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"Curso de Ingls - Aprenda tudo sobre os Verbos em Ingls" |
"O Curso de Ingls - O Guia Fundamental dos Verbos em Ingls foi desenvolvido para ajudar todos os estudantes de Ingls que querem encontrar num nico lugar tudo o precisam para entender todos os verbos em Ingls e empregar devidamente todos os tempos verbais.De facto, no h como evitar os verbos em qualquer idioma. E se voc pretende falar fluentemente Ingls e entender desde as frases simples s mais complexas, ento este curso para si.Ou talvez voc j fale o Ingls bsico e pretende elevar o seu Ingls ao prximo nvel, entender e impressionar nativos. Se este for o seu caso, este curso tem tudo o que voc precisa.Como este curso est organizado?Este um curso completo sobre os verbos em Ingls e est dividido em quatro partes:Primeira Parte - Os Pronomes PessoaisNs comeamos esta primeira parte falando sobre os nmeros (singular e plural) e os gneros (masculino, feminino e neutro) em Ingls.De seguida, ns estudamos os pronomes pessoais em Ingls propriamente dito. Estudamos os pronomes pessoais de sujeito (I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They) e de predicado (Me, You, Him, Her, It, Us, You, They).Segunda Parte - A Conjugao dos VerbosNs pegamos os pronomes pessoais que aprendemos na primeira parte e aplicamos aqui na segunda parte para conjugarmos todos os verbos em Ingls.Em Ingls existem verbos regulares e irregulares e tambm 12 tempos verbais (Present Tense, Past Tense, Future Tense, Present Perfect Tense, Past Perfect Tense, Future Perfect Tense, Present Progressive Tense, Past Progressive Tense, Future Progressive Tense, Present Perfect Progressive Tense, Past Perfect Progressive Tense e Future Perfect Progressive Tense). Ns vamos aprender a conjugar os verbos em todos esses tempos verbais.Portanto, no final desta parte voc saber conjugar correctamente todos os verbos em Ingls. No apenas conjugar, mas tambm entender o significado e aplicar correctamente todos os tempos verbais.Terceira Parte - A Formao da Negao e da InterrogaoNs aprendemos a conjugar todos os tempos verbais de todos os verbos em Ingls. Nesta terceira parte, ns vamos expandir o nosso horizonte aprendendo a formar a negao e a interrogao de todos os tempos verbais. E tambm vamos aprender as formas contradas dos pronomes e das formas verbais (exemplo:You're not) ou das formas verbais e da partcula negativa (exemplo:You aren't).Quarta Parte - Os Dilogos com nativos americanos (inclui udio)Nesta ltima parte do nosso curso, ns analisamos alguns dilogos com nativos americanos e vemos a aplicao prtica de tudo o que ns aprendemos sobre os pronomes, os verbos, as negaes, interrogaes e mais aspectos que no foram abordados no curso.Portanto, no final desta quarta parte, voc estar pronto para aplicar o que aprendeu aqui no seu dia a dia como falante de Ingls.De notar que os dilogos vm acompanhado de udio para voc treinar o seu ""listening"" e assimilar a pronncia de nativos americanos."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"HTML5, CSS3 & JavaScript Workshop: Build 7 Creative Projects" |
"Hi there, thank you so much for showing interest in my course.Below isa complete breakdown of what you're going to learn throughout this course. Lets start the journey.- GENERAL OVERVIEW:This course takes a deep dive into technologies likeHTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery. We're unleashing our creativity and building a minimalistic website, while learning and following modern web development trends that you'll be able to apply into your future projects.If you're a new, or aspiring web developer/designer, or if you're just an enthusiast, this course will get your hands dirty and prepare you for developing real life projects and building websites from scratch.If you want to build up aresponsivewebsite from scratch that features modern components, a website thatincludes parallax effects, sticky headers, modern responsive menus, sliders, grid systems,CSS animations and much more, you're on the right place. Keep on reading to find out why this course might just be the perfect course for you!- PROJECT-BASED COURSE!This is one of the biggest project-based courses that you'll come across on uDemy. It combines a total of 7 creative projects -each built from scratch while I'm showcasing the complete process behind building even the smallest details. I'll take you by your hand and we'll build everything together. Line by line. Here's what you'll be developing throughout the course:- THE 7 PROJECTS:Let me introduce you to the 7 beloved projects:Interactive animated sticky header:Using plain and pure CSS3 and jQuery, you're going to learn how to build a sticky, animated header that you'll be able to use in ANY of your upcoming websites.Parallax cover page that tracks mouse movements:In this section, we're starting with the website creation process and the first section that we'll be building is a Parallax Cover Page that will track your mouse movements and animate accordingly!Responsive grid layout (gallery):Using Masonry.Js, you'll be building the second part of our website which is a fully responsive grid system, used to showcase portfolio work or photography collages!Beating heart animation: Using pure CSS3 and keyframes, I'll show you how to achieve an amazing beating heart animation done in less than 10 minutes!Responsive slider with navigation: Using Slick Slider, we're going to be building a fully navigable, responsive slider. We'll also explore the customization limits of the library and how you can create your perfect slider.Hidden Parallax Footer:Add a finishing touch to our website with this pure CSS3 footer, hidden deep inside the website!Clean, modern, responsive menu:We're continuing the website production with making the sticky header fully responsive with a truly awesome and stylish responsive menu!- FROM 7 PROJECTS TO AFULLY FUNCTIONAL WEBSITEWe will combinethese 7 projects into a fully functional, responsive, modern website that can be used as your portfolio or product showcase website. We're alsowriting custom CSS media queries to make the website responsive. Also,we're following design trends in order to make our website look modern,clean and minimalistic.- ASSIGNMENTSThe 7 projects are divided into 7 sections. After completing each section(or a project), you'll be presented with an assignment that you should complete before continuing. This is very important because you'll see how much you've learned, you'll check your knowledgeand seeif you can apply the skills into a real-world project.Your task will be to create something different with the skills that you've learned in the past section/project. As well, every assignment will contain quizes/questions/tests to brush up your learned material.- BUILD YOUR WEBSITE WITH YOUR 7 PROJECTSCompleting the assignments means that now you have projects developedby yourself. Once you finish the course, you'll have your seven(7),very own completed projects. This means that, besides the website that we'll be creating together, you'll have your very own website if you combine your 7 projects created earlier.- HOST THE WEBSITE ONLINE AND CHECK BROWSER COMPATIBILITYWe are also hosting the website online on my server. We'll put it online, then open it up with couple of web browsers to make sure its compatible. We'll also open it up on plenty of Apple and Android devices to make sure everything is working smoothly.---------------------------5 MORE BONUSES WITH ENROLLING INTO THE COURSE:GET MY E-BOOK FOR FREE: ""75+ Must Use Resources for Web Developers & Designers"" is a book I've written especially for my students. Its supposed to be your ultimate guide when it comes to finding web resources like stock photos and videos, mockups, PSD templates, icon packs, fonts, typography, design inspiration and much more!ACCESS TO A FACEBOOK GROUP AND ASTUDENT-ONLY CHATROOM:My students are granted access to a completely private Facebook group and astudent-only chatroom where we discuss web design and development topics, share knowledge andhelp eachother with bugs and issues. You can also contact me personally there, as well.MY PERSONAL FEEDBACK ON YOUR FINISHED WEBSITE:Once you've completed the course and the website you developed is ready, I will be very glad to take a look at it and give you some feedback and thoughts. Feel free to message me in the student chatroom and we'll discuss your website in detail!COMPLETE SUPPORT WITH BUGS/ISSUES:I will be available 24/7 for your questions and queries regarding this course. If you're stuck, facing a problem orhave a bug somewhere in your code, I'll be glad to personally inspect your code and fix the error in a timely manner. Just post a discussion in the Q&A section and I'll be there!30-DAY FULLMONEY BACK GUARANTEE:In case the course didn't meet your expectations, I'm offering full 30-day money back guarantee, no questions asked. I would, however, appreciate if you give mefeedbackon what would you like to be improved, so I can improve myself for myupcoming courses!What are you waiting for? Click the ""ENROLL NOW"" button and I can't wait to see you inside!"
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"Mobile App Design in Affinity Designer: UX & UI from Scratch" |
"Hey there, thank you so much for showing interest in my course! Below is a breakdown of what you're going to learn throughout the course.Do you want to start a career as an UX/UI designer but you're not sure where to start?Or, maybe, you're an aspiring freelancer who wants to learn how to design modern & beautiful mobile applications that offer an intuitive and consistent experience?Or, you're a hobbyist who just wants to learn the essentials and fundamentals of UX and UI and start applying them in future projects with clients?Whatever it may be, you'll find this course very helpful towards reaching your goals that I mentioned above.You absolutely don't need to have any experience with UX and UI, as well as designing apps for mobile devices. This course will take you by your hand and thoroughly, step-by-step will help you design a modern, minimalistic, functional and user-friendly mobile application.In between the main lectures I've written very useful articles for the UX/UI principles that contribute even more to the knowledge this course offers.This course will teach you to design intuitive, consistent, user-friendly and beautiful mobile applications from scratch. You don't need to have any prior knowledge before taking this course!FINAL ASSIGNMENT:As a final challenge, you'll be presented with an assignment that you SHOULD complete before finishing the course. You'll use EVERYTHING you've learned throughout the course and you will try to design a brand new mobile app from scratch. I'll be here to help you along the way. Are you ready to take on the challenge? I've created this to show you how much you can learn in couple of hours and I have no doubts you'll create something amazing. The detailed instructions for this assignment are written in the corresponding lecture. I can't wait to see what you'll design!5 MORE BONUSES WITH ENROLLING INTO THE COURSE:GET MY E-BOOK FOR FREE: ""75+ Must Use Resources for Web Developers & Designers"" is a book I've written especially for my students. Its supposed to be your ultimate guide when it comes to finding web resources like stock photos and videos, mockups, PSD templates, icon packs, fonts, typography, design inspiration and much more!ACCESS TO A FACEBOOK GROUP:My students are granted access to a completely private Facebook group where we discuss web design and development topics, share knowledge andhelp each other with bugs and issues. You can also contact me personally there, as well.MY PERSONAL FEEDBACK ON YOUR FINISHED APP DESIGN:Once you've completed the course and the app you designed is ready, I will be very glad to take a look at it and give you some feedback and thoughts. Feel free to message me in the student chatroom and we'll discuss your website in detail!COMPLETE SUPPORT WITH QUESTIONS:I will be available 24/7 for your questions and queries regarding this course. If you're stuck, facing a problem orhave a question regarding anything in Affinity Designer, I'll be glad to personally inspect your query and explain your the solution in a timely manner. Just post a discussion in the Q&A section and I'll be there!30-DAY FULLMONEY BACK GUARANTEE:In case the course didn't meet your expectations, I'm offering full 30-day money back guarantee, no questions asked. I would, however, appreciate if you give mefeedbackon what would you like to be improved, so I can improve myself for myupcoming courses!What are you waiting for? Click the ""BUY NOW"" button and I can't wait to see you inside!"
Price: 79.99 ![]() |
"Wellcome to ASP.NET Core Web API Course!In this course, you will learn Web API on ASP.NET Core with details. This course starts from beginner level and expands to the advanced level.While we teach you about Web API, we will perform more than one live projects on different platforms and different frameworks. We will discuss normally created Web API projects, Also Web API projects that are created by the templates on Visual Studio 2017. And lastly we will learn about everything about a project that will be created by us manually from zero.We will work with Entity Framework and learn how to get data with it. So you will learn everything from beginner level to advanced level about Web API. When these topics are all covered you will be comfortable about the Web API subject and you will be able to integrate Web API to the projects that you create like Angular 2, Web or Mobile Apps.And also you will learn the important points to be careful of and some hints about Web API.This is the most comprehensive Web API Course EVER :)"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"ASP NET CORE 2 - THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE COURSE ON THE NET!In this course you will learn ASP NET Core 2.2.1. If you already know ASP NET Core, it is time for you to move on the next version.This is a chance to see the new features and apply them on the sample live project with all the elements used successfully. So you can expreriment all the new features of Asp NET Core 2, on a live project.We can say that this course is the most comprehensive ASP NET CORE 2 course on the internet !!!First of all, you should know that ASP NET CORE 2 is developed on the object oriented architecture. So you should have some knowledge and experience on software development and OOP - C#.The course is starting with Model - View - Controller (MVC). First you will learn what is it, and after that you will learn to apply MVC Architecture on the same project.One of the best new features is, Razor Web Pages. And these are the special detailed subject on this course.Also you will learn how to use Web API on Asp Net Core 2.After MVC, you will learn routing, model binding, model validation, dependency injection and how to use design patterns in the project. And continue with Entity Framework Core, how to integrate to the project and new features of the Entity Framework Core 2.The most important subject of the course is IDENTITY. You will learn Login, Register, Forget Password And Security Processes by manuel and auto. So we can be developing secure projects on this course.The next big subject is, State Management. Sessions,Caching,Cookiesand how to use them on ASP NET Core 2.Well of course we will learn Angular 6, Knockout.js and React.js which comes at the templates with Asp NET Core 2.2.1 in details.Also some advances subjects : Pipeline and how to develop code on pipeline, especially at the security side and user interaction.Wellcome to our course, which will teach you all about ASP NET CORE 2."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft SQL Server (70-461) Blm 1" |
"Veritaban sistemlerinde almak iin yeni iseniz veya kendinizi gelitirmek istiyorsanz beraber alabiliriz. Anlatacam konular genel olarak renciler, ie yen balayanlar, veritaban sistemine yeni balayanlar, retmenler ve SQLServer konusunda kendini eksik hissedenler iin ok faydal olacaktr. rnekler ve alma tarz piyasada epey alan biri tarafndan anlatlacak olup akllarda soru iareti brakmayacak tarzda tamamlanacaktr.Konular aras ba koparlmadan srekli geriye dnk atflarda bulunarak pekitirme salanacaktr. Ekstra zmler ve piyasa koullarna uygun rnekler ile kursun amac kalifiye kiiler yetitirmektir. Bu kursta ncelikli hedef sizlerin veriyi ileme modelleme ve sorgulama yeteneklerinizin gelitirilmesi olacaktr.Kursumuzun Blm 2 olarak adlandrlan ksmnda ise daha ileri konular ve ilenen verinin nnasl ynetildii ile ilgili konulara hakim olacaksnz. ncelikle bu kursu bitirmeniz nerilir.Bu kursu satn alan kiiler Blm 2'yi %50 indirimle alma ansna sahiptirler bunun iin bana mesaj yazmanz yeterlidir"
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Microsoft SQL Server (70-461) Blm 2" |
"Veritaban sistemlerinde almak iin yeni iseniz veya kendinizi gelitirmek istiyorsanz beraber alabiliriz. Anlatacam konular genel olarak renciler, ie yeni balayanlar, veritaban sistemine yeni balayanlar, retmenler ve SQLServer konusunda kendini eksik hissedenler iin ok faydal olacaktr. rnekler ve alma tarz piyasada epey alan biri tarafndan anlatlacak olup akllarda soru iareti brakmayacak tarzda tamamlanacaktr.Konular aras ba koparlmadan srekli geriye dnk atflarda bulunarak pekitirme salanacaktr. Ekstra zmler ve piyasa koullarna uygun rnekler ile kursun amac kalifiye kiiler yetitirmektir. Bu kursta ncelikli hedef sizlerin veriyi ileme modelleme ve sorgulama yeteneklerinizin gelitirilmesi olacaktr.Kursumuzun Blm 1 olarak adlandrlan ksmnda temel konulara girilip bu kursun n hazrl yaplmtr. Bu kurs ise daha profesyonel ierie sahip olup daha dipteki bilgileri gn yzne karma amal hazrlanmtr. Baz derslerde sadece alma mant ve yntemler kod olmadan anlatlacaktr yani baz derslerde sorgu altrmadan sohbet havasnda ierikler grebilirsiniz."
Price: 29.99 ![]() |
"Desenvolva Sistemas Bsicos em Android" |
"Nesse curso voc ser capaz de entender os conceitos e prticas dos componentes epadres de desenvolvimento nas primeiras aulaspara desenvolver aplicaes em Android.Em cada vdeo aula ensinado o recurso e desenvolvimento em questo de cada aula. Aps isso, no final do curso desenvolvidouma aplicao completa com os mecanismos de persistncia (CRUD) eutilizado as prticas usadas no cotidiano dosdesenvolvedores deAndroid.Portanto, esse curso ideal para quem deseja iniciar na linguagem Android e alm de entender os conceitos tambm conseguir exercitar vrios tipos de prticas com os exemplos usados no curso.."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"Java Swing - Desenvolvendo Sistema Completo para Desktop" |
"Veja nesse curso que estarei ensinandoosconceitos e prticas reais utilizadas nodesenvolvimento de sistema do ZEROem Java.O que voc vai aprender nesse curso?Recursos deanlise do sistema a ser desenvolvidoDesenhodas telas dentro da IDEProgramando emPadres de projetoUMLInstalao da IDE NetbeansPrticas deprogramao com a API Swingcom JDBC para realizar a persistncia de dadosProgramao em camadas (BackEnd e FrontEnd).Instalar e configurar o banco de dados Oracle para visualizar os dados programados no sistemaImplantao da aplicao e disponibilizando o uso para o clienteEntre outras propostas na grade curricular do cursoBaixar o projeto desenvolvido no curso.Alm disso, ser ensinado como desenvolver uma arquitetura de projeto baseado no padro MVC e tambm odesenhodas telas e naprogramao da ao eo comportamento dos componentes Swing.Ao realizar a finalizao desse curso, voc ser capaz de desenvolver aplicaes para desktop com persistncia de dadosutilizando todas as prticas ensinadas.Verifiquena descriodaprogramao do curso eassistauma das aulas livres e faa sua inscrio!Grande abrao eat mais!"
Price: 69.99 ![]() |
"Curso Completo de Oracle Database - Programe em SQL e PL/SQL" |
"Aprenda nesse curso totalmente didtico e prticode programao com banco de dadosOracle, desdecomo instalar econfiguraro ambiente de desenvolvimento, utilizar a IDESQL Developer,programarvrias situaes utilizando diversos tipos de lgicas e desenvolvasistemas baseados em exemplos utilizados no cotidiano de um projeto real.O modo de ensino est baseado por competncia que justamente para fazer com que o aluno tenha a capacidade de lidar com diversos tipos de situaes quando for necessrio aplicar o conhecimento adquirido de tal contedo.Alm disso, o curso conta com os scripts anexados em cada aulapara ajud-lo a reforar o que foi desenvolvido e mostrado.Verifiquena descriodaprogramao do curso eassistauma das aulas livres e faa sua inscrio!*Caso ficou interessado no curso entre em contato por mensagem que consigo verificar um cupom de desconto.Grande abrao eat mais!"
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Impara a realizzare un software gestionale web based" |
"Vuoi realizzare un software gestionale moderno, basato su tecnologia web e funzionante su qualsiasi dispositivo Smartphone, Tablet, PC?Questo il corso giusto per te.Cominciando dalle basi durante il corso verr spiegato nei dettagli un semplice progetto software di una web app che gestisci dei contatti un rubrica. Attraverso le lezioni si affronteranno passo per passo tutte le operazioni per realizzare l'applicazione, dalla preparazione dell'ambiente di lavoro quindi download di Xampp, Bootstrap, Fontawesome e libreria FPDF, alla scrittura del codice che implementa tutte le funzioni di interfaccia, lettura e scrittura.Durante il corso andremo a svolgere diverse funzioni:Configurazione database MySqlProgettazione interfaccia HTML mediante BootstrapImplementazione delle funzioni Javascript/AJAX per l'interfacciamento con il codice server PHPScrittura del codice PHP per il dialogo con il databaseScrittura del codice PHP per usare la libreria FPDFallo scopo di realizzare file PDF da stampare o salvare direttamente nel BrowserGuida per l'esportazione del progetto da locale a remoto per pubblicarlo online sul vostro spazio webIl programma realizzato consente di:Gestire una rubrica online con un infinito numero di contattiOgni contatto definito da 4 campi: cognome, nome, telefono, emailIl programma consente l'inserimento, modifica ed eliminazione dei contattiAttraverso un semplice tasto possibile generare un file PDF con l'elenco della rubrica o stamapare un vcard di un singolo contatto sempre in formato PDFUn casella di ricerca consente di trovare un contatto specificoAttraverso un semplice codice PHP possibile esportare la rubrica in un file di formato Excel."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Impara a utilizzare Microsoft Excel in poche ore da zero" |
"L'obiettivo del corso quello di permettere a chiunque di imparare ad usare Microsoft Excel.Per farlo ho pensato di costruire il corso in maniera semplice ed intuitiva preparando una serie di esercizi che vengono svolti insieme durante le video lezioni. La difficolt degli esercizi sempre crescente fino ad arrivare alla lezione finale dove viene realizzato un foglio excel completo con dati, formattazione calcoli e grafici.Il tutto viene spiegato passo passo per consentire un facile apprendimento."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Moodle Plugins" |
"Do you want to enhance your Moodle courses by installing free Moodle plugins?Well this is the course for you!By the end of the course, learners will be able to:Download and Install Moodle at HomeLocate free Moodle PluginsDownload free Moodle PuginsInstall Moodle Plugins on a Moodle serverEnhance courses with the added functionality provided by pluginsI have chosen over 35 plugins for this course that I have personally used and tested over my 8 years in eLearning, and each of the plugins have unique characteristics and functionality that can be added to your Moodle course and enhance your students learning experience!Some of my favourite plugins are covered including:H5P - Add html5 interactivity to your Moodle courseAttendance - Take attendance in MoodleQuestionnaire - Create questionnaires for your staff and studentsChecklist - Create amazing checkistsHeatmap - Which activities and resources are used most/least?Quizventure - Add a Space Invaders game to a Moodle courseGame - Snakes and Ladders, Sudoku, Hangman.Course Formats - Collapsed Topics, Tab, Grid, Buttons, Board!I willbegin the course by guiding learners through the process of installing their own Moodle server at home, which can then be used to practice everything taught in the course.Following the introduction section, thecourse is split into 6 sections we begin with course format plugins, closely followed by atto text editor plugins, course plugins, communication plugins, gamification plugins, reporting plugins and finally some random plugins.In each section of the course, I will show learners how to download the plugin, the various methods of installing plugins, as well as guiding learners through the process of setting up and configuring the plugin. All lesson also include a downloadable paper guide, and each of these guides can printed to form a Moodle plugin user manual. So, If you are an Administrator, Manager, Teacher, Classroom assistant, Course Creator, or just aProfessional interested in enhancing online Moodle courses throughthe use of plugins,why not sign up today?Plugins that not only enhance your course, but enhance the student experience as well!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teaching with Technology 1 Improving your Presentations" |
"Do you want to enhance your presentations by adding interactivity, engagement and excitement Well this is the right course for you!By the end of this course, learners will be able to create amazing multimedia presentations which will enhance your audiences learning and viewing experience!The course is split into 2 main sections Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Sway.I will begin the course by guiding learners through improving their presentations using PowerPoint. I will show learners how to add images, audio and video to your slides, as well as teaching learners about narration, annotation animations and transitions.The course will finish by looking at Microsoft Sway, a digital storytelling app, accessed entirely online, that allows you to create and share interactive presentations, class materials and projects. I will teach learners how to use sway, how to get the best out of the various design options and how to produce a professional, online presentation using Microsoft sway.Throughout the course, there will be special example lessons that demonstrate the skills and techniques learnt in the course, and I will include real life practical examples, all of which are available for my learners to download.So, if you are an Administrator, Manager, Teacher, Classroom assistant, Course Creator, or just a Professional interested in enhancing your presentations with the use of technology, why not sign up today?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Teaching with Technology 2 Interactive Lessons & Lectures" |
"Do you want to add interactivity and excitement to your lessons and lectures? Well this is the right course for you!By the end of this course, learners will be able to create amazing online polls, quizzes, surveys ad discussions which will enhance your audiences learning and viewing experience! The course is split into 3 main sections Poll Everywhere, Socrative and Kahoot I will begin the course by guiding learners through improving their lessons and lectures using Poll Everywhere I will show learners how to create multiple choice questions, word clouds, rank order polls and many other interactive polls, as well as teaching learners about response options, live audience polling and gathering feedback data. The course will then progress to looking at Socrative a cloud-based student response systemwhere you can create online, interactive assessments and view the results in real time. Ill show learners how to create multiple choice assessments, true or false assessments and short answer questions, and even show learners how to use these questions in a space race game! Ill also guide learners through the process of hosting online assessments in a live environment. The course will finish by looking at Kahoot, one of my favourite online based online tools, which is used for creating various multiple choice answer games. Ill show learners how to create new kahoots, how to share and import kahoots with other Kahoot users and how to re-play kahoots using ghost mode. Throughout the course, there will be special example lessons that demonstrate the skills and techniques learnt in the course, and I will include real life practical examples, all of which are available for my learners to download. So, if you are an Administrator, Manager, Teacher, Classroom assistant, Course Creator, or just a Professional interested in enhancing your lessons and lectures with the use of technology, why not sign up today?"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"OCA Java SE 7 Programmer (OCAJP) Exam 1ZO-803 Part 3 of 3" |
"This course will cover Java SE7 fundamentals and equip the students to find the OCA Java SE7 Programmer certification (IZ0-803) easy to pass. This certification ishard to achieve without proper guidance. I have organised this course from top to bottom approach which will start with variables and end with abstracts, interfaces and exceptions handling in java.By the end of this course, students will not just follow likeany other java App course without knowing that what is happening at the backgroundbut would fully understand and easy to follow without looking on google for every single error. Remember,looking for errors to resolve, takes hours of your valuable time so, why waste itif you can take this course and learn all about the errors, tricksand know about the java syntax.Trust me not onlyyou will never regret but you will also recommend this course for other to advantage of.This course is designed topoint out key points in order tomake it easy for student and to build a solid foundation in java language syntax."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Part 1: AWS Certified Solutions Architect SAA C02 - 2020" |
"*** UPDATE MAY-2020 - Global Accelerator, and important security and management tools: WAF, Shield, IMDS V2, Secrets Manager, Systems Manager, AWS Config, Inspector, Trusted Advisor and how all these tools work together ****** UPDATE MAR-2020 - Completely revised CloudFront, and S3 Sections ****** UPDATE FEB-2020 - Lots of newly updated material, hands-on Labs and quizzes on Elastic Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, Data Lake, Monitoring, Storage ****** UPDATE 2019: Spot Instance Pricing Model, Reserved Instance Model, Nitro BareMetal Instances, Unlimited Burstable Instances, Network Load Balancer, S3 One Zone-IA, Glacier Vault, Cross Region Peering, IPv6, VPC Flow Logs ***Become An Expert In AWS - Concept, Handson, 450+ Exam Prep Questions, In-depth Coverage with Updated ContentStep-By-Step introduction to AWS and best way to pass the certification Exam! REVIEWSThanks Chandra for your efforts in creating this invaluable content, this definitely contributed to achieve a score of 92% in AWS examI passed the AWS solutions architect associate exam last Friday. I scored 87%. Thanks so much Chandra for your wonderful course!!This is simply fantastic course. Instructor explains each topic in great details, it helps to clear concepts & boost confidence. Also, You get responds to your questions on lab/lecture immediately. I cleared my AWS Certified Solution Architect - Associate level exam after watching this course and completing all labsVery objective study materials that deep dives into the options available with AWS. Really liked Chandra's style of diving straight to the point.This is the BEST AWS (CSA) Training I have seen so far***AWS Certified Solutions Architect Guide & Question Bank - I provides a structured introduction to AWS and prepares you to get certified at the Associate Level.This is part one of a two part course series [ Part 1, Part 2: AWS Certified Solutions Architect (and CD,SO) - 2018]This course covers services that form the foundation of AWS - Network, Compute, Load Balancing, Elastic Scaling, Storage, Monitoring, Security and Cost Estimation.Each topic is covered with concepts, hands-on activity, practice examsQuestion bank consists of 300+ exam like practice quizzes.Students would be able to download lecture presentation slides for offline review."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"2020 Practice Test AWS Solutions Architect Associate SAA C02" |
"*** UPDATE MAY-2020 - Global Accelerator, and important security and management tools: WAF, Shield, IMDS V2, Secrets Manager, Systems Manager, AWS Config, Inspector, Trusted Advisor and how all these tools work together ****** UPDATE MAR-2020 - Completely revised CloudFront, and S3 Sections ****** UPDATE FEB-2020 - Lots of newly updated material and quizzes on Elastic Load Balancing, Auto Scaling, Data Lake, Monitoring, Storage, Databases ***Welcome to 2020 Practice Test for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Exam at Associate Level.This course is for new AWS Solution Architect Exam and comes with1. Two full-length timed-practice exams2. Several quizzes3. Concept videos4. 100 Page Reference Slides that you can downloadIn 1 hour, you will gain substantial insight into fundamental concepts of various AWS ServicesThree Steps to Success:1. Do the Quiz + Timed Exam2. Review Concept Videos3. Review 100 Slide Reference (Downloadable)Godspeed!"
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Part 2: AWS Certified Solutions Architect SAA C01,C02 - 2020" |
"*** UPDATE FEB-2020 - Lots of newly updated material, hands-on Labs and quizzes on Databases ****** NEW: Fargate Serverless Containers, Aurora, Aurora Serverless RDBMS lectures and Hands-On-Labs are now live ***AWS Certified Solutions Architect Guide & Question Bank provides a structured introduction to AWS and prepares you to get certified at the Associate Level (Architect, Sysops Admin, Developer).This is the second and concluding part of the two-part course series on getting certified at Associate Level. (NOTE: For Part 1, Look for the course 1. AWS Certified Solutions Architect Guide & Question Bank)In Part 1 of this course, we learned about core services that form the foundation of AWS Cloud Platform. That included networking, storage, compute, automatic scaling, security, monitoring and tools for estimating cost of a solution.In this course, we will start with services that offer Queueing, Notification and Email capabilities. Then we will focus on Lambda server-less compute capability provided by AWS and API Gateway to provide RESTful front end for your Lambda functions. AWS also provides a range of Cloud Database offerings including RDS, NoSQL, In-Memory, Columnar, ElasticSearch and we will explore what their strengths and weaknesses are. Learn how to manage streaming data with Amazon Kinesis (Stream, Firehose, Analytics). Learn about Amazon ECS, Containers and Dockers. CloudFormation lectures teach how to manage your infrastructure as code. Elastic Beanstalk gives an overview on how you can quickly deploy your application and manage infrastructure automatically. This course also introduces programmatic integration of AWS Services from your application.As we learn these topics, we will look into architectural best practices and patterns for building cost-effective and highly scalable solutions. We will also look at disaster recovery options that are enabled by AWS."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"The Beginners Guide To Facebook Advertising" |
"Thanks so much for checking out this page and this course about how to get started with Facebook advertising...So, Facebook has been around now for over a decade, and their advertising platform has been around for almost as long. And it's just one of the greatest places to advertise online, because there's no other advertising marketplace out there that allows you to target people so specifically than on Facebook.You can target people by likes and interests, by age, by income level, by demographic, etc. And it's just got a MASSIVE amount of people that you can reach, both on desktops as well as mobile devices.Everybody that has a product or service that is trying to get more exposure for that product or service should be advertising on Facebook because again the ability to laser target your audience, whether you have a small audience or you're in a super small niche.So, this course is going to walk you through step-by-step how to setup your Facebook advertising campaigns. It's very simple, but Iknow it can be intimidating if you've never spent money on paid ads. So, I'm going to walk you through step-by-step and help you overcome that fear and give you the confidence to start advertising on Facebook.And you can set your daily budget, so you never have to worry about overspending.So, if you're just getting started with online marketing or marketing your product or service online and you're specifically interested in Facebook ads and how to get started, and you want a step-by-step course to walk you through the steps of setting up an ad from start to finish, then Iencourage you to ENROLL IN THIS COURSE...And Ilook forward to seeing you on the inside!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Search Engine Optimization For Affiliate Marketers" |
"A lot of people think that SEO is some mysterious art...The truth is it's actually pretty's just that there is a LOT of misinformation and useless tools out there you don't need.So, I put together a very short and simple guide walking you through an extremely easy method for siphoning massive amounts of real human visitors from search engines using 100% FREE tools.Yep, other than a domain and hosting all you'll be using is copy & paste baby.And the great thing about this strategy is that it works in ANY niche.Traffic is the lifeblood of any online business and this strategy is going to show you how to get tons of it.And once you have traffic coming to your website on a regular basis, it's not rocket science to make money. All you need to do is put relevant ads and offers in front of that traffic, and tada! It's that simple.This is a very simple, scalable strategy that anyone can implement and succeed with.100% newbie-friendly.==========================So, what exactly is this strategy?Its a very simple copy/paste SEO strategy that involves Wordpress along with a handful of other 100% free tools.This strategy works for- Wordpress eCom stores (theres plugins that integrate with Shopify)- Product review sites- Amazon sites- AdSense sites- Niche affiliate sitesthe possibilities are really endlessWhat do you get inside?So that even complete beginners can succeed with this strategy, Ive included some short videos on how to purchase and setup a domain, hosting and install Wordpress.Additionally, you will get a few videos that will explain the strategy and all the tools and resources necessary and recommended to achieve results quickly."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"ClickFunnels Affiliate Training" |
"$12,572.56That's how much I've made promoting ClickFunnels as an affiliate at the time of me typing this...And I did it without having an email list or a large audience or presence on social media.Now, you probably already know that ClickFunnels is an amazing tool.And that hundreds of people are using it to make thousands of dollars each month.But, what you might not know is that you can actually make quite a bit of passive residual income each month by simply promoting and recommending ClickFunnels, and all of the other products they offer, to others.ClickFunnels has a very generous affiliate program and they pay weekly.And the great thing about ClickFunnels and a lot of the upsells and other products they have is that many are subscriptions, meaning if you refer someone and they remain a paying get paid each and every month.So, as I mentioned above, to date I've made a little over $12,000 in ClickFunnels commissions.And in this short course I'm going to be sharing with you the EXACT SAME STRATEGIES that I used and still use to this day to generate these kinds of results.Some of the strategies include...Email marketingVideo marketingRanking websitesAnd ALL of these strategies are super simple and very inexpensive to implement.Also, one of the things I pride myself in is being able to deliver highly actionable content in very concise way.Which means, you'll be able to consume the entire content of this course in less than a day...And can start taking action and getting results almost right away!So, if you've been searching for a way to create a solid passive income online for yourself, promoting products that you can wholeheartedly stand behind and feel good about recommending to others...I encourage to enroll in this course immediately so that you can begin building your ClickFunnels passive income snowball today!"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Cryptocurrency (BTC & ETH) Investment & Trading Course 2017" |
"Hey, my name is Andrew, I'm a founder of online investors community iTuber. For the last 2 years we have been investing into fast-growing cryptocurrency market and my personal result is increasing deposit from 4000$ to 150 000$ just in 1 month. I've decided to create this course to share my experience with people and to help avoid mistakes that i made andrepeat my success. I'll share my strategies, way of thinking and show you whats working now and what is not. Short, understandable and honest course basedon areal experience to help you get started on cryptocurreny market, enjoy!"
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Learn Fingerstyle Guitar & Read Music - Beginners Course" |
"Whether you are a beginner, or perhaps know a few chords, this 4-hour Fingerstyle Guitar Course teaches you the basics, then goes step-by-step to the joys of playing Finger-style Guitar. Learn right-hand fingerpicking, left-hand fretting and get simple effective instructions on how to read guitar music. Along the way, you'll learn single-note melodies, then progress to 3 and 4 finger patterns, as well as strumming & arpeggio styles. Stop Dreaming & Start Playing Finger-style Guitar With a Proven Method! This Level 1 course is for the total beginner, or if you already play, it eases you into Fingerstyle & Music Reading - the skills you've been meaning to learn! Solve 2 of the biggest problems many guitarists struggle withreading guitar music & learning Fingerstyle. Pick up professional habits of guitar playing as you learn Finger Patterns, Strumming Patterns, Arpeggio & Chord Techniques.Fingerstyle Guitar Playing Sounds Great and is Fun. You Will Be Amazed at What You Can Learn in 30 Days.Fingerstyle guitar playing has a long history, from Bach to the Beatles. While there are many approaches and styles, you need to first master some basics. This Level 1 course takes you through the basics of playing Single Notes, Arpeggios, Carter Style, Travis Picking and ""Boom Chick"" Chords as well as some classical guitar techniques that are at the core of this method.If you are just starting out, you can learn all the fundamentals: right hand and left hand techniques, correct posture and body mechanics, chord construction and transitions. This, as well as strumming and arpeggio techniques and how to read guitar music.Do you already know some chords and strumming? Great! You'll be able to quickly advance your fingerpicking and reading skills through the thorough, step-by-step foundational lessons provided in this course.More of the Music/Fingerstyle Instruction covered: Smooth Chord-Changing Techniques Keeping Good Time and Rhythm Making the Best Fingering Choices Key Signatures, Note Values & Rests Recognizing and Naming Basic ChordsYou will also be given play-along backing tracks to practice your new Fingerstyle Guitar skills.Are you serious about learning Fingerstyle? Get started now! Enroll in Learn Fingerstyle Guitar & Read Music in Beginners Course and start picking your way to Fingerstyle Mastery."
Price: 74.99 ![]() |
"Digital Marketing Framework - 2018 Edition" |
"Learn how to punch above your weight. Webgrowth's digital marketing course is based on successful performance and growth marketing techniques. Neil Pursey takes you through the digital marketingprocess that Webgrowth usesin houseand for their clients.Neil strips away the complexities of digital marketing and keeps you focused on what matters and delivers a framework that can be implemented from small businesses tothelargest corporates.The RACEmodelWe use Smart Insights' RACE model and apply it to a performance formula to deliver exceptional results.The Traction modelWe focus onthe digital components of the Traction model developed by GabrielWeinberg and show how you practically identify opportunities within the following channels; Adwords, SEO, Social Media andEmail.Perfomance formulaApplying the formula ""clickability X shareability X distribution"" was a game changer for Webgrowth. We teach you how to apply these effectively within your campaign and how to build these KPI's into a reporting framework.Search intent vs social interestContent runs the web but how you package and promotethis content determines if you get noticed or not. Throughout the course we touch on elements that influence search intent and social interest. Knowing your business objectives will ensure you have the right frameworkand methodologiesto address each channel."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"InfoPath: Advanced List-based Solution Development" |
"This advancedcourse will show you how to use InfoPath Designer to customize SharePoint lists' forms, creating multi-page forms using data connections to external data, Action Rules, Conditional Formatting Rules,Cascading Dependent Choice Filters, intra-page navigation, SharePoint wiki pages with InfoPath Form web parts, and site navigation to pages set up to showcase usable real-world solutions."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Office 2016 Integrated Solution Development" |
"This course will teach students how to develop integrated Office solutions using VBA. Solutions will use macros and macro-enabled templates to pass data back and forth among different software applications within Microsoft Office, collecting data and soliciting input from other files as well as from users. Students will not need to know how to code in VBA; the curriculum will teach them how to customize the code written during macro creation.Solutions can be adapted and applied to real world situations, including user-driven surveys in Word, data-driven score sheet production in Excel, generating letters in Word using data from Excel (and saving them as Word or pdf files), and using Excel dataselections to drive dynamic input of text and images into existing Word documents."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Small Acts of Leadership: Intentional Skills for Big Impact" |
"Could you use a little more initiative on your team? A little more accountability and engagement? Is everyone around you running flat-out and overwhelmed? That initiative, creativity and engaged work were looking for requires leadership from everyone.Leadership is personal. It is an act of kindness. It is an action taken in the face of adversity. It is the simple act of lifting someone up when theres no one else around. These are thesmall actsthat make abig difference. This new series isnt simply micro-learning, its micro-practice. Each lecture includes an action and practice.It takes time and practice to let go of past habits and pick up new behaviors. In this course, you will adopt new behaviors and learn to destroy the insane rules that block your progress.This course,Small Acts of Leadership: Intentional Skills for Big Impact, is based on my bestselling book. Each short, high-impact learning experiences is less than 5 minutes, and includes:Introduction and goal settingKey video idea and insightReal world examplePractice and activityThis series is designed for you, the busy professional. In worktoday, we are exhausted and depleted, constantly tethered to work through technology. We're deprived of time for meaningful reflection or thoughtful connection to others.As a leader, you have the opportunity to create a better future. By adopting small, intentional behaviors and practicing them each day, taking care of yourself, building your self-confidence, and embracing challenges, you become a stronger leader and make a broader impact on the world.I have led small, fast-moving start-up companies, and I have led big product development divisions in a corporation. Over the past 20 years I've interviewed CEOs, business-school faculty and executives from all over the world, and I can tell you it's not rocket science. Once you know the small simple tricks of being a successful leader you will understand it's not complicated, but it does take courage and discipline.This new series from Udemy is based on my new bookSmall Acts of Leadership: 12 Intentional Behaviors that Lead to Big Impact. Welcome. Let's do this."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"How To Draw Everything," |
"How To Draw Everything Real or Imaginative is a course Design for all ages and skill Levels. it peals back the mysteries of developing good Drawings and shows the skills that you need to approach a drawing with confidence. This course is packed with the technical skills you need to start drawing and grow your own skills as an artistor illustrator.Additionally I will give a two chapter of the book that I am working on ""Exploring the Drawing Process,"" which will give you insight into overcoming some of the issues that artist face on daily basis as well as prepare you to take the next step into becoming the professional artist waiting inside you.Now Sign Up today for this Awesome class and I'll See you inside."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"How to Draw the Human Head" |
"In this course you will learn how to draw to the human head using traditional methods in a digital environment. The methods taught in this course are designed to applied to traditional and digital mediums, allowing to practice whenever and however you want. Sign up today and learn to draw heads the right way."
Price: 34.99 ![]() |
"Business Branding For E-commerce" |
"This course is presented in a clear, conversation style, that is easy to understand and follow. You'll enjoy the instructorsgenuine care and encouraging teaching style.You'll learnhow to buildabusiness brand in a logical and systematic way.Learn To Create A Professional Brand For Your New Product, Website or Company!About The Instructor &His Authentic Credibility On This Topic: Jasonresides in Seattle Washington and together with his wife, he'ssold millions online and theirpopular shopify website (Pixie Faire)has even been featured by Shopify as one of the sites premieresuccess case studies.Miles shares their insider tips, techniques, short-cuts and hard-won lessons acquired as they personallyset up and built theirShopify site, which currentlytransacts40,000-50,000 orders a month and is ranked 503rd out of over 500,000 Shopify websites (based on worldwide site traffic). He is also the co-creator of Liberty Jane and Sew Powerful. He previously served as the Senior Vice President of Marketing, Human Resources, and Development at Northwest University in Seattle Washington.How Is This Course Different?This course has 12 powerful, yet easy to follow,sections all designed to help you design and implement a professional businessbrand.This course offers aunique andsystematic approach that cuts through the confusion, eliminates incorrect thinking, and teaches best practices on all the aspects related to establishing a successful business, online, ore-commerce brand.Who Is This Course Designed For?Students should have a basic understanding, or willingness to learn professional branding. They also needthe time, patience, and willingness to implement the lessons and details taught in this course. Ideally, students should already have a product, product idea, or product plan.If you have a private label product already set up that yousell on Amazon, or are an artist, crafter, or seller of unique items - and need a fully functional ecommerce website - then this course will be of value to you."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |