coisa a ser vista e a ser entendida nessa rea!Um grande abrao, e te vejo no curso!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"DBA SQL Server 2016 Essencial - Aprenda do Zero!" |
"Entre no mundo de um dosBancos de Dados mais utilizados no mercado de trabalho: O SQL Server. Aprenderemos desde o incio, entendendo como instalar o SQL Server de maneira profissional em um domnio do Active Directory, aprenderemos os protocolos e suas vantagens, arquitetura do servidor, dimensionamento e alocao de arquivos em HDs diferentes, segurana de acesso e permissionamento, envio de emails, gerao de alertas das mais diversas configuraes tudo isso em um ambiente virtual totalmente montado do zero, passo a passo com voc, sem deixar nenhuma caracterstica de fora, para que voc consiga caminhar com as prprias pernas aps o curso! Duvida? Ento clica aqui em fazer esse curso e te vejo nas aulas!DBA SQL Server Essencial -O mais atual banco da Microsoft, desvendadocom a didtica que voc j conhece! qualidade na certa!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"DBA Oracle Essencial - Aprenda do zero!" |
"Seja bem vindo ao primeiro curso de DBA Oracle da Udemy! Aqui aprenderemos Oracle do zero e eu falarei MUITO com voc sobre a arquitetura do banco de dados, algo que muito negligenciado na maioria dos cursos, mas extremamente importante para que voc no faa as coisas mecanicamente! Gosta de entender os porqus? Ento voc est no lugar certo! Veremos as estruturas fsicas e lgicas, e com isso voc aprender e entender muitas coisas mais avanadas! Criaremos usurios, veremos niveis de isolamento, flashback, sinnimos e muito mais!Espero voc nas aulas!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Business Intelligence com Tableau Desktop" |
"O Tableau o software que lidera o quadrante Gartner de ferramentas de BI h cinco anos consecutivos! Seguido de perto por seus concorrentes, como a Microsoft, a empresa inova e investe cada vez mais em seus softwares, tomando assim uma grande fatia do mercado de ferramentas de Data Discovery. No sabe o que isso? Entra aqui que vou te ensinar do zero, com a didtica que voc j conhece e a dedicao em retirar as suas dvidas que voc j viu! Se voc aluno novo, confira as classificaes dos nossos cursos e venha com muita vontade, porque uma certeza eu te dou: Voc vai aprender! O curso ministrado com a verso mais atual do Tableau: A verso 10"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Cloud Computing - AWS, Google Cloud e Azure - Dados na nuvem" |
"O curso de Cloud Computing foca na criao e gerenciamento de mquinas virtuais e na plataforma de dados, como MySQL, Oracle e SQL Server. Mostrando os trs maiores provedores do mundo, teremos a teoria essencial sobre Cloud Computing e um Hands On sobre cada um dos provedores.Gerenciaremos mquinas via linha de comandoGerenciaremos a plataforma via dispositivos MobileFaremos o deploy de mquinas Windows e LinuxConectaremos via console de provedores ou via protocolo SSH"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Business Intelligence com Power BI - Estudos de Caso" |
"Voc gostaria de criar as suas prprias visualizaes do seu negcio de maneira gratuita, rpida e simples? E se voc pudesse enviar um relatrio gerencial para o seu gerente acessar via dispositivo mvel? E se voc pudesse criar os seus PRPRIOS grficos personalizados, como por exemplo, as cadeiras de um cinema para acompanhar a lotao?Aqui voc pode!Inscreva-se no curso de Business Intelligence com Power BI e aprenda de forma hands on, mo na massa, com casos de estudo diferentes ao longo do curso! Entenda conceitos tericos importantes de anlise de negcio, que lhe faro criar Dashboards e grficos mais completos!Vamos passar dos conceitos bsicos at os conceitos mais avanados, dessa maravilhosa ferramente, lder no quadrante Gartner!Power BI - Anlises preditivas fceis, com a didtica que voc j conhece!Te vejo no curso!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Data Science de A a Z - Extraao e Exibio dos Dados" |
"Data Science de A ZO essencial que voc precisa saber sobre esse curso : Ele voltado para iniciantes. Esse o meu pblico e amo trabalhar com ele.Portanto, se: Voc quer entrar na rea de Data Science e no sabe por onde comear, se voc fez algum timo curso mas achou avanado demais e no entendeu nada, se voc que saber todos os conceitos importantes que cercam essa rea, se voc UNIVERSITRIO buscando conhecimento sobre a reas,se voc quer ter uma viso geral um EXCELENTE BASE para saber caminhar sozinho, o seu lugar aqui. Vamos aprender de uma forma didtica mesmo para quem nunca viu o assunto.A profisso de Cisntista de Dados no s luxo. H tambm partes que ningum conta, como por exemplo onde tudo feito antes da exibio dos lindos grficos para tomadas de deciso, e eu vou te mostrar aqui como tudo , para que nada te surpreenda em um ambiente real.O curso segue uma lgica de aprendizado com um plus que voc s encontrar aqui: Carga e tratamento de Dados no SQL Server.Por que carga de dados? A profisso de Cientista de Dados lida em 70% do seu tempo com o tratamento de dados. Os dados, nosso ator principal, precisam ser tratados, padronizados e limpos que QUALQUER tcnica seja aplicada em fases posteriores. Aqui voc ter um forte base nesse tratamento, utilizando no somente o Python como tambm a ferramenta Integration Services em conjunto com a linguagem SQL. E para fechar, ns construiremos do ZERO um componente no Integration Services que nos avisa QUANDO um registro foi alterado e grava a sua alterao. E ns vamos instalar o SQL Server DOZERO.InfraestruturaOutro ponto : Voc j se imaginou como um ambiente de cientista de dados? Como so organizadas as pastas, como so salvos os scripts e como so comparados os dados? Aqui tambm focaremos na infraestrutura do ambiente, organizao de pastas e versionamento de scripts.GrficosUm recurso indispensvel para a anlise de dados so os grficos. J imaginou em apenas olhar para um grfico e verificar se variveis so correlacionadas? Ou dizer o quanto de correlao h entre elas? Aqui eu vou te ensinar de uma forma simples, assim como os mais comuns tipos de grficos, suas variaes e por ltimo, mas no menos importante, a dar estilo a esses grficos escolhendo a sua paleta de cores.RecursosDentre os recursos gerais do curso, teremos:SQL para Data Science.Integration Services e ETL.Python para tratamento de dados com Pandas.Python para clculos matemticos com NumPy.Grficos em Python com MatplotLib.Grficos estilosos em Python e customizao de grficos com SeaBorn.Servidor DedicadoPara facilitar o curso, voc ter um servidor de armazenamento online DEDICADO voc! Voc poder realizar TODOS os downloads desse servidor caso no encontre os arquivos no site dos fabricantes. Alm dos softwares do curso, todos os datasets e cdigos em script esto organizados em pastas, separados por mdulos para fcil acesso!Sim, tudo aqui, em um curso s!Como voc pode ver, um curso grande, e as aulas esto sendo adicionadas semanalmente!Tudo com a didtica que voc j conhece!Esse um curso generalista, que mostra desde o incio da rea, com a aquisio e o tratamento dos dados at a ltima ponta que a exibio dos grficos para a tomada de deciso, portanto voc ver a rea completa.Universidade dos Dados - Elevando o seu conhecimento!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"SQL e Banco de Dados para DataScience, sem mistrios!" |
"Se voc gostou do meu Best Seller - O Curso Completo de Bancos de Dados e SQL sem Mistrios, voc com toda certeza ir gostar desse curso!Em SQL e Banco de Dados para DataScience eu dou uma viso mais estatstica e avanada no esquecendo a didtica to falada no meu primeiro curso. Em resumo: Aspectos avanados tornam-se simples em diversos bancos de dados modelados exclusivamente para voc!Aprenda como importar um set de dados e tambm como exportar um set de dados do banco de dados para um formato colunar extremamente utilizado para Data Science e Machine Learning!Retire medidas estatsticas do seu banco de dados, como, Mdia, Moda, Mediana, Desvio Padro e Coeficiente de Variao, tudo isso com muita simplicidade, em selects simples!Aprenda as Window Functions e eleve as suas anlises a outro nvel!Formate colunas de nmeros e strings!Procure por palavras com expresses regulares!Prepare-se para o futuro! Bancos de Dados e SQL para Data Science!Vejo vocs nas aulas!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"O Curso completo de NoSQL sem mistrios! MongoDB Neo4J" |
"Prepare-se para entrar no apaixonante mundo dos bancos de dados no relacionais e ter mil e uma idias de como modelar um sistema!Voc j aprendeu SQL comigo utilizando 3 bancos de dados relacionais: O MySQL, o SQL Server e o Oracle! Ento agora vamos mergulhar no mundo NoSQL com mais 3 bancos de dados extremamente utilizados na rea de Data Science e tambm na rea de Business Intelligence: o MongoDB e o Neo4J! So 2 bancos de dados NoSQL de tipos diferentes, no mesmo curso!O MongoDB nos mostra como o NoSQL pode ser voltado para documentos e para isso vamos aprender o que JSON e a sua hierarquia.O Neo4J nos mostra o conceito de banco de dados aplicado grafos! Alm de uma viso muito bela de um banco de dados grfico, os grafos nos permitem pesquisas que remetem a sistemas de recomendaes, como aquele que voc v no NetFlix!Em todos esses bancos veremos a infraestrutura, a modelagem, como inserir, consultar, atualizar e deletar dados! E claro, como em todos os meus cursos, teremos a lousa de explicaes que deixa a didtica mais clara, como sempre elogiada por vocs!Como no podia faltar, aprenderemos tambm sobre a arquitetura dos 3 bancos de dados e entraremos em suas infraestruturas para que voc saiba virar-se sozinho na hora de montar o seu servidor! Sero 3 instalaes do zero, mais a montagem do servidor, incluindo virtualizao e a instalao do sistema operacional! Tudo isso do zero e com todos os softwares e scripts disponibilizados pra voc!Voc ainda no me conhece? D uma olhada nos meus outros cursos e reviews! Minha mdia geral de 4.5 e os alunos imensamente satisfeitos! Eu te garanto uma coisa: Aqui voc vai aprender!Te vejo nas aulas!"
Price: 579.99 ![]() |
"Reporting Services - Relatrios SQL com seu o Banco de Dados" |
"Seja bem vindo ao primeiro curso em portugus de Reporting Services da Udemy!O Reporting Services a ferramenta de servidor de relatrios mais utilizada no mundo. Com o Reporting Services ns podemos nos conectar a QUALQUER base de dados e gerar relatrios utilizando a linguagem SQL sem NENHUMA complicao!Aqui nesse curso montaremos dois servidores, um com Windows 10, para estudos, no qual ser conduzido esse curso e tambm ser mostrado como fazer a instalao no Windows Server, utilizando as verses Enterprise mais novas.Criaremos diversos tipos de grficos como Pie e Bar e tambm trabalharemos com Mapas, um recurso extremamente poderoso e avanado.Tambm faremos deploy dos nossos relatrios para o servidor e configuraremos o nosso portal web de relatrios.Drill Down e Drill up no poderiam ficar de fora, assim como relatrios dinmicos com parmetros.Se voc quer aprender a construir relatrios analticos com um curso rpido e completo, voc est no lugar certo!Todos os downloads sero providos pelo curso e todos os softwares so livres para estudo!O que voc est esperando? Te vejo nas aulas!Confira as minhas avaliaes e inscreva-se!Um grande abrao"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Cisco Data Encapsulation 101" |
"Welcome everyone!In this course you will be learning the basics of Data Encapsulation so you can understand how our data learns the information it needs to be transmitted across the network, using various ports, protocols, addressing, and standards.I will present this information to you in three formatsso you do not get bored and you are engaged in the material I am presenting to youPowerPoint SlidesWhiteboard drawingsVirtual Labs Join theSTUDENTSthatLEARN and SUCCEED (Reviews are from all of my courses)!Really enjoyed the network diagrams and detailed explanations. I would take more courses from this instructor! Great course and excellent teaching methodology!Love the way Keith teaches. He phrases concepts in a manner that is easy to follow and understand!Great course! Definitely will recommend this to others. If you like non dry material with good overall explanations and not just explanations written from a book, then take this course!Course Information:For this course you will need to have a basic understanding of networking fundamentals. If you don't, you can always take my ""Cisco Networking Introduction"" course available here on Udemy.This course has over 9.5 hours of video lectures and is made up of about 2/3of labs so you become fluent on configuring Cisco routers and switches.You will need to download:Cisco Packet Tracer - A virtual network simulator, available for FREE downloadWireshark - A packet capture application, available for FREE downloadData Encapsulation 101eBook - Available in Lecture 2 ""Overview &Requirements""for FREE downloadStudents can expect:To have a full understanding of DataEncapsulation which is directly related to Cisco's CCNA Certification Exam objectives.Students will be given a review on some key network fundamental topics directly related to data encapsulation and for this course.Students will havethe necessary knowledge needed to discuss data encapsulation with peers, and provide informative information regarding details pertaining to the data being sent across networks.In addition, Students will learn:How to use Cisco Packet Tracer to capture virtual lab network trafficThe basics of Wireshark so they are familiar with navigating the application, and know how to capture traffic.Students will learn how to capture Switch and Router passwords using Wireshark.Subscribe on YouTube:Subscribe to LearnTech Training on youtube as we will be uploading many videos for all areas of Technology that include FREELectures, LABS, and Promotional Offers for future courses we create!DONTFORGETTORATE:Please do not forget to rate this course. We use the ratings to determine if buildingcourses such as this will be worthour time in the future. Note: If you feel this course is not worthy of a good review - please, let me know so I can resolve the issue and we can avoid negative reviews!Thank you for choosing LearnTech Trainingwith myself,Keith Gebhardt, to be your instructor for this course. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please ask.Enjoy!Keith Gebhardt"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Subnetting - Become a Subnet Master!" |
"Welcome to the most comprehensive subnetting course! My name is Keith Gebhardt, your instructor.In this course you will be learning all the important information you need to fully understand IPv4 addressing which is directly related to your Cisco CCNA Exams, or any other IT exams you may be taking.Once you learn the details and key topics, you will learn the tricks and tools which will allow you to subnet any question quickly and accurately!So what are you waiting for... come on and lets go! YOUWILLMASTERSUBNETTING!Join the STUDENTS thatLEARN and SUCCEED (Reviews are from all of my courses)!Keith has an engaging teaching style that held my attention very well. I appreciated the practice subnetting questions and the 'cheat sheet' that he provides at the end. I would definitely recommend this course and this instructor - in fact I've already bought another course from him! Great course and excellent teaching methodology!Love the way Keith teaches. He phrases concepts in a manner that is easy to follow and understand! Great course! Definitely will recommend this to others. If you like non dry material with good overall explanations and not just explanations written from a book, then take this course!How YOU will LEARN!This course requires you to be engaged!I teach this courseas if you were in an actual classroom environment!I use whiteboard styled teaching for most of the course just as if you were sitting in a classroom learning the same information. The course is not read from a script, which means you do not listen to me sound like a robot reading material and get bored -I will be speaking to you as if you are sitting in a room with me.The course expects you to be engaged, taking notes and writing down information as i teach it. Study the information I tell you is important for your exams!There will be many parts of this course which I work on addressing problems to help you learn IPv4 addressing and subnetting so you can pass your Cisco certification exam, so you should work on them with me!I will give you the tools you need to be subnetting pro's for your Cisco CCNA Exams and for being an IT Professional!Main topics covered!Binary ConversionsFormats of IPv4Subnet MasksIPv4 CalculationsDesign a subnet based on Network RequirementsDesign a subnet based on Host RequirementsReverse Engineer SubnetsReview/Practice Questions for CCNASubscribe on YouTube:Subscribe to LearnTech Training on YouTube as we will be uploading many videos for all areas of Technology that include FREELectures, LABS, and Promotional Offers for future courses we create!DONTFORGETTORATE:Please do not forget to rate this course. We use the ratings to determine if buildingcourses such as this will be worthour time in the future.Note:If you feel this course is not worthy of a good review - please, let me know so I can resolve the issue and we can avoid negative reviews!Thank you for choosing LearnTech Trainingwith myself,Keith Gebhardt, to be your instructor for this course. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please ask.Enjoy!Keith Gebhardt"
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cisco CCNA 300-201 Entry Level" |
"Welcome to Cisco CCENT LABS Course, this course use to cover the materials for CCENT, the first exam focused on obtaining the CCNA certification. Now that the curriculum has changed, and our team evaluated the new exams and required objectives, this material has never been more important.In this course you will be learning all the important information you need to fully understand Cisco iOS and configurations to implement a small office/home office network directly related to the Cisco objectives. You will use a virtual network simulator to build all of these labs! You will need to download the eBook which contains all the configuration files, and you will also have the opportunity to download actual Packet Tracer Lab files, and all of the videos.IF AT ANYTIME - You want to learn how to configure/design something for a LAB related to the Objectives that I did not cover, TELL ME! I will create a LAB and upload it for the course! This course is designed so you STUDENTS can make suggestions and I can tailor it just right for you! I will continuously update the LABS until the curriculum changes and it will be time for revision! So what are you waiting for... come on and lets go! Master Cisco iOS CLIJoin the STUDENTS that LEARN and SUCCEED (Reviews are from all of my courses)! Really enjoyed the network diagrams and detailed explanations. I would take more courses from this instructor! Great course and excellent teaching methodology! Love the way Keith teaches. He phrases concepts in a manner that is easy to follow and understand! Great course! Definitely will recommend this to others. If you like non dry material with good overall explanations and not just explanations written from a book, then take this course!How YOU will LEARN!This course requires you to be engaged! I teach this course as if you were in an actual classroom environment!The entire course will be presented to you in the form of a screencast. You can simply watch me work on labs and follow along in your network simulator. This works best with a dual monitor setup so you can have me on one monitor, and your lab on another however, single monitors will work just fine.The course expects you to be engaged, taking notes and writing down information as I teach it. Work on the labs as I have them for you, work on the exercises, and continue to practice configuring network devices and you will become a pro in no time!Main topics covered!Installing Packet TracerPacket Tracer GUIConnecting Cisco DevicesBase ConfigurationsBase SecurityConfigure Telnet/SSHVLANS/TRUNKSInter VLAN ROUTINGStatic RoutingDNSHTTPDHCPIntro to VoIPNATRIPv2Final LabSubscribe on YouTube:Subscribe to LearnTech Training on YouTube as we will be uploading many videos for all areas of Technology that include FREE Lectures, LABS, and Promotional Offers for future courses we create!DONT FORGET TO RATE:Please do not forget to rate this course. We use the ratings to determine if building courses such as this will be worth our time in the future. Note: If you feel this course is not worthy of a good review - please, let me know so I can resolve the issue and we can avoid negative reviews!Thank you for choosing LearnTech Training with myself, Keith Gebhardt, to be your instructor for this course. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please ask.Enjoy! Keith Gebhardt"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Cisco - TCP/IP & OSI Network Architecture Models" |
"Welcome to the Cisco -TCP/IP &OSINetwork Architecture Model course!In this course you will be learning all the important information you need to fully understand TCP/IP and the OSI model which are directly related to your CiscoCCENT/CCNA exam objectives.Join theSTUDENTSthatLEARN and SUCCEED (Reviews are from all of my courses)!Really enjoyed the network diagrams and detailed explanations. I would take more courses from this instructor! Great course and excellent teaching methodology!Love the way Keith teaches. He phrases concepts in a manner that is easy to follow and understand!Great course! Definitely will recommend this to others. If you like non dry material with good overall explanations and not just explanations written from a book, then take this course!How YOU will LEARN!This course requires you to be engaged!I teach this courseas if you were in an actual classroom environment!You will be seeing different graphical presentations, and then I use the screen as your very own whiteboard so you get the best explanation possible, and stay engaged!YouTube:Subscribe to LearnTech Training on YouTube as we will be uploading many videos for all areas of Technology that include FREELectures, LABS, and Promotional Offers for future courses we create!DONTFORGETTORATE:Please do not forget to rate this course. We use the ratings to determine if buildingcourses such as this will be worthour time in the future.Note:If you feel this course is not worthy of a good review - please, let me know so I can resolve the issue and we can avoid negative reviews!Thank you for choosing LearnTech Trainingwith myself,Keith Gebhardt, to be your instructor for this course. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please ask.Enjoy!Keith Gebhardt"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Cisco EIGRP - Complete Understanding Hands-on Training" |
"Gain an edge over others with this comprehensive, complete understanding, and hands-on coursewith Cisco's EIGRP routing protocol!This course is designed to cover ALL the Cisco CCNA (ICND1 & ICND2) level EIGRP curriculum. However, this course is a more high-level course which will also introduce many of the topics related to the Cisco CCNPROUTEcurriculum! Students will also follow along using their LAB environment of choice to gain real-world, hands on experience!Why do we teach both CCNA and CCNPTopics?Allows sutdents studying for the CCNAto have a much better understanding of all the KEYTOPICSAllows students looking to move into the industry, to know EIGRP in more detail, so they can answer interview question confidently, or perform in the workplace at a higher level.Allows students looking to prepare for their CCNP ROUTEexam an advantage as this material introduces many of the CCNP level topics relating to EIGRPStudents that have not utilized or studied EIGRP that hold a valid CCNA, can use this course to prepare for their CCNP studes.Presenting both CCNA and CCNP level material really allows students to have a solid conceptual understanding of EIGRP.This course breaks downthe KEYIMPORTANTTOPICS so you UNDERSTAND them thoroughly!Join theSTUDENTSthatLEARN and SUCCEED (Reviews are from all of my courses)!Keith has an engaging teaching style that held my attention very well. I appreciated the practice subnetting questions and the 'cheat sheet' that he provides at the end. I would definitely recommend this course and this instructor - in fact I've already bought another course from him! Great course and excellent teaching methodology!Love the way Keith teaches. He phrases concepts in a manner that is easy to follow and understand!Great course! Definitely will recommend this to others. If you like non dry material with good overall explanations and not just explanations written from a book, then take this course!How YOU will LEARN!Keith is an industry professional with many years of experience.He began his teaching in classroom environments through various consulting positions he has held. Keith loves interacting with students to make the learning not only valuable to the student, but fun as well. Keith will joke around, impersonate random characters, but his teaching method has quickly become a favorite.This course requires you to be engaged!Keith will teach this courseas if you were in an actual classroom environment!He utilizes whiteboard styled teaching for most of the course just as if you were sitting in a classroom learning the same information. The course is not read from a script, which means you do not listen to Keith sound like a robot reading material and get bored -he will be speaking to you as if you are sitting in a room with him.(SOBESURETOSAYHI)The course expects you to be engaged, taking notes and writing down information as he teaches it. Study the information he tells you is important for your exams!You will also be required to have a LABenvironment, being physical or virtual to practice all of the configurations with me!Subscribe on YouTube:Subscribe to LearnTech Training on YouTube as we will be uploading many videos for all areas of Technology that include FREELectures, LABS, and Promotional Offers for future courses we create!DONTFORGETTORATE:Please do not forget to rate this course. We use the ratings to determine if buildingcourses such as this will be worthour time in the future.Note:If you feel this course is not worthy of a good review - please, let me know so I can resolve the issue and we can avoid negative reviews!Thank you for choosing LearnTech Trainingwith myself,Keith Gebhardt, to be your instructor for this course. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please ask.Enjoy!Keith Gebhardt"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Cisco OSPF - Complete Understanding Hands-on Training" |
"Gain an edge over others with this comprehensive, complete understanding, and hands-on courseOSPF's routing protocol!This course is designed to coverALLtheCisco CCNA (ICND1 & ICND2)level OSPF curriculum. However,this course is a morehigh-levelcoursewhich will also introduce many of the topics related to theCisco CCNPROUTEcurriculum! Students will also follow along using their LAB environment of choice to gain real-world, hands on experience!Why do we teach both CCNA and CCNPTopics?Allows sutdents studying for the CCNAto have a much better understanding of all the KEYTOPICSAllows students looking to move into the industry, to know OSPF in more detail, so they can answer interview question confidently, or perform in the workplace at a higher level.Allows students looking to prepare for their CCNP ROUTEexam an advantage as this material introduces many of the CCNP level topics relating to OSPFStudents that have not utilized or studied OSPF that hold a valid CCNA, can use this course to prepare for their CCNP studes.Presenting both CCNA and CCNP level material really allows students to have a solid conceptual understanding of OSPF.This course breaks downthe KEYIMPORTANTTOPICS so you UNDERSTAND them thoroughly!Join theSTUDENTSthatLEARN and SUCCEED (Reviews are from all of my courses)!Keith has an engaging teaching style that held my attention very well. I appreciated the practice subnetting questions and the 'cheat sheet' that he provides at the end. I would definitely recommend this course and this instructor - in fact I've already bought another course from him! Great course and excellent teaching methodology!Love the way Keith teaches. He phrases concepts in a manner that is easy to follow and understand!Great course! Definitely will recommend this to others. If you like non dry material with good overall explanations and not just explanations written from a book, then take this course!How YOU will LEARN!Keith is an industry professional with many years of experience.He began his teaching in classroom environments through various consulting positions he has held. Keith loves interacting with students to make the learning not only valuable to the student, but fun as well. Keith will joke around, impersonate random characters, but his teaching method has quickly become a favorite.This course requires you to be engaged!Keith will teach this courseas if you were in an actual classroom environment!He utilizes whiteboard styled teaching for most of the course just as if you were sitting in a classroom learning the same information. The course is not read from a script, which means you do not listen to Keith sound like a robot reading material and get bored -he will be speaking to you as if you are sitting in a room with him.(SOBESURETOSAYHI)The course expects you to be engaged, taking notes and writing down information as he teaches it. Study the information he tells you is important for your exams!You will also be required to have a LABenvironment, being physical or virtual to practice all of the configurations with me!Subscribe on YouTube:Subscribe to LearnTech Training on YouTube as we will be uploading many videos for all areas of Technology that include FREELectures, LABS, and Promotional Offers for future courses we create!DONTFORGETTORATE:Please do not forget to rate this course. We use the ratings to determine if buildingcourses such as this will be worthour time in the future.Note:If you feel this course is not worthy of a good review - please, let me know so I can resolve the issue and we can avoid negative reviews!Thank you for choosing LearnTech Trainingwith myself,Keith Gebhardt, to be your instructor for this course. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please ask.Enjoy! Keith Gebhardt"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Cisco Access Control Lists with NAT / PAT" |
"Welcome to the MOST COMPREHENSIVE Access Control List & NAT/PAT Course on Udemy!Cisco CCNA 200-301 - Access Control Lists: Higher Level Education for a Complete UnderstandingWe specifically cover all topics relevant for understanding and implementing Access Control Lists on Cisco Devices. Since NAT/PAT utilize ACL's, we throw this topic in as well. Although this is indeed a higher level understanding course, for those of you at your CCNA level, the only reason ACL's are even covered is because of NAT and PAT. We will cover Standard ACL's, NAT/PAT, Extended ACL's and Named ACL's in this course. We will also discuss wildcard masks and take all the fundamentals you learn and apply them to LABS that we build together in CIsco Packet Tracer.Join the STUDENTS that LEARN and SUCCEED (Reviews are from all of my courses)! Keith has an engaging teaching style that held my attention very well. I appreciated the practice subnetting questions and the 'cheat sheet' that he provides at the end. I would definitely recommend this course and this instructor - in fact I've already bought another course from him! Great course and excellent teaching methodology! Love the way Keith teaches. He phrases concepts in a manner that is easy to follow and understand! Great course! Definitely will recommend this to others. If you like non dry material with good overall explanations and not just explanations written from a book, then take this course!How YOU will LEARN!Keith is an industry professional with many years of experience. He began his teaching in classroom environments through various consulting positions he has held. Keith loves interacting with students to make the learning not only valuable to the student, but fun as well. Keith will joke around, impersonate random characters, but his teaching method has quickly become a favorite.This course requires you to be engaged! Keith will teach this course as if you were in an actual classroom environment!He utilizes whiteboard styled teaching for most of the course just as if you were sitting in a classroom learning the same information. The course is not read from a script, which means you do not listen to Keith sound like a robot reading material and get bored - he will be speaking to you as if you are sitting in a room with him.(SO BE SURE TO SAY HI)The course expects you to be engaged, taking notes and writing down information as he teaches it. Study the information he tells you is important for your exams! You will also be required to have a LAB environment, being physical or virtual to practice all of the configurations with me!Subscribe on YouTube:Subscribe to LearnTech Training on YouTube as we will be uploading many videos for all areas of Technology that include FREE Lectures, LABS, and Promotional Offers for future courses we create!DONT FORGET TO RATE:Please do not forget to rate this course. We use the ratings to determine if building courses such as this will be worth our time in the future. Note: If you feel this course is not worthy of a good review - please, let me know so I can resolve the issue and we can avoid negative reviews!Thank you for choosing LearnTech Training with myself, Keith Gebhardt, to be your instructor for this course. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please ask.Enjoy! Keith Gebhardt"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"NEW Cisco CCNA (200-301) - iOS Administration Labs" |
"Welcome to Cisco CCNA Routing & Switching (200-125) iOS Administrative Labs CourseIn this course you learn all the necessary administration skills directly related to Cisco's CCNA Exam curriculum and for the real industry. This course is designed so you can be engaged, and follow along with the FREE WORKBOOK step-by-step so you have a complete understanding of all the key Cisco CCNA administration topics and in a more complex network setting.We will build a Cisco CCNA network topology together, step-by-step which then we will discuss and implement many different CCNA administrative configurations on the network.You will learn many CCNA administration topics over the course of 5 hours!Router Base / Administrative ConfigurationsSwitch Base / Administrative ConfigurationsBasic VLAN and Interface ConfigurationsCore Routing w/ RIPv2, Static Routes, and Default RoutesConfiguring NTP ServerConfiguring DNS ServerConfiguring TFTP ServerConfiguring DHCP Router and ServerConfiguring SYSLOG ServerImplementing Backup / Restore Implementing Password RecoverJoin the STUDENTS that LEARN and SUCCEED (Reviews are from all of my courses)! Keith has an engaging teaching style that held my attention very well. I appreciated the practice subnetting questions and the 'cheat sheet' that he provides at the end. I would definitely recommend this course and this instructor - in fact I've already bought another course from him! I took this as a standalone course to better understand subnetting in general as an IT generalist, as opposed to working towards my CCNA. Really helped me wrap my head around the process, and the exercises do a great job of reinforcing the learning. Time well spent!. Love the way Keith teaches. He phrases concepts in a manner that is easy to follow and understand! I have really enjoyed going through this course It is a really good tutorial. I have enjoyed it so much I have already signed up to another one of Keith's courses.I have even started saying the phrase bada bing bada boom as I practice the labs.How YOU will LEARN!This course requires you to be engaged! I teach this course as if you were in an actual classroom environment!I use whiteboard styled teaching, occasionally some slides, and most importantly LABS to teach this course.The course expects you to be engaged, taking notes and writing down information as i teach it. Study the information I tell you is important for your exams and work on the labs with me! LEARN BY DOING!This course will give you the necessary skills to take with you to continue your Cisco CCNA Studies, and for real world networking environments in the work place.Subscribe on YouTube:Subscribe to LearnTech Training on YouTube as we will be uploading many videos for all areas of Technology that include FREE Lectures, LABS, and Promotional Offers for future courses we create!DONT FORGET TO RATE:Please do not forget to rate this course. We use the ratings to determine if building courses such as this will be worth our time in the future. Note: If you feel this course is not worthy of a good review - please, let me know so I can resolve the issue and we can avoid negative reviews!Thank you for choosing LearnTech Training with myself, Keith Gebhardt, to be your instructor for this course. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please ask.Enjoy! Keith GebhardtNetwork Engineer - Private Consultant"
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Cisco Packet Tracer Network Simulator Introduction" |
"Cisco Packet Tracer is anetwork simulator that can be utilized in training for Network certifications such as CompTia Network+and Cisco CCENTor CCNACertification Exams. The software allows students to create virtual networks with many different networking devices from switches, routers, end user devices and even systems integration devices such as security cameras, motion sensors, lights, and alarms.Like all of my courses - You will LEARNBYDOING which is absolutely the best way to learn networking. I will not only thoroughly go over the Cisco Packet tracer Application but I will also give you the opportunity to follow along with me and build some simple Switching and Routing Labs, and we will briefly discuss some networking fundamentals so you understand what is it we are building!In addition to traditional networking labs, I will also show you how to set up a lab for any of you System Integrations folks joining this course so you can take full advantage of this powerful application.Hope you enjoy!Keith"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Neste curso voc aprende a utilizar o photoshop como ferramenta de trabalho ou seja voc vai aprender a realizar diversos efeitos em fotos, criar banner, anncios, cartes de visita, logos, animaes gifs, efeitos 3d, mockups e muito mais.Neste curso o aluno j deve ter um bom conhecimento no programa pois o foco do curso no explicar as ferramentas do programa e sim aprender na prtica a utilizar toda potencia do photoshop para criao de diversas artes em geralAproveite para aprender de forma mais prtica com Muito exerccios e trabalhos e mantendo sempre o contato com o aluno. Em Todas as aulas fornecemos as imagens e arquivos utilizados no curso para download para trabalharmos juntos podendo assim acompanhar de forma mais precisa as aulas."
Price: 354.99 ![]() |
"After Effects CC 2019 - Do Bsico ao Avanado" |
"Curso de Adobe After Effects Do bsico ao AvanadoAprenda trabalhar com o After Effects o programa mais utilizado do ramo da edio, composio e efeitos especiais em vdeos.Neste Curso After Effects do Bsico ao Avanado, vamos aprender as ferramentas deste incrvel programa para criar efeitos incrveis em vdeos O curso est com as verses mais atualizadas do programa como o After Effects cc 2019Neste Curso de Adobe After Effects do Bsico ao Avanado, vamos aprender na pratica a utilizar o programa criando diversos trabalhos e exerccios de forma que possamos trabalhar em um nvel avanado e at mesmo profissional mas sem deixar a parte terica de lado.Aproveite para aprender de forma mais prtica com Muito exerccios e trabalhos e mantendo sempre o contato com o aluno. Em Todas as aulas fornecemos as imagens e arquivos utilizados no curso para download para trabalharmos juntos podendo assim acompanhar de forma mais precisa as aulas."
Price: 294.99 ![]() |