Pass the CPA in 3 weeks with Surgent CPA Review! Learn about our Premier Pass course!
"Shopify Product Launches: A 4-Stage Framework For Success" |
"Going through the process of finding, testing, launching, and scaling-up a product can be a huge challenge. There are a lot of decisions along the way - and sometimes you have hard choices to make. This course is designed to take the best practices from 3 fantastic sources - and boil it all down into a logical 4-part framework so you can master the process quickly and easily. We call the 4-stageprocessthe ""Shopify Growth Hacking Framework"".Join us for this 4 hour training.Learn how proven top 1% Shopify site owners sell their products, build their brand, optimize for income, and install themselves as niche powerhouses.The 4-Stage Framework was developed as your instructor, Jason Miles, worked with 3 important sources of information:First, he worked with over 7,000 Shopify site owners through his popular Udemy course Shopify Power.Next, he looked at the top 1% of all Shopify sites (based on worldwide site traffic). These sites are crushing it and looking at their work provides important clues to Shopify mastery.Finally,Jason's own Shopify site experience. His site (Pixie Faire)is ranked in the top 500 of all Shopify sites, (out of over 500,000) based on worldwide site trafficand regularly does 50,000 to60,000transactions per month.***Important Note***This course is for non-technicalentrepreneurs, online sellers, and small business owners, it is not a technical course. It will not provide indepth technical training or Shopify site setup details. It is also not a ""hacks/tips/tricks"" course. It presents a logical 4-stage framework for product launch activities using Shopify as the e-commerce platform.About The Instructor:Jason Miles has been featured by Shopify as one of their most popular case studies. His popular Udemy course Shopify Power isthe #1 Bestselling E-commerce course on Udemy and he regularly partners with top online sites such as Social Media Examiner, Profnets, American Marketing Association, PRNewswire, and others. His work has beenbeen featured in the Huffington Post, CNET, IBMConnect, and other top sites. He is the author of 3 books published by McGraw Hill and available in bookstores worldwide, PinterestPower, Instagram Power, and Youtube Marketing Power. Jason also teaches Online Marketing as an Adjunct Professor at Northwest University in Seattle Washington."
Price: 94.99 ![]() |
"Social Media Contests For Massive Traffic To Your Product" |
"About This Course: The foundational idea of this marketing strategy is simple. People love a good contest. When you enter for a chance to win an exciting prize, it activates your mind in an interesting - hope filled - way. Instead of worrying about whether you can afford something, you dream of owning it. This course is designed to give you a good solid introduction to the idea of running social contests in support of your online selling efforts.Why Consider Running Contests As AMarketing Strategy?One of the biggest expenses an online marketer has to manage is - the cost of customer acquisition. It can be very challenging, even for veteran marketers, and for newbies, it's a steep learning curve. You can spend all your money trying to find prospects - and fail.Contests are fun. They are nota hard sell. Theyare not smarmy, slick, or used-car-salesman-esque. They make people happy. Contests areentertaining. They aresimple. And most importantly, they areeffective if done correctly.Better Than Wasting Money On FacebookAdvertising?Many gurus will push you to try Facebook Ads, why? Because they (can) work if you have a (large) marketing budget. Do you? Don't worry, if you don't,you're not alone. Even though I personally spend between $20,000 and $30,000 a month in online advertising, that's not what I'd recommend for someone just starting out. I'd encourage you to find ultra-inexpensive acquisition strategies. Contests fall into that category! So,run a few and see if they provide a lower-cost customer acquisition method than online ads.What You Get In This Course:We've designed this course to provide specific ""Blueprints""for various types of contests. And in the coming months and years, we plan to add more content to this couse to show you more examples. Our current lectures include a detailed overview of 5 types of contests. They are:The Weekly Prospector Social Contest BlueprintThe Product Launch Social Contest BlueprintThe Pre-Selling Via Voting Social Contest BlueprintThe Big Ticket Social Contest BlueprintThe Video Based Contest BlueprintCampanion Booklet &PDFTemplate:We also provide a 12 page companion booklet with a full overview of the Social Contest Blueprint strategy as well as a single-page planning template you can use to organize your social contests."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Influencer Marketing Masterclass To Grow Your E-commerce Biz" |
"Questions To Consider:How do you get massive traffic from social media - even if you're not good at social media yourself? (Influencer Marketing)How can you get PROVEN results from every advertising dollar you spend, rather than flushing money down the drain with social media ads that don't convert? (Influencer Marketing)How can you learn one easy system of social media marketing that transcends any one platform?(something you can use on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Snapchat, and even blogs?) (Influencer Marketing)Influencer Marketing is a really powerful form of advertising that you can learn to use quickly and easily. It's not complicated. It takes no high-tech talent, or math degree to figure out. You just work with nice people - and they promote your products. The truth is - Getting Facebook Ads to actually convert at a level that is worth the money you spend on them is really hard. Most Facebook Advertisers waste all their money - and don't have anything to show for it. It's not your fault. It's a system that has a very low probability of success. Stop the madness.Everyone can learn Influencer marketing. It's much easier than complicated paid ad platforms. In fact, here are a few things I love about Influencer Marketing:There is a high probability of success with each deal you do.You can start with literally a ZEROdollar budget, (by working with influencers that will work for free products - I'll show you how to find them). And influencer marketing can work with $100 a month budget. $200 a month budget. $500 a month budget. And if you can spend more than $500 a month - you can see really exciting things happen.You don't need to understand Instagram, Youtube, or Facebook. You just let the influencers do their job - and you focus on your product and sales. If you do want to grow an Instagram, Youtube, or Facebook account in support of your brand - Influencers can help you do it really quickly. I could keep listing benefits like this all day!We'd love to have you jump into this masterclass and learn how to solve your traffic problems with Influencer Marketing!Grateful, Jason Miles &Kyle Hamar"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Ventas por telfono para emprendedores y pequeas empresas" |
"Cursode ventas por telefono.Si eres un emprendedor independiente o dueo de unpequeo negocio entonces este curso te va a encantar, pues vas adescubrircomo tener un plan paso a paso para aumentar los ingresos de tunegocio mediante tcnicas de ventas por telfono.Conocecomo lograrcierre de ventas y como vender de forma efectiva mediantespeech de ventas efectivos y probados.Tesorprenders de toda la informacin y estrategia que obtendrs con estacapacitacin de ventas, y que podrs aplicarlo inmediatamente en tu negocio.Notienes que ser un experto en ventas para tener resultados. En este curso sabrscomo vender de una forma sencilla y simple."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Windows Server 2016 with PowerShell" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with PowerShell and how to manage Windows Server 2016 with its help. The goal is to provide coverage of initial servers tasks including topics like Finding and Discovering Commands, Interpreting Command Help, Setting up PowerShell Remoting, Setting up the Network Configuration, Using Best Practice Analizer.Sections 1-4 of thecourse aretargeted to help to automate and script daily tasks. There are lots of live demonstrations how to use PowerShell commands. I hope it will help to do your job more efficiently.This course will help you to:Manage Windows Server 2016Roles and Fetures;Use Windows Server 2016PowerShell IntegratedScriptingEnvironment (ISE);Findand DiscoverCommands;Perform the Basic Tasks, such as: Renaming Computer, Changing the Time Zone, Finding/Starting/Stopping aService onWindows Server 2016; Changing IP Configuration;Learn Remoting Concepts onWindows Server 2016;Sections 5-6of thecourse are aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with PowerShell and how to manage Windows Server 2016 DNS with its help. The goal is to provide coverage of DNS servers tasks including topics like an Overview of DNS Main Concepts, How to Install a DNS Role (on a local computer and a remote one), How to Add Different Types of Zones, Records, etc.Section 7of thecourse is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with PowerShell and how to manage Windows Server 2016 DHCPwith its help. The goal is to provide coverage of DHCP servers tasks including topics like anHow to Install a DHCP Role, How to Add/Modify Scopes or Superscopes, Scope Options, etc.The course is targeted to help to automate and script daily tasks. There are lots of live demonstrations how to use PowerShell commands and a Server's GUI.This course will help you to:Configure primary and secondary zones Configure stub zones Configure conditional forwards Configure zone and conditional forward storage in Active Directory"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Windows Server 2016 with PowerShell: Active Directory, DNS" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Powershell and how to manage Windows Server 2016 Active Directorywith its help. The goal is to provide coverage of ADDSservers tasks including topics like an Overview of DNS Main Concepts, How to Install a DNS Role,How to Add Different Types of Zones, Records, Manage ADDS, Users and Computers, GPO and much more.The course is targeted to help to automate and script daily tasks. There are lots of live demonstrations how to use PowerShell commands and a Server's GUI. I hope it will help to do your job more efficiently.A Brief Contents of the Course:Manage DNS and DHCPManageDNSzones (Manage primary zones and more...)Manage zone delegation (ManageDNS recordsand more...)Create and manage users and groups (Createusers,groups,OUsand more...)"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Linux with the Command Line" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros or people who want to get familiar with Linux. And it's supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Command Line and how to manage Linux with its help. The goal is to provide coverage of basic tasks including topics like Finding and Discovering Commands, Interpreting Command Help, Configure, Administer and Monitor aLinux Server.The course is targeted to help to automate and script daily tasks. There are lots of live demonstrations how to use BASH commands. I hope it will help to do your job more efficiently."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"IIS 10 Fundamentals with Powershell and GUI" |
"The purpose of this course is to prepare you to configure, manage, andsupport Internet Information Services fundametals. The primary audience for this course is individuals who want to become a Webserver administrator in an enterprise environment. Also, individuals who areassuming a new role requiring skills to manage content served by an IISWebserver.The goal is to provide coverage of IIStasks including topics likeInstall the Web Server role using Server ManagerInstall the Web Server role using PowershellConfigure IIS role services such as HTTPConfigure IIS Web sitesConfigure application settings using ASPIt also coversPowershell Fundamentals.The topics cover Get to Know PowershellHosts,Versions, Configuring theConsoleandISE,Overview and Background of Powershell."
Price: 159.99 ![]() |
"Red Hat Enterprise Linux (EL) Administration" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros or people who want to get familiar with Linux. And it's supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Command Line and how to manage Linux with its help. The goal is to provide coverage of basic tasks including topics like Finding and Discovering Commands, Interpreting Command Help, Configure, Administer and Monitor a Red HatEnterprise Linux (EL)Linux Server.The course is targeted to help to automate and script daily tasks. There are lots of live demonstrations how to use BASH commands. I hope it will help to do your job more efficiently."
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"CentOS Linux Administration" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros or people who want to get familiar with Linux. And it's supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Command Line and how to manage Linux with its help. The goal is to provide coverage of basic tasks including topics like Finding and Discovering Commands, Interpreting Command Help, Configure, Administer and Monitor a Red HatEnterprise Linux (EL)Linux Server.The course is targeted to help to automate and script daily tasks. There are lots of live demonstrations how to use BASH commands. I hope it will help to do your job more efficiently!"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"Linux ." |
" bash Linux, bash. 5 . : . ., , . . man- .- : ls . . less : ; : CP MV . . : : , . :, . : , umask :. : ps, top, jobs, bg, fg . : : 1. : dd, gzip, gunzip, zcat, zless 1. : tar : 1. : passwd shadow. : useradd 2. : sudoers. : sudo visudo 3. : useradd userdel 4. : passwd,chpasswd, chsh, chfn,chage 5. : /etc/group. : groupadd, groupmod :. 1. : /etc/network/interfaces Ubuntu"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Windows Server 2016 with PowerShell: Active Directory" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Powershell and how to manage Windows Server 2016 Active Directorywith its help. The goal is to provide coverage of ADDSservers tasks including topics like an Overview of DNS Main Concepts, How to Install a DNS Role,How to Add Different Types of Zones, Records, Manage ADDS, Users and Computers, GPO and much more.The course is targeted to help to automate and script daily tasks. There are lots of live demonstrations how to use PowerShell commands and a Server's GUI. I hope it will help to do your job more efficiently.A Brief Contents of the Course:Manage DNS and DHCPManage DNS zones (Manage primary zones and more...)Manage zone delegation (Manage DNS records and more...)Create and manage users and groups (Create users, groups, OUs and more...)"
Price: 119.99 ![]() |
"An Introduction to VIM editor" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros or people who want to get familiar with VIM editor. And it's supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with VIM editor and how to script and editit with its help. The goal is to provide coverage of basic tasks including topics like Creating,opening and saving a files, Moving around, Getting help, Using VIM commands and Search, etc.The course is targeted to help to master the VIM editor. There are lots of live demonstrations how to use its commands. I hope it will help to do your job more efficiently."
Price: 109.99 ![]() |
"Powershell and Windows Server: 24+ Hours Bootcamp with Labs" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Powershell and how to manage Windows Server 2016 with its help.The goal is to provide coverage of Powershell Fundamentaltasks including topics like Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, IIS etc.The course is targeted to help to automate and script daily tasks. There are lots of live demonstrations how to use PowerShell commands and a Server's GUI. I hope it will help to do your job more efficiently.A Brief Contents of the Course:Windows Server 2016 with PowerShell: Active DirectoryPowershell and Active Directory Users, Computers, GroupsPowershell and DHCPPowershell and DNSPowershell and IISPowershell FundamentalsPowershell with PipelinePowershell: Formatting OutputPowershell: PSProvidersPowershell: PSDrivesUsing WMI and CIMPowershell and Exchange ServerPowershell and Nano ServerMuch more..."
Price: 39.99 ![]() |
"IIS 10: Configuring Web Server 2016 with PowerShell and GUI" |
"The purpose of this course is to prepare you to configure, manage, andsupport Internet Information Services fundametals. The primary audience for this course is individuals who want to become a Webserver administrator in an enterprise environment. Also, individuals who areassuming a new role requiring skills to manage content served by an IISWebserver.The goal is to provide coverage of IIStasks including topics like Install the Web Server role using Server ManagerInstall the Web Server role using PowershellConfigure IIS role services such as HTTPConfigure IIS Web sitesConfigure application settings using ASPPreparing and installing Nano Server with IIS Role"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Exchange Server 2016 with Powershell: Recipients" |
"The purpose of this course is to prepare you to automate time-consuming administrative tasks with the help of PowerShell. The primary audience for this course is individuals who want to become an Exchange server administrator in an enterprise environment. Also, individuals who are assuming a new role requiring skills to configure, manage, and support Microsoft Exchange Server with Powershell.The goal is to provide coverage of Exchange tasks including topics like Creating, modifying, and removing mailboxes using PowershellManaging distribution groups using PowershellManaging resource mailboxesCreating recipients in bulk using a CSV fileMuch more..."
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Exchange Server 2016 with Powershell: Mailboxes" |
"The purpose of this course is to prepare you to automate time-consuming administrative tasks with the help of PowerShell. The primary audience for this course is individuals who want to become an Exchange server administrator in an enterprise environment. Also, individuals who are assuming a new role requiring skills to configure, manage, and support Microsoft Exchange Server with Powershell.The goal is to provide coverage of Exchange tasks including topics like Reporting on mailbox sizesReporting on the mailbox creation timeWorking with move requests and performing mailbox movesImporting and exporting mailboxesDeleting messages from mailboxes using Search-MailboxSetting storage quotas for mailboxesRestoring deleted items from mailboxes"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Zabbix Server: Installing and Configuring from Scratch" |
"The purpose of this course is to prepare you to install Zabbix Server and agents from scratch. The primary audience for this course is individuals who want to become familiar with Zabbix server administrator in an enterprise environment. Also, individuals who are assuming a new role requiring skills to configure, manage, and support Zabbix Server.The goal is to provide coverage of Zabbix tasks including topics like Zabbix configuration from scratchExploring the frontend of ZabbixCreating a hosts and itemsUsing simple graphsAnd more..."
Price: 19.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Exchange Server 2016 with Powershell: Distr Groups" |
"The purpose of this course is to prepare you to automate time-consuming administrative tasks with the help of PowerShell. The primary audience for this course is individuals who want to become an Exchange server administrator in an enterprise environment. Also, individuals who are assuming a new role requiring skills to configure, manage, and support Microsoft Exchange Server and Office Exchange Online with Powershell.The goal is to provide coverage of Exchange tasks including topics like Reporting on distribution group membershipAdding members to a distribution group from an external fileAllowing managers to modify group permissionsRemoving disabled users from distribution groupsWorking with distribution group naming policiesWorking with distribution group membership approvalCreating address listsExporting address list membership to a CSV/XML file"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Mastering Exchange Server 2016 with Powershell: Databases" |
"The purpose of this course is to prepare you to automate time-consuming administrative tasks with the help of PowerShell. The primary audience for this course is individuals who want to become an Exchange server administrator in an enterprise environment. Also, individuals who are assuming a new role requiring skills to configure, manage, and support Microsoft Exchange Server and Office Exchange Online with Powershell.The goal is to provide coverage of Exchange tasks including topics like Managing the mailbox databasesMoving databases and logs to another locationConfiguring the mailbox database limitsReporting on mailbox database sizeFinding the total number of mailboxes in a databaseDetermining the average mailbox size per database"
Price: 179.99 ![]() |
"Setup and Configure Windows Nano Server 2016 from Scratch" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Powershell and how to manage Windows Server 2016:Nano Server. The goal is to provide coverage of tasks as for Windows Nano Server including topics likePreparing and installing Nano ServerWhat is Nano Server?Managing and configuring Nano ServerPowerShell Key Concepts The course is targeted to help manage andautomate or script daily tasks. There are live demonstrations how to use PowerShell commands and a Server's GUI. I hope it will help to do your job more efficiently."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"Active Directory: Introduction and Administration Tools" |
"This course is aimed to IT Pros and is supposed to give the viewer the information they need to know to get started with Active Directory (AD DS) and its key concepts. The goal is to provide coverage of ADDSmain concepts like AD DS components: schema, forest, domain, OU (Organizational Unit), containers. There is also an introduction to Active Directory Administrative Center and the other management tools.The course is targeted to help learning Active Directory and do your job more efficiently.After completing this course, you will be able to:Describe the components of AD DS.Describe AD DS domains. Describe OUs and their purpose. Describe AD DS forests and trees and explain how you can deploy them in a network. Explain how an AD DS schema provides a set of rules that manage the objects and attributes that the AD DS domain database stores. Describe Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Identify the tools available for administering AD DS. Describe what is new for on-premises Active Directory Domain Services in Windows Server 2016."
Price: 89.99 ![]() |
"Powershell Windows Sever 2019:" |
", PowerShell. , . . PowerShell . ISE. :; , I- IPv4, DNS ; : POwerShell; Windows PowerShell; ISE; PowerShell Windows PowerShell Integrated ScriptingEnvironment (ISE); PowerShell, ; , ; ; PowerShell; ; ..."
Price: 124.99 ![]() |
"How to Work with Interior Design Styles Like a Pro" |
"With so many different interior design styles available today, do you find yourself getting overwhelmed and unsure of how to choose a style or pull off a style well in your own home? It becomes even more complicated when you want to mix different interior design styles but are unsure of how to do that so it looks fabulous and well pulled together, instead of flat out chaotic. To that end, this course has been created to help you understand the defining characteristics of 18 different popular interior design styles today so that you can either create one of those styles in your own home or learn how to easily and effectively mix different styles on your own. Please note that this course only covers the characteristics of various interior design styles. It does NOT provide information on how to pull together a room (e.g., furniture layouts, rug sizes, etc.). That information can be found in my course ""How to Design a Room in 10 Easy Steps""That said, this course will go fairly deeply into 18 different and distinct interior design styles in areas that include:Defining furniture characteristicsCommon materials used in each styleAppropriate color schemes and patterns for each styleWindow and floor covering options for each styleLighting, artwork and accessories appropriate to each styleRetailers that carry furnishings for each particular styleWe will also spend an entire section focused solely on how to mix styles well using a simple, formulaic approach. You will learn how to do this both through a lecture approach as well as listening to 2 real life case studies.Finally, after each style section, you will have an opportunity to take a style quiz to help you find out which interior design styles are best suited to you based on your preferences.This course is a great choice for anyone wanting to learn more about different interior design styles and how to mix them successfully on their own, and for interior designers who want to brush up their skills on different interior design styles.Join me for a exciting journey into the world of interior design styles!IMPORTANT NOTES:If you are interested in taking most or all of my courses, I have a recommended order in which to watch them (although it's certainly not required). I would start with ""How to Design a Room in 10 Easy Steps"" because most of my other courses are in-depth classes of the concepts touched on in this 10 step class. Following the 10 Step Course, I suggest moving on to ""How to Use Color Like a Pro"", followed by ""How to Work with Interior Design Styles Like a Pro"", then ""How to Use Lighting Design to Transform your Home"", and finally ""Design is in the Details"". My other courses, ""How to Use Minimalist Interior Design to Live your Best Life"", ""Use Eco-friendly, Sustainable Design to Improve Your Life"", and ""How to Design Your Dream Kitchen"" are all stand alone classes on specialty topics within interior design, and therefore, can be taken in any order.Please be aware that this course, or any of my courses, is not intended to provide all of the knowledge needed to become a professional interior designer. As with any professional field, there is a significant amount of education and/or experience that is needed to achieve competency in this field. My intention with these courses is to provide some solid foundational knowledge to assist either those individuals interested in ""DIY"" interior design to work on their own projects more effectively, or to provide supplemental education to both interior design students and professionals."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Design is in the Details: How to Accessorize Like a Pro" |
"Have you ever wondered what makes a room look so much more polished and pulled together than other rooms?Have you struggled to find the right paint color that coordinates with the different wood finishes in your home?Have you ever wondered how interior designers make coffee tables, console tables, fireplace mantels, and bookcases look so beautifully decorated? If you've ever asked yourself any of these questions, then this is the class for you! ""Design is in the Details"" is a class devoted to the main details that make up beautiful room design, including accessorizing, mixing wood and metal finishes, and moldings. Please be aware that this course only covers the topics of accessorizing, mixing wood and metal finishes, and different types of room molding. It does not provide information on how to pull together a room (e.g., furniture layouts, rug sizes, etc.). That information can be found in my course ""How to Design a Room in 10 Easy Steps""In this class we will cover the following main topics:5 key accessories that every room should haveThe importance of accessoriesMy 7 golden rules for accessorizingLearn how to beautifully decorate console tables, coffee tables, fireplace mantels, bookcases, and dining tablesLearn how to hang artwork the right wayLearn how to mix different metal finishes with ease, including the kitchen and the bathroomLearn how to mix different wood finishes like a pro, including which paint colors look best with different wood finishesLearn how to use moldings to transform your home, including crown molding, baseboard, window and door casing, chair rail, panel molding, and picture frame moldingThroughout the class, you will also be provided with practical exercises to help you immediately apply what you've learned in each section. This is a great beginner's course for those who are interested in learning more about the details that designers use to elevate the overall design of a space. This could also be a great class for interior design students or professionals who are new to the field. Join me for a fun, action-packed class on interior design details!IMPORTANT NOTES:If you are interested in taking most or all of my courses, I have a recommended order in which to watch them (although it's certainly not required). I would start with ""How to Design a Room in 10 Easy Steps"" because most of my other courses are in-depth classes of the concepts touched on in this 10 step class. Following the 10 Step Course, I suggest moving on to ""How to Use Color Like a Pro"", followed by ""How to Work with Interior Design Styles Like a Pro"", then ""How to Use Lighting Design to Transform your Home"", and finally ""Design is in the Details"". My other courses, ""How to Use Minimalist Interior Design to Live your Best Life"", ""Use Eco-friendly, Sustainable Design to Improve Your Life"", and ""How to Design Your Dream Kitchen"" are all stand alone classes on specialty topics within interior design, and therefore, can be taken in any order.Please be aware that this course, or any of my courses, is not intended to provide all of the knowledge needed to become a professional interior designer. As with any professional field, there is a significant amount of education and/or experience that is needed to achieve competency in this field. My intention with these courses is to provide some solid foundational knowledge to assist either those individuals interested in ""DIY"" interior design to work on their own projects more effectively, or to provide supplemental education to both interior design students and professionals."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"How to Use Lighting Design to Transform your Home" |
"Have you ever wondered how much light a room really needs?Have you struggled with determining the right size light fixtures for the various spaces in your home?Have you ever wondered how interior designers make a room look so much more dramatic through the use of lighting? If you've ever asked yourself any of these questions, then I encourage you to check out this class! ""Lighting Design to Transform your home"" is a course focused exclusively on residential lighting design. More specifically, in this class we will cover the following main topics:3 great lighting tricks!Why is lighting so important?How to calculate the correct lumens for your rooms, including rooms with high ceilings or dark wallsHow to effectively use and control both artificial and natural light in your homeHow to use 3 layers of light to elevate your lighting designHow to choose the right type of light fixtures based on the function of your roomHow to choose the right size light fixturesHow to install your light fixtures appropriately in your homeHow to hide unsightly table and floor lamp cordsUse lighting to alter the intensity of colors in your roomUse lighting to make your room appear larger or smaller than it isUse lighting to create a focal point in your roomThere are also some fantastic, practical activities in this course: By participating in activities throughout this course, I will walk you through how to build your own customized lighting design scheme for any room in your home.To complement the work you will be doing on your lighting scheme, I will also teach you how to create a simplified professional lighting plan. At the end of this course, you will put your newfound knowledge to work when you are given a hands-on opportunity to improve the lighting in 2 case studies. This is a great course for all levels of individuals who are interested in learning more about how to effectively build their own residential lighting plan. This could also be a great class for interior design students or professionals who are new to the field. Join me for an adventure into the world of lighting design!IMPORTANT NOTES:If you are interested in taking most or all of my courses, I have a recommended order in which to watch them (although it's certainly not required). I would start with ""How to Design a Room in 10 Easy Steps"" because most of my other courses are in-depth classes of the concepts touched on in this 10 step class. Following the 10 Step Course, I suggest moving on to ""How to Use Color Like a Pro"", followed by ""How to Work with Interior Design Styles Like a Pro"", then ""How to Use Lighting Design to Transform your Home"", and finally ""Design is in the Details"". My other courses, ""How to Use Minimalist Interior Design to Live your Best Life"", ""Use Eco-friendly, Sustainable Design to Improve Your Life"", and ""How to Design Your Dream Kitchen"" are all stand alone classes on specialty topics within interior design, and therefore, can be taken in any order.Please be aware that this course, or any of my courses, is not intended to provide all of the knowledge needed to become a professional interior designer. As with any professional field, there is a significant amount of education and/or experience that is needed to achieve competency in this field. My intention with these courses is to provide some solid foundational knowledge to assist either those individuals interested in ""DIY"" interior design to work on their own projects more effectively, or to provide supplemental education to both interior design students and professionals."
Price: 149.99 ![]() |
"Gesto pela Singularidade Organizacional" |
"Curso Gesto pela Singularidade OrganizacionalSeja bem vindo (a) ao curso Gesto pela Singularidade Organizacional!O principal objetivo desse curso fazer com que voc, proprietrio ou gestor, da empresa onde trabalha, faa uma re-conexo com a essncia ou a ideia original da criao do seu negcio. Com esse movimento ser possvel fazer uma revitalizao e principalmente descobrir qual a Singularidade Organizacional.Para isso convido voc, a percorrer o ""Ciclo da Gesto pela Singularidade Organizacional"". So 6 mdulos, cada um com um objetivo especfico para que voc consiga atingir esses objetivos.Identidade Organizacional - Quem sua empresa?Foco Organizacional - Para onde se dirige sua empresa?Proposta de Valor - O que voc quer oferecer aos seus clientes?Estratgia de Inovao de Valor - O que precisa ser inovado para melhor atender seus clientes?Competncias Organizacionais - Quais so as estruturas necessrias para oferecer a nova proposta de valor?Competncia Individual - Quais so as competncias individuais, somadas na equipe, que trazem o diferencial competitivo de sua organizao?MetodologiaO curso utiliza a metodologia do auto-aprendizado, onde o participante ter acesso s aulas-vdeos, e ser direcionado e orientado a realizar os exerccios de cada aula.Tutoria. A tutoria ser realizada na medida em que o aluno avanar no contedo e entregar os exerccios propostos. Os exerccios sero revisados e corrigidos.OrganizaoO curso Gesto pela Singularidade Organizacional foi elaborado e organizado por Sandra Tornieri.Mini-currculoSandra Tornieri Manager na CONECTAR - Mestre em Administrao Estratgica, formada pela UFPR Universidade Federal do Paran (2011) e Especialista em Didtica e Metodologia de Ensino Superior, pela UNOPAR (2001). Trabalhou durante 15 anos em empresas de mdio e grande porte, tais como Editora Siciliano, Associao Comercial de So Paulo e Lojas Americanas, nas reas de Gesto de Pessoas, Informtica, Sistemas e Produo. Possui experincia de 12 anos na docncia de curso superior e na elaborao e aplicao de treinamentos corporativos. Alm das atividades de Coach de Carreira e Treinamentos pela Conectar tambm docente de graduao e ps-graduao no curso de Administrao na UNIOESTE Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paran."
Price: 129.99 ![]() |
"How to start Freelancing The Complete Guide in (ARABIC)" |
".. .. 5 .. ! .. .. $$ ^_^ Freelancing "" "" 9 Freelancing 2007 .. 2017 .. 1000 9 "" "" .. .. .. "" "" "" .. 9 .. "" .. "" 10,000 .. .. .. 12 .. Upwork .. .. Digital products - Envato - Adsense - Affiliate marketing .. .. .. # 20 .. .."
Price: 49.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC 2020 : A'dan Z'ye Kolay renme! (Gncellenmi)" |
"16 yllk piyasa tecrbesini bu eitim ile aktarma zaman geldi. Bu eitimde Photoshop CC versiyonu ile harika almalar yapmay temelden balayp renecek, aslnda ne kadar kolay olduunu greceksiniz. Detayl ve baa dnlere ihtiya duymadan son videoya kadar programa hakim olmu olacaksnz. Gnlk hayatmzda hemen hemen hergn karlatmz photoshopla iie olmak aslnda zorunluluk haline gelmitir. rnein bir sunum yaparken bile veya bir youtube kapak hazrlarken photoshop olmazsa olmazlardandr. Tabi ki bununla da snrlamak istemedim. Photoshopla harika bir ekilde entegreli alacamz Adobe Bridge ve Adobe Lightroom'u da (zellikle fotoraflar iin) renmi olacaksnz. Yani 3 eitim bir arada!Temelden ileri seviyeye doru anlatm yaplm, uygulamalarla pekitirilmesi salanmtr.almalarn baskya gnderilme aamas aslnda kendi bana bir eitim ve tecrbedir. Bunun eksikliini yaamamanz iin de dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlar da ele alnarak, bu aamada eksiksiz bir eitim verilmesi amalanmtr.Ayrca Trkiye'de ve hatta Dnyada tek olan eitim sonunda STAJ BLM (YEN!) ile, sanki bir matbaada veya bir tekstil firmasnda staj yapm gibi bu sektrlerde kullanlan malzeme ve alma biimini de retilmesi ve sektre yabanc kalnmamas iin gerekli bilgiler aktarld ve aktarlamaya devam edilecektir. Tasarm nasl gelitirilir, i Baskya Gnderirken Dikkat Edilecek Hususlar, Matbaa kat bilgileri, bask trleri ve teknolojisi, tekstil bask eitleri vb. gibi... Eitim ierisinde deeri 2700 dolar olan, DEV BR ARV paylam yaplmtr. Bunlar fralar, actionlar, mockuplar, tasarmlar... Ayrca srekli yeni arivler ve ierikler de eklenmeye devam edecektir. Bu sayede materyal sknts ekilmemi olacaktr.rencilerimiz diledikleri zaman eitmene soru sorabilecektir. Bu ekilde sca scana konuyu renmi olacaklardr.Ayrca videolar ihtiyaca gre veya yeni kan versiyonlardaki zellikler anlatlarak eklenecektir. Srekli gncel olacaktr. Buradaki videolara mrboyu eriebilir dilediiniz yerde durdurup tekrar devam edebilirsiniz. Sistem otomatik olarak sizin ilerleyiinizi kaydedecek ve eitim bittiinde de uluslararas geerlilii olan, dnyann en byk eitim sistemi olan Udemy'den uzmanlk sertifikanz alabileceksiniz. Haydi hayatmza gzel ve faydal bir eitim katalm (:"
Price: 199.99 ![]() |
"Corel Draw X8 ile renmeye Temelden Balayn!! (YEN)" |
"Bu kursu alan renciler temel Corel Draw komutlarn renmi olacaklar. ok detayl anlatlan bu sette ama rencinin mouse kullanmndan tutun da programn uygulama mantna kadar kavram olacaklar. leri bir seviye tercih edilmedi. nce temel komutlarn retimi amaland. Sonrasnda bu kursu bitiren renciye kendini gelitirmesi iin klavuzluk edilecektir. rencinin yapmas gereken ilk videodan itibaren uygulamal olarak kendi bilgisayarnda da ayn ilemleri yapmasdr. Tabi ki ncesinde programn bilgisayara kurulu olmas gerekmektedir. Eer program kurma konusunda sorun yayorsanz benimle iletiime geebilirsiniz."
Price: 99.99 ![]() |
"Photoshop CC ile Mimari Grselletirme (Post Production)" |
"Dnya da tek denilebilecek bir kurs. Bu kurs, saatlerce sren renderlar batan balatmamak, pratik bir ekilde photoshopla mdahale etmeyi retecektir. Peyzaj mimarlar, i veya d mimarlar, inaat mhendisleri iin zellikle tercih edilen bir eitimdir. Bir cephe giydirme ileminin de nasl yapldn rahatlkla retecektir. Pratiklere arlk verilerek hazrlanm bir kurstur. naat halindeki bir binaya mdahale etme, peyzaj yaplacak bir alana sunum iin hazrlk yapma gibi bir ok ilemi reten bir eitim setidir.Yaklak 4saatPhotoshop temel ara kullanmlar ve mant verildikten sonra uygulamalara geilmitir. Balayan bir kiinin photoshop bilmesine gerek kalmadan temelini renmi olacaktr.Hayrl olmas dileklerimle."
Price: 199.99 ![]() |