Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Bitcoin y Blockchain: Entiende lo que realmente da valor" |
"Estamos en un punto crtico en el cual Bitcoin ya no es simplemente una novedad o nada ms una nueva criptodivisa que podamos ignorar.Cada da su valor alcanza nuevos mximos histricos.De hecho est tomando tanta fuerza y est aumentando tanto en valor que realmente Bitcoin es la criptodivisa que ha explotado y est impulsando a otras como lo son Ethereum o Litecoin.Toda una revolucin est ocurriendo frente a nosotros y est tocando las fibras ms sensibles de instituciones milenarias. Bitcoin tiene el potencial de cambiar para siempre la forma en entendemos el dinero y los medios de pago y en el proceso cambiar el mundo como lo conocemos.Esto es algo que no debemos de pasar por alto y si quieres comprender que es para no quedar fuera as como la manera en que te va a afectar inscribete ya en este curso.Revisaremos en s que es la criptodivisa pero tambin los fundamentos criptogrficos as como tecnolgicos que la sustentan y la separan de cualquier intento anterior de medio de pago digital.Todos los cursos que publicamos abordan el tema de las critpodivisas nacientes desde los ms diferentes aspectos por lo que recomendamos se acerquen a nosotros para resolver cualquier duda incluso antes de inscribirse."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Curso ChalkBoard: Arte em Giz" |
"No curso Arte em Giz voc vai aprender o eficaz mtodo de Chalkboard para transformar um esbooou algo que vocprojetou em uma arte fascinante e divertida.As professoras Marina e Juliana, referncias no Brasil e frente da empresa Fiz com Giz, conquistaramespao no mercado especializado nos ltimos anos e iro compartilhar neste curso seus mtodos, truquese suas experincias para voc mesmo criar paineis temporrios ou duradouros com giz.Voc vai descobrir tambm como entrar e atuar neste mercado, desde a identificao do pblico-alvo,como precificar o seu trabalho, como criar uma proposta para um cliente e muito mais.# A maneira mais simples e eficiente para chalkboard# Um processo eficaz para criara sua arte em giz# Tcnicas descomplicadas# Crie o seu negcio neste segmentoAlm de ser artisticamente fascinante, acessvel e criativa, a arte em giz um mercado com alta demandade quem quer transformar ambientes diversos levando mais alegria, modernidade e inovao.A arte em giz proporciona mais personalidade em uma casa ou o apartamento, capaz de dar um tom maisdivertido,criativo e personalizado em casamentos, festas infantis, bares e restaurantes.As possibilidades so muitas.E voc, est preparado para dominar e explorar essa arte fascinante?Solte a criatividade e inspire-se.#Ganhe a apostila com 10 tcnicas eficazesdaarte em gizO que este curso vai te ajudar?Criar uma arte com tcnicas da arte em giz para diversas situaesDescobrir tcnicas adotadas pela Fiz com Giz para agilizar seu processo criativoSaber quais os materiais mais indicadosDesenvolver tcnicas da arte em gizCriar adornos lindos, divertidos e criativosFazer da arte em giz um negcio: do briefing com o cliente, a criao da proposta, quanto precificar seu trabalho at a aplicao finalCriar trabalhos com personalidade para uma casa ou o apartamentoCriar trabalhos decorativos personalizados para casamentos, festas infantis, bares e restaurantes"
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Negcios Digitais e Startups: da ideia ao negcio" |
"Como tirar aquela ideia do papel e transforma-la em um negcio real? Voc j teve aquela ideia e sonha em transforma-la em um negcio?Quer empreender, ser independente, conduzir seu prprio caminho?Mas voc sabe se realmente essa ideia ir resolver algum problema de algum?Alis, quem seria esse algum?.... O que seria uma boa ou uma m ideia? E como ter ideias? Como validar a sua ideia com clientes reais?Ser que voc realmente precisa de dinheiro para comear?Se sim ou se no, preciso entender os tipos de investimentos disponveis.E quais tipos de modelo de negcio?Como voc pode comear a executar sua ideia por meio do MVP, ou seja, gastando o mnimo possvel e gerando o mximo de valor?E mais: como analisar o tamanho do seu mercado e o cenrio competitivo?Como escolher corretamente os seus scios? Como atrair pessoas AAA e criar um time incrvel?Todo empreendedor deve saber aonde quer chegar, com uma viso clara, desenvolvendo a capacidade de executar e tirar o sonho do papel.Tudo isso e muito mais voc encontra neste curso. Para te ajudar a desenvolver o seu mindset empreendedor,convidamos um dos mais experientes empreendedores do universo das startups,Frederico Lacerda. Ele um dos lideres da primeira aceleradora de negcios digitais do pas, a 21212, j criou suas prprias startups, professor e, como mentor, j ajudou centenas de startups a tirarem suas ideias do papel.Voc ser capaz de:Aprender a forma como a gente tem que pensar antes e ao empreenderSaber como atrair e reter pessoasDescobrir como ter uma ideiaValidar essa ideiaAprender metodologias para validao de uma ideiaEvitar os principais erros cometidos por empreendedoresEconomizar tempo e dinheiro fazendo as melhores escolhasPlanejar o seu negcioTirar uma ideia do papel em forma de MVPSaber como deve atrair as melhores pessoas para o seu negcio ou rete-lasConhecer os tipos de investidoresSaber quais os tipos de investimentosPrepare-se para desenvolver sua ideia e validar seu produtoAprenda a conquistar mercado e investidoresPROFESSORFrederico Lacerda -Ex-nadador profissional, scio-fundador da 21212, a 1 aceleradora de negcios digitais do Brasil, e da Pin People, startup digital com foco em recrutamento. Estruturou o programa de acelerao da 21212, com anlise de mais de 2 mil empresas e acelerao/investimento em mais de 40 startups digitais, entre indstrias como big data, e-commerce, educao, entretenimento, financeira e de pagamentos digitais, mdia, sade, transporte, turismo e varejo. Criou a Pin People, uma startup que tem como objetivo mudar a relao das pessoas com o trabalho por meio de uma plataforma digital que entende o Jeito de Ser das empresas e de seus candidatos, possibilitando o matching ideal com base em cultura e valores."
Price: 219.99 ![]() |
"Coding in Unity: Introduction to Shaders" |
"Learn the basic concepts and language you will need to program your own shaders and image effects for Unity's built-in render pipeline, for Unity 5.6 to 2019.Learn and Understand Shaders with this Unity Course.Learn about the different properties of a mesh that can be accessed and changed via a shader.Write your own vertex and fragment, and surface shaders.Create your own image effects. Write custom lighting models. Understand ShaderLab and CG/HLSL.Make your game look unique using shaders.In this course, you will learn the basics of programming shaders, from simple colour changes to whole screen image effects.We'll go through the different types of shader, Unity's quirks and in-built functions, and the different bits of code that make up a shader, before writing a full surface shader with a texture, normal map, metallic and emissive effects. We'll also look at writing a custom inspector for your shader. Once we've covered these basics, we'll look at creating an number of image effects, custom lighting models including cel shading, a sprite shader with a sway effect, and a dissolve effect. A common criticism of Unity is that games made with the engine all have a similar look. Combat this by writing your own shaders rather than relying on Unity's inbuilt ones - learn how to improve the look and feel of your game.By the end of this course, you will understand the basics of shader coding and will be able to create your own shaders. Source code is included to help you on your way.This course is designed for people who can already use Unity and can program in C#, but who have no previous experience of programming shaders.I present examples of increasing difficulty for each type of shader (surface, vertex/fragment and image effect) designed to help you to understand how shaders work so that you can be confident in creating your own effects.For extra support, you can ask questions in the Q&A section, and Ive provided the completed code examples for download in each Section. Youll receive a certificate of completion once you finish the course."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Top online course for want-to-be *paid* freelance writers" |
"Anybody can write, now learn how to much money from it.I have an excellent opportunity to help you get started and succeedin your freelance writing career, with the aid of my mentoring starters program for want-to-be *paid* freelance writers.Working as a freelance writer, I have found certain techniques and patterns that helped me gain new and maintain existingbusiness to be able to make my writing a business. I am giving you my successfully used plan and techniques to not only get you started in your freelance writing career but also to have you earning an income!Topics:How to get new clients.How to get new ideas on writing.Language to use that will sky rocket your writing business.How to have social media work for you.What you will also receive:A ready-to-use Writing Tracking Spreadsheet which gives you a visual tool of how many hours you are actually applying to your freelance writing success.Website links to websites that pay handsomely!A five year plan spreadsheet to help you work out your financial goals, which will help you focus on building your goals and keep you motivated to keep writing.A financial income and expenses sheet for tax time.Tools on setting up social media to link your writing content and building your fan base.A simple contact spreadsheet for you to update withwho you contacted and when, plus follow-up notes.Plus daily tasks with detailed instructions to get you started in the right direction!The resultThis program is designed to continually build up the amount you are earning as a freelance writer and the more time you spend writing the more you get paid. You have to put in the effort to get the result. What you will receive is a strong foundation through resources and information. Plus, by doing daily activities, you will get into a habit that offers you steps on how to start your freelance writing career.CostDuring this program I will be sharing with you all my secrets that I have learned over the years that work in gathering new business and having work each week to bring in an income. In addition to all the tools and resourcesI am giving toyou as part of the program, plus your chance to start writing immediately and earning an income. How much would you expect to pay?Now if you can earn the cost back from this course through your freelance writing by using my tools and your hard work to make it happen, plus make an actual income from it, if you stick to it over twelve months, then this payment will seem like a small investment that helped you grow your career. Plus, you can add this as an expense when you do your end of year tax.What you will getOnce enrolled, from thestart date of your program, you will receive a weekly email with your weekly plan. Your weekly plan will include:A source that obtains information on how to build your freelance writingYour daily tasks for the week with instructions on how to complete itYour writing tracking spreadsheetDont miss out on this awesome mentoring program, earn a living now byenrollingnow!"
Price: 204.99 ![]() |
"Fashion Design: Collar, Buttons and Cuffs Marvelous Designer" |
"This course will teach you to create a Nice Dress Shirt that has a Collar, Cuffs and Buttons. By learning to create these details you will be able to create many type of detailed elements for you futuredesigns.This course is about being able to turn a flat drawing or sketch into real looking clothing using 3D software. You will get lectures that cover tool and concepts along with Marvelous designer files of the final output and textures used.By taking this course will be learning about a tool that covers more than just fashion but it opens up other industries like game and movies. You will be learning a skill where you can either save money for your fashion company or provide 3D clothing for your game characters."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"The Unity 3D Probuilder Essentials Course" |
"In this class you will learn to use the new Unity Probuilder and Progrids asset. Using Unity has always been a great experience but now with Probuilder it has become even better!Probuilder give you the ability to block out your world and test your gameplay with having to leave the software at all. Blocking out your world is important. Before adding details houses and chairs etc... use Probuilder to get your idea out first. Note: Progrids - Install Via Unity Package Manager ( 2019 - 2020 ) video will be updated soon. Note: Probuilder Vector Colors are no longer in Probuilder menu, use Polybrush video will be updated soon.In this class you will learn the basic of Unity's Probuilder and Progrids to help get you started! This course is designed to grow!"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"K-Study Hangeul: Learn Korean alphabet, hangul" |
"With this video course and workbook combination, learning to read and writeKorean cannot be easier!Learning hangeul is the first step when you learn Korean language.If you want to learn Korean, the first thing you have to do is to learn the Korean writing system,hangeul.The good news isthat it is veryeasy to learn to read and write basic Korean words and sentences! One day isenough if you spend enough time.Here is the reason why.The letters themselves work as phonetic symbols they sound almost the same as the pronunciation of Korean language.This video course teaches non-Koreanspeakers Koreanletters and their sounds withEnglish support. The instructor kindly teaches step by step how to pronounce each letter, how to combine them and how toreadKoreansyllables,words and sentences.With Hangeul Workbook accompaniedwith each lesson, students can practice reading and writing by themselves.The instructor: Dorothy Nam Dorothy Nam studied media and communication at Dongkuk University in Korea and used to teach English to Korean students.She learned her English atearly age when she lived in Cambridge, England and Vancouver, Canada later.During Yeosu EXPO, she helped many foreign visitors working as an English interpreter.She is currently working for Khaya Media Inc. in PyeongChang."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Power Prep for Korean language exam TOPIK Reading" |
"Power Prep for TOPIK Reading is one of the TOPIK prep courses providedby K-Study Korea. This course focuses on getting students ready for the exam ontheir own pace. Throughout the lessons, students are guided from the testformat, various text styles,and how to find correct answers fast. Students will be able to pass the exam easier and time saving way and also improve their own vocab, grammar and reading comprehension skills.About TOPIK Korean lnaguageexamTOPIK (Test of Proficiency in korean) is anofficial exam to test Korean language proficiency that isrun by Koreangovernment. This exam is a must exam for those who would like to come toKoreafor study, work, or marriage. Basically, students need level 3 toapply for a university and level 4 for graduation. To be employeed by majorKorean companies, level 5 or above is neededed.TOPIK results are used for:University admission and academic managementof foreign Korean Government Scholars, university admission for foreigners andoverseas Koreans who have completed 12 years of education abroad, obtainingworking visa for those who want to be employed at Korean companies and otherssuch as forspouse visa, medical doctor qualification, etc.InstrustorSu Hyun Kim is an proffesional Korean languageinstructor who is currently teaching at Korean Language Center of Kookmin University. She has majored in Korean Language and Literature and has Bachelor and Masters Degree from Kookmin University. She started her career as Korean Instructor at Seoul Korean Academy.What will students need to know or do before starting thiscourse?These lectures are based onthe textbook, New TOPIK 2 Reading for Intermediate& Advanced (paperback, Pagijong press)but there will be no big problem watching lectures without textbook. Studentsneed tocomplete at least level 2 of Korean language to understand these lectures,The lectures are done only in Korean. You should be able to understandintermediate level of Korean language and able to read and write Korean language.If you would like to order the textbook,contact us by leaving a message."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Power Prep for Korean language exam TOPIK ()" |
"Course DescriptionPower Prep for TOPIK Reading with Chinese subtitles is one of the TOPIK prep courses provided by K-Study Korea. This course focuses on getting Chinese speaking students ready for the exam on their own pace. Throughout the lessons, students are guided from test format, the fundamental concetpts of reading comprehension of different reading passages to actual test practices. The instructor is a TOPIK prep expert who are currently teaching Korean language at Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea.About TOPIK examTOPIK (Test of Proficiency in korean) is a official exam to test Korean language proficiency that isrun by Korean government. This exam is a must exam for those who would like to come to Koreafor study, work, or marriage.TOPIK results are used for: University admission and academic management of foreign Korean Government Scholars, university admission for foreigners and overseas Koreans who have completed 12 years of education abroad, obtaining working visa for those who want to be employed at Korean companies and others such as forspouse visa, medical doctor qualification, etc.InstrustorSu Hyun Kim is the co-authorof New TOPIK Reading for Beginners, which these lectures are based on, and is an Korean language expert who is currently teaching at Korean Language Center of Kookmin University. She has majored in Korean Language and Literature and has Bachelor and Masters Degree from Kookmin University. She started her career as Korean Instructor at Seoul Korean Academy.What will students need to know or do before starting this course?These lectures are based onthe textbook , New TOPIK Reading for Beginners (paperback, Pagijong press) but there will be no big problem watching lectures without textbook. Students need to have basic Korean language skills before taking this course. You should be able to understand basic Korean language and able to read and write Hangeul.If you would like to order the textbook, contact us by leaving a message!Number of lessons : 15lessons"
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Home and Office Fitness - Tone up, lose weight, get fit" |
"Do you work at home or in a office but find it difficult to find the time to exercise?Are you wanting to lose weight, trim up, build some muscle but having trouble getting to the gym regular?Perhaps you don't have access to a gym or special equipment?Or maybeyou have a busy work, social or family life stopping you from getting to the gym?If any of the above apples to you then this course is for you! This course is designed for the busydesk worker who finds it difficult to leave the desk but would still like to get in shape to be fit and healthy.Follow along to 10full body exercise workoutsand 5stretching programsto helpburn calories, tone up and get into shape. You don't need any special equipment and can perform these workouts in your working environment.There are so many benefits for being a fitter and healthier worker. These include:Being more productive due to increased health (better immune system, less time off)Reduced stress. Exercising releases dopamine making people happier reducing the chances of burning out.Better mental capacity. Taking a break to do something unrelated to the work being performed gives the brain a deserved break.You'll not onlyhave access to instructional exercise videos, you'll also learn about the basics of diet and nutrition too so you'll be equip with the necessary knowledge to eat healthy.Working out to the exercise routines providedwill help you burn calories, become stronger and feelmore engernised. Stretching regularly will help blood flow to the areas that stiffen up when sat ata chair and desk for long periods of time, increasing range of motion and helpmakemuscles flexible, strong, and healthy over time.This way you'll be a fitter, healthierand more productive worker."
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Security+ Certification - App, Data and Host Security" |
"This course is for beginners and IT pros looking to get certified and land an entry level Cyber Security position paying upwards of six figures! There are currently over a million Cyber Security job openings global and demand is greatly outpacing supply which means more opportunity, job security and higher pay for you!The Security+ exam covers six domains and this course focuses on the fourthdomain which is 'Application, Data and Host Security'' domain. Topics covered in this course include:Application design flaws and bugsCloud securityWeb attacksBig DataMobile security and device managementKey managementVirtualization and cloud securitySecuring storage and storage platformsInformation lifecycle managementHacking IoTSecuring the power grid"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Security+ Certification - Identity and Access Domain" |
"This course is for beginners and IT pros looking to get certified and land an entry level Cyber Security position paying upwards of six figures! There are currently over a million Cyber Security job openings global and demand is greatly outpacing supply which means more opportunity, job security and higher pay for you!The Security+ exam covers six domains and this course focuses on the fifthdomain which is the 'Identity and Access Management'domain. Topics include:Access control modelsTrust and security modelsKerberosSingle-sign onIdentity federationIdentity governanceThere are several core Access Control Models that serve as standards for privilege management which are covered in the Security+ exam materials. Learn abouttrust and security models which serve as frameworks that help us to understand and incorporate best practices when designing and implementing secure systems. You will learn the Kerberos Authentication protocol, why its used and how its implemented to secure client server computing environments. UnderstandSingle-Sign-On and Multi-factor authentication and see how these technologies advance the mission of security and also enhance the end user experience. Companies needed mechanism for SSO across trust boundaries. You will learn about SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) implementations and architectures and how SAML supports identity federation. Identity governance encompasses all aspects of the identity and role management lifecycle. In this section of the course you will learn all about identity and role lifecycle management best practices. Pass the 'Identity and Access Controls' section of the Security+ exam. Join me today!"
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Wireless Hacking for Cyber Professionals" |
"This course covers tools and techniquesrelated to hacking, auditing and pen testing wireless network protocols. You will learn wireless hacking terminology andhow to use these skills to become a paid security professional. The demand for Certified Ethical Hackers,Cyber Security Engineers, Administrators, Consultants, Architects, Business Analysts, Project Managers, etc. is immense. The Certified Ethical Hackercertification is an attainable path to helping business protect their digital assets in the cloud and on-premise. You can do it!Crack WEP communicationsCrack WPS (Wi-Fi protected setup) codesLearn how to crack and intercept WPA protected networksHack bluetooth communicationsEavesdrop on wireless communications utilizing 'Software Defined Radio'Learn to use tools such as Aircrack, Reaver, Wireshark, Snort and more in this course.What are the requirements? You only need an internet connection and a Udemy account to access the course.What am I going to get from this course? Learn the advanced wireless hacking tools and techniques in this course. Learn hacking techniques through multiple hands-on examples in this courseWhat is the target audience? This course is intended for absolute beginners and IT professionals looking to learn skills specific to wireless hacking. No programming experience or prior security knowledge is required. A basic understanding of networking and TCP/IP is helpful. This course is intended for anyone who is interested in a career in Cyber Security Wireless hackingconcepts teach many professionals to plan for and address Cyber Security issues on a daily basis using free open source software tools."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Database Security for Cyber Professionals" |
"Course Overview In this course you will learn how to secure open source and commercial database platforms against modern threats and attack vectors. This course includes a mix of conceptual lectures and detailed screencasts outlining all the steps involved with conducting test attacks and subsequently securing your database platforms. Table of Contents Lessons 1 4 - Database Security Core - Here we will cover modern database security architectures, attack vectors and security threats. You will learn how to design database defense in depth architectures utilizing a combination of preventive, corrective and detective controls. Lesson 5 Platform Hardening Minimizing the attack surface area of operating systems, databases and applications is a key tenet of operational security. Lets talk about techniques for OS/DB and App hardening. Lesson 6 MySQL Security Lab Build out In this Lesson you will learn how to build your own MySQL Security Lab environment using Oracle VirtualBox. Lesson 7 My SQL Architecture and Exploits After building out your MySQL Security Lab I will explain the MySQL Security Architecture and show you how to attack MySQL Database installations. Lesson 8 Locking Down MySQL You will learn how to effectively secure MySQL Database installations using industry best practices and techniques. Lesson 9 Oracle Exploitation and Security Best Practices You will learn how to build an Oracle Database Security Lab environment as well as how to exploit and secure Oracle Databases from modern threats and attack vectors. Lesson 10 PostgreSQL Architecture, Exploits and Hardening You will learn PostgreSQLs Security architecture and how to exploit and secure PostgreSQL Databases from modern threats and attack vectors. Lesson 11 Storage Encryption - Storage Security has more moving parts than ever, especially considering the convergence of IP and Storage Networking technologies. In this section we will talk about how to secure data at rest on Storage Area Networks, NAS and local systems. Lesson 12 Key Management - Any encryption is only as good as the protection of its keys. In this section you will learn about encryption key management procedures and best practices. Lesson 13 - Locking Down Big Data - Big Data is a broad term for data sets so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate. Big data is defined by significant data volume, variety and volume. With the aggregation of these large data sets comes new security challenges. In this lesson you will learn how to secure Big Data. Linux Live Response - In this lesson you will learn how to statically compile forensic response tools in Linux to be used to conduct a live response of another Linux system."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Cyberhacker Series: Cyber Anonymity" |
"Cyberhacker Series: Cyber AnonymityThis course is for beginners and IT pros looking to learn how to be anonymous while hacking on the web.There are currently over a million Cyber Security job openings global and demand is greatly outpacing supply which means more opportunity, job security and higher pay for you! Each chapter closes with exercises putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately. You will start by understand network anonymity by using tools such as Tor, Tortilla and Proxy Chains.What are the pre-requisites for this course?Students should have a working understanding of TCP/IP and networking concepts.What will you be able to do after taking this course?Anonymizers such as TOR (The Onion Router) enable users to search the web anonymously and protect browser traffic from global mass surveillance. In this section I'll show you how to install and utilize the TOR browser so you can browse the web with enhanced privacy. While TORis a great tool for anonymizing browser traffic it doesn't necessarily anonymize other traffic streams that are not HTTP based such as e-mail or other network protocols such as DNS. Tortilla is a platform that wraps all traffic coming from your system and tunnels it through the TORnetwork. In this section I'll show you how to install Tortilla and set it up to anonymize all of your traffic through the TOR network. Private VPNs are one of the better anonymity options available. They encrypt and anonymize traffic but they are often provided as paid services. In this lesson I'll show you how to setup VPN connections on Windows Operating Systems. Proxy chains is a lighter weight solution that many times is used to anonymize penetration testing activities. In this section I'll show you how to utilize proxy chains as part of the Kali Linux distribution to scan target networks anonymously. Sometimes hackers will use Wi-Fi networks as launch points to establish anonymity. In this section I'll show you how to spoof a MAC address and jump on a Wi-Fi network anonymously. (Disclaimer: only on authorized networks)ICMP Tunneling is a technique that can sometimes beused to bypass corporate proxy servers when traversing outbound assuming ping traffic is allowed. This is often a technique used by pen testers to exfiltrate data from corporate networks in order to bypass outbound traffic restrictions. Fragroute is a tool that is often used by Pen Testers to obfuscate traffic patterns and traffic signatures in order to evade Intrusion Detection Systems. Fragroute does this by splitting packets into smaller fragments. I'll show you how to install and setup Fragroute in this courseE-Mail is a protocol known for it's lack of privacy. Like most of the protocols on the web it wasn't initially designed with privacy in mind. I'll show you how to utilize technologies such as PGP in this lesson to better secure and anonymize your e-mail communications. TAILS is a read-only distribution of the Linux OS built with an emphasis on personal privacy. Since it is a read-only distro it's not possible to leave a trace of your activities on the local host. TAILS also includes some anonymity tools such as TOR to facilitate some degree ofnetwork anonymity. Data Privacy is a vast catalog of subject matter. In this courseI will break down Data Privacy into it's various components and share with you the current state of digital privacy.Encrypting and protecting disk storage is a key component of anonymity. Many times when people think about anonymity they first think about it from the network perspective. Lots of personal information is stored on hard disks and in the cloud about you. Learn how to protect that data in this section. Windows is a pervasive operating system. In this section I will show you how to use features in Windows to natively encrypt data on your storage devices using EFS (The Encrypting File System)."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Cyberhacker Series: Cyber Security Social Engineering" |
"Cyberhacker Series: Hacking PeopleThis course is for beginners and IT pros looking to learn more about hacking people using social engineering techniques and technologies.There are currently over a million Cyber Security job openings global and demand is greatly outpacing supply which means more opportunity, job security and higher pay for you! Each chapter closes with exercises putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately. You will start by understand network anonymity by using tools such as Rubber Ducky, Beef and the Social Engineering Toolkit.What are the pre-requisites for this course?Students should have a working understanding of TCP/IP and networking concepts.What will you be able to do after taking this course?Social Engineering - Social engineering is the art of manipulating people so they give up confidential information. The types of information these criminals are seeking can vary, but when individuals are targeted the criminals are usually trying to trick you into giving them your passwords or bank information, or access your computer to secretly install malicious softwarethat will give them access to your passwords and bank information as well as giving them control over your computer.Paypal Phishing -Phishingis the attempt to obtain sensitive informationsuch as usernames, passwords, and credit carddetails and money, often for maliciousreasons, by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communications.Rubber Ducky -The USB Rubber Ducky is a keystroke injection tool disguised as a generic flash drive. Computers recognize it as a regular keyboard and accept pre-programmed keystroke payloads at over 1000 words per minute. Payloads are crafted using a simple scripting language and can be used to drop reverse shells, inject binaries, brute force pin codes, and many other automated functions for the penetration tester and systems administrator.Beef -What is Beef?Beefis short for The Browser Exploitation Framework. It is a penetration testing tool that focuses on the web browser.Amid growing concerns about web-borne attacks against clients, including mobile clients, Beefallows the professional penetration tester to assess the actual security posture of a target environment by using client-side attack vectors. Unlike other security frameworks, BeEF looks past the hardened network perimeter and client system, and examines exploitability within the context of the one open door: the web browser. Beefwill hook one or more web browsers and use them as beachheads for launching directed command modules and further attacks against the system from within the browser context.Social Engineering Toolkit -The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) is specifically designed to perform advanced attacks against the human element. The attacks built into the toolkit are designed to be targeted and focused attacks against a person or organization used during a penetration test.Cyber Attacks -In this course you will learn about numerous types of cyber attacks and how to execute them.HRand Personnel Security -As a cyber security practitioner you need to know how to protect corporate personnel. Learn social engineering defense techniques in this portion of the course."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Cyberhacker Series: Hacking Applications" |
"Cyberhacker Series: Hacking ApplicationsThis course is for beginners and IT pros looking to learn more about hacking applications. Each chapter closes with exercises putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately. You will start by understand network anonymity by using tools such as the Zed Attack Proxy, Hamster and Ferret. Next you will learn how to conduct XSS attacks, buffer overflows and then learn how to hack AJAX.What are the pre-requisites for this course?Students should have a working understanding of TCP/IP and networking concepts.What will you be able to do after taking this course?Hamster - Hamster is a tool or sidejacking. It acts as a proxy server that replaces your cookies with session cookies stolen from somebody else, allowing you to hijack their sessions.Ferret-Ferret is used to sniff cookies. It can be used in conjunction with Hamster to conduct session hijacking attacks on the wire.Morpheus -Morpheus is a framework tool which automates TCP/UDP packet manipulation tasks by using etter filters to manipulate target requests/responses under MitM attacks replacing the TCP/UDP packet contents by our contents before forward the packet back to the target host.Zed Attack Proxy -TheOWASP Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is one of the worlds most popular free security tools and is actively maintained by hundreds of international volunteers. It can help you automatically find security vulnerabilities in your web applications while you are developing and testing your applications. Its also a great tool for experienced pentesters to use for manual security testing.Buffer Overflow Attacks -A buffer overflow condition exists when a program attempts to put more data in a buffer than it can hold or when a program attempts to put data in a memory area past a buffer. In this case, a buffer is a sequential section of memory allocated to contain anything from a character string to an array of integers. Writing outside the bounds of a block of allocated memory can corrupt data, crash the program, or cause the execution of malicious code.Hacking AJAX -Asynchronous Javascript and XML (AJAX)is one of the latest techniques used by web application developers to provide a user experience similar to that of a traditional (i.e., ""pre-web"") application. Since AJAX is still a new technology, there are many security issues that have not yet been fully researched. Some of the security issues in AJAX include:Increased attack surface with many more inputs to secureExposed internal functions of the applicationClient access to third-party resources with no built-in security and encoding mechanismsFailure to protect authentication information and sessionsBlurred line between client-side and server-side code, possibly resulting in security mistakesHeap Spraying -Heap sprayingrefers to the attempt to insert code into a predetermined location using the exploits of vulnerable browsers. Heap comes from the termheap-based memory allocation (also known as dynamic memory allocation), which is the allowance of memory storage to be used by a computer program when it runs."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Cyberhacker Series: Hacking Databases" |
"Cyberhacker Series: Hacking DatabasesThis course is for beginners and IT pros looking to get certified and land an entry level Cyber Security position paying upwards of six figures! Each chapter closes with exercises putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately. You will start by understand network anonymity by using tools such as Tor, Tortilla and Proxy Chains.What are the pre-requisites for this course?Students should have a working understanding of TCP/IP and networking concepts.What will you be able to do after taking this course?Build a MySQL and Oracle security testing lab -Build out a database security lab and test your database hacking skills following exercises in the course.Attackdatabases using 'first-order SQLinjection' techniques -SQL Injection(SQLi) refers to aninjectionattack wherein an attacker can execute maliciousSQLstatements (also commonly referred to as a malicious payload) that control a web application's database server (also commonly referred to as a Relational Database Management System RDBMS).Use the Zed Attack Proxy for data collection on database information -OWASP ZAP(short for Zed Attack Proxy) is an open-source web application security scanner. It is intended to be used by both those new to application security as well as professional penetration testers.Learn how to harden the Database and the underlying OS platform to maximize security -Harden the database listener and configure authentication and authorization parameters for the database and underlying operating system .Use Shodan to collect information from open databases and IoT devices on the web -Shodan is the world's first search engine for Internet-connected devices."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Cyberhacker Series: Finding Hacking Targets" |
"Cyberhacker Series: Finding Hacking TargetsThis course is for beginners and IT pros looking to learn more about hacking targets and doing reconnaissance. Each chapter closes with exercises putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately.What are the pre-requisites for this course?Students should have a working understanding of TCP/IP and networking concepts.What will you be able to do after taking this course?Port inspection with Netstat - In computing, netstat (network statistics) is a command-line network utility tool that displays network connections for the Transmission Control Protocol (both incoming and outgoing), routing tables, and a number of network interfaces.Metasploit and Nmap - Nmap features include:Host discovery Identifying hosts on a network. For example, listing the hosts that respond to TCP and/or ICMP requests or have a particular port open.Port Scanning Enumerating the open ports on target hosts.Version detection Interrogating network services on remote devices to determine application name and version number.OS Detection Determining the operating system and hardware characteristics of network devices.Scriptable interaction with the target using Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) and Lua programming language.Visual mapping and rendering with Maltego - Maltego focuses on providing a library of transforms for discovery of data from open sources, and visualizing that information in a graph format, suitable for link analysis and data mining.Whois and Nslookup - nslookup is a network administration command line tool available for many computer operating systems for querying the (DNS) to obtain domain name or IP address mapping or for any other specific DNS Record.IoT enumeration and discovery with Shodan - Shodan is a search engine that lets the user find specific types of computers (web cams, routers, servers, etc.) connected to the internet using a variety of filters.Enumerating the Network Time Protocol -SNMP foot printing -Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a popular protocol for network management. It is used for collecting information from, and configuring, network devices, such as servers, printers, hubs, switches, and routers on an Internet Protocol (IP) network.SMTP enumeration -SMTP is a service that can be found in most infrastructure penetrationtests.Thisservice can help the penetration tester to perform username enumeration via the EXPN and VRFY commands if these commands have not been disabled by the systemadministrator.Enumerating and hacking the Server Message Block protocol -Ransomware attacks such as Wannacry and Petya have used vulnerabilities in the SMB protocol to automatically spread across networks via SMB file shares."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Cyberhacker Series: Honeypots, IDS and FW's" |
"Cyberhacker Series: Honeypots, IDS and FW's: Honeypots, IDS and FW'sThis course is for beginners and IT pros looking to learn more about Honeypots, IDS and Firewalls.Each chapter closes with exercises putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately. What are the pre-requisites for this course?Students should have a working understanding of TCP/IP and networking concepts.What will you be able to do after taking this course?Honey drive -HoneyDrive is the premier honeypot Linux distro. It is a virtual appliance (OVA) with Xubuntu Desktop 12.04.4 LTS edition installed. It contains over 10 pre-installed and pre-configured honeypot software packages such as Kippo SSH honeypot, Dionaea and Amun malware honeypots, Honeyd low-interaction honeypot, Glastopf web honeypot and Wordpot, Conpot SCADA/ICS honeypot, Thug and PhoneyC honeyclients and more. Additionally it includes many useful pre-configured scripts and utilities to analyze, visualize and process the data it can capture, such as Kippo-Graph, Honeyd-Viz, DionaeaFR, an ELK stack and much more. Lastly, almost 90 well-known malware analysis, forensics and network monitoring related tools are also present in the distribution.Kippo -Kippois a medium interaction SSH honeypot designed to log brute force attacks and, most importantly, the entire shell interaction performed by the attacker.Snort -Snortis an open-source, free and lightweight networkintrusion detection system( NIDS) software for Linux and Windows to detect emerging threats.DNSSec -Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) is a suite of extensions that add security to the Domain Name System (DNS) protocol by enabling DNS responses to be validated. Specifically,DNSSECprovides origin authority, data integrity, and authenticated denial of existence."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Cyberhacker Series: Malware Development" |
"Complete Ethical Hacking Series: Malware DevelopmentThis course is for beginners and IT pros looking to learn more about Malware Development. Each chapter closes with exercises putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately. What are the pre-requisites for this course?Students should have a working understanding of TCP/IP and networking concepts.What will you be able to do after taking this course?Internet Worm Maker -Internet Worm Maker Thing is a free tool by which you can make many types of viruses and worms. Through this tool, you can make viruses and worms that can infect victim's drives, files, shows message, disable Anti-Virus Software and much more. It comes along with a compiler by which you can easily convert your batch virus into executable to evade Anti-Virus or any other purpose.Ghost Eye -Ghost Eye is a nasty trojan infection which enters to the target system with peer to peer file sharing process, removable storage device, downloading audio and video files from unsecured sites and many others. It slow down the system running process and also leads to issue like system crash, data loss or hamper of important hardware components. The main aim of this virus is to steal privacy details like credit card number, online banking login details and others. It access user PC information with the use of key loggers which record the online and activities and send to the remote hackers.JPS Virus Maker -JPS Virus Maker has less features than Internet Worm Maker Thing and DelMe Virus Maker. However it has some features that are not available in Internet Worm Maker Thing and DelMe Virus Maker.Custom Trojans -While the original Trojan Horse was used to sneak Greeks into Troy, the common meaning today actually refers to the payload that gets deposited on your computer. Trojans typically grant a hacker remote access to your computer.Static Malware Analysis -Basic static analysis examines malware without viewing the actual code or instructions. It employs different tools and techniques to quickly determine whether a file is malicious or not, provide information about its functionality and collect technical indicators to produce simple signatures. Technical indicators gathered with basic static analysis can include file name, MD5 checksums or hashes, file type, file size and recognition by antivirus detection tools.Dynamic Malware Analysis -Basic dynamic analysis actually runs malware to observe its behavior, understand its functionality and identify technical indicators which can be used in detection signatures. Technical indicators revealed with basic dynamic analysis can include domain names, IP addresses, file path locations, registry keys, additional files located on the system or network.Sandboxing - Automation of malware analysis."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Cyberhacker Series: Cryptography for Hackers" |
"Cyberhacker Series: Cryptography for HackersThis course is for beginners and IT pros looking to learn more about cryptography Each chapter closes with exercises putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately. What are the pre-requisites for this course?Students should have a working understanding of TCP/IP and networking concepts.What will you be able to do after taking this course?TLS -Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), both frequently referred to as ""SSL"", are cryptographic protocols that provide communications security over a computer network.IPSec -Internet Protocol Security(IPsec) is a network protocol suitethat authenticatesand encryptsthe packetsof data sent over a network. IPsec includes protocols for establishing mutual authenticationbetween agents at the beginning of the session and negotiation of cryptographic keysto use during the session. IPsec can protect data flows between a pair of hosts (host-to-host), between a pair of security gateways (network-to-network), or between a security gateway and a host (network-to-host).Internet Protocol security (IPsec) uses cryptographic security services to protect communications over Internet Protocol (IP) networks. IPsec supports network-level peer authentication, data-origin authentication, data integrity, data confidentiality (encryption), and replay protection.PKI -A public key infrastructure (PKI) is a set of roles, policies, and procedures needed to create, manage, distribute, use, store, and revoke digital certificates and manage public-key encryption.Web Encoding -URL Encoding (Percent Encoding) URLs can only be sent over the Internet using theASCIIcharacter-set. Since URLs often contain characters outside theASCIIset, the URL has to be converted into a validASCIIformat. URL encoding replaces unsafeASCIIcharacters with a ""%"" followed by twohexadecimaldigits.Symmetric Crypto -Symmetric-key algorithms are algorithms for cryptography that use the same cryptographic keys for bothencryptionof plaintext and decryption of ciphertext. The keys may be identical or there may be a simple transformation to go between the two keys.Asymmetric Crypto - Asymmetric Encryptionis a form ofEncryptionwhere keys come in pairs. ... Frequently (but not necessarily), the keys are interchangeable, in the sense that if key A encrypts a message, then B can decrypt it, and if key B encrypts a message, then key A can decrypt it."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Cyberhacker Series: Pen Testing the Right Way" |
"Cyberhacker Series: Pen Testing the Right WayThis course is for beginners and IT pros looking to learn more about pen testing. Each chapter closes with exercises putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately. You will start by understand network anonymity by using tools such as Tor, Tortilla and Proxy Chains.What are the pre-requisites for this course?Students should have a working understanding of TCP/IP and networking concepts.What will you be able to do after taking this course?Penetration Testing -Apenetration test, colloquially known as apen test, is an authorized simulated attack on a computer system that looks for security weaknesses, potentially gaining access to the system's features and data.ExploitDesign Flaws and Bugs -Asoftware bugis an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.Firebug -Firebugintegrates with Firefox to put a wealth of development tools at your fingertips while you browse.OpenVAS Vulnerability Scanner -OpenVAS is a framework of several services and tools offering a comprehensive and powerful vulnerability scanning and vulnerability management solution.GFI LanGuard -GFI LanGuardnetwork vulnerability scanner and patch management software performs over 60000 vulnerability assessments to discover threats early.XSS and Injection Techniques -Cross-site scripting(XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in web applications.XSSenables attackers to inject client-side scripts into web pages viewed by other users. Across-site scriptingvulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same-origin policy.View Source Chart Tool -Enables accelerated human processing of DOM. 2. Displays more structure/ sequence information within the currentviewport.Using Perl and C to Automate Hacks -Perlis a family of high level, general purpose programming languages. The languages in this family include Perl 5 and Perl 6."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Cyberhacker Series: Wireless Hacking Ninja" |
"Cyberhacker Series: Wireless Hacking NinjaThis course is for beginners and IT pros looking to learn more about wireless hacking.What are the pre-requisites for this course?Students should have a working understanding of TCP/IP and networking concepts.What will you be able to do after taking this course?Wireless Hacking with Kismet -Kismetis a network detector, packet sniffer and intrusion detection systemfor 802.11 Wireless LANs. Kismet will work with any wireless card which supports raw monitoring modeand can sniff 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n traffic. The program runs under Linux and OSX. Wi-Fi Pineapple -The WiFi Pineapple NANO and TETRA are the 6th generation auditing platforms from Hak5. Thoughtfully developed for mobile and persistent deployments, they build on over 8 years of WiFi penetration testing expertise.WiFi man-in-the-middle platformHighly effective rogue AP suiteOver-the-air apps and modulesAdvanced client and AP filteringIntuitive web interfaceSimplified auditing workflowLive reconnaissance viewAt-a-glance intelligenceDevice tracking and alertingReports emailed at set intervalsBuilt on embedded LinuxFree software updatesUbertooth -The Ubertooth One is an opensource Bluetooth test tool from Michael Ossmann. It is the world's first affordable Bluetooth monitoring and development platform and is a fully open source product (both hardware and software).Bluetooth Low Energy Hacking -Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), sometimes referred to as ""Bluetooth Smart"", is a light-weight subset of classic Bluetooth and was introduced as part of the Bluetooth 4.0 core specification. While there is some overlap with classic Bluetooth, BLE actually has a completely different lineage and was started by Nokia as an in-house project called 'Wibree' before being adopted by the Bluetooth SIG.Hacking Wireless with Metasploit -TheMetasploit Projectis a computer securityproject that provides information about security vulnerabilitiesand aids in penetration testing and IDS Signaturedevelopment.Its best-known sub-project is the open sourceMetasploit Framework, a tool for developing and executing exploitcode against a remote target machine. Other important sub-projects include the Opcode Database, shell codearchive and related research.The Metasploit Project is well known for its anti-forensicand evasion tools, some of which are built into the Metasploit Framework.Aircrack -Aircrack-ngis a complete suite of tools to assess WiFi network security.It focuses on different areas of WiFi security:Monitoring: Packet capture and export of data to text files for further processing by third party tools.Attacking: Replay attacks, deauthentication, fake access points and others via packet injection.Testing: Checking WiFi cards and driver capabilities (capture and injection).Cracking: WEP and WPA PSK (WPA 1 and 2).Reaver -Reaver has been designed to be a robust and practical attack against WPS, and has been tested against a wide variety of access points and WPS implementations.On average Reaver will recover the target APs plain text WPA/WPA2 passphrase in 4-10 hours, depending on the AP. In practice, it will generally take half this time to guess the correct WPS pin and recover the passphrase"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Incident Response for Cyber Professionals" |
"Incident Response CourseSyllabusCourse Overview In this course you will learn how to use open source tools for incident response purposes. This course utilizes first hand explanations and screencast demonstrations of how to use these tools in a step-by-step manner so you can start incident response work immediately on your own. Table of Contents Course Overview Introductory LessonIncident Response - Incident response is an organized approach to addressing and managing the aftermath of a security breach or attack . The goal is to handle the situation in a way that limits damage and reduces recovery time and costs. An incident response plan includes a policy that defines, in specific terms, what constitutes an incident and provides a step-by-step process that should be followed when an incident occurs. Cyber Attacks - Here we will cover CyberAttacks on Wi-Fi networks and over the web so you can understand how to respond to them. Virtualization and Cloud Security - So virtualization can mean many things at different layers of the stack. At the network layer you have VLANs, MPLS networks and even SDN (Software Defined Network) technologies such as Openflow. At the storage layer you have VSANs. At the Hardware and OS layer you have hypervisors for machine virtualization and containers for runtime virtualization and isolation. Databases have even gotten in on the act using container technology. Malware - In this section we will define Malware categories and characteristics and talk through protective countermeasures to keep networks, systems and data safe from compromise. Static Malware Analysis Analyze malware statically in VM environments. Operational Security - Once we have a Risk Management program in place we need to implement operational security to manage the day to day aspects of security. In this lesson you will learn about Operational Security Controls what they consist of and how they help us to incrementally manage risk on a daily basis. Lesson 7 Disaster Recovery - While at first glance DR might not seem like a natural fit with cybersecurity after further analysis we realize that disasters are threats that can inflict much more damage than any hacker. Here we will talk about DR planning, strategies and best practices. Platform Hardening and Baselining - Minimizing the attack surface area of operating systems, databases and applications is a key tenet of operational security. In this lesson you will learn about techniques for OS/DB and App hardening. Lesson 9 - Advanced Perimeter Security - While many argue that with the advent of mobile technologies and the cloud the perimeter is dissolving, it will remain a key component in securing network resources for years to come. Here well cover Load balancers, forward and reverse proxies, API Security Gateways, Firewall rules and Unified Threat Management technologies. IDS - Intrusion Detection technology is offered in multiple flavors. They are either network based or host based and can be detective or preventive in nature. Advanced IDS - Previously weve talked about IDS basic concepts. Now its time to cover advanced IDS architectures, standards and further explore the inner workings of statistical and Rule based IDS. Snort and Bro In this lesson you will learn how to use Snort and Bro NIDS/HIDS by example. Honeypots and Honeynets - Luring attackers away from critical data and studying their behavior can help us to protect the data that matters most. Lets found out how we can use honeypots to tie up attackers and find out what they are up to. Kippo SSH Honeypot Firewalls - In this lesson we will cover the evolution of firewalls and their capabilities. Apache Security Logging Apache is still the most popular web server by install base on the web. Lets learn how to log malicious activities using Apache logging. SIM - Management of logs is a key component of operational security. These days the velocity, variety and volume of data collected via logs has catapulted log management into the realm of Big Data. You will learn how to effectively manage these logs and derive useful security information from them. Forensic Duplication Learn how to acquire a forensic duplicate using Linux based tool"
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Complete Security+ Series Practice Tests" |
"280 Practice exam questions to help you prepare for the Security Plusexam. Five practice exams. One exam dedicated to scenario based questions to help you prepare for theexam. Take the Complete Security+ Course from Web of Security to ensure you are completely prepared! Getting Security+ certified can result in career advanced and increased compensation."
Price: 194.99 ![]() |
"Outsource Your Work - Run a Business by Hiring Freelancers" |
"This course will show you How to outsource to experts available all over the world who can help your business or personal life, save you money, save you time, and even earn you money. Learn How to:Figure out what should be hired outFind the right people for Your jobHire these FreelancersKeep these Freelancers happyReplicate this, over and over!Find the best talent all over the world!Don't limit Yourself due to Geography!There are super-talented people all over the world!Freelancers truly are experts in their fields, and they are available (almost always online) for you to hire.And yet, usually, when you ask someone if they outsource to Freelancers, they reply with some horror story, or some reason or another as to why they cannot and will not delegate to Freelancers.And they're not wrong!Many things can go wrong when outsourcing to Freelancers, and many things do! On the other hand, when things go smoothly, the relationships can be extremely beneficial for both parties, becoming more and more so over time.This course aims to guide you through figuring out what to outsource to freelancers, how to find those freelancers, how to hire and communicate with them, as well as how to ensure that they deliver exactly what you're looking for.Content OverviewThis course is structured to serve as reference material, so you can go through the whole course in around one week, but, as your career progresses, you will probably want to go back for refreshers, so to see how various steps can apply to your new situation.Most of this course will be taught via videos, with some written notes and explanations for those wishing to go further in depth in their career as a freelance translator.By the end of this course, you will be able to use your knowledge in order to hire Freelancers for all sorts of jobs. You will know what sort of jobs to start outsourcing for, how to find the right freelancers, and how to keep them happy once you've found them. The world is becoming increasingly global, while jobs are less and less secure, and the Internet is, by now, near universal. Combine all these factors, and you have a perfect storm of opportunity for people who want to use Freelancers all over the world."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"STOP being an Entrepreneur. START being a Business!" |
"If you introduce yourself as a Serial Entrepreneur, this course is for you. Are you trying to be a successful Entrepreneur? Are you creating a great new Startup? This course will show you why you should STOP what you're doing, and what to concentrate on instead. Being an Entrepreneur and running a successful business are not always the same thing. In fact, they're very often in conflict. Will people really trust doing business with you in the long term when you call yourself a ""serial entrepreneur""? Will you really take your business seriously if you think of it as a ""Startup""? In this Course I outline why you should stop falling for these traps, even though it looks like everyone else is doing them. Then I will show you my personal example of how I use these steps in creating a successful business. See what other students have had to say:""This course gave me some insight to look as Businessmen instead as Entrepreneur."" - Dinesh""I love the course, its really helpful !"" - Nhung Nguyen Thi Hong""its excellent to learn the new thing that how you should think out of box like-don't use google pic,fb page web ,freelancer etc. it is really add the value.thanks"" - BALVIR KUMAR""Thank you for this approach, it's direct , simple, straight to the point and with some good advices to apply. So true. Merci"" - Cyril G.""this course opened my eyes to things I had not considered, I found it very enjoyable and I feel that I really learned a lot, thank you"" - Betty Dewille""I really like the idea of having a business mentality. Great information and advice on how to be an entrepreneur by DOING rather that just thinking or talking about it."" - Mario Alberto Arvizu Urbalejo""I thought that the points that were made in each video were very helpful as I embark upon my journey as a professional business woman."" - Brenda Ivy""I like what he has to say so far. It makes sense. He isn't just saying what people want to hear and he is not offering motivational mumbo-jumbo."" - Katherine Orho""Very Informational and applicable to many people!"" - Max Umansky"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Arabic Numbers made Easy - A Top Guide for Serious Students" |
"If you want to master Arabic numbers, this course is for you. This course covers everything you need to know from the grammar governing Arabic numbers, to cardinal numbers, to ordinal numbers, how to say the birth date, the time, etc.What you will get at the end of this course?At the end of this course, you will master everything about Arabic numbers, the same way you master English numbers, i.e. you say and understand very well English numbers, you can say your phone number, birth date, date, the time, etc withtout hesitation. This is exactly what you expect at the end of this course. You will use Arabic numbers confidently and sure that you are saying the right thing.How this course is organized?In the first part of this course, you will learn the Grammar behind Arabic numbers, in order for you to understand the grammar rules about Arabic numbers, i.e, you will learn the four parameters that define any Arabic noun: case, state, gender and number. Next you will learn about adjectives and the possessive case, and how to ask about countable and uncountable nouns. And you will learn about the names of the months and days of the Week.In the second part of this course, you will learn Cardinal numbers. Here, you will learn how to count from 01 up to 999 billions (i.e., you will learn how to count up to any number you want.). You will learn abstract counting, and counting in connection with masculine and feminine nouns, in Arabic.In the third part of this course, you will learn Ordinal numbers, and use them to say the time by minutes, you will learn numeral adberbs, fractional numbers, numeral adverbs of reiteration and decimal numbers.We have random number lists for you to practice saying the numbers, so that at the end of this course, you will be able to say the numbers, the time fast and accurately, just like you normally speak your native language. This is the Objective of this course. You will get no less than the best out of this course. You will know everything, Imean everything about Arabic numbers."
Price: 44.99 ![]() |
"Ingls Fluente - Modulo 1 : Apresentao, Famlia e Idades" |
"# Voc pode baixar todos os vdeos para o seu computador!Ingls Fluente - Modulo 1 : Apresentao, Famlia e IdadesEste curso foi desenvolvido para as pessoas que querem aprender a falar fluentemente Ingls.Muitos cursos esto focados em Ler, Ouvir e Escrever. Da que os estudantes conseguem ler Ingls muito bem, entendem quando algum fala com eles e escrevem muito bem. Mas na hora de falar no conseguem! Podem at saber o que responder a uma pergunta em Ingls mas a voz no sai, h um bloqueio mental. Por que isso acontece? Porque no exercitaram a fala em Ingls.Para falar Ingls fluentemente, mantendo um bom ritmo na conversa, o estudante deve praticar essa habilidade lingustica.Muita gente pensa que saber ler, ouvir e escrever Ingls automaticamente lhes confere a habilidade de falar Ingls. Mas isso no verdade.Para falar Ingls, o estudante precisa de fazer vrios exerccios de fala.Dai que surge este curso de Ingls Conversacional.Este Curso contm exerccios prticos, do dia-a-dia, sem enrolao, onde o estudante tem a chance e o espao de praticar oralmente o que aprende.Como este curso est organizado?Este curso inicia apresentando toda a gramtica que o estudante vai precisar no curso, isto , os pronomes pessoais em Ingls, os adjectivos possessivos em Ingls, a conjugao no presente do indicativo e do pretrito perfeito dos verbos To be, To have, to give birth, to call, to become, e o estudante aprende a contar de 01 a 10 em Ingls.De seguida, o estudante aprende os vocbulos relacionados com a famlia: husband, wife, daughter, son, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandson, granddaughter, brother, sister, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, paternal uncle, maternal uncle, paternal cousin, maternal cousin, nephew e niece.Enquanto o estudante aprende os vocbulos relacionados com a famlia, ele tambm faz exerccios escritos e orais de modo a reter esse vocabulrio. O estudante no precisa de memorizar nada, pois a memorizao no o caminho para a fluncia em Ingls, mas sim o estudante precisa de praticar/fazer uso/puxar pela memria esses mesmos vocbulos.Da que o curso contm uma plataforma onde o estudante poder fazer exerccios orais atravs do seu microfone (um dos requisitos do curso) e o professor corrige o udio enviado pelo aluno. A coreco do professor pode ser por escrito ou oral, em Portugus ou Ingls.Na terceira parte do curso, o estudante continua fazendo exerccios orais e escritos, mas desta vez descrevendo uma rvore genealgica complexa que contm somente os nomes do seu membros. Portanto o estudante j tem conhecimento dos vocbulos em Ingls relacionados com a famlia, agora tempo de pr em prtica identificando cada membro da rvore genealgica e tambm os membros da sua prpria famlia.Na quarta parte do curso, o estudante aprende a conjugar os verbos to play a role, to look like, to want to describe, to become, to see. Aprende tambm a conjugao interrogativa de todos os verbos estudados e por fim aprende a contar de 01 a 100.De seguida, volta rvore genealgica e faz exerccios onde identifica os membros da famlia com as suas respectivas idades, dizendo tambm quem mais velho, mais novo, gmeo em Ingls.Portanto, no final do curso de Ingls conversacional, o estudante ser capaz de descrever toda a sua famlia, e mais importante, ter desenvolvido a sua fluncia dum jeito prtico e sem enrolao.Nota que o jeito de falar Ingls fluentemente praticando Ingls em tpicos (exemplo: a Famlia, o Trabalho, a Politica, a Comida, o Restaurante, etc), e este curso aborda trs tpicos muito importantes: A apresentao e os primeiros contactos, a famlia e as idade."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |