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"How to VLOG: Complete Beginner's Course" |
"*** UPDATED JULY 2020 ***This course was created to help you get going with creating your own vlog; covering all of the basics from dealing with your fear of vlogging in public, basic equipment and the editing software you'll need.Although there are hundreds of tutorials on ""how to vlog"" on YouTube. This course is not only my unique perspective on vlogging, but will show you how to create and upload your videos onto Amazon Prime! What makes me qualified to teach you?I'm a self taught video editor and full time vlogger that started off like you! In June 2016, I had zero editing experience, no laptop, no students, no YouTube channel, and no presence on Amazon Prime. Fast forward to July 2020, I have;19+ fitness and travel adventure publications on Amazon Prime700+ videos on YouTube10,000+ YouTube subscribers with over 6.28 million minutes watched233,000+ students in my online video coursesTrust me, as I review my stats it sounds crazy to me too! I never expected in a million years to be in my current position with these achievements. I started with nothing... If I can do it, I am confident that you can do it too.Go ahead and click the enrol button and let's get started."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020: Video Editing for Beginners" |
"*** UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2020 - INCLUDES LATEST CC 2020 UPDATES ***Join over 194,000 students in one of the largest and most popular video editing courses on Udemy! This course is perfect for absolute beginners...So you've taken a quick look at Premiere Pro and are completely overwhelmed by all of the tools within the software and have no clue how to start editing your first video... Or you've edited a few videos but you are simply not happy with the results!If you're frustrated... I know the feeling! For the first few months, I battled the same problems you have and I felt like I'd never figure it out. Premiere Pro seemed so complicated and the learning curve was painful. As a self taught video editor and with over 4 years experience exclusively with Premiere Pro, I am proud to say that I am truly happy with the quality of the videos I am producing for Amazon Prime and YouTube. I wish I had this course when I first started, it would have saved me years of pain and suffering!What makes me qualified to teach you?I'm a self taught video editor and full time vlogger that started off like you! In June 2016, I had zero editing experience, no laptop, no students, no YouTube channel, and no presence on Amazon Prime. Fast forward to September 2020, I have;19+ fitness and travel adventure publications on Amazon Prime700+ videos on YouTube10,000+ YouTube subscribers with over 6.52 million minutes watched256,000+ students in my online video coursesTrust me, as I review my stats it sounds crazy to me too! I never expected in a million years to be in my current position with these achievements. I started with nothing... If I can do it, I am confident that you can do it too.What You'll Learn In This CourseI've edited all of my videos with Adobe Premiere Pro and so I'll be teaching you how to edit stunning videos for YouTube in Premiere Pro without all of the unnecessary complexity that you'll find in other courses.There are two projects in this course! You'll create a travel montage and a talking head video (all exercise files supplied)If you like the way I edit my travel and fitness videos on YouTube then this course is perfect for you!Some of the topics I'll cover include;Launching Your First Awesome ProjectImport & Organise Footage Like A ProThe Essential Fundamentals (that every beginner needs to know!)Keyboard Shortcuts for Fast EditingThe Fundamentals of Creating Text TitlesHow to Edit Incredible Motion Graphics TemplatesHow to Add Background Music to Video (Auto Ducking)How to Fade Music & Video In and OutThe Basics of Editing to Music Beats (2 Methods)Editing Perfect Audio Levels for YouTubeThe Basics of Colour Correction (Using Lumetri Scopes)Colour Grading Fundamentals (Get the Film Look!)By taking this course, you'll learn in several hours what has taken me years to learn! You'll be learning my latest editing techniques that will save you time, money, and frustration. What Makes This Course Different?My ambition with this course is to take 4 years of my knowledge and experience, and put it in an easy-to-follow course so you can learn in 1 week what has taken the last 4 years to learn!And with over 700+ videos on YouTube and 19 Amazon Prime publications, I've developed my own editing style. If you like my editing style after watching my videos, then this course is the only place where I will teach you my style.Go ahead and click the enrol button and I'll see you inside the course..."
Price: 59.99 ![]() |
"Diventare Web Designer da zero. Il corso completo" |
"Un percorso completo! Un percorso professionale! Un percorso pratico! Da zero a professionista del web come front end developer per lo sviluppo di siti statici.Per iniziare a lavorare come web designer da subito con competenza, seguendo le giuste fasi di sviluppo di un progetto web fino alla sua pubblicazione.In questo Corso conoscerai ed utilizzerai:HTML e CSS, in maniera graduale e via via pi approfondita e impareraiad applicarne le regole in progetti pratici, reali e facilmente riproducibili;I criteri su cui si basa il web design moderno, attento alla chiarezza comunicativa e alla riflessione continua su una buonaesperienza dell'utente;Le tecniche per il disegno responsivo delle interfacce web;Flexbox, CSS Grid Layout,SVG,SASS,Bootstrap, il pi noto e utilizzato framework per il responsive web design;Le basi di jQuery, per l'animazione degli elementitue pagine;Gli strumenti reperibili in rete per costruire la ""cassetta degli attrezzi"" del web designer;Pubblicazione del sito da locale a remotoLa gestione accurata e ottimizzata dei media pi comuni per i tuoi progetti: immagini, audio, video;Un metodo di lavoro sicuro, professionale e altamente competente per raggiungere facilmente i tuoi obiettivi e produrre fantastici progetti web.Fedele alla metodologia del ""learning by doing"", il Corso altamente pratico con l'invito continuo a utilizzare il codice dei progetti proposti non solo per l'esercizio personale, ma anche e soprattutto per la creazione di cose nuove in cui mettere in gioco competenza e creativit.Il Corso concepito e realizzato in prima istanza per i neofiti, per gli appassionati privi di qualsivoglia conoscenza nel campo oppure per chi ha una conoscenza superficiale e necessita di un percorso sistematico e graduale in cui l'approfondimento delle tecniche proposte segue un ritmo costante nel corso delle diverse sezioni.Le sezioni del Corso seguono un percorso logico e non sono del tutto autonome le une dalle altre, in linea di massima si consiglia, quindi, di seguirle dalla prima all'ultima per trarne il maggior profitto e beneficio.Non richiesto alcun requisito, solo tanta passione, tanta voglia di lavorare, tanto desideriodi ricerca personale per diventare autonomi e produttivi in un lavoro altamente qualificato e gratificante.Gli unici strumenti necessari per il Corso sono un computer connesso ad internet perch si scelto di utilizzare solo risorse, strumenti e software reperibili gratuitamente in rete, cos da permettere a chiunque di cimentarsi da subito con le tecniche presentate.Allora, sei pronto/a per iniziare?"
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Impara PHP e MySQL da zero e sviluppa un ecommerce completo" |
"La conoscenza del linguaggio di programmazione PHP una delle competenze tecniche pi richieste agli sviluppatori web.Questo linguaggio server sideinfatti permette lo sviluppo completo di pagine, siti e web app dinamiche in gradodi interfacciarsi con database e gestire tutte le interazioni che normalmente un utente ha con una pagina web.Form, moduli di contatto, pagine di login, gestione di aree riservate, invio di mail...tutte queste e molte altre sono le competenze di chi lavora e sviluppa in PHP.Il corso stato pensato e realizzato perchi non ha alcuna esperienza e non conosce il mondo della programmazione back end per questo spiega in dettaglio e con estrema gradualitla sintassi base di PHP. Gli esempi concreti, poi, aiutano lo studente ad applicare praticamente le tecniche apprese, cos da cominciare da subito ad essere operativi.Un'ampia sezione dedicata all'uso dei database relazionali MySQL e delle operazioni fondamentali che PHP pu gestire sui dati archiviati nel database.Il corso comprende esempi molti pratici di lavoro reale specialmente illustrando come integrare correttamente gli script PHP nelle interfacce grafiche in HTML per creare pagine web dinamichemoderne, accattivanti e funzionali.I progetti pratici hanno una complessit graduale: sviluppo di un sistema di registrazione utenti, pagine contatto complessicon invio email in formato testuale, HTML e integrazione di un recaptcha, un sito di e commerce con modulo paypal integrato.Il corso particolarmente indicato per i web designer che vogliono aggiungere nuove competenze tecniche e introdursi in modo professionale nel mondo dello sviluppo web back end.Tutto il codice prodotto al vivo nel corso delle lezioni, commentato passo passo, a disposizione dello studente che lo pu scaricareper l'esercitazione e il lavoro personale.Il target del corso il neofita assoluto; quindi le lezioni sono strutturate con un ritmo adatto all'apprendimento di chi non alcuna esperienza n di PHP, n di altro linguaggio di programmazione. Alle tecniche avanzate di PHP saranno dedicati altri corsi."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Diventa uno sviluppatore front end con JavaScript e jQuery" |
"JavaScript e jQuery, insieme per mostrare tutta la loro potenza, flessibilit e dare nuova linfa ai tuoi progetti web.Il Corso che porter ad un altro livello la tua competenza di professionista del web.Il Corso stato pensato e organizzato soprattutto, ma non solo, per i web designer che vogliono completare la loro formazione come sviluppatori front end, approcciando al grande mondo della programmazione. Ma stato pensato anche per chivoglia dare pi sistematicit alla sua conoscenzadi JavaScript e della sua libreria dipendente jQuery.Un Corso che raggruppa insieme le competenze di due percorsi formativi che in questo modo sono comodamente organizzati.Un corso pratico, volto alla sperimentazione e all'approccio concreto per fare da subito esperienza con il codice e cominciare a sviluppare piccoli progetti in autonomia partendo da quelli proposti e realizzati per il corso.JavaScript un linguaggio di programmazione, potente di facile apprendimento grazie alla sua rigorosa logica di esecuzione. Nelle lezioni vedremo insieme:La sintassi e i principi fondamentaliL'integrazione nelle pagine webLa manipolazione degli elementi del DOMLa gestione di Ajax e JSONEsercizi e progetti praticijQuery una leggerissima libreria sviluppata diJavaScript dal codice molto sintetico e veloce. Mostra tutat al sua potenza nella gestione del DOM e degli eventi. Nelle lezioni vedremo insieme:La sintassi e i principi fondamentaliLa gestione degli eventi e delle animazioniLa selezione e manipolazione del DOMLa gestione di Ajax e JSONI principi di base per la realizzazione di pluginEsercizi e progetti praticiIl Corso, come tutti gli altri miei, soggetto ad un continuo aggiornamento con l'aggiunta di approfondimenti, tutorial ed esercizi pratici.Il codice prodotto nel corso delle lezioni messo a disposizione per il riutilizzo da parte dello studente. Il tutoraggio pronto e continuo.Avviso importante: il corso ha come riferimentoi principianti assoluti di programmazione, quindi il ritmo delle lezioni tarato sulle specifiche esigenze formative di chi non sa nulla di JavaScript e di jQuery. Perci, le lezioni non danno niente per scontato ma tutto dettagliatamente spiegato.Chi ha gi conoscenze pregresse, una volta iscritto al Corsosi adegui a questa scelta didattica.Allora... ti aspetto per viaggiare insieme in questo meraviglioso mondo che ti aprir tante nuove e affascinanti prospettive."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Sviluppa la tua prima app con Node, Express e MongoDB" |
"Un'applicazione sviluppata con Node.js, il famoso framework basato su JS, la sintesi dell'alta tecnologia combinata di librerie, moduli, api, utility che rendono ogni progetto in Node facile da eseguire, veloce e facilmente scalabile.Questo corso introduce in modo pratico e semplice all'uso di Node e alle pi diffuse tecnologie ad esso associate.Fedele alla metodologia didattica dell'imparare facendo e dopo una necessaria introduzione teorica, il corso propone lo sviluppo di una web app completa, sviluppata dall'inizio fino alla pubblicazione.Il corso ha come target lo studente neofita di Node.js, perci saranno rispettati i tempi di apprendimento dell'allievo principiante. Tutto il codice prodotto al vivo e dettagliatamente commentato per facilitare un apprendimento graduale e e agevole.Come usuale per tutti i miei corsi, anche questo sar costantemente aggiornato con nuovi tutorial e approfondimenti. Il tutoraggio costante e puntuale per aiutare l'allievo ad ottenere il meglio dalle lezioni proposte che possono essere ampliate in base ai feedback degli allievi.Si sottolinea che il corso destinato ai principiantidi Node.js perci gli studenti pi avanzati che comunque vogliano accedere al corso, sappiano che il ritmo doverosamente tarato sulle esigenze di chi inizia da zero."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"The Ultimate Oil & Gas Economics Course" |
"*********FOR STUDENTS *********This course providesScience, Engineering, and Business students with the main academicprinciples,andpractical aspects to properly extend their comprehension and understanding. This course is acombination ofacademical and technical work experience provided by VISION organization.First, the course givesan introduction on various definitions and tasks used in Petroleum Economics includingthe definition of a project, feasibility study, types of projects, how to perform a feasibility study.The introduction also illustrates how todetermine crude oil/ end products prices, marketing, oil & gas companies. The second portion of the course discusses Upstream projects and how to conduct a feasibility study using different economic parameters.While the third portion introduces midstream economics involving the process in midstream, identifying processing units, design and selection criteria for surface facilities.The last portion of the course is downstream economics, it gives a detailed explanation about the process steps in the downstream segment, also discusses refinery plants, how they operate and how to make a downstream feasibility study."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Applied Thermodynamics" |
"Thermodynamics The Mystery is Now Revealed__________________________________________The Truth As Never Been Explained:Are You a Pregraduate Student Having a Problem With >>> Applied ThermodynamicsDon't know where to start?Tired of trying to understand how to use thermodynamics tables!?Wants a valid definitions that perfectly suitthe concepts of Work & Heat!?Want to know What in the hill is entropy!!!!?This course is the right one for 'YOU'Be prepared, have your cup of coeffee/tea beside you, and bring a pen and a paper.And get ready to this mind opening journey to the world of Thermodynamics.That will impower you to rise as the knight of science and Ace your pregraduate course.Whatare you waiting for !!!!?Take a look inside and Join The Course"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"PMP Exam Prep: Questions on Knowledge Areas of PMBOK V6" |
"Important: If you purchased my course PMP Exam Prep: Four Mock Exams on PMBOK V6, then there is NO NEED to purchase this course, because questions are the same but the course structure is different.In this course you will solve questions covering all process Groups and knowledge areas of PMBOK V6.Questions are grouped by knowledge areas and structured as follows:Test 1: Project Integration &Scope ManagementTest 2:Project Schedule & Cost ManagementTest 3: Project Quality& Resource ManagementTest 4: Project Communication &Risk ManagementTest 5: Project Procurement&stakeholders ManagementTest 6: Project Environment & Project Manager Tasks This course is perfect for PMP candidates who want to test their understanding of each of PMBOK knowledge areas after studying them from the PMBOK V6A detailedexplanation for whychoosing the correct answerin particularand the reference page from the PMBOK V6 guideis provided for every question at the end of each exam.Tests help you to define your performance for each knowledge area.Questions' scenarios are similar to those in the PMP exam provided by PMI.The course covers the following topics:The five Process Groups ( Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitoring & Controlling and Closing) , in addition to theknowledge areas (Integration, Scope, Schedule, Cost, Quality, Risk, Communications, Resources, Stakeholders and Procurement)All Math and calculations( Network diagrams, Critical path, float, backward path,duration and cost estimates using different estimation methods,EVM andEMV)Situational and ITTOs' questions.Questions combining more than a knowledge area.Kick-off meeting, Lessons Learned, Project Archiving.Questions about different contract types.Project manager roles asper the Project Management Professional (PMP) Examination Content Outline, by PMI.You constructive feedback for the course contentis highly appreciated. I do care about each feedback.If you have any questions or want any further explanation,kindly submit your questionon the Q&A section.IMPORTANTNOTE: All questions are property of Marianne, it is not allowed to modify, reproduce orpublish them by any manner without her permission."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Cmo controlar cualquier emocin negativa paso a paso" |
"Aprende a controlar cualquier emocin negativa paso a paso, de forma prctica e inteligente. Deja ya de vivir una vida en la que piensas, actas y sientes como si fueras un robot que no puede controlar sus propios pensamientos, actos y emociones.Tienes un carcter insoportable?Hay partes de ti que te gustara cambiar por completo?Tienes miedo, sientes tristeza, tienes depresin, angustia, inseguridad, timidez, o algn tipo de emocin negativa que te controle y te domine?Te gustara saber cul es el verdadero secreto del cambio?Quieres saber por qu la mayora de las personas tienen tantas dificultades para cambiar su estilo de vida y su comportamiento en su da a da?En este Curso aprenders de la importancia de las emociones en nuestro estilo de vida y cmo cuando cambiamos nuestro programa emocional, estamos tambin cambiando toda la realidad que nos rodea.No slo aprenders a convertirte en una mejor versin de ti mismo, sino que vers tu realidad y tu entorno con otro enfoque y descubrirs que donde antes haba problemas, ahora hay puertas abiertas hacia el crecimiento y el bienestar.Este Curso no es un simple programa de Inteligencia Emocional en el que vers conceptos abstractos y difciles de aplicar a tu vida.Aqu vas a aprender pasos concretos, especficos y tcnicas prcticas mediante la cual ensears a tu mente a que adquiera el hbito de ser de una forma distinta y a hacerte sentir emociones positivas, controlando en todo momento las negativas.Y todo esto de forma automtica, de forma habitual y de forma espontnea.Pasars de ser el pasajero que va en el vehculo, a ser el conductor que lo maneja, y adquirirs el hbito de conducir correctamente por toda tu vida."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Python 3 + +" |
"Python3Python(SQLite, MySQL, MongoDB, SQLAlchemy, memcached, Hbase, neo4jetc)WEB(Flask, socket, RPC etc)(Fabric, Ansible)()(Unittest, pytest, Tox, Selenium, etc)(pycrypto, hashlib)(turtle, Tkinter)(numpy, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn), (ZeroMQ, Celery)(asyncio)PythonPythonpythonicPythonPython10ITPythonPythonic"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Nhp mn v ng dng Python 3. Pht trin ng dng thc t." |
"Vi kha hc ny, sau khi kt thc kha hc nhp mn vi cc kin thc c s v Python, cc bn s c cho mnh k nng s dng Python trong thc tin v gip ch trong vic pht trin ng dng trong tng lai nh cc k thut Python, truy cp database (SQLite, MySQL, MongoDB, SQLAlchemy, memcached, Hbase, neo4j...), WEB (Flask, socket, RPC), t ng ha infra (Fabric, Ansible), x l song song (thread, multi-process), test (Unittest, pytest, Tox, Selenium...), m ha (pycrypto, hashlib), graphic (turtle, Tkinter), phn tch d liu (numpy, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn), h thng queue (ZeroMQ, Celery), x l khng ng b (asyncio)...Ngoi ra, ti cng s cp n code style cc bn khng ch n gin l vit code Python cho chng trnh chy c. Trong Python, vic vit code sao cho r rng, d hiu, ng vi phong cch ca Python (hay cn gi l pythonic) rt quan trng.Ti lm vic hn 10 nm cho mt cng ty IT thung lng Silicon ca M, nhng d l cng ty no i na th cng u tp trung rt nhiu lp trnh vin gii t nhiu nc trn th gii. Cnh v vy, bt buc phi vit mt cch r rng nhng ngi n t cc quc gia khc , vi nn vn ha khc c th hiu c khi c code.D Nht Bn c khuynh hng cho rng ngi c th vit c code phc tp khin ngi khc khng hiu mi l mt lp trnh vin xut sc, nhng thung lng Silicon, vic lm sao c th vit c code r rng, d hiu mi l iu quan trng. M, vic sa thi hay chuyn vic rt nhiu nn bt buc phi vit code cho bt k ngi mi no khi gia nhp cng ty lun lun c th hiu c ngay lp tc. Chnh v vy, nhng lp trnh vin vit code khin ngi khc kh hiu s tr thnh i tng b sa thi.Hy t mc tiu u tin l hc cc kin thc c bn ca Python, ch n code style khi pht trin ng dng v c th vit c code ng kiu pythonic.Mong rng kha hc ny s gip ch c cho cng vic ca cc bn trong tng lai. Chc cc bn thnh cng."
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Curso de Python Estilo Silicon Valley" |
"En este curso aprenderemos los conceptos bsicos de Python 3. Luego pasaremos a aprender tcnicas que sern tiles al desarrollar aplicaciones. Un buen cdigo de Python no significa que funcione, sino que es un cdigo limpio. Como se llama pythonic, lo ms importante en la codificacin de python es que su cdigo debe ser limpio y fcil de entender.Mi empresa en la que trabajo desde hace ms de 10 aos, es la empresa de IT lder en Estados Unidos ubicada en Silicon Valley. Trabajo con los mejores programadores de todo el mundo. Por eso es importante que cualquiera pueda entender los cdigos.En Japn, a veces es considerado un buen programador si pueda escribir cdigos difciles y complicados. Sin embargo en Silicon Valley, lo mas importante es escribir cdigos limpios y fcil de entender para todas. En EEUU es comn que la gente cambie su trabajo as que es necesario que el cdigo sea fcil de entender por los que viene de nuevo. Con esta leccin aprendemos el bsico de Python y seguiremos a desarrollar aplicaciones con un limpio code style para que podamos hacer cdigos Pythonico.Espero que esta leccin ser til y que le ayudar en muchas formas para su xito futuro."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"2 Python 3 -" |
"Python3 .Python Pythonic Python Python . 10 IT . . , . . . python pythonic . . < / >- (Section 1~10) , : 2018 11 8- (Section 11~23) Section 11 : 2018 12 14Section 12: 2018 12 21Section 13: 2018 12 28Section 14: 2019 1 18Section 15: 2019 2 8Section 16: 2019 2 15Section 17: 2019 3 8Section 18: 2019 3 29Section 19: 2019 4 5Section 20: 2019 4 19Section 21:2019 4 26Section 22, 23:2019 5 102019 5 10 : 20,170"
Price: 144.99 ![]() |
"Go + Fintech" |
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn Python Prgramming Language From Beginning to Advanced" |
"A comprehensive course to teach the Python programming language of 3 from zero to advanced level and Professional for up to functional rehabilitation professional programmer in the Python programming language 3 also qualify this session for the actual start of the basic steps to enter the world of Odoo and programming giant applications around the world, such as personnel, warehouse management and archiving systems management systems and advanced systems of accounting, management and many famous software systems which built through Odoo open source applications and built mainly through the Python programming language .. this Course will be you first step on the ladder of Odoo Software"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
learn-python-3 |
"3 3 .."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
programming-of-swift4-with-ios11-and-xcode9-for-all-in-arabic |
"4 11 9 . : : . : 4 11 : 11 ! Xcode9 iOS11 Xcode9 9 9 9 11 . . : . . ."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Mathematik - Bruchrechnen - Praxiskurs" |
"Das Bruchrechnen ist eine wichtige Grundlage fr die weiterfhrende Mathematik. Der sichere Umgang mit algebraischen Brchen erleichtert das mathematische Verstndnis fr andere Themen wesentlich.Als erfahrener Mathe-Lehrer fhre ich dich mit kommentierten Musteraufgaben in das Bruchrechnen ein. Meine Kommentare helfen dir, das Bruchrechnen zu verstehen. Genau darum geht es in der Mathematik!In meinem Kurs werden zuerst Aufgaben mit Zahlen und danach mit algebraischen Termen besprochen und gelst. Neben den Regeln weise ich auf Schwierigkeiten hin, die aus meiner Erfahrung als Mathe-Lehrer leider immer wieder zu Fehlern fhren.Zur berprfung des Gelernten stehen Lernkontrollen und bungsaufgaben mit Lsungen zum Download bereit. In Lektion 4 und am Schluss des Kurses steht ein Handout mit allen Aufgabenstellungen zum Download zur Verfgung."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Forex Trading A-Z Hindi/Urdu -With LIVE Examples of Forex" |
"In this course forex urdu/Hindi I will show you how you can take advantage of currency movements to make profits. We will talk in detail about Currencies, Charts, Bulls & Bears, Short Selling, and much more. I will thoroughly explain how Forex Brokers work, so that you are able to easily separate Honest Brokers from the unreliable ones when you are ready to open a Real Trading account. I even include a FREE guide to selecting a Forex broker, based on my own experience of Real trading. In this course you will also learn how to read the Calendar of Economic events, which is imperative for Fundamental trading on Forex as well as other Financial marketplaces such as NYSE, London Stock Exchange, Futures Exchanges, and more. I will also supply you with a Forex Market Hours wallpaper for YOUR timezone, allowing you to effortlessly monitor activity of Global Forex Market participants throughout the day. You have unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs, everall future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always freethere's an unconditional, never any questions asked full 30 day money-back-in-full guaranteemy help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question - my support is legendary in UdemyI will add more videos"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Learn C Programming" |
"C is considered as the mother of all the programming languages, and its for a good reason. C was introduced roughly 40 years ago, and it is still among the top 10 Programming languages ever existed.One of the major reason you should consider learning C programming is that it will make you learn other programming languages better. C will let you in on the fundamentals of Computer Programming, and will prepare you to grasp every other Programming language faster.We are happy to announce that we have added 128 additional lectures which will surely help you to upgrade your knowledge about C programming. Some of the points covered in these additional lectures are Operation on Bits C under Windows 535 Windows under programming Graphics under windows Hardware interactions Linux programming etcPS: Glossary has been added as a resource to the introduction of the course."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn C++ Programming" |
"C++ is a middle-level programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs. In the 1990s, C++ became one of the most used programming languages in the world. C++ is a general-purpose programming language. It has imperative, object- oriented and generic programming features, while also providing facilities for low-level memory manipulation. This makes C++ powerful as well as flexible. C++ is used to develop games, desktop apps, operating systems, browsers, and so on because of its performance. After learning C++, it will be much easier to learn other programming languages like Java, Python, etc. C++ helps you to understand the internal architecture of a computer, how computer stores and retrieves information. C++ supports at least seven different styles of programming. Developers can choose any of the styles. Like C programming, the performance of the optimized C++ code is exceptional. C++ allows you to divide complex problems into smaller sets by using objects. In this course, you will learn different concepts of C++ programming like: OOP Compilers Function Prototypes Constructors Static class data Data Structures Inheritance etcPS: Glossary has been added as a resources to Chapter 1 of the course you can download it for your reference."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Advanced Financial Accounting with Tally ERP and GST" |
"Tally.ERP 9 is the world's fastest and most powerful concurrent Multi-lingual business Accounting and Inventory Management software. Tally.ERP 9, designed exclusively to meet the needs of small and medium businesses, is a fully integrated, affordable and highly reliable software. It is a technology on which someday all business accounting solutions will be built. Tally.ERP 9 maintains all books of accounts starting from record of vouchers to ledgers etc.In this course you will learn advanced financial accounting using Tally ERP as well as the new taxing system GST (Goods and Service Tax)."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Data Science-Forecasting/Time series Using XLMiner,R&Tableau" |
"Forecasting using XLminar,Tableau,Ris designed to cover majority of the capabilitiesfrom Analytics & Data Science perspective, which includes the followingLearn about scatter diagram, autocorrelation function, confidence interval,which are all required forunderstanding forecasting modelsLearn about the usage of XLminar,R,Tableaufor building ForecastingmodelsLearn about the science behind forecasting,forecasting strategy& accomplish the same using XLminar,RLearn about Forecasting models including AR, MA, ES, ARMA, ARIMA, etc., and how to accomplish the same using best toolsLearn about Logistic Regression & how to accomplish the same using XLminarLearn aboutForecasting Techniques-Linear,Exponential,Quadratic Seasonality models,Linear Regression,Autoregression,Smootings Method,seasonal Indexes,Moving Average etc,..."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Data Science-Unsupervised Machine Learning Using R" |
"Data Science-Unsupervised Machine Learning Using Ris designed to cover majority of the capabilities of Rfrom Analytics & Data Science perspective,To be a successful data scientist one must be armed with a plethora of tools to tackle the trickiest of problems.Data mining, forms biggest chunk of topics that one needs to be trained on to be a good data scientist.The unsupervised learning which is a part of Data mining is one of the most important topics. As a part of this course you will be introduced to a series of topics under this umbrella and will be provided with real life use cases for the same"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Text Mining and NLP using R and Python" |
"During this course you will be introduced to one of the most important and fast catching up data mining concept. The need for making sense of unstructured data and the knowledge of the various tools is of paramount importance.Text mining is the first step in data mining of unstructured data.As part of this course you will be introduced to the various stages of text miningUnderstand about word cloud, clustering, and making analysis based on context,Use of Negative and positive words banks for relational analysisWork with a live example of extraction of data from Web and perform all the facets of text mining using R and PythonLearn Web and Social media extraction using R, Risk sensing - sentiment analysis, Twitter application management for extracting tweets"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Struts 2 Framework for Beginners" |
"Apache Struts 2 is an MVC framework used for creating Java web applications. Web applications usually involve interaction with database, execution of business logic and rendering the result on the browser. If web applications are developed using only JSP/Servlets, at some point the project may become difficult to maintain. So there is a need to separate each of these concerns and that is what MVC does. Struts 2 Framework provides us an environment so that we develop our web applications following MVC pattern.This course is for anyone who has basic knowledge about core Java concepts and who is totally new to Java frameworks. This course may not be suitable for students/programmers who are not familiar with Java. Having some basic knowledge about JSP/Servlets would be beneficial. Thetutorials in this course will teach you all the basic fundamentals of Struts 2. After completing this course, you will be able to build your own MVC applications using Struts 2. It will be a good starting point if you want to dive into the Java web frameworks world. With this course, you will understand how an MVC framework functions. All the concepts are explained in a very simple language. This course is highly practical-based with a very few power-point presentations.Also Struts 2 is comparatively easier to learn if you compare it with other Java web frameworks. And for those who are looking for a job, having a framework mentioned on your Resume/CV is really an added advantage. Some of the highlights of this course:- A total hands-on development course.All basic fundamentals of Struts 2 will be covered.All concepts explained with practical examples and very few power-point presentations.Very simple language used while explaining so that its easily understood.Course updated with the latest version of Struts 2 as of now.Build a Struts 2 database application.I believe you will enjoy this course. Happy coding :)"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"JSP Programs and Project: Build a Product Management System" |
"JavaServer Pages(JSP) is a server-side web technology which is used to create dynamic web pages. This course is designed to help you build your first JSP application in a short time. This course will cover all necessary concepts which are required for building your first project.This course is suitable for anyone who has some basic knowledge about Core Java and wants to build a JSP project in less time. The course expects the students to have some theoretical knowledge about JSP and Servlets. It has several programming examples which will cover some basic JSP concepts. This course ishighly practical-base and main focus is on practicals rather than the theory. Apart from JSP concepts, this course also covers some basic JDBC concepts which will be helpful for building a database CRUD application. A CRUD application is basically a database application which performs basic operations like Create/Insert(C),Read(R), Update(U), Delete(D). It also has a project at the end which is a Product Management System. This project has the following functionalities:- Login/Logout View Products Add Product Edit Product Delete Product Search Product The above project is explained line by line in the video lectures and the source code will available for students to download.(Check Conclusion and Source Code section)Some of the key points regarding this course:-Total hands-on programming experience. JSP programming examples explained. Basic JDBC concepts covered. Project: Product Management System Requires 2-3 hours of your time. As its a short course, it wont be boring at all. You need toinvest only around 2-3 hours of your time. I believe you will enjoy this course and learn a lot. Happy Coding :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"DevOps Fundamentals With Agile: Gain Solid Understanding" |
"DevOps Fundamentals With Agile: Gain Solid UnderstandingDevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable the continuous delivery of value to end users. It aims to create a culture and environment where building, testing, and releasing software can happen rapidly, frequently, and more reliably, so you can innovate like a startup and scale for the enterprise. By taking this introductory DevOps course, youll be able to define DevOps, understand why you need DevOps, and learn how you can get started with DevOps. Youll learn the key ideas and techniques to bring development and operations together to produce higher-quality software and deliver it more quickly.Learning Objectives:After completing this course, you will be able to:Define DevOps and understand its Methodology and PrinciplesDescribe how to unify processes and improve collaboration between development and operationsIdentify core tools and values when incorporating DevOps practicesExplain the key concepts and benefits of Continuous Integration (CI), continuous testing, Continuous Deployment (CD), and Build AutomationLearn the Role of QA in DevOps along with Quality AssuranceUnderstand Cloud containers and Server-less computingBe able to comprehend basic Project Management concepts...and much more....Join thousands of other students and share valuable experienceWhy take this course?As a senior Project Manager & Enterprise Architect managing and deploying enterprise level ITprojects, along with a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer & Trainer, my experience with managing enterprise level projects has been phenomenally great! I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students. Enroll now inDevOps Fundamentals With Agile: Gain Solid Understandingtoday and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!Syed & Team ClayDesk"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Amazon (AWS) QuickSight, Glue, Athena & S3 Fundamentals" |
"In the world of Big Data Analytics, Enterprise Cloud Applications, Data Security andand compliance, - LearnAmazon (AWS) QuickSight, Glue, Athena & S3 Fundamentals step-by-step, complete hands-on AWS Data Lake, AWS Athena, AWS Glue, AWS S3, and AWS QuickSight. Bringing you the latest technologies with up-to-date knowledge.Are you facing issues with Big Data Analytics and would like to create stunning and robust visualizations using AWS QuickSight? Look no further - TheAmazon (AWS) QuickSight, Glue, Athena & S3 Fundamentals course will help you gain solid understanding of all these concepts along with hand-on application in a flipped classroom manner!Course DescriptionAre you a company or a Data Analyst, Business Analyst, Web Developer, IT administrator, Data Center Architect,Project Manager, Enterprise Architect, or Programmer?and want to gain fundamental and intermediate level skills andenjoy a fascinating high paying career?Or maybe you just want to learn additional tips and techniques taking to a whole new level?Welcome to Amazon (AWS) QuickSight, Glue, Athena & S3 Fundamentals course - A one of its kind course!It is not only a comprehensive hands-on course with detailed concepts and their application, you are will not find a course similar to this. The flipped classroom model with hand-on learning will help you experience direct into the course as your begin your learning journey. Be sure to preview the lecture 'Structure of the course & meet your instructor""In this course, you'll learn and practice:Create robust visualizations using AWS QuickSightGain solid understanding of Server less computing, AWS Athena, AWS Glue, and S3 conceptsImport Data Sets into AWS S3 and create Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) connectionUnderstand AWS Data Lake and build complete Workflow Work with multiple data sets and create databases and tables. See how QuickSight creates visualizationsLearn the difference between Microsoft Power BI and AWS QuickSight, andmuch more....You will alsoget valuable resources and sample data sets where applicablewith this course!We've built this course with our TeamClayDeskof industry recognized Big data architects and certified consultants to bring you the best of everything!So, if you would like to:- gain solid understanding of AWS concepts (AWS S3, Glue, Athena, QuickSight), this course is for you- gain marketable skills as an IT expert and professional, this course is for you- This course is not designed for advanced level students...thisAmazon (AWS) QuickSight, Glue, Athena & S3 Fundamentals courseis exactly what you need,and more.(Youll even get acertification of completion)Weve left no stone un-turned.See what our students say It is such a comprehensive course that I dont need to take any other course but this one to learn all important concepts and hand-on application with this Amazon (AWS) QuickSight, Glue, Athena & S3 Fundamentals course,and I would without a doubt recommend it to everyone.- Marcy StevensThis is such an awesome course. Clear instruction, and I loved every bit of it Wonderfullearning experience! James Stephen.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experience!Why take this course?As a senior Enterprise Architect & Project Manager managing and deploying enterprise level ITprojects, along with a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer & Trainer, my experience with AWS has been phenomenally great! I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students. Enroll now inAmazon (AWS) QuickSight, Glue, Athena & S3 Fundamentals course today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of Big Data Analytics with AWS QuickSightand enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!Syed & Team ClayDesk"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Grow Your Etsy Shop: 4 Businesses you can Start Now" |
"""Whether you are an ETSY Veteran or just looking to get started with your very first listing, this course willshow you how you can take your ETSY store to the next level with 4 business models that will literally help you explode your sales.""In today's day and age, there is no reason why you have to be living in the Rat Race. Start living the Entrepreneurial lifestyle you have always wanted, by fast trackingyour ETSY business and adding 4 money generating sources of income. All 4 of these Business Models I use in my own ETSYbusiness, so I KNOWthat these work.This course will help you take the fast track to success, by eliminatingall of the mistakes and ramp up time necessary in researching new and profitable ventures on ETSY.I'm going to give you all the information you need to take the ball and start running with itI'm going to go show you how to price your new itemseffectively for maximum profitI'll show you where to get your shipping suppliesI'll give you the information for the drop shippers IuseSome of these Business Models require NO INVESTMENT, and NO EXPERIENCE but can return BIG TIME $$$Let me help you the way I wish someone had helped me in the beginning, by showing you all of my secrets. There is no reason why you can't have the same level of success that I have had!!Take this course today."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |